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Vol. XIII. LOs Angeles, California, June

. ""' ..

Southern J California District

The night preceding our' District As-
semblies is now very generally "giv:en
to a fervent rally of the and
fri ends of the Assembly and devoted
to spiritual preparation the great
work and the co-mingling of the voices
of the saints who have come from their
different fields of labor in prayer and
praise. This was the case . with . the
Third Annual Assembly of the South-
ern California District, which conveneol
in the First Church"' of Los Angele-:J,
June 16-20. After a spirited service of
song and prayer D.t:. Bresee read
inter cessory prayer of our Lord and in-
spired. all hearts by. his helpfHl com-
ments. The rest of the service wRs
given to testi monies from the preachers
and del egates, and at the close a very
pr.ecious season of prayer was enjoyed
at the altar, with two seekers.
First Day...:....Thursday.
At nine o'clock prompt a very tender
communion service was entered upon,
presided oYer hy Dr. Bresee. This was
truly a season of r ealizing the precious-
ness of atoning blo.od, when. all hearts
wer e melted iJ1to oneness, and the Holy
Spirit put His seal upon hearts. Dr.
E. F. walker r ead and richly com-
mented on 1 Cor. 11 :23-26, and the
great of saints filled the altar
many times. as the emblems of t he dy-
ing Saviour wer e passed. This piecious
service closed by singing "Home of the
ing COlPmittee to prepare the list of
After fixing the hours .of sessions and.
. the Assembly bar, it was voted that the
election of District Superintendent be
the order of the day for Ff:"iday at 11
C. J. Kinne, F. E. Crawford and H. J.
Elliott were appointed a committee to
confer with the delegates from the dif-
ferent churches in reference to . the sup-
port of the District Superintendent and
to devise a plan to provide for it.
'l;'he afternoon session opened at 2
p ... .m. with singing and prayer by "\V.
C. Stone.
The committee on Orders and Evan-
gelists rendered- a- partial report which
r ecommended the r ecognition of the
orders of the following elders: U. E.
Ramsey, E. J . Elliott, B. F. Sunnners,
E. F . "\Valker , l\Iary A. R. H.
Hunter, ,V. A. l\[iller, Thos. G. Rogers,
Lulu . B. Rogers, Isaiah. Reid, T. L.
Adams, l\Iichael Knoff and Vv. I . Ab-
bott: -The r eport was . approved and
t hese brethren and sist er s called f or- .
ward as names wer e acted t/pon.
Chaplain G. v..r. wilson, Revs. Fred
Ross, Vv. J . Abbott and others were in-
troduced to the Assembly.
'I'he Assembly then adjourned to
makt place for the missionary anniver-
Second Day.
Soul.'' The devotional servi ces wer e con-
Dr. Bresee then askeA the Secr etary duct ed by Bro. C. 0 . Bancroft, and an
of the last Assembly to call the season of short t estimonies
ministerial and l ay delegates, which was enjoyed.
. done. ther e being 206_names on the The minutes having been r ead and
dist. of whi ch 176 answered to their approved 11nd t he roll called, Bro. and
names .. Sist er Home presented Dr. Br esee
Rev. R. Pi er ce was r e-elected Secre- a tasty gavel made of orange wood.
who chose as his assistant Rev. Dr. Bresee r esponded.
Fred C. Epperson. C. I-I. Hurd and A communi catiop in r t>f erenee to t he
H erbert S. J ohnson were elected as Sta- course of study for licensed prea cher s
1 isti cal secr et aries. . and e(fnngelists was . r ef erred to the
The usual Assembly committees.werc Co'i!1mittee of Exa1i1inatioq to be ap-
ordered and J . W. Goodwin, Fred Ep- pointed at this Assembly.
person and Sister Ely were a nominat- Disttict Superintendinit GoOdwin .
asked Dr. Bresee to give his ruling as
to pastors and supplies, and .requested
the privilege of the floor for Rev. A. L.
Whi t comb to make a statement to the
To this invitation Bro. Whitcomb ad-
dressed the Assembly.
The. District Superintendent read an
inspiring report of his work during the
year. The report was approved and
his character passed. .
On motion of Rev. E. A. "\Valker, Bro.
J. W. Goodwin was unanimously chosen .
as District Superintendent by the Sec-
retary casting a ballot for his re-elec-;
tion, Bro. Goodwin thanked the As-
sembly for its and stated
that he hoped to plant.t en new churches
this year. .
After the passing of Dr. Br esee's
character, the Assembly i-Hljourned to'
meet at two o'clock.
On r e-assembly at 2 p. m. Sister Lulu
R.ogers l ed the deYotional sen ice.
