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CULTUR 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 Crile i brourile tiprite, intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale ................ 278 Manuale colare i cursuri universitare tiprite, dup limba de predare ............................................. 280 Biblioteci .................................................................. 282 Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice .................. 283 Muzee i colecii publice ......................................... 283 Cinematografe ......................................................... 284 Producia de filme ................................................... 284 Instituii i companii de spectacole sau concerte ............................................................ 285 Emisiuni la radio i televiziune (proprietate majoritar de stat) .................................. 286 Structura programelor difuzate de posturile de radio i televiziune (proprietate majoritar privat) ............ 287 SPORT 9.11 9.12 9.13 Federaiile sportive, n anul 2010 ............................ 288 Clasamentul general la competiiile internaionale oficiale pe federaii, n anul 2010....... 290 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni la Jocurile Olimpice, Campionatele Mondiale i Europene ................................................................. 291 Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe ramuri de sport, la Jocurile Olimpice, n perioada 1896-2008 ............................................ 292 Participarea sportivilor romni la Jocurile Olimpice .................................................. 292

CULTURE Printed books and booklets, which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library Printed school books and university courses, by teaching language Libraries Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals Museums and public collections Cinemas Film production Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership) Structure of radio and TV stations broadcasts (private majority ownership) SPORT Sport federations, in 2010 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations, in 2010 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, by sport branches, in the Olympic Games 1896-2008 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games



Teritorial 9.16 9.17 9.18 Biblioteci, n profil teritorial, n anul 2010 ...................... Cinematografe, n profil teritorial, n anul 2010 .............. Activitatea sportiv, n profil teritorial, n anul 2010 ........

Territorial Libraries, at territorial level, in 2010 Cinemas, at territorial level, in 2010 Sport activity, at territorial level, in 2010

Cercetri statistice: Cercetri statistice privind activitatea bibliotecilor, a muzeelor i coleciilor publice, precum i a instituiilor i companiilor de spectacole sau concerte. Surse administrative: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele privind intrrile n Depozitul Legal al crilor i

Statistical surveys: Statistical surveys on libraries, museums and public collections, as well as institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts activity.

Administrative sources: The National Library of Romania, for data on inputs in Legal Stock of books and booklets, newspapers


brourilor, ziarelor i revistelor, manualelor i cursurilor universitare tiprite n anul de referin; Societatea Romn de Televiziune, Centrul Naional al Cinematografiei (R.A.D.E.F. ROMNIAFILM, Sahiafilm, Castelfilm, Animafilm, Atlantisfilm etc.), pentru numrul i activitatea cinematografelor, producia, distribuia i proiecia filmelor; Consiliul Naional al Audiovizualului, Societatea Romn de Televiziune, Societatea Romn de Radiodifuziune, pentru emisiunile de radio i televiziune; Ministerul Culturii i Patrimoniului Naional, pentru activitatea instituiilor publice de cultur i culte. Autoritatea Naional pentru Sport i Tineret.

and magazines, school books and university courses printed in the reference year; Romanian Television Company, Cinema National Center (R.A.D.E.F. ROMNIAFILM, Sahiafilm, Castelfilm, Animafilm, Atlantisfilm a.s.o.), for cinemas number and activity, film output, distribution and projection; Audio-visual National Council, Romanian Television Company, Romanian Broadcasting Company, for radio and television broadcasts; Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, for public institutions of culture and cults activity. National Authority of Sports and Youth.

Producia de cri i brouri cuprinde toate publicaiile neperiodice imprimate i editate n ar, oferite publicului, i care ar trebui s figureze n bibliografia naional a rii, cu excepia publicaiilor editate n scopuri publicitare, cataloage, prospecte de reclam comercial, industrial i turistic, publicaii care atrag atenia asupra unor produse i servicii furnizate de editor, publicaii cu caracter efemer: orare, tarife, anuare telefonice, programe de spectacole, expoziii, trguri, statute i bilanuri, calendare, opere muzicale, producie cartografic (cu excepia atlasurilor i hrilor). n producia de cri se mai cuprind: publicaiile oficiale ale administraiei publice (cu excepia celor confideniale), manualele colare, cursurile i tezele universitare, cri i brouri reeditate, lucrri ilustrate, culegeri de gravuri i reproduceri de art, desene, albume de cri i brouri ilustrate, albume de benzi desenate. O publicaie este considerat c a fost oferit publicului atunci cnd s-a putut cumpra din comer, contra cost sau a fost oferit gratuit. n Numrul crilor i brourilor tiprite, intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale s-au cuprins lucrrile aprute pe ntreg teritoriul rii realizate de editurile publice i particulare, atelierele instituiilor de nvmnt superior, oficiile de informare i documentare cu activitate editorial. Titlul publicaiei este utilizat ca unitate de msur a numrului de lucrri ce se editeaz sau se public prezentat sub forma unui volum de sine stttor din punct de vedere tipografic. n cazul ziarelor i revistelor se consider ca titlu denumirea separat a fiecrui ziar sau revist. Tirajul este numrul exemplarelor n care s-a tiprit o carte, o brour, un ziar sau revist, sau orice alt tipritur.

