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Photo from Spring 2008 performance of

Britten’s War Requiem by Mark Manring

Friends Newsletter
Fourth Quarter 2008 THE YEAR IN REVIEW
President: Patricia Philipps by Sam Wells, Dean of Duke Chapel

Vice President: Gina Harrison Life at Duke Chapel is a mixture of table. The deepest joy comes when you
complexity and simplicity. That’s what realize you’ve been hearing the choir’s
Secretary: Karen Rhodes, T ‘92 makes it so rewarding. Here are some of anthem in your ears all week and you
Immediate Past President: the complexities: meet someone and realize they’ve been
• We are set in the context of a leading inspired by the very same chord and
Janet Gwyer, PhD
global research university, with people the identical harmony. The deepest joy
Advisory Board: around us who know most of what is comes at a moment like the performance
Jean E. Carr WC ‘61 known about most of what there is to of Britten’s War Requiem last April when
be known. you sense that every aspect of the Chapel’s
G. Paul Carr
life – worship, ministry, discernment,
Andrew Crewson, T ‘09 • We waltz on a dance floor crowded
outreach, theological reflection – come
Leigh Edwards, T ‘09 with secularists, other faiths, and a be-
together in a single week.
wildering array of Christianities, each
Gus Grant, MD Here are the some of the simplicities of
of whom behave at times like oppressed
Steve Harper minorities and occasionally see us as life at Duke Chapel:
Nan Schiebel, WC ‘53, P ‘92 an oppressor. • Sharing and nurturing faith is reward-
Anthony Seese, P ‘91 • We have an awesome tradition of ing and challenging wherever one hap-
Ella Jean Shore, D ‘56 architecture, music, preaching and pens to be doing it.
liturgy, and many people look to us • Worship is being inspired by the
Emeritus member: with hopes and expectations, not all of wonder of God to find the very best
William E. King, PhD, T ‘61, G ‘63, G ‘70 which we can realize or even sometimes in oneself and bring it into God’s
comprehend. presence.
• We are part of a complex and some- • For all the divinity of Christ, it is his
times troubled city, and need to con- – and our – humanity that is usually
tinue to discover ways in which we harder to comprehend, and ministry is
might be part of the problem as well as about sharing our own shortcomings
longing to be part of the solution. as well as our gifts.
INSIDE There’s a tendency in most of us to • For all the knowledge and intellect
FY 07-08 Financial Summary 2 imagine that there was a point in time of the university, people are made at
some while ago when all was a great deal least as much of flesh and blood and
A Glimpse Ahead 4
simpler. I don’t really believe it. Life in heart and soul, and this tends to be
Upcoming Deans’ Dialogue 5 an institution as ambitious as Duke Uni- where faith and friendship takes deep-
Revived at Last! 6 versity and as mission-oriented as Duke est root.
Chapel is always, and has always been,
McClendon Organ Recital 7 You’re receiving this message as one who
has had a part in renewing the simplicity
Where the Offering Goes 8 But the deepest joy comes in the simplic- of the life of Duke Chapel, as we enjoy the
The Friends of Duke Chapel 9 ity. The deepest joy comes in witnessing complexity of our lives together. Thank
personal transformation – at the studious you. Your vision helps us to dream, and
Ash Wednesday Services 20 desk, on the penitential knees, in the ser- your commitment makes so many of those
vant hands, around the communal dining dreams come true.
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 2


On the chart below, you will note that we would not enjoy the choir concerts, including Messiah, nor the outstanding perfor-
mances and special additions that we have during worship services, without generous support from music endowments. Addi-
tionally, unrestricted endowment income supports many programs and activities we have come to consider as basic, plus special
services and new programs such as the Downtown Initiative.

Miscellaneous designated uses $267,715

General Chapel support $203,195
Chapel Music $148,343
Religious Life $48,984
Guest preachers $17,358

The graphs below show the number of donors and dollars given to our major funds over the past four fiscal years. These three
funds are the major unrestricted funds that provide much-needed financial flexibility to support the growing and changing min-
istry of the Chapel.

Chapel Annual Fund

04-05 Donors 823

Dollars $116,241

05-06 Donors 848

Dollars $156,989

06-07 Donors 928

Dollars $165,982

07-08 Donors 949

Dollars $267,582

These crucial unrestricted dollars help fill the gap between our University allocation and our actual operating costs.

Friends of Duke Chapel Fund

04-05 Donors 453

Dollars $61,870

05-06 Donors 421

Dollars $80,100

06-07 Donors 475

Dollars $66,766

07-08 Donors 496

Dollars $78,277

All donors to Chapel endowments and basic unrestricted funds automatically become Friends of Duke Chapel. In addition, you
will note there is a fund called “Friends of Duke Chapel” to which many Friends contribute. Those funds are disbursed upon
the recommendation of the Friends Advisory Board. Most notably, the Friends Fund pays for broadcasts of Sunday services on
the radio, and for some of the webcasting and website costs so that Friends and others who cannot participate in Chapel life in
person can participate via the marvels of modern communications.
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 3

Chapel Development Fund

04-05 Donors 329

Dollars $52,201

05-06 Donors 389

Dollars $68,924

06-07 Donors 296

Dollars $55,981

07-08 Donors 293

Dollars $55,158

This fund is the primary contributed source of building improvements. We solicit gifts to the fund during our annual appeal
and on the third Sunday of each month during worship.


The income, expenses and remaining balance on several We are grateful and humbled to have support of Friends
major non-endowed funds for fiscal year 2007-2008. whose unrestricted gifts, grants and endowment income cov-
ered 27% of our direct costs. The University underwrote a
Chapel Annual Fund (unrestricted annual giving) third of Chapel costs, including heating, cooling, lighting,
Spendable income $293,078 and housekeeping. The Lilly Endowment, Inc. covered 100%
Expenses $145,473 of the PathWays costs from July to December 2007 and 50%
Balance $147,605 from January to June 2008.

Friends of Duke Chapel 4%

(for projects recommended by the Friends advisory board) 8% Earned Income
Spendable income $81,373 PathWays Lilly (Ticket sales and
Expenses $79,426 Grant wedding fees) 31%
Balance $1,946 Restricted Current
Chapel Development Fund 10% Gifts, including
(for building maintenance and improvements) Unrestricted Aeolian restoration
Spendable income $110,221 Annual Giving
Expenses $26,887
Balance $83,334
Chapel Memorial Fund
(to honor the deceased through support of the Chapel)
Spendable income $2,666
Expenses $0
Balance $2,666
Student Ministry in Goodson Chapel
(support of Sunday Night Worship)
Spendable income $49,458
Expenses $8,212
Balance $41,247
Faith Council
(support of the Faith Council and interfaith pilgrimages)
Spendable income $100,150 17%
Expenses $100,139 Endowment 29%
Balance $11 Income University Budget
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 4

Gathering and Gardens
Q & A by Abby Kocher, T’00, Div ‘06, sponse. “Yes, we’re ready for another ...when I began asking neighbors
Duke Chapel Community Minister with one.” Neighbors began eagerly to offer what they would think of another
Jim Wisner, Congregation member and ideas and suggestions about houses that
house in the same spirit of the
Council president might work. Whereas the PathWays
Pathways House but for a slightly

House offers a shared residential experi-
“I have an idea,” one of my West End older age group, I got a very
ence for undergraduates, Jim’s dream is
neighbors said, “I know a great house
that this new house would offer a shared enthusiastic response.
that might be exactly what you’d want.”
residential experience for adults. I re-
A few days later I walked into the house ting out on a particular track. As I look
cently asked Jim a few questions about
he mentioned at 2003 Chapel Hill Road forward, I am drawn to ideas of life in
this exciting undertaking.
with Jim Wisner, who serves as president community in a couple of ways. One
of the Congregation Council. And now Abby: Tell me about how a house like aspect is being part of the Chapel’s pres-
this house is on the way to becoming a this became a dream of yours. ence in the West End by living as neigh-
new kind of home. bors in this particular part of town. I’m
Jim: The dream is partly about people
also really energized about living to-
Jim has been hoping for a while to move who would live in it and partly about
gether with others as we create ways of
into the West End neighborhood in or- place where it is located.
sharing daily life together.
der to share in Duke Chapel’s growing
Abby: Tell me more about that.
relationships with this particular area of Abby: Like the PathWays House, it’s
Durham. With the support and encour- Jim: As my family has grown up and significant that the neighborhood lead-
agement of neighbors in the West End, moved out into the world I find myself ers have welcomed you to be in this
Jim is welcoming others to join him as looking both forward and backwards. I particular house. How do you hope the
housemates to discover new friendships remember the times, like the PathWays house will connect with what’s happen-
in one of Durham’s poorer neighbor- House residents, of discerning and set- ing in the neighborhood?
hoods. The story of
Duke Chapel and the
West End starts in
2006, when neigh-
bors in the West End
invited us to consider
what is now known as
the PathWays House.
The PathWays House
is home to current
undergraduates and
alumnai. Two years
later, when I began
asking neighbors what
they would think of
another house in the
same spirit of the
PathWays House but
for a slightly older
age group, I got a
very enthusiastic re-
2003 Chapel Hill Road in Durham’s Lakewood neighborhood
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 5

Jim: There is a great history in the West

End, especially the Lakewood area, in-
I envision this to be a nucleus of
about four people who are willing
Save the
cluding the amusement park and trolley
stop that once were across the street from
to live together and engage with Date for
the surrounding neighborhood.
where this house sits. The land surround-
ing this house once was a florist shop sur-
Jim: The house has a kitchen once used
the next
rounded by prolific gardens. One of the
very exciting possibilities about the loca-
for catering and a living room / din-
ing room suitable for group meetings.
tion of this house is supporting efforts
underway to re-establish this as a center
I am looking for ideas on how to bring
the Duke and Durham communities
for sustainable gardening.
together in these spaces. Possibilities
Abby: Duke Chapel’s effort to grow include neighborhood dinners, prison
in relationship with the West End has re-entry team gatherings, and Congre-
been warmly received due, in part, to gation classes.
the simplicity of living in the commu-
Abby: Is there a particular scripture
nity as neighbors. I admire the simplic-
image/passage that feeds your dream
ity and humility of the way you have
for the house?
dreamed about this. How can other
people be involved? What would they Jim: The image of gathering is really
need to be willing to commit to? important to me. I think about Jesus
saying, “Furthermore, I tell you with
Jim: In your question I am focused on
certainty that if two of you agree on
the word ‘willing.’ I envision this to be Dean Nancy Andrews
earth about anything you request, it will
a nucleus of about four people who are
be done for you by my Father in heav-
willing to live together and engage with The 2008-2009 Deans’ Dialogue
en, because where two or three have
the surrounding neighborhood. I see series will continue in its third
come together in my name, I am there
the types and degrees of commitments installment with Duke Chapel
among them.” (Matthew 18:20) I hope
evolving from each person’s talents, in- Dean Sam Wells in a dinnertime
this house will be a place for gathering,
terests, and individual circumstances. conversation with Duke School
and I also hope it will be a place that a
Abby: What is your hope for the kind small group of people will come to call of Medicine Dean Nancy An-
of daily life the house residents would home. drews on Tuesday, January 20
share? Through your own experience, at 5:15 pm in the Alan Barrus
If you’d like to learn more, Jim Wisner Room, 3031 Purple Zone, Duke
what wisdom do you have to share
can be reached at South. Wells and Andrews will
with those who might think that join-
ing a house like could, one day, be for discuss “Living Lives of Conse-

them? quence.”

