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b) Elastic cartilage The property is elastic, it is found in the ear leaf and nose.

c) Fibrous cartilage The property is strong, it is formed from collagen fibrous, it is found in the backbone intersegment. 2) Hard bone Hard bone is periodically development of cartilage. In the bone formation, hard bone cells form calcium phosphate substance with only a litlle of sticker of substance. If the hard bone is broken it is hard to be connected anymore. In hard bone tissue, its bone cells have die, the bone cells left over are only lacuna that is the chamber of remainder of those bone cells. In the lacuna there is the fracts called Havers fracts that contains blood vessel to keep the life of bone cells. The outer part of bone is layered by periosteum that is layer of tough bounding tissue.Periosteum is the for. Based on property of its constituent material, bone is separated on two kinds, those are compact bone and spongy bone. a) Compact bone Its constituent materials are dense and forming dense outer layer. Example is outer layer of llong bone. b) Spongy bone Its constituent materials have cavity, it has function to protect the bone itself if is happened the impact. Example in the skull bone and the tips of long bone near the joint of bones. The inner part of bone contains bone marrow. The bone marrow consists of two kinds, those are red marrow and yellow marrow. Red marrow in children is found in all bones while in adult people is found in the skull bones, backbone segments, ribs, and wrist bone. Red marrow is place to make red blood cells. Yellow marrow is found in the adult limb bones. The yellow marrow is formed from the mixture of bounding tissue cells, for example lipid tissue and red marrow. Bone is living tissue so it can grow and repair the broken parts itself.

The formation process of bone, it from cartilage to be bone is called ossification that begun since fetus is still in pregnanty.The enlengthening place of bone is in growth region that is region near the tip of bone called epiphyse chakra. Based on their shape, bones are grouped into four kinds, those are long bone, flat bone, short bone, and irregular bone. 1) Long bone Long bone has shape of round long, in it is found yellow marrow that many contains lipid. For example humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, and palanges segments bone. 2) Flat bone Flat bone inside it is like cavity coral flower that contains red marrow the place to form red blood cells and white blood cells. For example bones that form skull, shoulder bones, chest, ribs, and hip. 3) Short bone Short bone shape is round but it is short inside in it like the cavity coral flower that contains red marrow the place to form red blood cells and white blood cells.For example backbone segments, talus, and carpi. 4) Irregular bone Irregular bone shape is complex and related to particular function. For example jawbone and vertebrate. b. Skeleton The skeleton owned by human is found inside of their body so it is called endoskeleton. Human skeleton has various functions,they are as follows. 1) To move if required by muscle 2) Giving body shape 3) Keeping body organs in their own place 4) Protecting important body organs, such as brain, heart, and lung 5) The place of muscle to stick 6) Straightening the body 7) The place to make mrrow 8) Producing blood cells in bone marrow

Human skeleton is grouped into three parts, as follows. 1) Skull bone 2) Body bone 3) Limb bone 1) Skull bone Skull bone consists of skull bone of head part and skull bone of face part. The skull bone of head part protects rain and hearing organs, while the skull bone of face part protects the eye, smelling organ, and mouth. Skull bones have flat shape, related each other, and form cavity. a) The skull bone of head part consists of. 1 frontal bone, 2 pieces of parictal bones, 1 piece of occipital bone, 2 pieces of sphenoid, 2 pieces of etmoid, 2 pieces of temporal bone. b) Skull bone of face part consists of. 2 pieces of upper maxilla bone, 2 pieces of lower mandible, 2 pieces of zygomatic bone / cheek bones with their curves, 2 pieces of palatin, 2 pieces of nasal bones, 2 pieces of lacrimal bones, 1 pieces of konka inferior. 2) Body Bone

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