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Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network Committee, Malaysia

Special Issue to call for international justice, care, and protection to make effective,
preventive and protective measurement to any Myanmar Citizen and people in
File No. 01/2013 Date: 12 June 2013
Brief Story
Fact Sheet of Myanmar National violently Killed and Injured in Malaysia
Eight Myanmar citizens have been murdered and twelve men are seriously injured
by violent attacks of perpetrators in the suburb areas of Kuala Lumpur and some
cities in Malaysia for last two weeks. The violent attacks are still going on. None of
the perpetrators has been arrested so far.
This report is intended to urge concern authorities of Malaysia to arrest the criminals
and prosecute them according to laws and ensure safety of Myanmar citizens in
After community leaders of Myanmar citizens investigated the deaths and injured,
the conclusions were drew that the attackers are well-organized, coordinated, and
three groups who are professional killers. The community leaders presumed that the
attackers are possibly a well-formed international terrorist group. They randomly
violently attack Myanmar citizens in Malaysia.
The community leaders assumed that the three groups of attackers are combination
of foreign nationals, Middle Easterners, local Malay language speakers, and some
Myanmar nationals. The first group of 15 men uses 2 minivans and attacks the
Myanmar workers who walk from the jobs to homes and went to shopping places.
Other group is about 10 to 12 men who use motorcycles and attack individuals who
are alone and a group of 3 to 4 men. The third group is about 5 t0 8 men who enter
residents and attack the people. Some are attacked at the workplaces after the front
runners calls the group of motorcyclists who stand by nearby places to attack. Some
use dark-face-cover-masks while they are attacking the individuals.
After the quick attacks are completed, they run away and disappeared. The bead-
bodies and injured are left on the scenes. However, the recent reports say that the
death bodies are picked by the following vans, the same group of terrorists,
immediately after the attacks. As a result, the community leaders are unable to pick
and the deaths and injured even though they receive reports from the attack places
by the people who see it. In other word, the attackers do not leave any further
When the community leaders exam the death bodies and injured men, the similarities
are founded. The attackers use knives and sharp-iron-home-make-weapons and
attack by groups and cut the throats and stabbed from the back and front of bodies of
the victims.
After receiving reports and interviews from the community leaders who help the
victims, it is motivated and long term plan of violence targeting to the Myanmar
citizens. If it may go on longer times and Malaysian authority cannot catch up the
criminal and prosecute them accordance with the laws, uncertainty and fear of
Myanmar workers in Malaysia will definitely affect to international and bi-literal
relationship. Therefore, it is an urgency of Malaysian authority to effectively and
immediately investigate the crimes and ensure safety of Myanmar citizens,
accordance with the ASEAN treaties.
Conflicting Theories:
Some Malaysian Newspapers and TV stations covered that unrest between Myanmar
citizens are taken places in Malaysia. They violently attack each other, affected by the
recent unrests between the Buddhist and the Muslim in Myanmar. But Myanmar
community leaders believed that a group of professional killers and organized crime
group coordinately and randomly attacking Myanmar citizens. The killed and
injured men are Buddhists and Christians. They believe that it must be a group of
international terrorists who are supported by wealthy business people and
international crime groups.
Setting up Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network Committee
Myanmar Funeral Services, Religious Surroundings, Social Network and Opposition
political groups in Malaysia have set up Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network
Committee according to state of emergency for any Myanmar citizen or Myanmar
people in Malaysia. The Committee will be automatically dissolved only when the
scenes of incidents reaches to normal state.
Given the fact that Malaysia Police cannot stop the murder cases and cannot find
out the culprits or the murders yet and Rapid Police Response comes to delay after
crime or incidents occurred even 3 absconders from law, resent police report in
Malaysia media yesterday on June 11, 2013, has misled the situation, it should be
assumed as Cross-border International offenses as well as International extremist
terrorists. Thus INTERPO settles Myanmar slaughter cases as medium between
Myanmar and Malaysia
To Malaysian Authority
Immediately investigate criminals and prosecute accordance with the laws
Ensure safety of Myanmar citizens in Malaysia
To Myanmar Embassy
Open hot-line channel between Myanmar authority and Malaysian law
enforcement agencies and assist the victims and investigates the attacks
Meet community leaders to discuss to give necessary assistances for the funeral
services, victims, and injured.
The Myanmar Embassy should meet the detainees who are recently arrested by the
Malaysian authorities
Assist the citizens who are willing to go back to Myanmar by issuing temporary
travel documents and air tickets
Meet the victim and conduct financial and moral supports
Meet the victims who are fear of the violent attacks and cannot go back to
Myanmar who are fear of persecution because they have political, social, and
ethnicity difference
Assist the victims who have been taking shelters at residences and temple Form a
joint investigation unit with the Myanmar authority and Malaysian law enforcement
agencies and investigate the crimes
Register the victims who cannot go back to Myanmar because of fear of persecution
Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network Committee has declared that funds raised
donated by Myanmar Society in land and oversea are totally no concerned with this
committee in advance.
List of Killed and Injured Myanmar Citizens:
No. Name Parents Age Sex Birth Pace Date of Killed Date of Injured Place of Attacks
or Death Description
Passport No.
1. Min Zaw M May 30
2. Win Khine M 31 May
3. Win Hlaing * M West Okkala, Yangan 2 June At 12 PM on 2 June, some Malay
speaking people nock the door in Chara. Then the residents opened the doors. The
attackers attempted killed one of the men but he defended. Thus the attackers could
not enter into the resident. After Win Hlaing saw the attack, he ran out of the
resident. The attackers followed him. In the morning Win Haling body was found
death near the resident.
4. Saw Bur Blu Gay** U Saw Hla Sein and Daw Naw Say Phoe 20 M Ngapu Daw,
Irrawaddy Division 8 June at 1 PM Selayang Hospital, Ward No. 4 B MA 004462
5. Win Maw Thein ** 36 M Kyaut Taw, Rakhine State 30 May Selayang Tun Maw
Thein was attacked by a group of people while coming back from the work to the
home. He was stabbed by knives from the back and front for several times. He was
taken to ICU at Selayang Hospital and later died.
6. Aung Win*** U nay Win and Daw Khine Mya 30 M Mawlaming, Mon State 29 May
At 2.30 AM, a group of men with knives attacked him. He was seriously injured and
still in hospital.

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Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network Committee, Malaysia
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Myanmar Nationalistic Social Network Committee, Malaysia

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