Output of books and booklets comprises all occasional publications printed and issued in the country for the public and which should be included in the national bibliography, excepting publications issued for advertising purposes, catalogues, prospects of commercial, industrial and tourism advertisment, those which draw attention over some products and services supplied by the publisher, transient publications: time-tables, tariffs, telephone yearbooks, shows, exhibitions and fairs programs, statutes and balance-sheets, calendars, musical operas, cartography output (excepting atlases and maps). Books output also includes: official publications of public administration (excepting confidential ones), school books, university courses and theses, republished books and booklets, illustrated papers, collections of engravings and art reproductions, designs, albums of illustrated books and booklets, albums of cartoons. A publication is considered as released when it could be bought on the market or when is offered free of charge. "Number of printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library" comprises papers issued on the whole country territory printed by public and private publishing-houses, workshops of tertiary education institutions, information and documentation offices. Title of the publication is used as measurement unit of papers number, printed or issued as independent volume from printing viewpoint. In case of newspapers and magazines, "title" is considered every separate name of newspaper or magazine. Number of printed copies represents the number of copies printed for a book, a booklet, a newspaper or magazine or any other publication.


Noiunile utilizate au urmtoarele semnificaii: Cartea reprezint publicaia neperiodic avnd cel puin 49 pagini; Broura reprezint publicaia neperiodic care conine ntre 5 i 48 pagini. Biblioteca este instituia, compartimentul sau structura specializat al crei scop principal este de a constitui, a organiza, a prelucra, a dezvolta i a conserva colecii de cri, publicaii, alte documente specifice i baze de date pentru a facilita utilizarea acestora n scop de informare, cercetare, educaie sau recreere. Biblioteca Naional a Romniei este instituia autorizat prin lege s exercite funcia de agenie naional, de depozit legal i este responsabil de culegerea i conservarea tuturor publicaiilor editate n ar (indiferent dac sunt destinate difuzrii comerciale sau gratuite) de ctre persoane fizice sau juridice romne, ori executate de acestea peste hotare, ntocmete statistica oficial a ediiilor naionale, are rolul de centru naional de informare bibliografic, stabilete cataloagele colective etc. Noiunile utilizate pentru caracterizarea activitii bibliotecilor au urmtoarele semnificaii: Volume de bibliotec sunt considerate crile, brourile, coleciile de ziare i reviste cu minimum 5 pagini, precum i materialele audiovizuale (casete cu benzi magnetice, diafilme, CD-uri, DVD-uri etc.) pentru toate tipurile de biblioteci: naionale, judeene, municipale, oreneti i comunale, ale instituiilor de nvmnt superior, ale operatorilor economici i ale unitilor colare. Utilizator, persoan care consult n sediul bibliotecii sau mprumut pentru acas cel puin o dat ntr-un an calendaristic o carte, brour sau o alt publicaie aparinnd bibliotecii respective. Producia ziarelor i revistelor cuprinde toate publicaiile periodice editate i imprimate n ar, oferite publicului i care, n general, ar trebui s figureze n bibliografia naional a rii; sunt exceptate publicaiile editate n scopuri publicitare: reclam comercial, industrial i turistic, publicaiile produselor i serviciilor furnizate de editori, publicaiile cu caracter ocazional: orare, tarife, anuare telefonice, programe de spectacole, expoziii, trguri, statute i bilanuri ale societilor, directive i circulare, calendare i opere muzicale, producia cartografic (cu excepia atlasurilor i hrilor). n producia de ziare i reviste mai sunt cuprinse: coleciile de legi i regulamente ale administraiei publice (cu excepia celor confideniale sau rezervate unor distribuii interne), periodicele academice i tiinifice, universitare i ale instituiilor de cercetri sau culturale, periodice ale organizaiilor profesionale, sindicale, politice, sportive, buletine parohiale i colare, programele de radio i televiziune dac sunt publicate sub form de reviste.

The terms used have the following meaning: Book represents an occasional publication of at least 49 pages; Booklet represents an occasional publication of 5 - 48 pages. Library is the institution, compartment or specialized structure whose main purpose is to constitute, organize, process, develop and preserve collections of books, publications, other specific documents and databases in order to facilitate their use for information, research, education or recreation. The National Library of Romania is the institution authorized by law to exercise the position of a national agency, of legal deposit and it is responsible to deal with the collection and preservation of all publications issued in the country (irrespective of being meant to commercial or free of charge dissemination) by Romanian natural or legal persons or issued abroad; it builds up the official statistics of national publications; it plays the role of a national center of bibliographical information; it sets up collective catalogues a.s.o. The terms used for characterizing the libraries activity have the following meaning: Volumes of library comprise books, booklets, collections of newspapers and magazines of minimum 5 pages, as well as audio-visual materials (magnetic tape cassettes, film-strips, CD, DVD, a.s.o.) for all types of libraries: national, county, municipality, town and communal, higher education institutions, economic and school operators. User, natural person who lends for home (or consults inside the library) at least once a year a book, a booklet or another publication belonging to a library. Output of newspapers and magazines includes all periodicals printed and issued in the country for the public and which, generally, should be comprised in the national bibliography, excepting publications printed for advertising purposes: commercial, industrial and tourism advertisment, publications on products and services supplied by publishers, occasional publications: timetables, tariffs, telephone yearbooks, shows, exhibitions and fairs programs, statutes and balance sheets of companies, directives and circulars, calendars and musical operas, cartography output (excepting atlases and maps). Output of newspapers and magazines also includes: collections of laws and regulations of public administration (excepting confidential ones or those for internal use), academic and scientific, university periodicals of research or cultural institutions, periodicals of vocational, trade-union, political, sport organizations, parish and school bulletins, radio and TV programs if are issued as magazines.