Jim: I see adults who are working or The 5:15 p.m. event is free and
retired as prime candidates to share in the public is invited to attend. A
this endeavor. This could include per- free pizza dinner will be served
petual students, singles, empty-nesters, before the talk.
or neighborhood volunteers. I hope we In these dialogues, Wells discusses
would find everyday ways of being to- with various deans from schools
gether such as sharing meals, getting to within Duke topics surrounding
know and be known in the neighbor- the common good. Those who
hood, seeking God’s calling, and model- attend will have a chance to ask
ing a Christian lifestyle. general questions at each event.
Abby: I’m aware this house is well Podcasts of these discussions
equipped for cooking, eating, and are available at Duke Chapel’s
gathering. What kind of things will ITunesU page (
happen at the house?
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 6

Revived at
by David Arcus, Duke Chapel Organist

After nearly 20 months of silence, the Aeolian organ of Duke
University Chapel has begun a new chapter. This organ, long-
known and well-loved by University alums, officials, and
friends the world over, has emerged from its “sabbatical” re-
stored, renewed, refreshed, and revived.
The very fact that the Aeolian has been restored is a major mir-
acle. Many people will recall that a little more than 20 years
ago the University vowed to keep and maintain the Aeolian
after much public outcry over its possible permanent demise.
By the 1990s, plans for a new chancel-end instrument – in the
works as early as 1969 – were discarded in favor of retaining
the organ which thousands of people considered intrinsic to
the “sound” of Duke Chapel. The Aeolian’s sonorities had sup-
ported Chapel services decades before the installation of the
Benjamin N. Duke Memorial Organ (Flentrop, 1976). Even
though the Aeolian endured a period of spotty maintenance as
rank after rank of pipes went into disuse over a period of time,
it was clear that sentimental attachment to this instrument
was strong. Moreover, there was a deeper appreciation and un-
derstanding of this style of instrument, an ability to appreciate
deemed beyond preservation, and were replaced by new com-
its historical significance for what it was, alongside the other ponents. Some elements of the windchests were also replaced
instruments of Duke Chapel. with like components the restorers considered superior to the
Once the University was committed to retaining the Aeolian, original. A new console included much of the same styling
attention turned to addressing the many problems that plagued as the original Aeolian drawknob console (the only one by
the organ, jeopardized its reliability, and challenged its full Aeolian known to be in existence and now preserved in the
potential as a musical instrument. Minor repairs and small- Music Department), but it also incorporated improvements in
scaled restorations were carried out in-house, while the organ layout and updated player controls. A rearrangement of stop
remained in service. Over time, the limits of this approach be- jambs, including the omission of stops for the now-discarded
came clear. For the organ to be completely Echo/Antiphonal division, reduced the
restored, the entire organ needed the bene- For the organ to be console’s height and now permits bet-
fit of a full-scale restoration project instead ter views of the chancel for the organist.
completely restored, These projects were less a restoration and
of work carried out in phases for as long the entire organ
as a decade or possibly two. For this task, more of a renovation.
the firms of Foley-Baker, Inc. and Richard
needed the benefit
Fortunately, the Aeolian organ under-
Houghten were selected. of a full-scale went only a few tonal changes in 1949-50
restoration project. to make the organ sound more neoclassi-
While the University had always under-
stood that the spirit of the Aeolian organ cal. These changes were easily reversed in
project would be a restoration, questions soon arose as to what the current project. The organ has not undergone any revoic-
exactly constituted a text-book restoration of a 1930s-era or- ing, apart from improving and regulating the speech of pipes
gan. Restoration, in the sense of “bringing back to original as they were intended to sound. Care was taken to track where
condition,” suggested that what was original to the organ ranks were relocated or re-pitched. The result is an instrument
would be preserved and renewed, and that any modifications that speaks nearly exactly as it did when first installed more
made to the organ over the years would be reversed. How- than 75 years ago. Few large organs in this country can make
ever, the overall condition of the console and relay system were such a claim, one that greatly enhances this organ’s historical
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 7

One significant addition to the Aeolian organ signifies

the completion of the organ project. This is a new Fes-
tival Trumpet, built and installed in memory of former
Chapel Music Director J. Benjamin Smith, whose admiration
for the Aeolian was unwavering and whose estate was given
to the Chapel for restoration work on the Aeolian in the late


1980s. This new reed is based on extant prototypes from early
20th-century American organs and is designed to be heard
above full ensemble. Its installation is slated for late spring of
Upon completion of the Aeolian organ project, the Chapel to the
will resound with the vibrant sonorities long associated with

its worship services and music programs. Duke Chapel is
grateful to the many generous contributors to the Duke Aeo-
lian organ project. In honor of principal donors Aubrey and
Katie McClendon, the Aeolian has been named the Kathleen OF THE
Upton Byrns McClendon Organ (Aeolian, 1932).
4:00 P.M.

Performances by
Robert Parkins, University Organist
David Arcus, Chapel Organist

Parkins will perform pieces by

Johannes Brahms, Sigfrid Karg-Elert,
Max Reger, Gabriel Pierné,
César Franck, Eugène Gigout,
and Dan Locklair.

Arcus will perform works by

Charles Tournemire, Joseph Jongen,
Herbert Howells, Louis Vierne,
Leo Sowerby, and an improvisation.

Phil Carpenter, Head of Field Operations for Foley-Baker, Inc.

stands admist large wooden pipes being
installed after reconditioning.
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Where the Offering Goes

The Chapel Offering Committee meets quarterly to select organizations to highlight for the Mission of the Month offerings (first
Sunday of each month in academic year) and to select organizations to receive offerings from the second Sundays and the alms
box collections. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact We hope you will visit the
websites of these organizations to learn more about how you can further support their work.


$5,000 Meals on Wheels, September
$8,000 Duke School of Nursing Health Fair for the Homeless, October
$5,000 All God’s Children UMC, November
$5,280 Alliance of AIDS Services, December
$5,000 Agape Corner, January
$5,000 Housing for New Hope, February
$5,000 Durham CROP Walk, March
$5,000 Reconcilation and Reentry Ministry, April
$5,000 EDGE Training and Placement, May
$43,280 Total


$4,000 Scholarship for Ugandan priest to study at Duke Divinity
$10,000 Hurricane Katrina Relief
$20,000 PathWays matching gift fund
$1,000 SafeKids to purchase car seats
$15,000 Center for Community Self-Help – rebuild a playground in the West End
$15,000 Peace House Foundation – AmaniKids
$10,000 EDGE Training and Placement
$5,000 Capital Restorative Justice Project
$5,000 Senior PharmAssist
$10,030 Genesis Home
$10,000 Honduras medical clinic
$7,000 DCIA for YO:Durham
$5,000 Renk Theological College – support of two Sudanese students
$1,598 Books for The John Library in Islamabad
$10,000 Urban Ministries
$18,000 Family Health Ministries for Haiti medical clinic
$5,000 Durham Affordable Housing to build ramps for physically challenged residents
$5,000 One World Market
$5,000 Word Made Flesh
$161,628 Total
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 9

The Friends of Duke Chapel

by fiscal year July 2007-June 2008
The Founders’ Society
(Gifts totalling $25,000 or more based on computer records beginning in 1972)

Ms. Margaret Tillman Ball Mrs. Mary Putman Hartman Dr. Wendy Paulson Moeller
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Donna Bearden Mrs. Barbara Barnes Hauptfuhrer Ms. Sarah A. Moore
Mr. Charles Andrew Berardesco Mr. William & Mrs. Cammie Hauptfuhrer Mr. Leslie L. Neumeister
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Sara Brandaleone Ms. Carolin B Head Dr. George R. Parkerson, Jr.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Susan Brasco Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Judith Henry Mr. John Russell Phillips
Dr. H. Keith H. and Mrs. Brenda Brodie Captain and Mrs. Nelson Pointer Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Atkins Rauch
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Elaine Brown Dr. James R. Jacobs Mr. James C. Ray
Mr. Edwin and Mrs. Katharine Bryson, Jr. Dr. James and Mrs. Kay Kelly Mr. Cyrus Begley Richardson III
Mrs. Bessie Cox Burghardt Mr. Thomas S. Kenan III Mr. Roy O. Rodwell
Dr. John and Mrs. Clotiel Caffey Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimbrell Mrs. Nancy Alyea Schiebel
Dr. James and Mrs. Janet Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson W. Kirby Mr. Robert L. Schwarz
Mr. Thomas C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koonce III Mrs. Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans
Dr. Stephen M. Denning Mr. John and Mrs. Patricia Koskinen Mr. William and Mrs. Sylvia Teasley
Mrs. Judith J. Johnson Judge John B. Lewis Jr. Mr. Donald J. Thompson
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Sarah English Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Dr. John L. Weinerth
Mr. Philip Ellis Erlenbach The Reverend Richard Corley Massey Mrs. Peggy Bridges Weinerth
Mrs. Nancy B. Faircloth Dr. T. Benjamin and Mrs. Bylee Massey The Reverend Dr. Samuel M. B. Wells
Dr. James and Mrs. Eleanor Ferguson Mr. Harold and Mrs. Joyce Mauney Mr. A. Morris and Mrs. Ruth Williams
Mr. Richard W. Fisher Mr. Aubrey Kerr McClendon Bishop William & Mrs. Patricia Willimon
Mrs. Doris Hudgins Gaudette Mrs. Kathleen Byrns McClendon
Dr. John M. Harrelson Dr. Garland Radford Moeller

