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O Citizen, Why Do You Work?

A Challenge to the Workers of America By Vphiamer Ronoh Adis

Dedicated To: Mr. & Mrs. Adis (Rest in Peace) & To You the Reader Copyright: For Non-Profit Use Only This Document is in the Public Domain, Distribute it at Will June 2013

Dear Reader My name is Vphiamer Ronoh Adis; here in your hands is the first of many gifts I am offering to the Human Family in a time when such gifts are sorely needed. In writing the below document I hope to rekindle the spark within each person which points towards consciousness and social stability. We are living in a time of decline, this reality must be admitted and reconciled within before we can progress towards a shared vision externally. In the coming decades this decline will accelerate, becoming more and more difficult to deny. By writing the following words I seek to bring you to a stark revelation; life as we know it is a hoax; truth, as I have come to see, is The Realit y Underneath That Hoax. And what is that truth? I do not spell it out concretely here (there is time for that in an upcoming piece) however I hint at it work is not employment, it is, as you will read, something greater! Before we can move beyond the sickness keeping us stuck in employment, money, we must recognize this fact. It must be stated here, I understand my words will be unwelcomed by the people who print money and those who have tied their personal worth to its distribution but I must speak realism into a situation rapidly degenerating into a chaotic mess, threatening the totality of our national and internal existence and well being. Bankers and swindlers, the money changers and printers, have in five years demonstrated themselves to be nothing more than thuggish crooks wanting a pound of societys flesh for their fiat currency. They have in one breath blown away the entire life savings of whole nations such as Greece all for the name of supposed prosperity, austerity and social welfare (look up the early 1900s meaning of the word). They have set upon the people of the world the four horsemen, claiming the social degradation caused by their policies are necessary parts of societal growth however people like David Korten, John Perkins, Noami Klein, Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Kevin Phillips and (to a lesser extent in my opinion) Robert Reich have proven this assertion to be false. And now, with this chaos reigning they have began to consolidate power, drawing assets away from the nation states, having long sense depleted them of democracic values (an article detailing the difference between Democracic and Democratic values is on its way) and natural resources through military and counter-intelligence intrusions; to trans-national governing entities such as the G20, World Bank and other less known organizations. Ironically, what was once thought to be the product of conspiracy wackiness is proving itself to be true. Globalization is leading to Trans-national corporations without allegiances to nation-states, these corporations are headed by a group of people who amass more wealth everyday than large segments of the global population combined; and with this wealth they are creating, what appears, to many keen observers as, a Global Governing system meant to keep all people unlike themselves suppressed and impoverished. Rather or not this is true, seems irrelevant when compared to the misery being created in order to create a New International Financial Architecture or NIFA (research a speech by Robert Wade called A Challenge of Financial Regime), although not always labeled as such, it was the desired creation of such an entity that underpins David Kortens arguments in his brilliant book When Corporations Ruled the World. Again, it is worth stating; what once was seen as conspiratorial theory is in actuality, a conspiracy exposed this is happening. More disturbing is the consequential rise of a Fascistic (Corporate-Government dependence) menace in the United States caused in part by globalization, but more potently by corporate greed. The jaw dropping revelations by Wikileaks of the role Stratford played in spying on peace groups; the uncovering of the Fascistic organization of ALEC which holds incredible sway over legislation and elections in this nation and the awarding of free-speech monetary rights and curtailing of civilian [civil] rights by the United States Supreme Court speak volumes about the corporate takeover of government institutions and public life. I must press on here to say this is the primary motivation for my writing this booklet. I aim, with this booklet, to wake Americans up. It must be said now that we missed key opportunities to change the course we now find ourselves on; however we can, with some work, change the ending we are hurdling toward. It is my belief that without such a move the changes we are now witnessing will render many of us dispatched rather rapidly due to our unpreparedness for environmental catastrophe and industrial collapse; like Michael Ruppert I believe we are entering a phase of planetary hospice; what is done in this period will determine how many of us survive this death march toward annihilation. I thank you for giving me this opportunity to reach you today; I hope you enjoy this work of conscious humanitarianism.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please write to me at;

