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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

Nitrous oxide fluxes from maize fields: relationship to yield,

site-specific fertilization, and soil conditions
Ulrike Sehy∗ , Reiner Ruser, Jean Charles Munch
GSF-National Research Centre for Environment and Health, Institute of Soil Ecology,
Ingolstädter Landstrasse 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany
Received 24 October 2001; received in revised form 19 March 2003; accepted 26 March 2003

Nitrous oxide emissions and selected soil properties in a high and a low yielding area of a maize field were monitored
weekly over a 1-year period. In both the high and the low yielding area, N2 O emissions from a treatment subject to site-specific
N-fertilization were compared to a conventionally fertilized control.
Emission peaks were measured following N fertilization, rainfall, harvest, tillage and freeze-thaw cycles from all treatments
in conditions favorable for denitrification. Between 80 and 90% of annual emissions were released between April and Septem-
ber. A value of 60% WFPS was identified as a threshold for the induction of elevated N2 O emissions (>50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ).
A significant relationship (r 2 = 0.41) between N2 O flux rates and WFPS was found when neither soil nitrate contents nor
temperature were limiting for microbial denitrification.
Mean cumulative N2 O emissions from the control treatments in the high yielding area, located in a footslope position and
thus receiving lateral water and nutrient supply, more than doubled those from the control treatments in the low yielding
area in a shoulder position (8.7 and 3.9 kg N2 O-N ha−1 , respectively). Higher average WFPS in the high yielding area was
identified as responsible for this difference.
The site-specific fertilized treatments in the low yielding area were supplied with 125 kg N fertilizer ha−1 as compared to
150 kg N fertilizer ha−1 (control treatments). This reduction resulted in 34% less N2 O released in roughly 10 months following
differentiated fertilization while crop yield remained the same. In the high yielding area, N fertilizer supply in the site-specific
fertilized treatment was 175 kg N ha−1 as compared to 150 kg N ha−1 in the control. Neither crop yield nor N2 O emissions
were significantly affected by the different fertilizer rates.
© 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: N2 O; Soil moisture; Soil nitrate; N fertilization; Site-specific fertilization; Precision farming

1. Introduction centration of 314 ppb and continues to increase (IPCC,

2001b). In addition to its contribution to global warm-
Owing to human activities, the concentration of the ing (IPCC, 2001b), nitrous oxide is involved in the
greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2 O) in the troposphere destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer (Crutzen,
has increased from 270 ppb in 1750 to a current con- 1981). Agriculture is estimated to contribute up to
80% to global anthropogenic N2 O emissions, more
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-89-544184-42; than half of which is released from agricultural soils
fax: +49-89-544184-49. (Mosier et al., 1998; Kroeze et al., 1999). The increase
E-mail address: (U. Sehy). in anthropogenic N2 O emissions is primarily the result

0167-8809/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
98 U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

