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ATTENTION GRABBER TITLE MATERIAL Written primarily for a Traditional Catholic audience: (That is, non-schismatic/SSPX etc., non-heretical/sedevacantist.

) Dedico ad Sanctus Raphael Archangelus et Alii Sancti, Sanctus Pater Pius Dedicated to St. Raphael the Archangel and Other Saints, St. Padre Pio pro Baptisma et Superate Infantae for the Baptism and Survival of Baby

XII (Duodecima) Anna orationa Sanctae Birgittae Sueciae : The 12 (Twelve) Year Prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden : Una Interpretatio Interlinea ex uno linguae Angliae in linguae Latinae ab me An Interlinear Translation from an English into Latin by me - English prose from unknown source, checked against also uncited pdf version, uncited in St. Pauls Philippines : Devotin to the Holy Souls in Purgatory 1st printing, 2006, Nihil Obstat Rev. Fr. Godwin B. Tatlonghari Imprimatur +Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, DD *see below for important details* -Latin text by me, according to my 1582/1610 Real Douay Rheims training (not the KJV-based Fake 1752 Challoner Douay Rheims of so-called traditional Catholics), Collins Gem Latin Dictionary, and free online resources, as well as my American BA Linguistics education. CONTENTS: ATTENTION GRABBER TITLE MATERIAL PROMISES ATTACHED TO THESE PRAYERS PRAYERS IN LATIN WITH ENGLISH TRANSLITERATION COMMENTARY UPON PRAYERS ORIGINAL STRAIGHT ENGLISH OF PRAYERS LATIN TRANSLATIONS WITHOUT ENGLISH


The following prayers were given in a private revelation by our Lord Iesvs CHRISTVS to Sta. Bridget of Sweden. They are to be prayed for 12 years. Our Lord promised the following graces to all who will have this devotion : 1 The soul who will pray these prayers will suffer no Purgatory. 2 The soul who will pray these prayers will be accepted among the Martyrs as though he had spilled his blood for the Christian *Catholic* Faith. 3 The soul who prays them can choose three other souls whom Iesvs will then keep in a State of Grace that is sufficient for them to become holy. 4 No one among the four successive generations of the soul who prays these prayers will be lost. 5 The soul wheo prays these prayers will be made concious of his death one month in advance. When the person who has committed himself to pray these prayers dies before the 12 years are over, our Lord will accept the prayers as having been prayed in their entirety. If a few days of prayer are missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up for later. This devotion was pronounced good, and was recommended by both the Sacro Collegio de propaganda fide *Sacred College of the Propagation of The Faith, as well as by Pope Clement XII. Pope Innocent X, in turn, confirmed the revelations of our Lord to Sta. Bridget.

PRAYERS IN LATIN XII (Duodecima) Anna orationa Sanctae Birgittae Sueciae oratio Munus in Honorem Pretiosissimi Sanguinis Iesvs O Iesv, orationem Domini reo septo orabo in unitate cum caritate toto quo in corde tuo hac orationem sanctificisti orationem ab labiae meae in cordi divino tui sume. Orationa meae corrige et complee ita ferent sic honorem et gaudiam ad TRINITATI beato sic hac oratione in terra concedisti. Haec orationa tibi gloriam ferent quoniam vulnera moeror-plena tua et pretiosem sanguinem quem pro nobis effundisti. *It would seem that the JesusMariaSite.Org translation is a much worse translation from the same original Latin. It really makes no sense at all so rendered in English. See further

comments on the authorship and craftsmanship of this work following the Internet-Philippines textual variant comparison below.*

Oratio Prima: Circumcisio Iesvs

Ora 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Mara et 1 Gloria, tunc: Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero vulneras primas, moerores primos, et sanguinis-missionem primam in expiatione pro peccatibus meis et generis humani iuventutis et sic protectio adversus peccatem mortiferum primum maxime in cognatis meis. *Im so far relying mostly on the Internet Text because it is the more orthodox, efficacious. The Philippines seems like it was done by infidels intent on removing the Catholicismicity from the prayer.*

Oratio Secunda: Passio in Monte Olivarum

Ora 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Mara et 1 Gloria, tunc: Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero passionem formidolosum cordis Iesvs in monte Olivarum et guttam omne sanguinis eii quem sudavit in expiatione pro peccatibus meis et generis humani cordis et sic protectio adversus his peccatos et pro extendum cariti divini et fraterni.

