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.. The Blood of Iiu Son Cleinueth -,.From AU Sin.

Vol. XIII. Los Angeles, July 30, .1908
these and of
SALVATION depends on a revelation of sin, not a the Nazarene as Hts :vmce'to conserve and perpetuate a
covering of it. . . vital piety in the world. - Beloved, let us not miss Gdd's
.. WHETHER you-are-strong-or-w"eakr- make it-your-pur,- .oppo..r.tunity. .. _u&_ p.lqn __ _wi!'lely under the leading .
pose to let God have His way with -you. - artdolfglft.ortne'XlolyGllost, on Biole aoct-tinEfs-;-ni-e-tlro'dr
and experience, apd l_et us "all be at it and and always
at," untill God shall bless this co\mtrywiili .. a tideoi sal-
vation that will sweep hundreds of thousands into the
kingdom, . and then overrun the world with salvation.
The Reason for Decline.
WE have read recently, in one of -our -religious w eek:- . Amen.- - - . ---- - .. R. - P.
lies, that spirituality in England and Wales is declih1ng at
a rapid rate. and that there has been a great falling away _ S F - n t: t A- - bl
in Wale<3 during the past year, notwithstanding the great ail - ranCISt.O IS riC Ssem y'.
- awakening of three years ago. -One reason and another _
- been_ given fo:: decline, but none of t?em_ to our Third Annu'al Assembly of -the San Francisco:Dis-
mmd touches the real cause. One of the mam reasons, . . trtct met at Beulah Park, _ East Oakland, July 8, 1908.
" we think, for the decline of spirituality is, that when God. After singing-, Dr . . Bresee led th.e people . in. a .gracious
spoke <.io marvelously to England anq Wales, and poured prayer. -- . _ . '
ouL :His power upon thein, the did not take God's . 'The minutes of the previous year were thEm ,rea_d, the
oppqrti mity and push the work.:_irrespective of denomi- aQ.d after calling and corr-ecting the
-c the whole Britain and Ireland was roll, appointing the committees, and introdqcinga number
ablaze -with revival fires. Another main .reason why many of Qersons to the Assembly,_ General Superintendent H. F.
have not stood who were reached by that reviyal was, that Reynolds gavean address -on the work of the Pentecostal
it was not placed upon a solid foundation and Church of the Nazarene throughout the United States.
the converts 'led into the experience Of a pure heart. He: spo,ke oL-the -origin of the Pentecostal Church, some-
These were the things that saved England under . the thing Qf . t,he Church of the Nazarene, and' the union of
Wesleyan revival, and perpetuated the work, out of which. these t'wo ' bodies, together with the union of the
was born the great Methodist Church; and i-f the Method Southern Church. We are rejoiced . to see how God is
ist Church had kept true to its God-given mission- to working and are determined to doour part as a District to
spread Scriptural holiness over the land-it would have make the work tell for God and holiness.
swept the world before this. . _ Thursday and Friday mornings were given to hearing
The Methodist Church started out with a Scriptural reports of the ,Pastors. _These showed an increase in
doctrine and experience, which had in it the power of every charge. without exception, and preachers and peo-
perpetuation. It had a good fo'!-mdation-Holiness. Not ple got -blessed as they told of what God had done the
only were thousands saved by its ministry, but th-ey were past year. All spoke feelingly, and at times the Assem-
immediately urged to "go on to perfection." This expe- broke out in singing, shouting and waving of handker-
rience gaYe them aggressiveness-nothing could stop chiefs.
them. Persecution, ridicule, ostracism.or imprisonment, The report of the Statistical Secretary is as follows:
could not take away their experience, and this was their Total_nlJ_mber of Mt!mbers ................. ......................... ... 256
. motive power and confidence. Then Wesley. was a master Total ifu'mber Sunday School 'Scholars .. .. .. ......... .. : ......... 280
Total number Officers and Teachers ........... . _ .. .... .... .. ......... 42
systematizer, and he- thoroughly organized the work, so Total value of Church Property ................ ......... $20,300. 00
that the methods and work were suited to perpetuate the Total Indebtedness ........................... ..... , .. .... ......... 5,500. 00
experience which they had received, and keep ''religion on Amount rais'ed for Church Buildings .... ................... 5,910.55
Amount raised for Pastors' Support ......... : ............. 2, 983.55
fire." And ag-ain, Wesley adopted the Bible way_and Amount raised for Current Expenses .... ................ .... 785.20
method-the freedom of the glow of testimony,

the spiritual singing, and the outdoor and indoor Amount raised for Missions ...................... : ..... .. .. .... . : .. 315. 17 ..
ing .. to men's souls unde.'l." the power of the Holy Ghost Amount for other Benevolences-.. , ..... ... .. .... . 1,093. 60
awakened thousands to a need of salv.ation. Tot&:! raised . .': ............... ....... ....... ... 11,770.78
constant spiritual decline in any system The needs of the District were set forth in the repor-t
that has not for its . main object the elimination of sin, S{f of the District Superintendent. He said:
as to make the heart pure for the indwelling of the Holy "We need two things-1st, Holy Ghost filled, fire-
Spirit. A Church is--not the Church because it has great baptized and glory-crowned men and women-- with the
numbers or wealth, but is the Church because it is' fulfill- cause of God and holiness on their hearts; who will stand
ing God's plan in the world, that"of bringing the blood of in the thick of the fight without flinching: We must have
the) .. the remed-yfo,rthe malady of the world-SIN. men arid women with the martyr. spirit in those
. God is_: speaking. again to the-- 'Yorld, . we believe in . who .. will - hold back : nothing'. by way of time, labor,
2 Nazarene Messenger
. '
. . . . . .. , . ,. . . .
strength, money, sacrifice, etc., . but will put all they have and encourageme!lt will .be long rerilembered by the mem:
and ar.e into the work. . hers of the Assembly . .
''2nd, We need and want money.' work is crip- The reports of . the Deaconesses, Lay Deleg:ates and
pled in noe having suitable places in which to worship. Preachers were heard with interest.
We must have our own church property. To pay big rents Bro. Shepardson was present and inspired the people
and be always ready to move out when landlord says so, with his message -of faith and love. We delight to listen
will riot do. Had we a few thousand dollars we could to those :whom God has used and who have fought sue-
secure good properties in these various places, and then cessfully the good fight of faith and ready to
we would be in condition to push the battle on. Alameda, exchange the armor for .the crown. . . .
San Francisco, San Jose and othe:r; places need church We.were peculiarly fortunate in having both our Gen-
buildings of our own. And by the grace of God we shall eral Superintendents with us. We love them both. May
have them.' ' the Lord bless them in their wo:rk. .
A-number- of-persons.:.. r_e..ceived -into we gath?red abput
amidst 3s gracious burst of rejoicing among them Revs the altar-m-a-elosmg,. -season .of . prayer for God 11 blessmg .
. . . . . ' : ul?on .the and people 1!-nd upon the of the .
Hornf Langstaff and w1fe, and later on Rev. District and that God may contmue to forward this work
Nead. . in this place for His own Name's sake.
Dr. Bresee spoke helpfully at different times through- H. ORTON WILEY; Secretary
out the Assembly, and.' his words of instruction; caution H. ___
rtontrzbuted Artzcle
''mustgo the way of the earth,'' but about, and enemies (within and
'-./I was serving a kingdom that was to without) finding they can no longer
Here, Lord, I come and give to Thee
AU that I and hope to be.
I love Thee more than all beside
In Thy 'great love let me abide.
My all to Thee I now resign,
So now to Thee I give my time;
For I am Thine, and Thou art mine;
Now on Thy breast let llle recline.
what can I of Thee more.?
Thou art the God whom I adore.
Now, precious Lord, I want to be
Entirely given _up to Thee.
And now to Thee I will confess
That I am all unrighteousness,
Yet one day _I expect .to be
My Lord divine prepared to see.
be perpetuated, if his descendants dominate are seeking tolerance. We
would show the same fidelity to God; \'even find those who like Joab, refuse
"there shall not fail thee a man on to leave the altar, but tr.ue manliness
the throne of Israel." Solomon was does not : tolerate . any violation of
a young man, and upon him were . God's law even there.
falling David's kingly auties. They < David's . words are cominanding.
were and rearmarihood was He don't say "try to be strong," but
necessary, that judgment be not "be thou strong therefore." We go
swerved by sentiment, prejudice or through the Word from Genesis to
fear. - Revelation and everywhere is the
Many a man has shown himself a .. exhortation, "Be strong." ''To the
tower of strength in times of great old men, be strong;" and "To the
peril, and yet has been so warped by young men, be strong."
sentiment or prejudice that his oppo- We have obstinate men and women,
nents found it easy to thwart his but our is need strong men -strong
success by prevailing upon his sympa- people who are men (and women).
thy or petting some of his prejudices Solomon counselled with the old
Thou hast bought me full well I know; a little. David especially men who had counselled with his
Now in Thy knowledge let me grow, to be more like Thee, some duties to Solomon, and prefaced father, took good heed to David's
Thou who died on .Calvary's tree. his instruction with words of . the admonition, and we have to look back
My gracious Lord, now let me be. text. Hardly had the sacred services upon the greatest kingdom known.
