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A long time back, a time so distant and remote as the feelings of the

men there was a paradise, a place where those who would plunge the
magic of life in its highest splendor. It was wonderland. The great elders
of the past said that each element of the creation made by Absollon, the
supreme God. Lord of Time, Space and all Magic. Everything in its
creation was a unique destination and divine. The fate of the fairies was
Fairyllan protect the divine breath.
The legend that relates the story of glaciation and the advance of
Faryllan ordered by Raices, the king of the ice, to conquer the divine
murmur was found in some writings. The writings were found long ago
by a task of great sages, below a layer of ice 400 meters thick, in the
depths of a cave of ice located where night lasts for six months and
where the aurora borealis born.
The extension of the writings had more than 11,000 meters and the little
that came in is only part of the fragments that remained lodged in the
hearts and minds of the sages of the past, which transmitted the wisdom
of the fairies guardians for men.

Dedicadoa the Fairy without wings, friendly companion Shan, who now
walks in the world of nursing and that your heart has the spiritual
meaning of noble sentiments and a desire to take care of those who love

‫ قلمممثتسغلكقيهيىشض מןסף ثة סץת ذضف ה‬љ ‫غمنأطذث א ضثسثتغكقكغ‬

Written in prophetic language fairyllan designed by the old sages, whose

meaning he says: "The divine breath is eternal, and in the future and for
ever and there will be loaded by new guardians and guardians, fairies
without wings caminharão that the Earth ... and have the divine wind in
their hearts. "Canto XI
Sacred Text of wonderland

On top of everything there was only silence: the breath of the Supreme
... That, that emerges from the depths Absollon, incriado and the creator
of everything. And Silence of the Almighty has shown the non-silence.
The first No Silence was created from the Heart of Absollon, the second
of the Mind, the third born of the interaction between the mind and heart
of Absollon, these were his eyes, not the fourth came when the silence
of Eyes Absollon plunged in the depths of Everything.
Thus the Supreme God created all that exists and has to exist, created
the space and time: Past, Present and Future. And in his great wisdom
did everything based on silence and no silence. Silence of the Supreme
did "fairyllan, the divine wind," the power of transmutation that turns all
of the mind, the heart of the matter and energy. Do not Silence was the
"beats the heart of God, that all orders and stabilizes through Sublimes
Laws of Love.
After the "breathing" of Absollon start and the "heart" to start hitting, all
began to follow the rhythm of the Supreme Heaven then came the
Infinite Earths and Infinite, which serve to address to the sons and
daughters of the Lord so Tudo.E done ...
Silence in the new land, some began to awaken and these came to life.
And life has developed following the rhythm of the breathing and heart
"of Absollon, and then we will behold the first guardians of the" divine
wind ", the fairy. E Absollon then again closed its eyes. From that point
on only their respiration and heart were heard. And so was the Supreme
Communion between the silence and no silence, was born to change the
words of magna to Breathing Absollon and symbol of the passage of all
is the moment of all. This is the Supreme Wisdom, which is passed
through Fairyllan since most of the times immemorial, well before all the
men of Earth. Canto I
Sacred Text of wonderland

While the great sage instructed the youngest in the sacred texts, they
looked closely, with those expressive eyes of the inhabitants of the
wonderland, candy and sparkles indescribable, as if aurora boreal,
changing up and expressing the inner most intimate of each um.Os eyes
of the fairies accompanied the deep and clear expression of their
feelings and thoughts.
Among all the eyes that had the most natural glow was Nallab Enilorac.
She had a rare blue luminescence that was focused for a long time you
had the impression of the finest diving in the oceans and travel the more
distant galaxies. Nallab was holding a sweet smile, simple and beautiful,
like the sunny morning of spring.
Nallab belonged to a long pedigree of sages and guardians of Fairyllan,
the divine breath, and as many of those who came before them, had the
fate to protect Fairyllan. However, their task would be arduous, the most
difficult in 100,000, because the Earth lived its period of transition;
wounds was the time that would weaken the power of the sun and the
Kingdom of Raices, the latest generation of the kings of the ice, go
ahead in an attempt to master the "divine wind", the power of
transmutation. But she only feel, feeling that the time involved in his
heart remained in silence, feeling the "Breath of the Supreme."

Nallab had the thoughts away, as the wise man spoke, was immersed in
the breath of Absollon ...
_ Nallab! Nallab! Said the wise old man with a serious and powerful
_ Simmm ... Grand wise. Said in a reflective tone and buzz.
Inattentive _Estava again, is not it?
_Desculpe Me is that sometimes I feel that something is to happen, then
that Dad was taken to the Kingdom of Ice ... I do not know! I will miss
him so much ...
_ My, little, Absollon have the right time for everything and everything
will be answered at the right time, neither too early nor too late,
because his response never arrives late.
The elder Fitou with sweet eyes of Nallab that of blue began to shine on
the edges, in a pink hue, color who expressed a deep and intense love
for her father. And a great silence, the little fairy he felt compassion and
love of the old master.
After the end of the cultivation of sacred feelings, the name given to the
transmission of knowledge by the great sage, the fairies take off the top
of large golden flowers. The wonderland was something spectacular, in
some rare moments were RENAST by some men, those described in the
course of human history, such as Nirvana, Heaven, Eden, Paradise and
countless other classifications.
A fresh look Nallab left the play in the air and admired the suspended
Rios, who smell of perfume were more graceful and bright as the rays of
light, the tall trees covered by a yellowish green moss, which is almost
mistook the sunset . The soft and colorful flowers scattered across the
horizon and under which Nallab like to Rasant flights, which were up a
cloud of pollen.
Nallab flew gracefully and as would toward his house, playing with
butterflies which were a real imperial multicolored swirl around her. The
fairies are divine beings by nature and remember the best and most
noble sentiments expressed by the men of Earth. With a contagious joy
and spectacular magic powers that are used to help the cycles of nature,
beings heal patients and transmit subtle and profound knowledge that
are often forgotten.
The direction of the house Nallab to coincide with the place where the
sun of spring is put, and while back home by themselves in his eyes
blue, the red rays and glare from the sun arroxeados the west.
_ See you soon my friends! He said with a beautiful smile, which
reminded one of those expressions of surprise, as "Arra, you were here."
Then the butterflies returned to their homes, and the brownie. Upon a
little far sighted since its radiant home, which was on top of Mount
Cosmic, where you could see everything that was happening in the
"hearts" of all beings on the planet, near the source of Fairyllan. The
house of a fairy was always made with beautiful and delicate items
always associated with beauty of nature.
The entrance to the Home of Nallab was on top of a giant sunflower
situated on top of Mount Cosmic, and fueled by the magic of fairies. His
entry was made by the stem and inside the walls of your home
remember that crystals brought live pictures of the beautiful forest to
the inside of your stronghold. In the lovely family of Nallab Enilorac, had
two sisters and his beloved mother, because according to the wishes of
the great mysterious Absollon, one of his brothers could not leave the
interior of the cosmic egg (where the fairies born) and his dad had been
taken to the Kingdom of the Ice. Often she did not understand some
things, but I knew that everything has a purpose, even in many times is
not fully understood.
But when they came home, everything was good, the love shared
between her lovely mother and sisters were intense and she felt a bond
that had united all divine and knew that sometimes the Supreme creates
conditions to strengthen foreign ties of eternal love sincere. Love was
considered the most sincere and that a fairy could be, with all of its
magic and its gifts emanating from this sense.
That night his mother had made a delicious vegetable soup, which was
soon felt to come into your home.
_ NEIM! I said cheerfully to a little girl come and see the family. This term
in the language of fairyllan means: "I welcome the God within."
Once the saw their sister in their direction and are involved in a warm
and loving hug. His mother also noticed their arrival and sent floating in
the air a light pink towards the daughter, who was shining in the same
color. The family was Nallab for this most precious of the world,
sometimes she would think about how everything would be sad if there
were not people to share.
_ Hello little sister! Said one of the dear sisters.
_ Prillan Hi, you look beautiful today! And the three smile and the house
is filled with joy.
_ Come my little, time to let us feed Absollon ... These words of the
beautiful fairy mother echoed through space.
All have sat under some forms plumosa in the form of graceful plants
and animals, the mother sat on the rose (the symbol of strength that
survives even the climate more difficult); Prillan a younger, sat in the
dog (symbol of loyalty and love for family); Grascy sat in a bird that
carries a stick in the nozzle (symbol of the temperance union and the
home) and Nallab, the elder sat in a turtle with wings of butterfly
(symbol of the deep love of life and love to move to higher and blue
After some moments of the four eyes shone intensely as divine suns
emanating a golden glow. His hands are played and began to sing a song
cycle. Beautiful and sublime as it held that the fairies ... "mei LAN, then
wish dgui Kali ... inestra lives, fleece elk EMN Waiji qw Absollon, whose
approximate meaning ean that the union and love is above all, and a
crystal pure can never be broken from outside and only from the inside
out, that the supreme Absollon always support this family and keep
united on all the difficulties and joys.
Then he raised up and looking strong in the eyes of each other, share a
delicate kiss on the faces of the other róseas. This tradition
strengthening linkages between the fairies, for they knew what the ants
had taught, everything that weakens it is lonely and all that is alive is
near. After the traditional ritual, sit down to enjoy the delicious
preparation of the mother.
_ Mom said ... with a sweet voice to small Nallab.
_Sim, My brownie! He smiled his mother.
_Será I can attend the next full moon, the ritual in the Sacred Hill
What disturbs the _Por something? Looked the mother, to know what
was happening in the depths of her daughter.
_Na True ... but mom said Baishi the small eyes and small shaken by two
_ Sometimes when diving in the great silence, hear and feel a cold wind I
touch the side and just remember the days when Dad was taken by the
Great Cold.
The huge and expressive olhinhos of Nallab range of moss green and
yellow, only the core remained with the usual color of deep blue ocean.
Gradually the mother was slightly dewy look and began to recall the
happy moments when the three sisters played near the sea, watched by
the eyes of two mainstay of the family. Rapidly in his mind came the
birth of each child, Nallab was born in the summer, and two in the
The season of birth of a fairy had a great influence in his life, as
determined the influence of cycles supreme, Nallab was born in the
summer, a time unusual for a fairy birth, the majority was born in the
spring with the flowering of flowers.
His mother lowered eyes muted. And briefly reflected, she knew her
daughter was a mission given to the Supreme, as only a fairy every
10,000 years was born out of the spring. We also knew that the cycle of
birth in the summer dotava the fairy powers of transmutation of Fairyllan
Then outlining a slight smile, her daughter said:
_Amanhã When the sun is the pin, my little, we will seek the Empress
and ask their wise advice ...
The daughter smiled and caressed the happy hands of the beloved
mother. After we finished the delightful dinner, the sisters Nallab was put
to sleep in comfortable FOLLENS, flowers a softness of clouds and hot as
the sun rays of a summer afternoon. The fairies acts that create delicate,
romantic and sincere, let your heart be joyful and sensitive, they said
that the hearts of men are hardens when forget this simple lesson.
_Você Going to sleep now? Asked the mother in a soft voice.
_Ainda Not Mom, I wonder a little at night and hear the great silence ...
The mother then kissed the brownie and involved her in their loving
arms. Nallab began to shake their wings until the entry of their lovely
home, and stayed there for several long minutes, listening to the melody
of crickets and frogs, that night seemed to sing in perfect harmony
The brownie had a distant look, which now reminds the brightness of a
gold crystal, and there was sitting a long time, feeling the wind play in
your hair and admiring the golden light of shooting stars that covered
the sky. His thoughts were silenced, just feel a sweet sense of peace, as
was being packaged by Absollon.
And this time he loved everyone around him, reminded of their sisters,
from his grandfather who was recovering from an Evil Forest, the
sweetness of his mother and the adventures he went with his father, the
desire to find the Big Secret the life of a fairy, the Love Supreme.
While it was surrounded by all these wonderful feelings to themselves
and embraced his knees, followed the swing of the leaves, while a slight
tear in his eyes fugia. Gradually a slight sound of beating wings was
heard, was his mother.
Stopping beside the child and extend their delicate hand, invited the
brownie to come. Without saying a word to each other, that started the
fairies called the "Voice of Absollon," the moment when two Silences are.
They followed into the home.
Mother and daughter, then lie down and close in the same FOLLEN,
because according to tradition of the fairy, the eldest daughter had to
sleep with their parents. This tradition believed that all things beautiful
and invisible in life acquired a fairy were transmitted during sleep, and
the eldest son or daughter is to be the guardian of the best experiences
of parents, to send the sisters and brothers, and their future
Thus Nallab asleep, wrapped in the heat and being filled by maternal
strength and goodness of the mother, which was passed during sleep:
the moment when the fairy was in the mind and heart of the Sovereign
Creator, and the moment when the mother's heart taught the lessons to
heart the most noble daughter.

The sun had yet been erected on the horizon, and only the latest and
most crickets were vigorous Beating the last notes of that long night of
singing star. Nallab throughout the night was disturbing sensations,
sometimes sending small grunt, and other small and fits in soft FOLLEN.
A few moments before dawn on the horizon of Mars and give rise to the
dawn sun, seemed disturbing emotions are gigantic, like a large and
growing evil was to involve ...
Was involved in a state of torpor, and the real world and the world of
dreams, the mysterious condition in which situations occur and occurred
in all generations of fairy and human. An icy feeling invaded the
environment warm and cozy home of the typical fairy, and a message
went through the air he heard a message from the south wind
whispering to the ears. The cold and harsh breath of Raices have moved
from their delicate and sensitive soul, and words gélidas and
penetrating, which ranged from a severe hoarseness and hiss of a
serpent, and she felt espinhos a voice inside your mind ...
_ Nallab ... ... Nallab know who you are! And this time, your generation
does not bear the power of my ancestors ...
_A Thousand years, I hope for this opportunity. To win the last of powers,
the controlling force of nature, superior knowledge!
_ I watch their dreams, their thoughts, know who you are, even if you
have known ... is the time my Queen. The time for a new choice and a
new tempo.Ah, Ahhhh, Arahhhh!
After the last sentence was a strident laugh at it and felt a disturbing
sense over your body. Suddenly your breathing is accelerated and
spasms have multiplied, his excitement grew intense. Suddenly his
mother agreed with the spasms of her daughter.
_ Nallab, Nallab! Wake up, wake up! It's Mom, my daughter!
The mother of Nallab feel something strange in the environment, she
had already heard the breath of Raices, but had never witnessed this
fact. According to the knowledge of several generations of fairies, the
breath of Raices was a charm in the south was controlled to penetrate
the mind of a being, giving access to the most hidden thoughts and
feelings of each being. Nallab was engaged by the charm of Raices king
and his mother knew there was only one way to release and loved his
little daughter.
It appears that before the face had started to get restless in a state of
calm, the mother of Nallab is posted next to the daughter and started to
issue the "Sacred Call", in which human language was more or less:
_ O great Absollon, which is in everything and all rules, impregnates me
with the morning light and the power of the cosmic wind. O sacred light
come to us and illuminate the darkness.
And how is making a call cyclical, the words came and returned
continuously, until a continuous state of waters croon like a waterfall.
The eyes of the mother began to suffer a transmutation, suddenly his
eyes reflected beautiful and remote places, which revealed the sunrise.
As the lights of these suns rising in the horizon, his body began to heat
up and disperse the cold that was introduced into the environment. His
wings began to beat so fast, as a hummingbird, the center of the heart
and eyes began to radiate a bright pinkish violet, that grew gradually,
and resulted in a small burst of pure light and that light was reflected for
all crystals from the wall.
_Nallab, You okay? Said the mother calmly and looking at the child with
Nallab opened his eyes slowly, without understanding very well what
had happened so humming and repeating the last words that permeate
his sweet soul, "the time is my queen."
_Mamãe, What happened? I was listening to a voice, sad that I was very
afraid. And with eyes marejados and still breathing fast, if the small arms
issued to the mentor and friend.
_Calma Daughter, now all is well ... Everything has gone ...
A slight shake of wings was heard coming from the direction in which her
sisters slept and a sweet and sleepy voice resonated in the
_Mamãe, All is well ... Me and Prillan, conseguíamos not move in a cold
and feel great that we agreed ...
_ Hold my small, now all is well, mom is here and always be beside you.
Said the mother with a velvety voice.
_The Evil has been ... Everything will be okay now.
_ What wrong, Mommy? Prillan said with a curious look and bright
_ Come my little, feel here! Said the mother pointing to the large
The girls followed the request of the mother and left in silence, watching
the graceful gestures of love and mentor.
_ The time has come, my treasure, of you know the truth of what
happened here. Listen carefully and keep these words in your hearts, as
will the time that you need them ...
And a deep and thrilling tone, the great Fairy tale began.
"When did the Absollon Everything, every element has a single purpose,
a connection is made especially for each of Nature. And the first of our
ancestors entrusted the care of Fairyllan, the divine breath. "
Is entrusted to the wise old fairyllan the help of forces transmuted by
making each of them the sort of influence and flow of nature. Thus the
energy fairyllan, could be seen acting in the sunrise, in the movement of
water in the birth of the seed in the relations of nature, the cycle of rains
and winds in the cold and heat and all the other countless and endless
oscillation processes of life. Each of the ancient sages were in harmony
with Absollon, the respiration of Absollon and sages were a single
motion, the beating heart of Absollon was the same as the beat of the
hearts of the wise and the mind and eyes were the one with the
Supreme wise. Absollon and the guides were fairyllan of a single body.
The guides of fairyllan constantly sing the "Song of Silence", so their
minds and hearts were active part of the Supreme. One day something
different started to happen and what was right, began to be uncertain ...
Glacius was one of the fairies in the movement of fairyllan ordered that
the cold of the planet. But one day, his breathing and heart beats of the
movement began distune Nature of the Supreme. Glacius wanted to
dominate, be the master of all knowledge and thus take the place of
But the Supreme knew every work of their creation and all knew, and
intended to All Quiet on his love deep, therefore, knew that the silence of
all things and ordering guide. And so Absollon silent, and silence yielded
by the balance.
The wise and tried to heal Glacius wise, but his soul was corrupted and
impregnated with pride and ambition deleterious. And little by little, it
was getting away from the Supreme, was far from quiet and your mind
was becoming agitated and the heart of fairy began to cool. After his
heart began to cool and harden, which ordered the power started to sort
it, and before that guided cold, began to orient itself.
His sweet and gentle face of another time it has become hardened and
cold in her eyes overflowed, which were similar to crystals of ice, and
then all his body was cold as the heart of a fairy is ordering its way
outside. From that moment on was no longer the messenger of the pure
essence fairyllan but messenger corrupted: it was the King of Ice.
For many thousands of years, has ordered the Silence All, the awakening
occurs allowing the "conscience of Absollon" in fairies and other beings.
Glacius tried for a long time, the secrets of fairyllan monitor and obtain
full knowledge to control all flows of the natural world.
The power of Glacius grown and have learned that the link with the
Supreme decreased. Then the imbalance of the Ice King began to
involve them, and part of their cold hearts. At around 100,000 years
Glacius directed all its power to involve the earth, and cold spread across
the surface, and their intention was so intense that the fairyllan
transmute a crystal of ice.
However, before you surrender completely to his ambition, a part of your
heart for fairy felt the need to have a child to fulfill their wishes, if he
fails. And so the unlikely has happened, kidnapped fairies of the old
ordering that the energy of heat, and it generated Raices, the only fairy
born in winter.
Then stole the knowledge of the fairy kidnapped, one of the ancestors of
our family and sent to the power Raices. Thus his heir, and is to have
natural talent for manipulating the fairyllan the Frio, had also learned
about the manipulation of fairyllan the Heat.
After the death of Glacius, his son assumed the throne and the purposes
of the father, thus using up of their own innate talents began to pursue
the wishes of the father, that this figure was now nothing more than a
deep mark in your memory , his actions and an amulet on the neck. The
father turned into a crystal of ice, still seemed alive, there hanging on
the neck of the child in the form of a chain. The father was the amulet of
Raices, who imbued his son with his own frustrated desires.
The strength of Raices was stimulated and refined over the thousands of
years that their father was at his side and now he is back, live in a
insane ambition to live the spirit of the child. "
_Filhas, This is history in which our direct ancestors are linked to Raices.
_ Mom, so was the voice of Raices I heard in my mind? He said the small
Nallab with an interrogative look, and already more calm.
_ That is my flower ...
_Mas What he wanted from me? Why me?
The mother caressed the hair of almonds daughter, smiled slightly and
lifting up a path to the walls of glass. Then raising his hands, said: "Naim
saint lao, ma NABU. And crystal wall began to shine and it leaves less of
a crystal connected to a golden link in silver leaf, and as bright as the
light of the celestial spheres.
Walking toward the daughter looked surprised that the mentor has the
collar around the neck of Nallab and looking in his eyes said fund:
_ This is my small, it gave the key to your destination! The small looked
closely and admired the small object.
To hold it so that was all wrapped in your skin soft, the crystal has a flash
and a voice resonated in the hall, saying:
"The little daughter of the summer, are you the sun, different from the
Cold of the new time and pour the water into ice, water and new life
born. You will be the memory that he forgot the heat of love ... "
"We are the voices of those who passed and are now living inside the
hidden memories of new generations: we are the spirits of their
Nallab not rationally understand all the facts, but somehow knew that
something had changed forever that morning. It was like distant sections
of the time were being repeated, because she knew that the great
silence of Absollon was certainly a mysterious and guiaria course the
best way.
_Quando Be confusing is that the new has come, because only the new
uncomfortable, which is little old transmutation question. The new
fairyllan the move in the direction of the Supreme ... These words were
repeated in a tone by humming Nallab and was a couple of pieces
belonging to the sacred texts.
The internal fairyllan began to stir and rearrange the interior, she only
noticed the flow occurring in your mind. She tried to decipher the
mystery rationally, but in the end knew that the truth could only be
extracted from the great silence, which knows everything and answer
The couple built this beautiful ocean and deep look, and was admiring
the infinite, looked well in the depths of the soul of his mother and said:
_Mamãe, I think this is the signal that confirms the call. I participate in
the sacred ritual in Cosmic Hill ...
The mother looked at her affectionately and simply waved his head
twice, and slowly up and down. Then, the four fairies, took the hands
and knew what each was thinking, began to shake their wings and
followed towards the exit of the house.
The sun had just in the dawn sky and beautiful purple and red rays,
painted the horizon and there are times that the crickets had already
been withdrawn for rest after a tiring night of singing. The four fairies,
had an intense bond linking them, maybe it has always existed,
sometimes the silence of each was a tender and sweet dialogue, without
words, but that was all.
And in that moment when the first rays of the morning guiavam between
the flowers, a dialogue was said: It is time to try the Empress wants to
fulfill the great Absollon, whatever.
As we were moving away from your lovely home, this would become
smaller, until it turned into a pale point that is confused with the
flowering fields, scattered throughout the endless lands of the Kingdom
of fairy.

Once the distance the palace of the Empress was sighted, he seemed
to be built of light and his side had two leafy trees, remember that most
two giants, which ran for two crystal cascades, which formed soon after
dawn two waterfalls rainbow.
The castle was the most beautiful flower shape of the Earth and its top
was a giant sphere that reflected throughout the galaxy, which covers
the Solar System. The place where the Empress lived was saved only by
the magic of the fairies, in a distant past built a radiant barrier, for which
only the energies that follow the breathing of the Supreme could cross.
The center of the palace was located on top of the Cosmic Hill, where
was located the source, the source of the depository Fairyllan, the divine
As we were approaching the entrance of the palace, the four fairies felt a
sweet smell and relaShante around in, and all the agitation would be
esvaecendo and is filled by an indescribable feeling of wellness. Once in
front, water radiant cascades stemming from four traps were bright, as if
they were discs of pure light: one gold, one purple, one green and one
The four were then lined up and holding the hands of each other,
initiated the formation of the "flow of Absollon," according to the recall of
certain words issued a secret sweet and soothing tone:
Aimi Aini ... ... ... .... AITI woki, Dharma, Kama jiti, Karma, pursue ... banta
lannki ... ... kesy Aimi fuipy discusses you, O Almighty. Ó Absollon, our
breath is one with air and that gets us is your own body.
And so, while the four fairies, would repeat these words, little by little his
eyes were transfiguring it and beat of their wings, began to be exhaled.
It was a brilliant powder similar to the fluid spheres. The eyes of Nallab
were the golden color of the disc, and of his mother became violet, and
the Prillan were greenish and of Grascy became rubies.
Slowly his hands together before, have separated, and separately
floating, surrounded by fluid spheres have been dragged by a stream
hidden in the direction of the spiral of light, which corresponded to the
colors in the eyes of each. Little by little, the light of which were
surrounded by spirals, and this oscillation oscillated in a resonant
motion, vibrates in unison with the breath of Absollon.
In this interval there not only the Supreme, where everything is
harmonious. Thus the barrier had assumed a form for the four missing
fairies, because now they were not individuals but were the very
Absollon that penetrates everything and all sorts.
Again, the flow before it, had to separate, the now united, each a tip,
closing a geometrical figure that remember, a star of four points. Within
the perimeter of the palace there was a flow Hidden ordering processes
and wishes, and thanks to this fact, the desire to Nallab was heard, and
the flow has led directly to the Empress.
As they wrapped that feeling of complete peace, Nallab observed small
portions of images that came to his mind, images of the father in the
land of ice, frozen images of flowers and fairies remembered that most
statues made from a frozen crystal. Suddenly the track itself with a
crown of flowers frozen in his forehead, and heard the voice of Raices,
saying: "It is time my queen ...".
Suddenly he felt a slight cold up the back, which turned their attention to
their own thoughts and brought to focus their attention on the path that
would lead to Imperatriz.Seus eyes only able to recognize a huge tubular
corridor, which was strange to all material that had already seen, was a
corridor made by multicolored butterflies, which perform a continuous
spiral motion.
At the end of the tube alive, this was a beautiful flower looks like a giant
pink, though brighter than the sun's birth day and transparent as the
pure waters of a waterfall. Around the flower, there was a circular source
not remember anything in the whole nature, as it was a multi-elemental
vibration, remember that perhaps thousands of strings of a harp.
Amid the transparency and overshadowed by the intense brightness,
viewing a beautiful and delicate image, in whose hands were on
something that seemed a condensed those same chords. Gently, the
Empress played with the tiny and agile fingers, those wires attached, the
circular source, which suffered in transmutações in their colors and
The Empress had a radiant violet color, long hair and black eyes ... Wow!
His eyes were spectacular, as was to be chameleons, because where she
looked, gave the impression that they were penetrating the intimacy
that is, be it animated or inanimate.
_ She is beautiful ...! Nallab said, little for herself.
When you were just a few meters from the Empress, the vast and
awakened a peculiar pink flowering. And the interior of the Empress
emerged, beautiful as fairies are always hit and vibrate according to the
heart of Absollon. And the interior of the flower, a scent so penetrating
and relaShante, impregnated the lungs of four.
To see such indescribable beauty, the three daughters and mother kneel
down humbly before the Empress, they still remained floating in the
state that was involved from the entrance.
_ If little closer ... I told the Empress in a melodic voice and penetrating.
Nallab knew that these words were addressed to her. Slowly she
soergueu the head pervaded by its beautiful golden hair, and raising the
eyes that had already returned to their ocean blue color.
_ Yes, my Empress! Said timidly a couple brownie.
_ "Bi Nai, nai bi ... in te, in te ... bi nai, in you ... "Repeat the Empress in
intonation, which recalled the song of whales.
Again the flow began to act in Nallab, and a state of almost
semiconsciência was taken by force by floating a foot away from the
_ Trust ... I told my little Nallab so soothing, the voice of the Empress.
_ Extend your two hands and put on his heart Nallab.
When the delicate brownie were made of rubber glove on his chest, a
small range, which made the breath of Nallab become deeper and more
serene. So the wise Empress raised their hands of beautiful light and
merged with the little hands.
By far the mother and sisters, admired the scene and saw a radiant flux
leaving the heart of the Empress and enter the heart of the lovely fairy-
eye ocean. The Empress was talking directly to the heart of the brownie,
one who knows everything and knows everything, because sometimes
the words provide a way apparent to a real sense.
A fairy that knows all hearts knows the paths, because they are the ears
that perceive the vibration of the breath of the Supreme.
The face of Nallab drain and a large drop in his memory was the image
of hard times, a harsh winter when food was scarce, and saw his mother
only a few meager roots bringing nutrition to the family, which were
consumed with tears in the eyes of all his family. If by sitting on top of a
solitary flower, rogando the general Absollon muted emotions and
anguish by memories of a difficult past, who still know the meaning for
their future.
Little by little, the thick drops were dripping the corner of his eyes and
through the face of brownie pink, to find it again at the tip of his chin,
and dropped toward the ground. However, as the drop was closer to the
ground was changing its form, assuming the shape of a crystal of ice
that fall to the ground broke into small pieces and returned to its liquid
That drop has revealed the hidden secrets of your heart and most of the
prophecies of the holy texts had been completed:
"In difficult times to turn the tears of ice and sent to the difficulty in the
future it will seek internal heat. And in this case the flow will find the
opposite, then the ice will light the fire and the fire will turn the ice, so
Absollon said, the Supreme. "Canto VII
Sacred Text of wonderland

The Empress had heard the voice of the heart of the small to the
deepest secret. And wipe the tears one that persisted in the face of the
brownie, said:
_ My little you more than you think it is, and time will bring you the
answers to your destination ... I said the wise empress with a mild and
affectionate smile.
_ But my Empress, that these visions and the feeling of cold affect me?
_ Why now is the time ...
_ Time of what? Said the little girl with his beautiful and piercing blue
_ Time to find that always tried, what you tried to find in many books
and several fairies and situations created by you ...
_E What? Said so intrigued the young Nallab.
_ The meaning ... The meaning of everything, the flow that guides the
life of each fairy ...
_ It is o. .. Said timidly a brownie.
_ Yes, my little Fairyllan is energy, the breath of life for us fairies, and
they have the name of love for mankind. Yet it is the energy that moves
everything, is the breath of Absollon.
_ It will be his time and the Supreme said that his preparation has
already begun, but much is still to be done. Suit and said so with his
penetrating gaze, the Empress.
Nallab lowered the head and wipe the last tears, felt again that cold
feeling in your body. Gently hold the Empress of the hands of a fairy and
sent it towards the close of the circle, involving a giant flower from which
the Empress had left.
The wise fairy graciously extended their hands and said:
_Mia Kundali, Mia kundali, Kundali Nallab mia! Mean that in human
language, "the source transmute, transmute the source, the source
transmute Nallab.
A triple spiral emerged from those mysterious waters is built to the
height of the forehead of Nallab and started to enter him for the nostrils,
mouth and ears. The brownie felt dizzy and saw distant land with flowers
and hard stones, and where the waters were dark and the mud. Then
they saw land, however a beautiful light transmute the harsh flowers,
and they were soft and subtle, and transmute the sludge, which was
translated into yellow and orange flowers, and waters were bright as
The last memory that is remembered from the mind was the image of
his beloved family, and a smooth face and cold, which glowed like a cold
fire. Then, the fragile body of Nallab, curving until it was surrounded only
by the radiant glow of the powder, which was floating. Now the brownie
was unconscious and appeared to sleep a deep and peaceful sleep.
_ Mother away ... I said quietly to Imperatriz.Lentamente approached the
mother and the daughter of wise fairy.
_ Yes, my Empress. Said the mother of Nallab in a respectful tone.
_ His daughter sleeps for 4 days, which represent all the seasons on
earth. During this process it will die and reborn many times, as their own
natural cycles. Said the Empress in deep and solemn tone.
_Durante These days you and your two daughters, make the "Song of
Silence", to start its small what was started.
While the queen spoke, the mother and daughters, looked attentive to
each of the sacred words issued by the Empress.
_ Yes, my Empress! It will be done! Said the mother looking at her
daughter so affectionate.
_ What Absollon, the Lord of lords, the drive through your breathing,
focusing all of our processes and removing evil thoughts and actions
illusion, trying to confuse our being. Said the Empress, while quietly
issued a golden light that from your heart. The light grew and involved
the four fairies, while the light bathing each one, the Empress recited an
excerpt from the old scriptures:
"When the time is reached, only the Breathe of Absollon prevails, and
everything follows the path that was to follow." Canto II
Sacred Text of wonderland
_ See you soon, dear servants of Absollon ... I told the Empress, as has
been directed into the delicate flower of which had emerged.
Suddenly a small explosion that formed in the tunnel enclosure and
butterfly Nallab conveyed instantly and his family, directly to your lovely

The reality of small Nallab had suffered a temporary collapse, was now
immersed in the world of all possibilities, which are the four seasons of
feelings, she was in the heart of Absollon ...
In four days of unconsciousness of the brownie, in the words of the
Empress, death and rebirth occur internal Nallab. Thus, the feelings of
small live the summer, the autumn, the winter and spring. In the first
season come into contact with the celestial forces of the Supreme, and
harvested by the flame inside the heart of Absollon, everything
In the second season, the autumn, the old thoughts and emotions have
no more need to be renewed, in the words of the Supreme, "the old
leaves fall to the ground and source of life they come back, then the
source of life will transform the old in new ". During the third season, will
be the moment of Nallab turn toward itself, dipping into his past
forgotten and finding the precious food to sustain that in the cold this
season, in which the muscles stiffen and the "food of the soul" are
In the last season the seeds of his actions created over the existence of
fairy will come to light and despertarão his sleep in the depths of the
earth, causing the trees, the flowers and all the beauties and charms of
nature ...
For four long days his sisters and his mother performed the "Song of
Silence", which link Nallab the breath of the Supreme Absollon.

