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Minds at Mines

Celebrating springtime
Volume 89, Issue 21 March 23, 2009 see page 10

ASCSM Election see pages 6 & 7

Using solar energy to recycle CO2 lent across the globe. However, and transform carbon dioxide
Sarah Nelson
there are many challenges when into carbon monoxide and water
Staff Writer
it comes to utilizing these renew- would provide a means to create
Renewable energy sources; we able energies in a way that would liquid fuel and continued use of
are immersed in many of them on be easily adaptable to present-day the current infrastructure would
a daily basis. Although this energy society. The first addressed is subsequently ensue. Since the fuel
is evident every time we step into simply that the technology has still is the same as the liquid fuel in use
the sun, actually harnessing these to live up to the scientific theoriestoday, the transition would be easy
energies and implementing them behind the processes, although from an economic perspective.
economically can be a monumental with current research, the progress The invention that would perform
task. Sandia, a National Nuclear is promising. Another point stated this reverse combustion process is
Security Administration Labo- named the Counter Rotating
ratory, has taken note of this The CR5 would be powered by Ring Receiver Reactor Re-
and has a different perspec- cuperator, dubbed the CR5.
tive on how solar energy concentrated solar heat collected The CR5 would be powered
could be utilized—not by by concentrated solar heat
eliminating a dependence on in parabolic dishes. This renewable collected in parabolic dishes.
fuel, but rather by recycling
the carbon dioxide already
thermal energy would provide the This renewable thermal en-
ergy would provide the initial
present in the atmosphere to initial energy needed to recycle, energy needed to recycle, in
recreate fuel. a sense, carbon dioxide to
Ellen Stechel, manager of in a sense, carbon dioxide to make make fuel. Stechel postulates
Sandia’s Fuels and Energy that by “reusing” fuel, the idea
Transitions Department, was fuel. of carbon dioxide as a waste
very optimistic about this ap- product would be reinvented
proach of creating fuels from solar by Stechel was that these varied into hopefully an “increased value
energy. While she adamantly main- energy source’s “geographic diver- and of utilization of CO2” and fur-
tained that every option should be sity” places them randomly about thermore, lead to the containment
explored in light of the energy crisis the planet and oft times major of harmful emissions to an extent.
plight, she pointed out some of the concentrations are “stranded and The prototype for the CR5 has
formidable obstacles that many of far from any major loads.” This ac- been constructed and is within days
the renewable energy processes centuates the issue of transporting of a trial run. Sandia looks forward
being explored would have to over- and storing these energies, which to the successful testing and pos-
come to be successful. would require a complete overhaul sible implementation of this new
Inarguably, there is no lack of of the infrastructure currently in use. solar to petrol technology that will photo courtesy sandia national laboratories
renewable energies: solar, geother- Utilizing concentrated solar hopefully provide energy security One of the parabolic dishes to be used to provide energy.
mal, biomass, and wind are preva- energy to reverse combustion and mitigate climate change.

ASCSM decides wording of bus pass vote ASCSM hosts three

Ian Littman
Assistant Webmaster
tures would cost several times the
Student Pass rate.
downgraded RTD offering.
Due to limitations of the Ban-
candidate debates for signature collection. The floor
RTD also offers more limited ner administrative system and Ian Littman
ASCSM spent the abbreviated options for its college pass. $42.55concerns about bias inherent in Assistant Webmaster was then opened for questions,
March 19 meeting arguing about per semester provides students a three-choice single-question which included that of how he
the wording of the ballot item with the current amenities, minus system, ASCSM members de- Thursday’s ASCSM meeting would approach Board of Trustees
concerning the bus pass, paid for SkyRide access. $34.66 per se- cided that the vote on this matter was quite different than the usual members with student concerns,
by Mines’s Intermodal Transporta- mester, roughly the amount paid would be conducted as a series convocation; the overwhelming posed by Faculty Advisor Derek
tion Fee. Due to a rate increase on by Mines when the Intermodal of two questions in the online focus of the meeting was on the Morgan. He responded that mat-
the part of RTD, keeping current Transportation Fee was instituted, voting system. The first will be of upcoming student government ters would be dealt in as direct a
service levels would require a rate now allows for local access (the whether to keep current amenities, elections and the platforms of manner as possible, though with-
increase of $6 per semester, to $46 16 and 17 bus routes) as well as thus raising the fee, or not. The each major student government out the less-reasoned facets of his
total per semester. The alternative discounted fares elsewhere. second, contingent on not raising candidate. Student Body Presi- constituency’s views. Regarding
options would be to downgrade After much discussion and de- the Intermodal Transportation Fee dent Kevin Duffy was pleased to student views, he plans to create
RTD passes, keeping the fee the bate, ASCSM members voted to to $46 per semester, would be of announce the first ASCSM election an anonymous drop box to col-
same or raising it whether to keep forum in, if not forever, then at least lect them.
by inflation, or to the fee at all. If the a long while. Next, current Sophomore Rep-
discontinue the In- After much discussion and debate, ASCSM fee is kept, it will Sophomore, Junior, and Senior resentative John Bristow and
termodal Transpor- be raised at least class president candidates started Ashley Young, a junior, made their
tation Fee entirely, members voted to allow for three options by the amount of the ASCSM election forum, which opening remarks contesting the
along with R TD inflation, which was lasted for about half of the nearly- position of Student Body Vice
service. available to students voting regarding the 3% for this year. two-hour meeting. Most notably, President.
The RTD Col- Despite a com- the Junior class presidency was Bristow’s main thrust was
lege Pass, the
measure ment to the con- contested by current Sophomore increased ASCSM involvement
program in which trary by Board of Treasurer Ben Seling and Keith in both student-focused and ad-
Mines currently participates, in- allow for three options available to Student Organization’s Treasurer Stevens. Seling, absent due to ministrative roles, backed by this
creased in price twice in the last students voting regarding the mea- Karlyn Adams, a notice of the infla- a calculus test, had prepared re- school year’s resolution to add
two years; the Intermodal Trans- sure: increase the per-semester tionary increase will be mentioned marks, which were read during his another student to the student
portation Fee started at $35, and rate to $46 and keep current ameni- in the question series. alloted speech time, and included body representation at Faculty
last year increased to $40 to cope ties, increase the rate by inflation to Derek Morgan had prepared goals of reaching out to the Mines Senate meetings.
with the rate increase. The increase $41.20, or disband the fee entirely. a presentation regarding the RTD community and beyond to tailor Young’s platform included gen-
applies to all students on-campus, The delta between $41.20 and the pass, however was unable to pres- such things as bus passes and eral campus outreach and creation
though the proportion of students price of the reduced-access RTD ent due to technical difficulties. restaurant hours. of a committee to oversee and
who pick up a pass is 55%, a num- pass would be used for on-campus Check the online version of this Board of Trustees candidate examine the various fees that
ber comparable to other campuses sustainability efforts, such as bike article for a link to the presentation Damien Illing then spoke about students currently pay.
who participate in the program. A racks and discounted tickets for or to discuss how you will vote on his upcoming position; another SEE “CANDIDATES DEBATE”
monthly pass with equivalent fea- transportation not covered by the the pass. candidate had missed the deadline ON PAGE 7

News - 2 Features - 4 sports - 9 opinion - 10 satire - 11

~world headlines ~tech break ~strawberry fields ~cultural diversities ~Election Cancelled!
~csm academy lecture ~music reviews forever ~tim’s two cents ~ASCSM Leaderless!
Page 2 n e w s March 23, 2009

Jake Rezac, Content Manager

Sheffield, UK: Scientists in California, Canada, and

the UK have made a discovery which helps to explain
how solar weather affects Earth. The researchers, who
have detected twisting waves in the Sun’s atmosphere,
say it helps to explain why the Sun’s corona is hotter than
the Sun’s surface. The scientists believe this new under-
standing will help climate scientists to predict how the
sun’s rays will affect the Earth in the future.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have

engineered nerve tissue which causes nerve regeneration in animals. Scientists hope
this will help the estimated 300,000 Americans who suffer from nerve injuries each
year. To prevent permanent damage, nerve regeneration must occur quickly, which is
what scientists say their new technique does. According to the discoverers, this is a
brand new way of generating nerves.

Beijing, China: Geologists in Beijing have discovered dinosaur fossils which

may have implications on thoughts about the earliest instances of feathers.
While feathers on dinosaurs are not a new discovery, the newly found fossils
are on a dinosaur on a different side of the dinosaur evolutionary tree than the
feathered dinosaurs. Researchers say it indicates that feathers evolved many
times in dinosaur evolutionary history.

Livermore, CA: Scientists have developed an anti-mosquito laser to prevent malaria. Malaria,
which kills over 1 million people per year, is transmitted by mosquitoes. The scientists, who began
their research after seeing a satirical YouTube video with the same concept, hope that the laser
systems will be deployed as shields for villages.