The r eports of pastors was taken up,
and as the brethren one after another
came for ward and gaye the r ecord of
. the gr eat thiBgs which God had done
by them during this year, the
t ime after time. wer e ar oused t o great
enthusiasm. a spirit of assurance
seemed to take hold of all that the com-
ing year was t o he one of even greater
victory. The r eports showed increase
all along the ljne-on sahation as well
as finances and .church building. The
cha.racters of all these pastors were
passed. which were as follows : Mrs.
Lucy P. Knott. C. V. La Fontaine, C.
P . Langdon, l\Irs. M. :McReynolds, 'V .
C. 'Villiams. L. H. Humphrey, Thos.
Fisher. -w. C'. W)lson. G. ,V. Archer ," J.
G. Rogers. L. F. Hutchens. E. F. 'Val-
ker. G. W. H. J . Elliott. W. A.
l\illnr. i\rnry E. Palmer. R. H. Hunter,
:Mrs. Sukhoda Bannr.iee. C, "\V. Griffin,
A. E. and L. A. Davidson.
Great enthusiasm :wtis aroused .by the
r eport of Bro. "\Villiams, pastox: 'at Bak-
er sfi el d. as he t oJd. of the Lord.'s provi ... _.
sion for himself and church. He had
received $80 for support and $80.50 for
missions . . He said, ''We can now secure
a church valued . at $5;000 for $2,500,
. and I need $350 to make the first pay-
ment. " At this the Assembly marched
around and laid $400 on the table . .
Rev. A. L. Whitcomb reported for
Trinity Church.
Leslie F. Gay read a report of the
District and General Missionary Board
which was. filled with interesting mis-
sionary facts.
. C. J. Kinne reported for the Publish-
ing Interests, and showed what the Naz-
arene Publishing Co. was in pro-
viding suitable Sunday school and other
literature for the church; and followed
with a brief address on the need of the
church at large doing more for this
branch of the church's work.
Bros. Summers and Goodwin spol{e
of the influence on them of the Naza-
.rene Messenger in making them Naza-
renes. and Dr. Bresee stated that it was
the Nazarene Messenger that has great-
ly helped to make the church. After
remarks by others, over 200 subscrip-
tions were secured for the Messenger.
J . . P. Coleman, Thos. Fluck and Mrs.
Lucy P. Knott were elected as the
Board of Examiners.
The District Advis9ry Board elected
was E. F . \Yalker. C. V. La Fontaine,
D. H. Ely and F. C. Epperson.
The Assembly then adjourned.
Third Day.
Nazarene Messenger
. . . .
ture, followed by Dr. \Valker and Dr.
On the preseiJ.,tation of the report of
the committee on' Deaconess Work, all
the deaconesses were called to the front
and gav.e brief testimony as to their joy
in the work. :
The superintende:t;J,ts of the different
Sabbath schools rendered brief but in-
teresting verbal reports.
At the afternoon session the reports
of committees were all rendered, sev-
eral of them stirring the hearts of the
people, especially that on missions read
. by Bro. Gay. These reports will all be
found in the printed Minutes.
The following resolutiqn was adopt-
ed: "'
''Believing that the work of the
Church of the Nazarene in spreading
scriptural holiness over the land should
be erergetically and continuously
propagated; and believing also that this
work can be most effectually and en-
thusiastically accomplished through
large and united District meetings;
wherefore, be it
. "Resolved, by this D'strict Assem- .
bly, that the District Advisory Board in
conjunction with the District Superin-
tendent, W. C. Wilson and F. L. \ynn,
be and are hereby constituted also as
a District Camp Meeting Board and
are hereby authorized to arrange for
and cond1.1ct a District camp meeting.
(Signed) L. H. Humphrey,
\. C. Vlilson,.
G. W. Glover.
Dr. Bresee called . the Assembly to
order at 9 a. m. and asked Bro. Fisher On the ado1'>tion of the report on
to lead the deYotional half-hour. Education, t he principals and students
After the minutes of the previous day of the Bible College came to the plat-
had been r ead and approved, Sister form and sang "Give :Me the Old Time
X elson of Bakersfield addressed the As- Religion.'' :1\Iiss l\Iaris stated that there
semblv on Rescue \York. were forty-one boarding .students and
Dr.' E . F. \Yalker presented the fol- thirteen day students and that there
lo"ing paper. which was adopted: "We had been fifty seekers at the students'
adYise that all our pastors preaching services during the year.
and supplies urge from their pulpits Bro. Athens and Sister Bertha \Vilson
the patronage of our own publications then sang, "\Vhere t he waters
and the support of our publishing in- Flow, " and the students several other
terests. We direct that all our church selections,which wer e greatly blessed to
boards appoint a committee, of which the Assembly.
the pastor shall be ex-officio chairman, The place of meeting of the next As-
to secure subscriptions for,. the Naza- sembly was left to the District Super-
rene Messenger, the constant aim being intendent, with invitations from Pasa-
to secure in each congregation a num-. dena, Upland and Ontario.
