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WHEREAS, the City Councilof the City of PelicanBay, Texas,desiresto adoptthe
minimum requirementsfor police officers, hiring proceduresand
authorizingtheChiefofPoliceto exercise theauthorifyandpowerssetout


Section1: Theminimumrequirement for policeofficersandhiringprocedures
t2 forthon theattached ExhibitA areherebyadoptedandtheChiefofPolice
is authorizedto takeall actionssetforth in suchprocedures.
c/ dav of ,fl".^
APPROVEDAND ADOPTEDon this the----------------
r6 2006. " T








Pelican Bay Police Department Hiring Procedures

Effective April ll, 2006

The following are the minimum standardsfor any individual wishing to apply for a
position with the PelicanBay Police Department,hereinaftercalled "Department".

l. High schooldiploma or GED equivalent
2. Must hold currentBasic TCLEOSE license.
3. If sponsoredthrough the police academy by the Pelican Bay Police
Department,individuals must meet minimum TCLEOSE requirementswhich
would allow the individual to hold a TCLEOSE licenseafter completion of the
police academy.
4. Must be at least27 yearsof age.
5. Must have current and clear Texas drivers license (no excessivetraffic
6, Musthaveacceptablecriminalhistory(no Felony orClassAMisdemeanor
7 No convictionsfor AssaultlFamilvViolence.
8. Stablework historv.


1. The applicantmust request,completeand return the City of PelicanBay
applicationand the Department'sBackgroundPacket.

2. The Chief of Police shall appoint one or more of his Supervisorsor

Officers to conduct all backgroundinvestigations.This Officer will be known as the
"B ackground Investigator".

3. The Applicant will meetwith the Investigatorandbe requiredto submitto
a completebackgroundinvestigation,includinginvestigationsinto theApplicant's
criminal and civil background as well as social, personal and fraternal
associations. The Investigator will immediately request all background
informationavailablefrom TCLEOSE andif theApplicant haspreviouslyworked
for anotherlaw enforcementagency,openrecordsrequests,if necessary,will be
madeto the respectiveagencies.

4. After thebackground is completed,

investigation if, in thesoleopinionof
the Investigator,the Investigatordeterminesthe Applicant is suitable for
employmentwith the Department,the Applicantwill be allowedto moveto the
next phase of the hiring procedure,which is the Oral Board Review Panel,
hereinaftercalled "Review Panel". If, in the sole opinion of the Investigator,the
Investigatordeterminesthe Applicant is found not suitablefor employment,the
Investigatorwill notify the Applicant and inform him/her that they have been
disqualifiedand will not be consideredfor employmentwith the Department.


5. The Oral ReviewPanelshallconsistof only four positions,which positions
will be determinedin the following manner:

A. Three DepartmentOfficers, which may be any member of the

Department. The Chief of the Department will assign the three
Departmentmembersto the positions.

(1). The Chief of the Departmentmay sit as one of the three

positionson the Review Paneland will have full voting rights,just
as the other members.

B. One civilian member,which shall alwaysbe a memberof the Cify

of PelicanBay's governingbody (e.g.: city council membersand the
Mayor), hereinaftercalled"Member". The Member position will be filled
in rotation order, beginning with the Mayor, Alderman 1, Alderman 2,
Alderman 3, Alderman 4 andAlderman 5 and back to the Mayor again.

(1). In the eventthe Member position cannotbe filled with the

Member next on scheduledrotation, the next Member on the
rotation will be askedto fill the Member position.

(2) No Member may have any other Member fill his/her

position on the Review Panel.

(3) In the eventno Member is able to fill the position,another

memberof the Police Departmentwill be chosenby the Chief to
fill the position.

(4) The Member position can only be filled with another

Officer of the Police Department if all possible Members on
rotation have been asked and have subsequentlyrefused the

6. All Members of the Review Panel will meet with and interview all
applicants of the Department (notwithstanding special circumstancesnoted
below). The interview should be conductedin a professionaland confidential
7. Onceit is determinedthattheReviewPanelis over,the Applicantwill be
dismissed.All membersof the Panelwill vote eitherto approveor denythe
Applicantsprogressto the next phaseof the hiring procedure,which is an
interviewwith the Chiefof Police.

A. All membersof the Panel will sign a "Results of Oral Review

Panel"documentandwill write either"approved"or "denied" besidetheir
respectivenames,dependingon how they eachvoted. If the majority of
the Panel votes that the Applicant successfully completed the Oral
Review Panel,or in the event of a tie/split vote, this documentshall be
passedon to the Chief.

B. If the Applicant is unsuccessfulin the Review Panel phase,the

Investigatorwill notiff the Applicant and inform him/her that they have
been disqualified and will not be consideredfor employment with the

C. In the eventthe Chief fills one of the Review Panelpositions,the

Chief shouldvote last,so asnot to influencethe vote of the other Officers
on the Review Panel.


8. When the Applicant completesthe Oral Review Paneland the resultsof

the vote are either a majority or tie/split vote, the Applicant will proceedto the
nextphaseofthe hiring procedureandtheApplicant will be given an appointment
to be interviewedby the Chief of Police.

