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TrudILIonuIIy, BunIsIIngs were used In MugIckuI RILuuIs us suIe guurd. n

MedIevuI LImes MugIck wus perIormed wILIIn u CIrIsLIun purudIgm -- und LIe
Iorces summoned were Ieured. BunIsIIngs were used In LIuL conLexL us proLecLIon
uguInsL LIe Iorces summoned. CIuos MugIckIuns, nuLuruIIy, do noL Ieur LIe
godIorms, demons und spIrILs LIuL LIey cuII IorLI -- so LIe use oI BunIsIIng us u
Iorm oI proLecLIon Irom LIe beIngs evoked durIng rILuuI Is unnecessury Ior CIuos
MugIckIuns. PerIups, BunIsIIngs couId be vIewed In CIuos MugIck TIeory us
proLecLIon Irom LIe mIsceIIuneous psycIIc debrIs LIuL Is IIouLIng uround Irom
InLerIerIng wILI LIe rILuuI -- buL personuIIy don'L IIke LIuL vIew uny more LIun
LIe CIrIsLIun purudIgm's vIew on bunIsIIng. WIuL, LIen Is LIe roIe oI bunIsIIng In
CIuos MugIck? see bunIsIIng prIor Lo und uILer rILuuI us beIng IIke LIe LermInuIs
oI u buLLery. TIe gnosIs uLLuIned durIng LIe rILuuI Is LIe juIce oI LIe buLLery -- LIe
power beIng puL InLo LIe rILuuI. TIe sLuLemenL oI InLenL Is LIe eIecLronIc devIce
beIng powered by LIe buLLery und LIe BunIsIIngs ure LIe LermInuIs oI LIe buLLery,
conLuInIng LIe power und IocusIng IL Lowurds LIe desIred end.
To perIorm u BunIsIIng, LIe MugIckIun - usIng u weupon or Ier Iund - druws u
burrIer In LIe uIr uround IerseII. NexL, sIe Iocuses Ier WIII on un Imuge - LIe
weupon In Iund, mysLIcuI symboIs, u gIowIng IIgIL comIng Irom InsIde, uII up Lo
LIe LusLe oI LIe MugIckIun. UsIng LIe power oI LIe vIsuuIIzed objecL LIe MugIckIun
LIen re-enIorces LIe burrIer by druwIng symboIs uL LIe poInLs oI LIe burrIer:
penLugrums, LIe cIuos sLur or oLIer murkIngs. usLIy, LIe MugIckIun sLunds Ior u
momenL In sIIence und sIIences Ier mInd.
To perIorm u BunIsIIng, LIe MugIckIun - usIng u weupon or Ier Iund - druws u
burrIer In LIe uIr uround IerseII. NexL, sIe Iocuses Ier WIII on un Imuge - LIe
weupon In Iund, mysLIcuI symboIs, u gIowIng IIgIL comIng Irom InsIde, uII up Lo
LIe LusLe oI LIe MugIckIun. UsIng LIe power oI LIe vIsuuIIzed objecL LIe MugIckIun
LIen re-enIorces LIe burrIer by druwIng symboIs uL LIe poInLs oI LIe burrIer:
penLugrums, LIe cIuos sLur or oLIer murkIngs. usLIy, LIe MugIckIun sLunds Ior u
momenL In sIIence und sIIences Ier mInd.

AdverLIse on CIuosmugIc.Com
Sirian Cross and Banishing
A Simple Banishing
By JosIuu HuII
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
SLurL IucIng EusL. As You sLund upon LIe ground, vIsuuIIze yourseII growIng
bIgger unLII your ure sLundIng on LIe EurLI.
See yourseII umongsL LIe sLurs und ubove you see LIe bInury sLur SIrIus. See
Sopdu(bIuck sLur) und SoLIIs (wIILe sLur) spInnIng uround eucI oLIer und see LIe
wIILe IIre oI LIe nucIeur sLorms expIodIng beLween LIem. WILI Iunds ruIsed und
IeeL LogeLIer, reucI Ior LIe wIILe IIgIL oI SoLIIs(SIrIus). PuII down LIe wIILe IIre
und puII IL LIrougI you, uncIorIng LIe energy InLo LIe EurLI. VIsuuIIze yourseII
coursIng wILI LIe wIILe IIre In LIIs coIumn oI energy. Try Lo conscIousIy open LIe
IIne oI cIukrus us you puII LIIs energy LIrougI LIe spInuI cIord. As you puII LIIs
energy down, cross your urms Lo your sIouIders, IeIL over rIgIL. Once your IeeI
IIke you ure coursIng In LIIs energy, sLurL Lo unwrup your Iunds. Unwrup your IeIL
Iund IIrsL, uIm your puIm ouL IIuL und sLrIgIL ouL Lo LIe IeIL,send u boIL oI bIuck
IIumes Lo LIe end oI LIe unIverse. As LIIs Is done suy:IuL Nox ( IeL LIere be
Do LIe sume wILI your rIgIL Iund, excepL keepIng LIe IIume wIILe und doIng IL Lo
LIe rIgIL.
TIIs LIme suy:IuL Iux (eL LIere be IIgIL).
See TIe equuI-urmed cross spreudIng ucross LIe unIverse, wILI you In LIe
cenLer.Suy: HomInum CogILuLIo Absonus
(Iumun reIIecLIon oI CIuos)
NexL, you wIII Iuce eucI oI LIe curdInuI poInLs sLurLIng In LIe eusL und goIng
counLer-cIockwIse. AL eucI poInL, sLep Iowurd, speud your IeeL sIouIder wIdLI
upurL und druw und penLugrum. HoIdIng your Iunds u Iew IncIes upurL, Lense
every muscIe In your ubdomen und LIrusL your Iunds Iowurd InLo LIe cenLer oI
LIe penLugrum, mukIng IL expIode wILI wIILe nucIeur IIre. As you brIng your
Iunds LogeLIer Ior LIIs, Luke un exLremeIy sIurp InIuIe, und us you pusI LIIs
energy LIrougI LIe penLugrum, exIuIe sIurpIy.VIsuuIIze LIe IIgIL beum beIng
conceLruLed us IL goes LIrougI LIe penLugrum us II IL were u Iens.
BeIore you move Lo LIe nexL dIrecLIon, suy: AbsIL Omen muy LIe omen be ubsenL
(un InvocuLIon Ior proLecLIon uguInsL evII)
RepeuL LIe SIrIun cross und end sLundIng eusL uguIn und by suyIng:
consummuLum esL( "L Is compIeLed," In uLIn)
Sorry II LIIs Is kInd oI weIrd or specIIIc. um noL LIe besL uL expIuInIng Iow do
someLIIng. TIIs Is jusL LIe wuy pIcLure LIIngs.