Oratio Tertia: Flaggelatus

Ora 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Mara et 1 Gloria, tunc: Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero vulneras milias multis, moerores tateres et sanguinem pretiosum flagellati in expiatione pro peccatibus meis et generis humani carnis et sic protectio adversus his peccatos et conservationem innocentis maxime in cognatis meis. Oratio Quarta: Coronatio Spinis : ora 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, tunc : Prayer Fourth : The Coronation using Thorns : pray 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, then : Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua Father Eternal, thru MARIEs immaculate hands Eternal Father, through MARIES Immaculate Hands et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero and thru divine heart of Iesvs to thee I offer and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee vulneras, moerores, et sanginem pretiosi capitis sanctis Iesvs the wounds, the pains, and the precious blood of Iesvs holy head ab coronatione spinis from the crowning with thorns in expiatione pro peccatibus meis et generis humani in atonement for sins my and of the human race as atonement for my and all of humanitys sins animae

of the spirit et sic protectio adversus his peccatos as protection against such sins et extendum regni Christi hic in terra. and the spreading of Christs kingdom here on earth. Oratio Quinta: Baiulatio Crucis : ora 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, tunc : Prayer Fifth : The Carrying of the Cross : pray 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, then : Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua Father Eternal, thru MARIEs immaculate hands Eternal Father, through MARIES Immaculate Hands et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero and thru divine heart of Iesvs to thee I offer and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee passiones in via crucis maxime vulnerem sanctum eium the sufferings on the way of The Cross, especially his holy wound in scapula eia et sanguinem eium on his shoulder and its precious blood in expiatione pro peccatibus meis et generis humani in atonement for sins my and of the human race as atonement for my and all of humanitys sins seditione adversus crucem, murmures omnes adversus ordinos sanctos tuos rebellion against the cross, every grumbling against thy holy arrangments et peccata omnes alia linguae and all other sins of the tongue, et sic protectio adversus his peccatos as protection against such sins et pro caritatem verum Crucis. and for true love of The Cross. Oratio Sexta: Crucifixio : ora 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, tunc : Prayer Sixth : The Carrying of the Cross : pray 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, then : Pater Eternae, per MARIAE immaculatas manua Father Eternal, thru MARIEs immaculate hands Eternal Father, through MARIES Immaculate Hands et per divinum cordem Iesvs tibi offero and thru divine heart of Iesvs to thee I offer and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee filium tuum in cruce, clavis adfixum et elevum eium, vulnera in manibus et pedibus thy son on The Cross, his nailing and raising, his wounds on the hands and feet et fluvies tres sanguinis pretiosi quae effundivit ab haec pro nobis, and the three streams of his precious blood that poured from these for us, tormentes extremes corpis et animae, mortem pretiosi his extreme tortures of body and soul, his precious death et renovationem eiam non-sanguineum and its non-bleeding renewal

in Missae sanctae omnia in terra in all Holy Masses on earth in expiatione pro in atonement for as atonement for vulnera omnia adversus vota et regulationes in ordines all wounds against vows and regulations within the Orders, in expiatione pro peccata meos et orbis totis, pro infirma et moribundus, as reparation for my and all of the worlds sins, for the sick and the dying, pro presbyteros laitos sanctos omnes, pro intentiones patris sanctis for all holy priests and laymen, for The Holy Fathers intentions ad renovationem familiae Christianiae, pro firmatus fidei toward the restoration of Christian families, for the strengthening of faith, pro regionem nostrum et unitatem in popules omnes in Christo et in ECCLESIA SUA for our country and unity among all nations in Christ and in HIS CHVRCH, etiam pro diasporam. as well as for the diaspora. Oratio Septima : perfossus laterae Iesvs : ora 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, tunc : Prayer Seventh : The Carrying of the Cross : pray 1 pater noster 1 ave maria, then : Pater Eterne, accipe sic digne pro necessitas ecclesiae sanctae et in propitione Eternal Father, accept as worthy, of the needs of THE HOLY CHVRCH and as atonement pro peccata omnia geni humani, sanguinem pretiosi et aquam ques effundivit for the sins of all mankind, the precious blood and water which poured forth ex vulnera cordis divinis Iesvs. Sis benignus et misericordes ad nos. from the wound of Iesvs divine heart. Be gracious and merciful toward us. Sanguine Iesvs, continum ultimum cordis sancti eii, Blood of Christ, the last precious content of his holy heart, lava me scelum peccatis meum et alios ! wash me of all my and others guilt of sin ! Aqua ex latere Christi, lava me poenas omnes pro peccata Water from the side of Christ, wash me clean of all punishments for sin et extingue flammas PVRGATORIO pro me et pro animae paupri omnes. Amen. and extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the poor souls. Amen.

