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BooK I.


inf. n. as above, means t He abstained, refrained, - And The act of scattering, or dispersing. (El- leaving, relinquishing, or forsaking, it. (M.) or ~sited,from the thing; [as though he became I1ilee, TA.) WAnd A.:. said of barley and of See 1. ~ See also -4nd see ~jol.l- 4 cold with respect to it;] he lkft, relinquished, or wheat, It put forth its awn, but not its ears, applied to a horse, 1 Galled in this place of the for,sook, it: (M :) and , t , j - ; t.y A tho~h almot doing the latter. (El-Hejeree, M.) .i,d& (15,TA:) or, (L,) as also * ;;.a, (A, eart refrainedfrom the thing;, relinquished, TA,) having a white place, or white places, on his L.'..JI (?. , M, L, .K,) and or forsook, it: (.,A,O,1g:) like as one says, L,ck, I;(; proluced by galls, (L, TA,) or iaving u, ,: (TA:) the [lizard called] 2 and ; (M, L, .;) tIe made the a,row, h,is back wiiteilaccs termded 1., [p1. of--and the spear, or a part thereof, to pass throuh is spoken ofea saying, (~,M) the animal at which it was shot [orlwoduced by hair growing in the place of galb. * so that its - [or, (A.) app. applied in a similar sense to a *" I,~ Jl ~ *' bj.s,!5 ~ LA.1 ' thrown]: thrown]: (~:) (.8:) or to penetrate or to ca l: [Auid se.O.] ace. tremity passed throynqh. (M, L, K..) [See cam [t My heart has become cold, 'or indjferent, and and . .] ~ See also 1, latter part. tMn >P- A certain bird, (q, M, 1,,) above the si:e (meaning dislosed to abstinence,) not desirous of of the sparrow, (M) having a large head, (15,) coming to drink]. (O.) ~,.s , (M, L, ]5,) or 7. *" is said to mean The expcriecwing of whiich pr'eys upon sparronis: (T,] :) a certain 1 ~, or h .~ (A,) said of an cowd. (Meyd. [Mentioned by him, with the ex- bird, black and white, or parycloured, 1 ~ and ~ of arrow, (., M, A, 1K,) a spear, (M, L,) aor. pression ofa doubt as to the true meaning, and as with a while belly: (A:) a certain bird of the as above, (L,) and so the inf. n., (M, A, L,) It only occurring, to his knowledge, in a prov., which passed through, or tranpiereed, or a part of it se in Freytag's "Arab. Prov." i. 3a7: but,,,abl used to regard its cry, (L, M.Sh, and thie birdl passed throuhi,. (., M,) the animal at which it there, should beAbi.]) i t sed to regar it cry, (L, M~b,) and thedbir was shot [or t~trown], by reawn of 0 J. itself, (L,) as of evil omen, (L, Mqb,) and used to was cshot [or thrown], by reason of its sharpness; ** .. . -kill it; and they are forbidden to kill it, in order expl. by 3..~,. J,: (.:) or it penetratedso that A.. (~, M,L, 1.) and I/;j.., (M, L,) the to dispel the idea ofa thing's being of evil omen: is tr t p former a simvle subst. and the latter an inf. n., (M.b:) there are too species thereof; one slpeies it ia .through; expl. by?u.i.. j ; (Lth,) and t . , (TA,) Cobl, or coldness: (Sp is called by the people of E!-'Irdk14:?-. [a liame (L, 1 ;) or .1 . j,.; and o ,aor.'. M, L,:) or i cold: (M,L:),coru pica]; the (A. [See ;L,: and see an ex. in a verse cited Pers. word, [originally , arabicized: (S, K:) othlr species, called .A"I.4H ./all, [so in the L, voce tX.1)_.-And , (.,) inf. n. and,, or, a'cord- to a number of authors, it is an Arabic but in my copy of the .W%J1,] is the,l (M, L,) [the latter ink n. suggesting that one says word a,dopted by the Persians. (MF.) One says sort, w/tich isfound in Nejd, upon tith trees called also .;,, said of an arrow, (M, ]5,) and of a ? "'& and * [A day of col: or of. intese *. ; it is never seen butt upon the ground, [sn spear and the like, (M,) It aissed the object of co,d]. (A.). For the former, : also , in in the L, but in my copy of the M.b, it is wrve,' aim: thus hIaving two contr. significations: (M, two plaes. - Also, the former, A high place in seen upml the grmnd,] prin~gng from tree to L, 1]:) and V.,.jl also has the latter of these tw mountains; (AA, L, 15;) being the coldest part. tree: (Sukeyn En-Numeyrec, L, whe,, significatioiis. (L.) I- j,. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~31 said of a hiors, aor. 9, (AA, L.)in,. * signifies also Pure, unmi'ed, chased, and hard pr~me, it is overtaken, andi [inf. n. iy.i,] t lie became galled in the place of unadulterated,or genuine; (., M,L, K;) applied utters a crj lile that of the hawk: it preys upon the sad,ile: (.K, TA:) [or he had a white llare, to beverage, (L,) such as is termed ,.", (. , L,) sparrows: (Msb:) it is described by AlUtt as a or white !la'e., on his back, prodced, by gaUl, and to wine, (L,) and to anything. (M, 15.) bird black and white, or party-coloured, ( tl,) or by hai,r yrowing in the places of galls: (see One says >.c.. ,.s'.k% tAn unmied lie. (., L.) with a white belly, and a back of a dark, or an ; and :)] and, said of a camel, he had ., l - Andre, i..aith, dust-colour , [or, is said in the L, white fuir gron'i,g in the plface of a gall #moduced eni half hite and half black, found in tree,] large Igemuin, or m/, 1^ (AZ, S, L.) [Hence,] by the sadtile, after its healing. (AO.) ~See to, . in the head and betrl, htaing a talon with which also 4. ) Q t An army composd only of the w it preys upon sparrows and other small birds, a of one father or ancestor: (L:) or an army lair 2. oe.~a, (., M, 15,) in the giving to drink, l altogether consisting of sons qf one's paterl uncle large as the point of a spear: (Mgh, Mlb:) some (.8, .5,) is The giring to dri~nk less than satixfies I [meaning of one's relations]: (AO:) or, (M, A, add to this that it is called tJyh.J, because of th,e thirst. (.8? M, }$.) One says, 6.e. lie gave L, 15,) and V . ~ (M, A, L) and. ., whiteness of its belly; and ,,.a.',J because of him to drink less than sat;~Jied his thirst. (M.) (11,) t A gret army; (15;) ! an army that the dark, or ashy, dust-colour of its back; amd it ,.a1 appears,fromn the lownes of its motion, by reason Jse.'19 [a nanie now applied to the rceen 'roudArid #"tJ ~ ~.t~ZJt '~.0 I stopped sthort the of its great nmber, to be inanimate. (M, A, L.) lpecher, picus viridila], because of its diversity of drinker from drinking the water. (A.) And ~ See also ., near colour; that it is neer sen d.t upon a brauck J'.3jg J04 ~L J9..l[egaetria anit .. *, . ** (Lac. and so in the L,) or a tree, (Mghi, ,sot lme than satisfied thiist]. (A.) And .l.i j.o: see .y., in three places: and see >j. ' , ~ and can aee, rel e,) or btkh, 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Myth,) anui can .~"l'~ly erer, or t/&*l'r, be ta~elet, ~ Jl .liestol,ppd short the giving to drink before near the end. (Mib,) or can nerer be taken: (Mgh, L:) it ;x siatisfying . . . l. *, - c, ,egarded as of evil omen: (Mgh:) .gh says that short, or put a sto.p to, his drinking. (TA.) AndA nd it is called 1 , [perhaps a mistranseriptio,n for 4tl~ lie ,aidehis beverage to be little in an intensely-cold night: (M, L:) [or] * . L.,, because black and white,] in the dim. form: quantity. (A.). And accord. to the T, . a cold day: (.:) and 'j .[pl. oft' (Mb:) [it is said that] it was the first bird that signifies The drinking les than satif.ies thirst. V b13 ] cold winds.. (.Ham p. WO9G.) And w.j! 1listed for the sake of God: (15:) the pi. is (TA.) -Also, (., 15,) in giving, (.,) 1The V.. A coil anI: pl. (:) : thg latter Cj.Ly.: (. , M, Myb, 15:) and the female is caUlled making to be little, or small, in quantity or '--p ,. ( number. (.8,1,TA.) One says, ;L[allI .1 I,le (i. C.the pI.) contr. '. .) d )-.o. (M.b.)_-Also :.A white place, (', M, nL, g,) pro,dced ly ga.lls, (.,.,L5,) or by thc made tie grl to be little, or small, (M, A, TA,) A cold, or an intensely-cold, mnan: and atlie; . (M;) or b. signifies white id, a cC A to him. (A, TA.) And it is said in a trad., *l.D a cold, or an intensel.-cold, cotm,pany 'f l,nsluced. by hairowing of !all; in tellar a [app. relating to a particular class of persons,] men. (M, L.) 8o also apple.d lprik ed by thi gr oi the place of a called: t.If- ~*5 LR.M 'il4,1 t l.#' '*,meaning [i. e. to milk, in a state ofddecomposition, (0, ]K, TA,) (A:) Ibl. IJt;.0. (M, A.) And t A ,white place T They will tot eater Paradise sate in small by reason of cold. (TA.) ,. on the hump of a camel: (M:) or white fit, number]. (TA.) [Also, app., An arrow's t Abstaining, refrainin hitting the object of aim: see its part. n.. . A .thaing,[s thoghcg, or desisting, froto i; a ro]idd in theitas e a of pall prlo ldced asb ehe hit~~~~~~~~~~~tingf i:BOiBpr.n th beto lIjt' [as thouagh cold with respect to it;] readale s after its /twaling: (AO :) pi. us abov'e.


!0AL;a ;r;,()

prnon of aA doub astahnremenn,ada

-%0 J" "'[ .regare, to drink a uat*.,nrthed. 4;.&


1678 (AO, M.) - And t A certain rein (Ag, M) beeath tho tongue, (AQ,) or in the lower part of the tongue, (M,) of the horse. (AR, M.) And

-t win, (Lth, Ks, $, M, L, l,) of a , lwo c

Lth, Ks, dark, or as ahy, dust-colour, ( i, M, L,) in the lower part of the tongue, by means of which tits tongue moves about, (Lth, Ks, L,) or penetrating within (Q :.) the tongue: (S., M, g :) or two veins, on the right and left of the tongue: (L:) or, as some say, two bones, which erect ( 1 A.. ) the tongue. (M.) Yczeed Ibn-E4a,'i1 in his saying

[Boox I. 1 said of a beast, [the pronoun referring to the ~j.~~: see what next follows. rider,] meaning It threr him don. (TA in art. (so accord. to the a.3.) . ,, (8tr, L,) or ;'P, 3 ;j Hence the saying, C's)%- , 3 A 1], [the former agreeable with its verb, the latter the animal]. (TA.) And app. a mistake,]) An arrow missing tho object of t [Death prostrate ef -,.-., -. aim. (, L, 1.) [See also .a.] i. e. [7ie simiitude of the Q e ,>i. S^l lJ .a. Beverage, (S,) or drink, (A,) made or juicyJ, plant of sdfresh, the as is believer Given little little in quantity. (S, A.) -And bends at one time, wind the which produce,] (S.) - See to drink: or tgiven a small giSt. it from side to side, [and straigten at throwing also ;Y. another.] (TA, from a trad.) And jq..l,1 i .;, ,An arrow hitting the object of aim. The trees wre cut and thrown down. (TA.)(gtr, L.) [See also ;.r.] See also 3. - [Hence also,]. . He was affected

meanc 1 A [i. e.


for QL

,L J lie has a long, or an though he said unbridled, tongue; the phrase that he uses being Also, (M, L,) or t' , (so pleonastic], ($.). which is the more known, in the 1],) and t ;, (M, L, ]1,) by a spear-head, in nail A (TA,) means of hich tie shaft is fastened to it. (L, means He ].*)-- Accord. to 8h, Oj* A man vehemently angered or enraged: ;J.. (TA. screts. his reeal as to wpened his mind, so ( :) and sojia, without . (TA.) [But this is perhaps a mistranscription, for ,Jte: see .])

cold; or intensdy cold: A wind (h) or accompaniedby cold andl humid clouds. (IAsr, (T T, T, , M,, ,) A man M.) - Also, and t quickly snsible of cold; (S;) weah in enduring cold; (1;) impatient of cold. (T, M.) And the fonner, Strong in enduring cokl. (g.) - And A land writlout trees, and without anySee also thing (1, TA) of herbage. (TA.) ;~.

with the disease termed j.o [expl. below]. wit. (Msb.) And lie (a man) was affected Oe s. u inf. diabolical possession, or madness; places. See also 2, ix two (TA.) HIe threr hikn down , [inf. n. 'j3,] 2. ' or prostrated hnim, on the ground, vwhemently; namely, a man. (K.) _ 4u .e, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He made the door-way to ham [i. e. a pair of fod~ig whiat are termed el~ (K,TA.)...And [hence,] doors]; as also t , U iHe made the poetry to have at ~.J? : (4, TA:) are termed jt&l~; as also ,

4. ,.

[pl. of sp; and, agreeably with ana, and ;l e logy, of ' (.) iS ' : se se .. Also lHoar-frost, or rime; See also >,.

A Aloag snord: a dial. var. of ;-

^ , (. or o [q. v.]. or HJI :-JI, (TA,) is the making the first


syn. e... (TA.) -

[app. a subst.; for if it were an epithet, 3.' having the meaning of a pass. part. n. of the fern. gender, it should by rule be without J;] Afemale animal, (M,) or a ew, (g,) injured, (M, g,) 3 and enmaciated, (M,) by cold: pl. j ty: (M, :) on the authority of IAr. (15.) Z1. Cold and humid clouds in which is no rater: (AV:) or cold and humid clouds which and ' .: the nind carriesaway; as also 't ^ (M:) or thin clou in which is no water; (8, ;) as also * i () and * -. (L, TA.) .N"s : see what next precedes, in two places.

G: see its fern., with 3, voce


(. , L, 1,) and 'P , (., A, L, VJ,) and t l, (A,) An arrow that has passed, or of which apart lus passed, through the animal at which it has ben shot; syn. .1 : (S, L, :) or of wohich the extremity only ha; passed through: when part of the arrow has passed through, it is termed 1i;

and when the whole has passed through, jjL. Msb, ]V) g in art. t.4.) .( , O,' 1. L -0, aor. , inf. n. ( (A.) And ` 1 . j34 Arrows of which the ex8: see 6, in two places. (S, ., 0,' 1,) the former inf. n. of the tremities have passed through the animals at and which they have been shot. (A.) dial. of Temeem and the latter of I~cys, ($, 0,) .. an in n. of L ($, Msh, 1..) - Also, [as which is also a n. of place, [and, a subst., Epilepnsy, orfaUing sichne.: and someAfore [and most] cold; or more [and and .~, ,jl of time also,] ($, 0, g1,) said of a times, app., ecstatic catalelmy; a sort of trance rule, to accord. most] [and and Alore most] affected by cold: tranpiercing. (Meyd, in explanations of provs. man, (S, Mqb,) He threw him down, or pros- into which a person fals:] a certain disease, (?, commencing with this word. [See Freytag's trated him, on the ground; (0, L, ], TA;) 0, Msb, g,) well known, (S, 0,) re namely, a man. (T, TA.) And y. is also I madness, or diabolical possesion, (Msb,) accord. "Arab. Provey." pp. 743-4.]) 1

[meaning hemistich] to rhyme [like thesend] 1!, :A road, or way; as also ;., , (. , g,) ( ;) [i. e.] the making the last foot of the Jirt (S:) kemistich like the last of the sconul [in rhyme]: W1,j: which is the original; (TA;) and of the door-way. [see the second of these three words:] Akh says (TA:) derived fiom the . and (S, TA.) that the people of El-jlijaz make it fern., Temeem make it masc. (S and Mgb voce 1Bj, TA,) inf. n. of -3 ;, (S, Msb, 3. 'V 4;AJ i L. I -& q. v.)_ LI.I, also written with ,o, is likewise (Msb, TA,) I the former "[4a. and bl, [The ntame of] a bridge extended over the midst to endmavourig of us of 1Iell, (., TA,) sharlper than a sword, and re~led with him, each in him I overcate [and thiner than a hair, otver which the creatures throw down tthe other, will pass, the people of Paradiepas~sing over it doing so, or and I threm him down.] (TA.) with their orks, some like the blinding lightning, Hte became lowly, humble, or ,je 5. d and some like the wind sent forth, and some like abased, and abasd, to him; as also CZ: coursers, and some running, and some walking, and some dragging themselves along; and a crier (Az, TS, TA:) or t he lowered, humbled, or abased, 3 l .Jj and ,vill cryJ,fom the loner parts of theempyrean, himself to him: one says, " Lower your eyes until Fdtimeh, the daujhter t [I ceaed not to lower, humble, or abas, myelf of [ouhammad, (may God blass alndsamve him, and tli L . [until he answered wme, or to him] mnay God be nwell pleased with her and her two assnt]. (Z, TA.) his me tons,) passm over;" and the fire will say to the gave believer, "Pass thou over, 0 believer, for thy J r7 th wrestled, o0w with another, 6. 1j1s light hath extinguished my flame;" and there- endeavouring to throw down one atother; and they upon, the feet of the people of the fire will slip. [t 192 J1 .t signifies the same; or] t Ij.l dow throro to endeavouring each wrestled, twro (TA.) the otwher. (TA.) . : see and ;;; 7. 7 la[He, or it, became thrown down, or prostrated, on the ground]. (Occurring in the


BooK I.]
to the Raees [Ibn-Seen, whom we call " Avicenna"], (TA,) preventing, but not completely, the ,ital organs from performing their actions [orfrnction]; the caum of wrhich is an obstru,tion that occurs in one or more of the venters (' ) of the brain and in the ducts of the [here meaning nerves] by which the ,.,La. metbers are moved, [arising]from an abundant thick or vicow JL [or humour], whereby the shackle his legs in the morning so that he may pasture [but not stray]: another reading is [hi morning and evening]. (TA.) - One says . i. e. 0sU [app. meaning It . also, Ci is over against, or corresponding to, such a thing]. (0,1 .)


ill not attain: (TA:) a prov.: or, as some relate ~-, which means the good manner t ,J Ca the single sugering of prostration (K,*TA. See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 023.]) One who throws down, or prostrate, : and,it, hers; (, o,O, ;) as also t or one who throws down, or prostrates, .o:) i antagonists much, or ofen; (TA;) and so rp, (S,O,) and tY1P, with 4amm and shdecd, mentioned by Ks: (0:) or t gnifies one who throws down, or prostrat., xhenently, though he be not wel hknorn for doinj

former half. - [Also Either of instances, the vital spirit, or nervous fluid,] is two opposite conditions in which one is or stands says, prevented from pervading them in the natural &c. in respect of an affair or case.] One manner, and consequently the members become

And i. q. an inf. n. of 1. (, K.) (1].). See the latter in two places.

[by which is here meant, as in many other See also i,

[smodically] contracted. (15, TA.) m Also A

sort, or speciaes: and a state, condition, or manner such a one, an object of want, and t/en turned . and C : (g, V,:) of a thing: away, and I know not in rwhich of the two oppoof being: syn. &. and likewise "hand ,~: site conditions he was in respect of his affair, or (1 :) and so case]; i. e., his affair, or case, did not become :] pl. [of mulLti.] , (TA:) [see also i apparent, or clear, or known, to me. (S, O, ].') 1. (15.) One says, j3 1) and [of pauc.] And a poet says, meaning .1 . [i. e.. Ie, or it, has t,p,', 5 two sorts, or species: or two distinctive qualities 8 s -! ci; or ropertaes]. (Ibn-'Abbad, Z, O, K.) And state b;w3 I lcft them changing from x *gy elm 0 *8' [And I went, and bade not farewell to LcylA, to state. (Ibn-'Abbid, O, 1.) And ;.~..,..l, and she hnew not in which of the two opposite meaning 1lji [i. e. There are two ways of per- conditions in respect of her affair, or case, I was forming the affair, either of hvAich may be going]; i.e., whether I went from her presence in three places. retaining attachment, or forsaking; ($, TA;) or, See also chow~]. (TA.)as Z says, in a condition of success or of disapTwo camels of which one comes to the ;, ._ in the middle ., also * water when the other returns it, by reason pointment. (TA.) - See of the paragraph.- Also A like; a similar of their [the camels'] multitude. (S, O, g(.) And [hence, perhaps,] i ttJ1 signifies TIe person or thing; and so V - . (O, g1.) One $, says, ., , (S,O) and :t e .. (O) lwey niglt and the day; (J ;) [and] so t t) l oi :) J~ r art. in (TA Jl: LU* like with kesr, ' 8c. ($.) tw,o are likce: (S,O:) and so


tn , soug


an, .



the latter liko e: p; as also t ?t,r and t &, in measure, but this I think doubtful, probably mistranscribed]: or dded from finding `. accord. to the T, one whoe occupation, ohereby he is knovn, is the throwing down, or prostrating, otltrs [as a wrestr]. (TA.) It is aid in a trad. that the Prophet asked, Whom do among you? they said, 'e reckon the ;L down: and he ulim whon men wiiU not throw aid, He is not such, but is the who goerns iimself on the occasion of anger: or, as some relate it, t theforbearingon the occasion of anger, ( O, TA.*) ,j One who wrestles much with others, eendeavouring to throw them down: (T, 1K, TA :) Ipl. , . (1)

d,FCi. q.t


[meaning Thrown down,

the forenoon a;d the afternoon; from the firsi And Th2us is the like of him, I.kl and , .oo part of day to midday and from midday to sunR or it: and so ,.h and .,, &c. (IA,r, TA.) : (S, O,V :,p set; each of these being termed i _And A strand of a rope: (0,1g:) and so
or the morning, between daybreak and snrise, and the vemning, between sunset and nightfall; m also J1;=li-; (~ and 15 in explanation of ~lj8l; and some assert that it is formed by transpositio a from Qlj_-ld: (TA:) or the two extremities of .y0.o _- it the day. (A, TA.) And one says, : (0:) pl. (0.) (0, 15) and yb.

U.0 A single act of throwing down, or prostrating, on the ground; or a single .su~erin of prostration. (1, TA.) See also a,. - And A state, or condition: (0, ] :) so in the saying, [He does it in evy 4) e . 3 4l;JIcame to him in the morning and evening i;s'y :] or, n state, or condition]: (0:) [see also ey or between ,daybreak and sunris and beotwee i accord. to the " Mufradat " [of Er-R6ghib], the sunset and nightfaL. (S, O, V.) And ;c state, or condition, of him who is thrown down, j1l I met him at the two extremities of the daj or prostrated. (TA.) (A, TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, J .,o One who is often thrown down, or prosI 6-ct>c4; 8 * by men. (1:) trated, y. ac,. A mode, or manner, of throring donn, a meaning As though I were one, i. e. a came 1 or prostrating; or of being thrown down, or yearning towards his place of abode, tvhich a prostrated: (S, K,TA:) a word similar to 4L,b eening and a morning, in evening a binding t (8.) Hence, (g,) one says, and LJ.q. the fore shank to the arm and in the mornir iS JI; ) -- . 1LThe bad manner F . Ya ye 1 a shackling of the legs, turn [or kheep] anw kl bcast is better than the one's Aboo-'Ali c upon as fast or, holding of e from a sttled abiding-place: 3: down, or pro~ f, thrown [as a partial substitute ag [1;, r good manner of being relates it, fast, though holds one n a tratedn : (S, 1 :) i. e., when s; .,] meaning, an ~ ng, when there is 0 em one's being than binding of the fore shank to the arm, and qa he ride not well, it is better morning, when there is a ~/ackding of the leg ; thrown down, or prostrated, in a manner that for they bind the camerl's fore shank to his ar a does not hurt him; because he who holds fast in the evening when he is lying down, and thi r sometimes overtakes, but he who is thrown down

(0, o. i or prostrated, on thl ground]: pl. latter the (as _-g.) [And i. q. t .J~ meaning is expl. in the Mb) Affectod with the diseae meanterned o, q. v.] - And [i. q. t iing] A .fceted mador with diabolical yosion, ness. (TA.) - One says also, .,wAlI t. e1 : [He passed the night prostrated by the influence ; ,'.4 of the wrine-cup]. (TA.) -And down cut I saw their trees , ~ -. and ' ; ~ [and laid prostrate]. (TA.) And N u,pon grow'iny herbage, or plants, or plant, A And (TA.) erect. not earth, the of the surface A branch falling dowrn to the . *t. ground: (TA:) or a branch broken clown and falen to the ground: (Mab:) and [in like manis said and ,k ~; ner] one says t ; latter the of pl. as to occur in a verse of Lebeed that in but : word, the reg. pl. of which is j



[which has a similar verse some read t . p. 157.]) -_ EM [See meaning. (TA. also signifies t Slain: from the same word as applied to a branch and expl. above: pl. y.e. (Mob.) - And SA twig, or rod, droopijg, or hanging down, to the ground, falling upon it, but with its base upon the tree, so that it remains falling in the shade, the sun not reaching it, and therefore becomes more soft, or supple, than the branch [from which it depends], and more sweet in odour; and it is usedfor rubbing and cleanin. are made of it]: pl. j,.: the teeth [i. e. JjL, (1., TA: [the pl. is thus in the L; but in some copies of the 15 , :]) or, accord. to the T, the

E" - J-' [BooK I. sing. signifies a tmig, or rod, that falls from t he of the word is from C l meaning "the two made distinct [app. by their being turned in diftree ealldal [q. v.]; and the pl. is *.s1.: tlhe extremities of the day." (TA.) ferent directions, from the house, or piece of land, formner pl. occurs in a trad., in which it is sa id in question, to the possessions of different pro,rP e: see btj, in four places; wiere it is that the Prophet was pleased to rub and clean h[is prietors, there is no right of pre-emption]: (TA:) teeth with t<. (TA.) - Also 1A bon, fro m stated that jL;; is said to occur as a pl. thereof; the inf. n. of the verb in this case is jy.. (TA.) wrhich noting has been pared off: or of wLhi, chl the reg. pl. being bL; You say also, jLIl ;y, I erpcnded the prothe nwood has dried upon the tree; (, O, 1 ijL; One who rrestle with another, endea- perty; (Msb;) [and so V&'; for] fo, , TA:) or this [latter] is only called twt. (TA vrouqing to throwv him down; as also t C.` : you (X,) or 6.1 C, , (O,) .y ~, (M, O, And ?A wzhip, in lihe manner, (S, 0, ], TA say, t@-O i.e. Tlhey are two persons 1C,0) means the eIxpending of omoney [in the purfrom thich ntlthing has been pared off. (TA o f merchandise]. (M, O, ') wrestling toetlher, each endeavouring to throw ehase of articles See also ` . down the other. (1, TA.) _ And z'jl Nn I embellilshed tie tpeeeh [app. by distorting it, or otherwise alteriny it]; Ul"o The quality of thlroniny donn, or prc95tratinw, vhecmenily. (TA.) and t 'i.has a similar, but intensive, meaning: ,iJ.1 signifies The turning, or sending, or ( or j...JI means tlhe cmbellishing putting, a thing away, or back,from its way, or of discourse, or speech, (A'Obeyd, S, M, 0, 1C,) 1><,: sec L>S. course; the causing it to turn awvay, or bach; by adding in it, (A'Obeyd, S,) or and adding in sem: e , in four places. therefrom; the averting it, or Tepeling it tAhre- it; (M, O, 1~;) and in like manner.M l jy : J;fom: (M:) or the shifting a thing from one (g: [of which see another explanation voce As:.: see aa , in two places. state, or condition, to another; (Bd in vi. 105;) J.o :]) and is [said to be] from ...sI in pices and so .a4z1. (TA.) You say, ir., (M, [re;L. act. part. n. of 1: pl. of money, meaning "the superiority of one over nd LS ao 1 enc,] is9.3 A people, or party, whAo thro v ,) or > ie., (Mb, by. TA,) i. e. , another in value." (O,.) _ asL) j,. [as chowki, or prostrate, thwse with wvhon ttlty ,eastll. (TA in art. .,) aor. , (M, Msb, j, inf. n. thoughl meaning e&Uj J.o]: see 8. [See (TA.) .5-,9 (M, Mgh,) lie turned, sent, or put, him, or beoj, below it, asay, or back, &c., (M, ],) fiom his, or its, also , .] J ... , (M, O,]K,) t,a A place [and accord. to rule a tim e nway, or couPse. (M.) And i inf. n. RJ.2, (M, TA,) lIe did not mi. the v j niso] if thrimvig dtown, or prostrating, on tl ue ,,j, meaning Vij.i 4 [He turned himself beverage, or wine; (M, O, ., TA;) as also . and t ol; the last mentioned by Tiah. ground: (, 0,e :) [lal. ,[And i anway, or back, from the thing]. (M.) And V i, ti (M, TA.) And , 1 R, (g, TA,) nor. :, rlaerqf slaugl ter: for] a. i S. signhifies the j;= Jq.jl %4. [I turned the man away, or if. n. R, (TA,) [or perhaps this should be jlacex of slaughterof the people, or party. (TA. ) back, or I averted him, or reqelld him,from me]. Ro, as in the next precedinfg sentence,] lie - Also an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (, 0, ].) (S.) And .'I RJ dis,mied the He hoys, rlranh 7 thite wine unmnixed; (K, TA ;) [and so or sent them an,ay, syn. -, (S, ,) from the r; for] ., (, O O,) (S or r A, school: (1 :) or ,41 'p I let the boy go .i.1j u, (ig,) signifies the drinking of wine his may; and in like manner, t~.1i the hired wnrnixed. (., O, . [Freytag has erroneously .~o~ hi,h :t.?ha [I passed by ain on man. (M,b.) And AI.Y .b , [May expl. ~. as meaning simply lIe drank wine,]) ao. tl thrown down, or prostrated, on the nround]: God avertfrom thee harna]. (8.) And .. m jl JRj., (S, O, g,) aor. :, (S, O,) inf, n. with teshdeed because relating to many objects. 4. (g in art. L. and "uA) [meaning ~o ' i. e.] lie turned away hitface. (TLI in that art.) .. ,, (,(M, 0, o g,) The ,heave of the pulley (.) - See also , in two places. ,l diil t."j , in the ]jur [ix. 128], means God caaused a sound to be hleard on the occasion of the '>I Either hatf [i. e. lf ] of a door [mcan- hath made them to err in requital of that which 't trawing of water: (, M,' O, K :) and the ing of a folding door]: (MA,* Mmb, KIL :) cither they have done: (M, TA:) or God hath turned oof the door, and of the tush of the camel, is like owne of wvhat are termed ithe of a door or t/urn aray, or may God turn them arway,fromn 1hat of the sheave of the pulley; ($, O ;) [i. e.] of the door, (M, K,) and of the writingbelief (Bd.) And jQ3' r J,.L, in the .lur tlhe .. tloor-way: (?, Msb:) .Q Ill means two eed (M, Msb) and the like, (M,) is a creaking, or [vii. 14.3], meUns [in like manner] I will requite rI doors that are set up, mceting togethoer, thte place rating; (M, Mb,* ].;) and so that of the tush entrance tlreof being it the middle of titn by causing to err from the direction of my signv. Yi (O, TA.) f the camel: (1: [eJI ,IUJ in the C] is a [And one says also, ILS jI J5 1Ic o ,i. c. between them]: (T, O, K, TA :) [and in like turned him (i. e. another man, iistake fore:J l, J.,J:]) one says of a man, and or the like, as in ir lanner, o te (occurring in the p in art. the .tur xlvi. 28), or it (for ex. his mind or intenr- 0 fa camel, nmeans the t,vo separate halves, that hang "',"4 (M, TA,) and Z2 ,;, tion), to uch a th/ivgj.] _ [Hence,] Wi. t ., (1TA,) nor. -, inf.n. hle y Aile, so as to meet togethe., of a c.urtain; le grated his canine U.t,, lile the tno learvs of a folding-door:] and the (TA,) inf. n. iyo, (0,) He declined, or ioflected, toonth [agains.t its opposite] so as to caus a sound 1,.j- of a door [or curtain] is also called its the word [i. e. tlw noun] with tenween. (0, TA.) t be heard: (M, TA:) the A-. of the stpllionSee also 2. - [Hence, also,] J,.l means The Lmel is [indicative of] his tilreatening: (M:) t, ..: (TA:) the pl. of tl isao ; exchanging, or giviny in xrchawne, gold for silver orr that of the canine tooth of the she-camel de(MA.) ence, the to in poetry; (c;) [and the reverse]: because it is turned ( n(otes her weariness; and that of the canine tooth tin henalisntic ho: (MA, KL:) [this is the general thereby from one metal to another. (M.) You of f the lhe-camel, his lust: (IKh, TA:) or the inciening: in a more restricted sense,] ;-; lire exchanged, or yave in ,. in say .I'JI of the stallion is from briskness, liveliness, Jnetry inmens a single vetrse [i. e. a pair of he- exhatujc, the dirheas for lother] dirhlms or for or r sprightliness; and that of the female, from o-tieh:] harin,g t'os rhymes: (T, 0, K,*n TA:) deeui-,w. (Mgh.) And .ol , _,.aJ.l , I fa,tigue. (As, TA.) [But] .' , (IAr,S, [using it in the latter sense, i. e. as meaning a ezchanged, or gare in exchange, the gold for dir- M[, O, 3;,) aor; : (S, , M, (,) inf. n. .o (S, M, M rf ere which tle formenr hemisttich rhymes withl ) a, oJ1;, (Lth, Lh, IAgr, S, M, O, I,) and .&tlJtl [the dirhems 0 the lItter, which is app. the primary signification,] hwen: (Myb:) and .djesl id of a bitch, (S, 0, J,)or of any female hiaving for deendrxl. (8.) _ It is said in a trad. respectsai )Al oel6 says,ti the 1se are the two doors cloven hoof and of any having a claw, (Lb, M,) ttf the ode,, like the Js of thc hoise, or ing a;i.J [or the right of pre-emption], ; ll ,j aorof a ewe or she-goat and of bitch and of a cQw, chamber, or tent: and he says that the derivation iji Jl i. e. lhen the roads thereof are (L th, TA,) or of any female animal of prey, but


BooK I.] mostly of a biteh, (IAnr, TA,) signifies She lu.sted 4. ~1/'.}1 ,.j ol: ace 1, lattcr half. fortetne male: (Lth, L., IAqr,S, M,O, K:)and the 5. .,a [quasi-pass. of 2: thus,] said of a epithet applied to such un animal is t iJe,. (Lh, man's hfaee, It turned about; or tras, or becanme, IAvr, ., M,(),l.) I t,rned about; syn. i,. . (Jel in ii. 139.)_ And It (a thing) nas, or became, cmployed in 2. ~.;q.-JIl [in its primary acceptation is like other [i. c. more] thtan one way; as though it JaJI in the primary neacceptation of the latter, were turned from one way to another way. (M.) but generalily relates to several ol;iects, or is used _- [lenee,] p', 5 J , (.,) or L.P ., 1 in an intensive sense]: see 1, first sentence: it ,so0 , , ( ) signifies The turnipng of the winds (Lth, ,0K, quasi- s. of , (,* O, K,) thus TA)from one statc or condition, to af,thaer; (0, syn. with %.- [ncalting lie acteOdl in vhatsover TA ;) orfrom one di,'ertioh, or course,, or r,ty, to vway he pleanfl, accord(liny to his own judgmenet or another; (Lthi, O, , TA;) and so of tihe toirents,'tion or fiee 7will, or as a free agent, in the and t,l the hiorse, and of eaffiirs, and offthe verses dissl, or ma'uule,n.t, qf the a.fair, or my of thio ]ur-il ; (, TA ;) the nw/ldiy of the affair; or he ka.x, or beamLe, employed to do so]: winds to txry, or d;f/f]r; and s( of thile elou(lds; (K :) or it is from ~.iJl assignifying .J; (M ;) the cehaniy;ny of the windis to south andnl (R.,M, TA;) i. e. it means t [he practised Cersanorth [&c.] and hot and cold [&c.]; (Jel in ii. tility, or] he used art or art;Jicc or cunningl, in 150, and xlv. 4;) or the mnaking otf tIle winds to be thie afair, or in my affair; syn. Jl.. (TA south and north, and east and Pret, anil to lie'I [and in like manner B1d in xxv. 20: but the variotus sorts in their kiiulb: (TA:) or e former .i meaning is ilthe more common: acsee also ;.,~)1 signifies [the var!.li,q, or licersfy;ig, tf 8].) [It is also used as meaning simply lIe emthe ter. of tiw ' Kr-dn, b!l repeating them in ibied hkied,e ; or as employefd, in the managing dfi,r'entf,r'ms; or] the mnakid;!J ! thte wr.s *f q !Jt/Uw a.flu i, or may af.lar ; because the managethe Knr.-dn distinwt [in their be,'isin Y rby t- micit of afliirs generally requires the practice of ing and vary;ing the,m, as explI. by nimallny of tilhe versatility, or Llie isc of art or artifice or cunniaing.] exlsitors in the instances oceurrilng in vi. 40 and [lienee also, said of a horse, Ie wvas exer65 andml 10.5, and xlvi. 2']. (0, K.)_ It signifies .. ] also Thle derii;lg one word firom another [bY 7. J,..a, (S, M, O, K,) inf n. h.2!, (0,) 1nodi4icatioN ff the form foJr the lp--tose of and Jy . is also sometimcs an inf. n. tiereof as tnoett)ln!l the meanz1ing; Ineamtng; inclding nmludm~zllb whalt what WC we term term |well I. . . (B,) .. quIasi-pass. of j.o, (, 's-oying te as. a n.. of place, the declining of nouns (like .4.aWl) and te on- M,) said of a thing, (M,) or of a man; ( ;) as jugating of verbs]. (O, K.) [Tlihe science of such signifying It [or he] turned, or nent, away, .~;1 in language is commonly termed,c or back, from its [or hii] way, or course; or was, * J,kl.] _ In relation to property, or money, or becanme, turned, or sent, or put, away, or bacl., see mile l, near of the e ari.-And in tlerefrom; or averted, or repelled, therefrom: reation to see, see 1, near aranph. the middle the And of in (M :) [or sidfted from one state, or condition, to relation to specceh, see 1, near the middle of the paragraph. Ono says another: (see 1, first sentence:)] or i. q. ~l; paragraph._ -One says also, also, #,r:JI J..~ (M,) (, i(f. n. as above, (TA,) meaning IIe employed the so in the copies of the ]g; but [this is an inadething in otier [i. e. *nore] tihan one way; as quate explanation;] the right [or better] explanathoughlihe turned it from one way to another way. tion is 1t/l. [i. e. he, or it, reverted, or returned; (M, TA.)_ Anad [henee,] 1 4, , t (],) or aw, or became, turned away or back]; agreeor j,FI' p speaking of a man, (S, 0,) i. q. ably with what is said in the O. (TA.) 1, , n,. . in the ]ur [ix. 128] means Then they return, or .4 [meaning I employed. im to act in whatso- go back, from the place in which they have lisever way he pleased, according to his on jud- tened: or then they turn arway from doing augiht mat or disceretion or free willi or I made kin, a of that which they have heard. (M.) - [Accord. fiw agent, in the disposal, or manage~ nt, of the to Golius, it signifies also It ran in a smnall affair, or oy affair: or t I made him, or em- stream; or the like; for he explains it as meaning ployed him, to practis veratility, or to use art " manavit:" but for this he names no authority. or artitice or cunning, in the affair, or in my _- Said of a noun, it means It was iljected, or affair; for the quasi-pasi., J.3", is said to be declined, mth tenmween.] from J.1l as signifying '4. JI, and is expl. as 8. J,J.~l He sought, sought after, or sought syn. with j,.ll: but the former meaning is the to gain, sustenance or the lie, (M, TA,) and used more common and it is also used as meaning art or artifice or cunning [in so doing]; (M ;) simply I enployed him in the managing of the for his family, or household; (M, TA;) as also simply enployed 1 him ~ t managin . . ~ tn yofuh j~ s a, ls' ,..j [ahog affair,or tnyaffair). (g.)...[Henceawo, . v j .'o, aor.;; you say, "ii J[as though u.oA1 He exercised the hors.] - .Aj u4,.: meaning 4 J ] and J) 1: (M:) or and j.JI J..u . see 1, latter half, he used art or artifice or cunning (.4J) in the seemking of gain: (0, Y, TA:) or [meaning thus] 3: see 1, third sentence._. The inf p.. ;t. you say, ".'.l1 ,.b .Ja.l. ($.).mItis signifies abo t The dealing, or buying and seUing, also trans.: you say, .j JJm.l: see 1, first /th an one ?. any [app. [ oresmeaning rcith art or ~~ quarter._ .a .~lf;l 1 m..l Heprocured ttnth ~~qure. - And nu*1.41 procured the the artifice or cunintg, or it may perhaps mean in die i change for other] dir or for tAe c s (oer of mdirher in exchangefor dirk~ oMgh. t/e .uehnmging of mon e: s.j,~], (KL.) denars. (Mgh.) Bk. I.


10. ;/c,;1,,1

Zi J

&j (s, 0, ) I bged

God to avert from me tthe things, or events, that are objects of dislike or hatred. (0, .) . [as an inf. n.: see 1]. _ Used as a subst., The evil accidents, mishaps, or calamities, of time, or fortune; [thus expl. as having a pl. signification ;]j meaning (8, M,

0, K,) and

(S, 0, 0

,) or ,ls.;

(Meh ;)

beause it [i.c. time, or tortune,] turns thlings from their way, or course: (MI :) [but it seems to be more properly rendered the shjfling of fortuine, or its.dhfitbin about; and to be nit inf. n. sometimes used as a simple suilbst., and therefore having a pl., for] its pl. is jj.~. (M, M.b.) Ill phrae tie a. C-c-, a aIn the l) lhly Jy - A, in a verso of Saklhr-el-Glici, [ISd says,] lie has made it fern. because of its dependance upon U5i.l [which is fern.; as thoughl the meaning werm The af.flictionrs that are the conseqience of tlt course takwen by her in her journey hare exceeded the bounds of moderation] : (M:) [or it is hero made fern. beeause having the signification of a broken pl., which is fem.:] or the meaning is, ,.D, ,
' 0 hsj, . J i..$i j.103 [i. e. the sJfliingabout of Aer courts tAtat dthe las taken has beconme far-extendling; J*j. being thuis used as an inif. n.; for the Arabs sometimes make the inf. n. fen., saying U well s a ij aiy; (see EM p. 157;) and this I thiink the most preferable explanation]. (Skr in his Expos. of the P'oems of the Hudhalees, p. 14 of the vol. edited by Kosegarten.) - Also Relentance. ($, M, 0, Msh, .K.) [See a phrase below, in which this and other meanings are assigned to it.] And t Art, artifice, or cunning. (Yoo, S, M, O, ],TA.) Hence, in the lsur [xxv. 20], L; ~4 r th~.. - OagiaLj t [Adl they are not able to ?mut in practice art or artiice or cunning, nor aid]: (S, TA:) or this means aul they are not able to atcrt, or repel, fromin thiemselves punishmerit, (O, I(, TA,) nor to aid themselves. (O, TA.) - And Exclence, or nsuperiority, of a dirhem, ($., M, Mgh, 0, Myb, ]K,) and of a deenir, (M,) over another, (S, M, &c.,) in goodlne., (?, Mgh, Mqb,) or in value; (M, Mghi, 0, 1 ;) as in the saying, J ..' ,s' l [Between the two dirhetn iJ a differenc of excsellence], because of the [superior] goodness of the silver of one of them: ( :) and in like manner, of speech ; (0, 1 ;) as in the saying !: j.~j. J";. & .0 Salh a one knows not the excelence of sip~ch over other speech: (0:) and [in like rimmner] one says, .el l a 1I, lJJ There is, or p.'tains, to thix, an exces, and an excellence, over this; for when one is judged to excel, it, or he, is turned nside from its, or his, likes, or fellows. (0, K.*)And The night; and the day: (1K:) [because of their interchanging:] .j.titI signifies the nigJht and the day; (, 0, as a;) also * ;l; (g;) the latter accord, to Ibn-'Abbhd; (0;) like QIl;aul, with kesr also [ns well as with fet-h]. (TA.) - In the saying (;, M, 0, Msb) of the Armbs, (M,) or of the Prophet, (0, Mb,) in a a.0. -certain trad., (g,) J~ -5 ; t 9a. je - ia 212



8th of Sept., 0. S.; and set aurorally on the 9th of March:] Ibn-Kunaseh says, (M,) it is called ijl 11because of the turning away of the cold (C, M, O, 15) from the heat, (M,) and the coming of theheat, (S, 0,) accord. to the [O and] IC at its rising, but [as] 13 says, correctly because of the turning' away of the heat [at its rising], and the coming of the cold: (TA :) [i. c., correctly,] it is thus called because of the turning away of the cold at its setting in the early mornings, and the turning away of the heat at its rising from beneath the rays of the sun in the early mornings: (lzw in his Deser. of Leo:) when it rises before the dawn, that is the beginning of autumn; and when it sets with the rising of the dawn, that is the beginning of spring. pJ .l (M.) [Hence,] i'jI is [called] L1.$1

[BooK I.

sitall be acceptedfrom rose aurorally, in Central Arabia, about the [q. v.]: (s1:) AHIi says, En-Nowshajanee told [Ndeither ,;.. nor J t1 .l1 in ElAim], (, M,* O, M.b,") by J;.o is meant commencement of the era of tue F'light, on the me that the ZU;6 is [called]
repentance; ($, M, O, Myb, ] ;) and by Jjs, ransom: (M, Mob, ] :) or by the former, art, or artifice, or cunning; (Yoo, s, M, O, ];) and by the latter, ransom: (M:) or by the former, acquisition of gain; and by tie latter, ransom: (]:) or by the former, a sul)ereroatory act; (A'Obeyd, M, O, l] ;) and by the latter, an obligatory act: (A'Obeyd, M, ]g:) or vice versa: ( :) or by the former, neoight; and by the latter, measur,: (M, 0, 1 :) or by the former, deviation; and by the latter, a right, or direct, course: .Hij4z, and in like manner its palm-tree. (0.) >is one (Al;n,

~Ip i.y. ' ;- lt~Jiei rs; of their provcrlbs [expl. in art. Cp]. O, .. )

uil.o A camel of a certain excellent sort; (M, O, . ;) a rel. n.: (O, K :) or it is correctly with ; (O,* ;) i. c. r. [q. v.]: (O :) some say that it is with }; and tiis is tihe right. (M.)

(IA;r, M :) or by the former, AJ

C [app.

meaning an evasive art'gice]; and by the latter, a like: (Th, M:) or by the former, value, or price; and by the latter, a like; the saying originally relating to the bloodwit (4J9I): one

Jj.s A she-camel thtat makes a grating, or creahkig, sound with hler tushcs, or canine teeth.
(S, o,.)
*.~I. inf. n. of 1 in the senses expl. in the last sentence but one of the first paragraph [q. v.]. (S, M, &c.) - See also oy - Applied to milk, (S, M, O, IK,) Just mnilked; (.1 ;) brought aiwfjireom the ulider lchile hot, (S, M, 0,) ,c,hen ,nilkel. (f1,O.).-Also Dr,y i, [or pal,nbranach,s]: n. un. with ;: (AIIn, M:) [i. e.] t i.,. signifies a dry ai.. ((i.) And AHIL I.Alsignifies, says, (M, O,) in one place, (M,) (M, O, IC,) as some assert, (0,) ]V/ut has belike 1 1; come dry, of trees; (M, O,;)

,i, i. iJ e. They did %) i ,.^ 1 not accept ftwm them a bloodwit, nor did they lay one man for him, of their people, who had been lain; but they required from them more than that; for the Arabs used [often] to slay two men, and tbree, for one man; when they slew a man for a man, that was J, "l with them; and when they took a bloodwit, having turned from the blood to another thing, that was Jy., i. e. then the saying the value, or price, was J.: was applied in relation to anything, so as to be proverbially used in the case of him who was to render more than was incumbent on him: it has says, also been said that by b.4 is meant [in the
sayinlg cited above] something additional, or in excess; but this is nought. (M.) _j;O: see its dual in the next preceding paragraph, near the middle. _ Also Pure, unmixed, or fre pfio, admixture; (, M, Mgh, O, Mqb,

i 1 or A LSi j I ;4, (Ibn-'Abbad, O,,) e [Tlhe dog-tooth of time, orfortune, rehich it shows smiling]: for when Ujl rises, [a mistake for "sets, aurorally,"] the blossoms come forth and the herbage attains its full height: (M1and } in art. J:) in the T it is said that Uj..JI is called by the Arabs 1 .,A [tibe dog-tooth of

;) applied to wine, ($, M,O, Mob, !r,) or

bevcrge, as meaning unmnixed, (P, M, 0, M1,h,)



(,,) (0,

and to other things,

(I,) to blood, and to phlegm, (TA,) and to any.fom turbid thing (M, Mob) as meaning free foulncsnu: (Mgh,* Mb :) and I*Jt, likewise signifies anytlling having in it no admixture. (TA.)- And A certain dye, (Mgb,) a red dye,

(0, O, (,) with which the thongs, or straps, of

sandal are dyed, ($, 0,) or with which th hide

is dyed: (MNb:) or a certain rwd thing

which the hide iJ tanned (C


[perhap a mis- (M:) and () accord. to Ibn-'Abbid, (0,) transeription for aiD]). (So in a copy of the M.) co~pper; syn. And A sortof .al. (O, ])dataes; (S, M, O, Mb ;) a heavy sort of dates: One of the Mansion of the Moon; [the ( :) n. un. with ;: (M:) AHn says, (M, 0,) on fiJI 7~Teflh Mansion;] a tinglb ery bright star, the authority of certain of the Arabs, (O,) that [p of Leo,] ($, 0, ], and l]zw in his Descr. the t,J is a red date, like the J, s (M, O, of the Mansions of the Moon,) by which are some M9b,) but (M, O) hard to be chewed, (M, O, K,) small eoantecent stars; (]zw ;) omr against, (M, 0,) and the heaviest of aU dates: (M, (.iif, so in my copies of the C,) or folloVing, tough, O, Mb :) prsonsu having households and slaves (0, V and 1szw ubi supri,) ptjI; ] (Q, O, , and hired men provide it, because of its satisfyitg in the 0, referring quality, (0, ], [but for 'j. ]zw;) [i. o.] it is a singb star behind the

" X ,'J. '0i time, orfortune,] 1 j ,! JI [i.e. because it smiles revealing (tihe (M;) called in Pcrs. ' #.tJl , . (so in copies of advent of) the cold and (that of) the heat, in its the ], in the C.K and in the O .Ji-, two states (of auroral rising and setting)]. (TA.) ,.A 1, [all app. mistranscriptions, for I find -. *o also signifies A certain kindl of bead nothing like them in Pers. except partially, i. e. ) and also (Lh, $, M, O, ]5;) mentioned among b,,)s mcaning "dry," like ,]" (j,); those by means of wvhich men are captivated, or called [in Arabic] i11 [the tree that has beconme fascinated, or restrained by nwomen from oter dry]. (O.) [See also ` t , with the unpiointed women; (S, 0, V ;') or by means of which men oe.]~ Also Silcer: so in a verse cited voco are conciliated, so as to be turnd thereby fromn their ways of acting or co0uuct or the lile. (Lh, is! (page 107, third col.): (ISk, S, 0 :) or pure M.) And A bow having upon it a black mark or silver. (K.) ~ See also the next paragraph. atei! spot (i,.- L*,), the arro7v of nwhirh, when a4,- see the next preceding pnmgrnlh. are shot, wil not hit the object of aim. (0, 1g.) Also A thin, round eake of rnead; syn. ;jUl: pl. :j , meaning I I.JI 4 -And one says, (1,.) and tcoll. gen. n.] J and milked tte shecamel in the early morning, beteen dawn and sunri, and then lkft her until .S, 0, O,) a ... WTine of a the like time of the morrow. (0, I*) place, (S, O,) i. e. a town, (O,) in El-'Iralk, (C, O,) in the SawAd of El-'Irai near 'Okbar&; (O, ;sbjwJ Death; (M, V;) a name of death. TA;) not, as it is implied in the I, from another signifies Lead; syn. of the same name in W6sit: (TA:) or, as some (IAyr, O.) _And Co. the ; [orjar]; like j?.eL,; [q. v.]: say, wine jwttaen o (e;, Mob, g :) or .,-;: [as one says] J ;j. (0, I.)
see ,hg.: - and ee also J 1 L. : see the next paragraph.

Jt.o [act. part. n. of 1: as such having, among other meanings, the meaning of Grating, or creakinq; or mnaking a grating, or creaking, sound: and so t Jl , but properly in an intensive sense; for] the dual of Jllt is used by the of the Lion; (M;) it is on th hinder part of thes to the n. un., and lj,in copies of thc Ig, and poet Aboo-Khiraish as meaning two thong.s of a sandal that mahe a creaking sound: (M:) [and tail ( ,1) of the Lion; [wherefore it is called a..~ likewise means makhing a creakig wound by our astronomers D~eb;] and is ablso called the tk*ljq? in the Cj, I read t;jSJ, which is evi- ' teeth: so accord. to Freytag, from Joe. with the what agrees with 1J, which means the eat of the penis, of the dently the right reading, and stead: in great it standing and here follows,]) ) L, meaning reer.] One says, aLe . in his Descr. of Leo: [in the g and Lion: ( tzw He has not in his mouth a canine tooth [lit. a :) or it is the [ort of dates caled] il 0, erroneously, "the ,he of the Lion:"]) [it (0, 1 l




1683 or vigorous and qffective, (M, V, TA,) and courageous. (S, M, , TA.) 2. a.0. [lIe cut it; cut it through; or cut it off, or severed it; namely, a number of things considered collectively; or a single thing much, I.' ?M signifies or in severalplaces]: (M:) J [i. e. tt wcrering of the ropes]: the verb vi;'*' being with teshdeed to denote muchness [of the action], or multiplicity [of the objects]. (., ~'-I Tte cutting off of TA.) [Hence, mentioned in the phrase a of camels: the teats

grater or creaker; for Ls; . e a tooth that free will in the disposal, or management, of an affir.] makes a grating, or creaking, sound]. (M.)- hi DAUBL 4, OCU MADV is a n. of place, [meaning A place of 1 i.~ below. hJG&, :see pl. turning away or bach, like J4 .,] as well as an inf. n. [of 7]. (S.) One who practices art or artifice or -Jj. cunning, in the disposal, or management, (ef denote the two different and jy' " ' 4 9 affairs; (C, M, O, ];) as also 1 j, o; (S, O, sorts of nouns, (0, .,) meaning, respectively, 1I ;) wihich latter is applied by the poet Suweyd [like 1 ,] InJfected, or and jsu Ibn-Al,ee-Khllil El-Yeshkurec [in the like sense] declined, with ten[weca, and not so inflcted or as an epitllet to a tonglu, in his saying, declined. (0, TA.)

atiL@>: _)1

TA.] 3. .,jto, (MA,) inf. n. tL , (KL, TA,) t He effected a disunion with him: (MA:) or





.1, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, V,) aor. , (,M, he cut him off from himslf, being in like manner 1. [And a cunning, sdlarp tongue, like the edge oLf the Msb, 1B,) inf. n. 'ye (S, M, M 9 b, K) and 'ey, cut off by him: (KL:) or he cut him of friom sw'ord, Awhat it touchtes it cuts]. (S, O.)- See (M, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (M, frndy, or loving, communion or intercours, also what next follows. Mi, Mgh, M9b,) being so cut off by him: forsook him, or aban(8, M, Msb,) nle cut it, syn. in any manner: [i. e. it signifies also he cut it doned him, beingforsaken, or abandoned, by him: M 0, M, b,) or ,l.. (;, M( i. q. like through; or he cut it of, or severed it; for thus cut him, i. e. ceased to ~peak to him, being in (M, Mb, V,) i. c. (Mf., .1;;, (1K,) and so ^---WJI signifies .;;La,ll for by him: cut manner the meaning of "Ji is generally explained:] Ax money-chan#er; (M, Msh, TA;) except that so as and,il ~.i. (TA.) (M:) or it signifies [only] he cut it (j) Ieas an intensive signification [app. as Jir to separateit: (M, R1 :) namely, a thing, ($,) such 2 meaning a shilful ,onnJy-hanecr, and hence it is LJ* l The palm-trees attained, or mere 1.,J 4. and a raceme of dates. (TA.) One often used in the lresent day as meaning a banker]: as a rope, near, to th time, or season, for the cutting off [i. e. His ear was i. q. (My,lb:) all are applied to him wnio knons and says, S1j1 J." of their fruit. (., M, Mqb, ]C, TA.) - And distinyuisles the rclatireexcellence, or superiority, cut off, entirely]. (TA.) And J , ( I [hence perhaps,]..#yl said of a man, ($, ], TA,) lf pieces if money: (Mgh:) these appellations M, Msb, R,) and 1 , (M, V,) and Ij, aor. inf. n. ,,, (TA,) t He was, or became, ~poor, are from i;jLl, (t, 0,) or from J ;JI, (M,) as above, inf. n. >' , (M,) He cut off the fruit, (.8, ,) having a numnrous family, or househAold: or from .Jy meaning " excellence," or "supe- or inoduce, of the palm-trees, (S, M, Mqb, ,) (1 :) or in a ewvil condition, though having in (A1): [it is said that] the riority," of one dirhem [or deenar] over another, and the tre, (M, ]g,) and tae corn, or the ie; him intei~ (S, M, g.) - [Hence,] original meaning is he had a ;.., (Mgll, and Msb on the authority of IF in relation (M ;) as also 9 .J.1. i. e. portion, to the first,) because such as excels, or is superior, j., (8, M, MA, K-,) [aor. as above,] inf. n. ofproperty remaining to him. (TA.) is turned aside from the deficient: (Mgh:) the A.-.. (8, MA,) or !..s., (M, MA,) or the latter . ; (M ;) i. q. ; i (M) and is a simple subst., (S,) t He cut him (i. e. another 5. .. quasi-pas. of, (., M, O, 1) and o pi. is i, (, this last occurring in poetry, (g, M, O, man); meaning he ceased to spah to him, or to [i. e. It became cut; cut through; or cut o.#; or J,Al. K,) by poetic license, for the sake of the measure. associate with him; he cut him off Jfromfriendly, sevred; said of number of things considelred or loving, communion or intercoure;forsok him, collectively; or of a single thing as meaning it be (S, O.)_ See abo ,-i,,. R ;) came cut, &c., much, or in many places, or into M ~J; (iM, or abandoned him; syn. also 7, in three many piecel]. (S, ].) -See 77ws and .: jL.[and Q l pl. of a] ;ga'1 IAdj (A and Mgh and V in art. ~,:) or strength, hardines, affected He t Also _ varieties, or vicissitudes, of affairs or mevnts. Ahe cut himtnself off, or separated himeMlf, from places. or conor patience; endurance, (M, TA.) him, nainely, his friend; he cut off [or rwithdrew] sturdines, and &c. his friendship from him. (MA.) [See an ex. in strained himsef to behave with hardiness, [see back: or away of turnfng j4 A place (8, V.) a verse cited voce 1.] And 4j.., -A . , aor. as j. hence, in the lur [xviii. 51], also J..:] 6. I.*jI.m t Ti7y cut, forsook, or abandoned, above, inf. n..,o. andA*.., t [He cut, or sevred, (TA,) meaning [And they shall his bond of union,] as indicative of resemblance one another; (MA;) they separated thenmselves, Ub~ tv; I~, not find] a place to which to turn arvay, or back, [to the act of cutting, or severing, properly thus onefrom another; (KL, in whichl only the inf. n. from it: (Bl, Jel:) or, a turning away, or back, termed]. (M.) - And j1. .. t[He decidedhis is mentioned;) they severed the bond of union, or tAem; disunited, or (TA.) from it: (Bd:) pl. JjL. q. v. [See also;, and communion, that was between affair]. (0 voce 1, dissociated, themselva, one from another; syn. ith 4)w.); -is also intrans., as s [paw. part. n. of 1: see its verb:. J. ,II1 MA, in the former of which only I4ti; . (S,* And [hence] one says, the inf. n. is mentioned.) ,JI, q. v. (M, ].) w : see also and] see Jj ?. 4O i.e. t [Worldly good departed] ~ . It became cut; cut through; or cut .7.o.1 or i. q. ".U [as meaning Place, .fJ.aZ by becoming cut off, or by ceaing, and coming to (, M, , TA;) quasi-pass. of or severed; off, & scope, or room, for fee action]. (A, voce , an end (TA.) - One says also, (M, TA;) said of a rope [&c.]; and so [q. v.]; and so in the Ftik.) meaning t He stopped, stayed, or tarried, with yeI us a month: (R, TA:) mentioned by EI.Mufad- o. 1j, TA.) - [Hence,] ,J I (M, is an epithet applied to a verb [as 4dal, on the authority of his father. (TA.)Ji ~ ' He parated himselffrom mant.t/ t *] [or meaning That is perfect(y inflectd~, opposed to A*-, (Mqb,) [aor. ,] inf. n. and L, kind; said of the wolf and of the crow [&c.]. [q.v.]. (TA,voce;i.); (M,) It (a sword) was, or became, sharp, (M, (S1k, tThenight went , M.*) And JtUI .' L signify the same, respec- Msb,) and did not bend. (M.).-And [hence,] away, or departed; as also f.o3: (Mb:) and and ?_ zsaid of a man, ($,M, Msb, =ll;l:JIy tThe l winter ended; and t ,.. J : see l.. in n. LIy, likened j J;i and tively, .as He to a sword, (TA,) X JR, TA,) as being J,b; means A factor, an was, or became, courageous; (Msb;) or hardy, L'J! t The year ended: (TA:) and jiJ.l 4.3. . art. C>C.. _ agent, or a deputy, ho acts according to his own strong, or sturdy, (S, TA,) or sharp, penetrating, t The fighting ended, or cas~d. (Mghl.) I 212




1684 [Boon I. nearly a hundred: (Id. p. 637:) pl.;. (S, * ;.,o Skin: [or leather:] (S, Mgh, Mqb, IC:) aM,' Msb.) - A portion ofproerty. (TA.) Pers. word (8, Mqb) arabicized, (S, Mgh, Msl And A detached portion of clous: (S, M, Msb , :)pl. as above. (S, M.) - Scc also 4 -_,) o.riginally.0 # [correctly ... ]. (Mgh, Mgt And seeL 4o. TA.)
Oi J


,sm 1: see 1, third sentence.

and , which last word is obviously wrong,] meaning :tHe came disalpointed of attaining twhat he desired, or sought, and in a state of depair. (IS, TA.) And L" ,.L4 i

iSl [i. e. . or ] He is wearied fand eager for this thling, or affair. (TA.)_ ... is an inf. n. like .. ~', (M, l,) or a simpl eI ;+ and f;1; The cutting off (f the fruit o sulst.: (M, Myb:) [see the first paragraph, i: n palm-trees: (S,*Msb, and L voce ;1a:) anm Also t An affair deidled, determined, or resolved, three places: in one of its senses, there expl.,] iit (L voce ;Ix,) the upon. (M, TA.)_ Used as a subst., see i Qo, time, or sea.on, tilwreof: ( is syn. with i) and 'Ae: (TA:) an,ad L:) or the time, or season, *f tle ripeniug of ' places. _ Also t The daybreak, or dawn; tit, in two e ( , 'M, ];) because cut off from the night; (M;) 'a* o [likewiseJ signifies t &pa ration from iaI fruit of palm-trees. (M, I.)= .ly: see thi firiend: pl.. . as also t.f: (MA. [This pl. is app. ther e next paragraph, in two places. (8:) and the night; (ISk, M, ;) because cut off from the day; (M;) or the mentioned as of .; but it is more probabl; Y ;.a: see; Gl. Also The last milk [remain. dark night: (S:) thus having two contr. meanofa;.]) _ j1,&, : see 4 .Iings: (S, K :) and a por'tion tireof; (Tl, M, ing in the uddi.] after wnhat is termned JI ;t Tens (tI), (S, M,) of men, (S,) col [which is variously explained (see 2 in art. jj), in g;) i. e., of tle night; (TA;) as also t4.: thers and last parts lectedl together, (., M,) separatefrom [those oj the CG and in one of my copies of the S erro- (M, :) and or beginning and end, of tli night. (TA.) Tho other] men: (M:) or i. q. neously written i , (0 in art. ,, vhich a man dranws vwn vll,I] phrase in the lIur [Ixviii. 20] .f.j 1S..i which means a fce tents ( [in the 0, erro in need of it. (S, .*) Bishr says, means [And it becane in the morning] burnt up neously, Zse]) of ttre weak sort of the Arabs of and black like the night: (S, M, Bd, TA:) or the desert: (IAar, O, 1g, TA; all in art. ,. :) lile tlwe dark night, being burnt up: (Er-Righib, and hence, (M,) a company (M, M.b, T~, TA) oJ TA:) or like the black nilght: (gatidehl, TA:) or men, (Mgb, TA,) not many; or simply a compan3 lilh tlw day, by its whiteness from excessive (TA) alighting and abiding with their camels b3 [Now deliver thou to Bcnoo-Saad a message, and dryness: (Bd.:) or like that garden of which the thc side of the water: (Myb, TA:) pl. ;1 [a to their chief, that the last miUl in the ud(ler fruits have been cut off: (B( , TA :*) or like the p1. of pauc.] (., M, M9b, I) and ;i , (8,) or has been dran]: (S:) the last two words [the sands [that are termed_, (see w q )]: (B(! :) -.- Ll1, (M,) or both, (1J,) but accord. to IB the latter of which is written in the C( 1>< are a or the meaning of.4.j., in this instaneo is that latter of these two is the right, [being a pl. pL, prov., meaning t the exwuse has reaclhd its utter- which here next follows. (TA.)_ - Black land, most: ($, ]:) thus says AO: (S:) IB says that thiat does not gie growth to anything. (..)_i. e. pl. of.;ll,] (TA,) and Ct;, (8b, M, 1,) ) j1 in the saying of Bishr means the she-camel And A piece of wood, or stick, which is placed with liamm. (g.)._And i. q. ~.. . (]. [80, that is termed IL. JI that has no milk; [i. e. across upon tih mouth of a kid, (M, K,) or of a app., in all the copies; accord. to the T1] as meanthat the phrase means the ise-camel that has now young weanwd canimel, and then tied to his head, ing A sort, or species: but I think it most prono milk has been milked;] and that he makes it a (M,) in order thitat he nmay tot such. (M, ]g.) bable tihat this is a mistranscription for ., ., with proper name; and that he [also] means thereby See also..L. which, as has been stated above, * syn. the latter of the two senses here following. (TA.) accord. to the 0.]) Also i. q. A man (TA) who followrs his own . (M) A..pAtJlis also one of the names for War, or *a-, h, opinion, cutting hitnmself off from consdtation battle; (AV, S, ;) and so V-o, [indecl.,] like or Jal' J. (I) [i. e. A soled boot: that j. with others: (M, TA:) or nwho acts with lpenehere means a boot, not a camel's foot, is indicated ,AIs: (g:) and one of the names for calamity, tratire enerjy, or vigorousnes andl efctitenes, by its being immediately added by SM that] or mi!fortune. (As, S, S . [See also],e.]) in the pefor'miig of his affairs: an inf. n. used .r ;. e.. si,,nificc A lcUcr thereof. (TA.) as an eplithet. (TA.) see: sce-.,.-Sometimes it is applied to I".. [an epithet applied to a man, but used as signify Palm-trees themselves; because the fruit 1 . 117itat is cut off [of tthe fiutit] of Imlma suest., and therefore having for its pl. W1~]. is cut off: so in a trad. (TA.) trees. (Lh, M.) One says, A!MII C I4 . ^, 1 [the last word -4 : see .;,, 4 in two places. - Also a she.I.o Land (,.;l) of nwhich thite ed-,ro,tuce snid to be thus (3aw..)in the TA, but in the camel that trill not come to tie nrate1riiqptroulgh hAs been reapled: (8, K:) of the mcasure ai in C]5 (in which as well as in my MS. copy of the to drink until it is left to lher unoccupied; (1, the sense of the measure aJ . (TA.) . And g. C. is omitted) written TA;) cutting tJ,,] crsclf off friom tle other camels. A portion, meaning (S, M, .,) or large portion, (TA,) t lie is [a etrson] slom to revert from his anger. (TA.) detachlwdl fiom the nmain ag.regate, of sanul; (S, (]~, TA.) Also, [if not a mistranscription for M, ]K;) as also ,: (M, C:) [or the latter ir.l.q. th,; ft L,] (M, Msb,) Cut; cut A portion of silver, melted, and cleared is a coil. g6cn. n., being used in a pl. sense:] ono of its dross, and pouted forth into a mould. through; or cut off, or sevre7d: (S, Msb,:) says Lo I (S) or t_. . (K) [A viper of and having tlefruit cut off; syn. ;j (TA.) (Q, ,;) applied to palm-trees (J.i). (M.) And a detached sanl-heap or of detaced sand-hleas]; 3 p~ A herd, or ldetached number, of camels, the former, A heap . :.-.. (S in art. J.) poto of corn or the like like as one says (., M, Mgli, Myb, g,) consisting of about thirty: that has been cut, or of nhichl the pyodure And A group, or an assemblugye, (8,) or a do. has ($:) orfrom tw,enty to thirt!/: (M, ]g:) orfrom been cut off; tached number, (M,) of the trees called L!, and syn. . (M, TA.) And thirty to five and for,ty: (M:) or to fifty, and (S, M,) and ., ,, Whos sar has been cut off entirely (~ and of palm-trees; and forty; (T;) if amounting to sixty, termed a,.: likewise TL.y, of .;, and of ,. (M.) (TA. [See also the fern., with , (TA: [but see this latter word :j) or from ten to I.1): pl.apn,. forty: (M, M.b, g:) or from ten to some num- voce , where the pl. is said to e ;u.]) .. , in two places. ~ Also t Decision, _ See also 4. ber between thlat and twenty: (M,]J:) or more [Applied to the lungs, it means properly or determination, ($, M, 9, TA,) Lr, ., [to Burst do a thing]: than a i [which is at least two or three] up 'to asunder. Hence the saying,] ($, TA:) and the deciding of an Jt ! *, [so affair, (M, 1., TA,) and the firm, or ~ound, thirty: (T voco *.1) or about forty: (lIam p. in copies of the t, accord. the TA , but execution thereof: (TA:) or an object of want 753:) or less than a ,a, which is a hundred or correctly either e or q. v., in the Cl. si upom accomplishment of wich one A dcid~ 1

or determined; as also ij c: (AHeyth, TA:) pl-. -. (TA.) One says, 11 uel e p and ..SlJl [He is effective of decision &c. and of decisions &ec.]. (TA.)_ - See also.p.y. A detached number [or a small detacled number, for it is app. dim. of s.j,] of camels. (TA.) see;. - Also A pre~arer, or seler, of..~, (MA,) whence it is derived, (Mgh,) i. o. skin, or leather: (MA:) or it signifies as expl. vooee..ry, last sentence. (TA.) ;.LG Cutting; cutting througlh; or cutting of, or severing; and Sb says that V e is used in the same sense, like as S, ,1 ~ ` in the phrase (M.) is used in the sense of 3g1..

BO -





j~ L.-' OI, in the 1ur [lxviii. 22], means Ifye be deciding, or determining, upon the cutting off of the fruit of the paln-trees. (TA.) - And t A man cutting, or severing, Ais bond of union; or one who cuts, or scvert, that bond; and so [but in an intensive sense] ;lr- and .~ .; (M ;) or this last signifies, (M, 1,) as also t;l., (15,) having strn,gtA to cut, or sewer, (M, 1,) the bond of his union. (M.)-Also, applied to a sword, (S, M, M 9h, 1],) and [in an intensive sense] 9..j ., (M, 1,) Siarp,, (S, M, Msb, 1,) and not bendling: (M:) pl. of the former,*l; . (TA.) - And the former, (S, M, 15,TA,) applied to a man, (P, M, TA,) as being likened to a swordl, (TA,) t lIirtl/,strong, or sturdy, (l , TA,) or slhar,, penetrating, or rigorous anl effectire, (M, 1, TA,) a,wl cou.ageous. (, M, 1, TA.) - And 'Jit : The lion. (K, TA.) .e A caliitnit;ty (1, TA) that extirpates ererythling. (TA. [See nlso.tbo, last sentence.]) Also Firm,, or so,n,l, ,fjit 5 n,,,nt. (1.) And i. q. a', (S, M, K,) like,., (TA,) i. e. An eating onre in thle d,y: (M, 15,* TA :*) or, accord. to Yno1oob, an eating at the tine [c f morning] ctlled L$ 1(M, TA) [and tnot again] to the like time of the morrow : (TA:) one says,

rwhich it no water. (S, M, g. [See also one-of And :.l & The tears collected [in the eye] the explanations of the dual, here following.])and did not run. (TA.)- [Hence,] OJUl, J , tL.ye3l1 signifies The tvof and the crow; (ISk, (Fr, M, M9 b, TA,) aor. as above, (Mqb,) and so 8, M, g ;) because of their separating themselves the inf. n.; (M, M9 b, TA;) but Ibn-Buzurj says (ISk, S, M) from mankind: (ISk, :) and the Z;y-, aor. ,; (TA;) The shcamets milk became [bird called] .' and the crowr: and the night and collected in her udder; (M, Mb, TA;) as also the day; (15, TA;) because each is cut off from ,;& . (M, TA.)__And .,. %. i S, (, the other. (TA.) El-Marrr says, M, IItt, TA,) with kesr; ($, TA;) or o a .-t, * 0 !.* ;) (thus accord. to the k;) He (a man) ro L" 1 1 ' I U C rnained in his hand, a a pledge, ($, M, If, TA,) held in custody. ($, I, TA.) - And U,o [thus [Upon a waterless desert, in rwhich are its wolf written without any syll. sign, app. L i. q. q,'] and crorw, and in which tihe skifil guide of the Il! [It, or he, became cut off, cut short, or desert is burned by the sun]. (18k, S, M.) And stopped; &c.: quui-pass. of in one of the .A-s.. X' ,3 is a saying mentioned by senses of the latter]: from IApr. (TA.),'.r, Lb, but not expl. by him: (M, TA:) ISd says, (TA,) in my opinion it means, [I left him in] the (Ilgtt, M?b, TA,) aor. =, (Mgb,) in. n. J$., desert, or raterlesr dcert: (M, TA:) or, accord. (I~tt, MNb, TA,) HIe confiNed it, namely, water, to Z, in a desert, or wyater.les desert, in which in a reating-placeor a tesel; and in like manner, milk, and tears: (Itt,, TA:) or he collated it, tvas nothing but the wolf anl thk cromt. (TA.) namely, water, and it remained long anl became .y; A t tnarron, place, tiat qnic,ly flows ,aitl altered [for the worse], or remained or stagnatal nrter: (15, TA:) so aliled because the flow of long; and in like manner, but in an intensive sense, t 510o. (M9b.) One says also of cows water is quickly cut off fiom it. (TA.) [and the like], -. j :J]l .1 * SE The u ;. ,1A possessor of a of camel. (TA.) coljneo and collect the milk in their uddem -And [hence], as also t. ,l, (M, 1f,) laring (TA.) And [of a man] one says, s 11 5 little property: (M:) or poor, [and] having a .j*,J ) Heo retained tle .t [i. e. srmea] numnerous loustold, or family. (1K.) One says, in his back a long time, (., M, f,'0) by abstainyiw fiomn sCual intercours. (M, ]..)- [IHence,] of which the liver of him wlo hlas little property t, -, (M, MI)b,) aor. , inf. n. LSj.; (M{b;) (S, M, Mt M9b,) inf. n. ,.m 3 , (8, is pained]; i. e., abundant, so that when he who and , las little property sees it, he grieves that he has M9b,) but the latter verb has an intensive mcannot many camels which he may lmsture upon it. ing; (Mgb;) and t,1;; (M;) namely, a (M.) ewe or she-goat, (v,) or a she-camel, (M, Msb,) and any other milch animal, (M,) I cauled the a. The curved knife of the parer of spidulcs. milk to collect in her u/der, ($, M, M.b,) by (8, MA, g.) abstainingfrom milking hedfor some dRys. (d, of teats have been cut off, (., M, 1,) in order that tihe -~ [or orflce th rough ,vlich the ,milk passes forth fiom the ulder of each teat] may dry up and the milk not issue, for the urpoe of giving greater strength to Ier: and (AA used to say, O) this is snetinmes in consquewne of the stollppage of the mrilk, something having happened to the udder, for which it is cauterized, and her millk stops, (, KI,) no milk ever iswin, from the (.:) see also ;6ys, voce .,,: or .jsl a...means a she-camel treated (-.J,a) so that her nilk has stopped. (Mgh.) ,Wj~: see ~ , first and second sentences.

a-ra, A she-camel whose [fore or lind] pair inf. n. *j,

M.)I Also, i. e. ;,

(M, V,) aor. ,, (I,)-


l ~> v') (S, M, 15*) i.e. [Such a one

eats] onee (1, TA) in the day: but AlFit says, I asked EI-Asma'ee respecting the l and the, and hlie said, I know it not: this is the language of the devil. (TA.) .~.i l A man having the extremity of his ear cut qf. (Mgh.)_.See also ,. ethe Aso feem.] its A she-camel Aaving little milk; (M, 15;) because her abundance of milk has become

(M,) i. q. ,j [IHe cut it off, cut it short, or stopped it; &c.]; (M, 15 ;) namely, a thing. (M.) You say, j* j., inf. n. as above, meaning !j [He, or it, cut short, or stoplytl, Iis urine]. (S.) And Owil j.e [app. I cut dho,t, or stopped, the drawing of the water; for it is expl. as said] Li. i 1li. (S.) And L e Sl L e Ji* , occurring in a trad., means IWhat cuts short (j)'thine asking *f Me [0 my servant]? (TA.) And i. q. - ; [He repeled it]. (M, If.)One says, s iii *. .;s i. e. [God repelledl, or may God repel, from hin his, or its, evil, or milscief]. ($.)- And i. q. <a;Z [H[e prevented it, &c.]. (M, MI, :.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says,


cut off: (M:) pl.5U. (.)

See also;Su

. [In 1. (8 f;, , M, b,) aor. -, (Msb,) inf. n.

S, J (M, Msob,) said of water, It remained, or stagnated, long: or it remained long, and became altered [for the worse]: (?, MCb:) or, said of water and of milk, it remained so thlut its flavour became altered [for the norse]: (M:) or, said of milk, it remained undrawn from the udder, so 1that its flavour became bad, or corrupt. (TA.)


' a ';

' "

the Y~am, p. 230, it is implied that it signifies A she-camel msuch as is termed VL.* a~ as meaning Ao~e .Jm.l (or teats) have been cut off: for it is there said that the poet 'Orweh has applied the term X.L. to t a cooking.pot, likening it to the she-camel termed &!pt* meaning as expl. above.] Also, (., ]g,) or W.~ ;k-, (M,) A dert in

0* 8* - 8

[And they bade farewll to one aff~etl ,rith desire, whae heart tiey had smitten; the lore of tuem, if God had not prevnted it, had been Iris slayer]. (S. [But this verse may be well rendered as an ex. of ;l in the sense next following, which is also a meaning of : in the M, it is

o1w cited as an ex. of I,;. in the sense of ~j]) _ Said of God, (M,) He protected, defended, guarded, or preserved, him: (M, J :) or (M) ie sared him (M, ll) from destruction, or perdition:

[Boox I. the worse]: and long retained by him in hist back. is now commonly called t 0L; and .L.,: both (M. [This is also mentioned in the S, app. in the of which are also sometimes applied to a column]: latter of these senses; the meaning being there It. (TA.) only indicated by the context.]) - For the fem., pL. i ' seealso l )t.L A well ((;i ) of which the vwater is old, . 0 alteredfor the norsc, and overspread with [the S,-: see tS.f, first sentence: - and see green substance termed] ,,t: (K,* TA:) menalso ;1~. tioned by Az. (TA.) See also GiL, last sen. tence. .qo: see o, first sentence. - In relation to a she-camel it is forth, Her being pregnant twvelve ;1~a. A ewe, or she-goat, vhose milkl ha been montsl, and bringing and then yielding her montls, and brtng forth, and then yielding her caused to collect in her u&ler by her not having biestings, or having her biestings milked: men- been milked for some days; (S, 11;) as also tioned by Az. (TA. [But what is meant by this like j;; (so in copies of the [but C; is, to me, doubtful; for sometimes an inf. n., and t, sometimes an epithet, and sometimes a subst., is this, if correct, should be mentioned in art. %., in which the former is also mentioned; accord. to expl. in this manner.]) thdie TA, however, it seems to be t k,, without [part. n. of L$),]: see g,. _ Also A teshldeed, for it is there said to be like j;;]) both she-camel vlwhose milk has collected in her udder. likewise applied to a she-camel, and to a cow; als , (TA ;) and Vt l.; signifies the same, (K,) applied to a she-camel and to a ewe or she-goat; (TA;) a Milk collected [in the udder]: a poet says, and so, applied to a she-camel, t [l.;, of which * A A j the pl. is 1;, (M, K,) an irreg. pl. (M.) [See also ?o.]._ Aboo-'Alee, in the Bhri', makes it [And whatever udder has milk must be milted]. syn. with ;ji~e; and so says theo ImAm Esh(TA.) ShMfi'ce; as though originally jj.~: but Subh, in tile R, disallows this. (TA.) se e.