"The season of Summer"

The body of Nallab moved up ranging up and down, now it followed the
beats of the heart of Absollon. Thus it remained for a few moments,
these moments that seemed so long as the birth of a new time. Slowly a
graceful fairy began to open their eyes expressive ocean, then felt a
pleasant and fresh sensation of host never before experienced in its
entire existence.
Hung eyes down and saw a picture of an endless splendor, like a an
ocean, beautiful and radiant, which extended to the infinite, with the
surface as smooth as the more delicate flower petals. When viewed
looking down beautiful images of lovely planet Earth, such as couples of
graceful flamingos and whales who cared for their young and playing in
bear soft grass, distant galaxies and suns so beautiful that could barely
Nallab was taken of an emotion without equal, and kneel down before
such immensity and beauty, felt a deep sense of gratitude to Absollon,
the Supreme, and felt at that moment was like the whole immensity of
creation, there is more to fairy Nallab, only there the feeling that it was
just one of endless expressions of love for Absollon.
And while the latest and thick drops of emotion fleeing from their deep
eyes, a different brightness began to involve his body. So, your body of
fairy remember the past and what was great was returning to his fragile
body of fairy girl and Nallab, at that moment to take back the body of
her childhood. She was astonished at what happened, everything was so
magical, pervaded by a delicate and subtle magic that escapes the
logical reasoning.
By far, most of the edges of that image of endless ocean, there is a
bright ruby as intense as the star shine brighter. The small can not
admire the image directly and diverts the gaze of the figure.
Little by little, the mysterious figure is close to the brownie. A wind is
strong and warm sense of Nallab in róseas faces, their hair almonds are
scratched by the strange wind. A new and sudden emotion invades the
mind of small, and an irrepressible desire attracted his forehead and his
eyes toward the strange phenomenon.
Slowly built its olhinhos still marejados the latest and persistent tears,
spotted the image of what she considered the very origin of Fairyllan, a
beautiful Fênix Gigante was in front, looking directly into his eyes moist.
The body of Fênix glow, their sentences were a bright reddish-gold,
which varied in pattern of rapid change. Their eyes seemed two huge
golden suns, in which position of the pupils, there were only pictures of
the most distant corners of the universe, where, images emerged and
disappeared in the blink of an eye. They were pictures of all charm of
life, planets, galaxies, landscapes, climatic changes and expressions of
different emotions of living beings.
_ Welcome, small, Nallab ... He spoke in deep and calm tone, his voice
seemed a mixture of a gentle breeze, the gurgle of a waterfall and a
thunder storm.
Nallab looked surprised that divine image.
_ My name is Kundali, the Fênix sacred. I am the generator of the wills of
Absollon, expressed through Fairyllan.
_Pequenina Nallab, feel confused, I know ... All change is confusing, any
interval between the old and the new well is because of things occur
within the immutable will of the Supreme.
The brownie looks so much admired beauty, and a little babbling
questioned the Phoenix, and in that instant, their olhinhos began to take
on a glow of a blue so pure and subtle, that there was no color on earth
to make the comparison.
_ Ó Kundali great, because I'm here?
_Estás Here because each is where it should be. The flow of Absollon
brought up here to start your mission and be free to buy the freedom to
be what came to be.
_E What? Said a sweet brownie.
_A Expression of their own infinite potential, because you, little girl, is
the expression of consciousness of nature, and as such, was born to
serve all and all things exist.
_ Ó Fênix great, and what happened to my body?
He was a small pause, then the big bird said:
_ Your body is a little Nallab expression of his thoughts, in your eyes I see
the depth of the heart of a child ...
_ What does this mean?
_ Everything in nature is the hearts of children, the fairies of rocks. The
heart of a child is an option, linking to be the deep mysteries of life, in
which this is the universe itself. In this state every second becomes
_ On behalf of Absollon, Nallab tell you, soon you will find this magic.
Magic that will come from this paradox, in which the ice will burn, and
now, if express the sign of a new time.
Nallab was watching the big bird, with an interrogative look, not
understanding the meaning of that paradox.
_ And what I do, great Phoenix? Said the little girl.
_ Only is living well and serenely. Follow the breath of Absollon, feel the
eyes of Absollon; alive the heart of the Supreme and the expression of
everything that has always sought through other paths, will be held.
A new break and this time was Nallab heard and felt under the feet
supported on the ocean in which walking, the heart of Absollon ...
The great Fênix approached the small and involved in their huge wings.
A glare began to flow to the eyes of Nallab and suddenly saw all their
body and their glow of fairy wings, began to appear the same brightness
of the feathers of the phoenix.
Kundali, the sacred Phoenix, began to float with brownie still wrapped in
its wings and slowly the two figures began to overwhelm these
fascinating waters. Nallab felt that something was being processed at
that moment, maybe I was immortalized his heart for children.
The large bird then opened the huge wings of fire and held a brownie
with their feet, and these two figures, now one died, went to a speed of
continuous acceleration towards the depths of the ocean.
The sounds of the heart of Absollon become increasingly intense and
Nallab, he felt something strange involving the mind and emotions. The
heart of the Supreme involved. Suddenly a bloodcurdling jillian spotted a
glow that pulses and each pulse emerged creating an infinite.
When I was very close in brightness, Kundali it launched the center and
said these words:
_ Nallab is what came to be, transmute the fears, the iras and boredom
... and so, your wings will be the movement of Absollon, which is in
everything and everything is.
The brownie began to shake its wings ablaze and then plunged
oscillations. A wave traveling throughout their child be in this moment
and his eyes were no longer the same, saw beyond, and his ears were no
longer the same, well spoken, and their wings were no longer the same,
went beyond the time and space, and your heart and mind, were no
longer separated, most were a unit.
And as was diving more and more, and approaching the essence of the
Supreme, which was realized gradually, becoming the ocean itself:
endless, peaceful, in which the happiness and magic reigns. Your
consciousness is expanding and has just felt a great compassion for all,
and his only desire was to serve and deliver best.
Suddenly appears in your mind an image and a sense, she sees Raices,
King of the Ice. He felt a brief shiver up by her side, and admired the
look of Raices observing the Sunset. His eyes were white as a crystal of
ice and expressed deep. Nallab felt great compassion for him, somehow
seemed very lonely, not a physical solitude, but a deep spiritual
And in their eyes, saw two tears escaped liquid, Nallab smiled at him so
sweet and he looked at her, and tentatively lowered eyes. Thus, a
millionth of second, the brownie knew of the flame and still lived there,
because your heart warmed his tears, which were in the second so
Then the image disappeared and awareness Nallab, began to be
confused with the king of the ice, and strange that it seemed somehow
familiar, as located in a distant memory in time and space. And as the
fall would occur, compassion and love again involved, then emerged
spontaneously in your mind one last thought:
"I am the expression of Absollon, and that there be a flame, which
transmute the evil in everything that is good and cold is hot, because
what I was born in the summer. "
The last image you viewed Nallab was a beautiful yellow flower and
bright as the evening star, who was born in the middle of the ice. After
that everything is erased and your body is confused with the vibrations
of the heart of the Supreme.
"The season of autumn"

"The old leaves fall to the ground and source of life they come back,
then the source of life will transform the old into new" Canto VIII of the
Sacred Text wonderland.
Nallab still feel the sensations experienced with the Greater Phoenix,
and that his last thought ecoava still in its interior:
"I am the expression of Absollon, and that there be a flame, which
transmute evil into good and all that is cold will be warmed, that I am
born in the summer."
She felt his body light and peaceful, and had returned to their original
size, and somehow knew that something mysterious in its essence had
been transmuted. Before your eyes bright, spotted a beautiful valley,
with dried leaves on the floor, with color ranging from brown to reddish.
Nallab was between two huge rock walls, rested on the ground dried
leaves. On top of this valley alone, sleeping trees viewed, this was the
way of the fairies describe the moment when the trees lose their leaves.
Then aloud, questioned:
_ What is this place?
The answer came from all sides, as an echo to repeat their questions. To
discover that this place was, invoked the magic words of "Supreme
position", which reveal the essence of a fairy any place.
His breathing was getting deep and calm, more deep and calm, his
wings still had the brightness of the wings of the phoenix, and slowly
began to shake a little and it was hovering in the air. The words began to
flow from the lips Nallab as a light sea breeze, which travels the coast,
and so said:
"Revelatum, kundali would ... revelatum would kundali ... revelatum
would kundali yn Absollon ...".
And so his words were repeating it. Suddenly the leaves began to stir up
a current of air and light as a Bear went from the bottom of the valley
and followed in his direction.
That huge figure, and stopped opposite jillian said:
_ You are the little fairy Revelatum that evokes the scent of essences?
Said the great spirit revealing.
_Sim, The great spirit ... Nallab said, with its huge eyes radiant, as the
eyes of a child.
_ And what you want, my little girl?
_ Tell me where I am ... Said the fairy so affectionate.
_ You're the land of four seasons, the world is where the feelings and
transmute fairy comes into contact with their non-manifest powers.
_ You have been transported here by the magic of the Empress, e. .. You
have to come from the summer and this is the season of autumn.
Nallab listen carefully to the wise words of the great spirit, who reveals
the essence of places and beings.
_Nallab, This is the place where the old man will be transmuted into the
new, you should find the cave of the Four Winds of Time: The Past, the
Present, the Future and the Non-time, where everything is a single
_ And why the echo in all directions? Jillian said, approaching the
_ The Echoes little fairy, are a result of who you are, it is the
consolidation of new possibilities. Revelatum said, sending a breeze with
the smell of perfume field.
_ I do not understand, great spirit, what this means?
_ My little, every thought or emotion that occurs in its essence, is
echoing in its interior, some are repeated throughout, seconds, minutes,
days and others to life. This is the Eco.
_Sinto In your heart that a new economic order is a picture of Ice, Raices,
have visited your heart and your heart, Nallab have visited him, you feel
confused, in doubt. But this is part of the action of Fairyllan, the
transmutation is playing both.
Nallab lowered his head, while hovered in the air, as was looking at them
the answers of the new time. After a few brief moments, the brownie
prying eyes and said:
_ To which direction is the Cave of the Four Winds of Time, the Great
_ Fly as high as you can and when touching the edge of the sky to find
the flow of breathing Absollon. From this point the flow lead to a search
that, no issues, the fairies are great with you.
Little by little, the figure of the great bear was taking a more transparent
and disappear before issuing the sentence that resonated throughout
the valley:
"When one is inspired, enter the entire universe itself, when it expires
the whole universe comes out of you."
_ And remember Nallab, when the current release of his thought will
release the chains of your body ... And so Revelatum disappeared and
only the echo of his voice echoing remained four or five times, to
disappear at infinity.
In the minds of the brownie, the words of the great spirit is still present
and were the demonstration of Eco occurred because something new
was consolidating ... That moment represented the beginning of the
fulfillment of prophecies sacred:
"The divine breath is eternal, and in the future and for ever and there
will be loaded by new guardians and guardians, fairies without wings
caminharão that the Earth ... and have the divine wind in their hearts.
"Canto XI
Sacred Text of wonderland
Speaking in low tone to herself, Nallab, said:
_ The Eco in my mind, represents the consolidation of a new era ...
The brownie still hovered in the air. Slowly soergueu the head and with
their faces as róseas Sunset at sea, looked at the infinite sky, then
looking the edge of the sky, fired off a spiral, moving at a speed above
the wings of the flowers and kisses, deiShando behind you, a bright trail
of a powder that comes from movement of their wings.
Gradually gaining height and was sometimes surprised when the earth
through the same shrinking gradually. Besides the impression of
shrinkage of the earth, realize that your body heat was getting intense
every moment more often, being kidnapped by the cold winds that
constantly hover large heights.
Nallab tried to focus, making his breathing slow and deep, in an attempt
to raise its temperature physics, but all seemed in vain. As a last resort,
delivered a sound inaudible to almost all human ... and little by little, the
bright dust that escapes from her wings began to join and give your
body a red light, which gave the brownie to form a large flying ember.
The land was very distant and different points of color before, now
seemed one all dark green. The little fairy run through many clouds that
were now becoming more and more frequent in its path, the beginning
was coarse and thick, and the few would become less compact.
In these moments that have passed between heaven and earth, Nallab
felt homesick for his family and his father who already had disappeared
from their very eyes, but not in his heart. And there in those great
heights, where silence reigns and the appearances of things are
perceived, the fairy felt lonely, and in his mind he heard again the old
Echo: "The little daughter of the summer, are you the sun, different from
the the new cold weather and pouring water on the ice, water and new
life born. You will be the memory that he forgot the heat of love ... "
And those words just passed by them, because the understanding of
them was still hidden in the mind Nallab, only your heart to understand.
The brownie was a great altitude, so high that even the stars have
already started to appear. It was in this moment that the small viewing
an image of God and the words Revelatum become real, she managed to
find the flow of the breath Absollon, which recalled an immense shoal
composed by many different, shades of colors of nature, which
alternated the bright blue eyes of Nallab the delicate colors of yellow
The brownie was amazed with that picture and at that moment, born in
his mind all the most beautiful and intense natural pictures that his
memory was stored during their lives. Then in a solemn and reflective
tone said to herself:
_ O Absollon, wonders how many there are ...
And after repeating these words, as his heart was stirred by memories of
prior nostalgia, were returned to a state of peace. Little by little, was
feeling a slight flow of energy ... that puxava toward the stream. At this
moment their desires were almost destroyed, because none of his
thoughts appeared in order for your body fádico, she was totally being
guided by the flow.
Thus the flow Nallab and become a single being, now it seemed a
beautiful and wild flowers that light is guided by the current of a limpid
stream. While the flow to push it through fast and fleeting images, which
appeared reify and distance are in fractions of a second, after this one
Eco remained within them.
Echoes of his happy childhood, echoes of his search, echoes of time
known among the fairies, and of the Beatitudes, or search for the
meaning of life and understanding of emotions, from sacred rituals and
sacred symbols, echoes of loneliness and emptiness , echoes of this;
distant echoes of the future ... In recent echoes only way something like
a fairy of ice, which assumed a new form ... Via two people also
embraced a crying shoulder to the other. There were echoes of deep
emotions, the kind that give meaning to our lives, but not any one
direction, but a magical sense of being careful and caring.
The path of the flow within Nallab was an inside day on all times,
assumed that for the vast diversity of jillian Echoes he played his heart
and mind.
And so was his journey into the cave of the Four Winds of Time ... the
few spotted a beautiful image, who remembered a time of large eight-
pointed star, with four major and four minor points relating to breaks
down between two points higher.
Ali at the top of the mountain, there was an opening in the form of
glowing disc, whose center has a golden color, was by this point that the
intense and smooth flow that guiava Nallab home in the small opening
that would come into contact with the four stroke ...
In the interval between the outside and inside the mountain, one last
Eco ... it appeared spontaneously "Just looking for happiness, to live in
the heart of a child in a world without pain, no death and no things that
bring sadness." And after the last Eco, he missed a world that she felt
was, but not remember and suddenly everything is erased. The flow was
becoming more and more slowly, while the body of Nallab down as safe
by an invisible hand. Little by little, a sense of lightness broke his fragile
body and she slowly opened those expressive eyes, beautiful and
profound as the most beautiful oceans.
Below you felt a warm breeze that claimed so curious and touched, the
focus of that strange feeling. He felt a slight tingling and enjoyable.
When your rubber glove and wonder raise them, saw a bright fluid
similar to the aurora borealis, which winds by their fingers.
In a short time, your body has stopped falling and the tilted position of
the base of a hill backed by a plain. So supporting your magic hands on
the breeze has been rising.
His magnum head admired the brilliance that came from opening higher,
while Nallab remembered that the seeds that emerged from darkness
toward light. And as was reflected in low tone said:
_Acho Where I should be ... This should be ... Yes, the Cave of the Four
Winds. And at the end of his last sentence, the words "four winds",
started to repeat an increasing intensity.
A small tornado was formed then, but it was different ... a typhoon that
shone like a diamond and brings a feeling of lightness Peace. Suddenly,
a halo of violet light is formed from the half time and began to define
something that Nallab described as beautiful faces, which ways it
seemed to be unstable.
Respectfully jillian began in the knees and the forehead abaiShando
_ NEIM ... He said the small.
His voice was solemn and respectful, expressing the profound meaning
of that word, whose meaning was in language fádica: "I welcome the
God within." In the same way figure it responded by issuing a wind that
beautiful rainbow that snake in your direction.
_Meu Name is Taimitus, the representative of the four times. I am the
Sacred Wind that penetrates everything and everything moves. I am the
one who brings meaning to existence ... that, that connects the threads
of all that exists.
Nallab admired figure with eyes marejados of emotion and color of the
eyes ranged from the infinite blue and pink.
_ Listen small, each element that you see or feel, is in the depths of your
mind or in the depths of his heart, are wired ... yarn fabrics for Absollon
to create Web Suprema, the web of existence.
_Todos We have a destiny, a role to be played, my yarn is joining the
_E What my great Spirit of the Time? Jillian said in a mumbling tone and
the voice full of emotion.
_Minha Little ... you find that your sweetie resposta.Disse to the great
_Que Answer?
_ You were born with a gift, the gift to understand and manipulate
fairyllan. This is why your heart is compassion in the face of pain and
suffering, that is why before scenes of love and kindness your eyes shine
more intensely than the majority and your heart feels more than the
other. You have the gift of communication supreme as the heart and that
it believes it would be the language of Absollon, with the language that
all can speak.
_Mas ... I think that I am not what you say ... Nallab said humbly.
_Você Only is it that hangs on their conscience, not be subjects, is what
came to be in this world.
_Mas How?
_Deve Overcome their fears, their doubts, their disbelief ... the answers
are in the direction of the four winds, when you, my sweet fairy, to
inspire each of the Winds, will be transported toward the answers ...
There was a moment of silence for Nallab that were equivalent to an
_Adorável Nallab, Time follows the movement of my way, and to find
what you search remember ... Inspire each of the winds of time, they will
be part of you and they will bring to you the answers that boost towards
Absollon of breath. The Wind of the Past to change the present and the
Wind This will change your future, because they are links of one chain,
until the understanding of time.
Nallab listen carefully each word of the great spirit, his whole attention
was being focused on that.
_E Remember my small, nothing matters, trust your heart because you
have eyes to see that many ignore, are the ears that listen and hear
what few have the heart to feel how little sense, their sadness comes
misunderstanding of the Truth ...
_Que Truth, great Taimitus? Said the fairy with eyes that glowed like two
emeralds now.
_Tuas Wounds are invisible, I know the anguish of their past, when he did
and nobody answered questions and tried to get in many ways, but they
were not for evil, each one can only deliver what you found.
Suddenly a sharp sound began to be emitted from the center of the
typhoon, which varied as the waves of the ocean ...
".... OHM OHM ... OHM ... OHM ... OHM ...", then the fragile body of Nallab
felt a subtle vibration, which has been gradually intensifying.
In this instance the brownie, had noticed something magical, like a voice
inside you say, your answers are not the only family in the good or bad
memories or a companion, the real meaning as a place inhabited search.
And this place is called Dream.
Little by little, the figure of Taimitus followed toward a circular opening
that was just Nallab. Thus Taimitus disappeared in a huge flash and the
only thing left was the memories in the air that had to be fabricated and
finished a soft voice that said:
_Tenha Courage be with you, follow the wind of the past and know that
what you are looking live in this place called Dream, his great dream, the
place where everything is sustained by itself, not the old subjects,
because the past is guide. Do not be afraid to change because it fears is
the fear itself power the fairyllan ...
_E That Absollon the guide ...
And so Taimitus disappeared, but without realizing the first Wind has a
pretty fairy guiava the past from that moment be your guide. Within the
heart of a new Eco Nallab was created, which vibrate in the following
frequency: "the demands that living in a place called Dream ... not
subject to change, because it fears is the fear of fairyllan own energy. "
The brownie raised its head again and the light and admired without
knowing why, before the Eco faced in his heart felt desire to cry. And
towards the entrance followed by the Wind of the past which would
guide her, and the closer it was the entry is more his eyes filled with
The Wind of the Past impregnate her soul in this moment and miss the
times when it was just a brownie; miss living in the Wind of the Past.
As we proceeded through the tunnel, feeling the tears to fall as thick
fillets through the valleys of your cheeks róseos soft. She now traveled
the universe of time, which come in contact with your inner child, the
time it was just a fairy seed.
Little by little, his vision was getting blurred intense emotions and
sensations of the past came to light, had tears flooded her eyes bright
and his heart was slowly being killed by the blast from the past.
Nallab not stand any further step forward was a difficult time looking at
all that the wind brought the past: the loss of his father, the moments of
loneliness, the longing of those who loved her, the trouble brought by
the dream with Raices; its vision of the first death of a fairy and a lovely
brown bear, the scene of a fish do not breathe, the beautiful sunrises,
the cheerful words of support from his mother ... Everything, just
everything rebirth, all the past had returned, with the intensity of all
memories and emotions that accompany each of the memories because
the memories are always filled by the winds of sensations.
The little fairy, then resumed the march, but moved it back, he met with
its own story to scare, many emotions were confused, sometimes we
have to encourage them, they are alive, need to be healed and
acaricides. Emotions are living beings, the fairies so create. The steps of
the brownie was a rhythmic sound, which would be merging the sound of
your breathing agitated. Tears still down on his face intense.
After a while, there it was again the starting point, face to face with the
entrance through which circulates the Wind of the Past. Slowly doubled
their delicate knees on the floor of the cave and head down there to cry
... and now the brightness of its blue olhinhos was becoming gray as
storm clouds that embrace the blue sky. Your mind and your heart smile
and suffering, because sometimes, the flow of the past is so.
And while crying dispirited something happened, a clear and shiny Eco
resonated in his heart ... He was a treasure, one of those magical
memories made with love and delicacy, parts of speech of the Supreme,
they are driving them toward Absollon. They enable the magic and the
power to flow through these fairyllan beings.
Front of him began to form an area light and fluid as the beautiful colors
of nature, and her and a delicious sweet perfume was exhaled. And the
perfume, sweet melodies of various birds permeated the air, and little by
little the ball became a diverse and small beads that were gradually
being sorbed by the inspiration of Nallab.
Then, the memory emerged from depths of your heart ...
At that time Nallab had the age of four moons, because the cycles of
development of fairies follow the direct influence of the Sun and Moon
The father of the Nallab had supported in your lap and the two admired
a violent thunderstorm in the interior of a magic bubble, protected from
the violent drops.
_ My little, for fear that the lightning and storm? Said the father of Nallab
with an austere and warm voice.
_Ela Is angry! Said the little girl, making a graceful biquinho with the lips
and hiding your head in the arms of her father.
_Minha Child has no fear of the terms of Absollon ... The father smiled
sweetly, as if formed a blue snake, a hell in heaven.
_Ouça My child ... Where have no fear because the truth is ...
_Que True, Dad? Nallab said, gently turning his head and looking deeply
the eyes of his adorable father.
_Lembre Is my small, everything is far from Absollon creates fear
because Absollon is truth and truth is the mother of all love ...
_Todo Love it, Daddy? Jillian said staring their huge blue eyes.
_Sim, My child ... With true love may fear the animals, the other fairies,
the difficulties, a companion, all born of truth. It comes to courage,
which is just one of the expressions of Absollon and the storm,
everything is in order and true love.
_Quando Love the truth and act together, emerges a greater flow of
fairyllan that tends to follow the intensity of your heart ... the higher the
intensity, more fairyllan flow for you.
Was a huge break in the air and there inside the
bubble of magic, the two, father and daughter admired the forces of the
Suddenly the silence was broken and the father of Nallab said:
_Minha Child today I give him a present ... remember when you face any
fear I mentioned those magic words, they take you back to the flow of
the breath of the Supreme and toward the absence of fear, because fear
is all the fruit of a tree without sap.
Oh nice, Absollon:

Guide my words so I can tell the truth from an awareness of love. Open
my mind and filled with love, the fairyllan of events such as flowering
and seed which is fill with Light Open my mouth and filled with love. Let
the words that I'm about to say is heard by ears of love. Keep me in a
constant state of love and conscious so that I can open my heart in a
loving and beneficial. I know that words are being felt the truth of the
experience of another person. I know the words I say come from my own
experience. Can say I pray for them with love and they are welcomed
with love. I thank thee, oh supreme! Well you are, the essence of love,
the manifestations of fairyllan. And this time my breathing and your
breathing becomes a single motion.

After the father of Nallab mention these magic words, the fear of the
brownie was gone, the illusion was gone. Now the little girl felt the truth,
that everything emerges from Absollon, everything is part of the body
and expression of Absollon.
_Papai? Jillian said the calm and smiling with eyes ranging from the pink
and gold.
_Diga My child ... the father looked smiling slightly with the corners of
the lips.
_Nós Are part of the body of Absollon ...
The father stood his head slightly and then said:
_Minha Small Nallab, we were always in the body of Absollon and there is
no evil, there is no pain, no fear exists ... Everything is an illusion created
by the non-perception, which is nothing but the exit or the diversion of
the flow of breathing Supreme.
So father and daughter, were admiring the brightness of blue ray and
shake the leaves of old trees that experienced another storm. And there
remained for a long time ... He toying their soft fragrance and wire nuts,
she quiet and serene, feeling the warmth and wisdom than the
mysteries of existence in guiava ...

Nallab could still feel the sensations of that memory: the affection of his
father, his words of wisdom ... Echo of the magic words. The magic
words echoed in her heart and during the storm when its quiet interior,
and small again within the flow of Absollon.
And it had found the small, the mystery that guiaria by Wind of the Past,
Nallab should allow themselves to feel the truth ... the essence of each
memory of the past and love them, so the events of fairyllan processes
transmute; fear viraria courage; viraria learning pain, death is
transformed into solitude and transcendence transmute it into
consideration, a flow of meaning between it and Absollon.
Thus a little done, and the little gray in his eyes has been dissipating and
brightness of blue infinity returned to frame your angelic face. Slowly it
built with a full determination on the look and marched again. Now floats
in the air and are directed towards the flow of wind that followed the
Past by that opening the front.
Again the wind of the Past, permeated the interior and back all the
memories it came to mind, but now was different ... Nallab recognized
that each experience was important, each expressed the wisdom of
Absollon and thus welcomed the brownie and loved all his past and
thanked, thanked for what your eyes saw, so that your ears hear, and
therefore felt his heart, thanked fairyllan acting as Nature and the
advance in the area where the Wind fluía the Past, said in a tone gentle
and sweet:
_Oh Fairyllan, thank you ... thank you for transforming the old into new in
old and new.
_Sou Grateful for transforming what is not alive to live and what is live,
not live.
_Agradeço Turn day and night by day and night turning sadness
transmute it into joy.
_Agradeço Also those who saw the sick, the disease, because I know that
everything is an expression of Absollon and there is a sense of being that
I know.
_Hoje Trust ... trust your aim and see that all my fears and my pain is
coming from not only ... confidence, the true love and trust.
_ Only the true love and fear nothing, because together make up one of
the manifestations of fairyllan the fairyllan to transmute the actions,
emotions ... my existence.
New róseas tears down the sides of Nallab, but tears were sweet, as
when a fairy cries his tears assume the properties of the emotion that is
created for that reason that can be sweet, bitter, azedas, acid, cold or
hot, the tears are created in their hearts fádicos.
The brownie smile to himself and an immense joy invaded his being.
After following a long path inside the opening, Nallab spotted a blue light
in a place that seemed to be outside the flow of the wind of the Past.
When crossing the border of light, a small saw a brief period of time,
Tamitus, whose words echoed quickly and intensely within himself:
_Eis The wind turns the Past in the Present Wind, and this remains a
meeting point where the transmutation is manifested, a place that is
neither past nor present, is only transmutation ...
Nallab And so, within a new flow, the flow of wind that followed the
current towards a new openness that run through the rock wall and so
she followed, looking for a new lesson, it is just a moment and start up
another , the flow of time is constant and flows toward Absollon, the
Eternal ...

