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Press Statement

The Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) to take place on 7th June 2013
The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem announces this years March to take place across the globe on Friday 7th June 2013. This date coincides with the 46th anniversary of the occupation of the eastern part of the Holy City, which is home to the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other sacred sites. The GMJ international leadership has confirmed that it is being organised in response to the continued Zionist occupation of the Holy City, its persistent violations against the city and its indigenous Arab inhabitants both Christian and Muslim, and its continued racist practices which are incompatible with UN resolutions, international law and international humanitarian law. This requires the initiative of all popular forces across the globe in organising anti-occupation activities, and also requires that all lovers of peace and freedom stand against the policies of the systematic and racist Judaisation of the Holy City. Popular organisations, supporters of the Palestine Cause and lovers of world peace across the globe must not stand silently and idly by and watch as the city of peace is transformed into a den of Zionist racism. They must not stand by as the worst Zionist crimes are committed against it, its people and the holy sites within it in full sight and hearing of the world community, as well as international organisations, which fail to lift a finger when it comes to the occupying state a country which enjoys the absolute support of the worlds colonial powers, particularly the United States. As such, organisers of the GMJ intend to make it an annual occasion to mobilise popular efforts and energies toward exposing the racist character of the occupying state of Israel, and to demand the liberation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine from occupation. They derive their motto the peoples o f the world demand the liberation of Jerusalem from the spirit of the Arab Spring revolutions, which confirm that the will of the people is invincible.

This peaceful world march and the activities that accompany it will clearly emphasise that the peoples of the world, and all those who love peace, freedom and justice stand as a single unit in opposition to apartheid policies: the expulsion of the Jerusalemite population; the construction of the Wall and settlements; the Judaisation of the Holy City and the transformation of its identity; and the threat of demolishing or expropriating its sanctuaries. Massive marches will be organized in Palestine and surrounding countries towards Jerusalem or the nearest point possible to it according to the circumstances of each country, and through coordination between all groups and institutions of civil society taking part in the march. Mass demonstrations and large rallies will be organised in the main public squares in the big cities of the world. Protests also will be organised in front of Israeli embassies in the capitals of different countries across the world to demand an end to the occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestinian land. The International Executive Committee for the March London-April 13th 2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For further information, please call the spokesman for the GMJ, Mr. Zaher Birawi on mobile number 00447850896057 or via e-mail:

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