of increased N input into agricultural soils (Mosier the environment (Maidl et al., 1999). Site-specific fer-
et al., 1998; IFA and FAO, 2001). Between 1930 and tilization, in contrast, takes into account that soil phys-
1990, the total anthropogenic N input through syn- ical, chemical and biological heterogeneity within a
thetic and organic fertilizers, N2 -fixation, and the in- field may result in spatial and temporal variability in
put of plant residues rose from 44 to 180 Tg N a−1 nutrient cycling which is likely to have an impact on
(Kroeze et al., 1999). crop yield as well as on gaseous N losses. With preci-
Nitrification and denitrification, microbial pro- sion farming, variations in soil or crop characteristics
cesses which rely on mineral N (ammonia and nitrate) within a field are identified, mapped, and manage-
as their substrate, are responsible for most of the ment actions are spatially and temporally adjusted to
N2 O produced in soil (Firestone and Davidson, 1989; crop requirements in the respective areas (Dawson
Hutchinson and Davidson, 1993; Bremner, 1997). and Johnston, 1997; Mandal and Ghosh, 2000).
Consequently, following N-fertilizer application, an To our knowledge, no investigations have been
increase in denitrification rates and/or N2 O flux rates published on the effects of site-specific fertilization
has been frequently found in field and laboratory on N2 O emissions based on field measurements. We
experiments (Ryden, 1983; Jambert et al., 1997; present a study where, both in a high yielding area
Mulvaney et al., 1997; Smith et al., 1997; Kaiser et al., and in a low yielding area of a field, N2 O emissions
1998; Simojoki and Jaakkola, 2000). However, high from a uniformly fertilized treatment and from an
N2 O emissions often only occurred when soil water adjacent site specifically fertilized treatment were
content was high or immediately following rainfall compared. The aims of the study were:
(Aulakh et al., 1984; Skiba et al., 1992; Hansen et al.,
(I) to identify the regulating parameters for N2 O
1993; de Klein and van Logtestijn, 1994; Flessa et al.,
emissions from the investigated agricultural
1995; Smith et al., 1998; Dobbie et al., 1999; Ruser
et al., 2001). Under these conditions, N2 O emissions
(II) to quantify the N2 O emissions from a high and
are mostly derived from microbial denitrification.
a low yielding area of an arable field based
It has been stated that worldwide, agricultural emis-
on year-round measurements depending on site
sions can be most effectively reduced in high-intensity
agricultural systems by minimizing N-surpluses
(III) to assess the potential of site-specific fertilization
(IPCC, 2001a). This can be achieved through the
for reducing the emissions of nitrous oxide.
application of a range of measures aiming at synchro-
nizing N application with crop demand, including the
application of N-fertilizer taking into account soil-
and plant-N contents (Eichner, 1990; van Kessel et al., 2. Materials and methods
1993) and plant demand (Weier et al., 1993); the use
of intercrops (Wagner-Riddle and Thurtell, 1998); the 2.1. Study site
splitting of N-fertilizer input (Ruser et al., 2001) and
the use of more sophisticated fertilization techniques The field experiment was carried out at the research
(nitrification inhibitors, controlled release fertilizers) station Scheyern of the Munich Research Alliance on
(Mosier et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1997). Agroecosystems (FAM) between April 1999 and April
A comparatively new measure aimed at avoiding 2000. The research station is located 445–498 m above
N-surplus in agricultural soils is precision farming, sea level in a hilly landscape derived from tertiary
which, in practice, is mostly equivalent to site-specific materials and partly covered by loess, approximately
fertilization (Auernhammer, 2001). Common agricul- 40 km north of Munich (48◦ N30.0 , 11◦ E20.7 ).
tural practice in Germany is to apply N-fertilizer at Study site was a gently undulating field cropped
equal rates within often arbitrarily drawn field borders to maize (Zea mays, L.) in 1999, followed by win-
irrespective of intrinsic heterogeneity. This may result ter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.). For soil character-
in zones that receive insufficient amounts of fertilizer istics refer to Table 1. Site-specific management on
for maximum yield, and other areas that are oversup- this field was introduced in 1999. For that purpose five
plied with agrochemicals, thus imposing a threat to classes of long-term stable crop yield were established
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 99

Table 1
Soil characteristics of the topsoil (0–20 cm) of the treatmentsa
High yielding Low yielding
area (HC, HP) area (LC, LP)
Soil classification (USDA Typic Dystric
taxonomy) Udifluvent Eutrochrept
pH (10−2 M CaCl2 )b 5.9 6.1
Corg (%)b 1.7 b 1.4 a
Nt (%)b 0.17 b 0.15 a
Grain size fractions (%)c
Clay < 2 ␮m 15 20
Silt 2–63 ␮m 49 51
Sand 63–2000 ␮m 36 29
a Different letters indicate significant differences between treat-

ments (t-test, P < 0.05).

b Own measurements.
c From Scheinost and Sinowski (1993).

(<85%, 85–95%, 96–105%, 106–115%, >115% of

average yield) from maps integrating yield during 3
years. The yield potentials of the three highest and the
three lowest yield classes were considered sufficiently
similar to justify a subsequent reduction to two areas
(J. Schächtl, pers. comm.)—a high yielding area con-
taining classes with >96% of average yield (66% of
total area) and a low yielding area containing classes
with ≤95% of average yield (34% of total area).
The field was then randomly subdivided into (a)
strips that were site-specifically fertilized (precision
farming (P)) and (b) strips that were uniformly fertil-
ized (conventional farming (C)) in order to permit a Fig. 1. Design of the field experiment. Dark gray: high yielding
comparison of the two fertilizer treatments (Fig. 1). area; white: low yielding area; P: strips fertilized according to
precision farming measures; C: strips fertilized according to con-
Strips were 7.5 m wide. The treatments investigated ventional measures; HP, HC, LP, LC: location of the treatments;
were high yielding area, uniformly fertilized (HC); circles: location of gas flux measurement chambers.
high yielding area, site specifically fertilized (HP); low
yielding area, uniformly fertilized (LC); and low yield-
ing area, site specifically fertilized (LP) (Fig. 1). The potential (derived from yield maps) and the result-
two treatments in the high yielding area were situated ing average plant demand. The calculated N-fertilizer
in a footslope position, corresponding to the highest amount of 150 kg N ha−1 corresponded to the aver-
yield class (>115% of average yield), whereas the two age plant demand minus the average N-supply from
sites in the low yielding area were on a rounded hill- the soil (derived from grid sampling) (Scheinost and
top, corresponding to the second lowest yield class Sinowski, 1993). In the following, the uniformly fer-
(85–95% of average yield). We considered the lowest tilized strips (C) are referred to as the control. For the
yield class not to be representative of the low yielding site specifically fertilized strips (P), the amounts of
area, since it had included only a small proportion of N-fertilizer were calculated so that in the high yielding
the total field that corresponded exclusively to areas area, maximum yield potential was expected to be 20%
close to the field border. higher than field average. To satisfy the corresponding
For the uniformly fertilized strips (C), the amount higher crop N demand, 20% more N-fertilizer should
of N-fertilizer was determined from the average yield be applied (180 instead of 150 kg N ha−1 ). However,
100 U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