Oredigger Staff Local News

Sara Post
Headlines from around the world Dr Terry Parker will inter-
view for the postion of Provost
at Mines this Wednesday and
people paying $3,100 to be pres-
Lily Giddings Emily Trudell, Staff Writer Thursday, March 25 and 26.
Managing Editor A 7.9 magnitude earthquake
The CSM Golf Team’s Joe
Pranav Veera, a six-year-old pus were discovered. The octo- occurred off the main island of Ton-
Zachary Boerner Schwark was named RMAC’s
Copy Editor boy living in Ohio, has been found pus is one of the rarest fossils ever ga, causing fears of ash and lava
Golfer of the Week.
to have a one-in-a-million IQ of found, as it is composed mainly of flows. A two hour tsunami warning
Abdullah Ahmed 176. The child appears to have a muscle and soft tissues that gener- was issued for countries located
CSM’s Wrestling Squad was
Business Manager photographic memory, can spell ally decay very quickly after death. within 625 miles of the epicenter of
ranked 2nd on the Division II
the alphabet backwards, and is Though there are nearly 300 known the quake.
Amanda Graninger All-Academic list. The team
able to name all of the US presi- species of octopus, none have A group of European scientists
Design Editor posted a 3.424 average GPA.
dents, in order. ever been found in fossilized form. have used genetic engineering to
The body of 18-month-old Charles Clemens, a 61-year- modify tobacco plants to produce
Ryan Browne Diamond AnniversarE-Days
Webmaster Emma Leigh Barker was found old man from Kansas, faces big- a powerful anti-inflammatory pro-
tickets will go on sale this week.
on a freeway near Los Angeles. amy charges after one of his two tein that could help patients suffer-
Cericia Martinez Her mother, who remains unnamed wives discovered him with his oth- ing from insulin-dependent diabe-
Asst. Design Editor for Layout Akira Rattenbury, Geological
and was the last person to see the er wife. Clemens married the first tes or other autoimmune diseases.
Engineering, has won a Critical
child, claims that the child died woman 22 years ago and the sec- Two United States naval ves-
Robert Gill Language Scholarship to study
accidentally, and that she fearfully ond woman three years ago. sels, a submarine and an am-
Assistant Business Manager Arabic. The award letter said, in
dumped the body on the freeway. In his first interview since leaving phibious ship, collided in the Strait
part, “The Bureau of Education-
Ian Littman Actress Natasha Richardson office, former President George of Hormuz between Iran and the
al and Cultural Affairs of the US
Assistant Webmaster died after suffering blunt trauma to W. Bush said that he would not Arabian Peninsula. 15 sailors were
Department of State, the spon-
the head and internal bleeding dur- criticize Barack Obama. Mr. Bush reported to be slightly injured, and
sor of the Critical Language
Mike Stone ing a skiing accident at a resort in spoke at an event in Calgary, Can- both ships suffered some minor
Fool’s Gold Content Manager Scholarship Program, joins the
Quebec. Though she seemed fine ada entitled “Conversations with damages, and are currently head-
Council of American Overseas
initially after the accident, her con- George W. Bush,” an invitational ing toward port for repairs.
Tim Weilert Research Centers (CAORC) in
dition deteriorated and she was speech with about 2000
Content Manager offering congratulations on your
brought to a Canadian hospital,
acceptance. The applicant pool
Jake Rezac where she died Wednesday.

was highly competitive, and the
Content Manager Josef Friztl, the 73 year old
review panels found your ap-
Austrian man who pleaded guilty
Spencer Nelson plication impressive. We hope
to enslaving his daughter for 24
Content Manager you will find this a rewarding
years, fathering seven children with
opportunity for your academic

her, and allowing one of the chil-
Neelha Mudigonda and professional development.”
dren to die, was sentenced to
Content Manager
life imprisonment in an institu-
Ashley Young, Chemical En-
David Frossard tion for mentally ill offenders.
gineering, has been selected as
Faculty Advisor More babies were born

a finalist for the Truman Schol-
in the United States in 2007
arship in public policy. She is
than in any other year, with
interested in pursuing a project
4,317,119, far surpassing
that will change perceptions
the record set in the baby
about how we think about, use,

boom era. The percent of
and abuse water.
babies born to unwed moth-
ers increased to 40% and
[info courtesy CSM]
the amount of babies born
to teenagers also increased
The fossilized remains of
a 95 million-year-old octo-
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
March 23, 2009 n e w s Page 3

New chemical CSM Academy discusses

process opens America’s oil problem
doors Anand Erdenebileg million for oil and gas in one year production of carbon dioxide. To
and the world uses 500 billion bar- change this, reliable and profitable
Staff Writer
rels per year. new technologies are needed.
Hossein Kazemi, Chesebro’ Kazemi stated that America There are three types of gases
Jake Rezac the NMR [nuclear magnetic reso- Distinguished Chair and Profes- needs more oil and energy re- which can be used, according to
nance spectrometer], and you have sor of Petroleum Engineering at sources because it leads the world Kazemi. These are conventional
Content Manager
exactly what you need. No cleanup, Mines, spoke at the March 20 in use of the aircraft. These aircraft gas, which produces large quan-
Dr. Charles Hoyle of the Uni- no nothing,” he explained of his ide- CSM Academy on the topic of Pe- consume 26 trillion cubic feet oil per tities, unconventional gas, which
versity of Southern Mississippi, in al chemical process. This ideal pro- troleum Reservoirs and Oil Sup- year. Furthermore, it has been pre- is very difficult to produce, and
a talk he gave at Mines last Friday, cess, he explained, is exactly what plies. dicted that 1.2 billion cars will be on ultra-unconventional gas, which
spoke of a process he and his col- he and his colleagues have done. Kazemi, who has been teach- American roads by 2016. Kazemi requires a huge amount of energy
leagues have developed called Thi- “Do you know how many tri- ing at Mines since 1981, believes believes that new technologies to produce. “In order to produce
ol-Ene Chemistry. Hoyle explained vinyl esters which are pure that you that the United States has a strong must be developed to keep up with the ultra-unconventional gas, we
that, “It’s kind of a different way of can buy in the history of chemis- ability to produce oil and gas in the this fuel demand. need 60 Gigawatts, which this en-
looking at chemistry… it’s like how try? None. It’s two steps… you mix future. T h e ergy is capable to give electricity
you’ve always wanted chemistry to them together… and shine light on “People The US spends $86 million for oil U n i t e d to large 100 American big cities,”
be.” them. Literally five minutes, with don’t States says Kazemi.
Hoyle began his talk by explain- 100% yield,” he explained of his tell the and gas in one year energy Kazemi concluded that today’s
ing click chemistry, a chemical process, which can be powered by truth… u s a g e students are our future. “I encour-
philosophy which specifies quickly sunlight, if a chemist desires. the fact that we can use a lot of statistics are that oil is 40% of our age my students to solve these
generating substances by joining Hoyle has already begun pro- energy sources efficiently. Oil and total energy, gas 22%, coal 3%, problems for their own future. We
small chemi- ducing items gas will be a major source for our nuclear 8%, and hydroelectric 7% need to do this project as soon as
cal units to- “[We’ve made] a glass that which use growing environment.” According per year. However, most of these possible so that fuels and the en-
gether. “The this pro- to Kazemi, the US spends $86 resources require the extensive ergy will be more productive.”
idea of click behaves like a rubber ball.” cess. He de-
chemistry scribed one the less effective of Hoyle’s meth-

was founded by Barry Sharp- use which should be in production ods for decreasing oxygen perme-
less… and it’s a great process,” soon. ability is nearly 5 times less perme-
Hoyle explained. “But under stan- “You can imprint this material to able than PET.
dard processes, you have to use your teeth and make a mouth guard Hoyle ended his presentation
catalysts (copper)… and copper is and have… 91% energy absorption by showing some of the products
not always a great thing to leave in by the mouth guard. This has impli- which have been produced by his

a chemical.” This downfall of click cations for saving teeth for athletes method.
chemistry was the jumping point for and for head trauma victims,” he “[We’ve made] a glass that be-
Hoyle’s research. said. haves like a rubber ball… a rubber
“That [click chemistry] is a great He also described a method by ball that bounces 90-95% of the
way of doing chemistry, but how which this process can be used in way back, machine-able rubber,

are here!
can you extend that?” PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and glass you can bend,” he ex-
He explained that, in his re- water bottles, which are built to plained before demonstrating the
search, he looks for a number of keep oxygen from flowing into the materials he described.
properties in his chemical reactions: bottle and interacting with the wa- In a humble statement, Hoyle
high conversions and little or no ter. summed up the process used to
side products, no purification re- “PET is good… but in one make these products.
quired, and rapidness. case… no oxygen goes across it. “It’s a nice method for making
“You mix it together, you put it in None. It keeps oxygen out.” Even materials.”

Meet your candi-

New Vice President of dates, find out where
Student Life takes office
Spencer Nelson Life and rearranging as required. in Communications from Eastern
they stand, make
your choice
However, “I don’t see many people New Mexico University, followed
Content Manager
here not working real hard,” said by a job there for a while where
On March 16, President Scog- Fox. The changes around the de- he worked in a variety of areas of
gins announced that Dr. Daniel Fox partment are simply a result of the student life, including housing. Fox
was taking over the position of Vice continuous development in their realized then that he “ultimately
President of Student Life, a role left service to students. wanted to work in senior admin-
by Harold Cheuvront after 32 years. “I didn’t come to this institution istration.” Staying at ENMU, he
Fox brings to office many plans to with the idea that I’d become the added his Ph.D. in College Student
continue improving student life on VP of Student Operations,” admit- Personnel Administration. Since
campus and is excited for the op- ted Fox. Although his intentions then, he has worked at 6 colleges,
portunity. “This is what I’ve spent were less ambitious, he does be- including several in Colorado, a few
the last 18 years preparing for,” lieve he is adequately prepared for in New Mexico, one in Montana,
said Fox. “This is my craft. This is his new role. As Dean of Students and one in Kentucky. He served
what I’ve refined and worked on for for Spaulding University, Fox had as the Director of Residence Life
several years.” many of the same responsibili- at Mines from August 2005 until a
Fox came into an ever-chang- ties as he will as Vice President of promotion to Director of Student
ing office that has new opportu- Student Life at Mines. He expects life in February 2007.
nities and challenges every year. his “role primarily will be more of Personally, Fox has a very wide
“We do a lot more things than we the senior administration stuff, like taste in activities. Being a Montana
did 10 years ago in student sup- working with the Executive Com- native, he loves the mountains. He
port,” stated Fox. Changes, such mittee, working with the Board of enjoys hiking with his dog, golfing,
as an increased student body, Trustees, and working with the oth- skiing, music, reading, and the-
make Fox’s new position consid- er Vice Presidents on campus very ater. He admits that he probably
erably different than what Cheuv- closely to be the one who overall works too much, like everyone else
ront stepped into in 1976. Fox ex- is responsible for all the student life in administration, but still tries to

