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THE CONVEYOR BELT SYSTEM Life is a relatively straight forward process.

There is a conveyor belt, you get on it at one end, when you are born and you get off it at the other when you die. It is an elastic conveyor belt and it stretched to accommodate more capacity. Many people fall off the conveyor belt at the far end, at the end of their natural lives. However, because of capacity provisioning issues, many fall off the sides of the conveyor long before what should be the end of their lifespan. We each take up the same room on the conveyor and we all partake in our efforts to stay on-board, somewhat like a fairly unsafe ride in a theme park. Once we see the conveyor belt, we can understand that there is only a certain capacity and when we collectively, which is important here, I am not pointing any fingers, reproduce faster than the belt can accommodate, then naturally, that is over-capacity and more and more people are gonna fall off. In part, the violence happens in this world because new arrivals are crammed on to the conveyor belt at a rate which can't be accommodated, the reproduction rate is higher than the capacity provisioned on the belt can withstand. It creates a pressure which leads to all sorts of mangling on the belt. The belt is exactly like a website which is receiving more requests than it can handle with the current underlying technology. Some of the requests get dropped and can't be serviced, this is exactly what happens when people die. If the planet is like a website, then people dying are like dropped requests to a website that it can't handle. It's not like anyone wants these things to happen. During WWII, it was a fact that the population had increased faster than the latency of the auto-scaler could accommodate and so, there had to be a lot of, in computer terms, dropped packets and in real world terms, dropped people. So, we see, that when we have these murderous episodes, it is because the creative force has become overzealous in people and so there has to be some way of bringing things back to manageable levels and that is why people fall off the belt. It's quite indiscriminate, it just depends where you are when you are on the belt, an edge location will be more likely to fall off. I think it is clear for anyone to see. If our planet is a boat, which in a way it is, a ship circumnavigating The Sun with passengers on board, then, what we would understand on a small scale would be that if you have a boat which can accommodate 20 people and you put 30 on-board, then, the chances are, that it will become very uncomfortable, violent even and in the extreme, the boat may even sink. Now, this is not my idea and if you look up Terrence McKenna on youtube, you can hear him talk about it. This isn't supposed to be a criticism of people who have kids, it is just a way of explaining why things are happening and when these things happen like wars, murders and violence, there is a greater force at work and the capacity provision problems as the conveyor stretches to try and accommodate more forces people into situations that they would really rather not be in. Many people spend their whole lives in the middle of the conveyor, nice and safe and do anything to avoid the edge locations. If you get pushed to the edge, ever, you will have an instinct for it and knowing that you are there, let's put it that way. It is a cruel irony that the creative force also brings about the destructive force. The conveyor has been forced to accommodate more people. The great fight is not the fight between people, but it is the fight between people and the conveyor. There have been experiments done where if you create a habitat for rats, then whilst there are fewer rats in the habitat, they all get along quite well and there is plenty of food for them all and it is a nice peaceful community. However, as the number of rats increases, symbolic of human beings, then, their nice peaceful order breaks down and chaos begins with the rats becoming vicious and vindictive. I think, to a greater or lesser extent, this has been happening to all of us. It is the capacity pressure which is causing all of these issues, like a force of sorts which people either fall fowl of or not and probably both at different times in their lives. A new born baby or babies create a pressure which has to be released. It is the natural succession pageant. If we want a less violent world, we have to start controlling ourselves. Individual urges are desires are not the best yardstick for deciding policy. What is is collective understanding. Once we begin to understand, we can start to do something about it. Cramming more and more people on

board is not making the situation better, it just increases the pressure on others to get off. The pressure is an unstoppable force. In the same way that in any given table setting a table can only feed so many mouths, a planet can only sustain so many people. When there are more people wanting to get on then can be catered for, the only way they can be accommodated is if others get off. The reality of life is that we have all been killing since the day we were born. Does that make any sense to anyone? You would say, why not have a system which can scale to accommodate more people properly. Don't ask me that one. For whatever reason, people are being crammed on at a faster rate than can be accommodated and so we get this murderous slaughter to make room for them. That's the best sense I can make of it all and with the world population projected to be 12 billion by the end of 2099, this is going to go on for a while yet. It is wholly disrespectful to us all. The policy is basically cram too many on there and some will survive and some won't. Let them duke it out. A human policy would be only let as many on as can be accommodated. We may see this one day yet, people applying for a licence to have a child. The belt rules. Even left wing and right wing are just left and right sides of the same belt. If we think about it for a minute. Imagine, many thousands of years ago when the conveyor belt could only contain maybe 1 billion people and animals. If you immediately increased the population to 7 billion people, then, people would have just died because the belt couldn't handle those numbers. Over time, the conveyor has been consistently upgraded to have a higher capacity. The problem was that when the capacity is not increased in-line with people added, then we get the deaths that we have in our society. In other words, in our society, we keep adding people to the belt faster than the belt can cope with and that goes a long way to explain the carnage. If there wasn't belt pressure, there would have been no carnivores because animals wouldn't have needed to get off to make space for the new incumbents. It is the force that is adding creatures to the belt at this high rate that is causing the problem. Children force their way onto the belt and in the process, force other people off. It is the over jealous creative force. You could say that Dad wanted more children than Mum was able to bare. When we understand that all of us have been killing since the day we were born, then we understand that all of us have skeletons in the closet. So, we are left with the startling realisation that death is a bad thing, people die, but when the conveyor belt is seen, then in a way it is also a good thing because other people can live. The succession pageant is how life has always pushed itself forward and it shows no sign of abating yet. Another way to think of The System, is like a kind of electrical circuit which has had a powersurge. You know what people say, I am going to blow a fuse. This is again down to the spirit force, there is as much power as is put into the system. It is that simple. 1914-2014 Powersurge. Fuses have been popping left right and centre as there is a cir-kit overload and the carnage is a consequence of that. Extremists are just people that the moderates have forced to the edge of the conveyor belt.

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