Noiunile utilizate au urmtoarele semnificaii: Ziarul reprezint publicaia cotidian sau cu o periodicitate mai mare n care se public tiri, informaii, comentarii asupra celor mai recente evenimente interne i internaionale: politice, sociale, culturale, profesionale, sportive etc. Revista reprezint publicaia periodic prin care se trateaz fie subiecte de interes general fie unele de specialitate (studii i informaii documentare referitoare la unele probleme din diverse domenii: legislaie, politic, economie, cultur, filozofie, tehnic, medicin, mod, sport etc.). Producia naional de filme este format din totalitatea filmelor cu band normal i ngust destinate proieciei cinematografice comerciale (nu sunt cuprinse filmele realizate pentru televiziune); un film este considerat produs n cursul unui an de referin dac, n anul respectiv a fost ncheiat producia i a fost proiectat n public pentru prima oar. Distribuia filmelor reprezint activitatea ntreprinderilor specializate care au distribuit reelei cinematografice naionale filme integral naionale, filme n coproducie i filme strine. Exploatarea filmelor este activitatea de difuzare ctre public a totalitii filmelor (integral naionale, n coproducie i strine) prin reeaua comercial fix (sli) sau n aer liber i prin grupurile mobile de proiecie dotate cu echipamente tehnice de specialitate. Emisiunile la radio i televiziune reprezint programele staiilor de radioemisiune i de televiziune transmise, avnd ca tematic activitile sociale, economice, politice, artistice etc. Unitatea de msur a emisiunilor este ora-program.

The terms used have the following meaning: Newspaper represents a daily publication or with higher periodicity, issuing news, information, comments on the most recent internal and international events of political, social, cultural, vocational, sport a.s.o. Magazine represents a periodical on a subject of general interest or specialised (documentary studies and information referring to topics from various fields: legislation, policy, economy, culture, philosophy, technique, medicine, fashion, sport a.s.o.). National output of films represents all films of normal and narrow strip for commercial cinema projection (TV films are not included); a film is considered as released during the reference year, when the production was finished and it was projected in public for the first time. Distribution of films represents the activity of specialized enterprises which distributed to the national cinemas network entirely national films, coproduction and foreign films. Exploitation of films represents all films (national, in coproduction and foreign) broadcasted for the public by fixed commercial network (own halls) or in the open air and by mobile groups of projection endowed with specialized technical equipment. Radio and TV broadcasts represent programs broadcasted by radio and TV stations having as topics social, economic, political, artistic a.s.o. activities. The measurement unit of broadcasts is "hour-program".

n numrul seciilor sportive afiliate pe ramuri de sport aparinnd cluburilor publice i private, precum i asociaiilor sportive sunt cuprinse cele care s-au afiliat la federaiile naionale sportive. Sportivii legitimai sunt acei sportivi aflai n evidena federaiilor naionale i care particip la sistemul competiional organizat de ctre acestea. n rndul acestora nu sunt cuprini sportivii aflai n evidena comisiilor judeene constituite pe ramuri de sport sau cei care practic activiti sportive necompetiionale. n numrul antrenorilor cu norm ntreag sau arbitrilor sunt cuprinse persoanele care au o calificare recunoscut de federaiile naionale i au desfurat activitate n anul 2010.

The number of affiliated sport sections by sport branches, belonging to the public and private clubs and associations, includes those affiliated to national sport federations. The legitimated sportsmen are those sportsmen in the evidence of national federations and taking part in the competitions system organized by them. Sportsmen in the evidence of the county commissions by sport branches or practising non-competitivity sport activities are not included among them. The number of full time coaches or referees includes those having a qualification recognized by the national federations and who carried out an activity in 2010.


18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

Numrul i tirajul crilor i brourilor tiprite, intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale Number and copies of printed books and booklets, which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library

14115 11746


15566 13700 9720 11028 10210 8563 6123 11143 13889







Titluri / Titles

Tiraj - mii / Copies - thou

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Volume existente i eliberate din biblioteci Existing and lent volumes of libraries
milioane volume / million volumes



















Volume existente Existing volumes

Volume eliberate Lent volumes


3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals
numr / number

3091 2690 2124 2044 2261 2180 2400 2320 2615 2708 2657 3046

80 2005

81 2006

80 2007

75 2008

51 2009

45 2010

Titluri - total / Titles- total Alte periodiciti / Other periodicities Cotidiene / Daily newspapers


Structura emisiunilor la radio n limbile minoritilor naionale Structure of radio broadcasts in national minorities languages


6,3% 5,8% 11,5% 9,8% 13,0%

17,6% 76,4% 59,6%

Maghiar / Hungarian German / German

Srb / Serbian Alte limbi / Other languages



Crile i brourile tiprite, intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale1) Printed books and booklets, which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library 1)
2005 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 2006 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 14373 735 487 575 9720 441 408 553 2007 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 15566 878 514 616 11028 753 408 670 2008 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 13700 432 425 633 10210 522 343 1349 20092) Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 8563 535 299 469 6123 472 245 887 2010 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 11143 575 346 519 13889 552 227 1097 Total Generalities Philosophy, psychology, logic, morality and ethics Religion, theology Social sciences Sociology, statistics Political and economic sciences Law, public administration, social assistance, social insurances Military sciences Education, instruction, training, leisure Trade, communications, transport, tourism Ethnography, anthropology, folklore Exact sciences Mathematics Natural sciences Applied sciences Medical sciences, public health Engineering, technology, industry, trades Agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fishery Managerial sciences Leadership, organisation, management Art and entertainment Territorial systematisation, urbanism, architecture Plastic arts, photos Music, performance art, theatre, film, cinema Games, sport Literature Literary texts Geography, history Geography History, archaeology, biography