Just 'fhy love slave, bound fast to Thee; o.f David's funeral passed when Solo- "Be thCJu strong . therefore, and
Tiiatfrom -Theelmay- never stray, --- moii's enemieS"'arrd-the---enemies- of--show- thyself a man," that the
Out of the straight and narrow way. righteousness began their sympa- "kingdom of David" may be perpet-
.- .tl .tl- W. E. Green. thetic pleas and connivance for uated in us.
STRONG MEN NEEDED. tolerance. What timely and Godly Seattle, Wash.
DE LANCE WALLACE. admonition that Of David, "Be thou $ $ $
"Be thou strong therefore, and show thy- strong therefore, and show thyself a A CALL FOR PERSONAL WORKERS.
self a man."-1 Kings 2:2. . man." c. E. CORNELL.
These words spoken by King David We love. sympathetic people. Our The Church of Jesus Christ needs a
to Solomon, his son, "are written for Lord is touched with galaxy of. holy men and: women. who_
our admonition, and are profitable "He saw my lost estate, He flew to will do personal work. Thousands of
for instruction in -righteousness." my relief." But true love and com- souls have been won to Christ by
Strong men have always been needed passion does not always grant the personal effort. Earnest per-
to push great work, and any work is object of sympathy its petition. sonal solicitation, specific prayerfor
"felt" according to the strength of . What God has condemned, we must individuals, an occasional
the man who is responsible. Israel not allow; hence in this great work /brotherly letter filled with loving
is God's peculiar nation. God had to which God has called us
we need. admonition and warning, are imppr-
called David and anointed him -king, to be strong; .. therefore, a'nd . show. tant agencies . used of God to bring
done great and mighty things for and ourselves men. men to ..
through him untiJ, because of his Those whp have stood at the front H. Chiy Trumbull, the late editor qf
fidelityno man or ldngdom so strong of the battle have under God brought the Sunday-School, was a sys-
had yet been known. usto a point pf, fear has thorough .personal worker.
David was . now an old man and come upon all the nations round For. forty years he made . a . practice of
Jtrly 80, 1009}
singl{ng . individuals and talking of the downfall of the ancient w.orld:
with them about thejr.:. souls. Iii ' his When the Star of Bethlehem appeared
vl:tltfable book, "Individual Work for in the heavens the Empire was
Individuals," .he relates how wonder- already honeycombed to the core. It
fully God blessed his effortS:- - is true, with Christianity a new Rome
Another celebrated soul-winner who appeared, but it was saturated with
. believed in direct personal solicitation, Pagan ideas_ and Pagan idolatries,
was Dr. J. 0.-Peck. He won hundreds which p:r;oduced the Dark Ages. In
of men_ to Christ in this way. Bishop the fifteenth century when sQciety
Goodsell relates this incident concern..: was groaning under. the .. spiritual
ing him: darkness as the result of this union,
_ of holiness to all the - _
.holiness. Live _ holinesS. -It is. the
only that goes to the root of all ..
the-'.sin.and misery that has'for six
. thousand years been wrecking . and
ruin-ing millions, undermining nations
a.nd populating hell. Holiness in the
individual, society, and in the
is the reme4.y.
.. .il ..
' 'While I was pastor at First Church, Savonarola came to the front and
New Haven, Dr. Peck having sue- hurled thunderbolts of divine wrath
my cus- -at_eyihdo_etil,_and_t.ri_ed to-bring about less- bon
tom to go to New York on an early a reform. But -he was unsuccessful ored-by-the-world-th:an-th-e-curbstone-"-
. train Monday morning to read. proofs died a -martyr. In the beginning He is a figure
of. a-. in_ the Christian of the sixteenth century, Luther by the surgmg with
Advocate,. of which I then had charge. pinned his immortal thesis on. the Some pass him by
... One morning-I- m-et- Dr-:-Pec k-be fore - cn:urch-=ooor, wliiCn set alrCnristen- witlL....a- feehn_g- of-
6 o'clock, plowing his way through dom ablaze with reformatory light. have a false pity, w_hile there are a
the sand a foot deep. 'What calls you Savonarola str uck at the effect, Luther who to . and
out so early, doctor?' I 'I am struck directly at the cause, the root still who_ his !Je
going to see a man who lied to the of the then-prevailing crimes, viz: not seekmg his own IS mmd_ful
Holy Ghost, and speak with him the false theology and government of only of_ the cause of and dymg
he goes to his work. He promised the Roman Church which sustained humamty:-. hves are at
God and me yesterday that he would them and reform was the natural opportumties passmg; death active;
seek pardon at the altar last night, .. result. ._. .. : . deception"and Jesus' coming
and hedid not come and I am-going Wh W
. d . h . soon . . He r _eahzes the value of a
. , en es ey appeare m t e sev- h - 1 d h b f .
to see abdut it., I shall never forget enteenth century -the Church was - . t . _/f
the wonderful light in his eye and his enveloped in --ecclesiaa-t;klsm and dead man s t prot.a Ion. d chis;
determined stride . as he plowed on f )' . . H t k d . . - I . earnes ac IOn, an ristiamty IS
. _ . _ , orma ISm. e oo struc 1rect y at t' 1 Th - f J
after that neglectful soul. Is . it any the root, the theology of the Church, t wHitnesses _otr, ' lelsbus
wonder that he was a great evangel- d h f . h rea Ize a w en e comes I VJ'I e
. ?" . an anot er re orm swept over t e like "as in the days of Noah." If
Ist . land. . . .
Here, then, is a great ana impera- . the saved then, depicts -the
tive need of the church. It requires What is the situation today? Do of the final -
day, .
more than ordinary courage and skill we need a new theology? No! The alarmmg to . contemplate . . This IS
to do this sort of work effectively. Church permitted men to preach who enough t? convert ev_ery sanctified
The blessing of Pentecost coupled with did .not have sin killed in them, and person mto a veritable
. good common sense will insure sue- ere long they denied the possibility of preacher.
cess. My friend, wi ll YOU become a . an experience they did not possess, It is beneath the dignity of many
personal worker? and, "like pastor, like people." Is it preachers to proclaim the Gospel on
. "' .$ "' not true that our ministers and reform. the street. I-t- isn' t conducive to pop- J
GO AFTER THE CAUSE. ers are. conscientiously laboring to ularity, and doesn' t pay in dollars
-- BESSIE CObbiNs-. ---- -- --staunch-the- flow- of- the- gigantic- and- cent!:!-. - This- -' 'highfalutin_u__
This is an age of new_ and startling stream of social and political corrup- preacher lacks that passion for souls
things. Ever and anon, new inven- tion that is slowly but surely under- so characteristic of full salvation.
tions and new discoveries are behrg mining our nation. Then why are Noah was a sort of street preacher;
made which entertheindustrialworld they not more successful? .Are they likewise Jesus and the
and make its pulse beat faster and blind to the real facts, or are they They preached the Gospel to the poqr.
gives it a still higher degree of mate- ignorant of the remedy? Experience There are myriads of people who do
rial development. teaches the well-established truth not hear the "from all sin" . soul-
--Fast ages with all their glory never . that it is only the man who has the saving salvation preached from the -
equalled the present in material per- well-cultivated mind, j oined with the _ popular pulpits, since it does iwt
''iection. .The Pagan world reached a pu'rified heart, , who digs down_ until emanate from tha.t source. The sen-
high degree of civilization and he find _the root, instead of spending timEmi here is popularity rather than
duced scintilhitin'g stars. all his time . fighting .. the prjnciple, arid dollars rather than
trious .glory has never been surpassed To such a spiritual one, the difficulties dy,,ing humanity. Higher critiCism,
in the field of art literature. The of the removal of the brazen evils of advanced thinking--, and sociology are
.. principles o:f morality which were today, would cause- a feeling akin to supplanting Christianity. and
embodied in the old civilization. were despair, but_ that we. .know there . .is a .. this..Church.is_ sig- .. _
the product of not revelation, that - kills the . root as well as nificantly "ichabod. "
and never at the root of sin; takes of the branches. All other There are many church sign boards
hence sin sprung up and flourished re_medies are - but plasters to soothe which read " Strangers . are welcome
like a green bay-tree in a soil S<' the pain, but will not kill the disease. -seats are free," but allow the
genial to it, Its is the. history But holiness will. Unfurl the bal}ner Nazarene sign to be ''The poor are
- - .. '
..... .. ----
4 Nazarene Messenger LJuly 30, 1908 -
welcome, and salvation is free." - _ of -- I>.ride,- self-will and
Amen. - hell,'' and Christ and His atonement
"Go out quickly into the streets was preached with such assurance
-.. Thank God for the- -Pentecostal ---
Church of tbe Nazarene, which God
sent forth in the fulness of time:
and lanes (alleys) of the city, and that souls - FRED ST. CLAIR.
bring in hither the poor, the. maimed,
the halt and the blind." -Luke 14:21.
. ''Plunged beneath the purple flood, .:. Jl .
. .
And rose to all the life of God.'' , KEWANEE, ILL.
A spirit' of prayer was upon the peo- Again I feel)ed of God to report
. ple. The first began at 5: 30 victory in the narpe of the God of
I .
