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Geometrically nonlinear analysis of composite stiffened plates using finite elements

B. Chattopadhyay
Civil Engineering Department, Bengal Engirleering College, Howrah 711 IO_?, India

P. K. Sinha
Aerospuce Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpplrr 721 302, Indiu

M. Mukhopadhyay Ocerul Eq.yirlrerirlg R NULYII ArchittJcnrre Department, Imlirrrl Institute of Techrlology, tiharugplrr 721 302, India

Composite stiffened plates have been analysed for large deflection using the finite element method. An eight noded isoparametric laminated stiffened plate bending element developed earlier has been used. The element has the capability of including transverse shear deformation for the plate and the stiffener and incorporating one or more stiffeners anywhere within the element. The finite element analysis has been made using Mindlins formulation and with the assumption of small rotation. The nonlinear equilibrium equations are solved by the Newton-Raphson iteration procedure. Plates and stiffened plates of isotropic and anisotropic material with different boundary conditions have been analysed and results have been compared with those available. Parametric studies have also been carried out.


With the increased application of fibre reinforced composites in various fields, research on their behaviour in different structural forms has also increased. Most commonly used structural forms are plates and shells, used in aircraft and ships structures. Stiffened forms have been proved to be more efficient than the unstiffened ones as the former provide effective use of the material. Research on stiffened composite plates has been directed, so far, mostly towards buckling and post-buckling analysis. A few studies on the vibration analysis have recently been found. It is observed that the flexural behaviour of composite stiffened plates has not been studied fully. Very few investigations that have been carried out so far are restricted to small deflections only. At

higher loads, the transverse deflection of plate is large compared to its thickness. The bendingstretching coupling comes into play and the load deflection behaviour ceases to be linear. A large deflection analysis gives accurate responses. For composite plates coupling effects arising from ply orientations make the matter more complicated. The large deflection flexural response of composite plates has been extensively studied in recent years.2 Even with its growing importance, studies on the large deflection behaviour of composite stiffened plates are rather meagre. Turvey* has analysed uniformly loaded ring-stiffened composite circular plates for large deflection. In his modelling, the effect of a stiffener has been incorporated in the plate by considering statically equivalent local body forces acting on the plate.


El. Chattopadhyuy,

P. K. Sinha, M. Mukhopadhyay

The large deflection equations have been solved by the finite difference scheme. Liao and Reddy have investigated the large deflection behaviour of composite stiffened plates and shells by the finite element method. They have used degenerated three dimensional shell elements and associated curved beam elements which have been derived from the degenerated elements by imposing appropriate kinematic constraints. The incremental equations of motion developed using the principle of virtual displacement of a continuum and the total Lagrangian concept have been solved by the Newton-Raphson iteration procedure. The experimental investigation on the tlexural behaviour of composite stiffened plate in the nonlinear range has been carried out by Hyer rr a1.j They have used the STAGS (Almroth & Brogan) computer code to compare the experimental results with the analytical ones. STAGS models the stiffened plate as shell branches. In the present paper, an eight-noded isoparametric composite stiffened plate bending element developed earlier (Chattopadhyay et cd.) has been used for the nonlinear analysis. The elements ability to include transverse shear deformation for both the plate and the stiffener and to take into account any number of stiffeners within the element has been discussed by them. Nonlinear equilibrium equations have been derived using the principle of virtual work. The finite element formulation has been made using Mindlins hypothesis and with the total Lagrangian concept. Nonlinear equilibrium equations arc solved by the Newton-Raphson iteraction procedure. Stiffened and unstiffened rectangular plates of isotropic and composite materials have been solved for large deflection flexure and results are compared with those available in the literature. Parametric studies have also been carried out.

is based on in this paper. The formulation Mindlins hypothesis and with the assumptions of small rotation. Total Lagrangian approach has been adopted. Nonlinear equilibrium equations have been derived using the principle of virtual work.
Virtual work equation

For an elastic continuum undergoing small or large displacement, the equilibrium of internal and external forces can be expressed by the virtual work equation as:

{q}d{d}= !,



where j 6 } = nodal displacements continuum,

{R ] =

of the discretised

generalised external nodal forces, { II,) = Resultant of internal and external forces. {E} and {CT] represent strains and stresses as usual. Now, d{e}=[B]d{6} (2)