ASCSM Elections
plained, “Over the years... [Student components” maintain as balanced a life as pos-
Life] has really grown and changed Fox comes from a considerable sible. A very talkative person, Fox
in the demands of the position and background in higher education. exudes a friendly nature. He recog-

3/30 and 3/31

the load that is there.” He received his undergraduate de- nizes that at Mines, as well as in
Many changes are expected gree in Biology and English from the rest of the world, “If you don’t
around the Student Life depart- Montana State. After graduating, laugh some, there’s going to be a
ment. Fox mentioned that Presi- he earned his teaching certification lot of crying.” His positive attitude
dent Scoggins intends on looking and spent a few years as a high has the perseverance to accom-
around the department to see what school teacher. Returning to col- plish much as Vice President of
is and isn’t necessary in Student lege, he gained his Masters degree Student Life.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 4 f e a t u r e s March 23, 2009

Geek Week
of Campus Benefactors: Volk
the Anand Erdenebilieg ty years, recalls “Volk was the
first Hall of Fame in the Colo-
Staff Writer rado School of Mines history. If

Alec Westerman ...Bryce Robbins, Freshman: Engineering Physics Russell Herman “Rut” Volk
had a long and distinguished
career at Mines. He received
I want to name the true Alum-
nus, I would name Rut Volk.”
Kay added, “He had a suc-
Staff Writer
an Engineer of Mines degree cessful repetition in both school
think… I’ve got a Rubik’s cube, What are your plans for after
Do you consider yourself a in 1926 and Master of Science and athletics and he was a
which I guess is pretty typical. college?
geek? (MSc) degree of Mining in 1931. great family man.”
What is the geekiest thing Working for… probably Lock-
Yeah. While an undergraduate, Vok According to the Office of In-
you have done at Mines? heed Martin. [He also commented
Do you think other consider earned 15 varsity letters in foot- stitutional Advancement, “[He]
I read text books… I read every that he would like to get into re-
you a geek? ball, boxing, and wrestling. He gained national recognition as
page. newable energy at some time.]
Yeah, I think others consider was undefeated in boxing and a leader in the petroleum in-
What is the geekiest thing What are your hobbies?
me a geek, especially when they wrestling throughout his four dustry while serving as presi-
you have done in your life? In the Groove. I play guitar.
see me in the cafeteria with my years as an undergraduate. He dent and chairman of the board
I play that DDR game almost Obviously, Rock Band and Guitar
headphones on listening to MIT was also successful outside of of the Plains Exploration Co.,
every day. Hero. I like to run, brush my teeth,
lectures. sports, holding the position of Denver, an independent petro-
Why did you choose to at- and sleep, that just about covers it.
Why headphones, even in sophomore class president and leum production firm which he
tend Mines? If you could take three things
class? Mines delegate to a student founded.” He also was a civil
I like small schools. I’m a really with you to a desert island what
Ever since I got my first mp3 leadership conference in Yugo- activist and was the member
independent type student. I didn’t would they be?
player in eighth grade, I wear them slavia in 1926. on the board of trustees of
want to go out of state either. I’d have a laptop with Verizon
during class. It just helps me focus With all these accolades Colorado Woman’s College, di-
What is your favorite class? broadband. [He then joked about
better. having been received during rector for the United Fund cam-
Modern physics… or advanced having a Wilson volleyball and con-
What is your favorite type of his time at Mines, it’s not sur- paign, advisory board member
mathematics. tinued to list a toothbrush and a
music? prising that he continued to of the Institute of International
dune buggy.]
Classic rock. support the school later in life. Education (Rocky Mountain Of-
If you suddenly
What do you lis- In 1956, he received a Distin- fice), and past president of the
came by one mil-
ten to your music guished Achievement Medal Petroleum Club, where he was
lion dollars what
on? and was awarded an Honor- honored as a “Man of the Year”
would you do with
A Zune. ary Membership in the CSM in 1965 for his contribution to
Why did you Alumni Association in 1965. the construction of the club’s
I’d probably open
choose a Zune over He was a CSM Trustee from building.
my company, a com-
anything else? 1967 until his death in 1973. He Russell “Rut” Volk had two
pany that’s devoted
I got it for ninety was the president of the CSM children. He had a son, Dick,
to alternative en-
dollars on Black Fri- Alumni Association in 1939 who graduated from Mines in
ergy… Give some to
day. and a past director of the CSM 1958, and a daughter Denise.
AIG employees.
Do you prefer Foundation, Inc. Rut Volk con- Source:
What year are
Microsoft or Mac? tributed $6,720 to CSM during *1
- http://www.oia.mines.
Microsoft… I’m his life, and then bequeathed edu/tour/volk/01.htm
just so used to it. I use the School $123,750 after his *2
- Interview with Marvin L.
What classes
Media Center a lot. death. Kay
are you taking?
Is it true that you According to Marvin L. Kay *3 -
Analog Electron-
work on homework (Professor Emeritus, Athletics
cis, Modern Physics,
during class? Development Associate) who cfm?ps_oid=113090&search
Advanced Mathe-
I do that a lot… I has been at the school for for-
matics for Engineers,
try to use my time as Intro into Thermody-
wisely as possible I try namics, Chemistry II,
to get my homework and PA (the running
done the first day it’s one). …I aced both
assigned. of my first Chemis-
Do you have any try II exams… I got
strange talents? a 100% on both of
I play In the them.
Groove. It’s kind of Why Advanced
like DDR… I go to Mathematics for
tournaments and Engineers?
stuff. It was my last al-
What is the ternative; the PDE
geekiest thing you class was just too
own? much for me to han-
I’m not like one of dle given the rest of
those StarTrek type my load. DEIDER BARRICK / OREDIGGER


 Metrorail, Washington, D.C.
 “Give me a lever long
 enough and a fulcrum
 on which to place it, and
 I shall move the world.”
 ~Archimedes
Be a guest bartender!
See bartender for details
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
March 23, 2009 f e a t u r e s Page 5