(g:) or (M) lle sufficed him: (M, :) or lIe aided him. (TA. I, (4r,) or L.,
L, ($ , M,) .Ie decided [between them, or the case between them]; ($, I ;) namely, persons who had applied to him as a judge: ( :) or he rectified, or adjusted, the case between tlhem. (M.A) -LI,) also [life ibent, or (IM.)I -t.. also signifies signifies %... inclined]: (], TA:) [app. intrans., or trans. by means of ,p, for] a poet uses the phrase -. mens of for] a poet uses the phrase ltUly [TIhy bent, or inclined, rwith the necks]. (TA.) [But it is said in the Tg that *1.o means 'U lie bent, or inclined, it.] Accord. to Ibn-

means she-camel of' t he The eaines se othe rai.ed her neck by reoen of the heavine of the burden. (TA.)_ Also lie preceded, or went before; syn. ... . (IAIr, l.) [Accord. to the

Buzuj, 1;,"~Buzurj, zo" ' UWI eo

TJ$, one says j;MI t meaning i lUHe HA precedd, or went before, the people, or party.] And [the contr., i. e.] le receded, or retreated; or became, or remained, or lagged, behind; syn. .t.;. (IApr, ].) [Accord. to the TI, one say. . .L$., meaning lIe receded, or retreated, from them; &c.].J Also lie, or it, ta, or became, high; syn. '.. (IAr, g.)__ Xb ., applied to a man and to a beast, Whoe And the contr., i. e. He, or it, was, or became, ol. [i. e. sperma] has collected in his back. (TA.) low; syn. JL ,. (IAr, ].) - Also The [bird called] Ltd [n. un. of. , ~l,~l' is the pl., and ;1; is is the dim., of q. v.]: and the [bird called] IAl;t [n. un. of 2: see 1, former half, in two placeL *Ji-l', q. v. (TA in art. J 1l.) . -,, q. v.]. (TA.) 4: see 1, former half, in two places.. g l .ael1 [i q. iea.I, q. v. ;] Ton; i. e. what fi, Colocynths (., M, K, in the C.K [erro- fall from flax in the plrocess also signifies He sold a ew or slhegoat, (IS, TA,) of combing. or a she-camel, (TA,) whos milk had been caused neously] :1-. [expresdly said in the TA to be with (M, g.) to collect in her dder in consequence of her not fet-h and medd,]) when they become yelow; (S, having boen milked for some days; such as is M ;) as also a 0 [app. a mistranscription for tVt; .AL,: (so in one of my copies of the $ [in which it is shown to be correct by an or L~-:J;, terned 3l,,~. (~, TA.) like *LE , q. v.,] A blacksmith's ex. in a verse of Suleyk there cited: in the M and anvil: so in the T, on the authority of IAar. 8. I;oj~ i. q. :1j31 [the j in each being sub- TA Ql;S;, which I think a mistranscription]: in (TA.) stituted for ;.]: see the latter, in art. tJJ. the other of my copies of the $ omitted:) one ;:,lf. (so in copies of the K) [and :i;l;, like thercof is termed *t!~. (S,M,g.*) [In the LS ,, (8, M, Mob, ]g,) an inf. n. used as an M and IC, * is termed pl. of L.l; but it is .; ;l], or LJ-a, (so accord. to the TA, with epithet, (Myb,) and t 5. ., (S, M, ],) [and properly speaking a coll. gen. n., originally 5lj..] teshdeed to the , [but the word is of frequent Freytag adds ? $, as from the Ii, in which I _ t l,d also signifies The water in which occurrence and commonly written without teshdo not find it,] Water remaining, or stagnating, deed,]) A place where people assemble, (AHeyth, colocynths haIt been steeped. (M, K.) long, accord. to Fr; ( ;) or t/hat has remained, or TA,) like a X tLb, [i. e. a kind of wide bench, of stagnated, long: (Myb :) or water remaininglong, L-5d One who acts with boldness towvards the stone or brick 4.c., generally built against a waU,] (Is,) or that has remained long, and become wife of his father: (K, TA:) such was Ibn- for the purpose of sitting upon it: (AHeyth, altered [for the worse], (S, M, Msb,) accord. to Mul5bil. (TA.) K, TA:) Az heard an Arab of the desert, of the AA. (S.) And the first, (M, K,) an inf. n. used tribe of Fezarah, apply this word to a square, : see i,, in two places. as an epithet, (TA,) Milk that uuas remained (M, flat-topped pile of earth, raisedfor the purpose ]O) long (18) so that its flavour has become of passing the night upon it: (TA:) also, [somesee s: ;S!,, below. altered [for the worse]; (M, Js;) as also T, times, app. in late ages,] a Iwroice for strangers; jl [act. part. n. of k.o: as such signifying] or a place in which the poor and the beggars which is in like manner applied to water: (M:) or milk left [long] in the udder of the camel, not Guarding or preserving [&c.], or a guarder or assemble: (MA, and Har p. 375:) not [origindrawn, so that it becomes salt anu windy: (IApr, pi.& [&c.]. (TA.) - [Hence,] A sailor: ally, or properly,] an Arabic word: ([ar' ubi TA:) or milk drawn in the night from a camel (S, M, . :) because he guards, or preserves, the supr :) [see more in art. a, for it is a dial. abounding therewith, having a bad and burning ship: (TA:) pl. fi. (, M, g) and (M, K) pl. var. of i~,] of the dial. of Baghd&d: (MA:) flavour. (Az, TA.) And, (M, K,) some say, and 5.b" (M, K. [But see [the pl. is - -S.e.] See also the next preced(M,) [used as a subst.,] A porntion remaininy pl. (M) 5t. ing paragraph. (M, 1) of milk (M) in the udder, ( p. 661U,) pj.o in art. j..]). Also [said to signify] The and of tater. (TA.) And Tears (;) that tran.vvcrse piece of wood in the middle of the ship: have become coltcted: and the sing. [or epithet (M, g :) [but] IAth says that it is the J. [i. e. 1. ', (S, A, MA, Msb, V,) aor. (A, ,) (, applied to a single tear (~i)] is 3!,.. (M.) ma.t] of the skip, which is set up in the middle And l.. AL' [Sperma of a man] altered [for thereof, and upon which is the [l, [or sail: it 1inf. n. 4a ; (8, MA, Msb,l;) and

#.&;.v Book I.]

br a 0 ~



or ,w-l may app. a mistranscription for .I; rhat rhat they said and did. (L, TA.) - [Hence,] [' Lpp. (.8, A, MA, Mbl, 1.;) and ~ 1.;, (IAir, ],) w biaemistranscription for t because of his un- D lion; (O,K;) T/e I, .f.,l, a var. of s It (a thing, Myb, or , MA-031 Th1 yr, inc n. ,1A ; (IA TA;) a (TA.) ractableness. the moun;])He ascended nd its inf. n. is ;11 w, or be- tiractableness. MA, S, Myb, ] O) an affair, or event, ja ain. (, S,A, &c.,) i. e. di.Jfficult, hard, ? j.O. He Y)l came, S,.a And g.) (Msb, t, see the next preceding paragraph, first 1 ain. hard to be done or aceeomplished, hard to be entence, says, j0 One (AZ,TA.) a scended the land. 0, s entence, in two places. 31 borne or endured, or distressing. (A, MA, 1].) Sk, have conU [Long 1 s"ej esa va Sour L5tJi5 v the Jil as Land such stones containing Land .l. Myb,) MA, ($, -,,-,1, One says, r. 4v. inued ilued my descending, or going domn, and ,ny and, and other stones, which is tiled, or cultiCl, The affair, or event, was, /d hand, (, Myb,) . like scending, or going up, in theland]. (A. [There scending, uted. vated. (], TA.)c difficult, &c., to him. (MA.) or became, immefflately mmefflately expl. pJlI) ., mmediately following ascend camels]: (S, K:) and a S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stallion [of *1*J A -. %M~ ; (TA;) [and] .bove: .. ]) - See also 4, last a. ., (1K,) inf. n. ,bove: see also : amel, amel, (S, A,)or a stallion [of camels], (ISk, a ouba:wt entence. entence. c t h; (KL;) and Va.; l, (A,) inf. n. ? VA,) left unridden, and untouched by a rope, [A,) (1:;) lie .made, or rendered,it ,, ~ .,(A, ,) 'I'I8k, S, A, TA,) so as to becomerefractory, as intrans.: see above, inf. n. ;, fiactory, or 2. ., i. e.difficult, hard, &c. (A, 1, KL.) or an unbroken camel, upon intractable: (S:) intractable:, places. - And see also 4, in four places. n four 0 v/wme back nothing is allowed to be put: (L, 4. .a.l: see 1. - Said of a camel, He mwa, ,vlwm m .;. He mauule him, or cauwed hlim, to ascend, _ . (ISk, TA.) and ' ; rA:) pl. 4 [meaning refractory, or un- rA:) or became, . ;) ; (1V and TA in art. jl ormount; mount syn. ` *Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is also applied as an epithet to a man, (A, Msb, C tractable]: (1K,TA:) [and in like manner one [t It 1_'_; and and Lnd j;'; (TA in art. .j ;) [and so and :. (see its contr. ,. a-- 1:) and rA,) says ? ,--a^ X 4_[i. e. tMade a chief or lord rA,) meaning sense contr. the in says one as like ; 11 t ,.A.~lt t6.mLa:wt; P , whichl is also said of a man:] and ~a1! kc.]: (TA:) pl. L1. (A, M sb.)One says, *Jj ke.] 1.] You say, sq and dil' ,; and *;1 said of a camel, hae was unridden, (A, TA,) and al> ,.;a-. - -;S[Such a man is one and -.. ind untouched by a rope. (A.) - Also, said of a ttt.'JI and a;lj [lie made himn to ascend, or mount, a If those who have been made chiefs or lords &c.]; rnountain man, His camel was, or became, refractory, or if mountain and a beast]. (TA in art..Ls.) And o ;j. (A.) ll i'193 like as one says, .. untractable. (L, TA.) - ~_?1: see 2. - Also like is said with reference to V . ' 1, J. J ) f Ie lefthim (i. e.a camel) unridden, (S, K,TA,) wild wild bulls or cows [as meaning 2h make them wild or A man rnwee camel is refractory, .--. A and untoucled by a rope, so that he became .b.actory, to toascend upon the mountain]. (g and TA in art. untractable: occurring in a trad. (L, TA.) -~ ]. untractable or tntractal,e. ($, 15.) [See rfratory, [Hence,] one says also, ;i' $ _[Hence,] - And He found it (i. affair, or event, .8, J-1 ) J-1 meaning t He looked at me fonm head to .g,, mmning [i. e. di.flcult, Msb, or a thing, ]C) to be .. foot, contemrnplating me. (L, from a trad. [And hard, &c.]; (, Msb, ] ;) as also V *.a- ^l1: oceurs in RIar p. 640.]) [q. v.]: (1g, and g and Msb in a similar phrase q. a ; Faa I.q. 0 (Mqb, X :) or both signify hle san it, or lhekl it, the Arabs, of country in the it grows :) ja. art. *0 in art. [e,j,o, inf. n. lew. , (the latter as used in the ., A oi to be so. (TA.) 1Scc an cx. of the former in a A and plain] the e. of [i. hinds, of two is and apad K 15voe ,i.~,) also signifies t lIe sublima ted it: verse cited voce '] a often occurring in medical books, and used in this w/hen L11,_. TA:) (AH.ln, mountain]: the of e. [i. L, w-: sec2. 5. ,., a,intrans.: see 4. - signifies sense in the present day.] - And ~ strewn streNn in a place, it drives away venomous or senoe 10. w,1a , iltrans.: see 1, in two places: also The act of liquijying, melting, or dissolring. noxious reptiles and the like, (g,) sch as srpents alw see 4. and see also 4. - 4a..: (V.) ~ See also 4, last sentence. (s.) and scorpions. (TA.) and




hard, hard to be done or arconmf Dfficult, 4. 4. J..l .al~1: see L - [Hence,] 4. QL 4 I plisled, hard to be borne or endured, or distress03 He went through the land towards a s.f He (Mglh,TA;) A, ig; (A, MA, ] ;) contr. of,)'; land than the other [from wrhich he cainme]: higler land 1. XJ ,4 J ($ A, Msbi, 1g,) aor. , (T,O,I.,TA:) pl. of the as also ' a.: (A, from the saying of Lth, that taken TA:) (Mqb, 1,)inf. n. 13.e (S, Msb, K5) and and (Msb, 0 1..; (M.h;) and of 9 the latter, 0 ' & former .~IP J signifies lie wrent towards a AlI, n. 11 e.l,, inf. , (A,) or and , (Hlam p. 407;) in jR, &a declivity, A diffi(T, TA.) One says ,4 x or a valley, hilher titan tihe river, or a declivity, ' *J el; (15;) and 'V La3, (A,) or (L,) n. inf. (L,) othr (A.) event. or came]. (TA.) And ..aa he which affair [fromn other distresing, or cult, hard, 1 He 1; r and 1; (15;) Myb n. the inf. in (L,) (L,) but ocSl A, or upwards, through tihe up, the went .~*1 if IHe ic (thlus in And . or cou;tries, ladder, the mountainup, [A went or signs,) ascended, He (1]g;) He l~1 and TA without any syll. countries, or lands. (AA, Msb.) And stair (L, Msb, V:) and so the verb is used of ,f~~ road] difficult, hard, or distressing: (TA:) pl. stair: it ~ He journeyed [up. . ioil , ~ asmnding a thing similar to a ladder, or stair: with sukoon ascending wardsi 'mards] ,.A.~,.t.4(A, Mb')and '.AZ wards] fro,m nsh a region, or town, to such but in a case of this kind one should not say anothff anotherregion, or town; from one that was lower [to the because the word is an epithet; for if it but a to il j C" and i. And (L.) .ial. (L.) to one that rwas higher. (M9 b.) [And hence,] were a subst., it would be ,-; ]. (Mab.) [Or 1 ,o-.l, p inf. n. j;L.1, He journeyed, or tent, (A,Mqb) He ascended, or1 as~ceded to, thefiat j~ 4.~ M; may perhaps be meant in the TA, (A, Nejd, and El-,Iijdz, and El-Yemnen: tomards towards house-top. (M 9b.) And i t4JI um., and-) i. e. A difficult, hard, or distressing, stage of a hoim-top. j~1 ' j~1 [or jotrney.] - Also Refractory, untractable, in- ejtQl, , and t A, He ascended the [or towards a higher rejion:] and jSaJ! signifies XA 1, and? r ,,he "he journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irfi, and compliant, obstinate, or stubborn; (1 ,*TA;) lace, t place, or upon the place. (L.) And Syria, and 'Oman :" (ISk, on the authority of contr. of J.l; (a, A, TA;) applied to a camel, J.gagI, (S, A, M sb, K5C,) and LJl La, inf n. 'Omdrah:) A, 'Omarah :) or the former, he journeyed, or a ent, (., A,)or to a beast; (TA;) [and to a man ;] towards the .Kibleh: and the latter, "lie jourV,;) and 4wi o, a formrarely used, tomardi (., TA,) which is applied to a woman: .w; (S,K];) fem. ~, neyed, or went, towards El-'Ir64:" (Aboo(M 9b,) disallowed by AZ, (, TA,) and said by neyed, (. ) and the pl. of this is ; [as of the mase.,] (Idqb,) gakhr, ,akhr, T:) or the former, he came to Mehkeh; applied to women, with sukoon him to have been unknown, (S,) or unheard, (TA,) and . 'tZ~, but this is a defective explanation: (TA:) (1~;) because the word is an epithet]. (~, (1V,) but he afterwards authorized it, and it is 1also and 0, : [to the also, is used as an inf. n. of this verb; ~a, authorized authorized by IAgr and 1Sk, (TA,) and occurring in a TA.) J,JJI-ll; a .I b ~ ;1 ,., and j;._L, as an inf. n. ofj_1t: (T,TA:) and * e 2 in art. J&i; [for *4;11 J, trad. of I'Ab, [lit. The people rode the refractoryj jJ5 qJ; (S in or ,..1, inf n. , he commenced a journey, . and the tractable she-eamel,] means t the people see C-Ci &Lj m;]) and 4 ; ,J, (MF, from or 1 Mekkeh, and from Elfrom as forth; went or entered upon difficut and asy affairs; i. e. they Kooteh the like: (Fr:) or he and Khur6asn, to Koofeh (TA; a (A,i) inf. n. cared not for things, nor were cautious respecting a trad.,) and a8 o. I


oA,oo [Boox I. commenced a journey, or the like, in any directior a: ,.~ : see ._o., in two places._ -,. .1.s expresAion of pain, grief, or so'r'o;v: or with and ,,Jl signifies "he returned, from ainy A vehemnent, severe, ,igorous, or grievous, punish- djiffculty: (L:) a long brecathing: (g:) or a town or country." (Ibn-'Arafeh.) And . *l ment; (S,A,g;) i. c. . j: l (TA:) or a prolonged breathing: ($:) or a lond breathing: J.), 8, 1,) or s , (Al kh distressing, or an afflicting, punial,ent, (B(! and (A:) accord. to some, a breathing 1 5 i, (Akl, emitted accord. to the T,) .lie wvent away, and journeyed, Jel in lxxii. 17,) that shall overcome the stfupsardls. (L.) You say, J....Al I3, (L,) tlhroulk the land, (Akh, 8, g,) or through tlhFeferer thereof, thile latter word being an inf. n. used countries, (Akh, T,) in any direction. (L.) Ar id as an epithet. (TA.) or .1~ .. ,, (A,) and t 1 .o ,.j, (L,) 11e .siyhed; uttered a sig/ or sighing; or breathed with 1 . 1, inf. n. L11; (L;) or ; n' ~ an inf. (A;) Tlhe ship spread her sail, and nwas bor; inf n n of . [q. v.]. (Ham p. 407.) an expression of pain, grief, or sorrowv: (L:) [or uttered a prolonged brealthing:] or breathed along by the wvind, (A, L,) upwards [app. meanir ig [Hence,] 1t ,. .JI ,4A [Tle arronw went loudly. (A.)_ [Hence,] od'. ' vl) a river or the lihe]. (L.) - .L ., sJ t a.l .;upNards]. (A.) And l ..:jwl L.,;d (A,) or o:' , (L, [in which the noun is (Akh, S,L;/;) and h to.., This plant increases in light. (S.) And , inf.n. evidently mistranscribed,]) t Such a one raies his i ;.- [used by (Akh,., MOb, ;) and ~1 (Lth,) but th l~ : see i.a.o. And V lewad, and does not stoop it, by ,reaonof lpride: last is disapproved by Az; (TA;) l.Ie descende poetic license for o O ], said of a tlhing (A:) or does not , hii head nor stool ) it. (L. or went donmn, into the valley, (Akh, S, L, Mbi falling, i. e. From above; from a higler place. [The former explanation seems to be the right.]) ];,) fronm ti a part wrlwnce the torrent comes; ncbt (Ham p. 34o.) - Also a pl. of and ao: of See also j.a, in four places. going to t/w bottomn of the valley: and in lik e ,t'Y?. (8, L, ,., o 8.) thus, with two dam;e.sac: see the next paragraph. manner, 9l u ,,),~l .le descended, or wena meils, is also the name of A certain tree firom ,ohn,, into the land: (L:) and .; . which pitch is meltedforth. (L.) ', ;y.o An acclivity; contr. of J, (S, L, I,) .li descended the mountain; as well as he as or of VS; a .. A high, or an elevatel, piece of land or (Masb;) and t . is [sy,n. thereeended it. (IB, L.) Akh cites the followin I g round; contr. of L4. with, being] contr. of ,.: (L:) pl. ~t" (Mgh and in art. . ) words of 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Hemmam Es-Saloolee And -.. ~ is said to be a proper name for The ia... (., J.) An ascending road: of the fem. A J 0 , J,* eaQth. (Ham p. 22.) -_ And A she-a.m: (L, gender: pl. [of pauc.] .~j and [of mult.] . :) or a long-backed she-aU: (L:) or long [in (L.) A mountain-road (., L,) as meaning I descendinwj, or going down dfficult of ascent; ($, A, at one time., througlh the countices, and [anothei the back], applied to a she-ass as an epithet, and L,g;) as also t.Lj, (L, K,) and tI.a.: with the t quiescent. tinme] ascending, or going u/): tlthis, says IB, ihr therefore the pl. is j,o.~, (L in art. tb :) a difficult place of ascent. (L in what indutced Akh to explain . Wilt 4 ans- he has done; ; (Ham p. 385.) And . , $ asss: (S, 1 that art.) [Hcne,] 1 A ertain mountain hItt it presents no proof, because ~ l has two ] :) said to be so called from ;'.~ meaning as in ellU, (L, g, MF,) consitting of fire, Mwhich contr. significations, that of b"t and that ol expl. above; and if this be correct, it is like the te/ unbelierer ti;ll ascnd dturing a er,.iod of appcllationyll .1s,: (.Ham p. 22:) or as being secenty year., after nmiich w w;ll f.all down it, ,1 !: and accord. to AZ, by I the poet t likened to tilhe women [or rather woman (as will and thus he t-ill do) fojr erere: (MF :) it is *f one menis I ascending, or going u/p, to ligh places; be shown in what follows)] termed Lam.o; and in l'ire coal; the unbelierr' mill be corn,elled to ascend and by ,1, the contrary. (L.),. 1 also like manner, SOm ... )l: (.Har SA . [pl. of a p. 471:) the iit, and will be beaten weith , signtifies lie advanced towards another. (L.) q. v.]; and whlenerer he pntits his le upon it, it rel. n. [applied to a single wild am] is V1 bvl,, , nilU And Hra went far; syn. ^.1. (yam p. 2.) _ dissolve as higlh as the lower mpart of his hip, (S, L, K,) irregularly formed: tlms in tlhe saying a andl will then become replacedl whole and sound. And )al ~ o.~l . He exerted himsef velhe- of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, L.) _- [Ience also,] t D.fficnlty, grievousnes, iently in running. (L.) ~.1l as trans.: see !istress, afliction, or trouble; (A, L, Mb ;) .as 2, in two lplaces. .~1 She (a camel) became Iso t.. (L) and t*l& , (;,) or t/ s*ch as is ter;'wd i_a- [q. v.]. (S, L, g.) , L,) and * Z;. (K.) You say, Isa.~ &; 1l And ._ , ($, L, 1,) tnd t , [And ie shot, and made a far-Jfying arrow to I made hin, or costrained hin, to dlo a d.ifficult, [probably imperfectly transcribed for t .,] reach a wild as in tle fJlnh, and the ribs rievous, distresing, qfflicting, or troublesome, encl l 9g (L,) I made the sloe-camel to be, or become, such it]. (.s, L.) _- And A pear, or spear-shaf; t)hting: (A :) or I imlposed upon hin sch a as is termed S.. (IA9r, ., L, J.) syn. ;WJ: (L :) a spear-shaft (;W) straight by its Punih~,ment. (L.) And t l.. ~-_ ;;b10-J [or t 11? 5. ,_.a, and its var. sec above)] t T77were is a dffi!ult, or distressing, 1a.l: see 1, in two growth, (S, L, ],) not requiring to be st'aight- (E ened: (?, L:) and I,laces: -and see also 4. a kind of It [or boad-hwaded a wcent to lordstip, or mnastery. (A.) And z:1 -a ,.A - The breath pamed forth with di.fficulty. (L.) dart], which is smaller than a (L:) or ,tl.~ J13t A hill diffic,lt to ascend (L.) ;_c3 (., A, g) and "~t,s ilso A lshe-camel that brings forth a young one (A, g) It (a [simply] an al: (1, TA:) [in the C aiJi: and] A thing, ., g, or an affair, A) vas, or became, in some copies of the I 4: l, which is a mis- npelfrfctly foned~, (An,S, .g) afjer six or sren difficult, or distresing, to himn; it distresued, or wontlhs, (As,) anl is muade to take an affcwtion to transcription: (TA:) pl. ;a. and .!$.'~I; (L;) tnA qnlhicted, h,n: (A'Obeyd, $, A, 1] :) from 's., /W young one of the preceding year, (A., 8,) or because it is a ai ul takes an afection to the as signifying "'amountain-road difficult of ascent:" the latter with fet-t to the young one of the receding year: (s :) or a she-camel rthose young (A'Obeyd :) or from 11., as the name of "a subst. (yam p. 385.) One says, 1.a.l,. 1;jU p? i. e. [Thcy thrust, or pierced, one another] wvith vone dlies,and which returns to her former young certain mountain in llell." (TA.) the sipars. (A.) - [Hence,] + .A oPte, alnd yilds it mill: when she does this, her 6. .~W,and its var. , l: see at 1: and girl, or young aomnan, straight in figure, (A, L,) b ilk is the sweeter: (Lth:) or a she-camel that see also 5. iangs forth her young one after its hair has like a spear, or stear./aft : (L :) pl. ;.l'.. M'(', b, .own, and then takes an affection to her former 8. aI.,a and its var. .. : see 1, in two the latter word with the , quiescent, (A, L,) yo wung one, or to the young one of another: pl. places. because it is an epithet. (L.) Stb and ; but this latter pl. is disapproved 10. ;;.1al: see 2.. . _ 1joil lie -a.-l $,~ : Wsee .7, last sentence but one. bj Sb. (L.) plcbked or gathered, the fruit of thle .01; to eat. (TA in art.,.) ,.o. IIigh, or elerated, land or ground: or Jl_~: see .jad;,in two places. /ah, .. '; or elevated, laind or ground, above sue as s .... ,~: ace Jo. 0t7 A sigh, or sighing; a breathing with an is low, or depresed: or even land or ground:



BooK I.]
(L:) or ven land or ground, tvithout any trees: (Lth, L :) or a [desert such as is termed] *o.1).~: (A:) or the surface of the earth; (Th, Zj, ., A, Mpb, g ;) wiether it be dust or earth, or otherwise: Zj says, I know not any difference of opinion among the lexicologists on this point: (Mb :) [such is said to be its meaning in the ]ur iv. 46 and v. 9; and therefore in performing the


po the Bur [xsxi. 17], & U I -

1689 i 'S, (Mgh,

dirhem with something more made the price, as when you say ;~tj' ; but you mention the lowest price that you offered, and mean that you then offered more and more. (Sb, L.) And I,t.i ~ &1 5- t lIIe read the opening chapter of the Book [i. e. of the s]ur-.n] and more is a phrase of the same kind. (L.)

TA,) and accord. to one reading, ,t L , (TA,) meaning, And turn thou not arayfrom peop through pride. (Fr, Aboo-Is-b]k, Mgh.) [See also 5.] 3 and 4: see 2; the former in two places. 5. -;3 and He distorted Ais chek by R,3 reason of~prid. (Sgh, TA.) See also 1. 6: see what next precedes. 9. 0j .1 ;,.1l The canwels wnt a vehement pace: or became disrsd. (TA.) R. Q. 1. o..,a ( (. , ,) inf. n. oaja, (TA,) He madeit round: ($, :) hA rolled it. (TA.) [See in.] R. Q. 2 . j rolled. (TA.) It became round: ($, g:) it

kS,.G rel. n. of I.' , q. v. act termed *.,;Jl,] a man should strike his hands upon the surface of thdie earth, and not care whether '. [A place of ascent: pl. .d;].. One there be in that place dust or not: (Zj:) [hence] one says, U*;; l , )Jl . U . says .Jla1 #i. 34; and .cjl t [meaning A station, or post of hionour, to which tlhe ascent Ja. l [Thy fame has flown through the near and and ascents (lit. the place and places of ascent) is, the distant regions, and reached the extremity of and are, distant]. (A.) the surface of tht earth]: (A:) or ,-!- signifies .,-~ A high, mountain. (L.) And the earth, or ground, itself; (IAar, A, L;) as in *'' -, or j.. ~, A high, or prominent, pubes. the saying ;1. 1;U;, meaning Sit thou upon the earth, or ground: (A:) or good earth or land: (L.)~Also Beverage, or wine, (],) and vinegar, ed nith pains by mneans of fire, or or earth,or land, not mixed with sand nor with salt (TA,) prqarea oil: (L:) or dust, or carth, (Fr, 8, L, MQb, K,) rell boiled, (l' J, , p1, TA,) until it becomes such as is pure, tpon the surface of the ground or alteaed inflarour and colour. (TA.) that has come forth from nithin it; thus accord. to Az in thle Jlur iv. 46 and v. 9, in the opinion j,~: see the next preceding paragraph. of most of the learned: (Mb :) or only earth con;1 " The [role called] J ;, [made in the taining dust; not applied to a coarse, nor to a fo.rm of a hoolp,] by means of which a man fine, ;;; nor to a coarse ,:&; althoulgh it ascemls palm-trem. (I,* TA.) _ [And A scalbe mixed with dust: (Esh-ShAlfi'cc, L:) pl. ,~ ing-ladder.-And, accord. to Freytag, A chain and 1.,!0~", (;, L, 1],) the hltter a pl. pl. (Msb, irith which the feet of captices are shackled, to TA.). And A wide, or an ample, place. (L.) irevent thchi taking wide stelp: - and ,A clain -And A road, (L, Mob, Ii,) whether wide or upon th.fiwet of rcomen, serving as an ornament: narrow: (L:) pis. as above (L, MHb) and itsf%a in relation to which he rtfcrs to Schrader de (L.) It issaid in a trad-. :-lele -;j vestitu mulicrum lIcbr. p. 123.] i L.. ; S* i. c. Bevare ye of sittivJ in, or by, the roads, sahe who perfo,mus ti dty roelating thereto: [respecting which duty seeer. :] 1. J., aor. , (Myb, X~,) inf. n. o; ($, A, .1 1 is here the pl. of wihich is pl. of Mgh, Msb, ] ;) and tj;-3; (A, K ;) lie had a J,...: or, as some say, it is pl. of t oL~, which wtr,yess, or distortion, in the cl,eeh, (?,) or in tiw signifies A court, or an open space, blfore the face, (A, X1,) or in either side [thereof], (6,) door of a house, and the place througlh which men or in the neckc, (Lth, A, Mgll, Mob,) by reason of pass infront of it. (L.) - Also A gr,ave. (AA, inide, (A,) witl a turning of the face on one sile : Mlr, L, IL) (Lth, Mgh, Msb :) [see also 5:] or he (a camel) had a disorider by reason of rwhich Ath tnisted his Wt' .'g ~ toi $ Verily she (a camel) is neck, (',) and distorted it. (TA.) You say, near to cutting her two teeth called the 0j. is *-'' .aLs; In Ahis neck, and in his ce/eA, (L, TA.) is a wryness, or distortion, arisingfriom pride. 1O : see SLs .

R. Q. 3. ~a!, and Ol!' (1g,) in which latter the Ci is incorporated into the j, (TA,) HIe (being beaten or struck) writhed, (TA,) and turned round by reason of pain, in his place, and became contracted. :(I, TA.) Ja inf. n. of lq. v.]. - Tho saying .st )l J11 is expl. as meaning In [the case of] tha distorting of the face [the whole bloodwit shall be exacted: as though the verb of which e is the inf. n. were trans.; but this is obviously a loose rendering]. (Mgh.) -,e also signifies Pride: (Mgh :) or the being proud. (TA.)And Smallness of the head: (s :) or the being small, said of a man's head: (g,* TA:) one say,s, &J., inf. n. ,e, (Tg.) meaning his lhad wat small.

0;p~ (s, ], &c.) and t*s

(?gh, O)Long,

(A.) And 3.' ^..1 [I will assuredly straighten thy mnyJness, or distortion, of the neck, kztZ, applied to a she-camel, Tall, or long; or cheeh]. (A.) And ~.. lJI ;'.; A disease rwhic made him to twist his neck befell the camel. syn. ;.R (1.) (Mgh, TA.) - [See also '.. below.] _ Also 0JI JI o;; ; One who climbs the mountain ;d, (TX,) in. n. ';, ((, Ti,) lie (a man, much or ofen. (TA in art. Li.) TO) ate ,;I.a, [pl. of'j ' , q. v.], ([,* T.K,) i. e., gum. (TA.) .oL [As,endig, Ic.]._ [tHence,] / -G , , ;.r (I.)_- Also, (s,) orj; [only], (TA,) t A certain substance, yellow, [in the Ck 2. .. lHe caused him to hare a rytjness, or t A talnc. (A, L.)_And &eL; ,-. [HghA .. is put,] thick, tough with [somewhat nobilit. (A.) - [Hence also,] one says, l distortion, in the neck, and a turning of the face j.ol of] softness and moisture, that comes forth from 1;t,d Ii IIt reached such an amount and on one side, by sotnething smiting or befalling him. the teat: (J:) so called by way of comparison: (Msb.) o... , (inf. n. J, g,) and upward#: (V, TA:) and ljc . ; .,J (TA:) or what is first milked, of biestings: ( :) t (B, A, Myb, ].,) and t a~l, (1,) lce or milk that is gummy (t~..), in biestings, before $ Igot itfor a dirAem and upwards; an elliptical ,t, phrase, for 1iM 0 ii ;pg ;i Igot turned away his cheek (S, A, Mqb) from the it becomes clear. (TA.) _ ;3a The little ball it for a dirlhe and the price increased upnrrds, people, (Myb,) by reason of pride (, A, MBb) whichl is rolled along by the [kind of beetle and dislike; ($, Msb;) he turned away his chleek or I. 4.ij ent upwards: you may not say from looking toward. the people, by reason of called] J4.. (g, TA.)_b. C t Long .inger.. I,jk, because you do not mean to tell that the contemplt a,itingfrom pride. (_.) It is said in (TA.) Bk. I. 213

slender, twisted gum: (IC:) or a piece of gum haring a long and tmisted form: (AZ, $:) and [gum of the hind called] 1 )i that has become concrete: (s:) or this is the signification of 4ta, (;, ]~,) which is the pl. [ofjas~], (TA,) accord. to AA: (S:) or the pl. signifies concrete gum resembling fingeos: and .j,j is aid to signify a piece of gum: accord. to Aboo-Nayr, it is lile a reed-en, and t~ising like a horn: and A.n says that O. , with J, signifies a small round piece of gum: (TA:) and the fruit, (I,) or any fr.uit, (TA,) of a tree that is like (that of, TA) the Jwl, and iike pepper, and what resembrbes tlsis, of such as are hard: (8, TA:) or such they term ,tz.: (TA:) or gum in general: pi.

1600 jae: see the next preceding paragraph. 1

[Boox I. that he has heard, such as the rehement sound of the fall of a wall or thi like or of a part of a 1. aor. o, - and ,, (K,) inf. n. L and mountain. (TA.) And Dying, or dead. (TA.) L,A, (TA,) a dial. var. of 'La,d ; and so is _Also, (K, TA,) or a.1 J(S, O,) Ve * 1kaaI of ~.l!. (IC, TA.) See art. a~. hertent in voice, (S, 0, 1, TA,) and in braying; (TA;) applied to an ass. (8, 0, TA.) 4: see what here precedes.

i, Proud, or haughty: because he declines with his check, and turns away his face from people: occurring in a trad.: or the word as there

used is ;j , or ;iLa, accord. to different relaters.

(TA.) applied to a camel's hump, Great, or ln,pe, (l, TA,) and round. (TA.) - And .''" a . Intensely red. (C.)


e~~.1 .


i. i;

q. v. (Lh, .)


see ai'

Also The sound pro- a aiaL&o [or thu,duerbolt]. (TA.)_

1. i:l,.i ;-~ , ($, O, ,) aor. ', (1.,) inf. n. aiU , (0, 1,) Thte sky snote thelm with what is ~ Obliquity in going or march or course: temed 1L [i.e. a thuliderbolt]. (, 0, g.) (S, 1C:) from.'~ [inf. n. of ']. (S.) ~Also A mnark made with a hot iron uplon the neck of a [And signifies the same.] a. is camel: (?:) or of a slw-camel (O) only: (TA:) quasi-pass. of the verb in the phrase above; (Z, a mark of the people of EI-Yemen, only made TA in art. j.. ;) signifying He nwas smitten by uplon a/-camels: (Tedhkirehl of Aboo-'Alee:) a ;'SL; (TA in art. & ;) as also i '; (K not ulon a camel whet/ier male orfemnale, (1,)as it is said to be by A'Obeyd [and J]. (TA.) J and TA in that art.;) and so o and ". (0 was lcd into error by a verse of EI-Museiyab (1) in that art.) - And ;., (S, O, Myb, g,) Ibn Alas; wherein he uses the phrase ; ~ aor. ', (Mob, 1],) inf. n. ~, (M#b,) or ;;,
4 Iip .,

J,s\)l ai".,3I means The first blast [of the lhorn on the day of resurrection]. (Msb.) _- And
i&;- also signifies AI death. (TA.) rt. A camel meonre in his mnarrow. (Ibn'AbbLd, O.) irl. [A thunderbolt; i. c.] a th ing deccending from tlw thunder, that smites tnot anythi,ig but it alters it and burtn it: (Mb :) orfire that falls from the ./y, (AZ, S, O, .K,) in rehltnent thundler: (AZ, S, O :) that God sends nith vehement thunder: (TA:) or the ecourge (;'9) that is in the hand of [the angel n'ho is] the dr/ir of tie clotutl, and that comes not tipon anything but it burns it: (0, g:) or a rehenent souul fr om a thundering iyith nAhich fillx a piece of fire: or the sound of thunder: (TA:) Wahb Ibn-Munebbihl, being asked respecting it, whether it were a tangible thing or fire or wlhat else, answered that he thought no one knew it except God: (O, TA:) accord. to some, (TA,) it signifies also the cry, or relwcwett eJy, or shout, [tltat is an eficient] of punisl,ncnt: (S, O, :) and death; (0, g ;) so accord. to Kattdell (O, TA) and Mu.kttil: (TA:) or a cause of deatl: (Zjl TA:) and any destructice punis/lment: (0, ]4:) and t ii and a,;s., are dial. vars. tllerof: (TA:) the pl. is ost,. ~3'_se: seeCC . (O, Msl), TA.)

[lf'ith a swjft he-camel marked with the (., O,) or both, and :an, (v1,)
(TA;) on hearing which, Tarafeh (O)


Ibn-EI-'Abd (TA) said,



male camel has assumed the characteristic of the female camel]. (g, TA.) EI-Bedr El-]arifee nrges that the term used s, by J, includes the female; and that the mase. epithet [E.] is used and jb;km, lie (a [by the poet] because the male is the more hon- v, aor. , inf. n. j. man) died. (TA.) :] ~ tJt 5 - v ourahle, being more hardy, and stronger than the female: but this demands consideration. (TA.) %o;l )t, in the ]ur [xxxix. 08], means Alnd thos in the heavens and those upon the earth shall ~ llaving a a ~n, or distortion, in the die: (S, TA:) or shaUl fall don dead, or in a c//ek, (S,) or in theface, (A, V,) or in either aide swoon: (Bd:) or shall lose their reason. (TA.) [thei.eof], (1,) or in the neck, (A, Myb,) by bj1 4 ;, inf n. v The wellfell re~aon of pride, (A,) with a turning of the face -And in ruins, or to pieces; or collapsed. (TA.) on one ide: (Mb :) or a eamel having a disorder jUa.. [as an inf. n.] signifies The soundling of b/ reasn of which he twits his neck, (I,) and thunder: and v-, aor. , inf. n. !t, distorts it: (TA:) sometimes tlheo being so is is said natural (., A, Myb, O) in a man (S, Myb) and in of a bull, meaning He bellowed, or lowed: (TA:) an ostrich; (., A, Mgh;) and sometimes it is and likewise of a man [app. as meaning he belaccidental: (Myb :) pl.ja~. (TA.) -It occurs lowed, or roared]. (ISk, TA in art...l.) in a trmd. as signifying Such as withdraws him4. 3iLI ;:1 Tw ersti, [or thunderbolt] se.. [from others, through prie]; syn. 1t smote iim. (TA.) - And 'a.~ lIe, or it, 7;: (, TA: [thought by Ibr D to be a caused him to swoon, or become insensible. (S.) mistake for &.J lj: but this seems to me And He, or it, killed, or slen, him. (TA.) improbable :]) or sach as turns away his face, by reason of pride: (IAth:) and in another trad. as : see the next paragraph. signifying such as turm awayfrom tle truth, and a. is an inf. n. of v [q. v.]: (Msb, :) isfaulty. (TA.) and primarily signifies A swooning, or becomning insensible, in consequence of a vwhemeent sound j' , (.,)in the 1 , said to be like s*j, but the former is the right, as is shown by the that one hears; and sometimes, such that one ex. below, (TA,) applied to a night-journey to diet in consequence thereof: - afterwards often used as meaning Deat.:. (TA.) - [Also] Vewater, HIard, or svere. (., (.) A poet says, /umence of sound or voice: (O, 1 :) and vehemence -1 1 6.0--- #- # 0 of braying of an ass; used in this sense by Ru!^~ tioi ..H JJ beh; (O,0 TA;) and said by Az to be originally [And they had peiformed a hard night-journey to nater]. (., TA.) v ~ Ex,pcting, or looking for, a '~l, [or pja[Made round: and simply, round]. A thunderbolt]. (Ibn-'AbbAd, O, K.)-Also SnoonrAjiz savs, ing, or becoming insensible; (I, TA;) and so .; or the latter signifies dying uddny: 0 f d3 and the former, swooning, or becoming insensibl, [Black, like the round grains of pepper]. (S.) and losing hit reason, in consequence of a sound

and LS, (. , O, ]I,) lie (a man, S, 0) s,vooned, or became insenble, ($, O, Myb, K, TA,) and lost his reason, (TA,) in consequence of a sound that he heard, (Mqb, TA,) such as tih vehlement sound of the fall of a wall or the like or of a part of a nmountain; (TA;) as also : . (Mqb, TA.-)_ And

1. Ja, aor. , (K,) inc n.

n,, (TA,)


or it, 7as, or became, surl as is termed jn and J I meaning as expl. below; as also Vt tal. (K, TA.) One says, i'l t t;Jol meaning The palnm-tree was, or became, deuler in the head. (IDrd, O, TA.) 11: see the preceding paragraph, in two places. JL Small in the head; applied to a man, (As, S, O,) and to an ostrich; (S, ;) as also t j.~; (0 ;) and t ' applied to a woman: (S:) or snmall in the head and long and slender in the neck; applied to a man: (Sli, TA:) or ; and its fem. l.o, and 1tja~l and its fem. trL~, such as is slender in the head and neck, of mankind, and of ostriehces, and [in like manner] of palm-trees: (N,'* TA:) or, accord. to Aq, only the first is applied to a man, and its fern. (with ;) to a woman: but IB says that others mention f s'.. as applied to a woman; and accord. to this, one applies Vjt ! to a man. (TA.) And " !ii. A palm-tree that is crooked, and bare in the loer parts of its branches: ($, 0,

Boox I.]


d to U )- ' (9 it] smalL J make knowledgel: or a taUl palm-trye; which is disapproved, as to make it astame that rounded jorm S:) He, or it, rendered him [sman,or ltte, '1A1 because often when it is tall it becomes crooked. (Sli, O.) i, e.,] contemptible,vile, base, or ignomino, [in lost t ;. An as that has (IB, TA.) And j TA.)of men:] (A:) and [in like manner] he, t the eyes yo his wfthair, (S, S,) or his abundant and long ious, igno~ vile,bae, him rndered or it, phrase st, ren~ nam mwp 0~, or ulr UJ^~9~, J , aor.', He, or it, wasslender; and (,r the 1. hair, (0,) or both. (TA.) And j;. significs TA,) vith vils~, bamn, abacontent or TA,) .0,J JJ, also Tall, or lmig: (1 :) applied by EI-'Ajjijto a mus small: (IA ar,1 :)from J~., here following. .. (TA in _- i, ment, or inominy. (S'.) um, mast of a ship as meaning tall, and hamngJ its (TA.) the denote upper part even, or uniform, with its middle; aA. *.ji (? and TA inthe same 1Z art denote j*) and [or bird of the sparrowU A sma not as meaning slender in the lihead. (TA.) art.) rt.) [I essened his rank, or dignity]. -p.a Also, [used asa subst.,] A male ostrich; because hind],(1, TA,) red in the head; (TA;) fern. He changed the noun into tle inf. n. ;& -a, ;'., ,-I, inf 'tL [or birds of the a small in the head: aid witlh ;, afemale ostrichA. with;: (1 :) or small timnuticeform. This is done for several (M.b.) diminutireform. bid et (TA.) red; n. un. a)urpoom: to denote the smallnes of the thling which are ^B~sparrow-kind], thie heads of ~~~~~~~(TA.) purposes: F signifies a certain bird; iignified, in itself; as in the instance of ~ with l;: (Mb :) or `' Slenderness. (S, 0.) [" a and its pl. is'ad and .".: (S :) or the pl.(of mall, or little, hose"]: to denote its smallnec . ;a , which is preferred 1 *~ , (O, TA,) or nnthe eye of the speaker, when it is not small in and 0) ;0., (1, in ! (M b, is f. head: (0, TA :) or ;:, M.b) by Sh,(0,) Smallnesm of the taelf; *; is -: 1 'o -1 and the pl. of tself; as in the saying L*3 _,) the C of the boly. (TA.) ~lndernem, and lightnss (TA. '1 i some say that W t"the dirhems went, except a small dirhem "]: (TA.) too denote nearness; as in the instance of is originally som say tat see what next precedes. : in theF A gumcamel smaU a3t .Ience, (TA ,) .. inte ) ~..WI s . the A ,- And and its fem. l~ : see J~ , in six hen ,hi, Jy.i signifies :1 ~1..I [" a littleo before daybreak "]: to denote pl. he-. (15.) head. (( expression [pl. of J-l., q. v.]. (TA.) e kiTedion affTection and benevolence; as in the0.1. ~~~~~~~~places. fi diminutive [11 my littlo (meaning dear) son "]: to l [" O 'A lenote denote the greatness of the thing signified; as in r"] a e y --'' e lie lithe phrase i50m. 4w [" a very severe year ]: Q. 1. 'dg, (0,1,) inf. n."J.., (TA,) lie 1~a. , aor. ; (S, Msb, ;) anda-, aor.:; ,o denote praise; as when a man is described as 1 to rendered him poor, or needy. (0, K.) 10. ["a s g [" a little pastor's-bag filled ic 'l cruof d (1;) inf. n.o, (S, Mb, ,) ofthe former, (S, s lie made the 31,~ [or me~ ic jJ. with (1,) also of the former, knowledge"]: to denote blame; as in the bread moistened with broth] to have a head: or M sb,TA,) and ;j;, i,!["0 thou little transgressor"]. xpression (TA,) andi., and CALo, (IAar, S,) which are (mpression ' l (1.) And raised hehead. it [ also ;:-, is also applied to (L,TA.) [The inf. n., 2 up the lnrer part of the cameIa bothof the latter; (TA; [but Ibr D thlinks that %, lie stretched #a,p eits part of ta amer there is no reason for this assertion with respect to A hum seo at to ma$e upr A diminutive noun itself; as also ' ., l.] becanme, or nw, (S, Msb) See [Hle or] itbeing JIA;])or little; 10. A d smaU, also The .ts J;.!ltfa i form. (Sh, O.) And (S, the ontr. of., . herb!, or leguminous plants, fattened th camels. 4: see 2, in two places. _ i,.';1 ;AI The or of.&&, as also ;lh. [&c.]: (M, 1 :) or ~, (Shb, o, ) landprodtwwlsmaUlphintsorherbage, (15,)not tall. herbage, or smallplaints landprodwcl c, 6, is in body, or corporeal subtance, (JI ... poor, or (TA.)-1.3' Q. 9. .Wa;m lIec as, or bceame, in the remaied !j-" [Theiy ~i' ', with this in. n., (TA.)--.I3' lIe ad a snr, of [and in years, or age; and a as, orK.) ie And O Qdy. ( rear spritW-Ixmiure] might they that order in porerty. (,OKL.S) A[leaffeted to be uch aw i said of a human being, signifies he was a child spring-pasture] tits by former the in expl. (O, S: ones: . s in the state of childlood, not having attainea theyounger cwamel tob aflre (KL.] [.. e.or t~re 9 termed ZJ _ o Tl ca malk ~l.~l 1,o,gl ,AJ [correctly MjJ,J]: in the C1(and puberty ;] and ;et is in estimnation or ran) termed .*).to . cast, or shed, their Jitr,(9, K, TA,) and, some t. p. my MS. copy of the S, by,M.'l [whicl I add, became bare. (TA.) Accord. to Sh, The or dignity (? 1 ~.). (M, S.) -Also p p and is ii't e.. ! ,cams became dender in their legs in ronsequence inf. n. ju.. and ;'l and s;La. and Cj. is a manifest mistake].)-- ;.n-j ,itl He was content (TA,) hla1S qf fatness [of the body; app. meaning that their fh, (O ) and The se-camel uttered her yearning cry to, or .0 baeness, abaement, or ignoniny, (, *) for, her young one, in a low tone, and loudly. legs became slender in comparison with their ~il . a said bodies]. (TA.) And accord. to As, n. (A.) i and tyranny, or injury: (TA:) or 'a.ois inf. n beam snder, and horse, of aHe 6. jA . of , aor. -, signifying he wa, or became h (TA.) lHebecame small; he shrank, or hair. (TA.) and long oabundantand n !mair. abundant s, and (?,*Mqb;) ignommioum; vile, base, or became became contracted; (0' and TA in art. Jl. ;) signifies th or by reason of abasement, (TA ibid.,) or from fear. : (Mgh:) or ; d ' Poor, or needy; (S, O,0, TA;) [a D3" or rank o (yam estimation in little, or mall, being property; no having poor man;] and ISd adds, (y~am p. 58.) - He became vile, bas, ignoL.c ~ ,rtijt you say, and minious, (TA:) dignity: any [upon and Az adds, and having no reliance (1, TA;) cane ,e minious, abject, or contemptible; lt or small, became meaning, m, with robber: or thief, a and (TA:) thing]: or peron to nought. (TA.) And ' t lic 91 1 it .ojkW 1c eanswith .damm, meaning, [he became small, or littk <>J e1 (KL : pl.iWl. 6, O.) O) means ait Jhl". (KL:)pl so (lit. his soul or his own self) became of little o reverence, in the eyes of men; i.e.,] he lost his *. & 0.) w. (V,O ~(KL=)pl.J importance, by being vile, bas, or ignominious, Te tAiev, or reverend dignity. (Msb.) [See also 6.] On imprtanm, T.5, 014~ [i. e., as expl. voce )r to 4 to himself, or in his own estimation; (A, Mb ;) He, or it, is smale -. sharpers, and paupers, of the Arabs; or the says also, Ihk ' ;a A. he becamn vilk, base, ignominiousm, abject, or conAhe paupers of the Arabs who practise thieving: than, or too small for, such a thing; syn. i,A temptible, to himsdf, or in his onn estimnation. [Sh .) And because they act like wolves]. (8, O.) 'Orweh (TA in art. (S,* S,' TA.) - And [He affected, or fei~g , I, (,. J.) ":~ And oJil p O [She was called 4J1s)-q ~ because he (TA in art. Ibn-El-Ward &c. J., art. in ( offspring]. bear to young too cl - bcueh I EWrw abjectness; contr. of .wi~: or] At chdibitedl I.) abjectnm. .t,aor. , means / .. .. used to collect the poor in a s;c&. [i.e. an )r abjectnes. (KL.) S a enclosure for cattle] and sustain them by means . ma 10. ,,in~ . [i.e. Ie wa not younger than I, save by id of the plunder that he took. (9,O, .'e counted, atwounted, reckoned, 10. ; .. e Th (IAgr, 1.)-And .year]. 1 .1 ~ . ~~ tA.~~ or steemed, him, or it, small, or little: or vike, o S.) (Th, to setting. inclned sn ead: (0, in the A round A man Z.I U ban, - .s: (S., :) syn. or ignominious: base, . S, TA:) or, as some say, small in the head. (TA.) 2. ; , (inf. n. e-- , TA,) He made hin or young~ : as also * "'. (TA.) And ,i; : applied to a camel's hump, 06 Such as is as though one rounded its upper part, or it, small, or little; as as t j.1. (8, S .W '.,; ($, Mqb) w fet-b, ($, [and i.&, witl: and sMb) and sretched up its lower part aith the hand so You say, $ifl ?jkol He sewed tihe water-skin [ 21:3

1092 so in the l5ur vi. 124,]) or t;lu, with damlm, (Mob, [but perhaps there is an omission in rmy copy of the Msb aier this word,]) and j.d. , (,) Vilss, baseness, abasement, or ignonfiniomrneu: (Q, Mob:) so the second word signifi or in the ]5ur vi. 124: (TA:) and tyranny, or oppression, or injury. (f.) One says, L, 0, and V .i0 ,, [Rise thou, notmithstandi thy vileness, or ignominioutsnes]. (?.) [See als so 1, of which it is an inf. n.] in body, or corporealsubstance; and in estimattion or rank or dignity; and in years, or age]: G( Myb, g :) fern. t.q e. -*'-: ,S (S, Mgb :) pl. masc.j.t (Sb, S, ]0) and ;"l'l., (M, K,) though the sirng. is not of the nouns which regularly add; to the pl., and it is added in this case because the sit resembles in form 'i of whicllh c. is a , (I8d,)and W j L (Sb, S:)and p. fem.(

kl hearke,ed, or listened. (K. [See also the next paragraph.])

copies of the K, erroneously, :K.(, ( T, TA,) He inclned and gare ear, or

[Boox I. &., (TA,) and

4. "lil ,i..l Ile inclined the tcssl: (,i Myb, 1 :) or e turned tles ecssel ulpon its side, in order
thntt wlutt was in it might collect togetherl. (M, TA.) - [IIence,] ej~i i Ubl t Sttrh a one

S, Mob) and .l" : (Mob :) but Sb says, y, rol perished, or died. (Er-Raiglib, TA.) And Ji.I do not say* $, , nor ,ol.;., except wi A: see a.a, in two places. [And see 1, of the article Jl: q. o. .i l expl. in what follows: and he adds, we have heard t ic ;f t[lsq. whichl it is an inf. n.] (see also o :) or] he dtraeted lf,mh; rllutnArabs says, /l'Jl [perhaps miswritten for tion; .slnlte evi of him; or slanrtered hItm. (Z, .,3A.. ,jij Such a one is the last, or younga st, ikLol]*;and ifyou please,you maysay .s'j1. TA.) ~L osi.., (A, TA,) or *`J, (K,) means of tlrn: (K,1 TA:) and o I i W, an ad (S~.)._ l1' . [lit. The tvo less, or least, things st,] t lIe diminitxlshed to him, im,,i.ed to Aim, or att 1 J ;.~/a, Such a one is the least, or o means t the Ieart and the tongue. (K.) It is dtefr,,,dedl hi,,, of a port;ion of, (Z, K, TA,) his youngest, of th, children of his parents: oppoe ed said in a prov., &i.lp. l.pJI, meaning, t 7T ,c rig'ht or due, (Z, TA,) or the thing. (.K.)_ You to ... (TA.) And i l lU; I am of t h man obtains power over thiings, and manag e say also, 1 .l ;D1Ol, and LSm~ , I inclined mj little-one, or of the young: ( :) said by an Ara ab them thoroughly, by means of his heart and hids head, and my ear. (ylb.) And .j .iU.ol, (, child when he is forbidden to play. (TA.) tongue. (ISk, TA. [See Har p. 446.])S cc .,) or . i.1 , L*.ol, (M, TA,) lHe inclined also ~.'. his ear to him. (.S, M, K.) And S..Il, alone, see*;. B: aho.. ... ;,a t.a jI Land having small plants or heri IIe gave ear, hearhened, or listenedl. (K. [See a. .. also 1, last explanation.]) And iJiI 1 Tlcw age, not grown tall. (ISk, S, K.) seej ami: .:_ and'i.. sme-camel inclinted he halad ton,aryx tlh J. [or sa(lle], (S, 1, TA,) in some copies of the S '"" ,. , o. see e, in art.,. *o Small, or little; (1,1;) [in body, or corr;jjyd.:) ti11 J! [toward, J thle an], (TA,) as though poreal substance: and in estimation or rank oDr , ...she Leree listening to a thing: (S, K:) this shle dignity; as is implied in the K: and in yea,'s, oar l,a.a: seeo0 does when the saddle is bound upon her. (S.) age; a youngling; a young one of any female and of a tree and the like: applied to a humai m and .o li' an inf. n. oft [q. v.]: and also [utsed as] being, a child ; i. e., one whko hasu not attainedt& 1. L, aor. ; (s, M Mb, 1 ;) and [ , a sinmple subst. [meaning Inclination]. (TA.) ,uober'ty: opposed to .i:] as also 1;1" (S, g; ) aor.] ,., (S, TA, and so in some copies of tli,ec One says, oi.,il [lIe vectijied.] his inclination. and t .,~ (V) and t.i.: (Mob in art...b : ) ,)or u~..; (Msb, and so in some copies oof (TA.) And ii o t ' and , t and Oi.L, fem. with ;: (Mob :) pl. maso. ;ji and ', the ], and in the M, but it is said in the TA thaat i. c. Iris inclination [it witlh t&ee, meaning, is it is correctly is', with kesr, as in the ~; ) agreeable (a form used in poetry, ?,) and Vri , ($, ,) ,vith tline]. (AZ, S, 1K.) In [some of] the copies of the K ;. or tlhe last is [correctly speaking] a quasi-pi. n.: inf. n..u.; ($, Myb, K;) and and ;i. are written ., aor. UIl' (TA:) and pl. fem.;l i, but not5'ii. when used inf n. lI and O.'; it~ ; red ~," which vould lead the inad($, Mb,K;) lie, or it vertent to imagine these two words to be syn. as an epithet: (Meb :) the dim. of;ok is t. inclined, (, Msb, g, TA,) .,L. Jl [to the with thle word there next preceding, namely, and .tW., (Sb, ],) the latter anomalous. (1;A.) thing], (TA,) or 1.4 jl [to such a thing] ': sr as an epithet applied to the sun. (TA.) (Mb :) or they signify [sometimes, for the meaning You aly, ;JI t the j; andldJl I; [le is small, or little, in rank, or dignity; as also expl. above is unquestionably correct, and is thatt .,vi.o: see the next precedilng paragraph. [I,i which is predominant,] hw (a man, , or tI ., is a phrase similar to .Jtl S.; and in knowledge.] (A.) And 4.rinclining of his tl [here app. TA) lihad an .)- 4 '.. meaning tlhe c;J. iH, I j, meaning Tlis is thy clwsen, or _~j~~ ;>, .MWI T7e peolel came: [the mouth or the part below' tle mouth]; (g,TA;) special, frjiend or coml)anion: but perhaps postsmall in rank or dignity, of thlem, and the great or of onte oqf his lils; thus correctly, as in the M clUssical.] therein, of them : or] thos of no rank or dignity, and A; 4. in [some of] the copies of the 1 and those of rank or dignity. (Mob.) [See also ,ii: see t" and . . Also The interior [and & in others] being a mistake for :A. of a ladle: - and the side of a well: _ and the 0 -] (TA.) You say, &.1,1 -. ,.o His ear in- part that is folded, or turned orer, of the sides of Ijpe, [a subst. from teA.o, made such by the clined to hitn, or it. (TA.) And hence, in the a a; [or leathern bucket]: ((, TA:) so in the affix 5,] applied to a sin, [signifying A small or ]5ur [lxvi. 4], ""3MiJ LU [For the heartJ M: and its pl. in these senses is fYSi. (TA.) little, sin,] has for its pl. J4,.'~ and [more com- of you two have incline to that which is not 3..: see I1a , voce ul monly] 5ti.; being, when thus applied, a subst. right]. (Mb.) And 1 ; (M, ,,Mb,) (MNb.) [Soe ob:.] [ and part. n. of l' .: fem. (],)The .11, stars, and the sun, inclined .: and pl.


and ,j

. dims. of

.', q. v.

.~Lt In a state of vilenes, abasment, ignominioluness, aljectntee, or contemnpt: (Mb :) or content wvith vileawns, abasement, or ignominy, (I,) and tyrtnny, or injury. ($, A, TA.) [See also
[ al

$&.Z [Smaller, or less; and smallest, or least;

t1t-.]_t; means Thoe nio incline to th/e, (g, TA,) and come to thee, (TA,) in their cases of need: (15, TA:) or wialOer, of thy family, come to thee as guests: (TA:) or thos wlIo incline to thee, of thy companions and rdations: (.Har p. 207:) ISd thinks it to be made fern. because meaning a ~t . (TA.) 1I"f (TA.) - And , aor. jLN, (15, TA,) inf. n. a )! UG means [Hionourye sucha a one in t agreeably with the i and M, accord. to the respect of] thowe who incline to htimn, and who
man inclined, or leaned, on one side: or bent, or bowed, himself upon his bow. (TA.) And 9, 9, UC .M$ ,. inf. n. Li.o, [as though meaning He inclined to set hinself against the people or party,] is said of one whlcn his love, or affection, is with such as are not of the said people, or party.

to setting. ($, Mb, g.)



. The


Boo,, I.]
come to him maeking to obtain wlrat he has. And tlljl means The stars that have inclined to stting. (TA.) ..a.. applied to a man, (TA,) an

~ .--


meaning It was laid, cut into a strip, '. . indining of the jLi.; (1, TA;) or of one upon the lie coalsto broil] and 'va ( of t/e or into strips, ~ [M womn shalland stand in anot lips: (~, TA: [see 1:]) fern. ;t,a... (TA.)_./hind rank be. men in the mosque, m .*,)J shall [in like manner, in the am to 'in a the stand rank with them]. (Mgh.) And hence the And the fern., applied to a iLLi [or bird of the specie. tefrnmed L], Havietg an in[liobiriof dry] . (.:) for one says of him who has prepared saying of a woman of the desert speei ~, tered 1lvingan iclinng o its, itsflesh-mneat cut into stripe, or oblong pieces, and V~.0 L..q i.e. -- ;d' a i to her sons, bk,, and oafone of its mandiblth: and one says dried flesh-meatcutinto inethAsun,;.'; s or and oln[in like pie manmy, ander] rm rithent COye13dd Ilg. to give intensivenes to the mcannem gke j (TA.) one says also, ' LJI : (Mob:) 0 or deration, and] not set youreva jin a rank. aor. , inf. n. ~.., meana , s he cut (M. [See also do 1, in art. i. e. the fern., applied to the sun, Inclining to t " faorhme , into bodie meand hord aetting. (.) theleak-t eat intobroad lices: (M:) and accord. R. Q. 1. '." He journeyed, (;G, 0, and ] #.. [A I,ace of inclining, or to !dek tot ISh, ' Lk. " is like .JI, i.e. the cutting so in copies of the ]g,) or became, (Lt, so in the ~c/in]e. It is said in a prov., a a piece of flesh-meat thin, so that it is tran,. alone in a .Aat.;, or lee tract of land. incline]. 1 It is said in a prov., ~*59*~ll luceznt: (TA in the present art:) or QA..' .I is a CI,) (0, ].) - And He pastared upon the tree *..[The c/itid best knows the place of ininn 1 .6 of A hi[cheek]: cie.he best know to hcinin kind of ; i.e. Ci the cutting a piece of flesh- caled J.L;. (0, t=.) - And UL.. [as an i, clsoc] : i. e. he beet knows to whifn,or sasmpeubt, sinfesTeryn should betake himself, or whither it will profit ,neat thin, so that it is translueent by reason of n., or as a simple on. eubst.,] signifies Th e drying him [to go]. (TA. [Sec also Freytag's Arab. it, thinnew, andI then throwing it poni tew live or eql. . of the sparrow, which is called Prov i. 715.]) coals. (TA in art. tA.) [Sec J .]- See Jad (0, I~) in some one or more of the ~.-': 26O)Inetln.t i One One(Ibm =,rs, p. " (.0.) rnZ. Inclin d., LIam p. 200.) says also 8, in threce places. A, said' of a b[~, bird, ~dialects. Aor ne [of things]; (KL, meaning 1+S,ch a onc is (M, 0, M5b, ](,) aor. ', (M, Meb,) inf. n. ., ;J~, Ps;) or a even abr,dged, or defrauded, of,aportion of hi, right, (M.b, .K,) It eXtended its ,vi, in a line, (M,) of any the.rngso: (M:) d a corm freyof pnar or due: (9, and .Iam pp. 294-600:) because wihenu or it expanded its wings, (0, Mab, i,) in the sky, an the vessel is inclined, what it will hold becomes and did not mow timn, (M,) or and stru,k [an in a rankM, Ow, or lne (0n g. deficient. (.Ham.) evident mistake for and did not strike] with t pJ ; (A, M, 0, Mob, .;) and t,e sing. may also be used in the sense of the pl.; it may its ide lk he ptieon: (M. b:) such as do so be used either thus in the sense of the pl. or as a Asig. not be eaten; (Mb, 1. ,1, (9, M, lfgh, 0, Mqb, ],) aor. i, and the tohawk: as the (Msb:) it is said in avulture trad., sing. ieare in the lur xviii. 40. (0.) Hence, in in;) (Myb, TA,) inf n. .jo, (0, Msb, K, TA,) IIe JL . ,~ t~ J L~ Ji . (0,]C,TA. Sec eev trad.,.~..A I,p [Make your ranks] in st, or placed, or stationed, (, M, Mgh, O,T.),) ar. ,-.)A., (s,) :A.p. or (,. _of a company of men, (~, M, Mgh, 0, Myb, ],) in 'a .. and s i o [or rank of me]. (M. [See also .h.A.]) And war (9, 0, ]) &c., (0, I~,) and a military force, (0,) or ,,,, a hence, (M,) u used in the ]Cur xx. 67,/. q. (TA,) and also [in a similar sense] a thing, (Mqb,) Place in the 0,) and 1 a .; , (0, 1 5,) but t [i.e. A place ofprayer, or a place of prayer on or line: rank,(~AZU01, orM, row, ins a rank, or vwm, in I) btMthsM ioe,A:) or aline: (9, Mgh, O, aplerbofisayrof IS:) latter,or latter verb is of weak authority, 0, (0,) ! I put to the occasion of the ~.a, orfatival]; (As, M, 0;) and likewise 1t .A , (TA,) inf. n. u; (1Drd, the hore's saddle a AL. [q. v.]: (9, 0, ], TA:) because the people stand there in ranks: (M:) 0, V, TA;) but this has an intensive signification. rand] t bA, an .a'e, H' a place tvwl kidbo, H o l ~d .ec. a people assvmbkt or their.h: (IDrd, O, TA.)--One says aho ofra she-cmel, boast a Aj3.0.1 (1DM, ,..... say. 0, also TA.) of a she-camel, if,' One ,wg aaa.. (M.) (Az, 0 :) or, in that instance, U.. may mean [She Wts her frM legs : see above, first sentence: _i also in the as [ie. s ain.and ds in ranks], (As, M, O) aenld, /id#by aide, not putting. one of them in latter half of the paragraph. as a denotative of state. (M.) - And A pair of advance of the other, U if about to go onward, *A M I [app., as sems to be indicated, on tah occasion of being milked]. (9, M, ,0,0,n.~ e dab e so ,iTemj fought them in rank; theyj de i that are milking of a came] ; be. arSe alo.] And [in like manner] one says., out in a rank a~inst tihm [injjlit]. (MA.) -- ' cause they are put together. (M.) ~ Also A [Andapp. onesaysalso ,hG meaning He hAdthe ditA a c t in ~ aMt the whch teth am 1C [The camne#a set their legs in ', rhitened. (0.) an aven an even row]. (9, O.) - And of a she-camel (anotheis) ~~~~~~~Of /tiskiouw om against, or hous oer 0.~, An appertenane of a htous, (_, Mgh, 0, aga o facingj, a ,s Aii 1,; ~~~& , (otes)n..Se one ~ says bJ~ abe, ~ t--.I,dl one say. also, ... [U Ja ,,&, below.] [ [M.. Mb, I~, [in none of which is it explained,]) or of 4: see 1, last sentence. a building [here used in a po*tthoug m/ e/anin s/~/ ea usaf om thlie of her milk when she is snfd&~ milled],ubeause of the abun6: see 8. - One says also .4 I~t.a3 n'y/ clnical sense, asaabun meaning a kind of estibule, or dance of her milk. ffl, 0, V*.) And 'C' h.Aa~ colcted thmselves together in a rank, or row, or poIrtco,for shade and shelter, oenr infront], with t~,, lane, again or him. (M, TA.) And ;l Ia long roof or celng; (Lth, TA;) the of a eomine two miil&in-m~, or thre, at one They coll themsele togethr at the rater; building [app. meaning what is above des~ibed]; g; J.maniger o . ng J: like asone says _ 4, (M0;) i m///d ; (C,eM, 0 ;'1) h,JI meaning her bein ( and Mab and in art. mailed into two milking-vessels, or three, (~, mj0, e.~ and 4.0 ., and ,i, Jo.4, ,. and .,:) 'a&zand [see nd se also :] and i. q. J ,Pso as to combine then. (9, 0. [In the Cl, (L4, TA.) 'JJ~ [i. e. a roof, or coveing, for shade and Cie.l) is a misake for J/4D And a I.&l sheltr, ~o omr the door of a house; or exteuling rijiz, cited by AZ, mys, referring to a she-camel, JM-) (Mgh, The stood / in, d,) 0, or from to anothr h~ oppodte; like 4.0, ,beame, (MJ[or set, placed, or stationed, them- *.a,. a h~ . '~ selv n,]a rak,orr'ow,orline; (, M, Mgh, I.i~and 'm-]:(M:) [for the meaning assigned Myb ;') or ranks, or rows, or lines; (0, ~ ;) U to it by Golfus as from the Q, and by Freytag an [Sh n-Wk thee -a lso ?.n#(M, O, V; being expl. from the ] and Q, (" wcammrn dicubitorinm, illng]. (9, o.) One say. also l, ,, i.e. t".%.,i.. ben fereex lapidius structum,") I find no authbority fapp. meaning He ilked her into two ows/m, or in the 0 and ] by Ltii; in the CId, in any Arabic work: in Egypt, it is applied to a three, at one m,ilking or into two bowl; the neously,.;]-l;])andso?l y ,(MsMgh, M9 b,) sh o 5 f marabl or of commo toe, about fiour

ofg.0 ;


x;)or of one

p-)-Pronoun referring to a she-camel]. (M. [One or aor. A, (M, Mgh,) inf n. L and saab but the other of these two meanings appears to be [ISd says] this latter inf. n. I have notlbeard exindicated . by what there preoedes this.]) -ept in a phrase mentioned i s a din what 'a follows wao( (M.) ( j ,.Ik (9, . ) is iaring said of flesh-meat Hence the saying, '.j Jtq.)l h.. .. '

(9) [app.

ing; like se one says J.' '(A_

Also ..~,: ,



1094 feet high, supported by two or more arclcs, or by a ingle arch, figured and described in the Introduction to my work on the Modern Egyptians; this being app. so called because resembling in form, though not in size, a porch:] the pl. is and ;Al. j_U (s, 0, Myb, K) and Ji

[Book I.

and which fiUl them: i. .L [n. un. of l.'., q. v., i. e., A nsA of the set side by side (i), (y[am p. 535:) or that sets her fore legs irenly, hind of food thus caled]; (AA, 0, ;) as ao [see 1,]) on the occasion t i., aide by side, (Q4> i ,) which is of the dial. of (O,B of being milked. (, M, 0, 1].) [See an ex. in a Tha4eef. (O.) And A certain insect (.j, And see also J,L.] verse cited voce 1 ) called th Ltl,, M, 0), by the Persians (.I advenword a :) O (Lth, wteevil]: c. [i. a.L. (S, M) such as has been laid, Flesh-mat ~ (Mg6.) aIl J5;l [The people of the ] was cut into a st7ip, or into strips, ( o, S,1, and titious to the Arabic language. (Ltll, M, O.) an appellation applied to certainpersons who were 'Mgh,) the like in the M and 0, or ...L, : ( M, 0, , g :) ijLaO. The tree called the guests of El-Isldm, [i. e. supported by the (S, broil to 1) 0, Mgh, (S, coals lity the upon consisting TA,) 1, (0, is the salix Muslims,] the latter of the charity [accord. to modern usage, of poor refugees, and houseless men, (TA,) 1Vw Mgh, 1O) or to becom, thoroughly cooked, (0,) or Aegyptia of Linn.: (Forskll's Flora Aegypt. and then roase, or broiled, Arab., p. lxxvi., and Dclile's Florim Aegpyt. passed the nilght in the aL' of the mosque of the upon the pebblese, (0, 15:) or flesh- Illustr., no 934:) and the J.A;rL accord. to Prophet [in El-Mcdeeneh], vhich was a covered (M,) or in the sun, to dry: pices, and dried ForskNl, ibid., is the salix Babylonica; or this oblong or strips, into cut meat P, place, an appertenance of the mosque, (0, 3 9 as Lth says, nnd is called '.. or, j LA-O: (Delile, no. 932:) and TA,) roefed over with palmticks; (Hlar p. 7 ; in the sn, (M,* Mgh, Msb,) dryi,]: s[to sun the in spread Ks, manner in like for resorted thej [where sec more;]) thither another species of salix is called in Egypt J.iL. lodging; and sometimes they were fem, and some- (Mgh :) orfle/-meat cut into broadslices: (M :) .ki: (Forskl, ibid; and Delilc, no. 033:)] or times they nwere many: [SM says,] I hae drawn or, accord. to Khiilid Ibn-Jembeh, flesh-meat cut so in the dial. of Syria: (1M, Msb :) or a hind of but made up a list of their names, in a tract, to the number into slices, not in the manner of ,., is a species: (. in art. thle i j. tree If ,!i,. ninctygenerlly or are art.,) [wvhichli bread present of the in cakes like (TA broad, of ninety-tao, O, 1.) (M, ;. with un. n. :) about a span, or somewhat less, in width, round ,AJ l.) [ISd says,]. three. (TA vooe u and fiat]: j(TA:) [oy -'tt thin so as to be transluAlso n. un. of J.. s Uii.RA: see k;a;. a JI [Tlh punishment of the day of the U,] is cent (see 1, latter half:)] or flesh-meat made 1.4 [mentioned in the to boil once, and then taken up [from the fire]. [q. v.]. (M, O, g.) the same as a1.3 .

J 4.

15ur xxvi. 189]: (M, TA:) Lth says that the former was a day on nhich a certain people di.obeyed their apostle, wherefore God sent upon them heat and clouds which opread them, so that they perished: and Az says that it is not the same as that mentioned in the 15ur, and that he knew not what is meant by "1 ,j .u.: (0, (TA:) it seems, however, that both mean the ia; and iCll are one in meaning. same, as 0, (TA.) - Also t An appertenance of the [or horsm's saddle]; (S, M, IAth, Mgh, 0, 1, [q. v. in art. j.aj] of the Jsi TA;) like the [or camners saddle]; (IAth, L, TA;*) the thing with which it is covered, between ttes wvhich are its fore part and it hinder pLart: ), (M,) (Mgh :) or, (M, TA,) as also of the 1 the [two the thing that compries within it (r3o) pads, [tow gthe and (jO, the] pieces of wood caUed


A station, (S, Msh,) or place where An.. ae&l The Z,oh: so called in relation to those ranks are draon uj, (0, K,) in war, or battle: (8, O, Msb :) pl. ,AW*. (S, O, Msb, ) called "I j,l. (TA. (See art. j.,,.])
i;,Aw .1


~r ;& Ile is the person who,e a,i [of his are epithets Ahoue] is orer against, or facing, my il. q. v.]. JL. and [its pl.] it., applied to camels [as meaning &etting thteir legs (IDrd, O, 1.)

[originally ,il,

act. part. n. of J.A,

in an ewn row], from ,:;

(S, 0 :) [or]

(in the lur xxii. 37, 0, 1K) mcans aid ro JI 5 . !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in a row], (M, 0, 1, TA,) to be set e. [i. (Mgh, M h, Mb, l,*) aor. :, (1,) 1. slaughtered; (M, TA;) of the measure J1. in inf. n. Cl, (TA,) properly signifying IIe t,rned [thus in the 0, and the sense of the measure J1 [i. c. or it, the '~. also (probably copied therefrom) in the copies of towardc [or from] him, side] of his face, (Mgh,) means he turned away the ]C; but correctly 0).li]: or it means iZ from, (Mgh, Msb, 1K,*) and left, (Msb, 1,) him, [i. e. standing in a row]: (0, K:) or, as related or it, (Mgh, M]b,) i.e. [a man, or] an affair. (TA.) In the phrase (Msb.) And by I'Ab, it is jl. I tuined away ;c. ,L ,4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1 5 1 a '10, e. a man: (TA:) TA;)i. (S, hiin; lkft and him from :sUtl.Ji by 1], ., i tl,.i'. in the ]Kur [xxxvii. in the tlherefore and n., inf. .i.; being here an are meant The ange standing in ranks in above them and or stsffed things, cald the] ell, 0, .) - Applied accus. case, as in the phrase L,4 .; or it Heaven, glorifying God. (M,0, beneath tihem: (M, TA:) pl. JL; ($, M, 0,10) to a bird, it means Epanding its wings and not is in the accus. case as an adv. n., and the meaning moving [or flapping] twhem [in itsflight]: opposed is I turned away fiom him aside. (Har p. 434. and JPo, the latter mentioned by Sb. (M.)[See also, in art. ,.r,b, a similar phrase in the Also S A long period (ten j) of time. (0, K, ,to Jl. (M and TA in art. J-.) xliii. 4, cited here in the TA, and in lar .Kur [We. S.Ha ; [i a, TA.) So in the saying, A level, or an een, tract of land or (S, A, 15, TA,) , 2 - And supr.]) ubi lired, or have lived, a long period of timej. (0, , gronnd: (S, 0, Msb, . :) thus expl. by AA, and is put that grain of TA.) - And t The quantity t by MujaIhid, as used in the Kur xx. 106: by nor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) means [also] He asto nmrad. upon the palm of the hand: occurring in othera as meaning smooth: accord. to Fr, havling turned awayfrom his crime, sin,fault, or offence: in it no herbage: and accord. to IAar, bald: pl. (, A, TA:) or he ,forgave him. (1, TA.) And I turned away from the . o 0 signifies a lj' ,.' s c !#;l'I,., c .i.:(TA:) or three Aa [I became so that I possased not tia quantity of grain that might be put on the palm mnwoth, and level, or even, land; and so, accord. crizme, sin, &c., of such a one, and did not punish .. O,aor. and (M.) Also, (M,) or him for it: (TA:) or .JJ XJ meaning to IJ, [the fem.] i .. morsel offood]; !uI of the land, nor a crime, sin, &c. the forgavo I quality the above, in which as n. epithet an inf. as [app. ;ak._* IitI. (TA.) a. L, (1, TA,) aor. as above, ( - And & of a subst. is predominant], (TA,) A desert, or r from TA;) 5M, SW; Ju A thing that a man twears beneath the raterless syn. desert; w said of a she-camel, (1g, TA,) (TA,) inf. n. oat of mail (Ibn-'AbbAd, 0, 1) in Ithe day ojf IDrd. (TA.) - And The J. [i. e. ridge, or and of a ewe, or she-goat, (TA,) [She ceased to battle. (Ibn-'Abbad, O.) brow, or ledge,] of a mountain. (Ibn-'Abbid, yield her milk;] her milk nwnt awoay. (1K, TA.) .) O,g as a trans. verb: see 5, in five places.A she-camel that yield a row of bowl ti The sparronw, (IDrd, 0, .K,) in some And see 2. - Also, aor. , inf. n. ?; l, e (a $, 0, 10 t wher NL r .1J th (in of sheramilkh one or more of the dialects. (IDrd, 0.) dog) spreadforth, or stretclud out, his fore legs: she ia milked, ($, 0,) because of the abundance oj ars e ,, q. v. ~ Also] i. q. a r4jiz says, Lo- [fem. of J her milk: (s , 0, 15]:) orfor wThich two emlj


BooK I.]


t ;) as also O 'hc silde of lthe human being; (S, 0, the palm of my hand upon the palm of his hand. 1'We :, Js' i He met himN turnling A:0A.V. (O.) And hence, !o n ' ' ... (TA.) - And ILli. [AsI the spradingforthof hiJfore legs, to, orfor, caamel. his oj side the towards lie prayed tovards him thue .L [or side] of his face: [ lle a bone; I mean a dog]; W.t being put in the signify The j andt ( Mgh.) And accus. cae as an explicative: or he here uses an (TA:) or he met him faca to face; i. q. Il;: i. e. side] (S, 0, and X( accord. to the TA, but in (L.) - (TA in art. ",Lo:) [and] he met him suddenly, [i inverion; meaning !4l tI he CXC and in my MS. copy of the, X (yqam p. 802.) A-L; (V,;) and or unexpectedly. or -izl And _ which in this instance I think a mistake,]) of the ; (TA;) lle 4. AL.A.l: sec 1, latter part, in three places:[ ic 1 1AJt, or .LIsl, ? ice (., - O, g:) and so of a sword; (K, TA; [in Also HIe inverted it, or and see also 2. struck him with the side, or flat, of the sword, he former of which, in art. ,~, the yo~ of a K,) namely, a sword; (Ibn-Buzurj, it, revcrsed o,b [i.e. a $,1I,) [i. e. with its ;]) or the (d..ja, TA, or word is said to be its [q. v.]. (Ibn-Buzurj.) like QCL _ not with its edge. (TA.) n, or breadth, or width,] (S, O, Mib, and so accord. to ,readth, or t sides]; [or zjt%.& its 6. ;A.0.; lIc examined he Cg and my MS. copy of the .K,) of a sword; (,IAth, ]g, TA,)aor. Z, inf.n. o And , ( carefidly, it considered /h or i. e. a thing's: (S:) (Msb;) , (, O, Msb, ];) i. e. contr. of J,; (TA;) and V s_ A 1, (S, I, TA,) in n. cl (A, [,but it may be well rendered its side, or its flat, or attentively, and xczamined its ;1L. (TA;) He turned him back, or sent him away; 1 uig.. '1I_- I turned over, orD Lnd Mgh.) And , for SM says that] %.a-J. C bnd so $. namely, a person asking, or begging; ($, IC,TA;) (TA:) swordt: oftiw surfaces, or twofaces, iifies the nifies r ;e , meaning pages, of tle he ref~ued his request: (IAth, TA:) and e....L. examined, th and .A) : (Msb:) and ame says, He refused him thte boohk; as also t ? , inf. n. 4l. *tC0 and " V!_." 1!CJ the side with [lHe looked towards him I zexamined the leavers of ~j () [He ?J.j V thing that he wanted (TA.) - And 6A.L also a.;-- .l of his face turned towards him] and * ... signifies He gawe to him. (IAth, TA.) [Thus it the _ It f [i. e. volume, or book, or copy of te him gave which means the same]: (A:) but accord. to AO, [which has two contr. meanings.] - Also He t one by one. (0, KC.) And Kur-dn,] at and TA) (Ii, to drink any kind of beverage me says, ~irjt v A 4. [IIe struch him with (Lth, O, Mqb, V,) He one (Lth, A,) and VA , J,0i 1 & any time. (TA.) - And JIJI vulgar say looked at the people, seeking for a particular the side, orfiat, of the swrd], and the He made the camels to pas by the watering- man: (Lth:) or he examined the states, or con- JeJ1 [of C,] pi. the (S.:) with fet-4: "k_J1 , 1. W.Ls syn. them;] watering to [app. them, trough; ditions, of the people, and looked among * (X, TA) and [that of t & is] c11 is ascertain whethur suck a one was to be saeen: (A; (8,J6-) ) e in explanation of the former:) or he made .the (TA.) 1jctl ? L., signifies Thide i (. H, made a (v,) He a. EL, (IC,) inf. n. one them, says, examined one and And him, (L.) before man. pass the to of people of the breast by one: (0, X; in explanation of the latter:) or thing wide, or broad; (S,I ;) as also [ie struck hinm on the ;f [11e js -a~ [or sides] of One says of a he belteld [or looked at] the ;itA. (V.;) [and* C L;]W his side; and so of part, fiat or surface, ; e And (Msb.) peopl. the of broad, thelufaces made was It sword, , inf. n. as above, &c;&. ; but the former is the more common]. &a o the attentiely, or carefUlly, forging. the examined in JHe out, . lengthened s _ 4 [Ile polished or wide, and (A.) And bi.JI people's) (the their at A.3, j looking with pcople, syn. the also is of faces 5 (I Aqr, S, TA.) _ CeL3 the two sides, or surfaces, of the msord]. (A.) and seching to forms, and appearances ternal ex thc with clalpping The [He wrote upon 4. ($, Mb, K,) meaning tleir cases: and he And a l, j..i.; . lhimeyf acquainted pi th make the two id; or faces, of the piece of paper]. hands. ($, IAth, TA.) One says, 'd*" looked at thefaces of.the people, seeking to know .Abi. signifies Thw pages, or , (A.) (A.) .r,ltl $t and ,L [He clapped with his hands]; (A, TA ;' them; as also 1a.L. (Lth, TA.) And other. faces of tie leavm,s of tie book. (Msb.) And he struck one of his hands upon the TA,) and (,C u. ands1 TA,) (A, c ",31, 1 the of side otier (Mgh:) or he struck with the T 7e face [i. c. palm] of the hand. 111 1:b 1 rigat hand upon the inner side of the left hand. s> (g, ) (TA,) and pa-, t?1 , The two parts of the (L.) (L.) And , . 1 ! in this (0 in art. jL..) [Golius gives e TA,) He looked into the affair, or case. (, the j' [or spine from down scapula scapula that slolc sense, erroneously, as from the $; and Freytag, TA.) The (L.) And ,,Jl thereof] pl tli. thereof]: And it is said in s this form as well as &AL.] 8. t.jL;5 They took each the other's hand. part of the mountain nhere the side thereofrests or, We J, 1ljl;l trad., ;I; W upon the ground; (S,g;) its [q. v.]: (JM:) s(Tl.) See also 3. - Hence, icjU_ll J*b* J . [Tlu JI, c of instead L;..JI it, relate p. some PI. 0 pl. Cu. (S.) e tTlu closing tojetlUer of tlw eyclids. ({ar



a f

saying K;

is for men, and the clapping 9 364.)

with the hands is for women;] (?,Mgh, TA; lIe asked him, or begged l 10. ; i. e., when the Imam is inadvertent, the persor sin, fault, or ojfince. crime, his forgire to him, whom he leads should, if a man, rouse him by TA.) (L, and if a woman, should clal saying 4f l e"; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, g,) of a thing, (S, with her hands, instead of speaking. (IAth, TA.' ro, ) (Msb;) and a .L, signifies The taking by the hand, A, Mgh,) or of anything; 3. (Mglh,) or of anything, a A, Mgh, Msb,) of (?, A, ];;) as also V 41 ; (A ;) or the latter hE (S, ~5 ~ ;) The ~ e~ or outside; or lateral, A, Mb thing; (S, :4) or the former signifie wvard, part or portion; syn. of the former ae_; a like meaning: ($ [the joining hands; i. e.] the putting the hand [o, of the same, (1X,) or of the latter, (S, one] in the hand [of another] in meeting ancd (S, A;) or 1t;.: (S, A, Mgh, saluting: (ylam p. 802:) or the making the paln A,) or of each, (Mgh, Msb,) the'face, or also signify [o both hand and the f Mb,lg:) of the hand. to cleave to [tlat of] pl. [of the (Mgh:) thing: a of front, or surface, U Yoi (L.) face. to another], and turning face iIaL. latter the of and] below, as a, tl He took him by his hand. (A. ) former say, oe.4 l_.o signifies The two sides of ] I (Msb.) s:3l : i, inf n. as above [and l And

see see the next preceding paragraph, in ~o: four places. width in the forehead. (IAir, Excessivewidthintheforehead. Excessive Ki.


,, in ten places. - [Ience,] : soee _A: .11 #J . St~ t i. q. .4IS [which is used alone - oi LS lie showed open as meaning ;lJmi enmity, or hostility, with him]: (A, TA:) or he showed, or revealed, to him his decd [or crine] ivhich vwhich le was concealing. (TA in art. .o, from a trad. [which shows it to be used in an evil sense].)

which is disapproved in horses, is [A [app. meaning quality] like wvhat i. termed

* li,

applied my hand to his hand; (Msb;) or I put the thing; syn. ;.y

(TA.) And

a fatnes, or an evenness,] in the side (

) of

1690 the cheek, by reason of which its width is excessitc. goat, (TA,) [ceasilng to yildl her milk ;] wrho: (0,1.) _ [It is also an inf. n. of 3, q. v.] milk is going away: (K, TA:) or a she-camn .L One who has the quality of turning that las lost her young one, and nJose nmilk /i( away.from tle crimes, sins,faulks, or offences, of others, and offorgiring; [or rather wont to turn away &c.;] as also C U : (TA:) tl, (t, TA,) as an epithet applied to God, (TA,) means thl Ve'ry Forgiving; or Ile iwho fmoyicr much. (I, TA.) - And Generous; (]g;) because the generous man forgives those who act injuriously towards him. (TA.) - And A womlan soho turns aroayfrom one; who forsakes one's society: as though not giving aught but her side. (I(.) gone. (IAar, TA.)-. .;o L. occurring, in a trad., means [Not lifiinf up, c elevating, his head,] nor putting forth his chee) nor inclining on one side. (L.) ~ ". 1A man exc&vively !wide from C.. (..) , '. in the forelwad



.o : ssee CA~, in two places._ [Hence,] ';.-~ signifies A swnord; as also t ;a.i: (K: Ihut see wllat follows:]) accord. to IAar, ,_,r;. [its pl. (.K)] signifies .,!ords; because the.y are made broad, or wide, and lengthened out, in the forging: (S:) or, as some say, it signifies broad, or ivile, snords. (TA. [See also ;a., .. ]) Lcbeccd says, describing clouds,

1V/ide, or broad; (S, K;) as als dc's~l 4 a, ai t,L j f .A~, (.K,) which latter is the more conmmon [Ai tJhough there were swvords, or broad swords, both applied in this sense to a sword, and to any upon thleir .mnnitsr, and wailing women having Cc": see uamL , in four places. [It is thing; and t &' significs the same. (TA. ),upon them the pieces of rmag nWAicdh .uch women properly a coll. gen. n.: as such signifying Any hold in wcailing andl rith nwhich they make signs]: ~ta . 5JIL lt l 1i. qj The face of thi kind of thing made flat and broad or wide: as, One says, (S, TA:) Az says that lhe likens the lightning, for instance, plate, or expanded metal: n. un. nrord is side, or broad; from ta &;l.l. (S. ) in the darkness of the clouds, to broad nwords: with ;, meaning a piece tereof.] _ [Hence, as And . .i &i , (S, A,K,) and : , (TA:) and IAar says that aLa.. here means it is supposed to be an expanded solid substance,] (IAar, TA,) and t , (A, [this swords: but as some relate the verse, the word last rclatin 1 ^.La1l, (K,) or ui.;l ll, (TA,) is one of to the agent,]) Ire struck him with the breadthl, oi is t z 't~ [meaning women clap)ing their the names of JIearen. (], TA.) width, [or Jat,] of the swonld; (S, A, I;) no t hanl]; as though he likened the clou(ls' disoover, with its edge: (A:) and J ,. 4. ing themselves when the lightning shone from A wide, or broad, stone; (T, ;) as also lIe struck him withi the swrord not with, it them, and they opened, and then met together after T (T) and Y .: (s:) or [t the lightning's becoming extinct, to the clapping a and] breadth, but ,rith its edge. (TA.) And J. of women's handls: (S: in some copies of which, t l and -- [which last is p]. of Ia..gA a] A!J.l a..A man wide, or broad, in respect %t ,dl is put for .,'l :) or, accord. to this readsignify ride, or broad, stona, whtich are put over ing, he likens the sound of the tllunder to women's of the head; (S, TA;) and so u,., l '4j graves: (A:) or clatpping of their hands. (TA.) -Also A sheand tl signify wide, (TA.) Also Iaving the two sides of hkis lmd or broad, anid thin, Stones; (IC, TA;) one of depressed, and the side (ftlhe forchead prominepnt, camel (T, L) that is kept from being milked, in which is called i2_ ' and t i.tL: (TA:) and (1., TA,) and the owcilput al.o prominent and order that shec may becomefat. (T, L, g.) anything wide, or broad, (Mgh, MNb, TA,)Jsch consrlicuo?s: (TA:) or luravin the fore and hiul and its pl.: sec L . as a stone, (TA,) and a plank, or board, (Mglh, pa,ts of the lead projecting. (AZ, Mgh1.) And A head e~mpressed in the parts ne.zt the TA,) and tks like, (TA,) is termed L . (Mgh, t~.~~: see A~ , in two places. tempisx, so as to be long betwen the forehead and MNb, TA) and VIJ~A : (TA :) whence one says, tle back of the neek. (.1.).A nose st,aight in ~. t.M One who comaniu adulterty, or fornicae . t p ' l 1 [le the bone; (1C,TA;) haring the bone erve nwith tion, with any woman, whether she befirce or a purchased a houe in whichA oere p)lates of gold the forelead. (TA.) And A nmooth, or sof, slare. (g.) and ofstltc.]. (Mgh.) The pl. ,la signifies or smnootl and soft, aul beautijfl, face. (Lh, /V.) - Applied to a sword, (TA,) Inclined, or bent: , also [particularly] The ldanhs, boards, or leavus, (S, (, TA:) and inverted, or rerserd: (Ibn( ,) of a door. (;, I.) And 1Vile, or broad, Buzurj, V, TA:) that is turned upon its edge 1. ;'.i, (,, M A,Mgh, ]g,) aor. t, (S, IM, (t, M, Mgh) and ;L4; swordl; (A, [ ;) one such sword being termed wrhen one strikes with it: and that is inclined, or Mgh, 1],) inf. n. '. (M;) lie bound him, bound him fast or made JZ.a.e': (~ :) or this latter signifies [simply] a bent, shaen one desires to sheath it. (TA.)It is liin fast, (8, M, A, Mgh, 1,) shackl drl im, or said in a trad., swo,rd; and t J 1i 1 4 ', words.. (i[am ;J p. 32.) fettered him, in iron &S., (M,) or with iron, neaning t The heart of the believor is inclined to (A,) or writh a [collar And The J30l [or lprincipal bones, nmnely, the D of iron put wpIon the neck frontal, occipital, and two paridal, bone,] of he truth; (f, L;) as though its side (a.L i. e. or around the neck and hands tothker, sneh as the head; (v ;) a single one of these being termed d ;l4) were placed upon it. (L.) is cald] J3; (L;) and t And ~ (M, ,) ]o, inf. n. Lr..L.. (TA.) AndL.L (A ,) or t .3, (8,) signifies the same; (S, M, IC;) and appplied to a heart signifies also t TlSrned away (I,) or each of these, (TA,) signifies The face, afron the truth: (TA:) [or] so applied, in whicrA so t *.l, (],) or this last has a different sigor nu,faee, of anything wide, or broad. (, I, a:re combinedfaith and hypocrisy: (V, TA:) or, nification from the two other verbs mentioned TA.) And 4;ii AiA The exterior hin, ncecord. to Kh&lid, thatfallsshort of its duty; in above, as expl. below. (L) rhich is latent rancour, maleolence, malice, or cuticle, or ca fkin, of fac. (.) uidte; and wrhich is not sincere in i rdeliion: 2: see above. -[Hene,] one says, gxh., 4 ., 4, s ,Sh, TA:) or it means doubbe-faced; one who 9iS, in n. j,el I overcamen hAi by my wet tLhe un~lleve with onU face, and the be- speecl. (A, TA.) eL.; and its n. un., with t: see a.., in liieverr with anotier face; CLo signifying the 4. Al, (8, M, A, L,) inf. n. i ,t (v,) five places._ Also t Camchl whoseo ) .e , humps have 'face," ofanything. (IAth, TA.) And .iJl gave him; (,M, A, L;) gave himfre , or becom lary,, (QK, TA,) o that the hwump of the is s a name of The siath of the arrow umd in the gratuitoudly; (L;) property, or a slave: ( :) it is shwe-calmd occupies the whole of her back: n. un. am called ( ;) also jXl. doubly trans. (M.) One says, i_. with t: (TA:) pl. ,_.. -;; S" and '.t;: (IC:) (t TIA 1L, l %i [If thou teach me a word, likened to wide, or broad, stones or similar things, Jg..JI Striking with the side of th erily thob gi~at me what is worth a thousand lIccause of their hardnes. (TA.) rord, not writh the edge; (TA;) triking witA dirhems]. (A, TA. - See also 1. A she-camel, (I,) and a ewe, or she- tA eface of the nord. (O.) See also i,. .o: see the next paragraph, in three place.



