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Prophet Muhammd ,on that day when he wanted to go to Mecca doned a black turban on his head and Ali-Bin-Abu Talib Raza Allah,handed over the flag in his hands Refugees and Ansars( inhabitants of Medina who helped Prophet).Rizvan Allah stood on left and right of prophet and said, move my camp towards that well where Zaber is standing and Prophet Muhammad moved forward with his camp. And thus entered Prophet Muhammad into Mecca ,without any resistence and fear and stepped forward and offered prayer and revolved around the holy Kabah. He ordered to open the gates of the Kabah and with his solefulpossession grabbed the doors handle and turned to the people and said,you should know about that Almighty who gave so much strength to the person to keep his words and his promise and defeated the enemies of faith.And then he said to the people of Mecca hey people! What do you say and what do you think that I should do to you. Sahil bin-Umar stoop up who still hadnt converted to Islam,said you are greatest of the greatest and you have come back for your own people,and for your community you fought and won ,you gave elders the respect and blessed youth with a compassionate sight and blessings and grace to children and women. Tears rolled down from the eyes of Prophet Muhammad and he said I will say and do the same as Yusuf Ali Islam did with his brothers[ verse]. Afterwards ,he came out and went to the place,where his army camp was and stepped forward to thank everyone who came to meet him. And then the people of mecca came in huge numbers and converted to Islam and took oath .Then Prophet Muhammad asked where are these two persons? people replied Abd Allah-Bin Sareh has taken shelter in the house of Ishman bin Afan Raz Allah and Ishman-Bin Afan Raza Allah and is interceding with him. Abdullah Bin Sareh was pulled out and was suggested to convert to Islam.Abdullah-Bin Khatal and Muqbas Bin Subaneh were dragged out after two days . Swaf Bin Amaya resisted mass conversion and was given shelter but he came to Prophet Muhammad and at that moment the bearer of Islam said Hey Swaf Bin Amiya you have only two choices ,either you convert to Islam or get klled by my sword. He demanded some time and asked for two months ,but Prophet Muhammad gave him Four Months. Akram Bin Abu Zahal wished as his wife was a muslim now and wanted Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah to convert him to a muslim,so he responded as his wife wished him and he converted to Islam and for three long days Prophet Muhammad made people to swear the oath of Islam. On the fourth day women came and got converted. And then the peope feom distant lands came and took oath. And after this the son of Allah marched towads the city of Hunin.

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