His body was light and cheerful mind, and something had
ocorrido.Talvez, was due to transposition of the border, spoken by
Taimitus. The way in which events occurred to their thoughts and their
emotions were changed.
She tried to remember the past, but nothing came of his being ... now
Nallab, breathed a new flow, the flow of the Wind. A wave of energy run
through and shake your entire being, its subtle vibrations remember
playing the rhythm of drums, the Wind was the current pace, it occurred
in pulses, such as a heart beats.
Nallab tried to move toward the entrance where the flow of this fluía, but
none of the muscles of their wings shook up. She was paralyzed. Did not
know what was in that place and who was it, as these responses are
carried by the wind of the Past, the Present of the Wind simply pulsates.
The entry at the rock wall she watched a pulse, something that was like
a flaming serpent, which sometimes had a red flame and now had a
purple flame, it was a small link of the flow of current Wind. This was
progressing slowly in his direction, and his eyes was like the pulse
disappears and reappears it up continuously, seemed not to have a
sequence of events, or that she just could not sight them.
The flow in a movement serpenteante sent in to Nallab and then stopped
opposite the building and small fairy that only pulsed. The pulse was
standing and was the form of a huge flaming serpent, whose right hand
was a red flame and had left a purple flame, but the color of each pulse
is reversed.
Suddenly a flaming serpent was divided, and each of its halves joined by
each of the nostrils of the little fairy, and so the wind of this act in itself,
rebuilding all your being; renewing its internal pulse.
And throughout this renewal, your breathing has changed, his beats
have changed, his thoughts began to come in pulses and not more, a
river appeared in motion ... and now she felt that this was an illusion.
This was a pulsating movement, where it was chained, as the links of a
chain, gave the impression of movement.
The pulse of snakes spread for each hidden element and fragment of its
essence to permeate everything that is ... So Nallab felt no name and
realized that his real name. It was a pulse, a pulse of desires and
intentions deep and intense, which is manifested through your body
And now Nallab felt integrated with the Wind Gift and felt that its shift
toward the end of it, depend not on your muscles, but rather of its
provision, its intent, of his desire, because desire is the element that
moves the be present in the Wind. The small and beautiful fairy, I did ..
Wanted with intensity and the displacement occurred.
Who to see, had the impression that it disappears and reappears in
pulses constant, which accompanied the pulsar's wind of this. Thus the
fairy was conducted and followed the flow of time present and in your
heart as it was conducted by the pulse of this was a discovery, which
later would be brought by the wind of the Past ... "Pulsar is live, it is the
desire that moves, it is the power of fairyllan channels.
The Wind of the current pulse and Nallab resonated, following each
pulse, until finally by a bright and intense pulse she arrived in a new
frontier. A boundary between the present and the future, then Taimitus
appeared again and enrolled in a golden ball and made words vibrating
in your heart:
_Minha Child, the Wind of the Future is the window that shows the many
possibilities are there, each choice constructs a set of possibilities.
_Mas Independent of any choice, all the appropriate lead time you my
brownie until Absollon as everything returns to the flow of your breath.
_ It is your breath. It is your body. Everything is made of the essence of
The fairy's eyes glare and images are formed in those two areas that
were the expressive eyes, images of flowers born; images of plants wilt;
images of a distant world where the sky and the earth was soft before
ash and the earth was hard as a rock, and the fairies were large and
without wings ...
Nallab felt everything and was amazed and sad at the same time,
because the future is so confusing, it's the wind that brings change.
Every change brings a bit of confusion since it is past and is not present,
is simply a land ready to be shaped to receive seed.
And looking at the new breakwater that Vento had not had a single
passage where fluía, but had an infinite number of transition flow. Then,
little by little, the figure of Taimitus was getting more tenuous and the
sphere in which Nallab was started to squeeze, to be tiny. And as it is
compressed, its brightness would become increasingly intensified.
When the ball reached the size of a grain of sand, it just exploded in a
huge explosion, and it was only a grain, assumed an infinitesimal
In the same time, had been more the wall, but only an infinite space of
dark color and appearance of infinite and ethereal. It was nothing, from
which all can be created. In this space, endless golden grain volatile. And
within each grain there is a small, sweet fairy, were endless Nallabs that
existed there.
One of the grains began to grow and Nallab, also contained therein. And
on this, the other began to gravitate ...
The brownie experienced the emotional scene and his eyes were
getting moist, so much beauty before. After a few brief seconds of
admiration, Taimitus came again and with a voice of thunder, said:
_Pequena Nallab, this is the field of all possibilities ... in which, all you
want is possible. This is the real form of the Wind of the Future.
And thus the mind of the fairy he was again close to a profound mystery
and so, recognizing the boundary between the present and future, in
which desire is the architect of the future, are their hands models.
Perhaps, the desire to be the hands of Absollon, Nallab deep thought, a
fleeting thought as the light.
Nallab wanted to play each ball and the simple fact like, this is done. At
that moment his arms were no more that played, most were not your
legs that move, not just your eyes that watched ... the desire of the fairy,
was now the extent of your perception. All their equipment had been
magnified by the physical power of desire.
Focused their attention in a bright area near the edge of infinity and at
that moment the eyes of the fairy plunged into the sphere, and one of
thousands of futures are opened to its perception ...
The planet was dark, the earth seemed covered with a gray rock in a
morbid, and large trees of stone that reflected the sunlight erected in
long and tortuous corridors ... and many animals were sick and hungry,
two-footed beings with hasty movements crossed through the gray, with
a look confused and empty. Nallab then I thought: this future would be
very sad for us all.
After a moment his desire was directed to another area and in a new
window of opportunity is opened:
In a time where beautiful flying instruments made of a material as subtle
as the wings of a dragonfly, floating through the air, thousands of human
beings lived in harmony and their eyes were full of light and
consciousness. That was one family. His thoughts were enough to
change the subject, time and space. Had sunk the most recondite
secrets of nature and knew how and why ask ...
More far, Nallab via a time when life migrate to other celestial spheres,
in a time when the seeds of life could be deposited in any programs and
inhospitable area, and then this great seed, which has the secrets of the
generation of life learn to transform the environment in uninhabited
home, starting a sequence of signals leading to a multitude of lives of all
Thus, jillian envisioned several possibilities, which amounted to profane
the divine, the pain of various beings of the planet sublime harmony, the
existential void of human future in its completeness Absollon; time saw
the destruction of lives, the hopes of noble feelings of pure dreams, but
also saw the creation and understanding of the language of nature in all
its simplicity and elegance ...
The future was wide, a finite horizon, but with no borders, it wakes from
its deep sleep by a sincere desire and active in the depths of a universe
visible and invisible.
Nallab attended to each of the scenes amazed, she breaks the barrier of
time. There in the distance he saw something, your heart speeded up
and the land in that area of your eye color different from the others,
smiled quietly. Pinkish glow emanating from a secret ... the secret of its
mission, the secret of its existence and its purpose to exist.
So Nallab earnestly wanted to know the inner sphere and its desire that
stretched his arms and shifted his gaze beyond the horizon of the
limitations and she plunged again. In the depths of the unknown not
clear which now expressed to you.
The images and sensations of fairy permeated his soul, as the spring
rain, walk to join a large shaft of water. Your mind sorva every drop of
that future, it was the soil that absorbed the rain of knowledge.
Nallab saw a chill time, in which the City of fairy was destroyed.
Envisioned fairies frozen, with the appearance of statues of ice. And he
heard voices. Cries of fairies, cries of those who loved her. Saw legions of
giant animals of the forest fairies and flying toward the palace of
Impetriz, but the empress was not there anymore, she was frozen, as
well as the source of fairyllan.
His eyes began to fill with tears and his heart was getting tight, because
the future is to live everything, the memories and emotions came
together, with the wings of the same enigmatic bird.
Far seen in images of fast Raices, confusing scenes, scenes of pain and a
big change. He felt his lips touch the cold lips of Raices; felt his hands
touching the face and felt his touch the sides of Raices. He saw a war
between the summer and winter, between the Old and New, envisioned
a cosmic fusion, which released the fairyllan.
Through the mind of Nallab images of fairies with wings on his mind and
marched through a dispatch of experts, an extensive cave and the
beaches of the west coast, with a story written fádica and intense, which
would mark a New Era But the his heart has not yet understood, because
some fragments of the future must be tested to reveal its real flavor,
before that, everything remains insolvency, as the description of the
taste of a delicious fruit.
In a last scene, which strongly danced within them, the brownie saw
something strange, a pool of bright and warm water, he saw reflected in
his own image. Two drops fall. The image is shaken and she felt peace,
love and joy, she felt Absollon him whispering to his ears and heard
And there was a tremor in his spirit, his soul vibrated intensely and the
image that most closely approximates that of the small experiencing,
was the birth of an island in the ocean. Initially all particles are shaking
up the depths and depths emerge a new piece of land. A new fragment
that something new house, new life, a new history, a universe of infinite
A new island appeared aware of the secret of Nallab unknown.
Something she could only feel like a heat, a change of state to try to be
as described, be lost in a maze of words incomplete.
The eyes of the fairy was transfigured and his hair glowed like a torch of
flame red and gold. A weak breeze seemed to start to ask from all
directions, to the position occupied by Nallab. Little by little, which was
only a small breeze becomes a strong vendaval, violently shaken that
the hair of flaming fairy, which apparently seemed to stay in another
The strong united vendaval was Nallab, she was the center, which is
oscillating around the cluster. A movement of double helix, the fairy
remained suspended and acted as the center of the furious typhoon.
Gradually the form of Nallab has progressed over time, its image and old
age, more and more, to break down completely. And the breakdown of
the old pieces are joined to new forms of either animal, vegetable,
mineral, the celestial spheres and the spheres fádicas.
The Wind of the Future carried on its wings, this was the reason for the
change of its form, however, its essence was more fundamental and
internal changes that were made were difficult to be viewed through the
dense world of the senses.
Gradually the environment was becoming, after a glimpse there she was,
back in the cave of the four winds. His hair and eyes had returned to old
form, but his soul would never return to its former size, because when
the mind and soul are open to a great experience, never again to
assume its original size.
Nallab eyes slowly opened and in their ears, even the whisper
auscultation of the future, and engaging in a low tone, which recalled the
stir the leaves of bamboo. Remained standing for a moment, feeling the
breath of Absollon; feel the traces of the emergence of a new
Was slowly returning to a state of greater awareness and a whisper that
you remember the chorus of the sweet voice of one hundred thousand
fairies, heard ...
"The whole is achieved not by desire, that everything moves, not the
force that moves an element, by which everything is kept. It is the sound
of silence ... it is the heart of Taimitus, the guardian of time. "
After hearing these words the mystery volitional for each area of your
mind fresh, and as a seed placed in good soil germinated. And the
question came to light. And the true fruit of the light that guiaria Nallab.
E Nallab understood ... and discovered that this new understanding of
the Wind full time only permeates your being, if it stays up.
So Nallab remained, and this time his soul sought the silence and this
time it simply was allowed and its essence is expressed profound. The
little fairy was just. At that second, she realized what was performed and
was naked of any trial, it was like a bird that sings just like a river or that
simply runs. Nallab was, was just ...
Thus, the wind that carries the full time it is moved without moving and
penetrated, no-penetration, as the full time is the place where
everything is and where the logic of words transmute it in the paradox.
All the fear had dissipated, all doubt had been dispelled, all the disbelief
had dissipated, as these emotions are all the fruits of the mind, they are
derived from seeds of illusion, which prevents to recognize the
impermanence of everything that exists and in plane fields of the past
and the future.
Nallb he was home safe, serene as the giant sea turtles, which keep
breathing deeply and calmly even before the eyes of the greatest
dangers of the sea. It was a great mountain, which remained unchanged
despite the most violent expression of nature, his mind was pure
Within this sense of serenity, Nallab seen again. She began to
understand the purpose of its creation, since she heard his inner fairy, a
spirit guide that guides all the fairies of the earth. The mind must be
silenced so that you can listen to the fairy inside, the little fairy and
intuitively sense that the Wind of Time entirely on this miracle: the
Silence of the Mind, the moment when the mind flows like the great
rivers, in which all turbulence is quickly dissipated by running water.
The eyes of Nallab glowed beautifully, and its blue color gave the
impression of expressing the calm of a river running into the ocean
without end. Suddenly, a huge ball constructed of a light paste, it was
forming its front, and quietly vibrating rhythm.
Little by little, the image of Taimitus has been setting around her, the
center was the expression of the heart of Taimitus. And again the fairy
identified those beautiful faces, which ways it seemed to be unstable.
Suddenly he again heard as a huge chorus of sweet voices of 100,000
fairy, felt his body vibrate, every word, every note sound. Feel the body
as a thin membrane of a drum, played by delicate hands.
And the voice said, a mixture of sounds comprehensible and
"Little to the four winds fed the soul and to the four winds, four truths
were delivered to him, the truth of the four times ..."
Nallab looked so interrogative and those words seemed to make little
sense in their being. The Great Spirit heard the foot steps of the doubt
on it and graciously said:
_Seu Heart is certainly in front of my words ...
Nallab had eyes in the picture of Taimitus, the forehead and gently
waved up and down so much subtle, confirming the words of the great
Spirit of the Time. And with the immense wisdom Taimitus filtered and
delivered to Learn the small, refined the nectar of knowledge and so said

When a fairy flies over a day and a night in one direction a truth is
revealed: the shadow of a fairy only becomes noticeable when your body
is touched by the light of a certain direction. Of birth at sunset, its
shadow seems to move in a moment ago seems to be in the other there
seems to disappear even light, then have the impression that she is in
front and when the light disappears completely may believe the fairy
that its shadow has disappeared ...
All these moments are illusions created in the mind fádica. The sun
represents my image, the source of the four winds. The body of the fairy
represents the wind of this, the shadow represents the Vento ago the
Past, the shadow represents the wind forward of the Future, the shade
that disappears into the light, is the moment when the fairy living
realizes that only exists; the shade that disappears before the darkness
is the moment when the fairy inside the heavenly Source, and plunges
into Absollon.
Through my motion, little, it creates the illusion of Three Winds of Time,
Wind of the Past, the Present and the Future, in your mind start to
appear three realities: the position of the shadow ago, the position of the
shadow in front the disappearance of the shadow. All are real and are not
... and the only way that there is a process, the movement of the moving
shadow on the body. This process is an expression of Integrated Wind of
Time, to which all other winds arise and they are, all veil of doubt falls
before the Wind of Time Integral.

Taimitus finished talking and the end of its profound and knew talking,
looked at the bottom of the soul of Nallab and it saw the light of
emerging understanding. Then he said:
_ Learn to learn is the time came to leave, because when a season starts
ended up another ...
The eyes of luziam brownie and a delicate smile was being formed
between the two ends of his lips róseos. And a deep and grateful tone,
Nallab said:
_Neismate ... I welcome your Absollon inside delivery and I appreciate
the lessons that I doaste ...
The image of Taimitus was disappearing, creating air currents are
shaped by the mixture of wind. Little by little, the winds were changing
the space of the cave, in which several holes were being formed
everywhere. And for these holes, subtle rays delicate petals of roses and
all focused on the body of Nallab.
Suddenly, the eyes were getting heavy brownie and appeared before
them only dry leaves and other trees with leaves aged, it seemed the
light rustle rustle of the leaves ...

"Always comes the time when the old leaves should be renewed to its
essence serves as a food to a new beginning ..."

A rough and icy sensation seemed involve your entire body ... Nallab was
transported to a new process, which was the season of greatest
difficulty. It was the time to immerse themselves in the depths of the
past, a dive in the abyss of itself, a place cold and dry, which was always
accompanied by the shortages and deprivation. All food should be
extracted from the learning of their own being, its failure to dwell in its
essence is the synonym of food to serve the land itself.

"The season of winter"

Fuuuu .... fuuu ....... An icy wind whistled awful, with the ears of graceful
fairy. It seemed to whisper words to hear, your voice, little by little, was
entering the forbidden kingdom: the heart of Nallab. A sense of fear
began to grow, and grew and grew. Breathing rapidly and has become a
strange anxiety was manifested.
Usually these feelings are not the fairies themselves, however you get a
moment when the fairy should align itself with its own internal darkness,
to express the real magic, where two poles arise, creating a refreshing
and another. Without this knowledge no fairy can raise and direct the full
The anguish grew and respiration can no longer satisfy their intense
desire to breathe. So Nallab agreed, seemed still retain traces of their
expression in a mysterious distress. Perhaps arising from a fear hidden in
the abyss of its heart areas.
He was groggy and half felt hands hard and cold as granite. The cold
seemed to get stronger every moment and sensation of coldness and
stiffness of his hands seemed serpentine of the extremities to the center
of your body: the headquarters of the heart fádico.
His forces were dripping in an attempt to to keep your body warm, they
were the wood to burn until the end, to keep alive Nallab. Almost unable
to speak any magic, the stiffness was such that only monosyllabic
gibberish and were able to leave you.
Suddenly, he heard a voice in its interior, you whispering: "I mentioned
the _ Small animal guide, call the great white wolf ..." And so, Nallab did,
and with hands wrapped in the granite floor of the snow it uivou the
higher and stronger than might. The fairies over their lives learning to
communicate with the beings of the three kingdoms, and the minerals
that belong to large and small, plants and animals.
A howl was heard intense and apparently came from a distant mountain
chain at the edge of the city. And the howl echoed throughout the extent
of the white desert.
Nallab issued a new yelp again, on which you mentioned help. A new
yelp was issued in response, however remember the sound of a huge
pack, which is reported together with the fairy. After soft were heard and
gradually assumed colossal noise, a gigantic wave of wolves was
directed towards the fairy. In front of everyone, followed a beautiful
white wolf that radiated a soft golden light. They came up fast as the
wind and barely seemed to touch snow.
Nallab knew that Nature is always ready to aid, and a giant web in which
all wires are supported.
The appearance of large white wolf was colossal. Little by little, their
past and were getting slower and the gang took a new rhythm. The body
of the fairy had a slight violet color that reminded of the woods.
Head down to the large lobe close to the little girl as was observed by
other wolves. The body of the fairy train rhythm mode, in a last attempt
to keep warm.
The large lobe achegou are humbly lick your face and their faces
covered with a thin piece of snow. Then, the beautiful blue eyes, raised
in a gesture of gratitude for the sweet sensation of heat felt in the face,
which left their baby in the frame snow. The white wolf had big eyes and
bright white as the purest crystal of ice.
After his attempt to defend the fairy, the huge wolf sat up the front and
set its brilliant eyes of the fairy and crystal uivou. Uivou in a loud and
penetrating, that brief second, then a call, because the sounds from all
sources are powerful evocations of energy. The sounds can mobilize
fairyllans powerful.
Nallab felt the sound you through the entire body as a wave vibrant. The
ends of his body was changing the tone violet to pink and mysterious
images came to mind it. She felt that the ground force to get up, felt the
air to push toward the clear sky, the slight ray of light seemed to
connect to it, like webs, forcing it to rise.
The howl was something he had activated a process. And this process
Nallab be confused with the Nature and nature conspired to make the
fairy cock to fulfill its purpose. Your internal fairyllan had been triggered
by the large lobe.
In reptilian movements, she seemed to be rising and expressing a
magnificent statue in motion, in which each small change was sculpting
the materialization of fairyllan. While stood, had the distinct impression
that energy transmuted lived the most minimal forms of your mind and
your body.
Without knowing the reason, she assumed the same sitting of the great
White Wolf, the admired as the miracle of the birth of a new cub. Thus,
fairy and wolf were face to face. The blue eyes of Nallab reveal the shiny
image that magnificent image of hair.
Little by little, their rates started to be coupled; overlay; synchronous.
The breath of Nallab is equivalent to the large lobe. The sway of the
body is equivalent to the large lobe. Simultaneously, the two issued a
long and intense howl. A howl that is repeated and seemed to touch the
most distant stars. Something was happening, and Nallab know,
however, she gave this unknown, this new future, this new opportunity
that is built into them.
The huge eyes of the fairy were turning in place and that brightness
ocean, a new brightness appeared. And what was the tone ocean, it
became the color of a beautiful crystal ice. His eyes and the eyes of the
Great Wolf gave the same brightness.
Both fairy wolf raised and the eye toward the most distant galaxies and
a voice uivaram Baishi and marched slowly to a head in the direction of
the other. Today they were the expression of a perfect mirror in which,
image and object in one mistook it to be.
... ... TUF TUF TUF TUF ... ... ... TUF TUF TUF ... ... Rhythmically moved up
and each shift being a mark of its softness that was carved in marble
target. So were face to face, in one breath, in one motion, a single glow.
And finally, the magic happened ...
Their hearts and thoughts were a little bit, assuming the same bar. E
Nallab heard within himself the voice of magic and express the thoughts
of the great wolf, said:
"In the cold you protect ... my strength is his strength. My being is their
being. My magic is its magic, we are a single process, you and I. This
part of the journey and we are no longer Nallab and I ".
In the cyclical fairy was saying and moving toward the great Wolf:
_Somos One process ...
Both have not left achegaram until no more empty, between it and the
wolf. Gently touched his head is a bright and came from the top of their
heads and smiled at that moment Absollon. And their bodies were slowly
mixing it, as the meeting of the waters of the river limited, with the
infinite ocean. And mixtures of the two waters, one form was assumed.
There were two separate bodies, they now became a single, as were the
hot air and cold air that mix or as the meeting of two large clouds, which
make up the meeting a single process, one body.
The brightness of the head of the snake head toward the center of the
earth and a yellow light, as the fluorescence of the Fireflies was issued
this new process.
Skin smooth and pink fairy of a thin wire pelugem of white-gold was
born, recalling the birth of grass in the plains. His body took a bold and
vigorous consists of dense muscle of delicate forms, was a fragile flower
with the force of Jatobá and former Carvalhos and Sequóias.
Now, arms, legs, hands, feet, finally, the entire length of the fairy body
was protected. His ears were typical of fairies taking a more like the ears
of wolves, covered with hair all over its exterior.
Nallab still beautiful. Blue before their eyes, were now two of ice crystals,
embedded in the frame of his face ruddy. I felt strength and agility in
each microregion of their new body. His senses seemed more lucid and
intense, he was able to perceive the sound of a leaf falling in the snow
and feel the smell of a drop of honey at Km.
New meanings and feelings emerged from the merger. And while get
used to the new universe that created itself, heard the great spirit of the
White Wolf, who lived in them:
_Vê All the snow around you? Said the voice inside.
_Sim, I said ... Nallab within the mind.
_E What she represents?
_The Cold and the scarcity ...
_Observe Little more closely, feel the essence, not the illusion. The snow
and cold will try to confuse your senses, nor snow, nor cold are real. Your
mind is making them real. Said the voice of the great wolf.
_ Take a handful of snow and put the mouth.
Promptly to new Nallab lowered it and put a handful of snow in his new
hand with golden hairs on the outside.
_Perceba The process ... He spoke in a tone humming the large internal
Nallab felt the cold and warmed the snow and how cold and icy, it was
assuming a liquid state which was incorporated into the interior.
_ Understand little? This is the case, this is how your mind works.
_The It was cold and solid was transmuted by its internal heat. The
interior changed the way illusory. Learn all that snow that says this
moment is in three ways simultaneously: it is the expression of water
solid, liquid and gas at the same time. The internal heat or cold that will
show you one way.
Nallab had a bright new home and somehow felt that the large internal
lobe showed you the connection of all, in which the mind orders and
transmute the reality. It was a subtle point of creation in which dream
and reality have a single body.
The fairy out a slight smile of happiness, therefore, brings a deep
knowledge in his heart the seed of joy. That second one seed had
sprouted inside the soul of Nallab.
Again the inner voice of the great wolf vibrated itself:
_The Winter will be your guide, it will teach you the secret deposited in
Illusion. The Illusion is the vessel in which the seed of Truth doze ...
_ Learn to not confuse the format of the earth, in the shape of the
vessel. And realize that your mind is that the model curve and shape of
the pot. This is the beginning of the path that will lead to the heart of
The gang remained standing, watching all the profound transformation
that is processing the fairy. The breath of Nallab was slow and deep. The
glare of his eyes were sharp as a reflection of an intense beam of light in
a crystal of ice.
Suddenly, in your mind Nallab, there arises the image of the great wolf
and heard a yelp and saw an internal flash in your mind, and with it, a
new message:
_Ao Far, after the great mirror of ice, you should find half of my heart. My
heart is a heart of fire, who lives in the body of white hair and a heart of
ice, which inhabits the body of black hair.
_ But, how to find the place? Said the fairy.
_Saiba Is not the place the most important day of your current, what you
find is the Being, a fragment of my polarity. Said quietly inside the wolf.
_Tenha Trust Absollon and in his new body and its new directions, they
led him by Medda, the guardian of Illusion, the great Black Wolf. Medd to
defeat and get your heart to get the ice last key, the key that you lead
the way fairyllan, toward the spring season.
Nallab Wave nod and speak face to face with another being. The wolves
look at the shake of his golden hair that short, cold winds yarn insisted
on moving.
_Sim, Trust powers Absollon and its expression, Oh big white wolf that
now manifests itself in me ... Said the fairy full of faith.
_Pequena Be always with you and take care, because Medd feeds are
Shadows in the same way that I feed the Light It is nourished and smell
of old and new fears, he lives Shadows of the Past, which echoed in the
Little by little, the inner voice spoke to him was more muted and more,
to disappear into a distant howl and deep, intense and warm like the
rays of spring. Nallab made a motion to spin your head, probes all
around. The body felt heated and fully equipped with strength and force,
it seemed that the golden hair of his body had to create and retain
ownership of, the layer of heat between air and your skin.
Around him to pack up a circle, in which the fairy was the convergent
point of all eyes of the other wolves. So all the wolves in a gesture of
respect, bent the rear of their bodies, how the bend of the servants, as
opposed to a king.
Remained in this posture for a moment, then thanked Nallab in the
language of wolves, giving a sharp yelp, directing the eye to the sky.
Then the wolves raised and answered in the kindness and gratitude of
Nallab. Somehow, so they knew that the journey of the body which now
contained the spirit of the great white wolf, his mentor at the moment,
was followed into the heart of Medda and that this task should be
performed in solitude.
The gang is brought together again and one of the wolves whose hair
was colored fire, lead the group and the same soft sound of past were
heard, decreasing more and more. However listening to Nallab heard
everything clearly, the sink in soft snow, breaking the sticks to the
ground, the breath of the wave of wolves. It was sitting there, watching
patiently until the last wolf away from the mountains in the background
in which the last rays of the day ran.
The fairy had a slight feeling that the wolves ran behind the recent and
fleeting rays of sunshine, which would give place to the rays of the moon
and bright stars.

