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5/21/13 (Introduction/Chapter 22) ........................................................................................................................... 2

5/21/13 (Introduction/Chapter 22)

Introduction into the Class - History is the study of the Present and the Past - The question had arose who are the rich and powerful countries(GDP=Gross Domestic Product)? Country GDP 1 $15,290,000,000,000 United States 2 $11,440,000,000,000 China 3 $4,515,000,000,000 India 4 $4,497,000,000,000 Japan 5 $3,139,000,000,000 Germany 6 $2,414,000,000,000 Russia 7 $2,324,000,000,000 Brazil 8 $2,290,000,000,000 United Kingdom 9 $2,246,000,000,000 France 10 $1,871,000,000,000 Italy

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What makes the USA so rich? o Food o Manufacturing o Banking o High and Low Tech o Healthcare The next question that arose was what is the richest country per capita (per people)?
Name of Country Qatar Luxembourg Singapore Norway Hong Kong Brunei Darussalam United States United Arab Emirates Switzerland Kuwait Per Capita Income $106,283.96 $79,649.49 $61,046.96 $54,479 $50,716 $50,440 $49,601 $48,434 $44,015 $43,773

Source: Institute of International Finance, Washington for year 2013

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

What are the Poorest Countries in the world (PER CAPITA)?

Country Congo, Democratic Republic of the Liberia Zimbabwe Burundi Somalia Eritrea Central African Republic Niger Madagascar Malawi Sierra Leone Togo Afghanistan GDP per capita $400 $500 $500 $600 $600 $700 $800 $800 $900 $900 $900 $900 $1,000

What causes the countries to become poor or rich? o Choice/Achievement Did they make a good choice? Trading with other countries Taking their independence Did they make a bad choice? Not trading with a country Invading a country starting a war o Necessity/Inheritance/Circumstances Was it possible to trade with other countries geographically? Did you want to move out of your area? What kept you in the situation you are in as a country Example: The Native Americans choose to develop within the area they were in by growing foods, hunting, and fighting off invaders, but they never tried to explore new possibilities of doing things. They did not have: o (wild cow was called Auroch modern day cow) o Sheep, Horses, Goats, Chickens, Wheat, Rye, Barley They did have: o Corn, Potatoes

Chapter 22 Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections 1. Trade Patterns: o Started around the early 1500s o They would go from East Asia all across the world o 3 Major Trading Blocks in the World Incan Trading Network that Went through South America Aztec Empire Network that went through Central America Old world (Eurocentric term which was basically stuff before 1500) o All of these different Trading Patterns Collide sometime in the 1500s mostly due to the efforts by both the Spanish and Portuguese 2. Major Cultural Groups o Confucian World (more of a Culture & Tradition instead of a Religion) China was the center of this world (became communist in 1949) Country was considered China by Europeans due to Chin Dynasty ruling @ that time Chinese call it Chung guo (central kingdom) Superpower back in the 1500s Focused on wise old sayings that put focus on the morals and ethics vs. religion It was very conservative in nature (does not like change or new ideas) Be like your parents, parents be like grandparents The older people in the house were considered to be wiser than the younger people and hence they had more power They had more of a Hierarchal society where everybody had their place and it was frowned upon to want to move from that place Respect for ancestors also could be considered more traditional Geographically hard to get into China mountains on the west sea on the east (which nobody had ventured to yet) and the north was the only venerable site, but Chinese built great walls of China to keep out the Mongols China was a major exporter at that time it exported goods to the Islamic and Christian world, but did not want any of their goods (EXPORTED) o Silk from silk worms that were native to China that fed on the mulberry bushes o Porcelain Came from the river cutting through the mountains in the west and dropping a deposit that would make the worlds best Pottery and flatware (fine china) o Tea Native tea trees for drinking Medicinal purposes o Spices Were used for keeping food longer Making food taste better Medicinal purposes