Ra, Roadrunner, and really fast computers

Ian Littman, Tech Break Columnist

In the basement of the CTLM, entists do their science,” as he put ones primarily pushing to imple- drawback,” said Ganesh, regard- and GPUs is speed. Roadrunner
behind a locked door and inside it. “I have a couple of researchers ment 10 gigabit speeds over that ing use of GPUs in a supercom- derives much of its petaflop-plus
a locked data center cage, lies a that I’m working with... basically fiber once it’s implemented.” By puter, “except you have to cur- performance from Cell processors,
beast. Since this column is Tech trying to get their jobs to run more “that fiber,” Robbert meant the rently… think about programming and many universities are now
Break, the beast in question is Ra, effectively,” he added. Among his joint CDoT/Mines ring that should slightly differently than you’re used augmenting their current x86 (Intel,
a supercomputing cluster devoted duties are putting together work- go online any day now. I wouldn’t to programming in x86. So... when AMD, etc.) systems with GPUs to
to studying various energy-related shops to show potential users say that Ra itself is constrained,” you learn C programming or FOR- drastically increase performance
projects. Ranging from biofuel how to take full advantage of Ra’s he says of the currently-available TRAN or Java, you’re pretty much with relatively low hardware and
work by Mark Nimlos of the Na- processing power and avoiding bandwidth. “Everything that is go- taught to program for CPUs... On space outlay. “One of the reasons
tional Renewable Energy Labora- possible pitfalls like swapfile usage ing to run on Ra is going to run the other hand, if you are to do pro- why people suddenly find GPUs
tory (NREL) to acoustic and elec- that reduce performance on such just as fast, but what’s going to gramming [with] GPUs... you have very fast [is] because they’re really
tromagnetic scattering simulations a system by a factor of ten. If the change if we can get 10 gigabit to get into the [GPU] frame of mind. coding a lot in parallel computing
spanning 320 cores on a few doz- system is used ideally, with routing is in the way that we can share Programming used to be very dif- [with] a lot of things to work on...
en nodes, the system’s 2144 pro- storage over multi-gigabyte-per- data with scientists off-campus.” ficult for GPUs some years back.” you put in a little bit [of] effort, and
cessing cores, pumping out be- second Infiniband links, processes Robbert also responded on the With nVidia’s new CUDA program- suddenly, you see that your same
tween 17 and 23 teraflops (trillion move along at a good clip whether subject of upgrading Ra, which ming language, which is based on code is running ten times faster,”
floating point operations per sec- the cores are dealing with carbon has already fallen to 285 on the C, GPU programming is a lot easi- says Ganesh of GPUs, which now
ond), keep quite busy. Stepping sequestration, enzyme studies, or TOP500 supercomputer list. “As er than hardcoding the GPU, but it sport as many as 240 processors
into the miniature data center that ways of converting solar energy far as adding additional nodes, still remains nonstandard and even apiece. nVidia’s Tesla system, ef-
houses Mines’s servers, Ra among and water into hydrogen fuel. “The even adding additional memory proprietary. “Everybody has their fectively a superclocked graphics
them, is quite literally a chilling ex- machine is primarily here... to do or faster processors, we’re really own way, and you have to get into card with four gigabytes of mem-
perience, due to the high-capacity energy research,” Kaiser stated. limited by the power and cooling their shell to program,” Ganesh ory and no video out, can deliver
air conditioning units required to Kaiser, on the other hand, is there in the data center right now. We’re explained. “On the other hand, close to a teraflop per card.
keep the cluster running at maxi- to keep scientists’ code running really pushing the limits of that [with a] CPU, it doesn’t matter Granted, these special-pur-
mum speed. Unless you’re on the smoothly on the systems, avoid- right now, so there’s not much who you get it from [or] where you pose processors aren’t great at
“hot row,” where a voluminous ing rather deadly memory leaks room to expand... over the years, get it from. You program it once, everything; currently GPUs are 32-
cloud of hot air pours through the and, if possible, swapfile usage, we’ll probably have minor things and it runs forever.” Since Ra has bit processor clusters-on-a-card,
grating of the Dell racks in which which pushes tasks normally re- here and there that we’ll possibly to cater to the scientists working meaning that four GB of memory
Ra is housed along with the req- served for memory into hard disk tweak its capabilities, but nothing on it, currently CPUs are the best is the absolute maximum they can
uisite networking and tape backup space, which is orders of magni- major,” Robbert stated. “At this option from a programming stand- address. This makes them unus-
systems to connect and protect tude slower. point, our next major push is go- point. “We’ve got some of our able for applications involving large
the two-million-dollar rig. In all, around 70 users are active ing to be for whatever the next big scientists writing their own code,” data sets. But what they do, they
The tour guide, Director of High on the system, using around 16% machine that will replace Ra, and says Robbert of the situation. “But do very well, provided a scientist
Performance Computing Services of the 300 TB storage array as of along with that is going to be fig- we’ve also got a lot of scientists or software firm knows how to
Tim Kaiser, noted at the far end of a few weeks ago. One of the more uring out what new data center is that use general purpose code program for the system. “It’ll be in-
the racks that a few of the com- notable projects featured in this going to house that.” that they have no idea how to write teresting to see what will happen,
pute nodes, specifically two of month’s Golden Energy Comput- The “next big machine” ar- the code for it. All they know how but my feeling is that the best way
the handful of quad-socket, dual- ing Organization (GECO) newslet- chitecture was discussed in the to do is put together different ex- to proceed is to have a hybrid of
processor servers (the other 256, ter is by Matt Walsh studying Gas greatest detail by Ganesh, who periments using this code that has CPUs, GPUs, and Cell and pro-
out of 268, nodes use quad-core, Hydrate formation. “Gas hydrates compared Cell processors (used in been parallelized and completely gram in such a way you’re passing
dual-socket processors) had been are solid ice-like compounds in PlayStation 3 consoles) and GPUs written by some third party... un- the mathematically intensive oper-
replaced. The telltale sign: different which gas molecules, such as (and their computing-focused til those types of applications get ations such as [Fast Fourier Trans-
faceplates on the otherwise-identi- methane and ethane, are trapped brethren, such as nVidia’s Tesla ported to Cell or GPUs, we prob- forms] to Cells and GPUs, and the
cal gear. The reason: those nodes in hydrogen-bonded water cages series) to the typical arrangement ably won’t be using those, at rest of the operations to CPUs,”
had gone down a few days before (resembling microscopic soccer of CPUs used for processing su- least not as our primary platform.” Ganesh said of this synergy. “That
due to the intersection between balls)... in spite of its industrial sig- percomputing tasks. “There is no The advantage of Cell processors is what’s done in Los Alamos.”
heavy load and garden-variety sta- nificance, the molecular mecha-
tistics, and thus, were swapped nism of hydrate nucleation has
out by Dell, Ra’s manufacturer, for remained intractable to research-
working systems. Regarding Dell, ers because its physics are gov-
they’re not particularly known for erned by a disorder-to-order ‘rare
high performance computing ini-
tiatives, but they offered the right
event’ phase transition... Before
this research, no ‘Top-300’ super-
Graduate Studies in
number of flops at the right time
at the right price, and Mines took
computer had been used to simu-
late the process...[h]owever, the
Engineering and
the offer. Of the deal, Mahadevan
Ganesh, one of the chief propo-
formidable computing power of
‘Ra’ has already allowed the CSM
Technology Management
nents and users of the system (the Chemical Engineering department
only user with 320 cores working to simulate the nucleation of hy- Division of Economics and Business
in tandem on a single process) drates by “brute-force” molecular
says, “Dell came up with a great dynamics techniques,” the news-
offer, saying that ‘We’ll give you letter project description states. As
so many flops…’ [for much less] this article is being written, Walsh

The Best
than Sun was offering.” Mines was has 33 jobs running on Ra, totaling
Enhance your technical undergraduate degree with a Master of
also in talks with IBM, another ma- a whopping 792-2.6 GHz cores in Science in Engineering and Technology Management (ETM).
jor supercomputer manufacturer, use for the project. A growing number of working engineers and scientists have
but ended up taking the Dell deal.
A few circumstances arose from
the decision to buy Dell. First was
Each of the 99 nodes on-task
is grabbing 6.5 KB/s of band-
width from the Mines network.
of Both taken advantage of this unique graduate program.
• Learn business problem-solving techniques

the choice of Intel processors over Hardly anything per node, to be • Enhance your leadership skills
AMD’s new offerings, upon which sure, but in aggregate, the proj- • Develop a managerial perspective
the world’s fastest supercomputer, ect overall is grabbing about five • Integrate your technical and business skills
Roadrunner (in Los Alamos Na- megabits of bandwidth, nonstop, • Greatly increase your career opportunities
tional Laboratory) is partly based. on the download side and about
The Intel parts were more read- 100 kilobits on the upload. That’s
ily available, as AMD’s chips had not a ton, but the overall network Join us for an Information Session and Reception to learn
a few more pressing customers transfer on Ra stays around fifteen about the benefits of the ETM Program and to meet the ETM
Join us

(among them, “Ranger,” a top- megabits per second, twenty-four

ten supercomputer located at hours a day, even when the Mines faculty, students, and alumni.
UT-Austin). Somewhat less pivotal network gets congested. At times,
Monday, March 30th at 6:00 p.m.
was the operating system choice: the gigabit network uplink on the
ROCKS, a clustered overlay on system is utilized a bit more as Ben Parker Student Center – Ballroom C
RedHat Enterprise Linux, Dell’s someone on-campus downloads 1600 Maple Street, Golden
Linux of choice. Why Linux? “It’s their data set. Yet, for archival and
not possible to get... big clusters remote data set purposes, Ra re- ~ Refreshments will be served ~
with the Windows operating sys- ally needs a higher-bandwidth
tem [for scientific purposes],” says connection. That’s why, according Please RSVP by March 25th to
Ganesh. to Michael Robbert, system ad-
A talk with Tim Kaiser served to ministrator for the cluster, “Those
provide a snapshot of how Ra is
put to use. His job is to “help sci-
of us in the GECO team, ...and
some of the scientists, are the http:// e t m . m i n e s. e d u
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 6 a s c s m e l e c t i o n s March 23, 2009 a s c s m e l e c t i o n s Page 7

President Board of Trustees

Jaime Thorpe
Hometown: Kingwood, TX
Current Class: Junior
Meet the candidates Representative
Department: Chemical Engineering Damian Illing
Other Candidates
Campus Activities: ASCSM (2006 – present), Theta Tau Profes-
sional Engineering Fraternity (Currently re-starting a chapter at CSM), Hometown: Broomfield, CO
McBride Honors Program (2006 – present), Sigma Kappa Sorority Current Class: Junior/Senior
(2007 – present), SWE (2006 – present), AIChE (2007 – present) Department: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (B.S.), Economics and
Why are you running for this position? Business (M.S. in ETM)
I am running for ASCSM President because I want to deliver to the At Large Community Senior Class President Junior Class President Sophomore President Campus Activities: ASCSM Senior Class Representative, Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key,
student body the accountability it deserves. As students, we are the Sharif Jawad Sara Post Keith Stevens Josh Dickerson McBride, Pre-Med Society, Men’s Lacrosse
customers of this school, and we must demand that our voices are Ben Seling Why are you running for this position?
heard by the faculty, staff, and administration. I will strive to establish Senior Class Treasurer I am running for this position because I understand how important open, effective,
a strong working relationship with these parties to ensure that this At Large Faculty No Candidates Junior Class Treasurer Sophomore Treasurer and consistent lines of communication are between ASCSM and the school’s admin-
will happen. Rambert Nahm Ian Littman Zach Boerner istration. I want to personally ensure that these lines of communication remain open
Detail any other offices or positions that you have held on Senior Class Senator Nathan Jorgensen and the relationship between ASCSM and the Board of Trustees remains strong. My
campus. Keith Roman experience in ASCSM will make me a great intermediary between the student body
During my freshman and sophomore years, I served as ASCSM At Large University Marilou Canon Junior Class Senator Sophomore Senator and the Board of Trustees, and a strong voice for the students, guaranteeing that the
class treasurer. I was then appointed ASCSM Treasurer for the 2008- Alec Westerman Justin Tappan Mona Finchum needs of the student body are heard during board meetings.
09 year, during which I have worked diligently building relationships with many student organizations. I also serve as a Daniel Haughey Russell Quick Detail any other offices or positions that you have held on campus:
class representative for McBride, reconciling conflicts between my peers and the administration. Additionally, I serve Over the past year, I have served as an ASCSM senior class representative. My
duties have included participating in ASCSM meetings, organizing class events, and

