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Deities of the Witches

It is certain that the devils have a profound knowledge of all things. No theologian can interpret the Holy Scriptures better than they can; no lawyer has a more detailed knowledge of testaments, contracts, and actions; no physician or philosopher can better understand the composition of the human body, and the virtues of the heavens, the stars, birds and fishes, trees and herbs, metals and stones. A LIST OF DEITIES BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN WORSHIPPED BY ACCUSED WITCHES DURING THE MIDDLE AGES THROUGH THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Aside from worshipping the Devil, witches were purported to have abased themselves to a bevy of other deities. Many of these goddesses, gods, devils, and demons (the classic horned devil included) were simply familiar deities of antiquity, sometimes given different names. Where an old god was deemed useful by the Church, it was simply converted into a saint. The following did not make it into the Christians' good books: Abonde, Abundia, Aradia, Ashtaroth, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belial, Cernunnos,Diana, Fraw Fenus, Fraw Holt, Fraw Selga, Gulfora, Hecate, Herodias, Holda,Leonard, Lilith, Mephistopheles, Minerva, Perchta, Put Satanachia, Satan, Satia,Venus, Verdelet. Abonde Intrinsically linked with the classical goddess Diana, Abonde also went by the names Abundia, Perchta, and Satia. Abonde led nocturnal hordes of witches through homes and cellars, eating and drinking all they could find. If food and drink were left as offerings, Abonde would bestow prosperity upon the occupants of the home. If nothing was left out for her and her followers, she would deny the denizens of her blessings and protection. The Thesaurus pauperum of 1468 condemned "the idolatrous superstition of those who left food and drink at night in open view for Abundia and Satia, or, as the people said, Fraw Percht and her retinue, hoping thereby to gain abundance and riches." The same practice of offering drink, salt, and food to Perchta, "alias domine Habundie," on certain days had been taken note of and subsequently condemned in 1439 by Thomas Ebendorfer von Haselbach in De decem praeceptis. According to Roman de la Rose, written at the end of the thirteenth century, third born children were obligated to travel with Abonde three times a week to the homes of neighbors. Nothing could stop these people, as they became incorporeal in the company of Abonde. Only their souls would travel as their bodies remained behind immobile. There was a downside to this astral projection: if the body was turned over while the soul was elsewhere, the soul would never return. Bibliography. (Ginzburg 40-42) Abundia: See Abonde, Diana, or Perchta. Aradia A corruption of Herodias, Aradia was identified with Diana. Herodias was directly responsible for the death of John the Baptist. According to C. G. Leland, Aradia was worshipped by Italian witches. Aradia is still worshipped today by some neopagans. Bibliography. (King 25)

Ashtaroth Also known as Astaroth, Ashtaroth was usually depicted as an ugly demon riding a dragon and carrying a viper in his left hand. He was the Treasurer of Hell, and was also the Grand Duke of its western regions. He encouraged sloth and idleness. Ashtaroth was one of two demons prayed to in the Black Masses of Catherine Monvoisin, Madame de Montespan (mistress of Louis XIV), and a 67-year-old priest by the name of Guibourg. (The other demon prayed to was Asmodeus.) In 1678, Nicolas de la Reynie, Louis XIV's Lieutenant-General of Police, arrested these people along with 215 priests, sorcerers, and fortune tellers who had dabbled in black magic. 110 of these people were tried and sentenced. Some were hanged, some were exiled, and some were imprisoned for life. Of Guibourg, La Reynie said: A libertine who has traveled a great deal...and is at present attached to The Church of Saint Marcel. For twenty years he has engaged continually in The practice of poison, sacrilege and every evil business. He has cut the throats and sacrificed uncounted numbers of children on his infernal altar. He has a whom he has had several children, one or two of whom he has sacrificed.... It is no ordinary man who thinks it a natural thing to sacrifice infants by slitting their throats and to say Mass upon the bodies of naked women. It seems quite likely that Madame de Montespan was one of the living altars for Guibourg's masses. In one such mass, "at the moment of the bread and wine a child's throat was cut and its blood drained into the chalice. Simultaneously, a prayer was recited to the demons Ashtaroth and Asmodeus: 'Prince of Love, I beseech you to accept the sacrifice of this child...that the love of the King may be continued...'" Shortly before the arrest of Guibourg and his cohorts, a sorcerous attempt was made upon the life of Louis XIV. An altered consecrated wine was prepared to be slipped into Louis XIV's food. In the wine was dried powdered bats, menstrual blood, semen, and, "to give consistency," flour. Bibliography. (Masello 26) Bibliography. (King 110, 111) Asmodeus Asmodeus was one of the busiest demons. He was not only the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell, but the general spreader of dissipation. On top of that, Asmodeus was the demon of lust, personally responsible for stirring up matrimonial trouble. Maybe it was because he came from the original dysfunctional family. According to Jewish legend, his mother was a mortal woman, Naamah, and his Father was one of the fallen angels. (Or, possibly, Adam before Eve came along.) Characterized in The Testament of Solomon, the great manual of magic, as "furious and shouting," Asmodeus routinely did everything he could to keep husbands and wives from having intercourse, while encouraging them at every turn to indulge their pent-up drives in adulterous and sinful affairs. When he condescended to appear before a mortal, he did so riding a dragon, armed with a spear; he had three heads--one a bull's, one a ram's, and one a man's--as all three of these were considered lecherous creatures by nature. His feet, on the same theory, were those of a cock. For information on a black mass held for Asmodeus, see Ashtaroth. Bibliography. (Masello 26) Beelzebub Part of the Christian mythos, Beelzebub was one of the recruited by Satan. From his new home in Hell, Beelzebub people with pride. He became associated with flies because the insects to Canaan. He may also have become known as because of the popular belief that decaying corpses generated powerful seraphim first discovered how to tempt he had sent a plague of the "Lord of the Flies" flies.

Regardless, when summoned by sorcerers or witches, he would appear in the form of a fly.

Bibliography. (Masello 25) Belial Much has been made of Belial, one of the Devil's most venerable demons. of lies, he was immortalized in Milton's Paradise Lost (Book II): A fairer person lost not Heaven; he seemed For dignity composed and high exploit: But all was false and hollow; though his tongue Dropped manna, and could make the worse appear The better reason, to perplex and dash Maturest counsels: for his thoughts were low; To vice industrious, but to noble deeds Timorous and slothful.

As the demon

Before Satan had been the established leader of the forces of evil, Belial had been the undisputed regent of darkness. This view is reinforced in The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness from one of the Dead Sea Scrolls: "But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominion is in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt." Magician and necromancer Gilles de Rais attempted to summon both Belial and Beelzebub by using the severed body parts of a murdered child. Bibliography. (Masello 27, 28) Cernunnos A Celtic god whose physical attributes came to be applied to those of Satan.Known as the Horned God and as Hu Gadarn, Cernunnos was the god of nature, astral planes, virility, fertility, animals, sex, the underworld, reincarnation, and shamanism. Bibliography. (van Hattem) Diana The classical moon goddess, Diana, is still worshipped by neopagans today. Long after Christianity's triumph over classical paganism, her worship is still going strong. St. Kilian, a Celtic missionary to the pagan Franks, was martyred when he attempted to persuaded the peasants to abandon their worship of this goddess. A writing on the life of St. Caesarius offhandedly mentions "a demon whom simple folk call Diana." Diana was the personification of the positive aspects of lunar forces. She was also believed to have led groups of nightriders (known as the "Wild Hunt" or the "Furious Horde") who flew through the air. The "Wild Hunt" was comprised of "people taken by death before their time, children snatched away at an early age, victims of a violent end." The goddess would accompany her followers as they wandered at night among the houses of the well-to-do. Whenever they would arrive at a home that was particularly well-kept, Diana would bestow her blessings upon it. Many benandanti (from the Italian for "those who go well" or "good-doers") were followers of Diana. The benandanti were members of a fertility cult who were basically anti-witches and practicers of white magic. Nonetheless, they were tortured by the Inquisitors just the same as practicers of the black arts were. Diana was intrinsically linked with several other witch deities, including Abonde, Abundia, Aradia, Hecate, Herodias, Holda, Perchta, Satia, and Venus. Bibliography. (Ginzburg 40-46) Bibliography. (King 24) Fraw Fenus: See Venus. Fraw Holt: See Holda. Fraw Selga Fraw Selga is yet another goddess believed to have led the "Furious Horde." A Germanic deity, Fraw Selga was said to be the sister of Fraw Fenus (Venus), and like Venus and Diana, was referred to as "the mistress of the game." The processions

following Fraw Selga "were composed of souls in purgatory, as well as of the damned who were suffering various punishments." Fraw Selga could impart wisdom to her followers. She knew where buried treasure intended for the God-fearing could be found. During Fraw Selga's conventicles (which took place during the Ember Days), followers would partake in scrying. They stared into a basin "in which the fires of hell appeared," and they saw "likenesses of the members of the parish who were destined to die within the year." Bibliography. (Ginzburg 51) Gulfora Gulfora, also known as the Queen of the Sabbat, was another goddess in the same vein as Holda, Perchta, and Diana. She led the Wild Hunt, which is also known as "the days of Jupiter." In 1519, Girolamo Folengo wrote Maccaronea, which says, Not only do old hags bestride cats and goats and pigs, but many dignitaries too, and civic officials and those who administer justice to the people in the august senate range themselves to be governed under Gulfora's sway. They observe the days of Jupiter; they anoint their limbs, hurrying to pay court to the Mistress, who is called Gulfora. Bibliography. (Wedeck 126) Hecate Perhaps the most notorious of all witch goddesses, Hecate was a dark manifestation of Diana. Hecate is the patron goddess of witches and sorceresses because of her skill in the arts of black magic. She is the queen of darkness, perverse sexuality, and death. Classically, she is the goddess of "roads in general and crossroads in particular, the latter being considered the center of ghostly activities, particularly in the dead of night....Offerings of food (known as Hecate's suppers) were left to placate her, for she was terrible both in her powers and in her person--a veritable Fury, armed with a scourge and blazing torch and accompanied by terrifying hounds." The followers of Hecate were rumored to have strange powers, such as that of being able to draw down the moon in order to employ the averse aspects of lunar forces. Followers could metamorphose into animals and birds, had insatiable sexual appetites, and had an intrinsic understanding of aphrodisiac and poisonous herbs. Witches in the service of Hecate had intense scatological interests, and in one classical account, were known to have "pissed long and vigorously" on the face of a man they captured. Indeed, one of the epithets of Hecate was "excrement-eating." According to Apuleius, (a classical author who once stood trial himself on charges of black magic), witches' dens contained many questionable materials: incenses, the skulls of criminals who had been thrown to wild animals, metal discs engraved with occult signs, small vials of blood taken from the murdered victims of the witches, the beaks and claws of birds of ill omen, and various bits of human flesh, particularly the noses of crucifixion victims. Bibliography. (Morford & Lenardon 182) Bibliography. (King 16, 17) Herodias: See Aradia or Diana. Holda Also known as Fraw Holt, Holda became virtually synonymous with Abonde, Diana,and Perchta. Originally, Holda had been a Germanic goddess of vegetation and fertility, much like Perchta. Holda was also the goddess of spinning and weaving. She, like her other manifestations, was the leader of the "Furious Horde" or "Wild Hunt" (Wütischend Heer, Wilde Jagd, Mesnie Sauvage)--"namely of the ranks of hose who had died prematurely and passed through village streets at night, unrelenting and terrible, while the inhabitants barricaded their doors for protection."

Holda had two forms, that of a beautiful girl dressed all in white, and that of a hideous crone with fangs, a hooked nose, and long, tangled gray hair. In the latter form, she looked just like the stereotypical image of a witch or the evil stepmother of fairy tales. As the White Lady, she was a fertility goddess who granted prosperity to home, family, and field. As the Hag, she offered those who ignored or insulted her death, illness, and misfortune. In this form, she was responsible for fog and snow. Many animals were sacred to Holda: birds of prey, bears, horses, goats, wolves, pigs, and hounds. Along with her sometimes partner the Wood Man, she was the guardian of wild animals. Holda may be part of the origin of the Santa Clause mythos as well. She treated children ambivalently. If they behaved themselves during the year then at Christmas she rewarded them with gifts and good luck. If they had been naughty they would be severely punished. Sometimes Holda was used as a bogey figure and mothers threatened their children that if they did not behave then she would come and take them off to the woods and teach them good manners. Holda allegedly kept the children in a well, endowing the good ones with abundant luck, health and wealth, and turning the bad ones into Faerie changelings. Bibliography. (Ginzburg 40) Bibliography. (Hilton) Leonard Although he had a rather unlikely name for a demon, Leonard was a kind of quality control expert for black magic and sorcery. He was also the master of sabbats, presiding over them in the form of an enormous three-horned black goat with the head of a fox. Bibliography. (Masello 43) Lilith Lilith is a kabalistic demon who appealed more to magicians than to witches. According to legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, and the first social feminist. Made from filth before the creation of Eve, Lilith believed herself to be Adam's equal and objected to "missionary style" sex. She believed that sexual relations should take place with the two of them lying side by side. Adam objected to this, so Lilith left him to mate with fallen angels. Together with the fallen angels, Lilith parented a huge family of female demons called lilim. Lilim are identical to succubi for all intents and purposes. Both seduce men and take away men's strength in the night hours. Bibliography. (King 95) Mephistopheles The name Mephistopheles comes from the Greek for "he who does not like light. "Mephistopheles is perhaps most famous for being the demon summoned by Faust.Faust had summoned Mephistopheles to teach him great knowledge and to grant him immense power. Mephistopheles fulfilled all of Faust's desires. Nevertheless, at the end of the twenty-four year contract, it was Faust's turn to please Mephistopheles. All that was left of Faust at the end of the contract was his torn and bloodied corpse. The soul had been consigned to Mephistopheles in Hell. Bibliography. (Marlowe) Minerva Minerva (known by the Greeks as Athena) is yet another goddess thought to have led the Wild Hunt. Like Holda, Minerva was traditionally thought of as the goddess of eaving, spinning, and of women's household arts in general. Perchta Perchta or Percht was yet another manifestation of Diana and was synonymous with Abonde as the leader of the host of the dead. Perchta was originally a southern German

goddess of vegetation and fertility. She had many different names (and changed her sex) depending on the geographical region. In "southern Austria, in Carintia, among the Slovenes, 'Quantembermann' (the man of the four Ember Days) or 'Kwaternik'; in Baden, in Swabia, in Switzerland, and with the Slovenes again, 'Frau Faste' (the lady of the Ember Days) or similar names such as 'Posterli,' 'Quatemberca,'" and 'Fronfastenweiber.' Bibliography. (Ginzburg 189, 190) Put Satanachia Put Satanachia was the commander-in-chief of Satan's army of darkness. Aside from having profound power over mothers, Put Satanichia had an immense knowledge of the planets. He also provided witches with their animal familiars. Bibliography. (Masello 40) Satan Satan, of course, was the deity of choice during the witchcraze. Witches' sabbats, also known as "Synagogues of Satan," were held in dedication to him. Physical doration and submission to the Devil were necessary parts of every sabbat. Satan most often appeared at these sabbats in the form of a black billy goat or tom cat and would copulate with almost everyone present. This copulation was unappealing as the Devil's genitals are not only unbearably huge, but also hard and scaly, with the semen being as cold as ice. Sometimes Satan was represented as having a two-pronged member, a characterization that would certainly have stimulated the prurient imaginations of repressed Inquisitors. Sabbats were basically prayer meetings for Satan. At these congregations, the Devil would baptize new initiates with a smelly fluid which had, as a main ingredient, rine. He would also issue forth black sacramental bread (probably dung) and fouled water. At the Sabbat, witches would offer the osculum infame (the infamous kiss) by kissing Satan's anus. Another integral part of Satan worship was the trampling on of the cross and the desecration of the Holy Host. Many witches purportedly retained the wafer in their mouths after Mass and would spit them on the ground in honor of the Devil. Satia:See Abonde or Diana. Venus Venus was originally the Roman goddess of love, but by the time of the witchcraze she was relegated to demon status. She became synonymous with Diana in terms of being followed at night by a retinue of women. Witches knew her as Fraw Fenus, stating they visited her at night-time. Venus could grant to these witches the power of astral projection. Witches could fall into "swoons which rendered them insensible to pricks or scaldings." When the women revived, they said they had been to heaven and "spoke of stolen or hidden objects." Bibliography. (Ginzburg 43, 44) Verdelet "Verdelet was something of a cross between a maitre d' and a transportatio coordinator.He was master of ceremonies in Hell, and also shouldered the responsibility of making sure witches on Earth got to their sabbats safely and on time. Bibliography. (Masello 44)

AINE OF KNOCAINE: (Pronounced aw-ne); Ireland. Moon Goddess; patroness of crops and cattle. Connected with the Summer Solstice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANU ANANN DANA DANA-ANA: Ireland. Goddess of plenty, another aspect of the Morrigu: Mother Earth; Great Goddess; greatest of all Goddesses. This flowering fertility Goddess, sometimes she formed a trinity with Badb and Macha. Her priestesses comforted and taught the dying. Fires were lit for her at Midsummer. Two hills in Kerry are called the Paps of Anu. Maiden aspect of the triple Goddess in Ireland. Guardian of cattle and health. Goddess of fertility, prosperity, comfort. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARIANRHOD: Wales: "Silver Wheel"; "High fruitful mother"; star Goddess; sky Goddess; Goddess of reincarnation; Full Moon Goddess. Her palace was called Caer Arianrhod (Aurora Borealis). Keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. This wheel was also known as the Oar Wheel, a ship which carried dead warriors to the Moon-land (Emania). Mother of Llue Llaw Gyffes and Dylan by her brother Gwydion. Her original consort was Nwtvre (Sky of Firmament). Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales. Honored at the Full Moon. Beauty, fertility, reincarnation. Call on Arianrhod to help you with past life memories and difficulties as well as for contacting the Star People. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------BADB BADHBH BADB CATHA: Ireland. "Boiling", "Battle Raven", "Scald-crow". the cauldron of ever-producing life; Known in Gaul as Cauth Bodva. War Goddess and wife of net, a war God. Sister of Macha, the Morrigu and Anu. Mother Aspect in Ireland. Associated with the cauldron, crows and ravens. Life, wisdom, inspiration, enlightenment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------BANBA: Ireland. Goddess; part of a tried with Fotia and Eriu. They used magick to repel invaders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------BLODEUWEDD WLODWIN BLANCHEFLOR: Wales. "Flower Face", "White Flower". Lily maid of Celtic initiation ceremonies.AKA the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. Created by Math & Gwydion as a wife for Lleu. She was changed into an owl for her adultery and plotting Lleu's death. The Maiden aspect; her symbol was the owl; Goddess of the Earth in bloom. Flowers, wisdom, lunar mysteries, initiations. BOANN BOANNAN BOYNE: Ireland. Goddess of the river Boyne, mother of Angus Mac Og by the Dagda. Once there was a well chaped by nine magick hazel trees. These trees bore crimson nuts which gave knowledge of everything in the world. Divine salmon lived in the well and ate the nuts. No one, not even the high gods, were allowed to go near the well. But Boann went anyway. The well water rose to drive her away, but they never returned to the well. Instead they became the River Boyne and the salmon became the inhabitants of the river. Other Celtic river Giddess: Siannan (Shannon), Sabrina (Severn, Sequana Seine), Deva (Dee), Clota (Clyde), Verbeia (Wharfe), Brigantia (Braint, Brent). Healing.

BRANWEN: Manx. Wales. Sister of Bran the Blessed and wife of the Irish King Matholwchh. Venus of the Northern Seas; daughter of Llyr (Lir); one of the three matriarca of Britain; Lady of the Lake (cauldron) Goddess of love and beauty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------BRIGIT BRID BRIGID BRIGHID: Ireland, Wales, Spain, France. "Power"; "Reown"; "Feiry Arrow of Power" (Breosaighead). Daughter of the Dagda; called the poeess. Often called the Triple Brighids. Threee Blessed Ladies of Britain, the Three Mothers. Another aspect of Danu: Associated with Imbolc. She had an exclusive female priesthood at Kildare and an everburning sacred fire. The number of her priestesses was 19 representing the 19-year cycle of the Celtic "Great Year". Her kelles were sacred prostitutes and her soldiers brigands. Goddess of fire, fertility, the hearth and all feminine arts and crafts, and martial arts. Healing, physicians, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, smithcraft, animal husbandry, love, witchcraft, occult knowledge. Plants: Blackberry Animals: Oxen and Ram. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAILLECH: Great Goddess in her Destroyer aspect; called the Veiled One. Disease, plague, cursing. Wheat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CERRIDWEN CARIDWEN CERIDWEN: Wales. Moon Goddess; Great Mother; grain Goddess; Goddess of Nature. the white corpseeating sow representing the Moon. Welsh bards called themselves Cerddorion (sons of Cerridwen). The bard Taliesin, founder of their craft, was said to be born of Cerridwen and to have tasted a potent from her magick cauldron of inspiration. Wife of the giant Tegid and mother of a beautiful girl Creirwy and an ugly boy Avagdu. In her magickal cauldron, she made a potion called greal (from which the word Grail probably came). The potion was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge. Her symbol was a white sow. Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge. Plants: Vervain, Acorns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREIDDYLAD CREUDYLAD CORDELIA: Wales. Daughter of the sea God Llyr. Connected with Beltane and often called the May Queen. Goddess of summer flower, love and flowers. THE CRONE: One aspect of the Triple Goddess. She represents old age or death, winter, the end of all things, the waning Moon, post-menstrual phases of women's lives, all destruction that precedes regeneration through her cauldron of rebirth. Crows and other black creatures are sacred to her. Dogs often accompanied her and guarded the gates of her after-world, helping her to receive the dead. In Celtic myth, the gatekeeper-dog was named Dormarth (Death's Door). The Irish Celts maintained that true curses could be cast with the dog's help. Therefore, they use the word cainte (dog) for a satiric Bard with the magick power to speak curses that came true. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------DANU DANANN DANA: Ireland. Probably the same as Anu. Major Mother Goddess; ancestress of the Tuatha De Danann; Mother of the gods; Great Mother; Moon Goddess. She gave her name to the Tuatha De Danann (People of the Goddess Danu). Another aspect of the Morrigu. Patroness of wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity & plenty, magick, wisdom.

DON DOMNU DONN: Ireland, Wales. "Deep sea"; "Abyss". Queen of the Heavens; Goddess of sea and air. Sometimes called a Goddess, sometimes a God. The equivalent of the Irish Danu. In Ireland, Don ruled over the Land of the Dead. Entrances to this Otherworld were always in a sidhe (shee) or burial mound. Control of the elements,eloquence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRUANTIA: "Queen of the Druids"; Mother of the tree calendar; Fir Goddess. Fertility, passion, sexual activities, trees, protection, knowledge, creativity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ELAINE: Wales, Britain. Maiden aspect of the Goddess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------EPONA: Celtic, "Divine Horse", "The Great Mare". Goddess of horses, fertility, maternity, protective of horses, horse breeding, prosperity, dogs, healing, springs, crops. Animals: Horses, goose. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ERIU ERIN: Ireland. One of the three queens of the Tuatha Da Danann and a daughter of the Dagda. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------FLIDAIS: Ireland. Goddess of forests, woodlands & wild things; ruler of wild beasts. She rode in a chariot drawn by a deer. Shape-shifter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------GREAT MOTHER: The Lady; female principle of creation. Goddess of fertility, the Moon, summer, flowers, love, healing, the seas, water. The "mother" finger was considered the index finger, the most magickal which guided, beckoned, blessed & cursed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MACHA: Ireland. "Crow"; "Battle"; "Great Queen of Phantoms"; Mother of Life and death; a war Goddess; Mother Death; originally a Mother Goddess; one of the aspects of the triple Morrigu. Also called Mania, Mana, Mene, Minne. Associated with ravens and crows. She was honored Lugnassadh. After a battle, the Irish would cut off the heads of the losers and called them Macha's acorn crop. Protectress in war as in peace; Cunning, sheer physical force, sexuality, fertility, dominance over males. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARGAWSE: Wales, Britain. Mother aspect of the Goddess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE MORRIGU MORRIGAN MORGIAN MORGAN: Ireland, Britian, Wales. Great Queen, Supreme War Goddess, Queen of Phantoms or Demons, Specter Queen. Shape-shifter. Reigned over the battlefields, helping with her magick but did not join in the battles. Associated with crows & ravens. The Crone aspect of the Goddess; Great White Goddess; Great Mother; Moon Goddess; Queen of the fairies. In her dark aspect (the symbol is then the raven or crow) she is the Goddess of war, fate death; she went fully armed & carried two spears. The carrion crow is her favorite disguise. Goddess of rivers, lakes & fresh water. Patroness of priestesses & witches. Revenge, night, magick, prophecy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------MUSES: Greek, Goddesses of inspiration who vary in number depending upon the pantheon used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NIAMH:

Ireland. "Beauty"; "Brightness". A form of Badb who helps heroes at death. NORNS: Celtic; the three sisters of the Wyrd. Responsible for weaving fate - past, present and future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------RHIANNON: Wales; "The Great Queen" Goddess of birds and horses. Enchantments, fertility, and the Underworld. She rides a swift white horse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCATHACH SCOTA SCATHA SCATH: Ireland, Scotland. "Shadow, shade"; "The Shadowy One" "She who strikes fear" Underworld Goddess of the Land of Scath. Dark Goddess; Goddess in the destroyer aspect. Also a warrior woman and prophetess who lived in Albion (Scotland) probably on the Isle of Skye and taught the martial arts. Patroness of blacksmiths, healing , magick, prophecy, martial arts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHITE LADY: Known in all Celtic countries. Dryad of death; identified with Macha; Queen of the Dead; the Crone form of the Goddess. Death, Destruction, annihilation

I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity. All Her gifts are mine. All Her powers reside in me. I am Athena of Greece. Life my totem, the owl, I am wise For I see and hear everything around and within me Like the oak, I am strong for the olive of peace is sacred to me. I am Bast, cat goddess of Egypt I am graceful, flexible, playful and affectionate I radiate the warmth and light of the glorious sun. I am Cerridwen of Wales My magic cauldron contains food for the soul An inexhaustible source of wisdom and inspiration The more I give, the more I receive. I I A I am Diana, Roman goddess of the ever-changing moon. am a protectress of women and children guardian of the wild focus my aim on my heart's desire and draw it to me.

I am Ereshkigal, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the underworld Queen of the Great Below I shed dead skin to grow Deep powers of renewal are mine. I am Freya, Well-beloved Nordic Lady I survey the beauty of my world in joyous flight I celebrate and honor the bonds between friends and lovers. I am Gaia, Greek Earth Mother Grounded and centered in the rhythms and patterns of chaos I emerge to create my usiverse.

I am Hecate of Greece Triple Goddess of the crossroads of choice I balance by powers of thought and my emotion I choose the path I walk The torch of my reason is illumined by my brilliant intuition. I am Isis, Egyptian Queen of the World I offer healing and transformation to all in need I hold the power to shape my world. I I I I am Jagad-Yoni, Hindu universal yoni, womb of the world am the gatekeeper of the next generation choose the life that emerges through me use my power wisely.

I am Kwan-Yin of Buddhist China, goddess of compassion I hear and comfort the wounds of the world I welcome children and teach the magic of change. I am Liban, Irish mermaid goddess I revel in the healing power of pleasure Quench your thirst at my sacred well. I am Maat of Egypt Truth, justice and law are the natural order of my universe Harmony arises as I attune to my divine will. I am Nu-Kua, Chinese dragon-tailed creatress I restore the cosmic equilibrium I form community among women and men Connecting in equality of love and respect. I am Old Spider goddess of Micronesia I created the moon, the sea, the sky, the sun And the earth from a single clamshell All the vast and varied universe is present In the smallest forms of life. As above, so below As within, so without. I am Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes My fiery energy erupts from my core to create new worlds I flow easily over obstacles in my path. I am Qedeshet of Syria I balance lightly on the lion I ride Laughter lifts me from the pull of gravity The lotus blossom I hols and the serpents I carry Symbolize the life and health I bring. I am Rhiannon, horsewoman, Divine Queen of Wales My steady pace is swift and smooth I travel freely through the world, safe, serene and secure My winged friends can wake the dead And lull the living to sleep. I am Sedna of the Eskimos Know and honor me through my animals Bears, whales and seals All creatures of the land and sea are part of me. We share the right to be.

I am Tiamat of Babylon, primordial sea-serpent I am the great mother womb Who brought forth the earth and heavens I dive deep into the watery unconscious To find the treasures buried there. I am Uttu, Chaldean-Sumerian goddess of waving and vegatation I offer shelter and nourishment to all who know me We weed and clothe each other through our work. I am Vasudhara, Hindu goddess of abundance My six arms hold everything you need and offer it to you Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Center, Spirit Purpose, Love, Passion, Wisdom, Here, Now. I am Wite woman of Honduras I descend from heaven to build my temple on earth And return as a glorious bird. I honor and express my true spirit My beauty is beyond compare. I am Xochiquetzal, Aztec goddess of flowers, love, spinning, weaving, singing and dancing. I am an Original Woman I delight in sharing my many gifts. I am Yemaya, Nigerian Fish Mother, Brazilian Voodoo mermaid Lakes, rivers and oceans are my home The waters of life belong to me We cleanse and sustain each other. I am Zoc, Gnostic Acon of Life Mother of All Living I am the embodiment of growth and vitality I am unique life energy. I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity All Her gifts are mine All Her powers reside in me. We are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity All Her gifts are mine All Her powers reside in me. You are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity All Her gifts are thine All Her powers reside in thee

Titans Gaea Gaea is the earth goddess. With Uranus she bore the rest of the Titans. She is regarded as all-producing and all-nourishing, and one of the deities of presiding over marriage. Mnemosyne The goddess of Memory, Mnemosyne, mated with Zeus to produce the 9 Muses. Phoebe By her brother Coeus she is the mother of Asteria and Leto. Through Leto, she is the grandmother of Apollo and Artemis.

Rhea Rhea was the wife of the Titan Cronus, who made it a practice to swallow their children. When Zeus was about to be born, she bore him in secret and gave Cronus a stone wrapped as an infant to swallow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tethys Tethys the wife of Oceanus and gave birth to around 3,000 river-gods and the Oceanides. Hera was raised by Tethys until she was ready to marry Zeus. Theia The wife of her brother Hyperion, by him Theia gave birth to Helios (sun), Eos (dawn), and Selene (moon). She is the goddess from whom light emanates and considered especially beautiful. Themis Themis is the goddess of the order of things established by law, custom and ethics. By Zeus' command, she convenes the assembly of the gods, and she is invoked when mortals assemble. She is the mother of the Horae (seasons), the Hesperides and Prometheus. Olympians Aphrodite Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was born from the foam of the sea. She is married to Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithy to the gods. Sacred to her are the myrtle, rose, apple, poppy, sparrow, dove, swan, swallow, tortoise, ram, the planet Venus, and the month of April. Eros was produced from a liaison with Zeus. Her favorite lover is the god of war, Ares. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Artemis Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, virginity, the moon, and the natural environment. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. Even though she is a virgin goddess, she also presides over childbirth. Sacred to her are the laurel, fir tree, fish, stag, boar, bear, dog, goat, bee and other animals. Athena Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of reason in war and peace, intelligent activity, arts and literature, and useful arts. She sprang full grown from Zeus' head rather than being born by a woman. She is Zeus' favorite and is allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. Sacred to her are the olive, serpent, owl, lance, and crow. She invented the bridle, the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Demeter Demeter is the goddess of the earth, of agriculture, and of fertility in general. Sacred to her are livestock and agricultural products, poppy, narcissus and the crane. She is the mother of Persephone by Zeus. During the months Persephone lives with Hades, Demeter withdraws her gifts from the world, creating winter. Upon Persephone's return, spring comes into bloom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hera Hera is the supreme goddess of the Greeks and goddess of marriage and childbirth, and wife to Zeus. Her children are Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus and Eris. Sacred to her are the peacock, pomegranate, lily and cuckoo. She is extremely jealous of Zeus' amorous adventures and punishes his mortal lovers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hestia Hestia is the virgin goddess of the hearth and of domestic life, and the inventor of domestic architecture. Of all the Olympians, she is the mildest, most upright and most charitable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Goddesses Alecto

Alecto is one of the three Furies or Erinyes and sometimes known as a Greek goddess of war and death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arete Arete is the Greek goddess of justice and teacher of Heracles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Charities The Charities are personifications of aspects of grace and beauty. They are called Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Good Cheer). While the Muses inspire artists, the Charities apply the artists' works to the embellishment of life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cer The Greek goddess of violent death, Cer (or Ker) is the daughter of Nyx ("night") and sister of the Moriae ("fates"). This name was also used of the malevolent ghost of any dead person. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cotys Coyts the goddess of sexuality was revered in Thrace. There here servants, the baptai ("baptized ones"), celebrated secret festivals in her honor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dryads Dryads (Hamadryads) are elemental forces incarnated in a bark-like body. Theywere usually female and mortal, dying when the tree died. A dryad will punish mortals for thoughtlessly breaking her branches or harming her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eos Eos is the goddess of dawn, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios and Selene. She is the mother of the evening star Eosphorus (Hesperus), other stars, and the winds Boreas, Zephyrus and Notus. When she was caught in a tryst with Ares, Aphrodite cursed her with an insatiable desire for handsome young men. She most often appears winged or in a chariot drawn by four horses, one of them being Pegasus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Erinyes The Erinyes (Eumenides) names are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. They are solemn maidens dressed as huntresses, wear bands of serpents around their heads, and carry torches. They pursue wrongdoers and torment them in ways that make the criminals wish they were dead. Crimes that especially draw their attention are disobedience toward parents, ill-treatment of the elderly, murder, violation of the law of hospitality, and improper conduct toward suppliants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eris Eris is the goddess of discord and the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She is obsessed with bloodshed, havoc, and suffering. She calls forth war and her brother Ares carries out the action. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hecate Hecate brings good luck to sailors and hunters or can withhold these blessings if undeserved, so fear became a motivating factor in her worship. When Persephone was found with Hades, Hecate remained with her as attendant and companion and as a result has a share in the ruling over the souls in the underworld. Because of her unearthly aspect she is regarded as a kind of queen of witches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Horae The Horae are the goddesses of the seasons and the orderly procession of things in general. They are also the collective personification of justice. Hesoid, who saw them as givers of the law, justice and peace gave them the names Eunomia (Discipline), Dice (Justice) and Eirene (Peace). At Athens two of the Horae, were called Thallo and Carpo, and to the Athenians, represented the budding and maturity of growing things. As a result, Thallo became the protectress of youth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iaso Iaso is a Greek goddess of healing and the sister of Hygia.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Irene Irene is the Greek goddess of peace and is worshipped with bloodless sacrifices at Athens. Some legends say she is one of the Horae. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iris The winged, rainbow goddess Iris is Hera's messenger. When she is not delivering messages she is asleep under Hera's bed. She is one of the few who can journey at will to the underworld where she fetches water for solemn oaths. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leto Leto is the mother of Apollo and Artemis and is mostly worshipped in conjunction with her children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meliae In one of the Greek creation myths, Mother Gaea had her son Uranus castrated. Drops of his blood fell on her and from those spots, Gaea conceived tree spirits called Maelia. As the world's original women, they were the mothers of humankind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Moirae The Moirae are the Fates, the personification of the destiny of humans. The three Moirae are Clotho, Atropos, and Lachesis. Clotho spins the thread at the beginning of one's life, Atropos weaves the thread into the fabric of one's actions, and Lachesis snips the thread at the conclusion of one's life. Gods as well as mortals have to submit to the will of the Moirae. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Muses The nine Muses are the goddesses of arts and sciences and inspire those who excel in these pursuits. They are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Their names are: Clio (History), Urania (Astronomy), Melpomene (Tragedy), Thalia (Comedy), Terpsichore (Dance), Calliope (Epic Poetry), Erato (Love Poetry), Polyhymnia (Songs to the Gods), and Euterpe (Lyric Poetry). Apollo is the leader of the Muses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nemesis Nemesis is the personification of divine vengeance. Happiness and unhappiness are measured out by her, determining that happiness was not too frequent or excessive. If so, she brings about losses and suffering. She is one of the assistants of Zeus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nike Nike, the winged goddess of victory, is the daughter of the fearsome river goddess Styx and the sister of Zelos ("zeal"). She was honored throughtout Greece, especially at Athens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Persephone Persephone is the daughter of the Olympian Demeter, and became the goddess of death and the underworld when Hades abducted her. The mint and pomegranate is sacred to her. Persephone raised Aphrodite's child Adonis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pleiades The Pleiades are the daughters of Atlas by Pleione and are called Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaena, Sterope, and Merope. They and their mother were pursued by the giant Orion until the gods intervened and transformed them into a constellation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selene Selene, also called Mene, is the goddess of the moon. She is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and the sister of Eos (dawn) and Helios (sun). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Styx


The goddess of the River Styx that wound beneath the earth in the land of the dead is called is also called Styx "the hated one," who prevented the living from crossing into the realm of Persephone without first undergoing death's torments.


