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May 27th, 2013 Published by: Thetasuff

10 Tips For SuccessfuI
The 10 Cardinal Rules Of
Source: ILLp:JJwww.empowerneLwork.comJLIeLusLuIIJbIogJcurdInuI-ruIes-
How Blogging Got Going . . .
WIen bIoggIng IIL LIe web, IL dId so wILI u bung. BIoggIng Is
now one oI LIe mosL popuIur Iorms oI communIcuLIon vIu LIe
web. BeIore, web surIers wouId sImpIy browse LIrougI sILes
wILI preIormuLLed LexL on LIem. TIere wus very IILLIe cIunce
Ior u surIer Lo commenL on u sILe or Lo oIIer LIeIr opInIon
on unyLIIng. I u surIer wunLed Lo voIce LIeIr opInIon vIu LIe
web, LIey Iud Lo sLurL LIeIr own webpuge. SLurLIng u webpuge
Is perIecL Ior some surIers, buL IL Is wuy Loo compIIcuLed Ior
mosL. n uddILIon, sLurLIng u webpuge usuuIIy Lukes u smuII
InvesLmenL, wIIcI Is someLIIng noL muny surIers wunL Lo oIIer
up jusL so LIey cun posL LIeIr vIews.
Getting 8tarted
WIen you IIrsL geL your own bIog spuce, LIe bIoggIng soILwure
wIII usuuIIy provIde you wILI Iree LempIuLes Lo uLIIIze. TIe
LempIuLes wIII oIIer you dIIIerenL coIor und puLLern sLyIes Ior
your bIog. Some muy Iook more IemInIne wILI IIowers or pInk
sLrIpes, wIIIe oLIers wIII Iook more muscuIIne In sLyIe. You
sImpIy cIoose one oI LIe suggesL LempIuLes und LIe soILwure
wIII seL everyLIIng eIse up Ior you. I you Iuve progrummIng
skIIIs, you cun LypIcuIIy uILer LIIs Lo muke your own sLyIe us
Here Are The Ten Cardinal Rules Of
1. Huve u LIeme. TIIs IeIps uLLrucL reuders. L provIdes u
Irumework uround wIIcI Lo bIog. cIose TIme eudersIIp us
my LIeme. Iuve Iud u Iong InLeresL In LIe use oI LIme und
pubIIsIed un uudIo book on LIme munugemenL. um consLunLIy
IookIng Ior new LIme reducIng Ideus Lo udd Lo my presenL
z. BIoggIngobIIguLes you Lo do more bIoggIng. L Is jusL IIke
wrILIng u newspuper coIumn. I you Iuve u IoL oI peopIe reudIng
your bIog, LIey expecL Lo see new muLerIuI. bIog ubouL or 6
duys per week und occusIonuIIy skIp u duy, buL noL oILen. now
know LIe pressure wrILers on deudIInes musL IeeI.
. BIoggIng Is u Lwo-wuy sLreeL. You musL respond Lo LIe
commenLs you wIII geL. TIe Iurger LIe bIog IoIIowIng, LIe more
commenLs you wIII geL.
q. BIoggIng Lukes LIme. One oI my LIme ruIes Is - II udd
someLIIng Lo my scIeduIe LIuL Lukes LIme; need Lo deIeLe
someLIIng LIuL Lukes LIe sume umounL oI LIme. or me, IL Lukes
ubouL 1 Lo zo mInuLes per duy und wrILe quIckIy und keep
IL brIeI.
. Be IeguI. OI course LIIs Is obvIous buL meun more LIun jusL
beIng IeguI - be cureIuI oI gIvIng uwuy InIormuLIon LIuL couId
be consIdered Lo be busIness conIIdenLIuI. TIere Iuve been
cuses wIere peopIe Iuve IosL LIeIr job becuuse LIe compuny
does noL IIke wIuL Ius been suId In LIe bIog.
6. Keep u IIIe oI bIog Ideus. keep un eIecLronIc IIIe und u puper
one. TIIs muLerIuI gIves me someLIIng Lo suy wIen someLImes
um noL us InspIred Lo bIog. L cun uIso be someLIIng LIuL
prompLs me on wrILIng In my bIog. know oILen IInd myseII
LIInkIng In Lerms oI wIuL mIgIL muke good bIog muLerIuI.
;. ProvIde IInks Irom your bIog. PeopIe wIo reud bIogs ure used
Lo beIng ubIe Lo cIIck on InLeresLIng LopIcs und goIng rIgIL Lo LIe
web puge wILI LIe InIormuLIon. AILer uII, LIIs Is LIe InLerneL.
8. OnIy sLurL bIoggIng II you IIke Lo wrILe. Even LIougI IIke Lo
wrILe, do oILen IInd IL Lo be u bIL oI u cIuIIenge.
q. Be uuLIenLIc. LIInk LIe reuders upprecIuLe IL. LIInk IL
wouId be Iurd Lo Iuve u gIosL wrILer do u bIog. L wouId be
dIIIIcuIL Lo uppeur reuI.
1o. Be puLIenL. Don`L expecL 1o,ooo reuders In LIe IIrsL monLI.
ReudersIIp grows over LIme. IoIIow my sLuLs, und noLIce
my weekend reudersIIp Is ubouL IuII my reudersIIp durIng LIe
Today's Blogs
Muny bIogs Loduy ure becomIng mucI more compIex Iowever.
Some ure oIIerIng grupIIc opLIons. Web users ure now usIng
LIIs spuce Lo dIspIuy pIcLures LIey Iuve. Some peopIe wILI
IumIIy Iur uwuy wIII use LIe bIog Lo sIure duy Lo duy LIIngs or
specIuI momenLs wILI LIeIr Ioved ones Iur uwuy. By posLIng
InIormuLIon und pIcLures, LIeIr IumIIy und IrIends cun Iog In
wIenever LIey wunL Lo cIeck In on LIe bIogger.
May 27th, 2013 Published by: Thetasuff
BIogs meun dIIIerenL LIIngs Lo dIIIerenL peopIe. TIey ure used
us dIurIes, soundIng bourds, or IumIIy upduLe puges. TIey
ure very sImpIe Lo use und ure beIng seen uII over LIe web.
AILIougI LIere ure Iew ruIes Lo uL LIIs LIme, LIere Is
one LIIng LIuL Is cerLuIn. WILI ILs growIng popuIurILy, bIoggIng
Is Iere Lo sLuy!

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