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Introduction of national population policy

In: The 1984 International Conference on Population: the Liberian experience, [compiled by]
Liberia. Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs. Monrovia, Liberia, Ministry of Planning
and Economic Affairs, [1986]. :258-68.
The 1974 World Population Conference, held in Bucharest, adopted a World Population Plan of
Action for coordinating trends in population and socioeconomic development. The means to
implement the plan were identified at the Bucharest Conference and again at the 1984
International Conference on Population in Mexico City. 3 basic issues were identified: data
collection and analysis, research, and management. In the area of data collection, governments
were urged to develop durable capabilities for data collection and analysis, to monitor population
trends and assess their demographic implications, to insure that the data are tabulated in a way
conducive to statistical analysis, and to participate in the 1990 housing census program. In Africa
censuses and demographic surveys in the 1970s have shown that the population will increase
considerably by year 2000. In Liberia the 1st census was taken in 1962, the 2nd in 1974, and the
3rd in 1984. Data from these censuses showed the size and distribution of the country's
population and its socioeconomic character-istics. As a result of these censuses and other surveys
Liberia included in its 4-year (1981-85) development plan certain goals, including the
understanding of population dynamics at the national and regional levels, understanding of the
interrelatedness of demographic and socioeconomic factors, promotion of socioeconomic
measures for regulating population dynamics and distribution and fertility, and the
encouragement of population education. In the area of research, priorities for funding were
identified. A high priority was assigned to education and training; and as a result, the
Demographic Unit was established at the University of Liberia in 1973 to provide the teaching of
demography, training of government staff in statistics and data collection, and the analysis of the
1974 census results. A seminar, sponsored by the Government and the UN Fund for Population
Activities, was held to disseminate the results of the 1974 census. It recommended that
intercensal surveys be held and census results publicized. In the management area, a National
Population Commission (NPC) was proposed to coordinate population activities. Other
recommendations of the present Conference include strengthening the Demographic Unit at the
University, the inclusion of demographic training in other schools at all levels, the processing
and publication of the results of the 1984 census, and the publicizing of demographic research
results by the mass media.
A policy is typically described as a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve
rational outcome(s). However, the term may also be used to denote what is actually done, even
though it is unplanned.
The term may apply to government, private sector organizations and groups, and individuals.
Presidential executive orders, corporate privacy policies, and parliamentary rules of order are all
examples of policy. Policy differs from rules or law. While law can compel or prohibit behaviors
(e.g. a law requiring the payment of taxes on income) policy merely guides actions toward those
that are most likely to achieve a desired outcome.
Policy or policy study may also refer to the process of making important organizational
decisions, including the identification of different alternatives such as programs or spending
priorities, and choosing among them on the basis of the impact they will have. Policies can be
understood as political, management, financial, and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach
explicit goals.

• 1 Impact of policy
○ 1.1 Intended Effects
○ 1.2 Unintended Effects
• 2 Policy cycle
• 3 Policy content
• 4 Policy typology
○ 4.1 Distributive policies
○ 4.2 Regulatory policies
○ 4.3 Constituent policies
○ 4.4 Miscellaneous policies
• 5 Types of policy
• 6 Other uses of the term policy
• 7 See also
• 8 References
• 9 External links
○ 9.1 Policy studies
○ 9.2 Canada
○ 9.3 US
○ 9.4 Policy analysis and organizations
○ 9.5 UK
○ 9.6 Australia
○ 9.7 Other

