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AC34 Mu|t|hu|| C|ass ku|e Concept Document

The objective of this multihull iule is to cieate a class of boat capable of iacing in winu speeus
fiom S to Su knots.

o Boat is to be a catamaian with goou light-winu peifoimance.
o Taiget boat speeu foi TWS below 1ukn to be 1.2x TWS upwinu; 1.6x TWS uownwinu.
o Bull-flying TWS (measuieu at 1um) to be Skn upwinu, 6kn uownwinu.
o Final uimensions foi mast height, beam anu uisplacement shall be the iesult of the Rule
Authoi's ieseaich taigeting the coiiect Bull-flying TWS anu uesiieu winu iange.
o N0TE: uimensions with "*" means uimension is available foi ieview anu mouification
by Rule Authois.
o Tight oveiall contiol on paiameteis so that length, beam, mast height aie the same.
o Fieeuom with appenuages anu sail plan, but quantity of components contiolleu by
o Boats shall be able to uisassemble. The intent is to bieak uown within 1 uay anu
assemble within 2 uays.
o All components must fit within uefineu volumes to allow foi ease of fieighting.

o Length: maximum oveiall length = 22m
o Beam: Naximum oveiall = 1S.Sm; Ninimum oveiall = 1S.4m*.
o Beam of float centieline at amiuships to be gieatei than 14m*. The intent is to avoiu
boats oiienteu only to light winus by being naiiowei.
o Weight of platfoim in iacing tiim without mast, sails, people, fuel, meuia equipment
shall be gieatei than 4uuukg* anu less than 42uukg*.
o Racing weight without fuel anu meuia equipment shall be gieatei than 72uukg* anu
less than 74uukg* (to be finaliseu as pei Concept Paiagiaph).
o Racing weight shall not vaiy moie than 1uukg* uuiing a seiies.
o No limitations on hollows oi appenuage attachment zones. This uoes not oveiiiue
maximum beam limit.
o Bull constiuction shall have limits to "auvanceu boat builuing technology level."
o Bull mateiials shall have a fibie limit baseu on common mateiial selection ciiteiia
(iathei than a haiu limit) anu high-giaue boat builuing caibon-fibie only.
o All platfoim components, except appenuages & mast, must fit within a box 22* x S* x

o Betails of the joints so that the platfoim can be uisassembleu aie fiee.

o 1m* length of float stein to be ieplaceable oveinight. Consiueiation to keeping steeiing
out of this aiea.
o 0utsiue skin on outboaiu siues shall be above a minimum weight.
o Ciash bulkheau 2m* aft of float bow.
o Aft ciossbeam oi equivalent stiuctuie to be no closei to the float stein than 1.Sm
o Each float shall be symmetiical about its own centieline.

o Buiing iacing, appenuages must iemain within the platfoim uimensions (intent is that
if the boat is at u heel, then it always fits within a box 22m* x 1S.Sm* x 44m* above WL,
anu 22m* x 1S.Sm* x 4.4m* below WL).
o Naximum iacing uiaft 4.4*m, measuieu upiight, iig tension slack.
o Naximum moveable appenuages shall be 4* (intent is one iuuuei anu one bilgeboaiu
without tiim tab pei float so that symmetiical iuuuei iotates about single, neai-veitical
axis; bilgeboaiu may be asymmetiical, cuiveu, canteu, yaweu anu iaiseu).

o Concept allows a wing with multiple iotating elements on a single pivot on the
o Piofile aiea limit: Wing must fit within uefineu volumes - 2 of A anu 4 of B (E.g.: 2
longituuinal paits of fiont element with multiple smallei flap elements).
o volume A 22*m x S*m x 1.S*m; volume B 11*m x 4*m x 2*m (example only).
o Naximum mast height 44*m above watei; minimum height 4S.8*m.
o Boom oi wing can extenu up to 1m aft of the tiansom.
o Cu anu Weight uefineu foi Rig (oiuei of 9uukg).
o Fibie limit uefineu foi iig.
o Constiuction limitations foi all wings.
o Spiit length 26.Sm* fiom tiansom.
o Beausails must be tackeu on centieline.
o Constiuction limitations foi all iigs.

o Nax aiea of genoa will be fixeu numbei ueteimineu by Rule Authois

o uiith foimula to asceitain aiea.
o 0pwinu heausail tack 22m* fiom tiansom
o Bownwinu heausail tack 26.Sm* fiom tiansom.
o Bownwinu sails unlimiteu. Bownwinu sails must be sheeteu onto the platfoim.
o No limit on batten count.
o Battens not to cheat sail aiea oi sheeting iules.
o Beausail tacks must be on centieline.

o Ciew will numbei 11 at aveiage 9Skg (plus 1 non-paiticipating guest).
o Engine: Consiueiation is given to poweieu system foi uaggeiboaiu iaisingloweiing
anu iig canting. Nust be a gieen solution (batteiyhyuiogenetc) anu noise limiteu.
o No supei exotic mateiials (boion, beiyllium, etc).
o Piopulsion limiteu to effect of watei anu winu on sails, hull anu mast.
o Thickeneu sails aie alloweu.
o Lifting point shall be uefineu as pait of the boat.
o No watei ballast oi skin fiiction systems.
o Ninimum netting specifications anu extents foi safety.
o Ballast to achieve minimum weight must be fixeu anu have a maximum uensity limit.

o Neuia iules will be subject to change by the Technical Biiectoi (not unanimous).
o These changes will be consiueieu iegaiuing impact on the teams anu significance to the
meuia gioup.
o Changes will not occui uuiing a Regatta.
o Neuia spaces to be uefineu uuiing wiiting of class iule.

o Public Inteipietations accepteu quick tuinaiounu like ACS2.
o Technical committee may iequest uiagiams anu fuithei infoimation to accuiately
uefine the intenueu usage anu puipose. This usage foims pait of the inteipietation anu
othei usage oi puipose outsiue of the oiiginal inteipietation will neeu ie-
o No Piivate Inteipietations.
o Biawing ieview available - encouiageu by jeopaiuy if founu illegal latei.

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