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121xy + 11zx p - p + 15pR^3

= 121xy + 11zx = 11x(11y) + 11x(z) = 11x(11y + z) Answer: 11x(11y + z) ----------= p - p + 15pR = p() + p(- ) + p(15R) = p( - + 15R)

Factorization of Quadratic Trinomials

The Distributive Law is used in reverse to factorise a quadratic trinomial, as illustrated below. Consider the expansion of (x + 2)(x + 3).

We notice that:

5, the coefficient of x, is the sum of 2 and 3. 6, the independent term, is the product of 2 and 3.


The product of two linear factors yields a quadratic trinomial; and the factors of a quadratic trinomial are linear factors.

Now consider the expansion of (x + a)(x + b).

Coefficient of x = a + b = Sum of a and b. Independent term = ab = Product of a and b.

In general:

To factorize a quadratic trinomial, find two numbers whose sum is equal to the coefficient of x, and whose product is equal to the independent term.

Example 12



Factors by Grouping 'Two and Two'

Now, consider the expression 7x + 14y + bx + 2by. Clearly, there is no factor common to every term. However, it is clear that 7 is a common factor of the first two terms and b is a common factor of the last two terms. So, the expression can be grouped into two pairs of two terms as shown.

This factorisation technique is called grouping 'Two and Two'; and it is used to factorise an expression consisting of four terms.

Factorisation using the Common Factor

We know that: a(b + c) = ab + ac The reverse process, ab + ac = a(b + c), is called taking out the common factor. Consider the factorisation of the expression 5x + 15.

Note that the common factor 5 has been taken out and placed in front of the brackets. The expression inside the brackets is obtained by dividing each term by 5.
In general:

To factorise an algebraic expression, take out the highest common factor and place it in front of the brackets. Then the expression inside the brackets is obtained by dividing each term by the highest common factor.
Example 6



The process of taking out a common factor is of great importance in algebra. With practice you will be able to find the highest common factor (HCF) readily and hence factorise the given expression.
Example 7



We can check the answer by using the Distributive Law.

Highest Common Factor of Algebraic Expressions

The highest common factor (HCF) of algebraic expressions is obtained in the same way as that of numbers. Example 5


Example 8


Simplify 3log2(x)

4log2(x + 3) + log2(y).

I will get rid of the multipliers by moving them inside as powers:

3log2(x) 4log2(x + 3) + log2(y) = log2(x3) log2((x + 3)4) + log2(y)

Then I'll put the added terms together, and convert the addition to multiplication:

log2(x3) log2((x + 3)4) + log2(y) = log2(x3) + log2(y) log2((x + 3)4) = log2(x3y) log2((x + 3)4)
Then I'll account for the subtracted term by combining it inside with division:

Let logb(2) = evaluate logb(10). Since 10

0.3869, logb(3) = 0.6131, and logb(5) = 0.8982. Using these values,

= 2 5, then:

logb(10) = logb(2 5) = logb(2) + logb(5)

Since I have the values for logb(2) and logb(5), I can evaluate:

logb(2) + logb(5) = 0.3869 + 0.8982 = 1.2851

Then logb(10) = Let logb(2) = logb(9). Since 9


0.3869, logb(3) = 0.6131, and logb(5) = 0.8982. Using these values, evaluate

= 32, then: logb(9) = logb(32) = 2logb(3)

Since I have the value for logb(3), then I can evaluate:

2logb(3) = 2(0.6131) = 1.2262

Then logb(9) = Let logb(2) = logb(7.5).


0.3869, logb(3) = 0.6131, and logb(5) = 0.8982. Using these values, evaluate 7.5 =

This one is a bit more complicated, but, after fiddling with the numbers for a bit, I notice that 15 2, so:

logb(7.5) = logb(15 2) = logb(15) logb(2)

And 15

= 5 3, so:

Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 2002-2011 All Rights Reserved

logb(15) logb(2) = [logb(5) + logb(3)] logb(2) = logb(5) + logb(3) logb(2)

And now I can evaluate:

logb(5) + logb(3) logb(2) = 0.8982 + 0.6131 0.3869 = 1.1244

Then logb(7.5) = Let logb(2) = logb(6). Since 6


0.3869, logb(3) = 0.6131, and logb(5) = 0.8982. Using these values, evaluate

= 2 3, then: logb(6) = logb(2 3) = logb(2) + logb(3)

Since I have these values, I can evaluate:

logb(2) + logb(3) = 0.3869 + 0.6131 = 1.0000

Then logb(6) =


Hmm... that was interesting. I got that logb(6) = 1. Using The Relationship, I get:

logb(6) = 1 b1 = 6 b=6
So now I know that their mysterious unnamed base "b" was actually 6! But they will not usually give you problems that let you figure out the base like this. Expand log4(

/x ).

I have division inside the log, which can be split apart as subtraction outside the log, so:

log4( 16/x ) = log4(16) log4(x)

The first term on the right-hand side of the above equation can be simplified to an exact value, by applying the basic definition of what a logarithm is:

log4(16) = 2
Then the original expression expands fully as:

log4( 16/x ) = 2 log4(x)

Always remember to take the time to check to see if any of the terms in your expansion (such as the log4(16) above) can be simplified.

Expand log5(x ).

Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 2002-2011 All Rights Reserved

The exponent inside the log can be taken out front as a multiplier:

log5(x3) = 3 log5(x) = 3log5(x)

Expand the following:

The 5 is divided into the 8x , so split the numerator and denominator by using subtraction:

Don't take the exponent out front yet; it is only on the x, not the 8, and you can only take the 4 exponent out front if it is "on" everything inside the log. The 8 is multiplied onto the x , so split the factors by using addition:

log2(8x4) log2(5) = log2(8) + log2(x4) log2(5)

The x has an exponent (which is now "on" everything inside its log), so move the exponent out front as a multiplier:

log2(8) + log2(x4) log2(5) = log2(8) + 4log2(x) log2(5)

Since 8 is a power of 2, I can simplify the first log to an exact value:

log2(8) + 4log2(x) log2(5) = 3 + 4log2(x) log2(5)

Each log contains only one thing, so this is fully simplified. The answer is:

3 + 4log2(x) log2(5)
Expand the following:

Use the log rules, and don't try to do too much in one step:

Then the final answer is:

Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 2002-2011 All Rights Reserved

log3(4) + 2log3(x 5) 4log3(x) 3log3(x 1)

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