Impact of policy
Intended Effects
The goals of policy may vary widely according to the organization and the context in which they
are made. Broadly, policies are typically instituted in order to avoid some negative effect that has
been noticed in the organization, or to seek some positive benefit.
Corporate purchasing policies provide an example of how organizations attempt to avoid
negative effects. Many large companies have policies that all purchases above a certain value
must be performed through a purchasing process. By requiring this standard purchasing process
through policy, the organization can limit waste and standardize the way purchasing is done.
The State of California provides an example of benefit-seeking policy. In recent years, the
numbers of hybrid vehicles in California has increased dramatically, in part because of policy
changes in Federal law that provided USD $1,500 in tax credits (since phased out) as well as the
use of high-occupancy vehicle lanes to hybrid owners (no longer available for new hybrid
vehicles). In this case, the organization (state and/or federal government) created an effect
(increased ownership and use of hybrid cars) through policy (tax breaks, benefits).
Unintended Effects
Policies frequently have side effects or unintended consequences. Because the environments that
policies seek to influence or manipulate are typically complex adaptive systems (e.g.
governments, societies, large companies), making a policy change can have counterintuitive
results. For example, a government may make a policy decision to raise taxes, in hopes of
increasing overall tax revenue. Depending on the size of the tax increase, this may have the
overall effect of reducing tax revenue by causing capital flight or by creating a rate so high,
citizens are disincentivized to earn the money that is taxed. (See the Laffer curve)
The policy formulation process typically includes an attempt to assess as many areas of potential
policy impact as possible, to lessen the chances that a given policy will have unexpected or
unintended consequences. Because of the nature of some complex adaptive systems such as
societies and governments, it may not be possible to assess all possible impacts of a given policy.

Policy cycle
In political science the policy cycle is a tool used for the analyzing of the development of a
policy item. It can also be referred to as a "stagist approach". One standardized version includes
the following stages:
1. Agenda setting (Problem identification)
2. Policy Formulation
3. Adoption
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
An eight step policy cycle is developed in detail in The Australian Policy Handbook by Peter
Bridgman and Glyn Davis: (now with Catherine Althaus in its 4th edition)
1. Issue identification
2. Policy analysis
3. Policy instrument development
4. Consultation (which permeates the entire process)
5. Coordination
6. Decision
7. Implementation
8. Evaluation
The Althaus, Bridgman & Davis model is heuristic and iterative. It is intentionally normative and
not meant to be diagnostic or predictive. Policy cycles are typically characterised as adopting a
classical approach. Accordingly some postmodern academics challenge cyclical models as
unresponsive and unrealistic, preferring systemic and more complex models.
Policy content
Policies are typically promulgated through official written documents. Policy documents often
come with the endorsement or signature of the executive powers within an organization to
legitimize the policy and demonstrate that it is considered in force. Such documents often have
standard formats that are particular to the organization issuing the policy. While such formats
differ in form, policy documents usually contain certain standard components including:
• A purpose statement, outlining why the organization is issuing the policy, and what its
desired effect or outcome of the policy should be.
• An applicability and scope statement, describing who the policy affects and which
actions are impacted by the policy. The applicability and scope may expressly exclude
certain people, organizations, or actions from the policy requirements. Applicability and
scope is used to focus the policy on only the desired targets, and avoid unintended
consequences where possible.
• An effective date which indicates when the policy comes into force. Retroactive policies