ber of subscriptions at least equal to A resolution was present ed and
the number of members of the church." adopted requesting the General Super-
The further report of the committee interidents to fix the time of meetings
on Orders and Evangelists recommend- of this Assembly on the Thursday be-
eel: That G. \V. Griffith and A. E. fore the third Sunday in June of each
Reinschmidt be elected to elders' or- year.
ders; and that the following be granted The Committee ori Missions nominated
evangelistic commissions: W. C. Wil- the following for the District Mission-
son, I. G. l\Iartin, L. Milton Williams, ary Board, and they were approved:
Mrs. L. Milton Williams, C. W. Ruth, J. Vv. Goodwin, Mary E. Palmer, C. V.
A : H. Johnson, :Mrs. Flora Johnson, La Fontaine, Clarence McKee, Andrew
Thos. G. Rogers. Mrs. Lulu B. Rogers. Adams, V. J. Jacques, Mrs. J . M. Her-
:Mrs. N. C. Radford, G. W. Glover and vey, l\Jrs. Leslie F. Gay, Mrs. F. N. Stod-
Bertha May The report was rlard, l\Irs. Hallowell and Mrs. M. Me-
adopted. Reynolds.
Over $600. was definitely pledged for The minutes were ordered to be
th'e support of.the District Superintend- The Secretary was
ent. Bro. C . J. Kinne was appointed to edit them and Bro. C. V. La Fon-
of this fund. . taine kindly asF;umed the,.cost: .
W. C. Wih;on spoke in reference to The characters of the following eld-
the and the chur ches litera- ers without charge were passed : w ..
[June 24. 1909
Wheeler, Florence Wheeler, Herbert S:
Johnson,: Anna Linberg, W. I. Abbott,
C. A. Snelling, B. G. Bleckwell,_ Minnie
Staples, B. ,N. Comhvay;, R H. Kennedy,
J. B. Crowell; P. B: Bis,vas, W. C. Brand,
M. Clark, J. P . Coleman, M. 1\L Deitz,
vV. S. Dorwjn, C. J . Kinne, Anna L.
Linberg; I. G. T. S.
Stuart Noble, R. P1erce, C. W. Ruth, G.
L. Shepardson, G. S. Stubblefield, Thos.
Fluck, S. S . . Chafe, C. 0. Bancroft, B.
S. Summers and Wm. 'Sloan.
The characters of the following li-
. censed preachers were passed: Edwin
Motsinger, W'; R. Low:ery, Charies Lin-
berg, S . . Talbert, J. F. Metcalf, C. M.
. Ross, Miss Marion Ellison, T . . B. C"ahoe,
J. A . Jaynes, L. A. Sprowl, E. p. Hinch-
man, J. E. Figg, Geo. Frankliii, Chas.
Royster, J . W. White, C. K. Spell, A. E.
Rockhill, F. C. Epperson, Manuel Val-
erio, R. A. McCann, W. L. Brewer, Mrs.
Mary A. Gaudy, H. J . Kerns, Daniel M.
Dennis, Paul Fike and 1\Irs. Hulda
The characters of the following evan-
gelists were also passed: Etta Mcin-
tyre, 0 . C. Fluke, I. G. Martin, Mrs. L.
Wilhoit, L_. Milton Williams; 1\Irs. L.
Milton Williams, C. W. Ruth, Arthur
H. Johnson, Mrs. Flora ,Tohnson, Mrs.
Lula B. Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Mrs.
N. C. Radford.
After fervent addresses by Dr. Bresee
and Dr. Walker the minutes of the af-
ternoon session were read and approved
and this most gloriously harmonious
and precious Assembly came to a close
at 6:30p.m.
Missionary Anniversary.
One of the most inter esting and im-
portant ani1iversari es of our Assembli es
is that of missions. This scrvi ce was
full of interest. Bro. Goodwin. the pres-
ident of the District Missionary Board,
presided; and Bro. Glover led in prayer.
After a few suitable words from the
president, Bro. Leslie F. . the Dis-
trict Treasurer, r ead an intcresting ie-
port of the finaneial side of the ques-
tion, and then from a full heart made
a stirring. address on the need of being
true to God and missions.
Sister gave a ver)' glow-
. ing. report on the work of the Spanish
Mission and of the wonderful blessing
that God and poured out on the work
of Sister Santos at El Paso and the per-
secution which they had to endure as
they carried on this work. Several of
the converts and workers of the mis-
sion sang in Spanish, amid a good deal
of enthusiasm. Sister McReynolds
made a strong plea for a Spanish
branch to our Bible-College where' these
workers can be trained for this work
Rev. Lucy P . Knott moved all hearts
by an impassioned address, saying that
the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
stands' for the evangelization of. the
world. God can serid earthqu:ak'es in
human souls. She then read a _paper on
the Spirit of Missions in the Churches,
June:24;. 1909] .
stating that church 'caii
center oJt God's will without the spirit
of mis.sions, and dwelt on three points:
1 . . There must be faith for missions. I
2. There must be . prayer for ptissions.
3. . . . And there must be service for
mi!iSions. This earnest address was a
great blessing to the.