Vice President
as President of Theta Tau, an organization we are striving to renew at Mines after an approximately 30 year hiatus.
What makes you a standout person for this job? preparing for Senior Bus. For the past three and a half years, I have also served as
I have worked diligently since coming to Mines to represent my classmates through my various leadership positions a class of 2009 McBride Student Representative. In this position I have been the
by promoting honesty, ethics, and transparency in government. I am the best candidate for the position because I am intermediary between the McBride administration and my classmates, have helped
the only candidate who has served on the Executive Council of ASCSM. This gives me greater insight into the role that reorganize the freshman schedule, and have started a freshman-senior mentoring program.
the president plays, and more experience in dealing with issues that the Executive Council handles. What makes you a standout person for this job?
What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the upcoming year? My experiences in ASCSM, McBride, and other organizations have given me the opportunity to understand how to work
In the upcoming year, I want to see ASCSM develop a stronger relationship with both the campus and the com-
munity. In order to do this, accountability to the students must be our foremost priority. The student government exists
Ashley Young with many different groups of people, and have made me an effective liaison between several different bodies. My involvement
in a variety of groups across campus will allow me to ensure the student body’s collective voice is heard. I would be a strong
to serve the needs of the students, from parking tickets to grading systems. My goal is that the students at-large will Hometown: Loveland, CO voice for the student body on the Board of Trustees, and would ensure that the student’s needs are heard.
guide the course of their governing body and experience the purest form of democracy possible. Current Class: Junior What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the upcoming year?
Department: Chemical Engineering I believe that one of the most important things ASCSM should strive for in the upcoming year is to further improve the
Brian Pal Campus Activities: Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, In-
terVarsity Christian Fellowship, Band, Blue Key, American Institute of
avenues of communication, not just between ASCSM and the school’s administration, but, more importantly, between the
administration and the student body as a whole. Additionally, I would like to see the implementation of new, beneficial ap-
Hometown: Lopez Island, WA Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Kappa Kappa Psi (Honorary Band Orga- plications for the intermodal transportation fee and the capital construction fee.
Current Class: Junior nization), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Student Ambassador,
Department: Engineering, Mechanical Specialty

Candidates debate at ASCSM

McBride Honors Program
Campus Activities: Cycling Club, Libertarian Club Why are you running for this position?
Why are you running for this position? It is my inherent belief that by serving as Student Body Vice President,
I believe that ASCSM’s role should be expanded to take a much I can affect change on the Mines campus. It was Mahatma Gandhi who
more active role in working with campus organizations that may once said that “you must be the change you want to see in the world.”
frustrate students on a daily basis. Public safety, Aramark, and the I want to rise to that challenge by listening to and representing the stu-
registrar’s office are just a few examples of organizations that should CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 In response to a question, asked giving back to the Mines community the Mines community. Jaime Thorpe
dents’ views—your views—in a responsible, ethical, and honest manner. by current Sophomore Class Rep- in accord with the money given them mentioned her ongoing relationship
be changed in order to better serve the students who pay for their Detail any other offices or positions that you have held on
services. Student questions, and the re- resentative Justin Tappan, Young in the Student Activities budget. with the Board of Student Organiza-
campus. stated that she would be stepping Jaime Thorpe started her plat- tions and her work on the proposed
Detail any other offices or positions that you have held on sulting debate, mainly consisted of
Currently I serve as Recording Secretary and Activities Chair for Tau down her in- form speech tier system to make it a win-win for
campus. questions regarding public safety,
Beta Pi, Service/Newsletter Officer for AIChE, and Secretary for Kappa volvement in Truong stressed that this case with her quali- all student organizations.
Administrator of the Ran-Duece Facebook group. due to the Student Body Vice Presi-
Kappa Psi. I am also a leader in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and various cam- fications: as One of the final questions was
What makes you a standout person for this job? dent’s additional position as chair of
I’m not interested in a popularity contest or another line on my
am a section leader in Band.
the Public Safety Committee. pus groups in was a good example of unfore- current Stu- posed in absentia by Zach Aman.
What makes you a standout person for this job?
resume. I am going to run a zero-bullshit campaign and if elected The first concern, voiced by order to better dent Body The premise was that Mines had
It would be an honor and privilege to serve as your Vice President. A consistent attendee and frequent
Junior Class Representative Marilou fulfill her role
seen circumstances that might Treasurer, she decided to scrap the Friday E-
I will work to provide changes that will have a real impact on every public forum speaker at ASCSM meetings, I have a solid understanding of ASCSM’s practical functions. More of Student
student at Mines. importantly, I am dedicated to increasing student body participation in ASCSM to ensure all students’ voices the
Canon, focused on poor lighting on
Body Vice
be faced by the Student Body has overseen
the flow of
Days holiday, replacing it with a full
complement of classes, quizzes,
What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the next year? some parts of the Mines campus.
opportunity to be heard.
If elected, I will: Both candidates replied that they President, if President in the next year $600,000 per and tests. This hypothetical ques-
What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the upcoming year?
Work with public safety to create an accountability system in order to improve relations between officers and students would take necessary measures elected. year. Her main tion addressed how the Student
ASCSM should work to improve communication between itself and the student body by publishing surveys The final debate was between points included assisting clubs so Body President would react to such
Work with student life to revamp or replace the Aramark contract when it comes up for renewal in 2010. and contact the appropriate parties
and hosting more events to collect feedback from concerned students. Campus parking tickets can and should the three Student Body President that they may grow, additionally not- a move.
Work with the registrar’s office to improve and streamline operations. to solve this problem.
be decreased by working with Public Safety to develop updated campus parking signs and easy-to-read maps. candidates: Brian Pal, current Stu- ing that ASCSM should be placed Thorpe and Truong dismissed
Expand ASCSM’s role to include voting seats on every board on campus. Bristow mentioned going to the
In conjunction with Student Activities and other fee-collecting entities on campus, ASCSM should work to publish dent Body Treasurer Jaime Thorpe, more extensively in the public eye, to the scenario as highly unlikely, given
City of Golden, if necessary, while
a comprehensive brochure detailing how each student fee is used every year. and current Sophomore Class show that the student government that so many E-Days events take
Lisa Truong
Young focused on disseminating
surveys via The Oredigger or oth- President Lisa Truong. group has a real impact on the Mines place on that day, but stated that

Hometown: Grand Junction, CO John Bristow erwise to find out what students
wanted in this arena.
Truong focused on student
outreach, calling for increased of-
S e v e r a l Pal also announced his inten- go directly
they would

Current class: Sophomore fice hours, participation on part of questions to the Mines
Hometown: Golden, CO The remaining public safety
Department: Engineering, Civil Specialty officers as well as students, and were posed tions of rechecking all campus administra-
Current class: Sophomore questions focused on the problem
Why are you running for this position? encouraging use of online resources by the audi- tion to voice
Department: Geological Engineering of blind spots on-campus, which
Over the past year, I have seen first-hand how critical student
Campus activities: Geological Engineering, cost a life last semester, com- to get student input. Truong stated e n c e a n d clubs to see whether they student con-
government can be in shaping policies at the Colorado School of that she wanted to other ASC- cerns.
ASCSM, Phi Gamma Delta, Geology Museum pounded by lack
Mines. I look forward to representing the student body to the faculty,
Why are you running for this position? of parking facilities Truong and Thorpe see more avenues S M m e m - were truly giving back to the Tr u o n g
institution, and community in every facet. I will strive to constantly seek of student govern- bers. Tim stressed that
I have spent the last two years as a class represen- on-campus. Bris-
what is best for students. My experience on ASCSM has inspired me
tative and I feel that I have gained the responsibility to tow and Young
both stated they would ment outreach, in Weilert asked Mines community in accord this case was
to continue working for my peers and keeping my classmates informed
move up and not only help my class but the student agreed that “red like to see more ASCSM addition to ASC- t h e c a n d i - with the money given them in a good ex-
and included in school politics. SM meetings, in- dates to, in ample of un-
body as a whole. zones,” spaces
Detail any other offices or positions that you have held on
Detail any other offices or positions that you where parking is participation cluding meetings ten seconds the Student Activities budget. foreseen cir-
have held on campus. disallowed (near with class presi- or less, state cumstances
Currently, I have the great privilege of being Sophomore Class dents and professional societies. their most extreme goal for the up- that might be faced by the Student
I currently work as a veteran student aide at the corners), would likely be needed,
President. As president, I have aided in organizing class events, es- Pal, whose primary leadership coming year, were they to be elected Body President in the next year, not
geology museum. In my fraternity, I have helped out stating that safety should trump
tablishing Office Hour Forums, and choosing the Class of 2011 t-shirt. experience has been in industry, as Student Body President. Truong too far removed from the recent
with the social activities recently. parking congestion concerns.
Furthermore, I have listened to my peers during the plus/minus grading
What makes you a standout person for this Both candidates suggested presiding over a small team of and Thorpe both stated they would Plus-Minus grading controversy.
system debate, opened lines of communication between the Class of construction workers on $50,000 like to see more ASCSM participa- Pal took a harder line, stating that
job? reworking reserved lot policies
2011 & the Sophomore Officers, and co-authored ASCSM resolutions. projects, was the most specific tion, with Truong’s goal being an he would organize a student strike
I feel that I have a unique dedication to the students to counteract the loss of avail-
Additionally, I am the secretary for PASES and AGC, and a representative for McBride. with his promises, endeavoring to attendance of 100 students at an to get the holiday back. “They can’t
of the Colorado School of Mines and I know if I were able parking. Additionally, Bristow
What makes you a standout person for this job? fix such areas as Brown Building ASCSM meeting. Pal responded fail everyone, right?” he pondered,
to fill this position that I would continue my role of trying to get the student’s voices heard not only in the school championed clarification of parking
ASCSM has become a high priority for me due to the issues that I have encountered over the past two years.
but in the Golden community. signage to better inform students classrooms, food services, and that his goal was to improve stu- though others in the room seemed
Recently, I have worked intimately on many issues concerning my peers, including co-authoring an ASCSM resolutions other areas of student complaint. dents’ quality of living. uneasy as to the real answer to this
What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the upcoming year? of where they may or may not park.
to increase the student representatives at Faculty Senate. I feel that with my experience in ASCSM, my varied campus Truong had also discussed over- Another major question was question.
I would love to see ASCSM address the parking and safety issues on campus and help direct public safety Young, on the other hand, sug-
involvement, and my dedication to the student body, I am highly-qualified to serve ASCSM as president. sight on the use of the Capital that of club relations. All agreed The forum concluded with clos-
in a way that makes the students more comfortable with them. gested a rewrite of current Mines
What would you like to see ASCSM accomplish in the upcoming year? Construction Fee, which would that clubs are an important part of ing remarks from the presidential
parking maps, stating that the cur-
Student government was created to represent the student body. In the upcoming year, I hope to increase student make such building improvements Mines life, though Brian Pal again candidates and Kevin Duffy’s state-
The candidates’ statements were transcribed directly from written submissions with- rent maps are confusing and that
interaction with ASCSM. By improving dialogue, I hope to tackle issues that concern all students. Some of these
out changes to maintain objectivity. The views expressed above are solely those of the a more modern map with clearly possible. Pal also announced his discussed his concerns as to how ment that, no matter who wins the
matters include concerns with public safety, improving transportation options, and keeping students at the forefront intentions of rechecking all campus much funding clubs were getting elections, he felt student govern-
candidates. The Oredigger abstains from endorsing or supporting any of the candidates. delineated parking areas, would
of capital construction. No topic is too big or too small for ASCSM. clubs to see whether they were truly versus their contribution back to ment would be led well.
be ideal.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 8 l i f e s t y l e March 23, 2009