are rare, but can be found.
• A responsibilities section, indicating which parties and organizations are responsible for
carrying out individual policy statements. Many policies may require the establishment of
some ongoing function or action. For example, a purchasing policy might specify that a
purchasing office be created to process purchase requests, and that this office would be
responsible for ongoing actions. Responsibilities often include identification of any
relevant oversight and/or governance structures.
• Policy statements indicating the specific regulations, requirements, or modifications to
organizational behavior that the policy is creating. Policy statements are extremely
diverse depending on the organization and intent, and may take almost any form.
Some policies may contain additional sections, including:
• Background, indicating any reasons, history, and intent that led to the creation of the
policy, which may be listed as motivating factors. This information is often quite
valuable when policies must be evaluated or used in ambiguous situations, just as the
intent of a law can be useful to a court when deciding a case that involves that law.
• Definitions, providing clear and unambiguous definitions for terms and concepts found
in the policy document.
Policy typology
Policy addresses the intent of the organization, whether government, business, professional, or
voluntary. Policy is intended to affect the 'real' world, by guiding the decisions that are made.
Whether they are formally written or not, most organizations have identified policies.-Citation
Policies may be classified in many different ways. The following is a sample of several different
types of policies broken down by their effect on members of the organization.
Distributive policies
Distributive policies extend goods and services to members of an organization, as well as
distributing the costs of the goods/services amongst the members of the organization. Examples
include government policies that impact spending for welfare, public education, highways, and
public safety, or a professional organization's policy on membership training.
Regulatory policies
Regulatory policies, or mandates, limit the discretion of individuals and agencies, or otherwise
compel certain types of behavior. These policies are generally thought to be best applied in
situations where good behavior can be easily defined and bad behavior can be easily regulated
and punished through fines or sanctions. An example of a fairly successful public regulatory
policy is that of a speed limit.
Constituent policies
Constituent policies create executive power entities, or deal with laws. Constituent policies also
deal with Fiscal Policy in some circumstances.-Citation Needed Noman Dhakkn
Miscellaneous policies
Policies are dynamic; they are not just static lists of goals or laws. Policy blueprints have to be
implemented, often with unexpected results. Social policies are what happens 'on the ground'
when they are implemented, as well as what happens at the decision making or legislative stage.
When the term policy is used, it may also refer to:
• Official government policy (legislation or guidelines that govern how laws should be put
into operation)
• Broad ideas and goals in political manifestos and pamphlets
• A company or organization's policy on a particular topic. For example, the equal
opportunity policy of a company shows that the company aims to treat all its staff
There is often a gulf between stated policy (i.e. which actions the organization intends to take)
and the actions the organization actually takes. This difference is sometimes caused by political
compromise over policy, while in other situations it is caused by lack of policy implementation
and enforcement. Implementing policy may have unexpected results, stemming from a policy
whose reach extends further than the problem it was originally crafted to address. Additionally,
unpredictable results may arise from selective or idiosyncratic enforcement of policy.-Citation
Types of policy include:
• Causal (resp. non-causal)
• Deterministic (resp. stochastic, randomized and sometimes non-deterministic)
• Index
• Memoryless (e.g. non-stationary)
• Opportunistic (resp. non-opportunistic)
• Stationary (resp. non-stationary)
These qualifiers can be combined, so for example you could have a stationary-memoryless-index