Greek Goddesses
APHRODITE (VENUS) - Daughter of Zeus and Dione according to Homer. 'The man Born Of The Waves' according to Hesiod, born of the foam impregnated by the sexual organs of Uranus, which Cronos (Saturn) had severed and thrown into the sea. Plato identifies these as two separate Aphrodites. One Urania, the daughter of Uranus was goddess of pure love. The other, called Pandemos, (Root of pandemonium?) was the Goddess of 'common' love. She married Hephaestus, but was unfaithful with Aries. Aries was caught and humiliated. Aphrodite fled in shame to Cyprus, and there took Thrace as lover, resulting in the birth of Eros (Love), Anteros (Love in return), Deimos and Phobos (Terror and Fear). She also was a lover of Adonis, a human shepherd named Anchises who fathered Aneas, of Hermes and of Dionysus who fathered Priapus. She was known for jealousy. She made Eos (Dawn) fall in love with Orion in spite for her seduction of Aries. She punished all who did not succumb to her. A beauty competition between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite was proposed by Eris (Discord) with the prize being a golden apple. It was judged by the human Paris. All the Goddesses offered him bribes to win. Aphrodite offered Helen, most beautiful of all Humans. She won and thus caused the Trojan War. Eros was the primordial god of instinct. When Aphrodite appeared he adapted himself and joined forces with her. At this time the sexes became distinct. Aphrodite's kingdom was the place of desire. Young girls were said to pass from the place of Artemis (chastity and games) to the place of Aphrodite, where they become women. Considered by some to be an affliction or madness that women must bear. She represents female lust and passion, and demonstrates its potential for destructive effect. Young girls gave their virginity to the Goddess by living in her temples and offering themselves to passing strangers. ARTEMIS (DIANA) - Daughter of Zeus and Leto. The huntress, she is seen as the forever young goddess. She is proud of her shapeliness and keeps her virginity to protect it. She was a warrior, joining Apollo to kill Python and other exploits. Anyone who offended her or tried to win her virginity paid dearly.They were killed, transformed, or mutilated. She defended modesty and punished illicit love and excesses. She avenged rape. She also took out her anger on those virgins who gave in to love. She did not mind marriage, but when a virgin married she was to give up all the things of childhood, toys and dolls, locks of hair, etc., leaving them on her altar. ATHENA (MINERVA) - Daughter of Zeus and Metis. Metis was swallowed by Zeus, and when it was time for Diana's birth, he had Hephaestus crack open his skull and she came forth in full armor shouting a war cry. Also a virgin Goddess, she lived among men without fear due to her warrior's skills. She was the protectress of Odysseus and other men. She was a warrior who used strategy, ambush, cunning, and magic rather than brute force. Her shield bore the head of a gorgon and she paralyzed her adversaries and made her companions invincible. She was against excess, both in war and every day life. She taught men to control their savagery and to tame nature. Was the inititor of all skills. Taught Pandora to weave, trained horses and invented the chariot. She was the patroness of blacksmiths and carpenters. She built the first ship and the boat of the Argonauts. CYBELE - Was born as Agditis, a hermaphrodite monster, from a stone fertilized by Zeus. The Gods decided to mutilate him and made the Goddess Cybele from him. Her love for Attis, a human shepherd, drove him insane and he castrated himself for her. Her priests were eunuchs dressed as women. It is from the temple of Cybele that the reference in the Wiccan Charge of the Goddess to "At mine Altars, the youths of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacrifice.", comes. DEMETER (CERES) - Daughter of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea, the Goddess of corn and grain. Demeter bore Persephone. She renounced her duties as goddess and began a fast and went into exile from Olympos when her daughter was abducted into the underworld until her

daughter should be returned to her. She caused the spread of the knowledge of the cultivation of corn. During her exile the earth became barren until Zeus demanded that Hades return Persephone. She had eaten from a pomegranate, however, and was forever bound to the underworld. As a compromise, she was allowed to rise up into the world with the first growth of spring and return to the underworld at seed sowing in fall. And so the Earth is barren in the winter, while Demeter mourns, and becomes fruitful again when Persephone is released. Demeter made herself known to the children of Eleusis, who raised her a temple and instituted the Eleusinian mysteries. In Sept.-Oct., the candidates for initiation purified themselves in the sea, then processed down the sacred path from Athens to Eleusis. The rites remain secret, but involve a search for a mill for grinding corn, and a spiritual experience. During the rites, men women and slaves were all treated as equal. ERINYES, THE - Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaara. They were born from drops of blood that fell from Uranus's severed Penis, and did not recognize the authority of the gods of Olympos. They hounded and tortured their victims, driving them mad. Also called the Eumenides, The Good Ones, to divert their wrath. Assimilated by the Romans as the Furies. They were implacable and demanded punishment for every murder. To them murder was a stain. The murderer had to be banished and driven mad before purification could occur. They were blind and carried out their punishments indefinitely. HARPIES - Greek genii/spirits - Daughters of Thaumes and Electra: Nicotho or swiftfooted, Ocypete or swift of flight, and Celaeno, the dark one. Were either women with wings or birds with the heads of women. Called the 'hounds of Zeus' and seized children and souls. Skillful at torture, they could pester a victim into madness. HERA (JUNO) - Daughter of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea brought up by Oceanus and Tethys. Married Zeus. It was claimed that each year Hera regained her virginity by bathing in the spring of Canathus. According to some traditions Hephaestus, Aries, and Hebe (Youth) were conceived by her alone without male assistance. As Zeus' legitimate wife, her fury at his infidelities was boundless, and she took vengeance on his lovers and any progeny of the affair without distinction. Zeus was often reduced to hiding or disguising his children to protect them. HESTIA/VESTA - Daughter of Cronos (Saturn) and Rhea. Goddess of the hearth, she had the privilege of retaining her virginity forever. Her symbol was the fire, which was never allowed to go out. The young bride and newborn child were presented to her and she was invoked before each meal. Her temple in Rome was served by the young vestal virgins. MOERAE (PARCAE) - The Three Fates. Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis, daughters of Zeus and Themis. The first spins a thread symbolizing birth. The second unravels it, symbolizing life's processes, and the third cuts it, symbolizing death. They too were blind and ruled destiny. They were also symbols of a limit which could not be overstepped. Were connected to their sisters, the furies, who punished crime. MUSES - Nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (Memory). Calliope ruled epic poetry, Clio ruled history, Polyhymnia mime, Euterpe the flute, Terpsichore dance, Erarto lyric art, Melpomene tragedy, Thalia comedy and Urania astronomy. They delighted the Gods and inspired poets. The Muses created what they sang about. By praising the gods, they completed their glory, by boasting of valiant warriors, they wrote their names in history. They were celebrated by the Pythagoreans as the keepers of the knowledge of harmony. NEMESIS Daughter and Night. Ruled over the distribution of wealth, looked after balance, took revenge on arrogance and punished excess, including excessive happiness, riches and power. Moderation in all things was her creed. NYMPHS Daughter of Zeus and usually part of a greater god(esses) entourage.Not immortal, though long lived. Mostly lived in caves. Were dark powers whose beauty

alone could lead to madness. Were seducers of many of the gods. Were considered secondary deities. THETIS - Daughter of the old man of the sea. Very beautiful. Mother of Achilles. Saved Zeus from a plot to overthrow him and was an ally of Hera. Saved the Argonauts as they passed between the clashing rocks.

Aetna.- is the Roman mountain goddess after whom the Italian volcano Mount Etna is named. Angerona The Roman goddess of the winter solstice, Angerona is shown with a bandaged mouth with a finger to her lips commanding silence. Her feast the Divalia or Angeronalia was celebrated on December 21. Antevorta Antevorta is the Roman goddess of prophecy. Aurora The Roman goddess of dawn. Bellona The serpent haired goddess Bellona is often described as the feminine side of the god Mars. She represents conflict as well as peace in war. Bona Dea The "good goddess," Bona Dea became the most popular name by which the goddess Fauna or Fatua was known in Rome. She is worshipped only by women, and only in secrecy at rites in early December. Led by Vestal priestesses, these rites were held at the home of a high-ranking Roman matron. The room was decorated with vine branches and with wine flowing freely, it is thought these eventswere rather rowdy. Camenae These Roman water spirits dwell in freshwater springs and rivers, their most notable haunt being the sacred spring at the Porta Capena, just outside of Rome. Their name means "foretellers." Their festival, the Fontinalia, was celebrated on October 13 by tossing good luck wreaths into wells. Ceres The goddess Ceres is the force of crop growth personified and celebrated by women in secret rituals. Concordia Concordia is the Roman goddess of peace and in art shown as a heavyset matron holding cornucopia in one hand and an olive branch in the other. Devera Devera is the Roman goddess that rules the brooms used to purify ritual sites. Diana Diana is the mother of wild animals and forests, and a moon goddess. Oak groves are especially sacred to her. She is praised for her strength, athletic grace, beauty and her hunting skills. With two other deities she made up a trinity: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife; and Virbius, the woodland god. Disciplina Disciplina is the Roman goddess of discipline. Edusa Edusa is the Roman goddess who oversees the weaning of infants.

Felicitas Felicitas is the goddess of good fortune, not to be confused with Fortuna. Flora Flora is the embodiment of the flowering of all of nature, including human nature. he female body was honored at the Floralia, the festival of nude women celebrated until the 3rd century A.D., when Roman authorities demanded revelers must wear clothes. Flora is the queen of all plants. Romans called her the secret patron of Rome, without whose help the city would die. Fons Fons is the Roman goddess of fountains. Fortuna The goddess Fortuna controls the destiny of every human being. She is the goddess who permits the fertilization of humans, animals and plants. Fraud Fraud is the Roman goddess of treachery. Juno The Roman supreme goddess is Juno, married to the ruling god, Jupiter. She is believed to watch and protect all women. Every year, on the first of March, women hold a festival in honor of Juno called the Matronalia. To this day, many people consider the month of June, which is named after the goddess who is the patroness of marriage, to be the most favorable time to marry. The peacock is sacred to Juno. Minerva Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, commerce, crafts, and inventor of music. Ovid called her the "goddess of a thousand works." The Romans celebrated her worship from March 19 to 23 during the Quinquatrus, the artisans' holiday. Pallor Pallor is the Roman goddess of fear. Panacea Panacea is a Roman goddess of health. Potina Potina is the goddess honored as the spirit of weaving and of drinking. Proserpine Proserpine is the counterpart of the Greek goddess, Persephone. She was kidnapped by Pluto and taken to his underworld and made queen of the dead. Providentia Providentia is a Roman goddess whose name means "forethought." Puta Puta is the Roman goddess of tree pruning. Salus Salus is a Roman goddess of health. Tellus Mater The Roman "Mother Earth" is the constant companion of Ceres, and the two of them are patrons of vegetative and human reproduction. Tellus is also the mother death goddess since the dead are returned into her womb, the earth. Tempestates Tempestates is the Roman goddess of wind and storm.

Unxia Unxia is the Roman goddess of wedding anointment. Sentia Sentia is the Roman goddess who heightens feelings. Venus As the goddess of love, Venus is the "queen of pleasure" and mother of the Roman people. She is married to Vulcan, the lame god of the forge. She is also associated with her lover, Mars the god of war. She is also a nature goddess, associated with the arrival of spring. Venus is the bringer of joy to gods and humans. Verplace Verplace is the Roman goddess of family harmony.


Italian Gods and Goddesses

Anteros Italian-Roman god of love and passion. He was, specifically, the god of mutual love and would punish those who did not return love. Aradia Italian witch goddess. She came to earth to teach her mother Diana's magic. Symbolizes the air element, the moon. Astraea Italian goddess of truth and justice. Also known as Astria. Carmen Italian goddess of spellcasting and enchantments. Cel Italian god of death and the underworld. Comus Italian god of revelry, drinking, and feasting. Copia Italian goddess of wealth plenty. Corvus Italian messenger god. Fauna Italian goddess of the earth, wildlife, forests, and fertility. Symbolizes prosperity as well. Faunus Roman and Italian god of woodlands. Symbolizes love. Also known as Pan [Greek]. Frebruus Italian god of purification, initation, and of the dead. Fortuna Italian goddess of fortune, fate, destiny, blessings, luck, and fertility. Often invoked when one wants to receive money by chance, like in a lottery or contest. Jana Italian goddess of the moon. Jove Italian-Roman sky god. Lethns Italian earth and nature deity. Invoke during sky, water, or element of earth, or for divination. Lucifer Italian god of sun and light. Brother and soulmate of Diana, father of Aradia. Lucina Italian goddess of childbirth. Lupercus Italian god of agriculture, wolf-god. Marica Italian goddess of agriculture. Nox Italian goddess of the night. Pertunda Italian goddess of sexual love. Umbria Italian goddess of shadows and things which are hidden or secret. Uni Italian goddess of witchcraft. Vertumnus Roman-Italian god of fruits. Virbius Italian god of outlaws and outcasts; the guardian of sanctuaries.


CHALCHIHUITLCUE Lady Precious Green, wife of Tlaloc. Goddess of storms and water. Personification of youthful beauty, vitality and violence. In some illustrations she is shown holding the head of Tlazolteotl, the goddess of the witches, between her legs. Chalchihuitlcue is the whirlpool, the wind on the waters, all young and growing things, the beginning of life and creation. COATLICUE Earth monster. In the darkness and chaos before the Creation, the female Earth Monster swam in the waters of the earth devouring all that she saw. When the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca decided to impose form upon the Earth, they changed themselves into serpents and struggled with the Earth Monster until they broke her in two. Coatlicue's lower part then rose to form the heavens and her upper part descended to form the earth. Coatlicue has an endless, ravenous appetite for human hearts and will not bear fruit unless given human blood. CINTEOTL The corn god, the giver of food, god of fertility and regeneration. Cinteotl is protected by the rain gods Tlaloc and Chalchihuitlcue. EUEUCOYOTL The Old, Old Coyote. Associated with gaiety and sex. A god of spontaneity, of ostentatious ornament,of unexpected pleasure and sorrow. A trickster and troublemaker. Considered unlucky. HUITZILOPOCHTLI God of war, son of Coatlicue. Principal god of the Aztecs. When Coatlicue became pregnant with Huitzilopochtli, her daughter Coyolxauhqui incited her brothers, the Centzon Huitznahua (the Four Hundred Stars) to destroy Coatlicue, because her pregnancy brought disgrace on the family. Still in the womb, Huitzilopochtli swore to defend his mother and immediately on being born put on battle armor and war paint. After defeating the Four Hundred Stars, Huitzilopochtli slew his sister and cast her down the hill at Templo Mayor where her body broke to pieces on striking the bottom. Priests at Templo Mayor killed prisoners in the same way, these sacrifices being replicas of mythical events designed to keep the daily battle between day and night and the birth of the God of War ever in theminds of the people. Often considered synonymous with QUETZALCOATL. ITZCOLIUHQUI The Twisted Obsidian One, the God of the Curved Obsidian Blade. God of darkness and destruction. Blinded and cast down from the heavens, Itzcoliuhqui strikes out randomly at his victims. ITZPAPALOTL Obsidian Butterfly. Beautiful, demonic, armed with the claws of a jaguar. The female counterpart of Itzcoliuhqui. MICTLAN Below the world of living men there are nine underworlds, the lowest of which is Mictlan, the Land of the Dead ruled by Mictlantechupi and his consort Mictlancihuntl. Souls who win no merit in life come here after death, but they do not suffer as in the Christian hell. Instead they merely endure a rather drab and colorless existence before passing again into the world of the living. As a man disappears into the West, the direction of the dead, the seeds of his rebirth are sown. OMETEOTL "God of the Near and Close," "He Who Is at the Center," the god above all, the being both male and female who created all life and existence. Ometeotl is dualistic, embodying both male and female, light and dark, positive and negative, yes and no. Ometoetol occupies Omeyocan, the highest of the Aztecs' thirteen heavens, and the four

heavens immediately below Omeyocan are a mystery about which no one knows very much. Below the five highest heavens is a region of strife and tempest, where Ometeotl breaks into his many facets or aspects. QUETZALCOATL The Feathered Serpent. The Precious Twin who lifts the sun out of darkness, god of the winds and the breath of life, First Lord of the Toltecs. Lawgiver, civilizer, creator of the calender. Demons tempted Quetzalcoatl constantly to commit murder and human sacrifice, but his love was too great for him to succumb. To atone for great sins, Quetzcoatl threw himself on a funeral pyre, where his ashes rose to the heavens as a flock of birds carrying his heart tothe star Venus. A frieze in the palace at Teotihuacan shows his first entry into the world in the shape of a chrysalis, from which he struggles to emerge as a butterfly, the symbol of perfection. Quetzalcoatl is by far the most compassionate of the Aztec gods he only demands one human sacrifice a year. Often considered synonymous with HUITZILOPOTCHLI. TEZCATLIPOCA The Prince of This World, the Mirror that Smokes, the One Always at the Shoulder, the Shadow. A trickster, revered particularly by soldiers and magicians. The name refers to the black obsidian mirrors used by magicians which become cloudy when scrying. A god of wealth and power, Tezcatlopoca's favors can only be won by those willing to face his terrors. Ruler over the early years of a man's life. TLALOC Lord of all sources of water, clouds, rain, lightning, mountain springs, and weather. TLALOCAN Kingdom of Tlaloc, a heaven of sensual delights, of rainbows, butterflies and flowers, of simple-minded and shallow pleasures. Souls spend only four years here before returning to the land of the living. Unless it strives for higher and nobler things while living, a soul is destined for this endless round of mortal life and Tlalocan. When a life had been particularly evil, a soul might journey instead to Mictlan. TLILLAN-TLAPALLAN The land of the fleshless. The Land of the Black and Red, the colors signifying wisdom. A paradise for those who successfully follow the teachings of Quetzalcoatl. Those souls who come to Tlillan-Tlapallan have learned to live without fleshly bodies, a state greatly to be desired. TLAZOLTEOTL Eater of filth, devourer of sins, goddess of witches and witchcraft. Tlazolteotl has power over all forms of unclean behavior, usually sexual. Confessing sins to Tlazolteotl, one is cleansed. The goddess has four forms or aspects, corresponding to the phases of the moon: a young and carefree temptress, the lover of Quetzalcoatl; the Goddess of gambling and uncertainty; the Great Priestess who consumes and destroys the sins of mankind; and frightful old crone, persecutor and destroyer of youth. TONATIUH God of the Sun. Poor and ill, Tonatiuh cast himself into the flames, and being burnt up, was resurrected. Daily Tonatiuh repeats his passage across the heavens, down into darkness, and back again into the sky. With him Tonatiuh carries all brave warriors who have died in battle and all brave women who have died in childbirth. The greatest heroes Tonatiuh carries with him to the greatest heights. In Tonatiuhican, the House of the Sun, dwell those who have won even greater enlightenment than those who dwell in Tlillan-Tlapallan. XIPE TOTEC Lord of the Spring, god of newly planted seed and of penitential torture. A pockmarked saviour who tears out his eyes and flays himself in penance to the gods, thus persuading the gods to give maize to men. Giving up his pockmarked skin, Xipe Totec is then clad in robes of gold.

XIUHTECUHTLI Lord of fire, Lord of the Pole Star, pivot of the universe, one of the forms of the Supreme Deity. The lord of every flame, from those which burn in the temples to those which burn in the lowliest huts. XOLOTL The god with backward feet who brought Man as well as Fire from the underworlds. Bringer of misfortune. The evil aspect of the star Venus. Quetzalcoatl's deformed twin.

Egyptian: AAH: The Moon God. I notice that the moon is male here just as it is in Sumer and Babylon. Aah is egyptian for Moon. AMON-RE: This is Re as the "Invisible God". He seems to be all of the Egptian Gods combined into one unified god-head, and was not outwardly worshipped. It simply shows that the Egyptians knew that All was part of one underlying Unity. AMMUT: The Eater of the Dead. This is the monster that sits within the judgment chamber and devoures those who do not pass the trial. He has the head of a crocodile, the forebody of a leapord, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. ANUBIS: This jackle-headed god is the one who comes to you at death and guides you through the darkness to the judgment chamber. Messenger of the gods. Son of Osiris and Nephthys. Guardian of the tombs. ANUKIS: Wife of Khnum. God of lust and desire for life.


APOPHIS (ZET): This myth is not really a creation myth, but the energies it involves are the same. It resembles the stories of Lotan, Zu, Asag, and Leviathan. Actually, it is the idea of the day (Re) defeating the night (Typhon). It is also the new year defeating the old. In either case, it is an "Order from Chaos" type story. Typhon is a serpent god who is an enemy of Re. Re sends the gods to slay him. They are, of course, successful. In one versionof the myth, Seth himsself is the one to kill Apophis each day (which is strange as Seth and Apophis seem to be the same basic god-form: see Seth). AROUERIS (Horus the Elder): See Horus the Elder.

ATEN (Amon-Re-Harakhti): This God was worshipped by Akhenaten as the "One True God". He had only a brief worship; Akhenaten was not liked for his break from the Atum-Re (see below) cult. However, it would seem that Moses was affected by Akhenaten's ideas as he (Moses) studied the Egyptian mysteries. It seems Aten is the forerunner of Yahweh. Aten is Egyptian for Sun. ATUM-RE: This is Re as he emerged out of the Nun (Primordial Sea), appointed the Ogdoad (see below) to their proper places in the Heavens, and single-handedly created all in existance. Also, Re is told to have seperated the lovers Geb and Nuit from their lovemaking, setting Nuit as the Sky and Geb as the Earth. AURAMOOUTH: BAST: magick. Daughter of Nuit. Sky-goddess of Water. Goddess of occultism and Thier union brought

A cat Goddess, and a cat-headed deity.

GEB: This is the Earth God, with Nuit as the Sky Goddess. forth Isis and Osiris, Seth and Nephthys, and Horus the Elder.

HAPI: God of the Nile, and a protection deity of the North, and the small viscerae of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Tuamautef, and Qubhsennuf). HATHOR: This Goddess is a Love/War (Passion) Goddess. She is the Eye of Re (i.e the Sun itself) whome, when angry, even the Gods fear. She can take the form of a Cow or Cat. She also comes to new-born children, in the form of Seven Women, to tell them their destinies. HORUS THE ELDER (Aroueris): Son of Geb and Nuit, He is a Cosmic Being who's right eye is the Sun and who's left eye is the Moon. If Seth was origonally the New Moon (see Seth), then the story of Seth removing Horus' eye may well be a story of a solar eclipse. HORUS THE YOUNGER (Heru): The hawk-headed god is the son of Isis and the newly resurected Osiris. He removed Seth from the Throne of Egypt and ruled as successor to his father. He is also the one who leads the soul before Osiris upon passing the Weighing of the Heart. In the battle against Seth, Horus lost an eye and later regained it. This gives us the symbol of the Eye of Horus (see Horus the Elder). HU: He and his partner Sia are two aspects of the Creative Power of the Gods.

ISIS (Au-Seth): Wife/sister of Osiris. Goddess of Magick and Healing. She is also much like Ishtar/Innana. (See Osiris). The Egyptian Goddess-force. KHNUM: Lord of barley and wheat, fruit and flowers, birds, fish, and all animals. Created Man on a potters wheel. He lives on the first mound of Earth that rose from the Nun, where the Source of the Nile lies, in a Temple called "Joy of Life". It is He who opens the flood-gates each year. KHONSU: Son of Amon and Mut.

MAAT: Goddess of Truth and Justice. Wife of Thoth. She existed before the birth of the gods. (See Hokhmah of the Hebrews). Her symbol is the feather that can be seen on the Judgment Scale. MESTHA: A god of Protection of the South, and the stomach and large intestines of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Hapi, Tuamautef, and Qebhsennuf). MIN: A fertility God. Keep in mind that Amon was fused with Re, and was not the same

MUT: Amon's wife. Deity to begin with. NEITH: NEKHBET:

Sky goddess of War and Fire. Symbolised as a Vulture. Guardian of Upper Egypt (See Ua-Zit).

NEPHTHYS: Goddess of women. Wife of Seth, and the Dark Twin of Isis. Sister of Osiris. She is also the mother of Anubis. NUIT: Goddes of Sky and sister/wife of Geb. (See Geb).

NUN: Nun is listed with the Ogdoad. However, I wish to single him out here as it is from him the name of the Primordial Waters was taken. He is the oldest of the Gods. OGDOAD, THE: This myth is from the mythos where Atum-Re is the Creator God. There were eight Ogdoad, four frogs and four snakes, who were the Primordial Waters- the Nun. Atum-Re arose from the Nun, and appointed the Ogdoad to their proper places in the Heavens (thus, brought order from chaos). Their names are: Nun and his consort Naunet, Kuk and Kuaket, Huh and Huahet, and Amon and Amaunet.

OSIRIS (Au-Saur): Osiris was eventually merged with Re and seems to be nearly the same deity in many aspects (forming a kind of Divine Loop). He is a God Force with Isis as his Goddess Force. Osiris was probably origonally a fertility god (like Tammuz), but was elevated when associated with Re. Mythologically, he was origonally a Pharoah who brough civilzation to the people. He is the Egyptian God-force. As the lord of the Underworld, he is Khent-Amenti.(His real name is Au Sar: "exceeding king"). PTAH: This god is a parallel myth to the Atum-Re mythos (see above). Ptah is equated with the Nun (the Egyptian Primordial Waters).In this mythos, Ptah creates Atum-Re and all the other gods, as well as all in existance. Also,patron god of Architechs. QEBHSENNUF: A god of Protection of the West, and the liver and gall-bladder of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Hapi, and Tuamautef). RE: This is the falcon-headed sun god who is born each morning, grows old by the end of the day, and enters the land of the dead each night. He is Khephira in the morning, Re at midday, and Atum at night. SATIS: Daughter of Khnum.

SHU: The god of Air and the husband/brother of Tephnuit. Atum-Re fertilized himself and brought this god, and his wife into existance. Shu and Tephnuit's union brought forth Geb and Nuit, the Earth and Sky. Shu was placed, by Re,between Geb and Nuit and he acts as a support to Nuit herself. SIA: His name means "mind" or "thought". He is most often paired with Hu,and together they are two aspects of the Creative Power of the Gods. SELKIS: Scorpion Goddess.

SETH: This is the brother of Osiris who destroyed him and dismembered his body in order to take his throne. He is the Dark Serpent aspect of the God. God of drought and storm, Lord of the Red Land (the desert). In Sanscrit the word "sat" means to destroy by hewing into pieces. In the myth of Osiris it was Seth who killed Osiris and cut his body into fourteen pieces. But it may be significant that the word "set" is also defined as "queen" or "princess" in Egyptian. Au Set, known as Isis by the Greeks, is defined as "exceeding queen". In the myth of the combat Seth tries to mate sexually with Horus; this is usually interpreted as being an insult. But the most primitive identity of the figure Seth, who is also closely related to the serpent of darkness known as Zet, and often refered to by classical Greek writers as Typhon, the serpent of the goddess Gaia, may once have been female, or in some way symbolic of the Goddess religion, perhaps related to the Goddess Ua Zit, "Great Serpent", the cobra Goddess of Neolithic times. Lastly, there is a theory that is pure speculation on Seth's battle with Horus. First, we look at Horus as a Solar Deity. Then, we look at Isis as being the Full Moon (as she is the Goddess of Magick). Next, if we consider that Seth was origonally female, then it is easy (or just convenient) to assign him/her to the new moon. Put these together, and the story of Seth attempting to mate with Horus, and then taking his eye, may very well be a story of a solar eclipse (see Horus the Elder). SOTHIS: TEPHNUIT: Goddess of the dog-star, and of initiation.Isis. The Goddess of Moisture, wife/sister of Shu.(See Shu).

THOTH: This ibis-headed god is the Scribe of the Gods and the God of Wisdom. He is the Logos, the Word of Re. He was Self-Created before the Creation.Husband of Maat. TUAMAUTEF: A god of Protection of the East, and the heart and lungs of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Hapi, and Qebhsennuf). TUM: It is also a name of Re, usually seen as Atum.

UA ZIT: "Great Serpent" Cobra Goddess, guardian of Lower Egypt (see Nekhbet). (Also see Seth for an interesting note). ZET: See Apophis.

Canaanite: ANATH: This was a Love and War Goddess, the Venus star. She is also known for slaying the enimies of her brother Baal much in the same way Hathor slaughtered much of mankind (Anath is heavily related to Hathor). After the Defeat of Mavet and Yam, a feast was thrown for Baal. Anath locked everyone inside, and proceeded to slay everyone (as they had all been fickle toward Baal with both Mavet and Yam, as well as Ashtar). Baal stopped her and conveinced her that a reign of peace is what was needed. She also has confronted Mavet and was responsible for Baal's liberation from the underworld. She is the twin sister of Marah. Daughter of Asherah. She is also known as Astarte. Astarte is the Canaanite Name of Ishtar; just as Ishtar is the Babylonian Name ofInanna. In all cases the Name means, simply, "Goddess". Astarte itself translates literally as "She of the Womb". ARSAY: Daughter of Baal. An underworld Goddess.

ASHERAH: The Mother of the Gods, Qodesh (just like El), Queen of Heaven. She is a goddess of Love and, as Astarte, a War Goddess. She is also an Earth Goddess. Wife of El. (see El). When the gods decided to entreat Yam to ease his reign of tyranny, it was Asherah who went to him and even offered herself. The gods agreed to let her do this, except for Baal who was enraged at the idea.(See Baal). Asherah is said to have given birth to seventy gods. ASHTAR: Possibly a male version of Ishtar (Astarte in Canaan), the Venus Star. When Baal was killed by Mavet, Asherah had Ashtar, her son, placed on the throne. However, Ashtar was not big enough to fill the position, and resigned. I believe one of his titles is Malik (the King) and other names for him are Abimilki and Milkilu. ASTARTE: A Name of Anath which means "Goddess", or literally "She of the Womb". Astarte is simply the Canaanite version of the Name Ishtar. BAAL: He is the Canaanite Ruler God (like Marduk). Baal and Yam-Nahar origonally competed for kingship of the gods. The matter was brought before El,who decided in favour of Yam. Yam then proceeded with a reign of tyranny over the gods, and none of them felt they had the power to defeat Yam. So, they sent Asherah to entreat him to lossen his grip. Asherah even offered herself to Yam. Upon hearing this, Baal was enraged, and decided to defeat Yam. Yam got wind of Baal's plan and sent messengers to El with the demand that Baal be delivered to him. El, afraid, agreed. Baal then taunted the gods for their cowardice and went to face Yam. He had two weapons made, Yagrush (chaser) and Aymur (driver).He struck Yam on the chest with Yagrush to no avail. Then he struck him on the forehead with Aymur and fell Yam to the earth. After Yam's defeat, Baal had a palace built for himself; closely resembeling the story of Marduk. It alsoresembles Marduk's story in that the Primeval Waters threatened the gods, and the High God and others were afraid to face them, with the exception of the soon-to-be Ruler God. The Baal epic then continues to describe his fight against Mavet. Baal is also a Storm God like Marduk, and a fertility god like Tammuz. Dagon is his father. Baal is the Canaanite God-force (the goddess force seems to be split between Anath and Asherah). Baal's proper name is Hadad, relating to his storm-god aspect. Baal is really a title, meaning "Lord". DAGON: A vegitation God (especially corn). Father of Baal.

EL: The Father of the Gods, the Creator of Created Things, The Kindly, Kodesh. Asherah is his wife. He wears bull horns on his helmet.


GAPEN: A messenger of Baal. His name either means Vine or Field. Probably the former. HADAD: HIRIBI: HAURON: See Baal. God of Summer. A God that is related to Ninurta of Mesopotamia and Horus of Egypt.

KOSHAROTH, THE: The Wise Goddesses. These may be somewhat along the lines of the Greek Graces, or the Seven Hathors of Egypt. As we see them, they are called to set up a Wedding. They are also sometimes symbolized as sparrows,which indicated fertility. They were Goddesses of childbirth. KOSHAR U KHASIS: Craftsman of the Gods. Built the palaces of both Yam-Nahir and Baal. He also fashioned the two clubs that Baal used to defeat Yam. KOSHARTU: LEVIATHAN: Wife of Koshar. Another Name for Lotan or Tannin. See Lotan.

LOTAN: This may be another story like Apophis, Zu, Asag, and Leviathan where it is not an actual creation story, but still involves the same energies. Onthe other hand, it may be some kind of alternate Creation story where Lotan replaces Yam-Nahar. Lotan is a seven headed serpent defeated by Baal with the help of Mavet. Anath also claims a role in the defeat of the Serpent. Also known as Tannin or Leviathan. MARAH: Merciful Goddess of the Waters. Twin sister of Anath. Daughter of Asherah.

MAVET: God of Death and Sterility. His name means Death. A son of El. After Baal defeated Yam, he then sent a message to Mavet demanding that he keep his domain in the underworld where he belonged. Mavet was enraged by this and sent a threatening message to Baal, who was afraid and attempted to flatter his way out of it. This, however, was to no avail and Baal was forced to face Mavet. Mavet defeated him and held him in the underworld until Anath tracked him (Mavet) down and defeated him herself. Mavet did not actually die, as he and Baal had to face off once more seven years later. Neither defeated the other, but Mavet did give in (at the command of Shapash) and proclaimed Baal the King of the Gods. NIKKAL: Consort of Yarikh.(S = Ningal). Goddess of the fruits of the Earth. Daughter of Hiribi. PIDRAY: Girl of Light. A daughter or consort of Baal.


The two messengers of Asherah fused into one God.

RAHMAYA: A goddess impregnated, along with Asherah, by El. The Goddesses then gave birth to the twin gods Shahar and Shalem, though I don't know who gave birth to whom. RESHEPH: Probably a War God. Lord of the Arrow. Has gazel horns on his helmet. He destroys men in mass by war and plague. He is the porter of the sun Goddess Shepesh (this seems to resemble Khamael of the Hebrews). He is also called Mekal (Annialator). Related to Nergal of Mesopotamia. SHAHAR: God of dawn. Either a son of Asherah, or of Rohmaya.

SHALEM:God of Dusk.The Contemplation of Day. Either a son of Asherah, or of Rohmaya. SHAPASH: SIN: Sun Goddess. The Torch of the Gods.

Moon God.


Girl of Rain.

A daughter or consort of Baal. See Lotan.

Another Name for Leviathan or Lotan.

UGAR: A messenger of Baal. His name either means Vine or Field, probably the latter. YAHWEH: Yahweh is added here because there was a short time in which He was simply part of the Canaanite pantheon.When the Khabiru moved into Isra-El,their young Volcano God, known as Yahweh (or "Everflowing"), was accepted as a Son of El. Later, Yahweh was equated with El, and Asherah became His wife. YAM-NAHAR: Yam-Nahar is the Primordial Waters that were defeated by Baal (see Baal and Asherah). His name means Sea-River. He was originally given kingship by El,and ruled as a tyrant over the Gods. Baal finally rose up against him. YARIKH: Babylonian: ADAD: ADAR: Moon God. "S" indicates a parallel in Sumer. (See Hadad of Canaan).

A storm, or weather, god. See Ninib

ANSHAR: "Whole Heaven" He and his wife, Kishar, are the children of Lamu and Lahamu. They are said to be the circular Horizons of the sky and earth. Their union brought forth Ea and Anu. (See Kishar) ANU: This was the Sky God. S=An


The 50 great gods who deside the destiny of man. S. See Ninurta.

Deamon who stole the Tablets of Destiny.

APSU: Tiamat's first husband, symbolising the Sweet Waters (rivers).Origonally, he and Tiamat (The Salt Waters of the Sea) were intermingled as one,until he was killed by Ea for plotting against the younger gods. ASUSHUNAMIR: Sexless creature created by Ea to descend into the Underworld and charm Ereshkigal into reviving Ishtar with the Waters of Life. He is Successful. S= Kurgarru, and Kalaturru. EA (Ia): The Babylonian god of Wisdom and Magick, as well as Earth and Water.Also called Nudimmud. Also called Enki. Father of Marduk. Atfter he killed Apsu, he built his palace in the Sweet Waters, and called it Apsu. S=Enki (only he was a ruler god and Water God. Ki was the Earth Goddess). In Babylon, Ea replaces the works of Enlil. H= Yah. ENLIL: ENKI: Lord Wind or Lord Air, a storm God. God of Air. See Ea. Queen of the Underworld. S. Husband of Ereshkigal and S.


ERRA: Also called Nergal. A god of pestilence and war. King of the Underworld. See Nergal.

GAD: A god of luck and fortune related to the sign of Aries. (There most definately must be link between this god and the Hebrew tribe of Gad, also related to Aries). GIBIL:A fire god invoked, with two others, against black magick. (See Gira and Nusku) GIRA:A fire god invoked, with two others, against black magick.(See Gibil and Nusku)

ISHTAR: Wife of Tammuz, Queen of Heavaen. (see Tammuz). She is a Goddess of Love and War. The Venus Star. The Babylonian Goddess-force. S= Inanna. KI: Earth Goddess, sister/wife of An. "Whole Earth" Later, mother/wife of Enlil. (See Anshar). S.


Wife/sister of Anshar.

LAMU: He and his wife Lahamu are said to be the silt created by the junction of the primeval Waters, the rivers and sea.They are the Children of Apsu and Tiamat.(see Lahamu). LAHAMU: Wife/sister of Lamu. (See Lamu).

LAMASHTU: Demoness who steals babies from their mothers. A probable source for much of the Hebrew Lilith. MARDUK: Also known as Bel (The Lord). The son of Ea who defeated Tiamat (because the other gods were afraid to face her), thus destroying Chaos and reigning in Order. He was appointed High God because of this, and he took the Tablets of Destiny from Qingu. He is the Hero of the Gods, and also a storm deity. The story of Marduk is very similar to Baal.Marduk had no real place among the gods until he agreed to defeat Tiamat. Baal, likewise, had no place among the gods until he defeated Yam, and then he had a palace built for himself. S=Nunurta (not a direct relation, but this is probably where Marduk came from).Marduk and his son, Nabu, are, in part, solar deities much like Osiris and Seth.For an explanation, see Nabu.Marduk is related to Jupiter, therefore making him a Wandering God. MUMMU: This is Apsu's vizier, who was captured by Ea. This also happens to be a Name of Marduk. He symbolised mist and fog.

NABU: Son of Marduk. God of Scribal Art and Wisdom. Marduk is the Lord of the Waxing Year, and his son is the Lord of the Waning Year. I don't know of any mythology dealing with a defeat of Marduk, especially by Nabu. However, there is a ritual involving both of them that embodies the Solar Cycle. At Midsummer (Litha), two minor Goddesses (otherwise known as th hairdressers of Marduk's wife, Sarpanitum[?] ) would go in solomn procession from the Temple of Marduk (The Dayhouse) to the Temple of Nabu (The Nighthouse). At Midwinter(Yule), the two Goddesses would return to the Dayhouse. He is associated with Mercury and is said to be the god of Science, and the guardian of the gods. He supposedly appears as an old man, long of beard, with a crown of one hundred horns, and a long robe. He is one of the Wandering Gods. Sumerian: ABU: King of plants (see the Eight children of Ki).

AN: An was the Sky or Heaven God. He and his wife Ki are the children of Nammu. An is the creator of the Anunnaki. ANUNNAKI, THE: These are the gods created by An, and appointed their positions by Enki. Possibly they are children of An and Ki. There are also the Seven Anunnaki who are the dreaded judges of the underworld. I believe there are supposed to be 50 of them in all. The Anunnaki, and some others who may or may not be Anunnaki, are marked with an "A". A question mark, or course,indicates questionable choices. ASAG (KUR): Dragon of the Abyss (or Abzu). Daemon of Disease. Asag was not seperated like Tiamat. Instead, he lived within the Abyss *after* creation and held back the Primordial Waters from consuming the Earth. At one point, he kidnapped Ereshkigal, and Enlil went to rescue her. The outcome of the battle is not known. However, we do know that Enlil is the Lord of the Waters, and that he built his home on the Sea. On the other hand, Ereshkigal herself, to this day, is the Queen of the Underworld, as if she remained there. In any case, Asag was not killed for, later, another god decided

to destroy him for reasons unknown. This was Ninurta (possibly a model for Marduk). (See Ninurta). The story of Ninurta and Asag seem to parallel the myths of Typhon, Lotan, Zu, and Leviathan. Note: Asag can be thought of as the Abyss itself. Kur is the name of the Underworld, as well as a name for this Serpent. Perhaps he is also an Anunnaki, but I doubt it. ASHNAN: The grain goddess. She was created (along with Lahar) by Enlil and Enki so that the Anunnunki would have food to eat and cloths to wear. However, the two gods became drunk and could not perform their duties: it was to remedy this that Man was created. (See Lahar). BAU: Wife of NInurta (or Ningirsu). Married Ningishzida (see the Eight children of Ki).