Music Review: Hold Time, M. Ward

Tim Weilert
best. Simple layers of strings and
piano accompany ethereal vocals
Beer Review: Hitachino Nest Red Ale
Content Manager and provide a strong support for
spices and fruity odors to match rice just kills the beer and sim-
Akira Rattenbury the rich yeasty flavors. Behind ply takes up space typically re-
Introduction: the deep lyrics. “You were beyond Staff Writer the overpowering olive smell, served for more powerful flavors.
Imagine you’re asleep. You’re comprehension tonight, but I under- Japanese beer is dry. this brew has just a mild tart and I think it adds a balance and a
dreaming. The world floats around stood.” “Jailbird” is another strong This is as bad a stereotype as yeastiness reminiscent of the smoother mouthfeel which hides
you in bathed in bright colors and track with a straightforward pop- saying all Japanese people are Saison Dupont featured a few the higher alcohol content.
warm sounds. You hear a voice, it is sensibility and catchy lyrics. terrible drivers and love karaoke. weeks ago. Fellow samplers were full of
drenched in reverb. Now wake up. Forgettable Song: On the contrary, exceptions to It has a heavier flavor than compliments about the taste.
This experience is not something of “Oh, Lonesome Me,” a Don these cardinal cultural rules ex- typical Japanese beer. Then “It reminds me of Asian flowers
the surreal, but is an accurate de- Gibson cover featuring Lucinda ist. You just have to dig deeper again, it is not just another ste- and gingerberries.” Asked what
scription of M. Ward’s newest work Williams, is by far the black sheep to find them. reotypical cheap lager. It also Asian flowers or gingerberries
Hold Time. of the record. The track starts out Enter Hitachino Nest Red Ale. has a milder essence and sub- tasted like, my fellow sampler
Oftentimes a collaborator rather alright, but soon Williams’s raspy The name is a testament to Jap- dued pungency compared to shrugged, “I don’t know. That’s
than a solo musician, Ward has vocals take over. Her delivery is so anese inventiveness. I have no other Belgian Strong Ales like just what I imagine it is.”
worked with some of today’s most odd and out of place on the smooth idea why it is a “Nest Red Ale” or Duvel. The mild taste matches “Makes you want to hop right
prominent indie bands, including track that it sounds like she’s re- what that means. I do know that the mild smell minus the olives. under a dragon. It’s delicious,”
everyone from Bright Eyes and My covering from a bad head cold, not at 7% ABV in a bomber just a First sip is well-carbonated said sampler Alex Brown. “It has
Morning Jacket to Rilo Kiley’s Jenny singing. bit bigger than a pint, this beer and smooth. The ale leaves just a lot of flavor for an Asian beer.”
Lewis. Ward has added his mellow Final Thoughts: can bring out the couch-nester a slight tingle and
sound to more than a few projects This is a country record for those in you after a long day at school. some sourness with
of note within recent years. In 2008, who do not like country music. Do I picked this one up in the a mildly astringent
Ward worked with singer/actress not expect to hear Garth Brooks, or special section at Golden Town mouthfeel. I sense
Zooey Deschanel on a critically ac- even Johnny Cash, but think Sam Liquors for a staggering $12. the potent yeasts,
claimed project known as She & Cooke meets Elvis meets Bright But like a sugar-hungry child hops and typical
Him: Volume One. Eyes. Ward’s simple country/gos- staring into the eyes of cartoon flavors are paired
Memorable Song: pel/indie sound is mellow enough to characters on cereal boxes, I down and seem al-
“Hold Time,” the title track of relax listeners, yet catchy enough to knew the goofy little owl on the most gift wrapped
the album, showcases Ward at his garner repeated listening. bottle was a keeper. for later enjoyment.
The dark green bottle pours It lacks a strong al-
a slight amber-tinted ale with the coholic taste and its
usual yeast-laden translucence mild flavor lingers
and yellow/orange hue indica- with a feeling like a
tive of the style. A thick, creamy bland stickiness…
white head stands prominently just like rice.
on top reminding me of an up- Somehow the
side-down cooked egg. infusion of red rice
My first sniff detects some- gives this quirky
thing odd immediately. A sec- beer a smoothness
ond deeper whiff brings out and also its amber
the truly distinctive smell of a hue. Instead of typi-
freshly opened can of black ol- cal zests and fruits,
ives. None of my fellow imbibers it tastes of a more
agree. subtle floral sweet-
With Belgian Strong Pale ness.
Ales, one expects bountiful Maybe the red

See Movies Benjamin M. Weilert, Staff Writer

The film medium has long been able to represent ideas that are impossible to see in real life. Whether it’s
multiple personalities, the concept of time travel, or the high of illicit drug use, movies have been able to give
an audience a look into a world that they would not otherwise be privy to. Through the use of special effects,
or just plain artistic license, filmmakers can make the intangible tangible. If a movie can make an audience stop
and think, even if it is just for a moment, about the oddities of the psychological world around us, then it could
be considered a mindbender movie. This week’s Must See Movies examine three such movies that push the
envelope of human understanding.

1. Fight Club (1999)
What would you do if you found yourself in a dead-end job, unable to sleep and homeless due to a freak gas
leak? Well, if you’re the Narrator of Fight Club (Edward Norton), you’d make friends with Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt),
a soap salesman who has a rich and colorful history as varied as the jobs he’s had. When they move in together
to an abandoned house, things start getting out of hand. In order to vent out all the pent up rage of being stuck
in a mundane existence, the Narrator and Tyler start Fight Club, an underground battle arena. As the film pro-
gresses, the Fight Club becomes something much larger, and much more resembling a terrorist organization.
Now, what if you were to find out that Tyler wasn’t who you thought he was? In the mind-bending ending to Fight
Club, the frightening reality of the mind’s powers is fully brought to light.

2. Donnie Darko (2001)
Donnie Darko (portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal) is your average 1980’s teenager. Well, average except for a few
abnormalities. First of all, he sees visions of a large, creepy rabbit. Secondly, he narrowly missed being killed by
an errant jumbo jet engine crashing into his bedroom. Also, he knows when the world will end. Perhaps due to
these abnormalities, Donnie commits some pretty impressive crimes that bring the quiet suburbia into an uproar.
At first glance, Donnie Darko seems like an ordinary teenage angst film, but under the surface lies an intriguing
science fiction. “Philosophy of Time Travel” is the name of the book given to Donnie that does a pretty good
job of explaining the intricacies of the impossible. By the end of the film, the world hasn’t ended, but time has
traveled full circle to Donnie’s demise.

3. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

The world of a junkie is an interesting place. Time no longer holds any relevance as everything seems to be
traveling in slow motion or unbearably fast. Requiem for a Dream follows four addicts on their downward spiral
to ruin. The intriguing thing about addictions is that sometimes they aren’t to illegal substances. Even house-
hold activities like watching television are artistically represented in the same way as getting high on cocaine.
However, even if it seems like everything is working out well and nothing could go wrong, consequences lie just
around the dark corner. Requiem for a Dream begins to get intense as the consequences rear their ugly heads.
From prostitution and prison to hospitalization, the results of a life of addiction are painfully obvious at the end of
this film. If ever there’s a film to get people to stop doing drugs, Requiem for a Dream is it.