Types of policy
• Communications and Information Policy
• Defence policy
• Domestic policy
• Economic policy
• Education policy
• Energy policy
• Environmental Policy
• Foreign policy
• Health policy
• Housing policy
• Human resource policies
• Information policy
• Macroeconomic policy
• Monetary policy
• National defense policy
• Population policy
• Public policy in law
• Social policy
• Transportation policy
• Urban policy
• Water policy

Other uses of the term policy

• In enterprise architecture for systems design, policy appliances are technical control and
logging mechanisms to enforce or reconcile policy (systems use) rules and to ensure
accountability in information systems.
• In insurance, policies are contracts between insurer and insured used to indemnify
(protect) against potential loss from specified perils. While these documents are referred
to as policies, they are in actuality a form of contract - see insurance contract.
• In gambling, policy is a form of an unsanctioned lottery, where players purport to
purchase insurance against a chosen number being picked by a legitimate lottery. Or can
refer to an ordinary Numbers game
• In artificial intelligence planning and reinforcement learning, a policy prescribes a non-
empty deliberation (sequence of actions) given a non-empty sequence of states.
• In debate, the term "policy" is slang for policy or cross-examination debate.

See also
• Policy analysis
• Policy memo
• Policy studies
• Political science
• Program evaluation
• Public administration
• Public health
• Public policy (law)
• Public policy schools
• Public services
• Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse
• Social contract
• Social welfare
• Social work
• Think tank

• Blakemore, Ken (1998). Social Policy: an Introduction.
• Althaus, Catherine; Bridgman, Peter & Davis, Glyn (2007). The Australian Policy
Handbook (4th ed.). Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
• Müller, Pierre; Surel, Yves (1998) (in French). L'analyse des politiques publiques.
Paris: Montchrestien.
• Paquette, Laure (2002). Analyzing National and International Policy. Rowman
• Jenkins, William (1978). Policy Analysis: A Political and Organizational Perspective.
London: Martin Robertson.
• Lowi, Theodore J. (1964). "American Business, Public Policy, Case-Studies, and
Political Theory". World Politics 16: 687–713. doi:10.2307/2009452.
• Lowi, Theodore J. (1968). "Four Systems of Policy, Politics, and Choice". Public
Administration Review 33: 298–310. doi:10.2307/974810.
• Lowi, Theodore J. (1985). "The State in Politics". in Noll, Roger G. (ed.). Regulatory
Policy and the social Sciences. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 67–110.
• Spitzer, Robert J. (June 1987). "Promoting Policy Theory: Revising the Arenas of
Power". Policy Studies Journal 15 (4): 675–689. doi:10.1111/j.1541-
• Kellow, Aynsley (Summer 1988). "Promoting Elegance in Policy Theory:
Simplifying Lowi's Arenas of Power". Policy Studies Journal 16: 713–724.
• Heckathorn, Douglas D.; Maser, Steven M. (1990). "The Contractual Architecture of
Public Policy: A Critical Reconstruction of Lowi's Typology". The Journal of Politics
52 (4): 1101–1123. doi:10.2307/2131684.
• Smith, K. B. (2002). "Typologies, Taxonomies, and the Benefits of Policy
Classification". Policy Studies Journal 30: 379–395. doi:10.1111/j.1541-
• Greenberg, George D. et al. (December 1977). "Developing Public Policy Theory:
Perspectives from Empirical Research". American Political Science Review 71:
1532–1543. doi:10.2307/1961494.
• Dye, Thomas R. (1976). Policy Analysis. University of Alabama Press.
• Stone, Diane."Global Public Policy, Transnational Policy Communities and their
Networks", Journal of Policy Sciences, 2008

External links
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Policy studies
• AARP Public Policy Institute (United States)
• Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
• Global Public Policy Institute
• National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
• Policy Studies Organization
• The Hoover Digest
• Visualization of the policy cycle
• Canadian Policy Research Networks
• Centre for International Governance InnovationAn international research institution
located in Waterloo, ON, Canada focused on developing ideas for global change.
• Choice of Policy Instruments in Global Democracies
• - Clearinghouse for Canadian Public Policy Articles, Organizations and Authors
• United States Foreign Policy
• United States Presidential Executive Orders
• US Department of Education Policy
• US State Department Policy
Policy analysis and organizations
• RAND Corporation
• The Brookings Institute
• Think Tank Directory. A Guide to Independent Nonprofit Public Policy Research
• W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
• Institute of Local Government Studies, Birmingham
• Institute of Public Policy Research
• Australian Policy Online
• Centre for Policy Development, AUS
• Eidos Institute, AUS
• PerCapita, AUS
• The Australia Institute, AUS
• Ethics and Public Policy Center
• Institute for Research on Public Policy
• Instituto de Políticas Públicas, Argentina

Population Policy of Pakistan

Pakistan's population has increased from 34 million in 1951 to 144 million in mid
2001. The addition of over 108 million Pakistanis in just five decades is due to the
high population growth rates in the last thirty years. Continuing high population
growth will amount to Pakistan’s population reaching 220 million by the year 2020.
Coupled with poor human development indicators such as low literacy, high infant
mortality and low economic growth rates, such a large population will undermine
efforts being undertaken to reduce poverty and to improve the standards of living of
the populace.

