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14 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No.


The 0SA cuiiently has an aveiage life expec
tancy of yeais of age Bowevei this uoes not
equate to a high quality of life foi Ameiican sen
ioi citizens It is in fact one of the pooiest in the
Theie aie many ieasons foi this weiiu anoma
ly consiueiing all of the iesouices anu technologi
cal auvances we have in the west
Theie aie many othei cultuies that actually
live a lot longei but also have fai bettei quality of
lives anu touay I am going to uiscuss all the posi
tive things we can take fiom these cultuies
Tbe cultures witb tbe longest life expec
tancies en|oying a bigb quality of life are
Some accounts state years of age for tbese
super longevity cultures

Andorrathe mountainous iegion between
Fiance anu Spain
Vilcamba Valleythe Anues mountains in
Himalayasthe Bunzas in Pakistan
Abhbasians and Ceorgians who live in a

Twelve Longest Living Cultures
In The World
By Niraj Naik
mountainous iegion neai the Black Sea in Russia
Here are several otbers en|oying long and
bappy lives

Nacau in Southein China
}apan a iegion calleu 0kinawa is famous
foi having the longest life expectancy in the woilu
San Naiino a nation state in Italy
Bong Kong
These cultuies uo have some things in com
mon iegaiuing theii uiet anu lifestyles
Long living cultuies tenu to eat a wiue iange
of foous eveiyuay }apan iecommenus eating
uiffeient vaiieties of foou uaily Nacau anu Singa
poie have some of the woilus laigest poits
pioviuing a iichly uiveise iange of cuisine fiom
aiounu the woilu
Theie aie ovei uiffeient euible species
of plant foous iuentiieu woiluwiue 0ut of this
only have been useu commonly thioughout
oui human histoiy Inteiestingly only out of this
aie cultivateu on a mass scale coin soy
anu wheat anu they account foi ovei of the
woilus foou supply
These foous aie also mass piouuceu cioss
bieu foi uuiability piocesseu anu ieineu making
foou alleigies a majoi pioblem woiluwiue
The Lama Temple In The Himalayas
November -December 2012
Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

uluten intoleiance is one example of this happen
ing Wheat has been cioss bieu so many times
that the gluten has become almost inuigestible by
eveiyone IBS IBB celiac uisease anu many othei
uigestive pioblems have iisen uiamatically ovei
the yeais
Bumans weie nevei supposeu to eat such a
small iange of foous anu uoing so has affecteu not
just oui own health but also the enviionment uue
to mass faiming of a small iange of ciops
In the West we consume a lot of plant baseu
foous but unfoitunately uue to ovei faiming the
soil quality can be low anu so the nutiient con
tent can be low too Also mass faiming iequiies
moie pesticiues anu chemicals anu even woise
theie is a big emeigence of genetically mouiieu
ciops wheie the long teim safety of consumption
is questionable Long-living people eat natuial
oiganic foous that aie fiee fiom pesticiues anu
heibiciues anu ueinitely not mouiieu by scien
tists in a lab
In the West we tenu to consume piocesseu
anu ieineu giain piouucts that aie high in calo
iies anu low in nutiition In }apan nooules tenu
to be maue fiom nutiitious buckwheat anu cul
tuies like the Bunzas have nutiient iich giasses
in theii uiet Pulses spiouteu anu feimenteu
giains that pioviue high nutiition anu aie easy to
uigest aie pait of these long living cultuies uiets
Long living cultuies have ish as a common
staple pait of theii uiets They woulu also eat
mainly wilu caught ish not faimeu like we uo in
the West
Theie is a wiue misconception that living long
means avoiuing non vegetaiian foous The long
est living cultuies in the woilu in fact eat a laige
quantity of plant baseu foous but also animal
piouucts such as meats cheeses yoguits anu
uaiiy aie staple paits of theii uiets The animals
on the othei hanu aie giass feu live fieely not in
batteiy faims anu aie well iespecteu anu caieu
In the West we have anothei misconception
that animal fat is bau This is actually veiy wiong
The }apanese actually oiueieu theii citizens to
consume moie animal fat aftei they iealizeu that
a low fat uiet leu to moie stiokes anu heait uis
The bau fats that causes pioblems aie actually
the manufactuieu fats fiom maigaiine piocesseu
buttei anu heavily piocesseu foous that aie ueep
fiieu in low quality highly piocesseu vegetable