20-Year Consistent Donors

Mr. Leudzer Algra Mrs. Nancy B. Faircloth Dr. George R. Parkerson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ned Arnett Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Roberts
Mrs. Helen Percilla Barnhart Mr. Jack Y. Harrison Mrs. Lauren H. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alan Bearden Mary P. Hartman Mrs. Allen B. Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Bilpuch Mr. Nixon Hennessee III Mrs. Nancy Alyea Schiebel
Mrs. Diane Sklarov Blandino Drs. Stella and John Herpel Mr. Walter E. Shackelford
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Lee L. Broh-Kahn Mrs. Caroline M. Hickman Miss Ella Eugenia Shore
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Caffey, Jr. Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr Ms. Ann E. Sperry
Ms. Dorothy Kathryn Campbell Dr. and Mrs. William E. King Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Carey Mr. David Elm Koch Mr. Donald J. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. John A. Koskinen Ms. Juanita M. Todd
Ms. Darry Conner Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith McKenzie Mr. John Lockwood Walker
Mr. Malcolm F. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bowden W. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah Helen Dale Prophet Mrs. Pamela S. Newsome Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler
Dr. Barbara B. Eshbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Oman Dr. Pelham Wilder, Jr.
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 0

10-Year Consistent Donors

Mr. Anatole G. Babykin Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Heintzelman Mr. Tony L. Pope
Ms. Margaret Tillman Ball Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Heitzenrater Mr. James F. Rabenhorst
Mr. Charles Andrew Berardesco Dr. Martha Nicholson Henry Mrs. Elizabeth Rainoff
Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Mary C Best Mrs. Alexandra Lynn Maynard Holland Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Atkins Rauch
Dr. Catherine and Mr. Thomas Betor Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak Dr. Keith Alan Redmill
Mrs. Anne L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hunter Mr. Thomas J. Render
Dr. Wesley Eugene Bondurant Dr. Janice Kathryn Jackson Mrs. Lynn Robinson
Mrs. Elizabeth Van Nest Braun Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth A. Roser
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Braun Mrs. Joan S. Jones Mr. Michael Stephen Sayko
Dr. and Mrs. O. Whitfield Broome, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Jones Mr. Richard Alan Schwartz
Dr. . Mark and Mrs. Elaine Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Juntune Dr. Mary and Mr. Richard Michael Schweiker
Mr. Jackson B. Browning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karpinski Mrs. Sue P. Shore
Mr. Roger A. Bruhwel Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Keim Mrs. Mary Alice (Molly) Simes
Ms. Betty Cathey Brunson Mrs. Betsy L. Kelly Mr. John N. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Constant Bryson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Kelly Ms. Julie M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Byrne, Jr. Dr. Noel J. Kinnamon Mr. and Mrs. Mel Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Robert McKinnon Califf Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koonce III Mrs. Mary Ann Swart Spivey
Mrs. Georgia B. Campion Mrs. Virginia Hoyt Kurtz Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel
Mr and Mrs. Heath Carriker Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Lange Mr. Michael Suttle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Chambers Dr. Edwin B. Lee, Jr. Mrs. Pamela Kuehn Swanner
Professor and Mrs. Allan D. Charles The Reverend and Mrs. T. Carleton Lee Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Pound Tift
Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Banks R. Clark Judge John B. Lewis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Tillett, Jr.
Mrs. Muriel Neal Cleary Mr. Rex Keller Loftin Dr. and Mrs. Aubrey Granville Tolley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Edward Cole Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Looper Ms. Linda Wells Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E.Cooke, Jr. Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. William B. Trexler
Dr. and Mrs. Gray F. Crouse Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Martin Mrs. Marguerite E. Vaughan
Mrs. Ann Woodall Davant Dr. and Mrs. T. Benjamin Massey Dr. Dan and The Reverend Margaret Via
Dr. Calvin D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Mauney, Jr. Mrs. Judith C. Waldron
Mr. nd Mrs. Mahlon W. Deloatch, Jr. Dr. and Dr. William McCulloch Mrs. Martha Rudy Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. G. Robert DeLong Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McGuire II Dr. Wayne G. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. John Denegre Dr. Mary Ruth Miller Dr. Susan Lynn Watts
Dr. Fraser B. Drew Dr. Perry and The Reverend Karen Miller Dr. John and Mrs. Peggy Bridges Weinerth
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Dula Mrs. Norma Martin Milner The Reverend and Mrs. Charles D. White, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Eck Drs. Radford and Wendy Moeller Miss Emily Jennings White
Ms. Susan Elaine Eldon Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James Foster Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elkins Ms. Sarah A. Moore Ms. Sterly Lebey Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Elliott Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Mowry Ms. Ann Wilder
Ms. Claire G. Engle Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.Nolan, Jr. Mr. Alan and Mrs. Blanche Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. English Mrs. Mary Ellen Owen Dr. A. Lorraine Woodyard
Ms. Sallie T Everette Dr. and Mrs. Constantin Papastephanou Mr. Russell S. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Farmer, Jr. Ms. Sydnor J. Patrick Professor Rodney and Mrs. Leigh Wynkoop
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson, Jr. Mr. Wade and Mrs. Carolyn K. Penny Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yoder
Dr. Marla Jane Franks Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Phillips Mrs. Rebecca R. Zielinski
Dr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Fulcher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Garda
Drs. Barbara and Douglas Goodman
Ms. Ruth Ann Griggs
Miss Mina Jane Grothey
Dr. Janet L. Gwyer
Mr. and Mrs. L. Marshall Hall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Hasselblad
Mr. Gustav W. Heberlein
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 1

The Friends of Duke Chapel FY 07-08

Ms. Anne Kimbrough Aaron Dr. and Mrs. John O. Blackburn
Ms. Amanda S. Abbott Mr. David L. Blackistone
Dr. George R. Abbott Ms. Kristen E. Blackman
Mrs. Debbie Abels Ms. Susan Blackwell
Dr. Rosalind S. Abernathy The Reverend Thomas W. Blake, Jr.
Mr. William T. Abernathy Mrs. Diane S. Blandino
Mrs. Lois I. Abromitis Miss D. Eileen Blaylock
Mrs. Carolyn H. Ackerman Mrs. James R. Blunk
Mr. Joseph William AdaMcZyk Mr. Raymond Kent Boardman
Ms. Anna E. Adams Mrs. Shannon H. Boaz
Ms. Sandra D. Adams Mr. Kenneth J. Bolich
Drs. Barbara and Ernest Adelman Dr. Nancy J. Bolinger
Mrs. Karen T. Adrouny Ms. Rachel E. Bolvi
Ms. Kelley A. Akhiemokhali Mr. Nicholas A. Bonazza
Ms. Andrea C. Albergo Ms. Lauren A. Bond
Mr. Yolander D. Albert Dr. Wesley E. Bondurant
Mr. Todd Rolland Albright Dr. Randy A. Booker
Dr. and Mrs. Julian M. Aldridge, Jr. Mr. Robert H. Booth
Ms. Kathleen M. Aldridge Mrs. Sarah E. Borns
Mr. Leudzer Algra Mrs. Sara M. Bason Mr. Hans J. Borstell
Mr. Francis and Ms. Agnes Ali-Osman Dr. Eric B. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bossons
Mr. Craig Carlisle Allen Mrs. Alison Bassett-Bouchard Mr. William Miller Bostic
Ms. Nicole Antoinette Allen Chaplain David Eugene Bates Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Boyington
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Eugene Allen Mrs. Ruth B. Battles Mr. Richard Blackwell Boykin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Alleva Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bauman Mr. Benjamin C. Boylston
Mr. Andrew P. Allis Mr. David Stephen Baxter Ms. Patricia P. Bradley
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Alsobrook Mr. E. T. Baysden, Jr. Mr. Samuel M. Bradley
Mr. Robert M. Altany Ms. Elizabeth A. Beach Dr. Carla and The Reverend Chris Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Altmeyer Dr. Judith E. Beach Mr. Beau R. Brand
Dr. Charles Gregory Alty Ms. M. Gertrude Beal Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Sara Brandaleone
Mrs. Susan C. Amato Ms. Elizabeth T. Beall Mr. W. C. Brannon
Ms. Teel Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alan Bearden Mr. Thomas C. Brasco
Mrs. Eleanor K. Antis-Moseke Ms. Ashley Jean Beasley Mrs. Elizabeth Van Nest Braun
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Antonowich Mr. Charles R. Beaudrot, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Braun
Mr. Paul Vollmer Applegarth Mr. John C. Bechtel Dr. Megan Jane Bray
Dr. David Arcus Ms. Deirdre G. Beck Reverend Debra K. Brazzel
Ms. Sarah Armstrong Ms. Patricia D. Beck Mr. Patrick Banigan Brennan
Dr. and Mrs. Ned Arnett Dr. Susan Ruth Beck-Davis Mrs. Frances B. Brent
Mrs. Joan L. Arnold Mrs. Jacqueline H. Becker Mrs. Ann M. H. Brewer
Ms. Marilyn L. Aronson Mrs. Louise M. Beede Mr. Daniel W. Bridges, Jr.
Ms. Brenda P. Asbury Captain Andrew M. Bell Dr. Libbie P. Briley
Mrs. J. Duncan Ashe, Jr. Mrs. Paula A. Bell Ms. Joyce A. Brimfield
Mrs. Bert M. Atkinson Ms. Regina R. Bell Mr. Joseph E. Brimmer
Mr. William O. Autry, Jr. Mrs. Virginia D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brindle
Ms. Emily J. Averill Dr. Jane S. Bellet Mrs. Elizabeth H. Briner
Ms. Mary E. Baars Dr. Alexandra and Mr. Andrew Bentley Ms. Margaret D. Brinkley
Mr. Anatole G. Babykin Mr. Matthew L. Bentley Mr. Arlick L. Brockwell, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. Charles Andrew Berardesco Dr. and Mrs. H. Keith H. Brodie
Ms. Trisha A. Bailey Mr. David Joseph Berger Miss Betty J. Brogan
Ms. Kiya Bajpai Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Berlin Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Lee Broh-Kahn
Ms. Mary Layne Baker Mr. Jeff Berndt Dr. O. Whitfield Broome, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah A. Baker Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Charles Bernstein Drs. Patricia and Craig Brown
Ms. Noel M. Bakhtian Dr. James W. Berry Mr. Douglas Scott Brown
Ms. Connie W. Bales Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Mary Best Mr. George Brown
Pradeep Baliga Dr. Jaime Betancourt Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown
Ms. Margaret T. Ball Ms. Doris E. Bethke Mrs. Kathryn Peyton Brown
Mr. Timothy A. Ball Dr. Catherine and Mr. Thomas Betor Dr. Mark and Mrs. Elaine Brown
Mr. Robert Anton Balzekas Mrs. Dorothy C. Bevan Ms. Virginia M. Brown
Miss Margaret G. Banck Mr. Richard Rex Bias Mrs. Thurletta M. Brown-Gavins
Mr. John Richard Banks, Jr. Maj. Robert Randall Bickel Mr. Howard Browne
Mrs. Nancy Hobbs Banks Mr. William J. Bierbower Mr. Jackson B. Browning, Jr.
Mr. Harry B. Banzhaf Dr. Edward and Mrs. Marilyn Bilpuch Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bruhn
Dr. and Mrs. Franc A. Barada, Jr. Mrs. Erica C. Bing Mr. Roger A. Bruhwel
Mr. Albert L. Barco Ms. Laura C. Bingham Ms. Betty C. Brunson
Mr. Michael Cooper Barefoot Mrs. Anne L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Bryson, Jr.
Mr. Frank L. Barkley, Jr. Mrs. Mary R. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Byrne, Jr.
Miss Meredith N. Barnes Ms. Anna M. Birkenbach Dr. Richard H. Bucher
Mrs. Helen Percilla Barnhart Mr. William P. Bivins, Jr. Mr. David Todd Buckingham
Ms. Laura E. Barrett Miss Elizabeth Gregg Black Dr. Ellen Buckner
Ms. Naomi D. Barrowclough Mr. R. Dudley Black Reverend Lynnsay A. Buehler
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 2