While Population Growth Rate (PGR) has declined from over 3 percent in previous
decades to its current level of 2.1 percent per annum, Pakistan still has an
unacceptably high rate of growth compared to other developing countries. Therefore
the Government of Pakistan is attaching the highest priority to the lowering of the
population growth rate (PGR) from its current level to 1.9 percent per annum by the year 2004 and to reaching
replacement level of fertility by the year 2020.
Pakistan is faced with its ever-largest adolescent population, because of its high levels of fertility over the last
few decades and its very recent fertility decline. The adolescent population, in the age group of 15-24, as it
enters into its reproductive phase embodies potential population growth for several decades. It constitutes
population momentum in the future that has serious implications for provision of schooling, health services and
other basic amenities of life for the coming decades. The Population Welfare Programme has been able to create
universal awareness about family planning with the current contraceptive prevalence rate of 30 percent. The
challenge is to ensure continuous use by current users and increase existing CPR by meeting the percent unmet
need for family planning services of currently married women along with sustaining the demand of new entrants
in the reproductive age group.

Over one third of Pakistanis are living in poverty. The impact of population growth on poverty is obvious, since
poorer families, especially women and marginalized groups bear the burden of a large number of children with
much fewer resources further adding to the spiral of poverty and deterioration in the status of women. This
large part of the population is constrained to live in poor housing and sanitation conditions and lack of access to
safe drinking water. In particular, income poverty leads to pressures on food consumption and adversely affects
caloric intakes and increasing malnutrition in poorer families and contributes to high levels of child and maternal
morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, rapid population growth contributes to environmental degradation and
depletion of natural resources.
The dynamics of Pakistan’s demographic variables compel that a vigilant eye be kept on the phenomena of
population growth. The Population Policy of Pakistan 2002 is in congruence with the ICPD paradigm shift to
holistic care of the family, client centered quality care in family planning & RH. The government’s Poverty
Reduction Strategy and the Population Sector perspective Plan 2012 framework sets out improvements in the
quality of life of all persons, including children, adolescents, adults, aged, both male and female.
Population and development inter-relationships have been elaborated most comprehensively in the ICPD
Program of Action in 1994 to which Pakistan is a signatory. The main thrust of ICPD is that each country bring
into balance its resources with population through a policy, which is in accordance with its own social, cultural,
religious and political realities.
This Population Policy is designed to achieve social and economic revival by curbing rapid population growth
and thereby reducing its adverse consequences for development. It is intended to achieve a reduction in
dependency ratios, to alleviate pressures on dwindling resources and to help in the reduction of poverty. The
Population Policy has several wide-ranging consequences for the economy, polity, human rights and the long-
term prosperity of Pakistan.
The Population Policy is the outcome of a participatory process and enjoys the consensus of all stakeholders and
partners, within government, NGOS and, civil society.
^back to top

The overall vision of the Population Policy is to achieve population stabilization by 2020 through the expeditious
completion of the demographic transition that entails declines both in fertility and mortality rates.
^back to top

The Population Policy seeks to:-
 Attain a balance between resources and population within the broad parameters of the ICPD paradigm.

 Address various dimensions of the population issue within national laws, development priorities while
remaining within our national social and cultural norms
 Increase awareness of the adverse consequences of rapid population growth both at the national,
provincial, district and community levels.
 Promote family planning as an entitlement based on informed and voluntary choice
 Attain a reduction in fertility through improvement in access and quality of reproductive health
 Reduce population momentum through a delay in the first birth, changing spacing patterns and
reduction in family size desires.
^back to top

Short Term:
 Reduce population growth to 1.9 percent per annum by 2004.
 Reduce fertility through enhanced voluntary contraception to 4 births per woman by the year 2004.
Long Term:
 Reduce population growth rate from 1.9 per cent per annum in 2004 to 1.3 percent per annum by the
year 2020.
 Reduce fertility through enhanced voluntary contraceptive adoption to replacement level 2.1 births per
woman by 2020.
 Universal access to safe family planning methods by 2010.
^back to top

 Develop and launch advocacy campaigns to address special groups, such as, policy makers, opinion
leaders, youth and adolescents.
 Increase ownership of population issues by the stakeholders and strengthen their participation in the
processes of service delivery and program design.