due to lateral supply and higher organic N-content Table 2

(Table 1), the soil N-supply in the high yielding area Management of the fielda
is assumed to be 5 kg N ha−1 higher than field aver- 8 August 1998 Harvest of winter wheat
age. Therefore, 175 kg N ha−1 were applied to the P 14 August 1998 Sowing of mustard (intercrop)
strips in the high yielding area. In the low yielding 4 May 1999 Sowing of maize
area, yield potential was expected to be 20% lower Fertilizer AP (banded)
than field average, resulting in 20% less N-fertilizer 40 kg N ha−1 (all treatments)
to be applied (120 instead of 150 kg N ha−1 ). The ac- 1 June 1999 Fertilizer CAN (broadcast)
HC: 110 kg N ha−1
tual amount of N-fertilizer applied was increased by a HP: 135 kg N ha−1
value of 5 kg N ha−1 (to 125 kg N ha−1 ), because soil LC: 110 kg N ha−1
N-supply in the low yielding area was expected to be LP: 85 kg N ha−1
5 kg N ha−1 lower than field average. 19 September 1999 Harvest of maize
22 October 1999 Tillage (0–5 cm) and
The investigation period was examined in total as
sowing of winter wheat
well as subdivided into four periods as follows:
24 March 2000 Fertilizer ANU (broadcast)
A. complete investigation period (23 April 1999–24 HC: 50 kg N ha−1
April 2000); HP: 35 kg N ha−1
B. before differentiated fertilization of maize (23 LC: 50 kg N ha−1
LP: 50 kg N ha−1
April–31 May 1999);
a CAN: calcium-ammonium-nitrate; AP: ammonium-phos-
C. from differentiated fertilization of maize to harvest
of maize (1 June–18 September 1999); phate; ANU: ammonium-nitrate-urea solution (25/25/50% N).
D. from harvest of maize to first fertilization of winter rows (data not shown). Gas sampling was performed
wheat (19 September 1999–23 March 2000); at least once a week beginning at 10 a.m. on each
E. from first fertilization of winter wheat to end of sampling day. During the sampling period, while the
investigation period (24 March–24 April 2000). base rings were covered with dark closed chambers
(height 10–15 cm) for 60–90 min, we withdrew four
2.2. Determination of N2 O fluxes 100 ml samples into evacuated glass flasks. The first
sample was taken immediately after chamber closure,
For each treatment (HC, HP, LC, LP) five polyvinyl subsequent samples at equal intervals (20–30 min de-
chloride base rings (height 15 cm; inner diameter pending on sampling period) during chamber closure.
30 cm) were permanently installed in the soil down For a more detailed description of chamber design and
to a depth of 10 cm and distributed across an area sampling scheme refer to Flessa et al. (1995). Sam-
of 7.5 m × 15 m (Fig. 1). Each ring enclosed a sur- ples were analyzed for CO2 and N2 O concentrations
face area of 706.5 cm2 . The base rings were installed using an automated gas chromatographic system with
between two rows of maize plants or enclosing the a 63 Ni electron capture detector (ECD) as described
wheat plants. The rings were removed immediately in detail by Loftfield et al. (1997). Gas fluxes were
prior to soil management operations, and immediately calculated as rates of observed linear concentration
re-installed afterwards in the same location. Gas fluxes change per time and surface area and expressed as
were measured at least 6 days after the base rings were arithmetic means (n = 5) with standard deviation.
installed so that the impact of the installation would
have minimal impact on the gas fluxes. Since the first, 2.3. Climate and soil variables
uniform N application was banded to the seed row of
maize (Table 2), measurement of N2 O fluxes between Soil temperature was measured at the same time
two seed rows might have led to an underestimation as gas sampling at 10 cm depth in each treatment.
of total flux. Therefore, additional measurements in Air temperature and precipitation data were supplied
the seed row were made, which showed that annual by the meteorological station of the research station
N2 O flux might be underestimated by up to 28% (TU Munich, Chair of Bioclimatology and Immission
if measurements are restricted to between the seed Research).
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 101