[B] is different from [I?] in the sense that [B] contains terms which are dependent on displacements when displacements are large. Combining eqns ( 1) and (2) yields {v}d{6}= d(6}[~]7jo}-(R}d{6}={O} I I


FORMULATION As stated earlier, an eight noded isoparametric element has been employed to model the stiffened plate. The element matrices of the stiffened plate element consists of the contributions of the plate and that of the stiffener. The formulations for the element has been presented by Chattopadhyay et al. and as such the same is not repeated here. Only the formulation for nonlinear equilibrium equations and their solutions has been presented

Equation (3) is the nonlinear equation of equilibrium to be solved. The integrals are carried out element by element and the contributions to nodal equilibrium are summed in the usual manner. Therefore eqn (3) can represent the equilibrium equation either at element level or in the assembled form.
Variation of strain
(i) Plate element

Due to the virtual displacements dj 6) at the nodes, the variation of strain within an element is considered. {SF} are the displacements at the

Nonlinear analysis of composite stiffenedplates


nodes of an element represented {S(}={S, &..... S,] for an eight noded element, where kV=j%4 isoparametric


{E:] is the shear strain,

plate bending


w, 8_,,?8.A at any and finally the nonlinear strain ( E,,}~ is defined as, 1

The midplane displacement components point within the element are given by U ZI we.,, 8,,}= i N,[Z,]{6}, I= 1 Considering first order nonlinearity, displacement relations are:


of inplane

ax, ij

the strain-


au ),,,2=-+-+ ax2 av ax,

The superscript 0 represents the linear and L represents the nonlinear part of the strains. The stress-strain relationship for the linear part of the strains are same as those given by Chattopadhyay
et al. 3

SO, the generalised strain components


The strain components {&j=#+{&JL Considering the variation

can be expressed as, (10)

d{E~=d(&}+d(riL, where {&::I is the inplane strain, expressed as,


the variation of the nonlinear part of the strain component can ble derived with the help of eqn 19). k,J- ofeqn (9) can be expressed as:





{E,,]is the bending strain,

aw ax2




aw ax,



R. Chattopadhyay, I. K. Sinha, M. Mukhopadhyay

are the displacement gradients with respect to lateral displacement w. Considering the variation of { E,,}~-, i.e., d{~,~}f-==;d[A]{B}+;[A]d{B} and using the special property (Zienkiewicz) [A ] and ( 19}, the above expression reduces to d{E,J =]A]d@] may be represented ments
( O}



0 aN

(13) of







in terms of nodal displace-

[G] =[C,G?.....GJ


FM =




Therefore d{8j=[G]d{&]

[Al G,] d/6} [()I WI


(26) (US)

Equation ( 14) can be written as d( E,}. = [A ] [ G] d{ 6 1 Again from vector representations eqns(5)and(lO), (1% of (E]!- as in
(ii) Stifjbner element

For a stiffener orientated parallel to xI direction, the generalised strain components (Chattopadhyay et 01.~) expressed in terms of the displacements of plate mid-plane are,

dj E},

[RI, d{d 1

Equation ( 11) can be written as d{.z}=[B](d{6}+[B]1. d(P) iE/=[R](lj6)+i[B](-j6} where [B] can be represented as (22) where (21) (21a)

Subscript st is used to indicate stiffener. Considering first order nonlinearity, the strains are

aw 2 iax,

{%I =


P,J Nl PI:!= [Ol PJ [ [()I m. L&lz Ml and P,32are represented as follows:


Nonlinear analysis of composite stifened plates




(30) Now, proceeding in a similar way as for the plate element, different matrices related to the variation of strain can be derived. The resulting matrices are given in the following, with subscript st to indicate the stiffener. (31)
5, _ 6 n+l % p



Displacement Ko+ K, = Se cant stiffness


(33) djc},, =[B]I:dj6}+[B]i;dr6} where [B]:, is given by Chattopadhyay [RI;, can be expressed as, (34)
et al.- and

Fig. 1.