DUMUZI: The Sumerian God-force. A sheperd god and fertility god. Husband of Inanna. (see Inanna). It seems he is an Anunnaki. EIGHT CHILDREN OF KI, THE: (See Abu, Nintul, Ninsutu, Ninkasi, Nazi, Dazimua,Ninti, Enshagag.) The Goddess Uttu, in the paradise of Dilmun, had born 8 plants from her union with Enki.He then proceeded to eat them all. Ki cursed him for this and he became ill. He convinced her to remove her curse, and she created these eight gods of healing, one for each pain he was having, to cure him. There is a punning relation between the names of the gods and the names of the body parts they healed. EMESH: Summer. He and his brother Enten were created by Enlil.(See Enten) God in charge of the Tigris and Euphrates.


ENKI: This was the Water God, and also a lesser ruler under Enlil.It seems Enlil created the world, and Enki was left to run it. Enlil simply resided in his palace and issued blessings. Enki, with Ki, created Man. He is also a God of Wisdom. Also, Enki is just a title. His name is Ea. It is not sure whoes son he is. Also, there was one point when he became jealous of Enlil's superiority over him ,so he took it out on man through the "confusion of tounges". ENKIMDU: God in charge of farm tools. He was origonally favoured by Inanna for a husband. However, Dumuzi threatened him, and he gave Inanna up. ENLIL: This was the Air God, and the supreme ruler and creator, son of An and Ki. See Enki. Enlil also took Ki as his wife. God of wisdom and magick. His name means Lord of the Winds, so he is also a Storm God. ENSHAGAG: Lord of the Paradise City of Dilmun (see the eight children of Ki).

ENTEN: Winter. He and his brother Emesh were created by Enlil so that the Earth could produce food, animals, etc... (See Emesh). ERESHKIGAL: Queen of the underworld (Kur), of death, and enemy of Inanna. All underwold deities are called Chthonic Deities. She is said to be the sister of Inanna, making her the daughter of Nanna. She is defineitly not one of the Seven Chthonic Anunnaki, yet she is still an Anunnaki. Most likely she is the Destructive Forces of Saturn as Inanna is Venus. GALAS, THE: GESHTINANNA: The demons of the underworld. Dumuzi's sister. Divine poetress, singer, and interpreter of dreams.

GILGAMESH: A human hero who was later deified. As a psudo-god, he resides in the underworld and organizes it, sending souls to their proper places. He was origonally a Priest-King.

GUGALANNA: This god is mentioned in the myth of the Descent of Inanna. When Neti asks why she has come, Inanna says something about Lord Gugalnna, the husband of Ereshkigal. The text reads: "My older sister, Ereshkigal, Because her husband, the Lord Gugalanna, had been killed to witness the funeral rites so be it!" HAIA: Nidaba's or Nanshe's husband.

IGIGI, THE: It seems that these were very early deities who guide and control every aspect of nature. Either they were not given much promenance later, or they simply were never given much attention. Chances are that these are Angels were the gods are Archangels. INANNA: The Summerian Goddess-force. Inanna is the daughter of the moon, sister of the sun, and the planet Venus. She was a War Goddess and a Love Goddess. (see Dumuzi). Note on the myth of her descent: the myth of Enlil and Ninlil's descent into the underwold may combined to Inanna's descent. If it is,then we have a full story of the cycle of the god and goddess' descent. ISHKUR: ISIMUD: God in charge of rain and winds Messenger of Enki. Has two faces.

KALATURRU: Sexless created created by Enki and given the Food and Water of Life to revive Inanna in the underworld. He was created with another like it: Kurgarru. (see Kurgarru). KI: She is the Earth Goddess. Also known as Ninhursag, Nintu, or Ninma. First, she was the wife/sister of An. After she was seperated from him by their son Enlil..."An carried off Heaven, and Enlil carried off Earth. In this she became the mother/wife of Enlil. KULLA: KUR: God in charge of building tools and bricks. The Underworld. (See Asag).

KURGARRU: Sexless creature created by Enki and given the Food and Water of Life to revive Innana in the underworld. He was created with another like it: Kalaturru. (see Kalaturru). LAHAR: The Cattle God. He and Ashnan were created (by Enlil and Enki) so the Anunnaki would have food to eat and clothes to wear. (See Ashnan). LILITH: A succubis. She is known from a story where she made her home in the trunk of Inanna's Sacred Tree. Anzu made his home in the branches, and a serpent had made it's home in the roots. This infestation had caused the Tree to cease growing. Inanna called upon Gilgamesh to rid the Tree of it's occupants. For this, Inanna gave him his famous Bow. MARTU: God of the Semites, or Amurru (Amorites), who were still nomadic,"barbaric" people at the time of Sumer. They later moved into the land of Sumer and conquered it.thus arose Babylonia. MESLAMTAEA: One of the three underwold gods. These are not part of the Seven Dreaded Anunnaki, as they are children of Enlil and Ninlil. (See Ninazu and ????2). MUSHDAMMA: NAMMU: In charge of active building. The Builder of Enlil.

The goddess who was the Primordial Waters.

NANNA: The Moon god. Father of Utu and Inanna, as well as all the other planets and stars. Son of Enlil and Ninlil. Enlil had raped Enlil and was sentenced to the

Underworld for His crime. Ninlil, however, loved Him and followed Him downward. She gave birth to a number of Underworld Gods, but Enlil was able to remove Her from the underworld before she gave birth to Nanna. Nanna enters the land of the dead once a month (the New Moon) and judges the dead with his son Utu. Nanna travels the sky in a boat. He is long of beard and carries a wand of lapis lazuli in his palm. NANSHE: Goddess in charge of Sea. Goddess of Justice. Judges Mankind on NewYears, with Nidaba at her side. Also interprets dreams for the gods. NAZI: NEDU: Married Nindar (see the eight children of Ki). See Neti.

NERGAL: King of the Underwold, the Ambusher. A god of pestilence. See Babylonia. He is a god of War and Mars, and therefore a Wandering God. NETI: The gatekeeper of the first of seven gates to the underworld. I wonder if this is not one of the seven Chthonic Anunnaki. Also called Nedu. NIDABA: This goddess was a serpent who was in charge of Temple record keeping. is also the Goddess of Writing. She

NINAZU: One of the three underworld deities. Child of Enlil and Ninlil (from the begetting of Nanna). (See Meslamtaea, and ????2) NINGAL: Wife of Nanna. See Ki. Goddess in charge of Healing and the art of Medicine.


NINKASI: The Goddess who sates the heart; meaning the goddess of intoxicating drink. (see the Eight Children of Ki). NINKUR: Daughter of Enki and Ninsar. (from the myth of the 8 plants).

NINLIL: Enlil's wife. This Goddess followed Enlil to the underworld after he had been banished there by the Anunnaki for raping her. At this point she was pregnant with Nanna (from the rape). In the underworld she gave birth to the Three Underworld Deities and gave birth to Nanna after she made it back out. NINSAR: Daughter of Enki and Ki. Inanna's messenger. Enki's wife. Wife of Ninazu (see the Eight children of Ki). (from the myth of the 8 plants). Possibly an Anunnaki?


NINTI: Queen of the Month (see the Eight children of Ki). Note: The part of Enki's body that was healed by this goddess was his rib. The Sumerian word for rib is "Ti". Therefore Nin-ti means "lady of the rib". On the other hand, the word "Ti" can also be translated as "to make live". Therefore, Ninti can also mean "lady who brings life". Later, as we all know, Eve was made from Adam's rib. The word Eve (heb.- Havah) also means "to make live". Perhaps, and most likely, the Hebrew myth of Adam's rib comes directly from this myth. However,something was lost in the translation, as Havah has no relation to the Hebrew word for rib. NINTU: NINTUL: See Ki. Lord of the city Magon (see the Eight children of Ki).

NINURTA: Hero of the Gods. God of the Stormy South Winds. Possiblepre-cursur to Marduk. This god owned a weapon that was alive. This weapon,Sharur, for some reason, convenced Nunurta to destroy Asag. This he did. However, once Asag was gone, the Waters rose up and engulfed the Earth. Nothing could grow. So, Nunurta built a stone wall over Asag's body that stopped and held back the Waters. Then he took the Waters that had already engulfed the land and dumped them into the Euphrates. This caused the overflow of the Euphrates, and the land became abundant. Obviously, this is a myth relating to the yearly flooding of the river. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ki. Also, as Ningirsu, brother of Nanshe. See Ninurta in Babylon. NIMUG: Goddess given task by Enki at the time he organized the world, but we don't know what. NUNGAL: NUSKU: Ereshkigal's daughter. Messenger of Enlil. Judge and protector of the Black Heads.

SUMUGAN: Enki set him as lord of the steppe lands. He may be one of the Anunnaki, but there is at least one indication that he was created later. UTU: The Sun God. As he travels through the underworld at night (making it daytime there), he judges the dead. Nanna, as he visits the underworld once each month (at the New Moon), also judges with his son. He travels the sky in a chariot drawn by four mythological beasts. He was set by Enki in charge of cities and bounderies, or (possibly) the entire universe. This would fit as he is the ruling deity just under Enki. Son of Nanna. UTTU: Daughter of Enki and Ninkur. Goddess of plants and weaving. (from the myth of the 8 plants). ????: "Who loves fish" in charge of marshlands.

????2: One of the three underworld deities.. Child of Enlil and Ninlil (from the begetting of Nanna). (See Ninazu and Meslamtaea). Hebraic: list does not include most Archangels and Angels. H = a Human.

H AARON: Aaron is another of the Seven Sheperds. He balances Moses (Netzach) as the other Sphere of Prophesy (Hod). Aaron is the brother of Moses. H ABRAHAM: Abraham is one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of the Throne in the Chariot. He is the Mild, Watery (Chesed) aspect of the Four Legs. Abundant Love. Historically, it is said that Abraham may have been an Amorite who had settled in Sumer before Babylon (also Amorites) conquered it. He was the first to make a covenatnt with Yahweh (or possibly El of Canaan). H ADAM: This is Adam after Eve was seperated from him. He is the Father of Mankind. (See Eve). H ADAM KADMON: Adam Kadmon is not Primordial as it relates to "before creation". However, his creation marked the Primordial Man. He was both Male and Female in one being, not yet seperated into Adam and Eve. ADONAI: This means "Lord". However, the word itself is feminine in nature,thus making it similar in nature to Elohim: both male and female. Once again, this name could be thought of as the combined force of Yahweh and Asherah. This, too, is a very primordial name. ASHERAH: Asherah is listed here and with the Canaanites. She is the same Goddess, but seems to have been adopted by the Hebrews as the wife of Yahweh and the Manifest Shekinah. The Hebraic Goddess-force.

ASMODEUS: This is the King of the Deamons. There are two types of deamon,the malevolent kind, and those who have accepted the Torah and live in indifference (at best) to man. Asmodeus is the king of these latter deamons, as the malevolent kind have no leader. Samael will often rally the malevolent deamons himself. Asmodeus is also the husband of the Younger Lilith. AURIEL: The Divine Avenger. In some instances, Auriel is seen as an Angel of Severity and Vengence. Otherwise, she is the Archangel of Earth. Supposedly one of the Seven, yet with her included there are eight. AZAZEL: An Archangel who descended to earth with Shemhazai. (See Shemhazai). He taught mortal woen the art of seduction and make-up. When he was told of the coming flood, he refused to repent. For this, he was cast into a pit and covered with darkness, to remain there until the final days. BEHEMOTH: This beast was set as the King of Beasts. At the "end" of Creation, he will be sent against Leviathan, and both Creatures will die in the battle. Behemoth will be fed to the pious along with Leviathan. H DAVID: David is one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of the Throne in the Chariot. He represents Divinity Manifested in that he is the Founder of the Kingship of Israel. (Malkuth). EHEIEH: This means "I am". It was the Name given to Moses at the scene of the burning bush. Basically, this name relates more to YHVH, a concept, than it does to Yahweh, a god. EL: This is another name for Yahweh, usually translated to mean "God". Undoubtedly this comes from the Canaanite High God El. This name is used in conjunction with the title Shaddai (heb.- Almighty), as well as Chai (heb.-Living). Example: Shaddai El Chai = Almighty Living God. ELOHIM: This means "Gods" and basically relates to a female force enfolded in a male force. Or, a Male God with the ability to Create like a female. This is because the root word here is "Goddess" (Eloah), and the pluaral "im" is masculine. Mythologically, this could be thought of as the combined force of the Seven Archangels as They Created the World in seven days. Elohim is the pronunciation of YHVH for Binah. It should be thought of as leaning more toward the feminine, and is actually a very primordial name. (See Yah). H ESAU: Twin brother of Jacob who sold his brithright for a bowl of soup. Mythologically, he is the founder of Canaan before the Israelites arrived. He later became an Angel: the Guardian Angel of Edom. H EVE: This is the second wife of Adam. She is the female half of Adam Kadmon after he was seperated and became Adam. Her name means "Life" and she is the Mother of Mankind. As a point of interest, see Ninti of Sumeria. GABRIEL: The Strength of Divinity. Gabrael is a Divine messenger and teacher. He (sometimes a she) is the benign Angel of Death, as well as the ArchAngel of Water. He is lord of the Ashim. One of the Seven. HANAEL: Divine Grace. The Archangel of Love and Passion. He is Lord of the Elohim. One of the Seven. HOKHMAH (TORAH): This Goddess' name means "Wisdom". It is said that she was created before all else. In fact, she took part in the dividing of the Primordial Waters (Prov. 8:23, 28). She is equated with the Torah, wich is said to have been created first, and is the embodiment of Wisdom to the Jewish people. (See Maat of the Egyptians).


H ISAAC: Isaac is one of the Seven Sheperds, and also one of the Four Legs of the Throne in the Chariot. He is the Fire to his father's Water. StrictJustice (Geburah). The myth of his near-sacrifice at the hand of Abraham was the injection of Divine Severity into Abraham's Mercy (see above). He is Abraham's son. H JACOB: Jacob was the third Patriarch, and thus is the balancer of his predecessor Abraham (Chesed) and Isaac (Geburah). Mercy (Tiphareth). He is also one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of the Throne in the Chariot. He is the son of Isaac, and twin brother of Esau. H JOSEPH: Joseph is one of the Seven Sheperds. He displays the ability to resist the sexual temptation of Yesode. This is displayed in the myth of the Egyptian woman's attempted seduction of him. He is the Keeper of the Covenant to the pure Yahwists. He is the son of Jacob who first went to Egypt and was responsible for the Hebrew presence there. KHAMAEL: This Archangel is the Archangel of Divine Severity, just as Samael. In fact, the two angels are one and the same. Classical Qabalah lists Samael as the leader of the Seraphim, but modern Qabalah has replaced the name with Khamael. Further, the Archangel Shemhazai, who hung himself between heaven and earth, is also Samael. This puts him in the perfect postion to fullfill his duties as the Porter of Heaven: Khamael, who resides at the very fringes of Heaven with hundreds of thousands of angels of destruction at his command. His purpose there is to keep intruders from entering the Heavens. He once attempted to stop Moses from entering, but was defeated by the Prophet. One of the Seven. LAILAH: This Goddess' name is Hebrew for "Night". Gen 1:2, and she was named by Yahweh in Gen 1:5. LEVANAH: The Moon (goddess). It was the Darkness mentioned in

LEVIATHAN: This could very possibly be related to the ideas of Typhon, Lotan,Zu, and Asag; where it resembles the creation myth, yet is seperate there-from.In this myth, there are two Leviathan, a male and a female. Once these two beasts are created, to rule the seas, Yahweh decides against letting the female live. Yahweh fears that the offspring of these two great beasts would destroy the world. The female is thusly killed. At the "end" of Creation, the male Leviathan is going to be killed in a battle with Behemoth (the Angels having failed at the task), and his skin will be set as a canopy over the heads of the pious, while his meat is fed to them. Certainly, the relation to this myth and Tiamat's destruction, and the setting of half of her body as the Sky, can be easily seen. Interestingly, Leviathan is thought to be another name for the Canaanite Lotan (See Lotan). H LILITH: The Hebrew form of Lilith is the first wife of Adam. She refused tobow down to him and left the Garden. She mated with daemons and became the patron Goddess of the Night and all it's creatures. She represnets the subconscious mind, that part of us that is most primal and sexual and defiant. She is the other half of the submissive Eve. There are two forms of Lilith, the Younger and the Elder. As the younger, she is the wife of Asmodeus (this being when she was in her cave mating with deamons). As the older, she is the wife of Samael (this being when she joined with him in bringing down Adam and Eve from the Garden. METETRON: The Prince of the Face. This was once the human Enoch, who was permited to ascend to Heaven without dieing. He was transformed into the ArchAngel with 360 eyes and 36 pairs of wings. His palace was set on high and his word was to be followed as if it were the voice of Yahweh HImself. Personally, I feel that Metetron and Yahweh are synonimous. Metetron is even known as the "Lesser YHVH", and one of his many names is Yahoel, which is Y, H, and V (transliterated as O) with "el" added to the end. Metetron is the lord of the Chaioth haQodesh. MICHAEL: The Protector of the Divine. He is the High Priest of Heaven and it's main guardian. Seen to be the Guardian Angel of Israel and all of humanity. He is the

ArchAngel of Fire, and sometimes a benign Angel of Death. He is lord of the Malachim. One of the Seven. H MOSES: Moses is one of the Seven Sheperds, relateing to Netzach. In the case of the Seven Sheperds, Netzach and Hod are Spheres of Prophesy. He is the prophet that lead the Exodus. RAHAB: This serpent is also much like Tiamat, more so than Tehom. He is described as an Archangel in Hebrew mythos. RAPHAEL: The Divine Physician. Self explanitory. Raphael is also the ArchAngel of Air. He is lord of the Beney Elohim. One of the Seven. RAZIEL: The Divine Scribe. There is a veil in Heaven that seperates the Divine Throne from the angelic hosts. Ratziel stands behind this veil and records all the goings on at the Merkabah into a book. This book, the Book of the Angel Raziel, a book containing all the knowledge of heaven and earth, was given to Adam by Raziel. The other angels, jealous, took the book and cast it into the sea. Yahweh, upon hearing of this transgression, ressurected Rahab to retrieve it for Adam. After this the book fades away. It resurfaces when it is given to Noah because it contains the instructions for the Ark. From there it passed down the family line until it reached Solomon. It is said that Solomon obtained all of his great Wisdom from this book. Another job of Ratziel is to stand before the Merkabah with outstretched wings, lest the breath of the Chaioth haQodesh consume all of the Heavens. He is Lord of the Auphanim. He is also listed as one of the seven, but with his inclusion, and Auriel's, there are nine. RUACH ELOHIM (SHEKINAH): Ruach Elohim is the Spirit of the Gods, and the Shekinah is the Presence of Divinity. Shekinah is also seen as a Goddess. (Gen 1:2) SAMAEL: The Poison of Divinity. Samael is the greatest of Angels (excepting Metetron HImself), with twelve wings as opposed to the normal six of the the other ArchAngels. He is the most beautiful angel. He is the main Angel of Death, and is the Archangel of Divine Severity. His angelic order is the Seraphim; the Firey Serpents sent to punish Israel for it's transgressions. He is also the husband of the elder Lilith. See also Khamael and Shemhazai; two other names for Samael. As Khamael, he is one of the seven. SANDALPHON: She is the twin of Metetron and the Archangel of Earth (as in the physical Universe, as opposed to the Element of Earth like Auriel). It is written that she descended to Earth as the male prophit Elijah as a guardian and protector. She is Ruler of the Kerubim. It is said that She stands at the foot of the Merkabah, and weaves prayers into garlands to rest on Yahweh's head. SHADDAI: SHEKINAH: SHEMESH: See El. See Ruach Elohim. The Sun (god).

SHEMHAZAI: This Archangel, along with Azazel, descended with his angelic host before the flood to steer Man back onto the right path. This order of Angels became known as the Watchers. However, the angels soon fell prey to the same vices as man and began to take wives from the Cainite women. For sex, they would sell the secrets of Heaven to the women. They gave knowledge on everything from making weapons of war, to the Qabalah itself. The offspring of these unions are known as the Nephilim (giants), and were destructive giants that plagued mankind. Others even became the heroes of ancient times (such as Gilgamesh from Sumer). The Flood was then sent to destroy these giants. When told of the news, Shemhazai repented his deeds and hung himself, upside-down, between heaven and earth. To this day, he can be seen there as the consellation Orion. Shemhazai is actually a form of the Archangel Samael. Also see Khamael.

TEHOM: This Goddess' name is Hebrew for "Deep". (Gen. 1:2). She is similar to the Babylonian Tiamat, yet is more along the lines of the Sumerian Nammu. TZADKIEL: Divine Justice. He is the Archangel of Divine Benevolence, and Lord of the Chashmalim. One of the Seven. TZAPHKIEL: UZZA: Divine Contemplation. Lord of the Aralim. One of the Seven.

Archangel of Egypt.

YAH: This, in Hebrew, is spelled "YH". This, esetoricaly, is the combination of the Y and H of YHVH. It is where the God and Goddess principals emerge from the Primordial Waters and mate. Literally, it is the Hebrew version of Babylon's Ea (spelled IA- A and H, just like I and Y, are interchangable in this context). It is the Name of Chockmah. In this, it should be thought of as leaning toward the masuline (as opposed to Elohim), and is a primordial name. YAHWEH: Yahweh is the God Force. Yahweh is also a War God, Storm God, and a Volcano Deity. The name Yahweh itself may be from the Sanscrit "YHVH", meaning "EverFlowing" and thus relates him to volcanic activity. After a short time,Yahweh became the National Deity of Isra-El, and was equated with El of Canaan. Along with this, He adopted Asherah (the wife of El) as His own wife. Also, theHebrews seemed to have associated Yahweh with Baal, making the two gods (just as with El and Yahweh) nearly identical. YAM: Sea God.

YHVH: as differenciated from Yahweh, who was not the only god to the early Hebrews. it is a formula to "sum up" the Ain (Nothingness)- or The One. The Face of Divinity. ZIZ SHADAI: Hittite: ALALUS: This mighty beast is the King of Birds.

B = Babylonian Father of Anus. Anus removed him from the throne.

ANUS: Sky God. Removed his father Alalus from the throne, and was, himself, removed by his son Kumarbis. B = Anu. ARINNA: failed. Sun Goddess. She sent an Eagle out in search of Telepinus. The effort

EA: He resides in the Apsu, just as he does in Babylonia. What he does in the Hittite pantheon I don't know. He is the one who decided on how to defeat Ulikummis, by using the copper knife that was "used to seperate heaven and earth". B. ENLIL: Enlil also makes a guest appearance in the Ulikummis myth. He saw Ulikummis as a child and told the gods later, after the child had grown to it's great size, that they could not hope to defeat it. HEBAT: Wife of Teshub.

HANNAHANNAS: Queen of Heaven. She urges Teshub to do something about Telepinus' disappearance. Teshub went as far as Telepinus' own door, where he banged on the door until he broke his hammer, and thus abandoned the quest. ILLUYANKAS: A dragon slain by Teshub. There are two versions of this myth. In the old version, they two gods fight and Illuyankas wins. Teshub" then goes to Inaras for advice, and she devises a trap for the dragon. She goes to him with large quantities of liqure, and entices him to drink his fill. Once drunk,the dragon is bound, and Teshub appears with the other gods and kills him Inthe later version, the two gods

fight and Teshub, again, loses. Illuyankas then takes Teshub's eyes and heart. Teshub then has a son, who grows and marries Illuyankas' daughter. Teshub tells his son to ask for his eyes and heart as a wedding gift, and it is given. Restored, Teshub goes to face Illuyankas once more. At the point of vanquishing the dragon, Teshub's son finds out about the battle; realizing that he had been used for this purpose. He demaned that his father take him along with Illuyankas, and so Teshub killed them both. illuyankas's daughter: See Illuyankas. IMBALURIS: INARAS: A messenger of Kumarbis.

Goddess who set a trap for Illuyankas in the old version of the myth.

IRSIRRA DEITIES, THE: Either the "Maidens of Heaven" or else they are underworld deities. ISHTAR: Only appears in Hittite myth in an attempt to lull Ulikummis by undressing and singing to him. Her attempt failed as the creature didn't see or hear her. B. KAMRUSEPAS: his return. Goddess of healing and magick. She calms and purified Telepinus upon

KUMARBIS: The Hittlte High God (like El of the Canaanites), Father of the Gods. Removed his father, Anus, from the throne. In order to keep his son Teshub from removing him from the throne, he made Ulikummis to oppose him. MUKISANUS: Vizier of Kumarbis. sea goddess: Kumarbis went to this goddess for advice on how to stop Teshub from taking the throne. Her advice seems to have lead to the creation of Ulikummis. SHAUSHKA: a Love Goddess. teshub's son: See Illuyankas. TELEPINUS: He is like Tammuz, a fertility god. He becomes enraged for reasons unknown and storms off into the stepp lands where he falls asleep. Draught and famine ensue. He was brought back by a Bee, after extensive searching by the gods had failed. Son of Teshub. TESHUB: Ruler God (like Baal of the Canaanites), son of Kumarbis. He is also a sun God, and a fertility God. He carries a hammer as a weapon. He defeated Ulikummis with the help of Ea. When Kumarbis first attempted to remove his father, Anus, from the throne, he bit off the Anus' loins in the struggle. Thus, Anus' seed was implanted within Kumarbis and Teshub was born. UBELLURIS: This deity is much like the Greek Atlas, who supports the world on his shoulders. Ulikummis was placed on his right shoulder by the Irsirra deities to grow tall and strong. Ubelluris didn't even notice the presence until Ea pointed it out to him. ULIKUMMIS: Son of Kumarbis. He was made to oppose Teshub. There is also mention that he destoys some of mankind. However, he is actually described as being blind, deaf, and dumb; as well as immobile. He was made of stone and placed on Ubelluris' shoulder to grow. He grew until he reached heaven itself. When the gods found him, Ishtar removed her clothing and attempted to lull him with music, but he didn't see or hear her (as he was a blind and deaf creature).The gods attempted to destroy him, but had no affect (he didn't even notice). Finally, Ea called for the Copper Knife that had been used in the seperation of heaven and earth. He then used the blade to sever Ulikummis from Ubelluris'shoulder; lopping the creature off at the feet. Teshub was then able to destroy the creature totally. It is interesting to note that this god's name is the same as a pair of twin volcanic mountains in Asia Minor. This may explain why he is said to be destroying mankind, even in his seemingly catatonic state.


Aphrodite-Goddess of Love
APHRODITE was the goddess of love and beauty, in Greek mythology. She is said to be he daughter of Zeus and Dione, one of his consorts, but in later legends she is described as having sprung from the foam of the sea and her name may be translated "foam-risen." In Homeric legend Aphrodite is the wife of the lame and ugly god of fire, Hephaestus. Among her lovers was Ares, god of war, who in later mythology became her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis. Perhaps the most famous legend about Aphrodite concerns the cause of the Trojan War. Eris, the goddess of discord, the only goddess not invited to the wedding of King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis, resentfully tossed into the banquet hall a golden apple, marked "for the fairest." When Zeus refused to judge between the three goddesses who claimed the apple, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, they asked Paris, prince of Troy, to make the award. Each offered him a bribe: Hera, that he would be a powerful ruler; Athena, that he would achieve great military fame; and Aphrodite, that he should have the fairest woman in the world. Paris selected Aphrodite as the fairest and chose as his prize Helen of Troy, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus. Paris's abduction of Helen led to the Trojan War. Aphrodite was identified in early Greek religious beliefs with the Phoenician Astarte and was known as Aphrodite Urania, queen of the heavens, and as Aphrodite Pandemos, goddess of the people.

Artemis-Moon Goddess
ARTEMIS is one of the principal goddesses of Greek mythology. She was the daughter of the god Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of the god Apollo. She was chief hunter to the gods and goddess of hunting and of wild animals, especially bears. Artemis was also the goddess of childbirth, of nature, and of the harvest. As the moon goddess, she was sometimes identified with the goddess Selene and Hecate. Although traditionally the friend and protector of youth, especially young women, Artemis prevented the Greeks from sailing to Troy during the Trojan war until they sacrificed a maiden to her. According to some accounts, just before the sacrifice, she rescued the victim, Iphigenia. Like Apollo, Artemis was armed with a bow and arrows, which she often used to punish mortals who angered her. In other legends, she is praised for giving young women who died in childbirth a swift and painless death.


Brigit was one of the great Triple Goddesses of the Celtic people. She appeared as Brigit to the Irish, Brigantia in Northern England, Bride in Scotland, and Brigandu in Brittany. Many legends are told about Brigit. Some say that there are three Brigits : one sister in charge of poetry and inspiration who invented the Ogham alphabet, one in charge of healing and midwifery, and the third in charge of the hearth fire, smithies and other crafts. This catually indicates the seperate aspects of her Threefold nature and is a neat division of labor for a hard-working goddess. Brigit was probably originally a Sun Goddess, and a charming story of her birth is that she was born at sunrise and a tower of flame burst from the forehead of the new born Goddess that reached from Earth to Heaven. It was likely She who inspired the line in the famous Song of Amergin: "I am a fire in the head." Her penchant for smithcraft led to her association by the Romans with Minerva/ Athena. As a warrior Goddess, She favored the use of the spear or the arrow.


Indeed, various interpetations of her name exist including, "Bright Arrow," "The Bright One," "the Powerful One" and "The High One," depending upon the region and the dialect. As a Goddess of herbalism, midwifery and healing She was in charge of Water as well as Fire. I don't believe that anyone has ever counted all the vast number of sacred wells and springs named after or dedicated to this Goddess. A story is told of how two lepers came to one of her sacred springs for healing and She instructed one Leper to wash the other. The skin of the freshly bathed man was cleansed of the disease and Brigit told the man who was healed to wash the man who had bathed him so that both men would be whole. The man who was healed was now too disgusted to touch the other Leper and would have left him, but Brigit herself washed the leper and struck down the other arrogant fellow with leprosy once more before he could leave. Offerings to the watery Brigit were cast into the well in the form of coins or, even more ancient, brass or gold rings. Other sacrifices were offered where three streams came together. Her cauldron of Inspiration connected her watery healing aspect with her fiery poetic aspect. Brigit is clearly the best example of the survival of a Goddess into Christian times. She was canonized by the Catholic church as St. Brigit and various origins are given to this saint. The most popular folktale is that She was midwife to the Virgin Mary, and thus was always invoked by women in labor. The more official story was that She was a Druid's daughter who predicted the coming of Christianity and then was baptized by St. Patrick. She became a nun and later an abbess who founded the Abbey at Kildare. The Christian Brigit was said to have had the power to appoint the bishops of her area, a strange role for an abbess,made stranger by her requirement that her bishops also be practicing goldsmiths. Actually, the Goddess Brigit had always kept a shrine at Kildare, Ireland, with a perpetual flame tended by nineteen virgin priestesses called Daughters of the Flame. No male was ever allowed to come near it; nor did those women ever consort with men. Even their food and other supplies were brought to them by women of the nearby village. When Catholicism took over in Ireland, the shrine became a convent and the priestesses became nuns but the same traditions were held and the eternal flame was kept burning. Their tradition was that each day a different priestess/nun was in charge of the sacred fire and on the 20th day of each cycle, teh fire was miraculously tended by Brigit Herself. There into the 18th century, the ancient song was sung to her : "Brigit, excellent woman, sudden flame, may the bright fiery sun take us to the lasting kingdom." For over a thousand years, the sacred flame was tended by nuns, and no one knows how long before that it had been tended by the priestesses. In 1220 CE, a Bishop became angered by the no-males policy of the Abbey of St. Brigit of Kildare. He insisted that nuns were subordinate to priests and therefore must open their abbey and submit themselves to inspection by a priest. When they refused and asked for another Abbess or other female official to perform any inspections, the Bishop was incensed. He admonished them to obedience and then decreed that the keeping of the eternal flame was a Pagan custom and 6rdered the sacred flame to be extinguished. Even then, She remained the most popular Irish saint along with Patrick. In the 1960's, under Vatican II modernization, it was declared that there was insufficient proof of Brigit's santity or even of her historical existence, and so the Church's gradual pogrom against Brigit was successful at last and She was thus decanonized. It is very difficult to obtain images or even holy cards of ST. Brigit outside of Ireland anymore. Her festival is held on February 1st or 2nd. It corresponds to the ancient Celtic fire festival of Imbolc or Oimelc which celebrated the birthing and freshening of sheep and goats (it really is a Feast of Milk). This festival was Christianized as Candlemas or Lady Day and Her Feast day, La Feill Bhride, was attended by tremendous local celebration and elaborate rituals. Her festival is also called Brigit. Brigit (the Goddess and the Festival) represents the stirring of life again after the dead months of the winter, and her special blessings are called forth at this time. Since She was booted out of the Church for being Pagan, it is incumbent upon us Pagans to restore

Her worship to its former glory especially those of us of Celtic ancestry. Here is an ancient rite to invite Brigit into your home at the time of her Holiday: Clean your hearth thoroughly in the morning and lay a fire without kindling it, then make yourself a "Bed for Brigid" and place it near the hearth. The bed can be a small basket with covers and tiny pillow added as plain or fancy as you like. If you have no hearth, you can use the stove and put the bed behind it. Then at sundown light a candle rubbed with rosemary oil and invite Brigit into your home and into her bed; use the candle to kindle your hearthfire if possible. Make your own poem to invite Her or use the ancient song mentioned earlier. Let the candle burn at least all night in a safe place. You might even want to begin the custom of keeping the eternal flame; it is a popular custom in some magickal and Wiccan traditions. After all, it's up to us now to keep the spirit of Brigit alive and well for the next thousand years at least!!! Brigid is not really a Celtic Mother Goddess. She is generally considered a Goddess of fire/smithcraft, of poetry and of healing. One of her roles is as midwife, but although she has a son, she is not usually seen as a mother. I don't know any books that deal specifically with Brighidh, but please look for a book called "Celtic Mythology" by Proinsias MacCana and for "Gods and Heroes of the Celts" by Marie Lousie Sjoestadt for more information about Celtic deities. They are both VERY good sources. Brighidh is a Goddess of healing, smithcraft and poetry, brewer of mead and ale, a lawgiver, a midwife, supposedly daughter of the Daghda, mother of the poet Cairbre, and of the Gods Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba. She was transformed into a Christian Saint and became the foster mother of Christ. Some sources say that the healer/smith/poet were embodied in one Goddess, other sources claim that she was three sisters, all named Brighidh. Her holy day falls (on our calendar) on February 2nd (I wonder if She likes groundhogs...) called Imbolc, Oimelc or Lady Day. Candles are blessed that day in the Catholic churches. By: Ido To: Teakan Re: Somethnig about Brighid: Brigit/Brigid/Bride was the daughter of Dagda. She was the protector of the poets, the forge and the healing persons. Her son Ruadan, which she had with Bres, was killed by Goibnui. For her died son she sounds the first kenning of Eireland. She also was put into the cult and the person of Brigit from Kildare, which made the first female parish after Christianity falls into Eireland. The convent of Kildare has had a neverending fire, which was protected by the sisters of the parish. The saint Brigit is the second patron saint of Eireland. within the scottish tradition Brigit belongs together with the time of the year "Season of the lambs" and the comming of spring. Brigit overcomes the control of the Cailleach Bheur.

"The essential qualities of the dark moon are change and transformation. Today we are afraid of many of the dark moon [and Dark Goddess] teachings, such as alchemy, astrology, and other spiritual or psychological disciplines, which reveal information about the unconscious or subtle dimensions of being. The Bible has told us that they are evil and contrary to the will of God. Educators tell us they cannot be validated by scientific inquiry and its practitioners are labeled quacks. Yet it is these teachings, based on the timing of cyclical patterns that give us the guidance that enables us to pass thru the dark nonphysical dimensions of being - of death and rebirth, endings and new beginnings, or spontaneous healings - with clarity and confidence instead of panic and terror. Philosophical traditions have repeatedly told us that the answers tot he ultimate questions of life and death are found, not in the

external world, but deep within the dark recesses of our own minds." "Mysteries of the Dark Moon," page 51-52.)