Correspondence ;) - and souls wrestled with God until they battles .. Y.esterday 'was a gracious
prevailed. -Bro. Welts of San Fran- h .. day__ on tS\CC,punt of-the manifest pres-
SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT CAMP- cisco led the morning meeting and ence of the Holy Spirit. _Six souls
MEETING. Bro.- Garrett and Sister Yorba the knelt at the altar in the afternoon
____ sin?ing was . _and-prayed through amidst the shouts
of the San Francisco DistPict was a led oy 'Bros. Cornwell
- great meeting. Beulah Park, noted people all sang. Soine one has altar-call was given in the eyening
for its many precious revival seasons, said the w_ay to get our people to service,' four. responded . and ... got .
_ wonderful displays of sing is to let them sin?. It was . so. through. The was -
God's mercy. This was a remarkable here, and-as-they, sang, It seemed ___ and __ __ home, I noticed
meeting in many ways. the intensity befitting a redeemed a "Nazarene . Baptist" . :sister-talking
. It was the largest meeting held here soul. The children were not forgot- to my son Dallas, who soon headed
for some time. About 100 te'nts were ten. Si_ster Linaweaver conducted a for the and plead and cried for
on the ground, being well arranged, special service for them each day at God to save his soul. Well, amen.
clean and attrac-tive. The restaurant 1: 30. Bro. Reynolds also gave God answered prayer and came in, _
was in. charge of the Camp-meeting one afternoon. but he was so by .the power
Board this year, and- under the man- . . . Bro. W. J. Rogers led the young of God ihat he not stand on his
agemerit of Bro. Thomas Wilsoh of people's meeting, and together with 'feet and after awhile-was taken home
Alameda, was a credit to us as a peo- . conduct_ed the mission- in a_ shouting and praising
ple. Those who knew said that in all ary meeting. ..Bro. Langdon sang, God. Praise God for the Saints that
. their camp-meeting experien_ce they and Bro. Coleman. rooted and and _ refuse
had never found_ a place where the and sold to get off firing hne. _
food wasmorewholesomeor the meals ent P. G. L1naweaver presided at all A. T. HARRIS.
served in a more attraetive manner. the sessions and gave the Spirit full Jl . .- '.-
The altar work was deep and thor- right of way.- PHOENIX, ARIZ.
ough. People came to the altar under . over
00 souls knelt at the altar for I 'glad to read. an article in the
conviction and prayed through. Some conversion or entire sanctification. NAZARENE MESSENG.ER concerning
remarkable things took place, and the -- ---T-he love-feasts conducted by Revs. the union that we hope \viii be per-
leaders were forced at times to quench S. B. Rhoads and H. F. Reynolds were fected between the Pentecostal
the of curiosity that arose: Out- seasons of great rejoicing. The dea-_ Church of the Nazarene and the
"siders crowded around to see seekers singers, local preac}:lers and Holiness Church of Christ at Pilot
come Thank God -for an -- all_ the peo:ple helped, and everybody Poirit, Tex., . next October. Now we
altar where things take place, sang, prayed, shouted and know that thousands of holiness peo-
conversioris and entire sanctifications _It wa_s truly a meeting, and pie have been praying for just such a
---are so .. clear _and definite tbat With mingled feelings of sorrow and union as this Now I have been a
know about them. .",

we joined hands---ina large--ci.rcle --niembei-of- the-- Holit1ess church-- (or --

. We nqticed that to a marked degree the tabernacle, _and the Church of Christ) ever since it
God seemed-- to hold seekers to a defin- Ing, Blest be the Tie that Binds, was first introduced into Western
ite faith. Many in seeking entire Bro_. Reynolds_ God's , Texas and have kept pretty well up
.. with the death-struggle upon us and we _went

be faith- with her workings, her customs and
on their hearts and agony in their year our work of spread- habits, and I can say from
faces, up their and cried, Ing Scriptural -- knowledge in part and from reliable
''I with all the intensity of H. ORTON WILEY, Sec'y. information that we have a clean,,
their being, and God gave them their .,. .- .- plain, intelligent set of people and if
_ souls' desire immediately. It seemed FROM BRO. ST. CLAIR. we come to you, we wilfcome a peo_.
as if God would advertise to the peo:. I can never tell how much .. good I ple that do.esn't tolerate the use of
ple that thus work of is received from _the camp-meeting at tobacco, theatre-going, circus-going,
wrought in the . soul instantly in _Beulah Park, East' -- oakland. It was gold.;. wearing, Jow _neck dresses; nor
answer_ to simple faith. . . . a feast of fat things, sure enough, secret societies. I thil!k we are so ,_,
Then the preaching was remarkable. Such preaching as -was done by the like each other that neither -of
The Bro. Wilson and ' Sis- General Superintendents and Evan- us will have to give up
-ter Curry and the . General Superin- . gelists-- Curry and Wilson is altogether I feel -sure-of one-thing on our.. .part
tendents Bresee and Reynolds, were too rare these days. Any movement and that is that we -will claim for
anointed of God and poured out the is safe as long as it has s1ich leaders each local church the right to choose
truth with such. clearness and pun- as dear Dr. Bresee and Bro. Reynolds. her own pastor. So far as I know
gencythat the old man recognized No one need fear for the safety of the ' there is only one Holiness Church of
and souls _ ark. Amen! __ ,, Christ in and'th,at is one
.. - ------ ________ _: ___
.. .
July 30, 1908] Me"Bil'e nuer"
at this place, seven : west of services at the American .. Ridge
Phoenix, but hope by the help of God Church, the writer preaching at the
and our brethren to see the work eleven Q'clock hour and Sister Wal-
enlarged here. . lace at night. Both services were
God bless the MESSENGER and still owned and blessed of God, closing up
make it a great power for good. the day with at the altar and
W0uld be glad if the Naarene people some got help of the Lord. From
would read our church paper, The thence we went to Southwick, Idaho,
Holiness Evangel and get acquainted alld began the .. Camp-meeting . July 8
with us. . JoE HoLLY. and closed the i9tlr: This camp vias
[The Fraternal Delegates from the inland from the railroad twelve'iniles,
member of thefacultyof the Holiness
school at Peniel, . Texas. Her funeral
took place from the parlors of Pierce
Bros., and was conducted by C.
V. La Fontaine, interment being in
Rosedale cemeterY-.
.Nazarene -
.. . . . . '
Pins ... ..
Holiness Church of Christ have care- and in a little village that's far gone we have a new supply of Nazarene .
fully gone over our Church Manual, with churchianity, and these followers Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
---and - are - in- heal'ty- aceord .. ___
kind made of Abalone shell with
Eo.] selves that they would not go about black lettering .
.JI ..,c .JJ, " that Nazarene Camp-meeting. The
COLUMBUS, OHIO. dear Lord put it into the .. hearts of
Victory in Jesus' name. Our meet- a goodly number of folks from
. ing at was verywell attended twenty-five to: sixty miles to come and
. and had several converted and sancti- camp, landing on the first eve of the
fi ed, but the meeting was not what meeting and staying to the close. So
we hoped for. .. we started off with a goodly swing
25c each
50c each
Our Newark work is moving a,long and the folks came out and. the tide Nazarene Publishing Company
with an increase in attendance and .rolled 1ipward and onward and at the 730 SAN PEDRO. STREET
spirituality. We have no public place close of the camp -it was to LOS ANGELES. CAL.
at present to worship hi, but hope to feel any opposition . . So after all we
have q_ne soon. We are worshipping rounded up with a fine outcome and. MANUAL oF THE
in a private house. organized with seventeen members
We are now in our Lithopolis Camp- and a good field surrounding us there Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
meetin.g. Have had victory from the for a good work. Amen.
first meeting. We comm.enced a day This makes three new churches
ahead of time and had two converted added to the Northwest since
and one sanctified in the first meet- the District Assembly: Troy, Ameri-
ing. The fire has fallen on every can Ridge and Southwick, Idaho . .
. service and souls have been Readers, pray for these new fields,
The attendance is good, These fire- that God's grace and prosperity may
baptized Nazarenes are a marvel. . rest upon them.
Young boys and girls that are sancti- J . B. CREIGHTON.
.)I .JI .JI
fi ed pray like preachers. We have
b-een assisted by Rev. C. N. Cain, of
. . . BOUND IN .CLOTH, 25C. . .
Get-one now and keep Up with the procession.
730 San Pedro St. Loti Angele11, Cal.
Gospel Stamps
New. Unique, At tractive: a Picture and text on
every s tamp. Suitable for placing on letters. pa-
pe rs. books, e tc. Cheaper and more effective than
tracts. 120 s t a mps in book (60 varie ties). IOc per
book; 3 for 25c. Agents Wanted
NAZAREIIE PUB. CO., 730 Saa Pedro st., Los Aageles, Cal
New Gallilee, Pa., and TIT Gl
A. R. WELCH. MRS. LIZZIE A. NORTHCUTT, daugh- . ,.,. aves Of ory
.JI .$ .JI ter of Bro. died on Sabbath, THE BEsT ALL-PURPOSE soNG BOOK. over
J l
26 at the age of forty two She 300 songs. The best old hymns and.the cream'of
-FROM--BROTHER CREIGHTON. __________ .... ......!: . ________ . . - the new songs. _25 eta. '"'r copT'po.t-paid. $2tM!O ___ _
. leaves a husband and one son, James
After the close of the Troy Camp- E aged twenty-one years now a NAZAREIIE PUB. co., 7_30 su Pedro St., los Acetes.caL

Idaho, and spent a week, covering
the "Fourth of July.'' Sil;lter Wallace
ca:me on the 3rd and we . had a nice
social and spiritual gathering on the
"Fourth" at a young Bro. Meyer's
shady yard, where there were thirty
odd present, and after a pleasant
visit in the forenoon, followed by a
bountiful dinner on .. the best of . the
good things, to_pped off with straw:..
berries and ice cream.
