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Villalobos Eamon Barkhordarian

Period C 11/10/08

Review Questions pg. 123 and 128

Pg. 123
1. In which of the following years did Parliament seem to have the most power?
a. In the years 1689. This was the year the Parliament passed the Bill of
Rights, which ensured the superiority of the Parliament over the monarchy.
It required the monarch to summon the Parliament regularly and gave the
House of Commons the “power of the purse” (The power of the purse is the
ability of one group to manipulate and control the actions of another group
by withholding funding, or putting stipulations on the use of funds.)
2. The person who painted the picture of Charles II probably…
a. Favored the monarchy. This was because it shows Charles II as a great
ruler. The colors are bright, bringing happiness, and show the people
around Charles II all very happy, bowing to the monarch. If the painter
supported Parliament, he would have portrayed Charles II as an evil ruler
with many harsher colors in his drawing.
a. What advice would you give to an English monarch in the 1600s who
wanted to keep his or her throne?
i. Looking at the timeline, it seems like the reason why Charles I was
killed was because he ignored Parliament. So I would tell the
English monarch to listen and regularly meet with Parliament in
order to keep his or her throne. This will give you more power and
respect among the members of Parliament.
b. What advice would you give to a member of parliament in the 1600s who
wanted the monarchy to continue?
i. Looking at the timeline, it seems as though the Parliament despised
the monarchy so much that they executed one of its members,
Charles I. So if a member of parliament wanted the monarchy to
continue in the 1600s, something was wrong with that person. I
would tell him that that is a bad decision for if you continue to
support him, he will eventually dissolve you in 1629 and ignore your

Pg. 128
1. Identify
a. Peace of Westphalia
i. A series of treaties that ended the thirty years war in 1648. Because
so many powers had been involved in the conflict, the war ended
with a general European peace and an attempt to settle other
international problems as well.
b. Maria Theresa
Villalobos Eamon Barkhordarian
Period C 11/10/08

i. The daughter of Emperor Charles VI of Austria, and successor of her

father. She was the first woman to rule the Hapsburgs lands in her
own name. She preserved her empire and won the support of most of
the people.
c. War of Austrian Succession
i. The War of the Austrian Succession involved nearly all the powers
of Europe. The war began under the excuse that Maria Theresa of
Austria was ineligible to succeed to the Habsburg throne, because
there had never been a woman as the leader of the Hapsburgs. The
importance of the war lies in the struggle of Prussia and the
Habsburg monarchs for the region of Silesia.
d. Fredrick the Great
i. The leader of Prussia. His harsh military training did have an effect.
After becoming king in 1740, he lost no time in using his army. He
made brilliant use of his disciplined army, forcing all to except
Prussia as a great power. His exploits earned him the name Fredrick
the Great.
e. Seven Years’ War
i. The war that lasted from 1756-1763 that was fought on four
continents. Colonists started the war because they wanted free access
to land. The Treaty of Paris ended the war, giving Britain a huge
2. Define
a. Elector
i. One of seven German princes who would choose the Holy Roman
b. Mercenary
i. Soldiers for hire.
c. Depopulation
i. Reduction of population.
3. What impact did the Thirty Years’ War have on the German states?
a. Murder and torture were followed by famine and disease. The war led to
severe depopulation. Historians estimate as many as one third of the people
in the German states may have died as a result of the war.
a. What two major powers emerged in Europe at the end of the Thirty Years’
b. How were the goals of these two nations similar?
a. Why did European nations seek a balance of power?
i. A balance of power was good in that it would keep strong nations
from attacking weaker nations, since everyone had alliances. It
would prevent any one power from becoming too strong, and to
Villalobos Eamon Barkhordarian
Period C 11/10/08

prevent any one power from becoming too strong, different countries
established alliances.
b. What methods did they use?
1. Created alliances
2. Had wars
3. Treaties

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