(Demetra George,

In the psychology of humanity there occurred a polarization between the male gods who came from above, bearers of the light, [the lightning and solar Gods of the nomadic invader- Aryans, Kurgans, Semites and Dorians, who came from the steppes of northern Europe, where "big sky" rules over the cold, forbidding earth] and the female divinities, who dwelt in the [fertile] darkness of Earth and caves. Light was equated with good and dark with evil.... As the Goddess became distorted from an image of the compassionate mother, the source and sustainer of all life, into a symbol associated with the forces of darkness and evil, women, her earthly manifestations, were likewise considered impure, evil, and guilty of original sin - people who must be punished. Women who had sexual relations outside of the patriarchal monogamous marriage contract threatened the certainty of patriarchal bloodline transmission, and were ostracized and killed; their illegitimate children deprived of all legal rights and social acceptance." (George, 38) The demise of the goddess and the rise of the gods can also be understood in terms of the changes that were occurring in the human brain during the period of transition. Princeton University professor Julian Jaynes, in his controversial study of human consciousness, suggests that ancient people did not "think" as we do today. People were 'bicameral,' directed by voices emanating from the right side of the brain and apprehended by the left side - voices that they treated as divine and obeyed unquestioningly until a series of natural disasters and the growing complexity of their society forced them to become [what we might call] conscious (around 1500 BCE). The cosmology that developed during the reign of the Goddess arose from the kinds of thought processes that originate primarily out of the right brain. The right brain is feminine in polarity, circular in motion, intuitive in nature, and audial in emphasis. The right brain is relational and unifying; it focuses on a holistic view of how things are similar and interconnected....It sees time as cyclical. Humanity then worshipped a feminine lunar deity who circled and ever-renewed Herself. She illumined the mystery where the end and beginning are the same point, touching back-to-back. Peoples thus understood death and sex as precursors to rebirth. And they did not fear the darkness of death, the ecstasy of sexuality, or the Goddesses and Her priestesses, who facilitated their transition between lifetimes. While Jaynes does not discuss the changeover from the Goddesses to the Gods, he does document the catastrophes and cataclysms that started to occur in the middle of the second millennium BCE. In Addition to the volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and massive flooding, he sees widespread warfare and dislocation that [has been previously identified as] the patriarchal invasions. Jaynes suggests that the rational, logical, analytical mind, all functions of the left brain, was developed in order to assist humanity thru the increasing complexity of their changing world. He presents evidence that the left-brain functions became more active at this time and grew to influence the ways in which individuals perceived reality. The left brain is masculine in polarity, linear in movement, logical in nature, and visual in perception. It has been most prevalent in the analytical, technological and scientific intellectualism of modern times. While the right brain focuses on how things are alike, THE LEFT BRAIN EMPHASIZES HOW THEY ARE DIFFERENT[!]. It develops our capacity for analysis and discrimination, and in the process it perceives a distinction between subject and object. This kind of dualistic view sees a separation between self and others, between us and them, and this perception inevitably leads to a war of opposites that yields an oppressor and victim...After 1500 BCE, when human beings began to operate primarily from the left brain, associated with the masculine principle, they began to see a distinction between themselves and the rest of creation. Because they now feared the threat of being overwhelmed by external forces as something separate from themselves,

there arose a desire to conquer the feminine principle, embodied in the Goddess, women, and nature, rather than to live in harmony with it. (George, pp 40-44) "While the religion of the Goddess always included a concept of the Underworld, it was not a place of punishment. It was simply the gap between lifetimes, the dark womb of the Goddess, where one went to be purified, healed, and prepared for rebirth. It is the patriarchal monotheistic religions, operating out of left-brain mentality, that conceived of a heaven and hell, with the he corresponding associations of good and evil, reward and punishment. And the hell of this wrathful Father God was filled with unending sadistic torture and pervasive suffering. Humanity then began to fear the darkness of death. Those who, during their lives, were not saved by a religious conversion to the Father faced a death of eternal torture and absolute finality. Their terror extended to the Dark Goddess of the Dark Moon, who was now only the deathbringer and no longer the renewer. When the Goddess became separated from her role in cyclical renewal, her third dark aspect became the horrifying image of feminine evil who seduced, devoured, and brought finality to the lives of human beings. The dark aspect of the goddess was then hated, persecuted, suppressed, and cast out into the predawn of history and into the depths of the unconscious.... Today the Dark Goddess, as the third aspect of the ancient Triple Goddess, represents many of the rejected aspects of the trinity of feminine wholeness. the teachings of the Dark Goddess of the Dark Moon are concerned with divination, magic, healing, sacred sexuality, the nonphysical dimensions of being, and the mysteries of birth, death, and regeneration. These dark moon teachings, now called pseudo-sciences, have been rejected as legitimate areas of inquiry by modern religious and educational institutions.... The shadow, according to Junian psychology, is the dark, rejected part of the psyche. It consists of all those qualities that we, as influenced by the values of our culture, do not feel are desirable or acceptable to express as part of our personalities. The shadow contains what we do not like about ourselves, what we find threatening, shameful, and inadequate, as well as certain valued and positive qualities that we are pressured to repress and disown... The inherent nature of the original Dark Goddess, who brought both death and rebirth, has been repressed and denied for thousands of years. Her toxic releases, festering in exile, have distorted and poisoned our perceptions of an intrinsic aspect of the feminine nature. the Dark Goddess was then conceptualized as malefic, and her teachings concerning the dark, sex, and death were distorted. Our mythical literature abounds with images of the Dark Goddess as feminine evil. She was feared as the Fates who, at the moment of our birth, determine the time of our Nemesis, the Goddess of Judgment and swift retribution; as the Furies, who will hound a man to madness and death..medea, who killed her children; Circe, who transformed men into pigs; Medusa, who turned them to stone; the Lamia, who sucked their blood; Lilith, who seduced them in order to breed demons; and Hekate, Queen of the Witches, who snatched them into the Underworld." (Ibid, 43-44). In popular culture, there is no better representation of the Dark Goddess than the Alien mother who fought Sigourney Weaver. Our fear, rage and disgust over the Dark Goddess can be seen in our severe reactions to women who do NOT behave as the loving, nurturing mothers we expect/ want them to be. Ask someone to give a description of the personality type s/he finds most offensive, irritating, and impossible to get along with, and s/he will produce a description of his/her own repressed shadow! "Jungian psychology tells us that in order to heal the wounds and suffering caused by denying and rejecting specs of our wholeness, we must first enter into our unconscious and develop a relationship with our shadow. It is necessary to recognize that all of these hated and ostracized parts of ourselves have a legitimate need to exist and be expressed.If we can affirm the full range of our essential human nature, acknowledging both the desirable and undesirable qualities, then we have the option to transform the

more problematical energies that cause our pain and suffering activity that will benefit our lives and relationships....



We need to go into our darkness and make our peace with all the lost parts of ourselves in order to redeem the healing and renewal that reside in the dark...The hero or heroine's journey into the underworld to reclaim the stolen treasure from the monster is not an easy quest, and is fraught with many dangers....As we move toward accepting the wholeness of our beings, we will inevitably have to revise our fears of the dark.... And so we must invoke and praise the Dark Goddess, who has been banished to the neglected corners of our psyches. Her ultimate function is to facilitate the transformation that occurs in t he dark. She provokes the death of our ego selves, of our old forms, and of our false assumptions, so that we can give birth to the new....Our personal healing experiences then become the training ground for the compassion that permeates our potentialities as a wounded healer. The mystery of the Dark Moon Goddess is that death and birth are the twin faces of her cosmic orgasm with the Sun God each month at the new moon conjunction. Fulfilled in love, she then circles, ever turning around the earth, and sends forth a shower of blessings with the knowledge that there is no annihilation." (Ibid 55-58)

Demeter the Greek Earth goddess par excellence, who brings forth the fruits of the Earth, particularly the various grains. She taught mankind the art of sowing and ploughing so they could end their nomadic existence. As such, Demeter was also the goddess of planned society. She was very popular with the rural population. As a fertility goddess she is sometimes identified with Rhea and Gaia. In systematized theology, Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister of Zeus by whom she became the mother of Persephone. When Persephone was abducted by Hades, lord of the underworld, Demeter wandered the Earth in search of her lost child. During this time the Earth brought forth no grain. Finally Zeus sent Hermes to the underworld, ordering Hades to restore Persephone to her mother. However, before she left, Hades gave her a pomegranate. When she ate from it, she was bound to spend a third of the year with her husband in the infernal regions. Only when her daughter is with her, Demeter lets things grow. The dying and blossoming of nature was thus connected with Demeter. In the Eleusinian mysteries, Demeter and Persephone were especially venerated. When she was looking for her daughter, in the shape of an old woman called Doso, she was welcomed by Celeus, the king of Eleusis. He requested her to nurse his sons Demophon and Triptolemus. To reward his hospitality she intended to make the boy Demophon immortal by placing him each night in the hearth, to burn his mortal nature away. The spell was broken one night because Metanira, the wife of Celeus, walked in on her while she was performing this ritual. Demeter taught the other son, Triptolemus, the principles of agriculture, who in turn, taught others this art. In Demeter's honor as a goddess of marriage, women in Athens,and other centers in Greece, celebrated the feast of Thesmophoria. Throughout Classical times members of all social strata came from all parts of the Mediterranean world to be initiated in and celebrate her Mysteries at Eleusis. In ancient art, Demeter was often portrayed sitting as a solemn woman, often wearing a wreath of braided ears of corn. Well-known is the statue made by Knidos mid-4th century B.C.E. Her usual symbolic attributes are the fruits of the earth and the torch, the latter presumably referring to her search for Persephone. Her sacred animals were the snake and the pig. Some of her epithets include Auxesia, Deo, Chloe, and Sito. The Romans equated her with the goddess Ceres.


GAEA or GE, in Greek mythology, the personification of Mother Earth, and thedaughter of Chaos. She was the mother and wife of Father Heaven, who was personified as Uranus. They were the parents of the earliest living creatures, the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Giants the Hecatoncheires (Hundred-Headed Ones). Fearing and hating the monsters, although they were his sons, Uranus imprisoned them in a secret place in the earth, leaving the Cyclopes and Titans at large. Gaea, enraged at this favoritism, persuaded her son, the Titan Cronus, to overthrow his father. He emasculated Uranus, and from his blood Gaea brought forth another race of monsters, the Giants, and the three avenging goddesses the Erinyes. Her last and most terrifying off-spring was Typhon, a 100-headed monster, who, although conquered by the god Zeus, was believed to spew forth the molten lava flows of Mount Etna.


Who is Gaia? Goddess of Life Holy Symbol: Encircled Tree Gaia is the daughter of Arawyn the all creator.Her brother is Galmachis god of death.When followers look at trees and the earth below they believe that to be the embodiment of Gaia. Followers of Gaia believe that the earth and all living things must be preserved.Above all things life is precious and must be treated as such. Gaia's worshipers will constantly be seen planting seeds and growing life. ***Gaia's worshipers give offerings at shrines built at the base of an old tree in the woods. These shrines are randomly found throughout the forest. Strictures *** Gaia allows her clerics to fight with a mace or staff during times of combat. *** Followers of Gaia will never willingly take the life of another and will make every attempt to save a life. *** Followers should spend at least one hour of their day communing with their living surroundings. *** Worshipers should leave offerings of food and flowers at Gaia's shrines.

Gula, the Sumerian goddess of healing. Her husband is Ninurta. The dog is her symbolic animal. Gula is often identified with Nin'insina, the city goddess of Isin. She is also associated with the underworld. HEBE - GODDESS OF YOUTH HEBE, the goddess of youth, was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Hebe served for a long time as cupbearer to the gods, serving them their nectar and ambrosia. She was replaced in this office by the Trojan prince Ganymede. According to one story, she resigned as cupbearer to the gods upon her marriage to the hero Hercules, who had just been deified. In another, she was dimissed from her position because of a fall she suffered while in attendance on the gods.

Then the earth began to bellow And howling dogs in glimmering light advance

Ere Hekate came

-Aeneid, Book VL

Greek Queen of the Night, Goddess of Witchcraft and the Underworld. Hecate can change shapes or ages at will and has the power to rejuvenate or kill. The daughter of Perses and Asteria, she represents the oldest Greek form of the Triple Goddess. Her powers extend over heaven and the underworld, the earth and the sea. She is sometimes represented with three heads - one of a horse, one of a dog and one of a bear, or one of a dog, snake and lion. As Hecate of the Three Ways, her images stood at three-way crossroads where offerings of dogs, honey and black ewes were left on Full Moon Nights. In the realm of nature she is honored as Selene, the moon, in Heaven. She is honored as Artemis, the huntress, on Earth and as Hecate, the destroyer, in the Underworld. She is also the Goddess of prophecy, charms, vengeance, wisdom, choices and regeneration and is often accompanied by a pack of black, baying hounds or the threeheaded dog, Cerberus. Hecate Once a fairly benign goddess in early Greek times, Hecate became the dread Greek-Roman Goddess of ghosts, a close confidante of Persephone and a patron of witches. The brutally wronged Hecuba of Troy was reincarnated as Her black bitches, who accompanied Her on Her night walks. Hecate was worshipped at three-way crossroads at night even by ordinary Greek families and could ward off ghosts if properly propitiated. But Romans also believed She had more sinister worshippers the witches and sorceresses who could coerce even the gods to do their will. When Persephone was kidnapped by Hades in the later Greek myth, far-seeing Hecate was the only one who witnessed it. Hecate, (aka Hekate) is the original representation of the holy trinity. The Christian tradition demonized her as the queen of witches; and created an evil image of her to obscure her importance to the agrarian societies of medieval Europe as a source of healing magic. She is the crone aspect of the moon. Invoke Hecate for wisdom, healing, and women's mysteries.

A Finnish goddess, Daughter of the Air. She created the world, and is the mother of Vinminen. Sometimes she is called Luonnotar, Daughter of Creation. The Goddess Inanna "My father gave me the heavens, gave me the earth, I am Inanna! Kingship he gave me, queenship he gave me, waging of battle and attack he gave me, the floodstorm he gave me, the hurricane he gave me! The heavens he set as a crown upon my head, the earth he set as sandals on my feet, a holy robe he wrapped around my body, a holy scepter he placed in my hand. The gods are sparrows, I am a falcon."


NAMES: Inanna (I-nanna, Queen Moon) - Inana - Inninna - Innin - Ninanna - Nin-me-sa-ra . (Mesopotamian: Sumerian) Great Goddess of love, war, fertility and infinite variety; chief goddess of the Sumerian pantheon. (She corresponds to the Babylonian/Akkadian ISHTAR). . Inanna originated as goddess of the date storehouse who each year ritually married Damuzi, the date harvest god. Her attributes are so many, so varied, and so often conflicting that she is likely a fusion of several earlier goddesses. The original Dance of the Seven Veils was Inannas descent into the Underworld, her sister Ereshkigals realm, where she was gradually stripped naked as she passed through the seven gates. First went her crown, next earrings, then necklace, breast pins, belt of birthstones, then bracelets and finally her gown. No acts of procreation took place on earth while Inanna was in the Underworld. When she discovered that her only way out was in exchange for someone else, she betrayed Damuzi into taking her place. Inanna's time in the Underworld is a myth of the lunar cycle, Damuzi's a myth of the seasons. . Inanna figures in various myths and epics, including The Epic of Gilgamesh. She got Enki drunk and tricked him into bestowing many attributes and powers upon her. In the myth The Elevation of Inanna, Enki, An and Enlil all give their powers to Inanna, making her the Queen of the Universe. Inanna is a femme fatale whose lovers always seem to come to grief. She is impatient, impetuous, and demanding. Gilgamesh risked death when he spurned her advances, comparing her to a back door that would let cold air into the house. . TITLE: Our Lady - Queen of the Universe - Mistress of Heaven - Queen of Heaven - Lady of Uruk and Nineveh - The Storehouse - Protectress of Harlots - Queen Moon - Nin-me-sa-ra, Lady of Myriad Offices . RULES: love, war, fertility, rain, prostitutes, lightning, thunder, tears, rejoicing, enmity, fair dealing, stars, planets, wool, meat, grain, the natural world "To pester, insult, deride, desecrate - and to venerate is your domain, Inanna. Downheartedness, calamity, heartache - and joy and good cheer is your domain, Inanna. Trembling, affright, terror - dazzling and glory is your domain, Inanna." FAMILY: Inanna is Nanna's daughter, sister to Utu, Ishkur and Erishkigal. She is sometimes considered An's daughter. . PLANET: Mars - Moon - Uranus - Venus (as both the morning and the evening star). STAR: Inana is associated with Sirius, the Bowstar ELEMENT: Earth - Water . SYMBOL: star of eight or sixteen points - a bundle of reeds tied in three places with streamers - rose - sacred tree or wooden totem . NUMBER: 15 . ZODIAC: Virgo .

DEPICTED: winged, with tiered skirt, horned headdress and weapons case - naked, with jewelry standing atop a mountain - with winged lions SACRED ANIMAL: cow - lion - lion cub - dragon - Inanna is often attended by Imdugud, the thunderbird PLANT: rose - date palm - grain VEHICLE: chariot drawn by seven lions - reed boat - lion GEOGRAPHY: Nineveh, Uruk (Iraq) - Inanna's temple was the Eanna (House of Heaven), in Uruk NATIVITY: January 2 INVOKE INANNA FOR: sexual freedom fertility healing love spells sex magic fatal love power abundance procreation battle, especially battling evil tempests rain fashion fertility of the natural world destroying the indestructible making the imperishable perish fair dealing a promotion increased responsibility at work guarding storehouses igniting or extinguishing fires oracles of war and battle money spells (Ninanna) Invoke Inanna: at dawn in warehouses where prostitutes stroll at night Worship Inanna by making offerings to her at dawn "The great queen of heaven, Inanna, I will hail! The only one, come forth on high, I will hail! The pure torch that flares in the sky, the heavenly light shining bright like the day, the great queen of heaven, Inanna, I will hail! Of her standing in the sky like the sun and moon, known by all lands from south to north, of the greatness of the holy one in heaven to the Lady I will sing."

SUGGESTED MANTRA: RENEWAL Goddess of the dark moon, brave and unwavering, Inanna ventures into the underworld. She teaches us to stand firm, eyes focuses on the end true goal, ultimately leading us to a state of wisdom. SUGGESTED AFFIRMATIONS: ~ I am revitalized ~ I have overcome negative influences ~ My new life path reveals itself to me ~ I say goodbye to destructive influences ~ My insecurity is replaced with wisdom ~ At my center there is a incandescent fire I release myself from harmful judgments Related essences: Vanilla, almond, oriental lily, bergamot Related gemstones: Carnelian, coral, agate, brown jaspar (orange stones) Inanna is the Sumerian goddess, honored at the dark moon, as it is she who fixes destinies at each new moon. Inanna's journey into the underworld and subsequent revitalization represents the soul's evolution through hardship into glorious renewal.

In her quest for clarity and knowledge, Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth descended to Earth to rule her people, where (so that her people would not know hunger) she made a sacred marriage to ensure the fertility of the lands. She thirsted to understand first-hand though, the true sufferings of her followers, so she descended again, this time to the realm of the underworld, the domain of her sister Ereshkigal. Ereshkigalonly allowed Inanna entry on the condition that she shed her earthly attachments at each of seven gates to the underworld. So, at each gate, Inanna surrendered some part of what she thought made up herself: wealth, power, tributes. By the time she relinquished her final garment, she was no longer the commanding Queen, and, exposed and vulnerable, she was ready to die. However, it was only when she was near death and at her most vulnerable did she discover new life and increased powers. She finally learned first-hand to accept her vulnerability, as well as the understanding of the necessity of sacrifice and death for the cycles of life to continue. These revelations increased her power, beauty and wisdom. If you are repeating old habits, ask Inanna to help you shed your layers that keep you trapped. Open yourself to a journey to the underworld where you can let go of old conditioning, release inhibitions, let alter-egos die, shed the burdens you carry. all to create anew it is only by becoming aware of our vulnerabilities that we can rise up with strength gained from knowledge and understanding. Undress slowly in front of a mirror and with every bit of clothing you shed, call it by the name of a negative element in your life. Say good-bye to that negative element as you drop (or throw!) the clothing to the floor until you are standing naked. Do it to music that will help keep you in the "now" - do not let yourself get distracted as you focus on what the elements are that you are shedding. Can you see your next steps, where you need to go, what you need to do? Give yourself a hug, and get ready for the journey back to strength and renewal Inanna is with you to help you stay focused and unwavering on your goal. (Tip, do not get dressed again in the clothes you just shed - put them in the washing machine on "super wash"! And, try not to wear them again in the same combination

April 22nd is the traditional day for honoring Ishtar, Babylonian version of the Sumerian goddess Inanna, but as we are seeing the first signs of spring this is a good time to remember Ishtar's fertile energy. SUGGESTED MANTRA: SEXUALITY Ishtar represents the fullness of womanhood and dares us to dream. Her power is strongest at the full moon, when the essence of womanhood heightens in response to the moon energy that is all-encompassing. SUGGESTED AFFIRMATIONS: ~ I am joyful ~ My big hips are sexy! ~ I am healthy and happy ~ I am alive with sexuality ~ I adore my womanly shape ~ I feel absolutely supercharged ~ I have abundant energy and vitality ~ My vital energy resurfaces with laughter Related essences: Vanilla, almond, oriental lily, bergamot Related gemstones: Carnelian, coral, agate, brown jaspar (orange stones) Ishtar's energy represents love, fertility, passion and sexuality. Babylonians have honored Ishtar as a goddess who inspires lovers everywhere to stop for a moment and

connect with the fertile energy she brings. The city of Mari worshiped Ishtar as a birth goddess symbolized by the Urn of Life held tight to her belly. Even the Christians have borrowed aspects of the womanly Ishtar and incorporated the divine love of a mother for her dying son into their Virgin Mary. She is descended from the goddess of romance, Venus, and her energy encompasses all that is "woman" - nurturing mother, inspired companion, playful bed partner, wise advisor, insightful leader. She is revered especially on days of the full moon, when it is right to engage in joyful acts of lovemaking to celebrate being "woman". April 22nd is the traditional day for honoring Ishtar - as close to this day as possible, on the night of a full moon, to bring Ishtar's loving warmth to your heart and home, wear clothes or jewelry that contain Ishtar's symbolism - stars, the moon, the lion or the dove. Play a drum with your hands, holding it between your legs. Listen to your heartbeat and send it through your shoulders, arms and hands to the drum, and feel the infinite power of connection to the earth as the vibrations travel back through your body to your core. Energy flows, love grows. Dance like no one is watching Sing like no one is listening Love like you've never been hurt And live like heaven on earth. Love and light, ~ Anita ~ Contributed by Magick Potion

Egyptian Moon Goddess, Great Mother and Giver of Life. With Osiris, Isis and Horus (the divine child) made up a Holy Trinity. She is the Goddess of marriage, motherhood, fertility, magick, healing, reincarnation and divination, to name a few. Isis is the patroness of priestesses. One myth has Isis poisoning the Sun God Ra, offering to save him only if he would reveal his secret name. At last, at the brink of destruction, Ra gives Isis his heart, with the secret name it held, and his two eyes (the Sun and the Moon). Isis quells the poison and ends up with Ra's supreme power. In time the great Eye was passed along to her son Horus. Proclus mentions a statue of her which bore the inscription "I am that which is, has been and shall be. My veil no one has lifted." Hence, to lift the veil of Isis is to pierce the heart of a great mystery.

Indian Dark Goddess, the Crone, Goddess of death. Kali has a dual personality exhibiting traits of both gentleness and love, revenge and terrible death. She governs every form of death but also rules every form of life. Her image inspires horror - a hideous face smeared with blood, four arms, draped with snakes and wearing a necklace of skulls. She is the defender of women and children, and violence against any woman is forbidden by her. She is also the Goddess of regeneration, revenge, fear, sexual activities and intuition Kali is the most fully realized of all the Dark Goddesses. It has been claimed that Her name is derived from the Hindu word for Time, yet also means "black."She is also called Durga.

Her very appearance is meant to terrify. She is black and emaciated, with fangs and claws. She wears a girdle of severed arms, a necklace of skulls or severed heads, earrings of children's corpses, cobras as bracelets or garlands. Her mouth is bloodsmeared. She is accompanied by she-demons. Often She is shown standing or dancing on the corpse of the god Shiva. Here She is feasts on his intestines.Yet She also is a loving mother, and especially in that aspect is worshipped by millions of Hindus. Used to a god that is all-"good", Westerners have found it difficult to understand why Hindus would worship such a deity, or why their art emphasizes Her most hideous forms. "Tantric worshippers of Kali thought it essential to face her Curse, the terror of death, as willingly as they accepted Blessings from her beautiful,nurturing, maternal aspect. For them, wisdom meant learning that no coin has only one side: as death can't exist without life, so also life can't exist without death. Kali's sages communed with her in the grisly atmosphere of the cremation ground, to become familiar with images of death. They said, 'His Goddess, his loving Mother in time, who gives him birth and loves him in the flesh, also destroys him in the flesh. His image of Her is incomplete if he does not know Her as his tearer and devourer.'"Barbara Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets Altered photo, originally black and white, of wood carving from the 18th or 19th century, Nepal, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

KERMEESE (Germany)
Monday's Goddess~ Weiben Frauen Themes~ Banishing; Blessing; Joy; Protection; Fertility; Divination Symbols~ Any Sacred Symbol; Forest Items; White About Weiben Frauen~ Known as "White Woman" of the German forests, this goddess is said to have been worshipped by ancient pagans and witches where she lived in the woods. In later times, people looked to her to predict the future, help with matters of fertility, and protect the land. To Do Today~ This unique festival dates back to pagan worship of the grove goddess (and pagan gatherings in the woodlands). Traditionally, some type of sacred symbol is dug up and carried around town to renew blessings and happiness in all who see it. The ritual also banishes evil influences. To follow this custom, plant a white stone or token in a flowerpot, garden, or lawn this year, and next year dig it up temporarily to release White Woman's power. At the end of the day, return the token to the earth so she can protect your home or land and fill every corner of it with magic. Repeat this annually to continue the cycle! Wear something white today to invite Weiben Frauen's protection on the figurative land of your spirit, and spend some time in the company of trees at some point. Meditate on the pagans, who weaved magic in such places, and on this goddess, who empowered the spells. As you do, listen closely to the voices of the trees and see if they have a message for you.

SUGGESTED MANTRA: COMPASSION Kuan Yin's esoteric attributes are those of compassion, healing, and centering. She lives in the heart chakra, standing in full acceptance, suspended in tranquility, relishing joy in the silence. SUGGESTED AFFIRMATIONS: ~ I radiate love ~ I am tolerant of everyone around me ~ I have great joy, and therefore great energy ~ My peace is shared peace ~ I am weightless and free of burden

Related essences: Rose, musk, jonquil, orange flowers Related gemstones: Rose quartz, pink tourmaline, emerald (pink or green stones) Kuan Yin, Mother of Compassion in ancient Chinese culture, blows gently into your life, and should be welcomed as an eternal source of comfort and peace. Kuan Yin's values are about co-operation, sharing, balance, harmony and partnership; she is highly sensitive and aware. Kuan Yin is light and weightless the qualities that result from highly tuned vales of tolerance and acceptance.What a joy to have Kuan Yin visit you today. Try closing your eyes. Visualize Kuan Yin resting with the world on one shoulder, her cheek resting against it. She sees you, and you are drawn to the love radiating from her heart. She shows you how to take the world from your shoulders, hold it in your hands, and dance in joyful, carefree circles. You see the earth's water rippling, the leaves in the trees blowing, the birds soaring without effort. Know this is happening purely thanks to your joy. When you walk through each day, remember Kuan Yin's presence whenever you see the soaring birds, the rustling leaves, the rippling waters. Use these triggers as a reminder to take the world off your shoulders,and to dance with abandon, with your face to the skies and your arms in the air.

Lilith, (also know as Lilit), was a relic of an early rabbinical attempt to assimilate the Sumero-Babylonian Goddess Belit-ili, or Belili, to Jewish mythology. To the Canaanites, Lilith was Baalat, the "Divine Lady". Hebraic tradition said Adam married Lilith because he grew tired of mating with animals, a common custom of Middle-Eastern herdsmen, though the Old Testament declared it a sin. Moslems were insistent on the male-superior sexual position and apparently Lilith was not Moslem, disagreed with Adam and flew away to the Red Sea. God sent angels to bring Lilith back, but she refused to return. She supposedly spent her time mating with "demons" and gave birth to "a hundred children a day". (Busy woman!) So God had to produce Eve as Lilith's more docile replacement. Lilith became the "Great Mother" of settled tribes who resisted invasions of nomadic herdsmen represented by Adam. Early Hebrews disliked the Great Mother who is said to have drank the blood of Abel after he was slain by Cain. Lilith's Red Sea was another version of Kali Ma's Ocean of Blood, which gave birth to all things. There may have been a connection between Lilith and the Etuscan divinity Leinth, who had no face and who waited at the gate of the underworld along with Eita and Persipnei, (Hades and Persephone) to receive the souls of the dead. The underworld gate was a yoni and a lily, which had no face. Admission into the underworld was often mythologized as a sexual union. The lily or lilu, (lotus) was the Great Mother's flower-yoni, whose title formed Lilith's name. The story of Lilith disappeared from the Bible, but her daughters, the lilim, haunted men for over a thousand years. The lilim were thought responsible for nocturnal emissions and the Jews still made amulets to keep away the lilim well into the Middle Ages. Greeks adopted the lilim and called them, Lamiae, Empusae, or Daughters of Hecate. Christians also adopted them and called them harlots of hell or succubae. They believed that Lilith laughed every time a Christian man has a wet dream. The Daughters of Lilith were supposedly very beautiful and presumed to be so expert at lovemaking that after an experience with one, a man couldn't be content with a mere mortal woman "You gotta give it to Lilith she was a hell of a woman Said she'd rather fuck demons on the beach than lie under the belly of that whiner Adam & flew from Paradise -Jonelle Maison

Babylonian or Sumerian and Christians, Lilith of all pregnant women regeneration, enticing

Moon Goddess, patroness of Witches, demon Goddess to the Jews represents primal feminine sexuality. Lilith is the protectress and of children and mothers. She is the Goddess of wisdom, sorcery, erotic dreams and feminine allure.

As the early pages of Genesis give two accounts of the creation of women, legend has it that Lilith was Adam's first wife. Lilith, like Adam, was created from the dust of the Earth and had been one of the wives of Satan (or so the myth goes). She left her husband for Adam, but refused to be subservient and submissive to him, saying that they were both created from the same Earth and thus were equals. They quarreled, she left and was forced into exile. Her name stems from a Semitic root meaning "night", and in the Talmud, she is portrayed as a long-haired demon of the night. She is considered by many to be the first liberated woman. SUGGESTED MANTRA: EQUALITY The first feminist and liberationist, Lilith boldly instructs us to stand up for what we believe in, unbridled and courageous no matter what the cost. SUGGESTED AFFIRMATIONS: ~ I forgive ~ I welcome forgiveness ~ I am free from judgement ~ I deserve to be free from guilt ~ I am creating the life I love ~ I am a forgiving and loving person ~ My vital energy resurfaces naturally ~ I am honest and truthful in all I say and do Related essences: Patchouli, sandalwood, geranium Related gemstones: Garnet, bloodstone, tourmaline, smoky quartz (red stones) This Sumerian and Hebrew goddess, once honored for her wisdom, freedom, courage, playfulness, passion, pleasure and sexuality in pre-2300 B.C., was portrayed as a demon by Levite priests at the dawn of patriarchy. In Western tradition, she was the original partner of Adam, created equally together in the image of Elohin (a word for "god", having feminine and masculine linguistic roots). Her liberationist attitude and assertive behavior was threatening to the emerging patriarchs, and led to her expulsion from Eden to be replaced by the more subservient Eve.Proudly holding the rod and ring representing Sumerian royal authority, Lilith strives to make modern life equal for all people. She inspires us not to judge our opposite sex, to respect them as our equal, and to nurture equality in our environment. Customarily women break loose on leap days, asking men out or proposing marriage. But, as the Year 2002 is not a leap year, celebrate a new season instead. As we cross into Autumn, start the new cycle by making a difference, making a new start, making it matter. Internalize Lilith's bravery and dignified strength of character, and make amends with anyone you've wronged with presupposition or prejudice. Or enjoy some daring activity to its fullest without fear or guilt - like Lilith, you are the master of your destiny. Only you can achieve liberation of your inner joy and exuberant passion for life. Start it today!


GODDESSES Triads involving the Gods & Goddesses are older than the Christian archetype. In the Craft, the triad is symbolized by the Maiden, Mother and Crone.


The Maiden The Maiden signifies youth, the excitement of the chase, and the newness of life and magick. In human age she would be between puberty and her twenties. She does not have a mate. Her colors are soft & light, such white, soft pink, or light yellow. Rituals using the Maiden * Any new beginning, or even the hopes and plans for new beginnings. * When taking on a new job, or planning to apply for a new job. * During the first steps of new ideas, whatever they are. * Whenever you plan or begin a complete turn around in your life. * Whenever you begin a new phase in your life. * On moving, in to a new house or apartment. * On entering a new school or going back to school after a delay in education. * Any journey that is connected with anticipated changes. This can be anything. * The beginning of a new relationship, love or friendship. * Plans for getting pregnant. * The birth of a child. * The first menstruation for girls. * Puberty on reaching the teens for boys. The Mother The Mother stands for nurturing, caring, fertility; she is a woman in the prime of her life and at the peak of her power. She protects her own and will ensure that justice is done and done well. This woman is usually mated. In human age, she would be seen as a woman in her thirties to mid-forties. Her colors are warmer than that of the maiden, such as green, copper, red, light purple or royal blue. Rituals using the Mother: * Project fruition and completion. * When childbirth is near * Strength to see matters through to the end. * Blessings and protection. This especially applies to females who are threatened by men. * Guidance in life decisions. * Marriages, or the contemplation of or desire for marriage. * Finding or choosing a mate or companion. * Gardening, the growing of any plant. * Choosing or accepting an animal. Protection of animal life. * Making choices of any kind. * Gaining or continuing peace. * Developing intuition and psychic gifts. * Spiritual direction. The Crone The Crone is a being of age-old wisdom. She is shrew and counsels well. She cares for the Maiden and the Mother as well as the off-spring thereof. She is logical and can be terrible in her vengeance. She stands at the door to the dimension of death. In human years, she is approximately 45 or older. The Crone is the Most difficult of the three to place in human age. The Crone's traditional colors are black, gray, purple, brown or midnight blue. Rituals using the Crone * Ending relationships, jobs, friendships * Menopause, or coming to terms with aging. * Divorce. * A regrouping of energies needed at the end of a cycle of activity or problem. * Rest and calmness before making new goals and plans. * When the garden or plants are ready for winter. * Harassment of any kind. * Retribution on rapists, murderers, abusers. * On the death of a person or pet; of any animal or human. Contemplation at the end of your own life cycle.

* When moving from a dwelling or job. * When strong protection is needed for attacks on the physical or psychic levels, or even annoyance by spirits. * To understand the deepest of mysteries. * Developing trance or communication with the guides or other spirits

Roman mythology The Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts, dyeing, science and trade, but also of war. As Minerva Medica she is the patroness of physicians. She is the daughter of Jupiter. In the temple on the Capitoline Hill she was worshipped together with Jupiter and Juno, with whom she formed a powerful triad of gods. Another temple of her was located on the Aventine Hill. The church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is built on one of her temples. Every year from March 19th-23rd the Quinquatria was held, the primary Minerva Festival. This festival was mainly celebrated by artisans but also by students. On June 13th the minor Quinquatrus was observed. Minerva is believed to be the inventor of numbers and musical instruments. She is thought to be of Etruscan origin, as the goddess Menrva or Menerva. Later she was equated with the Greek Athena.


NEMESIS was the personification of divine justice and the vengeance of the gods, sometimes called the daughter of Night. She represented the righteous anger of the gods against the proud and haughty and against breakers of the law; she distributed good or bad fortune to all mortals. No one could escape her power


Egyptian mythology Nephthys, the 'Mistress of the House' {Nebet-het or Nebt-het in the Egyptian Language}, Nephthys is the 'Friend of the Dead,' and is first mentioned in Old Kingdom funerary literature as riding the 'night boat' of the underworld, meeting the deceased king's spirit and accompanying him into 'Lightland.' Her hair is metaphorically compared to the strips of cloth which shroud the bodies of the dead. Nephthys is almost universally depicted as a woman with the hieroglyphic symbols of her name {a basket and a house, stacked on top of each other} situated atop her head, though she can also be depicted as a bird {most often a kite or some other form of falcon/hawk}. She was associated with funerary rituals throughout ancient Egyptian history and was venerated not as Death itself, but as the companion who gives guidance to the newly deceased, and as a Lady With Wings who comforts the deceased's living relatives. Nephthys is in most myths the youngest daughter of Nut, sister of Isis and Osiris and the sister-consort of Seth. In later periods Nephthys is also considered to be the mother of Anubis, a primordial form of the lord of the dead who later became subservient to Osiris in the Egyptian cultic myth. Nephthys had connections with life as well as death she stood at the head of the birth-bed to comfort and assist the mother giving birth {while her sister, Isis, stood at the foot to midwife the child}.To current Egyptological knowledge, Nephthys did not have her own cult or temples in Egypt until the Ptolemaic-Roman period; however, as her name is merely a title {the same title given to the eldest woman in any ancient Egyptian household}, it is possible that Nephthys may be a specialized form of another goddess; probable candidates include Bat {as she is called the 'Lady of Het,' or 'Nebt-het'} and Neith with whom Nephthys is paired in the canopic shrine quadrants, as Isis is with Serket, who is sometimes seen to be an aspect of Isis. Neith's being the 'eldest of goddesses,' along with her connection with weaving and funerary garments lends credence to this theory, as does the interchangeable depiction of Neith and/or Nephthys in symmetrical transposition on a number of Late Period temples. other names: Neb-hut, Nebthet

Amma A great mother in the Norse creation story, Amma ("grandmother") gave birth to the race of Churls, who conducted business and learned trades. Atla Atla is a water goddess and daughter of Ran. Edda Edda means great grandmother, and the term eddas ("tales of great grandmother") is the word used to describe the great stories in Scandinavian mythology. The dwarfish Edda was the first to create offspring with her husband Ai. She gave birth to the Thralls, the ones "enthralled" to service as food producers. Eir A companion of Frigg, Eir is the goddess of healing. She taught her art and the secret powers of herbs only to women, the only physicians in ancient Scandinavia. Frigg As one of the foremost goddesses in Norse mythology, Frigg is the patroness of marriage and motherhood. She assists women in labor and is associated with the naming of children. Frigg has the reputation of knowing everyone's destiny, but never reveals it. Being the wife of the god Odin, she was known as the Queen of the Heavens. She is the central deity in Asgard where her hall, Fensalir ("water halls") is located. Freyja Freyja is the goddess of beauty, love and fertility, and the main deity of the Vanir. She loves music, spring and flowers, and spends much time with the fey. She is seen wearing a cloak of bird feathers, which allows the wearer to change into a falcon and a beautiful necklace of the Brisings given to her by dwarves, which the Norse still refer to as the Milky Way. Freyja is also a mediator between peace and violence, and the bride of fallen heroes. Riding her chariot pulled by cats through battlefields, she picks up half of the dead corpses, leaves the other half for Odin, and takes their souls to her hall, Sessrumnir, in Asgard. Fulla Fulla is Frigg's handmaiden and messenger. Prayers intercession with Frigg, and guidance in service. are addressed to her for

Gefion All women that die unmarried go to Gefion the goddess of virgins. She is also the bringer of good luck and prosperity. It is traditionally claimed that she is the creator of the Island of Zealand. Gerd A Scandinavian goddess of light, Gerd lives in a house ringed by fire and shoots flames from her hands. She is the most beautiful of creatures and the daughter of a female giant and a mortal man. The fertility god Frey became infatuated with Gerd and unsuccessfully courted her until he won her over with a spell in runes. Hel Hel is the goddess of death and resides in her hall, Elvidnir (misery) in the underworld of Niflheim. She is described as being half white and half black. She is responsible for plagues, sickness and catastrophes. Hnossa The youthful goddess of infatuation, Hnossa is the daughter of Freya. "jewel." Her name means


Idun Idun is the goddess of eternal youth and the keeper of the golden apples the Norse gods eat to remain young. Imd Imd is a Scandinavian water goddess and the daughter of Ran. Lufn The goddess of forbidden love, Lofn encourages illicit unions. Modgud The servant of Hel, Modgud is the maiden that stands guard on a gold-paved bridge on a path leading to the underworld. Mothir A mother in the Norse creation myth, Mothir gave birth to the Jarls or leaders, the ones who hunted, fought, and attended school. Norns The goddesses of the destinies of both gods and men are the three sisters called Urd (fate), Verdandi (necessity) and Skuld (being). Nott The goddess of night, Nott, is the mother of the earth, Jord, and of the day as well. She rides forth each evening on her horse Frostymane, from whose foaming mouth the dew falls. Ran Ran is goddess of the sea and storms, and wife to the sea god Aegir. She collects the drowned in her net and takes them to her hall located at the bottom of the ocean. Saga Saga, the all-knowing goddess, is an aspect of Frigg in some mythology. She lives at Sinking Beach, a waterfall of cool waves where she offers her guests drinks in golden cups. Her name, which means "omniscience," is applied to the epic heroic tales. Sif Sif is the golden haired wife of Thor and the goddess of crops and fertility. Sjofn Sjofn is the goddess to inspire human passions. Sjojungru Sjojungru is a Scandinavian sea goddess. Snotra Snotra is the Scandinavian goddess of wisdom. Valkyries Valkyries are beautiful maidens that help Odin choose which brave warriors will be slain on the battlefield so they may then serve Odin. They are also Odins messengers, and when they ride forth on their winged horses, their armor shines and flickers causing the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights).