Total Generaliti Filozofie, psihologie, logic, moral i etic Religie, teologie tiine sociale Sociologie, statistic tiine politice i economice Drept, administraie public, asisten social, asigurri sociale tiine militare Educaie, nvmnt, instruire, timp liber Comer, comunicaii, transport, turism Etnografie, antropologie, folclor tiine exacte Matematic tiine naturale tiine aplicate tiine medicale, sntate public Inginerie, tehnologie, industrie, meserii Agricultur, silvicultur, horticultur, pescuit tiine manageriale Conducere, organizare, management Art i divertisment Sistematizare teritorial, urbanism, arhitectur Arte plastice, fotografie Muzic, arta spectacolului, teatru, film, cinema Jocuri, sport Literatur Texte literare Geografie, istorie Geografie Istorie, arheologie, biografie

14115 1055 456 601

11746 771 690 635

200 833 785 168 637 2 99

98 375 417 58 502 1 67

212 937 825 201 727 134

123 398 356 46 446 70

231 884 907 187 863 3 102

116 410 391 49 477 1 54

183 698 846 87 782 123

81 280 408 28 478 130

112 522 508 54 635 95

42 205 254 23 281 60

140 618 694 55 961 85

71 237 419 19 404 37

531 725

331 340

535 627

325 264

538 733

653 294

445 643

280 257

304 366

131 91

523 562

482 203

804 1308 249 72 589

909 619 85 110 346

775 1163 269 66 668

356 519 100 96 457

829 1408 223 53 620

450 401 79 254 352

740 1132 240 50 531

400 304 137 79 231

520 470 162 18 407

316 106 43 41 160

459 478 141 35 405

292 134 88 252 148

72 99 212 139

35 46 107 60

100 134 243 165

52 63 155 66

82 157 256 207

62 73 253 57

97 159 243 136

53 197 81 39

73 112 138 112

37 45 55 20

88 115 151 119

49 147 668 21













217 420

165 251

177 468

142 300

333 415

180 240

318 465

299 338

112 276

65 200

237 328

516 346

1) Clasificare ONU - UNESCO. / UN - UNESCO Classification. 2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published.




Manuale colare i cursuri universitare tiprite, dup limba de predare1) Printed school books and university courses, by teaching language 1)
2005 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 2006 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) 2007 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) Manuale colare 2008 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou) School books 113 84 9 11 5 3 1 175 105 6 6 57 1

2009 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou)

2010 Titluri Tiraj (mii) Titles Copies (thou)

Total din care, tiprite n: Limba romn Limba maghiar Limba german Limba srb, croat, slovac Limba englez Limba francez Alte limbi

187 136 32 11 1 7

419 372 24 12 5 6

226 145 27 17 4 4 29

446 307 20 20 4 18 77

174 131 19 11 4 9 -

212 171 11 11 3 16 -

169 136 7 8 10 8 -

169 145 7 2 14 1 -

131 112 1 7 4 7 -

466 419

14 24 9 -

Total of which, printed in: Romanian Hungarian German Serbian, Croatian, Slovakian English French Other languages

Cursuri universitare Total din care, tiprite n: Limba romn Limba maghiar Limba german Limba srb, croat, slovac Limba englez Limba francez Alte limbi 973 844 8 2 41 22 56 322 285 1 12 6 18 825 716 4 5 49 11 40 468 235 1 3 217 7 5 990 876 9 2 44 17 42 293 256 2

Universitary courses 710 655 4 24 20 7 220 203 2 6 7 2 261 248 1 1 9 1 1 63 61

*) *)

143 136 6 1 -

37 35 1 1 -

15 4 16

*) *)

Total of which, printed in: Romanian Hungarian German Serbian, Croatian, Slovakian English French Other languages


Intrate n Depozitul Legal al Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei. / Which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National Library of Romania.




Biblioteci Libraries
Volume Biblioteci existente (mii) Anii Libraries Existing Years volumes (thou) (la sfritul anului) (end of year)

Cititori nscrii (mii) Registered readers (thou)

Volume eliberate (mii) Lent volumes (thou)

Biblioteci - total Libraries - total

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

12455 12081 12366 12359 12229 11829 4 4 4 4 4 4 106 106 102 105 104 100 846 789 715 787 684 589 8585 8257 8602 8533 8518 8300 2914 2925 2943 2930 2919 2836

174380 171232 171990 175230 176888 173429 20601 20751 20840 20888 20990 21053 24582 25278 23995 25067 24903 24913 16313 12594 11835 12448 12875 10334 63174 62582 64919 66243 67673 67448 49710 50027 50401 50584 50447 49681

4977 4897 4697 4644 4580 4433 43 40 39 33 32 46 614 673 634 597 592 559 163 124 102 150 99 88 2276 2208 2186 2148 2157 2108 1881 1852 1736 1716 1700 1632

70725 69611 65795 65611 62543 58324 867 913 611 617 536 665 12418 12354 10790 11011 9335 9098 1403 1047 964 2066 910 1743 23628 23597 23345 23103 23667 22524 32409 31700 30085 28814 28095 24294

Biblioteci naionale1) National libraries1)

Biblioteci ale instituiilor de nvmnt superior Libraries of tertiary education institutions

Biblioteci specializate Specialized libraries

Biblioteci colare School libraries

Biblioteci publice Public libraries

1) Sunt incluse: Biblioteca Naional a Romniei, Biblioteca Academiei Romne, Biblioteca Pedagogic Naional i Biblioteca Militar

Naional. / Are included: Romanian National Library, Romanian Academy Library, National Pedagogic Library and National Military Library.


Periodicitatea Titluri-total Cotidiene Alte periodiciti

Ziare, reviste i alte publicaii periodice Newspapers, magazines and other periodicals
2005 2124 80 2044 2006 2261 81 2180 2007 2400 80 2320 2008 2690 75 2615 2009 2708 51 2657 2010 3091 45 3046 Periodicity Titles-total Daily newspapers Other periodicities

Din total: n limbile minoritilor naionale1) Of total: in the languages of the national minorities1) Titluri-total Cotidiene Alte periodiciti 131 7 124 119 7 112 130 11 119 118 10 108 122 7 115 841 8 833 Titles-total Daily newspapers Other periodicities

1) i n alte limbi de circulaie internaional. / And in other international languages.