Dr. Barbara B. Buescher Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Chesson, Jr. Mr. Robert F. Cook
Mr. Hermann P. Buff Dr. Paul Cheung Ms. Sally Cook
Mrs. Michelle S. Bufkin Ms. Joanna L. Childers Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Cooke, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Clyde W. Bugg Ms. Sunghye Cho Mr. Alan W. Cooper
Dr. Thomas K. Bullock Mr. David Y. Chong Mrs. Mary E. Cooper
Mrs. Jane H. Bultman Mr. Adam A. Chopko Mr. William L. Cooper III
Mr. Charles I. Bunn, Jr. Ms. Mary S. Choroszy The Reverend Jennifer Elaine Copeland
Dr. Joseph Plummer Bunn Ms. Abigail Christenson Mrs. Katherine W. Corlew
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burch III Mrs. Jewel B. Christian Mr. Thomas Anthony Corpus
Ms. Elizabeth P. Burger Dr. Bessie Chronaki Dr. W. Thomas Cottingham, Jr.
Ms. Barbara O. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Dante Ciaffa Colonel Vernon S. Couch
Mr. John E. Burgess Mr. David Ciaffa Mr. Ben M. Covington
Mrs. Bess C. Burghardt Dr. and Mrs. James R. Clapp Mr. Bart Cox
Mr. Richard C. Burts III Mr. Carville Clark Mr. Christopher L. Cox
Dr. Jeffrey Sullivan Bush Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Banks Clark Dr. Richard Lewis Cox
Mr. John A. Bussian III Mrs. Kathryn Sudduth Clark Mr. Thomas George Cranwell III
Mr. Joseph M. Butler, Jr. Dr. Lorraine H. Clark Mr. Carlyle C. Craven
Mrs. Susan M. Butler Mrs. Alice Wiseman Clarke Mrs. James Walker Crawford, Jr.
Mrs. Susan S. Butler Mrs. Doris L. Clarke Dr. Jeffrey Crawford
Mr. Robert L. Byrd The Reverend Julie Cuthbertson Clarkson Mr. Malcolm F. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Byrne, Jr. Dr. William Clarkson IV Dr. Richard Swain Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Caffey, Jr. Mrs. Muriel Neal Cleary Mr. Joseph R. Crayton
Mrs. Helen Cain Mr. and Mrs. Walter E Cleary Mr. Francis J. Cregan
Mrs. Elizabeth Worth Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. D. Hayes Clement, Jr. Mr. Jay S. Creswell, Jr.
Ms. Bridget Calendo Mrs. Libby A. Clift Mr. Andrew S. Crewson
Dr. James Christopher Califf Ms. Betsy C. Close Mrs. Emilie Frantz Crigler
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Lydia Califf The Reverend Paul and Mrs. B. Cobb Mrs. Deborah S. Crosby
Mr. H. Scott Cameron II Mrs. Caroline H. Cochenour Dr. James B. Cross
Ms. Dorothy Kathryn Campbell Mrs. Karen S. Cochran Ms. Rebecca B. Crotty
Reverend Gina G. Campbell Dr. Brian E. Coggins Mr. Craig R. Crouse
Ms. Jane E. Campbell Mrs. Kay Coggins Dr. and Mrs. Gray F. Crouse
Ms. Nancy Miller Campbell Mr. Lester A. Coggins, Jr. Ms. Catherine Louise Crowder
Mr. Shirley S. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cole Mr. George Currie
Mrs. Georgia B. Campion Mr. John A. Cole Mrs. H. Randolph Currin
Ms. Mary Whitfield Canada Mrs. Stephanie A. Cole Dr. Ben W. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Canaday Mr. W. John Cole Mrs. Wanda B. Dahl
Ms. Susan Smith Canavello Mr. William E. Cole, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen W. Dale-Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Canning Ms. Devon L. Coleman Mrs. Sarah H. Dale Prophet
Mr. William A. Cano Ms. Anna R. Collins Ms. Cindy L. Daly
Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Carder Ms. Emily W. Collins Dr. Thomas A. Danek
Mrs. James J. Cardo Mr. James R. Collins Mr. Steven D. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Carey Dr. John J. Collins Mr. Eugene T. Daniel
Mrs. Mary Geyer Carleton The Reverend Mary Anne Collins-Stauffer Mr. Larry T. Daniel
Ms. Lauren M. Carpenter Mrs. Arline L. Colvin Mr. Madison K. Daniel
Mrs. Mary Ramseur Carpenter Ms. Grace T. Colwell Mr. Walter Eugene Daniel IV
Mrs. Monica A. Carpenter Dr. Roberta Langford Cone Mr. Lloyd Darter
Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Carr Ms. Darry Conner Mrs. Ann Woodall Davant
Ms. Elizabeth Dominici Carracher The Reverend Nan Whyte Conser Mr. and Mrs. William C. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Heath H. Carriker Mrs. Robert F. Cook Ms. Doris Davidson
Mrs. Merrill Ware Carrington Dr. Joseph Cook Mr. and Mrs. Clint Davidson
Mr. Thomas W. Carruth Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cook Dr. Calvin D. Davis
Mrs. Lisa Baugh Carson Mrs. Christi Anna Davis
Mrs. Gertrude C. Carter Mr. Lant Burk Davis
Reverend Janet Nolting Carter Mrs. Patricia S. Davis
Ms. Wendy B. Cartledge Mr. George H. Dawson
Mr. Michael L. Case Ms. Mary H. Dawson
Mr. John Thomas D. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeAlmeida
Mrs. Sarah E. Cash Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. DeAlmeida
Mr. Stephen Cassell Mr. Matthew B. Dearborn
Mr. and Mrs. Homero C. Castillo Ms. Sofija D. Degesys
Mrs. Katherine M. Cathey Dr. Barry T. De Gregorio
Mrs. Clementine D. Chaffee Ms. Marfe Ferguson Delano
Dr. Holly Shaw Chambers Mrs. Debbie Dellinger
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon W. Deloatch, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Chancellor-Hall Dr. and Mrs. G. Robert Delong
Dr. Howard H. Chang Dr. Lawrence H. Dempsey, Jr.
Mr. Steven S. Chang Mr. and Mrs. John Denegre
Professor and Mrs. Allan D. Charles Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Denning
Mr. Boris O. Cheek Mrs. Vereen A. Dennis
Mrs. Michele L. Cheek Ms. Anna L. De Obaldia
Mr. Gabriel W. Chen Mr. and Mrs. Katalin Dezsi
Ms. Wei-Ting Chen Mr. Vernon H. Dibeler
Ms. Xiaodan Chen Mrs. Mary B. Diboll
Ms. Winnie S. Cheney Mrs. Elizabeth S. Dick
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 3

Mrs. Jeannette F. Dickey Mr. William W. Fagan III

Mr. Andrew Blake Dickinson Mrs. Nancy B. Faircloth
Ms. Jessica Blake Dickinson Mr. Joel H. Fairey
Mr. Wright T. Dixon, Jr. Ms. Luyuan Fan
Ms. Adriana M. Doi Ms. Elizabeth K. Fancher
Ms. Dana Christine Dolinoy Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Farmer, Jr.
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Donahue Mr. Stanley M. Farr
Major Mark S. Donnithorne Mr. Edgar C. Farthing
Ms. Elizabeth A. Donohue Mrs. Mary C. Federspiel
Mr. Paul T. Doran The Reverend Meghan Elyse Feldmeyer
Ms. Brenda Doris Mr. Thomas Norman Felgner
Mrs. Anna L. S. Dorsett Ms. Gretchen A. Ferber
Ms. Amanda A. Dorsey Mr. James B. Ferguson
Mrs. Angela Y. Douglas Dr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace Douglas Mr. Thomas R. Ferguson III
Mr. James D. Douglas Mr. Thomas R. Ferrall
Mr. Winfield and Mrs. Elizabeth Hurst Downs Mr. Daniel M. Ferris
Mr. Richard Norbert Drake Ms. Laura E. Figueroa
Dr. Fraser B. Drew Mr. Edward Lake Fike
Mrs. Iwona Dudziak Ms. Ellen Lilly File
Miss Linda A. Duke Mrs. Ann T. Finch
Mrs. Lucy N. Duke The Honorable Gary D. Finch
Mr. and Mrs. William Duke Mrs. Emily Mathews Finnell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Dula Mrs. Diane S. Fischer Mr. Edwin S. Gauld
Ms. Helen M. Dunavant Ms. Grace J. Fishel Ms. Tamara L. Gayle
Ms. Sharon D. Dunaway Mr. Richard W. Fisher Mr. Charles M. Gearing
Mrs. Trilby H. Duncan Mrs. Nancy T. Fitch Mr. Clark Geddie
Mrs. Evebell L. Dunham Mr. Henry D. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Gelzer
Mr. Theodore C. Dunn Ms. Tommye K. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Anne S. Genter
Ms. Kim Duong Mr. Ron D. Fleming Mr. David Gentry
Mrs. Cindy K. Duray Mr. Marc Alan Flick Ms. Gloria K. Gerbe
Professor and Mrs. Robert F. Durden Ms. Maxine R. Flowers Mrs. DeDe H. Gerhart
Mr. Beau Dure Ms. Elizabeth L. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Gerler, Jr.
Mr. James C. Durrah Dr. Jennifer W. Floyd Mr. Bryan R. Gibson
Dr. David L. Durst Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Fluke Dr. and Mrs. Milton H. Gilbert
Ms. Jennifer K. Durst Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Ford, Jr. Dr. J. C. Gilland
Dr. Daniel Lindsey Durway Mr. Robert E. Foreman Mrs. Helen E. Gitlin
Mr. David W. Earley Mr. John A. Forlines, Jr. Dr. Sean Patrick Gleeson
Mrs. Donna J. Earp Mrs. Allison Aldridge Forrester Mrs. Peggy Dean Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Easter Mr. Steven S. Foster The Reverend Ronald Dean Glover
Mr. David B. Eck Reverend Cheryl Pitts Foulk Dr. E. Stanly Godbold, Jr.
Dr. Walter and Mrs. Marion Eck Mrs. Linda Spencer Fowler Ms. Molly M. Goldwasser
Ms. Amy Rebecca Edge Mr. Marc A. Fowler Drs. Barbara and Douglas Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Foye Mr. W. Kenneth Goodson, Jr.
Ms. April A. Edwards Dr. Marla Jane Franks Mr. Alden B. Gorham, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria K. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. Franks Mr. Andrew S. Gosden
Mr. Mark B. Edwards Mr. James W. Frederiksen Mr. James R. Grady, Jr.
Mrs. Deborah I. Ehman Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Z. Freed Mrs. Dorothy J. Gration
Mr. Philip N. Elcan Ms. Sarah Schwab Freedman Mrs. Barbara S. Graves
Ms. Susan Elaine Eldon Ms. Amanda G. Frese Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Graves, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis Elkins Ms. Christine Z. Freund Mrs. Betty Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elkins Mr. Robert L. Freund Mr. James A. Gray III
Mr. Gary Ell Mr. Bayard H. Friedman II Dr. George W. Greco
Mrs. Ruth S. Ellerthorpe Mr. Peter J. Frischmann Mr. Richard K. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Ellington Ms. Alia E. Fry The Reverend and Mrs. Robert L. Greenawalt
Mr. Bruce N. Elliott Dr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Fulcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry Greene
The Reverend and Mrs. Edward C. Elliott Mr. Ford P. Fuller III Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Elliott Mrs. Richard H. Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Griffith
Ms. Sarah T. Ellis Mrs. Janet W. Fulton Ms. Ruth Ann Griggs
Miss Martha Jane Elson Ms. Melissa N. Fundora Mr. Joe Grills
Dr. John B. Emery, Jr. Mrs. Tracy Ann Gaines Mr. David L. Grimes
Mr. Matthew R. Emery Ms. Karen M. Galavis Ms. Laura J. Griswold
Ms. Virginia G. England Mrs. Budd L. Gambee Mr. George Lewis Grody
Ms. Claire G. Engle Dr. Robert O. Gamble Dr. William F. Grossnickle
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. English Mrs. Rose Anne Gant Miss Mina Jane Grothey
Mr. Philip Ellis Erlenbach Mrs. Dolores Garces Mrs. Shuhua Gu
Dr. Barbara B. Eshbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Garda Dr. William D. Gudger
Dr. David C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Guenther
Mr. David N. Evans Ms. Lauren P. Garson Ms. Elizabeth Grover Guffey
Mr. Jeff Evans Mrs. Wilbur C. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Gulla III
Ms. Sallie T Everette Mrs. Julia W. Gaskin Dr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Gulledge III
Mrs. Ann G. Everitt Ms. Arlyse Louise Gaston Dr. Janet L. Gwyer
Mr. Todd Hammond Eveson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Gatzmer Ms. Y. Grace Ha
Mrs. Kathryn M. Eyster Ms. Sarah K. Gauger
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 4