* I hope I can get back to this at some point. Toward the end I got tired and just guessed at some of it. I couldnt find layman in my dictionary. I want to thank God that I will go to Heaven and escape all wickedness and ask you to pray for me should I have to stay in Purgatory. Pray for me that I always know and do what is right, especially in matters which might damn me. Please email me and write me encouragement to do the works which I do in translating prayers and this and that. It is true that those who are faithful to this prayer are among the martyrs. Please pray that if I have not yet died, that I may join the Martyrs and other very great Saints for the rest of eternity, even if I spend the next 70 years in a box.*

COMMENTARY *These are prayers from the St. Bridget of the 1300s who wrote The Revelations of St. Bridget, and the last one is from a Pope, I think.* ST PAULS Pieta Prayer Booklet (15 prayers) Devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory (12 years prayer) St. Bonaventure Publishing 1945 St. Andrews Daily Missal (Plenary Indulgence at Death Prayer) THOU / YOU IN MODERN ENGLISH TRANSLATION : A LINGUIST SPEAKS *I hope to reproduce their promises and them in full here. Im going to change you to thou where it can be reasonably done. Modern Standard Orthographic English I you he she it we you they Modern Standard Orthographic English for Religion, Translation I thou he she it we you they Modern Standard Phonemic Cambodian for Comparison kanyom neyak ge ge ge yerng neyak ge Modern Orthographic Standard Chinese wo ni ta ta ta women nimen tamen *The elimination of the literary pronoun thou is perverse and un-human, as anyone can easily be taught : you you your yours = thou thee thy thine And it adds great accuracy to our texts, as well as suitable reverence. See what the authors of the 1610 have to say about dumbing down the Bible. They imply that if anyone is so stupid, they should not have a translation twisted to fit their retardation. Otherwise, God when writing The Bible would have used such language, which he didnt. Thats why he chooses bishops and priests. See Eccus 10 on how God allows novelty-toters to

rule the people as a punishment for their sins.* Ill also be on the look-out for humankind~mankind etc. I also do some 1610-like orthography changes where appropriate.*

*All of these prayers need to be researched as to accuracy.*

ORIGINAL STRAIGHT ENGLISH OF PRAYERS From Philippines compared with From Internet From Internet From Philippines The 12 year Prayer of St. Bridget of Sweden Twelve-year Devotion for the Souls in Purgatory By St. Bridget Do not miss this other wonderful opportunity of salvation. To enter the Kingdom of God like a true Hero of good. The soul who prays them can choose three others whom Jesus will then keep in a state of grace sufficient to become holy. The Magnificent Promises of the 12 Years Prayers The following prayers were given in a private revelation by our Lord Iesvs CHRISTVS to Sta. Bridget of Sweden. They are to be prayed for 12 years. Our Lord promised the following graces to all who will have this devotion : 1 The soul who prays them will suffer no Purgatory. 1 The soul who will pray these prayers will suffer no Purgatory. 2 The soul who prays them will be accepted among the Martyrs as though he had spilled his blood for his faith. 2 The soul who will pray these prayers will be accepted among the Martyrs as though he had spilled his blood for the Christian *Catholic* Faith. 3 The soul who prays them can choose three others whom Jesus will then keep in a state of grace sufficient to become holy. 3 The soul who prays them can choose three other souls whom Iesvs will then keep in a State of Grace that is sufficient for them to become holy. 4 No one in the four successive generations of the soul who prays them will be lost. 4 No one among the four successive generations of the soul who prays these prayers will be lost. 5 The soul who prays them will be made conscious of his death one month in advance. 5 The soul wheo prays these prayers will be made concious of his death one month in advance. ** If the soul praying these prayers dies before the entire 12 years of prayers have been completed, the Lord will accept them as having been prayed in their entirity, because the intention of the soul was to complete them as directed. If a day or a few days are missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up for later, at the souls earliest opportunity. When the person who has committed himself to pray these prayers dies before the 12 years are over, our Lord will accept the prayers as having been prayed in their entirety. If a few days of prayer are missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up for later.