Muzee i colecii publice Museums and public collections

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Units - total (end of year) Visitors (thou)

Uniti - total (la sfritul anului) Vizitatori (mii)

667 10488

666 10135

679 12255

688 10687

694 10169

687 8900

Din total, uniti: / Of total, units: tiinele naturii Istoria tehnicii i tiinei Istorie Etnografie Istoria culturii Art Mixte 44 21 112 115 151 148 76 44 21 117 113 152 149 70 44 21 118 116 149 155 76 43 21 125 115 151 161 72 43 22 126 114 153 160 76 43 17 123 120 163 151 70 Natural sciences Technics and science history History Ethnography Culture history Art Mixed



Cinematografe Cinemas
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice - total (la sfritul anului) Cinemas and film installations - total (end of year) din care: / of which: Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu band normal Cinemas and film installations for normal films Caravane cinematografice Mobile cinemas Locuri n slile cinematografelor i instalaiilor cinematografice cu band normal Seats in cinemas and film installations for normal films Spectacole cinematografice - total (mii) Film performances - total (thou) din care la: / of which at: Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu band normal Cinemas and film installations for normal films Caravane cinematografice Mobile cinemas Spectatori - total (mii) Audience - total (thou) din care: / of which: Cinematografe i instalaii cinematografice cu band normal Cinemas and film installations for normal films Caravane cinematografice Mobile cinemas







84 1

73 -

71 1

74 1

73 1

67 1














96 -











2819 11

2777 -

2911 17

3788 10

5258 22

6492 17

Sursa: Centrul Naional al Cinematografiei. / Source: National Cinema Centre.


Producia de filme1) Film production 1)

2005 2006 2007 2008 20092) 2010 Movies (titles) 22 54 1 81 18 8 2 33 14 15 5 35 9 6 15 19 14 18 19 6 15 Short films Documentary and scientific films (titles) TV serial films (episodes)

Filme artistice (titluri) De scurt metraj Filme documentare i tiinifice (titluri)


De lung metraj i mediu

Long and medium films

Filme seriale pentru televiziune (episoade)

1) Inclusiv producia societilor private. / Including the production of private companies. 2) Date rectificate fa de cele publicate anterior. / Rectified data as against those previously published. 3) Inclusiv filme de animaie. / Including animated films.



Instituii i companii de spectacole sau concerte1) Institutions and companies for art performing or concerts1)
2005 2006 155 61 24 9 7 18 9 26 1 2007 2008 156 62 25 8 8 17 7 28 1 156 63 25 8 8 18 6 27 1 2009 161 62 25 8 8 17 6 344) 1 2010 158 63 23 8 8 17 5 334) 1 Units-total (end of year) Drama theatres2) Puppet theatres2) Opera houses Musical comedy and variety theatres Philharmonics and symphonic orchestras3) Folk music bands Song and dance ensembles Circus Performances or concerts - total Drama theatres2) Puppet theatres2) Opera houses Musical comedy and variety theatres Philharmonics and symphonic orchestras3) Folk music bands Song and dance ensembles Circus Audience - total (thou) Drama theatres2) Puppet theatres2) Opera houses Musical comedy and variety theatres Philharmonics and symphonic orchestras3) Folk music bands Song and dance ensembles Circus

Uniti-total (la sfritul anului) Teatre dramatice2) Teatre de ppui i marionete2) Opere Teatre muzicale, de estrad sau de operet Filarmonic i orchestre simfonice3) Orchestre populare Ansambluri artistice Circ Spectacole sau concerte - total Teatre dramatice2) Teatre de ppui i marionete2) Opere Teatre muzicale, de estrad sau de operet Filarmonic i orchestre simfonice3) Orchestre populare Ansambluri artistice Circ Spectatori sau auditori - total (mii) Teatre dramatice2) Teatre de ppui i marionete2) Opere Teatre muzicale, de estrad sau de operet Filarmonic i orchestre simfonice3) Orchestre populare Ansambluri artistice Circ

146 59 24 7 7 18 6 24 1

17348 18758 19982 19689 19739 19559 7206 7753 8022 8550 8561 9015 4171 4210 4302 4109 4129 3702 833 1065 955 899 942 903 748 1601 285 1923 581 4199 1121 536 319 153 301 135 1358 276 756 1460 518 2829 167 4281 1684 619 331 166 271 193 874 143 729 868 870 804

2539 1837 440 410 2791 2806 204 210 4386 5389 1177 1955 503 594 332 345 199 242

1632 1611 389 354 29304) 30224) 286 148 6489 1623 616 410 228 6304 1381 498 284 270

414 499 231 232 1386 1373 144 149

561 418 210 115 26714) 31494) 170 189

1) Inclusiv teatrele i instituiile muzicale proprietate majoritar privat. / Including theatres and musical institutions under private majority 2) Inclusiv seciile de teatru. / Including theatre sections. 3) Este cuprins ntreaga activitate a orchestrelor simfonice (concerte simfonice, de camer, corale a capella, concerte-lecii, recitaluri i 4) Inclusiv centrele culturale. / Including cultural centres.


altele). / Covers the entire activity of symphonic orchestras (symphonic concerts, chamber concerts, a capella chorales, concert-lessons, recitals a.s.o.).


