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1597 4076 17th St., #406, San Francisco, CA 94114

iPhone Web App screen grabs This link opens map to view on an iPhone, iPad, or online:

Online Web Viewer interactive screen grab This link opens map to view on iPhone, iPad, or online:

Dennis Neal Vaughn

Resume: Seeking: GIS position in the San Francisco Bay Area

Geographic Information Systems - ArcGIS 10.1

Primary GIS interests are in Socio-Economic GIS for business, government, and non-prots in order to achieve cost and time effective decisions for growth and planning.

Data compilation, analysis, and management as well as strong cartography skills are among my abilities. Years of real world practical business experience drives my passion for GIS.

April 24, 2013: "Land Use Committee Approves Amendments Which Turn Dangerous Wiener-Farrell Legislation Into Prohibition on Condo Conversions For the Next 10+ Years & A Permanent Ban on Condo Conversions for all 5+ Unit Buildings Wiener & Farrell Now Oppose Their Own Legislation; Full Board WIll Vote Tuesday, May 7 The Wiener-Farrell legislation to convert apartments into condos was turned from one of biggest threats to tenants into legislation which will save thousands of apartments from conversions and thousands of tenants from evictions. Under amendments crafterd by Sups. Chiu, Kim & Yee, all condo conversions will be stopped for at least the next decade and, if and when they resume, conversions will no longer be allowed for 5+ unit buildings. In addition, future conversions will need a higher level of owner-occupancy, which will prevent condo conversions from being used solely for rent control repeal. These gains were significant enough to allow Existing TICs an expedited condo conversion process over the next several years, but amendments were made here as well. The lifetime leases were made enforceable and other loopholes wre plugged up.

On April 22, the Land Use Commitee approved the new legislation by a 2-1 vote with SUps. Chiu and Kim voting to support and Suo. Wiener voting to oppose the new version of his legislation. Sup. Farrell is not on the committee so he did not vote but he also said he now opposes the legislation." - San Francisco Tenants Union 558 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

AIDS Housing Alliance

Map presented to SF Board of Supervisors, Mayor, and CA State Legislators for housing and public policy.

Community Analyst Reports created from Castro/Upper Market CBD mapping

iPhone Web App screen grabs

Ryan White Map Analysis:

This map project evolved from geocoding the locations, detailing the operations and web sites of each one, and checking the health coverage information of the Ryan White agencies into a more in depth research and analysis of various factors that affect those living with HIV in the bay area. These additional factors included the number of cases to the number of providers that are served, those living in poverty, and those without health insurance in the bay area. Research into the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, and the 2010 Census data began to show such things as over-funded and under-funded services, clients, cities, and counties in the bay area. Undeserved areas revealed Santa Clara County where there is only one provider for a large number of client cases and where more services are needed. Based on census data San Mateo County has a high number of people living in poverty but there is a high rate of people with insurance overall. However, the ratio of clients to providers is high, such that more services or additional agencies are required to support client needs more effectively. Santa Cruz County appears to be proportionally over served but fewer people have insurance thus funding and services need to be used effectively to meet needs. In addition to the Ryan White Agency other bay area non-prots such as Shanti, Project Inform, and the SF AIDS Foundation may nd this map useful, as would bay area cities and counties to assure that client needs are proportionally met and that funding is well suited for the needs at hand.

ESRI ArcGIS iPad App screen grab

415.518.1597 4076 17th St., #406, San Francisco, CA 94114

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