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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Prepared for DWR Consulting Ltd. Prof. Svatopluk Matula Director Kamck 855 110 10 Praha 10 10. 5. 2012 Student: Jaroslav Novotn Project mentors: Dr. Markta Mihalkov, Dr. Frantiek Doleal, Ing. Chala Ayele Teressa

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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................2 Theoretical background of soil survey procedure ....................................................................2 Objectives of soil survey Trojanv mln and scope of works...................................................2

BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................4 Basic information about studied locality ..................................................................................4 Soil survey plan and profile description ...................................................................................4

FIELD AND LABORATORY WORK.......................................................................................................7 3.1 3.1 Disturbed and undisturbed samples ........................................................................................7 Soil physical characters determination ....................................................................................7

CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................................8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity: Minidisk infiltrometer ....................................................8 Saturated hydraulic conductivity: Constant head permeameter.............................................9 Consistency limits (100-120 cm): Cone penetrometer, plasticity test .................................. 10 Particle size distribution (100-120 cm): Hydrometer ............................................................ 11 Particle density (100-120 cm): Water pycnometer ............................................................... 13 Undisturbed core sample (top layer) .................................................................................... 13 Saturated hydraulic conductivity: Auger hole method ......................................................... 14

RESULTS AND COMMENTS ............................................................................................................ 15

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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Theoretical background of soil survey procedure

Soil survey includes preparatory work, field reconnaissance, survey itself in the terrain (sampling, field measurements, etc.), laboratory analysis, results processing and research findings in the required documentation. The preparatory work is needed to collect basic input information about the geological struc-ture of the rock mass, terrain geomorphology, climate, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions, anthropogenic activities and potential sources of contamination. It is important to study the information contained in documents previously made by pedagogical surveys, comprehensive soil survey including archived materials etc. Soil survey shall be carried within a reasonable time period, so the results can be representative. Reconnaissance of the terrain can specify the details from the preliminary study of information sources, especially by confronting the maps to the actual situation in the area of interest. It is necessary to mark the changes that are not included in the used maps and prove the information about the geological composition, the influence of groundwater, the state of vegetation cover and anthropogenic activities. After meeting with the state situation of the interest area the number and location of probes can be point as well as specification of the appropriate drilling equipment and sampling equipment. According to the purpose of the survey probes can be divided into two categories. Mapping probes are used for basic soil science orientation and to determine the boundaries of different types of soil. Sampling probes are used to collect disturbed or undisturbed soil samples for further physical and chemical analysis.


Objectives of soil survey Trojanv mln and scope of works

The purpose of this soil survey were to analyze soil profile and provide basic soil physical information of locality Trojanv mln situated in very north part of city Prague. This report is a baseline study of applied theoretical information taught in lectures for Survey for Soil and Water Relationship course at Czech University of Life Sciences. The objectives of field and laboratory work were: describe the soil profile, collect disturbed soil sample and undisturbed core soil sample for further physical analysis, determine saturated hydraulic conductivity in field using Auger hole method, determine unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in field using Minidisk infiltrometer, determine saturated hydraulic conductivity in laboratory using Constant head permeameter, determine consistency limits using Cone penetrometer and plastic test method, [ 2]

determine particle size distribution using Hydrometer, determine particle density using Water pycnometer.

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Scope of works for the soil survey included short review of available published material and aerial photographs to determine the major landform and soil type, excavation of 2 test pits to an approximate depth of 1.2 m, logging of soil and collection of samples for analysis for soil physical characterisation, preparation of report describing soil type and presenting and discussing soil analytical results with reference to the soil properties.

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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Basic information about studied locality

The soil survey area is located north of Prague on the left bank of the river Vltava at the valley of the brook ntick potok. Date of survey and previous weather circumstances which could influence soil survey physical analysis as well as actual weather condition and basic characteristics of area are described in Table 1. Table 1: Field data record


+50 8' 49.81" +14 22' 22.76" 28. 4. 2013 8:00 16:00 Sunny, alternately cloudy, light wind 27. 4. 2013 12,3C 28. 4. 2013 8,4C

Meadow covered by grass close to brook After previous heavy rain unstable surface Groundwater level at 75 cm, exfiltration Fluvisoil 5 horizons

Soil survey plan and profile description

Two auger holes were excavated to depth of 1.2 m in an approximate distance of 30 m from the brook in a straight area. As Table 2 shows five horizons of Fluvisoil were defined. Disturbed soil samples for further analysis were collected from second pit which was 175 cm close to first one. Undisturbed samples were taken another 10 m faraway and determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the field has been done around 70 m far from the brook as seen in Figure 1. Consistency limits, particle size distribution and particle density were determined separately for six 20 cm deep soil layers as seen in Table 3.