We then had a most wonderful
devotional service in which the Word
was read and expounded . and a gen-
eral praise service followed; and a
great and good time it was. So we
closed up the "Fourth" and pro-
nounced it the best of all . . The day
foliowing peing the Sabbath, we had
S.cieneo HalJ, Girls' Home. Main Building.
Largest Pentecos tal Church of t he Nazare ne In the South.
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TEXAS
Literary, Theological, Normal, Commercial, and Primary
Departments. A safe School for both Boys and Girls: .
Send for Catalogue.
6 Nazarene: Messenger
. .
[July 30, 1908
Nazarene Messenger nice chu.rch with a seattfi"g. capacity of . me. At length I got hold of..the Book
. about 400, a membership of lOQ. and a and found the . Saviour, whom . I
P. F. Bresee, - Editor
R. Pierce, . - . ORice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
fine Sabbath-School. Brother Wiley, to my men till they were all
who is associated with Brother Girvin . converted. Three becaine mission-
aries, and their converts now are a
iri the pastorate; is a devoted _and able thousand." .
preacher, and the . two working to- A still more wonderful instance of
E , A . Gi rui n P. G. Li nawea.;er c. E. Cornell gether in beautiful harmony make a e e ect 0 an unexpecte message
'fi. ;:: ft:. &:::S!f:n strong lEJadership for the work from God is that which occurred in a credit is Girvin and in. New. York in the his-
. E n ter oo at t he . post-office, .Aug . 7, 1900, a t" Los tory of Methodism in' that city; wh{m
Ange1es, California, as second-e lass matter. his family, WhO have bor ne the bur- . that sect was everywhere spoken
P ublished Every Thursday. den, pouring their life and money into against; A play was advertised enti-
. . . T ERli!S- $1 n ear in advance; to 75 cen ts; this work, thus making 0 it, from a _tied, "The Methodist Preacher." .on .
----tofo<elgn. countries $1.1X). f r ee. . h t . d . t 'b' I't B t the stage appeared a man-lookmg
. CHA;NGE OF ADDRESS=Name tlie pos -office tmd -State-- uman-s an_ pOin ,_.a_QOSSI I 1 u --I' k'- rt 1 . w . h -- . _c __
.. to whi_ch the pap!'r h_as been s ent, and t he offic;_e and State th . . l 'd f G d. I . l . 1 e -:;-\:l a 'V-lB- ooster.,- t e_ s_ta;tlOned_
. to which you WISh Jt sent. . . e specta prOVl ence 0 0 IS pain y preacher-wearing a broad-brt'mmed
. EXPIRATION OF TIME - Subscr1pb ons a r e payable IN 'b} h f h' h h
ADVANCE. Unless pa:.:mcnt i!' made or request js made VIS I e In t e ratsmg up 0 . t IS c urc hat and a shad-bellied coat. He sat 0
t o have the paper contmued, 1t Will be DISCONTINUED at d h h h ' f d -
t he expiration of t ime. _ . an t roug It openmg Up t e way or OWn and took :out of hiS saddle-bags
S PECIAL NOTICE--Address all busincs!lcommunications h k h' d h b k d B'b} d d
__ Neverwri te business t e wor In t IS Important an prom- a 00 an a I e, rea an
- _____m .. t ter s on _ same postal or s heet With a ny .other matt er s. . fi ld ) sang hiS hymn, and knelt down and .
I t always causes . .lSing _ e . . d Wh h d h'
mistakes. . .. :oil - $ ,J1 . . .. -----------praye , _- - en- e--rea IS--text '"---
P arties r ecelVmg the paper r egula rly without having "S t th ht th t 't h 1'1
s ubscr ibed f or it will know tha t it has been presented UNEXPECTED MESSAGES. ay ye 0 e rig eous a I S a
to them by some ft:i cnd and. ther o no bill. . be well with him. for they shall eat
In case of a ny tr regulanty_or failure t o r ecetve your D D } St t z ' ri Zd ,
paper, notify t he b y once. . . I.' ante ree In 'tOn s n.era the fruit of their domgs. Woe unto
Remi t by Money Order or Bank urges the preaching of -the Gospel in the wicked! It shall be ill with him;
NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. the open air, indeed everywhere as for the reward of his hands shall be
'1<Jo sAN P.EnRo sT. Los ANGELEs, CAL. ther.e is opportunity: Amon.g the given him," a woman of high social
Tel. Braadwau 4831 Home F-
standing in one of the boxes began to
reasons given is, that a word heard cry for mercy, and continued till she
unexpectedly or _in an out of the way was gloriously saved for a -life - of
place, startles, impresses, and often great Christian usefulness, followed : .
leads . to most blessed results. As by a triumphant exit into life eternal. ..
illustrating the force of unexpected .Jif .Jt
Immediately foliowing the Assembly . messages, he says: - - .. .
of the San Francisco District and the THE GLORY O)" THE CHURCH.
f h h Jd When our own Rev. Dr; S. L. The glory oft. he Ch . u'r ch Is lt'kene-ss
c osmgo t e camp-meetmg e m Gracey was pastor in Chelsea,. he
connection with it, I had the privilege preached sometimes in the open air. to the Person who is its Head, and
of . spending a few days with the One day a carriage with several men . the fulfilment of His plans. His mis.-
churches about the Bay. On Tuesday in it stopped, and the men listened a sion was to make godlike characters.
night at Oakl:;md, . Wednesday night few minutes. Some months or years The Founder of the Christian Church
at Alameda, and Thursday night at afterwards there came a man to is an absolutely holy and
Chelsea to thankthe preacher for his
San Francisco, . with a good audience faithful message, which through the all who identify themselves with Him
at each place, and some salvation. Holy Spirit had transformed a gam- must be subjects for the highest types
The work at each of these churches bier .into. a God-fearing man. The of holy character. The value of a
has made good progress during the carriage was conveying a company of member to Him is determined by the
past year, and each one is looking with gamblers from Lynn, where they had measure of his ability to reflect His
I t t
. t d th f been carrying on their nefarious prac- character and conform to HI's wi' ll and
arge expec a 10n owar e ut).lre. tices. The case of Stephen Grellet, a
- Tliey are all well mannea-and are Quaker, is a very remarkable illustra- perform- His - bidding. Increasing
aggressively pushing the battle. . .A. tion . of a religious truth heard numbers without spiritual likeness has
three days' meeting- Friday, Satur- unexpectedly. Directed, as., .. he always cost the church defeat. Tern-
day, Sunday-was held at Berkeley, by the Spirit to go intd an porary or spasmodic revivals may give
American lumber camp and preach, . .
with three services each day. There and nobody being found-the camp a temporary mfluenc_e, but ultimately
\"iassome victory and 'some seekers - having-. been just . church to tile of
after God. On Sabbath afternoon _into the forest-he fulfilled his mis- the character of its average member- -
appropriate dedicatory services were- by preaching in the empty ship. The presence of unholy. men
held and the new church was duly cabm: Many years while and women in the church makes it
consecrated. At night Sister Curry crossmg the, .Lond9n. Bridge, more difficult for earnest souls to be
suddenly seized him, exclaimmg: . -- .
----began a series_ of which 'Tve found yo).l 'at last!" The No church should permit any
. were to .continue .for two we.eks. .. replied: ''Thou art mistaken; other than those earnestly se_eking to
The church at Berkeley has had a -- .I kn?-w thee. not!' ."Are you, .not do God's will to indefinitely continue
. difficult way, and is in a prosperous . Grellet, and did not once in it. The less there is of the glory
condition. It was organized several
W a camp m of saved personality and the more
. . . d f
. . h Ica. Yes, but no man heard me. th . f . . .
1 1
years ago, an or a ong _' time t e "Not so.- I heard. I was returning : ere IS o an uncertam spiptua qua-
larger part of- the abiding elements < to the oid. :camp to get mY forgotten ity, the more difficult it is to
was Brother Girvin and his family. lever, when I was a_stounded to hear men by such a church. God:..dwelt
But the . little . band, . with a faith a voice . in cabin. I looked in persons create a peculiar atmosphere.
perseverance which have known no through a chmk between the They shed the glory of His invisible
. . and saw and heard you, and I carried .
wavermg, has pressed on . . a heart convicted of presence. The less God IS known,
The last two years have been I for many weeks,. felt, honored and obeyed, the more of
now have a having no Bible and no one . to help show, . ordinance, externals, which
' .