The night was already imminent. The beautiful stars embroidered fabric
celestial. The silence seemed to govern a beautiful full line of musical
sounds of the wind and the marks of footsteps of Nallab, which were
printed in a delicate array of snow.
His eyes had a new property to guide it in the midst of the darkness to
the night she was like the day, all the elements that surround it gave a
soft white light. The spirit of the great wolf inside him was saying as they
walked slowly inside that cold night ...
_A Little light you see is the spirit of nature. He is in everything and is a
single body, which appears to be several. Where is lost or want to find
something, ask for the spirit that inhabits each element, because he is
soft and pure spirit, his attention will be redoubled. So, you can hear the
voice of nature, it is your mother and your Master Guide.
Nallab went smoothly in the cold night. The sound of the wind seemed
more melodious and brings a feeling of serenity. In the calm of your
walk, admired the various addresses that exist in distant stars
The words of the great spirit performed the miracle of repetition in its
interior, was a calm and reassuring flow. You remember the sweet and
quiet sounds of the springs that come alive and continuously.
_Todas The answers in the spirit of living nature ... Nallab said, in deep
tone reflective.
Sometimes I had the impression of being observed at each step, which
was built in advance of his new road. And when one of these light
impressions, she returned his look back. Not seen anything, just a huge
frame made of ice, where hundreds of tracks were carved.
Suddenly, the wind seemed assume a quality and growing more violent,
initiating the birth of heavy snow. The snow fell heavily and the sky
before embroidered by stars, gave rise to the white snow. The black sky
transform of the white snow.
The wind violently shaken the hair of the young fairy appeared and try to
hold each firm steps she took. After walking in the heart of the storm for
a while, realized it would be better seek shelter. Once the front spotted a
corridor of tall trees defoliated and organized as a living maze, made of
a wood tone dark green and brown.
The sound of the wind was more intense than before and remembered a
soft line, now would gradually be transfiguring in various sounds and
hundreds of similar groans.
Nallab hugged a tree that was in front, and against their delicate faces
on solid core, as is seeking help and support.
A tenuous vapor exhaled gas was when the golden pelugem the fairy
touched ice torso. Then, remembering the following words of the great
spirit of the wolf, "when you're lost or want to find something, ask for the
spirit that inhabits each element, because he is soft and pure spirit, his
attention will be redoubled. So, you can hear the voice of nature, it is
your mother and your Master Guide. " And it left the lips soft notes of the
_Grandes Sisters trees, I need a shelter. I am humbly before his strength
and wisdom. Big sisters guide me the way ...
As has been repeated each of these words, a sense of unity and bliss
was filling the heart of Nallab. And something began to start, the fairy
began to hear the stirring of leaves, however, none of the trees
appeared to have foliage.
It was the voice of the trees that Nallab auscultation, the heart of the
trees he answered. To her the sounds of leaves were more intense that
the sound of the wind. The sound of leaves invaded his conscience and
opinion of some trees a brightness more intense than others, in the eyes
of the fairy.
The wisdom of those magnificent creatures living it showed the path, the
path to a safe, where it could be protected. Second, the ancient wisdom
of the fairies, "all who care and protect the nature, care and are
protected by it."
Amid that darkness white from the force of the storm, Nallab was guided
by the spirit of the trees. The voice of the wind in your ears and it was
clear she was only heard. The glow continued to guide her, her eyes
were virtually unusable and forcing vendaval frosty Nallab walking with
closed eyes, however the brightness irradiated tree was still visible. The
spirit of those huge plant was beyond organic eye.
More and more, touch and hearing were required. Suddenly, the lovely
fairy recognized unison amidst the sound of splinters of air, a different
sound. Nallab knew the difference remains the signal, the voice of
Absollon. Absollon is used based on the diversity of signs to
communicate with his creation, the fairy knew to follow the signs, the
meeting was called to the Supreme.
The wind whistled in their powerful yet heard, but at that moment he
was only a backdrop for the signal. The signal was the sound of a drop
falling into water. Nallab began to focus all his attention on the voice of
Absollon and every drop that fell the way of new Nallab interpreted that
noise, vibration and the remains of a tuning fork or the blade of a metal
run up against a rock.
The sound intensity was increased following a curve. The irradiation
plant was increasing before the eyes of Nallab closed to a point where
the ratio of the small was confused. She had arrived in a circular area
and by more carefully observed that the light intensity formed a circle
around her, did not know where to follow, no one can interpret the
equality a response, only the difference may provide the answer.
After a few moments of confusion, Nallab freed his mind of doubt and as
a petal floating in the rapids, she surrendered to Breath of Absollon. Only
the wind was again noticed, seemed a sound building stopped in his
mind. Then she began to hear new steps, not passed in the snow, but
rather passed on the wind. All his attention is focused on this past, his
hearing was found more and more, to understand the subtleties and find
out, who walked in the wind.
In his mind the small asked:
_Quem Or what are you?
And a voice resonated within them:
_Pequenina There is no "that" everything is the "who." Everything is live,
feel the life in everything and a new sign will be revealed.
So, in your mind the question was rebuilt in a new way:
_Quem Is that you are moving in the wind?
And the "who" walked in the wind that he replied:
_Sou The element that connects the light to earth, I like the air that
makes the connection between the celestial and terrestrial. I am what
you call sheet. I am single and like the same time.
But it is possible to be both unique and similar? Said Nallab beaten
before the wind chill.
Then, the sheet said:
_Toda Creation is the result of the paradox, it is the meeting of the river
to the ocean. It is the brief moment when the finite is the infinite, he is
the finite space in which boundaries exist. Follow me and find shelter,
only to find safety in the paradox and the truth about the power of
The sheet of the past were heard on the road from wind and Nallab
monitor your sound land to a specific section of the circle.
Nallab approaching and the closer to hear again the sound of
reverberating drop and felt the smell of wet earth. Your new body, half
fairy, half wolf, began to send their infinite wisdom accumulated over
many generations. Thus, she felt willing to dig in the location specified
by the leaf. And so she did ...
Dug and dug, more and more, the intelligence that led the new body.
She had learned that the body is ancient knowledge and the body of a
fairy is not only the body of a fairy, but the body of all the fairies and
ancestral beings. He is the infinite color expressed in a finite, your body.
Nallab sight, little by little, the edge of a cavity to open. The center of it
a red ray of light pale built a beam straight through the subtle and
powerful storm.
The fringe has grown little by little until the fairy could understand what
existed in that space. Nallab noticed an immediate significant change in
temperature between the inside and outside of the opening occupied by
her, had the feeling of a breath of summer out in rhythmic movements,
like the act of breathing.
Looked closely at the opening and the light is low you can see the details
thanks to his vision lupine. The cavity seemed to be beginning a cylinder
of rock greyish red hue of about eight meters deep and small diameter,
whose opening was equal to twice the height of Nallab.
After initial recognition, Nallab directed his mind to a single purpose: to
enter that under which it was conducted.
Examined carefully before descending the border and sought to discover
the best way through the vertical cylinder. He felt something strange,
the ends of his hands and feet, he emerged from silver blades look as
sharp as the claws of the giant eagle. The body wisdom whispered him
again one direction.
Nallab reflective in tone, then said:
_Grande Spirit of the White Wolf that dwells in me, I thank you for
guiding me to understand the fairyllan.
The fairy began to move by the heated cavity. Down slowly, feeling that
even the nails he gave full adherence and each new movement looked
to the top of the opening, which was gradually getting more and more
dark, like eyes that close.
Due to the strength of the storm the snow was covering the opening and
closing again the scar that Nallab had carved on the body of the earth.
The noise of the wind had ceased and only heard the fairy tinkle of the
drops on the water and on a more solid surface, it may be judged a rock.
His body to guiava a pulse, where the members opposite were so moved
simultaneously. You ... you ... ... puf puf ... was built by the sound speed
of descent.
Some rock chips are detached and the walls echoed to touch the bottom.
Suddenly something happens. Nallab loses grip and sliding down with
the two nails of the hands fincas in rocky body, increasing in speed.
His breathing accelerated and a sense of fear invaded his being. She
began to slip around the middle of the cylinder and down so fast to the
After reaching that deep rocky gorge, the fairy went quickly eyes the
walls that led up to that spot. E recognized fine droplets that slides the
wall color of grass and a black foamy, which had some areas of the
cylinder, including the extent lost its pace of decline.
That violent descent; small microcortes had installed in his hands and
legs, but nothing very serious. The floor was now supporting the smooth
and slippery, and those lined by weeds of coloring black foamy. Had two
horizontal cylinders rock, one of them could walk Nallab standing at the
other, however it would have to crawl through it.
Again attention in its new and powerful hearing. Acknowledged that the
opening closer to the sound of the jingle was more intense and wider
opening sounds similar to the digestion of food were heard. Moreover,
Nallab felt a significant difference in the temperature of the wind coming
from each region. Greater opening of the wind was warmer and had to
follow a scent and bitter acid, and a light red in color.
For various reasons, instinctive, in which the instinct of the Spirit of the
Great White Wolf guiava; the fairy chose to follow the rocky narrow
Careful steps to close the opening so that it would slide on the slippery
grass and took the form of wolf Creeper. As we progressed I felt a
sensation in the wet hair and a viscosity that offers resistance to
The only light that illuminated his path was that from another hole, but
as it progressed, the winding path that would increase, it seemed that
was crawling inside a snake serpenteante rock movement.
The serpentine path of the light went off the partnership that illuminated
the beginning, followed by her only guided by its vision lupine, which
could be described as a mixture of black and white, shades of gray, red
and gold.
After crawling for about 70 meters again spotted the light. It was a blue
flash located in the opposite end of the tunnel driver. Nallab addressed
to him, seeking his face covered by the golden hair was touched by
So determined she moved more and more until you reach the light. His
eyes began again to be encouraged, however as we progressed the
stimuli were beating their eyes.
Nallab began to realize that not only the storms leave us blind, but that
the excess light can lead us to blindness. Mental blindness, because it is
the mind that decodes the information, the eyes are only drivers of the
Again had to close their eyes. And with closed eyes forward until you feel
the first rays of light to the touch it faces. However, this pleasant
sensation was quickly replaced by feelings of lack and fear, because the
rocky plan which linked the interior and exterior of the tunnel was tilted
Nallab slipping fast ramp covered by the viscosity of herbs and black
nails with the same clear, could not reduce its speed. Decreased more
and faster, that his mind could hardly interpret the information which
were conducted by its visual apparatus.
The only interpretation that his mind was made that was down so fast.
Suddenly he felt the air just missing him and everything was dark.
Viscosity seemed fully involve your entire body. Instinctively started to
swim toward the surface, she had fallen in an aqueous environment
filled by those strange herbs. And so Nallab swam in darkness, be held in
the direction of the surface.
Had to move his arms and his lungs are strong advantage of the way up
before the fall air stored in aqueous environment. With open eyes in
aqueous environment, she again saw the light blue.
However, his form appeared more diffuse and was passing through a
large network. On reaching the surface Nallab was prevented from
leaving, a network of grass seemed to block his goal.
Began to despair and to sink into the darkness. Suddenly the howl of the
Great Wolf vibrated in his spirit and his two feet together side by side as
the south pole and north pole of a magnet and started vigorous
undulating movements.
The fairy began to win big march. Agile she raised their arms and joined
hands in a moving magnet, after the merger to strip silver emerged
Nallab and tore the network and is built around one meter in the air.
Instantly after ripping the network plant, it was rebuilt and standing
Nallab fell under that body of herbs of gelatinous consistency. And with a
movement of feline agility jumps to boost that he can and has been a
rocky breakwater.
The breathing was rapid and her eyes glowed intensely, was the very
expression of the White Wolf. Slowly moved the head, a movement
almost reptilian.
Everything was silent in that strange environment, with the exception of
a few drops that jingle from the rocky ground, perhaps the roof. Thick
fillets aqueous cavalcades in the hair of Nallab, lunge fiercely toward a
concentrate of algae.
The fairy felt come through their nostrils a powerful odor unpleasant,
somewhere between the smell of moss and sulfur. Slowly raised his eyes
toward the ceiling and began to plant his claws, and moments after poor
start to win time to look at the site. Once you recognized under the tank
and tried to bring it ramp that led up to that space.
The ceiling can observe the presence of stalactites shades of blue, which
somehow produced the bluish hue on the spot. In addition to the tank
had sorbed the fairy noted that there are six other similar structures,
separated from each other by a solid dark gray granite floor, perhaps
from volcanic magma.
His shrewd eyes estimated the distance that separated the ground, then
his intelligence body needed the force required to reach firm ground,
and then Nallab pushed his body toward the ground.
In the moment that set up the ground a dry and sultry sound was
produced and produced a subtle gleam on the stalactites, shortly after
the sound stimulus ceases the crystals seemed that returned the initial
light intensity.
The wall from where it was launched loosen some pointed rocks, which
came to fall in the network of algae, being swallowed by the waters
turbid. A muffled sound of water was captured by the hearing of the
And again there was a budget in light of stalactites arising after the
termination of the stimulus intensity returned to original brightness.
_De Somehow the sound is related to the light ... Nallab said to herself.
The space in which it found itself seemed to be huge, starting close and
opening up as the branches of a tree, creating huge underground
galleries made by a mixture of granitic rocks and stalactites create a
light blue, according to their perception was able to detect.
There in the distance there was a pale light of intensity, with that point
onwards the darkness seemed to prevail. As his senses could not
recognize what was next to the dark, fairy decided to stimulate the
stalactites to produce greater light intensity.
Little by little, came into contact with the inner essence of the wolf ...
and after some intense moments gave a yelp that seemed to remain in
the air, echoing more and more. As a wave at sea, the sound is spread
by air and light intensity gradually increased.
In the more distant point, which was surrounded by the cloak of
darkness, the fairy observed something like a huge wall of tiny points
goffer radiant unrecognizable by Nallab.
At that point in the day, few options seemed to make it, but the most
sensible choice was to continue its mission. During those hours to come
fairy odd rock formations, that before the play of light and shadow
seemed carved figures of a diabolical on the walls.
Sometimes, she looked back, it seemed that was followed by far, this
was the impression that permeate your senses. As we proceeded on its
course realized that the number of stalactites was getting poor and
dispersed, thus reducing the light intensity and involving Nallab by an
amount of light and shy.
In addition to notice a change in the amount of stalactites, the fairy
admitted that a new formation made up of crystals to their front.
Suddenly she stopped. His face an incredible image to impress a valley
different from anything that had ever seen.
The valley was filled by a delicate plant formation: with grass, flowers,
trees and animals, but there was a small detail that all training was done
by crystal colors so delicate and subtle, like the fairy's eyes had never
In the center, a huge column of two built up a spiral consisting of a
plasma fire and the other downward, by a plasma of ice. On top of the
column had a picture of a large wolf titanic granite seated in the interior
there are two spaces for the space of two hearts.
Nallab Matinha still the feeling of admiration to so great splendor. And in
only its interior thanks to a brilliant Absollon was able to describe the
image glimpsed.
Slowly she moved up to the entrance of the forest of multicolored crystal
and admire the reflected brightness of the two plasmas, the light of fire
and ice reflect the immense landscape.
As we enter the world of crystal, taking maximum care to avoid
destroying that perfect table. Gently move your hands in the air toward
the petals of a rose red crystal, between your fingers it felt that the
material was the heat of your fingers go to the point touched.
When the fingers from slipping Nallab the finest edge, a thin groove
opened up in your index finger, followed by the emergence of a bright
pinkish fluid, the blood was fádico.
In this moment the voice of the great white wolf, is echoed in his and
_Doce Nallab be careful with the desire to play the beautiful
appearances, there are two ways to play the beauty of Absollon, the
tone and touch of the whole party.
_Como Can differentiate the two, wise spirit?
_ In the touch of beauty and all you get confused and there is no pain or
injured, as are the surrounding air and fills. With the touch of your hands
reach a point, and acts as the stick that opens a groove on the floor, so
there is pain and hurt.
Then the Great Spirit said, again:
_Encontra The tone of the whole and can cross the forest of crystal not
hurt ...
Pensive Nallab remained seated in the words of the great spirit, and
understood that the crossing would be extremely difficult if not
discovered the real touch.
Nallab retreated two steps and looked into the breath of the Supreme,
seeking the voice and know that everything is everything. The degree of
concentration has been increasing gradually and pleasant sensations of
his childhood it permeated the mind. Suddenly like a sprout from a seed
memory reappeared in itself ...
Once when the brownie was just a fairy, Dristy found a little friend of her
childhood, she was sitting on a rock on the edge of a stream. Of your
pretty face tears flowing thick, which was mixed the waters of the River.
Nallab, is Dristy then approached him and attempted to deliver a sweet
word of friendship. Dristy began to cry more intensely and leaves flying
toward the fields of daisy.
Nallab did not understand why and found that what had hurt her friend
more. Upon returning home that day, had a sad haze surrounding your
eyes. As was admiring the starry sky that night, his parents were wise
achegaram it and their voices could be heard again:
"_Minha Lovely child what happened? Asked the mother lovingly.
So Nallab recall the sad story of that day and at the end said:
_Papai Because my words hurt, Dristy?
For a moment a silence hung in the air, then his father looked directly
those huge blue eyes and spoke:
_Minha Little there are two ways to tap the creation of Absollon, the tone
and touch the part of the whole. Both are expressions of the desire for
unification and has a deep connection with the energy fairyllan and how
fairyllan is expressed in the world of the senses.
_No Touch is part of a desire that drives the creatures to become live
with the few others. In the touch of all manifested a desire to share life.
_Minha Child to touch without hurting it is necessary to recognize that
one side of fairyllan must express. His desire to share life can hurt if
given in a way that does not comply with the precise moment.
_Filha, Observe the moment is that each comes into contact with
himself, finding in them the meaning, the voice of Absollon. His mother
said lovingly.
_Quando Express the tone of the party, fairyllan condenses and when
express the tone of the whole fairyllan will expand. The fairies my child,
and all the beings of nature need the two points. Recognizing the time
that each of these qualities will be expressed to prevent harm and
suffering of the beings that surround us ... "
The last thing I can feel it was a sweet kiss on his face because of her
mother and the wise words resound.
Nallab remember that the tone of the party is when it condenses
fairyllan, causing transmutações in forms, and the touch of all is when
the fairyllan it expands, causing transmutações in essences. After these
brief comments to the phrase great spirit returned to you: "Find-the tone
of the whole and can cross the forest of crystal not hurt ..."
_Agora Understand ... you must change my heart not to be injured in the
crossing. The fairy said to herself.
Little by little, the fairy has been on his knees in the cold crystal floor
and started singing the solemn, evocatório the teachings of the fairies of
Ar ..
_ Krihhn, then dendral essn, shi ...
Thus, while repeated the magic words, the essence Dendral, or tree of
air began to express. His body was taking an ethereal, air branches were
able to involve areas nearby. It seemed Nallab was able to engage the
playing surface which, thus, the contours of the same. It was the tone of
all that is expressed.
Thus, it followed across the forest of Crystal without hurting it in the
pointed leaves of grass or flower petals. The fairy crossed the
magnificent crystal structure of the wind speed east and advanced as
had fleeting thoughts of how that environment was wonderful.
After scrolling through a huge distance in a fantastic speed, reached the
central part of that environment. There was a huge double-plasma
column, the two corners of the spiral: a fire the other of ice.
He looked up surprised. The base of the column was widened was
supposed to be about one hundred meters in radius, by thirty feet high.
The statue has appeared in the top fifty meters tall, was muscular and
strong features. Nallab felt like a beetle in front of a
Giant sequoia.
The glow from the two spirals was superb and the bottom had strange
markings that had never seen a fairy. The fairy close to the base to look
with greater acuity and slowly brought his hands ethereal material that
looks like the stalactites that were in abundance and that this time were
Slowly the brightness of the two alternate spiral alter the colors of the
surface of the face of the forest and Nallab crystal. Slowly the fairy
touched the gigantic and strange writing on the spine, where the fairy
touched in the first registration, a howl was heard. Later one of his hands
slipped into the second signal and a yelp more acute was produced.
Each tap in a howl of entries was produced, was a sentence, a dialect
that is built for each tap in the structure. His delicate hands slid to the
relief which adorn the huge column, at that moment it seemed the fairy
touched the strings of a harp delicate, where each of the notes was an
intensity, a tone or a frequency of lupine howl.
During the movement of the structure around something strange began
to happen in their hearts, the spirit of the great white wolf, began to
move in your mind and body. And without understanding how it began to
acquire the know without knowing. Little by little, the uivos were
purchasing life, they began to be filled by meaning.
In his mind a complex network of meanings emerged and it was light in
front of the noise before hidden. A vibrant and intense tone, Nallab felt
this meaning to form:
Two essences ordering the world, fire up makes life appear, the ice is
decreasing the life disappear. Both are parts of the movement of
The heart of the Supreme Lobo is the impulse that leads to energy
sacred, their sacred fluid born of fire when the heart melts at the heart
of ice.
The two guardians, representatives of light and darkness, have the key
that leads you through two large doors. The first door is opened by the
heart of the white wolf, she lead the kingdom's already understood, the
realm of consciousness.
The second door is opened by the heart of the black wolf, she lead the
kingdom to be understood, the realm of unconsciousness.
The first is the wolf feeds that you know, the second is the feed that is
not known.
In times where the Wolf Supreme watches and waits that fill the void.
When the fire and ice fill the void, awakening him. Only so sacred howl
can be heard and the
essence of living fairyllan finally be understood. "".
The words seemed to be giving even more laps and laps at the fairy and
particularly a sentence resonate more intense for all others:
The howl can be heard and sacred essence of living fairyllan finally be

After extracting the meaning of the huge cylinder, has an escalation

Nallab with your body fluid such as air, supporting small drawings that
appeared in relief from an old story, perhaps the origin of two great
minds: The White Wolf and Black Wolf.
A long space separated Nallab the summit of the colossal monolith. As
we gained height looked from time to time for the spectacular forest of
Crystal, and fleeting images of their home playing as butterflies in the
wind in your mind.
His arms were already tense because of the immense muscular effort
required to overcome the huge gap between the earth and sky. In
making the last move that would top the structure, we could see the
titanic effort. His strong arms through the spirit of the white wolf, had a
defined and muscular appearance of the very vigorous lupine.
Slowly sat up in a movement peculiar to the wolves and looked
astonished image carved in stone. The lines and lines joined in perfect
and harmonious ways, the Supreme Lobo, was magnificent in every
minimum detail. Serene and strong, similar to the old gods, so was the
Supreme Lobo.
Within the eyes of the Supreme Lobo had two crystals of glare, which
seemed to follow every movement of Nallab. There seemed small
grooves similar to blood vessels that cover the entire body of that
statuesque figure, the center, with space for the heart, you could
recognize a perfect space, in which there were two symbols:

The fairy close to most of the colossal statue in order to observe the
existence of significant details that lead to understanding the
symbolism. The firm was approaching steps of the two front paws of the
giant stone. Slowly looked up and acknowledged their smallness before
the real monster. Then his eyes went fleeting by trying to track down
clues that lead, signals drivers that you indicate the path to take.
There were subtle designs similar to the writing around the column.
Nallab lightly touched the pictures and a new sound was issued. And the
sound meaningless, resonated in our ears. And that was without effect
was interpreted by the spirit of the White Wolf:
When heaven and earth come together, speak the language of the
universe. When fire and ice are mixed, the language of the universe
come into motion. So when two transmute it into one, the sacred symbol
emerge again and the energy pulse.

In the last sentence, the fairy noticed the existence of a new symbol:

For a moment the fairy was trying reflexive debug information brought to
you by your senses. Little by little, more and more was quieting the
breath and so the ties that connected to the spirit and wisdom of the
white wolf, have become so close. Thus, the meaning was revealed by
the wisdom lodged in your inner voice and the great White Wolf vibrated
in mind:
The symbol is the sign, the link that connects you to the purpose. One
expressed the infinite, the other expresses the finite, the difference
between them is in position.
The position expresses the way the mind is put to the front end. To find
the heart of ice, must find a new position when you do a new path will
open before their eyes. A new position creates a new mind following the
same purpose. It is the purpose that drives us, follow him and lead him
toward Medd.

Nallab then realized that the pyramid upwards, representing the infinite
and that the pyramid turned down the finite expressed. Intuitively felt
that his position gave him a standing feeling of being at the infinite, so
decided to take a new position. Supporting the head at the base of
stone, she remained with the head in cold floor creating the vision of the
finite. The fairy had learned that each brings signals able to guide it
toward the end.
With the legs facing the high and eyes to the ground resulting in the
opposite direction of the front foot colossus, a new perception began to
reveal itself. In that position she noticed subtle grooves, delicate
designs, which express a signal appeared as a map of that land. So,
acknowledged that the images had shown a subtle glow of the places of
their day: the icy plains, forests and underground to the forest of crystal.
It was a miniature replica of the universe that's limited winter as a huge
circle opposite to their eyes. In all points to a more drawn out, was a
point that seemed to reflect light as a large mirror, perhaps a sign that
there was another sign was the sign of the great mirror of ice, the
address of Medd.