The Newton-Raphson


or, A@},,=-bW1~1,

From eqn (3) it can be understood (35) The expressions for the variation of strain derived in this section has been utilised in the formulation of the tangent stiffness matrix arising during solution of the nonlinear equations discussed in the next section. Solution of nonlinear equations The nonlinear equilibrium eqn (3) is solved by the Newton-Raphson iteration procedure. In eqn (3) it+} is a nonlinear function of {S}. The solution process is illustrated in Fig. 1. If solution at n, (d,,} is reached, an improved solution at M+ 1, i.e., {S,,, ,), can be obtained using a curtailed Taylor series expansion of {p], that


which is the difference between external and internal load at point ~1. As the solution is approached, { ?,!I), tends to zero. The iteration process is terminated when


x 1OO~Toll


where Toll is the specified tolerance. In the present paper 1% tolerance has been adopted for all the problems solved. Expression for tangent stiffness Tangent stiffness, expressed in eqn (38), is derived by taking the variation of eqn (3) as,

A{%={@ 14



where A{ d},, can be rewritten by substituting (38)

Now{a}=[D](c}andd{o}=[D]d{Ej. Using eqn (2 1),



B. Chattopadhyay,

P. K. Sinha, M.


since [B] =[R] +[B]~ and d[B] = d[B]-. Therefore, combining eqns (32)-( 34) yields (43)

where [K], is secant stiffness expressed as


([B])[l)][B]do+; I 1
+ I




(@I ) b}
([Bl+[B].)[D]([Bl +[B])d{d}
I ,

([HI.) [D][B] dz/



=([K],,+[K]+[K]-)dj&} =[K],.d{d} where [K]= [Bjo7[D][Bldz~ I I (44)

The relations are also true for the stiffener element if the appropriate matrices for the stiffener element given earlier are used. Tangent stiffnesses and internal forces are calculated at element level and assembled afterwards.


[K].= [Bl[fl][B]~ dr, +

I ,

[B][D][B]- dz/


(47) where N, , N,, N(, are inplane stress resultants which can be obtained from the relation

To show the accuracy and applicability of the present formulation, a few problems on bare and stiffened plates of isotropic and laminated anisotropic materials have been solved. The results have been compared with those available in the literature. For all the problems solved, applied loading is uniformly distributed and tolerance level is 1%. The stresses have been calculated at Gauss points and extrapolated to get them at nodes using bilinear extrapolation. 4 x 4 mesh divisions have been used for the quarter plate for all the problems except where specifically mentioned.
Bare isotropic plates


where {N}, {M}, A,, B,,, II,, are as defined Chattopadhyay et al. 3


and { chj are defined in eqns (5)-( 7) and (9).


for internal force

Internal force j,.[f?]{ o} can be expressed following form using eqn (2 1a) ([B] +[B])[D]([B]+$[B]){&}dr~ I

in the

The case of isotropic unstiffened square plates with simply supported and clamped boundary conditions, analysed by Pica et al. have been solved. Geometry of the plate is indicated in Ref. 8. Material properties are E = 2.0685 x 10 N/m. Y= 03 16. The abbreviations used, i.e., LN, QS, etc. stand for different element types and are given in the paper of Pica et al. The nondimensional parameters are W= w(O,O)/t, c, =&/ (Et), o2 = o(x,y)u/(E$), where i=x or y, and a(.~, y) is extreme fibre stress.
(u) Clampeci
square plute


Centre deflections, centre and edge stresses obtained by the present approach at different load levels along with those obtained by Pica et al. and

Nonlinear analysisof composite stiffeenedplates


other researchers have been presented 1-3. The results are in good agreement.
(bj Simply supported square plate

in Tables

Bare composite plates A few of the composite unstiffened plates solved for large deflection by Reddy have been analysed by the present approach. The plates are of cross-ply angle-ply and orthotropic construction. Plate geometry and boundary conditions are as given by Reddy. Material properties are E_,/

Results for centre deflection and centre stresses along with those obtained by Pica et al. and other researchers have been presented in Tables 4 and 5. Results compare well.