July 30;. 19Q8] . Nazarene Messen,ger
unless they are used are 7\.T - .. RuTH . has just .dosed .a stic-:-
delusive and disappointing. Spirit- . J. and Pers.o:nals' cessful meeting in the tent at' Sixty-
ually minded people show forth more second and_ Greenwood ave;; Chicago,
. , truth by the spirit they possess than THE Southern California District in. Bro. I. "G. Martin then "took
by the manner and method by .which . Assembly is now in session at:_Pasa- charge of the meetings for a week
it is expressed. A spiritual church 'c dena and will close Sunday night. and Bro. Cornell the next week . .. The
make;:J the truth clear, not by l oyalty OlJR mission at Braua, Cape verde tent is in a: new. district, and God is
to merely, but "by the spi ritual . feeJi:hg , severely ._the fam:- . blessing of wotkers:
... actions whichdifferentiatesaints.from ine that is pre:valentthere. . _REv: JoHN. NORBERRY, pastor at.
simulators; not by to WORD comes that a struck Sy.racuse, N. writes us that, "God
but by the glory of Is the our mission buildings at lgatpuri, is blessing our new and young
become.a power - recently,- causing -coshl Ghurclrof-fue- Nazaren-e-here-iri-
. The glory of the--church . IS the mam- - --- ------- - --- -.---- c-C!--- -- ur- li .l :.;. "':r.:::;-;:;=:3--:1' __ _
-. . _ --- .. . ____ age
- fesr-e-d- presence oi Goo. Activity T h. h t H t . . D [ Sabbath with . efght - chlidren and.
'th t "t l't h f 'l HE C urc a arrmg_on, e., , . . -..
o.u ua I Y .:n.s an:i bu Rev. J . C. Crippen, pastor, . is enjoy- at our altar. . ..
t an m I erence. en move Y . th bl f th L d h m several new members to our church :.
the spirit we bear. Our power is not mg e essi?g
e or avmg . . , .
" h , b " . , - recently received fifteen new mem- on probation of late.
, . mig t, ut . . .
- -w -.J-- - t I' dl ____ ber.s.---- ---Phe- Holtness- Evangel:-the-officurl-
e uo no Ig " ue can e, nor ur- ,, . . . ' .
. nish the oil for the lamp, that shed THERE IS move on hand to of . the Ch?rch . of
their glory tproughout the temple of the Grand V1ew Park Camp-Meetmg Christ, which comes mto umon With
God. The Lamb is . the light thereof, . camp of theN ew England ?ur Church at . the G.eneral Assemb!y
we are but the ca:ndle-sticks and the District of the Pentecostal Church of m October, . will be ISsued weekly-m
lamps .. Accursed be the soul 'in the the Nazarene. future insteadof semi-monthly. It is ..
temple. of God who defiantly .. REV. B. J. TALBOTT, who has been . a bright and interesting paper, . a.nd
" fires" of his . own kindling. . pastor of Kewanee, . Ill., for some our :eaders would do well to subscribe
It is an honor and a glory for a church time, has resigned the pastorate at .:. for It. and keep posted on work -
to "know its place in the kingdom of that plac.e to take .ch;:lrge of the work of this branch of our Church m the
God.. How much we need the hal- . at Maples Mill and Bethel, Ill. South.
: lowed awe of holy sacredness in the - -BY a unanimous vote church .THE, of the.
. Church today. Unhallowed levfties, board of the Compton Ave: Pentecos-.- Church Sunday School was enjoyed at
superficial excitements, never con- tal Church of the Nazarene, Los Playa Del Rey, on Thursday, July 23.
tribute to deep, holy character . . They Angeles, Rev. Lucy P. Knott has been Several cars loaded with the friends
pass away with .the occasions. which invited to serve the church as pastor conveyed them to the b,each, where a
gave them birth. Genuine holiness is for another year. pleasant day of boating, bathing and
steady, active, permanent; devout, fishing was enjoyed. A very enthu-
prayerful:--humble in its spirit, grate- COULD not the Nazarenes of South- siastic and spiritual service was led
ful in its praise, and Christlike in its em California get together for two by General Superinterident Reynolds,
spirit. These men . have been with weeks QUt of the year and have a who gave a brief . gospel message,
J il;l the stamp put on the genu- glorious C'amp Meeting in some cen- after which a season of testimony was
ine article. Love sheds its .. lustre tral place? It would leave its mark enjoyed and three souls sought the
. everywhere. The truth of eternal upon hundreds and be a great biess- . Lord. After this service two persons
life is made radiant by eternal love. ing._ 1>aptized 'Qy_ Dr._Brese_e,_ and
The glow of immortality is-on its brow. GENERAL SuPERINTENDENT REY- soon after the friends returned to the
Such a church will not need spec- NOLDS spent last Monday night with city without accident, all having thor-
tacular display to draw a tired, the Ontario Church and on Wednesday oughly enjoyed the day.
weary, sinsick soul to its embrace. night he spoke to the Upiand Naza-
For a lJlOment its holy t'ustre may renes on the General work of the
- dismay the souls whose eyes, long His addresses enthuse and
accustomed to darkness. see the glory pire the people.
of God resting upon it, but soon they NEW .. Pentecostal Church of the
only see their darkness more because azarene was organized in Blooms-
the glory of the Lord has risen upon . burg, Pa. , on July 9. Rev. H: G . .
them. The distance does not disclos Trumbauer. also organized another
the carbon through which the invisi church in Camden, N. J., June .16,
hie elertric fife sends out its cheer i with twenty-five members. May the
the darkness inviting all to partak Lord bless these new additions . .
of its benefits, yet the light would\ . .
not h
. "th t th b . AN ali-day Holmess under
s me WI ou e car on . . th f th t s th c l' f
Ne"th -
th ld .. e .ausptces o e ,. ou ePn a I or-
. I_ er WI . ; .e see nia Holiness Association will be held
of God until the Church IS first h
charg d ' th t d th h 't th m t e Asbury:M. E. Church, East-Los
e WI I an roug 1 e A 1 .. : A 4 h R .
world sees the way of life. . It is a nge es, on ' w en M.
&"lory to shine for God, though the L. Haney, C?aplam G. W.- Wilson,
hght and lustre is onlv borrowed. . an:d A. L. Whitcomb are expected to
G. w. yv. be the speakers. :
REV. W. S. DORWIN, so well known
and so much loved among us, who-
returned. from Los Angeles to Cedar
Falls, Iowa, wr-ites that he is preach-
ing almost every Sabbath to the little
band of Nazarenes not very far
removed from there. Speaking of his
gratitude for the way the Lordis car-
rying on the .. work, he says; "I have
-been much pleased and greatly encour-
aged in the progress the Lord's cause
is making. There is at this time a
gathering together of the 'Holy Peo-
ple,' andit'is of the Lord. Amen. I
am so glad that all there is of me goes
with this God-movement. . I am glad
and do rejoice that I have not st:uck
on some sand-bar so that this tide of
full salvation could not float me. " \
8 Nazarene_ Mes.sen.ger [July 30, 1908.
Los Angeles a_'!ld Vicinity . inspiring Using the ''Clay - deeply concerned for their
.. . in the potter's hand" as a subject. but we are not pulling folks to the
AT. THE TABERNACLE He exhorted us to let" God have His alhr before they .are ready for it.
The Sabbath, ."emblem of way with us and work . . out His best The saine_ people who are. under con-
eternal rest,'' opened at the taber- in our lives, and we covenanted viction are re'gular in. their attendance
naCie with a gracious "early morning together to let God by His grace . ap.d that is a good ipdication. . Owing
meeting,'' earnest prayer was make ?f each one of us ''a vessel to the holding of the District Assembly
offered for God's blessing on the honor." during this week, the special preach-
services, and a gracious season . of .- .- ing services will not be held, but will
testimony was enjoyed. COMPTON AVE. CHURCH. be conth;med on next Sabbath
---.-.A lat:ge congregatio_n _ Sister preached morning The tent, however, will not be closed
--- eJe en o'clock to-Hsteil-to..our Eastern and- evemng- on"':'Sabbath- last;- both_ ..!II!, as the Prohibition forces-will take
General Superintendent, Rev. . iiit- the tent whifewe are at:-the District -
Reynolds who was announced to .be ual diet. The morning theme was, Assembly, and w1TI pus
the speaker. He spoke on the sub- "That and the Glorious Prohibition during the week, anti we
ject of "Organized Holiness," and Appearing" (Titus 2:.13). At night . will resume the gospel-preaching ser-
. with two large maps before hint-one speaker dwelt on "Seeking after vices next Sabbath, and continue
ot tlieUnite -States an

obtained of clean them indefinitely, as the Lord leads

the world-on which were- plaGed . hands and a pure heart. Two souls-"rorth- to victory. -. ---------
little stars, indicating -the cities in for c_leansing from all sin, and The First Annual Church meeting
which a Pentecostal Church of the one :was .converted. v. J. J. of the church was at. the church
Nazarene was established, gave a .- .- g on Monday evening, and full reports
very interesting account of the origin SPANISH MISSION. were received, and all regular church
of the Pentecostal Churches on the We .. have had a good with and necessary busine$s was properly
Atlantic Coast, .show'ing how God had God's blessing . . Many of our people to according to the Manual.