Relevant Vocabulary
From My 1956 Funks & Wagnalls Dictionary Please Note the marvelous sentence structures provided in these definitions Job noun [1] A piece of work done or to be done as a whole; [2] Any scheme for making money unfairly, especially at the publics expense; [4] An engagement to work, employment. Job verb [1] To stab with a sharp instrument; [2] To strike a blow, jab at something; the act of thrusting, poking or stabbing suddenly Patriot One who loves his country and zealously guards his welfare; especially a defender of popular liberty Patriotic Characterized by patriotism; intended for the public good. Employ [1] To engage, have or keep for or in service or duty; furnish work or occupation; [2] To make use of instrumentally; [3] To devote to a certain occupation; apply, occupy

O Citizen your heart longs for freedom but your actions pledge your body to bondage. Vphiamer Adis
Why do you work O Citizen do you work for your car, for your home or for your family no, you work for fear; no, not out of fear or even out of being fearful for fear. To work out of fear implies you acknowledge the fear within and are implementing tactics to remove yourself from it, likewise to work out of being fearful suggests you have an awareness of the threat causing you fear; however to work for fear conjures a hologram, for is considered non-personal, and outside the soul or self. You work, O Citizen, for fear of your boss firing you for not being productive enough, you work for fear of losing your health insurance its self a mechanism of fear you have it for fear of sickness, do you not you work for fear of the grocer not selling you anymore food, for fear of the electric company cutting off the energy they provide you, you work for fear of losing your home and car to the companies who enable you to barrow them while you pay them, the companies, for the privilege of doing so, but ultimately you work for fear of the creditors whove given you loans with usurious rates, encouraging you to indulge in lifes necessities while simultaneously ensuring a uncontestable life sentence of employment in order to repay them. In short O Citizen you work to stave off lack lack of food, lack of shelter, lack of clothing, lack of utilities and most consequently, lack of money, the purchaser of those things. O Citizen dont you know scarcity is abundance manipulated and money is the instrument of its manipulators. Is it not the cause of all your stress and misery? Is it not the cause of all your uncertainties and the cause of unsettlement even in times of relative ease? When others lack it do you not say they are broken, worthless and undeserving of lifes necessities? When held in abundance, do you not place upon its holders and their benefactors sacredness, holiness and godliness. Do you not envy those benefactors! Do you not place their proponents on a pedestal? Have you not wished to be them? O Citizen they who you admire the proponents of money, are the living damned; their souls, sold upon Lucifers auction block, are marked with incurable leprosy. They possess appreciation for the shallow and disdain for the divine. They clutter themselves with forced light to hide their darkness, however their actions betray them look upon their words and deeds comparatively and render your own judgment. Money is their life blood because it enables superiority to reign within their hearts and instigates violence to feed their need for control. It is through this violence, both soft [scarcity] and hard [oppression] that theyve brought you to your current state; like Titans upon Mount Olympus they look down at your struggling to survive using the procurements allotted you by them, with disgust, paraphrasing one of their old benefactors whose heart stood motionless after mowing down an impoverished child living in his nation, what are [you] to the affairs of [their wealth] state, they ask? This is the branding in which they have placed upon you O Citizen. Your worth does not figure into the calculation of their wealth nor does your loyalty matter to their state, your existence stands so long as they will it. To ensure your compliance, they can excite forces beyond your reach markets can be made unstable, bankrupting you; government agents can be dispatched to tie you up in resource-sapping litigation and privatized henchmen dawning government approval, can assault your daily life through scare tactics and nonpersonal injuries. In these actions they are proclaiming for all to see they are the Titans and you the mere mortal. History class prepared you for this understanding including the consequences. In that class you read, all great visionaries who possessed a conflicting vision from that of the Titans, did not live long. All great martyrs, while motivated by high ideals and unscrupulous principles, did not live long. You read, that all their hopes and dreams, unfulfilled at the time of their deaths, passed quickly from the minds and actions of those who were left behind. Thus you wager, it is no use to struggle against the Titans, for they always win. O what fool you are to believe these lies; it is the Titans who die generationally from general spite while it is the non-conformist visionaries, those men and women imparted with divine wisdom who live perpetually in the hearts of the masses who yearn for some just like them to lead with dignity, honor, strength, courage, righteousness and humility; people who are motivated to their tasks by a conscious vision rooted in liberty, justice, equality and freedom. The Titans, who opposed these leaders when they lived, brand all who supported