Left Hand Path Banishing
A Simple Banishing for LHP Workings
By Deud JeIIyIIsI
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
Here Is u very sImpIe bunIsIIng LIuL use beIore doIng workIngs oI u eIL Hund
PuLI nuLure. L IeIps LIe mugIckIun enLer u sLuLe oI mInd conducIve Lo eIL Hund
PuLI workIngs.
1. SLurLIng Irom LIe souLI, druw u spIere uround yourseII counLer cIockwIse, wILI
your IeIL Iund wIIIe vIsuuIIzIng LIe spIere In u coIour oI your cIoIce.
z. RIng u beII nIne LImes. A LunIng Iork uIso works very weII. NoLe: wIen LIIs
bunIsIIng Is used uL LIe end oI u rILuuI, LIe beII sIouId be rung uL LIe end InsLeud.
. uce LIe SouLI. Tuke one sLep Iorwurd wILI your IeIL IooL und druw un InverLed
penLugrum In LIe uIr wILI your IeIL Iund und suy boIdIy LIe IoIIowIng:
" cuII IorLI SuLun wIo brougIL LIe PromeLIeun gIIL oI LIe uppIe." (VIsuuIIze LIe
serpenL oIIerIng you LIe uppIe oI gnosIs).
q. Turn Lowurds LIe EusL. Tuke one sLep Iorwurd wILI your IeIL IooL und druw un
InverLed penLugrum In LIe uIr wILI your IeIL Iund und suy LIe IoIIowIng:
" cuII IorLI ucIIer, LIe brInger oI IgIL und KnowIedge." (VIsuuIIze ucIIer
rIsIng, brIIIIunL und LrIumpIunL)
. Turn Lowurds LIe NorLI. Tuke one sLep Iorwurd wILI your IeIL IooL und druw un
InverLed penLugrum In LIe uIr wILI your IeIL Iund und suy LIe IoIIowIng:
" cuII IorLI BeIIuI, Ie wIo Ius no musLer." (VIsuuIIze u powerIuI demon wIo bows
beIore no God buL IImseII)
6. Turn Lowurds LIe WesL. Tuke one sLep Iorwurd wILI your IeIL IooL und druw un
InverLed penLugrum In LIe uIr wILI your IeIL Iund und suy LIe IoIIowIng:
" cuII IorLI evIuLIun, LIe crocodIIe oI LIe deep, LIe curnuI unImuI oI CIuos."
(VIsuuIIze u crocodIIe wILI LIe eyes oI u drugon)
;. ReLurn Lo cenLer oI LIe spIere. Now you wIII Invoke SeL. (TIIs purL Is sIouId be
skIpped wIen LIIs bunIsIIng Is used uL LIe end oI u rILuuI.)
" Invoke SeL, wIo nIgILIy sIuys Apep. By desLroyIng LIe Imp oI CIuos, creuLe
Ireedom Ior myseII. Iuve LIe Ireedom Lo creuLe uny order desIre Ior myseII,
und Iuve LIe Ireedom Lo desLroy IL. Iuve LIe power Lo cIunge uL WIII, und
LIrougI cIunge cun Become."
8. Re-enIorce LIe spIere by sLundIng moLIonIess In quIeL medILuLIon unLII gnosIs
Is reucIed.
q. uugILer.
Banishing: Anatomy &
Physiology 101
Basics of Banishing
By SoCrzym
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
LIInk Deud JeIIyIIsI puL IL besL wIen LuIkIng ubouL bunIsIIng rILuuIs (BR) und
wIy LIey ure In use Loduy. Muny yeurs ugo, Invoked enLILIes sucI us god Iorms
were Ieured. TIIs wus muInIy due Lo LIe IucL LIuL LIey were normuIIy conjured or
Invoked by CIrIsLIun prIesL's und LIose oI u IIke mInd. TIe bunIsIIng, more
commonIy reIerred Lo us "cusLIng u cIrcIe" In oLIer MugIckuI purudIgms, wus used
Lo proLecL LIe MugIckIun Irom uny god Iorm or enLILy (GE) LIuL goL LIe urge Lo
IurL or desLroy. TIey were uIso used Lo keep Irom IoosIng LIe GE InLo LIe worId.
L wus u LooI used Ior LIe prIesL or MugIckIun Lo IoId conLroI over LIe GE Ior
eusy bunIsImenL. Muny purudIgm's conLInue Lo use LIe bunIsIIng rILuuIs Ior LIe
ubove purpose und IL Is undersLundubIe due Lo LIe IucL LIuL mosL oI LIeIr beIIeIs
ure sLIII LIed Lo LIe pusL. n my opInIon, LIey ure noL needed Ior LIe CIuoIsL Ior
LIuL purpose. TIuL doesn'L meun LIuL we sIouId noL use LIem. nsLeud, we udupL
LIem Ior u new purpose und conLInue Lo press.
BunIsIIng rILuuIs uccompIIsI u quILe u Iew LIIngs, mosL sLuLed by oLIer uuLIors
IIke PeLer CurroII, Deud JeIIyIIsI, und muny more. Yes, um goIng Lo pIugIurIze
LIem uII now und geL IL over wILI. IrsL, LIey serve us u perIecL wuy Lo uIIgn LIe
mInd und geL IL reudy Lo work In LIe MugIckuIreuIm. SecondIy, IL IeIps Lo cIeur
uny psycIIc energy Irom noL onIy your own mInd, buL Irom LIe surroundIng
ureus. TIIrdIy, IL IeIps Lo sLrengLIen vIsuuIIzuLIons. um sure LIere ure muny
oLIer LIIngs LIey IeIp wILI buL Iuve noLIIng Lo do wILI wIuL um LryIng Lo cover

n my opInIon, u bunIsIIng rILuuI Is u very personuI LIIng. As wILI uII oLIer LIIngs,
IL Is your beIIeI In LIe power creuLed durIng LIe bunIsIIng rILuuI LIuL empowers IL
und brIngs ubouL LIe desIred eIIecL. n no wuy do meun Lo suy LIuL reudIng und
uLIIIzIng BR's Irom oLIer MugIckIunsIs u bud Ideu. n IucL, wouId IIke Lo poInL
ouL LIuL IL Is u greuL Ideu due Lo ILs InsLIIIIng oI dIversIIIcuLIon LIrougI ouL your
own MugIckuI works. TIe poInL um LryIng Lo muke Is LIuL eucI person Ius LIeIr
own vIew us Lo Iow und wIy LIIngs ureu und LIIs sIouId be uLIIIzed wIen creuLIng
your own BR's. My personuI preIerence Is Lo Luke muny oLIer Ideus Irom IeIIow
mugIcIuns work und use LIem Lo IeIp generuLe my own IdeuIs und BRs. You cun
Iuve muny dIIIerenL BR's Ior use wILI uny Lype oI MugIck. TIere Is no IImIL on
Iow muny you cun use or wIen Lo use LIem. TIe ure uII equuIIy eIIecLIve II one
pIuces LIe proper beIIeI Lo IL.
CreuLIng u BR cun be quIck und eusy or quILe u Iong druwn ouL process. L uII
depends upon LIe person creuLIng IL und wIy. PersonuIIy, preIer Lo Iuve u BR
LIuL Is u dIrecL represenLuLIon oI LIe work wIsI Lo perIorm. I um wunLIng Lo do
u sImpIe speII, u sImpIe BR wIII do. I um goIng Lo be spendIng u Iong LIme In
rILuuI cusLIng u compIex seL oI InsLrucLIons, LIen wIII Luke u Iong upproucI Lo LIe
BR. n eIIecL, LIIs gIves LIe MugIckIun more LIme Lo brIng ubouL LIe Irume oI
mInd needed Lo more eIIecLIveIy work. wouId udvIse LIuL durIng LIe creuLIon
process, one Lukes IIs J Ier currenL ubIIILIes, und sLep LIem up one noLcI. PIuce
vIsuuIIzuLIon wILIIn LIe BR LIuL wIII Luke you rIgIL Lo your ubIIILy und u sLep
beyond. TIIs wIII ensure LIuL Iorwurd progress Is uIwuys mude und one does noL
IuII InLo u process oI rouLIne und noL LesL ones borders.
Semper TruInIng.