During the gas sampling period, we took bulk soil 3. Results and discussion
samples from 0 to 10 cm depth by combining 5–10 soil
cores. Samples were kept cool for transportation and 3.1. Temporal changes in N2 O flux rates
processed on the same day. Soil moisture was deter- depending on regulating parameters
mined gravimetrically after drying for 24 h at 105 ◦ C.
Water-filled pore space (WFPS) was calculated using Average air temperature in the investigated year was
the measured soil bulk density data (arithmetic means 8.8 ◦ C, the sum of precipitation amounted to 937 mm.
of four measurement dates) and assuming a particle Both parameters surpassed the long-time averages—
density of 2.65 g cm−3 . 7.4 ◦ C for temperature and 833 mm for precipitation—
Fresh soil was extracted with 10−2 M CaCl2 (soil to measured at the research station.
solution ratio 1:2 (w/v)), shaken in a rotary shaker for The temporal course of N2 O emissions from the
1 h, centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min, and filtered four treatments (Figs. 2 and 3) is characterized by
through a 0.45 ␮m membrane filter. Extract solution low flux rates (<50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ) for most
was split and immediately analyzed for dissolved or- sampling dates, interrupted by several high emis-
ganic carbon (DOC) in a TOC analyzer (Shimadzu sion periods. Differing in magnitude and duration,
TOC-5050A) or stored frozen until analyzed for NH4 + these distinct periods were observed both in the
and NO3 − in a continuous flow analyzer (Skalar An- high and the low yielding area, indicating common
alytical SA 20/40). controllers. Maximum emission rates were around
1400 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 in the high and around
2.4. Statistical analysis 1300 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 in the low yielding area.
Generally, highest flux rates occurred in spring and
Relationships between variables were assessed us- summer following N fertilization and were associated
ing stepwise linear regression analysis (P < 0.05). with rainfall. After the first N application in May 1999,
Normal distributions of flux rates and driving vari- elevated N2 O flux rates occurred after 25 mm rain had
ables were tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov fallen within 6 days. Fluxes were very high from the
test at P > 0.05. Variables such as N2 O flux rates, high yielding area (up to 1400 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 )
CO2 flux rates and soil nitrate contents were log nor- and lower and less persistent from the low yielding
mally distributed and were log10 -transformed before area (up to 250 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ) (Figs. 2 and 3).
statistical analysis. Since we used dark chambers for During 2 weeks following the second N-fertilization
gas accumulation, CO2 flux rates were only included in early June, N2 O flux rates were only slightly el-
for statistical analysis for periods where no plants evated in both areas. These relatively low emission
were present in the soil covers (April—November rates following N input can be attributed to low soil
1999). water contents, which fell below 50% WFPS during
Cumulative fluxes were calculated for each of the that period. According to Davidson (1991), the domi-
five flux chambers per treatment assuming measured nant process for N2 O evolution under these conditions
fluxes to be steady between two sampling dates. To is nitrification. High N2 O flux rates, in contrast, are
assess significant differences between treatments, cu- usually associated with the process of denitrification
mulative fluxes were subjected to pairwise multiple (Firestone and Davidson, 1989), which becomes dom-
comparisons using the Student–Newman–Keuls test at inant for N2 O production at WFPS values of 60%
a significance level P < 0.05. (Davidson, 1991). Strongly elevated flux rates in both
For each treatment (HP, HC, LP, LC) we calculated areas did not take place until heavy rain in mid-July
the quotient of cumulated N2 O emissions (periods C (66 mm within 4 days) resulted in WFPS values above
and D) and maize yield as an environmental indicator. 60% in all treatments (Figs. 2 and 3). Cumulative
We obtained the quotients by randomly dividing cu- N2 O emissions within 2 weeks following the onset of
mulative N2 O emissions from individual soil covers rain amounted to 30% (high yielding area) and 60%
(n = 5) by yield data from individual plots (n = 5) and (low yielding area) of total annual N2 O emissions.
compared them using the Student–Newman–Keuls test This underlines the importance of rainfall for N2 O
at a significance level P < 0.05. emissions, which has been frequently described for
102 U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

Fig. 2. N2 O flux rates, CO2 flux rates, soil nitrate contents, soil WFPS and daily precipitation of the high yielding area treatments. Arrows
with numbers indicate fertilizer amounts (kg N ha−1 ) applied to the respective areas.