Prayers Honor the 7 Times Jesus Spilled His Precious Blood for Us, as Revealed by Our Lady to St. Bridget, and Approved by Pope Clement XII This devotion was pronounced good, and was recommended by both the Sacro Collegio de propaganda fide *Sacred College of the Propagation of The Faith, as well as by Pope Clement XII. Pope Innocent X, in turn, confirmed the revelations of our Lord to Sta. Bridget. Prayer of Offerings in Honor of the Precious Blood of Iesvs The 12 Year Prayers: O Iesvs, now I wish to pray our Lords Prayer seven times in unity with the love with which Thou sanctified this prayer in Thy Heart. Take it from my lips into Thy Divine Heart. Improve and complete it so much that it brings as much honor and joy to the Trinity as Thou granted it on earth with this prayer. (sic:) May these pour upon Thy Holy Humanity in Glorification to Thy Painful Wounds and the Precous Blood that Thou spilled from them. (:sic) o Iesvs, I will pray our Lords Prayer seven times in union with all the love with which Thou didst sanctify this prayer in Thy Heart. Take the prayer from my lips into Thy Divine Heart. Improve and complete my prayers so that they may bring as much honor and joy to the Blessed TRINITIE as Thou glorified The TRINITIE. May these prayers bring glory to Thee because of Thy painful Wounds, and The Precious Blood that Thou poured forth for us. *Note : Original Internet Text has you/your and other typical practices: Jesus, St., the Lord, whereas the better are Iesvs, Sto. Sta., our Lord / Spacing I will try to keep, reverent capitalization I will try to omit except where emphatic and unusual, to ease typing (and also match AD 0-1500 when everything was lowercase, unicial).* First Prayer: The Circumcision Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : 1 The Circumcision of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through MARIEs unblemished hands and through the divine heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the first wounds, the first pains, and the first Bloodshed as atonement for my and all of humanitys sins of youth, as protection against the first mortal sin, especially among my relatives. Eternal Father, through MARIEs unblemished hands and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the First Wounds, the First Pains, and the First Bloodshed as Atonement for all the sins of youth committed by me and by all mankind, and as protection of my relatives from Mortal Sins. Second Prayer : The Suffering on the Mount of Olives Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : Eternal Father, through MARIEs unblemished hands and the divine heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the terrifying suffering of Iesvs heart on the Mount of Olives and every drop of his

blood sweat as atonement for my and all humanitys sins of the heart, as protection against such sins and for the spreading of divine and brotherly love. 2 The Agony in the Garden Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys unblemished hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the terrifying suffering of Iesvs Heart on the Mount of Olives and every drop of his Blood that He sweated as Atonement for the sins of the heart committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again such sins, and for the spread of the Divine and brotherly love among all. Third Prayer : The Flogging Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : Eternal Father, through MARIEs unblemished hands and the divine heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the many thousands of wounds, the gruesome pains, and the precious blood of the flogging as atonement for my and all of humanitys sins of the flesh, as protection against such sins and the preservatin of innocence, especially among my relatives. 3 The Flagellation of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hand and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the numerous wounds and the gruesome pains that Iesvs suffered, as well as The Precious Blood that He shed for us during The Flagellation as Atonement for the sins of the flesh committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again such sins, and for the preservation of the virtue of innocence among my relatives. Fourth Prayer: The Crowning of Thorns Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : Eternal Father, through Marys unblemished hands and the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the wounds, the pains, and the precious blood of Iesvs holy head from the crowning with thorns as atonement for my and all of humanitys sins of the spirit, as protection against such sins and the spreading of Christs kingdom here on earth. 4 The Crowning with Thorns Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the wounds and pains that Iesvs suffered as well as The Precious Blood that flowed from The Holy Head of Iesvs during The Crowning with Thorns, as Atonement for the sins of the spirit committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing against such sins, and for the spread of Christs kingdom on earth. Fifth Prayer : The Carrying of the Cross Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : 5 The Carrying of the Cross Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ...