At this stage Bro. Pierce reada. check
for .$100 ,for the Mexican work from a
'friend who did not wisn his name men-
tioned, which -was followed by other
Dr. Bresee closed this precious ser-
vice. with a very telling address.
Evangelistic Services.
The evenings of the Assembly days
were given to evangelistic services and
all were seasons of glory and rich bless-
ings, with seekers at the altar.
On Thursday night Bro. W. C. Wil-
son was the preacher and gave a clear
and convincing discourse from Heb.
2 :11 and brought out the truth that:
1. There ' is One that sanctifies. 2.
There are those who are sanctified. 3.
That sanctification . makes us one; and
4. That Jesus is not ashamed of us.
On Friday night we. listened to a
great sermon by Rev. Seth C. Rees from
the words, ''Follow me and I will make
you of men.'' He said, ''We
have here ' a call and a promise, which .
ring out a note of certain victory. The
call is the highest and noblest on earth.
for we are called to triumph. The call
is not to a trial trip, but to a divine
guarantee-the promise never fails. A
man that leaves everything to follow
Jesus finds everything, and so this was
a call to success. '' Several came to the
Bro. J. G. nogers, on Saturday night,
gave a telling discourseto an interested
Sabbath. day! will forget it 1 A
day of great joy and victory, when the
windows of heaven were opened upori
the great congregations, at times melt-
ing them to tears as they viewed the
cross, and then filling them " ith holy
joy as they viewed the glory and
triumphs of the kingdom. These ser-
vices are reported on page 8.
Summary of Statistics.
Total No. of churches.............................. 22
Membership ...................................................... 2,231
. No. Sunday school scholars............... 1,955
No. officers arid teachers.................. 246
No. in Young People's Societies 295
Value of church property ............... $150,515
Debt on same ................................................... 31,922
Raised for church building............ 4,367
Raised for support of pastors...... 10,758
Raised for current expenses............ 5,505
Raised for Sunday school ex- ,.
penses ................. :............................................. 1,336
Paid for rent ................ :............................... 957
Raised for missions.................................. 4,395
Other benevolences ................. : ....... :....... 1,503
Total amount raisccl.. ..................... $27,684
This shows an increase all along the
251; and of money
raised, $1,606.
The 'following are the arrangements
for the churches in the District:
Los Angeles--First Church, P. F. Bre-
see and E. F . . Walker.
Compton Ave.--'Lucy P. Knott.
Grand Ave.-C. V. La Fontaine.
Vernon-R. Pierce. ,
Elysian Heights-A. E. Reinschmidt.
Trinity_:.To be supplied.
Irwin Heights, Santa Monica-,..-Thos.
Fisher. .
Cucamonga-C. W. Griffin . .
' Long Beach-B. J!'.
Ontario-L. H. Humphrey.
Ocean Park-J. G. Rogers.
Pasadena-To be supplied (arranged
for) .
Bakersfield-C. W. Williams. ,,
San Diego-H. J. Elliott.
Santa Ana-To be supplied.
Upland-U. E. Ramsey.
Nordhoff-G. W. Archer.
Whittier-W. A. Millar.
Pasadena, Second Church-Mary A.
and R.: H. Hunter.
Pomona-To be supplied.
,J.;atin-To be supplied.
There were times when the mercy
cJoud hung so low over the ' Assembly
that mighty streams of light and lo:ve
came pouring upon . us.
It was a great pleasure to have with
us at this, his first District Assembly,
Rev. E. F. Walker, whose wise coun-
sels were very helpful and instructive.
Rev. J. \V. Goodwin's report aroused
the Assembly to great enthusiasm; The
clarion notes of his address rang out
like bugle calls for a forward move-
3 ..
vorably to_
who recently 80
tially and is now pastor of the Second
Pentecostal Church of:.the Nazarene in
Pasadena, tlie.:fhst organiZa-
tion among the African race, 'ga:'re an
inspiring and. thrilling address on '
needs of her people; J. P.. C, ....
.. . J/1 ... :
1 , . . r .