Nallab focus was to keep the image in your mind and sight behind the
magnificent words of the image of a serene lake. This was an old
technique for the retention of image used by fairies, giving them a
capacity for data retention amazing.
Slowly his feet were touching the ground, his body formed an arc setting
followed by standing order. The details concerning the image were set
with a remarkable precision. The fairy began to reconstruct the image in
the air with his imagination, trying to attach the details that she
considered to be the forest of the real crystal model graph to the
The degree of concentration was intense. After aligning the images to
achieve the real image and model graph to the ground, you can identify
the direction of the hypothetical mirror of ice, because the mere
reflection of the rays in that region of emphasis from the ground, did not
mean that there was the location of the Mirror of Ice.
One sign of the intense brightness down was the single most consistent
evidence that it has to go in your search.
_Creio The supposed direction of the mirror is beyond that huge wall of
tiny gopher radiant points, which met near the place of those strange
"black algae". The fairy spoke in a tone reflective for itself.
His head moved up into the eyes of the great colossus and the last
picture that she admired so alive. Then it turned and walked to the edge
to move forward and make the descent toward the great wall goffer
radiant points by which nature Nallab know.
As we descended carefully admired overview in the forest of crystal.
When he was two meters from the ground to the air-launched and given
the fluidity of his body due to Dendral essence or magic of the tree of
breath, sharp leaves and touched the crystal without injury.
Some moments after touching the ground the fairy mirou your goal and
the wind speed south crossed the stretch that separated the mysterious
wall. More the front crossed a stream of crystal blue, with the drops of
vitreous material floating in the air.
Little by little, the image of the beauty of crystal was replaced by dry ash
and a fetid wind that seemed out of a large central groove of the wall.
The figure before admired by Nallab, was replaced by an image of dark.
The play of light and shadows on the ground, due to the brightness of
the material which inlaid the wall, seemed to give life to some invisible
beings, who seemed to look at fairy.
For instance she stopped and said:
"Dendral ess Ess ... ... ... Essss"
Thus the magic was undone and his body returned to its original form.
_Que Awful place! Nallab said in a tone humming.
As we proceeded toward the wall a muffled sound of gravel and sand
was created. Sometimes the wind coming out of the fetid central sulcus
up a little dust in their eyes and face invading your sensitive nose.
Somehow the brightness of the crystals are embedded Nallab held,
exercised a certain fascination about her. That brightness seemed
wrapped in some mystery.
The fairy achegou to the wall, and acknowledged that the central sulcus
was the approximately 100 meters on your right. His hands touched the
soft rock and slide on the surface roughness. About two arms away she
realized the existence of these mysterious crystals.
The firm moved steps toward it, for a few moments remained standing in
front of you. A gust of wind made her hair bow in the air, hovering briefly
and then taking the original position.
Nallab felt a slight cold to run on his spine. Lowered slightly to align with
their eyes and touched the crystal of light. However when it comes
heard a cry of intense pain that seemed to have left the material, a
material gas suddenly appreciates arise inside the material. Gradually
assuming the material was a horrendous.
The image of the lady cry was horrifying, I had a look of prey and
seemed roendo bones.
The fairy has taken two steps back and seemed to have been disturbed
by the terrible picture. He was moving back toward the big groove. The
half distance of groove admired a large conglomerate of those crystals,
which were grouped in order to remember the spider eyes.
The drive led by unknown Nallab to observe more closely. Touched a
glass of dark green color. After a few brief moments a dark laughter was
heard and she saw a lion with a snake tail chasing that some antelope.
Running and running until you reach one, then a jet of blood flew on the
crystal and that was red.
Nallab watching the terrible images, which is built inside the crystal.
Everything was absolutely disgusting and something dark, different from
all the beauty that the fairy was always used to admire.
Sometimes figures emerged as the fleeting flash of lightning seemed
fairytale giants, but with no wings, their shadows appear printed on the
floor, and around there much smoke and remembered something that
peaks of rock.
Those figures deeply tormented the mind calm the fairy. Nallab mind and
tried to pacify connected via the power of breathing Absollon with the
Supreme. Gradually, their emotions and thoughts began to remember
the gentle motion of the breeze.
A slight thought of his beloved family visited your mind while breathing
was connected to the Supreme. During some moments he felt a deep
gratitude for the flowering of the day.
Some stones that seemed unclasp the top of the wall, produced a noise
that was able to bring you back to attention. Nallab continued to
advance toward the large groove. The flashing lights of the crystals so
that their steps, some were in light, were sometimes in darkness.
A wind chill from the opening run up against his face. After a moment a
new burst forward on it, however, small particles of sand that the wind
carries, caused a slight stinging in the eyes of Nallab.
Opening appeared to have about ten meters wide, which converged with
the height of the wall, in whom there was cause a feeling of smallness
and fragility.
Nallab positioned itself near the focal point of the great throat of stone.
Rhythmic gusts of wind, like a puff of breath and wheezing ice built their
A sudden terror returned to the heart of the fairy. His mind insisted on
moving, but somehow his legs seemed paralyzed by fear. The middle of
the wind that flowed in its direction, it was possible to perceive a
multitude of subtle moans horrifying, which hamper the ears of the fairy.
_Que Strange feeling ... Nallab said in faltering tone.
Nallab sought the return of the concentration axis. More advanced three
steps back and your legs are petrified. The wind seemed increasingly
bleak and cold. The bottom of the throat a cloud of dust rise, blocking
the vision of fairy probes the depths.
_Sua Minim! What we want in my domain? Said a terrifying sound, which
somehow seemed to control the wind.
Medd _Estou looking for the big wolf that inhabits the region of the Mirror
of Ice. The fairy said quietly.
Here _Suma creature or regret it bitterly! As the words were said the
wind was becoming more and more rambunctious.
_Verme Move another step will be crushed by their own fears! The voice
said in sarcastic tone.
_Sai Areas of my fairy insolent ...
Nallab remained calm as the wind and words trying to violent it.
_Minha Small, this is the link. The throat of stone is the breath that you
will Medd, be very careful ... I said a slight whisper inside your mind.
Two more steps were taken toward the bottom of the groove unknown. It
seemed that the fairy's legs were getting more and more cumbersome.
_Você Regret is my challenge for power! Believes is superior to the
general Medd, I crush you worm! He said that voice of thunder filled with
She bravely tried to move, the wind was more intensified at every step.
Suddenly, a burst with the force of a typhoon, was hampered by his
body, dropping it as a storm that plays the tree to the ground.
Valente supported it on the ground looking up and reerguer forward. The
dust touched his face, which burned slightly by the impact of particles.
The strength of her legs seemed to be insufficient to overcome that
Nallab posted in the quadruped position and had a kind of flame in the
eyes, which miravam the bottom of the throat of stone.
_Eu I move, so the Supreme, I ordered. I am the daughter of Light Light
of the service, I am the daughter of Absollon. Said the fairy in unflagging
Your hands to compress the dust of the ground between his fingers and
his eyes seemed fire. Somewhere between the anger and determination
began to emerge from their hearts. And the frenzy took care of his body.
The spirit of the great white wolf began to manifest itself.
Nallab's eyes were getting red of a ruby red, his muscles seemed to
grow instantly, and its volume increased. Prominences gave their claws
sharp peak in whose lateral branches are opened. His breathing
accelerated and the brightness of the golden hair back stronger.
Seemed to have the strength of a buffalo of the plains. Also in the
powerful position beast nails claws on the floor and moved his powerful
muscles against the wind. The inside of the throat Nallab wanted to
remove from your path, but the fairy progressed, more and more. It was
a fight between two Titans, a desire which was the removal and the
other was the desire approximation.
Little by little, she was moving forward against the wind, until the red
glow of his eyes were hidden by the intense cloud of dust. And while
progressed, I thought:
_ Back ever, ever quit. All I can in the strength of Absollon.
The flame of your desire drives him to the depths of the throat. The
feeling that permeated the fairy who was climbing on steep ground, had
the impression of being up a mountain that touched the clouds, the wind
the whole time trying to launch it toward the starting point. Nallab felt
the cry of the wind in your ears, which seemed deaf to try it. The
resulting dust raised by strong vendaval angry trying to tap into their
eyes and nostrils, was intended to be a petrified try it at all costs stop
the hearing, vision and breathing of the fairy.
When his steps had already gained a lot of new ground, a new situation
to try to paralyze his muscles. The force of the wind began to shout
more forcefully and loaded them with an unspeakable cold of order that
attempted to immobilize the muscles of fairy.
As advanced before this new barrier Nallab felt small crystals of ice
forming on the tip of your hair by protecting and heated air to your lungs
out instantly formed a gas cloud which is highlighted in the
The trial of the fairy, she had the impression of having walked for two
suns and a moon, wind and cold place seemed indefatigable. The
determination of the fairy began to show obvious signs of fatigue and
the fatigue came to doubt, and the question came fear. The fear of
failing in its purpose.
The heart of Nallab gemeu a subtle wave of hopelessness and despair
soon. And the fear ran through the air in waves, like the ripples from a
stone launched a calm lake water. Medd had it hidden in the darkness,
yet his senses he remained alert and smell the smell of hopelessness
and heard the subtle sound of fear that the heart of the fairy delivered in
a brief moment of weakness.
Medd is the spirit that walks in darkness and the darkness inside her
sniff the fears of hearts. And he is what the move, that feeds, Medd
there are the fears of the soul.
Nallab not suspected that the cold, wind, dust and difficulty, messengers
were all seeking to find the dark spots of your mind, unknown fears for
herself and to lead the Great Black Wolf to your heart. Fear was his
Medd knew of the mysterious ways of the soul, knew their tracks and
recognize that there are four major directions leading to penetrate the
soul: the emotion is the first way, the feeling is the second, the third is
the thought and action is the fourth track. For any of these tracks the
Great Black Wolf was able to sense the heart and the insecurity of the
unknown master and enslave the area. It was so Medd acted by paths
hidden in the shadows of the soul and the mind of the unknown. To
Nallab such facts were still unknown.
The wind began to change with the change brought new sounds hidden
in their current ascendants and descendants. It was the breath of Medd
you print new sounds, sounds that were sniffing fears in light of the
faltering fairy, one fragment of the hopelessness of the trails led by the
soul and the darkness he found the gate keeper of the fairy fears.
Nallab began to realize sound small pieces hidden in the wind,
something she recognized as brief sounds familiar ...
_Filha! Loose in the wind and said he remembered his father.
_Nallab, Where are you? The sweet voice of the mother, said.
_Mamãe Died, Nallab, why are not you here? Hmm, hummm! A copious
crying reminded that the voice of his younger sister.
Suddenly these short phrases disappeared and is confused with the
sounds of wind cutting the face of the fairy. His heart began to waver
and his mind turned to back.
A small confusion began to settle in their certainties. After a few dozen
steps, she saw the image of the father who disappeared in the middle of
a soft mist that hangs in the air.
_Papai! Said, in a tone Nallab between anxiety and nostalgia.
And leaves running toward the image as fast as you can, because your
muscles were already a little tired by counterblast. Walking toward the
ring of Medda the energy consumed him immensely.
Once ahead the fairy heard a cry of terror and fear. Then he saw the
source of sound, was his mother. She was held in the tips of the wall,
had the sunken eyes and a fillet of fádico blood flowing through your
_Mamãe, What happened? ! Said Nallab distressed to see the mother
that way.
Launched a new impetus toward the object of his love when he
disappeared again and was ready to touch it. The gate keeper of her
fears began to open up more and more. Medd knew how to open it and
turn the cold flame of anguish and fear in the heart of the fairy.
While advanced Nallab wondered whether the silence of his thoughts:
_ What is happening to me?
_ Why do I fear so close?
Medd acted in silence and look your prey, their intention was weakens it,
wears it, to defeat it, for every thought of insecurity and fear of Nallab
there was an odor that would feed more and more the Grand Lobo
Negro. While fears of fairy grew, Medd also fueled by the vapors of
growing fear that covered the area.
The reflections of the fairy are suddenly interrupted by a yelp and acute
horrifying. After threatening sound, a voice emerges from the dark
horizon and says:
_Como Dare invade my field insect its insolent, I crush you between my
teeth, I am eager to break their bones! Medd said in an intimidating
Slowly the foggy horizon began to open and the mirror image of the
great Ice proved to be the eyes of the fairy fatigued. The mirror was
huge and his reflexes were a dark tone, which ranged between one
brown and one brown. Something strange seemed to inhabit its depths,
seemed dark and fluid that existed below the layer of ice. In fact the
local ice seemed more a kind of black ice as the ice than Nallab which
had seen on the surface of the Station of winter.
Medd was sitting in an austere posture, on the other side of the Great
Mirror, had a monster looks like. Nallab thought that perhaps he was
about 4 feet tall, his eyes were a flaming red and seemed to issue a
wave of hatred that touched the heart of the fairy.
_Verme, It still remains one last chance to escape! Go! He said the
powerful voice of the Black Wolf in a boisterous tone.
The message issued by Medda was announced by a strong wind and cold
that run through the face of rising Nallab their hair and making them stir.
For a while every muscle of his body trembled, but the balance was
restored and the Great White Wolf, vibrated in his soul.
Nallab sat up in front of the Great Black Wolf separated by his gigantic
mirror of ice, and its interior was given a mighty howl. After her teeth
and the hills forming in his eyes said target:
_Sou Daughter of Absollon and came as servant of the Great Spirit, the
Great White Wolf guided me this far to meet the purpose. Nothing will
make me return. Said Nallab possessed by an intense determination.
_Hahhahhaaa! The Black Wolf laughed sarcastically.
_Verme Going to crush for his insolence and devour all their fears.
The fairy seemed not be intimidated with the statement Medd. Medd
slowly raised one foot and hit the ground again. A mild tremor was felt
by Nallab the opposite, after a few brief moments a kind of black steam
began to rise the surface of large mirrors and creates a thick fog that
obscured all the other image.
A little strange cloud that followed toward fairy and was swallowed by its
inspiration. His heart began to accelerate, shortened his breath, his
stomach seemed to try to shrink a mysterious anger began to dominate
part of their being. The fairy's mind felt confused and seemed irrational
over the rational, the balance seemed to give rise to the imbalance and
the courage to rise to fear.
The spirit of the Great White Wolf uivou in the interior to guide it in
_Minha Small keep the mind alert and confident heart, because it will
start the crossing between the land known and unknown land, between
what we know of and what you know. Only when you know you can
defeat your fears Medd, the vapor in the environment that will
encourage their fears are ...
_Seus Fears are living beings, they born, grow and transcend ...
_Sua Mind tries to protect it against what is unknown to itself and how
each is afraid he will try to keep living your life in four ways:
First attempt to threaten, then try to attack, then try to escape and
finally try to appease. Threat in anxiety is your name, your name in the
attack is anger at the leak her name is sorry or logic and in its name is
appeasement understanding.
_Minha Lovely theme Nallab be nothing you, I and all its ancestors. First
let you feel, then allow to understand, then let it change. Smell the
Truth, know the Truth and the Truth you free.
The words of the Great White Wolf are mixed emotions as the rain water
to the river and little by little his vital signs returned to former situation
Nallab entered his mind on target to be invisible in the margin opposite
and took the first step toward the unknown. Step in the smooth surface
of the mirror he saw something very strange happens, a faint light
began to form just below your feet and a viscous liquid appearance
began to take shape. Anxiety sprouted in his heart and with it all the
typical signs.
After a moment he saw the image of his heart which loved fairies, fairies
drowned floating just below the feet, his eyes have a glow without
looking through the image of your mother, your father, their sister, their
friends, all floating below them, only separated by the blade of the Mirror
of Ice. Fear grew in the small and in their thoughts vagavam fragments
of pain, a tear seeping through their fresh eyes and sorrow invaded his
For instance back in thought, but something to drive, she knew that at
times a force is and how to choose the choices into a river with strong
current, then what is the current that is within us choose. Nallab was
selected into the river, but the current that was chosen for her. And the
current dragged in the direction of progress.
His legs seemed weak. With closed eyes and marejados it progressed
over several times and opened his eyes and saw themselves under the
deformed face of floating and watching his family. His heart fraquejou.
Sometimes it was possible to see two flaming Nallab watching, she was
being watched over by Medda, which grew more and more fed by fears
of fairy.
_Isso Is not real! It is an illusion! Said Nallab claiming for itself the wrists
and savannah as forces seek inside. While he spoke these words thick
tears ran from his face.
Ahead if she observed the fog density and create new images. A war
started to build up around her, suddenly it seemed that the whole
environment had changed and she was transported to a new location,
where fairies war. Arrows fly through the air and reached for his other
sisters who were at his side, the fall and his injuries flowing thick fillets
of blood that lavavam the land.
Nallab through a field of atrocities and death, blood of their sisters
fairies, animal blood of their brothers. Trees were killed, animals were
killed, fairies were dead, it was a field of horrors.
_Querido Absollon, how much pain! I do not want to see it! Falou Nallab
almost borders the despair and firmly closing their eyes. After opening
his eyes she saw a new arena ...
He saw the hunger he saw the plague, saw the violence, saw the death
of several of his brothers: they were dying rivers that were animals of
the earth, the air and water that were dying in pain. His heart was being
assaulted, she was faced face to face with their most secret fears.
_Absollon Gives me the strength to dive in the mystery of myself! Said
the fairy moved.
Suddenly running out of depths of the mirror and wrap feet, arms and
neck of the fairy. The fairy felt his body immobilized. The scenario was
now a barren environment with no vegetation. The fund are: his father,
his mother, his friends, his sisters ...
_ My beloved are you? Said Nallab totally absorbed in the illusion.
The image of them started to become clear and all seemed to get a
sarcastic smile.
_Querida Nallab! He said the image of the mother, with a pale voice.
The mother brought an object to look sharp and pointed that glitters
front of a tenuous and disperses light environment. The fairy tried to
move, but the current prevented.
_Você Always been a very bad girl ... I never liked you. Said the mother
_Mas, Mom! Said Nallab between a desperate and frustrated tone.
The rest of the large group began to move in line and marched towards
Nallab saying:
_Você Was very bad, we hate you! I never want to see it! All said in
The first was to bring his mother.
_Você Is damn! Lifting the object and injuring the delicate face of Nallab,
making a groove in which flowing fluid of their precious life.
_Mamãe, What happened? Said Nallab scared and copious crying.
The others followed one by one cursed Nallab, his father close to her and
raising one hand to hit the róseas side and said: _como you could?
His sisters looked with her air of disappointment and friends about the
ignored, abused and cursed the other with words and tapas in the face.
The row that followed in its direction remembered the funeral march of
those who carry their dead, each gesture of mockery of those who loved
to kill little by little the heart of the fairy. Nallab cried in deep chords of
sadness and tears echoed in the environment so bleak. When all the
pictures of the queue given their honors the fairy, one by one gave their
backs to it, even on the horizon sumirem.
Only empty and stayed with him the pain of abandonment, all was
silence for a quality morbid and sad, like the cloud that is before the
burial of loved loved. At that moment only the echo was his companion,
his mind was confused and stunned.
_Hahaha! A laugh sounded in the air of mockery and pleasure for others
suffering. It was the sound of the voice of the confusion that permeated
Medd. Hidden in the darkness, the great Black Wolf enjoy the fears of the
And the sadness Nallab uivou was a howl dry and dense, which at that
time was the expression of its interior. Looks like the howl carried a
message to the infinite and the infinite sadness responded to on your
soul. E Absollon sent a signal ... and the depths of Illusion was a delicate
hummingbird that had in its beak a tiny golden drop.
The head of the fairy molemente hung on his chest. The hummingbird
taken at high speed toward Nallab and his face hit the wings seemed
floating in the air, their wings out subtle vibrations of a silky gloss.
With eyes sad and sorrowful heart she gathered all its forces to lift the
forehead, it seemed that a magnetic force to attract the attention of
every muscle to lift the head. In a sublime gesture of the eyes and the
fairy bird is crossed and for a moment the air failed to Nallab and lungs
of an animal suffocated, she opened his mouth and raised his head a bit,
trying to absorb the air. His eyes were soft and sorry, after the sorrow
and the sadness came with sadness and dismay the desire to give up
Gently the little bird followed by the lips open Nallab and launched him
on his inside the small drop. The drop expressed that the response of the
infinite infinite sadness, was the response that you sent Absollon amidst
the pain.
The drop fell slightly in the air in slow motion and light, as at that
moment the time walking more slowly. Slowly drop to the distance
traveled between heaven open and the lips between the fairy until you
touch the tongue. When his delicate touch to drop language spread to
the entire structure as the waters fill the furrows of the land. Nallab felt a
slight solace permeating your entire being and then the feeling began to
fall on his neck, throat and went to the lungs and the lungs were for
each party above and below your heart. And in his heart touched one of
his sad thoughts, and everything became more clear to them ...
And a scene is built inside of you:
Nallab was under a field of green grass and fertile appearance, the
distance she spotted the large white wolf that had something in his
mouth. He approached and her graceful movements in and seated
themselves in front of him touched his hands. The fairy formed a shell of
meat with both hands together and the large lobe deposited the various
seeds in their hands, and said:
_Minha Small, here is the possibility, each seed is a possibility. The land
can accept all the possibilities, without judging her hosts, she fears
nothing and shows everything.
Nallab listen carefully each word of the great spirit. With the seeds in his
hands gracefully she walked a few steps and a seed was deposited in the
land, which he swallowed the last seed and deposited within itself.
The sky began to cluster in a dark gray clouds and rain fell from heaven
and fell from heights. The water touched the ground, touched the seed
and thus the possibility awakened, and each seed revealed the majesty
existing in itself, and in a few moments the seeds reached their
E Nallab heard a voice:
_Em Each seed there is a possibility, desire for expression, block, block
this desire is the essence of the seed. Fear arises when blocks a new
possibility of emotion, of sensation, action or thought. Trust in the sky
the source it comes from the possibility that awakens. The earth
welcomes the opportunity and the sky awakens the possibility.
And at that moment Nallab realized. And from within a new light
appeared in his being, and that moment on she admitted that she feared
were not the facts, but a possibility, possibility to be alone, to be
betrayed, to see the violence. Their fears are the locks of a possibility ...
_Quando The wind is too strong the leaves are shaking up, when the rain
is very strong the river overflows, the sun is intense when the leaves
wilt. On the back of an event, always has another event. White Wolf said
in a tone very sweet and gentle.
_Uma Seed is the desire to express a possibility, every opportunity that
is blocked brings another event. Just as the strong wind stirring the
leaves, blocked the possibility generates fear.
The fear is the possibility that a locking is to express itself, it can birth
two fruits: the possibility of leakage or the possibility the attack.
_Doce Nallab, every excuse, every anger, every prejudice, all unbelief,
all pride, all selfishness, all fear, is a way of blocking or rejection of any
possibility, a possibility to feel, act and perceive life differently possible.
He spoke lovingly the great white wolf.
For some moments the voice of the great Lobo Nallab remained silent
and the rain stopped feeling toying each part of your body. The drops
trickled by the side of the pink fairy and Nallab in moments of moments,
sorva for themselves within the drops of heaven. And the seed that was
in them began to stir, she had accepted a new opportunity.
And then more light is kindled in your heart ...
_A Life is an expression of possibilities, the possibilities are blocking plug
their ears to the voice of Absollon. Nallab said in a tone reflective.
_Eu Let me, I accepted, I welcome and manifest new possibilities, new
ways of feeling, to act, to live. Absollon is the land that welcomes all
possibilities, as my Creator, I welcome every opportunity, without
prejudice, no trials, no judgments ... He was a brief pause.
_Eu Simply accept each of the possibilities ... Nallab spoke with the voice
immersed in deep emotions.
Two tears ran from his face and mixed up the drops that played in the
curves of their cheeks. The seeds sprouted within himself and at that
moment she accepted the opportunity to see it and accept it, so it is
forgiven. And she understood that every experience is a road that leads
to the heart of Absollon.
Suddenly there was a gleam in his mind and his mind was expanded.
Your mind is opened to a great idea and that moment on she never
would return to its original size.
Sorry before their eyes opened up and the brightness of understanding
and compassion returned to his soul. Nallab looked at the top and felt
the current limit to the freedom, and understood that the chains were
made of fine material that is their own fears. She had created its own
prison and now create your own key in the reconquest of their freedom
to new possibilities.
The inside of your lungs sprouted a tremendous force, a huge proportion
of vendaval did resound his vocal cords, and an intense and deep howl
echoed throughout the environment. It was the howl of freedom, was the
howl that allowed for the field of all possibilities.
After yelp Nallab felt the forces back to your body and spirit of the great
White Wolf was inside before it awakened. The giant had awakened
Her body began to undergo further changes, your muscles have been
assuming the contours of the great White Wolf bursting all chains that
restricted their freedom. His ears were more and more the form of the
great spirit. His face was being modified, its size and the increased force
levels indescribable. She took the form of the Great White Wolf, the color
white opinion reflects a subtle golden glow of the heart and the fire was
lit in the center of your chest.
The force emanating from that image in a tone close to the divine. The
only sign that would recognize that Nallab lived with great spirit, was her
look sweet and fluid inlet that heavenly face of Lupus, the wolf sky.
_Desse Small Nallab moment on, we are one case in each name is a
power of that moment on we are no longer the White Wolf and Nallab
but Luminus ... Resser a voice inside that new body.
The thoughts and emotions were a single process, did not know where
the beginning and end of Nallab the White Wolf. They were one
movement, one feeling, one action, they were Luminus.
A roar of anger can be heard from inside the fog.
_Maltida Is! Medd said electrize by an uncontrollable hatred.
Little by little the illusion was dissipated, the fog was gradually being
dissolved and a large mirror of ice may again be glimpsed in its
Nallab he was with a great white wolf and felt his senses much more
extended, and agility seemed celestial sort each micro area of your body
lupine. She felt the smell of Medd coming in his direction, the smell of
your breath resentful and inflexible inebria tried it.
By far its powerful eyes were touched by two pieces of a pale red hidden
under a veil of mist that cover the city. Focus seemed high, as the sign of
a lighthouse at sea, which made the sumia and reappear soon. Suddenly
a new roar broke the silence, strong as a thunder storm insane.
The mirror of black ice and vibrated through the vibration feet to
Luminus vigorous, remained calm. Those two red dots light up like fire in
dry wood intensifying its brightness.
_Maldita I will devour! HaHaHaaa! Medd said in a threatening tone.
Medd gradually began to break the distance that separated from
Luminus. Step by step the space was broken, each step was equivalent
to a strong vibration in the ground. Remembered the floor of a giant.
Gradually the veil that hid the body of Medd was broken and the dreadful
image of the great animal began to draw ahead Luminus.
Medd was a huge appearance, seemed a sea of darkness moving in with
two torches embedded in his face. Their teeth were exposed and a thick
fluid flowing by the side of the dogs, was the hatred coming out of his
own being. Luminus remained calm and felt quite bitter that the smell
Medd exhaling; heard the thick droplets that trickled by sharp canines of
the large animal touching the floor, felt a strong vibration that ran
through the floor and then spread to every muscle in your body.
Suddenly the great Black Wolf delivers an intense snarl, somehow their
eyes red light is more and more like the hate the food. Then a sudden
movement shows the claws spun out of both front and back paws, claws
were sharp, black as the space without end. Slowly lifts his giant paw
and makes it very low anger, fincas the claws under the thick mantle of
black ice.
Luminus felt an intense vibration the more you go the whole length of
his body, his heart began to warm up and the flame has made its
internal hair intensify the brightness. Medd After drilling the black ice, a
splinter of noise can be heard by Luminus. The ice under the feet of the
Black Wolf began to break into large blocks, and cut by five risk that
seemed to ask towards Luminus. Each claw has produced a risk, these
snakes seem frenetic ripping the mirror of ice and trying to reach its prey
... Luminus.
Some large blocks created floating shaken under a thick black liquid that
existed just below the mirror of ice, others turn sank hiding from the
strong movement of Medd. The great Lobo Negro march toward its prey,
and step in strange black fluid, for it was equivalent to walking on firm
ground. It was the moment when the darkness claimed the darkness.
Luminus increased their levels of perception and remained alert for
recognition of the subtleties of the sounds, the images, the vibration, the
smells. His attention was turned at that moment every muscle and sense
was readily responsive to any stimulus minimum.
The risk coming forward more and faster. One was at the center, two by
two by the left and right of Luminus. The risk mirava the central core of
the animal in heart of fire. When approaching the animal, the central risk
was divided in two, followed by a left and another on the right, forming
an island in space occupied by Luminus. The ice was rock and sank side,
contrary to the illusion of fact, the expected fluctuation of the ice.
Luminus was isolated, surrounded by darkness on all sides, you just
looked through darkness and cold liquid by watching every move that
was simpler. Every step of the giant Medd oscillations were produced in
black water, which seemed to go directly to the merged body of White
Wolf and Nallab.
A new snarl bathing in blood was given. The heart of Luminus felt
something strange, their perceptions, they told him that something was
happening. Moving on the block he saw floating fillets black cock in this
speed and creating a prison around you, whose base was the block itself.
Lines were fluid and dark, which is similar to the viscosity of oil and
around the White Wolf in all directions.
The block began to sink slowly and black liquid began to permeate the
first legs of Luminus. Luminus gave a snarl of power and tried to move
on that prison fluid in any way the substance of the grill seemed solid as
a rock. Little by little the black liquid of the lake was approaching it more
and more of the head of Luminus. An instinctive strength was raised by a
strong and intense howl as each muscle is calling for a single action: to
find freedom.
His claws jumped out as sharp knives or claws seemed, were closer to a
bright white fillets intense and pure. In a sudden movement, a
movement of feet held to remember the design of the "S" and "X", the
structure broke briefly Luminus and released it with such force that
remained on track for about 8 seconds until the fall margin of land.
The hatred emanating from the depths Medd. The cold of his heart
began to intensify and are spreading the ends of his body: the legs.
The great Black Wolf still seemed floating in water and viscous fluid, but
something else started the transformation of the points in which pisava.
Where his feet began to freeze and played before aqueous fluid was
gradually assuming the appearance Pétra, cold heart of your locations
that solidified his thick legs played. Medd gave a snarl of rage and
marched rapidly toward Luminus. His past was fast, it seemed that he
slid on the black waters. Every moment that touched the water that is
solidified. His eyes took on an intense red, it was a flame of ice inlaid in
its snout wrinkled by exposure of its sharp teeth.
Luminus could feel a chill wind blowing in their direction and remained
calm observing the distance between the two is shortening more and
more. So, the depths of his heart emerged a message, a message
originated from yelp essential, that you know all the paths and all the
_Luminus, Have borders that his reason can not be resolved without the
heart. As regards the reason the finite, the heart touches the infinite.
Before preparing the reason the question, the heart already has the
_Deixe That the purity of your heart lead you and guide your muscles,
his thoughts, his actions, he is the only one who remembers the way
back, only he knows how to return to Source, returning to the bosom of
Absollon. He is the guide that leads you, it is guerreio it protects, it is
wise to advise him, he is the teacher who teaches it. Nothing absolutely
nothing can undermine a pure heart and trust ... trust ... trust ... trust ...
The message sent by your heart resonated within themselves and as a
wave spread it in your mind, you emerged into a large sound followed by
a great silence, and the meeting of Sound and the Silence, has a new
lesson .. .
At that time and heart rate were aligned in perfect communication,
together make up the harmony between matter and energy that drives
the purpose. Inside the mind of Luminus occurred a perfect flow, the
reason and the heart beat harmoniously in the midst of the experience
as the wings of a butterfly blue.
Medd glimpsed the look of fluid Luminus and Luminus glimpsed the look
of hard Medd. The eyes of the great Black Wolf remembered two flaming
balls on a collision course.
The heart of the great White Wolf awakened and then the muscles were
guided by the howl essence, the voice of the heart lupine. The body of
Luminus gracefully turned and accelerated toward the crystal forest. His
movements were quick and fluid, and its speed was intense. As you
make your way back through the surrounding landscape pass before
your eyes as a distorted image of an image waves in troubled waters of
a stream.
Medd went mad after his prey. His past was heavy, fast, and created a
strong tremor in the ground. His growl was tall and strong, a tissue
flaming hatred. Medd seemed somehow in the shadow of Luminus; their
bodies symmetrically differentiated only by the size and moving in the
same rhythm. Medda the shadow, the light Luminus.
Once the far Luminus spotted the exit of Rocky Gorge. The firm Medd
were past the rock wall vibrate. The structures most vulnerable to rush
the corridor in the form of stones and dust falling from the top.
Luminus deviated agility obstacles that tried to block his path. Angry
Black ripping the Great Wolf jump in the air trying to cut its fleeting
target with sharp claws. The claws are not enough to play Luminus, but
it feels cold cutting him playing one of the hind feet and creating a slight
trace of blood.
As we proceeded towards the wall leaving a fast and sound fast friction
of gravel and sand was produced. Almost could not feel the wind fetid
site. All her attention is directed to crystal forest. Medd was on the
border of their fields, little by little, the aridity of his address was
replaced by the brightness of the stream of crystal blue, the sign that
united two worlds: the address of the dry forest of Crystal and Medd.
_Von Pelan furgate! Luminus said shortly after crossing the stream of
His hair grew in volume and shine, your entire body seemed to provide a
rigid and well defined muscles. Luminus within the forest of crystal with
the same speed. The crystals that were composed is falling apart
towards the strong body of titan white.
Medd, followed behind in vigorous motion, few moments before touching
the crystal stream, created a new impetus in the hind legs, which
amounted to the ground and have already dropped into the woods. The
point on which his fall formed a circle of glass fragments and powder
shaken, involving one black center.
The White wolf proceeded through the forest, opening a path amid the
fragments of trees and flowers, not resist the force of his body. Suddenly
after gaining some distance, Luminus stopped and sat up on its hind
legs. His look was of absolute concentration and all your senses
remained fully responsive.
Medd followed the path left by Luminus, ran hard every step and the
ground surrounding vibrating and made a slight chink out of the next
crystal. Wolf Black left behind a trail of light and a fluid flowing in that
rank among their dogs.
Medd felt the bittersweet smell of Luminus and Luminus felt the fetid
smell of acid and Medd. Both knew they were sniffing and the distance
that separated, it was lower at each moment of time that was
happening. The big White Wolf noted the empty space created by its
motion, a trail in its most distant point a curve. Luminus Medd
approaching and felt his heart told him that confrontation was coming.
The crystals close to Luminus began to tinkle, was the signal. Suddenly a
huge black figure began to build at the end of the curve. His breathing
was strong, strong growl accompanied each expiration. Their eyes
burned in anger, feeling it was the manifestation of the desire to
continue to exist in its current form.
The time had come to enfretar Medd.
_ It is time of great conflict, every conflict is an opportunity for change.
Luminus said quietly.
_Você Pay for insolence to defy me, I'm the one who protects the beings
of new possibilities! Medd spoke Rosner, with eyes fixed on Luminus.
_E Me that brings beings to new possibilities! Lumninus spoke in a deep
and strong tone.
_Você Regret it enormously because it challenged me! Rosner Medd.
Little by little, began to march Medd, initially slowly, little by little, and
was speeding forward in the direction of Luminus. The great White Wolf,
in turn was in a position to attack and marched toward the Black Wolf.
Two meteors were ready for a profound shock, a meteor made of ice and
made a fire, one was responsible for the crystallization, the other by the
transformation, were internal parts of the flow of nature.
The heart of both began to release their inner strength. The heart of ice
cold perfez the black body and involved so that everything around Medd
was cold. His nails were like sharp swords of ice ready to cut the
opponent. The heart of fire and fire involving perfez the white body so
that everything around Luminus was hot. His nails had the fluidity of
water and heat from the sun.
Around Medd graduated film a subtle white and cold; Luminus around a
film and red hot. The two natures were few to reducing the distance that
separated. The eyes of Luminus fluids taken a violet color and miraram
directly from the red eye Medd.
The Black midway the wolf jumped in a terrible and vicious attack on the
Luminus, launching its powerful jaws against brother. Liminus defended
with a crossover move. The nails were found, the bodies were found, the
accuracy of their bodies each heard was a noise of water to fire and
launched a small vaporous cloud is formed.
Medd violently launched one of the powerful dentições feet of Luminus.
This movement built on a fast cat and attacked the rear leg, ripping her
lightly with his claws. The black wolf shouted angry for having been
achieved and rising rapidly under the feet of a chest of Luminus,
launched him over long distances.
Luminus slide on the floor of destroying the crystal structures of crystals
that were in front of you. Medd then jumped on him with claws ready to
drill it. Luminus then mirou an eye that big black spot on which you
experienced, and a quick movement launched a nail, like a thunderbolt.
The radius crossed the space and atigiu Medd, while falling in the
direction of his brother. The pain traveled Lobo Negro's body and this
instinctively covered one eye, losing his perfect attack.
Luminus erected the claws and struck near the abdomen. Medd entered
a kind of frenzy of hatred, a bitter hatred. Your urros could be heard over
long distances.
_Maldito Is! Medd said the body injured.
Small drops of blood a flowing black eye and the abdomen of Medd.
_Negrum ... Blackness ... MALOMO spiritus! Began to speak in a tone
humming that grew more and more. It was a reminder of what remains
in the depths, mentioned the energy locked in the dark.
A dark cloud began to emerge toward the wall rock and the bright points
embedded in it began to shine more intensely. A dark and fetid vapor
density began to blow up and toward Medd.
_Nada Themes Luminus, because within each shell of darkness is the
seed of Absollon. Every mistake contains the seed of wisdom, all fear
contains the seed of courage, the seed contains all the unknown known,
contains all the dark seed of light ... He said the basic yelp, the voice of
the heart.
A cloud hangs over the frightening figure of Medda, making a spiral
black. In a fast moving and pushed down the whirlpool and penetrated in
both nostrils of the great Black Wolf. Immediately something began to
happen, he grew more and created an illusion. The illusion that
everything around him was a war zone where fairies suffered mutilated;
parents maltreated children, showed the emptiness, anguish and sorrow
of heart. And in this image created the illusion of image Nallab, and
showed to his conscience all his most hidden fears, the fear of
loneliness, lack of love, fear of pleasure, showed her fear of being judged
and condemned by more ... and one by one, all the locks were being
revealed, all that was hidden began to occur in the setting of Illusion.
_Confie, Behind all illusion is the reality, not argue against Ilusão, accept
the fact, that the fact, accepted fact, love it. All values within the shell of
fear, there is the seed of enlightenment. Said the voice of the heart.
Luminus closed eyes to see the reality and understand that nothing
physically Medd late tackle, but it was necessary to face it within your
mind and heart. Your mind and the facts began to be synchronized. After
the closed hearing, and stayed to listen to move property. Luminus was
understood that where there is justice, there is a limit and any limit is
still far from Absollon, only the acceptance of all hosts is empty, it
contains everything, that is the path to unlimited, the road of Absollon.
Property and pick up the howl essence, the voice of the heart, Luminus
found that the trial to the trapped Medd, that only the sincere reception
of his brother would let him speak if Absollon. Remember that in
everything that is bad and bad, there is the seed of Absollon waiting the
moment of awakening.
His body began to shine a light golden light and his heart began to love
the brother, not judge it and hosting it in a sense eternal. Medd still
furious and proceeded to attack Luminus with all its power. But any
attack was in vain, their powerful claws through his brother, as a sword
in a cloud of steam.
_Maltido, Die! Medd screamed full of bitterness and hatred.
Luminus remained inert absorbed the full acceptance, the world
protected by the amulet and expressed the most powerful technique to
protect the universe: the purity of the heart of a child, in which the
simplicity, love the new and different, the joy and goodness ...
During a time not measurable, Medd faced the thought be that your
opponent, but he did not recognize was that he was experiencing to
himself, was attracted to his own yelp essential.
_Os Muscles will be tired of his brother and force will be converted into
exhaustion, and anger will be converted in recognition of its fragility.
Those who can not hear the voice of the heart directly, the heart speaks
to the body. The muscles of Medda will teach you what is the limit and
exhaustion, and he will see and feel the limited within itself. Medd fear at
that time will be limited view and illusion begin to be undone, so he'll
see himself ... I told the voice of the heart to Luminus.
Medd was felt the exhaustion dominating every tired muscle and fell to
the ground, one giant image and strong, seemed weak and was limited
in its forces. What he still did not understand was that every limit us to a
higher level when it comes to the fund, the fund itself drives us to the
Luminus watching his brother and fell exhausted. Felt love for his brother
Medd. Thick drops of black blood trickled by injury. Luminus So close to
the brother and one of the feet placed on the wounds of the abdomen
and the eye and said ...
_Ermetum Luminus! Luminus said excited.
The wounds started to heal itself and the tissue was repeated as if
nothing had happened. The live red eyes seemed to have a brightness
Medd weaker. And now a doubt arose in the cold heart of Lobo Negro ...
The heart of the doubt Luminus felt in the heart of his brother and said:
_Meu Brother, I feel the doubt in you, the question is the messenger of a
new possibility, a new way ... I told Luminus mercy for the weak brother.
_Porque, Damn! Medd said purring more weakly.
_Por That are linked from our birth, we are part of the same process.
Luminus said the dear brother.
The doubt in the heart of Medd began to grow and with it the image of a
new possibility for understanding the choice already made. Medd then
saw his hatred came from where he was the guardian who hid the
acceptance of a new possibility. Black Wolf began to accept a new
opportunity and with the guardian it was losing its function, so the
hatred was decreasing, more and more.
The body of the little Medd was shrinking and while he looked for
Luminus felt an identification with the brother. Gently in a warm gesture,
Luminus tenderly licking the face of his brother and fell exhausted. At
that time there was a deep and silent conversation between the two
hearts, hot and cold, talking among themselves.
Suddenly, the spirit of the Great White Wolf, was going along with the
expiration of Luminus. And with him the body of Luminus has been
modified to return the form of Nallab, which remained floating in the air,
while the essences followed their purpose.
Then the body of the Great White Wolf was side by side to the Great
Black Wolf, and at that moment the hearts of the brothers made up.
Their bodies merged and floating in the air, began to radiate a new and
intense brightness, heart of fire and ice now inhabiting a single space.
The volume of their bodies began to fall and the interior brightness arose
from a new being, a beautiful young half white and half black.
Nallab looked surprised for the scene. The small animal approached her
and began licking gently by its pink. And he delivered a simple yelp a
gift, a piece of his new heart. The howl still lived within the essential
spirit and his heart said:
_Minha Child receives a gift that you offer, because accepting only what
you give, you can not accept what you give. The heart and it
regenerates from a single point may be reborn, because it is made of a
material and essential infinite subtle, it knows no limits of matter and
Nallab uivou and thanked his friend, gently toying that beautiful baby.
And so had his heart on his hands, and foresaw the intense brightness of
the diffuse glow of the fire and ice, both cast as a kind of rare jewel, and
lighter fluid. Little by little, the cub was away and after one last look
back, began to run fast as wind, initially close to the ground, then
increasingly began to soar through the air. In his air and ground are one
thing, because now he had the two essences: the essence of the
essence of strength and fluidity.
The heart shining in the hands of Nallab. Its huge and expressive blue
eyes were filled by a greenish air of heavenly beauty, passion was a
passion of life burning inside them. He was changed, the voice of your
heart you spoke clearly in mind. The howl sounded so essential within
themselves and began to guide his steps toward the colossus of stone.
The fairy returned to the central part of the forest edge and admired
again the huge double-plasma columns, the two corners of the spiral: a
fire the other of ice. The admiration permeated your entire being. His
eyes touched the image of the colossus of stone based on that structure
to 100 meters radius and 30 meters in height. A purple glow seemed to
sprout from the top structure, and followed two radii as thick and
inclined, who played the ground.
By far the rays began to move and crossed themselves, and the cross of
light appeared on the ground an image: the image of a blue butterfly.
The howl Nallab essential driving and he led until the image on the floor.
Slowly marched it to the figure printed on the floor and that point can
see the vigorous giant statue of the wolf, with its 50 meters of a polished
and vigorous muscle.
The central spiral of fire and ice is still moving further and faster.
Suddenly the silence is broken and Nallab said:
Giant _Oh of stone you behold, I bring what I was asked, leading me in
that day's meeting by myself! Said the fairy in tone supplication and
Suddenly a howl went intense throughout the forest and the crystal
vibrated. The sound was muffled and as strong as never Nallab sense.
The giant began its wake. A ladder began to form a stair step in the form
of a pyramid, the muscles of Nallab moved by the howl essential. The
light in the shape of a butterfly accompanying each of its steps.
His steps were strong and rhythmic. His body was distancing itself from
the ground toward the Gigante.O heart of fire and ice shining in their
hands. His eyes seemed rapt and Nallab apparently entered a sort of
trance. The butterfly light blue while walking to the steps of the fairy.
Step by Step was approaching and the image of the giant was rising, as
a mountain in front of you. The butterfly fairy seemed to guide the local
needs and so she did, Nallab led to a position where it face to face
before the colossus of stone.
The howl dominated essentially every piece of his body and guided each
of his movements, she had thrown her heart and knew that the delivery
is a more intimate connection with Absollon. The full lives in Absollon,
delivery is the door leading to the Supreme.
Stop in front of the giant she felt the greatness permeating your being
and a sense of gratitude to first invaded in words, but words were not
enough to thank. Then came the thoughts, but they were insufficient to
Nallab also express gratitude. His heart vibrated intensely and she gave
every part of your spirit, offering it as a servant of Absollon ...
The emotion of his heart overflowed, then bowed her knees in front of
the giant. And with the low forehead left regarem tears the heart
comprising the essence of fire and ice. The brightness of the heart grew
more and more, to a sort of gold foil around the same. Then, the light
blue as a butterfly moved up toward the heart, which was in the hands
of the fairy.
Nallab was immersed in an indescribable feeling, a feeling that was
beyond words, because words are not enough where the heart bypasses.
The butterfly seemed condense in the air from their wings and emit a
subtle blue-green glow. Gradually that image winged landed opposite
Nallab and sought the heart of your hands one the Great Lobos.
Kneeling fairy admired the flight of the butterfly. Each wing-beat
vibrations resonate through the air an ... ... Shan Shan Shan ... ... and a
bright powder as the drops of dew shaken floating in space.
The butterfly flew and flew up to touch the empty space in the form of a
heart, located in the center of the chest of the giant stone. And as the
water that fills the opening of the rock it run in the center of the chest, a
liquid blue color radiant. The empty space before now met, fire and ice
are mixed in the flow of liquid.
The brightness of the fire was almost sun, the brightness of the ice was
almost polar. The essences began to merge the body of the giant, asking
for his awakening. The grooves, similar to veins, in the great body of the
animal began to be filled by the two essences. A bright sun and a bright
polar fluía throughout the body of the sleeping giant. His body seemed
to be crossed by snakes of color red and electric blue.
An intense howl ress in the air, seemed an echo of the thunder inside a
cave. The eyes of the giant golden light burned in a rock and his body
seemed to take a rocky skin. Slowly he bowed up against the fairy, who
seemed an insect near a large mountain.
Eyes of the giant golden cross in the eyes of the blue fairy. It seemed
that a dip in the depths of the soul of each other. It was only admiration,
was just intensity, was only gratitude, and thus emerged a sound, the
sound of the voice of the Giant.
_Sou Grateful, that which awakens me, I am one with you and hope that
his dream is completed, because their dream is the dream of Absollon.
He spoke in strong and gentle tone, a tone vibrating everything and
nothing destroyed.
_Somos One process, one way, I take it to the spring season, the place of
The legs of Nallab began to move toward the animal's huge head and his
hands gracefully glide by the side of the Giant. The key to guiava yelp.
She then climbed on the muzzle of Giant Rock and kneel down to be
between the two golden eyes. A light appeared out of the eyes
supported the large animal, a light sweet and warm.
A new pulse sounded in his heart and his hands began to move and build
the image of the infinite in the large animal tests.