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Table 2: Description of soil horizons Horizon 1: Topsoil 0-16 cm Horizon 2 16-50 cm Horizon 3 50-75 cm Horizon 4 70-85 cm Horizon 5 85-110 cm

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Blackish brown, crumby, humus, no mica, due to saturation no zooedafon activity, wet, soft, easy disintegration, medium plasticity, mild adhesion, presence of Fe3+ Brownish, subpoliedric, roots and small stones present, wet, easy disintegration, medium plasticity, mild adhesion, Fe3+ present as a result of oxidation Rusty brown + due to influence of water light grey, prismatic, roots and stones present, wet, soft, medium disintegration, heavily plastic, medium adhesion, presence of Fe2+ Grey with brown molting, structure less, wet, pulpy, medium disintegration, heavily plastic, medium adhesion, presence of Fe2+ Grey, rusty, wet, pulpy, difficult disintegration, heavily plastic, medium adhesion, no mica, medium workability, high stone skeleton content

3 2 1

Figure 1: Sampling plan (1: Two auger holes for determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity in field, one of them used for collecting one disturbed soil samples for determination of consistency limits, particle size distribution and particle density, 2: Area of collecting two undisturbed soil sample for determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity in laboratory, 3: Area of measurement for determination unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in field)

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Table 3: Labour plan Soil character Soil profile Field Description Laboratory Two undisturbed core soil samples of topsoil One disturbed soil sample for 100-120 cm layer Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Auger hole method) Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Minidisk infiltrometer) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Constant head permeameter) Consistency limits for profile 100-120 cm Particle size distribution for profile 100-120 cm Particle density for profile 100-120 cm Collecting Collecting from auger hole Digging of two auger hole, obtaining data Obtaining data for 1 from 3 infiltometers measurements Collecting two undisturbed core soil samples Saturated, drying, analysis of obtained data Drying, sieving

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Done by Dr. Frantiek Doleal and group Jaroslav Novotn

Jaroslav Novotn

Computer analysis of obtained data Computer analysis of obtained data Obtaining data, computer analysis of data Obtaining data, computer analysis of data Obtaining data, computer analysis of data Obtaining data, computer analysis of data

Dr. Markta Mihalkov and group Jaroslav Novotn, Hailemariam Amdu Group

Jaroslav Novotn

Jaroslav Novotn

Jaroslav Novotn

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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln


Disturbed and undisturbed samples

Consistency limits, particle size distribution and particle density were determined using disturbed soil sample. About 3 kg from a depth of 100-120 cm of second auger hole were taken to a plastic bag to obtain disturbed sample for further physical analysis. In the laboratory sample was spread and big clods broken on a filter paper to let it air-dry. After air-drying and putting big stones away, the soil mill was used to grind the soil. The ratio of skeleton to a sieved soil particles 2 mm was approximately 1,6:1 (1968,3:1254,3). About 140 g of fine soil were used for particle size distribution and particle density analysis. 350 g of soil passed through 0,5 mm sieve was used for determination of consistency limits. Two undisturbed samples were taken in the field using Kopeck ring and covered to avoid evaporation. Tares of all accessories (geotextile + rubber band, watch glass) and samples were in the laboratory weight as soon as possible. Than samples were placed on a saturation mat to let them fully saturate until a constant mass and weighted again. Such samples were used for the determination of satura-ted hydraulic conductivity on constant head permeameter. After drying within 105C to the constant mass the actual water content at the moment of sampling, saturated water content and dry bulk density could be calculated.


Soil physical characters determination

To determine basic physical soil properties the procedures prepared by Dr. Markta Mihalkov were used. Full texts are available in study materials of Survey for Soil and Water Relationship course taught at Czech University of Life Sciences. Data for calculating hydraulic conductivities were obtained directly in the field using special equipment while other data were got later in laboratory. In chapter 4 of this report all calculations can be found. Note: For next course there could be also measured actual water content of each soil layer to state the consistency indexes. I am sorry that I did not describe all procedures by my words but I would be not able to finish in terms of time this before final exam. Thanks for understanding. Anyway thank you also for this course and for Soil and Water Relationship seminars as well as lectures cause in whole those were one of the most practical and I think also somehow useful for me courses I have ever attended at universities. I think this should be mentioned here even if my report will be send back to correct it. It was not easy (also not difficult cause of your help) but after all I more appreciate work which we have as students and mentors together done in these courses.