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haas Mr. Nixon Hennessee III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hudson
The Reverend Elizabeth Hagan Mr. Matthew E. Henriques Dr. Dwayne E. Huebner
Mrs. Janet H. Hall Ms. Marianna M. Henry Mr. Stephen T. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Hall Dr. Martha Nicholson Henry Ms. Heidi Hullinger
Ms. Margaret Ann Hall Mrs. Nancy W Henry Ms. Diane R. Hummelbrunner
Mrs. Martha B. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Henry Mr. A. and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hummelbrunner
Dr. Ron L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Herbert Mr. L. Arthur Hunsley, Jr.
Dr. Rowena S. Hall Dr. William N. Herbert Mr. Larry Steven Hunt
Dr. Russell P. Hall III Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Rufus R. Hambright Mrs. Elizabeth J. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Hamilton Drs. Stella and John Herpel Mr. Bernard T. Hurley, Jr.
Mrs. Stacy P. Hammonds Ms. Maria J. Herrera Ms. Danielle J. Hyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hamner, Jr. Mrs. Helen Locke Hess Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hyatt
Reverend Patrick S. Hamrick Mrs. Joyce W. Hessee Ms. Leslie Hyman
Mr. Ian C. Han Mrs. Caroline M. Hickman Dr. David and Mrs. Sara Elzabeth Hyre
Col. Harry Thomas Hance, Jr. Chaplain David Harlan Hicks Mr. William Paul Ijames
Mr. James B. Haney Mr. Michael J. Higgins Mr. Yong C. Im
Mr. James Hasson Hanna III Mr. Henry J. Hildebrand III The Reverend Dr. Geraldine D. Ingram
Mr. Jan D. Hanrath Ms. Deborah K. Hill Ms. Barbara Inlow-Childress
Mrs. Betsy Gamble Hansen Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hill Drs. Roderick and Ellen Ironside
Ms. Patricia A. Hansen Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Hill Mr. Khalid S. Ishaq
Ms. Cynthia K. Hard Ms. Susan C. Hill Ms. Margaret P. Isley
Mrs. Sara K. Harding Dr. and Mrs. Hans J. Hillerbrand Mrs. Melissa M. Iversen-Hales
Ms. Leslie M. Hardy Mrs. William C. Hilles Mrs. James M. Jackson
Dr. Kathryn M. Hargrove Ms. Audrey Lynn Hillyard Dr. Janice K. Jackson
Mr. Harry H. Harkins, Jr. Ms. Nancy Plaster Hillyard Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Jacob
Mr. Jules P. Harlicka Mrs. C. Dwight Hilton Mrs. Mary L. Jacobson
Dr. Charles M. Harman Mrs. Larry Hines Ms. Karla Mae Jacobus
Drs. Merel and Ernestine Friedl Harmel Ms. Elizabeth A. Hinshaw Mr. David A. James
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Harper Ms. Jean S. Hjelle Mrs. Linda R. Jeffrey
Mrs. Jacqueline H. Harper Mr. Donn R. Hobbs Ms. Irie Jenkins
Reverend Dr. Lyle E. Harper Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hodder Mrs. Roberta Wilson Jenkins
Mr. Kenneth Harrell The Reverend Lewis Hodgkins Ms. Heather K. Jennett
Dr. John M. Harrelson Ms. Heather Paige Hodgman Mrs. Patricia S. Jennings
Mr. Robert E. Harrington Mr. John G. Hoeschler Mr. George King Jennison
Mr. Charles A. Harris Ms. Rachel M. Hoffer Mr. Daniel B. Jernigan
Reverend Clinton R. Harris Dr. Theodore S. Hoffmann Ms. Marjorie E. Jesinger
Reverend Loy Haskard Harris Mr. Robert C. Hoffmeister Ms. Colleen G. Jeske
Mrs. Margaret A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Hogg Ms. Can Angela Jiang
Ms. Sara S. Harris Mrs. Janet S. Holderness Ms. Angela R. Jockheck
Mr. Jack Y. Harrison Mrs. Alexandra Lynn Maynard Holland Mr. Paul Alan Joffrion
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Gina Harrison Ms. Mary Gordon Holland Dr. Jean Louise Johnson
Mrs. Bernadette S. Harrity Mrs. Ruth W. Holleman Mrs. Joanne M. Johnson
Ms. Krista L. Harryman Mr. Stephen M. Holloway Mrs. Mildred C. Johnson
Mr. John Michael Hartenstine Dr. Mark Francis Holmberg Ms. Paulette Johnson
Mr. David and Mary P. Hartman The Reverend Richard Eric Holmer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Johnson
Mrs. Jean R. Haselden Mrs. Susan Louise Holmer Mrs. Susan D. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Hasselblad Mr. W. Casper Holroyd, Jr. Mrs. Virginia V. Johnson
Mrs. Roseann V. Hassey Mr. Edwin C. Holt Mr. W. H. Johnson III
Mr. Robert Edward Lee Hasty Mrs. Robert C. Holt, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Seth K. Jolly
Mr. Anthony Hatcher Mr. Greg J. Holthouse Mr. and Mrs. Evan Llewellyn Jones
Mrs. George R. Hattle Mr. Vincent N. Holthouse
Miss Jean Elizabeth Haworth Mr. Michael J. Hood
Mr. Christopher H. Hayden The Reverend F. Michael Hooper
Ms. Donnie D. Haye Ms. Elizabeth Hoos
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Haygood, Sr. Dr. Amilda K. Horne
Drs. Richard and Judith Hays Ms. Janet N. Horne
Mrs. Sarah B. Hays-Hallett Reverend Martha J. Horne
Mrs. Margaret D. Haywood Mr. George S. Horton III
Mrs. Michele S. Hazel Mr. Sean Hou
Mrs. Carolin B Head Mr. Theodore Hovet, Sr.
Mrs. Patricia A. Hurdle Hearn Mrs. Barbara Y. Howard
Mrs. Jennifer Rokus Heath Mr. Laurence O'Hear Howard, Jr.
Mr. Gustav W. Heberlein Ms. Sally C. Howard
Mr. Peter F. Hebert, Jr. Mrs. Barbara S. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Heintzelman Ms. Grace Meyer Howell
Mrs. Ann M. Heinz Ms. Sarah S. Howell
Mr. Jeffrey Paul Heitzenrater Mr. Beverly R. Howerton
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Heitzenrater Mr. and Mrs. William A. Howie, Sr.
The Reverend W. Drew Heitzenrater Mrs. William S. Hoyle
Ms. Erica Lane Helfer Mr. Yuan Hsiang-Kuo
Mr. R. Glenn Helms Ms. Laura Huang
Ms. Robin D. Hemrick Ms. Christine Jones Huber
Ms. Alia D. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 5