 Reduce unmet need for family planning services by making available quality family planning & RH
services to all married couples who want to limit or space their children.
 Adopt a shift from target oriented to people-centered needs and services.
 Ensure the provision of quality services especially to the poor, under-served and un-served populations
in rural areas and urban slums.
 Coordinate and monitor a comprehensive network of family planning & RH services in Pakistan.
 Build strong partnerships with concerned Line Ministries, Provincial line Departments particularly
Health, Non-Governmental Organizations and the private Sector including the industrial sector to
maintain standards in family planning by providing assistance/guidance through advocacy, training,
monitoring and other means of participation and quality assurance.
 Strengthen contribution to population activities by civil society players, particularly NGOs and media.

 Expand the role of the private sector by making contraceptives accessible and affordable of
contraceptives through social marketing of contraceptives and through local manufacture of
 Decentralize program management and service delivery to provincial and district levels.
 Ensure availability of the four prioritized areas of the Reproductive Health Package, i.e. family planning,
safe motherhood, infant health and RTI / STDs through nationwide service delivery outlets in the public
& private sector.
 Harness support, cooperation and involvement of men in strengthening the family as the basic unit of
society and in small family size decision making.
 Ensure Population and Family Life Education for school and college students.
^back to top


Population mainstreaming entails incorporation of the population factor in development plans to promote social
justice and address poverty through socio-economic development in the context of migration, urbanization,
environment and sustainable growth. This Policy is developed and co-ordinated through a multi-sectoral
strategy towards population issues in which there is a synergy between population dynamics, economic revival
and poverty alleviation programmes. The connectivity of population with poverty, status of women and
sustainable development will be established because they are intrinsically interrelated and progress in any
component can catalyze improvement in others.

Service Delivery Expansion and Improvement of Quality

The strategy of this Policy is essentially aimed at tackling the more immediate objectives of reducing the high
unmet need for family planning services through bringing FP services into the fold of health outlets, developing
greater partnerships between various arms of the public sector and public private sector partnerships. The
reduction of the gap between what married women want in the way of fewer children and longer spacing and
utilization of family planning services will be the first thrust of this policy.
Ensuring quality in a wide range of family planning services will be the major short-term goal of this policy. In
the longer run whilst the public sector will not relinquish its responsibility as service provider, recognizing the
magnitude of the task it will fully engage the non-governmental and private sectors. To achieve this requires the
building of capacity of non-governmental and private sector partners to cope with future needs of service

Service provision in family planning & RH will concentrate on improving access & expanding coverage with
special emphasis on rural & under served areas and slums. This will be achieved through Population Welfare
Program’s infrastructure & through the health service delivery infrastructure, partnerships with private sector
and networking with civil society. The provision of family planning service will include RH, counselling services
for attitudinal change for enhanced family planning practice and ensuring adequate supplies. Contraceptive
choice is to be widened by providing training to service provider in latest techniques. Quality service provision
will be ensured through regular monitoring.
Service delivery will specifically include:

1. Strengthening Community-Based Services: Population in rural and remote areas where there is
established unmet need do not have adequate access to affordable family planning & RH services.
These communities need special attention, which is being addressed through community-based
workers and out reach services. Female community workers will provide family planning services and
serve as a referral for clinical methods. Male community workers will at the grassroots provide
information and counselling, health education & awareness through IPC.

2. Linkages with Institutional Service Delivery System: The high unmet need for family planning requires
a concerted effort, by all stakeholders. The large Health Department infrastructure, relevant Provincial
Line Departments, Public & Private Sector Institutions and others will provide comprehensive family
planning services and attend to referrals.

