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June 5th to 8th 2009

1. Welcome to Guatemala
2. General Information
3. Congress Venue
4. Delegate Fees
5. Visa Information
6. Vaccinations
Guatemala is a unique country, not only known
for the extraordinary beauty of its countryside, but
also for the vibrant soul and character of our
people. Its privileged location, right in the middle of
the American continent, makes it an important
commercial as well as tourist center.

A little over 108,000 sq. km. (about the size of

Tennessee and a little larger than Portugal),
Guatemala is divided into 22 departments which
are home to a population of approximately 12
million people. There is an exquisite cultural mix of
22 Maya ethnic groups, ladinos, garifunas and
xincas. Although the official language is Spanish,
there are 23 other languages in use.

A hot coastal climate is perfectly balanced with a

temperate climate in the highlands, in such a way
that Guatemala is known as the “Land of Eternal
Spring”.Guatemala is a country of contrasts,
emotion and adventure. Tourist attractions and
beautiful landscapes seem to lurk around every

The natural and cultural treasures of the country

are even further enhanced by the well known
warmth of Guatemalans, making our country the
ultimate destination.
Name: Republic of Guatemala

Native Name: Coactemalan (Land of forests)

Location: Guatemala is located south of Mexico,

west of Honduras and El Salvador, right in the
center of the American Continent

Population: 11,237,196 habitants. In Guatemala

there are 22 Mayan Ethnic groups jointly with
Ladinos (a mixture that was originated from the
Maya and Spanish), a community of Garifunas and
a community Xincas.

Political Division: Guatemala is divided in 22


Weather: Warm in the coastal areas and valleys

and temperate in the elevate plains.

Currency: Quetzal, US Dollars and major credit

cards are accepted in the majority of
establishments. You can change Euros at banks.

Exchange rate: 1 dollar = Q.8.20 Quetzals. (This

rate changes every day)

More information:


CONGA (Congress for

Growing AIESECers)
2009 will be held in the
city of Panajachel,
department of Sololá.

Panajachel is considered a must visit for any

national or international tourist. It is located two
hours away from the capital city. The town is one of
many villages around Lake Atitlan, the most
beautiful lake in our country, recently nominated as
one of the world’s seven natural wonders.

The congress
venue, is located
along the shoreline
of Lake Atitlán, in a
location just outside
the town.
Surrounded by
volcanoes and
colorful Mayan villages that can be reached by a
charming boat trip through the lake, the hotel offers
spacious terraces and great sunset views.
The hotel facilities
include 25 guest
rooms with hot water,
a pool, a restaurant,
and beautiful
gardens. It can fit
events up to 100
delegates indoors
and up to 1500
delegates outdoors.
AIESEC Guatemala congresses just keep getting
better and better, this CONGA offers something
never seen in any national congress.
It's not going to be only three days long but four, in
order to increase your @ experience. Applications
will be open to international delegates and facis.

The congress will take place in one of the most

beautiful places on earth, Panajachel. The hotel is
next to the lake’s shore, and has an amazing view
and will be open exclusively to AIESECers.

Applications for delegates and facis will be open on

May 1st and will be closed on May 25th.

The official fee for CONGA is $75.00 or Q615.00.


If you pay between May 1st and 10th you

will get a discount of US$10.00 or Q80.00 (total
fee US$65.00 or Q.535.00).

If you pay between May 11th and 24th you

will get a discount of US$5.00 or Q40.00 (total
fee US$70.00 or Q.575.00)

If you pay between May 25th and June 4th

you will have to pay the official fee, finally if you
cancel the fee the day of the event (June 5th)
you would have to pay US$5.00 or Q40.00
extra (total fee US$80 or Q.655.00).

OBSERVATIONS: The description of the payment

process will be attached to the delegate’s

Please make sure that you read carefully the visa

information, and follow the procedures to get a
tourist visa if you need one.

 Countries in the A category can enter and

remain in the country for a specific period of
time without a visa so long as the visitor's
passport is valid.

 Countries in the B category should apply for a

tourist visa at the Guatemalan embassy in your
country. A fee must be paid, which varies
according to the type of visa requested and the
amount of time the tourist will remain in
Guatemala. The requirements that the
embassy asks for are:

 Valid passport.
 Certified letter that demonstrates economic
 Work certificate
 Two recent photographs, passport size, front
 Proof of return ticket.