Eternal Father, through Marys ublemished hands and through the divine heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the sufferings on the way of The Cross, especially his holy wound on his shoulder and its precious blood as atonement for my and all of humanitys rebellion against the cross, every grumbling against thy holy arrangments and all other sins of the tongue, as protection against such sins and for true love of The Cross. Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the sufferings of Iesvs on The Way of the Cross especially the Holy Wounds He suffered on His shoulders, and the Precious Blood that came from these Wounds - as atonement for rebellions against The Cross, as Atonement for every murmuring againts Thy Holy Will, as Atonement for sins of the tongue committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again these sins, and for the spread of true love of The Cross. Sixth Prayer : The Crucifixion Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : Eternal Father, through Marys unblemished hands and the divine heart of Iesvs, I offer thee thy son on The Cross, his nailing and raising, his wounds on the hands and feet and the three streams of his precious blood that poured from these for us, his extreme tortures of body and soul, his precious death and its non-bleeding renewal in all Holy Masses on earth as atonement for all wounds against vows and regulations within the Orders, as reparation for my and all of the worlds sins, for the sick and the dying, for all holy priests and laymen, for The Holy Fathers intentions toward the restoration of Christian families, for the strengthening of faith, for our country and unity among all nations in Christ and in HIS CHVRCH, as well as for the diaspora. 6 The Crucifixion of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee Thy Son nailed and hanging on The Cross, Page 86 His Wounds on His Hands and Feet, and The Three Streams of His Precious Blood that poured forth from These Wounds for us, His Extreme Tortures of the Body and Soul, His Precious Death and its Unbloody Remembrance in all The Holy Masses, as atonement for all the offenses committed agains the Vows and Rules of Religious Life and The Priesthood ; as Reparation for my personal sins and the sins of the world ; as supplication for the sick and the dying for hte priest and the laity, for the Holy Fathers intentions towards the resoration of Christian families, for the strengthening of faith *The Theological Virtue, here mistranslated The Faith, as if that made any sense*, for our country, and for unity among all nations in Christ and in His Church *The Catholic Church of the Only Pope*, and for the people of the Diaspora *The Jews?*. Seventh Prayer : The Piercing of Iesvs Side Pray 1 Pater Noster, 1 Ave Maria, then : Eternal Father, accept as worthy, of rthe needs of THE HOLY CHVRCH and as atonement for the sins of all mankind, the precious blood and water which poured forth from the wound of Iesvs divine heart. Be gracious and merciful toward us. Blood of Christ, the last precious content of his holy heart, wash me of all my and others guilt of sin !

Water from the side of Christ, wash me clean of all punishments for sin and extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the poor souls. Amen.

7 The Piercing of the Side of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, accept as our worthy offering The Precious Blood and Water that flowed from The Wounds of The Divine Heart of Iesvs, for the needs of The Holy Church, and for The Atonement of all the sins of mankind. Be gracious and merciful toward us. May The Blood of Christ, the last precious content of His Holy Heart, wash me and others of all the guilt of our sins. May The Water from the side of Christ wash me clean of all the punishments of my sins, and may it extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the Poor Holy Souls. Amen. Sta. Bridget of Sweden was the daughter of Upplands Lagman, Birger Petersson and his wife, Ingeborg, who was a member of the same clan as the reigning family. Brigittas family was pious; her father went to confession every Friday and made long and arduous pilgrimages as far away as the Holy Land. / Brigittas mother died, leaving Brigitta, ten years old, Katharine, nine and a newborn baby boy, Israel. The children were sent to their maternal aunt for futher education and care. It seems that as a young child, B. had a dream-vision of The Man of Sorrows. This dream was very vivid. B asked him who had done that to him. His answer: All those who despise my love. The memory of this dream never left B and may have even left an indelible mark on her sub-conscious (sic). As was usual during the Age of Faith, *This is the root of all modern evils, for 400s St. John Chrysostom so warned that young men be married this early, lest they fall away from the Faith for their parents greed. Marriage must be early or fornication will steal The Faith, quotedeth he.* B was married when she was 13 to a young man, Ulf Gudmarsson, with whom she had 8 children, 4 daughters and 4 sons, all of them survived infancy, and that was very rare at that time. / When the King of Sweden, Magus Eriksson married Blanche of Namur, he asked his kindswoman, B to come and be Lady-in-Waiting and to teach the young queen the language and customs of her new country. After her years of service at Court, B and Ulf made the long pilgrimage to Santiago di Compostela *Sto. Ignatius (2-1) of Colliseum?*. On the return journey Ulf became dangerously ill in Arras. B feared for his death and sat all night by hid bed praying, and then a bishop appeared to her, promised that Ulf would recover and God had great things for her to do. He tolder her that he was Denis, Patron of France. Ulf recovered and was able to continue his work as a Lagman in the province of Na:rke until early in the year 1344, when he was very ill so b took him to the monks at Alvastra where he died and was buried. B remained in a little house near the abbey and she spent long hours in prayer by Ulfs grace. She said that she loved him like my own body. She arranged her affairs among her children and various charities and prayed for guidance. She was 41 years old and in the abbey at Alvastra God called her be My Bride and My canal. He gave her the task of founding new religious order, mainly for women. He said that hte other orders had fallen into decay and this new order would be a vineyeard whose wine