.. providentially raised up' to organ- are away working in the fruit, but Bro. LaFontaine, by unanimous
ize and carry on the work. He the attendance has been good not- - vote, was invited to remain as pastor
related the commencement of the Sunday morning the for the next year, and all look forward
. work f:n . New England; pnder. the Superintendent preached .from Acts for a good for . the c9ming
name of the CentJ:al Holiness Associ- 26: 16- 18. one -n1an sought pardon. year. _
ation of New England, and of the Bro. Brand .. brought .. message in .
work in New York and Brooklyn the afternoon, and two women were THE COMING GENERAL ASSEMBLY.
under the name of the Association of saved. In the evening service the Already arrangements are com-
Pentecostal Churches of America, sermon was by Bro. A vella. Three mencing to be made for the General
and later of the unjon of the two were converted. Two men Assembly which will meet at Pilot
bodies under . the latter name, until who were saved two months ago and Point, Texas, October 8, at which
, they came into uniori with the Church who are working'.out of the city, came time the union of the Holiness Church
of the . Nazarene. Since the . union and brought young men who of Christ with our body will be rati- .
last october there have . been tEm converted in the.evening service; fied. It is expected that this Assem-
churches added in New England, and so the good seed is scattered. We bly will, if possible, .:exceed that of
with an increase of 600 members. hope the ocean for a day and last year in Chicago in enthusiasm
This address created great enthusiasm have a baptismal service. There are and influence, especially in the
among the people. Bro-:- c: E: Kelly about fifteen awaiting- baptism. Southern parts of our country. In a
of 625 Loomis street, Los Angeles, MRs. M. -M. McREYNOLDS. privatelefter from Bro.
was received into Church member- -gan, he says: "We are hard at work
ship. . GRAND AVENUE CHURCH. at Pilot'. Point arranging for -the
The'afternoon service. was .given to The second week of tent meetings Assembly, and expect to build a large
the Sacramenl of the Lord's supper. w
l? more than encouraging. . New permanent board-covered tabernacle,
Bro. Rey-nolds was agairi the folks coming in- every night; and the - and we are planning great things."
speaker at- the night service; tent has been filled every night but .
delivered an inspiring and effective one, and the interest is splendid, and LATiN, CAL.
sermon on "The Promise of the the conviction deepening. S..ome earn- Sabbath a great day at Latin.
Father," showing it in its promise, est souls have prayed through into The Lprd was with us in saving
its freeness, its fulness and its reali- victory and received _- the blessings of power; seven came. to the altar and the
zatiori. The speaker enjoyed great salvation. The Sabbath services were. Lord wonderfully saved them from
liberty in delivering the message and held in the tent. Bro. LaFontaine their sins; others went away under
after an earnest exhortation for the preached at 11 a. m. on "The Beatti- deep conviction and in .. We can
people to "get three tudes," and at night on the "Servant's say truly, that "mercy-drops around
seekers came to.' the and a MissioQ," from Gen. 24:5-8, .and much us are falling, but fm: the showers
gracious season of prayer . was .. of conviction was . upon . the-- large we plead." W.e l:l-re believing,
enjoyed with them,_ and some were audience present. We have _not had ing and expecting God to give us a
graciously blessed. the good "old-time break-up" on the mighty outpouring' of the Holy Ghost
The Co. E meeting was a time of part of . the unsaved as. yet, but J.t is upon us in the salvation of
great blessing and refreshing to our surely coming, and that soon. Many a'Q.d the of believers. a
souls.- Bro. Whitcomb brought an people have asked for -prayers and are C. W. GRIFFIN.
Juiy 30, "1008]
UPLAND, CAL. of old, and s<f it proved to be. Let us
Preferred Advertisements
sabbatli was a day of victory here. never forget this fact. . .
Sunday School was weli attended, Any candid reader of Christian his-
regardless of the warm weather. tory will not .fail to note the striking
Rev. Isaiah. Reid, who is supplying relationship that holiness ha.S always
the pulpit in the absence of the pas- sustained to the spiritual success of
tor, preached morning and evening. the Church of Christ. Its" rise and.
This "being communion service, a fall can be clearly traced C,Brres-
'Two essentials tO. good health are :
fresh air and pure water .. Both these
furnished with lots. purchased in
Melrose Hill Tract adjacent
properties. .. . .
. goodly number knelt. at the altar in poriding emphasis or neglect touch-
remembrance of our deliverance from ing the doctririe and experience of
. InfoJ;IIlatioit . furnished by A. N:
Clark .at his residence .on -Graham
Ave.,. Melrose Hill. Take Western
Ave . car. P. 0 . address: Melrose
Hill. R. F: 11, Los ATigeles, Cal.
sin through Jesus. holiness. The history. of Methodism
BERTHA MAE WILSON. affords a rem-arkable commentary on
----we seclrring ___
--Rev. eid to supply oyr pu
t u 1 d 1 d th th f mg out hke one. vast panorama before
a Pan. . ;, urmg e our eyes, we should be guilty of the uThe Pentecostal Advocate,,_
July, while the pastor was engaged m t t . f
' f h ld
the Oakland Ca
mp, and spending the . mos. consqJnm.,a e_ o Y I we s ou . Is published alPE'NIEL,.TEXAS, 'the .
f II t th f t I th t h
'8eatoftheTexasHolinessUniversiiy, .
I t t S bb th t L B
h .th a In o e same a a error a as h ha be . ed
as wo a a sa ong eac WI
. "I h bod" h f in whic town s en organiZ
-- - _ .h . h th . . . . _______ .. _ ____ _ . a ways-wr-Itten- c a --on-t e ore- - the lar'geanmurcnin-tneSOuqt:9f."tlie - -
our c urc ere. head of every church and .. . individual Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
Bro.. Reid's clear, scholarly and to whom this light has- .come, viz.: Read the keep up with
f th S t Th 1 d d' f h l this great movement in .the South-
unctuous expositions o e crtp ure . e neg ectmg or tscar mg o o 1.- west, and be delighted with-Bro.
have been a great blessing to our peo- ness, the central of God's Robinson's weekly articles.' "The
pie. Hundreds of our young people scheme of. redemption. Yes; this IS Pentecostal Advocate" is $1 per year.
h d t
. h . d the one thmg above that we need to
to come er I.s WISe an pay out most earnest t<;>. If
To New Subscribers with the Nazarene
,.- Messenger, $1.50 per year.
JUdicious teacher m our Bible College we cling to this, the future will be
to better fit them for their glorious. -;Beulah Chri$tian.' -
w. c. WILSON. JJ JJ JJ . Good Families
.- .- .- Do not forget to praying for 1000 WANTED to colonize the Garden Spot of
. . . . the Holiness . Camp-Meetings 'now Mexico, in State of Jalisco. on Pacific Coaat. .None.
. .. CAL. . . .. g held.al_l.over. but eooci-people wanted. Wr.ite forjnfonnatibn. L
(j' . .. U Dr. G. W. CHAPMAN, 619 S. BIIISL, Loa

congregations, good interest; three
,seeking in the morning, one in the
evening. We are trusting the Lord
and going forward. JifY ._time was
. out here Sunday proper, but . as I
expected to return for the Sabbath
next they decided that I should take
the pulpit.
We are expecting a great day.
I hope to 'leave Monday, August 3, for
my home in Texas.
- The Authentic Estimate of the Nation's Drink Bill for 1907?
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We were forcibly struck by the fol-
lowing sentence, uttered by Bro.
Short, in the District Assembly at
Lowell. -"About all-I see the holiness -:---
people ne.ed now is holiness." . He
meant to convey the Idea, as we
inferred, that the necessary equip-
ment as to machinery, etc. , had been
providentially. proyided, and now the
Not the old fashioned kind which was too large for anyone to hold with com-
. :furt,.. .book. . One which easily .b_e...handled,
can be placed onshelf with. otQ:er books or laid on table. Has good
leather binding, .fine paper, and is printed .in type which is large
enough.for old people a'nd yet not large enough to make. the <
. -rriain <iuestion was "the aaequ"ate power
to successfully run it.
The truth of the remark is too self- .
evident to require. the slightest eiuci-
dation. The measure . of our power
and usefulnesswill be gauged by the
degree of our holiness-ourself-aban-
donment to God. He, not we, must
fight the battle if we are to escape
humiliating defeat. ''The battle is
not ours: but said the prQphet
book cumbersome.
This is set in type of the size used in this bible.
This :book is also suitable for a pulpit bible. It looks well, is enough for
the purpose and has marginal references. inches.
-.1 Good leather binding, gilt edge.
-----'------.Post Paid to any address, $5. ou---------
'1 .
730 .San Pedro Street Los Angeles, California
10 .
N"aza.rene Messenge.,.
We also rejoice to learn that Prof.