1097 'M.2 A bond; ($,g,TA;) as also *t .. art. ,bj.])--i', (M, V,) inf. n. 't, (l,) (Msb) Empty, void, or vacant; (8, M, A, MNb, (TA:) or, (M, A,) as also tJL', (M,) i. qP. He had what is termed ji , i. e. yellow water in i ;) applied to a house or tent, ($, M.hb,) and to t ;., (M, A,) which signifies a rope, (M,) or g a his belly. (M, g.) a vessel, (M, A,) and to a hand: (A:) each of thong, (S, .K,) or a shacle, orfetter, (S, A, ],) or the first three is used alike as mase. and fem. and 2: see above, in two places. - and see 4.o a [collar of iron which is iut upon the neck o r Also (, M,],) M, inf. n. r.'j , (K.,) He sing. [and dual] and pl.: (M:) [and so, app., is around the nech and hands together, such as i the last but one:] and each has also for its pl. ca/ld] j, (S, M, A,) with which one is made made it yllon~: (S :) he dyed it yelUow; (M, ] ;) ;j,. (M, .:) One says ,; j;.'fast, (M,) or With whiich a captim is madefast : namely, a garment, or piece of cloth. (M.) A houss, or or chamnber, empty, or voifl, void, of of AL or tent, rem, or chamber, empty, 4. (S, A, :) pl. l.b; , [expl. in the S and A and g Hel .Heemptied it; or made it aoid, or furniture and utSenils. (~.) And [applying the as signifying stackles, orfetters,] the only knowr vacant; namely, a house or tent [&c.]; (M, ;) pl. form of the epithet to a sing. subst.,] j i.; oiu pl., though of the form of a pl. of pauc. (M.)as also v ;j, (s,) in. n. L. (TA.) The An enpty ~tc ; (M, ]C;) like as one says Also A gifl; (S, M, A, I ;) [said to bc] so callcd jti; Arabs say, fW ;M i . 114W; aJ.; Wt1 on the authority of IApr: (M :) and because he upon whom it is conferred is hound thereby; (Ksh and BcIl in xxxviii. 37;) and sc [I hare not overturned a vesl belonging to thec, [applying the sing. form of the epitllet to a pl. nor have I emptied a yard belonging to thee]; 00 t .o: (M:) pl. as above. (L.) One says, subet.,] L. a;il empty tveel. (M, X.) And meaning I have not taken thy camels nor thy sulmt.9] & -'' "'ll Tle gift is a sbackle, or fetter. (A.) ) property, so that thy vessel should be overturned ; 7, L.o. jL j.;'; A man empty-handek. (t , - And i. q. .13 [which generally means Praic.e, and thou shouldst find no milk to milk into it, Mqb.) j". t Voidofgood. (TA.) edogy, or commenldation; but is said by some to and so that thy yard should be empty, plundered, MNb.) And JIl And it is said, in a trad., of Umm-Zarp, that shel mean also the contr.]. (M.) no camel or sheep or goat lying in it: it is said in 'A_ excusing oneself. (M.) [Accord. to Freytag, was 4tl, *.. meaning t Lank in her belly; as ;.t..: see the next preceding paragraph. though her oJts, which is a garment tihat falls j.o; signifies also It (a house) was, or became, thou,t,rh empty, or void, of (' .) household-goods: so that upon the belly and there ends, were empty. At,l 6L 5 he praying of him who ' '.. ,. It is [utet,ly] em~pty; it is syn. with ;L: and this is probably correct: (TA.) And J" pltts hi. feet together as though they were fett,erl _Uo being bein0 an imitative sequent. (Kh, knm p. for-.] - l.i,(8, g,) also, (K.,) signifies He was, is forbididen. (L, from a trad.) 3M.)_j" 354.)-j.o in arithmetical notation, in the or became, poor; (], 1;) said of a man. (?.) o,dl is used by a poet for L'a I [q. v.]. (M.) Indian method, is A circle [or the character , )5. jli J i The cattle became in good con- denoting noug*ht, or zero; whence our term dition, thle vehement eat of summer having de"cipher:" cipher:" when nought is thus denoted, five is partedfrom them: [or,] accord. to ;gh, pL. denoted by a character resembling our B: but 1., i aor. ;, inf n. An., (8, M, 9g,) with jqil signifies The camels became fat in the more commonly, in the present day, nought is which t]i. is syn. in a phrase mentioned below; [season called the] fi. (TA.) denoted by a round dot; and five, by a]. (L, (v;) and *1, (M, ],) inf. n. -L'; (TA;) TA.)~ TA.)m .See also ', in two j&W, places. IHe, or it, (a bird, a vulture, 8, and a serpent, or 9. a.l It become fJ [i. e. yclowo: and also the )J.,, or Cl or ;. Oe# or i.Lb, M,) blach]: (S, M, I:) andso ;Ul: (?,]:) or the _A. [an inf. n. of Ao, q. v. :-and hence,] former signifies it was so constantly: and the rwhiAed; syn. t;; ( made, n;) or uttered, a latter, it was so transiently. Hunger Hunger: and * iLo [the inf. n. un.] a hungering (Az, TA. [See 9 in certain swnd, (M, Mgb,*]C,) 'itltot the utteronce. (M,]K.)-Also A certain disease in the art. j...]) ance of letters. (Mqb.) [It is mostly said of a belly, which renders the face yellowr: (M, ] :) or begy, 11: see the next preceding paragraph. a collecting of water in the belly. (It.) [See bird: see an ex. voce j,..] One says [also], ' also '".]i;JI UI [He wistled in the whistle]. (M, :.) Also A kind of srcpnt, (@,M, i,) ejl: see. ips in the belly, (S, [,) rohich sticks to the ribs, and And I.'o ;"i , and ti-o, Ie called tite ass to o: see jL. . Also, (S, M, A, Msb, g,) bites them, (M, ]g,) or, as the Arabs assert, which water [1y whistling; for to do thus is the common and tL aceord. to AO, bites a man when he is hungry, it bite occasioning (S, M, Mgb,0) who bite# custom of the Arabs]. (M, 1S.) And Fr mentions allowed no the stinging which a man feel when he is hungry: other form, but the former is the tlte the phrase, t;iA. . oj. 6t, meaning better, (M,) [Brass;] the metal of which vessels SM ( :) used alike as sing. and pl.; or one is termed jo (i[i. e. Tlre roa' in his speech a hlistling]. aremade; (?;) iq. (M:) and it is said to bo what is meant by q. .i [which means both ;o' : (M:) (B:.)---'., nor. ', inf. n.pL (S, M, A, K, &c.) copper and brass]; (A, M 9bi) or a sort of, 4,-a; the word in a trad., in which it is disacknowledged: .(S, TA :) or a certain reptile (a;tl) mrich or ,1 i mad ydlow; (M ;) or the best sort of ]edged: and ;, ,; (M, ;) and accord. to the T, 'i, aor. *, inf. n. ajoL; (TA;) It, or he, wras, or ,1;. ; (Myb;) or an ~aelnt sort ~therof: bites the ribs and their cartilages: (M, 4 :) or a certain erpent in the belly, which attacks beasu ~in became, empty, void, or vacant; (~, M, A, Mqb, (TA:) n.un. l . (M.) -And Gold: (M, and m and which, accord. to the Arabs [of the ];) namely, a house or tent; (a;) or a vessel, A, : [see also l1La, vocejolI :]) or deasn; time of Ignorance], pam from one to another (8, M, & c,) .;lj L i > [of food and either because they are yellow (L. [pl. of-, ), more more than the mange or scab (Ru-behl:) the beerge]; and a skin, 'jI p.- [of milk]; or thus called because resembling the a ` of Prophet, however, denied its doing so: it is said (TA;) and a hand; (A;) and a thing; M ;) which vesels are made. (M.) - And Iomenn's also that it oppremes and hurtO a man when he is M(, hungry: (A'Obeyd:) this is the explanation apand accord. to ISk, * , aor , inf. n. e., is ornaments. (A.) L u i L, (S, 0, TA, Awn": v;lo, said of a man. (TA.) [See also 4, last sentence [thus in an old and very excellent copy of the S, proved by Az: (TA:) or, as also vorms in another copy of which I find, as in Freytag's in the bely, (M, g, TA,) and in the cartilaget of but one.] One sapys,i ~ ; IUo , ; the ribs, rohich cause a man to become very ;b,1 (?,1, A) [We seek preser~ation by God Lex., t ;.L,]) and ., (TA,) [app. means tlis yeRom, and ometimes kill him. (TA.) You say, fromr the yard's becomig void of cattl, and the He is in that state in which he requires to be ydloo, Al . 1 t!"jZ !; #&&b, meaning, lile was vestsrs beomring enmpty;] meaning, from the rubbed with Jsajfrfn; for it] is said of'him who is hungry. (A.) Accord. to some, (M,) in the affected by madness, when he is in the days in hun". perishing of the cattle. (.) And which his reason fails; because they used to rub Lrad. above referred to, i.p signifies The post(M, A, ], [in the Cl, erroneously, ~,j,]) and poning of [the month] El-MoAarramn, tra,nfer. him with somewhat of saffron. (t, O, L.) ;61.., (A,) [lit. Hi,s milk-ins, and his veul, rin.q L0. ($,M, A, Mb, ) and IVZL and Vt;L ring it to $afar:(A'Obeyd, M, gI :) [see ,*." :] became empty;] meaning { he died; (M, g] ;) he Dr or it there means the disease called by this name, peihed. (A. [See also other explanations in and t, (MO,) .qkw and (M,1~~~~~) ,t jko~~(M) and i.lI because they asserted it to be transitive. (K.) _ Bk. I. 214

BooK I.]

,, $&,

Ibn-SatTir,n. . on .119 paru l


[Boox I.

or Ibn-Saffir, (1s,) or Ibn-$aflir, (so in a copy of Also The intellect, or understanding; or the tioned: or] the periodfrom the rising of Suheyl Dr heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the C]~ to the setting of ItJJI [the Seventh Mansion of the M,) in which case it is extr. in form; (M ;) Dr or on account of the yellowness of their com&;;:])the inmnot part (J.r) of th hetart. (M, the nMoon, which, in the part and age above plexions plexions; or because of their being void of re',j mentioned, was about the 3rd of January, O. S.], ligion; (] ;) accord. to which last derivation, it I, ,. Hence the saying, (TA,) LS H.) This will not adhere to me, [or to my mind,] nor vl~n the cold is intense; and then breeding is is i.I..alI, withl kear; and As holds this to be will ny oul accept it: (, TA;:) said of that approved: (M :) or the periodfrmn the rising of the right opinion. (TA.) .,And the former %C whicl one does not love. (A.)~Also A con- iSuheyl to the riing of s.1Iol [the Fourteenth (A,j~)The aiJ., (M, K,) who were celebrated tract, compact, or covenant: or suretiship, or 'MJansion of the Aloon, which, in the part and (fA/l~) fo; generosity; (TA;) so called in repon.sibility: syn. ,.a&. (M, L, l. [In some age above mentioned, was about the 4th of for bounty and relation beenwn (M, ll~,) who was [surto Aboo-?ufrah, of forty nights with Also (?, M, Mgb, 0l) October, O. S.], commencing copies of the 18, a;;.]) calkd] named] (M.) Abu-l-Mohelleb. ji,]imperfectly decL, (1i,) but varying, or alternating, heat and cold, called and sometimes [ ij s1jJ : (AZ :) the first increase [of sheep and all make it perfectly decl. except AO, who makes 'i.ll: see the next preceding paragraph in ailmii, the sun smites is when ta, which goats] is the it imperfectly decl. because it is determinate or a two places. *a proper name] and similar in meaning to AJL, (~Loj) the heads of the young ones; and some of Lg ' , in five places. sec a *a o : : ace ag and the & i: then an, which is fernm., meaning that all nouns signifying the Arabs call it the times are ,tAt L, (Th, M,) and, accord. to some, is the .qAh, after the ua; and that is when (S,) which '~b is the sing. of .to, the Arabian month of [The second, (Mqb,) the fruit of the palm-tree is cut off: then, the iBignifies signifies Poormen: (S, . :) the ; is augmentacalendar;] the month that is [the next] after El(s.) then, tive. (?.) ,>, which is in the [season called] .j: I): (8, M, ]g:) so called MoAarram (j/ specin the 5";, which is when the sun becomes warm: M,) with fet-h, (S,) or *;t, like ;t , (S, M,) because in it they used to procure their provision what is dry, of [the si,cies ,f barleyof corn from the places [in which it was collected, then, the "A. : then, the ;& : then, the , 4 L, (K,) What ,.S, in the end of the [season called] Ji: grass M:, :) app. because of (, M, gras called] their granaries having then become empty (j); agreeably with the opinion of my learned friend (Aboo-Nar :) or signifies, (M, X,) and so its yellowness: (M:) it has prichlk that cling to thle lips of the horses. (TA in art. a/:.) - And Mons. Fulgence Fresnel, that it was so called A , (g,) the [period of the] departure of the tlte accord. to lSk, A certain plant. from the scarcity of provisions in the season in heat and the coming of the cold: (Agn, M, ] :) the former, art. which it fell when it was first named; for it then or the period betwen the departure of the summer (TA.) fell in winter: see the latter of the two tables in J;1.: see 1, in two places. -Also A certain JU.o and the coming of the winter: (Aboo-Sa'eed:) p. 1254; and see also 'i.]: or because Mekkeh diseam, or the first of the seasons; [app. meaning the diseas, in consequence of which one becomne was then empty, its people having gone forth to IJI, rwhich woas the yellow: (A:) the yellowv nytcr thiat collects in autumnal season, called A. travel: or, accord. to Ru-beh, because the Arabs i. q. L, : (M:) or a collctthe belly; (M, g;) four, and of the six, seasons; or per- the in it made predatory expeditions, and left those first of the in.q ing of yellow water in the belly, which is cured commonly of rain, the seasons of first the haps whom they met empty: (M:) or because they L [i. e. ;] and it may be a month: (AJ.n, by cuttiit t/he JPS, then made predatory expeditions, and left the called ij .. 1 a rein in the baclibone, - And .. See also (S.) homes of the people empty: (Msb in art. . :) M, ]g:) or the latter, (M,) or both, (TA,) the baclkbone, or back]. pl. )Lloi, (?,, M, Mqb, 15,) and, as some say, beginning of the year. (M, TA.) [Hence,] .. t; see lU.._Also A yello,cness that takes place ' I1 Twenty days of, or from, (>:.,) the in wheat before the grain has becomefull. (A, (Myb.) -j 1 The two months of vI ~ $f,;. TA.)-And Remains of straw and of otier El-1MoAarram and $afar; (M;) two months of latter part of the summer, or hot eason. (TA fodder) fodder, at the roots of the teeth of beasts; as also the year, whereof one ras called by te Muslinms voce ) _-.. Also the former, ($,) or t both, C The tick, or ticlks: (M, t;%. (M, g.) -And El-MoAarram. (IDrd, M, Msb, I.) (TA,) The rain that comes in tle beginning of ]p:) say, (M,) an insect, or or as some .:) and, (g,) autumn: (8:) orfrom the period of the rising of animak-uk, in the solid hoofi, that isfound (*.,) Suh~yl to that of the etting of tlJIl [expl. animalcule, : stee.", first sentence. and and in the toes, or soles, of camels, (M, j,) in thl Also the latter, (, M,) or hinder above]. (TA.) hinder parts thieeof. (M.) t both, (g,) A plant that grows in the beginning 'm 3[1~: see e, [of which it is the n. un.,] first of the autumn: (g, M, g:) so called, accord. to jt" ;ti" : see the next preceding paragraph. sentence. AlIn, because the beasts become yellow when [In they pasture upon that which is green; their 'e,. in inf. . of;i., [q. v.]. (s, MI, F.) si" [Ydelonmu;] a certain colour, (f, M, arm-pits and similar parts, and their lips and fur, theletsapplh,ire.] present day it signifies also The Myb,) well known, (M, 1,) les intense than red, becoming yellow; but [ISd says,] I have not 0. ' 3 (Mqb,)found in animalsand in some other things, found this to be known. (M.) ;Jtk. lus withered, (M, .1,)and be~o *J1k What dam and, aocord. to IAr, in wvater. (M.) - Also altered to yellow, (M,) of plants, or herbage. (M, altered in two (M, ].) - See also ,4, Bilachnss. k4h. A sort of dataes of El-Yemen, which are 8.) , imperfectly decL, is a proper dried in the state in which they are termed y., places. -'' ,4k,o) betnwen tro tracts of land. >L A dam "(L) ~.) name for The she-goat. (tgh, (Aln, M, g,) being then yellow; and rrhen they (Sgh, IP) -.) become dry, and are rubbed with the hand, they (?9b, (1) The in ah. (?M,O and A'e !5JLb.A A species of bird, that wrhistl (s). is sweetened with them, and crumble, and 'r o,) of sp or goats they s~pas sugar; (AlIn, M ;) [or] themy supply (M. [See also what next follows.]) or offpring, ( crea, ($, M, 1i [in the CZ, jI is erroneously put for j the place of ngar in;.j 0.1 ' . , l, (& . (V.)~I" adu.., A certain bird; (IAqr, ;) as also a,tL.. : called that after before this explanation]) M, ,) and, (V,) ar as some say, (S, M,) ($, TA:) or at the period of the [auroral]rtin t iJlI, (M, ],) A sect of the ~ , (s,) a a,!:-, without teshdeed; (S;) the bird called of Suheyl [or Canopus, which, in Central Arabia, o in that art.:) in art. ,) or (. X (Sin (M, i;) so called in relation &j at the commencement of the era of the Flight, party of the l,d.; [Golius (who writes the word 4id.) adds, "ut was about the 4th of August, 0. S.; here erro- to Sufrah (& [which is the name of a place in [Golius Syria neously said in the M to be in the beginning ol f El-Yemameh]): (M :) or in relation to Ziyad puto, quae in Syria Ije dicitur, fiava, duplo major pa&~, pasere, nam et paer luteus, ut reddit winter]: (M, :) or I the latter word signifiesi Ibn-El-Asfar, (S, 18,) their head, or chief; (S;) majo 1.] aso ;~ . (IApr.) [See ao [as above, and also the period itjel abore men. or to 'Abd-Alah (8, M, 1) Ibn-E4-gafflr, (J,) Meic,:1 Meid.":] i.q.0"'

BooK I.]
t[i. 3l ed, acoord. to the 1, A hind of, plant]: but in the Tekmileh, a kind of 3 [i. e. garmnts, or dtot]; pl. of ,p; and it bears the mark of corretness. (TA.)


that is detidue of the Booh of God]. (,.)_

Also Y~ellow,]. o the colour termed

I1 is an appellation judgment. (TA)__., whose sign [meaning the colour (., applied to Th OI:

MK,1 ])

fem. sitjL (Mqb, &c.:) pL

(TA.) of their e

] is

(M, ;) [i. e.


And Black (A'Obeyd, S, ) is sometimes thus termed: (.:) applied to a camel, as in the ]ur lxxvii. 33, because a black camel always has an L ;1;^: se jG. Aloo A fabricator of intermixture of yellow: (TA:) or, applied to a [or bras]. (M, ].) camel, of a colour whereof the ground is black, ;%, with ~amm, The entire quill of a feather. with some ye~ow hairs coming through. (M.) Applied to a horse, Ofthe colour termed in Pen. (AA, 0.) *'j [a kind of Soe], (8,) but not unless having &L;t [A wistlet: so in thc present day' and a ydlow [or sorrel] tail.and mane. (Ay, $.)also a fft:] a hollow tling (M, ) of coper, The Greeks (.jJI): (, A:) or tlir ~1i (i,) i which a boy whistle (M, V) to~gn, hings: because the sons of El-A.far the son of (I,) or to an an, that he may dri. (Tn, L, Room the son of 'Eeyoo (or 'Ey.oon, TA, [i. e. TheM ama; syn. c_s); -) [Hence,) Ij;; Esau,]) the son of Is-h14 [or Isaac] (g) the son (M, ];) in the dial. of the Sawid.- (TA.) of Ibraheem [or Abraham]: (TA:) or El-A;far was a surname of Room: (TA:) or they were so , Whitling; or a whistlr. (TA.) -And called because their first ancestor, (A, IAth,) [or Room the son of 'Eyoon, (lAth,) was of a hence, (TA) A thiefa; (;) u aot;e.: this signifies a fr~que, or habitual, hitletr :] yellow complexion: (A, IAth :) or because they the thief being so aUlled becamuse he whistles in were conquered by an army of Abyssinians by fear of his being suspected: whence, as some whom their women had ycllow children: (]:) .; I [More [or] they are the modern MuscoviteL. (TA.)O explain it, the maying cowardl than a thif]: (TA:) a prov.: accord. QjIAoljo Gold and saffron; (S, M, I ;) which are to AO, it means in this instance one who whistelC said to destroy women: (TA:) or the plant called to a woman for the pwpose of fornication or ,,. and saffron: (. , j:) or the plant caUld adultery; because he fears lest he should be and gold: (M:) or saffron and raisins. ,4 seen: or_accord. to A'Obeyd, Any bird that Qgh, .) - And i--:1!l Gold. (M, 1. (IS8k, whistle; for birds of prey do not whistle, but also ... ]) Hence the saying of 'Alee, t only ignoble birds, that are preyed upon: [See :d, .o , ,, ,.o , . . ., (Meyd:) [or] any bird that doe mot prey: (M, ie es 0 gold, tSs Usl aet l! ~iI 9:) and any bird havsgy a cry: and a c~rtain [be yelow,] and O silver, [be white, and beguile cowardly bird: (]:) [acoord. to Dmr, as stated other than me:] and one says also, zA`L. 9 tM C . by Freytag, it is a bird of the p~aerine kind; l" '; 1[7There is not belong to such a one gold acoord. to Mohammad Ibn- nor siler]. (TA.)_Also A hind of bie, (M, also called t iL:] lgabeeb, (Meyd,) a certain bird that umend 15,) well-known; (15;) [the yellow bile; oneof itseffron tress, hanging down its head, whistling the four hAumours of tie body; of which the all the night in fear bt it dlould leep and be others are the black bile (js*J1), the blood talke; and so in the prov. above mentioned: (.11), and the phlegm (/i0 I):] socalled because (Meyd, A:*) or, accord. to IAar, it means of its colour. (M.) - And The bow that is made .t tI; [thisdtbd to]: i e., when he is whistled ,* TA.) - And (,* of [the tree called] . i l is meant the to, he flees: and by A t Te female locust that uis deod of eggs. (M, 1.) bird maed ;;l [i. e. l,;,l or t'S1 &c.), the - And A certainplant, (g, M, 1,) of the plain cowardice of which inducesju to weave for itsdf a or oft tracts, and of the sands, (M, ],) and nat lik a pUrJe, arpndfom a tre, narrow in ometims gromin~g in hard level ground: (M:) or the mouth and wide in the lower part, in which it a certain herb, that preads upon the ground, protectJ ite, fearing kst a bird of prey should (AlIn, M,) thA leavo of vwhich are like tho of light upon it: (Meyd: [see also art. Ji :]) or the u [or lettuce], (AlIn, M, ],) and which eat iwemently: (Alln, M:) it is of the camelds .j:, t l; There is not in any coward. (TA.)4 . (Aboo-Nagr, M.) it (i. e. the house, JIJI, TA) any one: ($, :) the kind caled .i [lit.] any one who whistlas: (M:) or any one to jA-.: see its fem., with 8, voce ;" . be caled by whistling; ,l being here an instance ;A poor man. (.) of the measure JlaU in the sense of the measure .. ; and its fem., with : see ; (T, TA.) ,jui. followed bfy. aee the next preceding paragraph. sh: jiI; [a oomparative and superlative epithet

ensign is ldlow;] and is similar to jjl1

'3 i . (M-)
in two places. - Also (1.) - Of the Hunr,y; and so ,.. : (Mgh, TA,) or , 1 5l and , (TA,) 5; 3 vt 1., (Mgh,) which one is forbidden to offer in sacrifice, (Mgh, TA,) it is said that the first is Such as ha the ear entirely cut off; because its car-hole is destitute of the ear: and the second, tAe lan, or emaciated; because devoid of fatnec; or, accord. to S5t, the first and second have the latter meaning, as though destitute of fat and flesh: (TA:) or the second and third have the latter meaning; or the former meaning: (Mgh:) but accord. to the relation of 8h, what is thus forbidden is termed $; 1 J , with t, having the former of the meanings expl. above; k:) or which IAth disapproves: (TA in art. p ~ .i1. (Mgh in that art.)1 Also Having the (A, TA:) or one from disease termed ji: whose belly comesforth yello water. (TA.) ;~~.: wsee L;.,

;o. A certain bird, (S, M, ],) of a conardly nature, (B1,) larger than the sparrow, (M,) that frequent houses, and is the most cowardly of birds; (Lth ;) it is afiaidof the [little bird called] (IA9r;) and is by the vulgar ($) caUed i.;; [Acord. to Golius, the .JI _Wi. (S,1 nightinale: but this I think a mistake.]) Xt pjA. , [More cowardly than a fifrid] is a prov., (S,Meyd,) asserted by AO to be postclassical. (Meyd. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. i.

q. v. (A, )


a dial. var. of i ;l,

is from '11, [see sko,] not from 3Ll, (4,) and means He is a l4b; (.,

K ;) as though denoting cowardice: (TA:) or it "he dyed yellow;" (M;) and was is from ' [tA greater applied to Aboo-Jahl; (M, TA;) meaning that he , j One says A from ,L], See dyed his ,! with saffron, and was addicted to whistbr, or warbler, than the J ]. 1 A [Also Mor, and most, empty, void, also .[the enormity termed] Lai: this, accord. to ~gh, i.l a.i1 ,r or ocant.] It is aid in a trad., is the correct explanation; and he adds that it is


1..l;, aor. , (O, M.b, ,) inf n. ', (M,* O, Mqb, TA,) accord. to Lth, (O, TA,) He struck him with his fit, not vehemently, on the back of his neck: (0, 1], TA:) or, (0, 15,) accord. to Az (0, Msb, TA) and others, (Mgb,) he struck him [i. e. lapped him] with his eawpanded hand (O, Msb, 11, TA) on the back of his neck, or on his body; not with the fist: (0, Msb, TA:) or it is post-classical: (S, 15:) [but Fei says,] the assertion that it is post-classical is not to be regarded: (Mqb:) Az adds, IDrd says that it is from $ h y-, (0, TA,) which signifies the top, or uppermost part, of the [cap calkld] :., and of the turban: (O, J, TA:) or this is a mistranseription, and is correctly with j: (g, TA :) [Sgh says,] this which As mentions, [as] on the authority of IDrd, I have not found in the Jm; and it is correctly with 3. (O.)

Am l

; tb

.mit 1 JoJI [That one of said of a luxurious man, whom experience and

rwith the Cepandedhand upon'the back of the neck,


e oA sigeb act of striking [or dalaping]


whic is uthe mot Woid of good is the house afflictions have not rendered firm, or sound, in or upon the body. (Mqb.)

1700 ta,a or C ';a~ (accord. to different copies of (., O,) also signifies The shutting,,or closing [a the ? and 1) A man who is struck [or slapped] thing]; and the turning, or sending, or putting, in the manner expL above in t jfirst paragraph; [a thing] back, or awaay; ($, 0,J ;) as also "'aJiL He shut, or (1.) You say, V '1. (0, g.) (., Mgb, g ;) as also t t' '". ', (S, closed, his eye. (S, 0, 8.) And , .4I Wita : see the first paragraph of this art. M, O, Myb, 1,) aor. -, (M,) inf. n. 'do,(M, Mgb,) He shut or closed, the door; (S, O, Msb, .tau.:: see 0'. ];) as also V Aiil: (S, O:) or both signify he locked the door: (M, :) and in like manner ato ,ik. [and l-.l]. (TA.) And He opened the 1. !t. [inf. n. of jia] signifies The striking door: (ADl:, 0, Msb, ] :) thus having two contr. [a thing] so as to cause a sound to be heard in si,nifications. (MSb.) And 4e.fl :, inf. n. corsequence thereof; (, 0, 1;) as also " ^,L, He turned, or sent, his cattle back, or away. [inf. n. of t Lgo, but this has an intensive signi- (M, TA.) And Il ;i ` i , He tunred them fication]: (8: .and j,i. is [also] an inf. n. of [i. e. men] back, or away, from such a thing. L;. (TA.) And one says, 0."i,". WiLl , like j'.. in the phrase Jim 1 ljlj Tley 77 ijp.ijl [the striking of the hand upon the other ceased not to turn me about in an affair: hand], but denoting muchness of the act;on. [meaning that] they endeavoured to induce him (8b, M, TA.) [Hence several meanings of both to do it. (Ibn-'Abbad, O.) -_ . j 4 to town, or from town them Tlhy expelled . i .a, and .l; of these verbs, here following.] ;hO, (MSb,) aor. ,, from, country to country, forcibly and igno, LJ; IJ c, (M,) and JI joi: see 2. _ inf. n. JU, (M, Msb,) He struck his head, and miniously. (TA.)_ his ede, (M,) and he struck him on his head with C.1M iJo, (0, ],) inf. n. (O,TA,) IIc (s0o, -";t,o,(0, ,) filled tlts drinking-vessel; as also Vti;.l; (0, the Aand. (M.b.) And ' inf. n. Ji";, (0,) lie drucr him with the sword. I;) and ?-": JL., and (0:) or 1.lWl (0, 1.) And ei;)l s J " [lit. Iie smote the V eikl, he filled the drinhing-cup, or wiae-cup: ground with him; meaning hejflung him upon the (Lb, M:) and ,i,,Jl t lt..l Wfre collected tihe (M, K,) water in tiw watering-trough. (TA.) . And ground]. (L, TA.)., .a.' 4I JiA, He compressed her; syn. , inf. n. "oo, aor. as above, (M,) [inf. n. t;,] said of a bird, t; sibnifies also The -And .; L,4.. (TA.) his wings; the air,] with He beat [bis sides, or (TA.) or things]. together [a thing collecting (M, L, 1 ;*) as also t JL., (M, ,) in n.

[Boor 1.

j.o, (M, TA,) inf. n. "4S, (TA,) He poured water into the skin, (M, TA,) andshook it about, (TA,) the shin being neo, to that the water came forth yellow. (M.). -See also 1, latter half, in two places._,-j.lJI 'Jo He mixed ttse wine, or beverage. (M.) _ And, (M,) inf. n. as above; (S,0, ;) and t ',L, (M,) inf. n. jL.; (g;) and t ;2t.ol, (M,) inf. n. ;Al
CL!; (V;) lie transferred the 'wine, or beve rage,from one vessel to another, (S, M, O, g,) or fiom one jar to another, (As, TA,) it being mixed, (],) in order that it miyht become clear. (M, B.) -_1J~ .l~ means The removin of catnel from a place whAich tltey haw depas , :*) tured to a place in twhich is pasture: (S O, thus in the saying of the ri'jiz (Aboo-Moxammad El-Fak'asee, 0) cited in the first paragraph of in that instance, art. Jj: (S, 0:) or Jel The 4i i accord. to IAgr, is from ,)jil i_il11 people, or party, wentfar in the country in enarch )jL, said of a man, (Ibnof pastur.e: (M:) [or] 'Abbid, 0,) inf. n. as above, (n,) means lie went away; and lh nent rountul about. (Ibn'Abbad, 0, ].) - And 4a l significs also Thel forming a determined intention or pmrpose, and then reversing it. (TA.)
. ... o





winl smote it so as to cause a sound to be heard:

(.:) or the latter signifies [simply] the wind

smote it, or beat it: (.Ham p. 719:) [or the wvind :)] Ibeat upon it; namely, a sail &c.: (see [and] bothl signify the mind shifted it to the ritght and l.ft, and turned it back: (TA: [in the Cl}, . '; i.e. became ~ v.. ,, p [or ll as an closed, the syll. signs of this word in the 0 being ! is erroneously put for doubtful, in the CK erroneously written ;I,]) t ',i . explanation ofj; 7Jl :]) and aJI Thte windl beat the water so that it mnade it clear: so that the fatus died. (lDrd, 0, K, TA.) aor. o 4, (M, 0, Msb, g,) inf. n. aJ3.L,, said jl-l tJZ#A, (1l,) aor. as J (M:) and t.Z of a garment, or piece of cloth, (S, M, 0, Msb, above, inf. n. Jim., (0,) The wind lput thite trees in K,) It was strong, stout, or firm; (M;) thich, motion, or into a state of commotion, (0, .,) mlbstantial, close, or compact, in texture: (0, and ashooh them: (0, TA:) and 'iI t . (T, ., &c., in art. ji..) Msb, ] :) and so of a face, (S, 0, ., TA,) I It was And, said in 4j..JI The wind smote the clouds, [for "" (0, g, TA.) or had little shame. imnpudent; I read my original, an obvious mistranscription, '! b,] and blew in differeut directions upon 2: sOe 1, former half, in five places. Jl LI, (inf. n. 1L, TA,) themn. (TA.) A;";l means Themaking a sound with lHe put in motion [by striking them] tets chords ,lJ he and [by clapping]: (S :) one says, :.. ,L. "j'oo ,B and of the lute. (., 0, g.) - aa t [Ie clal)pped with hii haIads; or clapped his o. Js "j., inf. n. t, (M, 1) and aiii., l hans]: (0, Msb:) and C- mit;l (i,) [or the latter, which see below, is a simple [Titw women clap tiheir hands in lamenting over subst.,] lie struch his hand upon his [another's] the dead: thius they often do in the present day, hand by way of ratifying the sale, or tlhe covenant; over the corpse and over the grave]: (TA:) (M, 1g ;) and so 5I .i j.o, aor. , (Ii,) inf. n. ;~1J is syn. with Jl: (AY, 0:) or (0) to) 1J3 L and Iaeel, inf. n. the former signifies the striking writh the palm of Jim;: (TA:) or i, I struch my hand upon his hand [by wray of one hand upon that of the other; (0, ] ;) but the ratifying tit sale and tie covenant]. ($, 0, Msb.) latter is better expl. as the striking with the outer [See also jL. And see an ex. in a verse cited side of the right hand upon the inner side of the left hand. (0.) [See also 2 in art. & .] (., 0, 0) as inf. n. of voce ;t;1.] -_ *jL

3. pl a&* JciLo [lIc struOk his hand upon that (f anotheri in token of the ratification [Sce also 6.]) of the sale]. (T in art. j.. ;..,,L. said of a she-camel, Slte lay, or slept, upon one side one time and upon the other side (M. . another tint: from tj*. meaning. ,j, (M, ].,) inf. n. Jo.,, (M,) The man [And the same is indicated in the O.]) And ,.jll &i; ,iM , ent away. (M, g.)_. ~ ;~ sLa sJ Suck a one tUn71oOer ,'l .t4 company of inen alighted at our abole. upon this ;. [or side] one time and uttpon the ;'. O, (IDrd, 0, l,) (IDrd, M,* 0, .. *) 'jJ -, [Such other another. (0.) And ;jlM inf. n. jL, (TA,) said of a she-camel, 11er a one pa.sed the night turniug over froin side to womb closed againwt theipassage of her fwetux, side]. (Z, TA.) - [Accord. to the ]n, said of a she-camel, Slte iea.s taken with the pains of : but this is app. a parturition; i.q. mistake; for it seems to have beent taken from the saying in the 0, (one of the lirincipal sources Wal, which eviof the .,) *JU MU1 ' ,l; hlien the she-camel is taken with dently means the pains of lmrturition, sihe turns orer from side to side; as is there indicated by the context both before and after.] - 'e . iLO, ore twot'o shiirts, s, (K,) li (M,) or (M,) or tiro qarmtents, (n,) one of them over the

other. (M, .. )
4: see 1, lattcr half, in five places:-and see Lsc [i.e. ThIy g. i. .q. also 2. - s mnade a covenant, or conmp)act, respecting it, or to do it, as though by striking their lhands together], namely, the thing, or affair: (TA in art. : .. ; and see also 3, and 8, and [sec a2;:a . ;;"L :]) they combined consentaneously, or agreed together, esplecting it, or to dlo it, namely, the (S, 0, ]g,) or thing, or affair; syn. 4c .

te l&



And Le-t

l_*Uel [7Ty

combined, or collected thcmseles together, against us]. (M, from a verse of Zuheyr.) i ' l

BooK I.] it; l


~ , like i~-s., (I;) 9. i;j,l I'.. l The trees became shaken, art.]; (M, 1];) as a Vho occurs in a trad. as meaning Th women of Mekkeh cocted themseles together or agitated, by the wind. (., 0, ], TA.) And or Lt.u , (so in a copy of the M,) which is to him: or, u some relate it, 1 .i (TA.) s1 ji ..ol The lute had its chords put in motion, mentioned by Sb, (M, TA,) and of which Seer (q,, , , TA,) so that they responded, one to says that it may be from eL5 quA ,ji X;i; And one says, J I1,dI meaning Ija. [i. e. 1; jUtI jil~l Thle (TA. [See 1, first sentence.]) - Hence it is used They collacted themslvs together to him; or they another. (TA.) combined to treat &him with courtesy and honour]. tracts of tae horizon flickered with whitenss, to signify The contract itelfy that it made in the (M.)_,J.l He brought them as much and the light thereof spread. (TA.) - And casn of a sale, (Mgh, Mqb,) and the coenant ,food as would satisfy their hunger: (0, J,:) sJ i ;i,J! 1 ji.l The sitting-place became a tlhat one makes: (Mgh:) or an agreement re said in relation to the entertainment of guests. scene of commotion, or tumult, nith the people, or specting a thing: (M,TA:) As says that it relates to the seller and the buyer. (Myb.) [And party. (TA. [See also 4, latter part.]) (O ) - ;Ai ' '''i , (" , O,) or it is sometimes with i. in the place of s..] One His hand, or my hand, lighted on, met with, or see i: .. ~ Also A side; a lateral says, J L. ; i. e. [May] thy purchase encountered, such a thing; syn. .I;So, and , ;) and so t ji;, [brig profit]. (S, O.) And 'L ; 1lj. i j~ (, 0, 1.) En-Nemir Ibn-Towlab says, part or portion; (8, M O, i jl (0, O, ,) and * ; (M, O, ] ;) syn. .U, i. c. [May God bless thee in] the contract (., O, TA,) describing a j 5 [or slaughterer of (S, M, O, K,) and .J. (M, TA.) Of a moun- [(lit. the striking) of thy right hand]. (Myb.) camels], (TA,) tain, (!, O, ](,) it signifies in like manner, (0,) And a.j i-. , and( O, ,) its , (6, , V-,) and its a-_t;: (.:) [both of sale or bargain [bringing gain, and a samb or * whichi signify as above: or by the former may be bargainoccasioning s]. (X.) And J;J4 'A [Until, or until when, the share was divided, and meant what here follows:] or its face, (M, I,) ~a l [Verily he is blessed in respect of bargain[or ing]; meaning that he buys not anything without his hand lighted on the skin of her udder and her in the upper part thereof, above the bog' lvwv ground at, or by, the base, orfoot]: (M :) pl. naining in it. (TA.) And iL, .g;1 Ji young one]. (f, O, TA: but in the F, jL is put J..o. (S, O.) [In like manner also,] ;i LiU al.JC [I have purchased to-day a good purchase]. in the place of.J.) lil L.ol The people, signifies T7'Atheo sides of the neck. (, I,1.) (TA.) And ; t #ji l; JA t & lling is decisive or party, were, or became, in a state of comAnd 1i, l tl,i The two cheels of the horse. or with the option of returning. (Mgh.) And it = motion, or tumult; syn. ' .! (M, TA. [Sce (M, 1.) - Also A place. (1.) - See also is said in a trad. (of Ibn-Mes'ood, TA), *1i --also 8.])~J It nas appointed, or or- i.. _ And see J", in two places. 1j l iI_. u i. e. Two bargains in a [single] dained,for me; or prcpared for me. (TA.) bargain [are an unlanful gain]: this is of two .1I1 JL Ile mrilked the sheep, or goats, but IL.: see the next preceding paragraph. kinds: one is the seller's saying to the buyer, " I once in the day; (S, M, O, TA ;) and so with ,.: sell to thee such a thing for a hundred dirhems on (TA in art. jL:) or J.l l signifies the jL., with kesr, The etpaa [i. e. either half, the condition of thy buying of me this garment, milking once in tha day and night. (TA.)or leaf,] of a door [meamnng of a folding door]: or piece of cloth, for such a sum :" the other kind ,J! jelI lIe wove the garment (M, TA) (1 :) [or, accord. to the 0, it is * jko, for it is is his saying, " I sell to thee this garment, or strongly, stoutly,firmly, (M,) thickly, substan- there said that .Tl7 "Lt means ;1W ; but piece of cloth, for twenty dirhems on the contially, closely, or compactly. (TA.) dition of thy selling to me thy commodity for ten SM follows the reading in the ]~ without redirhems." (0.) And it is said in another trad., 5. jL3 lie (a man) turned over and over; marking upon the difference in the 0; and adds,] ,.. 41 037.3 X0 1 Z1...l% al i. e. [Verily and one says, _lj L. (M;) he moned repeatedly to and fro, syn. .3, [meaning The the greatest of great sins is] thy figlting thoss (M, O, ],)from side to side. (M.) And zjLa, door of his louse is one ledf; i. e.] when it does with whom thou hast made a covenant: because She (a camel) turned berself over, upside down not consist of what are termed QI5~I . (TA.) each of the two persons making a covenant puts (lit. bac for belly), (0, g, TA,) w/hen takln with his hand in the hand of the other, like as is done the pains of Ipaturition. (TA.) -?.AJ jL.3 IL: see L.. m~ Also r'ater tlhat is poured by each of two persons selling and buying. (TA.) He addressed, or applied, or directed, himseif, or into a new skin, and shaken in it, and in consehis regard, or attention, or mind, to tad anfhir; quence becomes yellow; (8, O, ];) or yelloto usLe or iA : see the next preceding parawater that comes forth from a neo skin upon graph. syn. eJ u ,;. (Sh, O, .) wrhich water has been lpoured; (M;) and so 6. ji.3 19 (e, M, O) 2 ey struck their hands 1t;L. (M, .) Hence, (TA,) one says, I;jj orinner] skin, that is 3jl. The inferior or upon the hands of others (0) Ia,l ~,c [on the Si. .i. Lr [IVe came for the purpose of beneath the skin upon which is the hair: (?, O, occasion of the ratilying of a sale, or covenant]: drinking to wrater as though it were the yellow :) a thin skin beneath the upper skin and aboe (f, O:) or they [struck a bargain;] bought and water that comesforth froi a new skin]. (., 0.) the f~h: (IAth, TA:) or the 3jt" of the belly sold; or made a co~wnnt, or compact; one with -And A, nev skin upon [or into] which water is the shin, (M,) the inner skin, (TA,) that is another. (M, TA.) is poured, in cone~quece whereof yellow water next to the 1_, (M, TA,) the b' of the belly, 7. ~L!1 It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) comesforth from it. (M.)- Also, accord. to (TA,) [i.e. the liver,] and which i 'th part mwa beaten by the wind, so that it moved to and AIjn, (Mi,) or so 1 4 k, (g],) The odour, and where the fa~rirperforates the beast (; ;> 4 firo. (M. TA.) [See also 8.]- It (a door) sarour, of tor' tan]. (M, ].) _And The 4lJJl) [at the navel, in order that a yellow fluid became skut, or closed: and so with v.: (TA in former, accord. to Ibn-'Abbad, The last of t may issue forth]: (M, TA:) or the jtI is the art. .:) [or it shut again of itslf:] said of a [or tan]: (0, TA:) in the 15, t.slil is erro- part around the navel, where thefarrierperforms door which, when opened, will not remain open. . (TA.) the operation abows mentioned: (AA, TA:) or (TA in art. sj.) - He (a man, TA) turned, or neously put for 5.Jyl beame turned or sent or put, back, or away: the skin which, when the i4A.. [or hide] is stripped (g, 0, b, TA:) he [or it] returned. (TA.) &U. A striking of the hand [of one person] off, remain clearing to the belly, and the rending And 1;~l They collected themelves together: upon thi hand [of another] in [ratif jing] a sale of which occasions a [rupture termed] ,3i; so the contr. of the next preceding se nification. or purchaseand a covenant: (Mgh:) and t ,; says Ag, in the "Book of the Horse:" (TA :) (TA.) See also 4. _ And one says, lA;1~h1l is [used in the same sense, being an inf. n. and or what is betn the [or outer skin] and ~ 4 t~ ThAy came pon u on the riglt and also] a subt.from the verb in the phrase Ju the 01 [or intetinu into whAich the food lQf. (M, TA.) &s e.~. [expl. in the first paragraph of this passes from the stomach]; (ISh, O, ];) conn-



[BooK I.
the meaning being He divied the water in that manner among the peple, or party, and game m a gulp as much as vould cowr a pebble in th bottom ofa el]. (TA.)

6. ;Wjl liLa, (AA, S, M, j,) said of people in a journey and having little water, (M,) They divided the water among themselvs (AA, f, M, Vg) by shares, (.,,) by means of the pebbl, (AA, S, M,) which they threw into t/he v to pour the water, into it, (AA,) giving to each of (I,) or an obUstacle, or elevated portion, of them as much as would cover the pebble. (AA, jL~k A camel lying, or sleeping, upon one nountaisu, (0,) such as i iinacce~sble. (O, I.) S.) Sce also 6 in art. LSJ. And A smooth, high roch: pl. ].. (Ibn-'Ab. ide one time and upon the other side another pl [if not a mistake for 'A-, q. v.,] signijo* : tI WTearbid, 0, .)~- Also, applied to a bow, Pliant. time. (O, ) - And fies The [roundpiec of shin, or leather, in which (Fr, O, V.) . [In tho TA, in a verse of Aboo- ing two garments, one of them over the other. food is put, and upon which people eat; commonly Dhu-eyb describing a bow, to which it seems to (Ibn-'Abbad, O.) called]o .; as also t l;:: (K:) the latter is be there applied a an epithet, it is expl. as signifyexpl. by AA and IApr a as i that is gatJerd~ ing ai._; but I think that this is a mistrascrip. together by a trunning] string [near the edg, by tion for le.l, meaning Quivering.- Freytag 1. A., aor. ,, inf. n. j_to, said of a horse, means of which it is converted into a bag, agree has asigned to it three explanations which belong He stood upon three legs and the ex~ ity of the ably withma modern custom]. (TA.) - And The to j .] hoof of the fourth leg; (AZ,* S, , TA;) [thus [bursa faucium, or faucial bag, of the camed; expl.] without restriction to a fore leg or a hind commonly caUed] :.' ; as also Vt : (,:) 4i,L applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, leg: (TA:) or 'he stood upo, thre leg., and ($, M, Mgh, O, Mpb, V,) strong, stout, or firm; turned back the extremity of the fore part of the so expl. by AA. (TA.) - See also . .(M;) thick, substantial, close, or compact, in fourth hoof, that of his fore leg: (M, TA:) [or * A thing like the [.. [described in the testureo~: (Mgh, O, Mb, 9:) and GA is a dial. he stood upon three lgs, and otherwise: (see next preceding paragraph], and bet~en the a var. thereof. (TA.) - Also t Hardy, strong, 1t :)] accord. to Fr, the poems of the Arabs and thue J, in which are [put] good~ or ute sturdy, enduring, or patient. (M.) - And ap- indicate that * '' signifies peculiarly, or specially, or the like: or it is of skin, or leathur, (M,) [i. e.] plied to a fac&e (, 0, , TA) au meaning t Im- [or simply,] the act of standing, or standingstill. a rceptacle of skin, or leathr, (., in which it is pde~t; or having ittle shame. (O, [, TA.) (TA.) - Also, (M, Msb, C,) aor. and inf. n. as expressly said to be with damm,) lik/e the 1L , And #1q J. 'i t A man having no shame. above, (M, Mqb,) said of a man, (1,) or U (S, M,) pertaining to the eoplep of the desert, in (fvar p. 38.) which they put t/heir travelling-provisions, and ,~J, (TA, from a trad.,) meaning ,.4 c O, - ee c. [He set his feet evenly, iide by side], (M, Mb, (M) with which (S, M) nometim (M) wrater is !5, TA,) standing, (Mqb,) and praying. (TA.) drawn, (S, M,9 like [as is done with] the jJ: >l. T.ravalling-camels (.14) coming and [Or, said of a man standing in prayer, it signifies, (M :) occurring;in a verse of $akhr El-Hudhalee or in this case it signifies also, He put his feet [cited in art. :dj.]: (S:) or a thing lihe the going. (Ibn-'Abbid, O.) - See also aUi . clot together: or he turned one of tis feet back- [small bucket, o small drinking-wvsl, of shin or (Fr, Mgh, V,) in which the A cock tat beats with his vings whun ward, like as the horse turns one hoof tawen leather, caUlld crowing. (TA.) - It occurs in a trad., followed standing upon three legs: see, again, . ]_ ablution termed .iJ performd: (Fr, ]:) or by 3 dl in apposition, and is said by Ay to mean '.':, :L, (M, TA) S; , aor ;, (M,) it signifies, (Mgh,) or signifies also, (1,) acord. ,;A, aid of a bird, or flying thing, It to AA, (,) a [pouch sch as is caUld] i., ,*jl+ f.i c* U J [app. One who goes inf. n. compacted the dry herbage (M, TA) and the pertaining to the pastor, in rwhich are [put] his away on om great affair]: but in the opinion leave, [to make a habitation,]for its young ones, food, and his [for producingfir], (g, Mgh, of Az, it means one who maket many journeys, (M,) or around its place of ntrance [into its ],) and his other uten~il or apparatus, (s,) or and who employs himslf, or ue ant or artifice or signifies the what other things he reuire; (., Mgh;) and cunning, in affairs of trajffic; thus nearly agreeing habitation]; (TA;) and 1e 4 9 t as the act of the hornet and oetimes water is dran with it, lie [as is done in meaning with 31O. (0: the latter meaning same: (M :) t (TA;) as also 1i:: vJ; (]:) or, the like is the compacting for itslf, or for its with] the only is asigned to it in the g.) young ones, a habitation (Jg, TA) of dry Aerbage acoord . to A'Obeyd, V I.. signifies a thing like IhMI A company (IDrd,M, 0, ) of men and of leaws so says Lth. (TA.) - And ' ' the in which are [put] a man's good~ or [aliAgting at one's abode]. (IDrd, M, O.) See Q(J He collected together his clothes (JM, TA) utenils, and his [other] apparatus;and when the 1, near the end.... Also A calamity, or misfora is elided, it is pronounced with damm [i.e. : o ) [cupon his saddle], (TA,) or l tume: (M, TA:) pl. 1.l : (M:) this pl and O"]: (TA:) or * L,, (TA,) or * ' ., (so ,t ,;, (0, V, TA,) which latter may be pl. of .- ; [upon t saddle and the like tlihereof]. in a copy of the M,) signifies a small j [or 4 , (:, TA,) aor.,, 9 'AL, (TA,) signify accidents, or evil accidents, (JM.) leathern bucket], havin a singyle Us. [or ring]; (0, , TA,) and var~ , or ~itudes, of inf. n., (TA,) Heu~ng him, or it, upon the and when it is large, it is ealled : and the ground. (],, TA.) _ And , aor. z, in n. eves. (0, TA.) pi. is .lI. (M, TA.) - And t Water [app. s,, He rent, or slit, hirs 'i.l, i. e. scrotum. considered as contained in the vessel thus called]: J1 A garment, or piece of cloth, more (M.) so expl. as used in the saying of Aboo-Du-4d, [strong, stout, firm,] thick, substantial, cloe, or 2. .o, and its in n.: see 1, in two places. compact, in tewtu, than another. (Mgh.)

prnng al of what are termed the *Ai of the ':h; A jlace of passage; a way, road, or bey, b ath ta 4 thereof, to the 1 of the path; syn. aJ. (O, TA.) bey [i. . the liver]; the JI- of the belly being . . t[pass. part. n. of 2, q. v.]. One says, all that hae not a bone curving over it: (ISh, c 6i,o*' O :) or the shin of the whole of the be/y: (O, 1:) Lj3 ~ >3 .ii [I have, for thee, an affection defecated like wine that has been the pl. is J", only. (M, TA.) tranrferredfrom one ssr.l to another and left to , An abominable acclivity or ascmnding settle, and a benevolece purifCd like clarifiedwins]. road or mountain-road difficult of ascent: pl. (TA.)_.-Also A ful [or filled] drinking-vessel. &51 and ,L;. (M, r) And A mountain, (Fr, TA.)





trouh rwater that Ae 3. liLa. The standing confronting a people, [I poured into his drinit~ [written in one place with fet-b, and in might drink it]. (TA.) See also what next or party. (TA.) [Also The dividing of water another with kesr, to the J,] i. q. J_.L [A follows. among a-people, or party, in the manner d ibed man's dav, or servants, and other dpnden~t; :] one says, C sL*JI 1,hl j or dares, and cattle, or camb lc. ;] in the dial. in the nezt paragraph The wcrotum (8 M,Mb, ) of a ma; of El-Yemen. (TA.) , '~,~ {;~ i cI. e. [~':tfor. i*, (, Myb ;) as also V 9, , (M,) or t1 .L, (I,) 1


BooK I.]


o. turbidnais, thziclke, poet, t He ceased to utter poetry, or to poetize. M, g;*) orfreefrom SJ [i. (M:) pl. vlt1(:, and ?iiL andt'A: Tlh people .Ll I1 . or muddiness]; (Meb;) or free fiom admixture. (?, M, A, 1K,' TA.) _Mob) and ,sLf. (Myb.)- And: The envelo)e air, or had abundance of milk in their camels, and in the of said And, TA.) (Er-Riighib, of the ear of corn: (Y,TA:) so called by way l said of a _ cloudless; frw thlir sheep or goats. (TA.) -o (TA.)_And atmosphere, It rtas, or became,
of comparison [to the scrotum]. The habitation that is compacted (M,* ], TA) by a bird, orjlying thing, (M,) or by the hornet and the like, ($, TA,) of dry herbage and of leavew, (M, TA,)for it young ones, (M, ], TA,) orfor itelf. (I, TA.)
, in two places: -and 3. also see and iA.: and places: i n three

Lu,: see *_,

i.: ee

latter part: - and >Le.

sJL. A horse standing upon three legs and the extremity of the hoofof thefourth leg: (A'Obeyd,* g, TA:) or standing upon three legs, and turning back the exzremity of the fore part of thefourth hoof, that ofhisfore leg : (M, TA:) or standing tpon three ls, and otherwise: thus, say. Fr, I have found the Arab use the word: (TA: [see

from any particle of cloud. (M, K1.) [And it is also said, tropically, of life; and of the mind, or * ', heart; and of love, or affection; &c.] ; & and ;) S (AA, (AA, S, M, K~,)aor.ji&; and n,) M, S, (AA, shecamel, a of (M, :;) said of a ewe, or she-goat, (AA, ,) She abounded with II took thte ,I I milk. (AA, @,M, ]-.) clear, or pure, part, or portion, of the tiling; .1 ; (M;) and (M,TA;) as also Lo 't (Pi, TA;) as same; the signifies [alone] .lw $ he took tihe or TA;) (Er-Ro ghib, fre; also You (TA.) it. of portion, or best, or choice, part, say, ;E1 ;io I took the clear, or pure, part, or portion, [of the contents] of the cooing-pot.

digger, Ice reacaddstone ( .o, M, TA, i. e. Ij, TA), so that Ae mas r~pdld [ther~by], (M, TA,) or prevented from digging [further]. (TA.)

5. oL, 3 [It beame cleared, or clariied]. ($ in art. .W.) We regarded one anther, or acted 6. 'i reciprocally, with purity, or sincerity, [of mind, (f. [See or] oflov, or afection; syn. tGtJ. also 3.])
1, last sentence but one. see w/dal: 8. Also He took it clar, limpid, or pure; (M, TA;) and so [accord. to SM, which, however, I a1'- 4, which is expl. in the think doubtful,] 1

assigned in , He ceared, or ctarified, pure; though the former meaning is h. .at, inf n. l (TA.) - And He chose, it, namely, wine, or beverage, (, TA,) by means the M to ;Ui.dl only. 1, first sentence:]) pl. 0,J (M, TA) and 1S eted, or pr~~erred, it, selected, of, choice made of the J,;l; [or ;-g.a (TA.) And He remoed (8, M, ],) namely, a thing; (M;) us albo (TA.) 1GAG ;. and [the pL of 1L is] from it te loating partices, or mota, or the 1 -. !L V ;.,,1. (M, V.) And t, J1 1 1 occus in the Vur xxxviii. 30. (M, TA.) And like, that had fallen intoit; (TA;) or so tl~ thing. a suck to prefere in Ibn-Mes-'ood thing a and such I'Ab chose 37, I xxii. same, in the t in n. U o. / I [sometimes mean dl the bLI, ,. (Myb.) -Ando (TA.) But jt btX [instead of j 1]: used to read ' above, He tinnoed hi heap of trodden-out cornt, for it] is somepure; vantJ his God's creating former explaining it as meaning Having the shank or grain. (TA.) exitence clear into them bringing times by his of onefre leg tied up to the arm; for thus is done (TA,) n. in TA,) ]g, M, (wn, la, others: and 3. in found is that latter, the admixture the from with the camel when he is slaughtered: ith him, toeards acted judgment. or and him, choice rearded his by oHe is it sometimes (TA.) still as meaning standing, or standing or sincerity; or vitk (TA.) mind, of purity 4 reciprocal Ai JL And applied to a man, it means reciprocal purity, or aicerity, o love, or affec10: see 1, last sentence but one, in two pla~es: (A'Obeyd, side], by [Setting hi. feet evenly, side in art. A. ;) he rndored - see also 8, in two places: - and see 4. syn. afal tion; M' TA, and the like is said in the 8 and Myb,) himb true, or incre, brothferly affection; (M,o, tanding. (A'Obeyd, Mb, TA.) It is said in a tL Stones: or mooth dto~: and one thereof hI; (Q;)or;jl ?ML.t, (8, trad., ($, M, Myb, TA,) referring to the Prophet TA;) as also V #U termed stU: [i.e. the former word is a coil. is or w Msb,) or bi 1, (TA,) he .ndered him pure, ` iL U mentioned as praying, (I,M,) Mb, TA;) and [in gen. n., and the latter is its n. un. :] the two [app. meaning We stood behind him stting our s iincere, love or affection; (, (Mb :) or words being like g._ and 1..: (TA.) feet evenl, side by side; for so the context seems like manner] one says also *Q 1 #Uto. hard and a or :) r 1 .J1 1tl.1 He made the thing to be hu, or si, signifies a smooth rock: ( [But] in another to indicate]. (f, M, Mb, ].) not give does as ch aind smooth stone, large, trad., 3: 1 ; is said to be forbidden; mean- he assigned, or appropiated, to him the thing, V:) and the pl. of this (M, anything: to groth (TA.) - See ing [The praying] of him Aho puts his feet close purely, absolutely, or excusively. M, ) is [improperly thus termed a pl.] ($, (o, Mob, f, * 'U.1 And places. two in 3 back ialso turns who him of say, together: or, as some U,, of that and 1f ., (M, V,) and (Q,M, ) hisfoot [i. e. one of hifet] like as the horse turnm TA) .'&J, (g) or d.e (, TA) .e chose him and uL (., hi hoof [i. e. one of hi Aoofi, whe standingupon in prefrence to others (g, MJb, T, TA) for, or (rM, ],*) not of st", (M,) i.* signifies stones C;, or swa g:) [T2 (M, ignifies oa.: all throe bgs]. (TA.) II to give him, the thing or suck a thing; (.8, , M, O) and day; present phna, or crural win; so in the TA ;) and he distinguihed him particularly, that are broad and smooth: (ISk, TA:) and or from, or r [accord. to F,] tlU signifies the same as"V, i. e.] the vein f the j : (: [eee , and see peculiarly, or specially, i. e. above, by such a us also J;"l_ or by the thing [in the C. erroneously written also C1h:]) or a win lying deep in th arm excuitvy of, others, and * to~, >JSUe And the pl. is '*JOt (TA.)_which of ], kcthing. J ;l [and] amid the ins of the [fore] shan l;l) (p family, or hou hi. satiofred, or cotented, to be a mislie t El-li;Sh bl said is last which (:,) Qoa beast: or the L?GL; are two ein pnetra. litte, or scantey. (TA.) something with hold, [but cor(TA;) jlL.; of taken pronunciation ting into the intior of th two hanks: or twa n.] and quui-pl. a is [which Vd' or prince, rectly,] r t The means la c p ein in the blg: or two branche [of wins] ist ds ; in tw a such of houe the in was wrhat 1, [a coil. gen. n] (A4, T, ,M,TA) of z the two thighs: and the ;M.. is [strangely saidL governor, took TV Lau.A :He tooh al I. * one: (F,A TA:) and ,l. (f, M, TA) which the sing. or n. un. is to be] a inin the interiorof the back bone, m o, intras, tending bngthwise, uniting with the loJ [q. v.:. hi property. (o , ],, TA.) signify the same as t1U, (AV, T, M, TA,) or ston, devoid, or destitute, became, or was, He t (M.) (s,) or soft, smooth ones; (TA;) or *, of the hart, ablo oalled the J;l. good [of jP. d is used as a pLand asua sing.; as pL meaning ?;)t and OJQIl [of prprty], accomplis polite or education, good breeding, mooth stones, one of which is termed .1tA.e; thereof as a sing., stone, or a ~tone (Myb:) the clear and (f, V, TA:) as though ' , (, Mb,') mengs, Jc.]: 1. i.,, (f, M, Mqb,) aor. e became TA) man, (a He t And (TA.) .G; t, dual of U.. is O l~. (ISk, TA.) d5 (M, Myb hauetd of his TA:: in n. .1. (Q,M, Myb, ]p) and 3A : (Az, wom by ~perma a prov., (,) applied to the niggardly, like ) 0e0, lo or he coasedfrom seaual intercourset. (IT TA.-: e T. and (]g,* T) and J:S.b M,)and ' .- t., (?, in art. w,,) meaning t Xo ot whaid of a hen, tSheceased to laj )-..',And (MA ) said of wine, or beverage, (],)or of water ], TA:) as though she becam e good is obtainedfrm him. (TA in that t.) egg: ( M, f (TI,) or of a thing, (M,) It was, or became W, , me~aing t He h"I aid iff i And one says albo, O., M; (, M clear. (TA.) - Hence, (TA,) clear, iMpidT, or pure; contr. qf 1


k as signifying he reckoned it clear, limpid, or


[Boox I.

pM~d his character; blamed, or censured, himI; | : see Ol. _ Also ; Afiriend nwho r c- also J l Zi . - Also A certain fsuh, which [it is or spoke against him. (Mghi in art. j.)- yards one, or behaves towards one, swith ree isaid] chews the cud; pl. Ij. (TA.) til1 A certain place in .leklteh (9, M9b) mery procal purity or sincerity of love or affection, be masc. or fem., as meaning cither the C.; or of brotherly affection: (S,* M,y *, TA:) p1. Mil [fem. of iL., q. v. - And also, as a the 4. (M,b.)_ [l i , accord. to Reisk ;e, Alt1. (TA.) One says, ;jk UL" ej). t[Succ subst.,] One of what are termced, Jl;L,; as stated by Freytag, signifies The echo.] a man is the friend &c. of such a man]: anid which means the tonas, or villages, of those who Oe ih ave rebelled against hitn, wvhich the Imdm [or 3... Clearmm, limpidnms, or purity; cont 3r. U Xi and 44L. t [Such a woman i" Khalefehc] chooses for himself [as his peculiar the friend, c. of uch a man]. ( .am p. 430 ofi;o. ; (M, ] ;) like [the inf. ns.] tQ and M. -o _ See also '", in two places. - Also S Thhe property]: (A, TA:) or, as in the T, uj,lJ [&c. when used as simple substs.: see 1, first sei portion, of the spoil, which the chief, or con signifies what tie Suldn aplpropriates ecluiely tenco]. (1.) See also f, below. - Alsoo, mander, chooses for hims~lf before the divison to thos persons whom he .tledallyfavours: or, and V ML.o and 1 9. and V e9.o, (9, M, M9! b, ($, M:b, s, TA;) and so JedL, of which th as some say, it means the cxsseions and lands g,) but only with fet-b. when without 5, (AC ie which their owners have abandoned, or of rwhich pl. is ~,) The clear, or pure, part, or portion, of 0: (S, Msb:) or, accord. to As, bfiL the owners have died leaving no heirs thesef. thing; (9, M, Msb, lt ;) the best, or choice,pari t, is pl. of UA.", which signifies the portion rrhic h (TA.) or portion; (TA ;) and so ? u (]', , TA,) of a the chief ckooses for himmsf, exclusively of hii5 alA. i q. jjt;; (?, MA, g, TA;) i.e. A thing. (.C, TA.) One says ,{~JI ~'., p (T, TA, ) comlanions, such as the horse, and that n,kiu 14 strainer; (MA; [thus accord. to modern usage;]) cannot be divided among the army: or, as AC ) a clarifier; i. e. a thiu from which clear , or and 0JI, (AO, T, $, TA,) and i.91, (T, TA, ) says, the portion n,hich the chief chose for hi,n and * V L, (AO, T, 9, TA,) and J !I, (AC), sef, after [taking] the Jburth iart, such as th clarifying, is ecjm.ted; called by the vulgar 4L~a [i c. , and also k] : pl. . (TA.) ,) [i.e. The clear, or pure, part, or portion, or she-canwl, and tAe iwrse, and the swnord, and th the best, or choice, of water, and of lpropertb ?, girl or young nroman; and thus it continlued ta )& [Claryfied honey; or] honey clearedl and of brotherj,] but only a7Il 3 IL- [tew clcar be in the case of El-Islim, but the fourth becam, c Joatingparticles, or motes, or the like, that or puere, part, or portion, or the beAt, or choice, o f reduced to the fifth. (M.b.) - Also, applied te of the adJfaclln into it. (TA.) the grease, or melted fat, &c.]. (T, TA.) Amd a she-camel, (S, M, ](,) and to a ewe, or she Molammad is said to be & . Ui : seel4a , lastsentence. #1t e,' goat, (S,) Abounding with milk; (S, Mi, . ,) o:r and ; ; [i. e. God's choice one, or elect, o rso v atA.: (Z, TA:) or the former, a she-came favourite, of his creatures]: (9:) and [in liki whose milk lasts thkroughkout thle year: (IAtr, TAi,_ in art., :) phl. of the former, (Sb, M, ,) oi manner] Adam is said to be XI 9 g.4 i. e. tkl 1. _, of the latter, (Z, TA,) as above: (Sb, S, M,Z, ]g: (f, i,) aor. , (1g,) inf. n. _, choen one, or elect, of God. (TA.) Sb says that it is not pluralized with I and . (M, A, 6,) [like .. ,] lie, or it, nws, or be;e" as meaning V'GL: see Alsc because the sing. is without 5. (M.) - And A cante, near. (8, M,*A,""K.) You say, *l; ' ..,A. palm-tree (a.i) (S, abounding A,) with kesr with [to fruit; the j], (M, (S,) ;, in. n. as above, n. un. of I. [q. v.]. or so t a' : (Z, TA :) pl. of the former, (TA,) (S* A,) l1Ii; hoAS was near; (8, A;) and'( 5.9.: see jo, in three places. so *jI Isl,(M, A, JQ, TA,) and or of the latter, as above. (Z, TA.) .l. *... 0.. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., (, A,) tlJI e A.: see A.~, in two places. Lo: see the next preceding paragiapli, in &J~ iIv , (S, A, K,) i. e. [T7we neighlbour has a 5,..: see _.., in two places. - One says tllhre places. better, or the best, claim to pre-ecmption by reason also, g; ,>. 1g4. . ;*l o!, orA ,i. e. [In the a,. a name of The first of tlw days of obld: onf isJ being near: sec, with reslect to this expla? essl is] a smai quantity [of,water, or of wine]. (M.) (], TA:) so called because the sky therein is nation, and other explanations also, what is said of another reading, .. , voce _.: clear of clouds. (TA. [See also Oi..]) or has a i19.o: see t. s in two places. better, or the best, claim] to close connection, and .JL Clear, limnidl, or pure; fir from , nearness; meaning pre-emption: (IAnb, O, TA:) ' ; (,1 (, , M,, ,) and V.JL, (M, 1,) A or, to trhat is next to him, Ilnd tear to him: day in whitci the sun is clear, and which is very [or turbidnleu, &c.]; (M.b;) and so ~ 5, apcold: (s :) or a cold day, (C,) or a rery cold plied to anythiig. (M.) Applied toplasturage, (A, K, TA:) accord. to some, tile meaning is day, (1,) without cloutds and without thichness the former word may mean Cl,r,' of dried-ulp the partner: (O,TA:) orthe partner who has [of the air]. (M, C.) 1L is also a name. leaves or sitmilar rubbish: or it may be formed not dicidel nwith his copartner; tilis, says Az, of The second of the days of cold: (., TA:) by trauspositioxi from J.L0, nicaning "of the being shown to be tilhe meaiing by another trad.: (Myb in art. j :) or thle neiyhbotr whose dwellso called becaus the sky. therein is clear of [season called] %./t,"and so belollging to art. ing iv ad.joining. (O, TA.) - Also He, or it, clouds: [as a proper name,] it is deierminate, A.. (M. [Sme also .iL. in another sense us nas, or becamne, distant, or remote: thus it has and imerfectly decl. (TA. [See also &a..])formed by translposition from _J;1, voce hi, two contr. significations. (1.) - , (,) _ *,1;Z [as a coil. gen. n., of which the n. un. In the phrase SAIl t (M,) He collUectel it, or gathered it 9 , ap- inf. n. 0, is with 1; and said to be used as a sing. and as a in art. .jy..]) plied by the poet Kutheiyir-'Azzeli to honey together. (M,i.) And . lIe raised it; pl.]: see L", in three places. namely, a (Q;JI building, ;. &c. ), and (M, expl. 0, ;.) And as meaning Clear in re0...,. spect of colour, [ISd says,] I think that ;iL is &c!, (K,) or MAW o 1tjh.: see L". _J-, (M, TA,) He struck (M, Ig, TA) htim, or it, (g,) or tIle back of his . an inf. n. of tiU. (S, M, &c. [See 1, first originally aL., as a possessive epithet. (M.) (M, TA,) i. c. (TA) wtith sentence.]) - [It is often used by moderns as [j1.L is also applied to a sword, and the like, as neckl, rvith his hixs fit. (, TA.) [The in. n.] _ signifies meaning tSerenity of l!fe, and of the mind; meaning B,ig/tt, or fiee from .ust.] And in the froedotn from trouble; comfort; content; corm. gCur xxii. 37, [instead of the common reading The striking anything solid and dry or tough. (8, TA.) :_m. , (I, TA,) or placeniy; happiness, joy, or pleasure: and so, JI,l, _, (so in a pl. of ., and t.G,] some read l&, copy of the M,) said of a bird, It uttered acry sometimes, tL.] _- Also [Reciprocal purity [pl. of ik;L, as well as ofJL applied to irrational or cries: (M, I :) from Kr. (M, TA.) or sincerity of mind, or Qf lore or affection, or animals,] as meaning that the animals there menof brotherly aoection; or pure, or sincere, reci2: see what immediately precedes. tioned are [to be regarded as] things purely [or procal love &c. ;] a subst, from ;SGI. (TA,) exclusively] belonging to God. (TA.) - See 3. l'o lle drewr near to him: and Lfaced


Boox I.] Aim, or met him face to face: (A:) or. 5 LG,
in n. li5t. and ,Lt, them face to face: (i:)

Box . -J LO


,~ [The hawk;] the bird ith which on LUJ , " He is my neiy hbour: (TA in the he faced them, or met present art.:) he is one whose house, or tent, hunts, or catches, game; (v ;) whater preys, or hunts or catche game, of the birds called Sij , , in ns. as adjoins mine. (TA in art. j,-.) or. 4 1

.i-.4 above, me drew near to them: and iiLt~

and 1t;i I met himnface toface. (M.) .lt'i1:see 1, second sentence. ~

[pl. "of )]

and i,sal5 [pl. of O tzs]; (M,A, and the j;

I ;) a hkind of bird including the t1t and the

1. ;o, (S, M, ,) aor. , (M,) inf. n.'.&,

(M,M,) He broke, (S, K,) or struck, (M,) stones, 4C .l; with a ,j4L [q. v.]. ii..l ife made him, or it, to be near. (9, p.) (~,) or a stone, (M, K,) , (M, g,) inf n. as -;0 i, 1 (M, M, K.)_ May God make his house to And *;1; Xi .l or beat hinm, (M, .,) struck him, (M,) Ie above, be near. (A.) [And so with o..] -And one on his head, (M,) with the staff, or stick. (M, says, .,I';LI The gaame, or object of the i-;-b' .) l j~ ile was thrown, or cast, 'that thou art chase, has becomt near to thee, so lit. the ground was struck mith round; upon the (..) at it. able to shoot, or cast, him. (0, K. [In some copies of the 1S,i in ~ s. The young one of a camel: (M, L, V,:) this instance and the verb explaining it (.w) [q. v.]: (M:) but the latter is the are in the act. form, and u,jJl is therefore in the and so " more chaste, and some have rejected the former accus. case.]) _;I (M, .K,) inf. n. as A, word: (MF:) pl. ,~Lei and l~# (M, O) [and above; (M ;) and (M, M,L, , ,) inf. n. ;3 the fire; or made or kindled, lighted, IIe (TA;) and [pl. of pauc.] app. ,.~ also, like .,i,] or fiercely, burn brightly upl, burn it to burn, ;. (TA.)- And Anything [i. e. any ani(- , , .l -,, g.)(1M, orJflam. bla:e, mal] tail, tjgether with plumpners, or with fatsun t Tie (M,) n. as above, in. nor. and M, A,) new, softme, thinner of the skin, and plumpness; . hurt himn by iti heat: (A:) or pained his brain: (1, M, 1g ;) and so with 0; (M ;) as also ' , (TA.) Applied to a branch, Juicy, thick, and (S :) or fell vehemently, with.Jierce heat, upon long. (TA.) - And A tent-pole: (M, K :) or the him, or upon his head: or was hot upon him. middle tent-ole, hl/i,h is the lonet: (, M, :) (M, TA.) [Sec also 1 in art. -.]_ [app. le cursed me, and calumniated . a,d so with ,: (M:) pl. <, . (9,M,..) [Sed also this pl. below.] - And Thefit: so in me]. (A. [These meanings seem to be there the phrase -e- '0 [expl. above]. (TA.) indicated by the context.]) '.A.1 [L. The milk was, or became, intensely sour; as also as mentioned "jA1, inf. n. jI LI; (K;) and tV , (] in %., [is an in n., of ,', above: and, used as a simple subst.,] signifies art. .L.o,) and l. (K in that art and in (M, A, &c.) Thus in the Vicinity, or nearne. the present art. also.) - [See also L., below, [lit. He is in thy vicinity; last explanation but one.] phras'e K~4' meaning he is near thee]; mentioned by Sb among instances of adv. nouns which he classes apart 2. ju; )ao.: see 1. i-- Jl )Le, (M,) or becaue of their strangeness. (M.) And one, inf. n. n. , (AV, TA,) lie poured Jh 1'; [lit. My house is ,!,; 5. says also, 'I ., [which is the same,] (As,) or v.], (M,) in a situation of nearnes with respect to his [q. house :] meaning, near [hid house]. (TA.) - It upou tlhe dates, (M,) or upon the freh ripe dates. [is also used as an epithet, and as such] signifies (A:.) L, and Near: (M, :) you say o C;1 .%, t The sun was, or became, 4. W. !j Z, ,ol

Co,,U and tlhe J

and the c':.

:) [like our term " saker," (Ai.a t, TA in art. j and the French "sacre," &c.:] pL (of pauc.]

(M, ;..I (M, I) and [of mult.] j;i and j} A, ]) and jl, and jU, and ; ; (M, .;)
the last of which is said by Th to be pl. of oa, but [ISd says] I hold it to be which is pl. of., (M.) - [And the fern. is ;i~. pl. of .,.: accord. to Reiske, as mentioned by Freytag, A liberalman: perhaps a noble man, as likened to a

hawk.] ~ Also, (s, ]J,) and V jL;, (, M,, ,) Vehemenc of the stroke of the sun, (, M, ,)
and fierceness of its heat: (M:) or the velunence of its stroke uplon the head: (M :) pl. [of theo (S, A.)~ Also the former, Sour latter] ,lU. (A:) or milk renmilk; (1 ;) [and] so t ;l.: (Sh :) or milk the sun: of dered sour by a stroke sour in the utmost degree: (As:) or very sour

milk; as also t~'~: (S:) or this latter is milh

that has curdled, and of whiclh the thick part has become separate, and tihe whey become clear, and that ha become sour, so as to be a good hkind of

saue. (L.)

One says, qjil LSqj

;jLa U'l

[He brought us some sour milk, or very sou milk, cc., such as contracts the face, or nakes it to wrinkle: like as one says /.a.]. (S, A, L.)ab, ?;AL, (M,) [Tho S,M 1,) and Also, (T, M, exsled, or expressed, juice called] -.t ; (S, g;) in the dial. of the people of El-Medeench: (S:)

or the ,r.

ofdates; (M ;) or ,,ffi"sar.ip de,te,

(Mgh, M.b,) before it is cooked; i,.e. rwhat flows fronm them, like honey, and what, awhen it is

coohed, is called 4' : (Msb:) or the honey of

[q. v. voce .L], A near place; (M ;) and burning, or Jfiercely burning; syn.

ji.l; (M, :) and K ;) as also ,V and .L: (A in art. l, (L and n in art. l.-%,) t 1 [His house is near me]. (A in in which the., is angmentative: (L in that art.:) j _a .;j said of fire. (M.) the former is from .i,,l . the present art.) - See also .3 [Ie hawked;] 5. Wl ZijL3: see 8.o [q. v.]. (S, M,.K.)-_ .. 1~, a pl. of 4. And He (A, L.) L.o. the Also The hitdl legs of camels; a dial. var. of he htmted rwith in a place. TA,) (n, or waited, stayed, tarried, .ijp: (IAar, M:) the ,, is changed into ,L (TA.) app. because the latter is more agreeable with 3. (M.) Thfire ,;:e.! became and 8. ;JtI ;tA.Ij lighted or kindled; burned, burned up, burned brightly or .fiercely, blazed, or flJamed; (M, ];) fi . (VC.) as also A seller of perfurms [,c.: for the Arab dealer in perfumes sells a great variety of } see 1, last explanation. 9 jL.things, such as drugs, many articles of grocery, 1 Q. 1. l.. : Q. and the like]: (O, K:) so called because he collects [somewhat] of everything. (TA.) Q. Q. L -3- Hle (a bird) uttered the cry

. [q. v.]: (g:) reiterated his cry. [More, and most, near]. One says, termed,, (TA.) I,F ii ~ 7Tis is nearer than this: _1. (M: [and the like is said in the A and TA :]) and Q. Q. 4. j.,1: see 1, last explanation: (M, TA..) and sec abso 4. so ,i. Bk. I. 4L

fresh ri'pe dates and of raiins; as also ?tL~: (]g :) or the honey of fresh rile dates wchen it has become dry, or tough: or what e.rcules f.osm grapes, andfrom raisins,andfroom dates, without their being pesncd; (M;) as alsot *.L: (TA:) or, in the dial. of the Barilnces, [or people of recmnblin9g honey, El-Banhrcyn,] the crudae b which flons S'om baskets of dlates when they [i. e. the dates] are deposited and corngested, in an uncovered chamber, [so I render .,a~ %-t, but the meaning of the epithet is not clear,] nith yreen earthen pots beneath the/i. (AM, TA.) t lVater that has - And the former, '(~,) become altered for the nworse in taste and colour. and ji..]) -'. (g, O, TA. [See also .. also signifies A ."1; [or feather, i. e. portion of the hair naturally curled or frizzled in a spiral manner or otherwic,] behind the place (f the TA) of a lwrse or similar benot, liver (AO, gK, (g, TA,) on the right and on the left, (TA,) or in the back of a horse: (AO, TA :) there are two such feathers, (AO, ]V, TA,) which are the limit Also, [probably as of the back. (AO, TA.)I j;,]The acting an inf. n., of which the verb is the part, or performing the office, of a pimp to 215


[Boox I.

