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Social Issue Research Project Possible Topics Go through the possible topics and make comments/star topics you

could pick from 1. Cyber Bullying 2. Bullying/Hazing 3. Texting 4. Littering 5. Special Education Awareness 6. Autism Awareness 7. Teen Pregnancy/Birth Control 8. STDs 9. Abstinence/Chastity 10. Animal Abuse/Neglect 11. Child Abuse/Neglect 12. Alcoholism 13. Drug Abuse (Illegal) 14. Prescription Drug Abuse 15. Obesity 16. Exercise 17. World Hunger 18. Hunger in the U.S.A. 19. Misuse of Social Networking 20. Immigration Reform 21. Decreased funding for Education 22. Encouraging organ donations 23. Distracted Driving 24. Death Penalty 25. Homelessness 26. Response to Natural Disasters 27. Prison Reform 28. Gay/Lesbian Rights 29. Juvenile Justice 30. Hate Crimes/Groups 31. Gun Control 32. Gangs and Gang Violence 33. Specific Environmental Issue 34. Animal Rights (PETA) 35. Human Rights Violations 36. Genetic Engineering, Cloning, Moral Issues, etc. 37. Nuclear Proliferation 38. Racial Profiling 39. School Violence/Shootings 40. The Disappearing Middle Class 41. Sweatshops 42. Unions 43. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide 44. Censorship 45. Fight Against _______________ (Medical Issue like Cancer or Heart Disease) 46. Sex Discrimination 47. Sex Abuse 48. Domestic Abuse 49. Rebuild Detroit/Decaying Cities 50. Conflict Diamonds 51. Driving under the influence (nonalcoholic) 52. Other: per teachers approval.

Final Project: You must pick ONE social issue and research it. You must find out all you can about your topic and why its a concern for todays world and high school students. THEN, you must offer a realistic proposal for changesomething you and other high school students can do that could make an impact (big or small) on your social issue. Be prepared! You must pick a social issue and once that issue is picked by a classmate, you can NOT choose the same issue. ***We will do a class drawing soon to pick your social issues!
Research Final

Focus on THREE social issues and write a paragraph (like my sample below) for all three. This is to help you prepare for the research proposal (which is different than the final proposal) and give you three possible options just in case your first or second topic is taken. Example:

I will research reading. I love reading and am sadden to see so many people dont readyoung and old. I think reading is a social issue because reading is becoming a declining art. So many people have given up on reading in place of TV, internet, and so on. People need to read more; it improves so many things including: vocabulary, stamina, cultural awareness, test scores, college skills, etc. I propose that Harper Creek do a Reading Awareness Week at the high school and would organize a week long list of activities, festivities, and celebrations for reading.

Questions to answer in your paragraph: What are possible topics you could research and WHY do you think its a social issue? What is your proposal for change? What can youa high school studentdo to address this issue? Use the space below to write your three paragraphs for the three possible topics you are interested in

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