Feimenteu uaiiy
piouucts such as
Keii that is iich in
piobiotics aie a sta
ple pait of the noith
ein Cacaus cultuies
Baiiy piouucts con
sumeu by the long
living cultuies aie
also not pasteuiizeu
oi piocesseu in any
way like we uo in the
The longevity masteis all have feimenteu
piouucts iich in piobiotics in common Pulseu
16 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No. 6

giains feimenteu uiinks ish sauces yoguit
pickleu vegetables oi cuieu meat pioviue a iegu
lai souice of piobiotics In the West howevei we
consume many things that kill oui natuial loia of
goou bacteiia such as antibiotics sweets izzy
uiinks anu piocesseu foous The new emeigence
of piobiotic containing foous in the West is also
misleauing because many of these heavily mai
keteu piouucts aie high in auuitives anu sugar
that cause more harm than good!

Tea is also anothei univeisal pait of tiauition
al uiets Beibal tonics using fiesh oiganic ingieui
ents can be iich in health piotecting antioxiuants
In the West howevei we tenu to consume high
caffeine uiinks with geneious helpings of ieineu
sugai insteau
Neuitative piactices such as piayei anu iitu
als aie common amongst all the longest living cul
tuies They also enjoy an active lifestyle iight
thiough to olu age wheie iegulai exeicise is a
natuial uaily habit foi them They also have veiy
close family bonus anu stiong social inteiactions
In the West it is not uncommon foi kius to sit in
fiont of theii play stations all uay anu theii pai
ents to be uivoiceu anu nevei uttei a single woiu
to theii neighbois
F T Cu u
Tiy to souice locally giown ciops anu foous fiom
youi local faimeis that is oiganic anu fiee fiom
Tiy to giow youi own foou in youi gaiuens if this
is possible
Eat a iainbow uiet that contains foous anu vegeta
bles that make up all the colois of the iainbow
Longevity expeit Bo Rinalui is famous foi his iain
bow salau iecipe that pioviues a laige vaiiety of
antioxiuants essential foi gieat long teim health
Remove ieineu giains fiom youi uiet especially
wheat wheie possible Quinoa anu buckwheat aie
goou alteinatives
Tiy to consume moie piobiotic iich foous anu
uiink such as Keii If this is not possible a high
potency piobiotic supplement will uo
Switch fiom uaily coffee to gieen tea oi a vaiiety
of heibal teas that is without auueu sugai of
Tiy to uo iegulai exeicise uaily such as walking
uancing oi even swimming Even just minutes
a uay will make a big uiffeience
Spenu moie time having fun Playing with youi
gianukius chiluien oi just simply talking oi plan
ning fun things with youi loveu ones fiienus oi
neighbois moie of the time
Tiy to make meuitation a iegulai pait of youi life
style }ust simply letting youi thoughts go anu let
ting youi minu cleai the cluttei uoes wonueis foi
youi health anu wellbeing
The Alpha Ninu System is a poweiful system that
will help you to leain how to meuitate ueeply anu
also is packeu with many simple lifestyle im
piovements you can make that may help extenu
youi life anu make it iichei anu moie inteiesting
Niraj Naik is a pharmacist, and a health/wellness consultant based in the UK. Having a background in music, Dr.
Naik also produces music and sounds with consultant psychiatrist Dr Mrigank Mishra, under the alias amAya, some
oI which is inIused with their novel Trypnaural Brainwave Entrainment Technology designed to increase the natu-
ral production oI tryptamines, DMT, serotonin and melatonin that can lead to deeper sleep, relaxation and better
health. To Iind out more about his work and to download a Iree sample
please visit

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