Early spring... Leo finally begins its ascent into the night.If that lion could roar, would I be able to see its breath, a cloud of tiny stars in the indescribable sky? Far below, mottled purple fingers of skunk cabbage stab at me through frozen mud.

Freeze Thaw Freeze Thaw My sap begins to run sluggish and slow, restless and silently roaring while the air unfolds. This is not like birth, not a sharp simple pain. This is an excavation, tedious and frustrating, a dipping in and out like summer pond feet dangling from the end of a dock. Persephone, how do you manage to climb all those stairs? PERSEPHONE Greek mythology Persephone is the goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. She isthe daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of the harvest. Persephone was such a beautiful girl that everyone loved her, even Hades wanted her for himself. When she was a little girl, she and the Oceanids were collecting flowers on the plain of Enna, when suddenly the Earth opened and Hades rose up from the gap and abducted her. None but Zeus had noticed it. Broken-hearted, Demeter wandered the Earth, looking for her daughter until Helios, the all-seeing, revealed what had happened. Demeter was so angry that she withdrew herself in loneliness, and all fertility on Earth stopped. Finally, Zeus sent Hermes down to Hades to make him release Persephone. Hades grudgingly agreed, but before she went back he gave Persephone a pomegranate to eat, thus she would always be connected to his realm and had to stay there one-third of the year. The other months she remained with her mother. When Persephone was in Hades, Demeter refused to let anything grow and winter began. This myth is a symbol of the budding and dying of nature. In the Eleusinian mysteries, this happening was celebrated in honor of Demeter and Persephone, who was known in this cult as Kore.The Romans called her Proserpina.

Greek mythology In Greek mythology, Rhea is the mother of the gods, daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She is married to her brother Cronus and is the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus. Cronus, jealous of the future power of his children and to secure his dominion, ate his own children but Rhea managed to rescue one son, Zeus. She hid him in the Dictean Cave in Crete and gave Cronus a stone wrapped in the clothes of the infant, which he swallowed. Thus Rhea succeeded in making him believe that he had killed all of his children. When Zeus reached maturity he overpowered and dethroned his father and made Cronus disgorge his siblings. Rhea is identified with mother goddess Cybele from Asia Minor and is also known as Rhea Cybele and Magna Mater {'great mother'}. She was worshipped with orgiastic rites. Rhea is depicted between two lions or on a chariot pulled by lions. other names: Dindumene

Greek goddess of the moon. Daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. Sister of Helios (sun) and Eos (dawn). Mother of Pandia by Zeus, and of fifty daughters by Endymion. She rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by two white horses. Also a tutelary deity of magicians. Selene was sometimes identified with Artemis as a moon goddess. She

became syncretized with Hekate in later Greek mythology. The Romans equated her with Luna The Greek Goddess of the Full Moon, Selene is daughter of Hyperion and Theia and one of the deities of light during the dynasty of the Titans. She represents the full moon phase of the lunar cycle, along with Artemis (the crescent new moon) and Hecate (the waning moon), Like her brother Helius, she drives a chariot through the sky each night; hers is usually drawn by two horses. By Zeus, she is the mother of Pandia (All-bright) and Ersa (Dew). By Endymion, she is mother of 50 daughters, who represent the 50 lunar months that elapse between each Olympiad. The days of the full and new moon were set aside for her worship. As the myth goes, Selene saw Endymion, a shepherd, asleep in a cave on Mt. Latmus one night. She fell in love with him, and began to neglect her duties to lie beside him as he slept. In some stories, Zeus grants Endymion perpetual sleep with perpetual youth, so that Selene would resume her duties. In others, Selene herself puts him to sleep. Selene is often closely identified with Artemis and Hecate, both of whom are moon goddesses as well. It is said that this was the name the Triple Goddess Hecate was honored by when she was in the realm of heaven. Selene is of great importance in magick, spells and enchantments. Selene is the Greek Moon Goddess and teacher to Magicians, and sorcerers. she is shown as a beautiful, pale woman in a chariot drawn by either two white horses or a mule.

Snake Woman Shedding Her Skin

The Goddess we usually call Crone is shown with a young and a middle-aged face as well. In Goddess spirituality, the idea that the Divine has many faces is well accepted. We're comfortable with the notion that the Divine appears in different ways to different people. One of the best characteristics of Goddess religion, in fact, is this acceptance that others' visions are as valid as your own most precious beliefs. You don't have to make a strong argument for ecumenism among truly devoted Goddess worshippers. For me, though, it was one thing to acknowledge the many-paths-up-the-mountain argument in the abstract. It was something entirely different to realize it through direct experience. When I was a Goddess worshipper, I paid lip service to ecumenism, but I didn't really believe it. I disdained the patriarchal religions, especially the one that dominates my own culture. I truly believed that any woman who practiced Christianity, Judaism or Islam was little more than an obliging doormat. And, even though I didn't express it openly, I felt that anyone who chose to follow these faiths was misguided, incorrect, and maybe just a little cowardly not to break free of them. I was even a little smug about it. I don't think Goddess cares for self-righteousness, and She had a way of dealing with my attitude. My love of nature, that had brought me to Goddess in the first place, led me to the writings of Matthew Fox. Now, how a feminist Goddess follower ever looked at his writings in the first place, those of a Christian, and, on top of that, a guy, still amazes me. It happened, as miracles seem to, inexplicably. I read Fox's book called Original Blessing, and was captivated from the first paragraph. Fox spoke of the Word of God. The Word was not just blind acceptance of some ancient mythology, but a living force of Creation. And Creation itself was not some static event in the inconceivable past, but a dynamic, moving, ever-new process. The Word was alive. It was awe, joy, mystery, and ecstasy. I could feel it. I saw the Word in everything, from tree branches against the gray morning sky to my hands grasping a pencil. My life of spirit became deeper and richer. Before I had the chance to catch my breath, I was talking to an Episcopal priest about being baptized. Goddess, clearly, has a sense of humor. Little Ms. Smarty Pants who had all the answers woke up one day and found herself turned into a Christian.

Goddess used to be absolutely real for me. Now the Word fills my vision. I don't see this as one supplanting the other. It's more of a transformation, where Goddess worshipper became Creation-centered Christian like Snake Woman shedding Her skin. In no way do I feel I've turned away from Goddess. Goddess is just no longer how I conceive of the Mystery. It's just a matter of what I see when I look toward the inexpressible. This spiritual shape-shifting has made the unity of all light-seeking faiths real for me. We really are all one. As if we all hear the Cosmic sound and sing back a different note in the harmony. So, here I am, in my new skin, still in SisterSpirit, still participating in circle, still loving Goddess, really, but now as a Christian, with a different perspective, with added dimension, and reveling in every aspect of the irony.If you don't believe She changes everything She touches, you'd better look behind you. May the peace of the Christ be ever in our hearts

NAME: SOPHIA which is the Greek version of Her name, other names and titles are Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother-Of-All (Gnostic), Holy Spirit (very early Christians), Wisdom (what the other names mean). SYMBOLS: A cup, the crescent moon, a dove, a tree. USUAL IMAGE: A red winged woman, crowned with seven stars, at Her feet lies the World, She carries a golden cup. She is also often shown wearing a red gown, and pregnant. HOLY DAYS: November 28th is the Day of Sophia. HOLY BOOKS: Mary. The Trattato Gnostico. The Clementine Homilies. The Gospel According to

PLACES OF WORSHIP: Temples, but also places of learning. RELATIVES: Yahway (step-son). (ex-husband), Adam, Eve, Lilith, angels (children), Jesus Christ

SYNODIETIES: Isis (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Hera (Greek), Frigga (Norse) Spider Grandmother (Native American), Inanna (Sumerian), Tara (Tibetan) Yemaya (AfricanCaribbean), Amaterasu (Japanese), Pachamama (Incan), Estsanatlehi, Changing Woman (Navajo and Apache), Danu (Celtic). DETAILS: Sophia, or Hohkma or Sapienta etc... is the primary female figure of JudeoChristianity, She was once very important, but because of the efforts of men who had a very serious problem with the female force in nature and themselfs She has all but been exsponged from modern Bibles. She was the veiled holy spirit of wisdom, pregnant with knowledge and inviting us to drink deeply from Her cup. Old Jewish literature tells of Her role as God's co-creator, "She reaches out from one end of the earth to the other with full strength and orders all things well...Herself unchanging, she makes all things anew." without Her God is powerless. She shares God's throne, and is his creative breath. The Shakers recognized her in the rhyme: "Wisdom holds the Mother's seat, and is the Father's helper-meet." Yes, it's time that Mrs God got Her due! Gnostics And Sophia Gnosticism (Gnost = knowledge) was one of the very earlyist forms of Christianity being some what older then what became the Roman Catholic Church, and one of it's chief rivals during the first part of the first millennium. They sought communion with Sige (Silence) who dwelt at the beginning of all things and gave birth to Sophia (Wisdom or Knowledge), The Gnostic Great Mother, who was both spouse and mother of God. (Hey! it's how they thought back then, read your Joseph Campbell.) What became the orthodox church especially hated the Gnostic feminine imagery. Followers of Paul denounced the Gnostics as the spawn of Satan and ravening wolves in

human form, and both devil worshipers AND atheists, and other insults Christians used against other Christians of a diffrent type in those times, and for that matter today against other religions that they don't like today. Starting mainly in the 4th and going through the 8th the Paulist church persecuted any Gnostic minorities that they could find, killing them in the thousands. Church fathers of the Paulist type were very upset and angry by the Gnostics admiting women to ecclesiastical rank. Tertullian reported with horror that "All initiates, men and women alike...might be elected to serve as priest, bishop, or prophet. Beyond that the women teach, engage in discussion; they exorcise; they cure. They even baptize and in all way have equally, they pray equally even Pagans, if any happen to come.They also share the kiss of peace with all who come." Some sects of apostles lead real God made their gospels survived. Gnosticism even went so far as to say that by the beloved of Jesus Mary Magdalene, and flesh, Mary Magdalene was the real Goddess pertaining to this were destroyed by the eary there were twelve female that while Jesus was the also made flesh, most of Paulist, though some have

In return for what the other Christians had to say about them the Gnostics said that the God of the Roman church was not the real God but was a devilish demiurge who only wanted to entrap human souls in lies, illusion, and evil. But what about some of these differences that are to be found between the Gnostics who had a Yahway AND Sophia, and the Paulist who had only Jehovah and Jesus? Lets take a short look at the Gnostic version of the Garden of Eden myth next. The Gnostics said that Sophia was born from the primordial female power Sige (Silence). And that she }Sophia{ was God's mother, "the great revered Virgin in whom the Father was concealed from the begining before He had created anything.Sophia gave birth to a male spirit, Christ, (who only much later came to earth in human form) and a female spirit Achamoth (who later came to earth as Mary Magdalene). These two gave birth to the elements and the terrestrial world, then brought forth a new god named Jehovah, Son of Darkness, along with five planetary spirits later regarded as emanations of Jehovah: Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloi, annd Uraeus. These spirits produced archangels, angels, and finally men and women. Jehovah forbade men to eat the fruit of knowledge, but his mother Achamoth sent her own spirit to earth in the form of the serpent Ophis to teach menkind to disobey the jealous god. The serpent was also called Christ, who taught Adam to eat the fruit of knowledge despite Jehovah's prohibition....later Sophia sent Christ again to earth in the shape of one of Her totems the dove, to enter the man Jesus at his baptism in Jordan. After Jesus died, Christ left his body and returned to heaven to help collect souls. But not all of Sophia was taken out of the final version of the Bible by the Paulist, some was able to slip past i.e. from the 8th and 9th chapters Proverbs we see the early conflict between followers of Sophia and those of God. Maybe the divorce was going on at this time? Doth not Sophia cry? and understanding put forth her voice? She standeth in the top of high places, by way in the places of the paths. She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in of the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. O ye simple, understand Sophia: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things... for Sophia is better then rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to Her. I Sophia dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions... Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding; I have strength. By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and and nobles, even all judges of the earth. I love them that love me;

and those that seek me early shall find me... I lead the way into righteousness, jin the midst of the paths of judgment: that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures... Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For who so findeth me findeth life... But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.Then we get: Sophia hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: she hath killed her beasts: she hath mingled her wine: she hath also furnished her table. She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city. Who so is simple, let him turn in hither; as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him, Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled...( but) the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. For by me (God) thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased... a foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. For she sitteth at the door of her house, on a seat in the high place of the city, (temples) to call passengers who go right on their ways: who so is simple, let him turn in hither... But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and her guests are in the depths of hell. Sounds like the nasty sort of thing that goes on in a lot of divorces to me. Or at least a heated PR battle. Lets say that the campaign to bring Sophia (or Sapienta or Hohkma or Goddess which ever) is a success, what are some of the effects that it might have? I mean other then the religious aspects, I mean also the political or more mundane aspects, because as it is now while women make up the majority of those that DO anything in the churchs the power is in the hands of men, well, with Sophia back thinks would have to loosen up more then a little bit, so what are some of the changes that could take place?......: Catholicism Sure they have nuns, but that does not count because even they have to have a Priest that is over them (I think I'm really not sure about the details). So with the return of Sophia we could see also the Catholic Priestess who would have her very on sacraments and everything (see following message) and to be sure they could also become bishops and cardinals I understand that such things were quite common way back when. And Pope? There was Pope Joan, but she had to be in disguise to do that. And all that Pope stuff did not start till well after the last of the Sophiaist had been offed. But I know the perfect compromise, there is a lot of controversy in the Roman Catholic church right now between people who think that Priest should be able to marry, and those that think things should stay just as they are. But if you let Priest marry who knows what would happen! After all nobody can understand anybody else's choices in books or mates, and if you're Catholic what would you do if Father Dan showed up one day married to a Yahway's Witness or a nice Jewish girl?! You know what gossips church people can be, well here's the solution, let them get married, but only to Priestesses, sure that cuts down the field a lot but hey! that's tough, it comes with the territory. Protestantism Now here's a group that needs some work, ever seen some of the more hard-core groups with the men in their Penta-Pimp suits and the poofyed up hair-dos and their drab mousey wifes who never seem to say anything? (not to try and get anybody mad or upset, but if I do...I try) I think there is more then room for a little loosening up to be done there, and in the more avereage protestant churchs too. Along with the minister have a wominister, yeah that would work, maybe having another power would help cut down on the power tripping that often takes place. And just think, one more person to gossip about!

Judaism Sorry, I really don't know enough about Judaism to talk about changes that might take place with the return of a Goddess figure, but I'm sure it would have to mean something ...right? All Judeo-Christianity One thing that is to be found in all Christian religious groups is the male-force version of the leader, no matter if he is called Priest, minister or what, who is let's face it more matter how you might like to not look at it, is for the most part a political figure, somebody in charge, so that you have a lot of religion but very, very little if any real spirituality. Perhaps that could be fixed with the return of Sophia because with the return of a Female element to a religion you open up the door to the possibility of the Christian Shaman, something that the world has yet to see, this person could be ether male or female and..well I think this needs it's own message. Even if you are not Catholic yourself I am sure that you are at least somewhat familiar with each of the seven sacraments that a priest can perform as part of his office. Just for the record they are listed below. The seven sacraments that a priest of the Roman Catholic church can perform are: 1. Baptism 2. Communion (eucharist) 3. Confirmation 4. Marriage 5. Priesthood 6. Sacrament of the Sick (formerly known as 'last rites') 7. Reconciliation (confession) Now, what would be the case if a campaign to return Sophia to Judeo-Christianity were to succeed? There would be no need to take anything away from the priests, or even for them to share the seven sacraments for that matter, I think that the priestess would have plenty to do with the seven sacraments of the Priestesshood: 1. Pre-Baptism (sacred midwifery) To atend in a number of ways to the spiritual and physical needs of pregnant women, blessing the child, doing some rite at the birth etc... 2. Blessing the Cup. Rite by which a cup of milk or water is imbued with the essence of Sophia. 3. Bake the Love in. Rite in which an entire meal is imbued with the essence of Sophia. 4. Match-Making. Something that is badly needed before the Priest can do the marriage bit. a number of ways in which the compatibility is tested between two people, also the aiding of finding a suitable match. ("Nu! have I got a girl for you!") 5. Nag. Sort of like confession, only while one is told to the priest this one is told to you by the priestess, sort of like naging...but in a good way, a way of pointing out where some improvement could be made, all under the influence of Sophia and not the good Mother herself `nach. Maybe it could start out by the Priestess saying something like "Watch it buster, for you have sinned" or something like that. 6. Tidy-Up. Rite to "clean-up" the spiritual "being" of the person in question, sort of like all that aura cleaning that the New Agers do. 7. Make-Over. Training that lets the Priestess note changes that would be helpful if they were made in an individual, sort of like that Hail Mary thing, only the Priestess would assign things of a more tangible form. Like giving me one week with no beer drinking, or such like. The White Goddess. Robert Graves. Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity. (2 vols.) The Gnostic Religion. Hans Jonas.

Francis Legge.

Venus in Sackcloth. Marjorie Malvern. Myths to Live By. Joseph Campbell. The Gnostic Gospels. Elaine Pagels. When God Was a Woman. Merlin Stone. The Lady Was a Bishop. Joan Morris. Spiral Dance. Starhawk. The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. Patricia Monagham. The Goddesses and the Tree. Ellen Cannon Reed. Urban Shaman. Serge Kahili King. Growing the Tree Within. William Gray. The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. Barbara G. Walker. Many of these books are to be found at the library. . And there is a new one out called Sophia the Black Goddess I believe but I'm not sure and I don't know the authors name.....sorry.

The Dark Mother is the most misunderstood of the triple aspects of the Goddess. Her color is Black and she absorbs everything, including light and life. The dark of the Moon is Her time, the Abyss and darkness of space is Her home. Her number is nine, symbolizing wisdom and sacred magick. Nine is also the number of completion and the completion of beginnings is the Crone's place in the cycle of birth-life-death. The greatest fear in Western Society is the fear of death and so many have turned away from this face of our Mother. We see this in our fevered need for eternal "youth and beauty" (as defined by society) and in the medical community's fight against aging and death. Who among us had not had a friend or family member kept "alive" on life support long after the soul has left the body to resume its journey? We also see this turning away in the way this country treats its elderly. At a time of life in which a person should be venerated for wisdom and knowledge they could pass on to the young ones among us, the elderly are at best "taken care of" (read: loss of privacy, dignity and freedom) or at worst completely ignored. Advanced age should be a time to look forward to in our lives. We should be able to look back and remember all that has happened to us with wisdom and good humor. We should be given the chance to relax and rest and contemplate our lives in preparation of a joyful reunion with the Dark Mother, come to take us into Her starry womb once more. Instead, because we don't build a comfortable relationship with the Crone early in our lives, near the end all we feel is frustration and fear. How do we build a relationship with the Crone, this Dark Mother who upholds the laws of life and death with a rigorous need for balance that may seem so many times harsh to us? Forest we must realize that Death is not the only domain of the Crone. Endings of all sorts fall under Her sway, and endings always lead to new beginnings. You can get in touch with the Crone during many transitional periods in your life; during the ending of relationships or jobs, when you need to regroup your energies, at the end of a project or problem, even when you are getting your garden ready for the winter. The Dark Mother also covers trance states, spirit communication, and prophecy. Menopause is also a time to learn about the Crone aspect of the Goddess. Crone magick is not all that different from Her other three aspects, one must simply remember that the Crone is not a Goddess of birth, but the harvesting and resting of all life. One may use meditation, candle burning and other general tools of magick to draw Her energies near. Her power may be called upon with dark candles such as black, dark blues, or deep purples. Another of Her magickal domains is retribution, but you must be certain that you are justified in your need. D o not ask for revenge (remember the Low of Three!), do not be specific in anything that you want done. Simply lay the problem before Her and allow Her to decide whether or not there has been a true imbalance of justice. At the Winter Solstice, you can burn white, red and black candles to be reminded that everything is born, lives and dies to be born again.

In it us we

the end, all must confront the Dark Mother, willing or unwillingly. How much better would be to realize that She is not to be dreaded, a figure in black come to take away from all we know and love, but a loving Goddess come to take us home so that may rest and revive and begin our journey on the Wheel of Life once more.


She is the ruler of the tides of flux and reflux. The waters of the Great Sea answer unto her, likewise the tides of all earthly seas, and she ruleth the nature of woman. One of the most significant archetypal symbols of the Goddess is the Moon. The Triple Goddess is seen in the Moon as Maiden (Waxing Moon), Mother (Full Moon), and Crone (Waning Moon). The Moon Goddess has been known by many different names in many different cultures. It is said that the Moon Goddess created time and measurement. Ancient calendars were based on the Moon's phases. She is usually seen as the protector of women, and she rules magick and childbirth. In ancient Thessaly, the Moon Goddess was invoked in a rite called "drawing down the moon", which we still practice today. The Moon Goddess has many different names in many different cultures. In Finland, the Divine Creatress was called Luonnotar. In Scandinavia, She was Mardoll, or "The Moon Shining Over the Sea". Gala or Galata is the original Moon-Mother of Gaelic tribes. In Britain, an early name for the Moon Goddess was Albion, or "Milk-White Moon-Goddess". To the Aztecs, the Moon Goddess was Mictecaciuarl, the devoured of the dead, and She had the same role among the Maoris and the Tartars. Several cultures believed that the Moon was the "Land of the Dead". In Africa, She is Akua'ba, in China Queen of Heaven, and to the Ancient Romans she was Luna. Greek/Roman Moon Goddesses include Artemis, Hecate, Bendis, Brizo, Callisto,Selene, Prosymna, Diana, and Luna. Artemis was daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo. She was the Lady of the Beasts, Who roams the forest with her band of nymphs, protecting pregnant beasts and their young. The Greeks assimilated her to a mistress of wild beasts. Bears were sacred to her, and the guinea-fowl were her birds. Her name possibly means "high source of water" (the moon being regarded as the source and ruler of all waters). She was the mistress of magick, enchantment, and sorcery. She was a protector of youth, especially of girls, and was called upon as Artemis Eileithyia by women in childbirth. She is often depicted with a hound, and carrying a bow and arrows. One of her forms was Callistro. Other names for her include Delia, Phoebe, Pythia, and Parthenos. She was considered virginal, which means that she was her "own woman" and did not have a consort, however this did not mean that she was celibate. She is the Roman equivalent of Diana. Her tarot associations include nines, the High Priestess, and Temperance. Her gemstones are quartz, moonstone, pearl, and crystal. Sacred to her are the herbs mandrake, damiana, almond, mugwort, and hazel. Her animals are the horse, dog, elephant, and centaur. Other associations of Artemis are magickal weapons, perfumes, sandals, bow and arrow, and menstrual blood. Her Festival is celebrated on February 12. Hecate was a Moon Goddess, Underworld Goddess and Goddess of Magick. She was the daughter of Perses and Asteria. Other traditions say she was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She protected flocks and sailors, and was associated with crossroads. Her tarot associations are threes and the High Priestess. Her gemstones include star sapphire, pearl, moonstone, and crystal; her plants include cypress, opium poppy, almond, mugwort, hazel, and moonwort. Animals which are sacred to her are dogs. Other associations include perfumes, myrrh, civet, and magickal weapons. Bendis was a Moon Goddess and wife of the Sun God Sabazius, and was worshipped with orgiastic rites. Thracians made her popular in Attica, and in 430 BC her cult became a state ceremonial in Athens, with torch races at the Piraeus.Brizo was a Moon Goddess of Delos, to whom votive ships were offered. The name Brizo may be a form of Brighid.

Selene was a Moon Goddess and daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios (the Sun) and Eos (the Dawn). She was wooed and won by Zeus and by Pan. She also fell in love with Endymion and visited him nightly while he slept. (Zeus granted the mortal Endymion immortality on the condition that he remained eternally asleep.) She is also called Luna. Prosymna is the Greek Goddess of the New Moon. She is also known as Persephone, and is given the title of Demeter as the Earth Mother in her Underworld aspect. Diana was the Roman equivalent of the Greek Moon and Nature Goddess Artemis, and rapidly acquired all her characteristics. She is the Goddess of light, mountains, and woods. She was invoked to protect the harvest against heavy storms. Diana, whose name means "light", was originally the Italian Goddess of the Sun, Moon, and Open Sky. She also bestowed sovereignty and conception. Her feast day is August 15. Christians adopted her as St. Anne, Mary's mother, the "Grandmother of God". THE TRIPLE GODDESS As the Maiden, I saw through your eyes as a child Spring rains, green forests, and animals wild! I saw you run freely on the Earth with bare feet! I watched as you danced in the winds, blowing free! I was there as you grew, getting stronger each day! I brought you rainbows, chasing grey skies away! I was there in your laughter - I was there in your tears! I was the acceptance you gained from your peers! I saw your first love and I felt your first blush, As passion first stirred in the night's gentle hush! I am there with you always in the fresh morning dew! I bring you the crispness of beginnings anew. As the Mother, I bore all the labor distress Of birthing your child, and I felt the caress Of your hand on the face of the new life so dear. I heard its first cry, and I eased your fear! I provided the milk which you fed from your breast Till the baby grew strong, and with health it was blessed. As she took her first step, I was there in your smile! I was there while you nurtured your beautiful child! On the first day of school, when the doors opened wide I was there in your fear - I was there in your pride. I am there with you always in the bright full of moon! I bring you fertility - abundance in bloom. As the Crone, I brought blessings of wisdom with age [Wisdom not found by the turn of a page]. I was there as you taught the correct way to live: To love and to trust - to take and to give! I was there in the twinkle of your aged eye! I was there in your thoughts of the years flying by! I was there when you taught the Mysteries of old! I was there in the fire warming you in the cold! In the weariness of age, I was there with you, too... I brought well-deserved rest and peace unto you! I am there with you always in the darkness of night! I complete your life cycle, guiding you toward the light. Maid, Mother and Crone - We are all One Yet We are all separate, as each role is done. We do not leave you - We're always there As you walk through this life with your worries and cares; As you dance in the spiral, We live inside 68

Deep in your spirit - where nothing can hide! No matter your path, no matter it's length We give you courage and We give you strength. We are there to support you every hour of day And deep in the night, when dreams take you away. Our gifts We give freely, for you are our Child... Yes, We are the Lady: Wise, Pure, and Mild! -Kalioppe Goddesses The Witches' Goddess (An Abbreviated List of World Goddesses) From The Witches' Goddess By Janet and Stewart Farrar * Aditi: ('Limitless') Hindu Mother Goddess, self-formed, the Cosmic Matrix.Mother of the Sun God Mitra and the Moon God Varuna. Ambika: Hindu, 'the generatrix,' wife of Shiva or of Rudra. Hindu. Goddess who provides food; she lives on top of Mount Annapurna.


Aphrodite: ('Foam-Born') Greek Goddess of sexual love. She was born of thebloody foam of the sea where Cronus threw the genitals of his father Uranus after castrating him. Married, on Zeus's orders, to the lame Smith God Hephaestus, and unfaithful to him with the war God Ares. She was in fact an ancient East Mediterranean Goddess and can be equated with Astarte. Arachne: Greek Spider Goddess. A Lydian girl skilled in weaving, she dared to challenge Athene to compete with her. The contest was held, and Arachne's work was faultless: impudently, it portrayed some of the Gods' less reputable deeds, including Athene's father Zeus abducting Europa. Furious, Athene turned her into a spider, doomed eternally to spin thread drawn from her own body.But the Spider Goddess is more archetypal than this story suggests: spinning and weaving the pattern of destiny like the Moerae or the Norns, and enthroned in the middle of her spiral-pathed stronghold like Arianrhod. Athene here represents Athenian patriarchal thinking, trying to discipline earlier Goddess-concepts. Aradia: Italian (Tuscany) Witch Goddess, surviving there into this century.Daughter of Diana and Diana's brother Lucifer (i.e. of the Moon and Sun), she came to Earth to teach the witches her mother's magic. Ariadne: Cretan and Greek. The daughter of King Minos of Crete, who with her her cunning thread helped Theseus find his way into the labyrinth to kill the Minotaur, and out again. She eloped with him, but he abandoned her on the island of Naxos. She was consoled by Dionysus, who in her Naxos cult was regarded as her consort. Arianrhod: ('Silver Wheel') Major Welsh Goddess. Mother of Llew Llau Gyffes by her brother Gwydion. Her consort Nwyvre ('Sky, Space, Firmament') has survived in name only. Caer Arianrhod is the circumpolar stars, to which souls withdraw between incarnations; she is thus a Goddess of reincarnation.Honoured at the Full Moon. Artemis: Greek Nature and Moon Goddess. Daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo (though a day older). She probably absorbed a pre-Indo-European Sun Goddess, and her twinning in classical legend with the Sun God Apollo may stem from this. The

Greeks assimilated her to a pre-Greekmistress of wild beasts. her, and she was associated with the constellation Ursa Major.

Bears were sacred to

Astarte: Canaanite version of Ishtar; fertility goddess. Chief goddess of Tyre and Sidon. Astarte was also the Greek form of the name Ashtart. Tends to merge with Asherat and Anat, and with the Egyptian Hathor. She came to Egypt; Rameses II built a temple honoring her, and she and Isis were said to be firm friends. Athena: Greek, a Warrior Goddess, yet also one of intelligence and the arts of peace. Protector of towns, above all of Athens. Banshee: (Bean Sidhe , 'Woman Fairy') Irish. Attached to old Irish families ('the O's and the Mac's'), she can be heard keening sorrowfully near the house when a member of the family is about to die. Still very much believed in, and heard. Bast: Egytian Cat Goddess of Bubastis in the Delta. Originally lion-headed,she represented the beneficient power of the Sun, in contrast to Sekhmet who personified its destructive power. Bean-Nighe: ('Washing Woman') Scottish and Irish. bloodstained garments of those about to die. Haunts lonely streams washing the

Befana: ('Epiphany') Italian Witch Fairy who flies her broomstick on Twelfth Night to come down chimneys and bring presents to children. Binah: ('Understanding') Hebrew. The Supernal Mother, third Sephirah of the Cabalistic Tree of Life. She takes the raw directionless energy of Chokmah, the Supernal Father (the second Sephira), and gives it form and manifestation; she is thus both the Bright Mother, Aima (nourishing) and the Dark Mother, Ama(constricting). Bona Dea: ('Good Goddess') Roman Earth Goddess of Fertility, worshipped only by women; even statues of men were covered where her rites took place. Brighid, Brigid, Brigit, Brid: Irish Goddess of Fertility and Inspiritation,daughter of the Dagda; called 'the poetess.'Often triple ('The Three Brigids'). Her characteristics, legends and holy places were taken over by the historical St Bridget. Cailleach Beine Brick: goddess. A Scottish legendary witch probably recalling an earlier local

Callisto: ('Most Beautiful') Greek Moon Goddess, to whom the she-bear was sacred in Arcadia. Envisaged as the axle on which everything turns, and thus connected with the Ursa Major constellation. Linked with Artemis, often called Artemis Callisto. Carman: Irish. Wexford Goddess, whence Gaelic name of Wexford, Loch Garman (Loch gCarman). Cerridwen: Welsh Mother, Moon and Grain Goddess, wife of Tegid and mother of Creirwy (the most beautiful girl in the world) and Avagdu (the ugliest boy). Owner of an inexhaustible cauldron called Amen, in which she made a magic draught called 'greal' ('Grail?') from six plants, which gave inspiration and knowledge. Mother of Taliesen, greatest of all Welsh bards. Most of her legends emphasize the terrifying aspect of the Dark Mother; yet her cauldron is the source of wisdom and inspiration. Cliona of the Fair Hair: Irish. South Munster Goddess of great beauty,daughter of Gebann the Druid, of the Tuatha De Danaan. Connected with the O'Keefe family. Clota: Scottish. Goddess of the River Clyde.

Cybele: Greek. Originally Phrygian, finally merged with Rhea. Goddess of Caverns, of the Earth in its primitive state; worshipped on mountain tops. Ruled over wild beasts. Also a Bee Goddess.

Dakini: Hindu. One of the Six Goddess Governing the Six Bodily Substances; the others being Hakini, Kakini, Lakini, Rakini and Sakini. Dana, Danu: The major Irish Mother Goddess, who gave her name to the Tuatha De Danann ('Peoples of the Goddess Dana'), the last but one occupiers of Ireland in the mytholigical cycle. Demeter: ('Earth-Goddess-Mother') Greek goddess of the fruitful Earth, especially of barley. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Her brother Zeus, tricking her in the form of a bull, made her the mother of Persephone. Diana: Roman equivalent of the Greek Moon and Nature Goddess Artemis, and rapidly acquired all her characteristics. Like Artemis, classically regarded as virgin but originally a Sacrificial-Mating Goddess. Dione: Phoenician/Greek. Also known as Baltis. A Nature or Earth Goddess, overlapping with Diana and Danae. Daughter of Uranus and Gaia. Married her brother Cronus, who gave her the city of Byblos. Discordia: Roman Goddess of Discord and Strife, who preceeded the chariot of Mars. Greek equivalent Eris. Ereshkigal: ('Queen of the Great Below') Assyro-Babylonian Goddess of the Underworld, sister of Ishtar (Inanna). Known as 'Star of Lamentation,' or sometimes simply as Allatu ('The Goddess'). Eris: Greek goddess of Discord.

Erin: Irish. One of the Three Queens of the Tuatha De Danann, daughters of the Dagda, who asked that Ireland be named after them. Frigg, Freya: ('Well-Beloved, Spouse, Lady') Most revered of the Teutonic Goddesses. Wife and sister of Odin. Gaia: ('Earth') The 'deep-breasted,' the primordial Greek Earth Mother, the first being to emerge from Chaos. She was regarded as creating the universe, the first race of gods, and humankind. Glaisrig, Glaistig: A Scottish Undine, beautiul and seductive, but a goat from the waist down (which she hides under a long green dress). She lures men to dance with her and then sucks their blood. Yet she can be benign, looking after children or old people or herding cattle for farmers. Gorgons, The: Greek. Three daughters of Phorcys and his sister Ceto. Winged monsters with hair of serpents, they turned men to stone by their gaze. They were Euryale and Stheno, who were immortal, and Medusa who was mortal and killed by Perseus. Grian: ('Sun') Irish. A Fairy Queen with a court on Pallas Green Hill, Co. Tipperary. Also a general Goddess symbol. Gruagach, The: ('The Long-Haired One') Scottish. Female fairy to whom the dairymaids used to pour libations of milk into a hollow stone.Gwenhwyfar, Guinevere, Gueneva: Arthur's queen. Traces of Triple Goddess. Hathor: Egyptian. An ancient Sky Goddess; Ra's daughter by Nut, or his wife;sometimes the wife or mother of Horus the Elder, Goddess of pleasure, joy,love, music and dancing. Protectress of women and embodiment of the finest female qualities. Hecate: Greek, originally Thracian and pre-Olympian; at the same time a Moon Goddess, and Underworld Goddess and a Goddess of magic.


Hel, Hela: Teutonic Goddess of the kingdom of the dead, not considered as a place of punishment. Daughter of Loki and Angurboda, and sister of the Midgard serpent of the ocean encircling the Earth, and of the devouring Fenris-wolf. Half her face was totally black. Hestia: ('Hearth') Greek. First daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and oldest of the Olympians. Goddess of domestic fire and of the home in general. Poseidon and Apollo both wanted to marry her but she placed herself under Zeus'protection as eternally virgin. She received the first morsel of every sacrifice. Roman equivalent Vesta. Inanna: ('Lady of Heaven') Sumerian Queen of Heaven, Mother Goddess to whom the Semitic Ishtar was assimilated. Isis: Egyptian. The most complete flowering of the Goddess concept in human history. Daughter of Earth God Geb and Sky Goddess Nut. Kali: Hindu, Tibetan, Nepalese. Often called Kali Ma ('the Black Mother'). A terrible but necessary destroyer, particularly of demons, but also a powerful creative force, much misunderstood in the West. Kundalini: ('Coiled') Hindu. The feminine Serpent Force, especially in its relation to organic and inorganic matter; the universal life-force of which electricity and magnetism are mere manifestations. Envisaged as moving in a left-handed spiral, when aroused in the human body, from the base of the spine up to the brain. Lady of the Lake: Arthurian. In some legends Vivienne (or Viviane); in others, Vivienne was the daughter of the Lady of the Lake by Dylan, son of Arianrhod and Gwydion. In Thomas Mallory, the Lady of the Lake is called Nimue. Lakshmi: Hindu Goddess of good fortune and plenty, and the personification of beauty. Irish fairy lover, succubus. In the Isle of Man she is malevolent and

Leannan Sidhe: vampiric.

Lilith: In Hebrew legend, she was Adam's first wife, who would not subordinate herself to him and was turned into a demoness. Lorelei: German. A beautiful siren who sat on a cliff above the Rhine, luring boatment to their death with her songs. Luna: The Roman Moon Goddess, identified with Diana and the Greek Selene. Personification of Earth, of the Earth-soul; the been a reformed

Malkuth: ('The Kingdom') Hebrew. goddess in actual manifestation.

Mary Magdalene: Hebrew. Held in Christian tradition to have prostitute; but there are no biblical grounds for this whatsoever. Maya: Hindu. The Goddess of Nature, the universal creatress.

Medusa: Greek. The only mortal member of the three Gorgons. Her hair was turned to serpents by Athene because she dared to claim equal beauty with hers.Her gaze turned men to stone. Minerva: Roman. Wife of Jupiter, forming a triad with his other wife, Juno.

Morgan: ('Of the Sea') Arthur's half-sister Morgan le Fay; but would seem to be a much older Goddess, possibly the Glastonbury Tor one, for her island is Avalon. Neith: Egyptian. A very ancient Delta Goddess, protectress of Sais; her emblem was the crossed arrows of a predynastic clan.