them subversives and radicals while labeling all who rejected their vision conservatives and liberals patriots to their wealth state. Tell me O Citizen do you not ascribe one of these labels to yourself, wearing the Patriotic button with pride beneath it? I ask you, why? If they are sanctioned by the Titans, can not their meaning only benefit them? When examined closely, has either offered you detachment from the Titans political grip? Does either leave you now, with any non-Titan political choices? No, these titles, instead, leave you operating in a political climate suitable only for those with the means not only to control the arrangement of the ballots but the media championing the candidates who will appear on those ballots and the monetary donations funding the campaigns of those candidates. O Citizen dont you see these titles render those who wear them impotent and powerless in the cause of personal freedom and rights. Do you not see that by taking them up as your battle flag, you betray the causes of Patriotism which, at its heart, has in it the protections of group liberty and popular sovereignty? Tell me O Citizen, do you not shun these principles for the benefits of the Titans, denouncing all who refuse to do so, as traitors to their wealth state? What then is this Patriotism but caste remolded into blind obedience to their mandates? O Citizen, do you not see how your own actions belittle your worth and re-enforce theirs? Do you not see how you perpetuate their superiority complex by adhering to their flawed notion of Patriotism and their shallow monetary vision feeding its existence in your silent capitulation? Can you not recognize how money encourages the Titans to segregate themselves from you so as to make your needs and desires conspicuous to their own desires? Do you not see how they use their money to remain impersonal and distant? Have you not noticed how the bankers, those damned souls who manipulate moneys value and give money its validity and weight, dwell in sky-scrappers looking upon you like Gods hovering above their creation? Have you not noticed how they threaten annihilation to all who refuse to pay tribute to them, like Roman legions set lose amongst a conquered people? Have you not the awareness to see how they have talked eloquently, sometimes majestically about peace and the abolition of scarcity through their financial system, talk unchanged for 150 years? I ask you O Citizen where is the fulfillment of these promises have you not waited long enough for its unfolding? O Citizen, money is their leash upon you, do you not see how it constraints your mobility, do you not see how it taints your world view and manages your habits without your consent. Can you not see how they will your weekly inheritance, suppressing its growth so they can amass more fiat wealth while saddling you with more false debt, owed to them, so they can perpetuate your need for their employment? Can you not see, their wages are but warfare against your person debilitating your soul and body all at once? Can you not see the misery they have set upon your generations? Then I ask you O Citizen, why do you work? Is money not the bases of your fear? Without their money are you not labeled substance-less, meaningless and purposeless with it are you labeled otherwise? Without their money, are you not warned, life will become non-existent; is not a paraphrasing of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation motto heaped upon you with scorn; is it not said that you should be productive to be lively, free and prosperous or do not be. They have lied to you O Citizen, have I not proved that claim wrong, have I not shown you that life with money is more non-existent? Do you not, now possess the awareness to see money for the farce that it is and can you not now see, fear for the tool that it is? O Citizen, money is fiat, a myth, a mirage in the consumer desert drawing you deeper into its inner hell, keeping you restless when you desperately want to rest. And fear, fear is the liquor enabling you to stumble through the demanded productivity of the Titans the walk you must make towards the farce. Tell me O Citizen, in executing their demands, do you feel exceedingly lively? Do you feel abundantly freer? Do you feel inspirationally prosperous? Do you feel satisfyingly productive? Then why do you work O Citizen? Is it not out of being fearful? I ask you, to what are you fearful of? The same implied dangers glaring at you from above! O Citizen, heed my words, recognize my sincerity; in America, her shores polluted already by centuries of high-price swindlers prideful for their ability to manipulate and manage public perception, even that which might be positive here has been so ravaged by molestations that its liberating force leads only to enslavement. Alas the Titans have created for you chains with no steel and locks without tumblers; you hold your own chains and the lock and key necessary to break them yet they have

