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1. List 3 examples from the Quran and Hadith that mention the moon. 1. The Hadith says, fast at the moons sighting, and terminate the fast at its sighting 2. The Quran says, And he has subjected you to the night and the day, and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by his command. 3. The Quran says, It is He who made the sun a shining and the moon as light and measured out stages that you might know the number of years and reckoning. 2. Name 3 effects the moon has on the earth, and/or animal and human life of the planet. The moon affects humans moods in a way that when the moon is waxing people seem to have higher emotions and when the moon is waning people are more depressed. The moon also affects fertility and delivery dates around the first or second day after new moon. Animals are also affected by the new moon here there is a higher physical activity, sexual activity, and aggression. The moon affects the earth and water supplies, as the movement of the moon affects the rise and fall of the tides.. 3. When is the best time to perform a detoxification of the body according to the lunar wisdom? The day of the new moon the bodys capacity for detox is at its highest. 4. When is the best time to plant seeds according to lunar wisdom?

Seeds sown and crops planted during full moon can easily absorb water. The tides are rising at that time. 5. Which philosopher was Avicenna associated with? Aristotle 6. How many books are in the Canon of Medicine and what are their names? There are 5 books. Book 1 is about human temperaments and anatomy and physiology. Book 2 is the material medica. Book 3 is covers the function and disease of each organ. Book 4 covers the diseases that affect the whole body like fevers. Book 5 covers compound drugs. 7. How is neurosurgery performed in Avicennas time? What drugs and technique were used? The neurosurgery was very modern based 8. What does Avicenna feel is the most important think to know when healing a patient? the body and mind worked together 9. What are the causes of disease the Avicenna lists? 1. Material 2. Elements 3. Humors 4. Variability of humors 5. Temperaments 6. Psychic faculties 7. Vital force 8. Organs

9. Efficient 10. Formal 11. Vital faculties 10. In what way does Avicenna say that man and animal differ? Man has a perceiving, intellectual reality called the rational soul, which has two powers, one practical the other knowing. The practical power deals with the body and the knowing power deals with the Holy. 11. How does Avicenna define intuition? Do you think he believes in using it in healing a patient? Intuition is a mental act of conjunction with the active intellect. 12. How does Avicenna compare the understanding of a dream to the understanding of being awake? When someone is sleeping, first understands and then imagines because the Agent Intellect infuses intellect things into the intellect then infuses them into the imagination. When someone is awake they first imagine then understand it. 13. What is Avicennas definition of Medicine? Medicine it the science by which we learn the various states of the human body in health and when not in health, and the means by which health is likely lost, and when lost , is likely to be restored. 14. What are the four causes of disease according to Avicenna? Material, efficient, formal and final 15. At what time of day do the various humors rule according to Avicenna?

Sanguineous humor rule from 3 am to 9 am. Bilious humor rule from 9 am to 3 pm. Phlegm humor rule from 3 pm to 9 pm. Atrabilious humor rule from 9 pm to 3 am. 16. How does Avicenna divide the organs of the body? Does he follow modern system of the Digestive System, Nervous System ect? The two types are Simple organs which are the homogenous parts such as flesh, bones and nerves and compound organs which are hands and face. The organs are divided into four. Hot organs consist of the vital force- blood, tissues of the heart, liver, flesh, muscle, spleen, kidneys, breasts, testicles, muscular coats of arteries, veins, and skin of the palm. Cold organs consist of the phlegm-tissues such as hair, bones, cartilage, ligaments, serous membranes, nerves, spinal cord, brain, solid and liquid fats and skin. Moist organs consist of phlegm-blood, and tissues such as sold and liquid fats, brain, spinal cord, breast, testicles, lungs, liver spleen, kidneys, muscles and skin. Dry organs consist of tissues such as hair, bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, membranes, arteries, veins, motor nerves, heart, sensory nerves, ands skin. 17. Chinese Medicine refers to the force called the Chi. What do you think Avicenna would have called this Vital Force? He would have called it the Spirit.

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