And along with the movement of the hands, the mouth of Nallab began
to move out of deep and sounds of your Ser. ..
_Sua Mind is my mind, your heart is my heart, your eyes are my eyes ...
Me and you are one connected by the delivery process. I give up to you.
The fairy's voice was deep and calm, seemed almost hypnotic in tone.
A new sound emerged from depths of Giant and mixed synchronously if
the last sentence of fairy ...
_ I and you are one connected by the delivery process. I give up to you.
Said the giant with his quiet voice of thunder.
The voices began to start a cycle that started with "Me and you ..." and
in EXPIRED ... delivered me to you ", and Giant Nallab in unison. The
words are repeated and each repetition the brightness in the eyes of the
two was intense.
The magic was raised conductive, the magic that fuses Creator and
creature had been formed, the surrender, delivery ... This is the magic
that guides everything toward the fullness of Love, Life of Purpose and
the pleasures and Meanings.
The body of the fairy began to glow a golden color and his hands were
across the forehead of the giant, and little by little, his body was the
head of the merged giant. His conscience exceeded the boundaries of
words and the silence was only able to explain their feelings.
She saw through the eyes of the giant, she heard through the ears of the
giant, she felt the movements and emotions of the giant. Everything was
like before it permeate the senses had become. A forest of glass and had
not experienced an appearance of glass and she could understand the
processes occurring within each plant, the flow of increasing the flow of
produce, the flow of life permeate your eyes forward.
Everything seemed perfect the sounds were all harmonics, the emotions
of fear locked in crystals embedded in rock that led to Medda, had been
transformed and there is only compassion and light. Nallab felt all smells
the same time, they seemed the perfect symphony. It seemed that every
sensation was felt so full, togeth
er, all together in unity.
The giant began to move, each step was a vibration and each vibration
was the magic of Absollon to express. The forest shake with the first
complete and after the forest of crystal vibration is transmute, and it
was dead, was alive. And the Giant uivou, and it was dark and sad it was
clear and cheerful. His steps seemed slow, however their movement
seemed instantaneous.
A new step, a new vibration, and the crystal river of life gained.
Butterflies of all colors began to emerge in the new forest and flock
around the giant. In an amazing speed, he instantly went up toward the
rock and every vibration of his feet, only light came inside the crystals
embedded in the wall of pain. And it was dry it was full of green life, and
that powder was vibrated in the form of various forms of life, insects,
plants and animals of many different shapes and colors.
And coming to the Grand Groove uivou the wall and the wall was
permeated and light water began to flow from the top down, and two
superb mirrors of water down the edges as cataracts. Each element
generated by the sound, the feeling, the vision creates a vibration and
each vibration imbed itself the power to transmute the reality.
The abundant water flowed by the edges to melt and ran to the river,
before the crystal, fluid and alive now. In the instant giant reached the
great mirror of ice, and with a single step sprouted a new vibration and
water before dark, began to sparkle by heat. Dense lava fluía of his deep
and heat transmute all dark and cold liquid, until it appeared in a local
lake of volcanic lava.
The Mirror of Ice had transmuted into a mirror of Lava, a lake of lava.
The giant uivou so loud that the whole of the winter station was invaded
by the vibration of harmony, then jumped and took a huge dip in the
center of the volcanic lake.
Nallab felt the lava invading every inch of his body not melting his
bones, not your skin, but everything that she no longer wanted. Via
scattered black spots on his mind, for your soul, the intense heat and
fluid lava seemed to transform each spot. Each spot is a lock, which
prevents the full expression. The lava and melt transmute every fear,
every worry, every anxiety, every doubt, every disbelief ...
Little by little, he was really like, no stains, a mind clear as water from
fire, lava. The giant sank more and deeper, and through the eyes of the
giant she foresaw the magic of vibration and found that each piece
sounds, smells, sensations, images and tastes, everything was alive and
had something to say. All the questions can be answered, when the mind
is alert and confident, the teacher is in his heart.
The howl of his key Ser emerged and said:
_Qualquer Doubt that there may have been answered, the universe
responded to everything. When in doubt ...
_Pense A clear question and defined, look for any book, or any form, or
any element of nature be it animated or inanimate and say ...
_Mente Find inside this object, or text form, the answer to that question.
Will arise in your mind and an intense first sentence, an image or a
feeling, it is the answer of what should be done, it is essential to the
voice, the voice of the heart.
Nallab entered a kind of vortex of cosmic bliss indescribable. Your
consciousness has expanded to the border of words, and then to the
border of thoughts, and then to the border of emotions and then to the
whole, at this point no symbol can bring that Nallab felt, because the
limit of the symbol is whole.
His conscience was in this state and it means all the secrets of the
creation of the universe, the manifestation of life to death, and the
mismatch of the meeting, the future and the past. At that moment the
universe was an immense body, everything was part of a living being,
each cell, each feeling, each galaxy and star, was a life of Being, called
the universe. That was the last image and feeling, before it entered the
station to see the spring. The heart was ajar a phoenix, which existed at
the point which separates the depths of the lake of lava and the last
station ...
Thus, Nallab crossed the border station between the winter and spring,
in search of understanding fairyllan, the energy of transmutation.

"Season of Spring"

Nallab sleeping softly in the soft core of a giant lotus flower. Slowly
began to move its members so smooth as had agreed to a long and
peaceful sleep. The feeling of the Great Wolf rocky, yet permeated all his
being, it was almost possible to feel its strength, the density of its power
to change resonate in every fragment of his memory. The last time he
figured in mind was the dive in the heart of Phoenix.
Little by little, his eyes were opened to a new station. His hands touched
the softness of the center of the lotus. The sky was dark and dotted with
stars, a flow of a light northerly winds in space dark.
Graciously raised him up and see the Lotus that took Gigante. A slight
smile of excitement escaped the corner of your sweet lips and her eyes
shone intensely, as reflected in the eyes of light Absollon.
By all sides that looked only through a mist surrounding the whole
horizon. The area of the lotus flower was the only visible space, the
center soft and golden as the sun seemed to give a sweet vibration of
warmth, the soft white petals and diaphanous as the boat seemed to
fluctuate before the light marejar waves.
Nallab know everything that was beyond that veil of mist that cover
some reality, beyond the borders of lotus.
The breath of Absollon began to involve it in a gentle balance, a cosmic
balance and warmth. His eyes shone bright and behind that a divine
light blue hue and soft sprouted, did not know if the secret peace of
heaven or the adventure of the sea and the depths of his heart, heard a
voice, the sound was clear that now was heard throughout its existence.
A sound as sweet and calm sea breeze sounded, and the wings of the
wind came a message:
_Abra Their arms ....
_Lance In the area ....
_Confie ... In the Lord ....
_Confie In Love ........
And sound was repeated mild and gentle. And the legs of Nallab heard
the sound and all the heard the body. And the body obey the voice of the
heart. Little by little she started to run, first slowly. After more and faster.
Left of center golden; reached the top of the petals, to play the last edge
of a petal that launched beyond the mist, launched it into space without
Before you jump and touch the last petal that claimed, Nallab looked at
the high and thanked Absollon everything. And saw an instant become
an eternity, that moment passed seemed in slow motion. His eyes slowly
admired the starry sky and the movement of the aurora borealis. Then
she noticed the fog and no road beyond through a wall only vapors
which kept the mystery of the infinite, the mystery of that place.
Your body is built and it floated in space, like the butterfly in the breeze
as flat, light and graceful. And not only saw the mist, and the silent
movement of his heart whispered again ...
_Abra Their arms ....
_Lance In the area ....
_Confie ... In the Lord ....
_Confie In Love ........
And in your voice whispered sweet of you to the Almighty said:
_Mais No fear, trust you Absollon ...
And it opened its wings, like a graceful white egret and freed his mind
from all fear, all doubt and disbelief throughout. So Absollon emerged
from depths of your Ser His hugs remained open, his heart remained
open. His chest was slightly tilted forward to the biggest dive of his life,
she plunged in the depths of the Infinite, towards the Whole.
Initially only foresaw the fog, then little by little, the mystery was
revealed up front to your eyes. The dense vapor was getting fluid and
drain. Then she felt one of the biggest thrills of his existence, for any
side you look at that view from the top down, sighted an endless ocean
of blue water and bright. It was the most beautiful ocean, his eyes had
played thousands of points illuminated by the dancing waters acaricides
light breeze.
The light seemed to come from all places and at the same time,
anywhere seemed that the light was visible from several suns, whose
effect was clear to their senses. As followed in the direction of the ocean,
Nallab feel the wind touching your body surrounding it in a feeling of
warmth and welcome. The wind not weighed in any way make him
welcome and security to all its infinite Ser
Of the deep part of that angelic, giant flowers emerged distributed by
endless horizon. It was a beautiful garden and graceful, not sustained by
the earth's surface, but the depths of the ocean. Lotus Giants,
Margaridas shiny, roses of all colors, chrysanthemums and other flowers
infinite, all so different and yet so harmonious with each other, were as
different musical notes with each other and are combined in beautiful
harmony and perfect, perhaps Absollon of the orchestra was playing the
meanings of Nallab.
Nallab feel fresh and soft wind touching your hair, your skin toying,
talking in their ears. His eyes miravam the brightness of the water and
she ran up to what appeared to be the gravitational center of all the
flowers. It was a giant lotus flower petals of soft, decorated with an
unusual glow of crystal, a light golden glint of his celestial body.
Somehow the fairy flew toward its heart like the golden sun.
She remembered a time of large gull diving to collect the fish of the
great depths of the ocean. Little by little, his body was surrounded by a
feeling of peace and radiant heat. His eyes reflected the glow of the
immense lotus flower, the heart of a giant flower spiral, like a tornado of
golden light seemed to form in an extreme beauty, a serene and delicate
In the eyes of Nallab where before only had the golden glow, began to
emerge from the reflection of light typhoon. And the fairy was the
reflection of light of the hurricane, and typhoon was reflected in the eyes
of Nallab. The reflexes are closer to the fairy touch the heart of the lotus
flower and dive inside.
A light went as smooth as a river walk to the depths of the ocean,
graciously taking the fairy, in his motion. Inside the body that would feed
the flower, everything was light, all was peace, all was Absollon. The
fairy also know what would be the object of their meeting, but somehow
your heart you whisper, it comes in contact with the roots to sustain the
Every moment Nallab more and more immersed in that liquid cosmos,
towards the roots to sustain the whole. A light sentence sprouted from
his heart and said:
_Tu Find that seeks the essence, the essence of fairyllan. After drinking
the seven roots that sustain the cosmos you are ready, and the internal
flame is lit for you to be what came to be the perfect expression of
And the fairy was announced where its heart, she was in the depths of
the ocean, where the sacred lotus sorva your livelihood. That place was
everything she noted permeated by an internal light. His knees were
doubled and her eyes shone with gratitude to be able to learn and feel
the life inside of you clicking.
And in the confusion of emotions, his heart told him and his lips followed
the voice of your heart, and a sweet sound flowed from the interior:
_Transfiguron, In troxto Absollon me! And at the end of the last letter
breathed as I wanted to create wind. And the wind blew it emerged a
butterfly blue butterfly and the guided. And the butterfly said:
_Doce Nallab I am the materialization of your desire to transmutation, I
am the voice of its depths.
_Estamos The center of the Cosmos internal within the lotus flower of
heaven. The Lotus is composed of seven heavenly roots that structure
and support throughout the creation of this universe, which is only a
phrase Absollon.
_Após Drink the water that flows out of the seven roots, and you will
fairyllan one, and you will Absollon one breath, one movement, one
The butterfly flew and as planned in the air Nallab led to the circle that
represented the seven roots. It was a huge ball that seemed high and
represent the cornerstone of Lotus heavenly. It ran seven cataracts,
which come in the colors of the seven colors of the rainbow. The colors
are delicate and they seemed waters were alive. In the center there was
a lotus flower made of a multicolored crystal in the center there were six
silver bows interlaced and six rings.
The blue butterfly plan slowly, for each of cataracts and a heavenly
sound, she said: _Eis out the roots that feed the seven heavenly flower.
In the universe that you know they can be described as the seven
And in the mind and heart of Nallab, emerged a message and the
message said: "The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of
Then the lips of wisdom were opened and the butterfly began to start it
in the mysteries that hold the Cosmos and a fresh sound, said as the
sounds of water falls through the air:
_Eis That the lips are opened to reveal to you the seven principles, the
seven roots, that will teach you about fairyllan, the energy of
transmutation, the seven principles are:
I. The Mental Principle:
"The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental"

II. The Principle of Correspondence

"What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like what's

III.A Principle of Vibration

"Nothing is stopped, everything moves, everything vibrates."

IV. The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is double, everything has poles; everything has its opposite,
the equal and unequal are the same, the opposite is identical in nature
but different in degree, if the ends touch, all truths are half-truths, all
paradoxes can be
reconciled. "

V. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything is flux and reflux, everything has its tides; all up and down,
all is manifested by oscillations compensated, the extent of movement
to the right is the measure of the movement to the left, the rhythm is
the compensation."

VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every Cause has its effect, every effect has its cause; everything
happens according to Law, the Do is simply a name given to a Law not
recognized; many planes of causation but nothing escapes the Law"

VII. The Principle of Gender

"The Gender is in everything, everything has its principle male and
female principle;
the genus is reflected in all plans. "

Nallab had the heart and mind open to new knowledge that both sought,
at that moment his spirit sorva water of knowledge. In the background
the sound of the waterfalls it was a witness of the sublime moment. After
the butterfly reveal the seven pillars, was a brief silence and spoke only
to cataract, talk in the language of the mysterious sounds of nature. And
in the silence of the heart of the fairy understood the meaning of the
waters and the waters called Nallab, and his heart felt the call, because
the pure heart and calm absorbs all of you and understands everything
about the whole language of nature.
Within his mind began to hear a gentle wind and slowly translucent
image is built around the site, arranged in concentric. Suddenly I heard
the wind in itself, became a choir, a heavenly choir:
_Saudações Little sister, we are your sisters, the fairies ancient
guardians of the secrets and serve as Absollon. Tissue was a brief silence
in the air.
_Nallab If you are a true seeker of the heart can understand and apply
these principles, if ye shalt not you develop, because otherwise the
precepts of Absollon be for you only words, words, words!
Then after the last sentence in the waters of the cataract seemed
popple; droplets loaded by running the air arms of the wind and played
the body of the fairy. His hair was getting covered with small particles
and watery blue eyes were deeply reflective. And thus the heart of
Nallab told the sisters:
_Fadas Ancestors, from time immemorial sisters I ask you the blessing to
proceed toward the meeting of my fate and make me what I Ser
_Em Name of the Almighty to bless them in honey Nallab for the dive
itself. That the strength of the sea brings you what was lost and that the
sunlight and heat enlighten all that is dark and cold, the earth maintains
its heart, the wind brings you the forgotten memories, because you is
what Being search, you are not here to be perfect, but to know that it is
_Nós And the entire universe began about you our blessings and
conspired to make the best of them is performed. So be it on behalf of
When the choir said, "that it is on behalf of Absollon", the waterfalls
shone and the drops deposited in his beautiful golden hair and shone in
her hair, little by little, it was changing its color as the sunset, the gold
was giving rise to the black and golden glow of light seemed wires each
wire black. The head of Nallab glowed. A solar light was radiating from
her hair black.
Finally the heavenly choir delivered a final message:
-Principles of Truth are Seven; that the fully possesses the Magic Key in
which all the doors of the temple interior and exterior can be opened
The heart of Nallab heard the call of water to drink the first principle. His
mind was not the same, somehow the golden glow showed that the
flame began to turn inside. Like a magnet to drag it floated in the air in
the direction of the lotus crystal. To get closer noticed that the lotus
petals was seven principles that would gradually decreasing following a
regular pattern, which gave the flower a celestial beauty.
A crystal of the petals fell slowly through the air toward the cataract of
water and created a golden bridge between the fairy and the waters.
Floating in the air she landed delicately on the flower, gently as a
butterfly sacred. The waters descended with a sharp intensity on your
body, but his touch was gentle and warm. The golden glow permeated
your entire body.
In a slow and smooth motion, she was recumbent its color back, closed
his eyes and opened mouth of the delicate and thin red lips. The golden
water went inside and started a magical process to satisfy your mind
and your heart.
Then the mind and heart metabolized the liquid heavenly; mexeram if
their lips and said:
_The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental.
Suddenly there was only this information and all the mysteries contained
therein is revealed. A golden glow as a large explosion occurred in its
interior, then the knowledge is expressed ...
The reality is that substantial hidden in all manifestations and
appearances which we know as the material universe, Phenomena of
Life, Matter, Energy. Everything he touches the material senses and
spirit, is unseen and INDÈFINFVEL in itself but can be regarded as an
infinite and UNIVERSAL MIND Living. The entire phenomenal world or
universe is simply a Mental Creation of the whole, subject to the laws of
things created, and that the universe as a whole, in its
shares or units, has its existence in the minds of ALL, in which Mind we
live, move and have our existence. Mental Nature of the Universe,
explains all mental and psychic phenomena that occupy much of public
attention, and that without such an explanation would be unintelligible
and challenge the scientific examination.
And a picture was built in Nallab ... she saw the process, everything that
your mind created a movement generated in the universe ready to be
executed, every gesture, every feeling, every thought, every image, it
worked for that materialized in the Cosmos. If you think about beauty,
beauty was created, to think the joy the joy was created, to think in
abundance and prosperity, it was created. All senses mobilize the energy
of the Cosmos, created through the mind the beautiful, fair and smooth
through what speech, what you see, what you hear, what we breathe,
what rings. Permeated every sense with beauty, both in action, as in the
reaction, and the Cosmos will perform a symphony composed by you of
all your senses. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge, the
perfect picture, then forward it to their daily attitudes focusing on now,
free your mind of doubt, fear and disbelief ... and the universe is put in
motion to achieve the his request, he is the builder of the desires of the
mind. When the mind positive, is in line with the positive action, the
whole cosmos starts the execution of his mental, it sustains the flame of
your conscious and unconscious desire. The more bright the flame of its
purity, the more he sees his desire, and it will all, he is in full harness to
your pure desire to be done.
Ruin all begins in the mind; all prosperity begins in the mind.
All force begins in the mind, all weakness begins in the mind.
All health starts in the mind; all disease begins in the mind.
All union begins in the mind; whole separation begins in the mind.
Every dream begins in the mind; whole nightmare begins in the mind.
Remember The ALL is MIND; The UNIVERSE is MENTAL. A chain connects
the whole the Mind: the emotion triggers a thought, a thought triggers
an action, an action triggers a process to be executed by the universe.
Every emotion, every thought, every action, is up in seed that contains a
complex range of information ready to germinate, the universe is where
the seeds are released, it is the fertile ground that feeds each seed from
the senses, modify the USA how the senses and change the seed
released. Everything that is released by the flowers to be collected
individual mind that created the seed.
A new consciousness emerged from Nallab, and all its meanings have
changed, she realized that all your senses are like the movement of the
baton of conductor, they are able to mobilize all the instruments of an
orchestra at your disposal. The senses mobilize creative energies of the
Cosmos, they are the movement of the baton; modify the motion of the
baton and will change all that permeates the cosmos.
His eyes glowed in a golden tone, glowed incorporated the principle that
"The ALL is MIND, the Universe is Mental," she imagined joy, suddenly
everything within them was happy, every gesture, every thought and
feeling that reflected image, the Material universe everything is built in
your mind and your mind is materialized in the universe.
So she had built himself Mental beginning, she was the personification of
the principle Mental. The petal crystal under which she was supported
and initiated a multi-fluid brilliance that intense pulsed. The second petal
is gracefully bowed to Nallab could connect to and merge in the direction
of the second cataract.
The water first touched the surface of the crystal petal and slowly ran
the flat crystal. Some droplets of a blue light and the glare that seemed
to have various shades harmoniously arranged, played all over the body
of the fairy. And so again she wanted and her desire was driven by
principle Mental, its message was printed in the pages of the cosmos,
knowledge of fairyllan went in his direction.
The blue water flowing throughout your body and it was peace and
tranquility were printed. So recumbent to head back he has, that a new
principle was incorporated into its essence. A feeling of completeness
was noted he felt the Infinite through the finitude of the body and then
his heart felt and understood the answer. And the heart of the deep
emerged a sentence that appeared as an intense feeling of power that
come Nallab feet to head, and thus the voice of your heart moved his
_ What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like what is
above. Said Nallab steeped in the essence of the Cosmos.
His inner voice said:
Understanding this principle allows the media to explain many
paradoxes and dark secrets of nature. There are plans out of our
knowledge, but when you apply the Principle of Correspondence come to
understand much that otherwise would be impossible to understand.
This principle is applied, and the various plans universal manifestation of
the universe material, mental and spiritual: it is a Universal Law.
It is one of the most important mental instruments by means of which
you can see beyond the obstacles that conceal the view of the unknown.
Its use in the few torn the veil of fog is a glimpse of the mystery of the
face protector that can be perceived. Precisely the same way that
knowledge of the principles of geometry to be empowering, while in his
observatory, to measure distant suns, as well as knowledge of the
Principle of Correspondence to be empowering to think intelligently,
Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he comes to understand
the celestial fairies.
May be known to the unknown, the error can find the wisdom, the
imperfection can understand the path of perfection. There are shortcuts
that link the whole, put in roads that connect the unknown elements,
keep the senses alert, the open heart and mind flexible, and allows to
observe the possibilities. All discovery is the permission of new
possibilities; afford to walk the path is the connection between the
known and unknown.
The material has a spiritual and spiritual correspondence has a matching
material. Soak in the macrocosm and the microcosm understand,
understand peek into the microcosm and the macrocosm. Observe your
internal processes, fears, anxieties, dreams, desires, repressions,
desires, love and realize that there is a match, a connection between the
past and present. The space-time connection, stored in their memories,
fruit of conscious and unconscious choices.
A memory of a sad and bitter past can create a connection with a future
sad and sad. An unresolved conflict can create connections with failures
love, family, intellectual and spiritual; resolve the conflict is to recognize
that this is to allow a new possibility no matter what, you can only
change what is there to your conscience.
Correspondence is the analogy that connects the perception of other
Universes, the word may be connected to emotions, to descriptions, the
magical process, the writings that survive the centuries. The numbers
can connect to calculations, the construction of buildings, the study of
life, the study of mind. When a surprise turn butterfly caterpillar, there is
a correlation, and can be see that a structure that creeps can fly
gracefully by heaven. When the eyes meet the light away the darkness,
there is a correlation and what is evil is associated with darkness and
what is good light.
There will be a little long a time that the fairies are invisible beings and
this time find new connections with the times immemorial, they plunged
into the fog of the unknown and realize that all correspondence follows
the flow of energy from fairyllan in this movement will be given the
name of space-time. The relationship arises from the connection and find
that every connection is all that seems possible disconnect has a
shortcut for correspondence.
New names emerge to seek the connection between the known and
unknown, they are in number six: the science, art, magic explanation,
the religious explanation, the explanation relational logic and historical
explanation. After many moons, they realize that the analogy is the
language of the Cosmos, through which you can talk to all elements of
nature. All correspondence in the unit knows how to drive and know how
the whole.
Allow yourself to a new possibility, a new meaning, in All Cosmos has a
meaning, there is a sense to be like the Earth, you have certain
emotions, for the seed germinate and for the wolves have hairs and
birds feathers, for any plants on land and water, animals and
microscopic huge. There is a meaning for each color and shape of
everything that exists in the Cosmos, is a polar bear or distant galaxy. A
simple fly can teach you about the world of atoms, on the processes of
interaction between them, on flight, the higher emotions, showing that
larvae are put into materials that are dead, there may be larvae that
multiply in dead thoughts, all thought is dead, when a conflict is hardly
Imagination is the art of creating possibilities, allowing the emergence of
matches, similar to guide the unknown to be known, let the blossom
Nallab question ... what the relationship between the numbers and
movement, which the relationship between the current difficulties and
the past, what is the relationship between the disease and the habits,
which the relationship between sadness and death, which the
relationship between positive action and love. The relationships can be
woven with many threads, which when ordered in an appropriate
manner are an emerging answer to every question.
Throw the words and they are organized in a sense: Wool yarn, Frio,
Needle, Clothing. Lance and the feelings they hold in a sense: Fear, Past,
Family, hope, happiness. All that the launch be acquired life, life is
connected to the connection of Universes in communication.
Allow new connections is that the answers of the depths of the Infinite
outbreak. Remember that each feeling, each action, every thought,
every dream is permeated by correspondence. When you look at
something and move it some meaning has been activated within you,
when you hear or feel any discomfort process was triggered.
Correspondence can get it to understand the universe Interior, from the
external facts, and can lead toward understanding the Laws of the
Cosmos, from the understanding of herself and permission for new
connections. Pure connection, connection of light, connecting into the
unknown interior and exterior, and be known through the technologies,
situations and reactions. And remember you are connected to the finite
His eyes sparkle with joy because it brings light to know the essence.
Your lips move is excited and said:
_The Which is above is like what is below, and what is below is like what
is above.
Nallab lowered his eyes and saw the glow of the crystal and for a
moment contemplate it, and understood his heart, as had incorporated
the Principle of Correspondence. Reason and intuition at that moment
converged as two powerful wings of a bird, who seek the floor of large
And the crystal she heard the voice of the Cosmos and the connection
she felt that the Mind to be crystal clear and should have various colors
and accept all the light coming into you and that time there was a
connection and she felt that the differences should be understood and
accepted, but only when there is transparency, truth to it, it is possible.
Through the outside world it connects directly with your internal world,
and from your inner world it is connected to the outside world.
She was then reminded of the shape of the crystal and the sense of
beauty, and a new match is formed. Nallab admired in his mind the
regular pattern of the petals with crystal and a connection is established
with the Cosmos, and a voice spoke within you:
The petals follow a pattern, a code that organizes the variation in size
according to a law of regularity. There is a basic pattern which rhythm,
form and control every living being, a standard organizer, a scroll of
information filed in the minimum unit in the crystal would be lower petal
possible, in living beings is the smallest unit alive.
The joy overflowed from it. His black hair wet by water blue, reflected a
delicate light blue. His heart pushed him toward the next petal, which
slowly declined. She felt the correspondence between the circular
motion in the direction of each cataract, as the rise of a spiral which is
directed to infinity.
His body was moved slowly in space toward the next petal. Waters
reminded the greenish glow of diffuse light on the meadow and the
aspersion of tiny droplets that come into play when their meeting
produced a slight vibration that traveled throughout their Ser Nallab
formed a shell with your hands as they received the full impact water on
his body. A sweet vibration traveled her body as a subtle wave of
electricity. Then the shell of his hands gathered in the great cataract
itself, smooth movements in his hands raised in the direction of its
delicate and sweet lips, then the essence of cataract has to its Ser
An electric current touched each fragment of its body and its depths
vibrate as the earth tremor that vibrates the front of large earthquakes.
And the great vibration created in your heart and mind, an opening
appeared, and the opening is formed a sound which instructed its heart,
its essence. And your lips vibrarão in line with the principle of vibration
and so she understood:
_Nada Is stopped, everything moves, everything vibrates. And the lips of
cosmic wisdom you started ...
Everything is in motion: it vibrates, nothing is stationary. Das ordens
variáveis de Vibração emerge Toda diferença entre as diversas
manifestações da Matéria, Energia, Mente e Espírito. Desde O TODO,
que é Puro Espírito, até a forma mais grosseira da Matéria, tudo está em
vibração; quanto mais elevada for a vibração, tanto mais elevada será a
posição na escala.
A vibração do Espírito é de uma intensidade e rapidez tão infinitas que
praticamente ele está parado, como uma roda

that moves very quickly seems to stop.