5 Was big in the 1300s, 1400s, & 1500s in Moluccas mostly o Islamic world (Middle East, Northern Africa, & Indonesia) Islam was one of the 3 monotheisms along with Judaism and Christianity Believed in the same God (Allah) Believed in Jesus, but did not think he completed the his prophecy Instead they believed that Muhammad was the final prophet who was sent by Allah Focused on a more outward looking point of view Believed that they had the true religion and wanted to proclaim it to all ends of the world attempting to turn people to the faith They were more focused on conquest, conversion, & expansion Middle man in the early trade patterns due to them being in between China and Europe Made tons of money on their efforts and were more focused on moving goods instead of producing them o Christian World (Europe, Russia, early Christian was Ethiopia) Outward looking world Conquest & Expansion o Wanted to conquer new lands o Hungry for growth Conversion o Thought their religion was the right one and wanted to convert people around the world to know about God Wanted to trade with other countries by eliminating the middle man or the Islamic world Did not like the Islamic world would constantly get into wars over religion due to the similarity in both of their points of view 3. Portuguese and Spanish Voyages in the 15th & 16th centuries o These helped to create the modern day world that is known today o The points of these voyages were to eliminate the Arabian middle man and to spread their religion amongst the world o In the 7th century the Muslims invaded Spain and Portugal People from those countries fought in a series of wars that eventually pushed the Muslims out of those countries In 1492 Spain & Portugal finally force the Muslims to the Southern coast and tells them to either convert to Christianity or to leave (Muslims left) o In the beginning of the 1500s Portugal had a leg up on the rest of the world when it came to trade o Prince Henry the Navigator (p470) In 1415 he promoted and funded the expansion, trade, and exploration of the sea. He wanted to figure out a way to get around Africa and eliminate the Middle man o In 1487 Bartholemeu Diaz reached the bottom of the tip of Africa and was finally able to sail east to China eliminating the middle man

6 o Islamic worlds economy begins to tank due to the lack of business and production o 1498 Vasco De Gama reaches the west coast of India and brings back Cinnamon to sell to the Europeans o Shortly thereafter Spain hires an Italian Christopher Columbus to sail west to find a shortcut to China and India He never ends up realizing that he found a new continent in South & North America o Spain & Portugal are still in conflict so they go to the pope to ask what they should do about conquering countries due to them running into each other all of the time This treaty between them is called the Treaty of Tordesillas The pope decides that they should split the line down the middle Have Portugal take Africa and Eastern part of South America Have Spain take Rest of South America and North America o Once Spain gets over to the Americas they basically invade the Native Americans and with their Firearms (Arquebuses) but what kills about 99% of them is the diseases Those diseases came from the diet that the Europeans consumed. The farm animals (cows, chickens, camels) Population of New Spain (Native Americans) 1500s o 5 million to 25 million 1600s o 1 million to 1 million Due to the diseases (small pox, influenza, etc.) o Small pox death rate Europeans 30% Native Americans 100% Bodies were not immune to the disease since it was never seen o Conquistadors (conquers) that were notable Cortez (Aztecs, 1519-1522) Pizarro (Incas, 1532) These victories were due to Better technology (rifles and fighting equipment) Horses not there before came over on the boats Better battle strategy 4. Reasons for the Voyages o They wanted to spread their religion o The wanted to make more Money ($) By cutting out the Arab middle man Seeking Gold and Silver

5. The impacts on the Iberians(which is Spain and Portugal together [Iberia])and on the Native Americans o Spain and Portugal helped to kick start the European Era Also considered to be the Age of European Expansion European Imperialism 1400s-1900s this is when Great Britain had conquered everything except for Japan o Atlantic Slave Trade (12-15 million people) were taken from their homes in Africa to work as Laborers 96% of the slaves that were taken away did not go to the US Began in the 1550s where the Spanish decided they needed more workers for mining for Gold and Silver in South and Central America Others took interest and brought more over Trans-Atlantic Slave trade went from 1550s-1820s o Islamic Slave Trade Was not as notable, but was very significant They brought slaves from the coast to northern Africa and into the middle east This was not abolished until the 20th century o Why were Africans chosen? The Africans were chosen due to their prime location in relation to the rest of the world Strong immune system compared to the Native Americans o The Spanish thought that God was looking in favor on them by punishing the nonbelievers for their sins

Portuguese traded Africa and Asia Spanish traded with the Americas Dutch focus on trade with other countries instead of conquering and looking for Gold and Silver o They were known for their shipping or carrying trade We can move anything without looking at it for a fee o Was the beginning of international mail system o More of a commercialized program that could be considered a modern day WalMart o Not big on spreading religion they let people believe as they did before without forcing religion down their throat one of the reasons why Japan only traded with them Britain becomes the biggest empire in the next 300-400 years Russians did not move to the sea, they moved inward due to the lucrative business of fur trade and trapping (soft gold) o Conquered the native Siberians They are the same as the Native Americans because during the ice age they were able to cross over to Alaska which was approximately 70 miles away and they got stranded their when the ice melted Discovered Alaska officially in 1751 and colonized it o Are mostly Greek Orthodox Christians which they thought to the Native Siberians

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