Nemesis: Greek. Daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Goddess of divine anger, against mortals who offended the moral law, broke taboos or achieved too much happiness or wealth. Nicneven: Scottish Samhain Witch Goddess. the old (Julian) calendar, on 10 November. Nimue: Arthurian. Tradition places her night according to

Thomas Mallory's name for the Lady of the Lake.


Gaulish Witch Goddess.

Oshun and Oya: Nigerian, Yoruba tribe and Brizilian Voodoo. Sisters, daughters of Yemaja, and wives of the Thunder God Shango. Oshun was beautiful and Oya plain, and there was jealousy between them. Goddesses respectively of the rivers Oshun and Niger. Pandora: ('Gift of All') The Greek Eve, fashioned in clay by Hephaestus on Zeus' orders to punish Prometheus for having stolen fire from heaven. Her name means that each God or Goddess gave her an appropriate gift. Zeus gave her a box which she must not open. She did open it, and all the evils that plague humankind came out of it. All that was left at the bottom was Hope. Persephone: Greek and Phoenician. Originally a purely Underworld Goddess,became a corn-seed Goddess, daughter of Demeter. Pythia: ('Pythoness') Greek. Serpent Goddess, daughter of Gaia.

Rhiannon: ('Great, or Divine, Queen'). Welsh fertility and Otherworld Goddess. Sarasvati: Hindu. Wife of Brahma, born of his body. Goddess of speech,music, wisdom, knowledge and the arts. Sekhmet: ('The Powerful') Egyptian Lioness-Goddess, Eye of Ra who was her father. Wife of Ptah as Goddess of the Memphite triad, and mother of Nefertum, God of the setting Sun (later replaced by Imhotep). Selene: Greek Moon Goddess, daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios (the Sun) and Eos (Dawn); though sometimes said to be the daughter of Zeus or of Helios. Sophia: ('Wisdom') A Gnostic Aeon; but Wisdom personified as female was earlier also characteristic of Hebrew and Greek-Hebrew thinking. Tailtiu: Irish. Foster-mother of Lugh, who instituted the Tailtean Games, central event of the Festival of Lughnasadh (1 August), in her memory. Tara: ('Radiating') Hindu Star Goddess, wife of Brihaspati (identified with the planet Jupiter), teacher of the Gods. Tenemit: Egyptian Underworld Goddess, who gave ale to the deceased. Tiamat: Assyro-Babylonian Primordial Sea Mother Goddess, the mass of salt waters, who with her mate Apsu (the sweet waters) begat the original chaotic world and who also symbolized it and ruled it. Ulupi: Hindu. A Serpent Goddess, one of the Nagis, dwelling in Patala, the lowest level of the Underworld. Valkyries, The: Teutonic. In late Scandinavian myth, they brought the souls of those slain in battle to Odin. Venus: Roman. Originally a Goddess of Spring and protectress of vegetation and gardens, was a minor deity till she became assimilated to the Greek Aphrodite in the second century BC.

Vesta: ('Torch, Candle') Roman Goddess of fire, both domestic and ritual.Daughter of Saturn and Ops. Domestically she presided over the hearth and the preparation of meals. Virgin Mary, The: Mother of Jesus.

Vivienne, Viviane: Arthurian. Sometimes referred to as the Lady of the Lake,sometimes as the Lady's daughter. Yesod: ('Foundation') Hebrew. Ninth Sephira of the Cabalistic Tree of Life,sphere of the Moon and of the astral plane. Zobiana: A medieval Witch Goddess name.



APHRODITE Greek; Goddess of passion, sexual love. Aphrodite will assist you in pulling loving energy toward yourself. ARADIA Italian; Queen of the Witches, daughter of Diana. Aradia is an extremely powerful entity and a protectress of Witches in general. ARIANRHOD: Welsh; Goddess of the stars and reincarnation. Call on Arianrhod to help with past life memories and difficulties as well as for contacting the Star People. ARTEMIS: Greek; Goddess of the Moon. ASTARTE: Greek; Fertility Goddess. Whether you wish magnificent garden, Astarte will assist in your desire. to bear children or have a

ATHENA: Greek; Warrior Goddess and Protectress. Someone giving you a rough time at work? Call on Athena to help you. BAST: Egyptian; Goddess of Protection and Cats. Bast is great for vehicle travel as well as walking down a dark alley. Call on her essence in the form of a giant panther to see you through to your destination. BRIGID: Celtic; Warrior Goddess and Protectress. Brigid is also a "Triple Goddess". She is strong and wise. Call on her to help protect your children in a tough situation. CERES: Roman; Goddess of the Harvest. CERRIDWEN: Welsh; Moon and Harvest Goddess. Also associated with the Dark Mother aspect of the Crone. DEMETER: Greek; Earth Mother archetype. Excellent Goddess where birthing or small children are involved. DIANA: Roman; Moon Goddess and Goddess of the Hunt. Diana is many faceted. She is a seductress (as she enchanted her brother Lucifer to beget Aradia in the form of a cat) as well as a mother figure for Witches. DRYADS: Greek; feminine spirits of the trees. FLORA: Roman; Goddess of Spring and Birth. For beautiful flowers, babies and all bounties of Mother Earth. FORTUNA: Roman; Goddess of Fate. FREYA: Scandinavian; Moon Goddess and wife/lover of Odin. Also cammander of the Valkryies. HATHOR: Egyptian; Protectress of women in business. A Hathor's important for the Witch. Hathor was cunning as well as beautiful. HECATE: Greek; Moon Goddess as in Crone or Dark Mother. HERA: Greek; Goddess of Marriage. If handfasting or some type of commitment is the issure, Hera is the Goddess to seek. Just remember that she has a vindictive side. HESTIA: Greek; Goddess of Home and Hearth. Building a house, remodeling, or apartment hunting. Safety in the home and family unit. INANNA: Sumarian; Goddess representation of the Mother.




ISIS: Egyptian; represents the complete Goddess or the Triple Goddess connotation in one being. KALI: Hindu; Creative/Destructive Goddess. Protectress of abused women. Kali Ma should be called if a woman is in fear of physical danger. Her power is truly awesome. LILITH: Hebrew; Adam's first wife and said to be turned into a demoness, however, if you have ever read any of Zacharia Sitchin's work, you may change your mind. In my opinion, Lilith was a Star woman bred with Adam. This would make her a Goddess of Higher Intelligence or a representation of the Star People. MAAT: Egyptian; Goddess of Justice and Diving Order. Maat is the true balance of any situation. She plays no favorites and will dispense justice to all parties involved. Be sure your own slate is clean in the situation before you call her. MORGAN: Celtic; Goddess of Water and Magick. Morgan was said to be married to Merlin. It was from him she learned her magick. She was also doubled with The Lady Of The Lake. MUSES: Greek; Goddesses of Inspiration who vary in number depending upon the pantheon used. NEPHTYS: Egyptian; Goddess of Surprises, Sisters and Midwives. NORAS: Celtic; the three sisters of the Wyrd. Responsible for weaving fate past, present and future. NUIT: Egyptian; Sky Mother. Often seen depicted in circular fashion cradling the stars. PERSEPHONE: Greek; Goddess of the Underworld as well as Harvest. Daughter of Demeter. SELENE: Greek; Goddess of the Moon and Solutions. Appeal to Selene to bring a logical answer to any problem. VALKYRIES: Scandinavian; women warriors who carried the souls of the men slain in a battle to heaven. VENUS: Roman; Goddess of Love and Romance. VESTA: Roman; Goddess of Fire.


Goddesses for every occasion

Sunday Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, Ochumare Monday Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gealach, Ida, Artemis, Yemaya, Erzulie Tuesday Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman Wednesday Isis, Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique Thursday Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Waresa, Ishtar Friday Freya, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Eve, Venus, Isis, Diana,Chalchiuhtlique Saturday Ops, Rhea, Tellus mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Ashera, the Shekinah, Mary, Demeter, Herodias

Goddesses of the Zodiac:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Athena, The Morrigan, Minerva Hathor, Isis, Io, Venus, Selene Kali, Parvati, Tefnut, Leda Ix Chel, Ida, Selene, Luna Arinna, Cybele, Neshto, Juno Kwan Yin, Bel, Inanna, Diana, Ishtar Ishtar, Aphrodite, Dike, Themis Pele, Tiamat, Ishara, Selket Artemis, Diana, Pingala Awehai, Ida, Amalthea, Vesta Mawu, Cybele, Sophia, Iris, Juno Nammu, Anuit, Aphrodite, Dione

Goddesses of the Month:

January February March April May June July August September October November December Juno, Hera, Hestia, Brigid Brigid, White Buffalo Woman, Juno Februa Ra-Nuit, Artemis, Minerva Aphrodite, Ishtar, Artemis, Astarte, Eostre,Venus, Terra , Erzulie Maia, Flora, Tanith, Bel, Mary, Hera Ishtar, Athena, Demeter, Juno, Persephone,Luna, Hera, Mawu Ishtar, Apet, Athena, Demeter, Persephone,Spider Woman. Ishtar, Ceres, Lakshmi, Hesperus Hathor, Ishtar, Yemaya, Menkhet, Pomona Hathor, Demeter, Ceres, the Horae Sekhmet, Demeter, Diana, Kali, Astrae Vesta, Hestia, Befana, Sekhmet, Oya

Hestia 26 December - 22 January Bridhe 23 January - 19 February Moura 20 February - 19 March Columbina 20 March - 17 April Maia 18 April - 15 May Hera 16 May - 12 June Rosea 13 June - 10 July Kerea 11 July - 8 August Hesperis 9 August - 5 September Mala 6 September - 2 October Hathor 3 October - 30 October Cailleach/Samhain 31 October- 27 November Astraea 28 November - 25 December

Goddesses for the days of the Moon/month:

1 (new moon) Hathor, Isis, Anahit, Selene, Juno, Lucina, Luna, Re, Blodeuwedd. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Selene, Luna, the Mothers, Gos, Arstat, Saoka Athena, the Witch of Gaeta, Rata Hathor, Isis, Selene, Luna Maat, the Erinyes, Eric, Terra, the Eumenides Artemis, Erzulie, the Mothers the Sabbatu, Leto, Luna, Arstat Selene, Luna, Ata Bey Rhea, Selene, Spider Woman Anahit, Anaitis, White Buffalo Calf Woman Kista, Athena, Minerva, Sophia, Changing Woman Demeter, Oddudua, Dikaiosune The Muses, Diana, Oya, the Corn Mothers Ishtar, Selene, Gos, Aida Wedo, the Lady, the Great Mother Ishtar, Luna, Mene, Anna Perenna, Mary, Hina, Arianrhod, Aradia, Diana, Cybele, Mah Levanah, Selene, Luna, Kwan Yin, Chalchiuhtlique Ashi Vanguhi, Arstat, Kista, Demeter, Luna, Aida Wedo Ochumare, Mawu, Copper Woman The Manes, Ashi Vanguhi, Minerva Selene, Tonantzin, Coatlique, Mary Drvaspa, Hera, Athene, Medusa Re, Gealach, Rhiannon, Selene, Mayauel Venus, Aphrodite, Oshun, Erzulie, Freya, Xochiquetzl Daena, Kista, Ochumare, Maat, Sophia, Chang-O Ashi Vanguhi, Ard, Kista, Athena Arstat, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Mother Holle

27 28 29 30

Diana, Hecate, Maman Brigette, Oya Zamyad, Tellus Mater, Hemera, Eos Hecate, Tonantzin, Nyx, Rhiannon, Eurydice Hecate, Mene, Hecate Prosmna, the moon Goddess, the Dark Maiden, the Crone


Her Cycle of Transformations January Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations January 1, day 000 is dedicated to: *, Aa, Great-Mother. Mesopotamia: Babylonia. Mother of all things; Goddess of dawn; She Who inspired the invention of letters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 001, January 2 is dedicated to: AFRODYTA Aphrodite, [Froth-of-replication]. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of sexuality, fertility & love; {Designer of the Evolution of life from water to land}. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 002, January 3 is dedicated to: *NON1, Annona, Fruitful-year. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the circling year & its harvest produce; Matron of commerce & the market place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 003, January 4 is dedicated to: *N3AY1, Antheia, Flowery-One. Crete. Goddess of vegetation, lowlands, marshlands, gardens, blossoms, the budding earth & human love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 004, January 5 is dedicated to: *NTYOPA, Antiope, Confronting. Greece: Hellenic, Thebes. Goddess of the new moon, the gad-fly dance & fecundity; Mother of the morning & evening star. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 005, January 6 is dedicated to: *U0N*UYLON1, Awonawilona, All-Container. America, North: Pueblo--Zuni.

Divine Shehe from Whose being flowed forth the mists of increasing & the streams of growing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 006, January 7 is dedicated to: *DUEN1, Arduina, [Lofty-Queen]. Celtic: Europe. Goddess of woodlands, wild life, the hunt & the moon; Guardian & Eponym of the Ardennes Forest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 007, January 8 is dedicated to: *T*]NTSYK, Ataentsic, Sky-Woman. America, North: Huron & Iroquois. The Woman Who fell from the sky; Creatress of the sun & moon; She Who gives counsel in dreams. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 008, January 9 is dedicated to: *T]MYS, Artemis, High-Source-of-Water. Greece: Hellenic. Great Virgin Goddess of fertility, vegetation, the wilderness, wild animal life & the chase. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 009, January 10 is dedicated to: *L*, Ala, {Grandmother}. Africa: Eastern Nigeria, Ibo. Earth Mother; Law-giver; Protectress of the harvest; She Who receives the dead into Her pocket. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 010, January 11 is dedicated to: *LKM]NA, Alcmene, Power-of-the-Moon. Greece: probably originally Mycenaean. Virgin Goddess of midwinter, midwinter's moon, the new year, stateliness, beauty & wisdom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 011, January 12 is dedicated to: *LKONA, Alcyone, Queen-Who-Wards-Off-Evil. Greece: pre-Hellenic, Aeolia. Goddess of the sea, the moon, calm & tranquility; She Who brings life to death & death to life.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------012, January 13 is dedicated to: *M*TAR*SW-OMEK*ME, Amaterasu-Omikami, Great-Heavenly-Shining-One. Japan: Shinto. Goddess of the sun & sky; Ruler of Deities; Bejeweled Ancestress of humanity; Divine weaver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 013, January 14 is dedicated to: *MFYKTONYS, Amphictyonis, President-of-Neighbors. Greece: Athela. Goddess of wine & friendship between nations; [She Who encourages concern for global issues]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 014, January 15 is dedicated to: *R*XNA, Arachne, Weaver. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of the textile industries; Matron of spinning, weaving & dyeing; Weaver of destiny. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 015, January 16 is dedicated to: *RWRW, Aruru, [Bright-Mother-of-the-Hollow]. Mesopotamia: Sumer. Almighty gentle Mother Goddess of the earth & birth; She Who first created humanity from clay. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 016, January 17 is dedicated to: X*RYTAI, Chariteae, Graceful-Ones. Greece: Hellenic. Triple Goddess of the sun; Presider over that charm & beauty which causes joy & thankfulness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 017, January 18 is dedicated to: X9-THW, Hou-T'u, Sovereign-Earth. Chinese. Goddess of the planet; Origin of people & all creation; Matron of the soil & its fertility. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------82

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 018, January 19 is dedicated to: XRSA, Chryse, Golden-One. Greece: Hellenic. Warlike Goddess of the metal gold, ints refinement and all that is regarded as having great value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 019, January 20 is dedicated to: X0XM*, Hokhma, Wisdom. Syria: Hebraic. Goddess of spiritual transformation; Mother of the stars; Queen; Inspiration of philosophers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 020, January 21 is dedicated to: X0-$E]N-KW, Ho-Hsien-Ku, Ho-the-Immortal-Damsel. China: Taoist. Virgin of mountains, agility, immortality & mother reverence; one of the `eight immortals'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 021, January 22 is dedicated to: F*T*-M4G*N1, Fata-Morgana, Fateful-Sea-Queen. Celtic: Ireland. Goddess of the sea, visual illusions, enchantment, fate & death; Queen of the Fortunate Isles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 022, January 23 is dedicated to: F*TEM*, Fatima, She-Who-Weans. Syria: Arabia. Great Goddess of the moon & fate; Source of the Sun; Virgin Queen of Heaven; Tree of Paradise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 023, January 24 is dedicated to: F*M*, Fama, Report. Italy: Roman. Mighty Goddess of the word of mouth & human gossip; She Who initiates & furthers communication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 024, January 25 is dedicated to:

FWJE, Fuji, ___. Japan: Ainu. Goddess of Mount Fuji & its rocks; She to Whose peak pilgrims climb to worship the rising sun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 025, January 26 is dedicated to: FWr1-COGUA, Fura-Chogue, Kind-Mother. America, South: Chibchas of Columbia. First Mother; Spirit of the waters; Goddess of vegetation & harvest; Teacher of order & peace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 026, January 27 is dedicated to: FIJR1, Phaedra, Bright-One. Crete. Goddess of the moon, barley, myrtle, rain-making & the death of kings; Siren-like Enchantress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 027, January 28 is dedicated to: FALEKET1S, Felicitas, Happiness. Italy: Roman. Goddess of joyous events, laughter, happiness & contentment; She Who suckles the young. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 028, January 29 is dedicated to: F4N*KS, Fornax, Oven. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the mysteries of bread-baking & the embryo's development; `the oven is the Mother'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 029, January 30 is dedicated to: F4N1, Fauna, She-Who-is-Propitious. Italy: Roman. Mother Goddess of earth, rural life, fields, cattle & wild creatures; Protectress of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 030, January 31 is dedicated to: F%BA, Phoebe, Moonlight.

Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of waxing & waning cycles; Ruler of the sapphire-regioned moon & cloven-hoofed animals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations February Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 031, February 01 is dedicated to: FLOR1, Flora, Flourishing-One. Italy: Roman. Maiden Goddess of spring, blooming plants, gardens & merriment; Grand Madam of prostitutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 032, February 02 is dedicated to: F]BRW*T1, Februata, Queen-of-Love's-Fever. Italy: Roman Perhaps originally Sabine.

Oracular Goddess of love's passion; She Who calls forth animals from their winter hibernation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 033, February 03 is dedicated to: FRAY1, Freya, Lady. Scandinavia: Norse. Shape-shifting White Goddess of midsummer, beauty, love, magic, death & divination; Fate-ruler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 034, February 04 is dedicated to: FRYG, Frigg, Beloved. Scandinavia: Norse. Matron Goddess of earth, vegetation, compassion, healing, fertility & love; Eponym of Friday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 035, February 05 is dedicated to: FYLR1, Philyra, Linden-Tree. Greece: Hellenic. Shape-shifting Goddess of beauty, perfume, healing, writing & divination; Discoverer of paper. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 036, February 06 is dedicated to: FEDAS, Fides, Faith.

Italy: Roman. Hoary Goddess of trust, integrity & generously co-operative dealings between human-beings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 037, February 07 is dedicated to: FLYS, Phyllis, Leafy. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of spring, trees, wisdom, women's secrets & the genetic knowledge contained in seeds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 038, February 08 is dedicated to: =R]$KEG*L, Ereshkigal, Queen-of-Deadland. Mesopotamia: Sumer. Compassionless & violent Goddess of gloom, death & the dead; She Who is full of rage; Holy-one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 039, February 09 is dedicated to: =RYW, Eriu, Noble-One. Celtic: Ireland. Bestower of Sovereignty; Eponym and Anthropomorph of Eriu; shapeshifting Goddess of fate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 040, February 10 is dedicated to: =RYNAS, Erinyes, Spirits-of-Anger-and-Revenge. Greece: Hellenic. Winged Triple Crone Goddess of fate, [creative anger], women's rights & sudden destruction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 041, February 11 is dedicated to: =RYS, Eris, Strife. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of deceit, discord & disputation; Provoker of rivalry, contention, murder & wars. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 042, February 12 is dedicated to: =REGONA, Erigone, Plentiful-Offspring. Greece: Marathon & Attica.

Goddess of death, trees & fertility; She Who is associated with wine & a pastoral economy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 043, February 13 is dedicated to: J*G0, Djanggau, ___. Australia: North East Arherm Land. With Her sister Djunkgao, Dual fertility Goddess Who brought forth all life in the beginning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 044, February 14 is dedicated to: JWNO, Juno, [Shining-One]. Italy: Roman (English pronunciation). Goddess of beauty & the lunar measurement of time; Essence of life; Protectress of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 045, February 15 is dedicated to: JWBC*S-GU*Y*, Jubchas-Guaya, Mother-of-Joy. America, South: Columbia. Rebellious, light-hearted, wild & lovely Goddess of the moon, love, happiness & intoxication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 046, February 16 is dedicated to: JWT6N1, Juturna, ___. Italy: Roman (English pronunciation). Goddess of springs, rivers, aqueducts & fountains; Matron of architects & sculptors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 047, February 17 is dedicated to: JWV]NT1S, Juventas, Youthfulness. Italy: Roman (English pronunciation). Goddess of increase & blessings; Representative of the eternal youth & solidarity of a species. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 048, February 18 is dedicated to: J]Z*N1, Jezanna, ___. Africa: Zimbabwe. Glowing Goddess of the golden moon, abundant crops, healthy children & plentiful cattle.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 049, February 19 is dedicated to: JRW*NTY1, Druantia, Queen-of-the-Oak. Celtic: Britain & Gaul, Druids. Goddess of birth, wisdom, death & metempsychosis; Mother of the Irish tree-calendar alphabet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 050, February 20 is dedicated to: JYA$TH*, Jyestha, Elder-Sister. India: especially Dravidian. Goddess of the cosmic energy which motivates evolution; She Who dances the dance of life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 051, February 21 is dedicated to: J1G1DH1MB*, Jagadhamba, World-Mother. India: Hindu. Goddess of the cosmic energy which motivates evolution; She Who dances the dance of life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 052, February 22 is dedicated to: J1R1, Jara, Becoming-Old. India: Hindu. Goddess of the household, domestic health, happiness & prosperity; Night-eater of corpses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 053, February 23 is dedicated to: WNY, Uni, [Dove]. Italy: Etruria. Singular Mother of the uni-verse; Goddess of the sea & sky; Ultimate Womb; Matron of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 054, February 24 is dedicated to: WN1-KU*GS*K, Una-Kuagsak, Great-Mother. America, North & Siberia: Inuit. One-eyed Queen Goddess of the Arctic Ocean; Mistress of life & death; Mother of sea-mammals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------88

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 055, February 25 is dedicated to: WB*STE, Ubasti, She-of-the-City-Bast. Egypt. Goddess of the kindly sun, merriment, mental-health, music & dance; Guardian of pregnant women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 056, February 26 is dedicated to: WKA-MOCE-NO-K*ME, Uke-Mochi-No-Kami, She-Who-Possesses-Food. Japan. Goddess of fertility & nourishment; Provider, through death, of life sustaining substances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 057, February 27 is dedicated to: WR*NY1, Ourania, ___. Greece: < the east. Mountain Goddess of summer, especially mid-summer; Queen of the winds; Ruler of the night sky. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 058, February 28 is dedicated to: WRMY1, Urmya, ___. India: Hindu, Vedic. Goddess of night & the celestial order; Protectress of sleep; She Who guards against thieves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 059, February 29 is dedicated to: N*N*, Nana, Old-Queen. Mesopotamia. Virgin Mother Goddess of the Spirit of vegetation & fertility; beloved Consort of kings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations March Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 060, March 01 is dedicated to: N*N$E, Nanshe, Interpreter-of-Dreams. Mesopotamia: Babylonia. Goddess of water, especially of springs & canals; Overseer of fertility, divination & prophesy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 061, March 02 is dedicated to:

NW-KU*, Nu-Kua, Earth-Woman. China. Rainbow Dragon; Great Creatrix; Moulder of humanity; Goddess of the myriad patterns of nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 062, March 03 is dedicated to: NUT, Nut, Night-Sky. Egypt. Star-spangled Goddess of the sky; Mother of Deities; Provider of meat & drink to the deceased. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 063, March 04 is dedicated to: N@NTOSV]LT*, Nantosvelta, Winding-River. Celtic: Britain. Goddess of runningwaters, forests, fertility & death; Creatress & Destructress of the world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 064, March 05 is dedicated to: NG*MA, Ngame, [Shining-One]. Africa: Arkans of Ghana & Berber. Triple Goddess of the sun & moon; She Who brought forth the world; Matron of bronze-smiths. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 065, March 06 is dedicated to: NAC6, Nature, Birth-Giving-One. Europe: traditional folk-belief. Goddess of the order, disposition & essence of all entities composing the universe; Empress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 066, March 07 is dedicated to: N4NY=, Nornir, [Well-Water-Raisers]. Scandinavia. Triple Goddess of the moon, justice & fate; Those Who reveal the secrets of the universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 067, March 08 is dedicated to: N]X]B]T, Nekhebet, Queen-of-Vultures.

Egypt. Primeval Source of the great river; Shehe of nature; Mother of mothers; Father of fathers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 068, March 09 is dedicated to: N]B3]T, Nebthet, Mistress-of-the-Palace. Egypt. Wing-armed Goddess of sunset & life arising from death; Conductress of the soul's journey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 069, March 10 is dedicated to: N]H*L]NYI, Nehalenniae, ___. Scandinavian: Dutch. Protectress & perhaps Guide of souls on their great journey to the Western Isle of the Blessed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 070, March 11 is dedicated to: N]MOSNA, Mnemosyne, Memory. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of inspiration; Mother of the Muses; She Who aids the memory when invoked to do so. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 071, March 12 is dedicated to: N]MASYS, Nemesis, Due-Enactment. Greece: Hellenic. Winged White Goddess of the moon, justice & immortality; OracularCrone of autumn & the rains. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 072, March 13 is dedicated to: NYK*L, Nikkal, Great-Lady. Syria: Canaan. Goddess of the moon, fertility & fruitful earth; She Whose fallow fields become vineyards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 073, March 14 is dedicated to: NEN-X*S*G, Nin-Kharsag, Mountain-Queen. Mesopotamia: Sumer.

Great Goddess of earth, healing & birth; Creative Principle of fertility; Giver of curses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 074, March 15 is dedicated to: NE3, Neith, Weaver-of-the-World. Egypt: < Libya. Orgiastic Goddess of the moon, the sun & the earth; Culture Bringer; Mistress of arts & crafts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 075, March 16 is dedicated to: NEV, Niamh, Beauty. Celtic: Britain. Golden-haired Goddess of the sea, fate, death & poetic immortality; Inspirer & Lover of poets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 076, March 17 is dedicated to: N1rM1D*, Narmada, ___. India: Hindu. Goddess of the sacred River Narmada; Absolver of guilt & sin; Protectress against snake bite. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 077, March 18 is dedicated to: ON*31, Onatha, Spirit-of-Grain. America, North: Iroquois. Maiden Goddess of the fertilising dew; Nurturer of corn, its underground sojourn & harvest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 078, March 19 is dedicated to: OHOYO-0$-CE$B*, Ohoyo-Osh-Chishba, Unknown-Woman. America, North: Cherokee. Crone Goddess of vegetation; Provider of plant foods from Her body; Teacher of maize culture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 079, March 20 is dedicated to: O$UN, Oshun, ___. Africa:Nigeria, Yoruba. Beautiful promiscuous Goddess of love & conception; Owner of brass; Eponym of

the River. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 080, March 21 is dedicated to: OP]T, Opet, [Great-One]. Egypt: pre-dynastic. Bearer & Mistress of the Deities;Goddess of nurturing; Caretaker of mothers & the new born. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 081, March 22 is dedicated to: OTO-HEMA, Oto-Hime, [Princess-of-the-Sea's-Sounds]. Japan. Dragoness of the deep & the ever-changeful eternal present; Matron of fishermen & sailors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 082, March 23 is dedicated to: OLU]N, Olwen, She-of-the-White-Track. Celtic: Wales. White Lady of day; flower-bringing Golden-wheel of summer; rosy-cheeked smiling Queen of May. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 083, March 24 is dedicated to: OM*M*M*, Omamama, [Grandmother]. America, North: Cree. Old as Earth Herself but ever beautiful Great Goddess of the rocks & plants; Mother of Deities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 084, March 25 is dedicated to: U$1S, Usas, Shining-One. India: Hindu, Vedic. Ancient but ever young golden Goddess of dawn; Lady of heaven; Breath of health & of life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 085, March 26 is dedicated to: UATYRY, Whaitiri, Blind-Grandmother. Polynesia. Sky-dwelling Goddess of thunder [& the Evolution of life prior to the development of sight].

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 086, March 27 is dedicated to: U6RWSEMW, Wurusemu, ___. Asia Minor: Hittite, < Hatti. Omnipotent, shining, Goddess of the sun & its seasonal changes; Mother of Deities & all people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 087, March 28 is dedicated to: UM*, Uma, Gracious-One. India: Hindu, Dravidian. Ascetic & virginal Goddess of light & splendor; She Who nourishes life with vegetables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 088, March 29 is dedicated to: URV1SE, Urvasi, ----. India: Hindu, Vedic. Goddess of respect for sexual freedom; She Who is wise & cunning; Bestower of immortality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 089, March 30 is dedicated to: UE$T4CEU0TL, Huixtocihuatl, Salt-Woman. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of fertility, rain, & the sea; Inspirer of the invention of salt-extraction; Old Woman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 090, March 31 is dedicated to: U1T-CYT, Uatchit, Papyrus-Dwelling. Egypt. Wing-armed cobra Goddess of marshes; Lady of flame; Guardian of the life of river deltas. Her Cycle of Transformations April Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 091, April 01 is dedicated to: IG1, Aega, Wild-Goat Greece: Hellenic. Shimmeringly beautiful Goddess of the sun; as Almathea, Maiden Goddess of spring & abundance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 092, April 02 is dedicated to:

IDUN, Idunn, Born-of-Flowers Scandinavia: Norse. Golden Goddess of spring, blooming orchards, poetic inspiration; the Music of running waters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 093, April 03 is dedicated to: I6RYS, Iris, Iridescence. Greece: Hellenic. Winged Maiden Goddess of communication; [Matron of lover's eye-language & the visual arts]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 094, April 04 is dedicated to: Z*P*NYT, Zarpanit, Silver-Shining. Mesopotamia: Sumer. White Goddess of the moon, trees, wells & springs; Ruler of heaven & earth; Seed Creator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 095, April 05 is dedicated to: Z*R*M*M*, Zaramama, Maize-Mother. America, South: Peru. Goddess of sweet-corn, its domestication & harvest; She Who is incarnate in mutant corn-cobs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 096, April 06 is dedicated to: ZURV*N-*K*R*N*, Zurvan-Akarana, Infinite-Time. Iran: Persian. Two-faced, or four-faced, Divine Shehe of procreation, birth, aging & return to the infinite. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 097, April 07 is dedicated to: Z]M]LO, Zemelo, Earth-Mother. Phrygia > Greece. Goddess of earth & the underworld; She Who, fertilized by death, brings forth life renewed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 098, April 08 is dedicated to: B*B*, Baba, [Old-Woman].

Slavic: Poland, Bohemia. Goddess of birth and death; Hag of autumn; She Who is incarnate in the last sheaf of harvest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 099, April 09 is dedicated to: India: Hindu. BH=R1VE, Bhairavi, The-Terrible. Three-eyed moon-crested Goddess; Creator, Disolver & Recreator; Source of letter & knowledge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 100, April 10 is dedicated to: BH1V*NE, Bhavani, Giver-of-Existence. India: Hindu, Sakta cult. Great elemental Goddess of earth, nature & perpetual renewal; Untraversable Ocean of mercy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 101, April 11 is dedicated to: BAF*N*, Befana, Buffoonis-Hag. Italy: folk belief. Goddess of the old year; She Who leaves gifts in children's stockings on Her night, JAN 6th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 102, April 12 is dedicated to: BANZI-TANYO, Benzai-Tennyo, Goddess-of-the-Gift-of-Eloquence. Japan. Shape-shifting Goddess of the sea & love; Matron of music & literature; Bestower of talent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 103, April 13 is dedicated to: BAN-$E, Bean-Sidhe, Woman-of-the-Fairy-Mounds. Celtic: Ireland. Fay Goddess of destiny; White Lady of death; She Whose overheard nocturnal cries signify doom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 104, April 14 is dedicated to: B%N, Boann, Queen-Mother-of-Cows. Celtic: Ireland.

Goddess of earth, cattle & inspiration; White Cow of fecund fertility; Bestower of sovereignty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 105, April 15 is dedicated to: B]NDYS, Bendis, [Wave-of-the-Deep]. Thrace. Great orgiastic Mother Goddess of fertility; Ruler of heaven & earth; Crone of the waning moon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 106, April 16 is dedicated to: B]LON1, Bellona, Lady-of-War. Italy: Roman. Goddess of battle & war; Waster of cities; formerly the Great Mother Goddess Mah surnamed Enyo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 107, April 17 is dedicated to: BRYTOM*TYS, Britomartis, Sweet-Maiden. Crete. Goddess of the moon, the sea, fertility, birth & health; Matron of fishermen & hunters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 108, April 18 is dedicated to: BREYD, Brigit, Bright-Arrow. Celtic: Brigantes. Triple flaming Goddess of inspiration & poetry, fire & the smith's craft, healing & medicine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 109, April 19 is dedicated to: Br*NU]N, Branwen, White-Bosomed-One. Celtic: Wales. White Goddess of the sea, trees, beauty, love; Comforter of women reduced to household slavery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 110, April 20 is dedicated to: 9NAL*NWHE, Aunelanuhi, Apportioner. America, North: Cherokee. Goddess of the sun; She Who divides time into seasons & years; monthly She meets Her consort.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 111, April 21 is dedicated to: 9GR1LEDAS, Augralides, Rustic-Ones. Greece: pre-Hellenic. The Dewy Sisters of earth; Triple Goddess of agriculture, the moon & its fertilizing moistures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 112, April 22 is dedicated to: 9DUML1, Authumla, Nourisher. Scandinavia: Norse. Divine Cow of fertility & sustenance; Goddess of prolific waters & human motherhood; Gladdener. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 113, April 23 is dedicated to: D*F%NA, Daphoine, Bloody-One. Greece: Thessaly. Orgiastic mountain Goddess of earth, prophecy & inspirational frenzy; Bestower of poetic fame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 114, April 24 is dedicated to: D*NI, Danae, She-Who-Judges. Greece: pre-Achaean, Argos. Goddess of agriculture; She Who inspired well-digging & the irrigation of crops; Savior. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 115, April 25 is dedicated to: D*KYNE, Dakini, Sky-Walker. Tibet: Tantric. Divine Mother of death & rebirth; She Who takes an enlightened one's last breath with a kiss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 116, April 26 is dedicated to: D=K]TO, Derceto, Great-Whale. Syria: Der. Great Goddess of water & its fishes; Fate; She Who swallows up, & gives rebirth to, the sun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------98

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 117, April 27 is dedicated to: DWrG*, Durga, Inaccessible-One. India: Hindu. Ten-armed Warrior of protection; Fishy-eyed Goddess of fire & fire's cathartic properties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 118, April 28 is dedicated to: D0-MW, Tao-Mu, Mother-of-the-Way. China. (Japanese pronunciation). Ultimate Motherly Source of all; maternal Mystery beyond all mysteries; Teacher of wisdom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 119, April 29 is dedicated to: DHWM*V1TE, Dhumavati, Smoky-One. India: Hindu. Hideous, long-nosed, cruel-eyed, Goddess of the monsoon, poverty, frustration & despair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 120, April 30 is dedicated to: DANW, Danu, She-of-Knowledge. Celtic: Ireland. Mother of rivers; Universal Goddess of magic; She Who is earth's fertility & fruitfulness.

Her Cycle of Transformations May Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations May 01 day 121, is dedicated to: DAI-M*Tr Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers Celtic: Europe & continental Gaul. Triple Goddess of earth's & humanity's fruitfulness; Those Who dispense gifts & blessings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 02 day 122, is dedicated to: DAMAT6, Demeter, Barley-Mother. Greece: Eleusis. Mistress of earth, sea & under-earth world; Goddess of agriculture; Introducer of civilization. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------99

In Her Cycle of Transformations May 03 day 123 is dedicated to: D]LFENA Delphine, Womb-of-Creation. Greece: Delphi. Primal Mother; Serpent-tailed Goddess of the earth, winds & prophecy; Eponym of Delphi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 04 day 124 is dedicated to: DY*N* Diana, Divine-Queen. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the open sky, the moon, birth, mountains & forests; Mistress of nature & fertility. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 05 day 125 is dedicated to: DYLB* Dilbah, Morning-Star. Semitic. Astral Goddess of dawn & the desert; She Who opens the portals of heaven in Her supremacy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 06 day 126 is dedicated to: DEONA Dione, Bright-Sky. Greece: Dodona. Goddess of earth, woodlands, fertilising moistures, & divination from the rustling of leaves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 07 day 127 is dedicated to: D1M-KEN1 Dam-Kina, Lady-of-the-Earth Mesopotamia: Sumer, especially Eridu. Pure Virgin; Goddess of the moon, water, earth & earth's fertility; She Who sends forth gifts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 08 day 128 is dedicated to: H*P&#220;YI Harpyiai, Swift-Robbers. Greece: Hellenic. Triple swift-winged Goddess of the air, violent storms, whirlwinds, sudden destruction & death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 09 day 129 is dedicated to: HOHrI Horai, The-Seasons. Greece: Hellenic.

Triple Goddess of the weather; Regulator of the seasons; Guardian of Nature's order. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 10 day 130 is dedicated to: HULD* Hulda, Beloved-Hill-Lady. Germanic: Teuton. Gracious Goddess of mountains, hills, women, marriage, music & dance; Guardian of maidens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 11 day 131 is dedicated to: HURWY-WUTE Huruing-Wuhti, Hard-Beings-Woman. America, North: Hopi. Genetrix; Goddess of the sea; from the meeting of Woman, earth & sea, Her creatures were born. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 12 day 132 is dedicated to: HAP1T Hepat, Earth-Mother. Asia Minor: Hurrian, Hattusas. Sovereign of heaven & earth; Great Goddess of the sun; Mighty Mother of all the Deities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 13 day 133 is dedicated to: HAR1 Hera, Our-Lady. Greece: pre-Hellenic, Argos. Queen of heaven; Goddess of women; Protectress & Presider over all phases of women's lives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 14 day 134 is dedicated to: H]K*TA Hecate, She-Who-Works-from-Afar. Thrace. Triple-headed Crone Goddess of the dark moon, wisdom, magical knowledge, death & regeneration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 15 day 135 is dedicated to: H]K]T Heket, Great-Magician. Egypt. Goddess of conception & birth; Presider over the embryonic state of grain prior to germination. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 16 day 136 is dedicated to: H]L Hel, Shelter.