Mrs. Joan S. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth Cohen Kojima

Mrs. Linmore L. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Koniges
Mr. Marshall G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koonce III
Mrs. Nancy B. Jones Mr. John Edward Koonce IV
Mrs. Nancy H. Jones Mr. John B. Korman
Mr. Nathan J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John A. Koskinen
Ms. Porsha L. Jones Mr. Robert J. Kovach
The Reverend Ronald Ralph Jones Ms. Kathryn W. Koval
Mrs. Sandra C. Jones Mrs. Sara H. Kramer
Dr. Greg and The Reverend Susan P. Jones Mrs. Wilmer L. Kranich
Mr. Walter Curts Jones Mrs. Barbara C. Kretchman
Professor Frank Jordan, Jr. Mrs. Catherine W. Kretzschmar
Mr. Verner C. Jordan, Jr. Ms. Victoria W. Krone
Ms. Virginia Joslin-Hastings Mr. Andrew A. Kryzak
Mrs. Samuel B. Joyner Mr. John and Mrs. Nanci A. Kryzak
Dr. James Lesslie Junker Mrs. Virginia H. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Juntune Mr. Aaron Drew Lacey
Ms. Mary Margaret Justis Mr. Stephen M. LaFata
Mr. James and Mrs. Margo Y. Kaiser Ms. Pik Yee Lai
Dr. Barry S. Kang Dr. Christopher M. Lakin
Dr. Shih-Ping Kao Ms. Elizabeth B. Lamar
Ms. Kristine E. Karcher Mr. William H. Lamar IV
Mrs. Lucy C. Karlsson Dr. Camille and Mr. Louis Lambe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karpinski Mrs. Katherine D. Landing Ms. Yen Lin J. Loh
Mrs. Peter L. Kasper Ms. Marja A. Landschulz Mrs. Verna Hahn Lomax
Dr. Samuel L. Katz Mr. Dan Lane Dr. Ann Hammond Long
Mr. Martin Douglas Keck Mrs. Judith B. Lane Dr. Jeremy A. Long
Mrs. Emma M. Kedrowski Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lang, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Long III
Mr. Justin D. Keener Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Lange Mrs. William R. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keim Mrs. Ann Marie Langford Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Looper
Ms. Heather Criss Keller Mr. Charles W. Lanham, Jr. Mr. Alex J. Lopez
Professor Allen C. Kelley Mr. Jonathan M. Lark Ms. Denise A. Lopez Domowicz
Mrs. Elizabeth Ramsey Kelley Mrs. Elaine S. Larkin Ms. Lucille Lopp
Mrs. Betsy L. Kelly Mrs. Bernice Shepherd Larson Ms. Teri Louden
Ms. Emily L. Kelly Dr. Edward R. Laskowski Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Love
Mr. George E. Kelly III Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Lauver Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Kelly Mrs. Katharine B. Lawrence Mr. James Erskine Love III
Mrs. Mary Elaine Berardelli Kempffer Mr. Charles Andrew Lawson Mr. James Roland Lovelace
Mr. Thomas S. Kenan III Mr. Robert C. Leake Mrs. Janell Kay Lovelace
Mr. Remington R. Kendall Dr. Randall Delane Ledford Dr. Donald T. Lucey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Kendig Mr. Bill Lee, Jr. Ms. Emily E. Lumpkin
Professors Nannerl and Robert Keohane Dr. Edwin B. Lee, Jr. Mr. Joshua E. Lundberg
Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr Ms. Elizabeth Anne Lee Mr. David Emory Lupo
Mr. John C. Ketner Ms. Jennifer H. Lee Ms. Chelsea M. Luse
Ms. Margaret J. Khan Mr. Richard Lee Mr. John Val Lyngaas
Mr. Endalkachew Kidanewold Mr. Richard C. Lee Mr. Sean N. Lyngaas
Mrs. Kerry M. Kidwell-Slak The Reverend. and Mrs. T. Carleton Lee Mrs. Constance W. Lyons
Mr. Albert E. Kim Ms. Rosalie W. Le Fontaine Ms. Linda Lyons
Ms. Christine G. Kim Mrs. Debra Elizabeth Leibold Mrs. Nancy Ann Lyons
Ms. Insook Kim Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jack Leister Mr. Alexander C. Macaulay
Dr. and Mrs.Tae Won Kim Ms. Katherine E. Lemler Mrs. Naomi F. MacCaughelty
Mr. Apollos J. Kimbrough Mrs. Julie K. Lemonds-Bouche Mr. Robert D. Maccloy
Ms. Margaret K. Kimzey Ms. Allison M. Lesher Dr. Peter B. Mack
Ms. A. Elizabeth King Mr. K. Thomas Lester Mr. Duncan J. Mackay
Mr. Billy Matthew King The Reverend William K. Lester, Jr. Mr. Randall H. H. Madry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. King, Jr. Mrs. Jo Ann Dougall Levering Mr. Peter C. Magnuson
Dr. and Mrs. William E. King Ms. Amy L. Lewellen Mrs. Carol V. Mahon
Mrs. Leslie W. King-Schultz Judge John B. Lewis, Jr. Ms. Helen J. Majette
Dr. Noel J. Kinnamon The Honorable Robert D. Lewis Mr. David Russell Malin
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson W. Kirby Mr. Felix Y. Li Ms. Mary Ann Manconi
Mrs. Rebekah F. Kirby Mr. Sheng-Wei Li Dr. Cammey C. Manning
Dr. Paul W. Kirk, Jr. Ms. Tianlu Li Mrs. Kathryn G. Mansfield
Reverend Nathan Kirkpatrick Dr. Erica L. Liebelt Mr. Brian Keith Marchiel
Mrs. Sarah S. Kirsch Dr. Serena Lin Mr. Allan B. Markham, Jr.
The Reverend Wendy Sue E. Kissa Mr. Robert C. Lindinger Lt. Col. Mary A. Marks
Ms. Amy Canine Kissane Mr. and Mrs.T. L. Lindsay Mrs. Nancy Smith Marks
Dr. Caroline Marie Klein Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lineweaver Ms. Betsy A. Marsh
Ms. Carole Ann Klove Ms. Catherine A. Link Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Martin
Mr. William N. Klove Mr. Thomas E. Link Mr. James Chandler Martin, Jr.
Mr. Warren W. Knop Mrs. Mary Jane Linker Ms. Raquel K. Martin
Mr. Mark B. Knowles Dr. Imogene Lipscomb The Reverend Richard Corley Massey
Dr. Sharon G. Knox Mr. G. S. Liptak Dr. and Mrs. T. Benjamin Massey
Mr. David Elm Koch Ms. Alice Lockhart Mr. William P. Massey
The Reverends Craig and Abby Kocher Mr. Rex K. Loftin Mr. Archie M. Mathis, Jr.
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 6

Mrs. Thomas J. Matkov Dr. Shannon L. Meeks Ms. Kristin Bernice Murphy
Mrs. Harriet A. Mattes Ms. Mary F. Mehr Ms. Elaine Murray
Mr. James E. Matthews Mrs. Monica K. Melchionni Dr. Katherine T. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Mauney, Jr. Ms. Kristina Meservey Mr. Patrick E. Musker
Mr. F. Gordon Maxson Ms. Mary C. Metzger Ms. Aidan H. Myers
Dr. James Oliver May, Jr. Mr. Gregory Meyers Ms. Katie M. Myers
Mrs. Jean K. Mayer Mrs. Kay Michaels Mrs. Nancy H. Myers
Ms. Medora D. Mayne Mr. Daniel P. Michalak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Nace
Mrs. Nancy R. Mazza Ms. E. Ashley Middleton Mrs. Patricia B. Naftel
Mrs. Kim P. Mcallister Mrs. Elizabeth B. Midgett Mr. Robert Russell Nagle
The Reverend Heather M. McCain Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joseph Midura Mr. Jim Neely
Mrs. Barbara Nichols McCallister Mr. Sam R. Miglarese Dr. Rebeccah K. Neff
Ms. Kim G. McCallum Mrs. Ann Carol Milbank The Reverend Albert and Dr. Sigrid Nelius
Dr. Edgar E. McCanless Dr. Mark W. Millard Mrs. Gladys A. Nelson
Mr. Robert J. McClelland Dr. Benita A. Miller Professor Randall J. Nelson
Mrs. Josephine W. McClernon Mr. Brian David Miller Mr. William R. Newcomb
Mr. William C. McCloud Mrs. Eula H. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Newell
Mr. Pope and Mrs. Wendy J. McCorkle Dr. Glenn I. Miller Mrs. Pamela S. Newsome
Tyler McCormick Mr. Jay W. Miller Mrs. Cheryl A. Ney
Mrs. Ina Ann W. McCoy Mrs. Judith S. Miller Mr. David Nguyen
Dr. and Dr. William McCulloch Mr. Kenneth McGlaughon Miller Mrs. Lisa W. Nichol
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. McDaniel Ms. Madelyn R. Miller Dr. Karen B. Nicholas
Dr. William Maffitt McDonald Dr. Mary Ruth Miller Mrs. Elaine J. Nichols
Mr. Stuart K. McGeady Mr. Norvell E. Miller V Ms. Virginia R. Niehaus
Mrs. Faye M. McGinnis Dr. Perry and The Reverend Karen Miller Mr. Steven A. Nigh
Mr. Ian McGuire Mr. Russell J. Miller Mr. William Preston Nixon III
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGuire II Mrs. Victoria A. Miller Ms. Lauren E. Noble
Mr. James O. McIntosh Mr. Walter James Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Nolan
Mr. James F. McKee Mrs. Deborah S. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Nolan, Jr.
Mr. Thomas F. McKee Ms. Melissa Josephine Mills Mr. Keith Byrne Norman
Mr. Alexander Ross McKenzie Mrs. Norma Martin Milner Mr. Mitchell Abbott Norrell
Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith McKenzie Mr. Derek P. Mims Mrs. Eugene B. Norris
Mr. Alexander N. McKinnon Mr. J. Randall Minchew Mr. John P. Norris
Mrs. Gail T. McKinnon Mr. Kent Merritt Miner Ms. M. Lynn Norsworthy
Dr. M. Anne McKnight Ms. Susan Elizabeth Minkoff Ms. Suzanne G. North
Mr. Robert T. McLaughlin Mrs. Karen E. Mishra Mrs. Madge F. Norwood
Mr. Stewart D. McLaurin Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Mitchell Mr. Robert J. Novy
Mr. Don E. McLeod Ms. Robin L. Mitchell Dr. David Scott Nunn
Ms. Becca M. McNeely Drs. Radford and Wendy Moeller Dr. Mary Jane Love Nye
Mr. Grover C. McNeill Ms. Julie L. Mohler Ms. Kristin I. Oberg
Ms. Chiara E. McPhee Dr. Maria C. Monge Mr. Eric J. Oberstein
Mrs. Jane H. McPherson Mr. Andrew Taylor Moore, Jr. Ms. Kristen H. O'Brien
Mrs. Sara G. McWhorter Mr. Benjamin J. Moore Dr. Corrie J. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Moore Dr. David L. Odom
Mrs. Brenda B. Meadows Mr. John Lee Moore, Jr. Dr. James H. O'Donnell III
Mr. Erik Jefferson Meadows Mrs. Mary R. Moore Mrs. Mary Jo K. O'Donnell
Ms. Lavonne Adele Meads Mr. Milton M. Moore, Jr. Mr. Eric J. Ojerholm
Mrs. Constance M. Medlyn Ms. Sarah A. Moore Dr. Lois P. Oliver
Mr. Arthur T. Meeder Mr. Steven Moore Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Oman
Dr. and Dr. G. Rodney Meeks Mrs. Sylvia Sommer Moore Mrs. Jane T. Omohundro
Mrs. Lynne D. S. Moorman Dr. Edgar C. O'Neal
Mr. Antonio A. Morales, Jr. Mr. Christopher O'Neill
Ms. Wendy H. Moran Ms. Julie L. O'Neill
Mr. Hunter Moricle Ms. Stegin D. O'Neill
Mr. Michael G. Morrell Ms. Patricia V. Osten
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morris III Ms. Lauren E. Ostendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Larry Osterling
Dr. Carolyn B. Morrison Mrs. Candace B. Otte
Ms. Harriett Elizabeth Morrison Ms. Kathryn Owen
Mrs. R. R. Morrison, Jr. Mrs. Mary Ellen Owen
Ms. Eileen M. Mors Mr. Russell D. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Morsberger Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Padgett
Ms. Lauren E. Morse Mrs. Mildred R. Padgett
Ms. Pat E. Mortensen Ms. Emily M. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Moseley Ms. Jessica A. Palacios
Mr. Charles I. Mothershead IV Dr. and Mrs. Constantin Papastephanou
Mr. Cheston V. Mottershead, Jr. Mrs. Lynn W. Pappalardo
Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Mowry Mr. Ronald J. Pappalardo
Ms. Mary Jordan Mullinax Mrs. Betty H. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Mullins Mrs. Joseph B. Parker, Jr.
Mr. Marc R. Munfa Drs. Robert and Susan Parkerson
Dr. Antonio M. Muniz Dr. George R. Parkerson, Jr.
Dr. Debra B. Murphy Mrs. Betty L. Parrish
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 7

