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By: Kathryn Vandiver



Capital City- Bacin (50E, 20W)
Northernmost Point- (62E, 15N) Southernmost Point- (40E, 30N)

Easternmost Point- (58E, 11N)

Westernmost Point- (40E, 38W) Located in the Northern Hemisphere near Europe. The Atlantic Ocean is surrounding it.

Physical Geography
Physical Features: Mountain Coast Coral Reef Valley Water: Elevation: Natural Resources: -Gold -Highest- 6,000ft. -Oil

-Lowest- 1,300 ft. -Copper -Tin Agricultural Products: -Cotton -Oranges


-Merlyle Lake
-Grakia Mountain

-Strawberries -Corn

Weather and Climate

The weather is mostly sunny but it can be rainy a lot too. Rain is not unusual in this country but does not rain everyday.

The average precipitation in inches is 2.4 inches.

Also some of the time it is a little cloudy. In the summer the weather can get up to 100F in the southern area. In the winter the weather can drop to a maximum of 0F in the northern area, but usually about 30 in the winter.

The capital city is Bacin. Other cities include Canadian City, Turkey City, Smoked City, and Peppered City.

Bacin Citys population is 1,234,567 million people.

Canadian Citys population is 6,315 people. Turkey Citys population is 3,749 people. Smoked Citys population is 57,301 people. Peppered Citys population is 4,792 people.

Fishing- Is a main industry because this country is on the coast.
Farming- There is enough of a precipitation rate so farming is an industry that is used numerous amounts .

Agriculture- There are tons of animals that help farming and life in Kevtopia. For example, the chickens lay eggs.
Gas- Is highly valued because of all of the boats going in and out of this country.

Monarchy government.
King Kakalaka. There are two political parties in Kevtopia Kaka and Laka. Everyone over the age of 16 may vote. The money is called kakalokies.

Kaka To have world peace. Everyone has equal rights. Laka -You have to go to School.

You get one day a week to leave. -Everyone is nice to school for lunch when in high anyone, even if they


dont know them.



You are not allowed to eat duck____ The ducks family member gets 1 minute to attack you Steak must be on every menu____ The restaurant that doesnt will have to close for 1 month You cannot murder____ Jail forever You cannot hide a horse under a table___ Jail for 3 months

On July 10th every year, you have to wear all yellow and eat strawberries and steak for dinner____ Hanging if you do not
Ribs have to be served on a silver platter____ No more ribs for the server


The school year is 181 days. (From August 31-June 6)

A student has to be in school from kindergarten to twelfth grade and then to collage.
Math, science, humanities, history, languages (French, Latin, Spanish) physical education, music, and art. The schools are very modern, big, and clear.

Major holidays include July 10th of every year to celebrate a the best day of the year because July is their favorite month and 10 is their favorite number. The children do not have school on this day.
Bacon day where all you can eat the whole day is bacon. It is celebrated to show that this countrys favorite food is bacon.

Swimming_______ Lots of pools and it is on the coast so the clear ocean and lake water is bordering and in Kevtopia.
Many people that live in the south, go to the beaches. People that live in the north, vacation to mountains. Parasailing_______ A popular activity to take time off and relax on the water.

Breakfast: -Pancakes


Lunch: -Deli Sandwiches

Dinner: -Fish

-Strawberries -Bacon -Sausage -Yogurt Parfaits

-Assorted Fruits
(blueberries, pineapple) -mac n cheese

-Pasta -Pizza -Steak -Salad



Girls wear nike shorts, t-shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts. For fancy occasions, girls wear casual dresses or skirts.
Boys wear teenage mutant ninja turtle costumes. The only time they dont wear this is for special occasions.

Thank You!!!
I hope you enjoyed my presentation!!!

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