I. RADIO - total

Emisiuni la radio i televiziune (proprietate majoritar de stat) Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)
ore-program / hours-program






2010 I. RADIO - total Internal broadcasts News Sport Social Publicist Economic Literature and art Children and youth Science, education Theatre Entertainment shows Musical Advertising Miscellaneous External broadcasts Spoken Musical Miscellaneous Of total: broadcasts in national minorities languages Hungarian German Serbian Other languages

118619 121001 122321 130512 143892 147247 99094 102128 102515 111393 124515 128506 13634 15208 15485 36024 54274 57318 1010 1884 1459 1415 1405 1407 3265 4596 4460 4690 4145 4291 204 535 583 439 388 401 2067 2260 2129 2509 2496 2909 2270 2633 2703 3349 3311 3401 509 1197 1833 1202 1030 1103 5385 5777 5832 7135 6756 6796 1189 1278 1223 1403 1375 1392 4930 5921 5602 2976 3096 3190 56110 54500 53290 48517 45079 46021 740 927 940 286 216 224 7781 5412 6976 1448 944 53 19525 11721 7804 18873 9752 7253 1868 19806 19119 19377 18741 9315 10112 10379 10253 7314 8391 8177 7926 3177 616 821 562

Emisiuni interne Actualiti Sportive Sociale Publicistice Economice Literare i de art Copii i tineret Educaie, tiin, nvmnt Teatru Varieti Muzicale Publicitate Diverse Emisiuni externe Vorbite Muzicale Diverse Din total: n limbile minoritilor naionale Maghiar German Srb Alte limbi

6336 4841 729 365 401

6725 5102 825 369 429

9110 6252 1252 1105 501

9781 6693 1474 1109 505

8827 10235 5971 6102 1450 1801 903 998 503 1334

II. TELEVIZIUNE - total Emisiuni n limba romn tiri Actualiti de interes general Educaie, cultur, tiin, via spiritual Sport Filme artistice, seriale, desene animate Emisiuni pentru copii Jocuri i concursuri Divertisment Publicitate Diverse (altele) din total: Emisiuni n limbile minoritilor naionale



35040 36182 52560 50400

II. TELEVISION - total Broadcasts in Romanian language News General interest news Education, culture, science spiritual life Sport Movies, serials, cartoons Children shows Games and competitions Shows Advertising Miscellaneous (others) of total: Broadcasts in national minorities languages

34380 3390 4324 7789 1476 8923 275 195 3863 3805 1) 340

34511 3680 6188 5759 1677 7776 341 4533 1505 3052

34412 35892 51035 49264 4000 3935 8301 8159 7521 7270 7207 7831 5023 1164 6850 359 4502 1948 3045 4971 10215 10221 1121 2277 2308 7171 232 5388 4493 1311 9097 376 64 6355 5941 1202 8730 487 4551 5708 1269







1) Exclusiv orele-program ale studiourilor teritoriale. / Excluding the hours-program of territorial studios.



Structura programelor difuzate la posturile de radio i televiziune (proprietate majoritar privat) Structure of radio and TV stations broadcasts (private majority ownership)
procente / percentage







Radio / Radio 100,0 20,3 10,0 59,2 10,5 100,0 26,0 8,9 58,4 6,7 100,0 34,1 7,0 58,9 100,0 35,0 6,6 58,4 100,0 46,0 5,9 48,1 100,0 48,3 6,3 45,4 Total Informative programs Educative, cultural, religious programs Entertainment programs and other types Advertisments (advertisments and radioshopping a.s.o.)

Programe de informare Programe educative, culturale, religioase Programe de divertisment i alte tipuri de programe Alte programe (publicitate, spoturi radioshopping etc.)

Televiziune / Television Total Programe de informare Programe educative, culturale, religioase Filme (de ficiune, animaie, documentare, seriale) Programe de divertisment i alte tipuri de programe Alte programe (publicitate, spoturi teleshopping etc.) 100,0 50,0 12,0 2,9 25,8 9,3 100,0 55,4 12,1 2,7 23,8 6,0 100,0 58,2 10,8 2,6 28,4 100,0 60,9 9,6 2,6 26,9 100,0 61,7 8,7 2,6 27,0 100,0 60,7 8,8 3,1 27,4 Total Informative programs Educative, cultural, religious programs Films (motion, animation, documentaries, serials) Entertainment programs and other types Advertisments (advertisments and teleshopping a.s.o.)

Sursa: Consiliul Naional al Audiovizualului. / Source: Audiovisual National Council.