At the lower end of the scale are the gross forms of matter whose
vibrations are so slow that appear to be stopped. Between these poles
there are millions and millions of different degrees of vibration. Since the
corpuscle and the light from the atom and molecule, to the worlds and
universes, everything is vibration. This is true in terms of energy and
strength (which also vary in degrees of vibration) in mental plans (whose
states depend on the vibration) and also in the spiritual planes.
Let the cosmic vibration of water is evident in its essence and open the
door of the Inner Temple, then meet their mental vibrations as well as
that of others. Only the Masters can apply this principle to the conquest
of natural phenomena, by various means.
And while the voice resound in its essence an image is formed together
with the image of a scepter crystal green with a sun on the edge was
delivered into your hands. And voice continued:
"He who understands the principle of vibration has the scepter of
power." Open your hands to receive it, remember that your hands are
connected to your mind and your heart, open mind, open heart and the
scepter will be delivered.
And the mind and heart of Nallab scepter will be opened and deposited
in it and magic of fairyllan occurred.
All that remains in the Cosmos is an essential part of the same process.
The Matter, Energy, Mind and Spirit are the Body Vibration variables that
universe. Interactions between the emerging form, between the two
forms emerge Area, two areas emerge Time, between two-emerge every
vibration. The vibration is made of two states is the point where
yesterday the league is now, that call connection interval.
Change the interval and transmute all Vibration World Interior and
Exterior. The higher the vibration, the smaller the range, the smaller the
range, the smaller the space, the smaller the space, less time. The
shorter the time, the greater the integration, the greater the integration,
closer you are to Absollon.
The vibration of the Spirit nourishes the mind, the vibration of Mind
feeds the energy, the vibration of energy feeds the material. Four are
like snakes that bite the tail of one another, the greater the vibration,
the more energy fairyllan. The snake that carries the greatest power in
itself, the vibration quickly, feeds all cases.
When the spirit feels envy, fear, dismay, pride, suffering, is a vibration.
This vibration feeds the mind, the mind produces images so sad,
unfortunate and dark, creating sounds of self-flagellation and said: you
could not! You should be! You are poor! You're ugly! So the mind affect
the energy and influence its vibration, and everything that is done is
complicated and difficult, even the simplest things are complex. The
speech, to hear the action, the feel, the experience is some of the
manifestations of energy.
Energy is a property that modifies the flow. If their energy is of order not,
modify the flow is in a negative sense of pain generator. Thus, we find
difficulty in speaking harmoniously with others, will have difficulty to
deal with harsh words, so that will cause pain to others and themselves
and feel that nobody likes you and that many to pursue. Little by little,
the energy will power the vibration of matter, and the body may be tired,
with pain and lack of provision. The entire chain of events was affected.
Recognize the vibration of who you are, as is its subject, your energy,
your mind and your spirit. You will discover that there are hooks, traps
that will try it in pain, vibrations that are not yours. Within each be there
arise the possibility of prison and vibrating within every being there is
the possibility of emerging as the key to release from any prison.
The Vibratory Prison is a situation that prevents it from achieving its
natural state of doing to itself a Light "and be their own happiness and
fulfillment in all aspects of existence. Nallab know the walls and can free
itself and dominate the scepter of power. For each thing in the universe
there is a name, the walls are four and their names are: the self-
obsession, the obsession of spiritual beings, material beings between the
obsession and obsession confluent.
Self-obsession is the state of pain that is generated by the type of
feeling, of attitudes and reactions to various situations before, in which it
is believed in something that is not. The echo of the past sounds strong
in that state. You can change the past, changing the way you see the
past. If you say to a child that it is useless, it hurt and fear and put
"Nãos", it will create a vibratory prison, which in the future will bring
pain, fear and anguish in his heart.
The obsession of spiritual beings, are negative influences on these
beings, as expressed by vibrations that attempt to influence the feelings,
attitudes and behavior of one of the beings. The obsession among
material beings, are behaviors that prevent or hinder the development
of the other towards the discovery of fairyllan, excessive overprotection,
excessive jealousy, fears projected, which, causes the other is believed
that certain fears, thoughts and His own feelings are, when in reality
they are influences the vibration of other material beings. When near the
hatred and anger may be influenced by these emotions, and when next
of love and sincere care.
The obsession is the confluent state of perception of sensations that
change in its interior in a negative direction and creates anxiety. When
you enter in a cheerful environment and begins to feel sadness, when
she loves a person and begins to feel the same hatred. All these
emotions are entries in frequencies that are not yours.
To break the walls of the prison vibration and hold the scepter of power
Open your heart to connect Absollon through prayer and keep the mind
alert to distinguish what your vibration is and what is not. The rapid
vibration generates feelings of joy and happiness which passes the slow
vibration creates pain, sorrow and regret.
If the vibration is slow to accelerate, bringing the vibration of your spirit
in a new direction. If you experience or feel fear, encourages thoughts of
courage, courage of emotions, actions of courage, when in dismay and
feeling of paralysis, create movement, mobilize the spirit and mentalize
pick a scene as a flower, something to talk, plan and dream a little be
done in a few moments, turn your dream into action. Thus the vibration
will change. Mobilize the Spirit, centralize and saturate the mind with
images in, listening, seeing and feeling all so good and happy; direct the
energy for a certain movement in the field, talking, thinking, doing the
opposite vibration and vibration will change.
Feel the flow of the breath of the pure gift is Absollon vibrations that
change the power of fairyllan ...
If you're sad, bring joy to the sad.
If you are afraid, take courage to the weak.
If you're having trouble light to comfort distressed.
If you are in darkness, bring light to those who are in darkness.
If you have shame, motivate others through their attitudes to feel
If it is stubborn, let the thoughts and emotions flexible.
If deject, anime others to continue.
The universe changes vibrations through pure donation, the selfishness
crystallizes the power of evolution. Delivered to the other and is the
fertile field where they can be the best of themselves, accept and take
care of others, and the entire universe will take care and welcome you
Nallab, and any vibration in this state may take a new direction. Modify
the vibration in your universe Interior and other universes can modify
interior and the vibration of the universe outside.
The four keys of the prison vibration are: modesty, the Good-Humor,
Gratitude and the Balance.
The modesty that his spirit will remain open and not corrupted by the
pride and achievements, the good-humor will give you light in life and
every situation will be changed immediately to rough to smooth, to
avoid any kind of gratitude wear, thanks for everything , for all beings, in
all situations, in all their attitudes and the other, are of the past or the
present, and the balance is the fact that to keep life in motion, always
dreaming, making dreams and helping others to realize the dreams of
When you understand this principle and have the scepter of power in
their hands, all that playing with the scepter will transmute into a new
vibration, the vibrating pure hatred, the pain vibrating dildo, vibrating
joy to sadness, to illness vibrate health, hunger satiety vibrate ; vibrate
the cold and excessive heat cold heat vibrate, the vibrating ignorance
wisdom. Touch yourself with the wand and change your own vibration,
touch the other and change the vibration of the other; touch anything in
the universe and change. The scepter first act in the Spirit, then the
Mind, then in the Energy and then the material, follow the flow of
Absollon and trust in the movement of your breathing.
Bless the sand and mirror-to the world and spread change when the
vibration of the sand saying, "What every living creature that has
contact with even a grain of sand can be blessed, protected and finally
lit up."
Remember Nallab sweet ...
Let your breath, Ah
Smile, Hey
Relax, Oh
And remember, there's no mistake in entire Absollon vibration will
Nallab inspired and deeply through your nostrils sip the sweet smell of a
flower and a new light shine within you, a new vibration was
incorporated his breath of life. His blue eyes are a magnificent blue-
green in tone topaz and emerald, then with eyes looking infinite, said
that feel their words, thoughts and emotions, could now change any
vibration of the universe:
_ Everything is moving: it vibrates, nothing is stationary, this is the
Principle of Vibration. And a slight smile of satisfaction drain the corner
of his lips róseos.
A petal on which the fairy is supported shone in vibrant shades of green
and it can recognize the vibration of everything that surround it, felt the
vibration of his spirit, his mind, the vibration of energy and matter
around and realized that by several that may seem to various vibrations,
remains in all the frequency of Absollon, the vibration of perfection, the
vibration of lighting. And from that moment onwards Nallab permeated
the heart for compassion and gratitude fully blessed where each
element of the universe. Each element is illuminated and the light inner
bow of each element is glorifying the Supreme.
His breath went to the Supreme vibration, and vibration echoed in his
heart, and his heart was the movement of your body towards the next
crystal petal. The crystal fell slowly and fairy touched him so funny. The
waters near the cataract remember reddish glow of Sunset, had a warm
and comforting.
Nallab walking with closed eyes as if invisible hands to guide, slowly lean
your head back and felt for a moment the red waters of the cataract
massaging every inch of your body. His thoughts were calmly and as the
water ran in his body, images of birth and death, joy and sorrow, growth
and stagnation, and other pairs arose in his mind. He both heat and cold,
fatigue and strength and individual perceptions.
His lips were opened and she felt the liquid coloring Sunset feeding each
area of its essence. In their eyes it was possible to view images of a
graceful red light poorly defined.
The waters cover your body, your energy, your mind and finally played
his spirit, and to play its heart she felt the meeting of the finite to the
infinite, the encounter with the great river of ocean. And in his mind the
seed that sprouted maintains all understanding and puts in motion all
that cosmic voice and began his instruction:
These are the waters of Polarity, guardian of the Principle of Polarity.
Everything is double, everything has poles; everything has its opposite,
the equal and unequal are the same, the opposite is identical in nature
but different in degree, if the ends touch, all truths are half-truths, all the
paradoxes can be reconciled.
This principle has the truth: everything is double, everything has two
poles, everything has its opposite. He explains the old paradoxes, which
left many perplexed beings, and were well established: The thesis and
antithesis are identical in nature but different in degree, the opposite is
the same, differing only in degree, the pairs of opposites may be
reconciled, the extreme points are touched, and there is everything at
the same time, all truths are half-truths, all truth is half false, there are
two sides to everything, this is the essence of things ...
He explains that in everything there are two poles or opposite aspects,
and that the two are simply opposite ends of the same thing, with the
difference in degrees of variation. The Heat and Cold, that is, opposites
are the same, and that there is difference between them is simply the
change in degrees of the same thing.
Look at the processes and meanings interpreted and see that everything
is relative. There is no absolute thing of heat or cold absolute; both
heating and cooling terms indicate only the degree of variation of the
same thing, and that the same thing that manifests itself as heat and
cold is nothing but a form, variety and order of vibration.
Thus the heat and cold are only two poles of what we call heat, and the
resulting phenomena that are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity.
The same principle is manifested in the case of light and darkness, which
are the same, being simply the difference in degrees of variation
between the two poles of the phenomenon where the darkness ends and
begins to light? What is the difference between large and small? Among
the strong and the weak? Between the white and black? Between the
perceptive and the foolish? Between the high and low? Between the
positive and negative.
The Principle of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle
can exceed it. The same principle operates in the mental plan. Love and
hatred, two mental states to look completely different. And despite that,
there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point
where we use the terms equal or unequal, which conceal from each
other so gradually that sometimes we have difficulties in knowing what
we are equal, or unequal neither. And all are simply degrees of the same
thing, as if meditating a moment understand. And more than that it is
possible to change the vibrations of hatred in vibrations of Love, in the
mind of each of us and in the minds of others.
Many of you seekers had personal experiences of the transformation of
love into hatred or the reverse, and this is that with themselves or with
others. You can therefore make possible the realization, exercising the
use of your Will through fairyllan. God and the Devil are the poles of the
same thing and one that understands the art of can transmute
transmute the Devil in God, through the application of the Principle of
The Art of Polarity is one phase of
Mental alchemy, known and practiced by experts of fairyllan.
Knowledge of principle enables the browser to change its polarity, and
the other, if he devoted time and study necessary to obtain the domain
of art. When you find that everything is not at the same time,
understand that the pain stems from the illusion ...
What it looks and is not seen, is called invisible
What is listening and not listening, is called inaudible
What is embraced and not have, is called intangible
These three can not be disclosed
So merge and become one
While top is not bright
While less is not vague
The constant that can not be named
It is a return to non-existence
It is the expression of non-expression
It is the image of non-existence
This is called an indefinite
Seeing it, does not see his face
Following this, do not see your back
Who keeps the Ancestral Path
That there may govern this
Who knows the principle Ancestral
Find the order of the Path
The order of the path when leaves emerge when not to classify the facts,
attitudes and things like good and bad, beautiful and ugly, right and
wrong, better and worse, hence born every conflict, every conflict
creates confusion and confusion leads all disharmony creates
disharmony and all pain and pain leads to death. The death of
relationships, the death of friendships, the death of happiness.
The Principle of Polarity is the key to transmutation mentally capable of
dissolving any illusion and allow light to traverse the portal connecting
the finite, that is you, the infinite is Absollon. When the portal is closed
and the mind is situated in the shadows of illusion, the mind is fed three
poisons, that keeps the conflict alive. The three poisons that need to be
distilled and transmuted are: ignorance of the Truth, the Attachment and
When the Light comes to ignorance about the truth, illusion and
confusion is all dissolved, then the moment it is no longer tell stories to
themselves and leave the world of fantasy; stop creating excuses and
justifications and recognizes it as: "that who wants to discover
something the media, who do not want to find an excuse to do anything.
Where there are excuses, fantasies and justifications, there is ignorance
about the Truth and illusion on you, on the other and the world.
When the light dissolves the illusion Apego all apart. Where there is
attachment there is suffering, because the attachment will control the
direction of existence. The attachment to the past is noltalgia, the
attachment to the future is fantasy, the attachment behavior is a
stubbornness, the respect and attachment to materialism, the love of life
is fear, and attachment to another is selfishness.
Attachment of the two roots born baffling consciousness: the pride and
envy. When the attachment achievements and possessions they become
a source of pride. Such attachment is defined by the attachment. Who
am I? "I am the fairy queen," I am the fairy of blue eyes, "I am the wife
of the head," I am the best fairy in flight. " The pride is responsible
largely pro keep a rigid personality, he sets us in a place in the fence, kill
the live stream of the authenticity and spirit.
The envy and the pride creates a dualistic view of existence, a vision
based on polarity. "She has something more or something I have not,"
"She is trying to take something from me. I will not let that happen. "
Cling to the pride or jealousy is a manifestation of the attachment to
ego. Purify is the pride and envy is essential for us to relax and reduce
the incorrect view of reality, totally focused on the ego, bringing to life
the harmony and reconciliation.
Every compulsion is the result of the attachment. Everything that is done
without making the result of attachment. When attachment dominates
life is to be confused with the defects and the perennial life situations.
The Be confuses stubbornness and impatience as personality traits, and
be it the other way and follow his call it love, and be acting violently and
think this is their nature. The attachment confuses cause confusion and
pain. Each plot is generated from the attachment.
The nature of Attachment is the inflexibility. The inflexibility creates the
chains that trap a pole of polarity, so think that heat and cold, right and
wrong, better and worse, fear and courage, beautiful and ugly, are
different elements of the process. When you think and feel in terms of a
pole, is arrested at the trial and trial is permeated by the separation.
Absollon integration is the way to the Supreme covers everything,
understands everything, accept everything.
The aversion is a way of saying that some do not like. All formed dislikes,
or antipathies are answers to attachment frustrated. When thoughts of
the mind builds trial they may be permeated by hatred "Nallab not like
fairies greedy"; Nallab is anxious and insecure when you're alone, she
hates feeling well. "
Learn observe them, hear it and hear the instructions of the heart
instructing him:
"We do not like when you do not get what they want, not like unpleasant
experiences. When love is not enhanced, it grows and becomes anger,
hatred or enmity. The changes are the sum of many that can not
transmute in achieving, any change causes anxiety, fear, anguish that
comes from attachment. The attachment to old behavior generates
aversion to people, feelings and situations, and the elements of life are
seen as imperfect, when in reality they are instructors in the field of
energy fairyllan. "
Open your ears to hear and hearts to understand: the three poisons
generally work together to create the pain as follows ...
We are ignorant of the truth, we think we can make a happy fulfilling any
attachment, perhaps to a specific person or place, thing, feeling,
thoughts, behaviors, and many other attachment groups. Inevitably we
will disappoint, then when the aversion, dislike or even hatred rosnarão
and bring out its sharp teeth. This is the tragic cycle of pain generator in
the interior can find quarter poison, resistance to change.
On her way toward the release notice that all tend to hold on to our
negative habits and solidify our repetitive patterns of behavior. We are
always doing what we did before, or walking in circles. For attachment
suffer, not easily abandon our routines, our areas of comfort, however
unsatisfactory they may be. Think of a process of change, and imagine
themselves within it and feel the voice of conscience and body will see
the following procedure:
"The breathing and heart speed up a bit, an uncomfortable and an
anxiety appears invisible, I desire not to think about it, wish to distance
myself from the source it is a situation, be it a person, be it a thought.
The excitement will grow if you walk in the direction of where she comes
out of the conflict appear to have increased. But that illusion is the
conflict has not increased, it is only being observed more closely is a big
mountain when seen from afar and seems small as it approaches, it
increases in size. The size of the conflict has grown not because it was
larger, but because the consciousness of the problem observed more
There will to be alone, want to cry, want to sleep, desire to scream and
disappear in the world, this is called. The call that invites the conscience
to reshape and reorganize itself, because each conflict is an emotional
excitement pervaded by intense mental and emotional energy.
E Nallab saw a picture and heard a sound lived, she saw the image of
the dissolution of the conflict:
A rock solid. A giant hammer. The mental energy drives the hammer to
the sky and emotional energy drives the hammer toward the Earth. The
hammer rose and slowly descended rapidly, the hammer and slowly
climbed down rapidly, the hammer and slowly climbed down quickly.
Every time the force of decline was more and more intense, more and
more powerful.
When touched the rock, the rock vibrate and loosen it a little splinter.
The power of the hammer driven down by the hands of the Supreme. A
loud sound was heard when the Supreme hammer touched the rock, was
a sound of thunder.
The hammer followed the rhythm of the Supreme. A rise, a powerful
flare, a sound, a splinter. A higher rise, a greater power to drop a more
powerful sound, a larger chip. Pace and power. Pace and power. Speed
and power inside. Pace and power of will. Pace and power of the
Supreme will. Up and down. Up and down more and more strong, more
and faster.
The chips They were flyin through the air. The rock vibrating like a gong.
Dozens of hit, hit hundreds of thousands of hits, the rock did not resist.
The rock can not withstand the power of the Supreme hammer. It is the
weight of the cosmos that shocked against the rock. So is rock solid
before bending to the power of the hammer Absollon.
Then came Nallab the depths of a deep voice and that did vibrate
throughout its spirit, as well as the hammer hit. And the voice spoke in
the tone of thunder:
"All that is solid, powder turn." The conflict is solid and he must return to
nature, and nature is the powder. What is solid powder turn. The conflict
and turn powder is double the nature of the Supreme hammer.
When the principle of polarity is the Uno you understand that governing
the heat and cold, are in essence the same thing, and what the
difference is a matter of degree; situations are good and bad
interpretations of different degrees of experience, remember the mental
transmutation is the result of using this principle, you see all that
suffering and sorrow were generated when the first judge and separate
the facts, not integrating the paradoxes.
That the energy of fairyllan transmute and dissolve all non-duality and
duality in mind ...
A light shone in the conscience of Nallab.
You be the perfect mind, which unites the paradoxes and generates the
paradoxes, which accepts the differences and understand the
differences, that changes the old and the arrival of the new permits. You
are light, do you Light!
An explosion of transcendent level occurred in its interior, and his eyes
saw everything as a principle. And the conflicts have been dissolved
because the poison had been purified and transmuted. And before the
conflict had turned solid powder and the powder was loaded by the
breathing of Absollon, the Supreme.
The following is crystal petal gently bowed in space and Nallab advance
one more step toward the understanding of fairyllan. The sound of the
strength of the cataracts that had its entire being vibrate.
Waters orange hue of a lively and brilliant first touched the tip of your
feet. A huge flow of vitality began to come his body. The water touched
his forehead so that he felt an energy Nallab invading its essence. The
sound of waterfalls alaranjadas had a rhythm that seemed to occur in
the same frequency of the heartbeat of Nallab.
His body emitted a soft orange glow of light that recalled the solar
corona. His lips were encrusted with a slight smile. Then, as the daisy of
the field, they were opened to receive the sacred liquid.
As water is confused with its being, sound and movements began to be
noticed; rhythms that came from its interior, sounds in his heart, sounds
of your breathing, cycles of thoughts emotions. Nallab was permeated
by the perception of rhythm. Behold the voice of nature is expressed and
began investigating it in the direction of mystery, in the direction of
"Everything is flux and reflux, everything has its tides; all up and down,
all is manifested by oscillations compensated, the extent of movement
to the right is the measure of the movement to the left, the rhythm is
the compensation."
This principle contains the truth that everything is an obvious move
forward and backward, a flux and reflux, a movement of attraction and
repulsion, a movement similar to the pendulum, a flood tide and ebb
tide, a tide-high and a low tide, between the two poles, which exist as
the Principle of Polarity.
There is always an action and a reaction, a march and a withdrawal, a
rise and a fall. This is the stuff of the universe, the suns in the worlds,
men, animals in mind, energy and matter. This law is manifest in the
creation and destruction of worlds, the elevation and fall of nations, the
lives of all things, and finally in the mental states of Ser
Large fairies and applied also discovered certain means to overcome its
effects in the environment with the use of appropriate methods and
formulas. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They can not
annul the Principle or impede its operations, but learned how to escape
their effects on self, to a degree that depends on the area of this
Learned how to employ it, rather than being employed by him. The big
fairies ancestors could polarize to the point where you want, and then
break the Oscillation Rhythmic pendulum which would tend to drag it to
the other pole.
All individuals who have achieved any degree of the field that perform to
a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but one that dominates the
fairyllan, does consciously and with the use of his will, to a degree of
balance and Mental Firmness almost impossible to be accredited by the
masses that go forward and backward like a pendulum. The Principle of
Polarity and secretly studied by fairies and ancient methods of
preventing them, neutralize them and use them form an important part
of Mental Transmutation
Within each there be an impetus for changes in speed which is perfect, a
perfect pace. The perception of rhythm is well hidden by the dark
illusion, which is manifested through the denial of the existence of dark
illusion. When denies itself the recognition of defects inherent to you
conditioned existence remains trapped in the illusion of design.
To light the flame inside break is essential that the systems of denial that
exist in your life, look beyond the veils of illusion, recognize that you are,
and discover the truth of things as they really are. There are three
difficulties in life that interfere with perfect rhythm and preventing their
mental transmutation, and the area of fairyllan. The problems that
hamper the pace of development is perfect: The common, everyday
difficulties: you can not always get what you want, and this is a huge
part of the search engines become unhappy at least a part of existence.
How were you born, sooner or later will experience the physical and
emotional pain. Birth, aging, illness, grief, disappointments, conflicts, are
things that happen to everyone. All problems teach us to have a more
realistic attitude. They teach that life is what it is: imperfect, but with
enormous potential for joy and satisfaction. Know that all things in life or
work poorly, or are not reliable, or are of little importance. Sooner or
later you will see that the entertainment end, the meetings are
impermanent and that we have pain and hunger, nothing comes with
The difficulties caused by changes of circumstances: almost all the most
beautiful moments of life are passengers. You can feel a joy supreme, a
love divine, see an unforgettable scene, have a conversation and
amazing magic, having a spiritual experience, these are moments of
genuine happiness. What we all face is that these moments do not last:
joy turns to sadness, the scene is common and the unforgettable
moments of cosmic love and bliss are sparse and fast. Thus you just feel
nostalgia, disappointment and loss. Know that anything that is good will
last forever, even the best moments in life bring you a sweet-bitter
attribute. Acknowledge that all circumstances are likely to change,
everything changes, everything is impermanent.
Life is change, and he made mutants of circumstances. Life is like that.
The difficulties caused by the imperfect nature of conditioned existence:
we are complex combinations that we always continue to change, are
perennial and have a dependent existence. The youth has, the forces
decrease, the forgetting is we need people, we need the sun, air, water,
earth, we talk and we care, we are dependent. This is the reality.
Every individual is composed of five components: the way the feelings
and sensations, perceptions, intention and will and conscience.
The form includes all the material that can be represented by the signs
of correlation existing in nature: the physical elements of earth (solidity),
water (fluidity) of fire (heat), air (movement) and space (the cavities), all
these elements together make you.
The feelings and emotions that you include the senses connect realities
are six in number: vision (eye), the hearing (ear), the smell (nose), taste
(tongue), touch (skin) and the mind or towards dealing with the world of
ideas and thoughts.
The perception is that the combination of feelings and sensations with
the recognition and trial. Engage your sense of beauty, the pleasant
flavors of favorite sounds, beings that you esteem and dislikes to things
and beings.
The intention and desire to want to involve the search for you or for your
parents, your friends, is what motivates and drives, is why you do what
you do. Your intention creates a bond of responsibility with things with
which you get in touch. The will and intentions directed the mind, the
mind controls the way one thinks, speaks and acts. The intent is that the
state or what is not important. The intentions or past condition
perpetuate current intentions, habits and propensões. Consciousness is
what makes the world see, it is connected directly to each of the senses,
so there is visual consciousness, auditory consciousness, an awareness
gustatory, tactile awareness, a consciousness of smell and a mental
consciousness. These are separate consciousness and create the illusion
that they are together. When they are in motion creates the illusion of
unity, as is a disc that contains the seven colors of the rainbow, if you
turn at high speed, it appears that is not white and seven colors.
Know that everything is impermanent. Your thoughts and emotions are
ephemeral, states of consciousness are changing all the time, what you
think is always liable to unpredictable change, the thoughts and feelings
have no durability. That is a fact of existence depend conventional. In its
essence is an internal light unlimited, clear and spotless, masked by the
senses and the attachment. When all suffering is attachment and
identification with the object you want.
Deny the change is blocking the energy of fairylan, impermanence is to
accept the free energy of fullness and peace. When following the flow of
the river moves fast, if not against the direction of the river you are tired
and sad.
And an image came into its interior, and they see the essence of the
instruction inside:
See that road. See that stone that you must push. Push the stone. You'll
see that there are places that are difficult to roll the stone, and places
that are easy to roll the stone. Listen to rock. She says where to go and
where not to go. The stone shows him the path.
Observe and see everything that each situation the way you teach, you
need not change anything outside, just move inside. You'll see that there
is peace in the heavenly things are just left as the voice of things, the
facts of the situation, life speech. Let everything be as it is, this is a
refuge where there are no desires, an expanding light and open where
nothing missing.
Small Nallab hear the teaching of ancient fairies: "Leave everything as
is, and rest your tired mind." Stop sorting, stop fantasize, invent excuses
to stop, observe without judging and you will see the truth that prevents
it from releasing the perfect pace of change. Everything has its time.
One day and one day to be born to die one day a day for happiness and
sadness, day to day success and a day for failure, loneliness and a day
to day for a company one day and a day of destruction one day to wake
and sleep a day, a day and hit a day's error, a day of help and one day
to be helped one day to win and lose a day, a day and get a day not one
day of peace and a day of conflict. Everything is impermanent, the hope
that things will not change cause suffering. When you believe that the
conflict should not exist when believe that pain should not exist, feel
that when the eternal joy is to be attached to the desire not to change.
This is the law change and you do not agree, this creates a paradox in its
interior, and the paradox creates suffering. The acceptance of the
impermanence of things is the element that brings the paradoxes and
This is the rhythm of existence, this is the pace of change. Life is like
And in its interior Nallab understand and endless depths of space came a
wave, a high sound and quiet, was the voice of the fairies ancestors who
"Everything is flux and reflux, everything has its tides; all up and down,
all is manifested by oscillations compensated, the extent of movement
to the right is the measure of the movement to the left, the rhythm is
the compensation."
E Nallab felt his heart give a new momentum, and their thoughts and
emotions have a new rhythm. She had entered the rhythm of pure
perception, your senses vibrate in rhythm again, following the breath of
Absollon. Then she whispered, in deep shade and full of compassion:
_Tudo Has reflux and flow, everything has its tides; all up and down, all is
manifested by oscillations compensated, the extent of movement to the
right is the measure of the movement to the left, the rhythm is the
compensation. Just accept things as they are, seeing the perfection.
Everything is perfect as is.
She felt that perfection is not to be achieved, but to be recognized. Then
she said, eyes shining intensely:
_ Nallab Awaken! Do not think it, know it! Know the Truth, the Truth
express, personify the truth and live with it, these are the steps for the
In the interior of a hurricane lamp was born and all processed, correcting
any flaws in the understanding of the pace of life. And the voice of the
heart it instructed:
Enter all life in a spiritual perception, the sublime is the ordinary, just
understand. Know that all are bright, look like all lit all in a state of
perfection. When removing the dried leaves from the ground,
understand the spiritual sense, when you eat the food as a spiritual,
when you talk, talk of spiritual order; see so spiritual.
The spiritual permeates everything, the vulgarity is illusion, illusion and
the classification, the separation is illusion. The spiritual is the ability to
extract depth and beauty of things, and help others to realize the beauty
and perfection of things. Know that you can reach through the common
area of the fairyllan, if you can understand what is behind the illusion.
If you do not like screaming, see the beauty hidden, if not like crowds,
see the beauty of the crowds, if not like difficult situations, see the
perfection hidden. When you avoid the world moves away from release,
it divides the world into two groups, the perfect and imperfect, good and
bad, the ugly and beautiful, when accepted, and the teaching of the
situation, you will integrate the conflict. Can see beyond the illusion of
things, things are not imperfect. Everything is perfect in its expression.
Escape the world and situations of the world is denied the pace of life.
Whatever the celestial swan, which lands on the water and keep the
waters calm. Know that the problem is not living in the mundane
situations, but to be influenced by them.
Re-mean how to see situations, replace the common eyes, for spiritual
eyes, ears common share for spiritual ears, the sensations common
share, for spiritual sensations. Then you will see the light and the depths
of the abyss hear the sound of thunder says:
All perception is perfect compassion and understanding, where escape
from the world and situations, will be running away from teaching, the
teaching driver's interior lighting. Thank you all for everything, learn
from everyone, focus on potential and not the perfection of the
appearance of your imperfection, when see in every moment, every
being, every emotion, every situation, and a Master sees it as a Master
who teaches him the way fairyllan, then toward freedom.
Let your compassion and perfect understanding occur and they lead you
to full happiness, understanding and condole with all the facts, avoid
classifies them in terms of good or bad, just see the truth: everything is
perfect as is, attachment is distorting the perception of perfection.
In the moment that the compassion that can be considered vulgar, the
time to extract the beauty of local disturbances, when you allow
mistakes learning from each mistake, when delivered to the world, the
world is delivered to you. Isolated from the world is constantly moving
away from the delivery, the universe gives you what you need. If you
surrender the universe give him little bit. When you supply and is
available to realize the perfection exists in everything and in all, the
Universe delivers to you, and the power cosmic is released.
Remember all are its masters, it is your master, all the facts may lead
you to enlightenment, see the beauty of the facts, have compassion,
share compassion, accept that life is well and you are part of the
process. A process exists only one type of Being, all beings are
enlightened; transmute each of your senses and energy fairyllan is on
deposit in your mind and your heart.
A light flash in your mind and she felt that the facts are not that bother,
but a flawed interpretation of the facts. And so she changed the interior
and the exterior has changed everything. Thus abandoned the dual
perspective, with the brave heart, with the courage of the spiritual
warrior determined to achieve the transcendence and integration total.
The glimpse of the determination and permeated the radiant light of his
eyes and his soul burned the determination to abandon attachment to
thoughts, emotions, actions and patterns that prevented his release. And
so she recognized who was in their hearts and as it withdrew the mental
fantasies, withdrew the apology, withdrew its attachment to things and
people, and made a firm intention to achieve enlightenment, cost the
His body was moved in space and in a calm pace. Blue eyes reflected
the orange glow of the water. The next petal lowered slowly and gently
collecting it on themselves. The blue color of water gave an almost
metallic luster.
Rhythmically she raised their hands and rub the water on his face,
feeling a sweet freshness. Rocked the black hair in the air, opened his
mouth and sip the cosmic fluid.
And the law of the Cosmos began transmutation interior. An explosion. A
soft sound. A sweet perfume. And when everything is mix emerged the
teaching and the heart instructs you in mysteries of the universe:
"Every Cause has its effect, every effect has its cause; everything
happens according to Law, the Do is simply a name given to a Law not
recognized; many planes of causation but nothing escapes the Law"
This includes the fact that there is a cause for the whole effect and an
effect for the entire cause. Says: Everything happens according to law,
nothing happens without reason, there is something that is casual,
however, there are several plans of Cause and Effect, the higher
dominating plans under the plans, nothing can completely escape the
Law .
When you make a mental lift to a higher plane takes up cause for
receiver effects. The masses of the people are brought forward, the
wishes and desires of others stronger than the will of them, heredity, the
suggestion and other causes outside move them as if they were pawns
on a chessboard of Life.
But the Masters of fairyllan, bringing to the plane above, dominate its
genius, its character, its qualities, its powers, as well as those that
surround and become engines for pedestrians. They help create the
play, whether physical or mental or spiritual, is possible without
departure from life, instead of being played and moved by other desires
and influences.
Employ the principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the
causality of the plan more, but help to steer the plane material. This
precept is condensed a wealth of knowledge Fádico: learn who you want,
and surrender their will to take to him.
Everything that is connected so intimate, start a piece of grass and the
universe as a whole quiver. This is the movement of the universe, that is
how he moves towards the respiration of Absollon.
The nature of cause and effect comes from the relationships between
facts, the energy, the minds, bodies, everything is in relationship with
everything. Much as you want to isolate the universe can not, as the fish
will be trying to live out of water.
In the universe there is a primary cause is that the words of the
Supreme, a question that puts everything in perfect connection, we are
all connected by the web of existence. The primary question triggers a
primordial effect, this says all there is to take various arrangements and
express more fully the potential of manifestation.
The arrangements are ways to combine the elements, each array
provides a set of processes. Every thought, every emotion, every feeling,
every movement, every action and every non-action creates an array.
The setup is the connection to the Cosmos. There is a superior
arrangement and a lower arrangement. The first is based on the breath
of Absollon and shows the direction that there is perfect in everything
she guide the emergence of life from non-living, which guides the
planets of birth and death of the galaxies. And she who makes the sun
allows the development of life and the cycles of wind and evaporation.
The second is based on the relationship of multiple possibilities, it can be
combined, but not everything can remain.
The connection above the connection guides below. The above
arrangement tends to occur in the lower arrangement. When it knows
the laws governing the cosmos to be responsible and it is not simple
receiver. Between the two plans is a wire that connects them, this wire is
called a coincidence, coincidence, chaos, disorder, but it is the bridge
that connects the world of matter to the world of spirit.
The material world is a replica of the spiritual world. The spiritual world
that creates an array arrangement is connected to the field of
possibilities, they interact and if the connection is stable it remains to
fulfill its cycle and then discards.
Every question has an effect and every effect has a cause. When you
feel sad that creates an effect around it, when the observed effect to be
sad notice that behind him there is a question. If you have a bad thought
will create an effect, if you have a good thought create another
If you feel anxious there is a cause for this. Every emotion, thought,
action and sentiment in the Cosmos, is connection. This will see what is
on both ends of the wire cause and effect can get to know the truth
about themselves and about the universe.
Remember the flowers of the field, each flower was generated by this
process cause and effect, each flower and creates a network of cause
and effect with all the elements that interact with it. So it is with
everything. You become what is due to the interaction, you were
influenced and influences the process.
Treat the beings as they are and they will respond the same way, treat
them as they would like to have words and that. View the full perfection
in each case. Put love as cause and effect will be love, share and the
effect will be shared, have mercy and compassion will come to you. Take
care of all the best way possible and let the best expression that exists
in its essence, and the universe will take care of you and allow you to
express the best of its essence.
Help comply with Cosmos Cosmos perfection and will help you achieve
the fullness. The way cause-effect connection that takes place in the
universe is like a chorus, ready to sing. There is a being that produces a
musical note, suddenly all beings that produce the same note is added
and if added in a single chorus.
When you have good thoughts, good feelings, good intentions and good
deeds, you create a connection with all beings in the universe that sing
these attitudes. At this time you multiply and acts as a cause, which
helps the cosmos to fulfill its purpose. The purpose of the cosmos is to
be the field of all possibilities of matter, the feelings, the mind and spirit.
Every opportunity is created from the connection between the beings
and elements.
If you follow the law of cause and effect so that every being that crosses
its path can express the best. If your intention is:
Let all beings be happy, happy and accomplished.
That all beings can feel healthy and perfect.
That everyone can have what they need and want.
That all are protected against evil, and free of fear.
That all beings have inner peace and wellbeing.
That everyone is awake, free and independent and have no limitations.
There is peace in the world and the whole universe.
If their intention to follow the breathing of Absollon the universe
conspiring for the full manifestation of its full potential, all the forces of
the cosmos will come to your aid, because it is the law, so is the
And thus the heart of Nallab was satisfied and understood how it is
connected to everything, and admitted the whole chain of events that
are triggered with every intention, every thought and intention move the
wheel of feelings, the thoughts and actions. An action may shock the
world next, a thought can change the whole direction of a life, an action
can change the life of a whole process live, because everything in the
universe is alive. The universe is a cell of the body of Absollon, the
Nallab felt an intense degree of responsibility and commitment with
each of the beings of the universe. She had understood that a case could
change the whole flow of effects and an effect that could change an
entire question. She had understood that the events activated by the
intention not rely on hope to express, but the time. She saw the whole
network of events that could be triggered by each event and view the
intention of modifying the processes, physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual of itself and all beings that surround it.
Nallab was in connection with the Cosmos and known as the Cosmo
acted on the principle of cause and effect, to modify all aspects of
The last petal is gone before Nallab move. The universe was in its
direction for it to express their inherent perfection. She served the
universe, now the universe to serve.
The fairy has accepted the invitation of the crystal and rose petal on its
surface. The petal is shifted toward the violet color of water, to convey
the feeling of the world's completion.
Before drinking the water she foresaw the effects. I know the causes and
view the effects that unfolds.
His spirit felt the breath of the universe itself, the murmur of the future.
She opened the lips and touched the infinite and filled. And the last
piece of the puzzle was placed cosmic heart and instructed him in his
infinite wisdom ...
"The Gender is in everything, everything has its principle male and
female principle, the genus is reflected in all plans."
This closes the fact that gender is manifested in everything, that the
principle male and female principle are always in action. This is true not
only in the physical plane, but also the mental and spiritual plans. Plan in
this physical principle manifests itself as sex, at higher takes higher
forms, but is always the same principle.
No creation or physical or mental or spiritual, is possible without this
Principle. The understanding of its laws can clarify many issues that left
perplexed the minds of men.
Principle at the Gender operates when steering the generation,
regeneration and development. All things and all people contain in itself
both elements of this great principle. All the elements are also the male
element female and all things masculine females have the element.
If you understand the philosophy of creation, generation and
regeneration of the mental, can study and understand this cosmic
principle. It contains the solution of many mysteries of Life. This principle
is noble and sacred. For what is pure, all things are pure, for the vile, all
things are vile and low.
This principle provides the key to the temple which liberates the mind
and cure many questions about the functioning of the whole. This key
shows like the creation, generation and regeneration of all processes,
whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
The whole acts as a living organism and all there is in it too. Planets,
Galaxies, living beings, feelings, memories, relationships and all the vast
range of options follows this model. The male is the essence enabled,
the female is the core provider.
When the essence of men, women welcomed the creation occurs. When
you were small you were open to receive information from the middle,
you were a receptacle ready to receive the influence of the medium. The
information and external stimuli activated pathways mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual inside. In this first part of the process is the
Thus all that was created grows, grows, enters into decline and it
disintegrates, this movement occurs in the form of various cycles, cycles
that can last infinitesimal periods of time, until times Galactica, this
process is the generation or development. After the process of
generation have been realized, is the regeneration, which can be
expressed as the mechanism by which the process restarts the cycle of
full manifestation. In the stage of regeneration the decline is fueled by
the rise and death is supplied with life.
Thus the birth of the universe worked, worked well the appearance of
the stars, so worked the emergence of life, worked as the emergence of
emotions, feelings, behaviors and thoughts.
When you know how this principle to establish, develop and regenerate
as any process of nature, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. If you
want to create life inside a Ser, discover what their potential wish, eat
their potential and express it. If you are unfortunate to live within your
heart or other Being, of recognizing that it is nourished. She feeds the
attachment, see if the attachment is to a person, a feeling, a memory,
an experience. Break the process of generation and regeneration of
emotion through the awareness of the issue. We must be in line with
how the person understands the life and death, and talk on time and set
on time, only experience will show you how this mechanism of creation,
generation and regeneration of all that exists.
Put pain in childhood, put negativity, pessimism put, eat every day. The
process will be established, will develop and regenerate in the future if
the cycle of life, death and rebirth, because everything arises,
everything dies and all reborn in the universe, phenomena are physical,
mental and spiritual phenomena are.
Nallab incorporated the latter case, through it created the light, it
developed through the Open Unlimited, reclaimed through all points of
obscure and confused his mind and heart. The light illuminated all the
space, his body was light, his mind was light, their wishes were light, his
actions were light. She was a pure expression of the supreme light of the
eyes of Absollon.
His body began to float in space and issued him a golden glow like gold
and pure heaven. The breath of Absollon to push the air toward the
center of the lotus crystal. Sound of getting cataracts seemed more
intense and sublime, the light of the environment seemed more clear
and vivid, the air entered through its nostrils as a sacred nectar. All
senses catch the perfection, the fullness.
In the center of the lotus, six silver arches began to shine in all the
seven colors of cataracts, the most gentle and beautiful glow to the eye
can see. Then the arms are aligned. The brightness of Nallab started to
reflect the golden hues for the colors of the heavenly holy water, he was
the seventh arc.
Absollon the blew a plume in the direction of arcs, and she was
surrounded by arches. And the wind came across the Supreme Being
and its taken place in words. The eyes of Nallab be closed and
brightness was so intense that it could only see the light and
multicolored reflection in the same crystal.
_Sou The daughter of light, we all are. Ancestral fairies, beings of
Cosmos, Absollon, the Supreme, the commitment. His quiet voice abroad
and restarted within its essence:
The sentient beings are countless: I promise to free them.
The illusions are inexhaustible: I promise transcends them.
The teachings of the Spiritual Path are limitless: I promise to dominate
The path of the enlightened Master of Fairyllan is incomparable: I
promise to incorporate it.
That the power of transmutation is perfect express in its fullness.
The fairies that dominated the ancient powers of the full release through
fairyllan celestial sing praises.
A strong wind derived from the respiration of Absollon permeated the
environment. A fire started to go the whole body of Nallab, every
thought, every ceiling, every emotion was transmute.
The fire ignited the cosmic power and released the power of fairyllan. An
electricity traveled each element of the body of Nallab. Suddenly the
wind became a whirlwind of Light, Electricity and Fire. The waters of the
cataract began to change, each cataract produced yarn in the colors
corresponding to each principle.
The water descended in the form of wires and light fluids. Gold wire,
red wire, orange wire is mixed in amidst the typhoon. Then the wires
started to move in space towards the center of the lotus. Little by little
the wires were Nallab surrounding on all sides and join it. The hands of
the universe teciam something around the fairy, the Cosmos tecia a
The wires come together like snakes that fire floating in the bright air.
The cocoon was fabric, with the sacred waters. Fluid a cocoon, a cocoon
of fullness.
The typhoon was more and more strong, electric rays, fire and light
permeated the whole environment. Gradually Nallab had disappeared
and fell asleep inside the cocoon. The lotus crystal fairy is closed and
remained within the cocoon, which was inside the lotus.
And she saw, and she felt and she understood the thoughts of the
Supreme. Nallab and Absollon were one. She reached the area full of
fairyllan the unthinkable and achieved inner peace, the cessation of
desire and attachment. It was the end of suffering. It was the release,
lasting freedom, achievement and enlightenment.
And see it all so clear, without separation, and the veils of many lives
opened up for her. And she saw that everything was part of a single life,
death was the mediator of a cycle.
With closed eyes inside the cocoon, he felt as if a new universe was
born, an indescribable energy swept all its essence. Saw the birth of the
cosmos and an internal explosion, and gave a cry that reorganized its
entire body, all his thoughts, all your feelings, all your memories. And
she really was seen as the perfect expression of Absollon.
The light increased, a violet flame traveled all its Ser. A lotus is opened
and the interior of the cocoon could be observing the flame violet. The
cocoon was evaporating and the vapors were sorbed by the fairy. And
the universe reclaimed all its Ser
And all the Cosmos you whispered in unison:
Es tu Renaissance, are you full, are you perfectly. From that point on
becomes its essence and with it everything you become.
Nallab was taking celestial features and hair have become black, the
wings are gone, it did not need more of them, and the body was taking a
perfect operation, as the universe. And he named the universe ...
Es tu NAHS that moment on, the light. On behalf of the entire Cosmos
Absollon bless him to accomplish the purpose of the Supreme.
A light golden as the sun shine its entire Ser achegava All of you that
took a new rhythm, she was the living expression of Absollon, exhaled
the perfection and absorbing the perfection of all cases. When each of
your senses rested on the fact, it really means a perfect and
harmonious, the vacuum that emerged. The vacuum permeated the
whole, it emanates all creation and perfection of all that.
His eyes remained closed, but they saw. When you see, there was only
the act of seeing, there was no one who sees what is not seen. To hear,
there is only the act of listening, listening to nobody and nothing to be
heard. It was as if a sound left a magic flute, but had not flautist, had
just pure melody.
Nahs had broken open the five chains that trap the reality of Being: the
wishes were broken, the ill will was overcome, the sloth and torpor or
spiritual laziness has overcome the anxiety and doubt. The perfect
reality emerged and she found the way to a flawless and perfect life, the
path of balance, health, inner strength, of purity, control of them, the
firmness and moderation. She balanced mind and heart development
capabilities equivalent: compassion with wisdom, love with truth. His
mind was awakened and she had noticed that the awakening of the
heart allows the awakening of the mind, as the flowering of a flower. The
petals are open and the center is shown, are linked processes.
When we come to reality, other people in, is the understanding of the
essence and innate perfection flowers, the seed of perfection born. The
change means the interior allows the flowering of innate perfection. His
heart he whispered:
"Little doubt, little lighting, great doubt, great lighting."
Nahs had noticed all the answers about herself, had questions invisible
in the depths of his soul, deep questions about life and death, and on
their role in this process. And the thoughts have led to four processors
"A life is precious. This life, with pleasure, qualities and opportunities, it
is difficult to be obtained, it is subtle and easily missed, so now is the
time to practice spirituality with care. If it is wasting your opportunity to
achieve their goal of life, when there will be another chance? "
"All things are impermanent, in particular, our spirit is a bubble on a
river that flows. The hour of our death is uncertain, and leave this world
alone. All will die, everything that was gathered will be separated,
everything is ephemeral. Death is part of life and should be reflected
and thought. Learning to die you learn to live. "
"The law of cause and effect as follows in the shadow that follows our
body, words, thoughts, and actions, both righteous and not righteous
cause consequence. The results of our actions to follow. "
"There is an ocean of cyclic existence and suffering that permeates the
existence and everything it contains, including pleasure and pain, are
like a big party on the way to the public grave. Losing hurts. Life is
difficult, it is difficult to grow, it is difficult to get sick, getting old and
dying is painful. We impotence, anxiety and insecurity, of not having
control over the events, and being taken here and there by
circumstances and conditions that do not understand. Only you can see
the choices that we understand. "
His eyes remained closed, however it saw. Suddenly she started a
movement that gently caressed the entire environment. The waters of
the cataract had a perfect harmony and light, for everything she was
alive and should be protected, blessed and awakened.
A perfect drive has rumble your heart and the curtain that separated
itself had been torn. So like an arrow that cuts the air, she plunged
inside the ball, toward the ocean surface.
Without wings Nahs erected flight, controlled by your mind heart. Rays
of white light were perceived by their senses, everything was light. At
the ocean surface envisioned giant flowers and reflection of water. And
as a celestial dragonfly flew close to the mirror of water, quick,
increasingly fast.
His speed was such that created a vacuum, an empty space between it
and the surrounding environment. And the vacuum a groove formed in
the waters of that ocean rare. His acceleration seemed gradually going
the direction of absolute velocity. The groove was more water and
Suddenly, when its speed is close to full speed, it went up toward the
infinite sky. And plunged vanishing at infinity as a point of golden light,
which illuminated the whole immense environment.
"Nahs the Wake"