agricultural soils (Cates and Keeney, 1987; Ball et al., value at the preceding measurement date. Under these
1999; Dobbie et al., 1999; Baggs et al., 2000; Scott conditions, inner aggregates are still waterlogged and
et al., 2000; Ruser et al., 2001). In our study, 85% of sustain denitrification, even if a large share of pores
all elevated flux rates (>50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ) were between aggregates is already air-filled (Smith, 1980).
measured at soil water contents between 55 and 90% We thus consider 60% WFPS the threshold value for
WFPS, with maximum emissions at 65% WFPS (cf. the induction of elevated N2 O flux rates through den-
Fig. 4A). Similarly, Simojoki and Jaakkola (2000) itrification in our soils, a value somewhat lower than
measured highest N2 O emissions at WFPS between the threshold of 65% WFPS found by Clayton et al.
60 and 90% in agricultural soils and Dobbie et al. (1997). High CO2 fluxes were measured during the pe-
(1999) between 70 and 90% in agricultural soils and riod of highest flux rates in July and indicate substan-
fertilized grassland. In the present study, flux rates tial heterotrophic activity after rewetting of the dry soil
above 50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 and at WFPS below as a result of increased carbon availability (Sexstone
60% were only measured when WFPS was above this et al., 1988; Rudaz et al., 1991). Heterotrophic activity
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 103

Fig. 3. N2 O flux rates, CO2 flux rates, soil nitrate content, soil WFPS and daily precipitation of the low yielding area treatments. Arrows
with numbers indicate fertilizer amounts (kg N ha−1 ) applied to the respective areas.

enhances O2 consumption and promotes anaerobic ing only N2 O flux rates from dates where soil nitrate
conditions; additional high soil nitrate and water contents were above this value, a small, but signifi-
contents favored high N2 O losses through denitrifi- cant relationship between N2 O flux rates and WFPS
cation in that period (Firestone and Davidson, 1989; was found (r2 = 0.13) (Fig. 4B). This relationship
Hutchinson and Davidson, 1993; Granli and Bøckman, improved to r 2 = 0.41 when additionally all data
1994). were excluded where soil temperature was below
Fig. 4A shows that WFPS and N2 O emissions were 7 ◦ C (Fig. 4C), reflecting that microbial nitrification
not related when all data were considered. From a and denitrification are usually limited at low soil tem-
scatter plot of nitrate content versus N2 O emissions, peratures (Granli and Bøckman, 1994). The findings
we identified a nitrate content of 5 kg NO3 − -N ha−1 presented here are in accordance with other studies,
(about 3.5 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt.) as the lower where no relationship between N2 O emissions and
threshold for the induction of elevated N2 O emissions WFPS was found when parameters like soil mineral
above 50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 (data not shown). Us- N and/or C content or soil temperature were limiting
104 U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

of 10 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. to limit N2 O flux rates

to below 42 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 .
We applied a stepwise multiple linear regression to
analyze the relationships between N2 O emissions and
the parameters soil nitrate content, DOC content, CO2
flux, temperature, WFPS and the cumulated amount of
precipitation within 1 week before each gas sampling
(PPcum ) (Table 3). In periods B and C—during vege-
tative growth—CO2 flux and PPcum explained about
70% of the N2 O flux variability in the high yield-
ing area and in treatment LC in the low yielding area
(Table 3). WFPS and temperature explained 83% of
the N2 O flux variability of treatment LP. Supporting
the observed high influence of rain for the induction
of flux peaks, PPcum generally had more influence on
N2 O flux than WFPS. In contrast to WFPS, the pa-
rameter PPcum takes into account that on the one hand
N2 O emissions may be low at high soil water status,
because nitrification is limited and/or denitrification
proceeds rapidly to N2 (Sahrawat and Keeney, 1986)
and on the other hand that flux peaks are frequently in-
duced by an abrupt change in soil water status whether
or not soil water content is already above the threshold
level (Mosier et al., 1991; Clayton et al., 1994).
After the fertilizer-induced emission peaks in
spring and summer, elevated N2 O flux rates were
again measured in September after harvest. Preceding
the emission peaks, the soil had dried to the lowest
water content during the investigated period and was
well below 50% WFPS in all treatments (Figs. 2
and 3). High emissions were induced upon rewetting
of the soil to values of 65% (low yielding area) and
75% WFPS (high yielding area). At the end of Oc-
Fig. 4. Scatterplots of N2 O flux rates versus WFPS. Horizontal tober, after shallow tillage, sowing of winter wheat
line denotes N2 O flux rates >50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 , vertical lines
and with air temperatures rising to >10 ◦ C, high CO2
delimit WFPS values between 55 and 90%. (A) All data (n = 233),
(B) dates where soil nitrate contents were >5 kg N ha−1 , (C) dates emissions were accompanied by a distinct rise in
where soil nitrate contents were >5 kg N ha−1 and soil temperature N2 O emissions in both areas (Figs. 2 and 3). This can
was >7 ◦ C. be explained by the fact that tillage increases aera-
tion and physically disturbs soil aggregates and crop
N2 O production (Ryden, 1983; Clayton et al., 1997; residues, thus rendering additional substrates avail-
Dobbie et al., 1999; Conen et al., 2000). The thresh- able for microbial attack and promoting microbial
old of 3.5 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. found in this study activity (Granli and Bøckman, 1994; Kristensen et al.,
is somewhat lower than the values reported in the 2000). Emissions peaked after WFPS surpassed 60%,
literature. In the studies by Ryden (1983) and Dobbie again indicating an increasing share of denitrification
et al. (1999), denitrification and/or N2 O flux rates in N2 O production (Davidson, 1991).
tended to be small below 5 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt., By the end of January 2000, average daily tem-
however, no exact values for maximum N2 O flux peratures rose from −14 ◦ C to +8 ◦ C. In the week
rates were given. Conen et al. (2000) reported a value before, the soil had remained slightly frozen to a
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 105