Scandinavia: Norse. Piebald Crone of uberty & the moon; Queen of the nine-circled realm of death; Eponym of hell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 17 day 137 is dedicated to: H]LANA Helene, Bright-Moon. Greece: Sparta. Orgiastic Goddess of beauty, vegetation, the moon, moonlight & the sea; Matron of sailors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 18 day 138 is dedicated to: H]LY*DAS Heliades, Daughters-of-the-Sun. Greece: Hellenic. Seven-fold (though some say Triple) golden Goddess of the sun, sisterly warmth & helpfulness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 19 day 139 is dedicated to: H]LYKA Helice, [Spiraling-One]. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of the moon, water, water-magic, healing & helical growth patterns; Matron of witches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 20 day 140 is dedicated to: H]SP=RYDAS Hesperides, Western-Ones. Greece: Hellenic. Multiple sweet-singing Goddess of the west, sunset, paradise, the moon, death & immortality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 21 day 141 is dedicated to: HRPYSUNT Rhpisunt, [Bear-Mother]. America, North: Haida. Goddess & Princess of bears; She Who caused the wolf-clan to become relatives of the bears. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 22 day 142 is dedicated to: HRE*N0N Rhiannon, Great-Queen. Celtic: Wales. Goddess of the year; Mistress of the Underworld; Source of truth, adored by all true poets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 23 day 143 is dedicated to: H1N1H1N1S

HannaHannas, Grandmother. Asia Minor: Hittite, < Hatti. Queen of highest heaven; Oldest of all; Ruler of Deities; Goddess of wisdom beyond wisdom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 24 day 144 is dedicated to: H1B0NDY1 Habondia, She-of-Abundance. Celtic: Europe, Roman times. Goddess of fertility, fruitfulness, plenty & prosperity; Queen of generosity & good fortune. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 25 day 145 is dedicated to: H1T-H4 Hat-Hor, Womb-of-the-Sun. Egypt. Golden-One; Great Goddess of the universe; Cosmic Cow; Birdcage of the soul; Ruler of the sky. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 26 day 146 is dedicated to: H*DAS Hyades, Rain-Makers. Greece: Mt. Nysa, Helicon. Multiple Goddess of the moon, its fertilizing moistures, the constellation Hyades, & wine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 27 day 147 is dedicated to: HGA1 Hygeia, [Health-Bringer]. Greece: Titane. Radiant Goddess of health, healing & preventive medicine; Protectress of humanity from danger. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 28 day 148 is dedicated to: @N Anne, Graceful-One. Syria: pre-Christian (English pronunciation). Great Grandmother Goddess of earth & fertility; Mother of Mary; Christianized as a Saint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 29 day 149 is dedicated to: @NYS Annis, [Blue-Hag]. Celtic: Britain, especially. Leicestershire. Shape-shifting black Crone Goddess of the old moon & death; Cat-Annis; Stealer of children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 30 day 150 is dedicated to:

@LYS Alys, Sheltering. Celtic: Europe, espcially the Rh"ne. Muse Goddess of rivers, death and immortality; Queen of the sepulchral island in the Rhne. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations May 31 day 151 is dedicated to: GWL*-B9 Gula-Bau, Great-Physician. Mesopotamia: Akkad. Goddess of health; Causer & Healer of disease; Interpreter of dreams; Ruler of destinies Her Cycle of Transformations June Goddesses back to May Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations June 01 day 152 is dedicated to GOD1 Goda, The-Good. Scandinavia: Norse in Britain. Shape-shifting, excellent Goddess of love, fertility, the calendar cycle, prophesy & death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 02 day 153 is dedicated to GU1N-$E-EYN Kuan-Shih-Yin, She-Who-Hears-the-World's-Cries. China. Most Holy Goddess of pity & compassion; Merciful Mother; She Who banishes hardship & fear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 03 day 154 is dedicated to GI1 Gaia, Earth. Greece: Hellenic. Oldest of Divinities; deep-breasted, firmly-founded Goddess of earth & all

living things. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 04 day 155 is dedicated to G0RE Gauri, Brilliant-White. India: Hindu. Golden Virgin Goddess of the sky, rain, abundance & harvest; Source of the world; Cosmic Cow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 05 day 156 is dedicated to G4GONAS Gorgones, Grim-Ones. Greece: Hellenic, < Libya. Beauteous winged Triple Goddess of the moon; Prophylactic Guardian of women's mysteries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 06 day 157 is dedicated to GR*M1DAV1T* Gramadevata, Village-Goddess. India: probably Dravidian. Demonic tutelary Goddess of villages; She Who protects Her people from demons of the forest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 07 day 158 is dedicated to GRIYI Graiae, Grey-Ones. Greece: Hellenic. Grey-haired, but fair-faced, Triple Crone Goddess of earth, poetic mysteries, fate & death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------105

In Her Cycle of Transformations June 08 day 159 is dedicated to GRANE Greine, House-of-the-Sun. Celtic: Ireland. Crone Goddess of the sun, herbalism, sorcery & wisdom; She Who awakens the fecundity of earth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 09 day 160 is dedicated to G1G* Ganga, Swift-Goer. India: Hindu. Goddess of the sacred river; Bestower of health, happiness, fertility & wealth; Remover of sin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 10 day 161 is dedicated to $AB1 Shayba, Old-Woman. Syria: Aram. Goddess of providence & perhaps the moon; She Who is incarnate in Arabian Queens & their lands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 11 day 162 is dedicated to $AT Shait, Shadow. Egypt. Multiple Goddess of intelligence & destiny; She Who accompanies & aids us throughout life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 12

day 163 is dedicated to $6XEN* Shekhina, Divine-Indwelling-Presence. Syria: Hebraic. Goddess of understanding, compassion, wisdom, love & peace; Source of all soul in the universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 13 day 164 is dedicated to $6G-MW Sheng-Mu, Holy-Mother. China. Goddess of birth, sorcery, good fortune & intelligence; Matron of mothers & prostitutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 14 day 165 is dedicated to $4CEKU]TS0L Xochiquetzal, Flowery-Plumage. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of flowers & perhaps the moon; Matron of those whose profession is to imitate nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 15 day 166 is dedicated to $]$*T Sheshat, Secretary. Egypt. Goddess of the stars, measurement, mathematics & literature; Matron of architects & writers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 16 day 167

is dedicated to $E-U0-MW Hsi-Wang-Mu, Queen-Mother-of-the-West. China. Gracious Goddess of immortals & immortality; Queen of all female beings; Essence of yin energy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 17 day 168 is dedicated to $EL1-N1-GYG Sighle-na-Gcioch, Blind-One-of-the-Breasts. Celtic: Britain. Great Goddess; ever fertile Earth; She Whose power is invoked by `drawing down the moon'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 18 day 169 is dedicated to $1$THE Sasthi, [She-of-the-Sixth-Day]. India, especially Bengal: Hindu. Goddess of conception, childbirth & prosperity; Protectress of children's happiness & welfare. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 19 day 170 is dedicated to AXO Echo, Ringing-in-the-Ears. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of mountains, glacial lakes, lonely glens, sad songs; Presider over acoustic phenomena. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 20 day 171 is dedicated to

ANG*N* Eingana, ___. Polynesia: Australia. Primordial snake; Huge Mother Goddess of birth & death; Maker of all water, land & animals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 21 day 172 is dedicated to ALA3Y1 Eileithyia, She-Who-Aids-Women-in-Labor. Greece: pre-Hellenic. Goddess of parturition; Spinner of life's thread; Generator of the strength of mother-love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 22 day 173 is dedicated to A0S Eos, She-of-the-East. Greece: Hellenic. Mother of the stars & winds; winged Goddess of dawn & the erotic passions of dawn-time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 23 day 174 is dedicated to P*ND4R1 Pandora, All-Giving. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of earth & food production; from Her pithos She pours out blessings; Bounteous Nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 24 day 175 is dedicated to P*P*

Papa, Foundation. Polynesia: especially New Zealand. Goddess of earth; Enfolder of death, She Who is identified with all underworlds & their Goddesses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 25 day 176 is dedicated to P*LAS Pales, [Palisade]. Italy: Roman. Protective Shehe of domestic sheep & cattle; Forgiver of unintended slights against Nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 26 day 177 is dedicated to P=X* Percha, Shining-One. Germanic. White Goddess of fertility in domestic cattle & sheep; Elven Woman; Matron of spinning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 27 day 178 is dedicated to P=S]FONA1 Persephoneia, Bringer-of-Destruction. Greece: Eleusis. Crone Goddess of the regeneration of life through death; Gracious Queen of the underworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 28 day 179 is dedicated to PALA Pele, [Fire-Maker]. Madam Pele, red-robed shapeshifting Crone Goddess of volcanoes, fire & the regeneration of the dead; imbiber of gin; She Who resides in Halemaumau, the "fire-pit" in the summit of Her volcanoe Kilauea; Essence of earthly fire; Commander of lightning; Bestower of magical powers. To Whom Sacred: sugarcane; white-birds; gin Male Associates: Kamapua, ----, hog-god, inventor of agriculture.

Geography/Culture: polynesia, Hawaii. Her Darlings -- Feasts & Moons on Her Day -- Yesterday's Goddess -- Tomorrow's Goddess -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 29 day 180 is dedicated to PTAS*N-UE Ptesan-wi, White-Buffalo-Woman. America, North: Dakota, Kiowa, Sioux. Beautiful White-buffalo Calf; Teacher of the seven ceremonies; Introducer of the sacred pipe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations June 30 day 181 is dedicated to PLA*D]S Pleiades, Sailing-Ones. Greece: Mt. Cyllene. Seven-fold Goddess of the sea in all moods, from tranquillity to tempestuous storm; Dove flock.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations July Goddesses back to June Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations July 01 day 182 is dedicated to P]N]LOPA1 Penelopeia, She-Whose-Face-is-Veiled. Greece: Hellenic. Orgiastic Goddess of woods, mountains & springtime revelling; Matron of weaving & tapestry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 02 day 183 is dedicated to

PRTHYVE Prthivi, Extended-One. India: Hindu, Vedic. Goddess of earth; final Arbiter in matters of innocence or integrity; Matrix of existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 03 day 184 is dedicated to PR1JN*P*R*MYT1 Prajnaparamita, Wisdom-of-the-Yonder-Shore. Indonesia: Java. Goddess of serenity; She Who sends rays of fulfillmen & bliss from the transcendental sphere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 04 day 185 is dedicated to Pr1KrTE Prakrti, Primal-Material-Nature. India: Hindu, Samkhya school. Creator, Preserver & Destroyer; Goddess of the cosmic productive urge in Evolution's process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 05 day 186 is dedicated to P0MON1 Pomona, Apple-Queen. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the mellow fruitfulness of autumn; Presider over orchards; Matron of gardeners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 06 day 187 is dedicated to D9

Thou, The-Self-Addressed. Holladay-paganism: crystallization. Shehe of integration; Unifier of polarities; Co-ordinator of the brains' two hemispheres. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 07 day 188 is dedicated to 6ZWLE Erzulie, ___. America, C.Caribean, Haiti--Voodoo Fair-skinned flirtatious Goddess of the sea, romantic love & glamorousness; poignant Mistress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 08 day 189 is dedicated to 6D1 Ertha, Earth. Scandinavia. Goddess of earth & fertility; She Who is hostile to iron; Peace Bringer; Matron of witches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 09 day 190 is dedicated to 6S]L Ursel, She-Bear. Germanic: Saxon, Cologne. Goddess of the moon & stars; Mother of wild-life; Teacher of fearlessness & the martial arts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 10 day 191 is dedicated to 3A1 Theia, Divine-One.

Asia Minor: Ionian Greek. Cow-eyed Titaness of light entitled to golden gifts; Mother Goddess of the dawn, sun & moon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 11 day 192 is dedicated to 3]TYS Thetis, Disposer. Greece: Hellenic. Great shape-shifting Creatrix of the universe; Goddess of night, the moon, the sea & womanhood. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 12 day 193 is dedicated to 3]MYS Themis, Steadfast-One. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of the solstices, orderliness, social conventions & prophesy; Mother of the seasons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 13 day 194 is dedicated to 3]SMOF4R0S Thesmophoros, Law-Giving. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of civilization; Introducer of all the blessings which agriculture brings in its train. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 14 day 195 is dedicated to 30LY-Y4LT0 Thalli-Yjolta, Beating-Heart-of-Earth. Mexico.

Goddess of earthquakes, [continental plates, orgasms] & other natural extremes; Dirty Lady. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 15 day 196 is dedicated to 43E1 Orthia, Upright. Greece: Sparta. Goddess of the moon & fertility, (perhaps of women & healing); She Who causes & cures leprosy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 16 day 197 is dedicated to 4M]T]4TL Ometeotl, [Those-of-Duality]. Mexico: Aztec. Divine Shehe Who is invisible as the night & impalpable as the wind; Unity of contraries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 17 day 198 is dedicated to 4RA3Y1 Oreithyia, She-Who-Rages-Upon-the-Mountains. Greece: Attica. Nymph Goddess of mountains, the north wind, the passion of love, & compulsive behaviors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 18 day 199 is dedicated to 4R4R1 Aurora, Golden-Dawn. Italy: Roman. Goddess of suffused light; Herald of the sun; Kindly Matron Who comforts us with Her arrival.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 19 day 200 is dedicated to T*NY3 Tanith, [Mother]. Africa: Libya, Carthage. Winged Goddess of the heavens; Ruler of the sun, the moon, the stars & the zodiacal cycle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 20 day 201 is dedicated to T*-DAN]T Ta-Dehnet, Lady-of-the-Peak. Egypt. Goddess of fresh air & healing; She Who silently watches over the dead from Her mountain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 21 day 202 is dedicated to T*TSWT*-HEMA Tatsuta-Hime, ----. Japan. Shape-shifting Goddess of autumn & winds; Weaver of the multicolored tapestries of autumn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 22 day 203 is dedicated to T*M* Tamar, Date-Palm. Syria: early Hebraic. Goddess of earth, prophesy, birth & nourishment; Bestower of Sovereignty; Tree of life & birth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 23

day 204 is dedicated to T*R* Tara, Star. Tibet. Savior & soul Guide; Goddess of laughter, playfulness, spiritual longing, mysticism & mercy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 24 day 205 is dedicated to TWR*N Turan, Great-Ruler. Italy: Etruria. Goddess of fertility, peaceful lives & sensual love; Lady of [visionary imagination &] death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 25 day 206 is dedicated to T0-MW Tou-Mu, Mother-of-the-Pole-Star. China. Goddess of light; Bushel-mother; Teacher of wisdom; Controller of the books of life & death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 26 day 207 is dedicated to TAFNUT Tefnut, Dew-of-Dawn. Egypt. She Who is the sun's power, both beneficial & destructive; Mother Goddess of sky, rain & dew. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 27 day 208

is dedicated to T4N0NTSYN Tonantzin, Our-Revered-Mother. Mexico: Aztec. Great Goddess of earth, the winter solstice & death; Matron of spinning, weaving & sweeping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 28 day 209 is dedicated to T]T]4VEN0N Teteovinnan, Grandmother-of-Birth. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of the sun; Nature's healing power; Matron of mid-wives, doctors & fortune-tellers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 29 day 210 is dedicated to T]LXYNAS Telchines, Enchanters. Greece: pre-Achaean, < Argos. Triple, or Ennead, Goddess of water, agriculture & fate; Sea Children Who raise magic mists. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 30 day 211 is dedicated to T]LUS-M*T6 Tellus-Mater, Earth-Mother. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the soil's fruitfulness & all the states through which the sown seed passes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations July 31 day 212 is dedicated to

TE*M*T Tiamat, Primeval-Being. Mesopotamia: Babylonia. Dragonlike Goddess of chaos, swamps, storms & the ammoniac primordial oceans of life's origins. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations August Goddesses back to July Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations August 01 day 213 is dedicated to: TSW-KW-$]N Tzu-Ku-Shen, Violet-Lady. China. Goddess of prophesy; Spirit of privies; Presider over urination, defecation & childbirth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 02 day 214 is dedicated to: TXA Tyche, Fortune. Greek: Elis. Originally Goddess of earth Who became Goddess of fortune & chance & then Protectrix of cities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 03 day 215 is dedicated to: K* Car, [Queen-Bee]. Asia Minor: Caria, < Crete. Doom Goddess of the moon, inspiration, wisdom, augury, life & death; Matron of bee-keeping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 04

day 216 is dedicated to: K*DE1 Cardea, The-Hinge. Italy: Roman, < Alba-Longa. Queen of winds; Goddess of the calendar; Protectress of the comings & goings of family life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 05 day 217 is dedicated to: K*LYFY* Califia, [Old-Woman]. Celtic: Spain. Goddess of earth, rocks & mineral wealth--gold & silver; Black Queen; Eponym of California. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 06 day 218 is dedicated to: K*LYOPA Calliope, Beauteous-Face. Greece: Hellenic, < Thrace. Fair-faced Goddess of the full moon, rhythm, song & the female mysteries of linen-making. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 07 day 219 is dedicated to: K*LYSTO Callisto, Fairest. Greece: Arcadia. Moon Goddess; Ruler of the stars; She Who turns the Mill of the universe; Queen of bears. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 08 day 220

is dedicated to: K*LE Kali, Black-One. India, especially Calcutta: Hindu. Goddess of time; She upon Whom the whole universe rests, arises out of, & melts away into. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 09 day 221 is dedicated to: K*M]NT* Carmenta, Revealer-of-Wisdom. Italy: Roman, < Arcadia. Triple Muse Goddess of fountains, healing, birth & prophesy; Creatress of the Latin alphabet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 10 day 222 is dedicated to: K=RAS Ceres, Creatress. Italy: Roman. Force of vegetal growth; Goddess of agriculture, the corn-market & the spelt harvest; Teacher. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 11 day 223 is dedicated to: KWP*L* Kupala, She-Who-Bathes. Slavic: Russia, Baltic Serbs. Goddess of fire, mid-summer, water, healing & the secret language of trees; Remover of evil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 12 day 224 is dedicated to:

KUND1LYNE Kundalini, Latent-Energy. India: Hindu, Tantric. Goddess of the voice, all phonemes, & enlightenment; She out of Whose song are woven worlds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 13 day 225 is dedicated to: KULSW Culsu, ___. Italy: Etruria. Young & fair winged Vanth Goddess of death; Psychopomp; Guardian of the Gate to the Underworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 14 day 226 is dedicated to: KUMBH1M*T* Kumbhamata, Mother-of-Pots. India: Hindu. Goddess of earth & marriage; Womb & generative Pot of life; Matron of pottery & potters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 15 day 227 is dedicated to: K6KA Circe, Circling-One Greece: northern Adriatic. Alluring Goddess of the sun; Weaver of light; Ruler of the stars; Divine Sorceress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 16 day 228 is dedicated to: K4RA

Core, Daughter. Greece: Hellenic. Nucleus of life; ever re-appearing Maiden Goddess of spring vegetal growth, especially corn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 17 day 229 is dedicated to: K40TLEKU] Coatlicue, She-of-the-Serpent-Skirt. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of earth; She in Whom genesis and decay are one; Earth-quaker; Source of goodness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 18 day 230 is dedicated to: KLO1KEN1 Cloacina, [Queen-of-Sewage]. Italy: Roman. Goddess of efficient drainage systems and the healthful return to earth of waste materials. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 19 day 231 is dedicated to: K]rYDU]N Ceridwen, [Inspirational-Whiteness]. Celtic: Wales. Nine-fold Muse of inspiration & knowledge; Goddess of the moon & barley; White Lady of death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 20 day 232 is dedicated to: KYLYLY-MU$RETW Kilili-Mushritu, She-Who-Leans-Out-Invitingly.

Mesopotamia. Goddess of fertility, sexual love & sacramental promiscuity; All-accepting Satisfier of desire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 21 day 233 is dedicated to: KE$EMO-JEN Kishimo-Jin, Goddess-Mother-of-Demons. Japan. Stealer & Devourer of children Who became life-fostering Goddess of conception & childbirth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 22 day 234 is dedicated to: K0NK4DE1 Concordia, With-the-Heart. Italy: Roman. Goddess of human harmony, urban unity, consensus & democracy; Triple with `Health' & `Peace'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 23 day 235 is dedicated to: K1V]NTEN1 Coventina, Mother-of-Covens. Celtic: Britain, Roman influence. Goddess of well-waters, healing-springs, inspiration, prophesy & assemblies of thirteen people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 24 day 236 is dedicated to: KB]LA Cybele, [Lady-of-the-World-Mountain]. Asia Minor: Phrygia.

Great Mother of the Deities; All-begetter; All-nourisher; Goddess of earth, winds & mountains. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 25 day 237 is dedicated to: %N0NA Oenone, Queen-of-Wine. Greek. Nymph Goddess of prophesy, healing, [jealousy & remorse]; She Who produces wine at will. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 26 day 238 is dedicated to: %1 Oya, She-Tore. Africa: Nigeria, Yoruba. Mother Goddess of the Niger River, fertility & divination; She Who is manifest in winds & rain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 27 day 239 is dedicated to: LWP1 Lupa, She-Wolf Italy: Roman. Orgiastic Goddess of the moon, fertility and material wealth; Protectress of courtesans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 28 day 240 is dedicated to: LWKYPA Leucippe, White-Mare. Greece: Mt. Teuthras. Mare-headed Goddess of the moon; Creatress of inspirational springs; Provoker

of lunacy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 29 day 241 is dedicated to: LWCEN1 Lucina, She-Who-Brings-to-Light. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the moon, conception, labor, childbirth, celestial light & the eyesight of infants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 30 day 242 is dedicated to: LW0NOT* Luonnotar, Daughter-of-Nature. Finnish. Mother Goddess; She Who participates in the emergence of the universe; Virgin of the air. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations August 31 day 243 is dedicated to: LA-H]V-H]V Le-Hev-Hev, She-Who-Smiles. Polynesia: Melanesia. Game-playing Goddess of life & death; She Who meets the soul & if it is judged unfit eats it. Her Cycle of Transformations September Goddesses back to August Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations September 01 day 244 is dedicated to: LATO Leto, Lady. Greece: Chiefly Delos & Delphi.

Great wandering Goddess of the primordial night; Mother of light; Protectress of graves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 02 day 245 is dedicated to: LYB6R1, Libera, Free-One. Italy: Roman. Goddess of fertility, perhaps wine; [Eponym of Liberty Island; She Who stands up for freedom]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 03 day 246 is dedicated to: LYLY3, Lilith, Nocturnal-One. Syria: Hebraic, < Sumer. Winged shape-shifting Great demon Goddess of night, the underworld, fecundity, & sexual desire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 04 day 247 is dedicated to: L1T, Lat, Goddess. Syria. All-nourishing Celestial Breast; benevolent Mother Goddess of the sun, moon, trees & sea trade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 05 day 248 is dedicated to: L1K$ME, Laksmi, [She-Who-Brings-Luck]. India: Hindu, post Vedic. Goddess of good fortune & wealth; Epitome of beauty, grace & charm; Matron of magic lore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 06 day 249 is dedicated to: L1M1$TW, Lamashtu, Mother-of-Deities.

Mesopotamia: Babylonia, Der. Great Lady; Supreme Goddess; Lion-headed Daughter of heaven; Blood-drinker; Consumer of flesh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 07 day 250 is dedicated to: M*X*, Macha, Battle. Celtic: Ireland, Ulster. Shape-shifting Goddess of the moon, human warfare & death; weather Sorceress; Sun of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 08 day 251 is dedicated to: M*UW, Mawu, ___. Africa, West: Dahomey. Omnipotent One; She Who created the mountains, valleys & hills; She Who set the sun in heaven. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 09 day 252 is dedicated to: M*P]S1, Marpessa, Snatcher. Greece: Hellenic. Crone Goddess of grain & mid-winter; gobbling White Sow of death; Causer & Healer of leprosy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 10 day 253 is dedicated to: M*TY-SYR1-Z]MLY*, Mati-Syra-Zemlja, Moist-Mother-Earth. Slavic: Russia. Black soil replete with fruitfulness; Supreme Goddess of earth, vegetable life & prophesy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 11 day 254

is dedicated to: M*Y*, Maya, Wonderful-Skill. India: Hindu. Great Goddess of the dance of multiplicity; Grand Illusionist; Conductress of the World Dream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 12 day 255 is dedicated to: M=RY, Mary, [Sea-Queen]. Syria: pre-Christian (English pronunciation). Originally Goddess of the moon & the sea; Queen of heaven; Light of the World; Mother of God. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 13 day 256 is dedicated to: MW-OLOKWKWrTYLYS0P, Mu-Olokukurtilisop, Giant-Blue-Butterfly. Panama: Cuna. Mother Goddess of the sun, moon, stars, animal & plant life; Protectress & Initiator of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 14 day 257 is dedicated to: MWSI, Mousae, Inspirers. Greece: Mt. Helicon. Ninefold mountain Muse Goddess of creative thought & its expression; Matron of all the arts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 15 day 258 is dedicated to: MU%RI, Moirae, Distributors. Greece: Hellenic. The Spinners; Triple Goddess of fate, death & acts of generation; Inventrix of the alphabet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 16

day 259 is dedicated to: M6G-PH0, Meng-P'o, Lady-Meng. China. Goddess of merciful memoryloss & rebirth; Compounder of the bittersweet broth of forgetfulness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 17 day 260 is dedicated to: M]X*NYTYS, Mechanitis, She-Who-Contrives-with-Power. Greece: Hellenic. Goddess of mechanical contrivances; Matron of ease & convenience; Inspirer of inventors]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 18 day 261 is dedicated to: M]N*T, Menat, Old-Woman. Syria: Arabia, pre-Islamic. Triple Goddess of life, destiny, & the underworld; Unshakeable Keeper of oaths; Force of fate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 19 day 262 is dedicated to: M]DA1, Medea, Cunning-One. Greece: Corinth. Goddess of astronomy & medicine; Divine Sorceress of illumination & rebirth; Revengeful One. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 20 day 263 is dedicated to: M]HWrT, Mehurt, Celestial-Cow. Egypt. Goddess of infinite space; Heaven's Ocean; Mother of the sky & the sun;

Protectrix of the dead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 21 day 264 is dedicated to: M]$X]NT, Meshkhent, The-Place-Where-One-Delivers. Egypt. Goddess of childbirth; She Who appears when labor begins & testifies for the soul at death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 22 day 265 is dedicated to: M]TYS, Metis, Counsel. Greece: Hellenic. Shape-shifting Goddess of counsel, wisdom, knowledge & the planet Mercury; Mother of fate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 23 day 266 is dedicated to: M]LY1, Melia, She-of-the-Ash-Tree. Greece: Hellenic. Muse Goddess of rain-making & tree-top inspiration; Matron of bronze smiths; Giver of fire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 24 day 267 is dedicated to: MYN6V1, Minerva, Full-of-Thought. Italy: Roman. Goddess of the moon, wisdom, the arts, music, crafts, mathematical sciences & scholarship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 25 day 268 is dedicated to:p> M0RYGH*N, Morrighan, Great-Queen.

Celtic: Ireland. Triple shape-shifting Goddess of life, fruitfulness, battle, fate & death; Washer at the ford. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 26 day 269 is dedicated to: M0U0U]L, Mayahuel, Strangling-One. Mexico: Aztec. Many-breasted Goddess of earth, the night sky, hallucination & drunkenness; Nurse of the stars. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 27 day 270 is dedicated to: M1*T, Maat, Mother-of-Truth. Egypt. Goddess of the heart's law--kindness & consideration; She Who concerns Herself with justice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 28 day 271 is dedicated to: M1H*VYDY*, Mahavidya, She-of-Great-Knowledge. India: Hindu, Tantric. Goddess of the direct apprehension of that spiritual knowledge which will eradicate ignorance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 29 day 272 is dedicated to: M1T, Mut, Mother. Egypt: Thebes. Triple-wombed Shehe of the sky; wing-armed Parent of the sun & world; Caretaker of the dead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations September 30 day 273 is dedicated to:

MrHR1, Myrrha, She-of-the-Bitter-Tree. Syria: Alexandrian Greek. Virgin Mother Goddess of the sea, trees, healing, birth, death, embalming & resurrection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations October Goddesses back to September Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 274, October 01 is dedicated to: ]XYDNA Echidne, She-Viper. Africa: Libya. Part beauteous Woman part speckled serpent; Goddess of death, the underworld & prophesy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 275, October 02 is dedicated to: ]FASI1 Ephesaia, [She-Whose-Court-is-Highest]. Asia Minor: Ephesus, Caystrus. All nourishing many-breasted Mother; orgiastic Goddess of the moon, & nature's productivity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 276, October 03 is dedicated to: ]D1 Edda, Grandmother. Scandinavia: Norse. Ancestress of those who work the land; Goddess of myth & oral history; Inspiration of poets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 277, October 04 is dedicated to: ]G=RY1 Egeria, She-of-the-Black-Poplar. Italy: Roman, < Greece. Goddess of healing springs, wisdom, human laws & death; Oak-Queen; Granter of easy deliveries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 278, October 05 is dedicated to: ]TAN Etain, Shining-One. Celtic: Ireland. Triple Goddess of the sun, water, horses, fragrance, beauty, music & transmigration of souls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 279, October 06 is dedicated to: ]LAN Elaine, Lily-Maid.

Celtic: Britain. Virgin Goddess of beauty & the moon; Matron of road-building; loveable Leader of Hosts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 280, October 07 is dedicated to: ]L]KCR1 Electra, Bright-One. Greece: Hellenic. Maiden Goddess of the sun & sea; [Genetrix of magnetism, electricity & solid-state technology]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 281, October 08 is dedicated to: ]STS*N-@TL]HE Estsan-Atlehi, Changing-Woman. America, North: Navajo of the South West. Beneficent Self-renewing Goddess of the sky & natural processes; She Who brings the seasons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 282, October 09 is dedicated to: g6N-$6N Jen-Shen, Spirit-of-Humanity. Chinese. Divine Shehe of the species Homo Sapiens; Creator of thought, language, music & civilizations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 283, October 10 is dedicated to: gE-NW Chih-N, Weaving-Woman. Chinese. Goddess of the rainbow; Heavenly Spinster Who weaves the irridescent robes of the Deities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 284, October 11 is dedicated to: R*J1R*J]SV1RE Rajarajesvari, Queen-of-Queens. India, especially Orissa: Hindu. Goddess of world sustaining transcendental knowledge; She Whose glances delight the universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 285, October 12 is dedicated to: R*N Ran, The-Robber. Scandinavia: Norse. Nine-fold mermaid Goddess of the stormy sea; Protectress of the drowned; Old grey widow Maker. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------134

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 286, October 13 is dedicated to: R*DH* Radha, ___. India: Hindu, Tantric. Creative, life-sustaining, auspicious, benevolent, loving & redemptive Goddess of the Gopis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 287, October 14 is dedicated to: RWS1LKE Rusalky, Daughters-of-Earth. Slavic: Russia. Multiple Goddess of spring & summer's vegetal growth; Water-sprite Whose home is in streams. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 288, October 15 is dedicated to: ROZM=T1 Rosmerta, Good-Purveyor. Celtic: Gauls. Goddess of fire, warmth, wealth & abundance; Flower Queen; Hater of marriage; Beldame of death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 289, October 16 is dedicated to: ROHYNE Rohini, Red-One. India: Hindu, Vedic. Fine-eyed Goddess of stars & the rising sun; Ruler of the annual cycle; Light of Knowledge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 290, October 17 is dedicated to: R9NE Rauni, Mountain-Ash. Finnish. Goddess of air, clouds, thunder, life-giving rain & plant life; She Who oversees the harvest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 291, October 18 is dedicated to: R]N]N]T Renenet, Snake-of-Nourishment. Egypt. Goddess of earth, plenty, fortune & harvest; Lady of the double granary; Bestower of the soul. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 292, October 19 is dedicated to: R0Z*NEKA Rozanica, Genetrix. Slavic: Russia. White clothed & glistening Goddess; She Who comes at birth to prophesy the fate of the child.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 293, October 20 is dedicated to: R1TE Rati, Delight-Giver. India > Indonesia: Bali. Ever-pregnant Womb; all-nourishing Breasts; ravishing Nymph Goddess of spring, desire & love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 294, October 21 is dedicated to: Y*MBA Iambe, She-Who-Limps-Along. Greece: Eleusis. Goddess of satire, lampoon, bawdy & pornographic humor; Matron of comedy; Consoler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 295, October 22 is dedicated to: YFYG]NA1 Iphigeneia, Mothering-a-Strong-Race. Asia Minor: Tauris. Triple Goddess of the sea, summer, the tripartite circling year & perhaps of women; Queen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 296. October 23 is dedicated to: YWROPA Europe, She-of-the-Broad-Face. Syria: Phoenicia, > or < Crete. Mother Goddess of the moon, especially the full moon, & the sea; Europe's eponymous Ancestress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 297, October 24 is dedicated to: YWRNOMA Eurynome, Wide-Wandering. Greece: Arcadia, Orphic. Great Goddess of the moon & sea; Wide Ruler of heaven & earth; Queen of the circling universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 298, October 25 is dedicated to: YNDr*NE Indrani, Kindler. India: Hindu. Voluptuously beautiful Goddess; She Who makes possible the perception of form through the eye. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 299, October 26 is dedicated to: YD* Ida, Benediction. India: Hindu. Goddess of earth, abundant food & nourishment; Granter of any blessings invoked

through Her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 300, October 27 is dedicated to: Y$-C]L Ix-Chel, [Water]. Mexico: Mayan, Yucatn Peninsula. Mother of Deities; wise, gentle, lustrous & radiant Goddess of the moon & water; Eagle Woman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 301, October 28 is dedicated to: YTSP0P0L4TL Itzpapalotl, Obsidian-Butterfly. Mexico: Aztec. Dragon-like Goddess of the hunt; Protectress of the souls of those who die in childbirth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 302, October 29 is dedicated to: YST0KSEU0TL , Iztaccihuatl, White-Woman. Mexico: Aztec. Mother Goddess, & Eponym, of the white mountains; She Who provides animal-spirit guardians. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 303, October 30 is dedicated to: G6RON1 Angerona, Queen-of-Protection. Italy: Etruscan, Roman. Goddess of compassion, silence, secrets [& the storage of evolutionary knowledge in seeds]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 304, October 31 is dedicated to: GRBOD1 Angrbotha, Anguish-Boding. Norse. Prophetic death Goddess; Holy One; Iron Wood Hag; Ogress of Giantland; Worker of calamity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations November Goddesses back to October Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 305, November 01 is dedicated to: E*M*NJ* Iamanja, Holy-Queen-Sea. America, South: Brazil < Nigeria. Goddess of the sea; merciful Answerer of prayers; She Whose waters salve the wounded spirit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 306, November 02 is dedicated to:

EN*N* Inanna, Queen-of-Heaven. Mesopotamia: Sumer. Winged, life-giving Great Goddess of the moon & love; Divine Queen; wise Guide & Counselor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 307, November 03 is dedicated to: ENO Ino, She-Who-Makes-Sinewy. Greece: pre-Hellenic, Pelasgia. White Muse Goddess of corn, the harvest moon & the sea; Reaper on high; Matron of mariners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 308, November 04 is dedicated to: EN1 Ina, Lady. Polynesia. Two-faced Great Goddess of the sea, healing & death; enchanting tapa-beating Woman of the moon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 309, November 05 is dedicated to: EO Io, Exalted-Moon. Greece: Argos. Rain-bringing Moon amidst stars; White Cow Who wanders over earth; horned Goddess of barley. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 310, November 06 is dedicated to: EZ1N*ME Izanami, She-Who-Invites. Japan. Goddess of the Japanese islands; Her Augustness, Mother of plants, animals, people & fire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 311, November 07 is dedicated to: E$T* Ishtar, Light-Giving. Mesopotamia: Babylonia. Great Goddess of the moon, music, earth, love & benevolence; Light of the World; Divine Wanton. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 312, November 08 is dedicated to: EPON1 Epona, Divine-Mare. Celtic: Britain & Europe. Goddess of the year, rushing rivers, horses & extended human mobility; Bestower of Sovereignty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 313, November 09 is dedicated to:

ETW*N* Ituana, Mother-Scorpion. America, South: Amazon. Great Goddess of the Amazon river; many-breasted Foster Mother of earth's innumerable children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 314, November 10 is dedicated to: EY*TEKW Iyatiku, The-Mother-Corn. America, North: Keres. Earth Mother; Counselor; She Who welcomes us home when we cast off our coil of flesh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 315, November 11 is dedicated to: EV Eve, Mother-of-All-Living. Syria:Hebraic (English transliteration). Creatrix of all manifested forms; Mother Womb; life-giving Goddess; Instructress of humanity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 316, November 12 is dedicated to: ESYS Isis, [Lap-of-Power]. Egypt (Greek transliteration). Lady of a thousand names; Goddess of the moon, earth, mist, magic & fertility; Culture Bringer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 317, November 13 is dedicated to: CWN-THE Chun-T'i, ___. Chinese. Goddess of war; She Who is capable of miraculous feats; She Who excels in the magic arts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 318, November 14 is dedicated to: CH*Y* Chaya, Shade. India: Hindu. Goddess of the beneficial effects of muted & dappled sunlight; Matron of metal-workers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 319, November 15 is dedicated to: CH*G-0 Ch'ang-O, Standard-of-Grace-and-Beauty. China. Graceful moth-eyebrowed Maiden Goddess of the moon & immortality; Dispenser of life magic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------139

