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Lucifer was a fallen arch angel who was banished from heaven due to his own sin

and pride. The name Lucifer means “light bearer” and was given to him because he was

God’s most cherished angel before he decided to turn on God. Although the Catholic

belief is that after Lucifer turned against God he became Satan and was forced to remain I

hell for all eternity, some assume that Satan and Lucifer are the same being.

The common Christian belief is that Lucifer was the angel that served and

revolted against God and Satin is the damned soul who presses sin. Lucifer was an Angel

that betrayed God because he believed he should have been praised as God. Scripture

reveals that Lucifer said, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars

of God; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High”

(Isaiah vss. 13-14). Lucifer wanted to be above God and make himself the Most High. He

believed he was above God so he thought he should be at the top of the throne. St.

Michael, an archangel, brought his trusted angels together and fought and defeated

Lucifer. Scripture says, “And there was a battle in heaven: Michael and his angels battled

with the dragon, and although the dragon and his angels fought back, they were

overpowered and lost their place in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent known

as the devil or Satan, the seducer of the whole world, was driven out and hurled down to

earth and his minions with him” (Revelation12:7 – 9). Lucifer gathered other angels to

rebel against God but St. Michael’s army defeated them. Lucifer was damned to Hell and

became Satan. The angels who revolted with him became his Devils.
The other idea that people have assumed is that Lucifer and Satan are indeed the

same person with multiple names. This assumption is that Lucifer rules hell and is often

called Satan. He is the only Devil and takes the souls that God sends to Hell. He has not

changed from Lucifer to Satan and is the same person as he was in Heaven. There is no

other Devil and Lucifer has been in Hell reaping souls since he has fallen down there. In

scripture it says, "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,

and Satan, and bound him a thousand years” (Revelation20:2). Lucifer is being forced out

of Heaven and is called Satin. Lucifer is being called Satan which in Latin means

“enemy”. He is being called Satan because he betrayed God and is now an enemy to Him.

He was Lucifer when he was in Heaven serving God but was no longer Lucifer when he

was banished. He started a revolution and gathered angels to revolt against God and then

became Satan when he started the war. He became a monster and wanted to be above

everyone and he would kill for it. He was then called Satan and would forever be Satan as

he became the enemy of the Lord and Humanity from that day on. In the St. Michael

Prayer it says, “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection

against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine Power of God - cast into

hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of

souls. Amen “(Thompson). The prayer tells about Satan and the Devils he was damned

and defeated with. It recites to protect us from them and defend us from their evilness and

Works Cited

“The Origin of Satan.” AngelFire. Apr. 2003. 18 October. 2008

Bert Thompson, Ph.D. “Is “Satan” Lucifer?” Reason and Revelation. 1998.

Apologetic Press. 18 October 2008


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