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Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity: Minidisk infiltrometer

Data Tension -4 Time (min) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Tension -2 Time (min) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Time (s) 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 1680 1800 Time (s) 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440

Reading (ml) 86 84 83 82 81,5 80,5 80 79,5 79 78,5 78 77,5 77 76,5 76 75,5 Reading (ml) 73,5 71,5 70 69 68 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59

t 0 10,95445 15,49193 18,97367 21,9089 24,4949 26,83282 28,98275 30,98387 32,86335 34,64102 36,3318 37,94733 39,49684 40,9878 42,42641 t 0 10,95445 15,49193 18,97367 21,9089 24,4949 26,83282 28,98275 30,98387 32,86335 34,64102 36,3318 37,94733

Delta t 0 2 1 1 0,5 1 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Delta t 0 2 1,5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cum. inf. (ml) 0 2 3 4 4,5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 Cum. inf. (ml) 0 2 3,5 4,5 5,5 7,5 8,5 9,5 10,5 11,5 12,5 13,5 14,5

Calculation A (tension -4 and -1, sandy loam) C1 (-4) C1 (-1) k (cm/s) (-4) k (cm/s) (-1)

4 0,0017 0,0071 0,000425 0,001775 [ 8]

Determination of parameters C1
16 14 Cumulative infiltration at -4 (cm) Cumulative infiltration at -1 (cm) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 y = 0,0071x2 + 0,1146x 12 y = 0,0017x2 + 0,1738x 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln



Reading time (min)

Reading time (min)


Saturated hydraulic conductivity: Constant head permeameter

Data Time (s) 90 120 170 180 240 270 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840

R. (ml) 7 24 50 70 85 100 120 168 176 196 226 256 284 318 344 374

Time (s) 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800 2070 5,2 4,6 5,2 0,6

Reading (ml) 399 426 450 474 494 518 534 554 574 596 618 638 656 670 682 686 724

Difference between water levels (cm) Height of the sample (cm) Diameter of the sample (cm) Height of the constant flooding (cm)

[ 9]

Determination of straight cumulative infiltration line
800 Cumulative volume (ml) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) 1500 2000

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln


Calculation V (cm) AS (cm) t (s) delta z (cm) hf (cm) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/s)

75 21,24 180 4,6 0,6 0,017355882


Consistency limits (100-120 cm): Cone penetrometer, plasticity test

Data Liquid limit Replication No. Depth of penetration Mass of container (g) Mass of container + wet sample (g) Mass of container + dry sample (g) Water content (%) Plastic limit Replication No. Mass of container (g) Mass of container + wet sample (g) Mass of container + dry sample (g) Mass of dry sample (g) Water content (%) Water content difference (%)

1 37,7 21,37 45,75 42,39 15,98 1 20,94 30,84 29,32 8,38 15,35 -0,29

2 32,2 21,2 43,6 38,31 30,92 2 29,06 39,15 37,63 8,57 15,06

3 25,6 25,14 45,89 40,17 38,06

4 16,6 26,06 43,28 38,86 34,53

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45 40 35 Water content (%) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 10 Depth of penetration (mm) 100

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Determination of liquid limit from data obtained by Penetrometer at four levels of saturation

Liquid limit Linern (Liquid limit)

Calculation Water content of LL (%) Water content of PL (%) IP (Index of plasticity)

35,16 15,21 19,95


Particle size distribution (100-120 cm): Hydrometer

Calibration data Height of weighted base (mm) Length between the "neck" of the float and the lowest mark on scale of the hydrometer (mm) Length of the hydrometer scale (mm) The number units between 1.000 and 1.030 Volume of weighted base (ml) Length of cylinder scale between 100 and 1000 ml marks (mm) Mass of the sample for sedimentation (g) Dry matter of the soil: tare (g) Dry matter of the soil: mass of air dry soil + tare (g) Dry matter of the soil: mass of oven dry soil + tare (g)

144 18 97 30 58 334 44,99 41,78 58,8 58,5

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Data Intended time of sedimentation (min) Hydrometer reading (mm) Corrected hyrometer reading (mm) Temperature (C) Real time (s) Hr (cm) 0,5 1 2 5 15 45 120 232 1165 2637 30 60 120 300 900 2700 7200 13920 69900 158220 20 18 16,5 14 11,5 9,5 7,5 7 5 4,5 20,5 18,5 16,9 14,4 11,9 9,9 7,9 7,4 5,6 5,0 22,98 22,98 22,37 22,37 22 22,37 22,37 22 23,57 22,98 111,6 118,0 122,9 131,0 139,1 145,5 152,0 153,6 160,1 161,7 0,93 0,93 0,94 0,94 0,95 0,94 0,94 0,95 0,92 0,93 0,48 0,48 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,37 0,57 0,48