[(me'] wioe, or m en under cotrt (IAr, t an unbdieer. (M, O, 1g.) The Prophet, being 1,) inf. n. ! , (0,) 2He struck him, or beat M, 0, ]. [In the Cl],. l is erroneously put asked the meaning ofl;L, (M, TA,) or of ;ji., him: (s:) or he struck [or dlapped] him with his for .JI.]) Hence the epithet jU, [as some (T, TA,) or of CA"Uo, (0,) occurring in a trad., expanded hand: (TA:) [like ,ug:] or, (', explain it,] occurring in a trad. [which see below]. said t Young people who shall be in the end of Mgh, O, 15,) as also V aj.., (0,1g,) he truc (TA.)-And A cursin of ch as is not desrving time, rho~ mutualgreetinq will be mutual cursing. him (., Mgh, 0, g) upon his head, (0, ],) or [thereof]: pl.J andUL.. (1;.) (T, M, O, TA.) See also ,. upon his a1., ($, 0,) [i. e.] upon the top of his head: (Mgh:) this last is the primary signij1~o: see j~. ., a name of Iell; a dial. var. of'.i [q. v.]. fication: and her.ce, metaphorically, he struck him, (]~.)l, Fallen leaves of the [kind of trees .l,, applied to ajL [or hawk] Sharp.jighted. or beat him, in an unrestricted sense: (Mgh,* O, eaUed] aLJ/, and [particularly] if the JJ4, (M, TA:) and he struck it, namely, a dry, or tough, (g.) I and solid thing, with a similar thing; as, for ]g,) and of the.A, and of the C , and of the jy: see PjC. instance, a stone with a stone, and the like: or, us : not so called until they fall. (M.) ~ See also;,, in two places. ;jt; A calamity, (M, V,) or a veurment some say, he struck it, namely, anything dry, or tough. (TA.) It is said in a trad., respecting calamity, (0,) befalling. (M, ]:.) ' ' L;, (g,) or L.L,, (M, 15,) in which MunJLidh, .Il tLs i. e. He was struck on the ;,tL< [A picuxe;] a large .j (AA, $, M, top of his head: (0:) or he had his the latter word is an imitative sequent, (1,) heod broken Freh ripe data containing;: (M, :) [mdli- 0 aith on slender head, with which stones are so that the mound reacled the membrane over Ai broken; (AA, , M;) i q.p a; (AA, , A;) feros:] or prope for .r. [or jL]. (. ) brain. (TA.) - One says also, 4ft' v and t)3.. signifies the same; (M,K;) [but] *Lj; $!1 A woman sharp, or acute, of mind, this latter is expl. by IDrd as meaning a thick (0, O) ie threr him down, or prostrated him, on the ground; (g;) [lit.] he smoto the gro~ d (iab, [in the C,, erroneously, trong- ,,U with which stones are broken. (TA.)with him. (Ibn-'Abbid, O.) - And ngAted. (fgh,]l) And t The tongue. (M, 15.) - See also what jml i. q. .aLt 1 ;;,' (.S,O, g,) The next follows. kit; Cji<Ji dL., (A, , TA,) and Ui5L1 thunderbolt mote him. (TA.) And -. He 5j93L The inner side of the cranium, over the ijl1, (]~, TA,) : He came with lies, and ; of the TA,) as though it were the bottom was smnitten by a thunderbolt; i. q. ezcitements of dissenion: (A, TA:) or with brain, (M, 1], dial. of Temeem: (0:) and so ; (1, TA;) s/er lying: (15:) or ith shaer, and x~essive, of a bowl: in the T said to be termed *;Lo. or abominab, lying: (TA:) each being a name (TA.)-And S.t, (M,) and ;jLJI,, (M, like .a. (TA.)- And "'. . He branded for that whic is unknown: (J4, TA :) and in like 15,) a name of t The Third Heaven. (M, 1].) him, or marked him by cauterizing, upon his manner one says 1; J 4, and LgU. J or his face. (0, g.). A cry of a bird, (M, ,) with a re- head, [or his Lj,] Litlfl; mentioned by IDrd, in the Jm; and iteration, (M,) resembli,ng the sound of this word. And i,Jdl to, aor. and inf. n. as above, He by Meyd, in the Collection of Proverbs. (TA in (M, 5.) ate thi i5.,j [or mcm of crumbled bread with art.i J.) [800ee also Ir p. 399.] A;u in the foliowing saying, (M,) A t1IU broth] from its WyJ. [or top, or tppler part, or honlow made therein]. (TA. [See also Q. Q. 1.]) a": eewe;i, in dx places ,lf TheJs dates have more A than .-also signifies The raising of the voice: has no verb. (M.) .o t Water remaining in a wateritrou.h tlhese, (AHn, M, 15,) (O, TA:) and the uttering it by conective in which dogs and foxes void their urine, (0, K, Li.~ Milk that is sour and disagreeable: (Ibn- emisiou. (TA.) You say, ep. L. He TA,) altered for the worse in taste and colour. Buzurj, TA:) and t signifies milk intensely raised his voice. (TA.) And hence, (TA,) js (TA. [See also;', and;L.]) sour. (TA in art. p/~.) said of a cock, ($, O, ],) aor. ', O,) inf. n. 3'U t A coour, of a bird, in which the $ ', (1,) ,jc Fresh ripe dates, (A,) or fresh ripe L and Uo (IDrd, 0, ]) and [or dark, or ashy, dust-colour] thereof, or the ~Lblackness thereof, it mied with redness or yel- dates that have become dry, (S,) upon r,hich is He [crowed, or] uttered a cry: (IDrd, S, O, ] :) poured v_t (S, A) of ripe dates, (A,) in order and so ~ . (v.) _ And, accord. to IAr, The lowness; as bein~ likened to [the colour of] S, [or,L], i. e. wq?: a bird of that colour is termed that they may become soft: and sometimes it being eloquent in rpeech, and lighting upon tAe 'p, said : s; o in the book entitled "Ghareeb el- occurs with ~,; for they often change W. into [proper] meanings. (TA.)- a.y,p y, when there is in the word j or 1 or p or ; of an anss, lIe emitted a sounding wind fr the ;amim," by loseyn Ibn-'Abd-Allah el-Kitib as in jL' and e14. and and t.: (a:) anus, in a moist and dipersed state. (Ibn-'Ab. El-Iqbahlnee. (TA.) '. $ He attached to the or excelen~t freh ripe dates, picked from tlhe bid, O, J.)-;L", (so in a copy of the M in two instances, raceme, which areput into [earthen veusse of the tent the rope caled t % [q. v.]. (Az, O, TA.) and so in the O in one instance,) or t, (s kind called] P,3G4 [pl. of ;ii. (in the TA And (, 0.,1,) , said of a man, (V,) in the O in another instance, and so accord. to the erroneously written ft;lj)], and upon Awhich He went away, ($, 0,1:, TA,) j& ' *, I(, in which latter it is expressly likened toj,) ,p. is poured: they remain moist and good all [in all directions]: (TA:) one says, C;! IS_ ; t; A wittol, or tame cuckhold; syn. , : (M, 1 :) the year. (AUIn, L.) - And f't t taWater L.,, (S, O, TA, [but in the second, ' is put in or one who act# the part of a pimp. to his own alteredfor the worse [in colour, as tlhough ,, wites, or women under corert; as also *;U'0: i. e. .,, had been mized with it]. (M. [See also the place of L,]) and , (TA,) meaning I know (0:) the former epithet occurring in a trad. not whither he went antay: (O, TA:) and the 'ig and 'Jo.]) - And, ; jLf t A bird of verb is seldom used in this sense without the (M, O.) th colour termed, ijo, q. v. (TA.) particle of negation. (TA.) Or it signifies, (V,) L .: see,p s tjoiu A4, above. or signifies also, (0,) or so L, (S, TA,) like ea. One wvho hunts with hawks. (A,* TA.) ' not CL, (TA,) He deviatedfrom the wsay, ; [A falconer, or rear~r of hawk,. (Go-&.. _ A day intensely hot: the two-.s in this lius, from Meyd: and so in the present day.) (S, O, g, TA,) and alighted, or descnd~ and And] i. q. .4 [A seller of ,,, or Ljo. (O, word are augmentative. (TA.) - See also jL~. abode, alone, by himsldf: (TA:) or he deiated from the wvay of goodnes and generosity. (IF, 1.) Also t One who is in the habit of curing (M, O,g) tho~ who are not dm n~g [of being O, 1]g, TA.) And i signifies The going astray; cursed]: (M,O, 1I:) and tacal m~niator: and 1. '~, -,) (15 Mgh, O, aor. -, (0, Mgh, I losing one's way; or becoming lot; and per~hing;


Boox I.]
or dying. (TA. [But I think that this is proinf. n. of'L.]) bably a mistranseription for h, Such a one i You may also, lu. repaired towards nck a thing. (TA.)- And , ' i al a', nor. (A'Obeyd, S,) inf. n. (A'Obeyd, or broke down. The well collapsedl; yo, (O,K., ;,, (TA,) inf. n. 8,15.)*)-TA,) said of horses, and of birds, &dc.,They became wnhite (O, K, TA) in the [4.", or] uppermost part of the head, (TA,) or in the middlle of thc head. (0, 1.) - And [the inf. n.] ", in relation to the lead, signifies The being bald: or, as some say, the going airayof tic hair. The earth, or ground, (TA.) -. ;,l . '.i [i.e. hoarbecame orerspread n'ith the ~. frost, or rime]; (Q, O, Myb, ];) as also



'L,:) or] snitten as by a thunderbolt from the piece of rag with rkich her eyes are bound; that is bound, [or stopped, (see 1 enemy: so accord. to some: (0, TA:) 'Ows with which her nose in art. fil,)] when she is made to affect a young Ibn-yajar says, one not her own, being termed Al'Q. (TA. [But )' z 3 LS' 'isa1 see .;..])- And A mark made with a hot ir,on upon the JIJ. [or back of the head] of a O , ]g.) - And An iron camel. (Ibn-'Abbuid, (S,' O, TA, but in the TA Slil) [which may be tlting that is in the place of [the kind of curb rendered O Aboo-Duley.leh, whIo isfor a solitary called] the 4k. of the bit. (0, X.) - And A tribe, smitten as though by a thunderbolt from thing that is next to the head of tithe horse, beneath (whllich was, in the time the nemies, iln hon 'ordl of o. at a (TA.)-The the larger of the poet, a col(l month) ?]: or, accord. to IAor, (';j) top, its the meaning here is, in a state of reti'ement, tent (dL) is ,1 rolM that is eztendledfromt remote fromn the enelmies; (S,* 0 ;) for when the and lndlh.d tight, the tro ends of nlhich are ticel to winter pressed severely upon the man, he used to two peys, or stales, stuck into the ground, when retire to a distance, lest a guest should alight at the widul is riolent and it is feared that the tent his abode; the enemies being the strange guests; nay be thrown donwn. (0, TA.) )1J, he means that the cold and by saying Jl_ [i. e. hoar-frost, or rime,] that ;a. The .~ was in Showwal: (0, TA:) or o means nips, or blasts, (lit. burn.s, [see jbl,]) the 9 ,.aLol; each with !lamm. (IDrd, 1.) absent and remote, so that one knon.s not nhere he plants, or herbage; (Mtb;) what fiaUlsfrom the or that has gone away, and alighted alone, or shy in the night, resemblingj snon. (S, O, .K.) is: lie sore to him inf. n. i., 2. d , see an cx. voce Also A species of (TA:) [pl. :] ,by hi?nmsf: j [or hornet]: (O,lJ:) so (lbn-'Abbitd, O, Jr.:) and so res.cpeting a thaig l a.., Earth, says AI.Ilt, as having been heard by him from a asi. ,,ojl, (TA,) and * i ceW. (Ibn-'Abbfd, O.) J , illf. 11. or ground, overspread with the 0 ' [i. c. hoar- man of Et-'!iif. (O.) 4. &el I[e (a maln, O, TA) entered ?p)on [ frost, or rime]: (S, M.b, TA:) and in like ii.. [Deiatingfromthle truth; as is indicated e [i. c. hoar-frost, or time, or a tract, of] " trees overspread in the TA: and hence,] a liar: (TA:) one says, and , l manner, * rime]. (IDrd, O, n, TA.)~Andt '"l $ Lb "d i. c. Be silent, O liar. (Yoo, O, g.) ,. (TA.) with the (0, TA,) T he ,,bj;l, (1I, TA,) a,d ,;4l, [or hoar-frot]fell, or lighted, upon t/i earth, or L/ i. q. aL&C [i. e. A thunderbolt]: (Fr, 9, Intensenas of cold; from )LAll [mean'L ground, ([,0 TA,) and thic trees. (O, TA.) And of the dial. of Temeem: pl. .Ij.~. (TA.) 0, ing "hoar-frost," or "rime"]. (TA.) see 1, last sentence. And &l w;j, l '.,a: aL'I.] [See also AA n.hitenes in the middle of the head of ,..Wi Thte mten, or lpeople, became ove;p.tlread a horse and of a bird &c.; (S, O, 1K ;) or in the L -~ The place of the whiteness termed aaL. (TA.) with the l middle of the head of a black sheep or goat, in thie leadofa horse and of a bird &c.: (S :) or the accord. to Abu-l-Wazi'. (TA.) middle of tie head [in an absolute sense]: (O, (:) : sec l, first sentence.-- , Q. Q. 1. O1laL Stupid, dull, or wanting in intelligence: or the top, or uppermost part, [of the had, or] of S.N,tJ1 lie spjread erenly the ;..ij3 [or mess of the [cap calltd] 4;a, and of the turban. (0, C, but this is a vulgar word. (TA.) crumblekd bread moi.stenetd nith b,roth]. (TA.) TA: all in art. &a. [See 1 in that art., where The first increase, or offspring, (Ct;,) this last meaning is assigned to aiy.]) And ,t, 'L A district, quarter, or tract, syn.' (, 0, M.O, 1K,) of a country: (Msb :) and a [of sheep, or goats,] when the sun mites (ml ) A turban [itself]: (O,.K:) and any other thing place, region, quarter, tract, or point, toward( the heads of the lambs or kids: (Aboo-Nasr, O, that protects the head: (TA:) accord. to IDrd, nwhich a person, or thing, goes, tends, or is directed; K: [in the Cg,,l :]) a piece of rag vhkich a womann puts upon her /ead is erroneously put for syn. 4l.: and a dplare nf alighting, or of descend`U, first sentence.) .~, and the as a protection. (0. See and some of the Arabs call it the ing and stolipingy or sujourning or abiding or piece of rag ,which is tied upon the toL of _ (Aboo- the [kind of women's camel-vehicle called]j , after the then is the lodging or st.tling; or a place of abode or settlement; syn. !,,~ : (Msb:) pl. [ofpauc.] l , Na.r, TA:) it is also expl. as signifying such as and nrhich the wind blows about. (TA.) The is brought forth in the [period calld] k_.a : head [or top] of the [woman's face-veil called] pl. 1: (TA:) and :, is a (0, TA,) and pl. rl(IA*r, TA in this art. and voce ;I. o.) (TA: [but see LO :]) and, (O, g,) accord. to |. .~ dial. var. thereof. (IJ, TA; and Kin art. AZ, (O,) the young camel that is broughtforth [q. v.].)- The hollow (j;) [that is made in the i.e. o. , One says, .l J l ' [i. e. hoar-frost, or u/pper part of a dish] of ,,M [or crumbled bread in [the time of] thec A ,I [Such a one is of the peopb of this rime]; which is of the best of the increase [of moistened with broth]: (S, O, K, TA:) or the L.e ~9, ditrict, &c.]. (S, 0.) And M camels]. (O, .) The i. (TA.) -Also top, or upper part; of aL~ and the district, &c.], He is in t/i am~C [or itU. A piece of rag with nhich a woman pro- place of a battle in which is much smiting. (IDrd,


portion, of the surrounding and inferior sides of (TA;) as also t a_.~: (g :) or this latter siga well: pl. U t.l: but the more approved word is nifies a thing by which the head is protected, such with ,,. (TA. ) (TA.) - And (. as a turban and a j. and a ; (9, 0, K0) is termed] face-veil The [anman's (S, &c.) - Also An n. of -inf affection like b,[i. e.] that takes away the breath, sometimes thus called. (8, 0.)_ And A thing rwith which a she-camel's nose is bound, (, 0, , by TA,) as expl. in art. t) [voce -jI,]) (h'J4 A dt,S, O,15, [in the CI], ], (S,) nhen

of such a o, g.) [or place of alighting, c.]of the [or mu.fier] from the oil [in her tects her j one. (Msb.) See also ~. _ Also A part, or 'f, hair], (S, 0, K, TA,) putting it on her head;

applied to a horse, and a bird, &c.,

Having a whiteness in the middle of the head: (f, 0, g:) or a horse white in the top of his head: (Mgh:) fem. iiAR;, (S, 0,1,) applied to an (, O, TA,) and to a female ostrich eagle (, o1l A certain bird, resem[&c.]. (TA.)[or sparrac], in the feathers and bling the l head of which is a whiteness, found near water; reaon of the vehemnence of the hat. (, 0,1 .) they desire her to affect her young one or the mentioned [in the g] in art. &. [as with h, in verb, (see its by a thunderbolt: [Smitten ' young one of another: or, accord. to A'Obeyd, a the place of .p]:(TA:) accord. to Ktr, (O, TA,) 215 -

1708 tA bird c~nei lll [q. v.]: (O, K, TA :) you may form its pl. after the manner of substs. [i. e. saying Lt], because it is an epithet in which the quality of a sublt. predominates; or after the manner of the epithet [i. e. saying CE]. (TA.) .Acoord. to A.Hat, t"a1.1 signifies A [bird such as is termed] a.IZ> [q. v.], of a dingy colour, onsmall, writh a yellow head, short in the J[or tail] and the leg and tle neck: (TA:) or, accord. to him, the ,"*l with a yellowness is a alSl. of a dingy yelo colour, sma, Jhort in gthe L and the legs and the neck: and all J are . with the Arabs of the [birds termed] jg;L; andj..~: but the .l1 with a blaclnes is a A.i of a dingy reddish colour, blach in th head, and short in tlue PLj and the neck(O.) - '' also signifies Theforeloc of a horse: or the white forelock thereof. (TA.)-And The hlel, su (n ,

[Boox I. 1 smooth, solid, and impenetrable to water. (MSb.) ,ail. ($, M, O, Msb, g) and .Jl#: (so in a ~ And ., inf n. J,o, lHe (a man) dlffered, copy of the M:) the ; in the former pl. is afixed or varied, in his gait, or manner of walUitg. irregularly, as in i; and 'tJ. (M.) (Ibn-'Abbiid, 0.) j;i~: see the next paragraph. Also, apJ) , (so in a copy of the M,) or t Ji. (I,) [the former, if correct, perhaps a contraction, plied to a speaker, an orator, or a preacher, i. q. by poetic license, of j).o, for whlichl it is not a J,.a., (M, K,) used by a poet in the sense of the mistranseription, as is shown by a vcrse cited as latter word, i. e. as meaning Eloquent. (Th, M.) an ex. of it in the M,] Light, or active; applied I-a'. (S, M, O, 1, KL) and t JL.. (KL) to a beast (4(i). (M, If.) An instrument, (S, M, O, KL,) or a ;ji. [which mav here mean either a bead-shaped stone or a KL) a snword (S, O, KL, TA) and the like, (., TA,) a knifb, (KL,) a mirror, a garmtnt, or piece of cloth, and paper. (TA.)

j o The t, [or fian/t]; as also ? : (S, M, O, K~: [in the CK, erroneously, ' :]) the former, in this sense, said by AA to be from 'I jii: (TA :) seldom is the e of a horse long except his sides be short, which is a fault: (S, 0:) and the y~L are the O [by whlich may be meant either the two flanks or the two portions betn~een the groin and the armpit on each side] of a aii1 [i. e. horse or similar beast] &c. o, .) (M.) And The [or side]. (M, .. ) "' -L.' A place towards which one tends, repairs, J >lt ~ meaus Asses haring smooth and fat or betaks himsef. (TA.) belles. (Ibn-'Abbad, TA in art. bA.j.) - And :e , last sntence. i. q. a.lU [meaning A district, quarter, tract, &c.]: (0, TA:) so in the saying, JL. ) i, &L.. ; An eloqunt speaker or oratoror Jl. [T/ou art in a vacant district &e.]; like preacler: ($, O ] :) or one loud in voice: ( :) f (TA.) Sce also JL;. or one who is not imlpeded in his sp~ech, and wlho does not reiterate in speech by reason of inJ. Lmength of the.flanks; in a horse: (S, ability to say ehat he would, or is not unable to 0 :) or depressn (.*l.1l) of thefJlanl. (M.) find words to expres what he would say: (lratideh, O, f:) or one who is skilfil, and penetratA horse long in thefianks: (S, 0:) or ing, or ffective, in his sl~ech: (0:) or one who goes long in tie flanks and shlrt in tie sides: (AO, into every t i., i. e. aU, [meaning province,] TA: [see J :]) and (O) having little flesh, of alpech: (TA in this art. and in art. CJ :) [said (O, 1}, TA,) whether long or short, (O, .K,) or to be] from 'JI meaning " the raising of the vlwtlhe. long in the flank or short. (TA.)_ voice;" (0, TA ;*) or from 11 [expl. above]; Also, applied to a man, (Ibn-'Abbad, 0,) Dff;ring, or varying, in hi.s gait; or manner of walkor, as some say, from mLo meaning " h e struck ing. (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, 1.) him upon hlis ax; ;" but this last derivation is i~,: see 'J . - Also Leannem, or lankness far-fetched: (TA:) pl. i l. (0, TA.) in the belly, and slende.ness. (TA.)

shell], (g,) with .whichone polishes (, M, O, I,





t Ailkl otrspread with a pdclUle: (O,* TA:) a r(ijiz says,

, * --2 ~, , ; .i C.V; 31 butI L* 151W ,,i,

c, Ji jUl j


[And he, wlesn he t!irsts, or experiences the hot south.-west wind (~iJ), leave only the pclicle when he sucks in with his lips from every quantity of mill ovrm-pread with a pllicle, that has become clear]: accord. to AV, it means thefrothi ofmaik: (TA:) IApr explained it accord. to its apparent signification, as used in a verse of 'Amr Ibn-ElAhtam El-Minkarce, (O, TA,) i. e. as meaning a [glossy] red .; [a sense not indicated by that verse, and clearly inconsistent with the cx. cited above;] and wllhen told how As. had explained it, replied that, when lie had said it, he was ashamed to retract it. (TA.) JL. 1. ', (S, O, Ms.b, 1,) aor. ', (TA,) inf n. 'k, (Mgh,* Myb, TA,) Ite struck hi,m, or it: (S, Mgll, O:) or ew struck himn, or it, vehemently, with a broad thing; or in a general sense, (K, TA,) with anything whatever: (TA:) or he salapped him witl. his hand, i. e. struck him nith his expandled lta,ul, (Msb,) like 1;-1, (TA in art. .1l, &c.,) ulpon the back of his neck, and upon his face. (Msb.) Hence, in the Iur [li. 29], . - (S, TA) And he slalped her face with her hand; syn. 2;j.' (Jel.) And J.& oj'~ The hahk, orfalcon, struck his pey

. we,bjI: see

, last sentence.

1. '~, (.8, M, O, M,b, 1f,) aor. t, (M, Msb,) inf. n. J~L (S, M, O, Myb) and Jtl., ($, O, Mfb,) or the latter is a simple subst., (M,;,) He poliided it; (Q, M, O, Mb, ,;) i. e. a thing,

(M,) or a sword, (S, O, M9b,) and the like: (Myb:) and so W;~i. (H.)..3tl JL. tie
(a man, AA, 0) made the she-camel lean, or light ofJlht: (AA, O, f:) and in like manner it is said of journeying: (AA, 0 :) and in like manner also, .;li the horse: (Sh, TA:) or this means he tended the horse well, wilh tie coveringsfor protectionfrom cold, and wvith fodder, and took good care of lin. (TA. [Sce Jti.Y, below.]) Jh;t ;. t Hlie struch him, or beat him, witl the taff, or stick, (Z, 0, i, TA,) and disciplined him. (Z, TA.) - And )j'l -to JL t leflung him ulpon the ground (lit. smote tIue gound with Aim). (Aboo-Turib, O, 1g.)sJi , aor. c , inf. n.

an inf. n. of , (., O, 0a Myb,) or a simple subst. (M, ].) [See 1, first sentence.] 'zil jU. t The tending of the horse well, taking . good care of himn, sulpplying himn with fodd and fattening him. (.,*M, 0,* g.) One says, ,,3 ai,L. ,, [The lwrse is in his state of~good tending anl feelinguj]. (S, O.) [See also 1, second sentence]. - Also Thc belly. (i].) A thling, (M,) or a sword, (Msb,) [and the like,] Polislhed; as also * J1 .. (M, M0l,, ]:L) -And A thing, such as iron, and copper, smooth, solid, antl impenetrable to watcr. (Msb.) - [Also, as a subst., implying the meaning of an epithet,] A vsword. (S, TA.) JtiA.: see J4.


with hisfoot, and so cast it down. (Ham p. 799.)

And [hlence, app.,] one says, L1 j' 1J j,1 meaning sy . l L j,j [Take thou this on my firt striling with it]: and so j;'. (0, TA.) Also lIe pushed him, or thrust him; (As, TA;) like . and 4J. (TA in art. .. ) -And d . .11 lIe shut, or closed tie door: (S, O, Mssb, :) or he locked tia door. (Lth, O, K.) i And A,~, aor. and inf. n. as above, He wrote what is tercned a AL. [expl. below]. (Meb.)~.:,. (' , 0, O, ,) like tL;, (i,) third pers. ;A, (MA, in which it is mentioned

J1.t Polishing: pl. ao.

(S, M, M.b, K.)


It (a thing, such as iron, and copper,) nwa

34. One who practise the art of polishling (S, M, O, Msb, 1.) anl harpening(M, K) swords (.8 M, 0, Msb, .0) and the li/c: (Msb :) [commonly called in the present day t J1' :] pl.

Boox I.] u said of an ass,) [and it is also implied in the TA that the third pers. is .Ai, , like &; mid of the eye, and some other instances, which re extr.,] a verb of the class of ,., (Msb,) inf. n. ,;, (S, Mgh,* O, Msb, 1], TA,) [in the CV W*C is erroneously put for lta , and it seems from what follows that tl is also an inf. n. like 4,] 7Thou nwast knock-knead: (S, O, Meb :) or thou hadst a eolliding (/ ) of the knes, and [when used in relation to an ostrilch or a horse or the like] of tte Qj.l O [which evidently means here, as in many othler instances, the hocaks]: ( :) [for] the verb is used in relation to a man, (9, O, ]1, TA,) and to other than man: (TA: [and the same is implied in tihe and O, as is lshown voce J.ol:]) . [sometimnes partieularly] signifies the colliding of the Iknees [or of te Iwlocks] in rpnni1Ig, so tiht it mahes a mark, or scar, upon each of them: (TA:) [and it is said that] this word, (Mgh,) or ,, (TA, (perhaps a mistranscription for l,])signifies the colUidiig of t1e QJA . (Mgh, TA.) midday in sumnwer: ( and it is prefixed to a:) (IC:) one says, g ;:. 4 j, (S, o,) a provey., meaning I met iimn in the most vehement Ieat of middl(lay in summer nhen the heat almost blinuled by its rvehemence: (Llb, O, TA:) for is said to be an abbreviated dim. of t..: (S, O, TA:) and by it is said to be meant the gazelle, because he is dazzled and confounded in the nmiddtlay-lheats of sumnmer, and knocks against the thing that is before him: some say, a.1;,, from n ' ;Z : and some assert that mena,s the heat, it,c?f: (O,TA:) or it is the name of a ccrtaii mnian [as will bo found expl. in art. L.", with variations of this saying]. (S, O, K, TA.) .

1709 and t are epithets applied to a camel, [app. as meaning Fleshy;] as though flesh were thrust (., i. e. .,,) into him. (O.)

0 * a . O.YC~

1. 'a.(,S, ](,) [aor. ' ,J inf. n.. ;, (TA,) lie (a man, Fr, S) struck him, or it. (Fr, 9, ~.) See also . ,.. - And (a Cle man, Fr, As, .) pused, thrust, or rpelled, hima, or it. (Fr, As, S, Ig.) _And one says of a horse, () or

1_1jc ; Qcs,) orA%;l y h' ,, (TA,) hoe kose champ.s, (.,) or chanped, (g,) his bit, (S, ],) or tile :Ui of the bit, (TA,) an,l stretcihs forth his head, (.,) or then stretchexd frth ki.i heatl, as thgtmh desi.itig to contend for t~ TiThe air [or atmo.pherle, betnven henaren SUmpriority [wcith his rider]. (]g.) and eartl]; like tC; (I1n-'Abl,&l, 0, K ;) a A vehwment shock, colli.ion, imnpetus, ptsh, dial. var. of the latter word. (Ibn-'Al),'uid, O.) or thntst, (Lth, ., .K, TA,) with a stone or some A.AC' JIeah: (IAmnib, lIr, ], TA:) of the other thing. (Lthl, TA.) measure Jai in the sense of the measure J ; i. q. Ji/mI [which means Camels' feet, [lit.] meaning one wtho is struech much, or often, and boots; probably, here, the former: in the Tl because deemed weak. (TA.) it is expl. as meaning the hoo0 of camels: and it 8. l..t [lHe struck him, or it; or struck him, or it, telrhemently, ith a broad thing, or with [A writer oft/u statenents termed Otto, is there said that the sing. is. L]. (.) a-1 anything; or dappll ihinm with his hand; being pl. of .JLo: or, accord. to Golius, as on the 1.,;. Calamities, misfortunes, or evil accistmclk, &e., by hiN]. (Ham p. 313.) audtority of Meyd, an aetuary, wrho conmmits to dents. (Is.) The Arnbs say,s t 8. tl1 T7tey (two men, O, TA, and two nwriting the sentences of the ju(lge]. [T77te calamities of fortune smnote him; or nuity bodies, TA) struck each other. (O, TA.) One a .$ Ao.l Knoech-hneed: (S, O, or havaing a ite calamities ofjbrtune smite him]. (S.) says,, JA [11Es tato hknees collitdle, or collidling. ) of the knewes, and [when used henock togetlher]. (.8, O, Mshb.) And ,L. 1 in rclation to an ostrich or a hlorse or the like] of Jo0 J . They st,iuck one another with the swords. thte Qgtsp& [whichl evidently means lhere, as in L j,, aor. J.', inf.n. Je., It sounded; (TA.) ninmany other instances, the hocks]; as also V or made, produced, onitted, or sent forth, a inf. n. of .;. (Mgh,* Mbl, TA.)c (K;) whlich latter [in this sense is rare, and is sound; (,M, O, I ;) as also t j..L, inf. n. Also a Pers. word (S, O) arabicized, (S, Mgh, O, written in the CSK A, but] is with kesr to the and O.L , (M, ]g, [in the C] TA,) A ccrtain writing, (8, 0, 1g,) called in .A: (TA:) thius appliedtoa man,; (,O,Kg,TA;) is erroneously put for aLJ,]) or 3 may Pers. 41., (O,) or ; (TA;) a debenture, or and to othler than man; (TA;) [i. e.] applied [sometimes, vritten acknowledement o(f a debt (Mglh, MRb) also to a horse; (O ;) and to an ostrich, beeause be a n. of place; (M;) and ".kL&J or always, implies repetition, as will be shown by of onouyj or proo.erty, or of soen other thiag: lhe is long in step, long-legged, and sometimes, what follows, or], accord. to Lthl, is more inten. (Mghl :) and a written c statement of a comnercial or often, his C)U;cS [here improperly used as sive, or more vehement, than Jl: (TA:) the tramaction, prcthase or sale, tran.ier, bariyain, ilncaning "hoicks "] being near togetlher, his legs a lformer verb is said of iron [when struck with iron contract, or the lite: (Myb, TA:) i. q. J.~ [in strike each other: (8, 0 :) and a man is also said or the like, (see lIam p. 353, and what here this last sense or in the senses next following]: ( to be 1 J.i1: (TA:) the fem. is ;t.: follows,) meaning it made a cladaing, or a ringing, and TA in art. J. :) a J" of o a .t [i. e. ; (TA;) of a nail &e., (Mgh, Meb:) and the pl. is ,L. (TA.)-Also sound], as also t j;. a sealed, or signed and scaled, statement of a (S, O,) of a nail when struek so that it is forced One who.v teeth, both the ej l andl the ,p.l, judicial decision; ajudicialreemrd; or the record to enter into a thing, (M, ]g,) as in a verse of of a judge, in whtich hlis sentence is written]: cleare close together: like ,sll. (Az, TA.) Lebeed cited in art. .f., conj. 4; (., M, O ;) of (KL :) and a written order fr. tthe payltenat of See also the next paragraph. hlelmets of iron (.i) when struck with swords, ubsitence-mnoney, or of a stilend, salary, pension, a-1 a rinying sound; (M, ];) .. SRtrong; (, 0, .K;) applied to a man; meaning they *tnade or allowanec; which some persons used to sell, but the selling of which is forbidden: (Mob, and to other than mnian; (1 ;) [i. e.] applied to n [see an ex. of the inf. n. voce ~j ;] also of an camnel, and to an ass, (S, 0,) as in, a verse cited in empty jar when it is struck; (TA;) and of any TA:) pl. [of pauc.] JL and [of mult.] io tlie last pangraphl of art. .~; (0 i) annd * l dry clay, or baked pottery: (M:) also of a.J and b,L. (8, O, Msb, ].) [Hence,] tii, A,l signifies the samnc: (K :) ithe fern. of the fiormer is [i. e. bit], meaning it ma(lde a prolonged sound; The night of ite middle [of tie mwnthl] of Shaa- with; ; (S, 0, TA ;) whichl . ;) and Vj. , (M, ],) inf. n. is held by Sb to be (1M1, , bdn; because in it are written the klt of the rare; for epithets of the measures -"e and JL- (S,) said of the same, (., M," ,') it made r.eallowances of subsistence [of individuals]: also peated sounds, (S, M, .K,) and so V t .; (M, A - seldom have affixed to denote the fem. (TA.) called !-,1 1Q1 (0, TA.) [Hence also] L. , ;) wllichl last is also said of a woman's, or One says also , .. iA.aa .'"b [app. meaning otiher, ornament, meaning it made a [tinkling, or jM. il T7e trareler'span, gicenAhim toprevent A head strong to butt, or knock, against other ,qnging,] sound; (S, . ;) and of clay mixed with anYt o's offering opposition to him. (A and Mgh /eads]. (g in art. ~ .)_ See also &l. _ sand when it has become dry [app. as meaning it in art. Jj^-.) made a erackling sound whlen trodden upon]; ( ;) Also A loch/; syn. J3t. (g.) L The vehemence of the midday-heat in mention is also made, in a trad., of the t ", ammer: (1g:) or the most veherment iteat of : sec whllat follows. [i. e. ringing, or tinkling,] of a bell; (J;) and



1710 [its verb] j.;.U is said of anything dry [as meaning it made a sound, or noise, when struck, or put in motion]; (Lth, TA ;) and also of thunder, meaning it made a clear sound. (M, K.)_

[We cleared the grain that was mixed tith dust, or earth, from the dust, or earth, by pouring water upon it; or] we poured nwater upon the grain that was mixed with earth, or dust, so that each became separatedfrom tie other: (O, IK:) one says, Vt ,.J. M,[app. meaning Thlis is its water with which it hlas been washed; like as one says referring to anything that has been washed, *;JL".. $, and l-,l, meaning as above].

[BooK I. ,I. | .l . (TA in art. .b.). And S A calamity, or mi*fortune; as also t l. (M,I, TA.) So the former in the saying, 3 ' Li, t [Such a one was tried with a calamity]. (TA.) - And 1A sharl) sword: pl. as above. (A, 0, iK, TA.) - And SAn equal, or a match. (Z, ]~, TA.) One says, Il. j, IL" Thi.s is the ePual, or match, of this. (Z, TA.) And ~ G t They two are lilkes. (Kr, M.)=Sec also !,o, latter part. fAlso A certain plant: (S, O:) or a species of tres. (M, K.) a.i [as an inf. n. of un.] Thce sound of a nail and the like, wvhen it is struck with force; as also t ;L.. (K.) And The sound of the.Al. [or bit]. (.g.) Also Dry ground: (S, M,O, :) or ground, or land, not rained upon, between trwo tracts of ground, or land, that are rained upon; (M, I;) because, being dl'y, it makes a sound [when trodden upon]: (M:) or accord. to IDrd, ground, or land, rained upon, between two tracts not rained upon: (0:) or simply ground, or land, (MI, K,)nhatever it be; like Gh: (M:) pl. j:. (M, 0, g.) - And A sole: (1 :) [ISd says,]

[Hence,] necJ

l :?,

(M, ,) aor.

&. .

', (M,)

l;.JI1, (so accord. to the 0 and TA,) inf. n. ),.; (TA;) [meaning, as is indicated by what immediately precedes in the S and 0, lIe put a piece of skin such as is termed aLt to the boot, app., to its sole (see i..): or, as is indicated by what immediately precedes in the TA, he put a lining (termed iJi) to the boot: the verb without teshideed (written in the O "..L) I think to be a mistranscription, notwithstanding the inf. n. assigned to it in the TA: general analogy is in favour of its being with teshdeed; and it is sa;d . . means [A boot good] in re&pect that] J signifies The putting slin upon a l. JI sec. pers. P,L., nor. .Jl.; (0, TA;) and of the sole; which is thus called by the name of thing. (KL.) tjl.i; (., M, O, K;) or only the latter; (Zj, the ground, not otherwise; in my opinion because 4: see 1, latter half, in two places. = JI JJ..l of its dryness, and its making a sound on the TA;) or it may be jL$i is said, as it occurs in It (oldness) altered tthe water Jbor the worso in occasion of treading. (M. [See also another exa verse of El-lIotei-alh, and not JL; like sL'it taste and colour. (M, ]~.) plan:Ltion of this phrase in what follows.]) - Also from and l,LkI , from rotJ1iL, ; (IB, TA;) It ivas, or became, stinking; said of fleshl-mcat, (;, M, O, J,) whether cooked or raw; (S, O ;) said by some to be used only in relation to that which is raw; but V t1 occurs, in a verse of Zuheyr, said of a a"i [or bit of flesh-meat that is chewed], which indicates that it is used in relation to that which is cooked and roasted; or, accord. to some, the verb here means [t.;[[which has ren~red heavy the eater]: (bM:) and one says also -. ,lt1 t..j ; [the flesh-nteats were, or became stinkino (in both of my copies of the f..l4j"l is erroneously put for _oll, the reading in other copies of the S and in the 0)]; the verb in this instance being with teshdeed L;9 [i.e. because of its relation to many subjects, or to a pl.]. (?, O.) In the .Kur [xxxii. 9], some read os~j ) ! ;Lo. 1j1, (M, 0, TA,) [instead of the common reading, which is UL,, with pi,] and some read CL', (0, TA,) which has two meanings: i.e. IVen me shall have become stinking, in the earth, and altered in ourselves and in our forms? and vwhen we shall have become dried up ? from ai. meaning " dry R. Q. 1. J : see'l, former half, in four places. Also He threatened, or nenaced; andl frightened, or terriJied. (IDrd, O, K.)_ And lie slew the chief man of thw army. (IDrd, O, .) And i.l J.Lo lie uttered the Z.L. [or ~entence] with a feigning, or making a sho, of k/fifdnes. (Z, O, TA.) R. Q. 2. j' : see 1, former hlalf. - It is also said of a pool of water left by a torrent, as meaning Its black mnud became dry [app. because such dry mud makes a crackling sound wlhen trodden upon]. (IDrd, O, F5.)

inf. n. ;j-, The camels made a [ruonbling] sound to be heard on the occasion of drinking in conseque.nce of their intestines' having become dry: (M1,1 :) [and in like manner ,Ji tihe horses:] one says, i J,i J il j . The horses crme nmaaing a [rundbling] sotund to be heard frmn their bellies in consequenec of thirst: (9, O:) andnl ;L l Se 6! 'H MO' [I lhard a rumbling sound of his belly in consequene of thirst]. (T, TA.) And;AiJl j. , inCf . nJ, I The rater-skin became dry, (M, TA,) not having anl nwater in it, so that it was such as nwould ,,take a hind of clattering or crackliing noise ("uyi;) [when struck or shlaken or]. (TA.) And kJ,L also signifies The sounding of the entering of wtater into the earth, or yround. (M in art. ,.o.) lj, (, M,V 0, ,.) aor. J, (s, M, O,) inif n. j,L;; (s4,M, O, K ;) and also,

(1.) -

Ja-- ,iL. : see the next paragraph.

ig: see 1, latter half.

2.j_. -. l

J~I; .. (so in my copies of thie S;) or V 'A,

Slin: one says '3.1 "iZ . [A boot good in respect of the skin; somewhat diffcrently expl. above]: (S, 0:) or dry shin, before the tanning. (M, g.) And Stinking skin in the tan. (].) Also An extensive rain: (K :) and a scattered,

scanty rain: (M, C :) and so t ,



J. : see


latter part.

J., Flesh-meat, &e., altered [for the worse].

thus having two contr. meanings: (.:) pl. as above: (M:) or j , its pl., signifies portions of scattered rains, falling by little and little. (S, O.) -And t A portion, (K,) or a scattered portion, (M,) of werbage: (M, 1]:) pl. as above: (M:) or [the pl.] J2.. signifies t hlwrbage; which is thus called by the name of the rain. (S, O.) - And AIoist earth. (O, K.) - See also il,. Also The -~! [i. e. podex, or anus]. (TA.) with w., (lamm, (K,) or t"I., (so in the 0,) Renains of water (0, K) in a n,atering-trough; thus expl. by Fr; (0;) and of other things, (s,) such as [the oils called] >L. and j. (TA.) [See also i.A.A.] And A fetid odour. (..) - And The flabbiness of moistfie~meat. (.) aI..: see L., first sentence._j. , or with ,., [i.e. L',] accord. to different relaters, means lie is a tery cunning man ("a;1), one in


(TA.)- And


(M, ],) inf. n.

,3,1,, (TA,) is also said of water, meaning It became alteredfor the rworse in taste and colour.

(M, [.) tt ;; ,L, (8, M, o, A,) aor. '.*;l. (Q,0,) : Calamity, or the calamity, befll them. (~, M, 0, 0, TA.) jlI ,Jm, (M, 6],) aor. a t, (TA,) inf n. D He cleared
the wine, or beverage. (M,


.)_ And C

.Ji, (0,) orm ,1

.La.1 l



J.. A serpent: (1g:) or a serpent against lwhich charming is of no avail: (S, 0 :) or a serlpnt that hills at once when it bites: (M:) or a yellow serpent ( K) in the case of whicl charmning is of no avail: (TA :) or a yellow serlent that is found in the sand; when a man sees it, he ceases not to tremble until he dies: (Har p. 102:) pl. J'3.l (S, M, O, g.0) One says, lui 3ai j! [lit. Verily it is a deadly pent of smooth siones; i. e., such as is found among smooth stones;] meaning, an abominable serpent like the viper. (S, O.) And 3.i oJ dvi [lit.] t Verily he is a serpent of serpents; thus one says of a man, likening him to a serpent; (8, 0;) meaning cunning, or crafty, and abominable, (S, M, O, .K,) in contention, (M,) or in contention and in otlwer cases: (M, ] :) like u one says . J.,o and

whom is no good. (TA.)

J~./ pi. of JU.' [q. v.]. (., M, o, V.)_

Also The leg of a boot; (Ibn-'Abbad, O, I;) and so t ai~: (g :) or * the latter signifies the lining of a boot: (M, 1J:) the pl. of the former is ;l1. (Ibn-'Abbad, O.)

iJ)",: see 1, last sentence but one.

1J5.: see



in two places.

Clay that mtahes a sound like as does new wttm ; as also J' . (S, O.)_ And * '. [A man making a rumbling ' j U-


sound to be heard fiom his belly in consequence Also, (1.,) [i. c.] a C2J suc,h as is caUllel ,i. (AHn, M.) of being thirsty: see 1]. (TA.) See a copy of (so in , t J astor. (IAXr, O, g.) And A .shifill, c. like .:,,(TA,) or i.e and taste in wors the for altered the M,) Water also iLaR.ocolour. (M, K(.) ~K~,;: see the next paragraph. se whlat next precedes. ac: ~.. Also A portion rea see !'l.t: of tlke measure 3;_t;, (S, O,) or, maining of water (S, M, 0, K) in a pool left by a ,5AeL, torrent, (M, 1,) and in a vtssel, or in the [kind accord. to some, of the measure O'., (TA in art. of nanll shin called] jl1l, and in the lon,er )part ) A5certain plant; (K ;) a certain herb, or of a pool leftl by a torrent, (S, 0,) and likewise I&umino,,s plant; (!i ;) (~, 0 ;) a sort of O, ) (S,* Mj 0, oif [the hinds of oil caUlled] [which nieanis thlus as well as "trees" plants ( (Ibn-'Abt t ; , ;) as also (M, K and A;'; &c.]), said /Il h. In to be of the [kind called] A .L, that g.ron's upa'd., the thichest portion tvhereof are the stems (j .1 ) andl the lower par ts, auI the places of its a,$, of the size *f the growth are the hlain, or sof, tracts, and the '): AA, lie adds, says that it is meadows ( becatmse of its thichness of the [kind calhled] , and lastinyne.s: (M:) Az says that it is of tle best kind of herbage, or pasture, and has a [root such as is termned] L.;q, and thin leaves: (TA:) in a horse's mane. (M, I.) -And ~~~~ .. .; .,~~~~~ Hlair of the bach of a horse, and of [the part ;)5i '. may be either an inf.n. of 0J.J. or a (if tlhe breast called] the , tltat has become white n. of place. (M. [See 1, first sectence.])-D in consequence of the fallin-off of the hair. (J.) :] for Anld A [drinkintj-cup, or bonwl, such as is [Also an epithet, if not a mistake see i; (As, 0, gi;) ll called] ?-,: (K :) or a smoaU

'sc4 e

sce J.;.:

and see also J.


(i, M, A, r; ,] inf. n. [nor. 1. 4;, M9 b, 1g, &c. ;) and , aor.'; (Iltt,A, 1 ;) (1 ; [but this last, and t ,L, inf. n. `L'; accor(l. to the TA, is trans. only;]) said of a thing, (S, M.s,) [and of a man,] It [and hc] was, or becamnte, hard, firm, rigid, stiff, tough, strong, robust, sturdly, or hardly; syn.. SI; (" ,A,' . (M, TA.). [Henee,] Msb, I] ;*) cont,- oSf .; , [The land has been hard %bjl , .i, by lying waste for years]; said of land titat has not been sown for a long time. (A, TA.) - And -. inf. n. as above, t lie was, or JIt c; U, became, tenacious, or avaricious, of property, or the property. (M, L.) - [And ;,l11 4t, inf. n. as above, t TThe wie becane strong.(...

: (M, 1:) pl. ibu, M, o, ,) and t >j- . (S, M, 0.) [See also U.L.] - And i. q. pj (IA~r, 0, K) and a. (AA, TA) [i. e. HIaircollected togetlher upon the head, or hanging
down upon the ears, or ectending beyond the lobe

of the ear, &c.].

and JlU A noisy ass; as also t : (M, 1 :) an ass strong and V, in voice [or bray], vehement therein. (Aboo[the bread of the camels]: Ahmad El-'Askeree, TA.) And A horse sharp it is ealled ,k'l : . is with S. (S, M, and slender [or shrill] in voice [or neigh]. (M, :) the n. n. (TA in art. j M, O,) of a man TA.) And A wild ass sharp in voice; as also (Q, a prov., said in O, ].) It is who hastens to swear an oath, (q, O,) or of ono tJl: so says Aboo-Ahmad EI-Askeree: and who boldly ventures to swear a false oathl, (TA,) j .E,isJ thus is expl. the saying in a trad., and has no impediment in his spechcl (S, O, TA) [Would meaning app. 3 J: & IJai 9 ( M, indoing so, (TA,) L'all the asses] sound in bodies, vehe. O, TA) lIe hastened to it as the ass hastens to ye love to be lilte ment in tvices, by reason of theirstrength and their the Lfl 1o: (L in art. J :) because the ass often briskness? (TA.)-Also Clay not made into plucks out the .teLo by the root when he takes pottejry; (M, ;) so called because of its making it fior pasture. (S, O.)

,laJ1 is exl)l. in the $ and L, in art. ., as M..)] 1,) .., (M, .,,U&.I meaning ; (M, .. t,L ;) and ; (M aor. ,, inf. . g;) lle cooktedt, (M,) or collected atund cooked, (TA,) the bones, (M, TA,) and extracted their grease, or oily matter, (M, Kl, TA,) to make tue of it as ascasoning: (TA:) or , .1k [alone] he extracted the grease, or oily matter, of bones, (S,) or he collected bones, and extracted their grease, or oily matter, (Msb,) to make use of it as a seasoning. (S, Msb.) - And in like manner one says of one who roasts, or broils, or fries, flesh-meat and makes its grease to flow: (M :) J, (M, g, TA,) antl a sound (dt^t: (M:) or clay mi.ed with i. e. one says, 'Jt 1Ie roasted, or broilcd, (M,) [ulone], .,.JJ..ol which, when it becomes dry, in two places. - Also, sand; (., 0, .;) : see Jl, or fiied, tlwe fJesht-meat, (M, 1, TA,) anul made [app. a part. i. lsed as a subst.,] llrater that makes a sound; and nhich, wten baked, is jta : itU giease toflov. (M, TA.) -. And, (gC,) as Sb falls uponn the ground, which then cracks, (0, K,) (S, 0 :) or dry clay, that mahes a sound by reason .A --- ' -ao, or., and ', (K, TA,) inf. n. says, (TA,), of its dryness: (Z, 0, TA:) thius in the gur lv. or, as in the L, which telwn dries (A"i or it, burned himn: (K, TA:) lIe, (TA,) ; , 13 [and xv. 20 and 28 and 33]: or, accord. to l, e. , as referring to A [correctly .. himn [app. c snn burned o T h _ :.1 and Mujahid, i. q. ' L... [which meansblack mud ]), causing a sound to be alteredfor the worse in odour]. (TA.) or rather .A---- : And causing his sneat to flow]. (TA.) - And sLk, (S, M, A, Msb, I,) aor.,, (M, Msb, ,) inf. n. heard. (TA.) 'iLL A land inwhich is no one. (O, TA.)

(Ii[,) or the verb with teshdled is said of ,~a pl. number; (S, A;) [lie crucified him;] he see the next paragraph. c It is [also] '0..: I2 A vessel in which wine, or beverage, is put him to death in a certain wiell-known manner; said to signify Stinhing; from JL said of flesh- cleared: (M, 9 :) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (M.) (M, L;) he madle himn to be , ; (s ;) meat. (O.) Copious, or abundant, rain. (IAar, O, namely, one who had slain another; (Msb ;) or a ,jiL because the oily see s: J ;. m Also A certain bird: I jI. :.)Also A generous, or noble, andhonourable, thief: (A:) from %;.U; (V.:) a certain small bird: (M:) or (g) the chief, pure in respect of parentage; as also matter, and the ichor mixed with blood, of the (IAr, S, O, , .L~; , with fet-h: (1I:) or one who is pure person so put to death flows. (M.) - [Hence] [collared turtle-dore called] a.; the Persians ( Wq.1) cal by in respect of gene7osity, or nobility, and of ;= 1 in prayer means The placing the hand. ;) the bird /which this latter name: (Lth, TA:) or a bird resembling parentage: (IApr, O:) and * J;.. [thus upon theflanks, in standing, and separating the iz..$ called vwhat is it is says, Az 3&.6: the in the O] a man who is a generous, or noble, armns from thw body: a posture forbidden by the 2 v.]: chief, pure in restpect of parentage, and honour- Prophet because resembling that of a man when [evidently a mistranscription for '.,, lw), the arms of the man in L: (IAlr,TA:) and tV4i.. able. (Ibn-'Abbaid, O.)_-And The ,.I (TA:) pl. [or he is crucified (. upon the timber. (TA.) extended case being this female or a ], TA,) 0, signifies a pigeon, (IACr, maker of boots]; who is also called by the vulgar pigon. (IAr, TA.) _ Also The forelock of a [or the people of the towns and villages] JlI%. - [Hence also,] '#JI .4., (M, g,) and : ( :) or a (IAIr, O, J.) t horse; (f, M, 0, ;) and so V t t4., (M,) He put upon the j). [or leathern

;JG: sco ie-1

,...; (s, M, M1b ;) and V',

(M, g,) inC. n.

see the next preceding paragraph.

"^L. [Boox I. bucket] what are called tV , (M, L, 1 ) he exerted his strenth,force, or energy; ptrainel ,.q .&[or rump bone]; 1d, (M, A, IK ;) the bone upon which are tro pieces of ood placed cross-wise [to or strained himself, or tasked himself severely which tilhe neck is set, extending to the root of the keep it from coUapsing], like ,vhatare called tihre syn. P; tail [in ;.P:J; (A, TA;) which means : a beast], and in a man to tihe ~ ; [or I, (L in art. L!;) J.UJ [for that]: (A:) said of a os coccygis]: (Zj in his "Khall k el-Insn :") or A, Meb,l ],) aor. ,, ($,) II; fryer wras co:n- man. a portion of the back: (S:) and any portion of (TA.) tinual, (S, A, M9 b, ,) and vehement: (S, A, 1 the back containing vertebrwe: (S, Myb, TA:) 8: see 1, former half in three places. or was of the kind termed [and particularly the lumbar portion; the loins:] [ v.]. vJLS ( TA.) and the back [absolutely]; as is said in an explana4L lard, firm, igid, stiff; oug, stromn 7g, tion of a verse of 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd cited in what 8. L.', (inf. n. ;>, TA,) lIe, or itrobuJt, sturdy, or hardy; syn. s ; (vA i, follows: (M, TA:) pi. [of mult.] LA and [of rendered it, or him, hardJirm,rigid, stif, toug Msb, l;) contr. of 1 J; (M,TA;) as alsI0 pauc.] and (M, '., K,) each of which strong, robust, sturdy, or hardy. (S, M, ], TA *) jand t r (S, M, A, a) and V two is used in poetry in a sing. sense, as though El-Apllh says, (M:) pl. of the first or second, [accord. to analog Y every part of the 4J 0 were regarded as a $ of the latter, and also of the last,] ys. (M, A. in itself, and LAo, (M, TA,) of which last ISd * ,JI ,;J y:'v1 A1 .) -[IIcnc,] L and V.Jt., (c;,) or says, [but this I do not find in the M,] I do not * 4.L= and ? (M,) A rugeed, stony place think it to be of established authority, unless it be (, TA) i. c. [Than the back of the exclcclent he - (M, 1:*) or lsao signifies a rugged, extendi, g a contraction of ZLo. (TA.) Ll mentions, as a camel] ,vhich tle provender of cities, such as [th e pylacc, of the earth or ground; and t e., a haun d phrase of the Arabs, i ;i;E [Thas are trefoil called] .J, and date-stones, and thepastu e part of thle carth or ground: ( :) or this lasi thl sAns of their loins: because the sperma of the of E -IIim, meaning gimb ])arecyeh, the plac e a tract of rugged depressed land stretching alon, man is held to proceed from the ~ of the of pasture of the camels of the kings, and the being betwveen tno hilly: (Sij, man, TA:) or the acclivities oj as is said in the Ksh &c. in lxxxvi. 7]. (M. [See long wvithout conceiving, (TA,) haw rendered hills; and its pl. is ,';: (TA:) or also a similar phrase in the ]fur iv. 27.])_. hard, orfirm, or strong. (%S,TA.) [Iencc] signifies hard, cxcxnding, [tracts of] ground [Hience , is used as signifying The middk of one says, J 1 ,_ . t [lIe maole (A 9 , TA:) or hard and eleated [tracts of I a page, as distinguishled from the ~j (or thea beverage termedl 4Ji to become strong bV, ground: (IAtr,TA:) and ` 1 a rugng margin): and in like manner, of other things.]_ means of the grain called CSjJI ]. (Mgh i; [Hence, likewise,] .L. signifies also art. _ > .jj.) 1 (AA, $, inn n,) is &4.. (8, M, 1g.) One says of land tha t [meaning t Ran/t or quality, &e.]: (AA, $, M, has not been sown for a long time, V 4L ip, (AA, TA,) The ripxe dates became diry ],:) and power, or strength. (M, If.) A poet &4. , says, (M,) namely, 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd, (S, TA,) (AA, , :) and E"' L3l 1 the diate becam e AI 1 [Verily it ha,s been hard by lyinj dy,. (M,L.) -[Hence, perhaps, ;. is saii I waste for years]. (A, TA.) - [Hence also,' : 0 2 , o 9 ' in the n to be syn. with 4:] see 1, first sen l ..,..J.. ^a I [lit. le is hard, &c., it i Id 1, a9' 3 ' . re.Pcct (jf the places ofl biting; meaning he tence. 8ee also 1, latter half, in two places. iJ ,L. said of a monk, (M,) or 1i, (o , TA) sai strong, or risi*ting, or indomnitable, of spirit; t [Because God hath made you to hav excellence of monks, (TA,) lie, (M,) or they, (1, TA, ) (,$ JIjt ,;) thus .).l $I., is expl. in tho 6 abow what I can relate, in rank or quality, or in tnade, or took, (M, 8, TA,) foi kinmscf, (M,) oi and 16 in art. _]: and ,g1u $L. [whidl power, and abstine~e from unlavwfil things]: (C, for themsls, (8, TA,) a 4 [or cross], (M means the samc]. (A, TA.) And "l 4lJ and i M, TA:) AA says that .L here signifies _; 1, TA,) in his church, (M,) or in their churches, .. aJl tP , aapplied to a tender of camels; [lit. ( ;) and jljl here signifies Oitli: (;, M, TA:) 'a * *.(TA.). -_ L t also signifies [The making tL, e rard, &c., in here by both r. and rpect of the staff;] meaning but some expl. r. sign of te crou. And] Thle. guring of a croM t hard, seerye, or rigorous, in his treatment of thes and some relate the latter hemistich otherwise, i. e. [or crose ] upon a garment; (T, M gli, TA;) alld 1 ca ls: GErltC'ce says, hence, Ilt figure thereof; the in n. being thus used as a subet. properly so termed; (Mgh ;) as meaning above such as binds the back with an in a trad. where it is said of the Propllet, o , zdr. (M, TA.) And it is said in a trad., ,4 ;;SI; meaning [ L; eil A %T .Jl.jl, meaning t [Verity he [hard, &c., having the veins of his limbs appearcut off the place of the Jiguring of the acoss, or whlo strais to overco,ne] the power of God [is ing: thou tvilt mee him to have a finger pointing croes, from it]. , (T, Mgh, TA.) And ,... Coitus (t): beat them, i. c. his camels, because of their good otercome]. (TA.) -Also (~, occurs in a trad., meaning lIe made a ma,k condition, whAen the peojplc are *jflhicted with cause the sperma [of the man] issues from the like the cowss betveen his eyes by a blow. (TA.) drought]. (AI, TA. But in the ?, in art. , part so called. (TA.) -Also A particularmodle of wearing, or dis.[ we find mla.. in this verse instead of .)_ I,,~, and its pl. Zs.f: see 4,o , former posion, the [WJ, cafer caled] -o, (M, t,) for a And [in like half, in six places: = and see also ;anner] ; # ., in two and wromnan. (].) One says of a woman, =;IL I [He is haerd, firm, or strtop, in his religion]. places. Aud [S d.l)osed her msler cross-rvise]. (TA.) (A, TA.) - And L ' .o A certain bird, (0, I,) resembling the e (Lth, TA) or Aod a man's praying l;tlW]. ee [7tiythaea t (M, L, TA) $ A hard, or vehement, plo [or hawik], but which does not prey, and turban diposed cros nwie] is disapproved: he which is veAement, or loud, in its cry. (0.) should wintld it so that one part [or fold] tllereof running. (Lth, M, L, TA.)_And ;._ is above [not across] another. (TA.) t A vehement eteighing. (Lth, TA.) And ;4y e4.: see ;, near the middle. 1A vehemnent sound or c or voice. (M, 4. o, (AA, or,) inf. n. (q, (AA, TA,) L, TA.) ~Also, ;': see ~s , former half, in five places. (S, M,A, Msb, k,) and 1 She (a camel) stood stretclhing forth her neck to_ [Hence,] :; W'ater 1V (Meb, TA) and 4l upon which cattle (S, M, A, 1) andV ALJL, Nwards the sky, i order to yield her utmnost lo of grow fat and strong and hard. (A, TA.) - And (lAth, L, 6,) which milk to her young one. (AA, last is rarely used, (LAth, TA.) 0, TA,) and is said to ocecur only in one instance, in l. u S An Arabian of pure race: (A, 6. i,3 : :le acted, or behaved, nithforced poetry, but another instance of it in poetry is Mgh, TA :) and '~LtJ,' A woman of nobk, hardness, firmess, strength, vigour, hardines, cited, (TA,) The back-bone; i. e. the bone extend- or generous, origin. (A, TA.) courage, vehemence, erit, st,rictness, or rigour; Also Greaae, inq from the jeIS [or base of the neck] to the or oily matter, (., M, A, Mgb, 1.,) of bones; (.,











the q. [or cros] upon his face. (A, TA.) ~ s: ce the next preceding pragraph. 3l,0 Myb;) and so t $Z; (M, ]g;) which latter signifies also ihor, or watery hutnour, mixed JLdo, in two places. : see . Also A spear-head sharp- See also ryith blood, that jlos from the dead: (M:) pl. (8,) or o, r $: [of the former accord. to analogy, and perhaps ened, (S, TA ;) and so t --. l6.. (6,1g,) and t" 5., (M,) (TA: [but this last is perhaps a mistranscription of the latter also,] 4.. (Q.) Hcnce, in a [Ripe dates, and a date,] becoming, or haling for $ :]) or a thing polished and sharpened become, dry. ($, M, .. ) When date-honey trad., the phrase '1' 1 [in the C1( with wletstones: (1:) andt %;L signifies a (w'%) has been poured on such dates, that they ,,J.1] Those mito collect bones, (I4, TA,) wrcen , (M, TA,) or a may become soft, they are termed;L.. (8~.) thels has been strilpped off fom them, and spear sharpened with tLhe TA.) .. ; ;L Vehement, injuriotu rain. (L, cook them with water, (TA,) and extract teirpspcar-head sharpened upon the ., which is grease, or oily matter, and use it as a seasoning. like the whetstone. (A.) . (M, A, Mqb,1) and t -4 (M, A, (j, TA.) Also [A cros;] a certain thinig I~) [Crucifed;] put to death in a certain odlpertaining to the Christians, (Lth, 3, M, Msb, ~A..: see . knowvn mtanner: (M:) applied to a slayer of l,) which they take as an ol.ject to nhich to dirwet tleface inprayer: (Lth, TA:) pl. [ofmult.] < The jt [or musical reed, or pipe]: another, (Msb,) or to a thief. (A.) [See 1, latter (1, M, A, Mqb2 and .J (Lth, S, M) (O, 1:) or, as some say, the a3 [or tube] that half]. See also , .4 _; Afis in tie head of the jLte [app. meaning its fected by a continual and vehement fever; (, and [of paucne.] 4ol. (M3b.) - [And The mout k-piece]. (0.) TA;) or by a fcver such as is termed ,l. ure of a cross upon a 6arment &c.: see .] (TA.) -And A certain brrand, or mark nmadle with a vJLC A hot fever; contr. of 4A6 [which hot iron, upon camels; (M, 1];) nwhich, as Aboomeazas "attended with shivering, or trembling"]: 'Alee says in the "Tedlidhkireh," is soumetitne large and netimes small, and may be plon the (S:) or a fever not suck as is termed piU: (M:) 1. *, , aor. L, inf. n. 3 , said oj of the cheeks, and the neck, and the thighs: (M, TA:) or a fever attended with lvehemnent heat, and not ;.g [or side of the forehead], It wa such as is attwded with cold: (TA:) or a fever attetnded or, as some say, it is upon the tempkl; and as termed ; [i. e. conspicuous, or clear, or fair; nirith tremour (A, 1, TA) and quivering of the some say, umon the neck; being two lies, one &c.]: ($, :) or he (a man) was such as is termed skin: (TA:) or a continual fever: (Mgb:) or a uw,oa [or across] the Qoter. (TA.) - And i. q. fever attended woith tL [or leadache]: (Ham ; in re~pect of tih ;, (C,' ,* TA,) or of .; [as meaning A banner, or standard; prothe face, or of tihe cheek. (TA. [Accord. to the perly, in the forn of a cross]: (0, }:) Eu- p' 34.5:) it is snid by Ibn-Buzurj to be from tihe aca-: and .K, the verb is app. said of the Nabigllah Eldh-Dhuby(nce is said to lhave thus (L, TA:) it is masc. and fem.: one says, cord. to the TA, of a man.])~ ai,, ($,j aor. ', called the,lU because there was upon it a "c - 1,mJ, I 4M .. l [whiich may he rendered to run, (TK,) inf n. ." , (I,) IIe urged him [i. e. a cross]; for he was a Christian. (O.) Fever milth burnitng heat, &c., seized him] and by strilting him with his foot, or leg; or struck [And hence, as Freytag says, (referring to the '.L. ,1,.m 4MJz [virtually meaning the same]; him with his feet or legs, to urge hima ;. namely, a "Historia lIalebi" and "Loeman. Fabul." p. rr . 5. 8,) tAn army of ten thousandl soliiers.] the former of which is the more chaste: and one horse; syn. ~AA4. (.S, .*) - And He poured seldom or never makes one of the two nouns to _And 11is the name of Tle four stars govern the other in the gen. case: (M, TA:) or, itforth; namely, what was in the cup, or bowl. He He,, (s-- : :;*. A.4, and behind X,LJI y.Jl [wbich is the astarisn con- accord. to Fr, they said 4JL G* na nd brought milk, and broth, having much mater, #iting of the three princijpal stars of Aquila; SLo and ,_ @ . (MF, TA.) C;I A 1 (T, S, M,) with little oily, or greasy matter. whence it seems to be the four principal stars i t;.F [dMy burning ferer, or continual (T, $.) f Delphinus]: inconsiderately said by J to be LM 3. aJLI signifies The taking to oneeIf a belhind [which ;& [3w151t is LyraJ. (L, J, fever, &c., is more severe than thy feer attended nith sliveering] is a prov., (Meyd, TA,) verse of another poet without altering anything in and so in the margin of some copies of the S.) applied to two thiings, or events, of which one Is it. (gar p. 267. [But this I believe to be post[And Freytag says, (referring to Ideler Unters. more severe than the other. (Meyd.) See also classical.]) p. 33,) that eil_l .JIl is the name oft Stars in the middle of the paragraph. jtvL of a leathern in the head of Draco.] 4.'._- ".1... Hie drew his sword from the See also bucket: see 1, last sentence but one. >, -and ed, (Lth, 0, ., TA,) in some scabbardl. (., M, A.) 7..L 1 Re advanced with a pentrative 7. of the lexicons V l (TA,) Seed that is scatand tered (Ltli, O, g, Ti) upon the earth, (Lth, O, energy, and outtripped; syn. j., (S, M, A, &c.)_ a inf. n. of ;. 1a [i. e., in his pace] (g ;) or so *L..5 ~ : TA,) and tpon ahtich the earth is then turned [Using it as a subst. properly so called,] one says, with the ploughn : (Lth, 0, ], TA:) Az thinks it (s:) he outstripped; syn. .3: and he was ~~L sedmo ee (TA.) mksoeo hetonust uJj)1 i' hd.u; ) . I [He valhed, or went to I~ be not Arabic. quich, or he hastened, in his pace, or going. along, upon hard ground]. (A, TA.) (TA.) One says of the eagle (,Ai1=), ; t '= [It was swif in mahing a stoop]. (A. jIq.J; A" He who Las, or those whO mere, , * , , see the next preceding paragraph. [This meaning is there indicated by the context.]) in the loinsi(1) of the father [or ancestor] oJ '" ~ ;... A1 He hastened in some measure, the mnan: hence the family of the Propyet, whe D- = A garment, or piece of cloth, figured running: and so js~ . (A'Obeyd, TA.) are forbidden to receive of tbe poor-rate, are , -4;J1 :al tThe cloud wasgoingto rain. with the reseThblance of the c. ,l. [or cross]: -i,termed ,.A l1 (Mgh.) M, TA :) orfured yith a (A, M[b:) ox r (TA, from a trad.)




figured witoh the resemblances of eji [or r ",., applied to the ~ [or side of the croseo]. (TA.) [See .] - And A camel forehead], Con~spicuos, or clear, or fair; syn. - Also 1 hard stone, the hardet of stones marked it the brand called the ri ng ; (M, A, Ij: (S, A, g :) open, or uncovered, and eoen: (TA.). ;And Whetstones; (S, M, , TA;) as TA;) as also t fe: ifm. of the latter with e, (M, Jg:) or smooth: (TA:) anything bare; and ablo t ;t (TA) and o o (M, , TA) andd applied to a she-camel; (M, TA;) as of the formei open, or uncovered: (IAlr, TA:) wide, emen, and [ ou: (f, M, 1, TA:) [or a whetstone:] or [a also, applied to camels. (TA.) - And As beautfu, or comely. (ISh, TA.) One says

.*; :

see ;.,

former half, in two places

thin] lie a whetstone. (A.) Bk. I.

See also

Abyhssirian t (

) marhed withthe igure oJ f'


A man conspiu, or cear,



C ,a

[Boox I.

said of a man, (A, Meb,) and of God, (TA,) [and of a thing,] He, and it, made, or rendered, it, or him, him, good, incorrupt, right, just, righteous, virIiiotjx, tuous, or honest; constituted it, dipo~d it, TA.) And .,;J A man conarranged it, or qualifed it, rell, rightly, or : see in two places. Also, see ', p~cuou, or clear, or fair, in respect of the face proix,rl.y; properly; reetified, corrected, redressed, or reapplied to anything, Quick, or svifl. (M, TA.) appCd forpned, and of th chek. (TA.) And ; formed, it; lrut it into a good, incorrupt, ~ound, j s VeXhement int right, - Applied to a river, or rivulet, or prolper, state; or restored it to such a L [Such a one makes the black to be white, or its U3 manner of running. (A, TA.) .,ctate; state; put it to rights, or in a state of order; fair]. (TA.) _Also, and V , (M, g,) xt set it rig/lt, set it in order, ordered it, managed it and ,.l, applied to a sword, (S, M, A, K(,) ivell ivell, well, cultured it; adjusted, drea,ed, or trimmed, 1. Sharp: (f:) or polished, and sharp, or penc1. c,~ y (S, Mghl, Msb, &c.,) aor. , (S, MA, it; prepared it properly for use; repaired, trating: (I:) or unsheathed, and sharp, or Mgh, Msb,) the well-known form, thotugh omitted memied, mended, amended, or im)prored, it; made it, or pnetrating: (M:) or such as penetratesinto that in the 1., (TA,.) and -, (MA, l, Mhsb,) [said by him, him, to to thlrice; contr. of ... J (S,' J. [And so which is mitten with it: (A:) but some say that some to bc] the more chaste, because agrceablc by implication in the Mgh &c.]) One says, a sword is not termed ; unless long: (TA:) with analogy, (TA,) [but the former is the morc 4 4;'lto 4 ;lto ,:J, . I [I made good, ~:aiie 13 ' J or 1 t Lo' may have the same meaning as commonJ common,] in f. tjL (, MA, Mgh, M~b, I* prolkrly, properly, or seasoned, (the contents of) the cook,J i.e. unsheathed: ( :) accord. to AA, [in [in the CK r l is erroneously put for C:3 l]) ing-pot ing-pot with thie seds thtat are tused in cooking]. a;pplied to a sword and to a knife and to a . (Msb in art. J.3) And (Msb needle means havring no heath. (TA.) And one ad, st.JI c:. 1 [I and t, (.,* MA, Mgh, Msb, K*) and ',; seawnetl aor. seasonetl the skin with rob, or inspissated juice]. , aor. ', (Q, MA, Mgh, M9 h, say s . i , p (1, M, A) and V't art. (.S, (MA ;) and j.) mentioncs by Fr, on the authority of his '(S ;_~1 [in which M) He mote hims with sord unsheathed. (S, .,) mentions 0 in art. .d.) And..iil j.1)l is inderstood, so that the meaning is I M, A.).-. !.t applied to- a man, as also companions, (S, TA,) but said by IDrd to be not j;:1)l ,rectif,mi, well rectified, or reformed, or amended, the circnmwell established, (TA,) inf. n. C, and i;.~. t .g..l and tV (. , M, ]1) and t:~ stancec stance.c stances subsisting between the people, or party; or] (MA,) or _..i; (TA;) said of a thing, (S, (MAJ and * d.4 , (, g,) pl. [of the last] - t., Mgh, M9b,) and of a man, (TA,) It, and he, 1 I mnade peae, or I effected a rectJafication oJ Mgh, affairs, (H,) ard, firm, strong, or hardy, (M,) sharp, nw, affairs, an agreement, a harmony,a reconciliation, nwas, or became, good, incorrupt, right, jst, or penetrating, (., M, ],) in afairs, (S,) or in righteous, virtuous, or honest; it was, or became, an an accomodation, or an adjustment; [or I adjuirted .flhir;] between the people, or party. adjusted tlw affair;] weedfid affairs, (M, g,) light in clothing: (M:) in a good, incorrupt, sound, right, or proper, state, (Msb.) And C 1 :1u and [in like manner] t 01. signifies asarp, or or in a state of order; he, or it, throe; contr. (Msb.) laboured of penetra~ting, and quich in rctifying, or i7nlroving, the bad, or ), in his affair. of t. [i.e. .e and 'JJ]; (MA; [and S and A thegood, the good, state of circumstances, or the dimnion (yam p. 6.) - See alo below. - and Mgh and V by implication; see. k.0 or union, subsistingbetween people]. (A.) One And aee _l, .. ,; is a surname of below;]) in Pere. J, aki ; (MA;) [and l .a sayo .Lt, (TA,) and ;.1jJ isii C.L.l, 1 signifies the same, for] . t 1aJ.I1 The 1 .~ [or kite]. (TA in art. '%'~.) and saysalso, ai (T, (T,A, Mghl, TA,)the latter because C!.01implies ': 'both signify in Pers. X, ^ . (KL.) ' ' 6a (~, M, ]) and V .L (M, ) A large C:5.^:A 1 the meaning of O... 1 , (Mgh,) ! le acted werl knife: (g, M, ]K:) or an usheathed knife: (M:) One says, 9 ~Ut. Aj [Tlhe state, or con- to to the beast, (T, A, TA,) and put it into a good, pl. 'i;. (., M.) - For the former, see also dition, of such a one became good, right, or proper]. or right, or proper, state, or took care of it, or .1 ,,. e. $ (A, paiti (A, TA.) - [Hence,] J. paid frequent attention to it. (A, TA.) And - ,i L 1 [This is leatter that is suitable for the sandal]. j,l 1J L . .l li]e acted w7vell to him, did good to Aim, A thief, or robber: (K:) formed by S or (A.) transposition from _. (A.) And .U e:.L or bencfited (TA.) him. (K, TA.) And Let [alone] 11 ,.t ." This thingis suitabk suitableto thee; orfit, or meet, for thee. (S, ]," t lie did that wrhich was good, right, or just. J Jle., applied to a man, and to an ass, Strong, TA.) And -l;;. I 6 J*.*% (Msb.) C.a ) e i t l [Sucha one (Msb.) and hard,firm, or hardy: pl. I,..: (M:) or, is notJitfor being thy companion]. (A.) 6. I&.JLa and t ,l &c.: see 8, in four places. applied to a man, as expl. above voce J ,L 3. q. v.: (lIam p. 536:) and, applied to an ass, 3. ,aJto,(A, Mb, :,) inf. n. , ' (S,Mqb, 7. J 1a.t [quasi-pass. of thus signifystrong: (S: [in some copies of which, for '. ]g) IO) and _, (, 1,) the former of which is ing It became rectified,&c.: see ].( in p. nJt, meaning ,mJl ', we find ~l;.l c#, made fem. in a verse of Bishr Ibn-Abee-Iazim, art. art. ,.) whence an error in the Lexicon of Golins :]) and, (TA,) (TA,) [He made peace,or became at peaceor 8. I.U.oi (s, A, 15) and :t.,,s, (g,) and applied to a horse, brisk, litely,or sprightly, and reconciled, with him; or he reconciled himself A ' tt..JL.a3 (S, A, O() and 9 t,L,tl, (S, 9,) [the last sharp of spirit;(S, ],;) and so applied to a man; wUA with him: for] A.i.Z is the contr. of .... L.. V 1 a like 't'j': (T and TA in srt. %:.U:) and, accord. (Mgh.) And l ~ I&.JLa He made peace, var. of .JLo3,] all signify thesame, (TA,)and j .3iJI 9 to AV, applied to an ass, smooth, having ashort or reconciliation, [or a compromise,] with him on A.391 , and 1..U , (Mgh,) [7hey two, hair: (TA:) or sometimes it means having no tlw the condition of such a thing. (MA.) And (i. c.two persons or two parties,) and] the people, J. hair upon him; and so t IL.L (]yam p. 536.) 43 L t; 4 5,.Jt ~s ~Jto [He compounded with or party, madepeace, or became at peace or .reconciled, [each with tlte other, and] one with reconciled, _ [And accord. to ISd, it seems to be an inf. n., him for part of what wasoroed to him; hw of which the verb is not mentioned; for he says made made a compromise with him on thlw con- anotlier: anotler: (Myb:) fi [Ci'.Io is the contr. of that] it signifies also The act of keap~ug,springing, ditim dition of receiving part of what was due to ;to,a"t ;to," and] V .0;JI is the contr. of.41ui. or bounding. (M.) him]; him]; said of a creditor and debtor. (Mgh in .9 (Mgh.) art. ace I la.o! Tecy 7rc (a parart. b..) And M.iI j l., inf. n. (Mgh.) -_ And ;.! see.4.. ticular class ofpersons) agreed together, or among Aa.. , 1 made peace, or a reonciliation, beW .0 th~ves, themslvs, repecting a particular thing. (El. tm~ troeen the people, or party; syn. ... se ., in two places. ee: (Msb in Khaf'ajee, art,,. Khafajee, MF.) [Hence,] t signifies art.,,'. [See also 4.]) also also The agreement of a people to name a thing 4. 4. A,) 1, (A, Mgh,Mb, g,) inf. n. t, by any name turnedfrom the primary *.i rsee U applicati. (, (A, A,) and quasi-in n. L, (L in art. ,) (KT.) (KT.).,-And [as an inf. n. used in the senseof 1 [This

0 ' 6 see 0 a ' ,.a._. , 10 J j ' a or fair, in repect of the ~ : (M,TA:) or ;J.,: app. apC05~ mooth and shining: (A:) or wide, nhite, con- plied to an ass] -Iaving tile neck stretching out, sp~os,or clear, orfair: (Khalid Ibn-Jembeh, and smooth, or wvith short, or little, hail upon it. TA:) or m: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or hard. (IA9r, (A9, (A 9, TA.)




S. -,6




andV X:.,)applied to a thing, (M 9 b,) and is good:. (M#b:) (or a cause of god] And Ibdsn #am - -. '~'AmJ.qijThe (or technial langug: and a conenioa [or to a ma,(MA,) Good, incorut, right, just, what was good and right [or what muwascoduiv .; [see 1; contr. or hon kest vitous rightou, technical] krms: oppoe to ([M and] ~'W . Of ~.14:] (MA, L, V:) pl. ;Q..l. (accrd. to togoodinssuclsa thn. (TA.) .It in also an (Mi lett and app. applied only iaf: n. of ~.L. (MA.) general naogy of 10. &l-d., is the cot.oJ..A;uI: ($1 L0 to rational beings, like ~jaJe]and A plac, of a garment (icc.], that is to ]g:) [i. e. it signifies He regardd or eteed~, a in this being maid by some to be a pi. of be repaired, or mene; syn. . u.(T thing goo, incormpt, right, just, or the like; as inf. n.; an briginally be to others, by and expl. in the Tlg; and in like manner, a man. He wished, or desired, a thing to be god incor- like as insmaid of (L.) One saYs Mmi rupt, right,jut, &,c.; as in the Tj; and in like &.U ~ i [A man good, inco~ t, ice., in manner, a man. - And He ~ougt to render (and app. t..alone,] aor.' I~.e [.L. of a people goo, inhi %j] 3 god incrrpt,.&c. - And hence, He treated ~A, L;) as also [He (L,) inf:n. ~.. in such a manne as to rede well affected, or c~r~p, icc.]. (L.) And A;JL1: ai., 9 ' eformer of the dial. of El-Koofeb, obein.] ~Also He soght to do good or to act is in a goo, right, or prope, state or condstwn]. (IAVr, L;) [& of that of El-Baqrah; (see attr and he H4e (TA.) - (Hence,] iL~ signifies also t Suitable, wel [y10 ji to such a on]. (KL.) -WAnd He was, or becase, deaf, so as not to hear at all. sought peace, or concord. (KL) - And it hap&L4i it, or meet: so in the saying,Ii pened well. (KL.) - See also 1. [Mayest thou, IQJ (~ ,L.) *uQ~I C" t [He is fitfor the ojlc of prqfect, or thele] a subet. from Lit;, (C, M1b, KT,) (M#b;) -And : Much, copiu, or freqent or may he, suffer a deajis Mie the deafies of the ostA] is a form of imprcton uttered syJ wt the latter; (Mgh;) mase and fem.; one saysLmL. A c o~ rain5. (Yaq4o0b, against a man; for all ostriches are [said to be] (g, ]K;) Peace, reownciliation, or agreement, L, TA.) And hence the saying of I3, iti .al . totally deaf: SL, TA.) mi3l. 4aPL~is maid (Mgh, Myb, V, KT, TA,) after contention: and substi- of a serpent [.is meaning C^lI~ 'j$1A4 tnmJL. meaning It cast off its sloug: [a.. in the law it means a compact to give over, or CJLi in I -The (TA.).. tuted.frr,]frequen , namely, a ... And," (TA.). J] .. fliku says One relinquish, contenion. (KT.) meaning [It or scab, in promange, not of the ad [though s caml, writing in omitted [often] ~~(A, TA) Peac, or recociitin tooh nunciation] when it is used as a proper name [so erecriated.him; like "J; or] it exte~e over place betwee them two. (TA.) [And %:.1:3 tha the name is written &.L, or more properly the whol o.f Ahibody. (TA.) It (a fortues or the like) was taken peacfll, (Durrt el-Ghoww6q in Do Sacy's He feine himself totally deaf J W4. 6. or by surede.] - Also That in rpec of u~~I; aslo eW.,with C. (TA.) tone which thr hAm been made a peaff compact: AnthoL Gram. Ar. p. W of the Arabic text.) or which has been take nv the way of peace the by LJt! (a subet. from 'JL,, made so (Mgh.)... And A art at peac wit othems L, He (a man, TA) 9.~ ,in!. n. t 1 affix 1; A good deed or action; an act of benea, 'LITheyare[aparty) lay upo hitsaids. (,TA.) (TA.) You say, a31.Jl~ .Aa3 j [His says, One bem4ft]. jtec;a also may you And at peac writh um. (A, TA.) 0s &&I A destucive calamity. (]g.) goodded, or benfien acton, are not to be .3h *~ t ~j~U;A peep1, or party, who are at peace: (A, TA.) And ycjW ep. 3InJ LWUthe latter word in this case being app. air inf. n. ninbered]. [q. v.], A cerain q. '!L. [A beefit cam to mefroms such a one]. (TA.) used as an epithet. (TA. (See also i*] q its slough. casts that qei.Of w7 ets se6 atsn (A~At,LI) ~ [for A L [i.eC. s. q. t J .And t* TA:) it is such Excoriatingmange or swab]: (1~, Conentina (or technical] lan- as occurs in the hide part of the camel, and an in n. of ~ (MA, Mgb, Myb) and of o:(MA:) [useduasasimple subst., it guag: oppse to [lpM and] UhijDj. (Ms one doubts not its euening over the whol of his body. (TA.) signifies Goodnes, incorruptes, rightes or rectitude, justes, righteousness, vitu, hoe~ y j . . ($ , icc.,) so acowrd. to all tho people C1~ [act. part. a. of 4, q..v.]. One .says, ic.:swee:] contr.Of 'at; ($, A, gh,V;)au of ~l-00ofeh, but the people of El-Baqrah and (CjI in the CV.being also ~A,:(~,TA ; A man who does the Arabs of that region may &I ~ ~ A ' (lA#r, TA,) ])acowrd. to some, it is not well rightl, juty-or propery, in his affairs Deaf (Fr, A'Obeyd, TA:) or deaf so as not to a mistake for used asan attribute of a prophet nor of an apostle, and his acton]. (L.) hear at all: (Q,V, TA:) or vey deaf: (Mgh:) but only of a person inferior to thes: aocord. to ,,rthas this last meaning. (IAqir, TA.) 3~L= A cause, a mean, or an occasion, of or others, however, this restriction is wrong. (MF.) good; a thn, an affair, or a busies, conducive El, meaning Pr said, - Also quasi-inf. n. of 4. (L in art. to.~) to good, or that is for good; (and hence it may El-Kuney nwa deaf so as not to hamr at all. And [hence,] A thing that' is god ana right. often be rendered simply ans affair, when the - Also A camel-affecte with mange, or W0lik41mi is context shows it to mean what is conducive to (?, A.*) (Mqb.) See also scab: [or having mange, or scab, by which he is good or done for a good purps;] contr. of a name of Meheh (?,A,V;) either from eacrite: Meb &1 :] f.m. ;QZ.: and p). .a..;(and M#bandV,in art. i.S;) a good, or from ` ' ..aI; (TA;) and sometimes it is per(]p) - And Affecte wit [the maig right, or eirtuous, 4ffair; (KL;) a thn that is ~ (,5. fectly decL [pronounced good and right; syn .?*.. q. v.]: pL L. nant eei.of epos termed] .w,e. (TA.)

a pus, part. n., for &:'Covntoa









and see also

W'$ p t (,A,M9 b, Y..) One says, .W

(He con~iee the thng that wer for thego 1 J.and Lj,L, (m ns. of whic the verb Of the peole. (A, TA.) And as>.a is ;,U,] used in relation to a stone [&cc.], spifyi Ci. : see what next follows. [2ey are of the pepl who The being hard and smooth. (M.) (And 2L. CeLI.J '9 %.Q..I ocup teseesin the things coduiv to evil, ,.JLay (MA, L, M#b, 9,) from i.U; (MA;) not the t~~g condcive to god.(A, TA.*) has a simla meaning.] You say,#b' ~4e 1~,.L,The land mms, or becme, hard: an In the afir sthtshh and.* &L' (IAgr, L, 9,) frm eLsie; (MA;) And LL asiu

(I :) or t so that it produced no plants, or herbage: (TA :) and OJil X. , and *o, (M, TA,) the place mas, or became, hard: (TA:) or t produced no pilans, or heba M)And or produced no pat, or herba. (M.) And %)I~l '., nor. ;, inf. n. .. ; and U,

[Boox L.
and so the first applied to land or ground (.b;jt); s ,.,., first fel:se sentence:_ad ;,d , (S ;) and to a solid hoof, as also ; , and last sentence. ~ Also A sining, gleaming, or t.,.',whichluta i ofthemeuure; aeeord. glistening. (1g.) , , to Kh, but 3Jll accord. to others; (M;) and to L.o: see in t, two places; and 1L=. a side of the forehead, (S, M,) or thus applied

j i-,n ;n i; i; ,. .lg ,and* ,; sd smooth '-"' ' [aor. [aor.' lj in n. 53J. v and and 3,g.;; The meaning and tough; (L;) and to a head, 3 miountain, or roce, baffled him, namely, a well- ns also t , (M,) or thus applied meaning diggecr, [by its hardnes,] and rested his efforts. . .. (M,~~~.[,and so in 1upon wl,ich no hair grons: (A:) and , (M.) - [Hence,] ojei, . f (M, and so (M;) (M, ],) which is of an extr. form, (M,) has the some copies of the S,) aor. ;, inf n. i.l o; (M,) first of the significations above, K) or signifies or '.L., with kesr to the J, nor. , inf. n. 3{.; [simply] hard: (M:) the pl. of (M, L) and (AZ, 8;) The j;j [or piece of stick, or ood,for of M producing fire] gave a sound without emitting f ' (M)az ( (M, L)_Alsoapplied fire; ( M, _, I ;) and ?,.j.l signifies [the same, to a place, (09, M,) and ;. applied to land, or] it emitted no fire. (Ham p. 407.) - And (wdel, A,) Thtat produes no plants, or herbage. ience,] %6 ,,,/ [lit. "His pieces of stick, (M, A.) And QJI 3;~ I The part of tlhe or wood, for producing fire, gave a sound with- side of the forehead utpon which is no hair: out emitting fire"] means : Hie was, or became, likened to smooth stone. (AHeyth.) - [Hence,] nidigardly, tenaciotu, penur'ious, or avaricious: ,U j~- and t I. A stone that will not (AA, L, TA:) and 4', alone, aor. ',(M,A, emitfire: (L, TA:) and t, (M, A) and K,) inf. n. i;,)~; (M, A;) and .. L, (M, A,) * JJl and t ;' and t ; (M) [and * i.] nor. -, (M,) or ., (A,) inf. n. ,., (M,) or [A piece of stick, or wood,feor producing fiiw] ,;.L; (A;) and .. , inf. n. .; (};) that gives a sound, (M,) not emitting fire: (M, signify the same: (M, ]:) or he was,; or became, A:) and ; ' 1 Wood, or a stick, from re,y niggardly &. (A.) -_ And ';;I.' , Inwhichfire cannot be produced. (T, L, .)And or "i; , (accord. to different copies of the X, ! .-- (g) and t ;j, (S, M, A, O) t A horse in the TA the former,) 17c bald place on the that does not meat: (S, A, K:) such a horse is fJiont of his head shone, or glistened. (]J, TA.) diseommended: (I :) or slow to rveat: or having .L is also used in the same sense, in a trad., in little sminal fuid: and slow in imnpregnating. relation to milk flowing forth. (TA.) - And one (M.) - And l .4 (M) and V;.L. (M, A) says, '. .i s'I., and '.i C , meaning and ? ., (S, M, A, ]) I A niggardly, tenaHe brought broth, and milk, containing little ciotm, penurio~,or araricious,mnan: (S, M, I:) oily, or greasy, matter, and much water: for or a man ery niggardly &e. (A.) - And ' in art. ii R isI L(T L O A hard/, k.h.) strong, enduring she-camcl. canine teeth catsed a grating sound to be heard. (s') And ; . Hard,hardy, or strong, (Ig,0 TA.) .. .'a IIe clapped nith his horse. (A.) [And l also, a~, signifies Robust, hkands. (M.) -- 3$JI;.,.,. aor. r, (s,) inf. n. or strong. (Freytag, from Jereer.)] ,., (TA,) 77T beast beat the ground with its ,..: see l,, first sentence. feet in itu runnitn. (s.) _ , (M,) or '.JI . eL;, (g,) nor.,, inf. n. .L,, said of :..L and I.L, Rugged and hard ground, a mountain-goat, (M,) lie ascended thite moun- (ISk, .,) that produces no plants, or herbage.


sec iL, first sentence, in two places. first sentence.