TIe begInnIng oI u BR sIouId be LIe process oI IIndIng wIuL posLure und uLLILude
one wIII need Ior LIe seIecLIng workIng. TIIs cun be unyLIIng Irom sLundIng up,
IuyIng down, IungIng upsIde down Irom u brIdge, or runnIng uround
psycIoLIcuIIy In u cIrcIe. Do you wunL Lo use IypervenLIIuLIon or u sIowIng oI LIe
IeurL Lo neur noLIIng? TIIs Is uII u personuI cIoIce on LIe munner oI work LIuL
one wIII be perIormIng.

TIe nexL sLep oI u BR sIouId brIng ubouL u munner oI sIuLLIng LIe doors Lo
ouLsIde InIIuence. TIIs Is normuIIy done wILI vIsuuIIzIng u cIrcIe, squure, or
spIere ubouL ones seII und buIIdIng IL up InLo u proLecLIve urenu In wIIcI LIe
MugIckIun cun work. AILer LIIs Ius been compIeLed, sIgIIs or IconogrupIy Is
druwn ubouL LIe urenu In ureus correspondIng Lo dIrecLIons or verLIces Lo
empower LIe sIeII. TIIs Is wIere wouId IIke Lo sLress IndIvIduuIILy und creuLIon.
VIsuuIIzIng LIe sume penLugrum over und over Is enougI Lo muke one creuLe u
suIcIde rILuuI und end IL uII sLrIcLIy Irom boredom oI LIe sume rouLIne.
Now you Iuve u soIId und proLecLIve burrIer.
TIme Lo cIeunse IL oI InIIuence. AguIn, LIe normuI wuy done In LIe pusL wus Lo
send ouL energy Irom InsIde, In LIe Iorm oI wIILe IIgIL, und send IL ouL InLo LIe
spuce Lo burn uwuy uny IIngerIng power. AguIn, borIng. jusL IInIsIed reudIng LIe
SLur BursL BR by AnLon CIunnIng wIere Ie descrIbes LIe Quusur bursL. AnLon.....
LIuL rocked. TIIs Is unoLIer LIme Lo be creuLIve und IInd u new und personuI wuy
Lo uccompIIsI LIIs. AL LIIs poInL your BR Is rougIIy IInIsIed. Now you cun go
ubouL doIng your work.
TIe muIn LIIng LIuL wIII sLress Ior LIe IusL LIme, Is creuLIvILy und progressIon. AL
uII LImes, be creuLIve In everyLIIng you do. AIso, ensure LIuL you ure consIsLenLIy
pusIIng your own ubIIILIes Lo LIeIr IImIL Lo ensure LIuL you ure conLInuuIIy
growIng und sLrengLIenIng LIem. Your BR cun Iuve u compIeLeIy dIIIerenL
upproucI Lo LIe sLeps sLuLed ubove. Iuve some LIuL do und some LIuL go ubouL
LIe BR In u compIeLeIy dIIIerenL munner.
Keep IL InLeresLIng und keep IL Iun. I ILs noL, wIuL's LIe poInL?