"When the four internal cycles is consolidate and follow the thought of
breathing Absollon in the cold is the sign of the times, the change will be
forthcoming. When the fairies are of ice and ice prevail, the resnascinada
will and his heart melted the cold and bring the flame of fairyllan the
world. "
Sacred Text of wonderland
Canto XXV

Of the deep interior of the universe emerged Nahs. Little by little, his
fingers began to move, first the little finger, after the indicator and
finally all the others. His hands are opened and closed. Your body as a
whole returned to life, your entire body reborn.
A golden glow was emitted from the top of his head and a sweet and
warm breeze of peace remained in the environment. His eyes remained
closed while the body is built, however, he saw everything, everything in
its perceived depth.
Then he saw a desert. An immense desert where there is only loneliness
cold. Everything was paralyzed by cold. Everything was silent. Ali rested
in the castle of crystal of the Empress, she saw the end of an era.
Its interior is compatible for end of life and the beauty of loneliness drew
cold, it was kindness, compassion and wisdom, which were exhaled from
your Ser. So Nahs said in sweet tone to all beings:
_Os Sentient beings are countless: I promise to free them.
_As Illusions are inexhaustible: I promise transcends them.
And at the heart inside him whispered a fragment of reality:
If it seems wise, but does not show kindness or compassion, is not
Love is like, but it is not wise, is not love.
His insights have expanded it to hear a request for assistance, Nahs
hearts felt the pain of crying, she felt their pain and despair of all beings
The wind and ice storm was intense, all remember a little forest of
crystal in which she had p
assed. The strength of the snow cover the very image of the sun and
unable to see beyond sleeping eyes of two palms away.
She floated gracefully on the floor of the palace, and followed toward the
call. Something called the initial point in the direction of the aisle
acknowledged the huge tube of material before the stranger who had
seen it all, now pale and cold as a hardened heart, the corridor made of
multicolored butterflies, which perform a continuous spiral motion, and
had finished Nahs watching the butterflies and cold frozen falls in the
corridor that lead to the empress.
The supreme compassion for everything that is touched and she touched
each and every one of the butterflies all returned to life. A golden light
and mild heat came across her body, she suddenly recalled to the
Principle of Polarity and dispelled the illusion of cold.
The corridor Renaissance and the butterflies fly around it with a spiral of
butterflies. Every step that gave Nahs, everything around you is
transformed, she remembered the steps of the Great Wolf Rock, which
by their vibrations change the deceptive means and that perfection
At the end of the tube alive, this was a beautiful flower to look frozen like
a giant pink, which has only a small part red and thawed. The index
finger touches the tip of the empress who still remained alive.
The empress had frozen the entire body, except the index finger to
transmit life to flower. Róseas before their faces were pale and bright as
a lake of crystalline ice.
The source of vibration move before multicolored elementary, remember
that perhaps thousands of strings of a harp, was frozen.
Nahs recognized immediately by one of the principles learned that the
ropes were made of thin fillets of the sacred waters of cataracts, which
she drank.
Step by step, Nahs sent his body toward the empress and the source.
The ice began to change and life was returning to the environment. In
the center of the chest of a low brightness remained empress, was the
flame of his heart, was the flame of fairyllan, the desire to maintain the
harmony of things.
Nahs approached the Empress and raising one hand touched his heart.
The brightness that is concealed behind the crystal grew more and
more, and a pink hue across the body of the Empress. And the ice
melted. And the waters rose revived and began to move. At that instant
the light of the revived Absollon everything and everyone.
Then the Empress of fairy lightness and smiled in a single host and said:
_Bendito Is small. Blessed is he who was born in the summer for
flowering the buttons closed.
So, the Empress kneels and kissed the hands of awakening. Nahs smiled
gently and getting in the hands of the Empress, in the tenderness and
kissed said:
_Grata Am to you and all that led me to the source, from now on and
throughout the always be the servant of Absollon.
So she plunged into the eyes of brightness Camaleón the empress, with
their eyes closed. And through them saw what had passed in a flash and
see an image, which is built like this:
The image of GLACIS appeared before his eyes and saw the intensity of
his ambition to dominate fairyllan, the last secret. The birth of Raices.
The kidnapping of a former fairies that ordering energy of heat, the
mother Raices, the only fairy born in winter, appeared in his mind.
The lessons inherent in the field of fairyllan the cold and the theft of
ancient fairy aware of his family born in the summer of
After the death of Glacius, his son assumed the throne and the purposes
of the father, thus using up of their own innate talents began to pursue
the wishes of the father, that this figure was now nothing more than a
deep mark in your memory , his actions and an amulet on the neck. The
father turned into a crystal of ice, still seemed alive, there hanging on
the neck of the child in the form of a chain. The father was the amulet of
Raices, who imbued his son with his own frustrated desires.
The strength of Raices was stimulated and refined over the thousands of
years that their father was at his side and now he is back, live in a
insane ambition to live the spirit of the child.
The breath of Raices spreads around the world, a cold and strong wind
begins to come from all directions, the hearts of all are tormented.
Children are taken to the palace and protected by the powers of the
All the wise men come together and perform the ritual of evocation of
the Great Ancestors, energy opened the portals of the sacred source, on
top of Mount Cosmic. And the source of the interior came a ladder to
protect everyone.
Some could not escape in time. The breath of Raices went fast as a
snake in the air, and which played its poison was distilled, the cold was
the poison and those who were touched by what he was instantly
The Empress remained in the palace, trying to protect at all until they
reach the source. Fought bravely with the strength of his spirit, but
Raices advanced. His body began to freeze and only the flame of his
heart remained in fairyllan on. Two tears were frozen while falling toward
the ground, she felt the pain of all his brothers of Nature.
On the third day that the Raices breathed the breath of earth, all the
surface was frozen. Each plant and animal on the planet had been
paralyzed by the intense cold.
She felt the pain and despair of mothers trying to protect their children,
trying to protect them embracing, after the buildings were ringing;
mother and child frozen in eternal embrace.
Raices suddenly appeared and looked at their faces Nahs and for a
moment his heart melted a little. And she heard the sound of a phrase of
the past he said:
_ I watch their dreams, their thoughts, know who you are, even if you
have known ... is the time my Queen. The time for a new choice and a
new time.
And the phrase "my queen" and "the time for a new choice and a new
time," and a feeling emerged because each word carries a sense of
direction or a network of them. While Nahs heard "my queen", feel the
flame of love is lit in the heart of Raices cold and when he said, "the time
for a new choice and a new time," she felt the perfection and the desire
to awaken within your crying heart.
Raices was still unknown to the meaning, but the secret of deep fairyllan
began to reveal in its depths, love melt a piece of ice and began the
process of transmutation, by mobilizing the power light and perfect
existing within each element and be of nature.
Gradually the image has been undoing as the reflection of radiant and
clear crystal waters, where it is agitated cutting. So she thought that had
_Imperatriz Is time to do what we are here to do ... I said in the wake
sweet tone and angelic.
The Empress has approached both touched hands and started the
powerful magic of transmutation flows. Moved up their voices in unison,
in a move that recalled the move of the caterpillars on the ground, which
are migrating butterflies.
_Oh Old fairies ancestors, we recall, we do few with you and the entire
_Oh Absollon, express their desire through our perfect, perfect his
thoughts and action perfect Transmutum ... ... ... Transmutum
Trnasmutum ... As the beats of a drum the words were said.
And the words echoed throughout the hall and the hall echoed
throughout the palace and the palace echoed throughout the kingdom,
and the whole kingdom echoed by all beings, and all beings echoed
throughout the Cosmos to reach the emptiness of light where everything
Then the movement emerged and fairyllan current flow was gradually
being modified. The wind was calm down and the sun shone, and they
are returned to life. Fairyllan had created a protective radome to protect
the entire kingdom.
The Empress smiled satisfied and thanked them, thanked everyone and
everything, because gratitude is the path that leads to the heart and
mind latent perfection that dwells in everything.
_É The time ... In closing a cycle and start a new cycle, all death is the
beginning, emotions die, die thoughts, ideas die, die body. This is the
cycle of life, the frailty is part of existence.
The Empress understood every word. Well Nahs had learned to talk to
each heart, she meant every Being of the Universe. His words would
direct the perfect essence of each element. Thus the Empress felt that
his mission was to calm people and meeting them near the source of
Nahs began to glow intensely as the sun and floating in the air
disappeared in perfect speed toward Raices. For her there were no more
limits materials, like the swan that was resting in the waters without
making waves, nothing could influence it, it was the very expression of
the universe.
How close to a fire he crossed the vast distance that separated the
wonderland of the castle of Raices. Where your energy back and touched
the lives cold was dissolved because it had nothing to fear, no illusions
there, everything was perfect and pure light.
As crossed the space, transmuted the cold, wind and stagnation. The
empress to meet all around the source of fairyllan, new and old. All
generations of fairies were there together. The fairies heard the distant
singing sacred to the Empress and delivered more quickly came flying
from all directions.
The song was the voice of sacred Absollon, where it was given impetus
generated irresistible direction to serve the call of the universe. It was
called the Supreme express himself through this ancient corner of the
fairies, the song was blessed that they are grouped in a vast network
Other beings of the kingdom heard the call and the top of the hill Cosmic
built is a beautiful image ...
All winged insects and terrestrial directed up to the mountain, all land
animals and winged met the top of the mountain. Plants and aquatic
animals directed their attention to the mountain. At that time all beings
hear the call of Absollon and each element was attracted to it, an
intense desire to praise and serve.
The web of life was perceived and perfection of each being in the
direction of the Supreme, began to be apparent. All were around the
immense source of fairyllan, with its sacred waters. In its waters
emerged the image of Nahs was driving in to Raices.
By far Nahs recognized the address of Raices and reducing its speed,
floated in a vertical position on the floor. And heard a voice:
_Bem Coming my queen! Raices said with a tone humming coming from
all sides.
Little by little, a portal of giant ice began to open and call for input from
the awakening had been done. Raices yet know its depths had invited
more coverage of the ice to melt your heart.
Nahs by the sadness of your heart and understand the causes of their
suffering, she acknowledged that there was only a tenuous cloud of dust
that separated the awakening.
As it floats over the ground covered with snow, the snow is still intact,
because Nahs was permeated by compassion and respect fully all the
way to Raices had left in his kingdom. Driving up toward the Ice Lord,
she gave a perfect thoughts and intentions. She talked directly to the
heart of Raices. And at the heart of Raices words were delicately
This can not awake, nor force him to either walk the path of truth and
liberation. This can not awake, nor force him to either walk the path of
compassion and self. This can not awake, nor want, forcing you to follow
the lessons of liberating spiritual path leading to opening of the heart.
Nobody but you control your destiny.
The heart of Raices it said:
Open the gates and invite the awakening to enter. I wish to wake.
Between me and remains lit. However not know what is happening, the
illusion that it will enter it to die, but the perfect essence it says that to
enter free.
Raices has already made the choice and then build that was just the
opportunity to understand the why of his choice.
Nahs knew that the crystal was the cloud of dust that separated Raices
of full awakening. She felt the energy of Raices and ran up to where it
was. After crossing a huge corridor of ice, she saw him seated on his
throne cold. Beside the throne she saw the image of his father, a statue
of ice crystal. And remember that that was his father and at the time
they were taken to the land of ice, long ago.
However, as your heart and mind were totally allowed to open it without
fluísse holds fast memory and the memory now, and when she became
only the direction was perfect, just the desire to see all stayed awake
and happy. The image no longer confused their senses, through her
closed eyes via light, light at all, light at all.
_Bem Coming for a long time to wait for that moment ... He said Raices.
And she said:
_Raice My beloved I want to remember?
_De What? Raices said a mix of confusion and anger. The anger was the
guardian of truth that is trying to reveal and prevent its full expression.
Nahs was approaching more and more, its light began to be irradiated by
the environment and touch the cold side of Raices. The time of Raices
was not touched by anything that was not the cold wind and cold.
And his heart felt desire to remember. And awakens hear your heart and
told him directly in the depths ...
Remember the time when we two were one, the time we were living in
the heart of a large animal. The time that I was the left half of the heart
and you half right. Ali was the beginning of our connection.
We both in one movement, moving the large animal, we both wish he
could pull a heavy cart. When our side was placed a different animal
weak and we will feel away from it so that we could help him. It was the
first time that compassion resonated in us, that was our first step toward
the wake, two halves, an intention.
That was long ago. And for many cycles and the life process and in the
universe called ...
There was the time when we were two petals of a rose, the two halves of
a heart, a time when we were the two wings of an insect and the two
wings of a bird, the two lips that love. The time spent with him and new
courses were started and we turned "straight" before turning over
fairies. And learn together about the fire, air, land and all the first cycles
While many lives were linked by invisible bonds of perfection. And for
many lives were linked fairies, and long marches us toward Absollon. I
am grateful to you for everything and came back to share what we
started long ago, the path of awakening.
And the sound of ancient times resonated in the minds and hearts of

In all my future lives,

I never fall under the influence of bad companions;
I never do evil or a strand of hair of any living being;
I never be deprived of the sublime light of the spiritual path.
To achieve the dawn, to light a path exists, whether you believe or not,
whether you like it or not, you have to practice this lesson if you want to
reach enlightenment, the awakening: "Take all the profit and gain
everything you learned and conquered the other, and without
selfishness accepted all the blame and the whole loss.
While Nahs spoke directly to the heart of Raices, he experienced a
moment of total awareness, that moment, a moment of perfect freedom
and enlightenment, and amid the confusion of himself and managed to
glimpse the way for a moment doubted.
The awakening of the doubt he felt his heart and proved it directly in its
You are too close, so do not see.
Sounds too good to be true, so do not believe.
It is too deep, so we could not imagine.
Is not outside of us, so we can not get it again.
Then images were generated by the power of fairyllan within Raices
through that first flame of love that had a melted piece of ice, came
across transmutation, all the energy fairyllan flowed there, the divine
breath filled the whole interior with their the emptiness of light where
everything emerges. A road of light appeared in her mind and she saw
Nahs a bridge and the other internal voice said:

Until the path,

You wander around the world
With precious awake
Completely enveloped within himself
As a bundle of rags
... you have awakened this valuable.
Unwrap it fast!

And in that moment when he glimpsed its internal processes understand

the choice that his heart had long ago and he was asleep, as the seed
that remains dormant in the cold of winter. Step by step he went more
and more within himself, Nahs was the companion of many lives and
many cycles that led back to nature and perfect light.
The road of light and maintained Nahs Raices, and step by step he
advanced, and in each step a fragment of darkness was illuminated. And
at that moment he confided in respiration and detachment of Absollon
and follow the breath of Absollon. Nahs had a box on their hands and
gave him and he accepted the delivery. Because only the acceptance
can lead to the awakening ...
Raices opened the box and saw a mirror in the depths of the mirror and
saw a black caterpillar and the darkness. And saw the caterpillar
wandering about the earth and felt the desire of the caterpillar to touch
the sky and achieve full freedom.
The worm then began to build a cocoon and bright for some time she fell
asleep to the things of the world. Little by little the cocoon began to
open and its interior appeared a beautiful blue butterfly.
The butterflies are out of the depths of the mirror and fused to the heart
of Raices. Raices then merged the transmutation of desire and divine
wind began to heal every wound of his soul. He saw a bright, he felt the
call to the awakening and the bottom of your heart these words spurt:
I seek refuge in awake, enlightened master, I undertake with the
I seek refuge in the path, the spiritual teachings, I undertake with the
truth as it is.
I seek refuge in the Cosmic Family, a spiritual community, I pledge to live
the enlightened life.
Raices had understood that in every thought, every action under the
sunlight of awareness becomes sacred and there are no boundaries
between the sacred and the profane.
Little by little, he returned to the perception in the environment of the
palace and saw Nahs right next to you. She approached and so gentle
and loving, and with closed eyes observed the interior.
The faces were still frozen in Raices due to the use of fairyllan the cold
and his eyes reminded two ice crystals. And the heat of that first love
melted the ice inside the few, and a melted piece of ice fell as a drop of
Nahs approached him and pasted her hand tenderly on the face that
much was not played. Then put both hands. Slowly raise your head and
eyes toward mirou of your eyes.
Raices all looked so simple and a sense of servitude and compassion for
all beings emerged itself.
The light of Nahs was intense, the gold began to play and involve every
area of your cold soul. He felt a slight heat toying each part of your body
cold. Suddenly something happened and the magic was raised ...
Nahs's eyes slowly began to open and looking the depths of the soul of
Raices, he foresaw the perfection. His eyes were tender and light as an
ocean of pure light, and it sank in that ocean. And light illuminated the
entire internal and external environment, and there was a moment of
bliss and loved.
Nahs looked fixedly Raices, the companion and many other cycles of life
and involved with brightness of Absollon. His lips were getting closer to
Raices. The ice melt in their faces and colorful and vivid color returned to
his face lighted.
Then the lips are sealed and played a new time, a new process, and the
prophecy was held:

"In difficult times to turn the tears of ice and sent to the difficulty in the
future it will seek internal heat. And in this case the flow will find the
opposite, then the ice will light the fire and the fire will turn the ice, so
Absollon said, the Supreme. "Canto VII
Sacred Text of wonderland

Cosmo was the merger of the union illuminated from time immemorial
that is consolidated. By that initiated the kiss sealing the end of a cycle.
The light lit up on each and merged them in mind, heart and spirit, the
merger of the three elements that joined the alliance cosmic infinity and
is expressed in each. And both are merged in the empty light and
kindled the field of fairies freed.
And the universe breath for Raices:
From that point on the Cosmo baptizes him and all that their ancestors
freed him blessings ... that moment on you will ... Shan. These will be
the polarity of a process, a new process.
Nahs and Shan, the awake, the servants of Cosmo, the breath of
Absollon. You are fairyllan, the divine breath.
It was the end of an era, an end of a cycle that had been sealed. That
was the sign of the end of the existence of fairies and rise to new cycles.
Then it was time to have new guardians and custodians of fairyllan.
In light Nahs and Shan, rose and began a new cycle of servitude and to
have started the slow transmutation of the era of the Ice. And 100,000
years during land preparation work for the new cycle, controlling the
flow of energy across that determines the heat and cool the planet and
all beings.
After many centuries were the new guardians and long Nahs and Shan,
acted in each of them reminding them on the effects of heat and cold,
warming their bodies from within and from outside their bodies and
getting cold outside inwards and the inside to the outside, remember
that water can stagnate when freezing, flow and fit when you ascend to
heaven and liquid vaporizes when.
Through these effects of nature they tried to remember all the beings on
the path to awakening. They were the agents of the movement of cold
and heat the world, fulfilling the sacred vote ...
The illusions are inexhaustible: I promise transcends them.
The teachings of the Spiritual Path are limitless: I promise to dominate
The path of the enlightened Master of Fairyllan is incomparable: I
promise to incorporate it.
That the power of transmutation is perfect express in its fullness.
And after very long and were the forgotten men and prophecy was
fulfilled again:
"The divine breath is eternal, and in the future and for ever and there
will be loaded by new guardians and guardians, fairies without wings
caminharão that the Earth ... and have the divine wind in their hearts.
"Canto XI
Sacred Text of wonderland
And the man was the heir to the knowledge of fairyllan, to be used to
illuminate, bless and protect all beings and processes of the planet.
And so another cycle is closed, and closing after all is a new opening, a
new process emerges. Thus Nahs and Shan, have deposited their
compassion and desire to serve others towards enlightenment ... and left
the writing on the page of nature to remember the men who really are,
perfect and bright, and left graph in the depths of a cave in the 11,000
meters on the writing process.
In the last lines there nectar of the wisdom of all fairies, elements that
lead to new generations of guardians to awakening and that was the last
message left by compassion and wisdom of old awake ...
"Look at everything as a dream"
"Put the responsibility in the right place"
"Reflect on the goodness of all people who find"
"All activities must be conducted with a single intention, everything you
do is gentle, kind, careful, compassionate, loving, fair, reasonable and
generous with everyone even with you"
"All lessons are in agreement among themselves"
"Think about where this causes problems in your life, without excuses or
"Do not transfer the loads of their problems to others, they carry their
own problems"
"Do not sink in autopiedade"
"Keep the mind always cheerful"
"Accept yourself as"
"Valuing where you are and where they came"
"Take the other your love and compassion"
"Change happiness and love for suffering and pain, to help others"
"Think that life is short and you can die at any time, you learn to live and
die because no one has really learned to live without having also learned
to die"

The last line ended in golden letters and said ...

"The search that follows the path is a light that shines on the world to
know that all happiness in this world comes from thinking of others, and
all the suffering comes from preoccupation with yourself. Absollon that
illuminate the path of those who seek "

And counted the old way ..

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