My dear Brother Gay: I am, geU;mg.
quite anXious at not hearing fropi
so many weeks. I
1ll. I enclose two or three
our girls for you to Ol! to
supporters, and more will . each,
week now, until .all have . . On!.
invalids are doing well. Torola }).as;
been seriously ill but is better and' b.oth:;
our cholera patients . are . :
One is about again; but the otl,
a wreck, although she is slowly iriiprov:..
ing. It has been a de8perate sickness
with her. She got blood-poisoning ansi
fever 106 degrees. After it, had , IPl
.operation apd was given up bythe doc-
tor for four weeks. IJow we prajse
God for sparing her little life! We
love . her so much. I have lately paid
our Hope $40 to im-
. prove t.he b11ck yard of our school for,
the improvement of the girls' health;
He has bricked and cemented a . part
which before was low and where water
collected. Now it can be kept cleaner
and it also makes more room for the
girls food arrangements. He paid half .
of the cost and we paid baH, as this is
the rule here. I am glad we have had
it done. Cholera is .. raging now and so
is small-pox, and we cannot be too .
ful. We are having a holiness meeting
at the hall on Friday afternoons .
God is richly blessing .us. I wish Dr_
Bresee could hear his Phillip speak.
. . __ His prayers will be abundantly ans-.
W c were rejoiced to have '\vith us wered. Phillip is preaching in the ..
ment all along the line.
Rev. H. J. Elliott, pm>tor of oltr church air twice a week and plays the
at San Diego, who was so recently He is going into the villages in his holi- .
r aised up from a severe illness. He days. He will write to Dr. next
was an inspiration in prayer. week. Pray on much for us alL Yours
Some of. the older ministers in attend-
ance at the Assembly were reminded
of the old-time Conferences when tides
of salvation swept over the people
throughout their entire sessions.
Dr. Bresee, our Senior General Super-
intendent, as usual presided over the
Assembly with grace, dignity and pa-
tience. His careful rulings on points
of law coming before the Assembly gave
general satisfaction,
A very striking .feature that charac-
t erized the Assembly was the spirit of
giving. Four _hundred dollars being
raised for the church at Bakersfield and
then under tbe strong_pJeas made, two
hundred and ten subscribers - were
raiSed for the Messenger.
Sister Mary E. Palmer, well and . fa-
in Him. E. C. Avetoom.
My dear Bro. Gay: Mrs. Avetoom -is .
in great grief, for I received a telegram
from our home in Theringham announc-
ing the death of her dear mother-sud-..
All are fairly well at Hope School.
We have much cause for rejoicing.
Girls daily growing in grace. Fellow-
workers more eager to speak and speak-
ing more powerfully of the love .of God
in Christ Jesus. I , too, am having great
blessing amongst the soldiers.
This has been a terrible year for sick- .
ness. Small-pox began in December
last and when it was at its height in ..
March, cholera broke out in a bad fOI'ID
and now we have 300 dying daily . of .
plague. God has protected Hope
Praise His name. With kind
yours v,el'y sincerely. . .. _ .
Anthony A. Avetoom. , :
Nazarf1nt: Mettsenger .
neiiver: --
The writer had but a brief w1th
the District . Superintendent, A. P.
FROM FIELD. Bowes, as he was about to go to Plain-
After these thirty-four years . of a ville, Kansas, where he with Rev. John
T. Hatfield, are to hold a camp meeting.
Christian life I would -say, "O' taste and Whiie at Denver the writer by invita-
se.e that the Lord is good, blessed is __tl;te tion of Rev. F. L. Williains, superin-
man that trusted in him. " I have found tendeut of the Lighthouse Mission,
it so r Hallelujah! preached twice in; the mission that is
run by the Colorado Holiness Associa-
Wahoo, Neb. tion, and held two services with our
Since writing last the dear Lord has church that is nowworshiping in a very
protected me in my journeysings of . fine hall in the central part of this rap-
over miles. My first stop after- idly growing city. "Our folks" here
leaving Marshalltown was at Wahoo, as are realizing more . ano
where we have a newly organized more that the powers of darkness are
church with Rev. F. F . Horne for not asleep, but in the midst( of all the .
tor. Bro. Horne and his faithful few obstructions to the rapid onward march
are worshiping in a rented store. They of true hqliness they are finding that
have started a Sunday school and are by the gr_ace of God, "in all of these
planning to press the battle by faithful things 'they' are more than conquer-
house to house visiting as well as by ors. ''
the church and Sunday school efforts. The work on Brother Bowes' District .
is encouraging and they hope soon to
BOulder, Colo. open up several other places, and at
.we were met at the station by our Dep.ver they hope to put up a good
faithful brother; Rev. A. Heath, and church for a ggressive work.
taken out to his home near our church, Herndon, Perry, Ia., and St. Paul, Minn.
