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Weekly Anuban outline

Teacher: Mike Class: An3 Lily Week no. 2 Dates (from / to): 27/05/13 31/05/13

Weekly Outline:
Activity session subject : Introductions/getting to know you Vocabulary: Activities / songs / games:

Topics: Greetings and introductions continued. Vocabulary: my, your, his, her, father, mother, dog, cat, live, look, listen, repeat, where, how, what, can, boy, girl. Grammar Focus: Putting the s on the end of words to make them plural Using this is and that is to identify and describe classroom objects. i.e. this is a pencil, that is a window. Using the correct word for the verb to be. i.e. I am sick, you are five years old, she is called Ping Ping, we are hot today.

TPR for warm up and classroom activities i.e. stand up, touch your toes and jump up. Songs: Happy and you know it Heads, shoulders, knees and toes and Hello song Games: Splat, duck duck goose, word bomb, Chinese whispers, Hangman, eye spy and what time is it Mr. Wolf? Activities: Draw and colour a picture of family and label names using this is... me/my father/my dog etc. Personalise hot air balloons to use on the new rewards board. Various worksheets to help with greetings and introductions, focus words and to practise using I am, he/she/is, you/we/they are. Writing practice: students practice tracing words on worksheets and write words on the board during phonics games.

Phonics Review upper and lower case alphabet using flashcards and students give me five words that begin with each letter. Test! Teacher reads out phonic letters to students who write them down. The letters spell out 10 words. 2 teams line up and play Chinese whispers with letters. The last student writes down the letter on the board. Teams compete to see who can spell the most correct words. Read Dr. Suess book Green eggs and ham. Identify the phonics in the book and practice them. Play splat game, flashcards are spread across the floor and teacher starts to spell a word. Each time a letter is called the 1st student to swat the card receives a point for their team. 2 points for predicting the word correctly.

Review This week we will review greetings and introductions adding more detail such as family members names and where we are from. Review the phonics alphabet and practice by spelling out words. Also tests in phonics to check understanding. Practice naming classroom items and add detail and description i.e. that is a big window, this is a small red pencil. Notes / parent follow up: Help your child practice I am, he/she/it is and you/we/they in some conversation. i.e. I am happy, you are sad, she is sleepy, we are hot today. Use English greetings with your child i.e. hello, good morning/afternoon/night and also ask how are you today? Your child can respond with I am fine thank you/happy/sad/sleepy/hot/cold/hungry/thirsty/angry/sick. Make sure they answer in a full sentence and try to make them speak as loudly and clearly as possible. Help your child to remember to put an s on the end of a word to make it plural.

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