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E.fJ. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Reid has rented a beautiful little cot-
tage only two doors west of the Col-
lege, where, as soon as Sister Reid
comes from Iowa, they will
home life again. And we were doubly
COLLEGE . NOTES. ily if the Lord shall prosper and make qelighted when Bro. Reid told us. he
BY THE PRINCIPAL. . it possible. should us to ring the worshfp
rness_ages an_d letters Bro. and $ister . Cagle were for him every morning so h e .
are coming to us from almost all our south again so could nq,1; hold the could have his usual phi.ce with us in
students, now "scattered abroad. revival as planned, but they spent a family worship as last year. This we
everywhere," during these vacation most _ profitable (to us) day at .the know will rejoice the' entire College
days .... Some_ar.e_at their homes, and Qollege, and we all learned to love family. Prof. Reid himself . was in
some working to get moneyfortheir them dearlY:' - -'en-e= tJpia'rtd=ehurch'-whiie -
next year's exRerises in College. All follows for the Colleg.e department of Bro.' Wilson was at the Beulah Park
. tell of victory in their souls, and most the MESSENGER: and thoroughly en-
ol thE!m are doing real personal work DEETS PaCIFIC BIBLE joyed the mountain air and rest, while
and-- "witnessing" among _those .with AS IT. ___ ,.. the principals are at their beach cot-
whom they are aSSOCiated. BY MARY LEE CAGLE. .. tage rest'ing and keePing Up tlie ofnce
At Bro, Ledig's home a number of It was our delightful privilege while work of the College from More
our students and friends are helping in Los Angeles recently to visit the letters of inquiry have come, requiring
to take care of their large fruit crop, :Deets Pacific Bible College, and we , answers, than ever, and the
considered it one of the cleanest, hot-
and .. teil of how they sing and ._test places that we have visited on catalogues have been sent out far and
shout together and have regular hal- 'the Coast. There is as fine a set of wide. Rev, I. G. Martin is
reiujah meetings all day long .in the.. young people there as you wiU find many people in our work, as is evi-
fruit house while at their WOTk . anywhere . Sister Maris, . the. Princi- . denced by the . many letters speaki_ng
. . . . . pal, seems to be a natural-born gen- d d h
Then our . reJOice as w01d eral. It is delightful to see the resillts of his having e t e Col-
comes from the httle boy of twelve, of her: discipline-everything moves lege .
. and the young' girl of fourteen years, like Cl()ck-work and. is done so willingly . Important. - It is with real thaii.k'-
.who were both saved and sanctified .arid . gladly. Then there . is' Sister . ;fuiriess . that We ... are now able .. : Jo
commencement .. week at the. the whose announce that Mrs. L G. Martin ha-s :
" -:or d. tie, godly mfluence 1s felt by alL d b "' b f
College. . Tne one)1ad ol er nd last but not least is dear Father corisente to ecome a mem er o our
boyfreally while he was visiting . Reid, with his white hair and godly College Faculty . . She is a graduate of
him one evening. They prayed awhile teaching, both by pulpit and example. the Illinois Wesleyan Conservatory of
and the boy did not f eel saved, so He adds grace to the whole institu- Music. Last year there were more
they kept on and prayed uri til he tion. When got there the school. students desiring instrumental lessons
7 h d d th th
_... was m the College c. hap_el, th M. B ld t k V
,cnew . e save , . an e o er ew . and the young people were dehvermg an ISS arr. cou a e. ery r ev-
the children s meetmg and got four short messages from God's word. erently we thank God for sending
of her friends to the altar. " We Their manner of speech showed that Mrs. Martin to us. "Every need :
never shall cease to praise Him.'' they were not only learning to s):>eak, supplied ac cording to his in .
B G mn victory. at Latin but that a lost world was in their glory. "

and that they were desperately m h 11 d
- five children and three peo- earnest to bring them to Jesus. The We wis a . our praymg an pay-
- pie at- the_ altar.__T.he revival _could ___ atmosphere. oj __ the school is deeply ing fri ends" could see the beautiful
not be held until after Assembly, but spiritual. One tiling t naCI was espe- rows--and- rows- 0f- canned__f:t:uit-...9lL _
they are blessing God that the cially pleased with was that, so far as carefully stored away on the College
"earnest" has already come. Sister I saw, there was not one among the cellar shelves. Only 500 quarts as
. . students that wore gold, and not one t 1000 d d A "G d u
Barne_ s (a stud_ ent) IS to preach at t_he girl with short sleeves on. I wish I ye ; nee e . men. o WI
d B S h d P
mormng service, an ro. c nei - could say that of all the holiness
man (a studel}t) assists Bro. Griffin in works everywhere. May God bless "' -" -"
the ev.enings. ' They all say, "Pray! Deets Pacific Bible COtlege, . with Mottos and Holiness Books can.
pray!! pray!!! for Latin." All the faculty and students, and, with these had a t the Publishing House.
" C 11 f .. I " 1 th k t dear young people- ---
0 ege ami Y ove e wor a " Girdle the g lobe with salva tion,
Latin, as so many of our. _,tp.dents Wi t h holiness unto t he Lord. "
have assisted Bro. Griffin from time our 1908 graduates, Bro. Grin-
to time, during most of " the past nell and wife are . soon to go to San
year. Francisco, where the Free
The prospects for the coming Col- Church has arranged financially for
lege year are most encourfiging. All him to take a four years' medical
.. of our lm>t years students are hoping course before out as a missionary
to return, except two who fear they to China under their boara.
may not- be able, but. are praying the . Bro. Griffin, as mentioned above, is
Lor.d to open the way if it is His will ; still pushing his church work at Latin.
goodly number of prospective SisteF' Orrin is assisting in her own
students are writmg of their plans to church work as usual, and Sister Burk
members .of our College . is resting in Long Beach.
Holiness Bibl e Readings (cloth)
How They Grow_. " -
Soul-Help Papers (paper)
The Holy Way ''
730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles.

S:un p leS' 2c stathp: 20c pl<g. fo r I OC. n1c ntion ad.
NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St. los Angeles, Cal.
July" 30, 1008]
leveis for living by!" laughed tne
Out Young People little boy, watching him.
"Yes, there are," said the father,
'LtrrTLR TREASU.RES. earnestly. ' 'You will find them in
"LITTLE masteries achieved, . the Bible. Try all . your actions by
Little wants, relieved, that. Mark them true, straight, and
Little words iii love expressed,
Little wrongs at once confessed, no guesswork in thein.' '-Selected.
Little graces meekly worn; . .ll .ll .ll
Little slignts with patience borne, The Sunday . SChool. Lesson.
These are trea.sures iliat shall rise BY IsAiAH RE1i>.
Far beyond the shining. !"kies:"-Selected. August 9, 1908
.JI .- .,. David and Goliath .
1 Sam 17:38-49.
NICE ON ONE SIDE. . Read l- sa:m-.--17:1=18:5.
--Gommit- ver8es'-48;=49;
lVJ. "Oh, well, you did not think GOLDEN TEXT.-In the Lord put I my ..
trust.-Paa. 11:1.
about it long I hope." HOME READINGS.
"Yes, I did; I thinked- 'bout it all Mon., Aug. 3, 1 silm. -17:1-11. Tues.,
1 d'd k Sam. 17 : 12-27. Wed., 1 Sam. 17:28-37.
the mornmg so 1 not now my _Thu . _F.ri., . LSam ... 18:15.-
1essons-;" sat., :Psa. 144: 1-10. sun., Eph. 6:10-18.
"Now s-ee here, little girl, when Suggestive Notes and
you take up a good looking apple and . STATEMENT.
find a worm in it, what do you do?" Though David had ]:Jeen crowned, he
had never been inaugurated. Saul w_as
"Why, I spit it out frow it . JStill on the throne. The anointing of
away, 'course." David seemed to be private, initiatory and
preparatory. He cou'ld not be inaugt!rated
''But when you pick up a new while altbther king was on the throne, and
friend and'find a worm of selfishness, by no means was his anointing his coro-
nation. As yet the people did not know
you spend a whole morning thinking him as anything but a young man,_ like
' about thisthing." any other young man. The incident of o
. our l esson seems to be a beginning of his
"But Mabel isn't Ike .a being shown to the people apd his intro-
.. , apple, ,s>u know; she's very, duction to publiJ:llife. Saul seems
nice on one. side. lost his former courage and leadership on
battlefield . . In his delay and hesi-
. ''Then think about t'hat sideal.lthe. tancy David appears on the "field, turns
d b d' t t to the tide of battle, and in one . decisive
time, an t e rna can ge In stroke, delivered Ieracl and won the hearts
-your mind. "-Missionary Worker. - of 'the people.
.ll .JI .Ji COMMENT.
Rea<l up closely from the last lf,lsson, f'or
CA!tRY YOURSELF'w'ELL. introduction and explanation as to
); how David came to be on the battlefteld,
HE girl who carries herself well and for what Saul was trying on David
is more apt to command respect his own armor. One would .think that a
than the air} who trudges along _w.ith king, warrior, and great general as Saul
.,. was, would be ashamed to be found trying
her head inclined forward and her t o encourage a ooy, and _yet a soldier,
shoulders in a stooping position. The to do what neither himself nor any of his
army dared to do. It was in fact, a pub-
-possessor 9/- a, graceful, erect carriage lie admission of his failure as k i ng and
- unconsciously impresses us as having leader of his people.
battle . . Go learn how to sling first. "Not
a novice,' as Paul says, or the giant be
fore you will never be like a grasshopper.
Go to school and make ready.
"He took bis staff," etc. David went
into the fight prepared beforehand. Ile
took (1) his staff, (2) five smoot}l stones,
(3) his scrip, ( 4) . .}lis 'sling. He rebukes .
the "open thy mouth and God will fill it"
type of so-called preachers who have per-
verted !)f Divine words, and
argue, ''He does not need schooling,'' or
''other _l;lQoks than th11 Bible' ' and oi;ten _
he can get along without much of either.