imposed ignorance upon you; clouding your judgment so as to render your perceptions corrupted by doubt. O Citizen, can you not see their game in all of its bribery to believe yourself working to get out of being fearful you are tepidly admitting your powerlessness and willful subjugation to those who blind you. You are acknowledging, by this admission, that they hold sway over your ability to survive there is an unseen threat [lack and scarcity], you contend, to your survival and there is little if anything you can do about it they, however, can protect you, but at what cost? Have you not heard the bell of discontentment in your heart O Citizen when you have stood aside watching these thieves gain great advantage through trickery over and mastery of your fellow workers? Have you not swallowed that discontentment to maintain your employment, feeling betrayed as you did? Have you not talked bitterly with those who share similar discontent with you, those who like you, wish they could do something about the current order? I ask you O Citizen, why cant you do anything? Is it not Fear fear of what!? O Citizen I besiege you to see, the swindlers have you fearing your own survival by your own means. They threaten you with homelessness, starvation, infestation and unproductiveness scarcity, they say, is the only means of economic prosperity. Well I say to them who hurl such statements toward you have you, O Citizen Worker, not produced, have you not created magnificent homes in excess, did your hands not bring fourth from the soils of Earth massive food quantities, enough to feed the world two times over; where then is this scarcity to be found I assure you, O Citizen, it exists in the empty hearts of those driving your soul to exhaustion! You produced abundance overflowing, why should you, O Citizen, now that the swindlers have created havoc in arenas you were not even invited to sit in, go without while they gorge themselves on luxuries permitted by your over-achievance. O Citizen it must be stated plainly for the swindlers tell you differently; they have done nothing to create the abundance, yet they claim the right to manage it; claims which fall flat upon asking their technological and procedural knowledge of how you brought about these things. O Citizen by your own hand, once freed, would you be granted liberty to produce leisurely and live abundantly. Yet you forgo this path for fear of personal responsibility and personal authorship [authority]. O Citizen, why do you work? One must live, yes, but to what extent is life lived when lies motivate the soul? O Citizen, the Titans have fooled you; theyve made you love their sickness and cherish their lies! Your work has been bonded to their sickness and your reality has become dependent on their lies. Work, replaced by employment equals, in their game, freedom subverted by the whip; yet you believe this to be untrue because the Titans refuse to call it slavery; they have primed you with denials of subsistence without their employment. In their lies, self-sustainability without employment is inconceivable except for them. I ask you O Citizen, does this not equal chattelism under another name? Is this not slavery of the mind, heart and body? O Citizen how tragic it is that through their trickery you have been robbed of your heritage! How spiritually murderous it is that they have stolen from you the empowering days of labor congresses and non-industrial compliances; fearful police men and conscious riots; dreadful losses and exhilarating gains! They have taken from you the invigorating language and actions of class struggling; consequently you have forgotten the full feeling of solidarity marches and the divine unity in the Wild Cat Strike! You have forgotten the dream of owning society to mold it with consciously inspired hands? Have you not, deep within your bones, the desire to take to the streets with your countrymen and women, knowing that your doing so is causing great agitation in the hearts of the Titans who profess great admiration for protest yet smite attempts at sustained protests by dispatching Citizen troops against their own protectorates? I know of the lies they construct to convince you such acts are just using Law and Order as cover. I know how theyre courtiers have told you about the illegality of the wild cat strike and the solidarity march and the social unhealthiness of popular sovereignty and non-monetary visionaries. I know how they have filled you with Patriotic arrogance, describing you as genuine Americans because you hide yourself away from these things yet I ask you now; from what motivations did they drink from before saying such things? Was it not from the bottles of public-disassociation and counterinsurgency? O Citizen, can you not see, they have set upon you consciously, an agenda of fragmentation and communal turmoil in order to break down solidarity and kinship. Can you not see they have captured the