Federaiile sportive, n anul 2010 Sport federations, in 2010

numr / number

Secii Antrenori sportive Sportivi cu norm afiliate legitimai ntreag Instructori Arbitri Affiliated Sportsmen Full time Instructors Referees sport sections legitimated coaches Total 7296 Federaia Romn de Aeronautic 16 Federaia Romn de Aikido 34 Federaia Romn de Alpinism i Escalad 15 Federaia Romn de Arte Mariale 192 Federaia Romn de Arte Mariale de Contact 72 Federaia Romn de Atletism 242 Federaia Romn de Automobilism 105 Federaia Romn de Badminton 19 Federaia Romn de Baschet 216 Federaia Romn de Baseball i Softball 26 Federaia Romn de Bob i Sanie 20 Federaia Romn de Box 153 Federaia Romn de Bridge 23 Federaia Romn de Canotaj 38 Federaia Romn de Ciclism 42 Comitetul Naional Paralimpic 22 Federaia Romn de Culturism 88 Federaia Romn de Dans Sportiv 158 Federaia Ecvestr Romn 63 Federaia Romn de Fotbal 2798 Federaia Romn de Fotbal Tenis 25 Federaia Romn de Gimnastic Artistic 61 Federaia Romn de Gimnastic Ritmic 31 Federaia Romn de Go 26 Federaia Romn de Haltere 30 Federaia Romn de Handbal 270 Federaia Romn de Hochei pe Ghea 47 Federaia Romn de Hochei pe Iarb 15 Federaia Romn de Judo 139 Federaia Romn de Kaiac-Canoe 44 234569 250 2010 313 3627 1105 5764 1093 587 13219 1079 86 1316 643 626 213 647 394 6572 583 109463 256 987 452 145 730 7620 886 360 3320 947 6150 58 14 10 95 48 601 23 533 34 26 119 24 53 21 20 61 105 36 1262 159 36 8 48 414 51 12 164 72 6192 251 55 3 132 37 19 9 3 3 26 28 2 3 27 129 169 34 2797 8 4 23 8 3 27 6 9038 84 12 10 158 49 336 326 18 131 29 19 69 29 55 33 64 34 75 36 4099 75 27 13 37 433 36 13 133 10 Total Romanian Aeronautical Federation Romanian Aikido Federation Romanian Mountaineering and Climbing Federation Romanian Federation of Martial Arts Romanian Contact Martial Art Federation Romanian Athletic Federation Romanian Automobilism Federation Romanian Badminton Federation Romanian Basketball Federation Romanian Baseball and Softball Federation Romanian Bobsleigh Federation Romanian Boxing Federation Romanian Bridge Federation Romanian Rowing Federation Romanian Cycling Federation National Paralympic Committee Romanian Bodybuilding Federation Romanian Sport Dance Federation Romanian Equestrian Federation Romanian Football Federation Romanian Football Tennis Federation Romanian Artistic Gymnastics Federation Romanian Rhytmic Gymnastics Federation Romanian Go Federation Romanian Weightlifting Federation Romanian Handball Federation Romanian Ice Hockey Federation Romanian Grass Hockey Federation Romanian Judo Federation Romanian Kayak-Canoe Federation



Federaiile sportive, n anul 2010 - continuare Sport federations, in 2010 - continued

numr / number

Secii Antrenori sportive Sportivi cu norm afiliate legitimai ntreag Instructori Arbitri Affiliated Sportsmen Full time Instructors Referees sport sections legitimated coaches Federaia Romn de Karate Kyokushin Federaia Romn de Karate Modern Federaia Romn de Karate WKC Federaia Romn de Kempo Federaia Romn de Karate Tradiional Federaia Romn de Lupte Greco-romane Federaia Romn de Modelism Federaia Romn de Motociclism Federaia Romn de Nataie i Pentatlon Modern Federaia Romn de Oin Federaia Romn de Orientare Federaia Romn de Patinaj Federaia Romn de Polo Federaia Romn de Popice i Bowling Federaia Romn de Powerlifting Federaia Romn de Radioamatorism Federaia Romn de Rugby Federaia Romn de Schi-Biatlon Federaia Romn de Scrabble Federaia Romn de Scrim Federaia Romn de Snooker Federaia Romn Sportul pentru toi Federaia Romn de ah Federaia Romn de Tenis Federaia Romn de Tenis de Mas Federaia Romn de Taekwondo ITF Federaia Romn de Taekwondo WTF Federaia Romn de Tir Federaia Romn de Tir cu Arcul Federaia Romn de Volei Federaia Romn de Yachting Romanian Kyokushin Karate Federation Romanian Modern Karate Federation Romanian WKC Karate Federation Romanian Kempo Federation Romanian Traditional Karate Federation Romanian Graeco-Roman Wrestling Federation Romanian Modelism Federation Romanian Motocycling Federation Romanian Swimming and Modern Penthatlon Federation Romanian Oina Federation Romanian Orientation Federation Romanian Skating Federation Romanian Water Polo Federation Romanian Bowling Federation Romanian Powerlifting Federation Romanian Radioamateurism Federation Romanian Rugby Federation Romanian Ski-Biathlon Federation Romanian Scrabble Federation Romanian Fencing Federation Romanian Snooker Federation Romanian Sport for all Federation Romanian Chess Federation Romanian Tennis Federation Romanian Table Tennis Federation Romanian ITF Taekwondo Federation Romanian WTF Taekwondo Federation Romanian Shooting Federation Romanian Archery Federation Romanian Voleyball Federation Romanian Yachting Federation

27 116 50 35 75 141 51 67 91 28 43 25 24 43 12 75 87 51 16 41 16 294 197 243 96 25 65 36 32 145 19

456 4346 2265 1760 2522 4379 525 492 3281 702 433 520 886 836 162 2778 4370 1405 347 1206 265 7905 18103 907 1311 2457 478 520 3250 409

10 104 36 36 77 199 43 6 168 23 23 35 59 21 18 11 114 9 85 1 170 114 259 71 14 47 48 28 200 14

16 60 78 28 37 8 19 1 60 23 17 26 28 27 26 3 1 8 6 26 8 1341 125 233 33 23 83 5 17 11 9

19 41 28 35 95 57 216 50 439 28 77 72 29 48 26 1 57 201 18 64 20 94 92 217 49 101 36 37 321 27



Clasamentul general la competiiile internaionale oficiale pe federaii, n anul 2010 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations, in 2010
Locul / Place I II III IV V VI Total clasament Total hierarchy 1610 48 48 40 133 33 41 277 21 48 80 32 1 2 122 27 1 9 50 7 16 45 9 55 25 4 194 7 87 27 31 17 15 3 11 8 6 9 3 4 2 1 9 2 Total medalii Total medals 1304 39 30 21 125 28 27 220 13 40 69 30 2 104 12 1 6 40 7 16 28 9 55 25 2 194 6 57 27 15 8 9 3 4 8 5 2 3 2 1 9 2