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 320, November 16 is dedicated to: CEK4M]K40TL Chicomecoatl, Seven-Serpents. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of maize; Mother of rural plenty; some say Goddess of frost & famine, hunger & harm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 321, November 17 is dedicated to: C0LCEUETLEKU] Chalchihuitlicue, She-of-the-Robe-of-Green-Jewels. Mexico: Aztec. Goddess of flowing waters, cornfields & bread; Mistress of rain; Bringer of abundant harvests. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 322, November 18 is dedicated to: 0PS Ops, Fruitfulness. Italy: Roman. Goddess of earth, its riches & resources; Bestower of fertility & healing; Protectrix of women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 323, November 19 is dedicated to: 0MF*LA Omphale, Earth's-Navel. Asia Minor: Lydia. Universal womb; Goddess of earth, rebirth & augury; Hub of life; [Matron of transvestites]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 324, November 20 is dedicated to: 0ST*R1 Ostara, [Morning-Star]. Germanic: Saxon. Goddess of sunrise & the east; Ruler of the vernal equinox & earth's springtime burgeoning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 325, November 21 is dedicated to: 0SYP*GO Ossipago, Bone-Strengthener. Italy: Roman. Goddess of skeletal structures; Strengthener of fetal bones; [Matron of orthopedics]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 326, November 22 is dedicated to: 0rY0NHrOD Arianrhod, Silver-Wheel. Celtic: Wales. Virgin White Goddess of birth, initiation, death & rebirth; She Who turns the circle of heaven.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 327, November 23 is dedicated to: V*RUNE Varuni, She-Who-Encompasses. India: Hindu, Vedic. Originally the Waters of Origin, She became Goddess of golden liquor, wine & intoxication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 328, November 24 is dedicated to: V*C Vac, Creative-Word. India: Hindu, Vedic. Goddess of language, writing & writing-systems; Matron of mental endeavours; Source of voice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 329, November 25 is dedicated to: VATA-AM* Vete-Ema, Water-Mother. Finnish. Goddess of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers & streams; Spirit of water; Queen of aquatic life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 330, November 26 is dedicated to: V4TUMN1 Vortumna, She-Who-Turns-the-Year-About. Italy: Roman. Oracular Goddess of the year & destiny; Matron of gardeners; She Who urges reproduction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 331, November 27 is dedicated to: V]NUS Venus, Love. Italy: Roman. Originally Goddess of growth, tilled fields & gardens; later, Matron of love & procreation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 332, November 28 is dedicated to: V]ST1 Vesta, Sacred-Fire. Italy: Roman < Greece. Goddess of the sun, the domestic hearth & home; Matron of family life; Refuge of suppliants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 333, November 29 is dedicated to: VY$*H1RE Visahari, Remover-of-Poison. India: Hindu, Manasa cult. Shape-shifting Goddess of earth, uberty & the underworld; Controller of snakes;

Spirit of mind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 334, November 30 is dedicated to: VYKT4RY1 Victoria, She-Who-Bestows-Victory. Italy: Roman. Winged Goddess of success, achievement & triumphs; She by Whose aid obstacles are overcome. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her Cycle of Transformations December Goddesses back to November Goddesses In Her Cycle of Transformations day 335, December 01 is dedicated to: V1JR1V1R*HE Vajravarahi, Strength-of-the-Sow. India: Hindu > Tibet: Buddhist. Goddess of [wisdom through experience]; She Who drives away evil spirits [like depression]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 336, December 02 is dedicated to: 1N1HET1 Anahita, Immaculate-One. Iran: Persian, Armenian. Motherly Goddess of life waters, weather, fertility, procreation, war & victory; Wanton Virgin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 337,December 03 is dedicated to: 1N1PWrN* Annapurna, Giver-of-Food. India: Hindu. Goddess of foodstuff; She Who causes the continual transformation of substance into energy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 338, December 04 is dedicated to: 1N13 Anath, [Strength-of-Life]. Syria: especially Ugarit. Goddess of earth, grain, & sacrifice; Strength of Life; Bloodthirsty Maiden; Violent Virgin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 339, December 05 is dedicated to: 1$6R1

Asherah, [Lady-of-the-Sea]. Syria. Bountiful Great Mother Goddess of heaven, the moon & sea; in wisdom, Mistress of the Deities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 340, December 06 is dedicated to: 13]NA Athene, [I-Have-Come-From-Myself]. Greece: Hellenic. Great Virgin Goddess; Embodiment of divine power; Defender & Protectrix of Herpeople's cities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 341, December 07 is dedicated to: 1LFETO Alphito, White-Goddess. Greece: Arcadia, Danaan of Argos. White Goddess of barley flour, destiny & the moon; Hag of the Mill; Lady of the nine heights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 342,December 08 is dedicated to: 1L1GH0M-NA0M Alaghom-Naom, Mother-of-Mind. America, Central: Maya. Goddess of the earth, abundance & wisdom; She Who fosters forth conscious awareness & thought. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 343, December 09 is dedicated to: 1MBEK1 Ambika, Mother. India: Jain. Genetrix; Goddess of nature, especially autumn & the harvest; Matron of water conservation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 344, December 10 is dedicated to: 1ST*T Astart, Conceiving-Womb. Syria. Beautiful Great Goddess of fertile abundance, love, sexuality & reproduction; Lady of heaven. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 345,December 11 is dedicated to:

S*R* Sarah, Queen. Mesopotamia: Chaldean, Hebraic. Laughter-loving, silver-faced, Mother Goddess of the sea & prophesy; Bestower of Sovereignty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 346, December 12 is dedicated to: SFYKS Sphinx, Throttler. Greece: Thebes < Assyria. Amorous & man devouring, Woman-faced, lion-bodied, eagle-winged, riddling calendar Goddess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 347, December 13 is dedicated to: SWLYS Sulis, She-Who-Brings-Forth. Celtic: Britain, Roman times. Goddess of prophesy, inspiration, wisdom & death; She Who is Bountiful, as is a sow of piglets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 348, December 14 is dedicated to: SUSYST1N*KO Sussistanako, Thinking-Woman. America, North: Pueblo. Goddess of creation; Spider Woman; Spirit & Power of intelligence; She Who thinks into being. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 349, December 15 is dedicated to: SAR]NAS Seirenes, Entanglers. Greece: Hellenic. Multiple Woman-faced, bird-bodied, Goddess of the sea, singing, prophesy & blissful death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 350, December 16 is dedicated to: SPAS Spes, Hope. Italy: Roman. Golden Goddess of the moon, death, resurrection, drug induced sleep & its

healing power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 351, December 17 is dedicated to: SK*DE Skadi, She-Who-Causes-Harm. Scandinavia: Norse. Mountain Giantess; Goddess on skis; snow-shoe Goddess of winter & hunting; Scandinavian Eponym. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 352, December 18 is dedicated to: SKL1 Scylla, She-Who-Rends. Greece:Hellenic. Shape-shifting Goddess of the moon; destroying Sea-bitch of currents, reefs & clashing rocks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 353, December 19 is dedicated to: S]XM]T Sekhmet, Powerful-One. Egypt. Great & terrible lion-headed Goddess of drought & the destruction-causing power of the sun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 354, December 20 is dedicated to: S]LK]T Selket, Scorpion. Egypt. Winged Goddess of conjugal union & magic; Protectress of the dead; Guardian of the intestines. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 355, December 21 is dedicated to: S]MER*MYS Semiramis, [Sublime-Dove]. Mesopotamia: Babylonia. Goddess of great beauty, intelligence, love & sensuality; Creatrix of mighty civilizing works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 356, December 22 is dedicated to: SET* Sita, The-Furrow.

India: Hindu, Vedic. Goddess of spring, agriculture & earth; Corn Mother; the Field which brings forth bounteously. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 357,December 23 is dedicated to: S1N1 Sunna, Mistress-Sun. Germanic. Weaver of light; Goddess of the sun; bright Bride of heaven; wind Controller; dwarf Deceiver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 358,December 24 is dedicated to: S1O-TSHYG-NY*G Sao-Ts'ing-Niang, Broom-Lady. China. Black-faced Goddess of rain; She Who sweeps the clouds together or apart; Savior from drought. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 359, December 25 is dedicated to: S1TYS Satis, She-Who-Runs-Like-an-Arrow. Egypt: especially Elephantine. Goddess of waterfalls, cataracts & the life-giving flood; She Who lets loosethe river's force. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 360, December 26 is dedicated to: S1KTE Sakti, Divine-Energy. India: Hindu, Tantric. Goddess of cosmic energy; Will of evolution; She Who gives birth to all force & all form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 361, December 27 is dedicated to: S1L*KE1 Salacia, Lady-of-the-Salt-Sea. Italy: Roman. Goddess of springs, lakes, the world's oceans, seas & sea mammals; fish-teeming Abyssal-womb. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 362, December 28 is dedicated to:

S1LM1ONA Salmaone, Lady-of-the-East. Syria: East Mediterranean. Goddess of Spring & the east, the daily rising of the sun & its yearly renewal; Willow Mother. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 363,December 29 is dedicated to: S1R1SV1TE Sarasvati, She-Who-Flows-Eloquently-Onward. India: Hindu, Vedic. Young & beautiful four-armed Goddess of fertility, procreation, purification & literature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 364, December 30 is dedicated to: S1V1SE Savasi, Mighty-One. India: Jain. Goddess of strength; Cosmic Cow of the unbounded realms beyond earth; Mother of the months. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Her Cycle of Transformations day 365, December 31 is dedicated to: SXA Psyche, World-Soul. Italy: Roman (Greek name). Goddess of the development of consciousness in humanity; [Promoter of psychology & psychiatry]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


DISCOVER YOUR INNER GODDESS IMPORTANT INTRODUCTION - PLEASE READ If you seek an insight into the future of your love life, why not do as they did in ancient Greece - and consult the Gods of Love. I'm delighted, today, to introduce a special system of celestial self knowledge which is based on a classical tradition, thousands of years old. It involves a potent mixture of ancient astrology, modern psychology and Greek mythology. Simply look for your zodiac sign in the list below. You will see two names; one representing the goddess you most usually have an affinity with and the other representing the one who is currently having the biggest influence on your life. ARIES Usually Artemis, Currently Hestia LEO Usually Hera, Currently Aphrodite SAGITTARIUS Usually Artemis Currently Athena TAURUS Usually Aphrodite, Currently Artemis VIRGO Usually Artemis, Currently Demeter CAPRICORN Usually Hestia Currently Athena GEMINI Usually Athena, Currently Aphrodite LIBRA Usually Hera, Currently Athena AQUARIUS Usually Athena, Currently Persephone CANCER Usually Demeter, Currently Artemis SCORPIO Usually Athena, Currently Persephone PISCES Usually Persephone Currently Hera

Begin by looking up your 'current goddess' but then go on to read about your usual goddess. When you do this, you may need to translate my words a little but if you convert them from a 'prediction' to a description of a 'personal habit pattern' the effort will reward you with a very revealing insight into your past. If you happen to know your Moon sign or your Venus sign, take a look at the goddesses these lead you to as well. Indeed, ideally you should read about all seven because they all exist as influences somewhere within your personality. The ones you can easily relate to are the ones you can learn something about your past from. The goddesses that you look at and say 'that's not really me' are the ones that you may just find, if you decide to summon and explore them, help make your future more fulfilling. Next, take a look at your man's usual and current goddesses. How do these compare and contrast with your own? Can you become more like his 'dream'? Can his 'dream' be deepened to the point where it encompasses your reality? Can you meet each other half way? The answer to all these three questions is yes... if you're both prepared to learn and grow. IF YOU ARE A MAN: You are reading, today, about the 'woman of your dreams'. Try neither to get too excited - or too depressed if you feel she's a million miles from anyone you know. The idea is simply to understand more about her - so that you can begin to resist the usual 'big mistake' which so many males inadvertently make; of projecting this dream vision onto a real human partner. All too often, we fall in love with 'who we want our partner to be' and not' who she actually is'. Then, as time goes by and the real person fails to measure up to our own, imaginary 'inner goddess' the relationship turns sour. Look up your wife or girlfriend's date of birth. See which goddess she most closely

identifies with. Learn to respect or even (dare I say this?) 'worship' that goddess and you'll find you automatically, in the process, imbue your real life partner with the confidence to be more like her own true self. How will this help you fulfill your fantasy? Well, every woman, when she's really feeling free to be her own true self - and not 'obliged' to act out a role that matches her partner's expectations, will automatically manifest the best qualities of all seven goddesses... including the one you secretly yearn to be embraced by. Thus, in accepting that your loved one cannot be, all the time, what you want her to be... you will be helping and encouraging her to be what you want her to be SOME of the time! ARTEMIS INTRODUCTION: Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana, was the goddess of the hunt and of the Moon. Tall and lovely, she lived a glorious outdoor life, accompanied by her own pack of dogs and band of nymphs. Though she wore a short tunic, this was not to attract male attention but a symbol of freedom (a long dress would have restricted her movement). Artemis was an accomplished archer but though she hunted fierce boars, she was known as a healer and protector of animals - and also of young girls whom she frequently rescued from 'a fate worse than death'. Like Athena, Artemis was a daughter of Zeus. Though she was born by more conventional means, the legend tells that the moment she was born, she began to help her mother deliver her twin brother Apollo. This took nine painful days, during which the new born Artemis earned her reputation as a healer. At the age of three, her father gave her a bow and arrow, a band of nymphs to keep her company, the freedom of the woods and fields and 'eternal chastity' - which we might, in modern symbolism, translate as the ability always to choose her lovers and never to fall victim to force, persuasion or misplaced guilt. Though Artemis was ever a symbol of strength, she also came to represent victims of tragedy and betrayal. She fell deeply in love with the handsome Orion, to whom her twin brother Apollo took a strong dislike. Apollo tricked her one day by pointing out a distant object and betting her that she could not hit it with an arrow. Never one to resist a challenge, Artemis let fly - only to discover too late, that she had killed her lover. Inconsolable ever since, she at least arranged for Orion to live on forever in the sky - and gave him one of her own dogs (Sirius - the dog star) for company. MAIN TEXT: You've just about had it up to here! Slowly, over the past few months, the spirit of adventure-loving Artemis has been welling up within you. As you begin to look at your current situation through her eyes, you're feeling less and less impressed with what you can see. You've already started to do something about this but you're very aware that there's a lot further to go... and you definitely don't intend to stop until you've gone all the way. The question is though, all the way to where? Ideally, you want to go all the way to somewhere a very long way from where you are. You want to jump on a plane, a boat - or a very fast motorcycle and just head for the hills. Or the desert. You feel an almost overwhelming craving for space and freedom. You want, in the immortal words of Marlene Dietrich, 'to be alone'. And yet, sadly, other circumstances probably make this all seem like an impossible dream. You've got commitments you can't just turn your back on. The spirit of Artemis within you is getting mighty fed up with these. She's champing at the bit, she's climbing the walls and she's absolutely determined to bring about a sense of liberation. How well does this bode then, for joyous news on Valentine's day? If you're single, it's hopeful. There may be no suitable man on

your immediate horizon but in your current mood, you're rather glad of this. You really don't want anything more than a 'light' relationship at the moment... or at least, you don't want anything more substantial with anyone who doesn't truly represent a worthy catch. Catch, by the way, is very much the keyword here. Artemis, as goddess of the hunt, enjoys pursuing her dreams as much, if not more, than she enjoys fulfilling them. Already, you're casting your eye around for someone special to pursue. Over the next few weeks, if no suitable candidate emerges naturally, you'll simply start seeking out new hunting grounds; deliberately placing yourself in social positions where you can meet a different type of guy. There's no doubt you'll be successful in your quest. There's no doubt, either, that you've got a very exciting, active time ahead - and not just on the romantic front. There is though, some doubt about quite how well all this visit from Artemis is going to work out if you now happen to be in a committed relationship. Please don't misunderstand. You're not going to experience some tremendous urge to have an affair. Artemis is a very loyal lover. It's just that she hates to feel trapped, enclosed or 'obligated'. Your spouse, no matter how understanding he may already be, is going to need to be even more understanding and accommodating over the next few months. He's going to have to appreciate that you badly need to be left to your own devices. He's going to realize that though you're both very close, you have grown more like a brother and a sister than a pair of lovers. It won't do - and in order to get back together properly, you're probably first going to have to get a little further apart. You've got to shake off the stale atmosphere that has grown up (through no particular fault of anyone) in the situation as it currently stands. A change of scenery really could make a difference. Contemplate a move to the country if you live in the city - or a move to the beach if you live in the country! There's not much point in just hoping you will grow out of this yearning for space. Artemis is not used to losing. She simply won't depart until at least some of her demands have been met. If, therefore, a total change is out of the question, you'd better spend as much time as you can outdoors, riding, walking and generally burning off the excess physical energy you seem to have so much of. Your partner, if he's lucky, will also feel the benefit of this... but only if he keeps out of your way or has the good sense to make himself a little unavailable - so that instead of feeling hunted... you end up feeling like the one with the whip hand. ATHENA INTRODUCTION: Athena was the beautiful warrior queen who stood guard over the ancient city of Athens. Though she was a brave swordswoman and an inspiration to the military forces, this graceful goddess of strategy and intelligence was also closely associated with arts and crafts. Her pronounced, piercing eyes were said to gaze fondly on the city's weavers, goldsmiths, potters, shipbuilders and dressmakers. She came to be the symbol of all 'great inventions' and practical discoveries. Legend has it that the great Zeus was once plagued with a terrible headache. In the throes of agony, he persuaded Hephaestus, god of the forge, to strike him on the head with an axe. The blow was duly delivered and moments later, Athena emerged from the wound. As she proved to be a full grown woman in golden armor, clutching a spear and yelling a dreadful war cry, it is no wonder his head hurt. Zeus, instantly healed, turned to embrace his new found daughter and, from that point on the two were inseparable. When Perseus killed the snake haired gorgon, Medusa, Athena watched the battle from on high and helpfully whispered into his ear, the idea of using a mirror so he would not be turned to stone by her gaze. Athena assisted Jason and the Argonauts to build the ship with which they sought the Golden Fleece. All the great warriors, including legendary Achilles and mighty Ulysses turned to wise

but tough Athena for inspiration. MAIN TEXT: Are you the woman who knows no fear? You'd like the rest of the world to think so at the moment. Athena, the warrior goddess has been influencing your outlook on life and love a great deal lately - and she's due to become even more of a dominant influence between now and the middle of the year. For as long as you're under her spell, you'll be manifesting her persona; trying, as hard as you can, to be a tough, independent, clever and resourceful woman with little time for frippery, frivolity or foolish things like 'feelings'. It's not that you'll be immune to emotion. Athena herself is by no means incapable of loving - or of longing. It's just that, while you are responding to the cosmic call from the queen of courage, you'll be more inclined to summon your strength than explore your weaknesses. You're likely to decide that the best way to do this is to declare that for now at least, the things you feel, deep down inside, are nobody's business but your own. You don't want to share them with your partner or would-be partner, no matter how much you love him. You feel that he's got his own business to take care of... and you've got yours. Your love may involve a two way flow of respect and support but if it is to survive the next few months, it has to be based on mutual encouragement not consolation. You simply need to know that he loves and admires you for your strength - and that he trusts you to make the right choices. If you need anything from him, it is his insight and judgment not his constant concern. The crisis now brewing (and when Athena's in action, there's always one on the boil) is one you both must face together. Neither of you can afford, even for a passing moment, to feel sorry for yourselves or concede the possibility of defeat. This year at least then, you therefore have little interest in the traditional trimmings of Valentine's day. Lovely though it is to be showered with gifts or flattering remarks, all you really want is to know you've got a battle companion you can rely on! If your lover complains you're not being especially romantic, explain to him that the time for whispering sweet nothings or indulging in a thousand slow sensual pleasures will, if he's patient, come round again. Right now though if he wants to excite your passion, he's got to stop treating you like some voluptuous Aphrodite and recognize that you're a woman with a mission. All he has to do is support (or even join) you in waging the war you're so determined to win and he'll soon discover there's plenty of heat behind your cool facade! The fact is that you're feeling pretty excited by the pressures you currently face. They are stretching your mind, helping you learn new skills, allowing you to plan great enterprises and creating chances to give plenty of people their orders! There are moments when everything seems to be on top of you - but each time you conquer another difficulty, you feel on top of the world. Romantic problems are only likely to emerge in the next few months if your partner fails, somehow, to show sufficient faith in you - or worse, undermines your own faith. If, in this way, he triggers your secret fear of failure - or if you allow the fact that you currently have no partner to do the same, you may end up playing out the Persephone syndrome. This typically involves meeting a man who is deeply, desperately unsuitable yet finding yourself falling head over heels in fascination with him - because he 'seems to know something that you don't'. For a while, he becomes able to manipulate you as nimbly as a suave playboy might hypnotize a teenage girl. You

eventually outgrow the obsession... but not before it has done some serious damage to your pride... and wasted time you could have spent far more profitably. If however, you watch for that - and make sure you keep your eye on the battle... you'll not only emerge from your current worldly struggle with a sense of triumph, you'll also emerge from it with the kind of love life you really want! DEMETER INTRODUCTION: Demeter, known to the Romans as Ceres, the goddess of the grain, will always be known as the goddess of motherhood. This is partly because both are symbols of fecundity - but also because of the myth of Persephone, Demeter's daughter... which must also be read in order to truly understand the 'protective spirit' that this goddess represents. Demeter, like Hestia and Hera, was a daughter of Cronos. She too married Zeus. This though, was several thousand years before her sister did the same. The Greek gods may sound like a strange, incestuous lot but, when you live for all eternity, presumably, you play the game of existence by somewhat different rules. Certainly Demeter, as a symbol of dedicated motherhood, remains every bit as 'alive' as she did all those thousands of years ago. The tale of poor little kidnapped Persephone tells us a lot about Demeter's determination. We understand even more about the sacrifices that a good mother has to make once we understand that, in her long quest to find and free her daughter, Demeter neither ate nor slept. She roamed land and sea and refused to give her up for lost - even when advised to do so by Zeus himself. For the sake of finding her daughter, she later suffered poverty, abuse and eventually, went berserk. She refused to be a goddess of their grain any longer and thus caused all the crops to fail. But it all paid off in the end - as truly devoted motherhood always does. MAIN TEXT: If you don't have children, you may be wondering whether this article about the goddess of motherhood can really apply to you. Perhaps, you're not so much wondering as worrying. This can't mean what you think it means can it? It may... or, it may be that your maternal instincts are going to be triggered in a less obvious way. All I'm prepared to predict is that, while you're under the influence of Demeter, you can expect your nurturing, caring spirit to come to the fore in a very big way. If you do have offspring (of any age) it IS most likely to be through your child(ren) that this surfaces. It could though, be a project, plan, promise, passion or even a person that you come to see as 'your precious baby'. You'll know what it is soon enough, if you don't already - for over the next few months, you are going to be all but taken over by a very powerful need to protect someone or something. So intense is this emotion likely to be that you will feel willing to sacrifice almost anything for the sake of your protg's well-being. You'll take on almost any task, consider almost any offer, be willing to go to almost any lengths. This will not necessarily be because the object of your adoration is in any actual danger; physical or spiritual. It will be because you tend to 'perceive a danger'. It is very important that you check, at regular intervals, whether this is real or imaginary. Even if it is real, you have no need to worry. Whenever Demeter, the ultimate protective spirit is at work, the outcome of every saga can only, eventually be

a happy one. What we cannot say with any such certainty though, is whether you will be protected from the vulnerability that your own intense desire to protect someone else gives rise to. Valentine's day is coming up fast. The big question is, who do you want to receive a gesture from - and why? It's almost impossible for you, at the moment, to separate your own true feelings from your instinctive sense of duty towards the person, cause or situation you so much yearn to secure a better future for. This is noble but it's not necessarily sensible. You must be on the lookout for manipulative people, especially men, who are anxious to offer you the wrong kind of help for the wrong reasons. You need to check whether you're misdirecting maternal energy towards a partner who really needs to face up to his own responsibilities instead of getting you to pick up the pieces for him. Even if that's not the case and the situation you're trying to sort out is a cause truly worthy of assistance, you must ask yourself if you're not smothering, as opposed to mothering, the 'child' you feel so responsible for. You're going to find the goddess Demeter a very fulfilling force to have on your side provided you don't let her lead you to extremes of panic or anxiety about a matter that's best seen in a more philosophical light. If your urge to be totally responsible really does run away with you, it is likely also, to run away with your ability to feel like a whole person - and thus your ability to enjoy a whole love life. Please therefore, take the time to read about some of the other goddesses in this feature. Take a look at Artemis and consider how she might suggest attack as the best form of defense in the situation you face. You can probably do a lot more to help whatever or whoever you so much want to assist by taking an assertive, dynamic stance rather than an all but helpless one. Athena, too, can teach you a lot about how to place more of an emphasis on strategy and thus less on stubborn determination. Remember too, that Aphrodite can be a great source of balance in a topsy turvy scenario. No matter how much you care about what - or whom, or why, things will not get any worse if you stop every so often and have a little fun. Indeed, through relaxing more, you could find you discover a way to make matters a whole lot better. PERSEPHONE INTRODUCTION: Persephone, known to the Romans as Core, was the maiden goddess. She symbolized innocence, beauty, vulnerability and served as a warning of the danger of temptation. Because of her association with the Underworld however, she also came to be known as a figure of depth, mystery and dark desire. Persephone was the sweet only daughter of Zeus and Demeter. One day, while out gathering flowers, the sinister figure of Hades appeared from nowhere, hauled poor Persephone aboard his chariot and hurtled off back to the underworld. There, he made her his bride. While her distraught mother searched the earth for her in vain, Persephone made the best of her lot and came to secretly enjoy her life in the world of darkness. Eventually, her mum tracked her down and, through Hermes the negotiator, secured her release. The deal between Hades and Hermes allowed Persephone to go free provided she had eaten no food whilst in the underworld. Later, Persephone confessed that she had indeed, eaten some pomegranate seeds. She claimed she had been forced to do this - but nonetheless, this transgression obliged her to divide her time, from then on, between her protective mother and her hypnotic lover. Interestingly though, when she grew older, she returned to the underworld of her own free choice. MAIN TEXT: Oscar Wilde once said 'I can resist anything... except temptation.'. That's

pretty much your own cri de cour at the moment. You're just a sweet, pure well intentioned harmless thing, to and around whom the most outrageous, wicked or shocking things keep 'happening'. If the wrong kind of men, or the wrong kinds of opportunity keep hurling themselves at your feet, it's definitely not because you are in any way inviting them to. All your problems are either someone else's fault - or the result of wicked circumstances beyond your control. You're not enjoying the trouble you're in one little bit. That's absolutely not a smirk on your face. It's a grimace. How on earth dare anyone suggest otherwise? Maybe, just maybe, you're prepared to concede that you've played some small part in letting your current situation develop as it has done... but then, what choice have you had? Persephone, the dark Queen of the underworld, is currently at work in your life, naughtily corrupting your normally impeccable judgment and leading you, on what's beginning to seem like a daily basis into ever deeper hot water. There. Don't you feel better already, just for reading that 'excuse'? The truth is though, that you do have the right to resist her - and the power to do so to. The thing is, secretly, you're not so sure you want to. If you didn't think so many people would 'disapprove' you'd be quite willing to confess that you're actually rather enjoying much of the drama and intrigue that's currently taking place in your life. There is, for example, the slight matter of who you're expecting to get a Valentine's card from tomorrow. Actually, he's probably not going to send you a card. He's not that kind of a conventional character. Nor do you want him to send you one anyway - because a) it might create damning evidence of something you'd prefer to keep a very private secret and b) you already know just how far you've got him wrapped around your little finger and you don't need that kind of proof. Best then, for the sake of your virtuous reputation, that you come the raw prawn. After all, it seems to be working a treat so far. You've got all sorts of people, tying themselves up in all sorts of knots in an urgent attempt to help you out of the mess they feel you've got yourself in. The trouble is though, they don't know the half of it and you don't intend to tell them the rest. They'd be shocked! Needless to say, none of this bodes well for the future health of a key 'official' relationship. Even if your little secret has nothing to do with another man, it certainly isn't the kind of thing that you can really tell your sweet, kind and totally trusting current companion about. Assuming, of course, that your companion is sweet and kind. Another variation of the Persephone syndrome involves the tendency to find yourself embroiled with a partner who makes Atilla the Hun look like Postman Pat. This of course, is not your fault either. He wasn't like that when you first got together. We wonder why! If you're still reading, there's hope. The very fact that you are still reading suggests you're ready to do something constructive. I have been a little harsh on you. It's really NOT all your fault. But half of it is. A proper recovery from the confusion and turmoil you're now caught up in IS possible. But only if you are honest enough to take your half of the responsibility for having caused it in the first place. Only half mind you. Yet another variation on the Perspephone syndrome involves not so much wallowing as fully luxuriating in guilt. You allow yourself to feel so bad, you grow quite convinced that nothing you do can possibly come to any good. That won't wash either. And nor will simply waiting till Persephone becomes less of a dominant influence. Like a stubborn stain that ordinary soap just won't shift, you'll wear her mark until you come completely clean, with yourself and everyone else who matters to you,

about everything. YES. Everything. HERA Hera, known to the Romans as Juno, was the goddess of Marriage. She had big beautiful eyes - purportedly with which to watch errant husbands like a hawk. She is traditionally linked to cows, lilies and peacock feathers (because of the 'eyes' on their tail feathers). Cosmically, she is associated with the Milky Way. Because, back in ancient times, just as now, marriage was always a difficult business, Hera is associated with both the joyous hope of happy union - and the agony of marital dispute. Hera, like her sister Hestia, was a child of Rhea and the mighty Cronos. Legend has it that her father swallowed her as soon as she was born - and regurgitated her later as young girl. We can perhaps translate this as having had an extremely close bond with her father - which may explain why she grew up to be so determined to stand by her man. Hera grew up to be courted by the mighty Zeus - but she refused to be seduced by him and insisted on marriage. In the end, he gave in... and the honeymoon lasted 300 years... though the next few hundred were not always so sweet. Eventually, as with so many women who live for the ideal of marriage and can't quite adapt to the reality of it, she began to feel her husband had ruined her life! MAIN TEXT: There's got to be some way to fulfill your dream of a perfect relationship. Because you're under the influence of Hera, the marriage goddess, you're half dreading and half hopefully dreaming of Valentine's Day. In your nightmare, he (and you already know exactly who HE is) gets a card from HER. (you're pretty sure you know who SHE is too). He thinks you don't know - but you're not so easily fooled. The lack of hard evidence hardly counts. She's probably left her card in a secret, pre-arranged place. He's probably done the same with his gift for her. You refuse to be taken for a fool - though in another way, you cant stop hoping that you are a fool and that it actually is all in your mind. Just in case, you won't give up completely on him... or, at least, not yet. This brings us on to your hopeful dream. Tomorrow, he's going to make the gesture that proves he really cares. He's going to say the one thing, make the one move - or suggest the one idea that lets you know he really does listen and that he wants you more than he wants any other woman in the world. After all, you and he were born to be together. That's why you fell for him in the first place. It can surely only be a matter of time before the two of you stop falling out or failing to communicate clearly and start living in the blissful, idyllic world of perfect understanding and trust that so you yearn to experience. And, considering how much time (and effort, and sacrifice and compromise) you have already given this relationship, it's all simply GOT to start happening any day now. Hasn't it? Er... Well maybe. And maybe not. It depends, not on him... but on you. You've got to stop seeing yourself as a victim of circumstance or a helpless puppet in the hands of your man. You've got to stop wondering and worrying about 'her' (whoever she is, if she exists at all) and start deciding that you're the most beautiful gorgeous desirable woman in the universe. You are, indeed, so lovely that, if he actually IS daft enough to spurn you, your life will be filled in seconds flat, by hundreds of other admirers. Actually you DO know this already. It's just that you've gone and got it into your head that, as none of those are HIM, they're all no good to you. This may be a slightly better excuse for martyrdom if 'HE' actually is someone you've already given years of dedication to but it's still an excuse. So too, is your concern for the future of the kids, the pets, the house, the bills or the business. All these will, actually, ultimately be just fine whether you stay together or move apart. But you'll be

left without a reason to suffer, without all those annoying habits of his to contend with - and without all those totally unsatisfactory conversations to hold. And then, where will you be? I say this so confidently because psychologists know that whenever the spirit of Hera gets a grip on a woman, she can think of nothing else but her relationship - regardless of how long it's been going on. You'll notice, if you read the other goddess interpretations in this feature, that they all have a little section dedicated to single readers. You won't find one here because nobody under Hera's influence ever IS single. Even the ones who 'look like they are' are yearning to be with one person so badly that they're practically having the relationship already... or hanging on so tight to their last partner that it might as well not be over. It's not healthy but the good news is... it's not going to last. You're not going to let it, no matter how long it's been going on. Nor, once you do grow out of this phase, are you ever going to be daft enough to get yourself into a quite such an emotional, needy pickle again. You don't even have to wait till Hera's influence diminishes. Instead, you simply need to summon another goddess to your aid. Read, please, the pieces here today about Athena and Artemis. Decide which one you can most relate to and determine to take a leaf out of her book. If you really can't find the courage, emulate Hestia. But don't assume there's any mileage to be had in becoming more like Demeter or, worse, Persephone. They're not your key to success. Even Aphrodite isn't your key. You do need to become sexier... but you'll automatically do that, the moment you make up your mind to be much more self possessed. HESTIA INTRODUCTION: Hestia, known to the Romans as Vesta, was the goddess of the hearth and temple. Unlike all the other goddesses, she was traditionally never depicted in female form. She was a 'presence', a feeling; a spirit of warmth and protection. Though Hestia was a prominent goddess, daughter of the powerful Cronos, there are few legends about her. She is not so much a figure of mystery as an expression of such a simple, beautiful, essential energy that no great complex tale needs to be told to explain it. Hestia represents purity and sincerity, sanctity and safety. Those who come under her influence get the greatest blessing of all; a straightforward, contented life. Though Hestia was a symbol of celibacy (her roman equivalent, Vesta, was the goddess who governed 'vestal virgins') legend tells that both Apollo the Sun God and Poseidon (the sea god) fell in love with her. To be influenced by Hestia certainly doesn't guarantee a 'U Certificate' Life - but it certainly points to a desire to place spirituality above sensuality. MAIN TEXT: All you want, right now, is a quiet life. You've got a host of personal projects that you want to pursue in peace. You want a chance to sit quietly, be still and 'find yourself'. You also want a break from the dramas and traumas which, sadly tend to be so much part and parcel of daily life in this modern world. And no, you really don't want romance - or at least not romance in the superficial, exciting sense of the word. Candlelight, you're quite happy to enjoy. You are, after all being influenced by the goddess of fire. Flowers too, you'll willingly welcome. Hestia's home-making influence extends to a deep appreciation of all things natural and earthy. Anyone intending however, to sweep you away in a private jet to a sun kissed tropical island can hop right back in their plane and find some far more lightheaded lady to take instead. You wish her luck. What you want, far more than that, is just to stay in a familiar place and feel

comfortable. It's not that you're in an unadventurous mood. It's more that the journey you're currently keen to undertake is one of inner exploration. You want to meditate or practice yoga - or slowly tend your garden. And do you want to do this WITH anyone? Only if that person is as committed as you are, to a simple, steady way of being. If there's a man in your world who is currently in the midst of some major adventure or stressful saga, he can certainly count on your for support and gentle re-assurance - but he'd better not be expecting you to get as worked up about it all as he is. You're quite prepared to talk things though - indeed you relish the intellectual challenge of solving people's problems, crossword puzzle style, from a detached distance. You're also prepared, indeed more than willing to empathize deeply with those you care for and even strangers. As soon though, as you actively step into their world, you lose the ability to lead a placid, self contained existence in your own. The same 'refusal to be drawn' is the reason why you're not likely to end any existing relationship, no matter how unsatisfactory, while Hestia is your guardian. Nor though are you going to suffer or set about trying to solve a hopeless problem. You're simply going to retreat into your shell, occupy yourself as productively possible and see what happens when a little more time has passed. In so far as this can hardly be anything other than a wise course, it's sure to bring the best result. But then, Hestia never leads anyone to follow anything other than a sensible plan. And if you're currently single? .What you really need right now is a bright, witty man with a deep understanding of life's more complex spiritual and psychological aspects. He needs to be successful (not necessarily in the financial sense though you do find 'wheeler dealer types strangely attractive') and most importantly, he needs a great sense of humor. There's no guarantee that you'll change your status over the next few months at least... but if you do, you can be sure that the person you're getting involved with is a genuinely compatible partner. Hestia won't let you fall for anyone else. And if there's no such candidate in the offing? Hestia will keep you so still, comforted and self possessed that frankly, you really neither mind nor care. APHRODITE INTRODUCTION: Aphrodite, known to the Romans as Venus, is the goddess who needs no introduction. We only have to hear her name to see, in our mind's eye, a vision of total loveliness in a seductive state of undress. Aphrodite is though, far more than just a siren. She is a goddess of doves, swans, roses, apples, arts, crafts and all things graceful, inspired and creative. Boticelli's Birth of Venus, commonly called 'Venus on the half shell' accurately reflects the myth of Aphrodite. She emerged as a nymph from the waves and immediately drove almost every male god wild with desire. A half sister of Hestia and Hera, her father was Cronos and her mother (depending on whether you believe the poet Homer or Hesiod) was either a sea nymph or a daughter of a rather complicated act of union with the ocean itself! Aphrodite was very much a free goddess. She suffered no great traumas nor did she ever feel obliged, for long, to restrain her appetites - which by all accounts, were as impressive as her looks. It is wrong to take all this too literally and judge her as amoral. Her free and easy lifestyle is far more appropriately interpreted as a symbol of the way in which the passion and fulfillment of artistic creativity is eternally available to everyone! MAIN TEXT:

If you're not currently having the time of your life... you can expect it to commence any day now. The goddess of love and beauty is at work in your life and soon, your world is never going to be quite the same again. You don't consider yourself beautiful? You're all too painfully conscious of certain 'imperfections' in your appearance? Think again. We are not talking here about the kind of artificial, skin deep beauty that make up artists excel at. Regardless of your shape or size, you're beginning to exude a magnetic charisma which, if you allow it to express itself fully, will make you more attractive than any Supermodel and a more desirable conquest, in the eyes of most men, than all five Spice Girls in one fell swoop. A conquest however, is the one thing you're most definitely not going to be. Nobody, but nobody, ever talks Aphrodite into anything she doesn't want to do. Nor do they attain her love by playing on her weaker emotions - like guilt or sympathy. Indeed, if you're a man reading this about your partner and you want a red hot tip, resist like crazy that urge to fall at her feet, smarten up your act and start playing 'just slightly harder to get' double quick. Don't be too elusive... and don't insult her intelligence by making a promise you can't fulfill but do be yourself and show some respect for her strength and judgment. Single women under the influence of Aphrodite are willing to be 'invited' but determined not to be manipulated. They'll go, not necessarily for the most handsome man in town, but for the one with the most talent, wit, charm and joie de vivre. And they'll get him. Every time. Women in a committed partnership however, can have a problem when Aphrodite reaches into their lives. They fall deeply in love with the notion of freedom and may, or may not become unable to resist the urge to claim that freedom. This depends, not on the history of the relationship or even on its potential for long term compatibility - but on the willingness of the male to respond to the challenge, stop taking his wife for granted and treat her like a new found mate, all over again. While Aphrodite is the dominant influence on your life, you can expect to feel 'red hot' and highly wanted, almost all the time. You're bound to want to flirt and, as you're guaranteed to remain in control of the consequences, there's really no reason why you shouldn't. Other perhaps, than the paranoia of your partner. If there's the slightest chance that he'll have that reaction, show him this article and remind him of one crucial point. He's only in danger of losing you if he starts to panic about losing you and thus tries to hem you in during the one phase of your life during which you most need to feel free. He can do better than that. And, if you encourage him, he will!



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