language of class struggle and worker liberation, severed the tongue from your ancestors mouth and purged the blood of generations from your albums? In its place theyve regurgitated violent propaganda, attaching superficial communications to bolster their revisions. Consequently they have turned reality to twigs and fantasy into stones. They have constructed for you a fire which enchants you now as it approaches, harmlessly devouring the past but aimed ultimately for your future; I implore you take heed now, for the shadows caste before your eyes play out your spiritual and physical demise. The Titans and their courtiers have crafted for you, O Citizen, an amazing fairy-tale to distract you from realizing this fate. A fairy-tale meant to historically assassinate truth, once and for all. A fairy-tale composed of a subdued worker and a vibrant, compassionate fictitious, Oligarch a fairy-tale where they fought for workers rights and the minimum wage; where the Titans awarded workers weekends and unions, somehow fought to suppress those aspirations. In their revision, all the great visionaries were industrialists and the villains, radicals! This fairy-tale reconstructs class struggle to make the world of today plausible. Yet it is not historically palpable! Todays Titan dominated world is just the latest chapter of their fairy-tale in it corporations are friendly promoters of human rights and dignity; radical labor unions and their leaders [those advocating worker/ community owned and operated factories, schools, mines and offices] are a threat to your well-being; politics are boiled down to left-right sloganeering; environmentalism [global warming/ climate change] is the hoax of the century needing neither attention or regulatory intervention and liberal-democratic government, dedicated to the social commonwealth [social well-fare] ruins grassroots control and invites totalitarianism! In this new reality, you, O Citizen, arent a Citizen at all but a consumer to be manipulated and a human resource to be eaten by the industrial giant. In this fairy-tale, they own you. You eat what they tell you to eat [McDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell] forgoing generations of family cookery for easy mal nourishing food-stuffs! You go where they tell you to go [Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart], never grasping for anything outside the norm or mainstream! You think what they tell you to think choosing opinion over serious debate, disinformation over facts, anti-intellectualism over intellectual depth and Titan-serving actions over practical solutions benefitting all [it doesnt matter where you get your mainstream news, CNN, FOX News, MSNBC Liberal, Conservative/ Libertarian; its all Titan controlled anyway]. You hail who they tell you to hail [Denzel, Brad, Angelina, Miley, Barack, Mitt, Oprah, Rachel Raye], forgetting the martyrs and heroes who stood for a brighter future, a brighter future impart inhabited by you currently and left to you to finish! You condemn who they tell you to condemn [Barack, Mitt, Jeremiah Wright, Muslim Terrorists, Islamic Terrorists, Mexicans, conspiracy theorists; anyone but the Titans] forgetting this unspoken commandment, to know thy own heart through knowing those branded the enemy! And you worship where they tell you to worship [Militarism, Consumerism, Christian Fundamentalism, Atheism] believing God to be alive only through those actions. In this fairy-tale, so readily embraced by you, you are owned mind, body and soul; yet you believe the exact opposite because they tell you it isnt so. O Citizen, can you not now see why you work? You work to free yourself from this ownership; for this new chapter declares you to be property without rights, it declares corporations to be humans lacking the biological or spiritual instruments of perception, regeneration or death while simultaneously declaring the community within known as the fragmented psyche to be more important than the community without. It declares money and all things amassed in great quantities by the Titans, wealth based, while declaring all things cherished by non-conformist visionaries [solidarity, popular sovereignty and worker control of industry] impoverishing, unrealistic, unachievable and dangerous to your employment opportunities. It declares this society to be one of pure Titan ownership and just like the Negro slave, you are a ship for a Titan owner [the word ship when used as a suffix means the state, condition or quality of what is expressed in the root (word)]. Your work, therefore, derives out of [the] fear of never being released from this ownership. I say to you today O Citizen, that youll never be released. The owners do not wish it. Upon birth you are certified by them, to live within their constraints your birth certificate like those awarded to prize dogs, cattle and Negro slaves; authorizes you to form relationships in their society. Immediately debt is attached to your name as hospital bills mount and the rigors of planning for your life, at the state level, begins. From early in your life, you are taught to be submissive; schooling is applied to you not for you as is often stated, for one does not apply disciplinary tactics unto a horse for her benefit but for domesticated purposes benefiting the owner. Here

