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Why Most Online Marketers Will Never Make A Profit And How to Fix That Today!

Who is Charles Kirkland?

Entrepreneur Online Marketer

Offline Marketer ClickBank Apex Elite member

Sold over $1,000,000 worth of products online and offline

Made up to $5,351.83 a day

Get paid $5,000 for private coaching

Mentored many people who now have 5&6 figure businesses (if I told you their names youd know them)

Here are some of the amazing results I have achieved:

Rapid List Growth

(SOMETHING Undbleable

This is just 5 hours of sales on any average ALMOST day

The Money Every Day. . .

Recognition. . .

Private Mastermind

Lets get started

Lack of focus

Set a daily routine. Write out your daily goals for every thing. Have a definite purpose for everything you do.

Too many projects

Finish you project 100% before you move on to anything else. More projects dont equal more money.

Lack of priorities

Determine your end goal and work on those tasks first. Map out your business and follow that plan.

Time management

Spend time doing, not planning or thinking. Work on your highest priority task first. Never check email until the end of the day.

No systems in place

Create a system for everything you do. This will allow you to outsource your work and get consistent results

You get repeatable results that can be tested and tweaked. Gives you optimal efficiency in your work.


Its a sign you are trying to do too much. Focus on the big picture. Outsource the smaller details.

Lack the technical skills

Outsource or out task the technical side of your business. Technical skills are hard to learn, but they are cheap to hire.

Thinking you have to know it all

Know your outcome. Dont get stuck on one single thing. Spend 90% your time doing and 10% of your time learning.

Lack of follow through

Dont start another project until your current project is done. You only make money when you totally complete something.

Giving up too soon

Few things ever work on the first try. Test and tweak for optimal profits. You will loose money testing. You are buying data.

Not testing for better results

Everything needs to be split tested. Simple tweaks can be the difference in loosing money or making a 6 figure profit.

Poor use of money

Buy the basics first. Dont make impulse buys. Buy what you need at the time, not what you think you need in the future.

Not modeling successful people

Find someone who is successful and model what they did at your stage of business.

Running after the newest gold nugget

Impulse and scarcity tactics are designed to separate you from your money. Have a plan and just follow it. DONT deviate from it.

Falling for every get rich quick scheme, loophole, push button solution

If it sounds too good to be trueit is. Loopholes are short lived. It takes real work to create a business online.

Lack of daily goals

Determine what you need to do to make X amount every day. Review your income goals daily.

Focusing too much on technical skills

Technology cant make up for poor planning or action. Marketing is the highest paid skill.

Not studying direct marketing and the old school copywriters

The fundamentals of copywriting and direct marketing have not changed. The medium can change, but the process will not.

Net Words Nick Usborne Influence Robert Cialdini Triggers Joe Sugarman The Copywriters Handbook Bob Bly Tested Advertising Methods John Caples Advertising Secrets of the Written Word Joe Sugarman The Robert Collier Letter Book Robert Collier The Ultimate Sales Letter Dan Kennedy Web Copy That Sells Maria Veloso

Trying to reinvent the wheel

You have to follow someone who is already successful. Shortcut the learning curve by years.

This is about building a real business

To discover more strategies and tactics to help you succeed online visit

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