3. Strengthening and upgrading the existing Family Welfare Centers: The gap in universal awareness of
family planning & the contraceptive use rate will be addressed through quality client centered family
planning services which are accessible and affordable. Family Welfare Centres will be strengthened and
upgraded to function within the ICPD framework of integrated service centres, which address the
holistic needs of a family. In addition to family planning & RH services, basic social services will be
offered in an integrated manner and will be run by a local management committee in which elected
women councilors will be actively involved. Serving the community in a coordinated manner.
4. Public-Private Partnerships: Social marketing will be encouraged and facilitated to intensify efforts in
urban / semi urban areas and move out to rural areas by associating registered medical practitioners,
hakims, homeopaths, paramedics, chemists/druggists and networking with CBOs. These activities
would be built around advertisement, outdoor publicity, point of sale promotion, Inter Personal
Communications, training and dispensation of products including interventions such as Norplant
Implant and facilities for voluntary surgical contraception. Initiatives for local production of
contraceptives would be supported and facilitated to reduce dependency on imported products.
5. Male Involvement: Men have a dominant role in decision making in the family setting, their active
involvement is, therefore, essential in planning family size, supporting contraceptive use, assuring
adequate nutritional status of pregnant women, arranging skilled care during delivery and avoiding
delay in seeking emergency obstetric care. Men need to be sensitized to their role as responsible
fathers and in recognizing the critical role of women in the health of the family. For enhancing male
involvement, male workers have been recruited in the rural areas to engage into a regular dialogue
with male community and sensitize the elders and parents. Provision for male contraceptive surgical
procedures will be strengthened, and the method promoted.

6. Improve and Ensure Quality of Services: Provision of quality services need to be ensured to address the
large unmet need for family planning and for improving contraceptive use rate. Accessibility of
services, attitude of service providers, their technical skills, counseling and follow up are the main pillar
for quality service provision. Basic standards for quality service provision are required to be formulated
through a consultative process of all stakeholders. For ensuring high quality services of uniform
standards at all service outlets a system of technical supervision and monitoring needs to be
institutionalized. MoPW will be responsible for laying down standards for family planning service
provision and will be involved along with other stakeholders in preparation of protocols for monitoring
family planning standards and will also be responsible to make required improvements. Training,
orientation & refresher courses will be conducted periodically at training institutions of MoPW.

The Policy addresses those who being illiterate lack knowledge or have inhibitions to practice family planning.
There is need also to address prevalent fears and misconceptions. A change in beliefs and the value system is
required to reduce fertility to replacement levels. This will be done through a carefully designed program of
advocacy and promotional campaign, which addresses all segmented target groups.
The Policy also addresses the issue of population momentum, which due to its current ever-largest cohort of
adolescents entering reproductive lives will be the main engine of population growth in coming decades. The
two-pronged strategy addresses adolescents through population and family life education in the formal & non-
formal education sector and reaches out to young couples with appropriate media, interpersonal messages and
An Advocacy Campaign will be devised to build and sustain adoption of the small family norm. It will raise
awareness about population and development issues by engaging change agents to communicate on the
impact of runaway population growth on the lives of the individual, family and communities.

 Advocacy programmes will utilize all channels of communication particularly the media, interpersonal
communication and mass education to convey the macro and micro effects of runaway population
growth. It will address the public and various influential groups as follows:

 Public Representatives: will be given orientations on the population problem and its critical link to
social and economic progress. They will be invited in turn to be advocates of the programme.

 Policy/Decision Makers: will be targeted to enhance their understanding of the inter-linkages between
population and sustainable development, to integrate population variable into their sectoral planning,
commit increased level of resources and extend overall support to the population sector.
 Opinion Leaders: will be sensitized about the continued benefit of birth spacing, safe motherhood and
responsible parenthood for enriching and improving the quality of life.
 Men: Males will be sensitized that family planning is a need for their own health and family well being.
 Youth & Adolescents: Youth are the future generation and need to be sensitized about the wide-ranging
consequences of rapid population growth for the individual, family and nation and, therefore the need
to build a mindset for responsible parenthood.
 Medical Profession: medics and paramedics will be motivated to accept family planning as integral to
the work of their profession, particularly in the context of primary health care.
 Organized Sector: Organized sector is to be associated as a partner to educate, inform and provide
services to their employees through their infrastructure in family planning & RH.

 Intelligentsia/Influential Groups: will be provided information about inter-relationships between

population and sustainable development to sustain awareness, understanding and enhance social
acceptability of the programme in society.