Table 3
Coefficients of determination (in brackets: r2 ) for stepwise multiple linear regressions of N2 O flux rates versus soil parameters differentiated
according to the period of vegetative growth (periods B + C) and winter period (period D) (periods as defined in Section 2.1)a
Period HP HC LP LC

B + C (n = 23) CO2 (0.60) CO2 (0.60) WFPS (0.65) PPcum b (0.55)

PPcum (0.73) PPcum (0.69) T (0.83) CO2 (0.72)
NO3 (0.86)
D (n = 25) n.s.c T (0.36) T (0.43) T (0.32)
NO3 (0.53) PPcum (0.55) PPcum (0.46)
a Displayed are parameters that are included in the linear model at a F-to-enter-probability < 0.05 and F-to-remove probability > 0.1,

numbers before parameters indicate the order of parameters as entered in the model.
b Cumulated amount of precipitation within 1 week before each gas sampling.
c Not significant.

depth of 10 cm. The thawing of a 20 cm snow cover 3.2. Cumulative N2 O emissions depending
as well as 14 mm rain on 30 January resulted in on site characteristics
complete thawing of the soils and in very high soil
water contents in all treatments. On 31 January, el- In the complete investigation period A, signifi-
evated N2 O flux rates were measured from all treat- cantly more N2 O was released from the treatments
ments. Emissions were three to six times higher than in the high yielding area than from those in the low
the background flux measured in the 2 months be- yielding area (Table 4). Although treatments HC and
fore. They amounted to 120 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 and LC received the same amount of fertilizer, cumulative
were comparable to values reported by Cates and N2 O emissions from HC more than doubled those
Keeney (1987) for fertilized maize fields [150 ␮g from LC (8.7 and 3.9 kg N2 O-N ha−1 ). One reason
N2 O-N m−2 h−1 (only soil surfaces thawed) and for the different emission levels between high and
200 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 (soils completely thawed)]. low yielding area sites may be the persistently higher
However, the freeze–thaw related flux rates reported soil water content in the former (Figs. 2 and 3). Since
in this study did not reach the magnitude previ- the soil textures of both high and low yielding areas
ously described from winter measurements at the are not strikingly different (Table 1), this parameter is
same experimental station: Following freeze–thaw not likely responsible for the difference in soil water
events, Ruser et al. (1998, 2001) measured 500 and content. We ascribe the higher soil water content in
>900 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 ha−1 , respectively, and Flessa the high yielding area to the location in a footslope
et al. (1995) found >2000 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 ha−1 . We position, which results in lateral water supply and
attribute the relatively low N2 O emissions found in temporary reduced percolation. Corre et al. (1996) and
our study to the complete water logging during that Pennock and Corre (2001) also suggest that the higher
period, since under conditions of very high water WFPS in footslope positions is responsible for higher
status gas exchange between soil and atmosphere is N2 O evolution as compared to shoulder positions.
hindered and the complete reduction of N2 O to N2 is In their investigations, different emission levels were
promoted (Granli and Bøckman, 1994). In the winter constantly associated with certain landscape positions
period D, N2 O emissions were significantly related to and topography was considered an indirect driving
soil temperature in three of the four treatments (HC, variable, influencing the processes and conditions that
LP, LC) (Table 3). This relates to the observation that control microbial denitrification rates and N2 O emis-
N2 O emissions were generally low during winter, and sions (i.e. water and nutrient availability) (Pennock
that high flux rates in period D were associated with et al., 1992; van Kessel et al., 1993; Corre et al., 1996).
either: (a) rising temperatures after tillage, leading to In our study, a value of 60% WFPS was iden-
enhanced substrate availability (at the end of Octo- tified as non-limiting for the induction of elevated
ber) or (b) rising temperatures during thawing of the N2 O emissions (>50 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ). The key to
frozen soil. higher N2 O emissions from the high yielding area may
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111
Table 4
Cumulative N2 O emissions from the treatmentsa
Period HP HC LP LC