,: see ,.,

.l~ see ;.L;.- LO ,AWI Caninw teeth causing a grating sound to be heard; (.,' TA;) as also . , (1~, TA,) which is the pl. (TA.) I .=1: see .A., first sentence: -_ and see the same also near the end of the paragraph.

see A:.__

[Hence,] one say.s,


... [lit. lie is not one whose wood gi/t only a sound when one endearours to produce fire from it; meaning t lIs is not one who ungenerously refuses when asked]; an expression of praise; (TA in art.,.. -;) and [in like manner]

tiI tv j1' L

(TA in art.


Milk milked into a grea."y vesscl, and tlherefore withoutfroth. (g.) ;~.: see .L :__ and ;si, in two places.

.2. 4e 3ii
) ,q.

inf. n. L,

a dial. var. of

v. (Ibn-'Abblid, K.)


. 1. '~.;, aor.:, (Msb, ];)inf.n. .

O, Mosb, K,* TA,) fto (a man, 8, O, K*) was, or becanme, bald in th fore part of the head: (., O,' Msb, K :' but in the Mob it is said in this sense of the hecad:) or in tiefore part of thi head to the inlder part thereof: and likewise in the

middle of the head. (TA.) [See also


.]Accord. to Ibn-Seenk, the baldness termed

[or probably %,] (ISk.) said of a wild cow or wild ox ( 3$), in a . AL: see .o, first sentence. verse ascribed to a Hudhalee, [but not found by SM in the Deewan of the Hudhalees,] is expl. as see wljJ,: ;.,, last sentence. meaning She, or he, stands erect. (TA.) .. )JdJl wo tle gaw nothing to tae asker, or 1{.: see , in sixplaces._ Also, applied


(M, K.) -


beggatr. (L.)


' does not happen to women, beeause of the abundance of their moisture; nor to eunuchs, because their constitutions are nearly like those of women. (Msb.) _- [Hence,] Wij> Lo, inf. n. as above, 1The ~JJ; ta species of mimosa] dropped the lheads of its branches: and had thAem to a well, Such that its mountain, or rock, baffles eaten by the canmel. (TA.) - See also 7.
diaa,. rh its



i,* ,ffn*.#

9: see the preceding paragraph. 4. U,ol: see 1, in three places. - Also I lHe (a man) failed to produce fi,e with his S3 [or piece of stick, or wood, used for that pmrpose]. ($, A.) - And ;s.a J.l t He made his ,.j to give a sound writhout emitting fire. (M, TA.) And lIe (God) caused his joJ to emit no fire. (A.) And ~iiU C ILW t He asked, or begged, of him, and found him niggardly: thus related on the authority of IA9r; but by rule it should be ',,i. (M.)

Hardand smooth; (?, M,A, ;) as also * (0 a ; app) ie (M) andt .; (A) and V=1 ;; (M;) applied to a stone; (,M,A;) (AV L,6 ;) as also * .F;.


(M.)_ A she-eamcl having little, or no, milh; as also ' : (S,A,1]:)and the latter, [which in the former case is written in some copies ofthe I~ with ;,] that has brought forth and has no milk. (I. [But this is said in the TA to be a repetition.])- + A woman in whom is little, or no, good: or hard, having no cornpa.tion in her heart. (M.)A cooking-pot (;.) slon; to boil. (?, M, A,1.) - A beast (,i1) that beats the ground with its fore feet in its running. (TA.) - One who ascends a mountain by reason offear; (,TA;) asalso; : (TA:) [or] a mountain-goat that ascends the mountain. (M.) -And Alone, apartfrom others, or separate;

'U [perhaps a mistranseription for t i., and primarily signifying He made his head bald in tiw fore part:] t It shaoed his head. (Z, TA.) _ i'. said of such as is termed ibj, [but
.t '

the verb in this sense is probably t V ;, (see this

latter,)] ice voided his ordure occasion of f . (TA.) 2.

on th

5.: see above, last sentence but one._-

j.; o I Thte serpent came forth from concealment (zjj) without any earth, or d&t, tpo


it. (Ibn-'Abbat, O, g, TA. [But in the 0, the verb in this and the following senses is carelesnly written without the sheddeh.])u~. , inl n. (d of A, TA,) TA,) i. q, ij ~..,(said of a aman, IAer,

BooK I.]
[meaning He vof.led his ordure: see * as a subst., below; and what here follows]. (IAir,


1717 see the next paragraph. Annales, i. M60,) &

j)jJI ;.L

, TA.) And '

Such a oae put his hand eveody erpanded (Q,


(inf n. as above, TA,) the fore part of the head; (8, Mgh, O, Msb,

TA) on the ground (TA) and wioded his ordure or his ordure in a thin state (& ): (]g, TA:) thus expl. by Lth. (TA.) See also 1, last sentence. 5. tw.1 .ai t The sky became bared by the disruption of its clouds. (TA.) - See also what next follows. 7. .4 J1 1 tA',.I T77w sun roe, or began to rise: syn. /j: or tdculminated: or came forth from tlhe clouds, (O, 14, TA,) alpearing in the time of intene heat, with nothing intervening and concealing it; (TA;) and so * ' , (O, ]g, TA,) and t '...; [or more probably ] . (TA.) [8. Z ,1e, accord. to Reiske, as stated by Freytag, signifies lIe, or it, was defiled, or polluted; "conspurcatus fuit:" but he names no authority.] B, 3aldneus in the fore part of tht head: (, , Mob, ]:) or in the fore part of the head to the hinder part thereof: and likewise in the middl of the head. (TA. [Scc . of which it is the inf. n.: and see also .. ])_ Also a dial. var. of , q. v. (TA.)_ One says also,

JAl. l, ^ .1 meaning [I will asuredly straighten] tAy [natural]crookednee; like ;. .~ (O, K.) _[Hence also,] Vt sigg' (TA in art. &., from the T and M.) nifies I T/he penis. (0, ], TA.) And '.1 is lag , t sce what next follows. said to signify I The head of the penis. (TA.)_ ,e: And ? , t, (, *91 O, g, TA,) or &i,Il, (TA,) A ldace of baldne such as is termed t A certain serpent, slender in the neck, (S, O, 1, ,; (0, O, Msb, 1;) as also tL.;;; (., O, TA,) or, accord. to Az, wvide in the neck, round a;) nd V iio is said to be a contraction of the in tic head, (TA,) its head beirn like a hazefirst, (O, M9b,) by Lth, (O,) but it is disallowed nut: (8, 0, ], TA:) thought by Az to be so by the thoroughly learned. (Mob.) called as being likened to the penis. (TA.)i,., (O, ],) accord. to Ibn-'Abbid, with ~lI applied to an affair, or event, (j..I,) means kesr, (O,) like Alzb, (],) in the L [written] tLHard, distresting, or calamitous; (TA;) and (A and TA with 0amm, (TA,) The heat of the sun. (O,10) so applied to a day; as also in art. . :) or, applied to a day, $ intenely i/ot. : see ._ - [Hence,] : A mountain having upon it no plant., or herbage. (O, 1, (Ibn-'Abb6d, Z, O, TA.) - Also, the fem., [used as a subst.,] t Any notorious affair or event; or TA.) any such affair that is dubiow, of great magniiAs : see &I, in six places. tude or moment, to acconmplish which, or to perform wrohich, onefinds not the tray: (0, g, TA:) nosee .. - Accord. to AV, (S, 0, TA,) and : a calamity, or misfortune, (., 0, 1, TA,) A place that produces no plants, or herbage; [or] such as is hard to be borne; [as thouglh it (., O,1, TA j) whether it be a mountain or land; were smooth and slippery;] because there is no (TA;) from in relation to the head; (., O, escape from it: (TA:) and [in like manner] XU (O, , TA) and A", and ;Ui a TA;) andt ? is also syn. with , in the tV and It "VI~ , (TA,) an evil, abominable, or unsense expl. above. (TA.) And [the n. un.] a seemly, action or saying, such a is apparent, signifies A mooth rock. (TA.) manifet, or unoncealed: (0, ]I, TA:) or a ~.; (, 0,] ,) or f ,, (1,) or the latter calamity, or mi,fortune, hard to be borne: (15, also, which is app. a contraction of the former, (., TA:) and hence the saying of 'Aisheh to 0,) t Broad, (., O, g, TA,) hard, (]., TA,) Mo'dwiyeh, (O, ], TA,) when she reproached smooth, (TA,) roch: (., 0, ]O , TA:) n. un. (of him for his having asserted the relationship to the former, Q, O, [and of the latter also,J) with 5. him of Ziydi, and he replied that the witnesses gave testimony, (0, 1, TA; [see Abulfedm (~, 0,1 )

'CiI,applied to a man, (., O, Myb,) Bald in t dgL.I [The ritnesses did not bear witness (in 1;) the Cg, erroneously, >j1t.I SZ t,) but thoe denoting more than C~.: (Mgh:) or bald in committedst that which wat an eoil, abominable, or unreemly, action, &c.]. (0, 1],TA.)_ the fore part of the h-ead to the hinder part is also said to sinifyr tTho act of thereorwf: (TA:) and likewise, (TA,) or accord. to f i"t; glorying, or boasting; syn. iJ. (TA.) AX, (0,) bald in the middle of the head: (0, TA :) and applied also to a head, (Mob, TA,) meaning tew, dim. of &1: (TA:) see the latter, in bald in thesfor part: (Mb :) and t l signi- three places. fies the same, applied to a head, (Msb, TA,) and '~p inf. n. of 2 [q. v.]. (g, TA.) And a to a man: (Mob:) fem. (1;) but some Q_L~; disapprove this, and say that the Ifm. epithet is subst., like ' annd 3,l signifyinf Ordure, 'J~j, and AL&D: (TA:) the pl. is & (O, Mob, or dung; or such as is thin; syn. Ct: (TA:) O) and t: (O, ] :)t v ' 1l is the dim. of thus expl. by Lth. (O.) the masc., [and *ttA"L is that of the fem.,] meaning as expl. above. (TA.) - [Hence,] the (o, , g,) aor. , 1. ,il iL and (SI, fem., applied to a tree such as is termed aLj., [a species of mimosa,] t That has drol)ped tue (O,) inf. n. j.Lo, (, O,) i.q. ;. , (S, O, [,) Ieads of its bnanches: (8, TA :) and that has had i. e. The bovine animnal, and the sheep or goat, its branches eaten by the camelx. (TA.) - And, shed the tooth [next] behind t/hat called the applied to a tract of sand, (1;, , 0, I,) and to u,.t: (S and lg in art. .L;) or bred its a land, (,.oit,],) $ In which are no trees: (S [tooth caled tle] .,: (k in that art. [in whicll O, TA:) and (TA) in which is no herbage. (0, ' said of any cloven-hoofed g, TA.) It also occurs, alone, as meaning t A see more]:) or animal, aor. and inf. n. as above, signifies he desert (A,' ) that produces nothing; like the entered the sixth year: or, as some say, theJfifh: head termed ,i1. (TA.) And V['1 , applied this is the utmost of the ages thereof [that have to a land, t That produces no plants, or lerbage. verbs and epithets to denote them]: (Mob:) (TA.)- And the masc., applied to a mountain, tJi (Mgh, Mqb) in these animals (Mob) or in t Open to view, smooth, and glistening. (TA.)sheep or goats and animals of the bovine kind And, applied to a spear-head, ! Glistenimg and (Mgh) is like in camels. (Mgh, M?b.) smnooth: (O, TA:) or polidred; (K;) and so


: see ;. _ Also A red [hiU or mou. tain, such as is termed] 4al. [q. v.]. (0, J.) i A large ship or boat. (Lth, O, ](.)
*L.a [a n. un. of which t is the coil. gen. n., as is indicated in the O and TA,] applied to a she-camel i. q. 4Iio [i. e. In /er eventh year], andfat: or i. q. ... [i. e. in the eighth

yea,r]. (AA, O, g.)

!La part. n. of 1 [q. v.], (S, O, MOh, 1,) an epithet applied to the male and the female of nall cloven-hoofed animals, (Mqb,) or to an animal of the bovine kind and to the sheep or goat, (S, O, 15,) I. q. &t,, (IDrd, O, TA,) whiclh latter is said by Sb to be the original, the _. being substituted for the ,a because of the : (TA:) or, applied to a sheep or goat (Ibn-Abbad, O, 1) and to a bovine animal, (1,) it is like t4 [q. v.] appliedto a horse: (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, ]:) or in the .fiJh year, (Ay, IF, O,1,) as applied to a sheep: (AV, IF, O :) or in tlhs ixth year, (AZ, O, K,) as applied to a sheep or goat: (AZ, O :) or a sheep or goat advanced in age: (IDrd, O :) [see more in art. t :] the pl. is 1. (IAar, ., O, g) and j. , (IA~r, O, 1,) both of which are applied to ,. , (15,) [or rather] the former pl. is thus applied by Ru-beh, who by fi.;. in this instance means "heroes," or "brave men." ($, O.)


1718 Ahad in the no water: (M:) or '.1 i..jI the clud had little wrater. (A, TA. [It is implied in the TA that this is tropical; but I doubt its being so.]) See also its part. n., j i. - -J maid of a man's %; [or seed-produce], It did not increase, or multply, or become pbntful or abundant. (TA.) _.-j as a quality of .4G [or wheat] signifies Its having little inCorea cds

[Boot I. J .is jt" (AZ, M,I )and siL, and ;,L: 0, 1.) (AZ, O, :) it is said to be from 4J applied to a vessel, accord. to IApr as meaning "that takes little water ;" but rather, as others say, as meaning "thick and heavy:" the vulgar misapply it [app. by using it in the sense assigned See also the next to it by IA;r]. (TA.) paragraph.,

And A vesel that tah ittle water: (IAgr, $, M, O, 1 :) a mall veel: one that eakb; that will not Aold water. (IA4r, TA. [This, also, is said in the TA to be tropical.]) And A heAsa (V, TA) and tAhick (TA) vesseL (1, TA.) - Also High ground (J), or a hard plain, that produces no plants or ~herbae: (TA':) and so the fem., with 3, applied to land (wb;). little ttle incr [His good thinga be- (M, TA.) - Wheat (.*l"j.) hav (Xj, ., or J;, L, or.Li and A , V) and little 4 AL. i q. J tjl): (M, (M:) or tasls: (Op1I j0 i and goodesu. (L, TA: said in the latter to be tropical.) camefeo; or hi wemalth, or hui goodm~ or be. , became little]: (IAar, O, 5:) and (TA) fe~ [Hence, app., or from the verb as used in the 0,1g:) and Vt jeL; signifies the same, in the . (M, TA.). - And Hit soul, or spirit, former sense or in the latter. (M.)-And [A , so t J. sense expl. in the next sentence below,] (8, M, Meyd, &c.,) a prov., (., Meyd, O, t,) relating to the holding fast to religion, ($,) or used in urging to the mixing in social intercourse with the holding fut to religion, (O, 5],) or, accord. to IAth, a trad., (TA,) i. e., accord. to AV, He who eceads the right bounds in religion (Meyd) will not be in favor with men, or beoed by them; (g, Meyd;) or will ha little increa tAherin: (M:) or he who find fault oith men in respet of rigion,(0, T,) and regards it as an excellence [that Ashe pose~] above them, will have little goodnesa in their timation, and (0) will not be in favor with tAem, or belowd by ~: (O, :) or the meaning is, he who ses worldly good by mdas of reigion, Ai share of the former wiUbe ittlb: (Meyd:) or Ae rwho sehs, in ~repect of religion, more than he to him, Ahis share wl be littl has had read (IAth.)_-;, (Q, M, O,) aor. ', (0, O,) inf. n. _Ld., said of a woman, means SAe was not in faour with, or wa not be d by, (Q, M, O, L,') her husband, (?, 0, V,) or him by whom sAe

Xj J1 o,

man heavy in soul, or spirit; syn. jl J. became op~ d as though by the nightmare. (TI.) - And He bwcame one whoe wife ma not (TA. [See 4, second sentence, which shows that infavour with hin, or not belovd by him. (M.) J..~ has this meaning: but the epithet thus -- Al- He hated hr, namely, his wife; (M;) expl. in the TA is there said to be like h.;..]) as also V % , (so in a copy of the M,) or .And iL signifies A woman not in faour aor.;; (so in the L and TA;) the latter men- with, or not bloved by, (S, M, O, V,) her husband, tioned by IAmb: (L, TA:) or A"I! he hated ($, 0, I,) or him by whom she is su~ported; him, namely, another man. (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, ].) (M;) and hated by him: (S, 0 :) pl.'j3J,,(8, - And #LJ i L..I He divorcedhits wives: and M, O, 1],) which is extr. [in respect of analogy], he made their share of his favours to be small. (M,) and ; .. (0, 1.) - See abo 1, near the end. (A, TA.) - And one says to a woman, ./! W l, meaning May God mali thee [or thy [t~ and i., and each with; : see .A;, or the liAke] to be hated by thy husband. (Eshin five places. irA~~~~~~. Sheybanee, S, 0, V.) ,.A".j1 1, (thus in the
O, on the authority of Ibn-'Abbid, [like 1 " ,; 3, (thus in and its contr. j;.t, &c.,]) ort i. the 5:, [but the former is preferable on the ground of analogy, and the latter I think a mistake,]) ThA people, or party, became in the [hind of tract
-4 The s a (,.,A [in one of my copies of of the the S ,b and in the other copy j,]) (S, O, 0t,*; ;) neck; the two being called [i. e.] Q,j I signifies the otwo sid of the neck

(s..j,) becau heavy; (IAmr, 0,

;) and he

s pported; (M ;) and m hatd by him. (Q,

ter~ U. . (0, V.)

i3: see 4, first sentence. - And see 1, 5. latter part. - Also He behaved in a lo~ , or an affectionate, and a blandihing, or coaing, manerm. (O, .) - And, said of a camel, He loathed, or tumd away ith di~ t from, the

(0, ],) in a man and in a woman, O.) _J.L, (0,) signifies also The saying that vihich one's companion dislik~, or hates. (0, ].)- And, (0, ],) likewise in a man and in a woman, (O,) t The commending, or praising, onslffor, or the boasting of, or glorying in, that which one does

not p;oes: (0, V:) or, (V,) as

h asserts, (,

pasturage termed,] al, and inlinedto tAhe,,. (O, .) - See also 4, last sentenoe.
ThA branch of the heart of the palm!A : [in the CIg, tre that are next below the

[here 0,) the overpai~ ths de limi ins J;l meaning elegance of mind, manners, addrm, speech, pon, attire, and tAd liAe], (?, M, 0, 5:,) and in exclncea in knomege or courage or otAer qualitie, (TA,) and arrogating to one~ more than i due, throgAh pride: (?, 0, 5:) but some say that this is post-classical: (M, TA:) [see an ex. voce U", in art. Jjl; mentioned here in the



43 j


is erroneoul; put for J1;

J4U; and the same mistake was originally aL. 'l made in my MS. copy of the V:] n. un. with 5.
(IAr, O, V,0 TA. [See ;1., last sentenoe.]

TA u occurring in a trad. :] one says, of a man,

;'l, applied to clouds (


M, 0, O


d.", (M,) meaning Contan~ng no water: (M:) or having little A;L, (M, MA,) inf. n. thunder. (~, 0, V. [Said in the means of which the )J. [pl. of J,~ , q. v.,] t ie commended, or frai/d, himsf [&c.]; water and much TA to be tropical; but I doubt its being so.]) It (Q, MA, O,) meaning the (MA;) and * j.3, Ai, (S, and are bound. (S, 0, g.) And (TA) JliSo 1Al is aid in a prov., ~-j! a ~ ~JI, same; (MA;) or this latter means b.Il signifies The two [similar]piec~ of mwood that are (M, bound upon the upper part of the [~adle ca~ed] ., (]V, TA,) i. e. [h affectd the oerpaing of the so in some oopies of the ,) or V latter half. See also ,i., due limits in J;l.l (meaning as expl. above); O, and so in some copies of the ], [with an J I,. (M, TA.) or hA took upon himsdf as a task] the arrogating in n. in the place of an epithet,]) i. e. Many a are there, lacing c, in three plaoes. bA to himrdf .n than was due, througA pride: clo~d its thmre, [or many ~ 0 .;;: see rai, or] Aaging mwucAh thud with litt rain, t;.t Jd1.- t He con(TA:) [y.). .ay, * ; [bemath that which thunde:] (A'Obeyd, O:) A loqu man. (M, Uki-1 and :i;W mended, or lrai/sd, hilmwffor, or hAs boated of, applied to the wealthy niggard: (A'Obeyd, O, ] :) TA.) or glorid in, hAat which Ah did not poss:] the or to him who treatens, and does not perform epithet from the fermer verb is Yt . , (AZ, $, what he threatens: (f, O, ] :) or to him who JLf H;ard, applied to a place; and so [the 1M, 0,) and commends himself much, (M, 0, ],) and is lo- fem.] t [iU. applied to land (w,b;(): (fg, 0:) or M, O, V,) appiied to a man, (AZ, Q, LiL applied to a woman; (M ;) and the pL of quacious, (M, O,) but is destitute of good. (M, both signi~ hard ground (M, ) con~

(j'OII q;-): or this signifies what are beteAn the ,4 [or part beneath the earring] and the ';.3[or ba of th neck, on tae two ida]e: (M:) or the two heads of th ertebra that is ~t to the head, in the two sjide of the neck. (AZ, O,- V,* TA.) In this last explanation, in the copies of (TA. [And in some the , b.p, is put for l.w.. copies of the 5 , ;WL is there erroneously put for ', which, as is said in the TA, refers to the mean, accord. neck.]) .L' ,l and t 4Li; to AB, fe took hold of the bach of his nwkec : #J6.1 (O,TA:) and one says also, * 's4L.o meaning He took him, or it, altogether. (TA. ';W in [But I think it not improbable that * these two instanoes may be a mistranscription for signifies also wo staes, sghL-:,]) _l -or pieces of wood, which are placed acro [hori)4, by zontally] upon the [canmets saddle cald]

Boox I.] (M;) or hard and rugged ground; (Aq, 0;) and the pl. is J.a, (M, 0, 1, [in the last, , and in the 0, correctly, erroneousy, 2A.I:, beingmade determinate,])tbuc pluralied in the ame manner as ,~I._ because the quality of a subt. is predominant therein, (M,) and [for the mame reason] Jit. also; (O, ;) [the former pi. of UIl, and the latter of b l:o or t (each, app., [iL, (Ibn-'Abbad,O,V) and t the measure of with tenween, the latter because ,3i&, and each because receiving the affix , for .idL? (1) and it i added,] and likewise t hard W,) rugged, v 3uL, (Ibn-'Abbid, O, groud: ((:) or a smooth rock, or a hard,smooth, (Ibn-'Abbid, bare rock, een with the rod 0,156) jlf. A man whos wife is not in faour with his, or not belooed by him. (IABr, M, O, V.)

i71 that it is 14,` was rendered fo ate by his arrow [in the dat 5.0 with J, that has this meaning. (TA.) (Ibn-'Abbad, O.) game called .llJ]. [said in the copies of the V to be lik} 4: ee 1, former half, in four places. . Lo'..S, but correctly LS.I ,] and ,r' with -- : * The woman, beiny tak 6. 151. (O.) augmentative. is : the 1V:) reamed, or cried out quacious: (0, the pains of partiti, O :) or threw herlf upon her ;U:L vehmntly: (, 0, ;UL A~peci of bird. (M, TA.) sida, one time thu and anotertime thwu. (Lth, 0 0-101 0-,0, applied to a epeaker, an orator, or a O.) And ii W' *.; 1, (Lth, O,) or Zt0Jl, (j,) preacher, (JK, IDrd, O, ],) is like .4,, (JK,) The sh-camel, (Lth, O,) or the beat, (li,) roled preaaer, in and distres: of oner, backfor belly, by reason [like [i.e.] Eloquent; au also V like manner the verb is used of any one suffering (O, [like J'[l]. 0, K) and Vj. o0o (IDrd, ', j pain. (Lth, 0, :) And At A ohement , &. and V -And -And eurring in a trad, means He writhed about upon arking or beating. (M, TA.) his ide on his bed, (O, TA,) and rolled over. av*ing 06* went Thefsh l J. -Lo (TA.) And ;1.11 see the next preceding paramgraph. il.: il.&! and came in the ater. (O.) , in two places. s n ee a : no 8: se 1, in the middle of the paragraph.

j; , (Ay, 8, M,) an in n., (TA, [see 1, first

and UiL., (M, TA,) A sentence,]) and J; eeent crying or o~tin (Ay, Q,M, TA) or onding: (A,, g:) and a wailing. (M, TA.)_And the firnt, [thus written in a copy of the JK and in a copy of the M, but perhaps correctly V j, q. .,] A romund plain: (JK:) or a de. pra ,es, round plain: (M:) pi. J,l (JK,

aor. , (Mb, ar , O, Mb, 1. ,;;, )(Kg1 ~Ui:. asee its fem., with I, voce I (Ay,* ,* M,* TA,) He caled out, (LA, j31li: infn. crid out, or h~outed, hently; or made a as also ,;) O Mb, eee~nt oued; (Ay, e,r,MO, i nji: (t, M, O,:) he raisd his voice on the occsion of a calamity, and ofa death: (TA:) M) and ,X U. (M.) aor.,, [in one of my copiesof the ',] 1.;i;, aor.:,, and he waied; (M, TA ;) and o t the latter verb: i;: see j , first sentence. - Also An enm inf inf. n.U., (8, M, M,b, 1,) He cut o, (1,)or (M:) A'Obeyd mentions it as with ] [in the plain; ( o, O, ;) like ~j [q. v.]: (, O:) pl. he cut offso a to meate~ , (8, M, Mqb,) a thing, place of ,. (TA.) - Also, (e, O, TA,) inf n. one in TA,) !, (0, M,b, 1j,) and a nose; M, J1, (8, pL. ear, pL an or and (M, 1,*) ;, o uaabove, (TA,) mid of the tush of a camel; (?, rJ., also n.. ?a; See (TA.) (M,,,)in jStHl. t,i*, ]V abo the (M,j;) as (M, O, TA;) and so tLjLel; (i,* M, O;*) It made copy of (V0 [but] the latter verb is with tesideed to a sound by i being gratedagainst another. (d,0 latter sentence. (s;) denote muchnes [of the action], or multiplicity , (M,* O, TA,) O , M, o,b TA.)-And a or *Iai: ee jI;. _ Also An ondaught, 0 above, hoc in battle. (M, TA.) - So1 ZW. The [of the objects]: (TA:) andl 9.iL I [likewise] aor. , or, acord. to Lth, , in n as to ~toe (,' Mb, V) in tues of cameld, that make a sound by their being ,"esifiesh cut of,f o (0,) T horsemen dased amid others (a) 0 ;L, aor. , inf. n..~, And _ a 0, (Meb.) (M, nose. making a sudden attack or incursion. grated,one against another. (8,* O,* TA.) He had his ear e7tipaed [by amputation]. HO A1 , He (a camel) TA..) ~ 6 bi, in n. j V.) (O, Sm~ooth. j) (Mqb.) (M,b.) grated hi. tush againt another so as to make tkem produce a sound: and VGjLl, maid of a 2: see the preceding paragraph. . Water that ha lg presrved a tiL, or j$ tallion [camel], he made his tus to produce a (Lt,. jLt, gK, Ibn-'Abbad, 1he peopl, 8: see 1..- [Hence,].t,;d1 grcting ound: (M, TA:) and a/ ojU.I, motiss, state, the in (M, TA) off] cut omitted,) is [or tl. de~troyed last were which in party, or 1,* O, likewse id of a stallion [camel], he made a in a place, (,) or O,) (TA.) Ibn-'Abbid, ~rly. (JK, place, ~1y. grating ound with hi tush. (?, Mb, TA.) hame in no i. e. in one place, (TA,) and hich the beam a r;) (AZ, 8, M, O,b,ao 1,MAm~ a d; [See the latter word, . i. q. 'l, 4.l , [which, , beaten [with their fiSt], (.1; ic:k, or ataf the explained.]) with im variously is struck which e an;, (M,) (AZ,e, M, 0,A,) namely, another man, (i,) accord. to MP, should be wIj5I , referring , [written by Golius and Freytag 0"] 3, 1;La' upon any part of his body. (M.) And JL is to the word bi, but accord. to the TA it may Strong men: (V, TA:) as though pL of ~..1. Song wherefore it is [said to be] wjw,]) ing with stone-cutter's refer to also mid to signidf The (TA.) _ See also ;1. picks, or pickaxes. (0.) See also ii. . Agi ;. (JK, Ibn-'Abbid, O,?, TA.) In such (TA.) Te sun smote him. rith its heat. water the ablution termed ;4jl should not be 1.'~'l l V) and L;.j and Ki, (,) the i; .o (, g) atIe (TV.) TA) (aor., V ,; performed. 1so A ) _d T (0, lut last on the authority of IAgr, (TA,) [all three written in a copy of the M with teshdeed to the of uc a one wit an abooninab tacked the Z . Fl~h-meat (Jm, O, V) thoro~ugly Jj J,] A party, or distinct body, of men: (8, M, , aor. T, onr,aght. (IDrd, O, V.) _ o;i cooked, (Jm, TA,) or spread to dry, (4.,, O,) !i:) ignifying companies, and siAJ, V:) pl. . (M.) n. ;, t He reoded him; syn. ino ( :) or, as some say, bodie: distinct or parties, arties, cooked: ,) and thor~ughly -or roasted, a( A P sayr that .b4hL 1 is allowable in the sense of (0, a party, or company, Z1 means damm, with j.., (M :) -hneat: O:) or a piece of roasted equal (O,) in the ur axxiiid. 19: (o and TA in e~ in age and courage and liberalityor bounty. ~. , (Jm, M, O, 1:) acord. to AA, this t.:) bt it is not allwable in the reading pL ',: (TA.) 'the * ur]. (TA in arL jL., q. v.) _ with ,,, signifies "roasted lambs," from and;-jU The kernel of th sone of the > ;; and;A e prsad his girl, or young woman, (o , i 11 I roasted the sheep or goat." (TA. See Ha jC'S [orfr~ of th lote-trw]; (M, ];) which is And A thin cake of bread: (M, ;) er back, (TA,) and compres~ d her. also ai,6.) t Apo TA,)p also caedW !; and is eatm: mentioned by A. alsocalled or TA:) accord. to some, (O,) [the plJ.] t (, TA.) -_ Zit AI I rod~ d the e 0:) but some say (TA.) (TA.) He signifies thin bread: (JK, ,a _, (TA.) pat, .on is ~a

tm2L [a pl. of which the sing., if it have one, * is not specified,] Large, or buly, stone. (Ibn'Abbid, O, 15.) - And Light, or activ, camels. 'Abbid, (Ibn.'Abbid, (Ibn-'Abbid, O, V.)

1720 '.Z. A didt,

[Boox T.

or distreing,event t; of the dial. of Hudheyl: and one says also ; ; "conferring of blessing" and the angels' "invoking thereof"]: (Mqb, TA:) [it is said that] .; 2',: which is extr. [with respect to derivation], unlessY iu it be an instance of interchangeableness [ofj ane and such is termed V I,;. (M.) And yc d _ .. Ji;.,t means 0 God, magnjf .]. (M.) -m "4 and ', said ofa mare , toAammad in the present world by exalting his say also '; ;. ; i. e. [An onlaught] thcat or she-camel: see 4. renown and manifesting his invitation [to El. cipatsa. (1.) _ And A calamity; (., A Iddm] and rendering permanent his law, and in I ;) because it [often] extirpates; and so t 'a ' 2. .. _, (S, M, ],) quasi-inf n. i's. or ;,3 (TA.) - And An abominable sering from for which one should not say Zl;., (S, 1,) or the world to come by accepting his intercession for friendly, or loving, communion or intercourse. the latter is allowable as agreeable with rule and his pcople and multiplying his rwward: and it is (TA.) ... And A sword. (S, ].) Also i. . as occurring in old poetry, (MF, TA,) He prayed disputed whether or not this form of prayer may q.jW: like , [q. V.]: (M, 8]:) both mer .- supplicated, or petitioned: (S, M, J :) and [par. . be used for any but the Prophet [Mohammad]: ticularly] he performed the divindly-appointed aci t El-KhattAbee says that it may not, though he tioned by Ya4oob. (M.) [of prayer commonly] termed i. or ;Lo. (S. himself used it for others. (TA.) [vt; a LS s: ee the next preceding paragraph. Hence, in the ]gur [ix. 104], (TA,) ,S .1 -o; i ._ , is a phrase commonly used by the Muslims after the mention of their prophet: see art. A., .1i A man (.) having hi4 ears (S, Mgh) or And pray thou for them. (Msb, TA.) sl' 1 See also * below.] l SLe said of a horse, ear (Mgb) extirpated[by amputation]: (.8, Mghi, rqJJ means lie prayed for such a one, andi (S, ](,) inf. n. "La, (TA,) lIe fllowedl next Mpb.:) or a slave whose ear ham been cut off; as praised him. (TA.) And hence the verse of Elalso .,:L: (M :) or a man who is by nature as Aasha cited in art.-Jw, conj. 8. (S, Mgh,* TA.) after the foremost [in a race, at the goal]. ($, I.) Hence the saying [in a trad. of 'Alec], ; thougwjh hi ears had been cut off; and so 'V : It is said in a trad., i Ji -;) J A ,G vjtl 'O4l;: (i :) or this last is applied to a man a, Js i w assL J,Z [cxpl. in art. [i. c. Vhoso is invited to a banquet, or meaning whose ears have been extirpated by am- a marriage-feast, let him comply, or, if not, let J.-]. (Mgih.) - And Li! .jJt 5.2 (Sgh, (.gh, TA,) The [,iMl] ass putation; and to an ostrich as meaning that i s him pray for the inviter]. (M.) And the saying, X(,) inf. n. i;ta, naturally as thomgh his ears had been extirpated; drove together his she-asses, and made them to ; in a verse of El-Aasha, "Lq .gjJI L J41U ( ;) or [small and short in the ears; i. e.] because take the way [that he would follow]. ($.gh, , e of the' smallness and shortness of his cars; (M ;: means Keep thou to the like of thy prayer; i. e. TA.) and it is said that when it is applied to a man, [o0 he enjoined her to repeat the prayer for him: or, 4. (T, S, ., TA,) and ? -. , (Fr, Ii, (-,i;, tather when a man is likened to an ostrich thuw as some relate it, , L,ii: j! JL4 , meaning TA,) and Vt "SU,(Zj, TA,) said of a mare, Tlthe termed,] it means his being contemptible, oi upon thee be tAhe like of that for r.hich, thou hast pa,ts on the rigfht and left of her tail, ( $,) $1'l$, prayed: (M:) these words he addressed to his despised. (TA.) 4; X; means An ear thiat daughter, on the occasion of her saying, " 0 my or the part on either side of her tail, (1.t, 8, cleaes to its lobe, or lobule. (M.) And Xi X Lord, ward off from my father diseases and pain." [see ~, below, ]) became relaxed, she ieinty near is an appellation applied to TheJlea. (k(.) (Mgh.) The saying O.. Q ',4 [7w slaves to bringingfortlr: (S, K :) or, said of a shc.,~;: se the next preceding paragraph, in of such a one perform the divinely-apvpointed act camel, her young one fell into the part of her two places. of prayer] means that they have attained to the called so, and sde was near to brbigig 5forth. age of virility. (Mgh.) -_ l uL, said of an (T, TA.) angel, means He prayedfor, or begged, forgiveSjo The middle of the barl of a huiman being nes, or pardon, for him: and thus the verb and of any quadrlped: (M, K :) and, (K,) or as 4. si;81 A4. 1 i.q. 4 Si [The things exteded in their proper direction]. sometimes means when said of other than an some say, (M,) [app. in a beast,] the part that angel; as in the trad. of Sowdeh, in which it is slopes doirn fi'om (]. [In the 0, ;..! is put in the place ol said, jiJ&.e ,.. - A) [When space intervenifng the htips, or hauncahes: or fho between the ;at [app. meaning ,.~1. Compare o!. ]) we die, 'Othmdn Ibn-Madlh'oon mill pray for the hinder projection of the haunch or rnmpl; of a A tall man; (A, IJ, , J;) and so forgivenes for us]; he having then died. (TA.) beast] and the tail: (M, g :) or the part on tce [And, said of a man, He blessed him, meaning r.ight and rfi of the tail; (S, M, C ;) the two ; [q. v.]; (IJ, TA;) as also t or he invoked God's blessing upon him; namely, the together being called [the] iIl, (S,,K,) wlhic tV 4i . (1 accord. to different copies.)_ Prophet; or he said, *,i . UI (expl. by is similarly expl. by Zj in relation to a she-camel; And A strong camel; (15 ;) and so V _ , (El- what here follows) accord. to the rendering of alpp. properly meaning the two parts bo,rdering Umawee, ., ],) in which tho final letter is [not a ulpon the tail-bone: (TA:) or the plare ian which , 0 I.;, i. e. 1 JU, by ]Bd and others in is set the tail sign of the fern. gender but] to render the word of the horse; dual as above: (Msb :) quasi-coordinate to the quadriliteral-radical class; the gur xxxiii. 50.] One says, f u c' c or the bone upon nlhich are the two buttocks: (; ;) fem. ;;, (TA) and V t : (~, ~ :) pl. [I blea~the Prolphet; &c.]. (S.) And, said (Mgh: [there thlls expl. in relationl to a man:]) (AA, 0, TA.) - And A large, or great, of God, lie blessed him, meaning He conferred or the bone in which is the place of settinq of the house or tent. (Lth, 0, ].) - And A hard stone; blessing upon him: and lie had mercy on him: tail-bone; thus expll. by IDrd: or the Xl'.o are and He iuanified him, or conferred honour up)on the two bones as also ` ' ' . (AA, TA.) pirqjecti? gf.omi the two siles of the " I , - . ---. . U. e him: hence the saying, .sjl t.1 JL * u8 l, rump: or, accord. to some of the lexicologists, LS"."and its fem.: meaning 0 God, bless tle family of Aboo-On,fn: two rteis (Ct .) in the place of thre .j [i. e. in see the next preceding or have mercy on &c.: but in the saying [in the tlw rump]: ( p. 46 :) the pl. is ;t, , (M, paragraph. l.ur xxxiii. 5(], L$'1 I, OJ. 1,) J an J4~l instance a"j of a pl. Ol, formed by the addition of a o -c or LU the verb does not import two meanings; for it has I and ;, from a masc. sing., (M,) and ,rQ., (M, there only one meaning, which is " magnification" [Hencc,] one says, 'i l ) ~, [i.e. these words mean Verily God and his -)-meaning I came at their rears. (TA.) angels manify the Prophet; or rather I would 1. .i, (g,) or j;ll ; (M,) I ck, render them, bless the Prophet, as this rendering o"k, or ;St.L, [accord. to El-ylareeree, to be or beat, that part, [of hinm, or] of the back, which implies magnification and also a meaning of the written with I when prefixed to a pronoun, and is called t: (M:) or I hit that part (M, O) quasi-inf. n. given in the M and ], which is also in the dual number, (see De Sacy's Anthol. with a tlring, or with an arrow or some other "eulogy," or "commendation," bestowed by Gram. Arabe, p. 67 of the Arabic text,) but this thiing: on the authority of Lp, who says th;t it is God upon his apostle, while it imports God's rule I have not found to be. generally observed,


(M, A;) such as extirpats: you say #

BooK I.] even in the best MSS., nor have I in the similar cmuse of , (to which it is also applied,) in the best copies of the lur-in,] is said to be [originally W, (Mgh, MF, TA,) or, 3;l;,] of the measure i ] also means Lj 5 i_a1 [tfrom t. (TA in art...".) j the A,

1721 ;s" ; [probably a mistrmsription

accord. to some, [$t.;,] of the measure 'Ia:

(MF, TA:) it is a quai-inf. n. of J [tq. v.]:


:) and [used as a simple subst.] it signifies

Prayer, supplication, or petition: (8, M, Mqb,

V:) this is said to be its primary signification:

is said to have the same meaning. and * s (Mqb, TA.) - Then applied to signify A certain well-nown mode, or manner, [of religiouss-vice,] [and also such a place at a burial-r~ound: the accord. to the V fo., but this is a mistake for because comprising prayer; (Mqb ;) [the divinely- place for this purpose is particularly termed OL, (TA,) HIe oas, or became, burned [by the appointed act of prayer;] one of the divinly- ;e1 t ULU: asee De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, fire]: (8:) or he andured,or uffered, the heat of alpointed 1;i; (8 ;) a certainreligious service se. ed., i. 192.] - And A carpet upon which one theAfire; as alsoWI tul;j : (M, ]:) or heflt in which are A:;' [or lowering of the Aead so performs tLe divinly-appointed act of prayer. tahehat oftheAfire: (Mb :) and one says V tji former half, in two WI . and t JL~1[in this last sense or in the w , ee also that the palnu of the hand reach the knee] and (MA.)[or prostration of onself in a particular places. ~.. sense next preceding]: (ylam p. 792:) and i Any one praying [in any manner: and tlJI he entered into th fire: (TA in art. &.1: seo ,9 manner expl. voce ,u~ ]: (M,* :) and t is said to have the same meaning. (TA.) [The particularly performing the doin~ appointed act an ex. voce ;ii:) or, accord. to Er-lRghib, &L performance of this act is fully described in my of prayer]. (TA.) a And Li.t signifies, as jlr1 means he was tried (;) by fire, or by the work on the Modem Egyptians.] It is said to be, applied to a horse, The one thatfollows net after a thing, as though such t [by l.& so and fire; in this sense, a proper term of the law, not indi- the foremost [at the goal] (.8, M, Mgh, Myb) in a which are many in Bur, the [In (TA.) by fire]. cated by the language of the Arabs [before race: (Mgh, Mgb:) because his head is next to itis always &c.,) 19, El-IslAn] except as importing prayer, which is its the part called 'J.., (Lh,8, M, Msb,) or next to ers. of it, (iv.11,xiv. 34, xvii. , (U" , 1 trans. by itself, without .] And 5 primary signification: what Esh-Shih6b says rethe ,iLo, (Mgh,) of the foremost. (Lh, ., M, epecting it necessarily implies its being a proper and t M,*) and .W't.Jt; (8;) and pA'I UJ, term of the law known to the Arabs [before El- Mgh, Mqb.) the hat, suffered, or endured, He (M;) ,.t1; Islam]: in the Mz it is said to be one of the words teverity, or vehemence, of the affair, or case, and of El-Islin: but all of these sayings require conand of the war, orfight: ($, M :) Aboo-Zubeyd sideration. (MF, TA, [Much more, which I rs, (e, says, M,) aor. M;, , Mb, M, (f 1. omit as being unprofitable, is added on this point s'roasted, (., M, ,) Be in the TA, partly from the Msb; as well as Myb, g,) inf. n. l;, fried, it, namely, flesh-meat, (., M, or broiled, 5 . J t a .*s derivation the several different opinions respecting * ~. and A.& of the word as used in this sense, which are fanciful Myb, ],) &c.; ( ;) and W%'! it. (TA.) burned he also and same; the l'I signify 9 or absurd.]) The saying of the Prophet, ;. s (M, g) 1 "or") the in ! sY,.J means TAhere is no And (so in the M, but s! . 4: ..0 . of [And I have suffred the heat and vehem rned; b tobe tefire into it thD He (M) j Jsi that of prayer] act divinly-appointed cold Ips [or their rar, like as hAe ho is affcted with .. l; and ? *L, (M, ],) inf. n. i; is excellnt or complt [to the neighbour of the as also t suffers in conequnce of coldest and molt abunmoque unles in the mosque]. (M.) And his (TA ;) namely, flesh-meat. (M, 1. [But see the dant hoar-frost]. (M.) - [It is said that] ;~ and JI U. and J411 signifies also j [i. e. The man kept to, or saying, to Usameh, ,;t.h{ J,l l means The time next sentence.]) And;I'1 # of tht iL.. [or din~ely-appointedprayer], or th ;i and l and clave to, a thing]; and so t lbl: n (M, ,) in n. ; whence Zj .. place thereof, [its before the,] alluding to that of derived; to be j3.L] art. in [expl. o-j4 holds I t e 9; sunset. (Mgh.) And he used the term Ji.l as LL; (M;) andSi VI a1, an4 ;6I because it is a keeping, or cleaving, to that which [or Openg He made him to enter into thefire, and to remain, God has appointed: and hence also, [it is said,] , C e. The ai uI meaning and dwell, or abide, therein: (M, ]:) Chapter of the Kur-dn, because it is a form of stay, as made to enter ~l. Lilt ~s; X, i. e...j [app.xjI, meaning t [Sucha a one jt1 prayer, or] because the recital thereof is excellent, He who is made to hcp, or cleave, ;WI 6.;. l or satisfactory. (Mgh.) In the ~ur xxii. 41, into the fire, &c.]: (M:) [or] you say, : (I'Ab, 8, M, Ksh, Bd,) [the pl.] Ali means I;U j; 11, meaning I made the man to enter fire to tae fire; nearly agreeing with ;S1i l .., as Plac of woorship of the Jem: (I'Ab, 8, M, and to be burned: and t 4"1, with I, when you expl. above from the M and (]]. (TA.) - And Ksh, BO, 1:) said to be (Ksh, Bd) originally mean I threwo him, or cast him, into the fire, as ';;i ~'k. means I struck, or beat, that part 63, a Hebrew word, (Ksh, Bd, j,) arabicized: though intending burning [him]; as also t?, of the back wrhich is called So*: or I hit that (Ksh, Bd :) this is the common reading of the inf. n. iL-. (8.) - And : 1-i, but this is extr.; for by rule it should be part: (T, TA,) word, and the most valid: other readings are like as Hudheyl say. (M. [See 1 in art. ; "-, and beside these, or 0.j0, (., TA,) 1 I laboured in a case, or an 1QL. and d1.j and li,.; such a some others which are perverted forms. (TA.) affair, desiring to calumniate, or slander, destrucinto fall to him cause to and therein, one 2: see 1, second sentence; and third sentence .- Also Prayerfor forgiveness or pardon. (M, both three places; and last sentence but one.'i. in 1j and "$. or (T,8,TA:) tion: Mgh, g.) - [And A blng, as meaning an inand him, slandered, or calumniated, (M, TA,) accord. I signify says also, I'L, One 1 6.~ J,, ~ocation of God's bling upon any one. See 2.] conin TA,) (M, destruction, into tofall him caused .. And i. q. a% M [as meaning .4 bsing, swch to the 19 * s, [without teshdeed,] but this is u is bstowd by God]: (Msb;) and mercy (, sequence thereof: (M:) or, accord. to the 1, st wrong, as is shown by a verse cited in the M, signifies he of which the in n. is >, M, Mgh, Myb, ]) of God (S, M) on his apostle: Uj, (TA,) He rarmed hit hand wnith tht fire. (M, cAh a one: V, TA.) [And it is said in the TA that La cajoled, or wheedled, be] coaxed, Soothed, (M:) and magnifimation; and this is [said to specially denoted by its verb when the Prophet is or deceived, delded, besgid, circumvented, or hjt'*li means ,tI1: but I think that the right the object: (Msb:) and God's e~oy, or com- outwitted, him: which meanings are not in any LO, ii.c. He warmed his o*. ~edation,bestowed upon his apostle. (M, V.) of the three lexicons above mentioned: accord. to reading is ;t5' 217 Bk. I.

for 9*jhU) means t Iframed a tratagm,or plot, maid to be tropin. of t4 I [q. v.] lid of a she- to cause uch a one to fall; there . aL- ;part. [said in the TA 1 cal. (TA.)_.jI' camel [or of a mare]. (T, TA.) ', (.,M, MYb, to be a mistake]: ee] 2. .m jWr [as meaning th perA place of 'iJI f~ M.~, (8, Mb,* ],) andA2', (M, M9 b, ],) aor. formanee of the diindy-appointed act ofprayer]; (Mgh, Msb, l;) or of any prayer or srppla- ],') inf. n. L., (MNb,) or L=., (., K, [tPL tion: (Mgh:) [and particularly] a place of the in the CV being a mistranscription for ,]) performance of the divinely-appointed prayer on I and f , (M, ,) and (MA:) or both, (M,) and the occaion of the [.fetival termed]J .:

[Boox I. backA wth t/" wooin garment calld 4**.].

And ti

io l

4L. I

made the af upple, such as fill the hand; or of the size of that with (Msb.)-

and straightened it, by means offire: (:) or

QI5 di l it (M,,) inf. i; 4n. (i ;) and * J.,; he parcldand darkened the staff upon tesfire; syn. t; (M, V:) or jo. 1 .: L;Ji he straightenedthe staff by turning it round oer the/fire: (T in art...j.: see an ex. in a verse cited in that art., conj. 10:) and tll I straightened the qpear-shaft by means of fire: (A, TA:) and t j I renderedsupple the stick, or branch, by means offire. (Myb.)

4: se 1, second sentence; and third sentence in two places. 6: see the next paragraph, in two places: ee also 1, latter half, in five places: - and see 2, last sentence. 8. .IJ l
ic `reanrmed himself (M, K) g.6'

stone above, inf. n.,_o, The ear was, or became, deaf. [And He was, or became, as though which one bruies and breaks ralnutu and the he heard not.] One says, .; . t [lie was as like]: (~:) or a thing with which perfume is though he heard not him, or it; he was deaf to bruised, brayed, or pounded: (M, ]:) or a stone t,. [meaning the V upon which one bruier, or powdem, (MA, Mgh,) him, or it]; (M;) and same]. (?, M.) - [Hence signifies also t He perfume or nome other thing; (Mgh;) that with which [not upon which] one does so being called or it, uttered, or made, no sound or noise; like ~.L . (MA.) Imra-el-]eys [in a verse of his him who, not hearing, returns no reply to a call Mo'allalmah, (sec EM p. 45,) as some relate it,] or question; t wa dumb, or mute.] One says, :[A pebble made no wound in uses the phrase J ja k, because colocynths, *.,; I*'-.: -falling upon the ground by reason of blood]; i. e. when they have become dry, are split therewith. the blood was so copious that if one threw a pebble (S. [But there are two other readings, i- and into it no sound would be heard in consequence Xl.])_.-Also, (.K,) as being likened thereto, thereof, (As, $, M, Meyd, ], TA,) because it (TA,) t The forehead. (1i.) -And the former would not fall upon the ground: (As, $, Mcyd:) word, A rougfh, r~ged, Iij [or long srip] of the saying is a prov. (Meyd.) And hence the [hAigh ground such as is termed] J0. (ISh, Az, saying of Imra-el-Keys, .,JI LV , (S, K,) TA.) in the following verse:

(V:) and

tj.w, (MA,) i. q. ;5 [i. e.


see art. .oa.

c *i

[by means of the fire]: (M :) one says,,iL:l [J1LS is expl. by Freytag as meaning Heated WJW and t! [app. meaning I warmed or warmed ("calefactus"), and burnt: and the

'9 e 6"-*~3 P3 h >-, ZJ-,ho


ny,lf by meam of thJefire]: ($ :) or ;,.l UM..l pl. is said by him to be

and AWt mean he became rarm by means of tle fire: and WL ) ; he became burnt by the fire. (MA.) Hence, in the ]5ur [xxvii. 7 and xxviii. 20], i L [May-be ye will warm yourselves]: (TA:) in relation to which it is said that the time was winter, and therefore .~'1? was needed. (M, TA.)._It is also said of tie chameleon, as meaning ]He repaired to the sun. (M and L in art. J&:: see an ex. in a verse cited voce ,lt..)-And one says of a courageous ;an, with whom one cannot cope, . L 9 [lit. One cannot rarm himself by means of tis fire; meaning tone cannot approach him wmlrn he is inflamed rith rage, especially in fight, or battle]. (f.) The phrase may be also used satirically, as meaning t One will not seek his hoI)ntality. (Meyd. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 588.]) - See also 1, latter half, in two places.


see S~.

.'~ Roasted, broiled, or fi.ed, ~s-meat. ($, M; .)-- And, also u , ( M, 1,) the former with kesr and the latter with fet-b, ($,) Fuel; (,' M, ];) syn. ;.; (Mg,TA; [in the C5, erroneously, ij ;]) i. e. j.3 L ;WIt; (TA ;) you say jdl o and l!f ui.:

( :) or both signifyfre: (M, M'gh, ]g:) or

signifies the heat of fire. (MQb.)

;1 ; 1. 1 [It, or he, is better thanfire in winter]. (TA.)


One says,


see what next follows.

Lj5L. and VVi6 , (M, M, Mgh, g,) the latter with . because Vt J is used as the pl., [or rather coll. gen. n.,] but not by those who say ~,
(Sb, M,) [for] the pl. [of this] is ,L.. and L

but he names no t [I haw been given in exch'ange, for lU'dil and authority: if this be correct, it must be a posses- KIlnde,'Adwrdn and FaAm: make no sounml, Olebble: app. meaning that he would shed much blood]: sive epithet from '.'.] (;, TA: but this verse is omitted in one of my two copies of the S:) or the meaning is, O echo; clo A support for the cooking-pot, such as is (S, M, Meyd, I ;) so they assert: (AHelyth, termed iA. TA:) or O calami7ty; the saying being a prov.; (MA.) (Meyd, TA;) applied to the case of a severe .; Reoasted, broiled, or fried; as also calamity; as though meaning be dumb, 0 calamity; said by As to be applied in relation to an 1 o>. (.Ham pp. 13-14. [Both of these words event deemed excessively foul or evil: (TA:) or are there without any srll. signs.]) It is said in O ~cent; (Meyd, TA;) which is said to be tho a trad., i A; i4;i i. e. A roastsd heep, or primary meaning: (Meyd:) or O rock. (AIleyth, ]g, TA. [See also the second of the sentences goat, was brought. (, TA.) - And it" here following.]) One says also, o. ['His 3l.. means [A date of the ort caed l ] echo became dumb, or may his echo become dried in the sun. (A, TA.) dumnb;] meaning i/h perised, or may he perish. o;Z ,..,Il A land abounding with the plant (S, K, TA.) And t.,l . [in the Clg errocalled oLb. (~.) neously written ...] meaning ! Increase, 0 calamity: (P, , TA :) or it is applied to a man S,m.~ A mare that is set up for birds dc.: who brings to pass a calamity, and means be (M,M :;) pl. ($, M.) ML,. It is said in a trad., dumb, 0 calamity: (TA:) or l* means calamity, and war; but primarily, the ser7ent; and uLa..j 16.jaL.I ;JUs;iJ X () or I. ; i. e. [Verily to the Devil belong snarer and traps] this saying, like ~ *" .JI ,.vr", is a prov. said with which he catches men. (M.) when two parties refuse to make peace, and persist in opposition; meaning answoer not tte charmer, L; The limbs of a man, or his arms and O serpent, but continue as thou art woen to be. legs and face and evry prominent part, which (Meyd.)_. '. in relation to stones, (Lth, TA,) become cold at the time of death, and which are or stone, (M,) [app. as an inf. n.,] signifies The warmed at the fire: (AHeyth, L in art. ) :) or or [as a simple the face and extremitiets. (Z, TA.) One says, being hard [and solid (soe ,)]; subst.] hardness [and solidity]: (Lth, M, TA:) ;1'k g.~ ;. JI t:. (AHeyth, L in art. ,.: and in relation to a spear-shaft, the bein cornmsee 1 in that art.) pact; or compactnes. (M.) One says, .A ..aJI, inf. n. ,, lTe stone was hard [and olid]. (MA.) And iI ? J, mesaing [Tie 1..,0, (?, M, Msb, :,) and ', which is trial, or citil war, kc.,jras, or became, hard, extr., (M, ,) [first pers. of each CLe-?w,] aor. vehement, or erem . (Msb.)" 'iJl , '', , .~, (M, Msb, ], ) inf. n. . (S,* M olsb, g ) 5,) or 3uWl v,.l .ns, (M,) aor. !, (P?, [in a and.; (M, g ;) and .l; (, M, Msb, ] ;) copy of the M , contr. to a general rule in the He "as, or became, deaf; (M,* Msb, ] ;*) [or] case of a trans. verb of this class, and app. a he had a ~oppage of the ear, and a heavinss of mistranscription,]) inf. n._e, (M,) He stoppd hearing. (M, .) And X'l ,:m, aor. as the flask or bottle [app. wvith a ./]: (, :)
5 L:

Boox L]


or question; to be dumb, or mute.] One says, or he stped the head of the sh or bottlk, and call, -, , a .11 ,.el ;1 l. II , l [May God make his echo to return bound it; u also t A.1: (Qg:) or jJWl.a (S, no sound;] meaning may God destroy him: bottle. or a signifies he put a,*l_ to the (TA:) a prov., said in imprecating death upon a And ;j'qJ le, aor. , inf. n. ,.e, He man; the Sq~ being that which returns the like .) bound the wound, and put upon it a bandage aithof his 'voice, or cry, from the mountains &c.; and a..~ hears not from him (S, M, 1,) when a man dies, the , medicament. (M.) - And him, so that it is answer should it that anything (M,) He struck him, (@,[,) or it, in f.n.., [In the vulgar (Meyd.) deaf. were it though as i. e. his head, (M,) with a staff, or stick, (d, M,) -,) and with the like language, Vt? likewise signifies t He silenced and with a stone, ( M, O, him, reduced him to silence, or clo.ed his mouth: thereo (M.) And '. , with 4amm, Hie nas so says De Sacy, in his Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., struck ehemently. (IAr, TA.) also iii. 379.] .And '~li [in the C] 2i] S. _. , said of a sword, (S, M, , TA,) ac- signifies Hefound him to be . "; [i. e. deaf]. (9, cord. to the (, signifies It struck the joint, and M, K.) One says, ~ Ui I.; [He called him, ct, or severed, it: or i. q. L: but this is at or called to him, and found him to be deaf]. variance with what is said by J and other leading .. ,1 His call found persons (TA.) And *j authorities; which is as follows: (TA:) it peit, (Th, M, [,) who would not hear his to deaf ered, it; but trated to th bone, and cut, or censure (10)_ See also 1, near the end. wrhen it strikes the joint, and cuts, or severs, it, one says id; a poet says, describing a sword, He feigned himself to be .,,, [i. e. 6. ;.3 *

misfortune, [as thbugh] closed up, and hard. (M.) ad a 0 See also.,AJI, above. .;to ,;l% The 1,lwj [or stopper], (9, M, ],) [i. e.] the ting that is put into the mouth, (M 9b,) of a flask, or bottle: (9, M, Mqb, ]:) and its it.z (app. meaning the piece of skin that is tied over [app. the head]: (M:) or accord. to some it signifies the._wti& the .teli. [whichl has the latter meaning]: (Mb :) or it signifies the thing that is put into the head signifies the of the flask, or bottle; and go.m "thing thing [or piece of skin] that is tied upon it:" , signifies the same as.; (M :) and ' i% The -. ( )_Also (IAar,],) as also '). (IAI,r, tji; perhaps perhape for A. 8P:
(Mgh, TA:) so

in a trad., in which it is said that iLjl should be but, as some relate it, the word is in one a.": there with ,. [i. e...l~]. (TA.) .*e!.o The bone that is the [main] stay, or sup.e. port, of the limb or member or the like; (M, V, [or principal bone] and Ham p. 302;) as the.~, of the shank (M and Ham) of a beast, (M,) and opposed to that of the head; (M and .Ham;) the latter is smaller than the because i,$;, J;*!;, 1 former: (M:) and the thing that is the [main] stay, or support, of another thing. (Yam p. 35D.) [Hence,] The heart: so in a saying of a poet [Heiiee,] (Ham p. 678.) - And hence, cited voce ji. prime, princi)pal, or most The t also, (TA,) TA;) the choice, best, or I, (M, part; esential, e~tia4 most eecelnt, part; of a thing (., M, Myb, K, TA) of any kind. (M.) One says,.?e .. , j. 0, t [He is of the choice, best, or most excellent, C.0 of his people or party; of the nmain stock thereof; or of those that consti(ute the members, excluive of such as are followers, or incorporated con0. federates, therof]: (s, TA:) contr. of LU federates, ( in art. ") [and of j, q. v.]._-And t The (i greatest intenseness or vehemence or violence, or the most intens or vehement or violent degree, of lieat, and of cold: (., I, TA:) or simply the inien~ intensen~ss or vehemence or violence thereof. (M.) (M.) - And t The middle [or core] of the heart. (Mrib.) (Myb.)_ And The shell (lit. the dry, or hard, ;wteriezterior covering) of the egg. (I[.) ~Also an epithet, applied to a man, (M, I,) and to a woman, woman, and to two persons, (M,) and to a pl. number, (M, ],) t Pure, unmixed, or genuine, in raspect rraspect of race, lincage, or parentage. (M, ], TA.) IL.: IL": see;".


; U%emmIA.4..W

tIt penetrates into the bone, &c., so~mtimes, and at one time it strikes the joint, &c.]: (9, TA:) or said it passed isnto the bones: (M:) and ,4,_, of a sword, signifies the same: (M, TA:) or signifies a sword's penetrating into that , whiA is struck with it without its causing any sound to be heard; from,. ! in the ear. (.Ham & signifies also SA p. 92.)_ And hence perseveringly, to the or constantly, man's keeping he attains [it]. until purpones, thing that he t SHe (IIam ubi supra.) One says, Il. .L ii -~~~~ kept costantly, or perseveringly, to his opinion in respect of such a thing, aofter his desiring to do M , TA,) it. (IDrd, TA.) - AndS, (9, Msb, &, (M, ],) t He acted, or went on, inf. n.. with pnwtrative energy, or with sharpness, voand effectiven, (S, M, M9b, V, TA,) roun, in an affair, (M, Msb, [, TA,) and in journeying, (g, !I, TA,) in this case said of a horse, (Z, TA,) (I.) and in other things; ( ;) as also tC.a. - And t He bit, and infixd his canine teeth, (9, C,TA,) nnd did not ilt go what he bit: (~, 0. o, he i~fed his teeth [or TA:) or canine teet] in his bite. (A, TA.) .-. And ,il d ,; l S He (a man) enabled th hoe to take of the fodder to sch a degree that fat and r~pletion dfed him. (~, TA.) - And . 44~ S He made his companion to 4;1t retain the narrative, or story, in his memory. (,o TA.) - See also the next paragraph.

deaf]. (S.) [It is intrans. and trans.] You say, ;L .3 ahd "*3 He figned to him that he .;.L (M, g) .J1I. wa deaf. (M.) And comhis to ) (M, feined and ZL; (M) He or narrative, the to deaf was he that (M) panion ;_3 means "', story. (M, .*) ,t1 i], i. e. I made a show of being deaf [to it], [or and feigned myself inattentive [to it]. (gam p. lo@.) see 2, in two places.R. Q. 1. : (K, TK,) *, (TK,) inf. n. '2, ,b- @' a, TK.) (K,* cry. its uttered Tue femalc hedge-hog A_ l a name for t Calamity, or misfortune; (9, TA;) as also t a.j, (TA,) and so 'G;, in a phrase mentioned in the first paralike.lga, graph, q. v. (S, V. [See also this last word below.]) And t The lion; (S, M,];) as also t i;11, (M, Msb, 1],) thus called because of his courage, [i. e. from the latter word as signifying "courageous," but accord. to the M9b the reverse ot is the case,] (M,) and so (V:) the pl. of?V;t i s... I1 and ?te.od.ll: (TA.)

Courageous; (9, M, Mgb, ] ;) applied to (.B,M;) one who renders deaf him man; a mhoan he smites. (Er-Raghib, TA.) - See also the next preceding paragraph, in three places._


Also A male serpnt: (A, :) pl. o.

And A female hedge-ho.


(I.)_ See also;..

inf. n. of the intrans. verb, , [q. v.]. (S,' ,_ 4. .i1, intrans.: see 1, first and fourth senin four places. M, Msb, .) - See also.*.., l He, (God, 1, Myb, V,) or it, (a tences.--_ disease, M,) rendered him deaf; (?,* M,* Msb, [an imperative verbal noun, like J5lJ ,..t 1V ;*) [or] caused him to have a stoppage of thu &c.]. One says,. o.. ., meaning Feign ye ear, and a heavine of haring. (M, l.)deafnss, in silence. (S, l~.) Also meaning Charge t He, or it, diverd nme ye upon the enemy. (AHeyth, TA.) ~ Also tl o i [Hence,] ; from hearing th peech as though he, or it, t Hard, or seere, calamity or misfortune; and rendered me deaf. (TA.).[Hence, 1~ 1 sigQ.s1; (g, TA;) [as though] closed up [or so t 1 nifies also t He, or it, caumed him to be as though obdurate, or deaf to deprecation]: (TA:) or As Amrd not. .- And hence, t He, or it, caused I,fI signifies [simply] calamity, or mi.fortune: Aim, or it, to utter, or make, no soundl or noise; i and t A'L~ asl; signifies a calamity, or , (S:) like him who, not hearing, returns no reply to a

lt:, 1,t IIard ground, (M,) [i. e.] any such groupad, (g,) containing stones, by the side of ground, is sands; sarah; as also t&lfi: (M, ] :) or the latter a n. un.; and the former signifies hard ground: (]jam (]Ham p. 285 :) or rugged ground, (9, M,) falling short of what is calld Je-: (M:) it is so called because of its hardness. (TA.)

i.;: see the next preceding paragraph. a.a: Very niggardly or tenacious: (]K:)

y, or tenacious, in the utmost degre. niijgap.dl .nigardly, 217

1724 (IApr, TA.) [And see,.] Sce also the next paragraph.
, ,.,-, .a,


[Boox 1. commotion of fight, (Kh, ;, Misb,) nor the clash of arms, it being one of the sacred months: (Kb, S:) thus applied it is tropical, like.Sli in the phraseu " h6j; as though, in it, the man were deaf to the sound of arms: (TA:) and in like manner it is also called .J19l jL"#. (M. [See


(TA,) a prov., (Meyd,) meaning Feigning himself deaf to that which displease~ him, (Meyd, __.,, (8, M, ],) applied to a man, (S, M, TA,) i. e. to what is foul, (Meyd,) as though he Thick.: (A'Obeyd, l:) or short and thick: (M heard it not, (TA,) but hearing (Meyd, TA) that ]:) or it signifies, (S,) or signifies also, (I,, which plepses him, i. e. what is good; as does the bold, or daring; that acts, or proceds, with pene generous man. (Meyd.) And similar is the trative energy, or with sharpness, vigorousness, also ,s'l, and ;., and ])-- -. And [as saying, and ffectiviens: (?, 15:) and applied to a man that which is without a cavity is generally nonand to a horse, (M, a,) nd to a mare, (M,) [in sonorous,] one says .l ~ meaning t Hard like manner,] i q. t, [and .(in the [e And I have an ear deaf to that which is foul]. (M, Mt, Msb, 1) and solid (S, Msb, 4) stone: Cg,*~ is erroneously put for,m) i. e. thai (TA.) [See also IYam p. 636, for another similar (S, &c.:) and iL ,.-~ .o a hard and solid rock: acts, or proceeds, with penetrative enegy, or nitA iex.] Ono says likewise, Sl *;s; *l.i Ile (1I, TA:) or this latter signifies t a rock in which sharpness, vigourounCss, and effectiveess], (M, called him [with the call of the deaf, meaning,] is no crack nor hole: pl.,o. (TA.) And W; ) as also o, (K, TA,) or tV,, (so in a with extraordinaryforce. (TA.) And 4.y t~ t A comnpact .splar-shaft. (M.)-_f l copy of the M,) and t'Ai ;, and t LtL..., and l .? <11 y. He beat him [with the beating of also siblifies t 2lew carth, or ground. (M:) And v Ar_ , and (M, 1g, the last omitted in the deaf, meaning,] uninterruptedly and exces- ^ e.g I' u~ t t Rugged ground: pl. .. (V.)sively; because the deaf, when he does thus, [not lit Also [app. t lte verrniform aplendage of the hearing any cry,] imagines that he is failling short ccecum;] the thin, or slender, extremity of the to all of these epithets:) or , applied to a of what he should do, and therefore will not leave ac.h: (]g: [thc last word in this explanation is man, has tho former ofthese two meanings: or off. (TA.) And _.olg1 J " ~. t lie (one thus, witllout any syll. signs, in my MS. copy of warning a people from afar) made a sign by the K1and in the TA: in the CK, . : but the the latter of them; as also p.roe, and ,O~: and, accord. to AO, t , applied to a horse, and waving his garment continually, as does the deaf; rigllt reading is evidently ai', whlich is said in an a mare, signify strong, firm, compact as though he heard not the reply. (TA.) And to be, like 1.i;, a pi. of w.01 ae. (M, 1], TA) and it~.(TA) I A serpent the TA, in art. ., in nake. (TA.) _ See also 'o... and its dial. vars.: see this last word:] thus that till not accept charming; (M, ]g, TA;) as _h : seeathe next preceding paragraph, in thouglh it heard it not; (M ;) that wiU not obey called [in my opinion because resembling a the charmer: (TA:) and [in like manner] the mentus auditorius that is closed, and therefore two plaed : - and asee also M .l epithet , is applied to scorpions. (M.) And deaf; though said to be so called] because of its hardness. (TA.) - And ' iE t A A fat~h inf. n. of R. Q. 1 [q. v.] See also the x..t J. .J A man whom one (does not hope to camel: (K, TA:) and, (]K,) or as some say, win over, and who wilU not be turned back from paragraph here following. (TA,) one that has jaut conceited, or become the object of his deosire; (M, ], TA;) as though1 pnegnant. (K,TA.)j a*..~ A compaany, or colection, (M, g,) of he were called and would not hear. (M, TA.) jG=II , (S, M4b, ]K, men; like j; neither of which words is formed TA,) which is forbidden in a trad., (TA,) is And l,po t [Inexorable fortune;] as though t The covering oneself with his garnent, like [as by substitution from the other: (M, TA: [in the one complained to it and it would not hear. (M.) is done in the case of] the a4: of the Arabs of in art. ,TA j,thisissaid of sit and ,) pl. And s;L I and i~. d;4 as expl. voce _.~, the d-sert nith tieir [garmnents called] aie.l [pl. [orrathercoll. gen.n.] &. (M, also q. v. And Ae ::t tt_o A sedition, or the like, of ,t5.]; (A'Obeyd, S ;) i. e. the ttrning the The midde ofa people or party; and so t .. that is severe, orhard to be borne; (S, Msb;) to .L-,, ,fiom the direction of one's right, u,rpo his (1].)_ And A rugged [hill such as is termed] the allaying of wbhich tlwre is no n'ay; because of !eft arm and the part between his left shoulder.1bl, of which the stonu are almost erect. (En- its having gone to the utmost extent. (TA. [See joint and neck, and then turning it a second time, Naglr, TA.) also,jAl.]) And,o.ol t An affair, or event, from behind him, upon his right arm andl the that is severe, or hard to be borne. (TA.) And part betwnecn his riyht shouMllrcrjoint and neck, so ;l . (om 1,,) or , (M,) and is tropically attributed to,.Jl: (M:) a as to cover them both: (A'Obeyd, S, K C:) or the y suulio (, m, M, 1, [in tho C1g, erroneously, nrapping oneelf with the garment without making poet, cited by Th, says, A sword, (Jt,) or a sharp sword, (S, to it a placefrom which to put forth the hand: . 1 1 M,) that will not bend. (, M,M 1g.) L:l, (s, 0 (Msb:) or, (]K,) as the lawyers explain it, #L~ icr3 LJJ1 ;JI a &-, t~ e or t ILA sa0lt A I x LV* 11, (M,) was the name of Thte O (A'Obeyd, S,) it is the nrappinq one's body and sword of 'Amr lbn-Maadee-Kerib. (8, M, ]5.) zrmns vith one garment, not having upon him And some of the Arabse make V1 , thus t [the last word I find written thus, app. for the zanother, and then raisingit [in the ], as is said without tenween, imperfectly decl., to be the name sake of the rhyme: i. e. Say what occurs to thee, in the TA, ;~ is erroneously put for ft ] on of A particular svord. (IB, TA.) -See also offalsehood and of lying: my forbearanceis deaf, one of its sides, and putting it upon Ais shoulder, i. e. insensible, to it, though my ear is not deaf]. o tiat his pudendum appears from it: (A'Obeyd, (M, TA.) i~ is applied to a iUri [or bird of S, :) [but] with the Arabs, O J.l iA l means se c: the next preceding paragraph, in the species termed LLX, and may in this case be the covering one's whole body with Ais garment, rendered t Smalleared, or dull-eared, being ap- and not raising a side from rwhich to put forth three places: _-and see also .. . plied thereto] because of the azi~ [i. e. smallness his hand: (Mgh:) when you say, of a man, - e and see also".,)l. &c.] of its ear or because it is deaf when thirsting. I113l -,, it , s as though you said, J'f l (M.) And,~J'l [as though meaning i The deaf;cWl l*q.JI; for A.WI is a sort of Jel. (g. mute] is an epithet applied to ,, (S, M, Myb, and st*1 . '1JI, in art. J.Z.]) ..~l applied to any animal, (Mgh,) Deaf; (,* ],) the month thus named, (Mfb,) which the [See also J.,!, M,' Mgh, Msb, ;*) [or] having a stoipage of the people of the Time of Ignorance called s1 s ---.wl A surd, or an irrational, root, in ear, and a heavi~ of hearing; (M,]:) fem. arithmetic; which is known only to God, accord. ... l, (Kh, ?,) because the cry of the caller for o a saying of 'ATsheh: oppoeed to ~ : (Mgh, Mb :) pl. , J'jU .(M, Mb, ]) and aid was not heard in it, (Kh, , M, Msb,g,) shouting 1 ji L. 1 _;.. (M, 1.) A poet says, ana ;1 . %I, (M, 1g,) nor the (Mgh in art. jJ.q.)-- [.l A surd verb B 1


BooK I.]
cj.... Feed thy child with that which 4JA is a term sometimes used in grammar, as meaning a triliteral-radicalverb of the clas commonly will ileuce it [or quiet it]. (A, TA.) - And of which thl second and third J.5i .. called %J' He inclined to the man who comradicalsare the same letter.] plained to him by reason of his complaint [and so quieted him; or he cared for the complaint of the . ... I ;J," A sound, or noise, or voice, that man and so quieted him: see ;]. ,. (M, TA.) deafens the ear-hole. (TA.) - Sec also 1, first sentence, _.... t A thousand completed; like l (TA in art. .. m.) and "' .

1725 % ,sw lam at the point of And .,1.. accomplishing my want. (M.) And .iL 0g .pai1 ;z,o He passed the night rerolved upon his affair. (TA.) And sjt~ o &He is at the point of [attaining] his purpose: (M, TA:) Aboo[i. e. purpone, Milik says that ;a* signifies j intention, &c.]. (TA.) And one says, ',. ;i6 i JI lie passed tlw nigwht in a place sL ,,C ,1 4. ":~I: see 2.-- [Hence,] .US -~ where he was seen and heard by the peoplle, near That didl not .ff.ce him [so as to quiet him]: said to them. (S, TA.) only of what is eaten and drunk. (TA.) - And .~1 He made it to be solid, not hollow; without Z.~:~ f.] : A coat of mnail fron, which no a cavity. (A'Obeyd, S, 1i.) [For that which is sound is hlard to proceed when it is put on, (S, without a cavity is generally non-sonorous.]_ A, L, TA,) it being soft to the feel, not rough nor i -/-- ag l 9 (accord. to dif- rusty: (L, TA:) or a heary coat of mail. (.) , or *..a.h, And u;1l -. A girl, or young o 94 ; LJ.lj i; ferent copies of the ]I, the latter accord. to the 0,) And wrhose pair of from legs, thick having twoman, to be as [so rt_l.) The land became altered ( (1, TA,) proceed, to heard is sound no anklets having of its in consequence app. rugged, or hard, been left untilled and unsown,] at the end of two by reason of their being d~epred in her legs. years, (0, 1,) and had rugged patches of urine (TA. [t in the CI5 is crroneously put for L-J.]) and dung. (O.)~ Sec also 1, first sentence.i.. t A sword thatpenetrates deeply And ,also signifies He was, or became, tongue- into the thing struck with it [so as not to mnake a C.0 tied, (0, TA,) tnd spohe not; (TA;) said of a sound by;i being repelled by a bone]. (1, TA.) sick man. (O, TA.) a.i t A blow [wvith a sword or the And ;..e like] passing among the bones, not recoiling from .. [as such signifying a bone (M, , TA) so as to make a sound. (TA.) a subst. from ai; Silence, muteness, or sleechlessnea s; like ;_ I A. honey-comb that isfull; ;, .,a -And, &c.; and like " used as a subst., and ;_ not having a cell empty. (A, g.) and *-,]. (M, TA.)-And (M, TA) A thing, Z31.: see J".a .;L, above. (M, A, K, TA,) i.e. food, (A, K, TA,) or the like, (15K, TA,) such as a date, or something pretty, (5, applied to a man, (,) i. q.',i', k,, (TA,) with which one silences [or quiets] (M, A, "a;; K, TA,) [i. c. Aluch, or oflen, silent or mute or K, TA) a ehlild; (A,K, TA;) as also V [in this sense as well as seclIdes; or] long silent &c. (TA.) (Lh, M, TA;) like ! Silent, mute, or speechless: (Mb :) pl. J" j;si11 [The quieter of twe child], (M, TA,) and in "i $ Ua~; [The quieter of the little one], so in iAJ t, (fur vii. 192) [and %..~,occurring o i d.L says, ono [H,nce,] art. .j]. 1i in the a trad., because when the little one cries, or weeps, Yj t [He has not mute nor vocal property ; 9; ;~ j ceis silenced with it. (TA.) One says, L, he has not dead nor live stock]: (5, M, A:) by or ati ~, She has not as much as would silne M, the former are meant gold and silver; ( M, (or q/iet] her child during one night. (A.) And Msb, 1] ;) and by the latter, camels, (S, g,) and C. LSand t " He has not what sheep or goats, (S,) or animals: (M :) i. e. he has -iG " nwuld jed and silence [or quiet] his household, or not aught. (S.) _Also, of camels, t Twty, family. (Ll, M.) (0, 1I,) and the like. (O.) - And of milk, t Such as is thick. (, 0, 1.) ag~: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. ;ol:Psee ~. -. I AZ ex*- and -1I ;- ^ plains as meaning [I met him, or met with him, , (AZ, S, A, g, [in a copy of the orfound him,] in a dasert place, in which was no ;.i ,37l. one to cheer by his company: ($: [and in like M c3.~, but this I think a mistranscription,]) manner the latter phrase is expl. in the M :]) a 1., (K accord. to the TA, and so in the accord. to Kr, or ? ,4; but the phrase . M in art. ,,) [both probably correct, for] one ; ' : (M:) or commonly known is C~ I 5 says also 31t4 (AZ, S) and aZl4, (S,M,A,g, *;_l 5jf 4 > [Ilft him] in the desert, or He e.,) (a man, AZ, S, or God, A) waterless desert: or in such a place that it rras in art. ' smotr him, or afflicted him, nith a thing that ," ' not known where he nwa: (Q :) and ';.I silencedhim. (AZ, S M,A,.) [See ?,: (M, 1) meaning as above, (1,) or having the signifies also Thirst: -. ]_ in art. latter of these two meanings: (M:) and , (A 9, TA :) or quickness of thirsting, (M, 1], TA,) ', b (M, 15,) mentioned, but not l' '1 and t in men and in beasts. (M, TA.) expl., by Lb, (M,) meaning as above, (],) or , I A cs(C; kpi XS Such a one is, or was, app. meaning in the desert, or materless desert: (TA:) ,, :v: : at the point of accomplishing the affair. (S.) (M:) and some say, tasted,] anything. (]K.) in the former sense]. (S.) A date is called ai;~

_,.. A sword that passes into the bones: (M :)

or that penetrates into that which is struelk with . -- And t A strong it. (TA.)- See also, . camel: so says Aboo-'Amr Eshl-Sheybnce: and he cites the saying,

[as meaning I loaded their strong camels with my burdens]: (TA:) or the .- ,a here mentioned, are the camels that do not utter a grumbling cry; patient of travel. (Ham p. 791.)

A, Mgl, Msb,) aor. (S, M, 1. CA, (., I:, (S, l, A, Mglh, Mbh, 1) and C.... Nb,) inf.n.
7cr (M, L, TA) and j ~o iand ,t~-, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, ],) or the first of these is the inf. a. and the rest are simple substs.; (M;) and (1 ;) and ( , Mb,) in n. A (,,Mm *9V . (8, ; but only the * ,c,e, inf.n. .; inf n. is mentioned ,;) He was, or became, silent, (S, A, Mqb, K :) mute, or speecldess; syn. .;: or he was, or became, long silent or mute or speechess: (M, Mgh :) but there is a difference between ; for the former is said of him ; .C;and .. who has the power, or faculty, of speech, but abstains from making use of it; whereas the latter Insometimes said of that wlhicll hns not the power, or faculty, of speech. (Er-RgMhib, MF and TA The Arabs say, (Ks, TA,) and it is in art. .) Y, or l LX :_ said in a trad., (TA,) J Jl .M,or 4., i. e. There shall be no heping silence a whole day [until night]. (Ks, 15, TA. [In the ') instead of " Jimi' cy-sagheer," we find ,a 3': and EI-MuniAwee, in his Commentary ;_o on that work, says that the keeping silence for a whole day is forbidden by the words of this trad. because it is an imitation of a Christian custom.]) And J1, toi;l [in another trad., relating to the asking a virgin if she consent to be married, lit. Her permission is her silene,] means her silence is like her permission, i. e. it suffices. (Myb.) ,.4 4 t [He brought One sys also, :.. 4 *L1 what was wocal and what was mYute]; t, L' meaning sheep, or goats, and camels; and Q; t, gold and silver: (IAar, TA :) i't in this saying is formed by transposition from i. [q. v.]. ($ in S. ", (M, A, K,) inf. n. z.i- ;



Lt [I did not taste, or have not

(S ;) and

f ,,~I; (M, A, M4b, IS;)

Hle made him, or

rendered him,: ilent, mute, or spechless: (S, A, ; or he made him, or rcndered him, long MXb, :) [Hence,] ilent or mute or spc~hles. (M.)-

1720 ~t.l is as above, with the disjunctive alif; and alo with the conjunctive [i. e. :.s']: (0,1:) it is imperfectly decl., (., MF, TA,) because combining the quality of a proper name with the fern. gender or with the measure of a verb: (MF, TA :) it is said that the desert, or waterless desert, is thus called because in it one fears much; as though everyone [therein] said to his companion, "Be thou silent"]; like as Lucy say of a s that it is so called because a man [therein] says to his companion, ,., ,: (MA:) [for] accord. to some the word 0..,,1 [ie. C.c~1.or ,..,,I,
a ,.



[BooK I.


comprised in tIhe phrase ... (, TA.) blobm that leaves a mark; accord. to AZ, upon [What is here rendered "except " (i. e. IJ Gs) is theface. (TA.) said by MF to be omitted in moat of the copies of Co The ear-hole: (., A, Mgh, :) the hol the ] - See also C (Mob,) or inner hole, (L,) of the ear, that pn a Tongue-tied; (0, TA;) not peaking: trates to [the interior of] the head: (L, Mqb:) (TA:) applied to a sick man [when he is unable and vt _~,. signifies the same: (L, V:) of the to speak]: (0, TA:) and %~.l [signifies the dial. of Temeem: (L:) and ~ is a dial var., same,] i. q. ,~ and., 4 ... (So in copies of the V in (8, L,) as also C-.*~1: (L:) and, (., L, Mob, ,) art.~.. [In one of the explanations which I have s some say, (,,L ,.b,) the ear itself: (., L, given of.Am., in consequence of an omission (to Mob, I~ :) pl. a-?,l, (L, Msb,) a pl. of pauc., be supplied in Book II.), ~..~l L is is made made syn. syn.

, is an imperative changed into a subet., and with -. ,,,.]) hence the is disjunctive, and it may be with kesr t t A ~o. nd completed; (M, [;) accord. to a dial. var. [of the imperative] that has not reached us: accord. to Y4oot, it is the name like .a.; (M;) as also t 'Q.C. (I.) of a particular desert; but others say that the Qa,. I [A silencer, or quieter: and hence, _] proper name [of that desert] is '1 One wiw cares for another's complaint. (M, (TA in art. j.j.) Meyd, TA.) One says, (M, Meyd, TA,) i.e. a rijiz says, addressing k camel belonging to him, Z~1: see the next preceding paragraph. (sar p. 642,) -, *~-, - :,~,~~[primarily signifies Made, or rendered, 1 1 L lo 3 -7 Ull silent, mute, or peechlmss. - And hence,] Solid; 0 6 -- 6 e6 naot hollow; having no cavity. (A'Obeyd, , M, Mgh, Mob, g.) [For that which is without a [Verily thou complainest not to one who cares for cavity is generally non-sonorous.] - And A thy complaint; therefore endure with patience door, (., M, Mgh, Mob, V,) and a lock, (M, 5,) the bearing of tihe eavy burden, or die]. (M, closed, or locked, (., M, Mgh, Mob, [,) so that Meyd, TA.) , ,~ ~ '.- o i.e. [Thou one cannot fnd the way to ope it. (., M,' .*) complainest] to one who cares not for thy case, is A poet says, a proverb. (Meyd.) [And in the way to Leyld are what are closed, &e., of chambers to which tihe oner alone has access: .~IU.being used by poetic license for jc..*L, pl. of io]. (TA.) - Also A garment, or piece of cloth, of one, unmixed, colour. (M, Mgh, I.) The garment thus termed that is disliked is That of which the warp and mwoof are both of silk: or such as is woven of undressed silk, and then dressed, and dyed of one colour: (Mgh:) [or] such as is termed d. c 4.-, i. e. consisting entirely of dilk, not mixed with cotton nor mith other material, was forbidden by the Prophet. (TA.) [Hence,] L# .,, A horse of one, unmixd, colour; in which is no color derinqfromth rest: (, A, TA:) pl. ~. J:: .. (TA.) And .~a . [applied to a horse] t Black unmixed rwith any othe colour. (TA.) - [Hence also,] !L'. ftA t A ressel not silvered, or not ornamented ith silver. (Mgh.) And ';~'. &%L.: tA lelmet made of one piece. (AO, TA in art. w.) And ~.L t A wroman's ornament that is not interm',ed with anotier: or, accord. to Abmad Ibn'Obeyd, that has tuc fadt upon its wearer, so that it doen not move about; such as the armlet, and the anklet, and the like. (TA.). The ' [or lynx, an animal proverbial for much sleeping,] ''" ! [app. meaning A is said to be .ffl heavy deep~]. (A, TA.)- I.J: l J1,JI are All the letters [of the Arabic alphabet] except

(L,) and

,f, (A,)

[also a pl. of pauc.,] and

and U~,

(L.) One says, Jr ,

aS-h, and . i.*l tJ., meaning God mnade ilm, and thel, to d~eep: phrases similar to .Jj0 l k LA't, in the lIur [xviii. 10: see art. 3iy.]. (L.) And l.~. b) I," [This is speech tlat pains my ears]. (A.)