When God is at pains to tell us how to go
equipped as his soldier, is it not wise to
take he.e.d f . . . . .
- TJi:e man who bore the shield went on
.before--hive .o.n. th.edield,.
it will be seen that there is a prepaJ:ed,
armored enemy to contend with. Not only
God, but the en-emy, expects God's soldier
to come into battle armed, and to know
the tactics oJ war.
"He disdained him." The bully nev'er'
-understands faith. Not .
how faith ean contend with muscle, Go-
liath is incensed that a red-headed, fair-
faced, smiling boy should be sent afield to
match him. It put a false estimate on
him. ''Am I a dogf '' he says. He
cmrses and brags. Both are bad omens.
''I come to thee in the name of :the Lord
of Hosts, the God of the ;lrmies of Israel,
whom, thou hast defied.'' This is the key
t.o David and his victory. This clause in
verse 46 settles t_his, '' all the earth
may know' that there is a God in
' 1 (a) Goliath personifies a host of
giant sins. (b) Davi4 peraoniDes many vir-
tues . and pha11es of .Christian . life and
character. (c) Every sonl has . its own
giants to 'fight. Turn- to for
the list of .these giants, and to Eph. -6:12
for the only kind of tactics by which we
can win; Have members of the class
name our practicaf giants which we fight.
nowadays. (2) Christianity is a world
.-battle for conquest. Rev. 13:11. Rev . .12:
1' 12. Christianity. hll,!l a leader and cap-
tain, Isa. 9:1-7. Christianity has soldiers,
2 Tim. 2 :3, 4. Christianity has arms to
fight with, 2 Cor. 10:4. Ephes. 6_:13-19.
Christianity has victors and heroes, - Heb .
11. Christianity has sure promise of vic
tory, Isa. 54: 17. (3) Sometimes one David.
fights the battle alone for a whole army
auu a nation. One Elijah, one Luther, one
\Vesley, one Deborah, one Joan or Arc, one
Goliath was of the race of giant men,
______________ ,we- have- s everal- aecounts- o:f-as- belOlrgin g---:-
praying mother in Israel. ( 4) Sometimes
the killing of
great victories and new life. (5) David
had what the world called great offer:s There are many nob_le-hearted girls, to the original inhabitants of Ca,naan. His
height has been guessed at, rather -than'
says a recent writer, who really do definitely given, as between nine( to
injustice by the awkward eleven feet, and his armor at 157 pounds,
while the head of his' spear is put at 19
way carry themselves. . pounds. The pitting of a. mere boy, not
.ll .JI .ll yet a _ soldier, _ .against such .. an abnormal ----
type of a man, . is .Jike counting on the
A SPIRIT LEVEL TO LIVR BY. miraculous to take place.
LIT'TI-LE. boy saw his father "I cannot go with these," Saul was
" head and shoulders above ordinary men.
using a spirit level to See if the To put a youth in such heavy ::.nd clumsy
board -he was planing was "true" and armor would only insure defeat. It is not
h so much what we may put on, as what is
S t. withi n us that turns tho tide. David
"What's the use of being so care- merits our admiration in his common sense
ful, papa?. he asked. "It. is pretty. and good judgment: One must know how.
he c a nnot do, as well as how he ca n do:
good, I guess. It looks so." He understood himself and so knew how
"G ' ll d to 1111derstand the other fellow. David
. uessmg WI not o tn carpenter had . faith in . God, he knew Goliath had
work," said the father, "sightifig" not. He_ knew his sling could r t>ach
along the edge of the board and shav- farther than Goliath's long sword and
pondt>rous spear. We see also that David
ing it the least bit in the world. had learned how to use a sling long before
"You have to be just right. . Folks . he met the giant. Some of the would-be
spiritual soldiers of our day .migh,t get a
guess - at too many things. God . lt>sson here. The pulpit is the llo,ttlefield, ' .
doesn't like .that way of liVIng," not the place t!> drill. To be able .to kill
"G giants, and bave stones . that will do the
uess ariy __ spirit business, you--must get -- them before the
promised him if he should win: (a) riches,
(b) royal marriage, (c) Christian freedom;
but his mind and heart was on the honor of
God; and the success of his kingdom. We,
too, have exceeding great and precious
- promises,-but-our eyes are- on . the king;-not
on his rewards. For him, not for his gifts
alone. (6) All are (a) evil, (b)
gigantic, mate rially considered;. (c) boast-
ful. (d) proud, (e) malignant, (f) unac-
quainted with the armory of God's _ ap-
pointment, (g) don ' t know what God ean
a eeompliRh through a man of faith. (h) So,
though David seems to him eont emptible,
he d O<'S not know. he Carries the sling of
God thntcan kill him. . (i) Don't know
. that bra g. and ' threat, and contempt <' an-
not affect faith. '
{ .... :. _
l "- Pebbled Cloth 25c, postpald,
;a;,'. I Mention this ad..
. .. . . .
. N a Fe train coming of
Kansas City one night was .a
mother and her brood of five-four
girls and one boy. They were on their
way to the "new country" where the
husband and father had a 'l'he
oldest girl appeared fifteen, and from
that age down to the only- boy; -;;.a
:Apples of :Goldj
. Fitly Spoken.
Professional Cards .
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61i"l6 LIBBriER BLDG . .
624 .S. SPRING 'ST.
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Hours 10 to 2. 10 a. m. Sunday . . . .
1126 San- St. . Broadway 4133
Loe Anaeles. Cal. Home.2798
GL_.ASSES FITTED. Residence 688 S. Cummings St.
. . Home phope 41462 Boyle 1248
Da w. J. u wR"ENcE
chubby little fellow about four. EYE. EAR.' NOSE ANr THROAT
Their dress showed that they had B R . R" p Hours 10 to12, 2 to 6 . ' 414-416 severance
. Being a of the brief Spirituai
Heart Messages whiCh have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER d,uring the past .
two years.
EV. , IERCE. Home Phone F 1497 6th and Main Sts.
riot been reared .in luxury; bu.t they Loe c;a1, and clean. The arid
. T-+- .J . . 1-... n B- . D. McDONALD
mother was thin, her face haggard r .
. . p 1' ce 25 b a ' l30 . 1 t ' f1 $. ') - _,
with the long tr:i.:P and' ' the care of . r c, y m
c ; m 0 s 0 v .f"
.. . In cloth 60 cents 823-824-826 H. w. Hellman Bldg.. . LOs Angeles
her flock. ' N. E. Cor. Fourth and Spring Sts. . Cal.
. It was bedtime when the train left . . ' Address "R. P. : " . Home
!fans as- 6 ity, and the y.{)unger- ones . 780 Sa!l Pedro St . . Los Cal. . W. BURT CLARK
were yawning and scarcely able to couNsE=- LL=-o=-=R::--: A:-:: T:-L :-A-:--.w=-.-----
keep awake, in f act, the pet of the {) ci bb. t
family had closed his eyes, while the "
next eldest tugged at him while she
looked appealingly to hermother with
ari expression that was pitiful. He
mustn't go to sleep yet . . . .
the causb of all this excite-
merit was made plain-it was bedtl'me
and. they had not .said their prayers:
Quietly, modestly, without. ostentation
. . everi timidly-the mother .and
Children knelt . together at the long
seat, the baby bowing :his head with
the rubbing with his chubby
hands his eyes that wo.uld hardly open
while the evening prayers . were said.
Just for a moment, then
. the children were m&de as com-
fortable as possible for the night, and
one of the following papei's
to new subscribers for $1.50, or
where one is a subscriber to .
the MESSENGER, . the renewal Qf the
MESSENGER and one year (new) .to
to any of the papers named 75
Note-:-:-Renewals to any of the papers are $1.00
. The Be1:1lah Christian; ..
Published by the Pentecostal. Printing Co.
-Providence, R. I.
The Holiness Evangel,
Published by The Evangel Publishing Co.
J?jlot Point, Texas. . .
The Pentecostal Advocate,
Published by The Pentecostal Advocate
Publishing_ Co., Peniel, Texas.
soon aU but the mother .fell asleep, The Era, .. -
while the moistened eyes and quiv_er- Published by' H. B. Hosley,
Washington, D. C.
ing lips of the other passengers, the With the NAZARENE MESSENGER to new
traveling men with t4eir grips, the subscribers, both for $1.00. Renewal to
Suite 800 Trust Building
Will praCtice in all the and Fede,.;.l cOurts.
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. The. Pioneer Optician
oF .:
Established ' 1895
The Most Reliable 'Goods
The Prices- Just a Little Better
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353 Broadway
. politician with his the busi- MESSENGER and new subscription to The
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ness man.- with his --==- - '
silent l:wt mighty tribute to the great- Forward Your Subscriptions to Us for . -office.
est civiiizing a(J'ent of ail ages, the Any of -These Papers. . Cor.
th and Main Sts.
., Phone F-1577 Los
Christian religion. . . . When writing for change of addre;s Res. 2416 s. Figueroa Tel. west 3891 Home 23407
God save the mother and her blood, or discontinuance of any paper,
- o-:rltrgth-em-to- their- home- in- sa:iety-, --a(w.ays write di rec! to the publisher
and to ' their last home in: peace. - $el. of the paper to whwh_you refer.
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