Training and Capacity Building

The following training programme and human resource development would be key features of the strategy:

 Family Planning Training: Population Welfare Programme has a nationwide institutional set-up of
Training Institutes. They are equipped not only to provide pre-service and in-service training to all
population welfare training personnel but also on an organized basis respond to the training needs of
nation building departments, public sector organization and NGOs.

 Human Resource Development (HRD): A Human Resource Development Plan will be prepared for
programme personnel. This has assumed added importance because of the need for re-training in new
skills and management approaches. In addition, there has been neglect in maintaining the level of
programme staff which is currently denuded due to superannuation and limited recruitment. It is
proposed to address these needs in the HRD Plan. As a starting point under the devolution plan,
District Government personnel will be re-trained in new methodologies of planning, coordination
functions, problem-solving skills and improving their capacity to manage activities relating to the
population sector.

The Program which to date has been federal will be defederalized with administrative, financial & programme
transfers to the provinces: The defederalization will further decentralize the program to the District level in line
with Governments devolution plan. This will be done through subsidiarity of the Population Welfare Program at
the district level. In addition, Health Departments are mandated to provide family planning services in the
primary health care infrastructure.

The Policy recognizes that population is a crosscutting issue, which cannot be addressed in isolation and
warrants an institutionalized coordinating mechanism. Coordination is required at all levels within the
government and outside and with all stakeholders. This function rests with the Population Welfare Division.

The following interventions would be critical for an effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism:
Management Information System

The Ministry of Population Welfare will ensure a review of its MIS system so that it is based on a District
monitoring of socio-economic demographic indicators and incorporates quantitative and qualitative data on
programme result based performance.

Logistic Management Information System

It is imperative to institutionalize an uninterrupted supply of a range of contraceptives. Since the policy

envisages active involvement of all public and private sector agencies in the dispensation of Family Planning/
Reproductive Health services, therefore an omni watch on the stock position of contraceptives in the services
outlets of all sectors would be crucial. This requires a strong and established Logistic Management Information
System (LMIS). Efforts would, therefore, be made to introduce a computerized inventory control system at
central warehouse for proper records of receipts, issue and for smooth distribution of contraceptive supplies to
all outlets.

GIS /Mapping
A proper mapping in each District of health, population welfare, NGO & private sector family planning facilities is
visualized, this would reduce duplication of resources, increase coverage especially of un-served and under–
served regions by relocating facilities, establish a blue print for effective referral system at the district level,
streamline services and finally serve as a tool for planning and monitoring purposes.
Research in Population and Development
NIPS will continue to provide national data analysis and research findings to ensure that planners, decision
makers & programmers receive operationally relevant information and analysis on the key interrelationship
between population and development variables. Under NIPS mandate it is entrusted with research covering all
aspects of population and development such as education, health, women, environment, labor force, aging,
adolescents and urbanization. This is in addition to NIPS traditionally strong research areas, which include family
planning, fertility, mortality, evaluation for the population programme components etc. The mandate also
makes the Institute responsible for imparting training in the field of population and development. NIPS would
also broaden its focus to cover a wide range of population and development issues and to collaborate with the
community of researchers within and outside the population field in implementing the agreed agenda.
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The Planning Commission had allocated an amount of Rs.9.5 billion for the Three-Year Development Plan (2002-
2005) an average of over 3 billion per annum. Keeping this as a bench- mark, implementation of the Population
Policy would require a financial input of Rs.24 billion for the remaining 8 years of Perspective Plan 2012 and
subsequently another Rs.16 billion at a declining rate of Rs.2 billion per annum till the year 2020. Hence a total
of Rs.49.5 billion requirements are estimated for the next 19 years for achieving the fertility replacement
perceived under the Population Policy by the year 2020. Major part of the financial inputs will cover the
provision of subsidized contraceptives to the clients, service delivery, training, advocacy, and research and to
cover human resource and infrastructure gaps essential for achieving the population policy objectives.

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