would revivify THE CHVRCH. He showed her how her abbey church was to be built, gave directions concerning the clothing and prayers of the nuns, 60 in all, who needed priests as chaplains, 13 priests, 4 deacons and 8 lay brothers. These two communities were to be ruled by an abbess, who was to represent the Blessed Virgin Mary together with the Apostles in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. / King Magnus Eriksson donated a little palace and much land to the new monastery, but almost as soon as she had begun altering the palace and organizing the work, Christ appeared to her and asked her to go to Rome and wait there until she got The Pope to return from France to Rome. She was to be there during the Holy Year of 1350. Brigitta left Sweden at the end of 1349 never to return. For the rest of her life she saw visions concerning the reforms of the Church, messages to kings and popes and many other persons in high places, directing them to work for THE CHVRCH. It may be noted that B never wrote in the first person. She always said that she carried a message from The Very High Lord. /// Althought she had longed to become a nun, she never even saw the monastery in Vadstena. In fact, nothing she set out to do was ever realized. *Christ died in the flowering of his youth, at the half-way point of the Psalms life-span of man, amidst the seeming failure of all his plans. The Scriptures seem to esteem it a great suffering to die young, perhaps for the sake of the good not done.* She never had The Pope return to Rome permanently, she never managed to make peace between France and England, she never saw any nun in the habit that Christ had shown her, and she never returned to Sweden but died, worn out old lady (sic) far from home in 71373. She can be called the Patroness of Failures. In this she was like her Lord. He was also classed as failure as He hung on The Cross. B was a successful failure as she was canonized in 1391. B was the only women (sic) ever to found a religious Order, Order Sanctissimi Salvatoris (Order of Most Holy Saviour). It was never a double order but an order primarily for women with permanent chaplains, ruled by an abbess. The brothers had as their head, not a prior but a Confessor General who was responsible for the spiritual business of both convents. The order spread swiftly throughout Europe with monasteries from Scandanavia right through Europe down to Italy. In modern times is has (sic sic) expanded into five different, juridically independent branches; Spain Rome USA 1629 1911 1970, Mexico at the change *(sic) of the century. *This may help identify the translators native language.* None of these foundations have brothers (except USA which has one male convent (sic)). The last Brigittine father died in Altomu:nster 1863. She is the patroness of Sweden. Her feast is 7-23. *This translation seems to have been made by a half-literate (Swedish?) speaker from the Latin, with this bit added on by their own hand. It is a shame to see no sources sited, no authorship or credentials otherwise. However, it is still a seemingly better translation than the Philippines, though I lack the Latin and am working on orthodoxy and logic.* *Prayer copied in full.* *Revision required* *This needs to be checked against online versions.*