A. If requiredby TCLEOSE,the Applicantshall haveTCLEOSE

reportsL2 andL3 completedprior to the interviewwith the Chief.

B. If the Chief fills one of the Oral Review Panelpositions,the Chief

may waive his interviewwith the Applicant only if a majority of the panel
voted to approvethe Applicant.

C. If the Chief fills one of the Oral Review Panel positionsand the
resultof the vote is a tie/splitvote, the Chief shall interview the Applicant
and will breakthe tielsplit vote.

D. During the Applicant's interview by the Chief of Police, if, in the

soleopinionofthe Chief,the Chiefdeterminesthe Applicant is suitablefor
employment with the Department, the Applicant will be offered a
"conditional employmentopporfunity"and will be allowed to move to the
next phase of the hiring procedure,which is the Confirmation of the
Applicants employment by the City Council, hereinafter called
"Confirmation". If, in the sole opinion of the Chief and regardlessof the
Applicant'ssuccessfulcompletionof previoushiring phases,the Chief
determinestheApplicantis foundnot suitablefor employment,theChief
will notiSr the BackgroundInvestigator,who will then notifli the
Applicantandinformhimftrerthattheyhavebeendisqualifiedandwill not
be consideredfor employmentwith the Department.

E. At this point in the hiring phase,the ultimatedecisionto hire or

disqualiS any Applicantbelongssolely to the Chief of Police. The
Chief s decisionis final andcannotbe appealed.


9. Once the Applicant hasbeenoffereda "Conditional EmploymentOffer",

the Applicant will be given an appointmentto meet with the Chief of Police and
the Mayor, at which appointmentthe Mayor will have authority to issuethe Oath
of Office to the Applicant and swear the Applicant in. Immediately afterwards,
all TCLEOSE reports(L1) will be submittedto TCLEOSE and the Applicant can
be issued Department property (badge, ID card, Policy and procedure manual,

A. In the eventthe Mayor held a position on the Applicant's Review

Paneland the Mayor voted to deny the Applicant from proceedingto the
next phaseof the hiring processbut the majority of the panel voted to
approvethe Applicant, or the vote was a tie/split vote and the Chief broke
the tielsplit vote with an approval,the Mayor shall issuethe Oathof Office
to the Applicant and swear the Applicant in upon request made by the

B. The Applicant will be ableto begin working as a police officer for

the PelicanBay PoliceDepartmentand will have full authoritygrantedto
him bv the Stateof Texasas soon as he/sheis sworn in bv the Mavor.


10. The Applicant will be requiredto meet with the city council, in uniform,
at a scheduledcily council meetingin orderto be introducedandpresentedto the
cify council. The city council will be providedwith all applications,background
notesand the "Resultsof Oral Review Panel"documentsrelatedto the Applicant.

The "Confirmation" phaseof the hiring procedurewill essentiallybe the city councils
determinationand approvalthat all phasesof the applicant'shiring procedurehavebeen
met. It is not an interview. The city council should consider that the Applicant has
undergonean extensivebackgroundinvestigation,an Oral Review Panelconsistingof one
of the council members and a meeting with the Chief and Mayor, after which the
Applicant has been determined to be dually qualified and coming to the council under
tongue of good report. If all phasesof the hiring procedurehave been met, the council
shouldvoteto "Confirm"theapplicant. Ifall phaseshavenotbeenmet,thecouncilshould
not confirmthe applicant.If theApplicantis not confirmed,the Chiefof Policeshould
advisethe Investigatorof the specificphaseof the hiring procedurethat was not
completed.TheApplicantcanbebroughtbeforetheCouncilfor Confirmation againafter
the Applicanthas completedeveryphaseof this hiring procedure.In this event,the
appfcantshallnot be allowedto actasa peaceofficeruntil he/sheis confirmed.
In tle eventthe Chief of Police determinesthereis a needto hire an Officer for a special
projpct position (limited to undercovernarcoticsOffrcer,undercoverdetective,etc.),the
Chidf of Police will have authorityto appointindividualsto fill the position. The Mayor
will fraveauthority to issuethe Oath of Office to the Individual and swearthe Individual
in. A,t that time, the Individual is not requiredto participatein the Oral Review Panelor
Conflrmationphasesof the hiring process.
If a{ individual is hired under these conditions,the responsibility of conducting the
bacl8round investigationandsubmittingall TCLEOSE reportsfall to the Chief of Police.
The ,[ndividualmay not wear a PelicanBay Police Departmentuniform or work in any

patrol, traffic or warrantposition during this time.

If, af,terthe Individual completesthe specialproject, he/shewishes to continueworking

for tfre Pelican Bay Police Department,the Individual must submit to the Oral Review
Pandlphaseof the hiring process.If the Individual is approvedby the panel,he/shewill
be requiredto be confirmedby the city council, after which, the Individual may work in
thepptrol, traffic or warrantdivision. Ifthe Individual is deniedby the Oral Review Panel
or fa[ls to be confirmed by council, the Individual's employmentwith the PelicanBay
PoliQeDepartmentshall be terminatedimmediately,either voluntarily or involuntarily.
If vofluntarily,the City shallacceptthe Individual'stermination.

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