[Ilaving merely an ear-hole; as di-

tinguislied from OI331, meaning "having an ear," i. e. "having an external ear"]. (Mob in art.


1.; ~

(.q8, M, A, Mgh,) aor. ,(., Mgh,)

inf. n. , ; (.,M, Mgh, ]~;) and .'If. ; (M, A;o) lie tended, repaired, betook `imsdf,
or directed himself or his cours or aim, to, or towards, him, or it; or endeaavored to reach, or attain, or obtain, him, or it; or had reous to him, or it; syn. .~ai: (.,M, A, Mgh, :)

5.. [Lamps of the ind called] jlEg [pl. of

o]: ne of which is called a..~: (, ]: . (M in art ...~.) One says, [in the ], the former word is called pl. of the and so eI,aJI ,i ci~,~.He repaired, betoak himnlatter; but it is a coll. gen. n:]) an Arabic word, an exception to the rule that la and : cannot sef, or had recourse, to him in exi~ ; syn. ~', (A,) or '.;~ '.., both occur in a genuine Arabic word: (TA:) or :'.l. (M.) And ,.tp of Greek origin (La'J), arabicized: (s:) Esh- je'jl, (M,) He betook himslf to the thing, or affair; aimed at it; s~oAt it, or endeavoured Shemmikh says, after it; or intended, or purpotsd, it; syn. a 'a N ,k .01jt a '

;'.a~!; (A;) or

(M.) And t*_-.

[And the asterism, meaning the Pleiades, like the tZ lie betook himself to him or towards Greek lamps]: (., MF:) but this does not show him, or aimed at him, with ts staf, or stick; the word to be Greek, as the epithet may be added syn. LI,. (M.) And 'i-*4 &.'"bj*'a He for the purpose of restriction. (MF.) aimed (1 ) at the main part of his head with the staff, or stick. (M.) - Hence, sj ',g He faced it directly; directed his face exactly to1. 'a" , (, A, L, g,) aor. , inf. n. ., wards it. (Mgh.) -And He pointed towards (L,) He hit, or hurt, his te [i. e. his ear-hol, it. (Mgh.) - And ~ . 4 . j J or his ear]: (., A, L, 1[:) and, accord. to Sh, I sprang and betook mysf towards him, .JlI a The sunx smote, or hurt, Ais t watching until heedle~ on his part made me (TA.) - `'&-l ... ' Te sun mmote, or to have him wvithin my power. (L, from a trod. hurt, his face: or [in the Cl. "and"] fel whe- respecting the slaying of Aboo-Jahl.) - And L~iI LA..,(A,) inf. n. ~ 1C)He struck mntly upon it. (A'Obeyd, .)_ , him, or beat him, wihthe staff, or stick. (A, ].') (ISk, ,) aor. and inf. . as above, (ISk, ~re iL*.I also signifies 4 .I1 [The setting up, struck his eye th hits fist: (ISk, ]:) in some of or erectinyj, a thing]: (1i:) one says ,.i., He the lexicons, with his haand. (TA.) - Arid set it up, or erected, it. (Tg.),-And ' ,AAt 1 He crushed, or bruied, his nose. (Lb, TA.) [See also what next follows.]

thoet called

'Jij JW.




(M, TA;) i. e. (TA) all the letters except thos

5 inf. . of 1 [q.v.].

(L.) -

~..~ ~:t!q, (T]g,) inf. n. ~, ,, (]g,) ie mun scorched his face. (V,. TV.)-- ~JI '.,M,, Also Any (M, ]g,) aor. ,, (M,) or :, (i,,) but this is

BooK I.]


lle H, cotjined, restricted, or ,tsraind, (M.) ~ And A she-camel ttat has 5. strange, for there is no faucial letter, nor any other t]',. as (M, B ;*) himself. (0.) [See also its part. n., below.] reason for it, (MF,) lle put a jts [q. v.] over, been covered and has not conceived; (Kr, M.) or into, the mouth of tlflask, or boitle. (M, J.) also v ;.. (S, A, L,) [the (M, O, TS, K,) or * j, j., word, correct, or the original, latter probably the 2. [.a,,, said of a number of persons, signifies if so, app. an inf. n. of an unmentioned, and, see the next preceding paragraph. as zofirst expl. above; or, said of the same as , and perhaps unused, verb, namely, ~,, whence &c., rerepaired, tended, lie person, G: a single n., .., q. v.,] Stink, foul odour, or peatedly, or firequently, to him, or it; see its ;1l The .l.. [or stopper, like;"tC], (IA,r, the part. smell: (S,M, J:) and, (IS,) accord. to offensive j o, inf. n. j , *, apass. part. n., below.] ,) or the .ewtl [or piece of skin that is put as IABr, (O, TA,) the odour of fresh musk, (0, Hle vaund a piece of cloth, or a kerchief, caUlled a cover over the mouth], (Lth, ;, M,) of a flask and so in copies of the K,) or off.edqfi,h: (TA, S>, round his theadl. (TA.) or bottle. (Lth, IA*r, S, M, 1.) - And A piece as from the ] :) and, accord. to IAMr, (O, TA,) of cloth, or a herchicf, which a man winds round but in this sense more commonly t , (O,) the 3. ;,.to, (TA,) inf. n. j;1, (C, TA,) lIc 4 i .; [which may mean either sultry hteat, (0,) or foul snell, andl ultry heat, hit head, a.11 contended with him in fight; syn. of the inf. n. exclusively of the turban or beneath the turban]. and dew, or iwisture, accompanying sucrh heat, ;%. (,' TA. [ror, , Golius appears to (jC.) (TA,) of the sea when it is agitated. (0, TA.) See also jo,,, in two places. .;.]) lave found in his copy of thc K . i. q. J~. [i. e. The side of a thing: or a s~.o A certain idol, which belonged to the side rising above the rest of a thing: or its upper 1 .. Ilie rested, or stayed, upon tribe of'Ad, who worshipped it. (TA.) ,i 4. . part, or tope: or its edge]: (S, M, I :) the., is said (M.) (ol. him the affair; syn. of the paraend near the see .vo, e,.. : to be substituted for ,: (M:) pl. t.~l. ($, M, 5: see 1, in two places. graph. 11 1181, meaning W K.) You say, l t l s se .. inf. n. of 1. (S, M, &c) [Hecnce o' S( ) retent, or to a house, ~~ nlapplied tLa.l 3ll [i. e. I filled tel cup to its uppermost .. q. v.] - Also, (S, L, paired to [reieatedly, or freqlently, or by many parts; or to its edges]. (ISk, S, M,* ;o.d=, like ;o " A;, I: in the (as in a copy of the . and in one persons, as is indicated by the teshdeed, though l,) or t ~, j. ) And ,1 M and TA is added, i. of the M,) letnated ground: (L:) or elevated only expl. as] syn. with ]... _ Also (S, ].) anl rugged ground, ($, M, L, ]r,) not so high as A hard thing; in which is no softness, or fra- ~gt 1r j , meaning jl% [i. e. lie took the to be a mountain: (MI,L:) or hard,firm, or gility. (., TA.) thing altogether: see art. ~]. ( M , TA.) and t;l: to,ugh, ground: (AA:) pl. ;,l ~;.. A she-camel that endures cold, and J.,, and 5t. j 1 1 ,j.: see the first paragraph. (M:) or a narrow, rugged, and low part of a drought, or barrenness of the earth, continuing to (Aboomountain, producing trees; as also 1 ;l. .: see 'oe, in two places. (.) and . yield Aer mill: pl. aL Kheyreh.) .. : [Stinking; havinga foul, or an offensive, Thick, or rough, (], TA,) and high, >a (with w the article JI an epithet applied to i. -2.J1 ' odour, or smell]. One says, God, M) A lord; because one repairs, betakes overtopping, or promient. (TA.) [in the fisd], (, 0, the hand is stinkingfrom [My himself, or has recourse, to him in exigencice; the meaning is indicated by the former of which because to God, applied when (S, A, V ;') or, context,]) and .. 1 ~y [from theleshmeat]. "ol affairs are stayed, or rested, upon Him, (. and (TA.) 1. 'j, (M, ],) aor. ', (M,) inf. n. ,e eil,) and none but He accomplishlles tdiem: (M, ;:_, lHe was niggardly, or tenacious, and reA, L:) or a person to whom one repairs,betakes ilk devoid of swtness. (0, g.) , (g :) and l.,: (M, g ;) as also t*1, fued; himself, or Ias recourse, in exigencies: (M, A :*) signifies he collected, and inf. n. .,, te, A man whose flesh is dry, or tough, upon A., meaning a lord, or chief, to [or] ', you say, says, one and tj.w: bt-1, and so refused; the odour his bones, (S, M, A, 0, g,) from /whom rwhom recourse is had: (A:) or s.. ignifics a his goods]: refusel, and collected, j.. [he O, ~.) d;s.t (IDrd, S, A, diJsesw itself. of sweat lord to 7whotn obedience is rendered, without whomunn tli no affair is accomplished: or one to whmom lord- (O:) [but ISd says that] the phrase ... , The time of sunset. (V, TA.) ship ultimately pertaim: (M, L:) or a lord whose sl,, used by a poet, mean, ;JI lordship has attained its utmnost point or degree; (O, ],) and t,SJI, (M, O, I1,) and LS;, [i. c., accord. to the context, those who are nigin which sense it is not applicable to God: (T, L :) (, , O, ,) and LSJ,l., with kesr, [but gardly wvith their goods. (M.) e ' 1 2 , (M, 1 ~). (0, or the Beisng that continues, or continues for ever like the first and second or the otherwise whether o, (M, O,) The water or is everlasting: (M, K :) or the Being that con- 0, K,) aor. , inf.. n last, is not shown,] (TA, from Az,) The podew, then level place, and declivity into a ran from a tinues, or cotinues for ever, after his creatures or the anus; syn. W;, (S,) or W1~, (M, A,) or have perished: (M:) or the Creator of every- became calm, or tranquil, whvile [continuing] signifies The 1Ui.: (0 :) because of its foul smell. (O,' TA.) thing, of whom nothing is indpc)endent, and whose running. (M, O, K.) And Vt.


unity everything indicates: or one who takes no nourisament, or food: (M, L:) also high, or elevated; (L,K ;) applied to anything: (L:) a man above whomn is no one: (L:) a man vlAo neitlr thirsts nor hungers in war. (AA, K.)_ Also Solid; not hollo w; (M, V;) in which sense it may not be applied to God: (M:) and so (.) _ And AVj,~ , a dial. var. of ".,. people having no trade, or occupation, nor anything by means of which they may live. (1K.) See also ,.,.

resting-place of such water: (M, K:) and "t" S..)l' the resting-place of such water of the (0, 1,) aor. ; (K ;) and valley. (TA.) =;,


see the next preceding paragraph.

(0,,K,) aor. '; (K ;) said of milk, (0,

,) TA.) -

,..Lo A day in which the wind is still. (0, See also 1, first sentence.

. yo, a word of the dial. of El-Yemen, (IDrd, O,) The r js"'; (M;) [i. c.] the trees, or plants, 2: see above, first sentence, in two places: = (4.I,) cald by tle latter narme; (V;) or a and see the paragraph here following. species of OJt [or herb] called in Pers. by the and latter name [which, commonly pronounced with 4: see 1, first sentence, in two places: see also the last sentence. ~ Also lj~.ol, (0," ., is one of the names now applied to basill: i3 A rock f.,nly imbedlcd in th earth, K,) in. n. ;'!; (t ;) and *tD1 , (K,) inf. n. (IDrd, O :) accord. to A.In, a sort of tree, or even with the surface thlereof, or, in some in- Jeo.; (O;) They entered upon the time of plant, that does not grow by itsef, but twines upon the ill, consisting of twigs with leava like atances, omenvhat elevated; (M, .K;*) as also sunset, which is called JwIl. (O,p.)

It was, or became, sour; (0;) or ver~y sour; as also t jl. (O,1..)

1728 those of the i)I;, (M, 0,) its twigs being more slender than thorns, (0,) and having a fruit resembling the acorn, (M, 0,) inform, but thicker at the base and more slender at the extremity, (0,) tvhich is eaten, and is sojft, and very sweet: (M, 0:) the stem of the ;t.. [whlich is the n. un.] is thicker than the upper half of the arm; and it increases in height with the Zit while the latter does so: (0:) 'Alee Ibn-'AbbAs, author of the book entitled the "Kdimil," says that the t:il has in it nothing beneficial when a man takes it internally; but whlen applied externally, it matures, or causes suppuration, [for .l in the TA, an evident mistranscription, I read ,] and acts as a dissolvent. (TA.)

an arrow, of the kind called j;Jr [q. v.]: (TA:) av.., (0, K,) whicl is said to mean the pi. pl. best of the feathers of a bird. (O.) - Alpplied to a plant, it means Ilaving fruit come forth that has not yet brohen open: (O, K:) or, as some say, saturated with moisture, and compact: and ltr.. is said to have this latter meaning applied itr.~ to a plant such as is termed a': (TA:) and the same, same, (i. e. the fern.,) applied to the plant called tlivit ,~U that has' risen high, (Az, S, 0, ],) and attained its complete growth, (Az, O, TA,) before attaipiett the bursting open of its ypericarps: (, 0, O:) [and so as apllied to any plant: (see .:)1 [atid or, ~.I The smanll in the car; (S, Mgh, O, ., applied to a plant, smooth and rmnnd and slenlder: ) that has not yet TA;) of men and of others: (TA :) [see also 1:] (0, K :) or any calyx ( Ls 3 opened olmned : (AHn, 0, K :) and, applied to the plant fem. [it.~; (S, Mgh, 0, 15, TA;) applied in this aia. Very sour milkh. (0,1.) called '~, of which the calyxes have not opened, sense to a woman, and to other than woman; O and and the awvn has not yet appeared: ( :) or, thus i. q. ;[app. as meaning Nig- (TA;) thus to a she-goat; and such I'Ab held to applied, f,iet, or juictl, and not yet burst open: be allowable as a victim for sacrifice; (0, TA;) gardly, tenacious, or avaricious; agreeably with or having itsfruit, or produce, coming forth uplon the first explanation of 1]: (0, K :) and, (.,) or or, applied to a she-goat, nwhose car is lihe thzat of its ul)erpart: accord. to IAkir, thus applied, it as some say, (TA,) confining, restricting, or the gacllUc, between such as is termled AL, and is an intensive epithet, [app. mecaning ftil-growrn restraining, himsclf. (15, TA.) such as is termed .ti1l; or, accord. to Az, applied and_goziri..;hin.q,] n. lppllicd to tile Cik1, to a ewe or she-goat, whose ear is little, and and.louri.shing,]like and,~ (TA :) the pl. is cleating to the head: (TA:) [pl. .o.]- and,,l applied to the u: (0, (O, g.) _ wJI ~1l means Vigilant, , ')1. , aor. ,, inf. n. C , (Msb, Hence, The ostrich; because of the smallness of 1 his ear, and its cleaving to his head. and (TA.) shartp, or acute, in mind: (S, O, :) and TA,) The ear a [small: (see o~*..l:) or] i ~ ga ~. i And the fem., applied to an car, Small, or little, L~1 %o,l ~ .U an intelligent andl acute mind: (TA :) cleaving [to the head], and small: (Msb :) or wvas L small, and not pointed, or tapering, or slender at and contracted towards the head. (0, ].) and jt.l !tthe sharp,, or acute, (8, 0, ],) and the extremity, and had a contraction in the middle, Also, the mase., applied to a .46 [as meaning vigilapit vigilan,t (g) mind, (S, O, 1K,) and the resolute, and a cleaving to the head: or clave to the side a joint of the bones, and particularly an ankle(..jtl, 8, and so in the L,) 0..H or prudent, or discwret, of the face, from its ba.e, and was short, not joint, and an ankle-bone, and also a joint, or knot, or intelligent, or fi7n and so,nd, (.1, O, g,) pointed, or talering, or slender at the extremnity: of a cane or reed], Small, or slender, and even. judgment, jitd.qment, or opinion: (,S, 0, :) accord. to As, A woman is said to be C -i' t;~a j, or wat narrow, or contracted, in its hole, and (0, 1.) ~,l applied to the mind (.;i), Small, or slender, in the ;AG:. [i. e. ankle-joints L~ point (TA.) U and to judgor ankle-bones]. (TA.) And dogs are said to be Mont, ment, or opinion, means ;.jt [expl. above]: and 2: see the next paragraph. .01 .4,t i. e. Small in the ,,5 [app. t~l.l .Il Jb.j means a man of acute intelliQ. Q. 1. Z.0 He m made the ;Ji [or menningjoints of the legs, i. c. tarsal and other gence. (TA.) [See also '..] And one says mes of erumbied bread with broth] sender in the joints]: (8, 1 :) so too the legs of a wild bull, gence. tLISO head, (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, 1,) and pointed therein; meaning slender, not swollen, in the also tu.a~ Z.~'. i. e. An .ffcctirc resolution, or evenev.; J. (Ibn-'Abbtd, 0o;) as also tla. and smooth therein; thus in the saying of En- determination. deermnination. (TA.) _ [It is said thlat] _~t (TA.)_ And 5 i4 C,, He made his building high. Nabighah Edh-Dhubyine, describing dogs and signifies also A slhar, sword: (O, K :) thlis and a [wild] bull: the next two significations are related as on the (Seer, TA.) - And ().l y.I j Ie collected authority of El-Mlu.irri ; but Az says thlat all that together the thting. (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, ].) 0 has been related as from him is of tlhe things that 4 d- ;.6 j, .1 are not to be regarded unless the transmission inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (M9 b, TA.) _- Also ,Ss > W # # ' from him prove to be correct, (TA.)-.And One Courage: because the courageous is described as that ascendtb, or by ldegrees, to the most ele. compact in heart. (TA.) [And he (the owner of the dogs) has dispersed ratedl of p,larrs. (0, 1S.) - And i. q. j;? [which ~t Couraleous. (TA.) - And Sharp in tlrm (the dogs) against kim; and legs (,l1 means In a state f/. or.nfusion or er/lec.rity, and being understood) sldender and even and smooth in intellect. (TA. [See also ':-.) unable to see his r. iit course: &c.: see this latter t/h joints,free from the disease that vould rend.r word]. (0, 1.) And a4dl also signifies them unsteady, (such being here meant by .AJI, o...: see what next followL C lrt of which is properly in camels,) have been strong to The iJL [meaning the .side of the upper y 4A Christian's cell, or chamber, (g, bear him.] (L, TA. [See also Do Sacy's Chrest. the neck], (o, 1C,) anid the f the car: nlae(O:) KL,) for retirement, or seclusion, harvig a high Arabe, sec. ed., ii. 438-9.]) You is saidl to be its mesuMing as used in a verse of say also oWi this at and slender head; (KL;) [the cell of a recluse;] ,.jal is.~ i. c. [A spear-shaft]even and smooth Abu-n-Nejm, (0, TA,) describing a male ostrich. a monk's jtL [which, as here used, means likewise [in the knots, orjoints]: or, as some say, compact (TA.) a cell, or chanmber, of the hind described above]: in the interior, hard, and slender in the knots. 14- dB isee whlt llere follows. (TA :) the 1a~" of the Christians is thus called (TA.) And .a . ! . ol i. e. A spear because it is slender in the head; (9, O, 9 ;) or L, LJJi (1) ) and ta. (S,O, i) [app. meaning the knot that lbecause contracted; (Mb ;) or, as Aq says, from pointed in the .' [A mess of crumbled bread wiit broth] made at the el,ithet ~;1, meaning [that it is] pointed at forms its lower extremnity]. (TA.) _ slender in the head, (S, 0, ,) and pointed the extremity, [or top,] and contracted: (TA:) applied to a feather means Slender in the c therein. (S, O.) and it is also called ? ty._~: (Ibn-'Abbid, 0, 1:) [or shaft]: (0, TA:) . Il d-jl t in the g is the pl. is ?tlj. (Msb.) And i. q. Li. a mistake for ,..l jelaIl: (TA :) or the best ['. v.]. (Lh, iM and K and TA in art. Cm)l.) of feathers; (1., TA ;) such as is usedforfeathering 2. IR inf,n, ; Inle put [i, e. e 1 1

And : The upper, or uppermost, part of [a mess of ] &O [or crumbled bread moistened with broth]: (1, TA:) and the body thereof: a i.j. [or mess of crumbled bread with broth] is said to be thus called, when it is made pointed in its head, and made even. (TA.)And IA 6,- [or garment nrith a pointed hood]: (1K, TA:) Aboo'Aleo says, (TA,) signifies l (0, TA;) without mentioning a sing. thereof. (TA.) And t The eagle is thus trmeld, because always upon the highlest place to which it can ascend. (0,* .K,* TA.)

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gum] into it; (0, ;) meaning, into ink. (O.) remains not any trace of it. (Meyd.) And in a -And , t:l inf. n. as above, He com- trad. of EI-Hajjaj occurs the saying, , Laal' t"k- The interior of the ear-hole. (K.) pacted the air of his head [nith gum]. (M!b.) :;;sP [I nwl asuredy pluck thlee away with tle And The dir,t ($, A, g) of tlhe ear (s) [i. e.] of 1 plucking away of the piece of gum/]; mcaning, I the ear-hole; (A, K;) and the scales 4. -Jl .k .Il Tle tree produced L~ that coine [i. e.g un]. (IbIi-'Abbid, O,, K.)-IiHence will assuredly extirpate thee. (TA.) [_ Also forth tlurefrom; (TA;) as also V ; (S, one says, . ." His nmouth is discharging Resin; see ,stt.] .1;) and so t anld Lc : (K and TA in O. ~ ~ like a tree producing gum, and in like manner :see -and see also ei.LoJl. art. l. pl. ,:) . (TA.) U his two ears, and 'o"t his tn.o eyes, and LkO: arsee : see abovre. Also sing. of el &L his nose. (Ibn-'Ablhd, O, gK.) And ~ol ~.. (AZ, O, g) and t , (1,) or the (TA) which signifies The thin, or dlender, shoots it# The side of his mouthlrroduced much spittle. (0, K.) And JL'l ~* l The man had latter is the n. un. of the former, and in like of the Jj~l [i. e. stemns, or lo,er' part.,] of the and 'a..., the latter being the LU foam coming forth upon the sides of hbi mouth. manner ~ (K, TA) and of the .jCi.: (TA:) or the


(,lar p. 618.) And ; JI -..;1. is said of the sheep or goat when her hiestings are fresh ('~Lt 4sL t~, Ibn-'Abbad, O, TA, in the g '1.', but the former is the right, TA) [i. e. The sheep, or goat, yielded jiesh biestings] on the first occasion of her being milked. (lbn-'Abbd, O, TA.) 10. , l &aL, ll e scari,fed the s,ecies of tree that Inoducre ,, [q. v.] (S, O, K) in order that its ! [meaning mucibtge] m7ight i&ue, (g, TA,) i. e. (TA) in order that a certain bitter substance night imue from it, and concrete like n . [i. e. ables]: (S, O, TA:) thus expl. by Abul-Ghowtli. (.) And t. l He had a o, .. i.e. a mnall nclling, or pustule. (Ibn'Abbad, O, g.)

n. un., (AZ, 0,) or t

, of whichl sing. siglnifies the t.a~l of the L?; whiicil is t ~ and d~.. are the ns. un., (Az, on the a hkind !f thing that is lplucled ther:f'ron, rese,nauthlority of A'Obeyd, TA,) A drjy .b.sta/we bling a rod. (Ali.n, TA.) nhich isfound ulpon t1e teats (AZ, Az, 0, K) of L; Thich milk, (S, K,) of a consistency a she-carncl (AZ, O, K) or of a ewe or shegoat, (Az, TA,) when ste is mnilked on tle occasion of resenabling liver, so that it quivers. (S.) her briningforth: (AZ,Az,O:) when that is and oJ? si,gnify the same; (ISh, rent asunder (.J; J (iJl [in the CK ~"]), the K ;) i. e. Milk collected in a skin, and buried in milk is clear and sweet. (AZ, O, I.) a hole tug in the earth, and lftr tuntil it becomes a2~ A small smelling, or pustule; syn. _. thick, or coagtlates: (ISh, TA:) or food, and (Ibn-'Abbad, O, I.) milk, haring no taste. (IAar, TA.) ;;, : see : _and see also 0tip~. 1. (K,) aor. QC, , (TC,) inf. n. , 'k.;, He (a man, TXC) hastened, made haste, sped, or went quickly; (1, TA;) and was light, active, or agile; this is said by Aboo-Is-hal [i. e. Zj] to be the primary signification; (TA;) as also 1. (g-.) - And (S ( M, ' , K,) likewise an inf. n. of which the verb is s., aor. as above, said of a man, (TXg,) signifies [also] The act of escaping, or getting loose or at liberty, syn. ;.J, (M, and so in some copies of the Q, in other copies

and ..

*,., (Ibn-'Abbid, O, Xg,) and l,l (Xg,) I met him wrlwe mouth and ears o (S, O, M:b, M ) and ? 'b, (K,) the and eyes and nose rere discharging like the tree latter mentioned by ISd on the autiority of AIjn, prodtuwing gum. (Ibn-'Abbid, O, g.) (TA,) [tum; i. c.] the jfluid that exudes front e0ttW1;1 : see what next follows, in two places. the trees called eUL and the like of thee : (Mgb :) it is of many sorts: (S, 0 :) that which is called A.ilLA.I, (IDrd, S, O, l],) like ot.tiL, &1P , .WI is the ~ O, of the (.S, [q. v.,] (IDrd, O,) but the former is said by Mtr bMib,) which is said to be the same [tree] that is to be better known, (Harp. 618,) and * tit~l, called O . . l: (Myb:) or the mucilage (.1) (AO, 0, I,) and V . I1,(Lth, O, i,) The of the S and in the K .i, [hut the latter I of the [tree called] 1i [and more commonly two ides of the mouth, (S,O, O,) ,vhere the lipn regard as a mistake, and so it is said to be in the 1i, i. e. the mimosa Nilotica, also called acacia meet [and conjoin], next the OtLl: (O, XC:) or TIC,]) and leapin,g. (S, M,l~/)-_;, aor. as above, (S, MNb, K,) inf. n. 5, (Msb,) said of tite tnio places wvlhere the spittle collects in the vilotica]; and this is wrlhat is eaUcad &p,JI 11; tn'o sides of the lip; (IAgr, O, ]g;) called by the an animal that is an object of the chase, means not the f of the J [and others] having lie died (S, MbI,, .K) in one's sight, (S, Msb,) or vulgar . jl.l, (O in thlis art.,) or l, erred [in asserting it to be this]: [but] every tree ;t , (Lth, K.,) aor. as for ,jlI.3:O (O and TA in art. j.o:) or, s on the spot. (I(.) -,j also has : ( [this t: last assertion, however, above, (TA,) Tiw thing, or event, betided him, or some say, [strangely,] the hinder part of tle is questionable; for ~ seems to signify properly mnouth. (TA.) It is said in a trad. that the befill him. (Lth, And A.)_ cl& .. l. What gumr, or Juice thatt exrudes certain trees t O t are the two places where sit the two incited, urge(ld, induced, or made, thlw to do it? and concrctes:]) the n. un., (Msb, TA,) or ternm angels [that note and record the actions of a (1g, TA.) applied to a lportion thtereof, (, 0,) is ;i4 (S, man]: a saying enjoining the use of the ~!j.. 3. A4-k .tL o HLe tasted, or experienced, his O, MI (TA:) and the pl. is (TA.) 9 b, TA) and !i,a: destiny, or death; as also t Vl. l. (M.) tfr, : (8, 0, Msb, I :) among t..~ [i. e. sorts t~ C>e[app. Milk that is gummy; de4: see 1, first sentence.- _ ..I.J L J ~. o, of L~"], the 3J [q. v.] is said to be included; scribing biestings not yet clear]. (TA voce said of a horse, lie champed hist bit, (S, M, ]g,) but this is not known. (AHn, TA.) It is said in ja.e, q. v.)_ - And 4 ie ;l, (0, TA,) and ivent away, or along. (S ,M.)l~ntl a prov., A1 .L 4 U,i. ;3 [I ft himn in the copies of the V, erroneously, t , (TA,) 'JI lie shot the chase, or game, in such a manin a condlition like that of the place where the A ewe, or sleoat,yielding f resh bietinqgs on the ner that it lied (S, Mgh, Msh, ]) in his .ight, piece of gum has been pared off]: this is when first occasion of her being milked. (0, K,* TA.) (S, Mlo,) before him, (Mgh, M.l),) quickly, one has left a person nothing; for the JA~ is (Mgh,) or on the spot: (. :) accord. to Az, he plucked offfrom its tree until there remains not ~a4 . . I&t *nade with [tthe addition of] killed it by mneanst of his dotj, in his sight; but it upon it what would retain one's life: ($, O :) or, [or gum]: but [J says] I know not from applies also to the case of killing witlh an arrow: as some relate it, la all ; j . r [in a whom I heard this. (S.) (Msb, TA:) is said when the chlise, or game, condition like thtat of the place where the piece of goes out of one's sight (Mgh, M.h) afler lhaving gum has been iplucked off]; (0, and so Meyd;) been [seized by the dog or] hit [by the arrow], meaning, without anything remaining to him; For words mentioned under this head in the (Mgh,) and then dies, (Mgh, Msb,) so that one because, when the gum is plucked off, there g, see art. ,L. knows not whlether it died by his dog or his arrow Bk. I. 218 ,t.. ~
t ".,




1790 or by some accident. (Mqb.) It is said in a trad., I L. , c..,l 1 c.S [Eat thou .hat thou hast pursued, or shot, so that it has died in thy sight, and leave what thou hast pursued, or shot, in the cae of its dying out of tlty sight]. (S, Mgh, Mgb.) - And a4lJI l~l He transpierced the animal that hI ulot at, or skbt. (M.) And (ISh, .,) or with its shank and its nose, (ISh,) in the refgion of her anus. (ISh, g.) The epithet
applied to her in this case is V :

[Boor I.

a.1 ,iJI


The boe

sent its arrom

See also 3.

through the animal slot. (TA.)-

ji5 Ur*.l He darted dowvn, or rushed,

(,1s] , IS, or /iil, M, [both the same,]) upon him, (.S, M, 1,) and advanced towards him, (M,) to which Az adds, like as the hawk, orfalcon, darts down ( (TA.) , i. e.

jp;; [an inf. n. used as] an epithet applied to a man, (S, M, A, &c.,) Quick, or r/Jft: (Ilar p. 03: [see 1, first sentence:]) courageous; (S, M, r ;) earnest, not making afalse show of braver.y, in tihe charge, or asault: (M, I:) and strong, and mature in age: (M, TA :) or the same word, (accord. to the TA,) or Vt a., (so in this sense accord. to a copy of the M,) one who rudhew ( T) upon men injuriously: (M, TA:) accord. to the T, one who sizes upon men unjustly: accord. to IApr, daring in acts of disobedience: accord. to Z, applied to a man, it signifies .43 j1" J I t~ [i. e. one who eaecutes, performn, or accomplisha, affairs with energy; or who keeps, or appli himslf, thereto with much constancy or perMvrancem: being an intensive epithet, likeA;: and;j &]: (TA:) the pl. of ; ;

-et~ A sauce made of mustard (., M, A, O) 1$.) - And Long in 't back the pl. is ia.~ and &t. (Az, TA.)= . and belly; as also V~1: (IApr, O, :) and so said of a woman, Skt becane old, but having in each with u,.. (IAgr, 6.) her some remnains [of vigour]: and such is termed aitL.: see what immediately precedes. * , and La . (M.) - *.1 also signifies Ie spoke in a lowv, faint, gentle, or soft, manner. &U,?, applied to a horse (M, A, TA) or similar beast, (M, TA,) or to a hackney, (TA,) (TA.) - And ... 9 c ; He' persvered, or and to a camel, (M, TA,) Of a colour between persisted, in tlte affair. (g.) cdn'ess and yellowneu, (M, A, K, TA,) mrth BOo, (S, M, TA,) with fet-h, (S, TA,) accord. abundance of hair, and of fur: (TA:) or of a to the g 0. , which is wrong, (TA,) [A hind of bay, or dark bay, or bro7vn, colour; syn. '.b: basset;] a thing likte a covered i&., in which bread (.i,O,J:) or of a sorrel colour; syn. .Pl: is lmt, (S, g, TA,) and [other'] food: (TA:) a (g:) or of this last colour having some white hairs inter7mixed therewith: (S, 0, TA:) so larye like the a.L. (M.) lk, called because his colour resembles the sauoc
(ISh:) and and raisins. (S, A,

: (TA:) & . being a rel. noun O,.o The urine of tith j [or hyrax Syriactus], termed .. (S, M, TA,) in the copies of the IC enoneously from ,L. (S,O, TA.) said to be of camels: (TA:) it is inspissated for medicines; (M, TA;) and is very fetid. (TA.) 0~ 1 Addhlicted to, or fonul of, eating the sauce t;m,,,ed l %. (IAar, O, ]C) p&11i s is also a term applied to Small, round, .flattenedcakes, (e$1,i,) which are brought fronom El-Yemen to El-I..jdz, fouul there in cares; having the property of dissoleing tuntours, applied Q. 1. ;l ., T7e palm-tree became as a plaster with honey: mentioned by the hakeem solitary, or apartfrom others: (M:) or became D,wood. (TA.) - Also, (M, TA,) thus, with- denuler in its lonerpart, and bared of the stumps out the art., but written by Az and J with it, i. e. of its branches, and seanty in its fruit. (1t,].) A .0 T7he lower part of the h.eiJl, as in the ., (TA,) One of the days called And ; , lJA1 ~. paln-tree becamne sender, anl stripped oJ th jY J .ZIi; (S, M,]g;) said to be the fJi,t of efxter'nal parts [or of the stumps of the branches]. tlwe days. (M. [See art. j..~.]) (AO, and S in art. ,, and TA.) i'. i. q. [q. v.] as signifying A ;8A., or a , (1, TA,) or t;i o, (O,) [both probably thing like the i;jL. (M in art. ,6~.) correct,] Anything dcnder and neak, (0, !, TA,)


(Kr,, (#.


O1 _~~: ee the next preceding paragraph.

i.: see the next paragraph.

of aniiLa:ls anid of trees [&c.]: (O, TA:) [the reg. pl. of the fo,mer is .kt': and hence, app.,]~
; sig-iifics S',licder arrows; (T, M;) accord.

1. O,, [aor., accord. to rule, ,,] said of fleshmeat, i. q. J. [i. e. It nwas, or became, stinking]: either a dial. var. or formed by substitution. (M, TA. [See also the next paragraph.]) 4. 'pl I/e, or it, (a man, .8, or a thing, Mab,) had a foul, or fetid, odour, such as is termed tl,: (., Msb, l:) so too said of a he-goat, when excited by lust. (TA.) And said of ftlcshmeat, [like _,] It stank. (TA.) And .1.o jlI The her'b, or leguminous plant, when held in the hand, stank. (TA.) And '~L said of water, It becanme altered [for the vorse]. (s.) _. Also IIe elevated his nose, (S, .K,) or his head, (ISk, TA,) fromtnride. (ISk, ?, .K.) And hence, (S,) ,.:,l said of a she-camel, Sihe, having conceived, behaved disdainfully to tie stallion. (S, g.) -And IIe was, or became, angry. (]~.) I.~ said of a she-camel, (ISh, M,) or of a mare, (A'Obeyd, J],) when near to bringing forth, (A'Obeyd,) lier young one struggfled, or was in a state of commotion, (A'Obeyd, M,) in the part bordering upon her tail [so I render I ti], (A'Obeyd,) or its lind legfell [or happyened to come] into that part; (M;) or her young one stuck fast in her belly, and it pushed with its head,

:,A stink, or stench; (M, Mb ;) whliethler of the armpit or otherwise: (Mb :) or, (S, 1,) as also t , (g,) the stinlk, or stenh, of the armpit, (S,1,) and of tle creases of the body when they are in a corrupt state: and the former is likewise applied to the odour of the lie-goat when excited by lust: (TA:) and it signifies also, (TA,) or as some say, (M,) a mweet odour. (M, TA.) 2.
A -s

to iAar: [ISd sys,] I hlave not found it save on his authority; and he has not mentioned a sing. thereof: (M:) [but] accord. to the T, they are so called as being likened to the l [a pl. ofg~ ] of the p;lihn-trec: (TA:) occurring in this sense in
a verse cited voce

(IAai., T, M.)

.e, axid

.. , , a,



A courageous man. (g.)

>.le A man feigni himn slf unmindful, inad- ou ... ',j,. (., TA,) and thle like. (TA.)tertent, or heedless. (g.) 4 ^3 [s2Jt ~j a dI 4d and ,-; A. A man haviny a foul, or fetid, odour, [which l:hist is evi(ldciatly, I think, a mistranscription such as is termed O; ; fem. with 5: and like- for t o ~] is a saying mcntioned by Ibnwise applied to a he-goat when excited by lust. 'Abb.d as rimeaning I tooh ethig tMgaltotjether. (TA.) - And Elevating tthe nose, (S, M, TA,) or (0.) the head, (AA, TA,) from pride, (AA, $, M, j., (S5, in art. ,, M, 0, K,) originally TA,) orfromn anger. (M.) So in a verse cited in art. .. (S.) - And L~ F IU ofange. tVj , (0,) Cold, as a subst.; (M, 0;) as also (Al, S.) Sec also 4, latter part, in two lplaces. :o (0 :) or cold clouds: (IDrd(l, O :) or a cold wind (M,K) n with mist or clouds: (M:) occurAlso Silent. (TA.) - And 'I'l signifies ring in a verse of Tarafehl withl kesr to the r: The ser)ent that, when it bites, kill. on the sot: , occurring in that one says, 1 JI J1 e [Mlay God (M1:) [see also*; :] or*j smite him with the silencing serpent that kills on verse, signifies the intense cold of winter; (.Sin the spot vlwomsoever it bites]. (IKh, TA.) art. ;) as also tV , (t , ], ) of which the

.p.~Groudl thtat ht.s bcomnc ironygh by reason of ur,;in and ,f dtiang, or compacted dung, of ox




o of thesam kind,] oM f f On the expression of 1or lonely, mwthot offqnspingand witho~t brother: [having its fe~ 1 (, A:) or solitary, w ak,vile, or iominiou, was struck with tb other; (g,Mggh,Meb,A;) ~raeb, ;''I rt C~., [h the cold wind, 1having no family nor offspring nor a~istant: of a rod form: (Mgh, Mb:) such was the d,rim,] ending a verse, IJ says that the (M,F :) or having no ofps mwith or instrument of this name known to the Arabs: , nor hnf poet mem 1l; but requiring to make the no near relationsu, nor asidtant, whether of strangers(,, Mgh:) its use w disapproved: (Mgh:) pL movent, he transfers to it the final vowel, as inthe 1or rel,tions: and weak: (IA. r:) and mean, or `0: which was also applied by the Arabs to should there- i,no,le. (M, lie he ak nd tj2; ph es the small round t~ gsinerted in the hoop of the And A young, S.e. I.) See also (Mgh, L,* Mfb) and the like, (L,) of tambou~e (I~, or child. boy, or weak, (TA,) (j,) or little, ;l1; but regarding the expresfore have said TA.) It was applied as an epithet to Mohammad, brass, or copper: (Mb :) an arabieised word (~, , he makes the by the unbelievers, as also ' M.-. ! sion au meaning ]. or , dim.] Mgh, MCb) [app. from the Pers. [its ,. to be with kesr, as though he transferred to it (M, TA,) or they called him j~., (O,) meaning - Also A crtainstrilnged instrummt [of mudic]; the kesrcle of the j: this, ho adds, is more pro- that ho had no offspring nor brother, so that, when (~, Mgh, Mb, *; [app. the kind of harp caUed bable than the opinion that the change is merely he should die, his name would be lost; (M, TA;) by the Persians 4, and by the modern Ara one of poetic necessity. (M.) For this last reason, likening him to a [solitary] palm-tree, of which in Note 20 to Ch. iii. of my Tmnst4 figured , another poet usesthe word with teshdeed to the O the lower part had become slender, and the of the Thousand and One Nights;] an lation and j, and withl kesr to the ,,; saying, branches few, and which had become dry; indrument peculiar to the 'Ajam; (f, Mgh, (AO;) or to a branch growing from the trunk Mb ;) but the Arabs sometimes applied the name The tube, or jpipe, that of a palm-tree. (TA.) ;,?,,,-_*;.,, J'. * to this latter instrument: (L:) also an of water, for bag, or vessd, sleatrn of [kind is in the h1 . -g ._1t .tI. ^ * - -- ---arib-icized word when thu applied.,,.(, Mgh, or of cad, arabicized word when thus applied. (?, Mgh, called]J called] l, of iron, (, M, A,V,) trw [app. [We give to eat fat andthe htump of the camel, (15, .JI &P signifies V" ) Mqb, (.5, M, ],) or brass, (A,) or of other material, and me give to drink pImre milk, in tihe time of Q(j meaning Th damorof the Jinn, or Genzii; or (]K,) from which one drinks. (5, M, A, 1.) cold wind and chill mit]. (V.).-Also .a1I, The [aperture called] ; of a watering-trough their raisingof their voice in singi,g]: a phrase 1, (as in two copies of the S in or tank [fromnwhich the water runsost]: (., M, used [in this sense] in a verso of El-lguuimee. (M, J,) or tp K:) or the hol, or peforation, thereof, from (TA.) [without the article Jl, occur- ]:) ,) andj~., art. irloitia the water ismes wlwn it is washed. (M, g.) which its pl. is1;_ Q*je.JI ;oZ: see at: ring in a verse of which the metre requires it to be Y!.;**11 The pipc of copper or brass by which the water thus written, with teshlideed to the Op,] (TA,) One, i o likoe runs from one tank to another in a bath. (Mgh.) (Mgh) [and app. also (,) name'ly, the second, (M, K,) of the tlays called rumfrom _-And The mouth of a tI [or water-pipe]. t. A player with [or upon] the , mean);.a.l.l-: (~,M,l': [seejs..-:]) .. 1 [or -And (M, (M, g.). Also A cold wind: and a hot wind. ing [the cymbal, and also] the dtrigyed intr~ f;...B] and JI may hnve the same meaning, (0, K.) See also -o. . And A calamity, or ment (O, mment so calld: and in like manner t: [or meanings, or may both be appliedl to the day ini!fortww. ai.~fortune. (O, V.) (L:) but this latter has an intensive signification above mentionedl, for the aplbliCUtion of ~ to [meaning ans excellent player with, or upon, the ;., first sentence. see ;~: seeij"* that day is certain ;] poetic ncessity requiring sl. ,, eeJ ~.. *. .]: 1: (Iar p.6 17:) and signifies also a woman has also two the ,p to be movent. (S.)_-T tU: b: _-and ,. as in a verse haring [or playj~ with] a 14t,i: see ;? : - and ' oilt: and cold: eontr. significations, namely, it evidently [where in art J. voce t. cited .W.9[The pine tree;] a certain hind of tree, j'.. accord. to Th,on the authority of IApr. (M.) (L.) cmpbalb]. player with afemnale means (Q (B in art. j., M, Mgh, Msb, ],) well known, , (M,) or.e, (I,) and ' , 0.You yq fmm from which, (Mqb,) or from the roots of which, 2~L;.o 2 a : see the next preceding paragraph.(as in a copy of the M,) or .,, (1],) A cold (M9bl) (Mgh, Msb,) LA JI (Mgh,) j) [i. . pitch] is obtained, mean t The singer of the army: (M,) morning: (M, n:) and a /hot ,u)rtitg. (].) green grom in winter and summer, (M,) the fruit of - and also t The wel-hnown kJ.L [or man of 0 p# p which is like small ;j [i. e. almonds, but this is courage or valomr] (HIar p. 617.) - AshkA solitary pabln-tree, apart fromn others, m/Aich ~ and M, A in art. ~., and app. a mistranmscription], and the leaves whereof Bcnee-Keys, (L, I~,) also called Aqpha-Bekr, (AO, ~ in art. , ],) the lower pMrt of ,which becomes dtle,'er, (. are [of the hind calld] .l [q. v.]: (Mgh:) or (L,) used to be called ,;;j L because of and stripped of the external the and A in art. j.,) (, M, ) of that tre, the excellence of his poetry, (L, $,) or because the frit [i.e. the cone] as parts [or the stumps of the branches]: (S ubi e.] of th jji; (M, ;) the trees being his poetry was much sung. (;ar ubi supri.) (B,) [i. 09 supr :) and a palmm-tre ~ler in its lomer part, called jjl: (M:) A'Obeyd says that it signifies umps of it branches, and and bared of tle tn the tree is called of the ;j,I, and that the the fit (M, ;) as also * o': fruit; in its scty on ~ : see what follows, in three places. [which is the n. un.] on account of its (M:) and a palm-tree that conMs forthfromtn the ;tsang. ist (TA.)
L -W


root, or lower part, of anotherpalm-tree, without fruit. (TA.)-- See also ". being' planted: (M:) or a little palm-tree that 3bwj;-" And] The 3bt.. [n. un. of ty&, q.v. dom notgrowfrom its mother-tree: (Ibn-Sim'n :) middle of anything. (0.) and the OWDt part of a palm-tree, (Alan, Ibnthe 8irm'In,M, g,)fro~ which the roots branch off: [jiwy;iJI >,f1t The cone-shaped shade of the J0;`WI (AIn, M :) and braches that cotm forth from earth, earth, on ~tering which the moon becomes part of a palm-tree: (M, ]:) ora th ~t forthfrom the trunk of a palm- ed~ branch that coma dim. tree, not from the ground: this is [said to be] the dim. of -,o, q. v. (M, TA.) original sinification: (T, TA:) or brancha that A 5>. ;.i.J A palm-tree that produces branches Come forth from the trun of a pamtree, not li.,-~ havig their roots in the ground: such branches from its trunk: such branches spoil it; for they weaken the mother-tree, which is cured by pulling take the nourishment from the mother-tree, and weaken weaken it. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) them off: the pl. is , . (IAgr) and '-: (T, TA:) and the jsJ are also called 4.b



(Ibn-Sim'an.) -

Hence, (A,) applied


t aman, &itary; londy: (IAr:) or solitary,

A e [A [A cymbal;] a thing

mnade of brass

A courageo~ lord or chief; (f, L, ;) .. Jj~ -tb : (i:) or a great, or big, and as also courageow, lord or chief: (A:) or a great, or big, and /comwaeo~, king: (M:) or the former, (A, IAr, L,) or t the latter, (]1,) a noble lord or chief: (A4, L, g:) or a liberal, bountiul, mun~ct, or generous, lord or chief: or a clmt, or for bearing, lord or chief: (IAr, L, ~:) a defender of of an army: (IAgr, L:) Rll ;k, by which the pl. bd>QIl is expl. in the g, is a mistake for ,forf .. l 'k., the words used by IAr: (TA:) a nobleman: a great man: (L:) or a great chief: (Kf:) one who prdes over a p~oe and thdir affairs of importance and thing is gen~ral: or a lord, or cAief, mi t among his peopl~, possesng the qwalitie of couagt and berality or 218*

1732 unigcsce or generosity, who ocercoms tAoa 0 that act with hwotility and opposition torard kin: (MP:) pL `, . (IAgr, A, L) Accord 0 to mome, the s is augmentative; and the word ii derived from ,*;1, "the act of turning away;' and seemsoto have been formed to denote an in. tenivesignification. (MF.) Alo O rming, (], TA,) and grea TA.) Jtjldl tJi is TA dimsa caded ,,;JI. (T ( at. ..) Ablo A calamity; a mifortue; or a great, oi r formidabl, e~nt: (TA:) pi. u above. (8,M, A, 1.) Hence the raying of El-Iamn, 5* fsiIJI vt . js; We xseek prtection by Godi from the calamities, &c., of detiny: ($, M :) or from its gnat and overpowering aictions (L)_ Also, (accord. to the TA,) or tV;o, (accord. to the 1,) An iolated edge of a monatain. (g, TA.) _... , f Videt ind (A, ..) ;> Vehement, or intense, hard, or strong, or hardy: (O:) the pl! of the

[Boox L

formei [or of each] is j . (, O.) Alo, i. e 3.;J , Api of trea, (4, O, Mqb,) or a

of tumou, ben~ficial as a rme forp4piation and for the headache and for wseam of the ot tomac and for fe: (8, TA:) the i~ of its sawd~ut and te conti l smelling of it weak the Mnerealfandlty. (TA.) It is also a Pers. word (;k.1 [or rather an arabicised word from the Pers. J;_]) signifying A thing rsmbling the boot ( j;t), in th sle of whica are nail: pl. j0l. (Myb.)

,1. YZl Ce'aor. , int n. & and O, He made, , wrought, manufactred,fabriated, or kind of wood, (M,,) weJ known, (Meb,) of hed, e thing syn. '4.: ( :) [or h eet odour, (4, M, O,) and of mceral o~rt; consrt (TA;) [i e. msandaood;] the best of waicA is made it, c., ilfidly, or well; for] '1dt signith red, or ,te wit~, (] TA,) or the yllow; fies ~ st~i; and every is a jabut (TA;) a dimutit every )i is not a
of [irrational] animals [unless tropically, (see


5; and it is not predicated


lA,)] nor of inanimate things, like as j;i1 is. (Er-R6ghib, TA.) - [Hence,] U.. signifies aim t [He fabricated speech or a saying or senten~r or the like:] hefored a word; and poetry, i. s in the namen of sck a one. (Mz, 8th.

lajs;, iq. latter, in art J~o.

(0, ].)


And ., inf n. ~ [and ee] and _~, [with the objective complement understood,] He the worked, or wrmouht; he practisd, or menrcid,

codl. (A, .)

>. i 7t'1 2 of intn cold befell [See abo another ex. voce

One saysm, UN>



, ;see

, above, in two places.

an art, a crat, And Ujp a:


or a manufacture. (MA.)_ 'ca; , (4, o, 1,) aor. as bove,

s. (A.) -*1.]And

,~ ,, SYeme V nt, or intense, eat. (A.) One t o,as some my, or (M,) or o;t; both, but ] :) and one ays also [in the former says yji , (Th, M, L,) or i 11l,the former is the more common, (0,)The kind :W: (?, O, (A, ,) A day of m~ , or intense, eat. of tree caed ,J, [i. e. the plane-tee]: (A %n,of these two senses], & ;.. t 'ii; (g, (Th, N, A, L, .)_..s _. I Rain con- M, 1:) n. un. with ;: (A_In, M:) a Pen. Mgh,l ;) syn. ;J! ; (i;) or .IIJ. siting of lar,e drops: (d, :) or that fals in word, introduced into the Arabic language; (Lth, (Mgb.) The saying 10 :,1 ~ Lomeans t large quamtity: pl. , 1.. . (A.) And one AHn, M ;) or arabicized, from [the Pers.] JL. ,i5j [i. e. What didat tou together with thy says, j> N iLL- 1 ^; tThe sky cast (.) father?]. The apung of the Prophet, ,;i;, (],) or It ;Jl., ( 0, O, M,) or the latter :.z .LLe dohrehai-toes.(A.)_,AtX, 4 LItJ -3 J 1S1 [If thou be not is not allowable, (TA,) The' head of a spindle; ashamed, do what thou wilt,] is said to be t Great dud: (M :) or clouds that pour forth an (4, O, ] ;) i. e. (4) the crooked, (s,) or slnder, instance of an imperative much rain, in large drops. (L.) phrase of which the (M,) or slender and crooked, (TA,) piece of ion meaning is predicative; i.e. it is as though he (Q, M, TA) that is in the head of the spindle: said, he who is not ashamed does what he will: (M, TA:) or, accord. to Lth, the latter signifies a (0, L, TA :) and other explanations of it are ~ , ($ and MNb in art. j~, and V in a woman's nd~; and is a foreign word intromentioned in the 0 and L: (TA:) [but] this is separate art.,) thus, with w,o, ccord. to ISk, (f,) duced into the Arabic language. (TA).. See held by A'Obeyd to be the right meaning. (L.) and jJ.i~ , (],) or the latter is vulgar, (Meb,) [A chest, cffter, or trnk: arngely expl. in the In the phrase Jdbl '*, in the ]ur [xxvii. 90, TA as meaning a aL and n J:] and ; .A niggardl man, of evil dipoition: which may be rendered By the doing of GodJ, are dial. var. thereof: (V:) pl. V ; (, (T, 0, :) mentioned by IAy. (T, O.) [See &o is in the aecus. case as an inf. n.: but one may read it in the nom. case, meaning JU;j to be M 9b, li.) also 'k'..] understood before it. (Zj, O, TA.) One says alo, | L.o A Nmaker of& zt [or chess, coers, l',: see the next paragraph. 3s {;s Pb _ and &W I [tHow 91 or trmnks]. (TA.) is the doing of God with thee, or at thins abode.. ;w> : see ;Lz.-Also The handle of the I;, inf. n. & and Ia.-, [kind of shield called] a : (S, K:) pl. 'G. (].) - And :S I tended we my hore; or took good care of Q. 1. 3j,], said of a camel, (IAyr,M,O,I,) (I.) - And The ear: (S, M, :) of the dial. of hims; (,, o, . TA;) supplied hi ith foddr, and of an as, (]g,) Hea was big in the had, El-Ycmen. ($, M.) ~ Also A man eil in di&.o Ahe reared, (IA;r, M, O, g,) and hard, or trong, or hardy, position; (M,] ;) on the authority of IAr; and fattened him: and ,Qt. or nouied, his girl, or young wroman: (TA:) (M ;) as also It};V; (M, ] ;) on the authority an,d larte. (j.) and ialgtJI -. the girl, or young woman, of Kr: Aboo-'Alee says that the former has this Q. S. '0 ; He e~rted himuelf in amatory meaning; but it is not of the form of words was treatedl [or nuri/ed] well, o that se bwsam menconrerration or dalliance with women. (Ibn- tioned in the Book [of Sb], because [it is said fat; as also t ;, inf.n. mn. : (F ,TA:) 'Abbid, O, .)m-And He more what is termed that] this form does not occur as an epithet. (M.) or you say ,JI .!, (so accord. to my MS. the Jj~,, a thing resembling the boot, with nails And the former, (], TA,) accord. to IAar, (TA,) in the sole. (MPb.) copy of the K.,) or ~i,lt ol, (mo accord. to Bad in rpect of [or discipline of the mind other copies of the K, and in the 0, [in the C]~ |"J, applied to an as, (T, TA,) or to a and mannen, &c.], even though eminent, or celet brated, or well known: h,.J (K, TA:) pl. as above. o, ]) without teshdeed; [which seems to camel, (4, O,) or to both, as also I OJtC , (M, (TA.) indicate that the right reading is , agreeably g,) Big in the head: (4, 0:) or strong in maks, with the reading in my MS. copy of the V which big in the head: (T, TA :) or large, strong, big gives the imperative form; tholgh it is stated in in the head: (M :) or big in the head, and hard, or strong, or hardy, and large: (]>:) or accord. ;'', thus pronounced by the people of Egypt, the TA that .il e..I is maid by IB,~ to be a to IDrd, tV L, , applied to a camel, signifies (TA,) a dial. var. of fI, diaL var. of -v-;] (o, ' ;) and q. v. (V.) ; ,

(1,) inf. n. with damm, d, He did to Ai a beit, faor, or hid act: and IA '. 1_ he did to him an evil, or afoum, ded: syn.





172 . A tailor: (O, V :) or one who in 9t, signifies " Non omnibas viribus usus euucarrit, sed ita tamen ut eques eo contentus eset" (which is dicate, or skild, (0;j, 0,) or thin, ,e, or nearly the same as a dgnification of rt. likewise dLcate, (js;, so in the copies of the W,) or mentioned by him): but this is a mistake.] nder, or smaD, (, , o in the TA,) [of which readings that in the 0 is app. the right,] in 6. ~; signifies The a.ffecting a goodly way, o ., in mode, or manner, of acting, or coduct, or the re~ t of the hand& (0, ) See five plaes - Also A t aa of water; (O, like; (, O, ], TA; [t_---I in the CI is a mis, TA;) i. c. a pi~e of wood [app. a p k or transcrption for ,:_J! ;]) and the making a show board] by mcas of wi water u conined, and thereof; (TA;) and the adorningonulf (1, TA) rtainedfora w/hilc: (TA:) pl. .o1 : (O, I :) thereby, hilb iternally unnd in the gro [but this explanation in the TA aseems to have of pretenion to rspect. (TA.) And ., been founded upon a statement there made, that said of a woman, means t~ t ;,, [SA cal .mit .O1 tioatedand improred her perfson, o as to renmder Ax heard the Arabs call ,, 1 ;.1 of water e,; hersef com , by art, and good nurture]: (S, (see ~, of which ,,te_. is the pl.;) for I do thus expl. in any lexicon except O:) or she adorne, or embdlishd, herself. not find t the TA :] and t , with teshdeed, and t i, (PS.) (0, ],) like o 8: ee 1, former half. - Accord. to Er-Rhghib, , (g,) accord. to Lth, (0,) of wood [or planks or boards] put J signifies The eceding the uasul, or signify p ordinarjy, bounds, or degree, in putting a thing togethr in water, to comfiee the water, and retain (q.v.]. [,.. into a good, nmd, right, or proper, state. it for a while; (O,.;) like the Z (TA.) - And hence, he says, the phrase in the (O.) - See abo II~ , in two sene. _- Also ,i;which means A manufactured thingj (C, TA) of any inij, Kur [xx. 43], 5 i , t And I hae choa~ thee [fr mryslf] to establish my evidence and to serve as my spokesman between me and my creatures so that thy doing thus shall be as though I did it: (TA:) or it means I hae reared thee, (Az, TA,) or I have cho thee, (O,1, TA,) [for myalf,] for a special affair which I require thee to accomplish in a sufficient manner, (Az, O, 1, TA,) concerning Pharaoh and his forces. (Az, TA.) See also 1, last sentence but one. - One says also, L1t. tja! IIe ordered that a signet-ring should be madefor him. (O, .) [See also 10.] -- And :L...l [in which the pronoun seems to refer to , i. e. sustenance, &cc.,] also signifies

with tehdeed, meuaing A treted [or nowis~d] ws the girl, or young woman and fattened her; (0,. ; [in my MS8. copy of the ; 41;]) 3 because the &Z. of the girl, or young woman, is by means of many things, and by careful tending: (O, :) o says Lth: (0 :) but As says that by otler, or others, than Lth, it is allowed to sy aj.. '., without teshdeed: and hence the phrae in the J1ur [xx. 40.], ;;; L ;1j, (TA,) meaning t [And this I did] that thou wigAtest be rared and nouried in my ight; (O, TA;) for which some read 1), as an imperative; and some, , meaning and tAat thou mightet work in my sight, (Ksh, Bd,) lest thou shouldst do so contrary to my command. (B4.) You say likewise, of a woman, l -,.;L: se 5. And you say alsoVt '"u l, meaning t I rmard Ain; and edu ted, disiplid, or trained, himn mwe (,' 0, ], TA.) I Accord. to IDnt, ' I, inf. n. .,, signifies He uas, or beame, skilled, or skilful: but IB says that ~' has not been heard. (TA.) 2: see 1, latter half, in two places.
. ta4. primarily signifies The doing to one a t~g in oer~ that he may do another thing to th doer of the former thing. (TA.) _- Hence, (TA,) t The treating with genteM~, or bland~shMent; oothing, c~eg, wheedling, or cajoling; and emdeaworing to cociliat&. (0, Ig, TA.) Or this is from the lut of the following aignbifications. (TA.) You say ta; t ie treated him with gentlen, or blandlishment; &c. (O, TA.) And t He ated hyocritirally with him. (TA.) And ai101 L? ma4. t He strove, or endeavoured, to

(TA,) such a a , j

[q. v.], (g, TA,)


(TA.) _- And S Agarment. (Ibn-'Abbid, O,J], TA.) You say, l'. 't s: (I; aw upon Ahi a goodly garmen~t]. (Ibn-'Abb4d, O, TA.) - And SA turban. (IAr, O, ], TA.) And The [iun ntrm t with which Jmk-meat

is roam~ed, calld]

.. (O, T?, I.) EI.Fa'asee says, describing camels,


.,J f,





tumn in from the thing by deceit, or guie.

(TA.) _- And hence, (A, TA,) or from the last signification in this paragraph, (TA,) I The act of brbg. (f, O, Mqb,' ],*TA.) One says, ti. t He bribed [th prefet, ruler,judge, or the lie]. (TA.) And JlL ;Le HIe bribed him property, wealth, or money. (Mgh, TA.*) And it is said in a prov., 1 0 ' rL o.

'0 [app. meaning He offered it]. (TA.) And tLm!l [alone, for aa. l',aoI,] t He made, or prepared, a repast, feast, or banquet, to which to invite friend. (0, ], TA.) And He preparedfood to be dispensed in the way, or caus., of God. (0 and TA, from a trad.; men- feah-meat [itself]; syn. *.:TZ. (So in copies of tioned also in the C1, but not in other copies of the V. [SM says that the right reading, as the 4W1i .,.L >. i ': [He who bribes with the 15.) explanation of 'll in this instance, is I.JIJ; and property s not ashamed of demanding the thing 10. l' Ll, accord. to the 0, signifies He anted]. (8,O,TA.) _ Also A horse's not cites IA;r as saying .' ljJl a It: but I Pun forth, or giving, the whole of his strength asdedfor it to be madefor himn : accord. to the L, think that the right reading is indicated by the in gog; r somewhat thereof: one says, 91 c - t signifies he inited, or he induced, addition -i to be 0l_.; and that IAnr gives e>* [He kp bach from thee or carued (Isj,) [another] to make the thing. this signification after mentioning that whichl here ! Somewhat by the manneriwhich he exerts his (TA.) In the saying of Es-Sarakhsee, next precedes it.]) of going]. (0, V, TA.) ;J?J Jq.;>J ;v [app. meaning H:e asked, or J,;;(Mgb, L, Mqb,)and Ci >ej ; L C 1 He (a man, O) aided, or aisted, desired, the man to make for him a ;,;J. (q. v.)], is redundant. (Mgh.) [See also 8.] (., Mgh, 0, Myb, ]E,) and 41i (Thl, TA,) nother. (O,].) And accord. to Ibn-'Abbad, followed in the O and T. and ], one says also, .o: see W ,o, in two places. ~ Also, and and 0oj, V,) and .1 t, ,*;eS &, meaning Te n~ild learned, and (IB,TA,) and Sh is to~?^, A certain marll cr~ping thi;g, or insect, (TA,) and Ql te, did sod, thoroughl, sJilU/y, or weU: but .. J.~, (TA,) anl (V, TA:) men- related to have said, t o this is a mistake, ocasioned by his deeming (O Q,)or a fying thing (Qt): tioned by fgh: (TA:) also written in the Vj (in >.1 Vt , (.8, 0, s,) and Xll? Pe , (TA,) dubious, or obecure, a parge in the NawUdir of .b and ;y: in one case or the and ;p i V Io, (g,) and Q1 t IAr, where the latter says that 'j.I ;1 art. &) , but meanm ,.!9 &1J[i. e. Thu .ma aided, or other mistranscribed. (TA in art. &;.) not PL.. alone when applied to a male, (TA,) A ai, the. uekif].. (TA.)m ;.1M- & : man iljW in the worik oQf the han or hand: an inf. n. of p. [q.v.] (S, , .)_ ee 1, te' half. [Frytag states, as on the And .q. 3% [Sudance, cc.]. (TA.) - See (, Mghb, O, M9b, ], TA:) and a company of authority o the $, ihat .1 said of a horse, also b.,o in two places. men you term LS.4l V ; , and t

[Anl tihey came, their riders being lie drink,er, 3. or drunkard, and their drier like the l., of roastedJs-m,eat]. (O.) In the L, ).J' is put in the place of. -l.JI; and after citing the verne above, [and app. reading j., regarding it as relating to the camcls,] the author says that the poet means, .llS (TA.) - And Roased



1734 .5 1* (],) [all of which are instances of quasi-pl. except, perhaps, the last, which is said in the t; ~l, (i;, to be a pl. of* t,] and i.~

[Boo I.L a nd !
also an in n. of 1 s used in the phrase, " Al&;.: seem a*a., in four places The saying of 'Alee,

L.5AI, and Lq"8i t

ns., riK [q. v.]. (., 0, 1, TA.) TA It_ef, with damm, Arrows that are qcual, [in equable, midfrm, or even, the worh of one man. the Cl[, erroneously, ui1,]) which is pl. of (TA.) [Perhaps i.; is a quai-pl. n. of e or, accord. to 8b, applied to an arrow.] .1' ' or of .4 , : see and U;; and a a anAd and is O, na IB says, the only pl. of 'V in like manner in the case of ti you say

J;dL J

> e .LF; S

if correctly

i . related, means [From etry one poss skill in manufactr~ should be taken, or procured,that hhAiA ha u manufiactured: or perhaps X is a mistake for &, and the meaning is, from mevry crafman is to be acquired his craft]. (Mgh.)

, a.: see ;', latter half, in four places 0: see : _. and see also Co, in eight ;. is mentioned as on the 41, (TA,) and 'c 'dL'. Persons who tend their camels ~ee, and authority of 8b, (],) and 8h is related to have places. fatten the yoeng ones thereof, and gie not their .4, [using the latter word as pl. of said ;~ 3; in a sense in which it is used in a verse camels' milk to guests: occurring in a verse of 0,] with the Oj quiescent. (TA.) And you of Aboo-Dhu-eyb is a pl. of which ISd says, " I 'Amir Ibn-E.-Tufeyl. (TA, in this art. and in 1 ~t: ;j.I, (ISk, Mgh, Mgb, TA,) and know not any sing. thereof:" accord. to Skr, it art. Pay The jiZ [app. either the seams or the ^>^11 t >, (., O, ,) and -Q1t 4,(IJ, means stitch-holes] of a ;;. or of an ;l5;1: or, as some TA,) an instance of an epithet applied to a say, the thongs ueed in thae ering thereof: and -, (TA,) some say the making thereof, so that in this case and an; ;; and woman like i. c. manufacturer &c.] [An expet (TA. [There mentioned only as a proper name, the I of prolongation before the final letter re- it is an inf. n. (TA.) or surname.]) sembling, and rendering needless, the A in aza, an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (MA.) - And (IJ, TA,) which is not allowable, (IJ,* Mgh, see 'L. , former half. [meaning .MA'ade, wrought, manfacMyb, TA,') though an instance of it occurs used i. q. t ' Lo3 A handlicraftsman; manufacturer; or on the ground of analogy: (Mgh:) A woman tured, fabricated, or constructed: or made, &c., wkilfl in the work of the hands or hand; (ISk, shi/fuy, or nwl: see 1, first sentence]. (TA.) weorher, or nmahcr, wvith his hand; (M,oMgh, 0,' ;, O, ]J, TA;) who maes things in a suitable - [Hence,] t Food (O, ], TA) that is made, or Mqb,' ];) or onehaviga3 - [i.e. craft &c.] m1anner; who Sews, and cuts out or makes, /atern prepared,and to which people are invited; (TA ;) which 1c exercise; (TA ;) tan artif er, or artia repast, an;] and * uw5.? is [used in the samesense, and signifies [the same, i. e.] S .,achets; (ISk, TA;) contr. of iUi.; (Mgb, and t to vwhich frien are invited: particularly as meaning one who works feast, or banquet, ;!1.. signifies the same:;) and V Ja''a for hire . (0,1, TA:) one says, t i n. from 'to5 [pl. a master; being] a rel. under and (S, (TA:) and was at the repast of suck a ote, made, or pre1, like ,Jbttl and j.jCL1: (TA:) the as applied to a pared, by him, to which people were invited: of 0, K.) Th plreferred h1 (M9b, TA.) as applied to a woman. and * l-" l : the repast to which friend wer pL of 1 . is 1 nman; and Q.11 TA.) Accord. to IDrst, .7 is an inf. n. invited. (TA.) And (i. e. the former word) 1Food (113I, o. a: v I m preparedto be dispensed in the way, or caw, of tsled as an epithet. (TA. [But see 1, last senGod. (TA.) _- Also, applied to a sword, Polihed, ,I [More, or mot, skild A woirkAig with I. tence.]) It is said in a prov., ;, , t t (S, O, g[, TA,) and proved by experiec; and so the hands, manufacturing, faicating, or con [cxpl. in art. Jk]. (TA.) - [Hence,] one says applied to an arrow: (K, TA:) or, applied to a structing]. See an ex. voce _~, and another of anpoet, anid of any one who is eloquent, J.j sword, freuently renovated by polihing: (A, applied to a voce Ji . ;Pt;3JI (A man skilful in the ue of tilw TA:) pl. s. (TA.) -And, [may be used, agreeably with analogy, . UJ X [a horse, Well tended; (8, 0,I ,TA;) supplied ~.: ton,pie]: and in like manner, And [in like as an inf. n.: and as a n. of place, and of time]. andfattened. (TA.) with fodder, t -' -! shiffd tongue]. (IS, TA.) And C.tI manner it is applied to a human being:] one says, A poet says, e* - a ,- t A woman sharp-tongued: or long-tongued: syn. ! lie is tl person whom Ihave reared; ~ 2~ .. ~2Ja~.3.I6-U----1 l;. (TA.) and whom I have educated, disciplined, or trained, (.,. o, K, well; (0, g, TA;) and so ?; see , last sentence. f- . ' ivi ; .0 SA is the person [which may be rendered Verily that wAich is a TA;) and . good deed considered abstractedly, or without reZ.e WVork or handiwork, an art, a craft or whomn such a one hus reared; &c. (Z, TA.) - lation to the manner or object c., wiU not be a hadicraft,ora trade; (KL;) asalso *tim: And S A goodly and clean garment. (A, L, TA.) good deed in effect except, or dnlm, the way of And A deed, or ana action; (S, 0, 15, KL;) (KL, P :) anthabitualwork or occupation of a the doing, or the way that lead to the place (here and so t L ' : (yam p. 198:) one says, e ;) [and so man; as also JUj; (I in art. J. meaning the object) of the doing, be rigtly it h.i tae s IZe did to him an evil, or afoul, upon therewith]. (0, TA.) - In the following t3~ti, as is indicated in the v voce 'a,-; deed: (S, 0, l :) and t a;4.; sj. means The evil verse of Nifi' Ibn-La4eet, (TA in'this art. and t" ;d C [His habitual whence] one says, Jf) ascribed by J [in arts. wrongly w,,) in art. work or occupation, or his business, is the tending, [conmequence] of a deed. (i:am ubi supr.) And J;, and by,] to Lebeed, (TA in art. j;S,) and or deed, a beneit, favour, [particularly] A good or pasturyg, of camel]: (M, and ] in art. ,.0 :) ascribed by others to other poets, (TA in art. or a. [more particularly] signifies the work of hind act; (0,, TA;) and so * ;-'.-: (S,0, Ibj,) it is expl. by IAr as signifying A plae the L; (., O, V;) [a manufacture, or wohrk of Msb, 1 :) [see a verse cited voce & :] pl. [of that is deemed oodly [in workmanship]; syn. tlL. ~ .. [a n. of place, accord. to a general rule, art; and workamanhip, or the #hill of a worker, either, of the latter agreeably with rule,] or as well as pass. part. n.: or &~ may be here in work of the hands which last meaning is plainly indicated in the 0, (0, K.) - Also Skilful with ;. fem. [in this sens] hand: (S, 0, ], TA:) and by common usage:] and * h't, the _ more literally rendered a place of hikfid work[i.e. craft, or habitual work or occupation,] of (TA.) See ', in four places. Accord. to IDrat, manship]: the poet says, the t;.t, (1, Mgh, O, Mqb," ],) meaning of 'o [likewise] signifies Skilld, or shif/ll, as






. but IB says that. him who works with hi hand: (Mgh:) the pl. of part nof . It ia . and] (KL) t is [ been heard. (TA.) ,?a [.L ,: (.h

has not

%g5~JI'-jdALItMI J.:

Boox I.]
(TA in the present art.) meaning laving no feathers wion it, [and having in it no place e.hibitiHg skiFil workmanship, neither the feathers beig of ue to it] nor the binding around with inews. (TA in art. , j')- See also what here follow.


the side thereof that has no fring of unwoven ~.a the trees put forth their leaves: (0, 1 j, !5: [and the like is said in the Mb :]) AIn says threads: (., 0, ] :) or (M, ]) its 3; [or border] that this signifies the trees began to laf,so thtat 1 (M) upon which is the fringe consistang of unthey were of two sorts, one sort that had leated voown threads: (M, K:) or any border, or side, 1 and one ort that had not leaved; but this is not !tAreof: (., M, O, ]4:) accord. to IDrd, it is, 1 .: a valid saying; and in like manner with the lexicologists, the side (4;l.) of a gar(M:) accord. to the A, both signify the trees 1 others, the part in wrhich is the O , Meb, 1) and :;r- (., O, became of difercnt sorts; and. in like manner ment; and with ". (, Mgh, fine~ of unmooen threads: (O :) and the corner ' . (O, Myb, 1C) [A kind of tank, 1) and 1 I0.l [the plants, or herbage]: (TA:) and A ofa garment: the pL of j.L is C.Ao. and [coll. or reseroir,for rain-water; i. e.] a thing like ,1, inf. n. as above, signifies the fruits became (M.).as;AL, as used by a gen. n.] J. a jbm.,r(, Mgh, 0, ]C, TA,) or like a -.. pe xclivdy of to that some of them re,er ipe [or mirage], means, poet describing the .l. (M9 b, TA) and a I , (Myb,) that is made, or others, and some of themn coloured e~clsielyaf accord. to Th, t The sides, or bord~s, of the onrm~t (Mgb, Myb,) fo: collecting the water others: (Mqb:) and , .1j. i; the .1o_ being likened by him to a [gar;..3, and t A,~'Jl of th rain: (8, Mgh, O, M.b, ]g, TA:) pl. the [trees called] ub~j, and the ldants, or he.bage, ment such as is called] ;.. (M.) -And b, , TA,) a pl. of all the thlree broheforth to leaf. (Ibn-'Abbad, O, 1].) 'Obeyd(O, (0, L,~ 9 a 4i [or of portion tA also 'i. signifies words above, expl. by Ay as meaning excarations Allah Ibn-]leys-er-Ruc4eiyit says, tribe]. (Sh, TA.) J1 ,J -which people make for the rain-water, whnich 0 'W L5. " " they fiU therewith, andfrom which they drink; ;cB A spis, or sort, of J1 J Uo Lt.. is another p1. of U:"=, the iS being and (i e. aloeood] not of good uality: ( M:) or 0 * *0- 0e inserted by poetic license; or it may be pl. of [May there be a sending down of rain to liul- one of the worst kinds of a., (0, J4,) little dif [tin like manner] wdn, the posseaor of vines, and of such as have feringfrom . * [i. e. wood used in carpentry and* , t or i;o: and put forth their lIaves, of the fig-trees and the and the like]: (0 :) or inferior to the ,l.j. and .: signifies a whys or a thing like a grape-vines thereof]: (0, 1 :) it is said in the ]~ superior to the 'XiU: (j :) used for ft,asigating is said to be a pl. tllercof: (TA:) or & that the verb in this verse is thus, from .;. therewith: (TA:) so called in relation to a place signifies a watering-troulh, or tank, mnade for in [the situation of which I am unable to determine erred J has that and sa; from not '411, the rain-water, and not cared with baked bricks; the reading that he has given; for the reading with certainty: see, respecting it, note 12 to See also given by J, who ascribes this verse to Ibn- ch. xx. of my Translation of the Thousand and One S.) 1. (TA voco i and its pi. is signifies Ahmar, is X but this is the reading of Niglits]. (S, O.) .;, in two places.- [The pL] -t; i; m 0,] and both readings are the in is said [as Fr, [or parilonsa abo Constructions uc~ as tA 1, (M,) A male Jal,~ (0, V,) or CkI [accord. to which the latter, the of and correct; &cj,~(o, V,) and fortran; (,0, og;) and (M, 0, ] :) exoriated: ha;hnks his havinq ostrich to also signifies a fortres: and the former, meaning is, and of such as lare been made 9g (v.) b.. pl. consist of various sorts or species, of the fig-trees abo. (TA.) And Tons, or villages, are and the gral-~ins thereof,] MF says, it is that thus called, (0, ],) by the Arabs, accord. to As: which the case requires, the commendation being jg.=; inf. n. of 2 [q. v.]. - [As a subst., A : pl. of the ing. 3 : (O,TA:) one says, Qi > for the abundance and variety of the fruits of the literary composition; as also t j .t.J t, meaning He is of thpeople of the townr, trees, rather than for the trees putting forth their former %J,3.; ] ;A. nnd of the latter (TA.) leaves. TA.) (A, land. of tAh cultivated or ulap~, and Alo Phla set apartfor )woras, anay frio the J oil [Sorts, or species, separated, or ai. 5: see above, in two places.- One says also, distinguisled, onefrom another; distributed, or (AI:n, TA.) [In :iU nts or Ahoues: sing. ;". 4.3 His lip became chapped. (IbnAbuL Ann. ii. 42, where it seems to mean "re(.1 T%he clafss iMd;] is a phrase similar to I4 ,t. ':d; ;l~'l eJ And 'Abbtd, O, l.) aervoire for rain-water," Reiske renders it" Ilos. also -See ,,.) art. in shank of the ostrich became chapped. (TA.) in two places. pitia publica."] _ 8ee also , .iw~~ [A literary composer; an author of a A.;: see what next follows. and Za; . - Also t [Faee (z, O, g, TA,) ,, . book or books]._ J;. and t ~J A sort, or spcies, (Lth, S, ~rated, as applied to speech or a saying or senwhich is wrong, for it is] like [in the CVg , tenee: a phrase, or word,] innovated, [or coined,] M, 0, Mb, ~,) of a thing, (M, TA,) or of by its author as chate (Cea) Arabic; things, (Lth, TA,) as, for instance, of household- 2.a5, (TA,) Trees among which are two sorts, and g or furniture and utensils: (TA:) [a term dr; and fresh: (O,] :) or, accord. to Z, trees diffrWing from .. , which is applied to what is goods, colours andfruits. (TA.) :]j and a part, or portion, or varying in as applied subordinate to fr :) forged, not so given: (Mz, 21st constituent, of anything: (Lth, Msb, TA:) pl. to a word, and poetry. (Id. 8th p.) (of the former, JoUl and (of the latter, q. . [Ie fomncl, 3, i. q 2. .o, inf. n..(M, O,Msb, ].)-Also the forMsb) 3j. sculpturedl, or picshaped, fiured, fashioned, mer, i. q. Uia. [meaning A quality, an attribute, following]. (1K.) here the noun from app. tured: a prolierty; or a de~cription, as meaning the 9. a4s, (M, g,) inf. n. itino, (o, hi, O, g,) aggfregate of the qualities or attributes or pro- . [An idol: or an idol of a particularkind :] He a&torted it; i. e. made it tnto, or dispoed it pertisc, of a thing, or the state, condition, or case, ( :) or a ;Aj that is worshipped: ( :) a e;: i, sort, or p ; (., O, ;) and separated,or of a thing]. (M, See also ir,. S.)-that is made of stones, and qf wood; as ,j, or a or portionas or parts distinguished, its soral the autllority of I'Ab: (Mb:) or a on is said :) O, g (8, M, another: oe froms , ntiu~ paragraph. next the see , eUll known, that is carved of wood, and thing uA'ialJ is the separating, or distinguishing, of of molten and cast silver and cper made is that another. (Myb.)_-And hence, things, one fo or bras: (M; and the like is aid in the MUb on (Z, TA) or 3t.. I: (Z, MUb,* TA,) -. l J , M0, ) and a , and jZ,, :iA , ( M.8 the authority of IF:) or the .io is made of the first of which is the most chaste, metab that melt; and the *Ji. is made of stone or V,) 0, above, (Sh, n. as %.A, infi (MNb:) you msy, ,1l an (0, TA,) of a waist-wrapper (jl), (S, M,) or of of wood: (MUb:) or, accord. to Hishim ElHe composed the book. (MA.) ~- l : The [trs caled] L became green: (M:) and a garment, (0, ],) The ;;L thereof, i. e. (., 0) Kelbee, the former is made of wood or of gold or


1756 of silver or of other metal; and the latter, of stones: or, accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh and El-Fihree, the former is an image; and the latter is a shapeless thing: or, as some say, the former is a thing having corporealform, carved of raood or of stone or of silver, and orshipped; and [tlle latter (in the TA the,..n, but this I suppose to be a mistake for the iJj,)] is a incorporeal form: or the former is a thing having theform of a human being; and the latter, a thing having some other form: or the former is a thing having material substance or shaes; and the latter, a thing not having material substance or shape: or the former is of stones or other material; and the latter, an embodied form: (TA:) or, accord. to IAth, the latter [?] is anything having corporeal form, made of metal or of wood and stones, like the form of a human being, made, and set up, and worshipped; and the former [?] an incorporealform: (TA in art. iJj: [from explanations given above, it seems that the reverse of this is the case:]) and Abu-l-'Abbhs states, on the authority of IAgr, that '* -- and ';4a signify an imape (o ) that is worshipped; (TA in the present art.;) each of these two words iqthus (t ), thlough it would seem that accord. to the K the latter is 4.': (TA in art.. , :) (, ) it is said ($) is an arabicized word, from c, (8, ) [which is Pers., though SM says,] I know not in what language, for in Pers. it is z. [i. e. ']: (TA:) the pl. is; tl; (?, M, Mb, M ;) which, as used in the ]~ur xiv. 38, is said by Er-Righib to mean things that dioert one from God. (TA.) [xiii. 4], Xtj. p 1"~, (TA,) i. e. Palmtrees having one root and [others] having distinct roots: -afa read ;Z,, like J 'i pl. of 3; of the dial. of Temeem. (Bd.) - And hence, (TA,) t A brother; but not so called unless coupled with another: (Sh, TA:) or a brothler by the same father: (Az, TA:) [or. a brotAe. by the same mother; as is indicated by an explanation of one of the plot in what follows:] or a brothersuch as is termed J, (M, Ii,) which means by the fatlJer and mothler: (TA in art. Jt:) and a son; (M, X;) because he has branched forth from one stock [with his father]: (TA:) and a paternaluncle; (M, ]4;) but this last meaning is taken from a trad. cited in what follows: (TA:) the fern. is with ;: and the pl. is 6o1 [a pi. of pauc.] and ol .. % [as above]. (M, ]i.) It is said t [The paternal uncle of the man is the . of hisfather]; (T, S ;) meaning that the stock of both is one. (T, TA.) [And it is said that] 91.';L ' *l. -, relating to a man's children, means t Sons of one mother by differnt fathers, and children of diff'eren~ mothers by one father. (Har p. 608.)_-[Hence the pl.] i1U signifies also t Lias, orfellotm. (IAir, TA.)_ And jlF' & bB t Trwo rwe ls near togetl er, (AZ, S, M, K, TA,) or (so in the TA and in some copies of the O) that yield water from one spring. (AZ, S,C, TA.) __ . also signifies A nvidened /ell ( from wnhich water fi..) is not drann and of the water of which no us is made: (Ibn-Buzurj, J:) pl. Oi .. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) - See also what follows.

[BooK I.


to a single person, and to two persons, and to a pl. number, and to a male, and to a female: (IAth,TA:) and one says also o: Mbr says, if you say, J_; t ;. [Be silent,' O man], it is to distinguish between that which is determinate and that which is indeterminate; being indeterminate: (S, TA:) [i. e.,] ns IJ says, the saying ., with tenween, is as thoughl you said I$l; and when you pronounce it without tenween, it is as though you said ,5Jl: or, as IAth says, when with tenween, it is as though you said, U4 - i; and when without tenween, as though you said, 4k; J3 J! , ti. (TA.)

in a trad., '1

jl .

L |inf n.

, (Mgh, L, Mqb, TA,) aor. :, (Mqb,)

o (Mglh, L, Msb, TA) [and app. also, and perlhaps A.., q. v.], said of hair, [and of a camel's ifur or hair,] It mas, or became, such as is termed ,n,l, i. c., of the colmur trned *. , |; (Mgh, L, Mqb, TA;) as also t .land


| 4,t,..i(L,TA.) - See also



4. ! lie (a stallion [meaning a stallion 1m camel]) had young ones such as are termed

, [pl. of 1.]f

born to him: (g:) or,

accord. to the M and L, he (a man) had children such as are so termed born to himn. (TA.)- See also rtc.
9and 11: see the first pargraph.

&.s.: seo the next preceding paragraph. Also A calamity; a dial. var. ofi;; (g, TA;) which is mentioned by Az, but omitted in the 1B A smal [q. v.] to which no one in art... (TA.)~ And The aja [or quil] comes for water, (8,) and for wnhich no one of any feather. (i.) cares: dim. of t : (S:) or, as some say, (,) a clef in a munwtain: (S, TA:) or a ravine, or gap, ($.,) in which mater floes, between tnwo 4. J 1 J ,.l The palm-t,ves had paris, or nountains. (TA.) triplets, or more, groming together from single Li,,ots. (J4t, TA.) e,, and i and gao: see e., in art. y. ,o. }see the next paragraph. g.s : dim. of : see art. .

see what next follows.