Table 1. Clamped square plate - central deflections W Load Q 17.7Y 38.3 63.4 95 134.9 184 245 318 402 Levy: LN 0.237 0.471 0.695 0.912 1.121 1.323 1.521 1.714 I902 0.2349 0~4705 0.6990 0.9191 1.1318 I.3350 1.5347 1.7439 1~9109 Finite element (Pica et al.) Present

0.2368 0.4699 0.6915 0.9029 1.1063 1.3009 1.4928 1.6786 1.8555

0.236 1 0.4687 0.6902 0.9015 1~1050 1.2997 1.4916 1.6775 1.8545

0.2387 0.4717 0.6016 @9008 1.1025 1.2961 1.4874, 1.6774 1.8529

BFS 0,236 1 0.4685 0.6900 090 12 1.1047 1.2992 1.4908 1.676 1 1.8524 0.236 1 0.4684 0.6900 0.90 16 1.1054 1.3008 1.4928 1.6788 1.855)

LN four noded linear element. QL quadratic Lagrangian element. QH quadratic Heterosis element (Huges & Cohen). BFS Bogner-Fox-Schmit triangle (Bogner ef a/. I). RI Razzaque-Irons triangle (Razzaque).

Table 2. Clamped square plate - centre streses 0, (0,O) Load Q 17.79 38.3 63.4 95 134.Y 184 245 318 402 Levy LN 2.6 5.2 8.0 11.1 13.3 15,9 19.2 21.9 25.1 2.6274 5.5435 8.5570 11.575 14.567 17.493 20.446 23.605 26.318 Finite element (Pica

et al.)
RI 2.6890 54140 8.0205 10.521 12.971 15.390 17.885 20.438 23.020 BFS 2.6328 5.4847 8.3372 11.127 13.886 16.552 19.296 22.08 1 24.88 1


2.6319 5.48 16 8.3258 11.103 13.827 16.497 19.225 2 1.994 24.780

2.6144 5.4520 8.2908 11.066 13.789 16.456 19.178 21.938 24.713

2.6798 5.5898 8.5022 11.347 14.137 16.873 19.659 22.488 24.660

Table 3. Clamped square plate - edge stresses U, (a/2,0) Load Q 17.79 38.3 63.4 95 1349 184 245 318 402 Levy LN 5.48 11.52 18.03 25.32 33.5 42.4 52.8 63.9 75.8 3.3663 7.1122 11.198 15.639 20.46 1 25.597 31.172 37.459 43.121 Finite element (Pica et al.) Present

5.3163 11.216 17.726 24.967 33-045 41.885 51.719 62.325 73.407

5,299 1 11.189 17.697 24.946 33.038 41.900 5 1.763 62.401 73.520

5.2523 10.807 16.680 23.001 29.875 37.257 45.357 54.011 63.000

BFS 5.2915 11.137 17.556 24.649 32.485 40.96 1 50.25 1 60.097 70.190 5.4218 11.418 18.018 25.333 33.452 42.322 52.109 62.619 73.522


R. Chattopadhyay, P. K. Sinha, M. Mukhopadhyay 4. Simply supported square plate - central deflection

Finite clement LN OS 0.3478 0.8 184 (Pica et al.?



Load 0



0.3478 0.8 184
1.4655 2.3Y28 3.8128 h.0530 0.3437

9.16 36.6 136.5 586 2344 9377 QS quadratic serindipity

0.335 0.8 18 1.47 2.40 3.83 6.07 clcmcnt.

0.353 I O.K.303 1.4Y3 I 24380 3.8985 6.157 I

0.8 185
I.4657 2.3032 3.x I34 6053Y

14537 2.3145 3.7851 WOY 3

2.3Y27 3.8 124 fkO52 I



Simply supported

square plate -

centre stresses (7, (0,O)

Load U

Rushton LN

Finite element OS 2.6214 7Wh

(Pica et d.)