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Parrott Mr. Ralph D. Rhodes

Mr. Clayton Southwick Parsons III Ms. Ann E. Rich
Mrs. Marsha A. Pate Mrs. Alice C. Richardson
Mr. R. Bruce Pate Ms. Cara Richardson
Commander Karen M. Patee Mr. C.B. Richardson
Ms. Anjali S. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Richardson
Ms. Sydnor J. Patrick Ms. Erika M. Richey
Mr. Gary L. Patterson Dr. Colleen M. Rickey
Mrs. Laura Lynn Patterson Ms. Susan M. Ridgeway
Mrs. Lynn Rose F. Patterson Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Patti Ms. Alyssa C. Riess
Mr. Charles Otis Patton Mrs. Brittany A. Riner
Mr. Dustin M. Paul Mr. Jonathan C. Ripsom
Mrs. Frances M. Peacock The Reverend and Mrs. B. Maurice Ritchie
Ms. Kathleen S. Peindl Ms. Mary J. Rivers
Lt. Col. Penelope A. Pejka Dr. Carolyn C. Rizza
Mr. Addison P. Penfield, Sr. Reverend Diana Harrison Roberts
Mr. Wade and Mrs. Carolyn K. Penny Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Roberts
Mr. Jerry P. Peppers Dr. Michael W. Roberts
Dr. David Philip Perkins Mrs. Nancy H. Roberts
Mrs. JoAnn R. Perkins Mrs. Sandy K. Roberts
The Reverend and Mrs. Richard Perry Mrs. Billie B. Robertson
Professor Jane Perry-Camp Mr. and Mrs. James A. Robins III
Mrs. Henrietta W. Pertuz Mrs. Cynthia C. Prescott Mrs. Lynn Robinson
The Reverend David R. Peters Dr. Lucius C. Pressley, Jr. Mr. David R. Rockefeller
Drs. David and Mae Millicent Peterseim Mr. Myrlon Farnham Pressly Mr. Roy O. Rodwell
Chaplain C. Morgan Peterson Ms. L. Ashleigh Price Ms. Mary A. Roe
Dr. Lynn L. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Andrew Price, Sr. Mr. Joseph D. Roenbeck
Ms. Carrie Petri Ms. Barbara A. Prillaman Mr. John Whiting Roeser
Professor Neil A. Petry Mrs. Mary C. Prince-Elcan Mr. David T. Rogers
Dr. Leland R. Phelps Mr. Scott M. Pritchett Mrs. Priscilla B. Rogers
Mrs. Patricia D. Philipps Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Probert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Rogers, Jr.
The Reverend and Mrs. G. Paul Phillips III Dr. Charles R. Pruden, Jr. Mrs. Edward T. Rollins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Phillips Mrs. J. L. Pruneau Mr. Alfonso E. Romero
Mrs. Margaret Casto Phillips Mr. George A. Purdy Mr. Harold W. Rose
Mr. Matthew T. Phillips Dr. Cemil M. Purut Col. Morgan G. Roseborough, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Philpot Mr. John T. Pytel Mr. Cathyann W. Rosemond
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Piche Ms. Melissa A. Qazi Mrs. Elizabeth A. Roser
Mr. Michael K. Pickens Mr. Kevin T. Quandt Ms. Ruth W. Ross
Mr. James H. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Mrs. Lauren H. Rowe
The Reverend Karen Pidcock-Lester Mr. Michael C. Quillen Mr. William R. Rowland
Mrs. Barbara Piech Mr. James F. Rabenhorst Mr. Thomas J. Rucker
Dr. Richard F. Piech Miss Sandra B. Raeburn Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Ruckert, Jr.
Mr. Matthew J. Piehl Mrs. Kathryn L. Rainey Ms. Jennifer Irene Rudinger
Mrs. Joy Earp Pierce Mrs. Elizabeth R. Rainoff Ms. Nancy Rudzki
Mr. Wesley H. Pierce Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ralls Mrs. Dawn H. Ruff
Mr. Willard Cresse Pierson III Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Randall Mrs. Catherine Tonsing Russell
Mr. Gregory C. Pinkard Mr. Richard C. Ranson Dr. Robert S. Rutter
Mrs. Marjorie A. Pipkin Mr. Robert C. Rapp, Jr. Miss Mary Elizabeth Ryland
Ms. Eleanor R. Pishny Ms. Marilee Rasmussen Dr. and Mrs. David Sabiston
Mrs. Betty T. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rauch Mrs. Carol K. Sackett
Mr. Kenneth Dodd Pittman Mrs. Dorothy K. Raver Ms. Nancy H. Saitta
Mr. Ronald M. Pittman The Reverend James A. Rawlings, Jr. Mr. Stephen R. Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Piva, Jr. Mr. James C. Ray Ms. Kalpana S. Sampale
Mrs. Margaret Ann Player Ms. Peggy Brown Ray Dr. and Mrs. Ravi N. Samy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Poel Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Sanders
Ms. Capie A. Polk Ms. Elizabeth L. Reck Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sanders
Dr. Ana M. Ponce Dr. Keith Alan Redmill Mrs. Stephanie L. Sanford-Colby
Mr. Thomas J. Pontes Mr. James W. Redmond Mr. John P. Santoianni
Mrs. Joan N. Poole Mr. Kermit D. Reel Ms. Wendy Kay Sapp
Ms. Kimberly G. Pope Mr. Michael O. Reese Ms. Annette B. Satterfield
Mr. Tony L. Pope Mr. Gerald A. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Theodor C. Sauer
Ms. Katherine G. Porter Dr. John G. Rehder Mr. Ryan Hall Sauter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Posey Mr. Albert Phillips Reichert Mr. Michael S. Sayko
Mr. and Mrs. Farrel F. Potts Mrs. Joyce S. Reid Mr. and Mrs. William B. Scheessele
Mrs. Deanie Shaw Pound Mr. Scott W. Reid Mrs. Nancy Alyea Schiebel
Mr. and Mrs. Julian T. Powell Mr. Larry Reider Mrs. Susan H. Schmaltz
Mr. Hugh and Mrs. Rebecca S. Powell Ms. Brooke A. Reilly Mr. Adam H. Schmelzer
Dr. Taylor C. Powell Mr. Thomas J. Render Mrs. Kelly J. Schnabel
Mrs. Helen A. Powers Mrs. Mary L. Resch Dr. Ann Lenore Schneider
Mr. John A. Powers Professor Lucy J. Reuben Mrs. Martha F. Schneider
Ms. Sandra M. Powers Ms. Amy Kathleen Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schrock
Mrs. Jefferson B. Prather Ms. Jin S. Rhee Mr. Jared W. Schroeder
Ms. Lauren A. Prats Ms. Karen Lea Rhodes
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 8

Mr. Richard A. Schwartz Mr. William D. Snyder, Jr.