. four and one-half miles directly east of Owing to changes made in my slate,
the city. ' We_ were glad to meet our and finding I could reach Surrey, N. D.,
pastor, Rev. R. L. Wisler and his good cheaper via St. Paul than via the
wife, who with the saints of our church Northwestern roads, I was privileged
pushing ahead against great odds, to make a brief but enjoyable call on
the progress being the more difficult several of my relatives in the above-
because of the financial stringency named place!), for which I truly praise
caused by the failure of the fruit crop God,.and pray that they with the writer
for the past two years. We had a good may so live as to meet in heaven, where
meeting. This church is working _,_the_ partings never come. We arrived in
envelope system. ,, Surrey, June 11th, in time for the even-
ing service. Hallelujah.
Longmont. H F R ld
. . eyno s.
Brother and Sister Carl H. .JJ .JI .JI
living in their cozy canvas hortse on
wheels and running a mission in this BLESSINGS IN BERKELEY, CAL.
prosperous city and at the close of their I am glad to bej able to send you a
tent work they hope to organize a l>en- good r eport. Last was a glor-
tecostal Church of the Nazarene and in-
tal a pasior and then move on and open ious .and God revealed himself to
up work in some other city. Let us us in all the services. The saints who
pray tlltt ;nuch lasting good may be attended the early morning prayer
accomplished by our brother and sister meeting were greatly refreshed. Truly,
in their itinerary. their mouths were filled with laughter
and their hearts with praise. Brother
Greeley. Clarence Leslie,_ our new Sunday school
We came with our pastor, Rev. L . F . - superintendent, has taken hold of the
B:urger, from Longmont to Greeley. work with zeal and earnestness. He
(Brothers Burger and Dauel met us . at works with consecrated hands as well as
Boulder and helped to push the holy with a i!evoterl heart, and when he sees
war, and Bro. Wisler came with us to anything which he thinks vyould be
Longmont. ) Our church at Greeley is good for our school, he makes it him-
marchiQg along with a healthy growth self. His last present of this kind is a
on line and is increasing in all of beautiful attendance thermometer
its offerings for the home and foreign which hangs on the wall in sight of
work. Both pastor and church are de- everybody, and registers the number
lighted . with . the envelope system for . present. In' this connection I may state
raising funds for our missionary work, that I . have taken a class of . boys be-
as . their offerings show. Our church tween the ages of twelve and fourteen.
has met with a heavy loss in the death Please ask the Lord to help me in- this
of Rev. and greatly beloved brother undertaking. .
King, who under God started and with Sister Epperson preached in the
his good wife did much to establish our morning on Sanctification as the seal
work_.jn Greeley. Sister King and her of the Holy -Spirit, --and four -seekers
family are standing by and helping to came to the altar. Two were sisters
push the work of. holiness in this, one who sought and claimed a pure heart,
.of the most and prosperous and. two were little- girls, "'ho testified
cities in Colorado. " to pardon. In the evening, o:ur pastor
gave -fh-eaccount of her OWn conversiOn, -:- -
backsliding; reclamation and sanctifica-
tion, in a ma,nner - that thrilled our
The Young People's meeting was
largely attended and exceedingly help-
ful. Eli BiddaH, who gave the
message, had marked liberty. A feature
. of this meeting was the quotiQ.g of
scriptures by nearly all the members. .
In . our street meeting we must hav_e
reached 250 'Or ,300 people.
E;'A. G.
... .-: . .JI .
We have now held the fifth session
of our Northwest District Assembly. It
was far the largest in our history. The
reports show a very gratifying increase.
The spirit of courage and hope was
From the first morning of
the Assembly when the communion was
administered, until the close, the tide
was rising. The brethren from North
Dakota brought very encouraging re-
ports. The General
were requested to organize a riew dis-
trict of North and South Dakota and
Montana at as early date as seemedwise
to them.
Throughout the entire Assembly the
preaching was of a high order. Dr.
Bresee preached a marvelous sermon on
Sunday morning. . Rev. C. Howard
Davis in the afternoon and Rev. A. 0.
Henricks in did excellent
work. At each service seekers were at
the aliar. It has been our privjlege to
be the Superintendent of this great dis-
trict, for more than four years. For
some time, the Lord has been leading
us toward and into a work in behalf of
unfortunate and. fallen people. Recent-
ly we organized the Pacific Coast Re-
demption Society and we now. have that
work on our hearts and hands. Owing
to this fact, in making the report of the
District Superintendent we stated that
owing to other work now upon us, it
would be impossible for us longer to
hold the office of District Superintend-
ent. Brother DeLance Wallace was
elected to take the place and enters
upon the work with a host of friends
praying for him and the work. We
expect a good work to be done and the
growth of the district to continue.