60 16 Cc)787 2fi653 7.1556 15.034 31~01 I 67-480 IS.3.7ti

9.10 366

246 A.YO

2fl.354 7.1837

6.9 S26
1_1+l35 30. I X8 65.756 1IY.YY

146.5 586
344 Y377

14.5 304
65.2 l-15.3

31.3Y6 6842X 155.24

.30. I83 65673 I -IY.hh

l-l+l I 5
30.1 30 65661 I-lY.87

E,. = 40, G,,,/E, = O-6, C;,, /E!. = GJE, = 0.5, and I,,.= 0.25. The.results of displacements at different load levels have been plotted in Fig. 2 along with those obtained by Reddy. The agreement among the results is excellent.
Isotropic stiffened plates T;


w 1.5


Crossply Angleply ___ -,-.-

Reddy 11980) A



The problem of isotropic square plates simply supported at four edges and stiffened by central stiffeners, one in each direction, has been solved. Geometry and boundary conditions of the plate are given by Reddy. Material properties used by Reddy are E=2.07~ 10 N/m and ~=03. Figure 3 represents the results of central deflections of stiffened and unstiffened plates at different nondimensional load levels as obtained by the present method and those by Reddy. The results are in good agreement. Rectangular plates, clamped along all the edges and having one central stiffener parallel to the x2 direction, have been solved by Koko and Olson6 using super elements. Using symmetry, half of the plate is modelled with 6 x 6 mesh divisions (Fig. 4). Geometry of the plate and the material properties are available from Koko and Olson@ paper. Figures 5a and 5b present the panel centre and stiffener centre deflections (Fig. 4) respectively at different load levels along with those by

0.5 0

100 p=q







Fig. 2.

Load detlection curves for four layer angle-ply (4S/ - 45/45/ - 45) and cross ply (O/90/0/90) squaw plates.

Koko and Olson. Panel centre detlections agree well with those of Koko, whereas the stiffener centre deflections are slightly different with a maximum difference of 12%.
Stiffened composite plates

The results available on the analysis of rectangular composite plates stiffened by rectangular stiffeners is due to Liao and Reddy. Problems solved by them have been solved by the present approach. Geometry and boundary conditions of

Nonlinear analysis of composite stiffened plates

1.0 Present


280 , 210-


----Non-stiffened a Reddy 11990 1

oPanel 1.0 O-8o Present Koko (1991) 5 10 centre 15 0 0.L 0.8 1.2 l-6 w /h Cent re def lectlon



i !!5 (mm)



Fig. 3.

Load deflection curves for stiffened square isotropic plate.

and unstiffened

Stiffenercentre displacement (mm)

Fig. 5.



curves for plate (isotropic).



500 mm cl IOOOmm E 120-

Present Liao 0. Reddy(19891

Mesh divisions for rectangular stiffened Fig. 4. Koko and Olson. A - Panel centre. B - stiffener

plate of centre.

the simply supported plates with central stiffeners, one along each orthogonal direction, are given by Liao and Reddy. The material properties are E,/ E!,= 25, E,.= 7.031 X 10 N/m? v,~,= O-25, G,,./ E!,= 0.5, G,, - G,,., GJEy= 0.2.
(a) Cross-ply stiffened plute
Fig. 6.

I 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 Central deflection,



w (xl0mm)

In Fig. 6: results of central deflections of the stiffened plate at different load levels have been compared with those by Reddy. The results compared well.
(b) Angle-ply stiffened plate

Load deflection

curves for cross-ply



Geometry and material properties for this plate is the same as that of (a). Figure 7 presents the results of central deflections as obtained by the present method and those by Reddy. Present deflections are slightly lower than those by Reddy. It can be observed from Figs 6 and 7 that the cross-ply stiffened plates are stiffer than angle-ply stiffened plates. Bending moments M,r, and ikZYz at

the centre of the cross-ply and angle-ply stiffened plates are presented in Figs 8a and Eb, respectively. These results are not given by Reddy. From the figures, the following observations can be made. Bending moment M_,.2 of the cross-ply stiffened plate is higher than Mx,. This indicates that the structure is stiffer in the xz direction. This is due to the fact that the layers in the x2 direction are arranged in a particular sequence (preferred for


B. Chattopadhyay,

P. K. Sinha, M. Mukhopadhyay

higher stiffnesses) compared to those in the x, direction. Moments IUY, and 111,?are almost the same at the centre of angle-ply stiffened plates. This is evident from the uniform stacking sequences in both the directions which give similar stiffness properties.