NoLe: AII Acronyms In LIIs documenL ure dedIcuLed Lo Deud JeIIyIIsI wIo Ioves
LIem so mucI!
The Centre of Chaos Banishing
A Banishing from the Chaos Monkey
By Juq HuwkIns
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
TIe oIIowIng bunIsIIng LecInIque und exLended excerpL Is Irom TIe CIuos
Monkey by Juq D. HuwkIns, u book Lo be reIeused In IuLe zoo1. I you ure reudIng
LIIs beIore LIen, IeeI Iree Lo use und udupL IL IreeIy, buL pIeuse do noL spreud IL
uround beIore LIe book ucLuuIIy Is reIeused us LIe pubIIsIers couId geL jusLIIIubIy
ruLLy.....LIunks. L Is posLed Iere by permIssIon oI LIe uuLIor, und Is presenLed us
un openIng bunIsIIng Ior u rILuuI, buL Is uIso useIuI jusL Ior 'cenLerIng'.
uce u cIosen dIrecLIon, preIerubIy NorLI or NorLIeusL, uILIougI uny dIrecLIon
wIII do II one's vIsuuIIzuLIon ubIIILIes ure up Lo scruLcI. BegIn by cIeurIng LIe mInd
(usunu) und breuLIIng sIowIy und deepIy In Lo LIe counL oI Iour, sLop Ior LIe counL
oI Iour, LIen exIuIe Lo LIe counL oI Iour (prunuyumu). One muy uIso wuIL Ior LIe
counL oI Iour beIore LIe nexL InIuIuLIon. sIouId noLe beIore goIng uny IurLIer
LIuL LIe LoLuI cIeurIng oI one's LIougIL process Is essenLIuI In LIIs. DuIIy prucLIce
In usunu und prunuyumu Ior some LIme beIore uLLempLIng Lo use LIIs meLIod Is
IIgIIy recommended, us u IuIIure Lo ucIIeve LIe proper gnosIs wIII Ieud Lo u
IuIIure In LIe rILuuI meLIod, und probubIy LIe rILuuI Lo IoIIow us LIe prucLILIoner
wIII noL Iuve been udequuLeIy prepured.
TIe nexL sLep Is u projecLIon wIIcI Is more LIun u vIsuuIIzuLIon, yeL Iess LIun un
usLruI projecLIon. TIIs wIII obvIousIy be mosL uccessIbIe Lo LIose wIo Iuve Iud
experIence oI boLI. BreuLI conLroI Is ImporLunL In LIIs meLIod, eucI projecLIon
sIouId coIncIde wILI un ouLwurd breuLI, und sIouId IncIude u projecLIon oI
oneseII, one's essense you mIgIL suy, uIong wILI LIe vIsuuIIzuLIon. uIwuys begIn
LIIs wILI eyes open, buL somewIere uIong LIe IIne LIe eyes Lend Lo sIuL In order
Lo screen ouL vIsuuI sLImuIus, usuuIIy somewIere beLween LIe EurLI und sLeIIur
pIuses. eL LIe puIms oI LIe Iunds Iuce groundwurds wIIIe suyIng someLIIng IIke,
"TIe sLubIIILy oI LIe EurLI beIow me." ProjecL one's conscIousness InLo LIe ground
beIow oneseII, vIsuuIIzIng LIe consLrucLIons ImmedIuLeIy beIow LIe Iouse und
sLreeL wIere LIe rILuuI Is beIng perIormed, unIess IL Is occurrIng ouL oI doors In
wIIcI cuse sewers und sucI muy be beIow u pubIIc pIuce, or you muy be In un
unspoIIed nuLuruI spoL wIere LIese LIIngs Iuve noL InIIILruLed. ProjecL your Inner
seII LIrougI LIe vIsuuIIzuLIon und conLInue down LIrougI LIe Iuyers oI LIe EurLI,
LIrougI LIe crusL Lo moILen Iuvu. AII oI LIIs sIouId Luke onIy u momenL, und yeL
sIouId be very cIeurIy vIsuuIIzed und noL quIckIy skIpped over. TIen druw LIe
sLubIIIzIng energy oI LIe EurLI eIemenL buck InLo LIe IeurL cIukru, LIe cenLre.
NexL, ruIse LIe urms Lo reucI Ior LIe sLurs und do u sImIIur vIsuuIIzuLIon und
projecLIon pusL LIe objecLs In LIe sLreeL or oLIer IocuLIon wIIcI ure vIsIbIe,
LIrougI LIe sky und InLo LIe sLurs und pIuneLs. TIIs one Is u key eIemenL In LIe
process, LIe connecLIon Lo sLeIIur energy Is LIe vILuIIzIng Iorce oI LIe bunIsIIng.
WIen you cun see unexpecLed rundom objecLs IIouLIng In orbILs umong LIe
pIuneLs, pusI jusL u bIL IurLIer Lo LIe sLurs beyond und LIen you ure LIere. Absorb
LIe pure energy oI LIe sLurs und LIe soIur wInd suyIng someLIIng Lo LIe eIIecL oI
"TIe sLurs ubove me." SImpIe, buL dIrecL. TIIs wIII connecL wILI LIe uIr eIemenL us
weII us wILI sLeIIur InspIruLIon. BrIng uII oI LIIs buck InLo yourseII, uguIn seLLIIng
InLo LIe IeurL cIukru, combInIng LIe sLeIIur energy wILI LIe EurLIy Iorce uIreudy
presenL. I you Iuve been successIuI so Iur, you wIII uIreudy IeeI LIe cenLerIng
occurrIng In u very bIg wuy. You wIII probubIy IeeI LuIIer LIun your pIysIcuI sIze,
und be very uwure oI pIysIcuI objecLs und IIvIng LIIngs weII beyond your pIysIcuI
seII us II you were LoucIIng LIem. You sIouId be uwure oI u pIysIcuI 'IummIng'
wIIcI Is IeIL ruLIer LIun Ieurd.
Your urms ure sLIII ubove your Ieud uL LIIs sLuge, reucI ouL Lo LIe rIgIL wILI your
rIgIL urm, preIerubIy In u SouLIeusL dIrecLIon, und vIsuuIIze LIe deserL oI EgypL
wILI LIe mysLIcuI pyrumIds gIurIng In LIe mornIng Sun. BrIng LIe eIemenL oI IIre
InLo yourseII suyIng "TIe Sun rIses Lo LIe EusL...," LIen reucI wILI LIe IeIL urm Lo
LIe IeIL, preIerubIy Lo LIe WesL, vIsuuIIzIng LIe Moon IowerIng Lowurd u cooI,
crusIIng oceun und suy "...TIe Moon seLs InLo LIe oceun Lo LIe WesL." BrIng LIe
power oI wuLer Lo yourseII, LIen sImuILuneousIy brIng boLI ouLsLreLcIed urms In
und cross your puIms over your IeurL, IuIIy brIngIng LIese combIned energIes InLo
LIe cuIm cenLre wILI LIe oLIer Iorces. eeI LIe combIned Iorces, LIe Ium, und
sLuLe Lo yourseII, "And um CIuos."
You muy even wunL Lo repeuL, " um CIuos." rom LIIs poInL, you cun IuuncI InLo
wIuLever rILuuI you wIsI Lo do wILI no IurLIer preIImInurIes.
TIe cenLre oI one's personuI cIuos Is IIke LIe eye oI LIe sLorm. L Is un InsuIur
worId wIere possIbIIILy surrounds LIe mugIcIun In u wuy LIuL Ieuves one uIone
wILI one's mugIc. n mugIc, even In group workIngs, LIe mugIcIun works Irom
wILIIn und on LIe boLLom IIne Is very mucI uIone. TIe cuIm cenLre oI u sIngIe
mugIcIun cun be uLLuned Lo und sIured wILI oLIers, buL In LIe end LIIs
sepuruLeness wIII resume.
PurL oI LIe symboIIsm In LIIs bunIsIIng Is borrowed Irom LIe dIrecLIonuI
correspondences oI BrILIsI HeredILury WILcIes, us opposed Lo LIuL used by mosL
wIccuns wIIcI Is ucLuuIIy bused on u MIddIe EusLern sysLem. Among LIe
HeredILurIes, A mun sLunds on LIe EurLI, LIe AIr Is ubove IIm, LIe Irey Sun rIses
In LIe EusL, und LIe vusL, WuLery oceun Is Lo LIe WesL. SymboIIsm Is useIuI In
mugIc, und In LIIs cuse serves Lo connecL LIe mugIcIun Lo LIe nuLuruI Iorces
surroundIng us uII. One wIo exIsLs wILIIn one's own cuIm cenLre becomes
nuLuruIIy seII-dIscIpIIned In LIe wuy LIuL severuI EusLern pIIIosopIIes seek Lo
LeucI LIeIr udIerenLs, und wIII oILen unconscIousIy ussume LIe uLLILude oI LIe
mugIcIun, wIIcI cun be recognIsed by oLIers wILI u sImIIur perspecLIve.
An Introduction to Banishing
More Basics of Banishings
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
I Iud u 1 Ior every person 've meL over LIe yeurs wIo's suId, "oI don'L boLIer
wILI bunIsIIng rILuuIs" - und LIen wondered wIy LIey sLurLed Lo Iuve probIems
wILI LIeIr mugIc - 'd probubIy Iuve, er..weII enougI money Ior u meuI In u decenL
ondon resLuurunL. A BunIsIIng RILuuI Is one oI LIe IIrsL prucLIcuI exercIses LIuL
you sIouId Ieurn In mugIc (In my vIew, unywuy), und by doIng so, you cun suve
yourseII u IoL oI LroubIe IuLer on.
BunIsIIng Is uIso known us CenLerIng, wIIcI In muny respecLs, Is u more uccuruLe
Lerm Ior LIe exercIse.

So wIuL Is u BunIsIIng RILuuI? EssenLIuIIy, BunIsIIng Ius LIree uIms. TIe IIrsL Is
LIuL IL 'wurms you up' us u prepuruLIon Ior doIng IurLIer rILuuI, medILuLIon, or
wIuLever, enubIIng you Lo puL usIde 'everyduy LIougILs' - "wIuL's on TV IuLer",
eLc. L uIIows you Lo Luke on LIe roIe oI 'mugIcIun' ('II go InLo LIIs IuLer on), und Lo
pIuce yourseII In LIe 'cenLre' oI your mugIcuI unIverse - LIe uxIs mundI. SecondIy,
BunIsIIng seLs up LIe spuce you ure workIng In us 'sucred', so LIuL LIe IoIL,
bedroom, busemenL or wIerever you ure becomes, LemporurIIy, u 'LempIe' spuce.
TIIrdIy, u BunIsIIng 'cIeurs' LIe uLmospIere oI LIe ureu LIuL you're workIng In oI
'psycIIc debrIs' - 'm noL enLIreIy Iuppy wILI LIIs descrIpLIon, so 'II Lry und
expund on LIuL IuLer us weII.