 If you are in this category you need to write

an e-mail to Carmen Cano to ask for
your invitation letter to support your
application. This will be sent to you by email
in a range of two days after your request is

 Countries in the C category have to send us an

email to,
because the visa request process has to start
here in Guatemala


“A” Category Exempt Visa
“B” Category Consular Visa
“C” Category Requested Visa

Countries in IGN


No. Country No. Country No. Country
1 Alemania 1 Arabia Saudita 1 Afganistán, Estado
2 Andorra 2 Azerbaiyán 2 Albania
3 Antigua y 3 Belarús, República 3 Angola, República de
Barbuda de (Bielorrusia)
4 Argentina 4 Benín 4 Argelia
5 Australia 5 Bután 5 Armenia
6 Austria 6 Bolivia 6 Bangladesh, República
Popular de
7 Bahamas 7 Burkina Faso 7 Bosnia y Herzegovina,
República de
8 Bahréin 8 Burundi, República 8 Botsuana
9 Barbados 9 Cabo Verde 9 China, República
10 Bélgica 10 Camboya 10 Congo
11 Belice 11 Camerún 11 Congo, República
Democrática del
12 Brasil 12 Chad 12 Corea, República
Popular Democrática de
(Corea del Norte)
13 Brunei- 13 Colombia 13 Cuba
14 Bulgaria 14 Comoras 14 Eritrea (Estado de,
15 Canadá 15 Cote d’Ivoire 15 Etiopía
(Costa de Marfil)
16 Chile 16 Djibouti 16 Ghana
17 China 17 Dominica 17 Haití
República de
18 Chipre 18 Ecuador 18 Indonesia
19 Corea del Sur 19 Egipto, República 19 Irak, República de
(República de) Árabe de,
20 Costa Rica 20 Emiratos Árabes 20 Irán, República Islámica
Unidos del
21 Croacia 21 Fiji 21 Jordania, Reino
Hachemita de
22 Dinamarca 22 Filipinas 22 Laos, República
Democrática Popular de
23 Eslovaquia 23 Gabón 23 Líbano
24 Eslovenia 24 Gambia 24 Liberia
25 España 25 Georgia 25 Libia Popular y
Socialista (Jamahiriya
Árabe Libia)
26 Estados Unidos 26 Granada 26 Malí
de América
27 Estonia 27 Guinea 27 Mongolia
28 Finlandia 28 Guinea Bissau 28 Mozambique
29 Francia 29 Guinea Ecuatorial 29 Nepal
30 Grecia 30 Guyana 30 Nigeria, República
Federal de
31 Hungría 31 India 31 Omán
32 Irlanda 32 Jamaica 32 Pakistán, República
Islámica de
33 Islandia 33 Kazajstán 33 Sierra Leona, República
34 Islas Marshall 34 Kenia 34 Siria, República Árabe
35 Islas Salomón 35 Kirguistán 35 Somalia, República
36 Israel 36 Kiribati 36 Sri Lanka, República
Socialista Democrática
37 Italia 37 Lesotho 37 Sudán, República de
38 Japón 38 Malawi 38 Timor-Leste, República
Democrática Oriental
39 Kuwait 39 Maldivas 39 Vietnam
40 Letonia (Latvia) 40 Marruecos, Reino 40 Yemen
41 Liechtenstein 41 Mauricio
42 Lituania 42 Mauritania
43 Luxemburgo 43 Micronesia
44 Macedonia 44 Moldova, República
de (Moldavia)
45 Madagascar 45 Montenegro,
República de
46 Malasia 46 Myanmar, Unión de
(antes Birmania)
47 Malta 47 Namibia
48 México, 48 Nauru
Estados Unidos
49 Mónaco 49 Níger
50 Noruega 50 Palau
51 Nueva Zelanda 51 Papúa Nueva
52 Panamá 52 Perú
53 Paraguay 53 República
54 Polonia 54 República
55 Portugal 55 Ruanda
56 Qatar 56 Rusia, Federación
57 Reino de los 57 Samoa
Países Bajos
58 Reino Unido de 58 Senegal
Gran Bretaña e
Irlanda del
59 República 59 Serbia, República
Checa de (Antiguamente
Federativa de
60 Rumania 60 Seychelles
61 San Kitts y 61 Suriname
62 San Marino 62 Suazilandia
63 San Vicente y 63 Tailandia
64 Santa Lucía 64 Tanzania,
República Unida de
65 Santa Sede 65 Tayikistán
(Ciudad del
66 Santo Tomé 66 Togo
67 Singapur 67 Tonga
68 Sudáfrica 68 Túnez
69 Suecia 69 Turkmenistán
70 Suiza, 70 Ucrania
71 Trinidad y 71 Uganda
72 Turquía 72 Uzbekistán
73 Tuvalu 73 Zambia
74 Uruguay 74 Zimbabue
75 Vanuatu
76 Venezuela

More information:

An international certificate of vaccination against
yellow fever is compulsory for travelers who,
within three months prior to their arrival in
Guatemala, have visited or been in transit through
any of the following countries: Angola, Benin,
Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central
African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Congo
(Republic of), Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia,
French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea,
Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Kenia, Liberia, Mali,
Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Rwanda,
Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone,
Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Togo,
Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Venezuela. The
vaccine should be taken ten days before your trip,
as that is how long it takes for you to be protected
against the disease.


Hepatitis A: Recommended for all travelers.

Hepatitis B: For travelers who may have intimate

contact with local residents, especially if visiting for
more than 6 months.
OBSERVATIONS: Consult the Guatemalan
Consulate nearest you, or the Guatemalan
Embassy in your country, to explain any doubts and
to obtain any further information concerning
vaccinations in Guatemala.

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