FROM PHILIPPINES Page 80 Twelve-year Devotion for the Souls in Purgatory By St. Bridget The following prayers were given in a private revelation by our Lord Iesvs CHRISTVS to Sta. Bridget of Sweden. They are to be prayed for 12 years. Our Lord promised the following graces to all who will have this devotion : 1 The soul who will pray these prayers will suffer no Purgatory. 2 The soul who will pray these prayers will be accepted among the Martyrs as though he had spilled his blood for the Christian *Catholic* Faith. *I really, really like this one, as Im very interested in doing a better job of being a human and getting a higher place in Heaven, so that God is the more loved. I hope I was not supposed to, or could have been within Gods Will, a priest. I wonder if I did not try hard enough.* Page 81 3 The soul who prays them can choose three other souls whom Iesvs will then keep in a State of Grace that is sufficient for them to become holy. 4 No one among the four successive generations of the soul who prays these prayers will be lost. *This is why I want to do it. Otherwise, I would wonder about these generations. I do hope that none of my generations are lost and wonder what I can do to secure them. It is a very frightening thought, Mary, that any of my descendants, my descendants, should go to Hell. To what degree will it be my fault and something I could have prevented ? Oh, what a terror this is. Mary, I commit all of their Salvations now to thee. Memorare ...* 5 The soul wheo prays these prayers will be made concious of his death one month in advance. When the person who has committed himself to pray these prayers dies before the 12 years are over, our Lord will accept the prayers as having been prayed in their entirety. If a few days of prayer are missed due to a valid reason, they can be made up for later. This devotion was pronounced good, and was recommended by both the Sacro Collegio de propaganda fide *Sacred College of the Propagation of The Faith, as well as by Pope Clement XII. Pope Innocent X, in turn, confirmed the revelations of our Lord to Sta. Bridget. Prayer of Offerings in Honor of the Precious Blood of Iesvs o Iesvs, I will pray our Lords Prayer seven times in union with all the love with which Thou didst sanctify this prayer in Thy Heart. Take the prayer from my lips into Thy Divine Heart. Improve and complete my prayers so that they may bring as much honor and joy Page 82 to the Blessed TRINITIE as Thou glorified The TRINITIE. May these prayers bring glory to Thee because of Thy painful Wounds, and The Precious Blood that Thou poured forth for us. 1 The Circumcision of Iesvs Pater Noster ...

Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through MARIEs immaculate hands and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee the First Wounds, the First Pains, and the First Bloodshed as Atonement for all the sins of youth committed by me and by all mankind, and as protection of my relatives from Mortal Sins. 2 The Agony in the Garden Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys unblemished hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer thee Page 83 the terrifying suffering of Iesvs Heart on the Mount of Olives and every drop of his Blood that He sweated as Atonement for the sins of the heart committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again such sins, and for the spread of the Divine and brotherly love among all. 3 The Flagellation of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hand and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the numerous wounds and the gruesome pains that Iesvs suffered, as well as The Precious Blood that He shed for us during The Flagellation as Atonement for the sins of the flesh committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again such sins, Page 84 and for the preservation of the virtue of innocence among my relatives. 4 The Crowning with Thorns Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through The Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the wounds and pains that Iesvs suffered as well as The Precious Blood that flowed from The Holy Head of Iesvs during The Crowning with Thorns, as Atonement for the sins of the spirit committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing against such sins, and for the spread of Christs kingdom on earth. 5 The Carrying of the Cross Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee the sufferings of Iesvs on The Way of the Cross especially the Holy Wounds He suffered on His shoulders, and the Precious Blood that came from these Wounds - as atonement for rebellions against The Cross, as Atonement for every murmuring againts Thy Holy Will, as Atonement for sins of the tongue committed by me and by all mankind, as protection against committing again these sins, and for the spread of true love of The Cross.

6 The Crucifixion of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, through Marys immaculate hands and through the Divine Heart of Iesvs, I offer Thee Thy Son nailed and hanging on The Cross, Page 86 His Wounds on His Hands and Feet, and The Three Streams of His Precious Blood that poured forth from These Wounds for us, His Extreme Tortures of the Body and Soul, His Precious Death and its Unbloody Remembrance in all The Holy Masses, as atonement for all the offenses committed agains the Vows and Rules of Religious Life and The Priesthood ; as Reparation for my personal sins and the sins of the world ; as supplication for the sick and the dying for hte priest and the laity, for the Holy Fathers intentions towards the resoration of Christian families, for the strengthening of faith *The Theological Virtue, here mistranslated The Faith, as if that made any sense*, for our country, and for unity among all nations in Christ and in His Church *The Catholic Church of the Only Pope*, and for the people of the Diaspora *The Jews?*. 7 The Piercing of the Side of Iesvs Pater Noster ... Ave Maria ... Eternal Father, accept as our worthy offering The Precious Blood and Water that flowed from The Wounds of The Divine Heart of Iesvs, for the needs of The Holy Church, and for The Atonement of all the sins of mankind. Be gracious and merciful toward us. May The Blood of Christ, the last precious content of His Holy Heart, wash me and others of all the guilt of our sins. May The Water from the side of Christ wash me clean of all the punishments of my sins, and may it extinguish the flames of Purgatory for me and for all the Poor Holy Souls. Amen. *Prayer copied in full.* *Revision required* *This needs to be checked against online versions.*


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