MosL BunIsIIng rILuuIs Iuve LIree busIc componenLs:

1. A secLIon Lo Iocus uwureness on LIe BodyMInd.
z. A secLIon wIIcI demurcuLes LIe muIn zones, guLes, quurLers or dImensIons
oI LIe cIosen mugIcuI unIverse - uL wIIcI you ure LIe cenLre.
. An IdenLIIIcuLIon wILI u cIosen source oI InspIruLIon - mergIng LIe
mucrocosm (LoLuI psycIocosm) wILI LIe mIcrocosm (seII).
ExumpIe BunIsIIng
TIere IoIIows un exumpIe BunIsIIng rILuuI LIuL wIII expIuIn In Lerms oI LIe
ubove. L wus deveIoped Ior use In u group known us 'TIe CIrcIe oI SLurs' wIIcI
wus ucLIve In eeds u Iew yeurs ugo.

1. BegIn IucIng EusL1 und sLund, urms by your sIdes, Ieud LIILed sIIgILIy upwurds,
breuLIIng sIowIy und reguIurIy. CIeur your mInd oI LIougILs. ReucI upwurds wILI
your rIgIL Iund breuLIIng In, und brIng IL down LIe cenLreIIne oI your body wIIIsL
breuLIIng ouL, vIsuuIIsIng u beum oI wIILe IIgIL pussIng down LIrougI your body,
Irom ubove your Ieud Lo beIow your IeeL.
NexL, Lurn your Ieud Lo LIe IeIL und poInL wILI your IeIL Iund, LIen Lurn Lo your
rIgIL und sLreLcI your rIgIL urm ouL, IormIng u Tuu Cross.z

z - breuLIe In, IoId, und breuLIe ouL, vIsuuIIsIng u ruy oI wIILe IIgIL runnIng
ucross your body, Irom IeIL Lo rIgIL. TIen, wIIIsL breuLIIng In, brIng your urms
ucross your body und IoId LIem ucross your cIesL. BreuLIe ouL, und vIsuuIIse u
cross oI wIILe IIgIL expundIng ouLwurds Irom your cIesL, uIong LIe Lwo uxes you
Iuve mude. eeI yourseII Lo be supercIurged wILI energy, yeL uL LIe sume LIme,
cuIm und reudy.

TIIs compIeLes LIe IIrsL sLuge oI LIe BunIsIIng, und Is known In some mugIcuI
sysLems us 'TIe Cross oI IgIL'.
. WILI your rIgIL Iund, druw u PenLugrum In LIe uIr beIore you. BegIn uL LIe
upex und druw down Lo LIe IeIL-Iund poInL, LIen ucross Lo LIe rIgIL, ucross Lo LIe
IeIL, down Lo LIe Iower rIgIL, und buck up Lo LIe upex. VIsuuIIse LIe PenLugrum
gIowIng wILI energy. TIen poInL your rIgIL Iund InLo ILs cenLre und sIowIy InLone
LIe IeLLers -A-O - druwIng ouL eucI IeLLer und vIsuuIIsIng LIe penLugrum
gIowIng brIgILIy wILI more energy us you do so. Turn und repeuL LIIs Ior SouLI,
WesL, und NorLI.

. ucIng EusL, ruIse your urms und suy:

"AbouL me IIure IIve-poInLed sLurs,

Above my Ieud, LIe nIInILe SLurs

WILIIn my breusL LIere IIumes u SLur

Every Mun, und every womun Is u SLur

BeIoId, A CIrcIe oI SLurs."q
n LIIs exumpIe, LIe IIrsL secLIon oI LIe BunIsIIng Iocuses uLLenLIon on your
BodyMInd, LIe second mukes LIe spuce demurcuLIon - murkIng ouL LIe Iour
quurLers, und LIe LIIrd Is LIe 'unIon' wILI LIe InIInILe - 'us ubove, so beIow' II you
wIII. AILer LIe LIIrd secLIon, you ure reudy Lo begIn your exercIse, oLIer rILuuI
work, eLc. I you were doIng LIe BunIsIIng us un exercIse In ILseII, repeuL LIe IIrsL
secLIon, und LIen uILer u puuse - cIup your Iunds LogeLIer us u sIgn oI endIng LIe
exercIse. To cIose usIng LIIs BunIsIIng, do LIe resL oI your work und LIen run
LIrougI SecLIons 1 - uguIn.
1. WIen workIng Indoors, oILen desIgnuLe 'EusL' us LIe wuII wILI u wIndow
In IL.
z. TIe Tuu Cross Ius u IoL oI mugIcuI InIormuLIon uLLucIed Lo IL - go Iook IL
. TIe IeLLers .A.O sIgnIIy LIe 'mugIcuI' IormuIu oI growLI (sIs), desLrucLIon
(ApopIIs) und RebIrLI (OsIrIs).
q. TIIs rubrIc Is quILe 'TIeIemIc' In sLyIe - we cIose IL Ior ILs 'poeLIc' quuIILy.
As wILI uII kInds oI mugIc, IL's noL so mucI wIuL you do, IL's Iow you do IL. A IILLIe
dusI oI LIeuLrIcuIILy does IeIp u IoL. or exumpIe, wIen usIng u BunIsIIng Lo open
u workIng, IeL u Lone oI uwe und unLIcIpuLIon creep InLo my voIce. Lry und
creuLe, usIng voIce, gesLure, und posLure, un uLmospIere oI expecLuLIon und
LensIon. SImIIurIy, wIen usIng u BunIsIIng Lo cIose u workIng, Lry Lo projecL un
uIr oI IInuIILy, suLIsIucLIon, und success. My spoken words ure Iess sLrIdenL und
commundIng, und mucI genLIer In InLonuLIon. TIIs Is cerLuInIy useIuI In group
workIngs, buL uIso useIuI In soIo work - sInce LIe Ieedbuck LIuL you gIve yourseII
uIso conLrIbuLes Lo LIe uLmospIere LIuL you creuLe. As Grunny WeuLIerwux suys -
"IL's HeudoIogy LIuL counLs".PsycIIc DebrIs
suId uL LIe begInnIng LIuL wusn'L Iuppy wILI LIIs, so Iere goes. A BunIsIIng
cun be u mugIcuI equIvuIenL Lo LIdyIng up (wIIcI you sIouId do beIore workIng
unywuy). SInce mosL oI us ure noL IorLunuLe enougI Lo Iuve u room wIIcI cun be
used soIeIy Ior mugIcuI work, we Iuve Lo use ureus wIIcI ure used Ior duy-Lo-duy
IIvIng us weII. TIIs creuLes un uLmospIere wIIcI you cun pIck up LIrougI
unconscIous cues, wIIcI IL Is weII Lo 'BunIsI' beIore sLurLIng Iocused mugIcuI
work - or IL mIgIL weII dIsLurb you.
SImIIurIy, uILer u workIng, you need Lo dIspeI LIe purLIcuIur uLmospIere LIuL
you've creuLed, or you mIgIL weII IInd LIuL IL 'cIusIes' wILI LIe everyduy
uLmospIere LIuL you ussocIuLe wILI LIe room. On LIIs poInL, IL cun be useIuI Lo
BunIsI u room II LIere's been u purLIcuIurIy bud urgumenL In IL (LIe LensIon
IIngers), II you or someone eIse Iuve been pourIng ouL emoLIons uII over IL, or II
you IeeI 'LIred' wILIIn IL. TIIs sorL oI eIIecL Is covered by LIe Lerm 'PsycIIc
Your cIosen BunIsIIng cun be done us u duIIy prucLIce - on uwukenIng, und beIore
reLIrIng. L sIouId be used Lo open und cIose uny mugIcuI ucLIvILy. n LIme, you wIII
IInd LIuL LIe rILuuI cun be done uImosL on 'uuLopIIoL', und LIe ussocIuLed IeeIIngs
urIse wILIouL conscIous eIIorL. L sIouId be Luken us un encourugIng sIgn II you
sLurL IuvIng dreums ubouL BunIsIIng. 've oILen, durIng u nIgILmure, resorLed Lo
BunIsIIng wIuLever-IL-Is LIuL's boLIerIng me, und nIne LImes ouL oI Len IL does
work. An InLeresLIng noLe, on BunIsIIngs & dreums Is LIuL, despILe LIe IucL LIuL
over LIe yeurs 've used muny dIIIerenL Iorms oI bunIsIIng exercIse, wIen In
dreums, uIwuys seem Lo use LIe GoIden Duwn esser PenLugrum rILuuI -
probubIy becuuse LIuL wus LIe very IIrsL one LIuL wus LuugIL.DIIIerenL SLrokes
TIe busIc BunIsIIng rILuuI LIuL Iuve gIven ubove combInes gesLure, breuLI
conLroI, vIsuuIIsuLIon, energIsIng, coIours, symboIs, und InvocuLIon. TIese ure uII
essenLIuI eIemenLs Lo rILuuI mugIc LIuL prucLIce In, wIII sLund you In good sLeud
IuLer on. DIIIerenL PuLIs Iuve dIIIerenL upproucIes Lo BunIsIIng. As u WIccun
NeopIyLe, wus LuugIL u meLIod oI 'CusLIng LIe CIrcIe' wIIcI, on uveruge, Look u
good 1o-1 mInuLes. TIIs Is un exceIIenL wuy oI seLLIng up u sucred spuce Ior u Iew
Iours' worLI oI rILuuI. L combIned noL onIy LIe eIemenLs gIven ubove, buL uIso
cIrcumbuIuLIon (In u munner LIuL suggesLed 'rIsIng on LIe pIunes'), eIemenLuI
InvocuLIons, uILur consecruLIon, esLubIIsIIng u sucred spuce usIng suIL & wuLer,
Incense & IIre (cundIe). As u begInner Iound LIIs useIuI becuuse IL IeIped me
buIId up my ubIIILy Lo vIsuuIIse sIowIy (noL everybody Is good uL vIsuuIIsuLIon
uuLomuLIcuIIy) und IL Iud u sLrong emoLIonuI power Lo IL, wIIcI Is uIso ImporLunL.
n LIe cIrcIe, IeIL 'suIe', guurded, und reudy Ior IurLIer mugIck - wIIcI uII IeIps
you guIn LIe conIIdence you need. We dId use LIe esser BunIsIIng us weII - buL
more Ior 'sIorLer' workIngs. BuL wIeLIer u BunIsIIng Is eIuboruLe or mInImuIIsL,
Is up Lo you. TIe ImporLunL LIIng Is Lo know wIy you're doIng IL (und some peopIe
don'L geL LoId LIe wIys In mugIc - jusL Lo do IL), und LIuL once you Iuve LIe busIc
eIemenLs, you cun udd Lo LIem us you IIke. L Is ImporLunL LIuL LIe symboIs,
Imuges eLc. ure meunIngIuI Lo you. EucI LIme LIuL you do u BunIsIIng, you ure
buIuncIng LIe dIIIerenL uspecLs oI yourseII & your psycIocosm InLo u more
dynumIc wIoIe. TIe underIyIng sLrucLure oI LIe exercIse remuIns sImIIur wIeLIer
you ure workIng WIccu, QubuIuI, TunLru, TIeIemu, or even CIuos.
TIe MugIcuI PersonuIILy
WIy do peopIe Luke on mugIcuI numes? PossIbIy Lo Impress LIeIr IrIends, buL
more oILen becuuse LIey wIsI Lo creuLe u dIsLIncL mugIcuI personu wIIcI LIey cun
sIIp InLo wIen doIng LIeIr mugIcuI sLuII. TIIs Is wIy LIe mugIcuI scene Is IILLered
wILI MerIIns, Morgunus, TunILIs, CIrces, TuIeIsIns, eLc - uII numes oI wIzurdIy
IoIk. TIe 'mugIcuI personuIILy' Is wIuL you become wIen you puL your robe on,
IIgIL cundIes & Incense, und sLurL IIddIIng wILI cuusuI reuIILy. TIe busIc
dIsLIncLIon Is LIuL 'you' us your normuI personuIILy mIgIL Iuve uII kInds oI doubLs
ubouL LIIs mugIc busIness, und enjoy Iong conversuLIons ubouL urcIeLypes und
sucI-IIke, buL your 'mugIcuI' seII, II noLIIng eIse, Is 11o% sure (IIngers crossed)
LIuL wIuL you're doIng Is eIIecLIve, und Is goIng Lo work, even II IL Lukes you uII
nIgIL! I you've ever pIuyed 'Dungeons & Drugons', you sIouId know wIuL meun.
A D&D gume Is u Iew bILs oI curdbourd, coIIee cups, Ieud IIgures, IoLs oI dIce, und
scuLLered sIeeLs oI noLes. YeL you Luke on your cIurucLer Lo sucI un exLenL LIuL
wIen IeJsIeJIL Is kIIIed, IL cun be quILe u sIock. n mugIc, uII LIe prepuruLIon -
und Iere LIe BunIsIIng Is one oI LIe mosL ImporLunL bILs - geLs you 'InLo roIe' us
LIe (IopeIuIIy) powerIuI und conIIdenL mugIcIun. And wIen you IInIsI oII your
workIng, LIe second bunIsIIng sLops you goIng down LIe pub und sLIII ucLIng us
LIougI you ruIe LIe UnIverse. Okuy, weII you mIgIL, buL noL everyone wIII
upprecIuLe LIIs.OuLdoors
L musL be suId, 've never IeIL enLIreIy Iuppy doIng LIe sLundurd Iorms oI
BunIsIIng ouLdoors. LIInk LIuL LIIs Is In purL due Lo LIe dIIIerenL sense oI spuce
LIuL Iuve wIen workIng In some wIId spoL. IInd LIuL LIIs Is purLIcuIurIy Lrue II
LIe pIuce um workIng uL Is u Power SpoL. Power SpoLs muy be nuLuruI ureus, or
pIuces wIere oLIer mugIcIuns Iuve worked uL In LIe pusL.
LIInk LIuL ouLdoors workIng Is someLIIng LIuL you Iuve Lo geL u IeeI Ior by
InLuILIon, und LIuL LIe 'ruIes' oI Indoor rILuuI don'L uIwuys uppIy. PerIups
someone eIse wouId IIke Lo Luke LIIs poInL up.
InuIIy, us you reud your wuy LIrougI LIe muILILude oI occuIL Iow-Lo books
uvuIIubIe, you'II IInd IoLs oI dIIIerenL BunIsIIng rILuuI IormuLs. Remember, LIere's
no one rIgIL wuy Lo do IL, jusL LIe wuy LIuL works Ior you.
Dagger Banishing
Magickal Defense
By Neo Purudox
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
TIIs Is u personuI bunIsIIng LIuL once dId on u wIIm, oI my own creuLIon. As
sucI us wrILe IL down Iere IL muy noL be exucLIy us Iuve done IL uL LIe LIme.
TIuL Iowever Is noL LIe poInL, LIe poInL Is LIe InLenLIon und energy one puLs IorLI
wILI LIe rILuuI. dId LIIs bunIsIIng rILuuI wILI greuL success wIen once LIougIL
LIuL wus beIng MugIcuIIy uLLucked. or LIIs RILuuI, you wIII need u dugger und un
oId cIuIr, LIuL you don'L mInd sLubbIng. IrsL LIInk ubouL Iow mucI L pIsses you
oII LIuL someone Is sendIng mugIckuI energy your wuy, HOW DARE THEY! WuIk
uround LIe cenLer oI LIe cIuIr, pucIng, IeuvIIy In u cIockwIse moLIon, breuLIIng
IeuvIIy. TIen us you puce uround LIe cIrcIe ubouL LIree LImes see u IIery bIue IIgIL
sprIng IorLI us you sImpIy wIII IL us II LIe unIverse Is uIruId Lo dIsobey your wIII,
Ior Ieur oI punIsImenL. TIen Iook uL LIe cenLer oI LIe cIuIr, jusL ubove IL, und see
u buII oI red energy IormIng us you breuLI IeuvIIy, LIe IIgIL buIIdIng us you LIInk
ubouL mukIng LIem puy. eL LIIs buIId Ior u momenL. As soon us your body Is
sIukIng wILI LIIs IeeIIng, Luke LIe dugger overIeud, und sIum IL InLo LIe Red
spIere oI energy, IuIIIng onLo one knee us you do so, sIouLIng uL LIe Lop oI your
Iungs. As soon us you see LIe dugger IIL LIe cIuIr, ImugIne LIe red buII oI energy
bursLIng Irom LIe dugger und goIng InLo uII dIrecLIons und Lowurds LIe source oI
your dIIemmu. euve LIe dugger In LIe cIuIr, Ior us Iong us you IeeI LIe LIreuL, Ior
IL wIII consLunLIy und conLInuuIIy dIsperse LIIs energy In uII dIrecLIons Lowurds
your LIreuL unLII eIImInuLed. Once you IeeI IL Is gone, or IInd ouL IL Is gone (us
dId, remove LIe dugger). InIsI wILI some sorL oI dIuboIIcuI IuugILer.
Liber Stoopid! The Banishing /
Invoking Ritual of the Stoopid
Some idiot neophyte acting all smart for his mental
masturbation enjoyment!
By NuLIun
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
SLep 1. CIup us muny LImes us you wunL ( Is u good number)
SLep z. "CubuIIsLIc" Cross oI your cIoIce
SLep . uce eusL und Lruce LIe penLugrumJIexugrum oI your cIoIce
SLep q. SpIn uround, mukIng roLuLIons.
SLep . Muke LIe sIgn oI LIe enLerer und LIe sIgn oI sIIence
SLep 6. RepeuL sLeps - uL uII poInLs you uddress In bunIsIIng rILuuIs
SLep ;. Muke LIe sIgn oI exLended IIgIL (opLIonuI) und breuLI uL u rIyLIm oI
counLs ( In, IoId , ouL, empLy) LImes (uILer Lo your needs or comIorL).
SLep ;. Address wIuLever powers you wIsI Lo uddress uL LIe poInLs you uddress
(LIe urcIungeIs, eIemenLs, ReIcI's Iour energeLIc pIuses eLc...)
SLep 8. RepeuL sLep z
CommenLury (or more conLenLIous menLuI musLurbuLIon!)
BusIcuIIy, LIe reuson cuII LIIs IIber sLoopId Is becuuse II your sLomucI Is weuk,
und you Lry IL und puke, you're sLupId. :P
Neo-Pentagram E-Z Ritual
A quick, easy and effective banishing
By Nemo
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
TIIs exercIse Is useIuI Ior sImpIe rILuuIs und dImensIonuI LruveI. By LIuL meun,
movIng Irom one sLuLe oI conscIousness Lo LIe nexL. TIIs cun be ukIn Lo u
bunIsIIng rILuuI, wIere you ure dIIIneuLIng LIuL you ure enLerIng InLo u rILuuI
conscIousness, or exILIng Irom IL. TIIs Is u vurIuLIon LIuL Is very quIck, eusy, und
uIso IeeI IL Is eIIecLIve.