Parametric study The load deflection behaviour of eccentrically stiffened composite plates has been studied for different stiffener parameters. For the purpose of the study an eccentrically stiffened cross-ply square plate has been considered. The stiffeners are placed along the x2 direction. The parameters varied are the eccentricity and the number of the stiffeners. Figures 9a and 9b show the geometry, boundary conditions and stiffener positions. Plates with a single central stiffener are analysed

E 2

120 100

Present Liao IL Reddy(1989)



,g C .0 0 -I

40 60 200

0 I 0.2

I o-4

I 0.6

1 0.8





Fig. 7.

Load deflection

curves for angle-ply




400 mm


-G > 2 z
0 -I


0 Moment

u =v:w= x21


ex2= 0

5 Mxl

10 x10 (N-mm)




1-l 33.33 ,-

1_133.33_ I-


I eq=ex2=o

Moment Fig. 8. Mx2 x 10 I N -mm)

(b) Fig. 9. Geometry and boundary condition (BC-6 of Ref. 9) of the composite stiffened plate used for parametric study (a) one stiffener and (b) two stiffeners.

Bending moments at centre plate of Reddy (a) cross-ply

of stiffened


(b) angle-ply.

Nonlinear analysis of composite stiflenedplates


using a quarter plate model and those with two stiffeners using a half plate model. The details of mesh divisions are presented in Figs 9a and 9b. The material properties are the same as those used by Liao and Reddy.x The results are presented in Figs 1Oa, lob, 11 and 12. Figures 1Oa and 10b show the load deflection characteristics of the plate for different stiffener eccentricities, having one and two stiffeners respectively. From these figures it can be observed that the stiffness of the composite stiffened plate increases with the increase in the stiffener eccentricity. Also the nonlinear effects are reduced with the increase in the number of stiffeners. Figure 11 shows the load deflection curves for the plate with varying numbers of stiffeners having the same eccentricity. From this figure it can be observed that the increase in the number of stiffeners increases the stiffness of the composite plate. In Fig. 12, the deflection patterns of the stiffened plate along the centre line parallel to the x, direction is presented for a constant load level and varying number of stiffeners. This figure illustrates the change in the deflection pattern with the increase in number of stiffeners.

CONCLUSIONS Formulations for geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite plates with laminated stiffeners has been presented in this paper. It is evident from the results that the stiffened composite plate bending element developed earlier (Chattopadhyay et d3) performs well in the nonlinear range for both isotropic and anisotropic stiffened plates. The formulation is simple and can be easily programmed. For the type of stiffener presented in this paper, the ply orientations of the plate and the stiffener can be arranged properly to achieve desired stiffness properties in any direction. The + 45 orientations in the plate and the stiffener give similar stiffness properties in either of the orthogonal directions. For a composite plate the stiffness can be increased either by increasing the number of stiffeners or by increasing the stiffener eccentricity. Though rectangular stiffened plates have been analysed in the present paper, stiffened plates of

- One


1 v OV

es= 9.0mm

1 Deflection


Fig. 11.
Deflection (mm)

Load-deflection curve for varying no. of stiffeners having same eccentricity.


stiffeners * Distance along plate centre (mm) ci



Unstiffenedv Deflection (mm)

Fig. 10.

Load-deflection curves for eccentrically composite plates.


Fig. 12. Deflection shape of the composite unstiffened plate along centre line parallel

stiffened and to X, axis.


R. Chattopodhyay,

1. I(. Sinha. Ml. Mukhopadhyay

using super elements. Int. J. Nuts. Meth. 319-43. 7. Levy, S.. Square plate with clamped edges under normal pressure producing large deflections. NACA Tech. Note, 8-17. 1942. of anisotropic s. Liao. C. L. & Reddy. J. N.. Analysis stiffened composite laminates using a continuum-based shell element. Computers R!Smrct., 34 ( 1989) 805-I 5. 9. Pica. A.. Wood. R. D. & Hinton. E.. Finite element analysis of geometrically nonlinear plate bchaviour using Mindlin formulation. Cbtnp~rters & Sttwt., 11 fened plates

any arbitrary planform can be analysed. It can be shown (Chattopadhyay et ~1.~) that the stiffener formulation of the present element can be modified to include general open-section stiffeners. The present formulation can be extended to include nonlinear dynamic postbuckling and other aspects of analysis of composite stiffened plates.

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1I9)73, 5xs-00.

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