_ One of a pair, (A~n, ?,M, ,) or ofthree, lk,t. L"I. He took it (a thing, f) mlholly: (M,M,) or of more than two, (i,) or of more than (Fr, , M, :, >) and so 1 (M.) three, (M,) or of Jiw,or of six, (TA,) of palmtrees, (?, M,],,) or ofany trees, (Ai'n, M, ],) or of | a : see the next preceding paragraph. trees resembling one another, (M,) gronningfrom | 4., applied to a camel, i q. , 1. . He chid the people or party [app. [q. v.]; one root; (Agn, $, M, ;) each [or every one] of (S, ] ;) and its fem., such being called the p with ;, is syn. with 1,. of the other [or others saying to them .: see what next follows]. [fem. of 1...l]: or a camel of which the origin is growing with it]; (An;, M ;) as also .a., (M, (TA.) 1],) mentioned by Zj: (M:) two of such are referrel to a certain stallion, or a pace, named R. Q. 1. _ A' He silenced threm, saying |t : (S, I :) or, if not used as a prefixed noun, termed Ljt (8,1) and 0 and cr",' to them ,. as : (], TA:) and they said also it means sprung from a stallion named , ... : [which last implies that t' as well as ' is a Ac:-: [for 'j', like as they said 'o. | Tarafelt uses the fem. as a prefixed noun in the dial. var. of j,] and also V'o and &j;' and for ;A.~. (TA.) |phrase XaRh aej. 1 [A she-camel of th lor ej;t,, [which imply that U; and Ox and , as also .,, (8, IAth, K,) and &.~,and 1~, termed .o in the long hairs beneath the loer and y and *.a.o;] are also dial. var. of (TA,) a word used in chiding the person [or jaw]: (T, TA:) but Himyin [without using it as (i;) and the pl. is a l. (AZ, ?, M) and [of persons] to whom it is said, (Ij, TA,) thus in the a prefixed noun] says, pauc.] :tLa,, (M,) the former pl. differing from M, or rather (TA) it is a verbal noun, (S, IAth, the first of the duals mentioned above by being TA,) used in commanding silence, (S, TA,) *Makin to ifyfrom her, ort makeA *tofy perfectly decl. (AZ, ?,* TA,) Hepce, in the ]ur meaning De silent, (8, IAth, 3], TA,) addressed [AFakng to fly ffrom her, or it makes to fly fro

(.. A, Mgh, Msb, ) and , a. (., Mgh, Msb, .K) and ' .o, (A, Mgh, Ig,) [the last said in the L and Msb and TA to be an inf n., (see 1,) and so may be each of the others, used as simple substs.,] Rednes, (T, Mgh, Myb, o) r [a red~s such as is termdj] Sil, (S,.J,) in the hair (T, 8, Mgh, Msb, 1.) of the head (T, ., Mgh) and of the beard, we/n tie exterior is red, with blacknes in the inerior: (T, Mgh:) or a tin of rednel~ over the hair, the roots being black, so that the hair when anointed appears as thouth it were black: (As, TA:) or rednem in blackness: (A:) or redness, of the hair, tinged over with blackness: or, as some say, rednus of |the whvol of the hair. (TA.)

BooK I.]


1737 affecting,] and [which did not melt, meaning] whkic endured the sun's melting it. (?,* 0. [In both of my copies of the I, and in the O and TA, the first word is S) as above; not tS.;])

her, thefr.of the colour tered ];

t 1$

meaning was said to be the most famous and the best of a plai/n,] which te sun wa melting, [or mrely
colours, and that a she-camel of that colour was as said to be the most swift of all: [see alsoj. applied to a camel:] but accord. to AV, .j! applied to a camel signifies white; and o;, white intermixed with redness: (TA:) [see also

; contraeting it, and channg the LS into *: and El-'Aiij applies vf,2 in a similar manner, u an epithet, to a camel's lip. (TA.) - Abso FIl, or complde, without lack or defect. as meaning ( -) And applied to camels (.) whick tle poor-ate has not been taken; nrom (],,TA;) thy being keft complete, without lack or dqfeis"ny. (TA.) - And, applied to a man, (, TA,) Low, ignoble, or mean; (TA;) for whom, or to whom, there is no OJ~~ [or rgister e or th like]. (g, TA.) of the nam of p~ _And Hard, strong, vehement, or violent. (A, ].) ienee, A;. ,.. l ;i . S A hard, or vi(A, TA.) lent, deatA; like

4 t 44%

(0,) or co

(so in

all i,) copy o the ]g, in the C lg ] is to ewes to be milked: (O, !:) it [i. c. (O :) in one copy of tie L, a a n~me for Es: call to the stallion (meaning the stallion camel] on the occasion of covering. (TA.)

,4 ;A hard tlace: (Sli, J:)

pl. ,;, ;.

(Sh,TA.) Lel ground: (. :) so some say: ;,; has (Sb, TA:) pl. as above: (TA:) or this meaning. (O.) Any place, (s,) or any kigk, or rgged, or high and rgge, ground, or place of a mountain, (0,) upon which the sun it e mently hotso that fles-mat is broiled tpon it: but (O, 1]:) Ltb asigns this meaning to .; AM *aysthat the right word is .vo.(TA in art. rv,. ) And A hard rock: and toam: (.:) [or] by stones are here meant hard roceL: (0 :) [but] this is a meaning of the pl. ,. (JK.). A hard, or strong, camel; femrn. with S: likened to the stones so called. (T, O, TA.)_. And A hot day: .And A tal man. (I.) (:) or a day intea~ hot: (O, TA:) and so (TA.)- And Intmenen of heat: (.:) ~.A. so on the authority of IAr alone; others explaining it a an epithet. (TA.)

l' The heat made *Jljl And you say, glisten. (TA.) - And back to the hameleon's (Myb.)_. n 1. &tea:] the dim. is bread with s;5 , his IIe seasoned _p. *'i-, JLJI [lit. Persons red, or reddish, &c., in rnpect (AZ, A, TA,) i. e. melted fat. (A, TA.) And of tihe mustacCes, &.,] is a.designation of eneIIe anointed his had wnith ;;;. (A, J . mies; and is applied to them even if not really He anointed his body with 'j .o : (A 9 , S, A,; L, K:) originally ap- 1.) And e,; ll J4tIt ]. (L, TA.) er, C[which is like plied to the Greeks (.*j1), because redness of also signifies t lIe brought, or drew, it (i. e. a the hair was [common] among them, and-they [to him or it]; and so t ;1l. were enemies of the Arabs: (S, L, TA:) applied thing, 0) nemar, to others, it designates them as being as great (O, TA.) l is an enemies as the Greeks. (TA.) -~, o 1 3. j, , (I,) inC. n. 3l;.; (TA;) and appellation of The lion: (IC:) because of his ..w aL; andw,, He became ~, and.~,,; 1 colour. (TA.)-And [for the same reason] that kind of relation to taen termed ; (5 ~;) ~ is a designation of The mal ostrich. (L, ,*,d: (Mgh in art. : &:) or,l,At. and so, 5 signifies also (S, TA) ; TA.) -Hence he took to himef a wiferom a ng them; (Q, ~from white W'ine: (.s, :) or wine expresd (A:) and V~*$ grapes: (1 :) used in this sense as a proper name: A,Myb;) and so,' l *,.: and became, thm, with hianelf cnnected (AHIIn, ] :) but also used without the article Jl; rot~pect, inviolable or made him.lf, an object of being originally an epithet. (TA.) - .~... relationor by protection, mutual of by a coernant .A cold day: (]:) or a day intensely cold. ship, or consanguinity, or by marriage: (IAr, (A, TA.) he soAt to bring himl nar $:) or. _ q. v. (Mfb.) dim. of, ,Ig~., to them by the rdeatioAip,.. (T, TA.) Flesh-meat mixed with fat. (A, TA.) [here app. meaning -- t What is termed h. uponrlive coas, and laid or dices, cut into strps und ehmently heated by tle or rocnrocky nam (see ' ) ], (O, ], and so in a copy of the , in some copies of the 1] M.ii, and in one copy of roast flesh-meat. (Q, 0, !.) - And ,.e,) Wild animals (,..,j) [of various kinds or species] mixed together. (0, X, and in one of my copies of the S.)
-One 4: see 3, in three places._

says also,

The army drew near to the L,S .JII~ 1_

[other] army. (A, 0,1.)mSee also 1, last sentence. 7. ?..a. It (a thing, ,, 1], such as fat, and the like, TA) became meted, or iquefud. (8, 1.)See also 1. 8. j,JboI: see 1. ~ Also 1His (a chameleon's) back glistened by reason of the hat of the sun; (A, 1g;) and so t;1tot. (?, ]L)- And He

(1,) He 1. ,, (S, A, 1g,) aor. ', inf. n. ,, melted, or liquefied, a thing, (, A, 1],) such as fat, (A, TA,) and the like; (TA;) as also tjola.t. &Uj v, app. means (5) The saying ;pr t I w assuredly melt the [in the fire of Hell by making thee to swear a bitter oath]: (S :) or t I will assuredly make thee to swear a hard oath. (A.) One says also, 4;4;

(0, V.)

11: see the next preceding paragraph.

4.1, applied to hair, (A, TA,) [and to camel's

Roasted, broiled, or fried; syn. Jd

(TA.)-_ And Hot; syn. j.. (Kr, 1.)

far or hair,] and to a man, (g,) and to a camel, (A,) or to a male [of mankind and of camels], :) pl. Mb,) fem. t;;:.: (A,Mgh, Mb (Mg,G ,~d: (f, A, M9 b, V:) Ofthe colour temned 4 [expL above]: (f, A, Mgh, Mb :) au some say, aing redhne (TA,) applied to hair, it means intermid with it/s witnes: (], TA:) accord. ;W & 4 t [I caued such a one to melt, by (TA:) making him to swear a false oath that would to A, It isn rrly the same aJs ~I: ce thereof, the fire intrmnnied procrefor him, as a cons applied to a camel, having red n. as above, He, or Also, inf. (AO.) of H11]. Air iteness, the upper part of the fur with cooked with fire. (TA.) thorog~ly burned: he it, bing rd,and t iwner partsrwhite: (f:) or not -: It (heat) affected him sm'ly. (A.) And 1hauu t ier parts [of thefur] int ly white, ; t2 Thsun affected him seerey by thLank and sides having soehat of nwhiteness; being ls white than what is termed its heat, (,* A, !,' TA,) so thtat it paind his the ~,l .i, hain a duLy hue in the upper partsand a brain. (TA.) Ibn-Ahmar says, describing the Sditess in te lkoer parts: (T, TA:) or not young one of a 5lJ, (J, O,) which was bearing intnsely hit : (QI:) or, accord. to IA*r, white : water to it, (O,)

_,. Rdlationsdip; nearnes with repect to kindred; syn. :j4i (A, 15:) and [ajfinity; or] the sacred, or inviolable, .tie (.*.) of relationsdip consisting in being a father or brother or otAer kinsman of a man's wife : (Mgh, 1 :) and of t ;~.0 the sacred, or inviolable, tie (I..) relationhip by marriage: (A:) Fr makes the former word of the fem. gender. ($gh, TA.) . And A ration,or kinsma n, or kinswoan, of a man's wife: (Kh, $, A, Mb :) and of a woman's husband: (A:) or the fatler or brother or other kinsman of a woman's husband; syn. .*. [and .. &c. (see art. _..)]: (Kh, Aq, 1Sk, Mb :) and the father or brother or other kinsman of a man's wife: (Kh, A, ISk, , M9b, 1 :) so accord. to some of the Arabs: (Kh, Aq, $, Msb :) or none says otherwise, accord. to AV, and 1A,r says the .d and.;.l were called by and he says that the 6 as 0 ' a' like: (Mgh :) or any relation of a man's wifj or the Araba "the lunreysh of camels," i. e. the * of a woman's husband whom it is uilawful to most noble, and the best, as ]ureysh were coni. e. ['he bearing water to a castaway, cast upon marry; as thefather, and brother, and son, and sidered by then, the best of them; also, that 219) Bk T.

1738 paternal mc , and maternal uncle: (Az, Mb :) or a man's relation by marriage: and a kinsman of a man's relationby marriage: (A :) or a man wAo has married among a p~ope: (Lth, Mgh :) and the Aluband of a man's daughter: and the husband of a man's idter: (IApr, ]:) Fr says that, in the ]Cur. xxv. 56, it signifies, a relation whom it is lawful to marry; as the daughter of a paternal uncle, and of a maternal uncle, and the like: and i in the same, a relation whom it is unlawful to marry: Zj, that the former signifies a relation whom it is unlaful to marry: and the camel anyfatne~ (3); row. (TA.)

[BooK I. (ISk, $;) or ang mar1. j,, said of a horse, aor. (9, O, Msb, O.) and :,(M,b, ],) inf. n. ,, O M(, , [and Jl3 is an intensive inf. n., (see o3

seees.m , first sentence.

Jot! The shath ofthA moon. (]. [See what below,)] 1e neighod; lit. uttered his voice; or is meant thereby voce *t_; of which it is a dial. vaoce. (, O,.) var. in this sense, and app. in other senses also.])

jg;~ nA thing (A, O, ], TA) like a [or another. See an ex. in a verse cited voce .J, pulpit], of clay, (9, TA,) or of wood, (TA,)for where ML3 occurs for ,jALa .] the wush~old utensil of brass (A, O, IC, TA) and the like, (0, .K,) which areput thercon: (A, O:) v: see the next paragraph, in two places. latter, such as is not aj., of those mentioned in but ISd says that it is not of establislled authority. A voice ith hloarsene, roghness, harshthe lur [iv. 27], from the words "your mothers (TA.) tscu, or ; [this is app. correct, or nearly are forbidden unto you" to the words "and your so; but what follows I think evidently wrong; combining [as your wives] two sisters:" I'Ab '.)rO:: scesee, in two places. and probably taken from a copy of the 0, in this explains _ and jv in the former passage of instance incorrect;] like t '0 : and . is *yn. the ][ur differently from Fr [altogether], and differently in part from Zj; saying that the former ivithl : (]~ accord. to the CK and TA: [to with 1. or p ter They plastered a applies to the seven relations first mentioned in which is added in the TA, i. e. hoarteau, rougkiv. 27 in the ](ur, and ,. to the remaining six with C.;G [or pylaetr of quick lime]. (L.) iws, /ha7sit?t,. or gr,'ff ems, in toe vroice:]) or ayn. there mentioned and that mentioned in the next witAh ~: (so in my MS. copy of the 1J:) Q. 2. Z; 1 j-. [They madefor themdnwe preceding verse; [so that it includes a man's [the explanation given hy gglh al)pears to be cori. e. a .L*.].(T and TA in art. foster-mothier, who has auckld him; his foster- a 5, rectly as follows:] one says, .o dy, L and sister, who has been sucked with him; his wife'st J_, i. c. [In his ri;ce is] starlmces and hardmother.; his steWp-dawgAter under his guardiannes: it is said in a trad. of Umm-Magbad, i t (9, A, Msb, ]O) and , but this sailp, born of his ie unto whom hehuas gone in; ,o or j_, accord. to different relations: ?. , liis son's wife; his wife's sister combined whith that latter is of weak puthority, (Myb,) and V and A'Obeyd says that vIa1 is like 1 [i. e. srife; and his father's tvwife;] and this, says Az, (S, g,) ua also , by a change of the last is correct: (Mgh :) in the ~ur xxv. 56, it means hoareness, &c.], not intensC, but pleasing. (Thus r-4 j, whether male or female: (Jel:) or Z.13 letter, (ISd, TA,) A wu, [i. e. watring-trough, I find in the O.) [It is said in Ijar p. O46 or tank], (],) or a thing like a (9, A,) in that J_.1 and t v1J sihmifyv eUII '' 1J: but , .. : (130:) pl. ; ($, A, M 9b, j, &c.) and wAich water collects; (?,A,g;) a tank, or cia- I think that tlhis lzas lbeen takenifiom some com. !,r.; (s ;) whichl latter is extr. (TA.) [I.'., tern, for rain-water: (ISd,TA:) arabicized: mentator who had foualll ).It and JAl rro(9.) . [See [t applied to a female, pL %L1, is app. post- (Mb:) originally Pers.: pl. neously written for ja.Lll and J.Il, with ,s.] elassical.] -_ And : A grae, or epAchre: (ISd, also , in artLj.,.] 0j~,: sec the next mpragraph. ] :) for they used to bury their daughters alive, and say, "We have married them to the grave :" ~1;;: see the next preceding paragraph:'.. [an inf. n., see 1,] and jt (S, o, 0 ) then, in the time of El-Islam, this expreuion was and also that here following. and ? 4L.t, of wlhich the p1. is Jl 3 , (0, ],) used, and it was said, 'aI. I , [An cel s, [which last is an intensive inf. n.,] t Mfade riith JG, (],) i.e. ;g [or and t .. lent wn-in-law is the grave]: or it means, cor(O,) The neighing or ncihyl, lit. the roicing dr rectly, that which supplies the place of the ,v. plaster of quick limne]. (TA.) One says WW. voice, of tie hAo,w7: (9, 0, .I:) similar to (I8d.) a9.:i [A tank, or the like,] made with tL and t;~ (e, TA) in relation to the ass. (TA.) i. q. [q. v.]; ( ;) a dial. var. of (S.) And in like manner, t?L* J LI mcans Poeorsof horses and La [A Jeb 0 .j of camnel: the latter word; signifying A thipig lik a A (TA in art. bl:) it is said in a tradl. watering-trougth, or ta,nk,] plaster~d oith .jL. [or water~-trough,or tank]: ($ :) accord. to Az, (L.) of Umm-Zarg, Jat,i *I i I a construction of clay and stones, built between [And Ie set me amnong powsaor of Aorsea and of camels]: (0, TA :) she meant that she was among [and acros] tn.o narrow branchs ,.f) (9 of a people of little property, and he transferrcd her to sall waterourse (I. aZ)of a ~ally, so that the L l ; A vehement voice. (, 0,.) O, A rhjiz people of much wealth; for the lK~ssessors of water id keqt back thereby, and tihey drinkfrom says, horses and of camels are more [rich] than the it a long time. (TA.) 1 ** 0*H , o 1 ....a , *; : possesors of sheep or goats. (TA in the present ; A melter.offat: and a roaster, broiler, or art.) [Sle has rended my head hoa,y by a vteuemnt frer: pl.~. (C.) NVeighing, lit. uttering his voice; [or voice]. (TA.) - And A clamorous old woman; si. [i. q. *; as meaning] MAelted, or (9, 0,, TA;) ~ehen.ent of voice; (TA;) and rather that neigjl mucA or often;] an epithet lIqwel (9, K.) [And used also as a subst., in so jL.-.; (TA;) so too 'P =. (Ad,, applied to a horse; (J],*9, Msb,'1] ;) and so t J3 ; and *V ,u .ij (Jg. [But these two the sense of gjt..] - Also Bread easoned with 0, g.) ~;4I L is applied to a man, as I find not elsewhere in this sense.])- [Hence,] G ; and o . (A, o, TA.) meaning VeYm~ t of voie: and in like manner ;14 H;J Horase. (TA in art. i.';. [It should to a hawk. (TA.) {,P What is mlted (AV, :, TA) offat, (A 9, e observed that applied .A to irrational beings TA,) and the Uke: (TA:) or (TA, in the V p .;;: see the next preceding paragraph. is pl. oft!as well as of ii !.]) "and ") any piece offat, (., TA,) whether small JC and * 8.0 j3: see jIl.JL ap or larye: (TA:) and tmarrow; syn. U, and plied to a he-oamel signifies Tat strike, or beats, d; (], TA;) which meaa the same. (TA.) Q.L for te: see R. Q. 1 in art. (0, 8,) with hifore leg andhit hindlg, (',) and One ays, .J i 1. nuere is not in tu a. bites, and does not er utter a g bing cry, in

[B . JI

; The horses neighed, one to



Boox I.] onseQWuen of hi disdainfiess, (0, V,) but vosh~ insidemaks a conf~sed and continued, or rumbling, sound, (, TA,) by reason of his disdait^,1s : (TA:) so expl. by Lth: one says J&tO ~ and

1739 Elt rider sits: (p, and EM p. 43: [sec an ex. of one j1Jt )[Verily those like guidance of marks and signs has Isddm part hinder the (]) aud ) w &i. of its ph. voce 1 [the pl.] irf[ is of the hump of the camel; (JK, ];) also called of the way]. (S.) -Hence occurring in a (S:) Graves: signify to applied the av1;; (JK;) or, as some say, the [part the sing., ($, -And (TA.) sense. this in trad. called]j 1;, which one sees above the rump: .K,) accord. to As, (s,) signifies Rugged and app.,] elevated ground, (S, [iHe. (.) [Hence, (TA:) pl. 1;4lI and but u,) ife.'ior to a mounmeaning [ A fat hc-goat. tain: (S:) or an elevated and a rugged Spolt, upon . and E one says, whiAch, sometimes, stones are et up in order that signifies also The middle one may be directed thereby to the righlt way; (TA.) And 1;! portions of the :esh ertending along the two sides And A place of . (M in art. .) of the bachbone of a bird of the species termed like ) of (g i going, i. (TA.) -Also The uppemost part of any varying, or of coming and Imra-cl(namcly, says, poet a mountain, ($,) and of anything. (Iar p. 374.) the wind: (S, ] :) And The esterior uppermost part of a house, Kcys, TA,) or chamber; the interior uppermost part thereof (Ilam p. 725.)_ And A being called d 1 . tower (JK, S, O) made (JK, ;) upon a hill, (JK, S, g:,) on the hilghst art thereof: (JK, ] :) pl. ,, (,) which is extr. [in . e,, (Jl~,) or mentioned respect of rule], like _ pl. of ;.,: of a cave, or like The And _ (TA.) by A.Iei. cavern, in a mountain, in nwhich is water (.K, TA) of the rain: (TA :) pl. te, (l, TA,) with kesr and the long I: (TA:) or ;tLo signifies places in which water falls, upon the heads of .[a mistranscription for mountains, like the 3iB q. v.]: (JK :) [or,] accord. to AA, places qj., in which water wells forth; pl. of ' o',: but in
U-C% -.7


(O, TA:) and

ZR>ii (O,K) ;lS

and JlG : (O, TA:) or AL ,3 signifies a stallion camel escited by hust, amaulting [the shcamelx], and causing a sound to be heurdlfrom . (TA in art. .) l his inidei; as also &Lt 1,)j appliedi to a man, t Vehnemnt in And sprinying or rushing, or in assaulting or attacking, and in excitement or provocation: (M, J, TA:) or a man whose anger is vehemcnt; as also

4 j. tj.

(TA in art. jvZ.) is cxpl. by Reiske as signifying Fi7ma

ac tenaw durities: so says Freytag: but I find not any authority for this.]

: and see also Arl, in art. _ -J.Its pl., jm4., is also applied (by the poet Aboo-Zubeyd Et-T4-ee, O, TA) to The sounds of >1 [i. e. iron dotels or spades]. (0, 1.) Also
see (by the poet Tcmeem Ibn-Abec-Mu1bil, O, TA) to The sound offJies among lherbage; (0, ;) app. meaning the humming or buzzing, [snds] of theirflying. (0, TA.)

iL&G :


see JCV.r

an . and
, inf. n. 1. ;; [or ' ], aor. u' accord. to Kh; It accord. to A'Obeyd; or (a wound) was, or became, moist: (g:) or 1 or > [as written in different copies of the 1], he had a.rwund and it becalMs aor. '; and ' ;
moist. (V.) - And the former, He had much poty. (Az, V.) - And i q. t [He became

[meaning, if the explanation be correct, and the citation appropriate, And a wind blen them (referring to the word ., i. e. live coals, in a verse immediately preceding) in the place of varying of the places of varying of the wind]: (S:) but Aboo-Zekereeyh, in the margin of his book [or his copy of the S], throws doubt upon the word meaning " wind" [in this explanation]. (TA. [See Do Slane's " Diwan d' Amro'lkais," p. 20 of the Arabic text and p. 34 of his. translation.]) ~ Also An asnemblage of beasts, or birds, ofprey: (M, K :) on the authority of Kr. (M.) And The sound of the eclho: (1 :) mentioned Az; but written by him with fet-h [i. e. by the handwriting of Az, ,I" is expl. as meaning pl. as the flaces in which water wells forth; and l, expl. in the 1 as o 1 1 ;s ]. (TA.) [in of &,.: in the Mj, tc. is said to be pl. of meaning He took it in its fresh state (3,j. mistranscripis a dIlir]), deA erroneously And CK the (TA.) also. and of ;'e t pressed tract of land to which stray camels betahe tion; correctly, o5, with fet-l to the 6,, and themselv: (V:) or a d prssed place surrounded with , as written by Az. (TA. [L and .*j, by mountains; (JK;) [or] so * aQtv., accord. to both omitted in the IX, are expl. in their proper Az. (TA.) place in the TA as syn. with 3~o and .1L.])


asee what next precedes. inf. n. (I-ar p. 240,) said of (S, M, A, V) and ,.,L rain, (S, M, A,*) It poured forth; (M, A, K ;) as also t r,le;: (M, ]:) or it dsnded; and signifies the like. (S.) A poet says, ? ,;

advanced in age, orJidlgroun; &c.]. (TA.)

(Q,)inf. n. lULZ, (TA,) as expl. by HS' made LY [i. e. signs et $5es.He 2. IAy, (TA,) lIe mounted upon its, or his, 3v,e up for th guidance of travellrn] in the way. [q. v.]; (8, TA;) said with reference to a moun(TA. [The verb is originallmyg; : and US" is1 tain and to an animal. (TA.) pl. of ;y.]) ~ [See also art. SJy.] He had a complaint of the j9 4. U H The pople, or party, alighted 4.-- 1 Lq" (TA.) [q. v.]; (1, TA;) said of a hors ted [or aII elt~ He anointed the boy, or young male in what are termed ,- meaning TA.) (Int, land. of tracts ~leated] and rugged child, ith dcaric d butter, and put him in the m [See also art. tS.q.] sun, in cosuence of a disease (M,]) that had befallen him: (iJ:) or he o anointed him, and i. q. LU, (V,) so in the Tekmileh, (TA,) put him to sleep in the sun, in consequence of a applied to a thing, meaning Empty, void, or disease. (JK.) acant. (TI.) in art. . see , ;: lye: see what follows, near the end. 3.

1. 4.C, ($, M, A,) [aor. ~s,


. ' jEC~'

which may mean, [And may] the descendin of the rain called the & [and continuos rain, or conotio and still rain, pouring for, mater thy districts, not i~uriy them]: or it may mean, [may] th rain of the season called th CO [&c.]: so says IHsh. (MF, TA.) And one says of a &;.: see the next following pragraph, last ~ A ig for theguidance of travellers, con- calamity (;o ), on the occasion of its befalling, sentence but one. sisting of stones, (AA, S, IAth, Msb,) set up , k., meaning It became [or fell] in its jt (IAth, Mpb) in the way (M#b) in an untkno p tor ettled or fjed plae, or in the place mhre it is which a horse, of bacA, of the part The i* th place of the saddle-cloth: (?:) or the mnooth, desert: (IAth:) or asone that is asign [for should remain]. (8, TA. [See also art. ) 1 or sof, part ( j* L1[so in copies of the V, but guidane] in the way: (M, :) or an eleCates And , inf. iI. ., TA,) (M, above, as aor. sign of the way, et up in ruged ground: (M:: (K, TA,) It, or he, came from a high place; (, L, lit. the partthat the right reading is app. j (AA, , M, IAth, Mob) and pl. pil TA;) desnded from above; (M, TA;) u also pl. ty an see is fo~d to be smooth, or oft, to sit upon, r t ,* 3: (], TA:) and (TA) it, or he, d , 9 b, g,) the latter like ,U,I pl. o: (M, M ed; ex. of this verb in the gam p. 675,]) of the two fi,l a pl. is this say, some as or, TA,) or (Mob, dcliity, ,.1, a down domnmards, dowm, went sides of the 9ij; [or bach] of the horse: (.:) or it or or postio; a lowerplace r to a hig from the part, of t/,e bach, of the horse, hereon the not a 1L pL (TA.) It is said in a trad., 01i t 219 *

oPed dowtn; syti. ; and so V '.4 (M ,1 ie dcecended, or mvent down, into a lover land, or TA. [See also 4, first sentence; and see 2, las t country; contr. of..l. (M, K,STA. [See also sentence.]) _- [tIence, app.,] .q 1tj$ They felV 1 as syn. with 5; and se 2, last sentence.]) ~upon them, or assaulted them: and agrecably Y l $1 .tt, [inf n. as above,] said of an with this meaning is expl. the saying of the Hu - arrow, [It hit, or struck, the butt, or target; or dhaleo, rcent righft thereto;] (, TA ;) and ~t, ($, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TA,) or -. JI ',.p, (M,) aor. ', (S, M,) * ^ d ~,,; inf. n. .,.., (. , TA,) likewise said of an arrow,

[Boox I.
in my opinion, [he says,] here is from the phrase w,jI t *-JI t[expl. above; the meaning of the verse being, But how should the

cenuring women hope for my cot'raning

myself to behave with hardines, and for my being patient, when the beloved of the ow ha been smitten by death, or by the decree of death; for ISd adds,] ; I ... JI L a,.1 i.


(fi, M, TA,) signifies the samc; (S, TA;) or ,l,to

meaning [They fell upon, or asaulted,si.c tents, said of an arrow is intrans. (M.) And ,ot1 many phrases in which its agent is likened to an or dwiellingJs, aend f our; so that it was as thougy/ alone, [as though used elliptically,] (MCb, TA,) archer.] One says, IJI ,,1 I [He hit the there n,ere upon them] numnerou. locusts. (TA.) inf. n. as above; (, .K;) and -,L,, aor. riiht thitg or lpoint, or the object, or aim, of his _-.,' [app. meaning , .~1 signifies also -r'--, (S, Msb,) inf. n. aeo, (S,) or -'.); wor.ts or of his actions]: (A:) and ;l,il .,.1 The sky's bringing rain. (A, ].) -And. Thi (Mqb, e(Mb, ;) and and yl, .'o aor. inf. n. n. ; ' ; [whlichl means the same]. (.R in art. j...) And ]g;) aor. ~ , j,inf. pouringforth (A, ., TA) of water [&c.]. (TA.) )(Msb;) likewise said of an arrow,(8, Msb,)It .. tol alone [means thus likewise; or] t he said, One says, 42'; ,..t 1ie poured forth the water; went rihyht; did not deciate frnm the right or did, that * vhich was right. (M,]~.e) And as also v . (M, TA.)-.,.o as syn. with course: (., g,' TA:) or it reachedtl [or hit] th ' . .. t le hit therift thingttn ,,e:1 see the latter in eigit places. oblject of ai,,. (Ml:.) And a,a1 V,,jLo, his syingy and htis deed; (Msb ;) and so 4 u! 9: see nbove, last sentence but one.- [Hence, -in ,his opinion; contr. of .1 LA (A.)' And (M,A,TA,) aor. .,., (A, TA,) inf. n. o,; t. J*a' . (. Ad * - *~ A,TA, in.'n.jLot of i,. t liec attainedl, or obtainted, the thing app.,p] b!J zt. o t I sent forth, or started, or and and o, (M, TA,) said of an arrow, (M, A, t attain or otai, th tin let go, the horse in running. (?, TA.) - And TA,) It went thethc thin.q, oranialthat or tanimal, ;TA,)right t It 'towards wn the lie suhtt, or wanted: whience the saying, is the contr. of j.-. 3 [generally in a ,hot at; (M,TA;) as also . T (TA.)_ A. Also :. j h .,Ltol [and so app. WiLt (see jk)] trans. sense (though also in an intrans. sense as s,,, - eto1,1 (,S TA,) and ,C o .,,tol, t `le obtained hi (desiredenjoymet of hi wife: will be seen below); i. e. it signifies The making (TA,) [said of n man, as is indicated by the (Meb:) U .,..ol occurs in a trad., [as a to decend]. (Mf, TA.) One says, ::~;.,;. l.Ie context in the S and TA, He hit the butt, or euphemism,] said by the wife of HIandhaleh, lowered, or depremed, his head. (S, A, Mgh, target;] he did wnot missx the butt, or target. meaning t He compressed me: (Mgh:) and it (TA.) And r,alo alone is said of an archer or is said i Mb, I(.) And I1j , . . 1S . [ay God Godded' ~.,. [J/lay the like [as meaning lie hit thc object of hit Issal m a trad., L..J ,>. 1 5 jt. grade him; lit.] may God lower, or depwes, his aim]: (Mb :) one says, [le shot, or ,j,Ameaning t used to kt, [the ad of head. (TA.) It is said in a trad., si ~ >. ca,t, and/lit the o;jct of his aim]. (A.) _ somle one or more f his wvives w hen he was fastdj'l ~. i., ; --I whiich, accord. to Aboo- [Hence, likening an event, &c., to an arrow,] one ig]. (TA: and the like is said in the Mgh.) Diwood Es-Sijistanee, is abridged, and means, says also, p. l ~Lo, inf. n. as above, t [An ecent Amd t. 41JI o. toA f t fie took, or took lf'hoso cuts down, or lops, a ij~ [which is a smotehi oor befellh f i ;] ao him, 4, and of t.he nolprty and other things species of lotc-tree], in a desert, by the shade inf. n. j".,,signifies the same. (Msb.) And (TA.) And siI .'L.I ! [Ie hit upon, or whereof the traveller shelters himself, withoutjust ZlGI t [An .filletlon, o r a calamity, li"hted h., on, the thing;] he found the thin. (g, cause, God wil, or may God, lower his head ;'. stnorcon oraM, K,' TA.) And aLt [t Ie found it, met smote him, or befell him]. (..) And JJ.ic [in the fire of Hell]. (L, TA.) And one says, with ittsl it, or ex.periee'(ed it; namely, a good or an **N *v9* lie lowred, or d~red,his hand, or t The thing raclwd him [so as to tahe ejfct JPm ecvil event. And t lIe fnndl it 01ot, or diwcored armw. (L, TA.) And &U1I ).4 Heinclinedthe him]: (Mgh,' Msb:) whence the saying, s.$Lol it; naniely, an enigma (sec 8 in art. q..)or the 'L ? , ,l .UI .0 > t [There rcachedl1im &c., like. And] t ile found it to be esel (Mgh, Myb) downwards, in order that yiglat: and t he what was in it might run [out]: (Mgh :) or he of tlw sayings of the people, what rached hitn *; it, conseiered it, or held it, to be right. (TA. lowered, or depreed, the v~ l; and in like &c.]. (Msb.) [Thus tropically used, tL.t may [See also 10.]) And t lre aimed at it; (An, TA;) ,illed, intended, or meant, manner, d1 l .1. [the head qf the pi,ce of generally be rendered It hit, sztrucl, smote, t he desired, n 'ihved, vounded, hurt, afecte,l, a.taile(l, or befell, 'ti,m. it. (A,, M, A, M.I, TA.) One says, Jg 4 t twod]. (T,TA.)_-And a .1 ,.p.. [ie O,e~~ sas ,.. ~, ad, an ' L.., , -D-. '~.Z{; ' ' II t Stuch a one ainwed at, and One says, e..* .Lot1 and , iand CAJ .,r'l..WJ U dirwcted his sight towards him]. (Myb in art. .J. &c., t A ditease, and plain, and wrindl, &e., smote desired, [to say] that which nas right, (A9 , M9b,* [From '.wy11.]) And asy .l.: TA,) failed of . (., affected, or amsale,d, hi,,i.] Anil TA,) and andfaild of ffiving givin ri.q4tl ritly tte,t reply. (A, see art. .. And 4 . y t% I said that (S, Msb,) aor. . G, inf. n. ,,., (M,b,) t[The TA.) And QI L t [rhVither do ye two his sayimng wa ,,l. [i. e. right; or I pronounced rainfell, or lighted, upon hi,n, or it; iretted him, des.ire to go?]; a saying of Ru-beh. (TA.) or it;] he, or it, was rained ulon. (S.) And .1 g.1&.j his saying to be right]. (Myb.) And &1; '." in the ]ur [xxxviii. -"M ---a j[He pronouncedhis opinion to be right]. (A.) ,,j,;,l v'I1 .t i. c. t [T/e shy, or clou&ds, 35, referring to the wind], has been expl. as And . t'1 aid to him ~1 [Thou hast hit or rain,] watered tih earth, or land, colously: meaning t [Running by his command sofy, or theright thing; or said, or done, right]. (S,g.) (Lth, M,TA :) or it means yya. Ity;to [it [itgently,] le lehithe,soever deireth. (M,* TA.) 15 ZI. Jmote it ith rain; or i main nt upon it]. (M, L, And .. I qJI al Ltoll, said in a trad., in reply You say, , h,43, ' ,U.' I TA.) In the following verse, cited by IAar, to a question respecting the interpretation l [If Ido, or say, wrong, of a ted me that Ihave done & , .. , text, means t God desireth, or meaneth, [thereby,] so; and if I do, or say, right, tell me that I have .u. , -3 *wvhat lIe desireth, or meaneth. (TA.) And doe so]. (A, TA.)~_ .t3 is also the contr. * ;;; t.*s. i;JI ISI .. P . * e&. at 41 .tol means f1:1 [i. e. Ifay God of .a. in an intrans. sense as well asin the intend thee good]. (A.) And.,.tol alone t He tram. sense mentioned above:] one says, ojtl # - 0[ he explains o as being hat like _, and says that desired, or or meant, I that which J~ ~esrd o i (eMn, nr r1intended, md Onehays vihys wa LS" 3 ~ ehl[Long have continued it may be of the dial. of him who says l ,,; right. (M, K.) One says also, t.l my d~sceding, or goiy down, and my ascending, but [ISd remarks,] I know not how this is, for t [meaning He did goodto him]. (EI-Murrij, or going up, in the/ land]. (A in art. ,a..) '..~.J 'JIa is not tranis.; [though, as shown TA in art. -1.) [But] I. .tal,(M,) in n. 4. ~t., (M, TA,) inf. n. a1,I, (M, 1, TA,) 1above, he has mentioned it as being trans.;] and (C,) with which are syn. V " [in


. (M, TA.*)-

[..,t l is also used in


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accordance with a usage genetally allowable] (., TA) and t Zl., (, TA,) t [generally] mean He afflicted him with, or by, mch a thing; or gae pain to him ther~y. (M, 1:* in the latter, only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense; and so in other senses.) [Thus one says,i.tI. l t lIe afflicted him with evil; or did evil to him: and I# ot t lie a.licted hinm ,ith, or did to Aim, an abominable,or an eril, thing or action: and t 1Ie a ehlitcd in with, or

1741 deed, (., Msb,) or his opinion, (M, TA,) or his or of madneess produced by diabolical posession. See also ,,. saying: (A:) Th says, -:.-. l is the regular (8~.) form; but the Arabe say, t4li TA. [See also 4, latter half.]) lj. (M, ~, a A colection, ( M, or &,-4, M;, 8,) or a collection, or heap, not measured nor weigl,ed, (]'m, A) of wheat: (M, A, ] :) a heap of wheat, and of dates, and ofother things: (M :) a quarntity collected togetker of dust or earth: (TA :) or anything collected toyetlher: (Kr, M, J] :) a place in ewrhich dlates arc collected and dried is thus called by tile peolle of EIl-Fe!i. (ISk, S.) One says, *A a-,*,;,s l,jljI ;i~ esL '; 1v; i. c. [I went in to such a one, and lo, the dleenrs. n.cre] a heap poured out without measure before him: (8, M," A :) or, as some relate the saying, iiJl, wlicil is thus used as a gen. n. (M.)

$t A certain species of tree,from which, when it is presed, there issues what resembles milk, a drop of w)hch sometimes spirts into the eye, producing an effect like tlat nf alataeof .isa, and in some instances wneakening the i.ght : (M, TA:) or a certain kind of bitte,r tree; (As, T, M, said to him, a foul saying: and J_o 4Lol g --K, TA ;) one of which is termed Vt .LG: (M, K : t He punil,hed him by blbo-rercnge: and ^l1l [in the latter it is said that .j; is the pl. of il.; v,f t lie, (i. c. God,) or it, (a thing,) affected but properly speaking, the former is a coll. gen. n., Aim writh diseaSe; or rendered himn di.seasel: and and the latter is its n. un.:]) or the e.epreeied in many similar cases, thc phrase may be well juice of a hind of bitter tree: (S :) but accord. to rendered with a verb derived from the noun; like the K, this is a ntistuke, though it is the saying of : see , . phrases in whichl " afecit " (a Latin equivalent of leading Iexicologists: (TA:) or, as some say, the .,Oel) occurs; as in "honore affecit," mnicaing e;xrnssedjuice (f tlhe~ [or aloes]. (M.) ,l~o1 t' A thling that is riylht, of what is said "honoravit."] El-1IAritl Ibn-Khuld EI-Makhand of wlhat is done; [like ;l,.;] (nIb ;) cont,.. zoomee says, ,~.~o an iinif n. used as a subst. (M.ib) mcnnof ui; (,8M,M b, ;) as also t P,;. (e, in,g tain; (, M.1s ;) and so f o, whichl is 1 * ' t4'J 'A XL. leUi4I Mhb, SC) One says, t j oliginally [ , i. e.] of the measure ,jm from i. e. I, ,.~ vUyt,,o0:.*l '3 [meaninig t Leave thou me, andl on me . (B1!1 in ii. 18:) or ~ is an epithet be tihe consequence of my wrong saying or deed, t [0 .phoiptneh, rerily your qfilicting a ,ana and my right]. (S.) [And hence thIe phrase, i, Sh, O, or ~ . S, Mb) , trho has .iren the salutation (f peace, yrecting, is aplplied to clouds (, frequent in some of the lexicons &e., l. ,i'.I ): (.S, tyranny]: 111 says that this verse is not of El. meaning horing rain, (0,) i. q. .. meaning t The right, or correct, word or nord,ling 'Arjee, as El-I.areeree imagined it to be: the Myb:) or and ' ' and V *. [thc or reading is thus: and l. t The right, tlie correct rea(ling is .l, as above: , is an last of which is written in the CI , ] all or correct, writiny or nwording or reading of it is apocopated fbrm of '); whichi is the dim. of signify the same, (M, K,) as epitlihets aplplied to ttus.]-And one says also .. JOJ3 and : some read ',''Il:and some, ,,ul: [the rain, meaning pouringforth: (M :) or . 'ea, r.. g [meaning tA right, or conrrect, saying: verse is cited accord. to this last reading in the . :] which is ori6inally of the measure J i, [being thus using each as an epithet]. (M.) *j is governed in the aecus. case by . [as altered from 4 j, )] means rain omurinlg frth ~~ .: see .t., in two places. an inf. n.]: annel,,j is the en,inciative of 'LI. (L, much, or abundantly: (IDrd, O:) [1 .o, also, TA.) Jl tj* ta&Jl ,A$1 t means is apl)lied as an epithet to rain, like .~ and ,~.qo: see .m3Lo; and see also art. . 5 Time, orfatte, afflicted themn by destruction, or ; and] in the phraseJil O;C , accord. to exti,pamtion, among tlhnmeltws and their cattle, or 'tC: see w . -Also, (M, A, A,,) and pose~ion. (M.) [In the I, G'oll is expl. as Abu-l-'XAl, 0%e1 is pl. of ,L,; or it may be ' (A) and P 'ewand,,' (M, K,) signifying Cg.?lL: but the righit reading is an inf. n., like Oif.: and if one say t 0 ', An arrow going riyht, or hitting the ma'rk: (S, with fet-h, the meaning is, wrhat has pouredforth evidently as Ibr D has remarked in the ai4.', M, A,y ], TA:) f the last of these is the only of rain, notwithstanding the fj in it, for similar to epithet, known to IJ, of the measure ai havinig margin of my copy of the TA; so that ,t,l. this are L from Ctj.Jl and 01~ (meaning signifies t lIc destroyed, or extirpated; agreeably the J and J sonnd and hlaving j for its , except (Ham p. 790.) with an explanation in the sentence next preceding "tall" palm-trees) from .ali. JPsh and .. J; for ,s is [held by hIim to be -Also Course, or tendency; syn. ,%J: so in above, from the M.] `* * P #i -4 only] used as a subst.: .o. is pl. of SJl, like toccurring in a trad.,' means 1Iim whom God the saying, to one who is traversing a desert in and ;Q3 pls. of.>; and, 5t; eithier from intendeth good lie trieth with Aiffictions, that He uncertainty and has declined from the right way, ;Q% may recomense him for them. (TA.) And one itr'.Al . [Rectify thy course]: and in the phrase ,1.JI 1 or from Jl l


%..;lj t,az b L t [app. meaning I was not offected ivth weakuess of intellect, or madn~,and I hae become affected therewith: see .1,, below]. (IAr, TA.)

5. 4.3~ [quasi-pass. of g]: see 1, in three place.-Also It mua, or becarme, lowered, or depr~ed; syn. ' . (A.) [(6. .td3, accord. to Freytag, signifies lie, or it, wa ell directed: but for this he names no authority.] 7: ee 1, first sentence.

[Such a one is pursing the right course], said of a person when he is not declining from his way to the right or left. (TA. [See also another ex. voce .1Z.]) - And A place, or point, of tendency or direction or bearing, syn. , (M.b, TA,) of a thing; (Msb;) and af;.~ [which means the same; and also a side; or a lateral,or an adjacent, partor tract of a thing; and in this sense , is used in the present day]; and ,4. [which geherally has the latter of these meanings]. (TA.).-See also .. ,4., in thrce places.

having.,a for its aor. (M.) [Sec also 4 j. in art. .] One says, _ Z LJ erily 1 it is an arrow that goes right. (TA.)
,Sl ._ *1ib 1 is a prov. [expl. in art. U,..]. (S.) _8 - [Hence,] one says also , S! . and : [A right opinion]: (A, TA:) [Mtr says,] o k1; meaning found. (Mgh.) : ' see ,-. l.1 I have not 1 .

, in two places: and

o: see klt.,

in two places; and see art.

10. 1"- and tla signify the same, ($, t,: see mi . -- Also Wecahnss, or feebbM, A, Mqb, j,) t He saw it, considered it, or neu, in the intellect; (M, A, ,;) or a touch of hd it s to be right; (M, Msb, TA;) namely s his insanityltherein; (A ;) or somewhat of insanity,

se,ey, in two places. see:

The choice, or bt,

clau of a people;

1742 (Fr,, M, ,;) as also t

[BooX I.

(Fr, S, 1) and of the measure i;.;' to be of the measure 'i.i 7. 7t l ~ (2 7. [Tae res d i V o. (K.) And ? ,; i A choice, or an without a radical .S or j, (M,) a:.d it is thoughi t menation of im; meaning] he becme fanous, or H.L.Sle excellent, people. (..) And tVl an , t, signifies The by As to be of the speech of the people of the celebrated. (l.)._And choice, or best, of anything. (S.) [See also art. cities, (MOb,) and ,Lt;, (M,) which is the e and came, (S, 0, ],) being called: of the measur .]_ Also, ik., The collective body of a original form, (S,) or is said to be so, (Mob,) andI jt' from ,411i. (S, O.).- And He becae is said by Zj to be the form preferred by the straight in stature after having be bent; (J, 0, people; (M;) and so 'A. (Kr, M in art. grammarians, (TA,) and ;l'. (A9 , A, MOb.) ) ];) as though his youthful vigour returned to ,~.) him; (S, 0; [in one of my copies of the former l . Li A nibbing in which te exterior of L..e: see the next preceding paragraph, in 31-is put for the writing-rced is made to extend beyond the pith: of which, and in the TA, "l. three places; and see art. N., c. ,ot" jJ31; or the right explanation is, as though opposed to *IU. (TA in art..J,-.) he conformed with a prayer that his youthful ,,3.1o [M1ore, and most, affected with weakness vigour mirtght be restored to him; for] it is said, by in the intellect, or insanity, or madness: see a poet, of Nasr Ibn-Duhman, after he had lived a Ji4,]. When a man says to another ;ti; '" ~.., and o, (K,) the latter the only word hundred and ninety years, (S, O,) when, in answer [meaning Twou art affected with weakness in the (Aje. i, TA) and to a prayer of his people, his youthful vigour intellect, &c.], thdie latter replies ,.p ,~l ;I1, of its measure except X-, returned to him and his hair became again black. , 4 (TA,) A thing with, which bread is made; (0.) j [Thou art more affected with weakness in the Also He went away hiding him~. (QC) intellect, &c., than I]. (IAsr, M, TA. [Thus (v.) a wooden implement with which the makers these phrases are used in the present day.]) of bread expand the cake of bread; (AHeci, TA ;) I:.;.: see : -and see also , in two the L.. of t/we maker of bread, with nwhich the places. .. ,a [A place of pouringforth: pl. ] dough, or bread, is expanded: (TA in art. JJ:) One says, y,);l ', G [It is the place of the an arabicized Z;" [an inf. n. (see 1): and also a simple word, (, TA,) from the Pcrs. po'ring of rain in the clouds]: and ,s,it sutbst., signifying] A sound, (M, MA, TA, PS,) LA. [or Y']. (TA.) [See what is said in art. ,J&I [I watched, or wratcwd for, the places of y, respecting words in which both _o and C a noise, a roice, a cry, a slout, an exclamation, or a tvciferation; (MA, PS ;) of a human being the pouring of rain in the clouds]: and .LL., occur.] and of other things: (ISk, TA:) conventionally, t.J 1; [Tie places of the pouring of the the sound of spcech: (Mb :) [also a tone, conrain niaterdthem; or may the places &c. water sidered with regard to the degree of elevation or them]. (A.) 1. aor. $. aL,, (M,M, , g) and ', depression of the voice:] and any sort of singing: (M, TA:) [and an air,or a song:] and it is used (M, O, g,) inf. . i i , (S, M,) said of a thing ;,t1 Dpass. part. n. of 4 [meaning Hit, struck, to signify a clamour, or confu~ed noise, or mizture (S, O) [and of a man and of any animal]; and , ,,ittea, wounded, hurt, affected, assailed,afflicted, said of a of sounds, (S,) and a cry for aid or succour.: (, &.c.]. (., Myb, TA.)_ Affected mitA weakness, )t ,, (.S,M, 0, V,) inf. n. ~.., M:) the pl. is .~,,_: (M, MOb,TA:) it is orfeebleness, in the intellect; (TA;) or with some- man (S) [and of any animal &c.]; and t,,tl; , mht o(f insanity, or madnes produced by diabolical (M, g ;) It sounded; it, or he, made, produced, mase.: (S,M, MNb, TA:) in the following verse, plose&ion: (;, TA :) or mad, or possessed (TA.) emitted, sent forth, or uttered, a sound, noise, (S, M, MOb,) of Ruweyshid Ibn-Ketheer (., M) [Seeeo l; and see also 4, last sentence; and voice, or cry; (PS and KL in explanation of the E-T;-ce, (S,) .q.dl.] Also Syn. with A .: (S., TA:) see first, and MA and KL in explanation of the 4, latter lhalf, in two places. And Syn. with second;) he raised his voice, voiced, called or called out, cried or cried out, shouted, clamoured, * l< &L! l>LL, Z.1, q. v. (A, M 9b.) Also The smgar-cane. exclaimed, or vociferated: (M, g:) ;y signi[0 thou, tlh rider urg~i (L, TA, and so in a copy of the .. ) on his beat, ash the fies also the making lamentation: (KL:) and son of Asad what is this clamour?], (., M, a pass. part. n. of 4 [q. v.]. (Myb.) f t ,s4, (M, TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) he Msb,) the poet has made ;.jAl fernm. because called, haile4 or ummonerad, him; caled out, meaning thereby ~JlI and :JI and 1i;'jl, aw A ladle. (IAfr,[) cried out, or shouted, to him (M,*TA.) It is o'.d' ($,) or he has made it fernm. as meaning ,J,edl, _p: see .Le , in two place. said in a trsd., JI;;I 1 i ; ,;L ~ , (M, Mqb,) or .''l (M:) the like is often [Tiaey sed to dislie blustring on the occasion of iL.. Syn. with 3il: C(, TA:) see 4, latter combat, or fight]: meaning one's calling to done by the Arabs, when two words, masc. and hal 8ee als.o ;' '._. s - ,.l .- j another, or doing a deed to be mentioned in after fem., are syn.: thus they say, it".l 41, ~t*#t1 is a saying mentioned by Ibn-Buzurj, as times, and shouting, and making oneself known meaning 4i-'; and 4 U&, meaning [i,,1t: meaning [I left the people disposed, or placed,] in a boasting and self-conceited manner. (TA.) (Mb :) but the making a mase. n. fernm. for this [See also ;y~ below.] according to their classes, or ranks. (TA.) reason is bad; though the reverse is held to be ` 0* C~I 2: see above, in two plaees: and see also allowable. (M.) The Arab. say, U-~ 4uu: see the next paragraph. 4, likewise in two places. U.y& t$3, meaning I hear a wound, or voice, but 'g.., (1, M, A, MOb, 1,) said by Abmad Ibnin the lgur 4: see 1._ signifiee also He became I ee not a deed. (TA.) 43 Yabyi to be originally J., (TA,) and * a posssed of [or fame, &ce.; i. e. he became xvii. 06 is said to mean WTith th sounds of [thy] (0, M, 1) and * 1; (M, 1) and * +1 (A, famou]. (O.) -[Itis also trans.; as in the singing, and muical pipe. (M, TA.) .- * Myb) and t tl;, (M, 1],) signify the same, phrase] J)I fj" is a term applied to A nou sgnificant of a lot He made the bow to sound (., M, A, Myb, ],,) An afflictio, a calamity, a [or twang]: (M, TA :) [and so is t,;y; as in sund: nouns of this kind being of two classes; miffortun, a disaster, or an eil accident: (M, ying the phrase] ii1 ;: [(He caused the kind of namely, nouns applied to the purpoe of add Mqb,TA:) it is said in the Towshee 4 that the irrational beings, or what are virtl~ in the primary signification of X,'a is a dot with an resin called 4. to make a ound, or sond]. (1 ~predicamnt of irrational being, as yog invoce ua l.) [And it is trans by means af ,o; fants; and onomatopua, or nouns imitative of arrow: (TA :) the pl. is r;l, (I, M, A, Mqb,) as in the phrase] i.j1l .L.1 [and in like manner sound: the former clash consists of two descrip. the form commonly obtaining, (Mob,) but irregutions of words; namely, jaculation used for the lar, (M,) the Aramb agreeing in pronouncing it '. (am ,.`)] B He rnde~d the man nopuIpoe of chiding, as (to horses) and , with o, u though they likened the radical letter to toriou by a thing that he did not deire. (Ibnthe augmentative, (?,) or they imagined what is Buzuj, TA.) (to mules) and e e. (to a young infant);


** a5#

BooK I.]




and ~ejacatio used for the purpQse of calling, likewise applied to an ass, (8,) both signify the reason ofa b/ight or the like: (T, TA :) or became ,) et same, (,) Vekm4 strong, or ud, of wvoice: dried up in the upper part, (AA,, (to camels) and W (to an as): of the as .. up became drid (AA, .:) or moisture: retaining jq.. is like L.Ji, "a (?,M, Mqb:) t.. other clas are ill (imitative of the cry of the [the signifies "a and plit; (A4, TA;) and 1 C man having much property" and 3 j crow) and $f (imitative of the sound produced by [ "a ram same, or] became dried up and much split: (A:) man who gives much,' and .. tL the falling of stones) and ,I (imitative of the having much wool"], &c., all of these epithets J3 said of wood, and the or (and so the verb sound produced by the fall of a sword) &c.: of the measure J.i: (.:) or like,) became mucA split, po~taouy, and part originally being nouns significant of sounds are generally indecl., -, may be of the measure * -from which thereof became scattered: and signifies the because they resemble certain particles in neither the medial radical has gone; or it may be [origin- same. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee, governing. nor being governed; but some of them are occasionally decl. [like other nouns]. (El- ally ;J.,] of the measure Ja. (M.) One says ijt t [Therefon tGi3 Ashmoonee's Expos. of the Alfeeych of Ibn- also '4 . [A vehement, strong, or loud, hastn ye to obtain knowledge before the dJryinJW'JI t..I.)-See 01 M6lik, section ;1~1 wice]. (A.) See also ,,. up of its plants for want of mental vigour]. also the next paragraph, in four places. also signifies It became much ... ; . (TA.)-see ;.l,t~,,:..,t~o M, A, ($, and 1) M,b, ;. (1, M, A, split; (m, g ;) said of hair &c.; ($;) as also 8) and t ctG (M, $) and Vi 4 (g) Fame, : see the next paragraph, in two places. VttL.I: (1: [but this latter is more correctly report, repute, or reputation, whether good or expl. below:]) [or] said of hair, it fll off and evil: (TA:) or good fame, good report, good . One nwho raises his voice, calls or calls became scattered; as also .: (]g:) or it rep or reputation, (., M, Myb, g,) that spreads out, cries or cries out, shouts, clamours, exclaims, j becanme much spit, (A, L,) of ita/f, (L,) [or by (f) among the peopb; (, M9b;) so some say; or vociferates; i.q. t d -: (1K, TA:) [or, as reason of dryness, (see 2,)] and fell off and well be often may [they (S.:) evil: not (TA;) , often occurring, rvoi does so much, became scattered. (L.) also 9 ; rendered remo :] J~ is originally ;*.; the or is in the habit of doing so; each being of a a1e It clave, split, or slit; or became 7. q being changed into ti on account of the kesreh measure denoting intensiveness of the significapreceding it: it seems as though they made it to cloven, split, or slit. (S, ].) See also 5. - It ., j.l liJ tion.]-_[Hence,] one says, ; (a mountain) became mucA cleft, or eracked, and be of the measure 0j to distinguish between the meaning There is not in tle house any one (C, dried, by reason of wrant of rain. (TA, from a that is heard and the fame &c. that is Z.4. TA) that raises his voice, &c.: in some copies of trad.)_ It (a garment) slit, or rent, of itself. i .; known: but sometimes they said, i ' the 1] t .,' , which has the same meaning. (AO, 8.) - S It (the moon, ., 5, and the dawn, [i. e. His ame &c., or (TA.) in the sense of ,1' and lightning, TA) showed its light: (S, 5:, TA:) good fame &, spread among the pople]: (, originally, becanime cekft. (TA.) [See also 7 in StraighAt in stature. (.) $,;; ; ii and te l TA:) anid e'sL .] art. /A fanme &c., or good fame &c., among the ,: see what next follows. --- [His fame &c., or . ' peol]: and;




good fame &c., went among them]. (A.) It .., 4W.e i 1 j,X is said in a trad., slY11
meaning [Tere is no servant of God, i.e. no man, but he has] a report by whichA he is known [in Heamve]; and it may be in respect of good and t evil. (TA.) And in another trad., ~ 1
j Qtwjl [17&e distinction i5;n;; , the lajful (i. e. marriage) and the betme unlawmfW (i. e. fornication) is the report that is made in the case of the former, and thA tambour~e that is used in that case], meaning the publication of the marriage, and the going of the report thereof among the people. (TA.)m_ also signifies A blacksmith's hammer. (C, TA.) .And An artificer,or a handicraftsman; syn. iL;: (1 accord. to the TA:) or a goldsmith;

syn. &t.

(So in the C] and in my MS. copy see the next preceding paragraph.

of the :.)
&;.: [ondinog; making,producing, emtting, or ut~erg, a sound, noise, voice, g fortA, m~ or cry; (see its verb, ;L*;)] raising his vowice, ing out, crying or crig out, cling or ecliing, or vocferating; (.8, Mb, o~u, ; the two words being like TA ;) u ao

.. (IAlr,]) The (S, A, I) and vwal (J1S.) of a valley: (.8, ] :) [npp. meaning its perpendicular side; for] a valley has ;Qt., which means the two sides thereof, reembling w,) ( ,) [tlird pers. &L, aor. ( (..:., 1. The lower part of a two rwals. (A.) -And inf. n. y, (TI5,) I clave, split, or alit, it; (, mountain: (1 :) or the face of a mountain that 1i ;) namely, a thing. (..) stands up (S, 1J) appearing (S) as though it were , , a wall. (,- ) It is said in a trad-, C'M 1 said of the wind, ( 2. jI %4., X-am .j.I, meaning [They ca pLiI eX A,) and of the heat, (.Jl, A,) and of the sun, , (1,) It dried up, him] betwmeen the two mountains [so that the beas, (1 .. 1JI, TA,) inf. n. y or birds, of prey ate him]. (..) or caused to dry up, (S, A, 15,) the herbs, or legu. ia.G A plain, (A,) or land, (],)that produc minous plants, (8, A,) so that they became much 1 [the wood]; and the nothing (A, 15) ever; (] ;) i. e., in which is no 80 split; (A;) andso o signifies the same. good. (A.) like of these: and said of dryness, It (TA.) And J!jI X.1.~ with iamm [to the w], Dry. (1.) A palm-tre of which the caused the lair to split much, and to fall off, and And ;I.y ;ii become scattered. (L.) _ See also 6, in four branche wirath their las upon them have become uv dried tp, ~id, and contracted. (1, TA.) places.-It is said in a trad., C C
U": see J!., in art.



1 j,i ') 011, meaning [Heforbade the ~ am. (.8, K.) _ And t The seat tslling of paln-tres] before that the good thereof of horses: (S, ] :) said to be likened to gypsum become distinguishable from the bad: related by because of its whiteness. (T, L.) -And t JMia some with j [i. e. tra']: (TA:) but El-Khat- mixed witl water, the latter beng tha more i eewith.. quantity. (Aboo-Sa'eed, 1[.) - Also An , lbee says that the right word is and and C5I, the L so in (;y.J, piece, vated .) (TA in art in my MS. copy of the 1[,) or nch a is soft, or & J. and ; the latter originally plants, or leguminous yilding, (;s., so in the.TA as from the 1,) of i. A$I t'_3 The herbs, tA.. [But ee the next paragraph: and see also (IB, TA:) or land. (L, )_ -. And The .sadix (C,) of the became dried up; as also t 'ty: it dries up, and falls became competeldy dried up; or became blighted palm-tree, (A.n, ]1,) henm (AKn.) scatterd. bcomes and in pieces applied to a man, (e, M, A, Mob, V,) and dried up; and t t:" signifies the same: ,n, '_'~. like LLj, [but accord. to analogy it W o,,applied, (, M, ]X,) and the latter (L:) or became dred up in the hot sa~on, not by wnd '

tC: - 9 [BooK I. should be without teebdeed, like ILUt &c., and (h1 M,Mb, b, :) or he demolished it thre it 1fashioned, fashioned, fgured, shaped, culphtred, or pic so it is written in the L usrelating to wool,] down, or puld it down to the grouJ; as also turtd. tured. (S, M; ], TA.) - And [hence,] J; What 1A be much pl, of hair, and wkal t ol. (l.) One says, ofa man, ; [and t 21,10 , like and J ;,] It. Aas faDe of and beme scattered, thereof, (5:,) el incline Ahis nec to the thing. a~ and so of wool. (L, TA.) appearedto my mind, or imagination, (f, M9b,) (Lth.) And s..J l ;. i., and Vt 3 It, I as an image, or a picture. (M 9b.) _ See also . inclined, or bent, the ting to, or towards, 5; Flowing, or floing coy, me. mning -- [Hence,] IFIence'] CA j .3 He imagined a thing; upon the sfce of the '. *tl ground; (5, TA;) applied (El-Ahmar.) And ;l5 imaged it in the mind; as also tVj;; [like to rain-water. (TA.) - And Herbage of which [I idncin, or bent, the branch, that I might t4i> .3 and ; he imagined, or conceived, the the blossom have appearedL (TA.) [See a TerseI phhk, or gather, the fruit]. (A.) Andj j.I form of the thing. ($.) [ ,a in logic signifies f0M cited voce ;A;.j1 &j,0 t [Hearts which the tie of re-



4Cl Z tol (gte, A,

t,t , TA) and

(A, TA,)

inf. n. L.L.A, (TA,) He li

ed to him, or it.

7. 7. 1,1: see';. - Also It (a thing) became demolished, and cut, or divided, in piece : (0:) demolithei, it (a mountain) becamne demolished, and fcll: (?gh, ($gh, TA:) it cracked, and split. (TA.) J 8. UjUa . 1ie doubled it, or folded it; or he de, of such a one, that he migAt take it aeoay. bent it; syn. X'. (0.) e, and -: Jdi;.3 , j, Irn thou thy face (A, TA.) [And it is id that] it inifies thus in towards me. (Akh, .) And ' ;, aor. ;G: see the prov., ]Z Tee,ll a , ie. He ma I, A, below, in two places. (M, 5:,) and ', (V,) He turned hitface !;1: nt the f th fr chider of towards a person or thing. (M, =) And ` j" j. SmaU palm-tre: (M, V :) or a collection cae [or of hin hoAO dris and cehide ma~ of small palm-treea: ($, M, I:) a word having bf , 3 u4? L i [iHe turn his benefcea caml] to o making k~ , or ging ingfor pL tio of, a tAng aot: applied to him who strives, towardJ mn]. (TA.) - [Agreeably with a state- no proper sing.: (;, M:) [but see i;,:] (Sh, (Sh,M,15:) and other tres: pL au or laboure, in seeking [a thing] i and d then lachs ment cited above, it is said that] Z;L, aor. u )l,e: ability, enddesistr. (Meyd. [Butthe versecited above, (., ],) and so the in n., (TA,) signifies above. (Sh, TA.) - Also The root of a palmvoce suggests another rendering, which I also He dissected it; or cut it, or divided it, in tree, (M, V,) or of a palm-trunk. (M.) - And think preferble. In Freytag's " ab. Pro,." piece. (, , TA.)...And hence, (TA,) S; The bank, or side, of a river or rivulet. (M, 5.) .,.JI t He (the judge, A, TA) decided the - And The side of the neck. (0,* :,' TA. [In i. 718, tAJ/U is omitted.]) judgment. (S, A, TA.) - [Freytag states, on the the CiV, 4' t1 is erroneously put for - l;.]) authority of the Kitdb el-Addsd, that j, aor. as -And Theforloch : so in the saying ofa rajiz, 1 )ye above, has two contr. significations: ae separated, 0 L111w r. jl:o ur., in Nin. [ e wrote te the. or ditpenwd:- and He collected.] - See also 2. ur;, also signifies He (a man, M) uttered a [As though a mane inclining fiom his forelock]. [i. e. the letter .,). (]5) cry, or sound. (M, 5:) .e, (M, A, ,) [aor. (.) W.) Th name u of one of th etter of the al- ',j ,] inf n. 6 J (l, M, A,) He, (Lth,) or it, ; A horn: (8, M:) and a horn in 7vwhich one pAabet. (M, L [See art. ,,.])- [It il also e (a thing, M, M4b, 5, or a man's neck, M, A,*) J" blow: blo,: ($, M, V:) so in the 5ur [vi. 73, &c.], tstle of a .- ,the thirty-eighth chapter of the inclined, or leaned; (Lth, $,* M, A,5;) as also A Jurdn.] If you make it a sign of the ;zy, you tjLA~: (, M, Mlb, :*) it bent; or was, or ;yW1 os. t -*M .,* 4 [i.e. On the day ,v/ten the write it as a single letter, and make it indeclinable became, crooked. (A.) One says, ' Mm horn shaUll be blown in]: El. Kelbee says, I know , ~ with its lst letter quiesent [in pronunciation]: In his mnec is an nclinuin; and a bending, or not what is jj..l: and it is said to be pl. of ;_., if you make it a name for the j*., you write it crooke~ . (A.) - And ' as an attribute of like u,,s J-10 is of j--t; [or rather a coll. gen. n., of as [it is pronounced] in spelling; and say , a man signifies also i An inclining, or inclination; which ;f~ is the n. un.; ] i. e., [the phrase means] with kesr, becaume of the concurrence of two (S;) a deiring, or desire. ($, Mab.) wten miten the souls shall be blown into theform. of the quiescent letters [in the former case]; and you 1A may smy i, because this is eaier of pronuncia8. Jy [inf. n. , He fored, fashioned, dead: and El-Jlasan read pWJI kJ: (S, L, TA:) tion: some make it imperfSetly del., considering d, shaped, culptrd, or pictured, him, or this is related on the authority of AO; but it as fem. [and a proper name]: and some make it it; (;, M, 5;) and t j. signifies the same; AHeyth asserts him to have said wrong. (L, TA.) perfectly deel., considering it as mase.; and my, (M9b, and BSl in iii. 4;) and so does t jL., acM~ ;~ inf. n. of.;. [q. v.]. (M, A.) -_ Also An 1; .; [I rmad, or recitd, the chapter u.]: cord. to Aboo-'Alee, in the saying, itching itching (JL4i) in the head. (IA!r, TA.) [See and the like is done in the cases of 3 [the title of !'# also also ;""-] the fiftieth chapter] and ej [the title of the sixty0, ' eighth chapter]. (M 9b.) - Accord. to ISd, its [Which (referring to a church) he has built, and ZJL. ;L. The head, (0,) or the upper, or uppermedial radical letter is originally : (L:) accord. in which he hat made a cro%, or croses, and has most, part, (,) of a mountain: (0, fau: 5:) and to IJ, it is I. (MF.)7 8ee also art. m. madersclptured, or painted, work]. (M.) One J..: 4..: [with .] has been heard from the Arabs as says, "; i i .".;. [God fored him a ito its dim. (TA.) _ See alsol.

(?, V, TA.) [See a vere of Aboo-Du-id 5cited here a an ex. in the r and TA) voce (l.] And tLl signifies also He wa nt, or pak ot, or es~d from peaig: so in the saying, p_'M j. * - ; , meaning t ucha one m as repecting the right, or

lationAip do not incline]. (TA, from a trad.) i 5 al 'aj.i, in the lur [ii. 262], means And turn them towards thee; and so 'F,': (Akh, . M :) but the former is the more common reading: this is the meaning commonly known, of each reading: though Lh says that the former means as above, and the latter means cut them, and divide them, in pie~s; (M ;) and some thus explain the former, making a transposition in the verse, as though the words were thus, ili l 1 .L [A5j. O. ~1. %id ($.) One says also,

The forming of an idea; conception, perception, ified by the epior apjrehension; sometimes qualified thet . i. e. simple.] -. Also He (being pierced with a spear or the like) inclined, to fall: (s:) or he (being struck) fell: (M, 5 :) or he, or it, feu, fed, or alighted. (TA.)


goody, or beaut/fid,fom]. ($.)_ See also 5,

1. jG, aor ,

(-, M, ,)

in .. . , (M, in two places.

1:,) He mad it (a thing, M, V, or, as some say,

specially the neck, M) to ii~, or lean; (f, M, 5:;) as abo jL.,aor. JA; (0;) and oj,tt:

;A" ;j" 1 An inclination, or a deire. (TA.) You Bay. Bay:, 60.0 e JhJ L. 1 msethee to hatn a ko 4: see 1, in three places. ing inclinationto him. (A.) And Sj . ; L. 5. .J He, or it, wa, or became, formed, 1 I haw not any inclinatiosto, or desirefor, her.

Boox I.]

j," - et


signifies the same. () in that art.) One says, S , ~and e t I came to th antagoiats, and othen, from tAheir side.: , TA:) of a courageous man, or a courageous armed man, one says, l.Ml , :IHe comes to Ais antablance; syn. jL, (M, ,) and jl,; (Msb;) gonists from their i ; (9, O, TA;) and tho like , (m,) is cited in the T from Lth; or as meaning the ternal state of a thing; (lAth;) that rher- (., Msb;) as also t;., , (Msb,) andit'; Ae by a thing is sensibly dijtinguished by men in and t ;L [also] signifies [the same, i. e.] a ;dj encompam their ~ ; (TA;) or he co~ general, and even by many other animate beings, toyether Ais antagonit (I1], Z, TA)from ey or ;Sj of musk: (0, :) or ; and st_. al from othAr things; as the ;j. of a man, and of aide, (, TA,) like as the measurer collects signify a small quantity of musk: (M, :) or a a horse, and bf an ass. (B.) .. And An efigy; together that which is measured: (Z, TA:) and of a4 image, or a statue; a picture; anything_that piece, or portion, thereof: (M:) and ;ly. signi- a man, (S, O,) or a pastor, (Lth, I1~, Z,) d is formel,fashioned, figured, or shaped, ajter the fies also mush [itself]: (TA:) pl. oJ . I. (M, ~~~~_1*-2m Ji'l, (S, O,) or '.;t, (Lth,) or Sl, (Igtl, Z,) likenss of a,hy of God's creatures, animate or in- g.) [Said in the M to be Pers.]. -ltjll He comea [to the ca,mel or] to hi. cattle [or to animate: it is said that the maker of an effigy, TA7 two corners of tlt mouth; (O,J;) called hi camde] from their sda.; or hA encompasu or image, will be punished on the day of resur- by the vulgar ;(lj 0l, , TA,) or L slrll. theiAr dda; (Lth,TA;) or hA co~ect thetm torection, and will be commanded to put life into it; (O in art. ~..) gether (IItt, Z,TA) from e~ery de, (I"tf, and that the angels will not enter a house in which TA,) like as the measurer collects together that is a gj, . (Mgh.) [See also jl.][.. [Hence, ;t,.: see the next preceding paragraph, in two which is measured: (Z, TA:) but Az says that the A mental inmage; or a resemblance, of any object, places. foregoing explanations by Lth are wrong; that formed or conceived, by the mind; an idea: a Ijt I ~, said of a courageous man, or a 8.o; [with o] a dim. of ojl [q. v.]. (TA.) meaning of frequent occurrence in philosophical courageous armed man, means he charge upon his works &c.]-.And Spee~ ; syn. e. ( .)'j Goodly in ijy [i.e. form &c.]; (Fr, !~, antagonist and diprse~ them; and d , And The eaec of a thing; that by being wohich ] ;)aus also jt;t. (TA in art. s.) One says said of a pastor, Ahe disperst his cam in tha a thing it what it is; or the property, or quality, .ft/o ,J'.. (Fr, S) and jt tjL (TA ubi supra) or the aggreg,ate of propertiesor qualitie, whereplace of pasture; and ?jl ` , said of a heA man goodly in ;j. [or form &rc.] and in 3; by a thing is vhat it is; syn. 'A.: (lAth:) [i. e;appearanceor apparel &c.]. (Fr, 9.) [See goat, he dis,rsm the [w-] goatU; and ll Lt, [ecifc characterj] that wrhereby a tAhingj i aor. as above, and so the inf. n., he diprre the also <' in art. ,L.] mntaly distinguisthed by particular ersown, not she or goats; (TA;) and ldl t ,etlt, inf. n. by the vulgar, from other things; as the aj." by ;Iy A sparrow (;, ,) that answers when signifies thus likewise: (Lb, TA in art. which a man is specially distinguished, consisting called. (Q, M, K.*) :) Lh also says that..?.;kl , aor. t , in reason and thought and other distinctive inf. n. ., and aor. ' I; inf. n. a1., attributes: (B:) a quality, an attribute, a proly-o: see l,, first sentence. perty; or a decription, as meaning the aggrejate both signify I dispered the ~ orgoat: (O in j", Inclining: (M, :) pl.;,. of the qualities or attributes or prolperties, of a (M.) One art. O*:) or, accord. to Itt, *4 tt.,, aid of thing, or the state, condition, or cate, of a thing; says Jf 3J. A man having an incling, or a a pastor, has two contr. meanings; ho collected syn. a.: (IAth, Msb, . :) as when you say, bending, or crooked, neck. (A.) And j l . together hit camel from every aide; and also he i inclining his neck and face to- dipersed hi camel/. (TA.) - Also I rigtened 1" jXl 1,j"- [Th/e quality, &c., of tae thing is I,: 01 . UHe .)-A ndi>iJ , of nsch a kind]: (lAth, Mob :) and Ail.3JI s,.. wrards such a thing. (A.) - [And hence,] him. (Ibn-'Abbid,* 0,* J t Haring an inclination, or a desire, (S, M, Mqb,) aor. .,m l, (Lh, 0 in art. ,) inf.n. , 1.& [T'he deacription, st temeatt, or form, of tahe q~etion it of uch a kind]: (Mqb:) and so in to, or for, (jl,) a friend, or an object of love. (TA in that art.,) I urged, or incited, the peopl, (M.y or party; (Lh, O and TA in that art. ;) and so the saying of the Prophet, t; --J l U!1' 3 ., (Lb, 0 and ~ in that art.,) aor. jSj.a [pl. of ' 'i and o:j 3] E7giges, .. ill ,-: , :I [My Lord came to me tonigt in a most goodly state]; or ;j. may here refer to the images, or statues; pictures; and the like. (9, ail, t (Lh, O ibid.,) inf. n. . (TA ibidJ_ Prophet, and may mean external state, or manner Mgh.) [See also "j".] -[And ijkl tlm He proplled the ball with the of bg, or condition. (IAth.)And The ;,~ [A sculptor; and a painter, or limner, or MA,... (See iL below, last sentence.)) mode, or manner, of an action. (IAth.) The .1 as an epithet of God, The And j l ?Wg, ((,) [app. for Ja...l c,s, pl. mis . (, M, Msb, 1) andj . and j; (~, tia like]. M, ;) the seeond of which is rare, and by some Former, or Fashioner,of all existing things, who 1-U; 1; aor , aor. (O,) inf. n. (TA, disallowed. (M F.) _ The saying of the Prophet hath establshed than, and given to every one of 7%e bees foUoad as though drivina along] one :,r ll. may mean that God them a special form and a particularmanner of anotlwr. (0, .) - And sJl l, , inf. n. go, created Adam in the ;I.p [orform &c.] that He, being whereby it is distinguished, nith their variety He folded, or dbled, the tAing; twited it; or namely, God, originatedand ordained; or in the aznd multitude. (TA.) bent it. (I , TA.) j.~ proper to him, namely, Adam. (M.) e 0* l - o, (0,,) inf n. aj" signifie also The face: so in a trad, cited , ,) 1. vL,,, (O,1,) [from Zd,] aor. 40"1, She (a woman) prepared a plac~, sucw as is voco . .; in which it is said that the aj is (O, , TA,) and mado it even, (TA,, I measured , pronounced sacred, i.e. that it is not to be (19,) inf. . it with the termed a1, (TA,) for the separating and loosening of cotton. slapped: and in another, in which it is said that [[q. v.]. (0, IL) One says, :,4 ;;L l. the Prophet disliked marking the ij." with a hot i. e. [his is mheat] that is measured l .. , rM w wid dr,ed [rwith the (o, V.)_.~,~l iron. (TA.) et)]. (O.) - And t [I collcted it togethr, up, or caused to dry up, the plant, or herbage i like as the measurer collects the corn kc. in the (0, ;) as also ,... (TA,) s.-J, e jl: see the next paragraph, in four places. measure: and the contr., i. e.] I dispersed it, or He made tha tAing point~d in it had. (Ibn-'Abj A herd of [wild) bulls or cows; (~, M, &cattered it; (., O, I ;) in which sense it is [said bid, O, '.) - And He rounded the thing in ite 15kI. 220

(TA, from a trad.) -And An itching, or itch, M'b, 1.;) as also t;ld-and ;,.j [the latter in (iL,) in te head: (A:) or an affection like the C] written jt.] and ' ;lt [in some copies L: in a man's head, occasioning a desire to be of the V erroneously written jl, which, as obloewed (, M, .) [see also `.]_ And A served in the TA, is a repetition]: (M, ]g, TA:) p). ofthe first (8, M) and second and third (M) palm-tree. (IAgr.) [See also.] OA1,.. (,M.)mAlso A sreet odour; and so " FormP , fashion, fujure, shape, or sem- ;lyo. (M, I.) -And A vesiclk (.) of musk;

to be] tropical; (TA;) and , aor. r, , ( in art. .,) inn. ., (TA in that art.,)


1746 des. (0, V.) - 6,, (1,) inf n. as above, (0,) said of an ass, [meaning a wild ass,] He droe his sh asses to the right and lft - (0, 15:) so expl. by Ibn-'Abbad. (O.) And, said of a horse, He went at random, and reisted his owner [or rid~r]. (TA.) _I t,d [said of a man, as is indicated in the 0,] He turned about his head towardt him: and he turnedhisface towards him. (O, TA.) -And .;j ., said of a bird, It moved, or moved about, its head. (TA.)

[Book I.

thatfls the two hands, that are neither large nor stick callad] Oi . (i.) In the following small, of a man; for the tt of the Propbet is verse of El-Museiyab Ibn-'Alas, describing a shenot found in every place; and this (the author of camel, the 15 says, TA) I have tried, and found to be * tLtI 1t. tL - 5 1- ' c' ~ '-W_c correct: (V, TA:) the word is masc. and fem.: (Zj, Msb, ]g, TA:) accord. to Fr, the people of El-Vlijiz make it fem.; and Benoo-Asad, except some of them, make it msec., as do the people of [the most obvious meaning of which is, Her Nejd; and Zj says that the more chaste way is to fore legs moved briskly for tlhe punpone of hastenmake it masc.: (Mqb:) the pl. (of pauc., used ing, as though he were propelling a ball with the by those who make the sing. fem., 0, Myb) is hands of a player in a piec of ground clearedfor (;., Mgh, O, M9 b, V,) for which one may that exercise,] or, as some relate it, J. &; , 4. ..,JI pLl: see 1, latter half. say ~ 1, (S, O, ) changing the j into hem- meaning with the hands of a player with the 6. ) It became dispersed, or scattered; as zeh, (0, O,) and accord. to AAF some say Cl, ball, it is said by some that he means L-, al!so 1e,l. (s.) You say, .iJl *,3 Tlhe like ,1, (Mgh, Mqb,) a pl. of ;1;, (Mgh,) but [though it is not easy to see why, if so, he did people, or party, became dispersed, or scattered, AjIat says that this is a vulgar mistake, (Myb,) not say Ll,Q,] and that by the EtL he means and remote, all of them, one from anothler. (0, t and 1l, (O, M.b, .5,) which is used by those the , because it is bent (L; [see 1, last k1.)-Also, said of hair, It became contracted, and much split: [app. by reason of dryness: like who make the sing. mase., (O, Myb,) and [of sentence,]) for the purpose of striking with it, that , the ball may be propelled (t1.j) with it. (O.) t 3; :] (Ltb, 0, b :) or it became dispersed, or mult] ;t, (15,) which is app. pl. of scattered; (Lb, O, 1 ;) and it fell of by degrees. with kesr, (TA,) and X a., (Mgh, O, Msb, 15,) and : see EL, first sentence. - The (0, ].) -- And, said of herbage, It became dried which is [likewise] a pl. of mult., (Mgb,) or this latter is also a pl., (1, TA,) app. of Ql., with last is pl. of t E.l: and this sing. signifies a up; (0, O, ;) like t,.3; (0;) as also t-;. kesr. (TA.) [vessl of the kind called] .l., [app. here used in ($; and O and V in art. &o.) . Portionsof herbage be~inning to dry up. 7. pLl, : see 5. -Also i IHe turned avay, the sense which this word commonly has in Pers., i.e. as meaning a cup,] in tvhich, (g, TA,) or (Ibn-'Abbad, 0, -.) -And of the flesh of a or back, retreating,or returning, (?, O, 1], TA,) from rohich, (TA,) one drinks: ( ?, TA:) Sa'eed horse, Such as is scattered, or rparse; not coand ment (g, TA) quickly, or hastening: ($, 0, Ibn-Jubeyr says that the tl. of the king' [men- lected together in one place. (Ibn-'Abbld, O.) 1, TA:) or you say,,; tit lt!l The people, or tioned in the ]:ur xiU. 72] was the Persian party, went away quicAly: and l~ telAl t He of wrhich the two extremities [are compressed so a;L: see ,t, latter half, in two places._ Also t A place prep;red by a woman for the went awvay [turning back] quickly. (TA.) [See that they] meet togetier [app. in such a manner separating and loosening of cotton: (Lth, 0, V, that the whole vessel resembles a small boat, the an ex. voce ;jto.] _ And t It (a bird) ascended, TA :) and t a skin, like a , which a woman or mounted, into the air, between the earth and word 1J.j.. being expl. in several dictionaries as sometimes makes, or prepares, for the separating sky, or into the middle of the sky. (TA in art. applied to a drinking-vessel of this form, probably and losening of cotton and of wool upon it. &.o, from the book entitled "Ghareeb el- from the Pers. .Jj signifying "a shuttle" and (ISh, 0, TA.) _And t A place specially made, IlamAm " by El-XIasan Ibn-'Abd-All6b El-Katib used in this sense in modern Arabic]: El-Hasan or prepared, for guest. (Z, TA.) El-Ibahbnee.) says that the tli and the X;tL areone thing, as Iy and tij: see i, former half, infive ($, Mgh, O, M9 b, 1) and 1' and Zj also says; and that the l.o ofthe king issaid to have been of j [meaning silver], and that places. * ,: (0, 1) and t tl. (, O, 01) and *tl, they used to measure with it and sometimes they .! 1 occurs as a dim. of X4ca [or rather of (O, 15,) thus accord. to five different readers of drank with it: Zj says that it is explained as an the ]ur in xii. 72, (0, ]1, TA,) A certain mea.E, with which Cly", pL of &tl regularly formed therefrom]. sure used for meauring corn [4c.], ($, 0, M9b, oblong vesel, resembling the the king used to drink; and said by some to have (IB, TA.) 15,) and upon whAich turn [or depend] the debeen of ,._ [which (as is said in the TA in art. cisions of the Mulims [relating to measures of i;, i [part. n. of 7] Turning away or back, (TA.) capacity]: ( :) or the 1t. is diffrentfrom the _) means copper, from the Pers. ~]. retreating, &c. (TA.) el; j (, ;) the latter being a certain vessel, [See also ijy, with ~.]__ 1 t signifies also in [or from] which one drinks [as will be expl. t The place [or plot] in rhich a tLo [of seed] is A deprased hereafter in this paragraph]: (?, TA:) the former sown: so in a trad. (TA.) _A' piece of ground; (., O, , TA ;) as also VALO; 1. '1t, (S, MA, 0, M 9b, P,) aor. , (8, is four 01.; [pl. of .~]; ($, 0, Myb, 1 ;) i.e. (0, 1g, TA;) like an excavation: or, as some say, O, Msb,) inf. n. . (S, MA, 0, M,b) and,l (M#b) five JfI [or pints] and a third, (Mgh, a d~preed place, s~g down from it surround- (TA) and U1.., (MA,) [or the last is a simple Mqb, TA,) by the measure of alaghddd; (Myb;) ing borders: (TA:) or a narrow, de~ d place. subst.,] He melted it, and poured it forth into a the ~ being a pint and a third: (15, TA:) so with the people of El-lIij&z, (Mgh, TA,) [i. e.] (TA in art. UC.) _- And t A place that i sr~ept mould; (TA ;) he cast it, molten, in a mould: so with the people of the 1Iarameyn, 'as was and in wiich one then plays: (Ibn-'Abb6d, 0, (PS:) lc made, formed, fashioned, or mouded, proved by a number of specimens of the &LL 1]:) [see the verse cited in what follows:] and it, by the goldsmith's art; namely, an ornament Ut is said to signify a piece of ground which [and the like]: (MA: [this last is the most usual used in dealings with the Prophet, (Msb,) and k, a boy roeeps, removing its pebbles, and in which meaning:]) or he preparedit, (], TA,) and cast so aceord. to Esh-Shhfi'ee: (TA:) but with the he plays with the ball: and a bare place, in which it, (TA,) namely, a thing, after the pattern of a people of El-'Ira it was eight pints, (Mgh, Mgb, is nothing. (TA.) - And The place of the breast right model. (15, TA.) One says of a man, 't TA,) with whom agreed Aboo-Hancefeh; the of the ostric/swhen she put it upon the ground: ~ with them being two pints; (Msb, TA;) but i A cJI [He cast the gold s as to make of it .A tJ 4 ,. the addition was made by El-.Iajj/j; and their (V,:) or such a placeis called ornaments; or he made, formed, fashioned, or moulded, the gold into ornaments]. (Myb.) 1 was the I;. . j1, and was unknown to (IF, 0.) And one says, 1 L j meaning t He struch him in [Hence,] X._re i. 41 "' X God created him the people of El-Medeeneh, as is said by Az: and (. (Mlb:) accord. to Ed-Dawoodee, its invariable the middle of his breast. (Z, TA.) - And it is (S 0, O, 1, TA) in a goody mode, or manner, of measure is four times the quantity [of corn &c.] said that] , also signifies The [kind of go'- creation. (O, TA.) And e;4 Be


Boot I.] was crd~ afer his [i.e. another's] mode, or mar, of tio (TA.) - And 1, 1L., or WLb, t H composed, and adjutd, potry, or peech, diour, or language. (TA.) - And .jQIl t They alter speech, [enmbellish it mith lies,] andfalsfiy it, or forge it. (TA.) And . 1 ,t J, o, (S, 0, Mb,' TA,) inf. n. c, (Mob,) Such a one forges, or fabricates, that which isffal, or untrue: (O, Mqb:0) a metaphorical phrae. (.) And ; jijj ,? and "Mb : Such a one forged, or fabricated, a lie, a fabseood,oranuntruth. (TA.) And ,l1 Jt,. means tThe lying of the tongue. (giar p. 65.)

to,- _ .J


may be above him and he may be below him, i the moulder of ornamets, or of womn's orna(0,) like ; au also ,J ,b , (V,TA, meats, of gold or of silwr &c.]. (TA.) [And [in the CI, erroneously, .f(,]) like 1 J .: hence aiL.ll .t lit. Goldsmith' salt; meaning (TA:) and , .; Ja;.i and :;a. [She guage of the present day.] Aboo-Rifi' the is thy ter who wa born immdiately after thee; uLj -; s& or before thee]: (0, TA:) the pl. is i [ (TA is related to have said, Jj JAjk it J .A ty pAd lA ['Omar voee -. )
0-0 . used to jest with me, saying, The mot lying of ;b.o: see the last sentence here preceding, in men is the goidsmith, eoim says, To-day, and Totwo places. morrom]. (TA.) And r ,1 11 ,b1 [lit. A lie wraIich the golditd haae told] is a ;4- is originally aty, (S, O, Mqh,) the j

chrysocola, i. e. bor'a: thus termed in the lan-


being changed into j because of the kesreh before saying (of Aboo-Hureyreh, O) occurring in a

m _tL, aor. (Yt, (0, K,) inf. n. *ey, (0,) it: (S, 0 :) it is li also signifies It san into the ground, said of signification is A
water; and into the food, said of sauce, or seasoning: (O,X:) so says ISh. (TA.).-And teL .,.JI i The beMerage, or wins, was easy and agreeable to him to stadlow; i. q. , (Ibn'Abbid, O, g,) as a dial. var. (Ibn-'Abbdl, 0.)

w meting, and pouring forth into a moldd; &c.: and falsify it, or forge it: and i'5,, one roho mouldY speech, and fabif it, or emblishes it and hence it signifies a make, form, fadsion,

I. (M!b.) [Its primary trad. (8, O.) [Hence,] the pl. ittl means o;r e 0. i Peron who aler eech, [embdish it with li,] or mnanner, manner, of of ty i. i.e.