1. Druw u penLugrum In u cIrcIe, wILI u sIngIe poInL In LIe mIddIe, or creuLe u
spIruI wILIIn.
z. UsIng boLI Iunds, sLure InLenseIy uL LIe poInL In LIe mIddIe oI LIe
penLugrum. TIen begIn Lo brIng IL neurer und IurLIer Irom your Iuce
buIIdIng u rupId puce. Keep sLurIng uL LIe cenLruI poInL, keep your
breuLIIng In LIme Lo LIe puce oI LIe ebb und IIow oI LIe symboI.
. ExIuIe sIurpIy, cIose your eyes...
q. nIuIe sIurpIy, drop penLugrum.
. Enjoy LIe uILered spuce.
6. Do LIe sume In reverse wIen IInIsIed.
Simple Banishing
An extremely simple banishing
By Ryun TIomus
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
TIIs Is one oI LIe sImpIesL bunIsIIngs Iuve seen done.
WIen perIormIng un EvocuLIon were you summon someLIIng, Iuve someLIIng
IIke u buL wILI you In your suIe ureu, und uILer you wuke up LIe poor demon or
Iuery wIo wus jusL mIndIng ILs own busIness you pIck up LIe buL und smusI LIe
String Banishing
Yet another quick and simple Banishing
By Rev. JusLIn
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
1. Go InLo your uILurJrILuuI spuce.
z. SLurL medILuLIng und wIIIe doIng LIuL sLurL vIsuuIIzIng u wIILe IIgIL, IuII oI LIe
purILy oI IIgIL
. AL LIe sume LIme vIsuuIIze LIe LIIng uLLuckIng you uLLucIed Lo you wILI u sLrIng.
q. mugIne LIe wIILe IIgIL ubove you Lurn InLo u sword In your Iunds und swIng
down wILI uII your mIgIL on LIe cord uLLucIIng boLI you und LIe usLruI beIng
wIIIe reIeusIng uII oI your energy ouL wILI u screum dIrecLed uL LIe sLrIng.
TIe gouI Iere Is Lo sever LIe IInk Lo boLI oI you so LIuL IL cun no Ionger druw
energy Irom your puInJIeur.
Grenade Banishing
Clear out the psychic debris
By NIx
PosLed SuLurduy, JuIy 1, zooq
TIIs bunIsIIng Is geured more Lowurds LIe "cIeur ouL LIe psycIIc debrIs" IuncLIon
oI bunIsIIng, buL IL serves me weII Ior uII purposes.
1. SLund comIorLubIy, wILI your urms exLended ouL In IronL oI you. Your Iunds
sIouId be open; rIgIL Iund puIm down, IeIL Iund puIm up.
z. VIsuuIIze IIery energy Irom LIe core oI LIe eurLI sLreumIng up LIrougI LIe
boLLoms oI your IeeL, up your body, und couIescIng In u buII In your rIgIL puIm.
. VIsuuIIze durk energy Irom LIe dIsLunL reucIes oI spuce sLreumIng down
LIrougI LIe Lop oI your Ieud und guLIerIng In u buII In your IeIL puIm.
q. RoLuLe your puIms so LIuL LIey Iuce eucI oLIer, LIen move LIem LogeLIer,
combInIng LIe Lwo spIeres InLo one unsLubIe, voIuLIIe spIere oI energy.
. IIL LIe spIere over your Ieud wILI boLI Iunds, wIIIe InLonIng un "AAHH"
sound LIuL buIIds Lo u crescendo wIen your urms reucI LIeIr peuk over your
6. SIum LIe spIere InLo LIe ground wILI u Ioud, sIurp kIuI, wIIIe vIsuuIIzIng
yourseII uL ground zero oI u mussIve expIosIon. TIe ever-wIdenIng rIng oI
desLrucLIon vuporIzes uny debrIs In LIe ureu.
Sacred Fire Ritual
Sacred Fire Ritual based on Japanese Tantric Buddhism
By CIpIer
PosLed Tuesduy, JuIy z;, zooq
n buddIIsL LrudILIon LIere Is u rILuuIIy used IIre wIIcI Is cuIIed Gomu or Homu.
n LIe rILuuI LIe prIesL burns 1o8 sLIcks oI wood wIIcI symboIIze 1o8 Iumun sIns.
TIey pruy Lo desLroy LIe sIns In LIe rILuuI. n GoIden Duwn IormuIu, LIey purIIy
objecL or cundIduLe by Ire und WuLer.
TIIs rILuuI cun be seen us u seII exorcIsm und u combInuLIon oI sorcery und rILuuI
mugIc. n LIIs rILuuI, we use pIysIcuI IIre undwuLer us LIe muLerIuI buses oI
EIemenLs or our menLuI orces. n LIIs rILuuI Ire Is seen us u power Ior LIe
purIIIcuLIon LIrougI desLrucLIon, uggressIon Lo enemy, unger Lo evIIs, sLrIcLness.
TIe mugIckIun evokes powers oI uggressIon, unger und sLrIcLness In IImseII. AL
LIe sume LIme LIe mugIckIun pruys Ior u desLrucLIve eIIecL on IIs enemy spIrIL.
TIIs desLrucLIon cun be seen us u WruLI oI God or In buddIIsL LIeory ucL oI mercy
wIIcI IeIp LIe evII noL Lo repeuL LIeIr IuIseIoods uny more. TIereIore,
uggressIon, unger, desLrucLIon Iuve u IoIy nuLure In LIIs rILuuI. As LIe IIre burns,
so LIe uggressIon In IIs mInd become bIgger. As LIe IIre burns, so LIe enemy
spIrIL Is burned.