work is jammed into your head as your salvation; caste creates either affection or distain for mental gymnastics and the intellectual curiosity accompanying them or manual, productive cravings and the soul-sapping entrapments those motions entail. You are made to feel empowered through schooling or empowered through employment your place is made clear sooner rather than later as most children can tell you by third grade; just observe their enthusiasm for school. Currently, O Citizen as youve read this, weighted down by debt and seething with anger from years of belittlement by the careless Titans, I ask you, have you not saw the emptiness in this reality do you not see now why schooling or employment doesnt clench your souls thirst! Do you not feel the burning anger within your stomach waiting for some spiritual action to arrive, enabling that feeling to spring fourth, rejuvenating your heart, mind and soul to a youthful vigor steeped in meaningfulness!? Well then Citizen, congratulations, your Patriotism is alive for there, in that flame sparked by the reality you are now acknowledging, lays the visionary reality thatll turn back the destructive tides of the Titans; there lies the truth of Patriotism your strength, your drive and your will towards a conscious liberty thatll free yourself and those around you from the tyranny set-up you! In doing so, carry this recognition with you O Citizen, rather working for fear or out of being fearful; you are not working through fear or working to get beyond or out of fear. Work when paired with fear is not work; it is employment. It is to be given a task, determined by a source other than the self, to do something the self finds meaningless yet you do so because the consequences of not doing so are frightful this is our economic state at present, their [the Titans] fantasy made real. The wealthy have conned us into believing their employment-scheme IS work. We have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed into accepting their jobs for our jobs as if they were the only ones who could produce jobs. They encourage us to embrace their vision and forego our vision do you remember it citizen? The American Dream of the 1890s, early 1900s, 1910s, 1920s and 1930s? Worker owned factories; budding and flowering communities; strong unions for every man and woman; the 20 hour work week? To the trash bin of history they went by yesteryears Titans who decried them as socialistic, communistic, anarchistic and blatantly un-American; all true, Im afraid, only if equality, selfpreservation, community kinship and spiritual solidarity is likewise; in that American Dream, our jobs supplant their jobs, motivating our society to something higher than consumption the coming of the Kindom of Heaven to Earth. In this American Dream, our jobs built community, stimulated personal worth and destroyed castes. Our jobs alleviated want, fulfilled necessities and provided all who could not work with a place to gather with those who could. Our jobs were not away from the home, per se, some were but many, like the husband and wife, were comfortably welcomed in the home. Our jobs were created to ensure social welfare [well-fare]; to promote social responsibility and construct communal cohesiveness. Our jobs stimulated the soul, radiated the intelligences and emphasized our individual uniqueness. Ask yourself O Citizen, how many of their jobs do those things? Then why do you work? Look into your heart, O citizen of human consciousness! If not for the obligations the Titans had heaped upon your back, would you enter an employment agreement of coarse you wouldnt. It is through these obligations a phrase derived from the term obliged meaning to constrain in any manner; to place under necessity, to compel; to render indebted (any of that sound familiar) that you are made to fear unemployment. Alas that fear must be confronted for unemployment is not only the current state of the foreseeable future, but stands as a necessity for human survival. Do not fear, O Citizen, be joyous not sad, for the dreams of your fore fathers, the ones who sought to unionize the factories for the workers sake; and your fore mothers, the ones who marched on the picket-lines in spirit, feeding those holding fast to wild-cat strikes and anti-scab lines; dreamt of this day, my only regret to them is that we will not have before us the same material prosperity but then again, what is material to the soul but temporary debt? And what is debt but the bribery of the Titans? Agape, Ubutu, Koinonia! Vphiamer R. Adis

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