Mr. Robert L. Schwarz Mr. Curt Elliot Sobel
Dr. Mary and Mr. Richard Schweiker Mr. Guy and Mrs. Mindy Solie
Dr. Deborah A. Schwengel Mrs. Katherine A. Southern
Mrs. Patricia Schwing Ms. Michelle O. Sowemimo
Ms. Tiffany M. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Madison S. Spach
Mrs. Samuel Scoville III Dr. Bradford B. Spangenberg
Ms. Hannah A. Scoville Ms. Emma A. Sparks-Hedman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Scully, Jr. Mrs. Donna Spaulding
Dr. Lorraine and Mr. Anthony Sease Mrs. Sally McWhorter Spears
Mr. John Louis Seelke III Ms. Jackie W. Spencer
Mrs. Marcia Seevers Dr. Kristin C. Spencer
Ms. Joan Elizabeth Seifried Stewart Ms. Ann E. Sperry
Mrs. Amanda and Mr. Benjamin Sellars Mrs. Lori Spivey
Mrs. Mary D.B.T. Semans Mrs. Mary Ann Swart Spivey
Mr. Robert Lange Senf Mr. Kevin Thomas Springman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Senf Mrs. Sandra Motley Sprouse
Mr. and Mrs. Rochener Seraphin, Sr. Dr. William Murray Spruill
Mrs. Martha Server Mr. Charles E. Staats III
Miss Laura P. Serwer Ms. Sheila Susan D. St Amour
Mr. Walter E. Shackelford Mrs. Betty Lou S. Stark
Mr. Robert Hill Shaw III Mr. Colin B. Starks
Mr. William E. Shaw Mrs. Mary Ellis Starling The Reverend Berry Lynn Taylor II
Mr. Rodney Lee Shelton Mrs. Martha V. Stars Ms. Bonnie W. Taylor
Mrs. Kathryn C. Shem Mr. Frederick William Steckler Ms. Jessica L. Taylor
Ms. Erica E. Sherman Mrs. Herdis H. Stefansson Mr. Thomas W. Taylor, Sr.
Mr. Steven Robert Sherman Ms. Katherine E. Stein Mr. and Mrs. William A. Teasley
Mr. Bomin Shim Mrs. Lucia B. Steinhilber Ms. Amie Lynn Tedeschi
Mr. Keith Thompson Shiner Mr. Matt R. Stemplinger Ms. Ana K. Teel
Mr. Mark W. Shiner Mr. Philip A. Stenberg Mr. Gianni Terrezza
Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Barbara B. Shivers Ms. Priscilla Pennington Stewart Mr. Sam Tetlow
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean Shoffner Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Stiefel Mr. David L. Tett
Dr. Melanie E. Shoffner Dr. Scott Gregory Stinnett Mr. John R. Theorell
Mrs. Glen W. Shols Ms. Sarah L. Stogner Mrs. Diane M. Thomas
Miss Ella Eugenia Shore Mrs. Kathryn J. Stogner-Henderson Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thomas
Mrs. Sue P. Shore Mrs. Hugh B. Stokes, Jr. Mr. James Morgan Thomas
Ms. Caroline C. Shou Mr. Mark J. Stoltenberg Mrs. Leanna M. Thomas
Mrs. Katharine Fuller Shults Mrs. Margaret Jones Stone Mrs. Martha L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shytle Mrs. Victoria B. Stone Mrs. Mary Thomas
Mrs. Colleen M. Siadak Mr. Paul M. Stouffer, Jr. Ms. Mary B. Thomas
Mr. George Peter Sibley III Mrs. Emily M. Stout Ms. Pascale M. Thomas
Mr. Curtis Abraham Sidden, Jr. Mr. John C. Stover Mrs. Kandy Woodard Thomason
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Sieker Mrs. Marea Y. Stratton Dr. Dan Stuart Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Siemens Mr. Benjamin G. Straus Mr. Donald J. Thompson
Mr. D. Neal Sigmon Ms. Jessalynn R. Strauss Mr. Orian T. Thompson
Mrs. Mary Alice (Molly) Simes Mr. Matthew Clarke Strauss Mr. Robert Kirk Thompson III
Mr. Archie M. Sink Ms. Molly M. Stringer Mrs. Sara Bell Thompson
Mrs. Leslie P. Sirbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stromberg Dr. William M. Thompson
Mr. Scott A. Skorupa Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Ms. Karen H. Thorsen
Dr. Grimes G. Slaughter Mrs. Emily C. Stuart Dr. Melvin L. Thrash
Ms. Sharon L. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stubbs Mrs. Margaret Beattie Thurston
Mrs. Martha Todd Sloan Dr. Isabel Combs Stuebe Mr. Norris Thurston
Mr. Jamie Alexander Smarr Mr. William Stuebe Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Pound Tift
Mr. Brian G. Smith Mrs. Mary K. Stukes Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Tillett, Jr.
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Smith Mrs. Constance P. Stuntz Ms. Joyce C. Ting Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Smith, Jr. Ms. Beth Gettys Sturkey Mr. Robert S. Tinsley
Miss Edith E. Smith Mrs. Martha G. Styers Drs. Edward and Josefina Tiryakian
Mr. James W. M. Smith Ms. Stacey Miller Succop Ms. Nancy E. Titus
Ms. Jennifer C. Smith Ms. Sandra L. Summers Ms. Juanita M. Todd
Mr. John N. Smith, Jr. Dr. James Sund Ms. Patricia M. Toher
Ms. Julie M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Sunu Dr. Raymond J. Toher, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Eugene Smith Mr. Theodore J. Susac II Dr. and Mrs. Aubrey Granville Tolley
Mrs. Mary L. Smith Mr. Michael Suttle, Jr. Ms. Whitney P. Tompson
Mr. Michael W. Smith Dr. Mark D. Swank Mrs. Edith S. Toms
Ms. Pamela M. Smith Mrs. Pamela Kuehn Swanner Ms. M. Christine Torrington
Mr. Peter Crosby Smith Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Swanson Ms. Mariam B. Totonchy
Ms. Sandra C. Smith Mrs. Rhonda J. Sypek Mr. Clay B. Tousey, Jr.
Mrs. Charles A. Smith Ms. Elisabeta M. Szatmari Mrs. Lillian Grainger Townsend
Mr. Selden Kennedy Smith, Jr. Mrs. Louise Wooten Talley Ms. Margaret A. Trauner
Mrs. Sue Espenshade Smith Mrs. Wilma A. Tally Ms. Linda Wells Travis
Dr. and Mrs. Whitman E. Smith, Jr. The Reverend W. Douglas Tanner, Jr. The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. William B. Trexler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smoot Ms. Cheryl Lynne Tapager Mrs. Mary H. Troxell
Mr. Jeremy H. Snook Mr. Charles A. Tarbell Ms. Melanie Trull
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Snyder Mr. Randy H. Tarlton
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 1 9

Dr. Albert W. Tsai Dr. John and Mrs. Peggy Bridges Weinerth Dr. Richard Joseph Woodcock, Jr.
Ms. Chrysanthe T. Tsilibes Mr. Zachary R. Weisberg Dr. Alma Lorraine Woodyard
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Barbara Lane Tucker Ms. Jennifer B. Weiss Dr. John David Wooten III
Mr. Michael Arden Tucker Mrs. Nancy D. Welfare Dr. Stewart S. Worrell
Mr. Clinton W. Twaddell III Mrs. Laura Magistro Wells Ms. Lucy C. Worth
Mr. Matthew Twiggs Dr. Samuel M. B. Wells Ms. Caroline K. Wray
Ms. Marianne T. Twu Mrs. Jean Gay Welsh Mr. Donald M. Wright
Ms. Diane Leslie Ty Ms. Louise Van Hagen Wenrich Mr. Kenneth E. Wright
Mr. John Um Mr. Charles R. West Dr. Robert Edward Wright
Mr. James W. Ummer Mr. M. Lee West Mr. Russell S. Wright
Dr. Gail L. Unterberger Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus B. Wester Mr. and Mrs. Winter Wright
Mr. John Joseph UyHam Mr. and Mrs. William H. G. Wheeler Ms. Pamela Wrike
Mrs. Martha E. Uzzle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Whisnant Ms. Catherine S. Wu
Mrs. Henry B. Vail Dr. Harry A. Whitaker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kwok Ting Wu
Mrs. Charles F. Vance, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Whitaker Mr. Christopher M. Wurst
Dr. and Mrs. John Jay Vandenberg Ms. Anne Walker White Mrs. Nancy S. Wyatt
Miss Mary Ellen Vanderwilt The Reverend and Mrs. Charles D. White Jr. Professor Rodney and Mrs. Leigh Wynkoop
Mr. Ken Van Durand Miss Emily Jennings White Ms. Ginger Wyrick
Dr. James Keck VanKirk, Jr. Ms. Kathy Shie White Ms. Shengnan Xue
The Reverend Natalie B. Van Kirk Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. White Ms. Kari LuAnne Yarwood
Ms. Sarah K. Van Kirk Mr. Preston A. Whiteway Mrs. Ellen C. Yates
Ms. Elizabeth A. Vasievich Ms. Helen C. Whitt Mr. and Mrs. David E. Yoder
Mrs. Jenell S. Vassy Mrs. Tracey E. Wiese Mrs. Caren C. York
Mrs. Marguerite E. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. James Foster Wiggins Mr. Kevin N. York-Simmons
Mr. William Venner Ms. Katherine L. Wiggins Mr. Charles D. Young
Dr. Ronald L. Vereen Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wigodsky Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Young
Mr. David O. Vess Mr. Wayne F. Wilbanks Dr. Franklin W. Young
Dr. Dan and The Reverend Margaret Via Ms. Ann Wilder Mr. Lance Brendan Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Craig Via Ms. Lee Davidson Wilder Mrs. Mary L. Young
Mr. Remi K. Viada Dr. Pelham Wilder, Jr. Ms. Rachel G. Young
Mr. Steven R. Vickers Ms. Sterly Lebey Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Reed F. Young
Mr. James Patrick Vidas Dr. Catherine Wilfert-Katz Ms. Terri Lynn Young
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Rick S. Wilfong Mrs. Candace Young-Schult
Dr. Joseph M. Vitagliano Mr. James Herbert Wilkerson, Jr. Mr. William Youngblood
Mrs. Caroline Jones Vose Ms. Sarah L. Wilkins Mrs. Isabella G. Younger Allen
Mrs. Ana H. Voss Ms. Nita Wilkinson Mr. John Christopher Yount
Ms. Jessie N. Wager Mr. Dustin M. Willard The Reverend Paul W. Yount, Jr.
Mr. William W. Wager Mrs. Pansy Willburn Dr. Robert and Mrs. Barbara Yowell
Mrs. Deborah Hardin Wagner Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr. Mr. Matthew K. Yung
The Reverend Dennis W. K. Wagner Dr. A. Hope Williams Dr. Theresa Anna Yuschok
Mrs. Judith C. Waldron Mr. Alan and Mrs. Blanche Williams Mrs. Kimberly P. Zajac
Mr. Brandon R. Walker Mrs. Dorothy S. Williams Ms. Jiexian Zang
Mr. John L. Walker Dr. and Mrs. R. Sanders Williams Mr. Joseph R. Zanga, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Walker Mr. Silas Williams, Jr. Ms. Julia X. Zhang
Mr. Allen F. Wallace Ms. Neata S. Williard Mr. Xin Zheng
Mrs. Laura D. Wallace The Reverend Robert Earl Willoughby Mrs. Rebecca R. Zielinski
Mrs. Martha R. Wallace Mr. Daniel J. Wilson Mr. Lawrence Robert Zipf
Mrs. Priscilla J. Wallace Mrs. Nancy Grady Wilson
Mrs. Sara B. Wallace Mr. Paul L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wang Ms. RaJhai L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Bowden W. Ward, Jr. Dr. Ruby L. Wilson
Dr. Frances Day Wardlaw Mr. Steven Blair Wilson
Mr. Nathan M. Ware Dr. Virginia S. Wilson
Dr. Charles H. Warlick Mr. Wallace Edwin Wilson III
The Reverend T. Gaston Warner Mr. Steven Dale Winch
Dr. Wayne G. Warner Mr. Robert D. Winn
Mr. Robert H. Warren Mr. H. F. Wintsch
Dr. Warren S. Warren Ms. Eileen M. Witt
Mr. Jeffrey Brent Washam Ms. Karen H. Witzleben
Mr. George B. Watkins Mr. W. Charles Witzleben
Ms. Louisa W. Watkins Ms. Virginia B. Wohlford
Mrs. Mary Jane Watkins-Grigsby Ms. Barbara Armstrong Wold
Ms. Elise C. Watson Dr. Karen Trygg Wold
Ms. Meredith Watson Dr. J. Frederick Wolfe
Dr. Susan Lynn Watts Ms. Cynthia L. Womack
Ms. Isabelle S. Wauters Dr. John W. Womack III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Way Ms. Ericka S. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donovan Weadon Mrs. Joanne C. Wonsetler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Weatherly, Jr. Mr. Richard A. Wood, Jr.
Mr. Gordon Thomas Wegwart Mr. Thomas D. Wood
Mr. John F. Wehmiller Mr. Timothy Peter Wood
Ms. Linda Diane Weiksnar Dr. Pamela K. Woodard
Ms. Tina Weinberg Mr. Kenneth Paul Woodcock
F R I E N D S O F D U K E C H A P E L F O U R T H Q U A R T E R 2 0 0 8 2 0

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