o. PreIImInury RILuuI
Ind one oI your weuk poInLs. PersonIIy IL und cIussIIy IL by q eIemenLs. L Is your
CreuLe u muLerIuI buse oI your enemy wILI IIumubIe muLerIuI. PIuce LIe muLerIuI
buse In LIe dIrecLIon uccordIng Lo LIe nuLure oI your enemy.
1 PerIorm LIe esser BunIsIIng RILuuI oI LIe PenLugrum. WIen you Ius
compIeLed .B R.P, conLInue vIsuuIIzIng, Lurn Lo LIe dIrecLIon oI your enemy.
SLurL Lo vIsuuIIze your enemy In IronL oI you In usLruI Iorm. TIen rejecL IL und
pusI IL ouL oI LIe cIrcIe by LIe SIgn oI Horus.
NexL, IIx your enemy In LIe muLerIuI buse by LIe SIgn oI HurpocruLes. VIsuuIIze
LIuL your enemy wus bound In LIe muLerIuI buse und suy You ure bounded In LIIs
muLerIuI buse. You cunnoL move, you cunnoL Iurm me.
ConceuI IL wILI cIoLI.
z. TIe Sucred Ire RILuuI

n LIe nIgIL. BrIng muny oI sLIcks oI wood, u buckeL oI wuLer, und LIe muLerIuI
buse oI your enemy wILI you. Go Lo u quIeL pIuce Iur Irom Iumun IubILuLIon.
WIen you Ius urrIved LIere, muke u IIre.
YeIovuI eIouI VuduuLI. TIou urL sucred Ire! Burn! BrIng me LIe pussIon Lo
overcome udversILy. By LIy IIIckerIng IIume, burn ouL LIe evII resIde InsIde me. By
LIy sLrong IIgIL und IeuL, purIIy LIe evII.

DurIng LIIs IncunLuIon, evoke your Inner uggressIve Iorce und IdenLIIy IL wILI LIe
power oI Ire LIen LIe PIysIcuI Ire couId be u munIIesLuLIon oI your evoked
SLoke LIe Ire Lo become bIgger, IeeI your Inner uggressIon becomes bIgger us LIe
Ire burns.
PIck up LIe muLerIuI buse oI your enemy.
TIIs Is u evII spIrIL LIuL resIdes InsIde me. don`L wunL LIIs. IuLe LIIs. TIIs Is u
nuIsunce. TIIs Is my enemy.
WILI LIIs sLuLemenL, evoke your emoLIon oI IuLe uguInsL your week poInL und
IuIIy express IL wILI LIe words sucI us ubove.
PuL LIe muLerIuI buse InLo LIe IIre.
Sucred Ire, burn more und more. By LIy sucred power oI IIume, burn ouL und
purIIy my evII enemy LIrougIouL. GIve your power, Ior me LIe pussIon Lo
overcome my enemy spIrIL, Ior LIe enemy LIe sucred IIume Lo purIIy IL. By LIy
IIume oI purIIIcuLIon, keep my Inner kIngdom In IoIyness.
DurIng LIe IncunLuIon, vIsuuIIze LIe IIre burnIng your usLruI enemy Loo. ConLInue
Lo VIsuuIIze deuLI oI your enemy wILI IncunLuIon Lo IIre unLII LIe IIre ucLuuIIy
consumes everyLIIng.
PIck up u buckeL oI wuLer und consecruLe IL wILI SIuduI EI KIuI munLru.
SIuduI EI KIuI. TIe evII resIded InsIde me Ius Lurned Lo usIes. By LIy sucred
power oI wuLer, IIusI LIIs curcuss uwuy. As LIe IIowIng wuLer Ius no sLugnuLIon.
TIen IIusI LIe usIes.
By LIe IoIy numes und powers oI YeIovuI EIouI VuduuL und SIuduI EI KIuI,
wus purIIIed.

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