For Homework – See Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
March 23, 2009 s p o r t s Page 9

Steamed strawberries discovered carefully, peering through the mist; them. Perhaps a gem had been perative. My guidebook reports that, within five minutes of being in
Sarah McMurray my arms slightly out in front. Cloth- overlooked by everyone in this that Strawberry Park employs two the water, I got over my initial fury
Staff Writer ing is optional after dark, and the darkness. So, I made my friends full-time gardeners “and it shows.” that was roused upon entering
I could hear voices, possibly uneven, sandy bottom of the pool stay in the same place so I could Unlike some other hot springs the property after my bumpy ride.
hundreds of voices, but couldn’t was throwing me off-balance. I find them again and made my si- that look more like spas or public Word to the wise: bring a flashlight.
see more than five feet in front of had opted for clothing, but I didn’t lent cruise around the pool. I felt pools, Strawberry Park has tried to There are no lights in the parking
me. It was im- want to tip like some sort of giant, deadly maintain a primitive, natural feel, lot. There are no lights along the
possibly dark. Stars must hate to be seen bodily into water snake, passing groups un- making relaxation its primary fo- path. There are no lights anywhere
I’d never been someone who detected – a couple making out, cus. near the hot
in a place so wanly twinkling through hadn’t. a circle of loud friends who had This incred- Word to the wise: bring a springs or
dark outside Strawber- snuck in a digital camera, people ibly surreal ex- changing tee-
of a cave. The the eternal twilight of the ry Park Hot who were trying to get high but perience is not flashlight. pee (yes, tee-
sky felt a little Springs. It couldn’t keep their weed dry. without a price pee). It’s a zig-
bit like that as it metropolis. was definitely Each emerged from the steam as though. Okay, so the price is only zag branching path down to water
arched above with good I approached and vanished as I ten dollars (ten dollars!). But if you that we couldn’t see, and we took
me; or like one of those restored reason that this place was named passed by. slip off the road in the middle of the wrong turn down an embank-
domed theaters with twinkle light Best Hot Springs in the north- At last, I located steps and winter, you may have to tack on a ment into ankle deep mud.
ceilings, just before the movie west region of Colorado by the crawled up to see over the wall. $500 fine. With our muddy, cold entrance
starts. Only more black, more vast, Colorado’s Best guidebook. The There it was! A pristine, empty Strawberry Park is located behind us and our aqueous solu-
lacking the sticky floors and pop- book names the best of about 45 minutes outside of tion before us, we eventually stum-
corn smell, and with the most bril- everything, from canyons At the entrance to the first pool, Steamboat Springs, with the bled into a pleasant little enclave in
liant array of stars I had ever seen. to cinnamon rolls, within last couple miles of the drive the wall with a built in stone seat at
Stars must hate to be seen a region. I got the book to the water falls in from its source at being dirt road. I use the term just the right depth for neck-deep
wanly twinkling through the eter- aid with my beginner’s ex- ‘road’ very loosely. It was re- submersion. If my pal had been of
nal twilight of the metropolis. Out ploration of my new home a toasty 135°F. It quickly became ally more like a gray Swiss a different gender, it would’ve been
in the remote night of the Rockies, state and haven’t been cheese trail. The percentage the perfect place to snuggle up. As
they’re in their element, stunning. disappointed yet.
overpowering though, and my of the road that was pot- it was, we just had a conversation
I looked intently at them, trying At the entrance to the companions and I wove our way holes was truly astounding. about it and about the fact that we
to catch sight of a shooting star first pool, the water falls in The jerk in the anonymous thought we heard drumming in the
and wondering if I was seeing the from its source at a toasty through the throng to locate an- monster vehicle that drove distance.
cloudiness of the Milky way, or just 135°F. It quickly became up on us and rode our tail When the draw of the drum-
some steam rising. overpowering though, other, more moderate pool. the rest of the way there was ming could no longer be ignored,
The steam rose in bits and bil- and my companions and I also astounding. Could he we poked our little heads up over
lows as it rolled off the water, ob- wove our way through the throng pool was mine for the taking. I not feel the pain that each jolt into the wall. To my utter astonishment,
scuring everything, and then van- to locate another, more moder- didn’t dare fate by asking why it the unavoidable holes brought? not only was the drumming louder,
ishing. In my blindness, I naturally ate pool. I wanted to cling to my had been overlooked. I should Was he not afraid his humungous but two orange, fiery orbs were
felt the need to explore. Coarse leader like a child in a mall, about have. I quickly got in and got out vehicle was going to tumble off the spinning through the steam be-
sand squished under my toes, and to be swept away by a crowd of even quicker. There happen to be narrow road down the sheer side yond. A fire show!
my fingers felt moss growing over Christmas shoppers. I made do only three pools, and that was the of the mountain? I guess not. What more can I say? A fire
the rock walls, but I couldn’t see with a finger on her shoulder so we cold one. ‘Refreshing in summer,’ I It’s a testament to the amaz- show in a warm, wet, steamy, ut-
any of it as I dipped down in the wouldn’t be separated. thought, and snaked my way back ing rejuvenating power of these terly dark and alien environment?
water, allowing only my head to I knew there were more pools, to my friends. natural mineral springs and the It was the best ten dollars I’ve ever
break the surface. I had to tread and I wanted to set out to look for A summer daylight visit is im- entire weird steamy experience spent.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 10 o p i n i o n March 23, 2009

’ s
Tim two ¢ ents
Commenter culture
Tim Weilert published used to take some level
Content Manager of skill: an understanding of writing,

Minds at Mines
the topic of discussion, and a repu-
An open and free exchange of table outlet.
ideas exists mere inches from our Anyone can start a blog, upload
fingertips. Perhaps one of the most a video, post on a message board,
intriguing things about the internet and critique art, science, religion,
is the direct parallels to philosophi- culture, etc. Intellect has died be-
cal reality. Within the last century cause the authority behind such
we’ve seen the rise of post-mod-
ernism, and an underlying driving
expressions is oftentimes not pres-
ent. You don’t need to be educat-
Celebrating springtime
force: relativism. This article is not ed in a particular field to publish an Roby Brost
designed to argue semantics, but opinion, you just need a computer. Staff Writer
instead challenge the status quo. The real tragedy is that almost all
A phenomenon I’m calling “com- opinions (including those that have This past week brought the first day of spring. Normally typified by snowstorms with multiple feet of snow
menter culture” exists because rel- no authoritative backing) are con- and chilly weather, spring in Colorado nonetheless brings up happy memories. This year, there wasn’t a bliz-
ativism and technology have been sidered valid and equal. zard over Spring Break, just beautiful weather. With the outdoors sunny and warm, many students at Colorado
working hand in glove. Fortunately there still exists a di- School of Mines are seizing the opportunity to be outside while the sunshine lasts. These warm days rekindle
Anyone who is familiar with vide between most scientific study happy springtime memories from the past, and fellow students at Mines recount the best parts about spring
YouTube will know what I’m talking and “commenterism” (in the form both past and present.
about when I propose that 99% of scientific, peer-reviewed, jour-
of comments on videos are inane nals.) As an internet user, I have
chatter, often slipping toward pure been guilty of taking advantage
vulgarity. YouTube stands as one of the easy expression of opinion,
example of the “commenter cul- however, as an engineering stu-
ture” that has developed alongside dent, I still believe in authority and
the internet. To have your opinions the need for education.

Cultural Diversities
“Spring is time to go ski A Basin with a keg in my trunk. My fa-
vorite memory of spring is probably playing tennis in high school.”
Dan Williamson and Erik Johnson

Why women should not eat eggs

not to eat eggs at all because hair is
Georges M. Ngonyani
something valuable.
Staff Writer When I went to school, my nutri-
Last week, I attended a class that tion teacher, who was a white British
teaches Mines Students about En- woman, taught that eggs are nutri- “My favorite part about springtime is that it’s the time when all the flowers start
gineering and Sustainable Com- tious and she recommended that popping up. It’s so colorful. It brings back childhood memories of breaking the icicles
munity Development (ESCD). The expecting mothers eat them. I was off of the roof and sucking on them like Popsicles.”
central concern of the discussion confused. I honored my grandfather Mary Snooks
was understanding the community. but I didn’t want to offend my teach-
Professor Jon Leydens invoked and er, too. I remained with that dilemma
guided the discussion and David for more than fifteen years.
Frossard is the Primary instructor of When I was 25-years old, I had a
this class. Jon and David roleplayed private conversation with my grand-
a case that happened in Lesotho. father, Mayokola. I wanted to un-
While Jon role played as an ethnog- derstand more about why women
rapher, David took the role of one of shouldn’t eat eggs. To my surprise,
the richest pastoralists in Lesotho, a he said that there was nothing wrong “My best childhood memory in the spring was field day at elementary school.
country in Southern part of Africa. for women to eat eggs, but the health Everyone knows it was the coolest. The best part of spring now still has to do with
There was a problem Jon sought circumstances forced the elders to school. It’s the time right before we get out for the summer.”
in Lesotho. Cattle were dying, but the make eggs a taboo for women. They Eric Threet
pastoralists didn’t want to sell them understood that eggs were nutritious
to get money. He didn’t know that and that if a pregnant woman eats
for the pastoralists in Lesotho, cattle them, the baby in the womb would
were worth more than money. David, be healthy and grow big. Before the
until the end of the roleplay, remained inception of this taboo, many babies
a lover of cattle rather than money. and mothers died due to delivery
He would rather all of his cattle die complications. There were no hos-
than sell them. After the roleplay, stu- pitals or experts who knew how to
dents gave their ideas on what the increase the way through which the “Spring brings spring football. It’s the perfect time; not too hot, not too
Engineer should do when thinking of baby had to come out. So if the baby cold. My best memory is of my first bike ride. I remember it being in the
starting a project in a particular com- was bigger than the way, death was spring.”
munity. The class agreed that, under- the expected. Ryan Marcellus
standing the community’s valuables As a preventive measure to this
is vital and foremost. problem, they thought that it would
I would like to connect this case be rational if the expecting moth-
to the story of Women and Eggs. ers ate less protein so as to limit the
When I was young, every day growth of the baby in the womb.
after dinner, we would gather at our Eggs were more easily available than
grandfather’s compound to hear sto- other sources of protein. Since hair “The best part about spring is the warm weather. It’s the best
ries. Our grandfather meant to hand was valued, they created a taboo for time to just take a nap on the grass. When I was little, the best part
down our society’s cultural values women not to eat eggs to prevent was being able to plant a garden with my Mom.”
through oral tradition. Through sto- deaths. Sarah Cooper
ries, we would be able to remem- Before my grandfather explained
ber, uphold, and honor our culture. to me this reason, I thought that men
One day, as he finished narrating the were greedy. They wanted the best
story he asked, “What does this story things for themselves and maltreating
teach us?” We all responded in uni- women; of course this was the ar-
son, “Expectant mothers shouldn’t gument of my nutrition teacher. She
eat eggs.” He said, “Very good. So didn’t want to find out why eggs were
when you marry, don’t let your wives a taboo for women. She prejudged
“When I was younger springtime meant teasing the cows on my dirt bike.
eat eggs when they are expecting.” the practice. My call to Engineers who
The best part about spring is when it’s warm. Being able to go biking, be
The answer to us was so obvi- plan to engage in community devel-
outside and of course, slack lines. Fun stuff like that. ”
ous because he told us that if an ex- opment is that your project will only
Timothy O’Rourke
pecting woman eats eggs, then the be sustainable if you take initiatives to
baby will be born without hair on the understand the community you work
head making the head look like an with. “Learn their language before
egg. Beause of this, women decided teaching them your language.”
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
March 23, 2009 s a t i r e Page 11