(0, mould, or cast :] and it is wn. with 0id, q. v.: mth lies: (TA :) and [in like manner] ~ ', (TA,) o,n who ot', lies (TA:) and signifies the making [a thing]; and C,TA,) originally
making according to a cer~tain meaUre or propr- much, and embe~lishe his speec [it lia]: (g, tion [and the lie]. (M.b.) One says 'i,~ ;. 0, TA:) the pl. of this last is iLC, like il_ pl. of (s, o, 1) Arrows [one in make;] un,form; :. (TA.) [See also , .


5t3: see what next follows.

(TA;) of tAe m eo of one man. (S, 0, ]* TA.) 7. laeil quasi-pass. of ;".i [in all its senses, And w&b A, meaning t The creation of God. proper and tropical: meaning It was, or.became, 1: He is goo dyin m~d, and pouredforth into a mould; &c.: and (Myb.) And iZl t in like manner Freytag explains t.3 as used re~pect of make and of stature: or this means in the book entitled "Lea oiseaux et lea fleurs," ,J.JI c>. jo [which may in this case be corp. 7, meaning "formatus, fictus fuit ;" but this is rectly rendered he is goodly in rpect of make: app. post clasical]. (O, g.) and also he is good in repect of work]. (TA.) And 4s,. a o Cj. p& He is of a generow i. inf. n. of "'d' [q.v.]. ( &c.) - [In the origin (Ibn-'Abbad, Z, 0, II, TA.) And Ao ]ur xii. 72,] some read .~j o' [meaning il. MJI I Tlhe mode, mamer,fashion, orform, Ve miu, or soe not, orAfid not, the Kinj's molten of tlhe sayin i thus. (Mqb.) And 4I , .. o , or v made of melted metal]: in this I ;i.1. ti.The shape of the affair, or case, m inrtance, y is an in n. (O, ], TA) used as a thu and thw. (TA.) subt., (0, TA,) in the sense of * [,Zi, which meuns . L*[i. eO thie ng tAat hAu been mtd, JL,se see =M . . and poued forth into a mod; &e.]; like see ,,, seeond sentence. t .lJI [a p. part. n. of a verb which is not aiti, The craft, or art, (]4, TA,) or work, or mentioned]: (TA:) it is like ~, in the phrase ope~ration, (g, O, Mqb,0 TA,) of the t [q. v.]; .1 t.M;1~, (O, ,. TA,) meaning ( 0, O, Msb, ], TA;) [generally meaning the "j.b*: (O,

:, originally

see m: the next preceding

paragraph, last cxplanation.

'.; i. q. hiQ [A me of ~crumbkd bread moisened with broth and piled up in the mid!le

of a bowl]. (Fr, O, .) iC, originally 0l,.: see .

b51, [as though originally tI,-

being men-

tioned in tfis art.,] Water such as is common (.; [app. meaning to all nko desire to take of
it]), and much in quantity. (IAr, TA.)

[as a coil. gen. n.,] with fet-h.,Moulded

."y-.. (TA.)

ornaments or women's ornaments, of gold or the like; syn.

[i. e. the vessel thus termed] is held to have been goldsmith;] the act of metng [gold &c.], and made of molten gold: (TA:) some read [in the pouring [it] forth into a moulid; [&c.; (see 1, ]ur xii. 72] t9, as though this also were first sentence;)]au alo * 4. and t, [originlly] an inf. n. (0, 4, TA) from 1, (O, this last mentioned by LI. (TA.) J. and J .; and j,,, (~, o,,) inf. n. TA,) like J(l and;.tp (0, F, TA) from jq and y; J (. ;) He (a ram) had much -y. [or e: ee the next paragraph, in five places. wool], (., O, 1,) after having little thereof. (., .,) (0, TA.) [See also tL., with the unpointed tJ -O.) - 1 c,., Z.t J1.o, aor. J..A and ].] One says also, Il. J[ I This is of the and (8 M A, , 0, OMb, b , ,KL) and ma~re of this; or i th in mea~re of this: t [tl , (t, O, 1I, KL,) the last of the dial. of El- A, (., M, O, Mb, j,) inf. n.'Jg.. and s [as though of the make,fo , fashio, mouid, or and ii , (0 and I in art. ,) The arrto ijiz, (1, 0,) originallyitl , (IJ, O, TA,) thus cast, of tAis: (see also (., , ,AMb:)] Mb :) turned aside from the butt: (f, M, O, M9b, K :) and .ul Y A;l .: Thuis water s of th altered by some, from il~ to jip , because of like JLb. ($ and O in art. .&,.) And .JL. meas,me of tb ,el; or is t ke e in meamm of their dislilking the double5, (IJ, TA,) One who 4*. < Hisi fiace turned awayfrom me. (g.) , th craft, art, work, or the ~ : and everything that is the like in practis, or pefo~ And J0, ,s AL., (,, M, 0,) aor. jZ, inf. n. mou of ero e thingsis.Iid,to be (O.) operation, termed At. [or melting gold &c., and J.;, (M,5 His (a man's, Q,0) evil, or mi,hif, _. ADd :hey;, 7 two ar le .: (, O, powring it forth into a mould; &c. as expl. in turned away from me. (6,0 M, O.0) the first sentence of this art.]; (,'O, Mqb, g, ] :) or tey two are otaean; syn. L [which TA;) [generally meaning] a goldmith, or worher 2. f;o ;. Th7e grapeot-mie howned its fruit. is properly ing., though here used a dual]. in god: (MA, KL:) the pl, of tdl is . stalk [anew] after the cutting off of it fruit. (IDrd, O, ) ,.4nd 4 ) (AA, O, 1) and tl ~ and LY.o (TA.) (M.) H eis e w o wabA uted y fr hi hso[originally brt and [in like maoer, beflre hm, for] he One says, > Jt 1 * [and L. i.e. He 4. , b J i LU God t~ away, or

TA:) and Er-R.ghib fays that it craft or art, or the work or operation, of tlae


, second sentence.




may God turn aweay,from me his evil, or mis-

Jya -J .. [Mentioned also in art. .o.] He became a : (Myb:) he

[Boox I.

> .4

. and tlhw, and

. .i. q and herb, or leguminous plant,

chief. (9,].) 5. ;.,

devoted hAimsef to religiow werciras; or applied himelf to devotion: or he assrted himself to do so:' (TA:) but it is post-classical. (Myb.)

JL (9, M, 0,1) and t JCLI (9, M, O, Myb, O() and t JC., (M, O, ][,) which last is formed by transposition [from the second], (M,) and t' J~ (VM, 0, Mb, )b,and (M, O, g) and ' J;F
(AlHeyth, TA) and 'P ][,) A ram having much Jj, O, Myb, :) fem. with ;, (], to refer only to the luast, i. e.])

(M, O, t' &.iw [or woogJ: (S, M, [in which it seems tuitouy; not taking a price. (S., O, K.)the femrn. epithet is a 1 Jj,d [lit. The wool of the sea] is a thing 3i:,,,, (O,) or V i;~,, (AHeyth, and so in [or nbstance] in the form of the animal 3J a copy of the M,) and J1U. also. (M.) - And [i. e., of wool; evidently meaning sea-e~ed re[A lock of hair hanging don below the ~mbling wool; such as is found in abundance thrown up on the beaches of the Red Sea: and lobe of the ear] of which the hair is like J And see that this is generally, if not in every instance, [i.e. roool. (M.)mSeealso Jy. meant by the identical Hebrew word roD, as used art. ,J. in the Bible, has been most satisfactorily shown in art. "Red Sea" (by my deeply-lamented cJ,: see the next preceding pargraph. nephew Edward Stanley Poole) in Dr. William of seep, (in the Smith's " Dictionary of the Bible "]: it is said in J~y [Wool;] an appertna ce . liU, in the M "j. , and in the O and Mqb one of the ; 4 i 'i , [see art. .,] [I witl not come to thee as long as a Jiir j hic,) i to them li [more definitely] w Ahich sa ets a portion of ,.], or, as Lh relates it, .at to goats and j. to camels: (M:) [in the y 'j.J 1 b' L [a long as tile sea mets its 1~ only said to be well known:] n. un. I, meaning, ever]. (M, TA.) J..; (M,) [i. e.] this latter has a more particular signification [meaning a portion, jloc, tuft, or Tp, : see of wol]: (9, O, Myb, 1:) and sometimes Jm [q. v.]. (M &c.)_[Also .iU n. un. of is used in the sense of the n. un., as mentioned by to A pessary, or suppophysicians applied by [meaning 8b: (M:) the pl. of J., is JIli a medicanent of some containing of wool, sitory, sorts of wool]: (M :) and the dim. of the n. un. is kind, to be inserted into tie vagina or rectum.] UJ. 'PaA.. (TA.) One says Uy ;Also Any of those who had the management of [An unkilful woman that has found wool]: (Ay, e [meaning the 0, :) a prov. (Ay, O) relating to property aught of the wrork of thl and who were e. the Kaabeh], God, i. of House possessed by such as does not deserve to have it: (Ay, TA:) because the unskilful woman, when called ' X)UA.Il: (M:) [accord. to the TA, it is she lights upon wool, mars it, (O, 1~,) not spin- said that i dl and aWlI are both alike appelning it well: (O :) applied to the stupid person lations applied to any of such persons:] J and who finds property and wastes it; (O, I ;) or to others say that Uy~ was the father of a tribe of him who finds that of which he knows not the Mudar, who used to serve the Kaabeh, and to value, and wastes it. (Z, TA.) And one says, return with the pilgrims from 'Arafat, in the Time "13; ~jwl 4X 'iJ, meaning Such a one of Ignorance; and it is implied in the S [that they nears what is made of wool and of cotton. (A, were also called was . j1, or] that ai TA.) In the saying of a poet, also called jiOg ; and in a saying of Z, that

lMiq , and 4 .J~)~ and qtit, (S, 0,) meaning I [I laid hold upon] the pendent hair in the hoUolr of the kind termed ~1^.1 [pl. of .], but not of the back of his neck: (IDrd, S, M, O, K:) or specifically described by him. (AIIn, M.) the downy hairs upon tie back of his neck: (M, J.s.~, a post-classical word, A man of the 0:) or the shin of his neck: (IAar, S, O, :) or called the kai,: (Msb:) [formerly appeo,ple the back of his neck, altogether: (Fr, S, 0, .K:) plied to any devotee: afterwards, particularly, to or I took him by force: (Abu-l-Ghowth, g, O, one who seeks to rai.e himttef to a high a mystic; I:) or I followed him, thinking that I should of spiritual excelknce by contenplation of degree not reach him, and overtook him; and this one divine things so as to elicit the mysteries thereof:] says whether he lay hold upon his neck or not. may be so called [from the Greek the e. O, .) And jPd. ,tCi! (Abu-s-Semeyda', , 0, wa,r: or] in relation to the lopl)lo called ji IUI: ^'~ : [He gave it altoget~lr]; like ., 014f, [see 34,] as resembling them in the or (as expL by A'Obeyd.O) he gave it gra- devotion of themselves to religious exercises: or in relation to those called aUIl

downy, (M, d(i',) kC,) and short, (l],) mentioned by Aboo-Naqr as


wlerefore they


are also called i;all: or in relation to ,.,dl [i. e. wool], which is proper to devotees and recluses: this last is the derivation commonly received. (TA.) &is,U ; and its fern., with; : se i46. dim. of hj.., n. un. of .y, jl. q. v. (TA.) [or mod, or of

'io 1 A manufacturerof woollen garments .c. ]. (TA.) 0G: see 0G.

.iCe, originally U m, A [garment of the kind called] i4 having much J.. [or wool]. (TA.)

_jj~l: see tJ

Jt. Jj.

1. ,
3, S.

,G,(o, ,) aor.


(o,) inf. .

(i,) It stuckh, or clare, to him, or it: (O, X ;) said of saffiron, (V],) and of blood, and of other things: (TA:) and (O, 1) so o .JLt, aor. 4 inf. n. .;; ( i;) O g , in art. ,) .- 'l, (,0, said of perfume. (0, O, 1].) See also a". 5.

3.;ad, (As, O, [,) or, accord. to

(O,) or both, (Lh, TA in AZ, ,1'.3, with ,. art. .L,) [and j3,;,] lie (a man, 0) became defiled, or befouled, writh [or in] his dung. (O, K.) )jl The seminalfluidof a man. (Th, Kr, g.) Also The first. (.K.) One says, 3j. 2L1 .,o and t) Imet him the first thing. (S, O,

J ,-- c,>iJ


[Of one that is milked and ridden, that yields a row of bowlJ of er milk, (but see J,kL, of which other explanations have been given,) that mingle camels' fur and wool], the latter hemistich means, as Th says, accord. to IAyr, that is sold, and with the price whereof are purchased camels and sheep: or, accord. to Ay, that is quick in her pace; the drawing back of her fore legs being likened to [the motion of] the bow of the J1,u who mixes camels' fur and wool. (M.) One says also, the purpose of those who strikefire. (TA.)
j j.a

J and 4 9 ~. Jl were appellations of one 1g.) And in like manner, 1~) VS i,ll dal and ti.iA and the same people: [hence, app., the applica- ~ [Do thou it the first of ererything]. (TA.) to any servants of the And W,*' jl 1J j. : sec 1 in art. J'.. (O tions of ib,, and bKaabeh:] but accord. to Sgh and the I, 3i and Tk in that art.) - Also Alotion: so in the phrase .J,. ! C and ; [There is not in him, j;,l. is a mistake for Xeld- jl. (TA.) or it, any motion]. (IDrd, O, I(.) and i63.e, and its fem., with a: see JL: J,;1 Sticking, or cleaving. (AA, TA.)for the former see also aiy. - Also [A of agaric, i. e., of the kind offungus thus called;] And [app. as an epithet in which the quality of a a certain thing [or substance] that comes forth subst. is predominant] Stiching blood: or blood of from the heart of tres,.flaccid and dry, in Dwhich thse [or bely, &]. (TA) -_ See also art mhich is thie best of thingsfor fire is struck, and



, , but in the M J.&,) (S, M, ;.. ~. iy.~, applied to a ewe, is fem. of XjUg: (M, 0) andt t%l e, (M, K,) and see J1. (A1Ileyth, TA.) - Also A certain

,[or. 1.

in n.


jL>, [aor.

3y,] inf. n. J


Boox I.]

J" -""


Xii (, O, O) and J , (0O,) He leaped, or prg, upon him: (M, 0, 4:) and (O) esL j., (M, ,) aor. , (TA,) in n. 3.. and


3. G;:;.and jXia and 't i [of which the first and second arc inf. ns., the third being a quasi-inf. n.,] are Jyn. withA .3 1 ; (, O, ;) ij3l. signifying ~ilj [i. e. HI leaped, or sprang, upon him; or he assaulted, or assailed, him: or J.$ .. aj [8ee abo 1 in art. je.] One says, 10 J -,j he contended witvil him, each leaping, or springing, 3C" Many a saying is more vere than a upon thI other, or each assaulting, or assailing, the otiler]. (1K.) [See also 6.] leapig or springing [&c.]. (., O.) And it is mid in a trad. respecting prayer, .l ;.M,mean6. .* j c) l i. q. l [i. e. The ing [By Thee may I] sqning, or rush, or asault, two stallion-ca-mels leap, or spring, upon each and mbdue. (TA.) - Jt, aor. as above, inf. n. other; or assault, or assail, each other]. ($.) is also aid of a stallion [camel], meaning X.o is an inf. n.: ($, O, : [see 1, first senHe lbeae, or sprang: or, accord. to AZ, JLo, tence:]) or it signifies A leap, or spring: (TA:) inf. and SJg., said of a camel, means he or a single act tf a camel's leaping, or rpringing, leapd, or rprang, wpor the [other] camels, and upon [lther] camelf, andfighting them; as also .fought thAm: (Mb :) or one says of a stallion, V # : (M9b:) [but more commonly, impetuosity, -I*l L JLo, inf n. J., meaning he fougAt of a man, andl of a camel or the like.] .-. [Hence,] the [other] camels, (M, V,) and sent tlwm on gm One who springs upon the before: (M:) or, accorl. to AZ, one says of a devours it immoderately. (M, TA.*).camel, (S,) or, accord. to Es-SaraSlustec, somc of food, and --1a . .Z. 0 ,10 Jy. j!l ;?E. mcans 3hgj JjI [i. e. I met him the Arabs ay of a camel, (M.b,) j), (8, Myb, [in one of my copies of the S Ji., but the former the first thing, or the first thing that I aw]. is the rifht,]) like 4,i, (Myb,) with., (S, Mab,) (A, TA.) in n. lLt.., meaning he betook himself to the ila '*>~ Iyand 31_.~ a". [signify AilUng of men, and spiniging, or rtuding, upon ncstrly the same, the former meaning A heap of them: ( :) and withlout o in speaking of the act nwheat, and the latter wheat in general, cleared of one adversary, or antagonist, against anotller: from rubbish by means qf the implement calUed (Mlb :) Bamzeh El-Iebah6.nee says, in his " Proor OJ ]: (O, g: [these significations are verbs," that ;;JI Jil means the caiel bit; al clearly indicated in the ], and more so in the O, but he is alone in saying this. (TA.) One suys by thc context:]) the pl. of Zy is J . (0.) also, ,!I dJr, meaning Tie he-as attached the she-as: (, O :) or ;11 I.I o'll JtI the IeLe.a., mentioned here in the ]: see art. '.. as drove away the she-as, or tAhe herd f rWild J.L A camel that devours his pastor; that she-am, (M, l], TA,) and attacked her or tlem, biting her or them with the fore teeth, and hicking xprtngs upon men, and devours them: (Lth, TA:) her or them ith the hind leg or hind leys. (TA.) a camel that hill men, and sqring.s, or rushes, upon tlm : ( :) or a camel that kaps, or prings, II) JLo, aor. as above, inf. n. ,.S, Sc Lesel,t away, or cleared, the rheat from the pi,eces of upon the [other] camel, andfightJ them: (Myb :) or a stallion that fights tht [other] camels, (M, stick and of rubbish: and 'i. tl nc .K,) and sends them on before. (M.) And tA swrept the wheat [well, and so cleared it from,, man who beats others, and overbears, overpowers, rubbih]: the teshdeed denotes intensiveness of or subdus, them. (TA.) Accord. to Az, it is meaning: (0:) ,J 4 1 [or , l ] originally without ., and is app. pronounced with meansu the pi of the fj, [or coUllected because thej is with .damm. (TA.) hamt or grain, or perhaps the place in which Jlo an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (M, 0, Mqb, ].) mohat or grai i trodden out], (O,) or of the sides [And also an in n. of 3, q. v.] thereof (l1f u j [to clear it of rabbish]).

and SS and Sty and JG and ICL, he sprang, or rued,upon im; made an asault,or attack, upon Aim; namely, his adversary, or antagonist; syn. L;; (M, ], TA;) and j;d.: (TA:) [or he sprang upon him and eized him ~oleny or laid violnt hands upon him; for so L; misud to signify:] and X JkL t he overbo Ahim, owrpomered him, or subdued him; (S,* O, Mb,* TA; [a meaning also assigned to L;;]) namely, one man another nam. (TA.)

an ex. in De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, se. ed., vol. ii. p. 130 of the Ar. text; and see his remarks thereon in p. 335 of the transl. and notes.] [Also The mixing, and stirrin about, and beating, a thing.] One says, *j jp .JI [in the CI5 , which is a mistranscription,] 7The locusts are mixed, and stirred about, and beaten, in his ES (O, ]4) i. (TI.)

away, or cleared,from the pieces of stick and qf

rubbish. (0. [See 'also what next follows.]) 4I~aJ A broom (L:, 0, ) with which the ids of the jZ [or colleted wheat or grain, or perhaps the place in which rohat or grain i trodden out,] are nwpt [to clear it of rubbish]: (O, TA:) so says IApr. (TA. [See also what next precedes.])

Jaea~O.: see 1C


aCiJ and

aJm: see what here followL

(T, 8, ]) and Li;.J (Sb, TA) and t?Cjy (T, TA) and t ij , (TA,) us also
.1(L in art. , ,) [A kind of gofstick, or olf-stick, plhyed with by men on or~ c;] a stick with a curved, or crooked, end; syn. .



~ ; _

(., g ;) [or rather] a tick of wich the end is curved [artjfcially] with hich a ball i
struck by men on horseback: a stick of which the end curves, or crook, naturally, on its tree, is

called 0 ,a-: (T, TA:) of Pers. origin, (.,) [i. e; from the Pers. ,l.,] arabicised: (T, g:)
pl. .Jt,; (8, ! ;) the $ being added in the pl. because of the foreign origin, (?, M, TA,) as is mostly the case in broken pls. of words of foreign origin. (M, TA.) tIqJo: see the next pragraph here preceding.




L ,* , (~, M, &c.,) aor. ~, (Mqb,) in n. and .. ; (.8, M, Mgh, MNb, V ;) and V;1AI.; (M, };) He baind, (Mb, TA,) in an absolute sense: (Mqb:) this is the primary

signification: (TA:) [or] this is said to be the signification in the proper language of the Arab: (Mb :) and in the language of the law, (MNb, TA,) he obsered a particularkind of abstinen; (Msb;) i. e. (TA) he abstainedfrom food (S, M, , TA) and drink (M, , TA) and Coitwu: (M, ] :) and (8,* M, &c.) by a tropical applica. tion, (TA,) ?from speecA: (g,* M, Mgh, Mqb,1g, TA:) or.,-" in the proper language of the Arabs signifies a man's abstainingfrom eating: and by a secondary application, a particularme ing of God [by fasting]; (Mgh;) [i.e.] the abstainingfrom eating and drising and coitmu from daybreak to mwt: (KT:) accord. to Kh, it signifies [properly] the tanding withot work.

(s.) jJI

-. , means

11 i

L ,. [Hefasted


see art. J.0.

aiOt: seeS 3: and see also 1i.

during the month]: agreeably with what is said in the g.ur ii. 181. (TA.) And it is said (S, M) by I'Ab (S) that the saying, in the gur [xix. 27],

L. J;.d, and its inf. n.: see 1, last sentence but one.Jt.3 also signifies The extracting a thsng by eans of water: (], TA: [in the Cg, ~.lj is erroneously put for ''J :]) like the extatng a pebble from rice [by washing]. (TA.) [And app. The soaai~ a thing to extract tih ji~o or bitte s &c.: ee Jya~. See also

J,q [More impetuous than a camel; I have vowed utto the Com~aonate]an abstainor more wont to spring t~pon others, or to assault, ing from tpe~ch. (., M, Msb.) One says also, or a ail, them, than a camel]. (TA.)

l! 3J"I

,1a JA thing in which coloeynt are soaked in order that their bitternm may depart. (AZ, ., O, .) ... And, accord. to Ibn-'AbbAd, An imp~ t with which the ears of corn are sept

,M-A. ,t., inf. n..go (S, M) and ;1~, (M,) t e horse stood without eating of foddr; (;)

or abstaindfrom the eating of foddr. (M, A, Mgh.) And S Jl t A. S aH ainedfrom going along, or jou~r ig. (TA.) - [Henoe,] I


-aid _-o
, t The sun became [apparently] ing A man who fasts ()

[Booz I. [tn] in the day, laid it up, took cre of it, or remered it, (Mgb,
],) in its repository; (Mb;) and signifies the same: (M, 1 :) but one should not say a1l, as the vulgar say. (TA.) -And [hence] one says, (M, Mqb,) by way of comarison, (M ,) a , iro, (M, Mb,) inf. n. Zi* . and C).,(M,) t [IHe presrredhis honour, or reputation], i.jl i [f,om pollution]. (Mtb. [See also 6.]) And Q, $ ,i; i. e. 1 [Such a one yreservs Jfrom disgrace] his cAeeks; (A in art. C;) or . his face. (Har p. 15.) - mAnd o#j , JI 1 Cto (M, TA) and "ji.,(TA,) inf. n. ~., , t The horse resrved soJnmelat of his running for the time of need.

UJ-t .t

stationary [in the mid-haven]: (T, TA:) or and wcho rims [ofte] in the night1[to pray]. attained itsJ il height. (M, TA.). And a.t (TA.) j1I, (inf. n..;. 3 ., t,) t The day reached its mid.5L. Abstaining, in an absolute sense: this is J ,:, said to be the signification in the proper language point. (?, M,Mgh, T, TA.)-And T, wind became of the Arabs: and in the language of the law, (M, TA,) inf. n..s, ( g,) t TAe stiU, or calm. (?, M, g, TA.) - And lt1 A.A,observing a particularhind of abstinence; (Mgb ;) also,] (i. e.] abltainingfro food (., M, O) and drink [inf. n.X; (sce Ij ) and probablyj.. 3 and coitus: and, [by a tropical application, (see t TAe water became stil, or motionlss; syn. 1, first sentence,)] tfrom spe~ch: (M, :) it is (M, 1,) .jW and .l1. (TA.) - And ;. %,t,, applied to a man: (S,M, M,b:) and ?* CI ; inf. n. &y, (M,) t The os ric/ castforth its dung; signifies the same, (8, ,) so applied; (?;) as (M, ]C, TA;) and in the same sense the verb is also ., (M, 1],) applied to a man, (M,) and used in relation to the domestic fowl; because to a woman, and to two men, (TA,) and to a pl. each stands still in doing this, or because each number; (M, ] ;) being an inf. n. lsed as an opibecomes tranquil by reason of the passing forth of thet; ,TA;) or it is apL, [or rather quasi-pl. n.,] that which occasions annoyknce: and accord. to like 3j: (M voce . :) or, in the proper lan. [some ono or more of the copies of] the M,.A. guage of the Arabs, k signifies abstaining 7 j%11l, inf. n..o by which is here meant 3 ., Tl jl, from eating: and by a secondary application, the young one of the (j4l, [or rather of the serving God in a particularmanner [by ffsting: hutard caled 5i4,l cast forth what was in its see again 1, first sentence]: (Mgh:) accord. to `---I.. . i.q. Ql [He tasted, AO, it signifies any creature albstaining from bclly. (TA.) ec, or tfrom going along or fro~ or arperienced, his dcath]. (1g.)I-And;G He food, or t. (a man) shaded hi,nsef by means of the tree caUed jouying: (, Mqb:) pl. ;.o and;,. (.,M,

a ; a; nd Ps (M, TA.) And JlUji: sec 1 in art. J..A- nd ,,ail Js, :,inf n. , . means .' & * aL aor. 5
le set his hind [app. the samo as s,. legs etwnly, side by side]: (M1:) or he stood upon

the extrnemity of his ho(f, (S, M, 1,) by reason

of [attenuation, or alnasion, such as is termed] t.. or tA.. ( ,1.)_And Oi,, inf. n. O" lie (a horse) liAlmped, or hltalted, much; (M ;) or, as exlxl. by IB, sightly. (TA.) &'li cm occurs in a verse (S, M, TA) of En-N/bighah, (M, TA,) [referring to horscs,] and J says that As knew it not, but that others expl. it as meaning Reserving somesnhat of the rate ofgoing, (TA,) or as meaning s.ffering pain in the Ahoof from attennation,or abrasion: (S :) accord. to I B, it means limping, or halting, and suff.erin pain i, the hoofo,foromjttigue. (TA.)

.,. ()..)
8: see 1, first sentence. .so an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.].

Mgh, Mb, I) and,~ ($, M, Msb, ) and

and.:l, and :,. (,

, &cM, .)

and S,,

(M, 3;,) the last

[Henc,] .. ,l

[app. for . l

] means also

;, ] is cxtr. of which [written in the C15 to a horse, t Standing stiU(.S, (M.) -Applied

without eating anything: (M:) or abstaining from the eating offodder: (Mgh:) or standling els. (Az in art. e , and TA.) upon hisfour ! _And 2G SA tA seavae of a pUlletJ titat remains sti, (Mgh, TA,) that nwill not revolve. ($, Mgh, TA.) - And.. t *, t T Water that is j3 and "I;. (Mgb, i. e. l [the place of station: for, still, or motionles; syn. 1.4 J;; as Hooker says, speaking of the ancient usage of TA.) the Church, "their manner was to stand at ;G; 1 The station, or standing-place, of a prayer, whereupon their meetings unto that pur(, ], TA.)- And horse; as also ?tIL. pose had the names of stations given them"]. place of suresion t The [imaginary] 1 ; Also t The dung of (TA.) _See ablo,L. [meaning the Pleiades]. (M.) of the aterim And, in the dial. the ostrich. (f, M, J].) Imra-el-l]eys says, of Hudheyl, (f,) Certain trees, (?, M,) or a certain tree, (]g,) [but] the n. un. is with e of a human being, 5, of the for of the (M,) ugly in appearance, (M, V,) ery much * ,Ill.4 . -. 4.w~ i.,j po, tfhe fuit of which are caled ; [As though the Pleiades were hung, in their place i. e. [t. e head] of the serpents, [(ee ,tL3. and of supension, by means of rpes offlax, to hard not having leave: AlJn says that they and solid rocks: i. e. they seemed as though they ;j,] [q. v.], their were stationary: he means that the night was hare [what are termed] branchA do not spread forth, they grow in the tedious to him]. (f. [See EM p. 36, where a readmanner of the [pecies of tamarish cald] 3 , ing of the former hemistich different from that but are not so tall, and mostly grorm in the dis. above is given, with the same and another reading tricts of Bnoo.bdbeh. (M.) of the latter hemistich.]) - One says also, meaning t [I came to him L;,, for W;4, inf. n. of un. of ,;: see a t.L~ ~ .'Jl'j, when the sun was] in the middle of thae shty. verse cited voce ,1i, in art. r'3 (TA.) *1;*t s: ee the next preceding paragraph. ,si ,; Dry land or ground, in which isno water. (i.)

%[The month of ] lRamaddn: (V, TA:) whence 1 1, the saying of Aboo-Zeyd, ,.. meaning [I remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in El-lBasrak] two Rama.dns. (TA.) - And [in also means t A Christian like manner] ;j. churh; syn. &aj: (, ], TA:) as though for

(M, Myb) without eating offoder~ (S, M?b) or

6: see the next paragraph.



is the contr. of 3jl!, (Mqb,) or of


($ and MNb in art. J.J:) one says, of a and t -,--3, the latter on the auman, jti thority of IJ, (M, TA,) and mentioned alio by Z, (TA,) t He pr~ d himslf, or his honour, ~ [frm the or reputation, (M, TA,) .jl heaould be blamed], things, or actions, for whicis (TA. [See also 1, second sentence.]) 8: see 1, first sentence. also ;, an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (M, . below. - And see

c) See cM,

L4 [A r tack for Ierfumes 4c., such as (IAFr, 1.) is commonly called] an ;.si.
] i. q. : one says, 'a;0 [originally gar. ,t1 ,Ji i.e. jJl [Tese are tahe ments of resation for wear on extrordinary occasions]: (M, TA:) contr. of 13,; (TA.)

and b1; (S,M, M,b, 1) and ' (1) and 5% (S,M:b, ) and 5 . and 5C, s;.

(15,) but the third and the last two are extr., (?,) (TA,) A thing, (M, Myb, 5,) or re~ [or chet or the lihe,] usd as a r ory (9, M, MZ, M9b, 15) for a garment, (;, 1],) as also L ZG,(M, V,) first pers. (, M:b,) tbut having an intensive sig.;1; is likei S a tw 1 S, and (8kr, cited by Reisde in Abul Ann. ii. 614,) &c., muck or aor. 4^. , (TA,) inf. n. 0.. and nification [i. e. meaning Abstamin, b, 15,) He presvd it, kept it,[or for clothes,] or for a thing: (M, Mb:) pL A.4;. O , meanw ti., (d,M, Mg often]. (M 9 b.) One ways .

BooK I.]


it: (MA:)



signifies any pace in miling theshcamel for some days in order that

which one reota a garmnt. (TA in art. W,...) pI. of u

. ) 8e art. o. (L L-

ilpI [Fltstone; and fiit-stones: thus in the present day:] a sort of stones, (e, Mqb,) in
wvhicA is hardnm; (Mqb;) hardaones, (M,j,)

of a certain sort, (s,) with which fir is struch: or, as some say, ertain black tones ohich are
not hard: (M:) or a sort of hard stones, which,

ohen fire mite it, crachks (&')

and cracks,

and sometimes fire is struchk ith it, but it is not fit for [making] lime, nor for heating for the 1.S..lfl [i. e. The catuinag the milk to purpose of roasting thereon: (Az, TA:) one 1... collect in the udder of an animal by abstaining thereof is called &"lj". (S, M, Myb, V.) from milling herfor some days, when one desires Al;l1 The , [meaning anus]: (1, TA:) so to sell her, is an endeavouring to deceive: but I called because it keeps [from escape] much, or think that the right reading in this instance is often, what would issue from it. (TA.) - See probably tL~l, with j]. (TA.) - It is also used in relation to a stallion (S, M, ]) of the also ivI. camels: ( :) tihus it is used by El-Fal$'asee. written in (M.) One says, Js.0I ,. Z' , (M,) inf. n. as [thus app., like . and ., ; my copy of the Myb >,] One whNo prese)res above, ($,:,) I put no burden upon the stallion his honour, or reputation. (Myb.) [camel]raad did not bind himn with a rope, in order that he miylit become more brisk in cover5Jt.;: see Xlly, in two places. ing, and mnore strong; (S, M, C ;*) thus expl.

CL,.: see, in art. th mikiU might coect in her udder so that she might +9: see *W.4 become fat: or I made her mil to dry up, that he might becomefatter. (M.) And AWl c'~", r An arrow gouing right, or hitting the inf n. as above, I made the udder of the ew, or mark: pl. ~ (M, 1) and .4., (MF, TA,) goat, to become dry, that she might become or the latter is pl. of ,3L., which signifies the alI made the milk of fatter: (S:) or .it same. (M, in art. .,s .) the ewes, or goats, to dry up, putposely, that they might becomefatter; like as one says in relation 1.4.l:. -we .4.. to camels: the subst. from the verb thus used is s: ee art. ~j. V L5'.; and this is said to mean The leaving an animal and not milhing her. (M.) Some say 9p~J in four places. s1: ee J1., and hence the trad., ; o 3 is like that
: see art. .P.

; and V 4
, .,1A (A,

and J (M, A, V) and $iA ) The Xlf (M, A, O) [as meaning

the orignal stock] of a people, (M,) or [as meaning the original, or the princijll, or inoest ssential, part,] of a thing: (A, ]:) and the purest, or choice, or best, part or pottion, (Bl,' A, [,) of a thing (M, O) of any kind, (M,) or

of a people.

.,1 IIs e

One say,
of the J.l

[otr or

', I.
iinal stock]

. a, ." >. and of his peoplet: (Fr, TA:) and Ieenpted :) or by El-'Adebbes EI-KinAnee: ( X . (A) of thw &. a$iy (TA) and Vt4 ~eA. X .: sce himn from rwork, and fed him, until his prit pureat in race of hiA pop/le. (A, TA.) And A choice, or an excellent, people. s, (M, M, M.b, :I,) like returned to him, and he beramefat. (M.) And t ,.)4 ;j i,a and t my camel a (TA.)- Also the first, The collectite lody of a for I chose , ,Li vaJ 5 1 3J.; and J;., (1 and Myb in art. ,J), stallion, ant fed and nourihed him for thte qffice (M in nrt. people; (Kr,M;) aid(l so at. q.v.,) the latter of the dial. of Tcmecem, (M,) also 1. - [And see .r',,.)_ Anid A lord, mtaster, or chief (M, ]g.) Preervod, kept, laid up, taken care of, or re- of the staUion. (.) - Seec s~ved; (,* M,* Myb, V ; applied to a garment art. y.] Quasi ;, [&c-]; ($, M ;) as also VX,, which is an inf. n. 4: see 1. - One says also..);tl 5.(1l, meanused. as an epithet: (M:) one should not say ing The peoplze's cattle became lean, or emaciated; s, (, TA,) nor t.L , as the vulgar say. like o.i1.l i1 .i. (, TA.) 1 [See also art. L;,L (TA.) 3...] nnd l.o: and : see art.; ..

s , Ab osAom.ase; (1, TA;) as also t ,


i a subst. from 2, q. v. (M.)

,: see


1. I.$' and


f As, (Lth,

[Also, . , voce : see its femrn., to accord. of corn): ears app., Empty ,1" (or this in word the of Az): authority the the TA (on sense, and thus applied, is there written with the , M, g,) aor. article, l5.yl, without any syll. sign.] .Id.: see the following paragraph.

($, L 'L, (S, A, 0, Msb, &c.,) aor. , A, O, M,b, (, A,. 0, Msb,) in n. 't, and O, -,*) and, (M, ]0)and 4.and He ra;le his voice, voiced, called or called out, cried or cried out: ($, A, O, Mb, t:) or did so vehm tly, cried aloud, uttered a lottd cry or crying, shouted, exclaimed, or vociferated: (T, C* A,* O,0 Mb,* TA:) or did so with his ntilooqt (A,' force orpower; (1K, TA;) as also V TA:) it is said of a man, and of othier things: (TA:) or of anything: (T, TA:) originally, of nni animal, and often of a bird of the crow-kind, hbit rarely of a bird unrcstrictedly, and sometimes of a spear as being likened to an animal. (lam p.

V,) in. n. . ($', (A, M, ..j,,

o; (Lth, Az, $,M, 1 ;) ,) which is the form

,] inf. n. S; preferred by Az, [aor. Sj 3 (TA;) The pabn-tre needed irrigation, and became slender: (Az, TA:) or became dry, or dried up; (8, M, ;) as also ,; l, and ( :) and in like manner one says of t s: other trees: and sometimes, of animals. (M.) The udder had no milk rel.' WIt j And

.;~ Dry, (?, ]g, TA,) by reason of thirst, or want of irrigation, or by reason of leanness, or emaciation. (TA.) You say iA,.9 i'., (M, j,) and Va~4, (M, TA,) [agreeably with rule,
. 4 X, as part. n. of %r;,] or ;1


(so in copies of

the I, [app. a mistranscription,]) A dr*y, or driedup, palm-tree: (M, ]:) and in like manner one 187.) One says, [Hle calledl, 1',; ',,' termns other trees: and sometimes, animals: thus or cried, &c., with a rehement calling or eryiiig maining in it. ($am p. 661.) - [Hence,] 4f the poet 8a'ideh applies the epithet AJdta to &c., or with a vehement call or cry &c.]. (A.) ). (M.)1idi The erw, or she.goat, became fat, (Q, TA,) wild cows or wild oxen (J. j And 4 tL lHe called or cried, or called out or (TA.) Strong. And ce of her udders having been made to in on cried out, to it [or to him]. (Myb.) And And s.; He became strong. '(7p.) A.) dry tp. ( i;, a Call thou to me such a one. (A, TA.)

(A, TA,) and inf. n. And t eiL and l'G, (A,) lHe called, hailed, or sun. , ad d tiing er, in order that he ,~ (~, Mgb, ],) said of an arrow, (1, M, Mqb,) abstained from out, cried out, or shouted, to called hAn; moned, weak. ;) M might become fat, (M, ,) and not be iq.4ta [expl. in art. ,.,; (~ M, Mqb, t 71he' swere ~ b.) him. (ATA.).)-And I abtainedfrom like .,At. having for its aor. +X*t. ((, M, M 9 (M.) You say, ijItl i (M,) is used in relation to females, meaning He

. t~,

(M,) in.,

(5,) primarily,

1. 4,L

aor. ,

h,) (M, M, Mb,


A ort of date of El-Medseneh, (T, .A, Mgh, M9b, j,) black, and hard to chem: (T, Mgh, tThy perished (4.)One says also, a;i TA:) said to be so called in relation to a certain 0* ;ZIA I met him before every ram, named X , that was tied to a palm-tree, caling,or crying, and ditperang; meaning t I (A, M9 b, ],) which was hence called met him befor daybreak: (?, TA:) so in the k.1e;.,: (A, Mb :) or the name of the ram was Proverbs of Meyd. (TA.) Or~j!j A 'sJ3. Jt,, and & 1 is 5,a rel. n. changed from its t I came to him before erything. (A.) And Q* (1, , TA,) from m a,. Hi % 0 0 ,; * Hte was aangryfor proper form, like u..a (TA.) neither little nor much: (ISk, , ]:) orfor A clamororu man: and anything noisy, nothing. (A.) - And i.ll ;.J , (A, M,b,) or iJ.l, (I,) I The tree, (A, Myb,) or the or sounding much. (The Lexicons passim.)_is .Al another name for iall [i. e. 'e conlalm-tre, (4,) became tall. (A, Myb, [-) And stelation foote.]. (I,zw.) - And A certain ;,lS c . 1 The racme came forth complety from its envlope, and became long, and in afresh pe~ me, or fragrant substance: (V, TA:) or a and tinder tate. (].) And jIbt Ct, t1 [app. wash for the head, (A, ,.) consting of j~. [q. v.], and the liake. (A, TA.) meaning TAe spathe of the palm-tree put forth Lls its padiz, or its raceme, to its fuil length]. (A.) The crying, or clamour, of the place of the wailing of women. (1K.) frightened, or trrfid. (J1.) And..

[Boor I. goodness, bneficence, or indAe~]. (A.) _- And .&..3J X Aim ouat thatwhich is right and just: tho shalt obtain that which thou want~st.


, ua,p



I [We wet forth



to tahe, or hunt after, the egg of ostrches]. (T, TA.) _ And a;,$ t;.., (M,A, TA,) a good phrase of the Arabs, mentioned, but not expl., by IAar; app. meaning X We drew forth trules [from the gr~ound] like as one draws forth nild animals [tfrom their lurhingwplaces]. (M, TA.)

And .j_


L. ;:

TVe tooh [or caught in

or collected] the water of t/he sky. (Thi, M, A.*) - _', (Lth, S, M, L,) of the dial. of Elijz, aor., (Lth, L,) inf. n. ; M, L;) and ;1, (Lth, M, L,) [aor. (Lth, , ;] He

2: ee 1, in two places. - j WI l

, said

of the sun, (

a, of the wind, (S,) i. q. and 1. ;it, (S, M, A, Mgh, Mob, ],) like Z'l, [q. v.]. (A, .)_And o I broke and split the thing much. (TA in art. (MF,.) fitpers. 1.1o,] aor. , 1 Myb, 1, inf. n. .; (S,M, Mgh, Myb;) and ot, ($, 3. L,1 and Vt .- signify The calling or crying, cing out or crying out, &c., of people, onm to another. ($, I.) One says, .t .;;11 (TV) and 'Pl~ W3The people, or party, caled or cried, kc., orn to another. (A, TI.) 8S. ablso L

&c.,) like j',

(MF,) [first pers.

A, as

And jtl

i q. q.iZ#

[q. v.]. (8, .)


[q. ( v.]. (I in art.

t).--- And The thing bham much brohen and conm or split or dit. (TA in this art. and art. C..) See also 7.
6: see 3, in two places. -. tW said of the scabbard, or sheath, of a sword (A, I~, TA) i It became much split or dslit: (], TA :) it is like the phrase 4irt .lah [q. v.]. (A, TA.) 7. tl.dl said of a garment, or piece of cloth, It became dit, or rent, or much slit or rent. (A, Mob. [See also 7 in art. C".]) And *,_.i! t-JI The staJbecame much split or cracked; as also t ;43. (A.) - [Hence,] t,&l is also said of the dawn and of lightning I [meaning It ihowed its light: originally, became clcft: as expl. in art. C.]. (A.) a__. an inf. n. [and also an inf. n. un.] of -tl~. (1 ,Mb,&ec.) [Hence,] one says, t;

;i,ll j_ I a ,i tm [IThe apectnot, or wait not for, aught but the like of the cryingout, or cry, of the pregnant woman]; meaning, evil, or mischief, that shall come upon them suddenly. (TA.) - Hence also ($)Punishment, castigation, or chastisement. (, A, ].) _- And A hostile, or predatory, incursion, by which the tribe are surprised. (TA.)

b_: see what next follows.


above, but originally whereas the first w, pers. of. the former is originally aor. a.i,] ;L~ I (IAr, ?, Msb, Ii;) and 6,3U~.I, (?, M, A, L, Msb, ],) also written and pronounced .;oil ; (L;) and _..e3; t6 (M,A, L;) He took, captured, or caught, it, (Mgh, L;) [made it his prey;] rsnared, or ensnared, it; trapp ~ d, or entrapped, it; (MF;) or ~ought to tak, capture, catch, anare, or trap, it; hunted it, or chased it: namely, [game, i.e.] any kind of wild animals, or the like, (L,) fowl, Jc., (Mqb,) and fish. (L.) [erroncously] .;,) [And jlC, and t .U.l, and t , , without the And '._(-(, TA, in the C mention of the object, this being understood, He 1He (a man, TA) had an inclining, or a bending, took, captured, caught, snared or ensnared, nck. (1., TA.) - And UW .i . 1 made trapped or entrapped, game, i. e. any kind of such a one to have an inclining, or a bending, wild animals, or the he,fowl, !c., orfish; or he neck. (I, TA. [See also 4.]) sought to tahe &e.; he hunted or chased, stalked, or lrked for game; he fo,led; or he Jphed.] 4. #>Ldl He made him, incitedhim, or induced You say , .L. [&c., meaning lie ent him, to tahe &c., or to seek to take &c., rild animals, or the like, [fowl,] orfish. (L.) - Also forth to tahe &c., or seeking to tahe &c., game, l.e, or it, [app. meaning the vein called >LI, or or wild animals or the like; to hunt or chase, to annoyed, or hurt, him; an,] stalk, or lurhkfor game; tofoul; or to fuhj. (f, the disse termed (] ;) namely, a camel. (T].) - And He curedl V.) And jl ,% : : ",,, He went forth, him (i. e. a camel, TO) of the disease termed _,, [to take &c., or] seeking to take &c., the wild (Jg,TA,) by burning with a hot iron. (TA.) animah. (L.) And 166 i. q. qi. i j. Thus it has two eontr. significations. (1.) And - ".s [I took &c., or ~ought to take &c., for such a one, And ~-'..3._ lie (God) cauwed his camel to game, or a wild animal, or wild animals, or the have the diseae termnd -,. (M.) like]. (M,j.) And jQJI .lo,, and t ,?-, 5: see 1, in four places. i. q. M bL. [He took &c., or sought to take &c., 8: sec 1, in three places. game, or wild animals, or the like, in the place]: 9: sec 1, in the latter half of the paragraph, in Sb mentions, as a phraseof the Arabs, ;.j .31 two places. meaning being the name of a certain land [or of two mountains]. (M.) ;, A certain wein (M, ) between the eyes of And 1 j'i [T7h Aawk prys]. (Msb and a camel, (1K,) or between the eye and the nos; : pL GIl 1 in art. ,,.) .. l ii1t is applied to beasts (M;) whene the disease te~ed [in the C1~ J.A]. (].)_ and to birds JThat prey upon others; predatory]. and pl. pl. ,t ($and V in art. C, &c.) - [Hence,] one says, See also ., in two places. - And see ~" ,

(a camel) had the disase termed [expl. below]: (Lth, , M,L:) the 5 in is preto served unchanged because it is so preserved in the original form, whichl is !.., (.,) thoughl thley may not have said i!l; (Sb, M;) and the liko is the caseinjt: (Sb, $,M :) the augmentative letters are rejected for the purpose of alleviation: hence, one does not say, in the case of verbs of this class, = I t;, [i. e. ~" tG, and #JotL, and the like,] forming thus verbs of wonder, because the original form is augmented, and a verb of four letters cannot be formed from a verb of four letters, for a measure can only be formed from a measure that is less. ($.) Also, both verbs, (the former accord. to the Q and M, and t the latter likewise accord. to the M,) t lie (a man) mw unable to look aside, (, M,) by reason of disease. ($.) And .., inf.n. ,s, tle raised his head, by rea of pride: and the (a king) looked not aside, to the right or ef. (k.)

8lT. ,(T,

A Mgb,,


(Mb,) ,A8pa.3l,p *.WLIt


captivates men by likewise in two places.

Also Bras; syn.jL.:

BooK I.]

- -jr


the bending of thy neck: or I wiU assuredly reand c~opper: (, M, :) or a sei trf: tify thy proud tit (,:) or cooking-pots made of j ,, (A'Obeyd, ]- (A.) ,

captur, or catch, game, or prey]. p"

TA,)o or coppr: (A'Obeyd, M, TA:) pl.


(M, TA,) like




pl. of ~6: and

O. C ~, ;C [More wont, or abk, to cap. ture prey than the lion of 'ITfrr and than the he-cat] is a proey. (Meyd.) - Also A camel

l iL; [Of, or made of, bras or copper:] a having the diease termed some say that t il:~ [q. v., thus written with ; (g, M, A, L;) rel. n. from ;1 signifying "brass" and "copper." and so t;L, fet-b to the ,.,] signifies copper. (TA.)~ See for )G ji, (Lg,,) like j for also art. (.) . l;j ',(L,) or for t : (L:) pl. of the first .j~Stones, (8, A, L, g,) or atone, (M,) of a i.e. an instance of in the sense of 3p , (L.) [Hence,] tA man unable to look ecoo~ pots are (Mqb,) or an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly so white colour, (M, L,) of which aide, (6,M,) by reason of diea. (S.) tA called, and therefore used in a sing. and in a pl. made; (S, M, A, L, g ;) as also t il,o. (A, man woho raie his head by reason ofpride. ($.) sense], (Myb, TA,) [i. e.] an inf. n. used in the L.) See also ~I. _ And Ruped land or tA king who lookh not aside, (M, A,) to the place of the objective complement of its verb; ground, (,M, K,) containing stones: (M:) or (IJ, M;) [Game, chase, or prey; an object, or land of which the earth is red, having rog tone right or Iet, by reason ofhis pride. (A.) t A king: ( .:) originally used in relation to a camel, objlects, of the chase or the like;] i. q. t j, (0, evetn with the ground: (ISh:) or even, or level, and a king is so called because he raises his head Mgh, ], TA) used as a subst.; (TA;) meaning ground, in wrhichi are pebbles: (AA:) or pebblw by reason of pride, or because he does not look to what is taken, captured, or caught; or sought to [themsclves]. (Aboo-Wejreh, L.) the right or left. (g.) And A man having an be taken or captured or caught; [by the chaxe, or 01~. Copper: (L,P: see also L:) and inclining, or a bending, neck. (, TA.)-.' by meanm of a snare or trap, or by nrtdifce of any gold: (g :) [but this seems to be taken from the t Thelion; (];) because he walks proudly, not kind;] of wild animals or the like; (L;) of fowl following paage in the T :] in the stone-cooking- looking aside, as though he had the disease #0c.; (Mb ;) and of fi, : (L:) or ,what is repot (TA;) as also *;Ljl [as act. (a.,11) there is sometimes [what is termed] termed .4; pugnant, or didjcult of approach, (Mgh, L, k,) part. n. ofS]; and t;l1; (],TA;) thus likened wild or sy, by nature, not to be taken but by o'1 and't VA.i, in which is an appearance to a camel having the disease above mentioned; like the glistening of gold and silver; and the means of artifJice, whatever it be, (Mgh,) but lawfid to be taken, (L,) having no owner: (L, best is that which is like gold: so says AA. (T, or, as in some copies of the ]Z, not ~lJ1l, but ]:) or any wild animal, or will animals, L.) See also art. ~. _- And Stone cooking- t ,j,ll. (TA.) wAthwr, or not, takn or so~Aght to be taken: po: (;,L, ]; and M in art. ~..:) a colL (IAr, M:) but this last application of the word gen. n.: n. un. with A. (IB, L.) - See also ;;; and V; LL and ,: '- [A place of is a deviation from general usage: (M:) pl. ~. _-- LifJI 0l.~ Small pebbles. (L [See taking, capturing, or catching, &c., of game, or any kind of ~ild animab, or the like, owl, Jc., s~e. (Mgh, Myb.) [Also The qwarry of the also art. ~]) orJ&h; a place of huntaing, fowling, or flhing]. hawk; the prey of any beast or bird &c.] ., Jjt.:. [as a n. un.: see X ., above._ (A. [The meaning'is there indicated by the con.m.j 3 (Meyd, A, but in the latter i , [for Also] A [demon of the kind called] J_. (ISk, text, but not expressed.]) 1 ;;; also signifies 4. s.jl,]) is a prov. (Meyd, A) inciting one K.) _ And A woman of evil diition,(ISk, The upper,or highest, part of a mountain. (MF, K, to seize an opportunity, (A,) applied to a man g,) [and] so * i., ], (M,) and of much talk. from Aboo-'Alee El-Yoosee. [But this, accord. who seeks another to execute blood-revenge upon (18k, ~, ].) _ See also art. X ~. to the &c., belongs to art. ... ]) him, and lights upon him when he is inadvertent; ;..: see ;1jt. _ [Hence,] t A woman who ,_-; meaning T7y prey has become within thy power, see . and J1': therefore be not thou neglecfid of him [so as to takes, captures, or enmares, omething from her jt pass part. n. of 1: (Mgh, Mqb:) see .. suffer him to es~ape, or rather be not thou ren- husband. (L, from a trad.) See also a~l.. dared hope of hiAm]. (Meyd. [See also Freyit:; ~; [A man accustomed to, or in the ;f,.: ($, M, A, Msb, ]) and ., (M, and tag's Arab. Prov. i. 712; where &*_3is put in habit of, taking, capturing, catching, snaring, or so in the handwriting of Az accord. to the L) the place of p,J.])- See also .. trapping,game, i.e. any kind of wild animals, or and t',Pi. ($, L, Myb, 1) and t* .~ (so in the like, fowl, ,c., orfAh; a sportsman; a hunter, : see the next paragraph. the handwriting of Az accord. to the L) and afowler, or afiuherman: see 1, second sentence]: 1; ' (M, My b, 1) A th,ing ued for the pur. signifies the same as ;1,: ., ($,M, A, L, J() and t , with kesr, (Mb :) and ;t pose of JI [or the taking, capturing, or (g,) or t.o, (L,) and t, ;A [A dog msed for hunt- catching, &c., (M,'L,g,) A (9 :) You say ; of game, or any hind of wild certain dieas in a camel's head, in consequence ing]: ($,A:) and ,j , [A hawk usedfor animals, or the lihe,fow, c., orflh]; (T, 1, M, of which he raises it: (8:) a certain diease catchinggarme]: and the same epithet is applied A, Msb, ] ;) a nare,trap, gin, or net; (MA in which causm a camed to raise his head: or a to a female: (M:) its pL is ~ (S, M, A) and explanation of the first and lut;) [the first and certain disease in a camelr's head, wihich causes .a.; (Yoo, Sb, S, M ;) the latter of the dial of third said by Golius, on the authority of Meyd, his neck to twist: (M:) or a certain diseae those, (e, M,) namely, the tribe of Temeem, (M,) to be applied peculiarly to a net; but all signify wAich attack camels in the head, in conae e of wcA there flow from their noses what re- who say XJ; [for j>a]; ($, M;) the .* being also any kind of trap: see , :] pL Jat, mas be preserved without.. (L,Mqb.) smble froth, or foam, and they raise their heads: with kesr in order that the unchanged. (..) _ See also .I, last sentence. (I1k, L, I:*) or a certain diseas in a cameds L.~a: see the next precedihg paragraph. nWk, in conwuence ofwhich he is munabke to turn hit .51, applied to a man, Practiing [i. e. face aside: it is said that it cure is burning with ;l":.see g .m..: the taking, capturing, or catching, &c., of game, _ and ee also ; . aht iron(A,TA)betweeathe ees: (TA:) [for] .IG... ... or any kind of ~id animals, or the like, fowl, 4c., it a . fm a ein b~ the eye, called G.. or fish; hating, fomling, or fshing: see 1, (]p.) [Hence,] also ~, (M,* A,) and r;c, second sentence]. (Mgh, Mqb.) -_ 3.iJI in the (M,) Fiin~ of the face of a king, so that it dial. of El-Yemen signifies The shank; syn. doe not turn aside (M, A) to the right or keft, by 1. l 't;, (T, S, Ms *,b,) aor. (0,) in n.



ea ofprde. (A. [See alsoS, of which it ,Il. (M.) L.G, (,1 Meb) and ', ($,) Ie, or it, atis the in n.]) [And t& fnrmer, t An inclination, >~, likej J [in measure], An arrow goingE tained to the tate, or condition, of uch a thing; (T;) became such a thing; (T, Mb ;) in which or beading, of the nek: (see :) hence,] one right, or hitting the mark. (J[.) sense the verb is like t5 [in meaning, when the says, . til I asredly traihte /., [More, or most, ,ont, or able, to take, or latter is non-attributive, and in having its subject B1L I. 1

1754 in the nom. case and its predicate in the acus.]. (T.) You say, . s ;1. Zeyd became a man; or attained to the state, or condition, of a man. (TA.) And ke& Nj L. Zeyd became rirh, not having been so. (M,b.) And _.- je.^Wll jC. The eressmdjice became ,vine. (M,b.) [And *6 #U4 j H1 e became in a state, or condition, in which there tw. not anything in his po~eson. And I,l J~ . L. He became in the state, or condition, of doing ach a thing; i. e. he beca,e occupied, or eNgaged, in doing such a thing; or he t about, began, comm~wd, took to, or betook himsef to, doing such a thing; like 4t.l j,di j1l) The people stayed, or abod,, at the 'te. water. (M, 1, TA.) _- "L, (.,2 first pers. s,.0 ,

[BooK I.

(, 0, M9 b, TA) and V t


(TA) and

(M,) aor. as above, (S,) inf. n,

9' ;; (Ii.)_ The verge, brink, or point, of . var. of ;L. havingfor its aor. ;.ie,[q- v.,] (S,) lan riffai-. or event. (M. KA You say. . J.A U! 7rr in a. .. . r " . --- - . ~-- r .' 1e cur; o m p,4 ;) ana crave u, or sict ir. -f---- ~ . .. . (M.) - And in like manner, [i.e. as a dial. var. lJi. 1 i > . I am on the verge of mch an of ts; having for its aor. ,] He made it to affair, or event. (M.) And ,?h Xfs W1 incline, or e (1.S) You say, jLo, P. aor. I am at the point of [attaining] the object of my , (M,) as also , (M and 1 in art. wa. wan,) (M.) And j&... ME ; e lt He taned his face towards a person or thing. I am at the point of accomplihing my want.


(I,) a dial.


(' M, , ,) of the mensure Jj,. , ($,) and

I tt~ed his neck. (M.) [Respecting the phlrase .il '^w in the ]ur ii. i 20, accord. to one reading, see 1 in art. je.] j4t. And !: A j;t. He became in tlh jlo, aor. c infn. se', signifies also state, or condition, of not doing anything; or he [He confined, restricted,&e., him, or it]. (Msb.) became unwoccupied in doing anything. And 2. :,. He HI made him, or it, to be in .01j jL. He becamo in the state of not a state, or condition; or he made him, or it, to be peaking; he became ~pcle. And pL ~ su, a thng [sao?it 1Ms HIe became in a state of r ction upon achi a thing; [as also ,Lolj;] syn. '.(S.) 1 i &~4. and ' tj,ll [lHe made such a thisng; he began to re~fect upon uc a You say, thing.]_ One says ablso, IJ. !b , (M, me to be to him a same]. (A.) - [And ,I *e" A, Myb, ,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. , and t ',J He, or it, umade, or caused, himn, or it, to come, or to p~ e a course that led, to (M, M, A, Mb, V,) which is anomalou, being ch a state, or condition; barought, or reduced, regularly jt;, like t, (,) and j and him, or it, t~hereto.] 'Omeyleh EI-Fearee said ;jg..,, (M, A, ],) i. e. e i ;.: (Myb:) [but 1 to his paternal uncle Ibn-'Anla, 9 .lL. .I4 M t1 this is a loose explanation; the meaning being, thee to co.e, J [What [ hath made . l t' 7.e thing, or affair, or cas, came ev~tually (see ced thee, to the state, or .) to ruch a state, or condition:] the difference or brought tee, or condition, that I ee, 0 my paternal uncle?]. between * and is, that the former word (M.) [In this case, the ulterior state or condition neeesarily implies a difference [of the latter state likened to a place: for] you say, b1 ' and or condition] from the former state or condition; is t.. s9 ' but the latter word does not. (B4 in iii. 16.) t j;,1 [meaning He, or it, made him to com, or [In this case, the ulterior state or condition is broughAt him, to him, or it; i.e., to a person, or likened to a place: for] _;also signifies He, place, or to a state, or condition :] (M, 1]:) and

(M.) And ,ic ;e


(A.) Andrl,e.. $sU *i) Such a one is at thA point of accomplishingan affair. (8.) .. A water at which peopl stay, or abide; (M, O, ;) as also 9t w (TA.) A crevime of a door. (8, M, A, Msb, 1~.) It is said in atrad., ji Com
0W.j,* I


~~~~~~~~~ --- 0 *j

Z [ oeer looks : uL . -.'; into the crcice of a door and ha hit eje lmt out, ito th i for an t is t is a thing for which no mulct is to be wacted]: (., M:) A'Obeyd says that this is the
only instance in which the word [in this sense]


has been heard. (S.) ~ [The conditent, madle

of small fi,, caled]

M, ;...: (M,

:) or [a

VI;J 4.1~ ;3 an.d Vu31jbl [Want, or or it, attained in rspect of place: so in the saying, 3 J t j ;tC [Zeyd came, or went, need, or neesity, made me to come, or brought or prnsed a course. that brought him, to Amr]. me, to himn, or it]. (A.) And [hence,] s1 (TA.) ,~ o' tI I came, &c., to such a .l.' lIe committed to him the thing, or affair; . ( JIt,. M .J .s ,[And - ' oe] is similar to the phrase in the lur [iii. 27] syn. &.1 n ..i. (N: i at o) tn j~"i ~T ~J,1; [And to God, as the ultimate I.JL lIe made such a tAing to come to, betide, or objct, is the transition, or course, of every human befall, him, or it: and consequently, he made & a him, or it, to hame, or become poessed of, sur a 1, in being]. (Q.) [Ihence, )4I1 .- aJI J





condiment, or the like,] ~embling ;"..: (M, > :) or what is calledin Per&. 1 . [jellUy of salted.fih]; as also ;t.: (Mgh voce i;~ :) ind the maU altedfish of which A;_ is made: (Kr, M, :) or the young on of f : [a coll. gen. n. :] n. un. with 3: (Myb :) thought by IDrd to be Syriac; (TA ;) by IAth, to be Per., as also ;Vt.o. (TA in art. i .) Also The bAs.1 [properly bi`wp] of the Jews. (0, P.) Seoo also the next paragrapht. t.e next paragrap., (S, M, Msb, 15,) accord. to A'Obeyd ;, with fet.-, but Az says that this is a mis-

take, (TA,) An encloure (;


)for sweep or

goats (S, M, Msb, IO) and for co s or bull, (M, I,)cotutructedof wood and stones (M, TA) and of branclhes of trees; (TA;) as also ;;1, (1k, 1,) whlich latter is said by IDrd to be of the dial. of the people of Baglh(d: (TA:) pl. of the former , Myb, I) and [coil. gen. n.] 90,.

- is also by ~ word,~or covenant, The ; ( and TA in this art., and the lur xlii. last verse, which BI explains by thing.] . ~ ~ as~ well as by deed. (Bd in ii. 20.) [You say, I.b e.~ TS and and TA ;) i. i. e. e. the rined T.S and I~ and TA in in ar art.ji.e;) the stringed adding the words W ,tA" t.jl 1Wj1j; the meaning He asserted, or pronounced, him, or it, instruinent thul called: (T.S and TA in that art., meaning being, Verily to God are tlains, or ee~, eferrible, mediately and dependently: in to be in such a state, or condition; or to be stth a and 0 and TA in the present art.:) [this is the thing: in whichl case, also, it is syn. with , ' riglit meaning, as is shown by the latter of the tho Expos. of the Jel expl. as meaning q.j] o = tWo verses cited voce JIe: but,] accord. to whereby it is expl. in the S. And l [And in like manner one says, I115 , l., Such a lIe ase,ted, or p,ronwunced, sch/ a thiij to be- AHeyth, (O,) the sound of tihe .o. (0 and thing camne to, betided, or befell, him, or it: and long to him, or it; asseted, or pronounced, hiim, in the present art.) ~ See also art. j,o. hence, he, or it, canme to have, or becamne possessed or it, to lamve such a thing; attributed to him, or .. .. of, such a thing.] _- And i e;l. .; [Hle it, xuch a thing: and appointed or assigned, to [q. v., ;5Y: see ;,o.- Also i. q. tl1 became, or came to be, meaning he found himslf, him, or it, such a thing.] signifying Stones, &c.]. (M in art.,~.) in a ,ee.t, or waterlme, land]; i.q. Q ij. 4: see 2, in six places. . A grave. (AA, O, L. [Perhap so caled (Myb in art. j.) And e.ll .1. [He as being the ulterior abode.]) One says, I. 5. ol1 j. He became lie his father. (., entered, lit. became in, te season called ; M,.) M . This is the rame ofsuch a one. (0.) And A company ( ). (0, ]P) See ;.q. o [which is expl. in the 1 as signifying : see what next follows. also art. ... ,t~l J.]. .~ (IV in art. wj.) m,- signi11 The ulterior or ultimate, latter or last, fies also The returningof seekerr after herbage to jr A thing, pon the head of a j5 [or small the watering-places. (0, V.) And one says, state, or condition; the end, conclusion, event, isated mountain or ths lik], rmbling the J jl., aor. , [inf n. j,] T7e man ise, or resl; of a thing, an afiir, or a case; [heap of stona, ped up as a sign of the way, cep that it is casd, and th ;.el is M,O, Mb, V;) as also p(O, 1) and cald] s, stayed, or abode, at the water. (TA.) And ( M,

(M, K) (M,.)See

See also jr~. .


h .~ ; (0 and TA in this art., and

1756 Booi I.]

:;,L, from i_ [a dial. var. of Li, (IDrd, O, ],* TA:) but & is more approved taller than it, and largW; or [in my originals and [in this sense, or a meaning " it ran upon the (TA.) "a nd"] they are both cwd, but th j..1 is peaked i. q. h5]. surface of the ground," a expl. in art. rondand wide, and has and tall, and the ;1. is (TA.) ee the prmeding paragraph. angles [app. at the ba]; and ometime i it s It belongs to this art. 7. ,alI: see art. ,. 4: r arerund in it: m mc ated, and god and it i of tAe work oJ'Ad and Irm. (O, TA.) ,. (l.) , in the dial. of Bclh&rith Ibn-Kaib, The and to art :; w q. i; (TA.) (a;) water. m; a at [hbad] ind of dates called ;L; taying, or abiding, m I [an epithet mentioned, but not expL, in lbeing and ,,g ;) (l ; rG t also s abidor taying, pop, or "I And t 51P A party, the O and TA: it seem to be from f ing, at a water. (0, TA.)~ Albo A iter of dial. vrs of ;. and rLI- (-.) dispersed it, or scattered it;" and hence to be syn. nane nuck (TA.)[[And The pivot at the top, tion, or o , signifying In a stat of with throughout. and that at the hd, of a door; theformer of , ~: see 'c, of ex~cding ecommotion]. Rubeh says, which turns in a socket i* the lintel, and the latter signify] to said also is [It ee s: in a socket in the threshold:] ace J&i. 1 Dates ;ithout stones. (L in art. i.) ,Also meaning And he pssed th day enwloping see the next preceding paragraph.of a eoloclth thrat lave no hearts, [app. The pi/* it, or them, in the dst in a state of compasor or her, Herbage, And TA.)_ Also Rain. (M, (AHIn, S, ,) being husks only; (AIjn;) to or of ezcoding commotion]. (O, TA.) The Also motion, paragraph. next thle See (M.) ture. which a poet likens ticks that have been long left state of d,yncu to which herbage comes. (M.) in a desolate place: (AIn, S :*) and so, accord. melon and the Ael Judgment, or opinion, to some, of anything, such as the -. _Also : ; (AIIn.) like. the and cucumber (!,) inf. n. k , (ISh ,,) ,,, I. ;,l (C,) and unlerstanding,or intellet, or idntelligene; in saume, or seasoning: (ISh, food his woaked He G [He las (,) ths in all ai, (, M, N:;) s in the aying, g ,, (5p, IB, O,) or Vt lie Ioaked it with JtA '; Not algpnent nor understanding]: ($, M:) or the copies of the ]:, but it is a mistake, or a con- 0,5::) and has a similar [&&t 0.) (ISh, butter. a judgient, or an oplinion, to which one erentu- tracted form, (TA,) The wearer's [implement clarfied known.] better is and meaning, called] A4S, with which he makes the marl and ally conme; as in the saying, ;cw $ L J an: ($, IB, ] :) but lB says that its the wfoof thougit, []Ie ha tnot a Jirt, nor a fnal, idea, ro .. and other words in which U is substituted is tS, not .. ; so that it should letter radical last ; (O, Also, judgment, or opinion]. (A.) forj, ee in art. a Al.In says, on tlhe authority of Aboo-Ziyad, be mentioned among the clas of infirm words: . (v.) Hence, (?,) The spur (0)) and t Z;3L, (l,) Dry Ie.ebage or pasture, (TA :) pl. , ].)- [Hence also,] The horn (' , cock. that is eaten long nafte its being green: (0, : ) of the 1. JG, (g, M, O, Mqb, V,) aor. '4,0, int: n. the bull or cow, and of the gazelle: (]g:) pl. of except sucl and he adds that no herlbs have c (TA,) He, or it, (a company of men, M, i as above, (TA,) signifying the horns of bulls or b-, ., (0, cows; which were sometimes fixed upon spears, Mqb,) remained, stayed, dwalt, or abode, ($, M, anrd J ddl as arc of the kinrls called a m (S :) and to such hornes, 0, Myb, 5,) during the [~aon called] J , (}, TA.)~ 3 .s, signifies A confued and d(biou. instead of the iron heads: and faction, or sedi- O,) or durin his, or their, I.,, conflict name, (0, Mtb,) or this by called | oj way no is jair, a (M, ,) thro.uh which tlhere because of its during a ,4o, (9,) ~t in it, (?, M, 0, S,) i. e. trad., a in likened is ti.,) -tion, te1 men e pasing; as in the pl rase grievousness: some say 'that the sing. isa~, in a place; (S, M, O;j as also t JLUl, (;, 0,' tioned by YRa9oob ([ISk] in the "Alfadh' - And hence, (M, O,' ],* TA;) and 3; ,' TA,) and t [accord. to some of the copies of that work] [as in the ]5,] contracted. (TA.) date which wih peg, or pin, wooden A (TA,) [probably a mis[dtjQ tVf A! is like * originally meaning a [inountain, or hill, suclh a a in compacted are they [when out pluced are without a pars: but it is mor teneLd] isd is a var., ma~, clodely adhering together, in the receptack transcrption for J.ia, of which h.Cl var., an this of one with together which, of and (M.) [q. v., in art. probably , palm-eava, or the like, in which theq [of wo you (TA:) follows]: what in found be will ex. are pached]: (]::) likened to the horn of a bul. the during remained [I sentence. s first oE;t, j.-, 'L4 j..~z : see or cow: in this sense, the word is written a:.~ say, manner like in and place], a such in .. (TA.; )4. and a certain poet changes it to . an inf. n. of ;. [q. v.]. (9, M, &cc.) [probably a mi,and t i, and , [. [Hence also,] Anything with wAich one de [Also A place, and hlence a state or condition, te o to be indicated seems u ,l, Vt for which a person, or thing, eventually comes: a fenads himsef: pl. as above, (],) [in the CQ transcription says, a Hudlialce ;as though it had th. by what here follows]: (M:) Iplace ofdstination.] 8ee;.._.-A place her e erroneously written .. people caliht and abide: a good place wher e article JI prefixed to it, or were itself prefixed tc people alight and abide. (TA.)_A place t 1another noun, for otherwise it is written and pro in Noomdn, and [I remained dwing the (M, : ) nounced] with the [final] L elided. (TA.)which maters come, or take their course:M (IM, TA.)_ [or a place of herbage, or pasture, and of water :[Hence also,] Afortro: (5 :) pl. in this seas she remained during theA]. r pao~ A also,] [Hence TA.)_(, above. as , , I ,J' . M,l , o,g,) a verb of the ( M, so in the saying,] ,,, pl. jtl;: And r oi erds h is well protects], [and manages who r o They wat forth to their places of herbage, class of 'C, (51,) originally ;. , (TA,) The , and of water. (A.) See also art.y) . focks: (AA, ] :) in this sense also written a. stured land wa rained upon by tA rain of the [son (AA, as in the TA.) <(s, M,0.-) And I)L, of the caUled] sentence. first seea*y, s Alln and 1 , We wre l. like measuro LJ.a,

1 p p 1



rained upon by the rain of the c..: (f:) and in like manner t .. (M, TA.') i a, .-JlI J 1. &al t trmeo are as such become had bore datae which (, Njil ;;C, (m, M, O, Meb,* V,*) eaor.~, , latter half. b,O,) and (1, M, 0, MO . ,, 4. .,JI ,1 :.see 1, in art. t, 0, ]:,) inf. n. 1. U' o , i. e., ,bp%; (,* TA;) as also ? . ', (M,) lwh arroro (, M, 0) and f4 , last sentence..- .[ see 6 in art. a) . zJ: (TA;) and " ,all, (V, (L,) inf. n. .e4; (, M, 0, Mb, :.:) butt: ; (TA;) all three on the authority cof Also, said of water, It was, or became, in a tat turned aidefrom the inf. n. L its aor. .j. and for IAyr, and the first mentioned byogh, in the 0 ; of commotion upon the surface of the ground a dial. var. of JL. having

1. ~P aor. tL"LC1 inf. n. t Tire palm-trs t", in three places. Dj$b,]s [aor.

see 1 in art


11 1786 inf. n. Ji. (Boox

t~ : (0:) [but near the end of the pa~ (O, Mb, .) - And j..Ii 'i. qf the year whieh is after the ph. 12 (e u ;^ TAe tallion-caml turned away from unless this explanation in the 0 denote only a a subst., or as an epithet in which the quality of vulgar meaning, and the latter of the two ex- a subst. is predomint, for g,] ad coering thefema that he had coored. (M.)



It (a tbin. o, , , g) ,~cd

my [asomn termed] e.., (.8 , ,) or for my meant the season of rain thus termed, which ends ..A.: (MNb :) by the "thing" here spoken of in March: (see the latter of the two tables which is meant food, or a garment, or some other thing. I have inserted voce >j :) most probably, I (TA.) - See also 1, in three places. think, both have been faultily transcribed from 3. 3i;'L. 4X (e, M, 0, MOb, , ) and U(. what here follows; for the 8 is largely copied in (M, O, Myb,) like the 0, and the 8 and 0 are among the prin(L4, M) is from Jtl, cipal sourcee of the ]V, which generally follows tMs (8, O, Myb, ]) from.Jlt, (0, Myb,) and the 0 when it differs (rightly or wrongly) from K~ (., o) from;QlI, (0,) i. e. [He made an the 8 ] the ', is one of the divsion of the engagement, or a contract, with him for work or year; which is after [that caUtd] 3,J)I me1i and the ie]/for the days of the '.4. (8.) And in before [that calld] "itl:(:.8 ) [this admits oftwo like manner, ;L.t ;j.' ! and Wl. [He hired renderings, both of which are correct; namely, him, or tooA him as a hired man or Aireling,for the the quarter after the season of two months called period of the .. ]. (M.) Jj.I &.1 (which end in March) and before 4. Ihol TIey entered the [eaoncaUed] ,.4O: the quarter called Xl1I (which is summer); and (., M, O, Myb, ]:) like lj,;I meaning " They also the season of two montls after that called cnltercl the [season called] .tf." (TA.) -And J;31 31ll and before the similar eason called lJtl. She (a camel) brought forth in the &o. Jiel: (see the former of the two tables to which said of a man, I He had I have referred above:) but probably the latter (M.) - [Hence,] Jtl offspring born to him [in the summer of his age, only was meant by him who first gave.this i. e.] rhen h was old, or advanced in age: (., explanation:] thdie pl. is iJ3 (M, 0, J) and M, O, iS, TA:) or he lad no offspring born to ~..: (M, Mob:) :t 34. is a more particular him until he was advanced in age, or old. (L, term [app. meaning A single (see 2;)]; TA.) And t Ire abstainedfrom women while a young man, and tlen married roen old, or ad- it is like ;ij. [q.v.]; (O,V ;) and its pl. is 0A,

planations in the 1~ be virtually a repetition, we of cm r c.] m for must suppose that, in each of them, by the t0 is ' ;tdsignify The ; [or pro~ in the first part of the t. (here meaniag sping]; i.e. the second &.; for the first of the

is the . people is their

, then the ,

then the.J,
of a

V and then the a4 m J : (M:) or the ?L;

. in the ($, 0, .) ([See ;j,e.]..-[ai.e is also applied to The latter,or last, season of the bringing forth of camels; so in in the and TA.] an explanation of 'h,. [fern. of t ..: and also used as a subst., or as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant: see the latter word]. ~ibG is used as an imitative sequent in the phrase J.SJ '., ($, O, l,) meaning A warm, or hot, [spring or] sunmmer: (PS:) a phrase like J', W ~&c.(S, O.) And one sa.ys .. , (S, M, O, Msb, ],) meaning A hot day; (0, 1;) and t N , (, 0, ) was sometimes said, meaning J5L.; like ' l; -* tas meaning LC a]: a4 [a hot niht]. (S, O, (S :) and Msb.) ) And J LG. [app. Rain coming in the bio, meaning spring; as also t j, occurring in a verse cited voce 4i, q.v.]. (M.) See also '.ti in art. jL.



carced in age. (M, TA.)_~ A j % ;.ii1 like ; pl. of ;.. (Fr, 0, g.) e L..a, y;1 God turned away, or may God turn away, >.UI is a saying expl. in art. &. [q. v.]. (0, from me the evil, or miscAief, of ch a one: ($, .)-. 't,aHll also signifies The rain that comes .. 0, 1 :*) belonging to this art. and to art. J in the [eason called] .; (S,O, Mb, ;) (0, TA.) [sce, again, the second of the tables to which I : see 1, first sen- have referred above, and see also ;] and (0, and its var. a. tence, in four places. I) so t Jtl; (M, O, ] ;) also signifying the 8: ee 1, first sentence. herbage thereof: (M :) or, (I,) accord. to Lth, (0,) the latter signifies the rain that falls after ,J : see j3L;:. and see also art. Jy. the dvision [a mistake for the rain] called the uas signifying A certain portion of the .; (0, and a;) so the former; (1C;) and it is ywar is aid by lSk to be fem.: (TA, voce :; also called ' Uk. !; (0, I,;) which likewise q. v.:) [but by others I find it treated as masc.:] signifies the trbage tlereof. (TA.) Hence the the ' u meaning one of th seamo is well prov., relating to the completing of the performknown: (M :) Lth aye, it is one of the quarters *,Ij3[The of the year; and is applied by the vulgar to a ance of a needful affair, .Wl &e.,l completion of the rain called the is that called half of the year [i. e. to the half-year commecing the bAco]: for the rain called the &O is the first at the ternal epiox; the other half-year being called by them the ,1,]: Az says, it is, with the rain, and the %os is that which is [next] after it. 1i 4Q' is [A verse] in the end (ii) Arabs, the divuion which the vulgar in El-'Ird# (TA.)-. and Xhur4 alU / the [i. e. the qpring]; it of ;L, i; [the 4th chapter of th Kur-dn, consists of three mo~th; and the division that but which verse I know not], mentioned in a next follows it i with the Arabsthe 4; and in tradition. (TA.) Also The female of the . it is the 3',& [q. v.] of the J; then, after this, [or Owm]. (Kr, M.) ; and then, after i the division called the : osee the next preceding paragraph, latter this, the division called the .,: (TA:) [i. e.] it half.


LtG [fem. of SL, q. v.-Ablso, a a subt,] en ;ar,ring, or warring and pluri, pedition in the [i. e. either srn or mummer]: (M, Mgh, and ]am p. 239:) pl. JSI. (Mgh, and ]lam ib.) And [particularly] (Mgh) ezpeA warring, or warring and p der, A



dition against the Gree (.ejJ1): because they [i. e. the Arabs] used to go on expeditions of this kind in the 'm, (., Mgh, O, ],) and to return in the winter, (Mgh,) on account of the cold and lj snow. (?, O, .) And they said, i tAlJlI, meaning Such a one ma commander of the army going on a warring, or warring and plunderig, e~pdition in the A.: (Ram ubi supra:) [but MGr ays,] he who explains ;L. as meaning the place [of], or the army [ngaged in, such an expndition], errs: [adding that the Hanafee Imam] Moiammad has used the phrase deither by -1 - 1 by;11 e - Wi_ij :1 surmise or by extension of the [proper] meaning. I e (Mgh.) See also .. , in two places.~ Also (M, TA.) The timtne, or season of thte .. I4.1: see grapi. ak;, originally I s:e art. J .


last quarter of the para-

is the quarter of te year ~arlycaled the,

omm ing whm the an enters Arie: but is applied by the vulgar to the 4, which is the [mmer, i. e.] the quarter commencing hen the rm mns Canoer: (Myb in art. X>j; q.v.:) [F ays,] the is the lJ [i. e. summer, or the hot eawon]; or [the eason] after the .: ( :) and [Sgh says,] the .A; is one of the divisions


Ua. A thing of, or belonging to, the Lseason caled] .4o. (8,O.)_ A young camel born in the (M.) [And in like manner a sheep or goat: see t..]And [hence,] tA son born to a father [in the summer of his age, i. e.] old, or advancedin age. (S, M, O.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce Wow -]See also o,


A pdace of rmaining, daying, dwelling,

or abiding, during the [mason caled] . ; (Q, (8,], TA) and O, TA;) as also t JitJ t ?j '..: (TA:) and a time thereof: (8b, M,
TA:) pl. ,Nt. (Mb.)_-Apnd A place in whvich dates are dried in the [ e ald] '.


BooK I.] (/uIr p. 166.)n _[Alo part. n. of the verb in the

1707 jX and ilt.: ee art. J.

see .

phrase u,j,
v 6i

o.4:] you say Ad



Land rained upon by the rain of the

[s,aso, called,]


(,M, 0, o ~) . Also,
*xpl. in art..,.

Quuasi A
anda.; and ;,4 pl. of _,

applied to a channel in which water flows, Winding, or trut: (, M :) from j,, like * JSi. (a.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce from

14A: and see also

j : : see JL.._

Also, (M, O,1 ,) and


!) G 1

, aor. ia.;, inf n.


ee 1 in art.
L#* [originally a]: see art. .

[i. o. China]. ~Of, or relatig to, eirI" (TA.) [Hence,] 3. O.;, (S, TA,) and [the (9, S, TA,) [i. e. China]. pl.] j .S~ , (9,) VeJs of *.I,
made in Lth country thus ca

a. i J.L. 1 Ji a dial. var. of 1jbtZ. '5 , (0, ],) [in the CS, erroneously, Ja (TA in art. W ,. See 3 in art. ta,.) and i ;J.,] and VJui , (M, O, IC,) applied to a she-camel, (M, 0, S,) That has brought forth (M, L, TA:) or in th [seaon^ called] hi:
Aavin with her her young oae: (O, S, TA :) pl. 1. 3L1., aor. j , i q. o having for its aor. of the last j hL. (TA in art. '.) - And O, ,) i. e. He (a man) Sjy, (Ibn-'Abbld, 0, [hence,] the first, t A man having a child born to [&c.]. (Ibn-'Abbid, O.)_ keaped or sprang er of his age,i. e.] w/nm he is hAimn [ tih nm (9 and V in art. J,,) or J, (IbnIj ,J J.e/, old, or advanMcd in age. (TA.) 'Abb&d and O and 1] in the present art.,) Such a JIl.., applied to land ( Having H.a), in it thing ws appointed, or ordained, or prepared, abwudance of th rain of the [s~eao caLd 0, .) for then, or for him. (Ibn-'Abbid , O, (O, V.) - And, so applied, Late in producing This is its proper place. (TA.) herbage. (O, .) _ See also ..a-.-[Hence,] '4. The hnot of the 4Aj; [i. e. of the esd, A man who does not tahe a ,if until he AU whitmes in the Aair of his hea d witA the or of the mrspeory thmog, of a whip]. t, and V in art. 3J*, and 0 in the present art.) blacknes thereof. (0, X.)

(TA.) *;;_ A certain drug, [said to be] llUrnown. (TA. [But what it is I have been unable to learn.]) and iSQ0 inf. . of ^JC expL in uart. ; -~o. The former, of which ;1O and are aid to be vars., is also syn. with 1.t., !Q,o
likewise expL in art. C~.


e*.': aem art.



* This PART of BOOK I. has been twice printed, the whole of the first impresion except one copy having been aecidentally destroyed, by ire. Henoe its publication has necessarily been very long delayed.

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