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Temperature correction (C)


2 0,0618 0,0450 0,0327 0,0213 0,0127 0,0075 0,0047 0,0034 0,0015 0,0010

100 72,9 65,8 60,1 51,2 42,3 35,1 28,0 26,2 19,8 17,7

Particle size distribution

100 90 80 Content of particles (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 1 0,1 Particle size (mm) 0,01 0,001

Graph reading analysis Soil profile 100-120 cm


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4.5 Particle density (100-120 cm): Water pycnometer Data and calculation Mass of dry sample + tare bowl tare (g) Number of pycnometer Tare of the bowl (g) Number of sample m1 (g) 996 A 996 B 37,78 38,32 54,51 55,07 91 11 156,16 136,44 2,60 1,6:1 166,47 146,72 m2 (g) Particle density (g/cm3) The ratio of skeleton to particles 2 mm

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Mass of dry sample (g)

16,73 16,75

2,61 2,59


Undisturbed core sample (top layer)

Data and calculation Number of the sample Mass of the ring (tare) (g) Mass of the geotextile + rubber band (g) Mass of the watch glass (g) Mass of cover + rubber (g) Mass of the naturally wet sample (tare + cover, rubber) (g) Mass of the saturated sample (ring + geotextile, rubber + watch) (g) Mass of dry sample (ring + geotextile, rubber + watch) (g) Average particle density (g/cm3) (0-20 cm) Water content by mass (%) Water content by volume (%) Dry bulk density (g/cm3) Porosity (%)

905 141,04 0,61 22,46 15,81 317 332,01 287,44 2,46 29,85 36,82 1,23 49,84

910 141,27 0,46 19,32 15,83 323 335,28 285,69 2,46 33,10 41,26 1,25 49,30

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PD (g/cm3)

4.7 Saturated hydraulic conductivity: Auger hole method Borehole characteristics and data

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

Hole 1 Hole 2 Borehole depth (cm) 120 120 Radios of the borehole (cm) 5 5 First registration of the GW (cm) 75 70 GW level in steady state (cm) 14 17 Thickness of water bearing layer (cm) 45 50 Final GW after removal (cm) 70 105 175 cm distance between holes, distance between hole 1 and road 5,5 m, hole 1 and river 31 m Hole 1 Hole 2 Time (min) Reading (cm) Time (min) Reading (cm) 0 70,0 1 73,2 2 50,9 2 54,5 4 43,8 3 44,3 6 38,0 4 37,1 8 33,2 5 32,4 10 30,0 6 28,9 7 26,5 8 25,1 9 23,8 10 22,8 Ground water level increase in time
Reading; increasing of the GWL (cm) 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 12

10 Auger hole 1 Auger hole 2 100

1000 Time (min)

Results K (Kirkham and van Bavel) (cm/s) K (Hooghoudt and Ernst) (cm/s)

0,000656121 0,000589581

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Table 4: Soil layers characteristics at locality Trojanv mln Soil layer (cm) Done by 0-20 Amdu 20-40 Kova 40-60 Sehic 60-80 Hakizimana 80-100 Daniyar 100-120 Novotn Particle density (g/cm3) 2,46 1,21 2,60 2,60 2,66 2,60 Particle size distribution Sandy loam Silt loam Medium loamy soil Silty clay loam Sandy clay loam Clay Water content of LL (%) 18,23 28,8 26 33,9 27,7 35

Survey for Soil and Water Relationship Trojanv mln

The deepest studied soil layer is characterized by high ratio of skeleton to particles 2 or less mm in diameter and is approximately 1,6:1. Particle density of this layer does not differ too much to particle densities of other layers as seen in Table 4 apart from the layer 20-40 cm. Particle size distribution corresponds with field observation (Table 2) and relates to loam which tends to be medium plasticity as proved by calculated index of plasticity.

Water content of PL (%) 17,85 8,16 16,71 25,54 16,29 15,21

IP (Index of plasticity) 0,38 20,64 8 8,36 11,41 19,79

Top layer analyzed through undisturbed core soil samples is around 50 % high in porosity and 1,24 g/cm3 in dry bulk density which are typical for sandy soil as proved by sandy distribution of layer 0-20 cm (Table 4). Saturated hydraulic conductivities measured separately in field by auger hole method and in laboratory by constant head permeameter differ two orders and are equal to 0,000622851 respectively 0,017355882 cm/s. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is for tension -4 cm 0,000425 cm/s while for tension -1 cm 0,001775 cm which slightly corresponds to other two measurments (0,001444/0,01346 cm/s and 0,000825/0,018694 cm/s).

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