N2 O emissions Fertilizer N2 O emissions Fertilizer N2 O emissions Fertilizer N2 O emissions Fertilizer

(kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) (kg N ha−1 ) (kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) (kg N ha−1 ) (kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) (kg N ha−1 ) (kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) (kg N ha−1 )
A 10.1 b ± 2.0 210 8.7 b ± 1.2 200 3.1 a ± 0.6 175 3.9 a ± 0.5 200
B 3.4 c ± 1.1 (38.7) 40 2.4 b ± 0.7 (30.0) 40 0.5 a ± 0.2 (19.3) 40 0.3 a ± 0.1 (7.2) 40
C 4.2 c ± 0.8 (47.2) 135 3.8 c ± 0.4 (48.7) 110 2.0 a ± 0.2 (70.4) 85 3.0 b ± 0.5 (81.4) 110
D 1.3 b ± 0.4 (14.2) – 1.7 b ± 0.5 (21.3) – 0.3 a ± 0.2 (10.4) – 0.4 a ± 0.1 (11.4) –
E 1.3 b ± 0.5 35 0.8 b ± 0.5 50 0.3 a ± 0. 50 0.2 a ± 0.1 50
a Data are shown as arithmetic means with standard deviation; data in parentheses: percent of maize-related emission (periods B and D: 23 April 1999–23 March 2000);

different letters indicate significant differences between treatments.

U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 107

microbial denitrification as the dominant source for

high N2 O emissions. In the literature, values of
10 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. (Mosier et al., 1983) and
25 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. (Limmer and Steele, 1982)
are given as thresholds above which denitrifica-
tion rates are independent of soil nitrate contents.
In our study, average soil nitrate contents in peri-
ods B and C were 48 (HP), 36 (HC), 22 (LP) and
27 (LC) mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. and thus above the
Fig. 5. WFPS values of all treatments during periods B and threshold value of 25 mg NO3 − -N kg−1 d.wt. except
C. Displayed are 25 and 75%-percentiles as vertical boxes, 10 for treatment LP. This suggests that nitrate contents in
and 90%-percentiles as whiskers and outliers as circles. Within treatments HP, HC and LC were mostly non-limiting
individual boxes, the median is displayed as solid line and the
for microbial N2 O production. This is corroborated
arithmetic means as dotted line. The solid line across the figure
represents 60% WFPS, a value which was identified as non-limiting by the fact that only in treatment LP was soil nitrate
for the induction of elevated N2 O emissions. content included in the multiple regression analysis.
Supporting these results, the largest difference in N2 O
emissions between HC and LC occurred between
be that during periods B and C WFPS was above this May and the end of July, while at the same time N2 O
value on the majority of measurement dates (Fig. 5), emissions were the same in HC and HP, although the
whereas in the low yielding area, the majority of ob- difference in soil nitrate contents between HC and HP
servations showed WPFS values below 60%, indicat- was much larger than between HC and LC (Figs. 2
ing that for most of the dates N2 O production from and 3).
denitrification was limited by low WFPS.
Apart from soil water contents, treatments HC 3.3. The influence of site-specific fertilization on
and LC differed in soil nitrate content. This was cumulative N2 O emissions and maize yield
the case despite the same amounts of N applied in
both treatments and probably is the result of higher In the high yielding area, during the approximately
organic N contents (Table 1) as well as lateral N 10 months following N application (periods C and
supply from the surrounding slopes in the high yield- D), cumulative N2 O emissions were not different
ing area. However, we assume that the different soil between HP and HC (Table 5). Average N2 O flux
nitrate contents in the high and low yielding area rates during that period were 80 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1
were not responsible for different N2 O emissions, from both treatments. In contrast, in the low
since soil nitrate did not explain much of N2 O flux yielding area, 34% less N2 O was emitted from
variability in periods B and C (Table 3), although the treatment LP (2.3 kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) than from LC
results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis— (3.5 kg N2 O-N ha−1 ). Beginning with differentiated
strong positive relationships of N2 O flux rates with fertilization, flux rates from LC surpassed those from
CO2 flux rates and soil water contents—point to LP on nearly every measurement date until flux rates

Table 5
Cumulative N2 O emissions (periods C and D), amount of N applied, maize yield and N2 O loss per yielda