Hoodies cause emo PETA Problems

Scientists confirm correlation Adam Freeland vironmentally conscious way to con-
Dog Lover trol malaria in Africa without harming
any mosquitoes. Their former efforts
Benjamin M. Weilert for My Chemical Romance. of these subjects, this theorem is with Chemical Engineering interns
PETA (People for the Ethical Treat-
Right to Bare Arms CRYS’s statistical analyst, Dr. Kur- purely hypothetical.”
ment of Animals) has canceled all were thought to be a failure, until now.
tis Griess, says that the data collected Another disturbing statistic of the PETA has sequestered all infor-
planned recruitment dinners at The
Research being conducted at the leaves almost an undeniable correla- emo is its tolerance to the genre of mation about a chemical developed
Colorado School of Mines. They is-
Center for Rationalizing Youth Sub- tion between wearing a hoodie and music referred to as “screamo.” Dr. by Chemical Engineers that had the
sued a written statement on recycled
culture (CRYS) has finally achieved being emo. “Compared to our control Griess explains, “Since most of the capability to eradicate mosquitoes
cotton paper to the AP (Associated
a breakthrough in the explanation set, who wore just normal sweat- hoodie wearers wear their hood up, in any given area with no human
Press) regarding their planned han-
for the subculture in today’s youth shirts, the people who wore hoodies there is a natural barrier to acoustical side effects. The substance was so
dling of what has been called the
known as “emo.” This demograph- tended to exhibit emo behavior even stimulants. In order to overcome this safe that many scientists consumed
‘Mines hates animals’ incident. Un-
ic usually consists of high school after just one instance of wearing a barrier, the music they listen to must spoonfuls of it in demonstrations.
fortunately, no one in the AP cared.
students who are sad all the time, hoodie. In fact, once the hoodie was be louder and more angst filled than We only know of this chemical from
Fortunately, an unpaid intern, with a
cannot see behind their bangs, and removed from the test subjects, they the normal “emo” music provides.” an internal PETA memo in which a
degree from Boulder in Humanities,
listen to Dashboard Confessional. A continued to show evidence of being Music also seems to be the primary board member, presumably an ape,
faxed the Oredigger a copy (You can
large amount of governmental funds emo.” nourishment for the emo. However, stated, “It would be wrong to say that
thank him from 4-11 PM, MTWR @
have been allocated for research to The hoodie correlation was obvi- due to its low nutritional value, mu- the prospect of saving 2,000,000
checkout stand #5 in King Soopers
the cause of the emo. Scientists at ous in the subjects who were no lon- sic does not constitute a healthy people a year is worth killing billions of
in Golden):
CRYS have finally broken the code ger wearing the clothing item, as they daily diet, thereby causing the emo mosquitoes and a few birds. We can
It has come to the attention of
and seem to know what causes a tried to replicate the effect of wearing to be much skinnier than the rest of proudly look at those people and say,
PETA that the Colorado School of
person to become emo: hoodies. a hoodie. Hairstyles of these subjects the obese, general public. ‘You are the bravest of us all.’”
Mines has been and continues to
Lead researcher at CRYS, Dr. tended to be mid-length, with bangs Despite finding the link between Mines has allocated $470,000 in
actively support the abuse of Mules
Drew Meyer, gave this statement that would cover the eyes, replicating the hoodie and the creation of the anticipated economic stimulus grant
in third-world mining operations. The
at a conference, “It’s quite simple, the shadows and darkness produced emo, as of present time, no cure has money to investigate the mule abuse
mules are not properly trained on
really. The hoodie has just enough when a hoodie is worn on the head. been found. Common prescriptions issue. It is widely believed that this
mine evacuation procedure. They
extra weight that is only distributed Long sleeve shirts worn underneath for emo are sunlight, interaction with entire ‘Mines hates animals’ incident
are not even given proper respira-
around the head and neck. This ex- T-shirts were another sign of a post- other people, outdoor activities, and stemmed from a single PETA official
tion protection, as stipulated by the
tra weight causes distortions in the hoodie subject. “Perhaps the long large doses of speed and/or disco who, while looking at an image of
MSHAM (Mining Safety and Health
spine that produces large amounts sleeves of the hoodie are used to music. If you or someone you know Blaster, saw the stick of dynamite.
Administration for Mules) regulation
of pain in the wearer.” Through hide the scars on their arms from ex- may be emo, please consult your As he stood up in shock, he popped
#4. And, worst of all, the mules are
psychological analysis of test sub- tended razor-blade use,” explained family physician and/or Hot Topic his back triggering an LSD flashback.
used to place explosives that their hu-
jects, this pain leads to depression, Dr. Meyer, “However, since we have for a correct diagnosis. During this flashback, he imagined
man counterparts refuse to.
thoughts of suicide, and tolerance been unable to see the bare arms that the mining practices of the past
Until it can be discerned that CSM
no longer teaches or en- centuries were still in place.

Mathematical Geology Spring conference: dorses these practices,

PETA has officially can-

Flatland field trip 191 celed all planned recruit-

ment efforts at CSM. We
Janeen Neri are wrapping up their spring breaks. are not undefined. They’re just wet. encourage all other com-
Mathematical Punologist The students were bused in to Port- Anyone else?” After pausing for a panies who take the time
land International Airport, where beat, he added, “Come, I’ll show to think about our evolu-
The math majors of Mines have they were greeted by 11 chartered you how it can be bounded.” At this, tionarily-challenged friend
just returned from their annual Flat- KM-p13x planes. There were sev- he began leading the group toward to do the same. Together,
land Field Trip, an intercollegiate eral noticeable oohs and aahs at a fenced-off pasture area. we can make a difference.
event for “students so nerdy, they this point. Once everyone had got- The owner of the area, Jim With a downward
have blown-up pictures of Riemann, ten onto the planes, each group got Doyne, proceeded to show the turning economy, the En-
Euler, and Cauchy on their walls” a short history of FFT. “Our name students his orchard of syngulera vironmental Engineering
said event coordinator Dr. Jordan comes from a famous book by Ed- trees, stunted little plants laden with department stands to lose
Campbell. Though FFT has been win Abbott,” explained Dr. Hermann edible fruit. “One o’ these things,” out on 3 internships for
held since 1965, this is the first time Christoffel, one of the tour guides, “I Doyne said, “and you’re looking at their graduating seniors. ADAM FREELAND / OREDIGGER

that The Oredigger has been al- wonder how many of you have read a typical yield fit to fill two pies, aye. PETA had planned to hire “Blaster. A last meal before venturing
lowed to cover it. “We realized we it?” At this point, several hands shot Got to make certain you get them 3 interns to design an en- into the mine.”
were being too insular,” admitted up. Christoffel went on to explain in when you’re setting the contour
Campbell, “and less people were that Flatland: A Romance of Many of your fence, otherwise your land’s
majoring in mathematics because Dimensions, written in 1884 as a worth nothing.” The mathematics
they didn’t get to see this – we used social satire, is now known for the students were taking rapid notes by
to restrict FFT to juniors and above way that it makes the reader able to this point.
majoring in theoretical mathemat- grasp the experience of one, two, After they were finished exploring
ics only, but we’ve definitely been and even four-dimensional space. the orchard, Christoffel led the group
loosening the requirements. Twenty “We will not be traveling to Flatland, to a flat plain, where they formed a
years ago, you had no hope of com- I’m afraid,” Christoffel remarked, ring and did some group algebra
ing if you were a Mines student; now “but we hope that our field trip will problems before heading to bed.
at least we let the Computationals be just as eye-opening.” The next morning, the students
come… still a bit leery about the Seven hours later, the planes were given a tour of the Center for
Stats.” touched down on a small island in Mathematical Biology. The building
The two-day conference began the Pleiss Sea. When asked where, was filled with stacks and stacks of
last Friday, when most universities precisely, we were, Christoffel re- square and rectangular Petri dishes.
sponded mysteriously “it won’t In each dish were neat rows and
be on your map, but it has been columns of tiny organisms, “which
mapped.” Most of the students display interesting interactions, even
nodded in understanding as they transformations, when brought
unbuckled their seatbelts and re- near other colonies,” Christoffel ex-
trieved their luggage. plained. After several demonstra-
The landscape outside was tions with different sizes and shapes
fairly ordinary, something which of colonies, the students were al-
confused some of the students. lowed a few hours to experiment
“Wait, how is it possible that there before it was time to head back to
are hills, but you don’t have issues the planes.
with infinite cliffs?” asked Mines As the students got off the KM-
sophomore Mary Rudin. “Well,” p13x planes and back into their
Christoffel replied, “does anyone buses, Campbell reminded them to
ADAM FREELAND / OREDIGGER have any ideas?” One student “be sure to come back next year!
“Flatland. The Center for called out “Because it’s undefined If our shuttle construction stays on
Mathematical Biology and a past the coast?” Christoffel shook schedule, we’ll be visiting Euclidean
syngulera tree.” his head. “No, negative values planets in FFT 193!”

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 12 a d v e r t i s e m e n t s March 23, 2009

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w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t

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