Beloved, jt .has been some time since
I have had anything to say through the
Messenger, but I wish to say we have .
been busy. At my last reporting I was
on my way to visit the Nazarene band
at Pine Grove church in Pope collDty,
Ark. We were rained out on Sunday .
at 11 a. m., but God wonderfully
blessed in afternoon and night. From
there I went to Pine Bluffs and found
our folks on the victory side; spent two
days there ; God is blessing there. Then
I spent a week with dear Brother Mul-
Hn on the Warren and Kingsland
charge. Our God is most wonderfully
-blessi!lg--Brother .Mullin. twenty .or more since I started
he . was deep ,in sh1-wa!'l may(lr of --nr tnisaiEitr icr,- D-e<l'ember-4th,-and have
Towson, Okla.-but. the Lord found him been in from one to five services daily;
and saved and sanctified hi in and called only niissing a few days; so I hope you
him to preach and . it .was a treat . to me won't thinlCbe_cattse we have been say-
to be associated wit4 :him. . His people ing little that'
we are taking a vacation,
love him." I ani to assist him in a revi- for we are in the to stay ; glory,
val at Warren, Ark, the last of Augwit So let's keep on beli'ev'ing . . A])len.. .
With 'others .we have shared some in
depre8sion. ... a,nd: ..
hard things to go througl). but tb
things can. scarc.ely .be . mentioned
pared with .. th-e favor._of __ has
l;>een on . us. - Our pupils hilve
hard and done faithful work . .. The aver-
. age grade has been good and veey satis-
fying to the teachers. The Lord's-;good .
harid ht1s been upon .Us and ..
found the Lord either. in conversion or
or first of.Septenjber: From Kingsland W. F. Dallas,
I' went to Waldron, Ark., ail\! met our
pas,tor, Bro. L. J. Hickerson, and spent
two days at c-: Waldron; then drove
twelve miles over one of the roughest
roads in Arkansas to Parks, and
'preached to our people for two days ;
then to Mansfield, Ark., where I
dropped off .and spent one night with
our folks. Brother Bayne is pastor.
Rev. B;_ S. Mullin and. Sister Dora Rice
were there with Brother Hayne .in a
devil-driving revival; they had rented
a large hall .and folks were coming and
getting to God, bless His n.ame. From
there I went home, May 22, .. for the
mencement at the Arkansas Holiness
College, and truly God was good to me
and I felt my lot had fallen in pleasant
places. Rev. J . B. Chapman preached
the commencement sermon. Quite a
number were present from Beebe, Hol-
h,md, Little Rock, Cabott, Jonesboro
and El Paso. Shouts of victory often
went up. The exercises given by the
primary department on Saturday night
. were . the ,best we have ever had, and
the program for Monday and Tuesday
nights were excellent and we :were
'made to say truly God was in that place.
While we regret to give up as good
a man as Prof. Hawkins as president,
yet we pray God to bless him in his
new field of labor. Our dear Brother F .
H. 'Mendel comes to us a man full of
the Holy Ghost and faith and as he
assumes the presidency of A. H. C. we
are praying and expecting this next
-year to be the best of all. Amen, I say.
On with our organized holiness and
Ori May 28th I left home for Delight,
Ark., to visit our church ' there, and
reached there Friday, May 29th, and
found our pastor, Rev. G. E. Waddle,
and Rev. J . S. Sanders of Shreevesport,
La., in a revival in our church, and
souls were praying through in the old-
time way. I spent three days with t hem
and souls found God either in pardon
or purity in most every service. From
there I went to Liberty, still on Brothc't
Waddle's work, and although it was in
mid-week yet the people came out and
'we had three services per day and God
blessed and saved some and sanctified
some, and we closed last . night with
shouts of victory and seekers at the
I am now on my way to Foreman,
Ark., in Little River county, and will
try and let your hear from us again
Will say I have found the. churcheE
.... .. so _far in good .condition and haying
souls Some new work is open,
ing'"up to us, and will it
not two new churches next week. 1
am determined to go on . . Have gained
.. .. ..
Dear Messenger family, greetings.
Just a word from our midst. God has
set His seal upon the work
thus far in the Southeastern District.
we had a great reyival in our church
at this place; many co'nverted and sane-
tified. Rev. E. A. Ferguson of Mt. Ver-
non, III.; was leader of the host. Since
then with a band of workers we have
had two good meetings in the country
near here. One of these places we hope
to have a Nazarene church is the near
future. Already there a,re two South-
ern Methodist preachers wanting to
unite with us. So by the grace of God
we are coming aiong. We start with
our tent soon on the district for some
meetings. We need your prayers.
There is just one real Nazarene church.
in the entire district. We hope to have
more soon. Your in the fight to stay.
C. P. Roberts .
.. Jll ..
The commencement exercises of the
abo\e institution brought to a close an-
other year of blessed work. President
E. P. Ellyson says of it:
"This has been a good yea?. Along
sanctification. ..
General Superintendent B; F : Bey-
. nolds is to be one of . the Q;
the Nazarene camp
Park, Oakland, Cal, which opens.Jtil, ,! . .
- ..,... ," > _'. : ... :?