N2 O emissions (kg N2 O-N ha−1 ) 5.4 c ± 0.7 5.5 c ± 0.5 2.3 a ± 0.3 3.5 b ± 0.6
N-fertilizer (kg N ha−1 ) 175 150 125 150
Yield (t d.wt. ha−1 ) 20.9 a ± 2.1 19.3 a ± 2.6 18.2 a ± 1.6 17.7 a ± 1.5
N2 O per yield (kg N2 O-N t−1 d.wt.) 0.26 c ± 0.04 0.28 c ± 0.02 0.12 a ± 0.02 0.20 b ± 0.03
a Data are shown as arithmetic means with standard deviation (n = 5); different letters indicate significant differences between treatments.
108 U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111

in both treatments decreased to background levels into account the climatic conditions in the investigated
(<5 ␮g N2 O-N m−2 h−1 ) in November. year, which were characterized by higher temperatures
In treatment HP, the amount of N-fertilizer was in- and especially more precipitation than average. In our
creased by 25 kg N ha−1 as compared to the conven- study year, maize yields were the same in both areas,
tionally fertilized control HC. In treatment LP, the although the yield areas had been previously identi-
amount of N-fertilizer was reduced by 25 kg N ha−1 fied based on long-term differences in crop yield. In
as compared to the control LC (Table 5). Accordingly, a drier year, location in a shoulder position (= low
average soil nitrate contents were higher in HP than yielding area) is likely to result in water stress and
in HC (48 versus 36 kg N ha−1 in period C) and lower lower crop yields. On the other hand, in a drier year,
in LP than in LC (22 versus 27 kg N ha−1 ), especially N2 O emissions from the high yielding areas are likely
in the period of vegetative growth. to be lower, because soil moisture content will more
Above, we have ascribed the lack of correlation be- frequently limit high N2 O emissions through denitrifi-
tween soil nitrate contents and N2 O emissions to the cation and thus the N2 O:yield difference between the
fact that soil nitrate contents were above threshold two areas is likely to be smaller. Comparing the C and
values limiting microbial denitrification (Limmer and P treatments, our data show that in the low yielding
Steele, 1982). We suggest that this is also the reason area the ratio of N2 O:yield was significantly reduced
for N2 O emissions from both high yielding area treat- in the LP treatment as compared to LC (Table 5), while
ments being the same despite different fertilizer rates in the high yielding area, this ratio was not affected by
and nitrate contents. Only in the low yielding area, differentiated fertilization. We assume that these rela-
where N2 O emissions from treatment LP were a func- tionships were not affected by the climatic conditions
tion of soil nitrate contents (Table 3), we calculated a that deviated from average in the study year.
significant difference between conventional and pre- In summary, in the low yielding area N surpluses
cision farming treatment. could be avoided through the adoption of site-specific
Maize yield was not affected by the three fertil- fertilization, resulting in significantly reduced N2 O
izer rates (125, 150, 175 kg N ha−1 ) (Table 5). This emissions and constant crop yield. In the high yield-
shows that soil N contents were not limiting crop ing area, our data suggest soil N contents in both
yield. Similar results were reported by Chantigny et al. treatments were on average above threshold levels
(1995), where an increase in N amounts from 120 to for both maximum crop yield and maximum N2 O
180 kg N ha−1 hardly affected maize yield (no differ- emissions.
ence in a sandy clay; a slight increase of 5–8% in a The share of the low yielding area of the total field
sandy loam). In a study by Isfan et al. (1995) the opti- is 34% (2.04 ha). Based on the results obtained from
mum N-fertilizer rate for maize was between 115 and the low yielding area treatments, a reduction of fertil-
146 kg N ha−1 , which is lower than the amounts used izer amounts by 25 kg N ha−1 in the low yielding area
in the C-treatments in this study. According to Liang can result in a reduction of N2 O emissions by—in
and MacKenzie (1994), the N use efficiency of maize total—2.44 kg N2 O-N within 10 months after differ-
decreases with increasing amounts of N-fertilizer. This entiated fertilization. Assuming unchanged N2 O emis-
might explain why the difference in average soil nitrate sions from the high yielding area, the reduction of
contents between C and P treatments was 10 kg N ha−1 N2 O evolved from the low yielding area corresponds
in the high yielding area and only 5 kg N ha−1 in the to a reduction by 0.41 kg N2 O-N ha−1 based on the
low yielding area. total field.
We related cumulated N2 O losses (periods C and D)
to maize yield (dry matter at harvest), in order to assess
the environmental impact of the different treatments 4. Conclusions
in relation to economic returns. Comparing high and
low yielding areas, the ratio of N2 O:yield was signifi- Higher soil water contents in the high yielding
cantly higher in the HC treatment (0.28 kg N2 O-N t−1 ) area of a maize field resulted in significantly higher
as compared to the LC treatment (0.20 kg N2 O-N t−1 ) N2 O emissions than in the low yielding area. The
(Table 5). These results have to be assessed taking location of the high yielding area treatments in a
U. Sehy et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 99 (2003) 97–111 109

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