Total Atletism Modelism Gimnastic Karate Tradiional Canotaj Kaiac-Canoe Arte Mariale Scrim Nataie i Pentatlon Modern Judo Tenis de Mas Tir Schi-Biatlon Karate Modern ah Tenis Go Karate WKC Ecvestr Motociclism Radioamatorism Fotbal Tenis Taekwondo WTF Orientare Hochei pe iarb Kempo Comitetul Naional Paralimpic Haltere Arte Mariale de contact Taekwondo ITF Lupte Karate kyokushin Handbal Box Aikido Culturism i fitnes Powerlifting Popice bowling Ciclism i triatlon Dans sportiv Aeronautic Badminton Alpinism i escalad

433 9 6 6 61 13 14 77 4 9 28 14 22 4 2 21 2 3 5 7 8 6 59 2 30 8 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1

400 13 12 8 35 10 7 71 3 17 14 8 35 6 1 9 2 9 7 2 13 11 64 2 12 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 -

471 17 12 7 29 5 6 72 6 14 27 8 2 47 2 1 3 10 3 4 16 34 8 2 71 2 15 9 7 4 7 1 3 3 2 1 2 8 1

84 162 2 6 9 8 3 7 7 2 1 1 5 2 5 7 1 8 6 4 6 7 4 2 1 41 4 4 10 2 18 5 1 3 6 15 5 9 6 7 1 4 1 -

60 1 5 6 6 9 4 2 5 2 4 1 1 7 5 1 1 -

Total Athletics Modelism Gymnastics Traditional Karate Rowing Kayak-Canoe Martial Arts Fencing Swimming and Modern Penthatlon Judo Table Tennis Shooting Ski-Biathlon Modern Karate Chess Tennis Go WKC Karate Ecvestrian Motocycling Radioamateurism Football Tennis WTF Taekwondo Orientation Grass Hokey Kempo National Paralympic Committee Weightlifting Contact Martial Art ITF Taekwondo Wrestling Kyokushin Karate Handball Boxing Aikido Bodybuilding and Fitness Powerlifting Ninepin Bowling Cycling and triathlon Sport Dance Aeronautic Badminton Mountain climbing



Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni la Jocurile Olimpice, Campionatele Mondiale i Europene Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games, World and European Championships
2005 718 249 228 241 2006 578 179 175 224 2007 681 206 195 280 2008 847 259 255 333 2009 914 285 267 362 2010 957 337 288 332 TOTAL I II III Olympic Games Total I II III World senior championships Total I II III European senior championships Total I II III World youth-junior-cadet championships Total I II III European youth-junior-cadet championships Total I II III

Jocurile olimpice Total I II III Campionatele mondiale de seniori Total I II III Campionatele europene de seniori Total I II III Campionatele mondiale de tineret-juniori-cadei Total I II III Campionatele europene de tineret-juniori-cadei Total I II III

9 4 2 3

205 70 73 62

93 21 30 42

224 67 74 83

240 75 67 98

285 84 88 113

212 65 70 77

207 66 57 84

246 89 75 82

154 48 39 67

225 73 63 89

189 66 44 79

258 98 72 88

122 45 35 42

85 21 26 38

146 44 39 63

123 38 46 39

149 36 49 64

215 77 70 68

184 68 63 53

154 48 44 62

157 47 43 67

250 69 77 104

291 99 86 106

272 97 76 99



Medaliile obinute de sportivii romni, pe ramuri de sport, la Jocurile Olimpice, n perioada 1896 - 2008 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen, by sport branches, in the Olympic Games 1896 - 2008
Total medalii Medalii aur Total medals Gold medals 294 69 37 34 35 32 14 11 25 14 4 9 2 4 1 1 1 1 86 24 19 10 11 7 5 2 1 3 3 1 Medalii argint Medalii bronz Silver medals Bronze medals 90 20 10 10 14 8 4 6 9 4 1 2 1 1 118 25 8 14 10 17 5 3 15 7 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 Total Gymnastics Rowing Kayak-Canoe Athletics Wrestling Shooting Weightlifting Boxing Fencing Handball Swimming Equitation Judo Rugby Voleyball Bob Cyclism (paralympic games)

Gimnastic Canotaj Kaiac-Canoe Atletism Lupte Tir Haltere Box Scrim Handbal Nataie Clrie Judo Rugby Volei Bob Ciclism (jocuri paralimpice)

Anul Year

Participarea sportivilor romni la Jocurile Olimpice Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games
Numrul de medalii obinute Number of medals obtained Aur Gold Argint Silver Bronz Bronze Numrul de locuri obinute Number of positions obtained locuri places IV 96 1 3 1 4 6 4 10 16 10 5 17 1 5 6 7 locuri places V 104 2 3 5 9 10 3 9 7 11 4 7 8 5 6 7 8 locuri places VI 90 1 5 4 8 5 2 8 6 13 3 7 8 3 10 4 3

Numrul de puncte obinute Number of points obtained 1988,33 4,00 4,00 9,00 27,75 92,00 77,00 94,50 107,50 117,00 177,50 203,00 325,50 162,50 162,75 113,50 112,50 123,33 75,00



Total 1924 1928 1932 1936 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008

294 1 1 4 13 10 12 16 16 27 25 53 24 18 20 26 19 9

86 1 5 3 2 4 3 4 6 20 7 4 4 11 8 4

90 1 1 3 1 4 6 6 9 6 16 11 6 7 6 5 2

118 1 2 5 6 6 6 7 14 13 17 6 8 9 9 6 3

290 2 2 8 12 18 19 11 21 23 40 17 19 33 9 21 17 18


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