' . , ' ' "'=
WiU Convid, IMpire
Apples .of Gold;
Or Words Fitly. SJM*-
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart MeBSages whie)J. have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER dniing the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and
by Dr. Bresee. .
Price 25 Cents
by mail SOc; in lots of 10
In cloth. 60 cent.
Address Author,
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cat
Beulah Park Camp Meeting
Beulah Park, East Oakland
. .. July 1-ll ....
The Third Camp Meeting of the San Francisco District
of the Pentecostal Church of the . Nazarene will open July 1st, at
General Superinteqdent
District Superintendent
Evangelist, Long Beach, Cal.
Evangelist, Santa Rosa, Cal.
Assisted lJy other Ministers and Evangelista of the District
There will be a good RESTAURANT on the grounds. TENTS alld
FURNITURE can be had at reasonable rates.
. Have your mail sent to BEULAH.PARK, EAST OAKLAND, CAL.
STREET CAR direct to Caml> Grounds.
Further information gladly given by
REV. H. 0 . WILEY, 26 S. Third St., San Jose, Cal.
.. or, REV. P. -G.-LINAWEAVF.:R,"7818th St . - Oakland. Cal:
Nazarene . Messenger
P. F. Bruee, - Editor
R. Pierce.. - - - - Olfice Ediror
C. J. Kinne, - Aut. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
Enter<Od at the poat-ofllce, A\tg. ''1, 1900, at Lila
AnireJes. Calltornla, as secOnd-claas matter.
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The Southern California District As-
sembly has .come and gone. It has
made history, it was the avenue of great
blessings, and has left in its wake. re-
sults as are not likely to be ever effaced.
There were on its roll as elegible to
seats in the Assembly 206 members, 176
of responded to . their names.
This was probably largest District
Assembly ever held in our church, un- .
less it may have been -the recent New
England Assembly held at Haverhill,
Mass., which: was a large Assembly.
There was also in attendance almost
constantly, large audiences. The mis-
sionary anniversary and the preaching
Nazarene Messenger .
hand, ruling and in the
matters of business, and His m11nifest
. glory often breaking forth through the
rifts . of business, was a great delight
and comfort to the heroic souls who
have borne the brunt of the battle
through year.
Special attention was given to the re-
ports of the committees on EducatioB';
Publishing Interests, Sunday School
and Deaconess work, some stirring ad-
. dresses being made, and suitable action
taken. Other reportS of committees
were carefully considered. and adopted.
The forces of the District were unified
and .arrai:J.ged, and the churches
generally well manned, and we feel that
large victory is
District Suoerintendent, who
heretofore has been able to give but a
fraction of his time to the District work,
being obliged to serve as a pastor as
well as District Superintendent, will
now be released and we trust so pro-
vided for that his uninterrupted time
may be given to. the advance movement
which is on hand and demands his
stant attention.
An offering of about $400 was made
towards the purchase of a church and
parsonage at Bakersfield; also about
$150 fq_r the Mexican work,_ as weJ} as
arrangements to provide for about 210
subscriptions . to the Messenger. The
Assembly seemed to awaken to the fact
that our literature is vital to the push-
ing and maintaining of our work, and
took some special steps -towards mak-
ing greater things possible. All agreed
that this was the greatest District As-
sembly they had ever attended, and
that it marked an epoch leading to an
era of great success in this blessed work
of holiness in thi!'l world.
services were also largely attended and .:11 _,. .:11
were inspirations and crowned with sal- A NATIONAL SHAME.
vation. The work in the District As- . .
semblies is constantly increasing and it We boast of being a Christian nation,
seems almost impossible . to do justice . bll.t in many things we are great of-
to all the varied interests, to consider fenders of God and man, and in none
properly the many things which demand more than our number of divorces. In
hear and give attention to some every fourth ma:J;"riage is
the work on the charges and properly ultimately divorced, and weddings
further the institutions of the church galore follow; many of the111 for un-
. in three days. This Assembly was al- scriptural reasons. No class . seems
most in session, forenoons exempt. The church is rapidly follow-
and-afternoons, except during the Mis- ing in the wake of the world, and hard-
sionary Anniversary, for these three ly a voice is raised against such unscrip-
days, with sessions uncomfortably long; . tural separations. But the limit is
and then it wa!J with difficulty that the . reached when it enters the ranks Of the
11 t d B t the professors of holiness. There should be
business was a transac e . u
t f d one loud, lo .. n,. and certain protest raised members were presen or serv1cc, an .e
' gladly labored night and day, and against this gigantic growing evil. Sen-
things were brought to pass. The-pres-: timent will not avail here. We must
H" a . understan d better - the -true nature of
ence I of the - and 1S gUl mg.
[June 24, 1909
the home, the .. relation
. tains to it, the evils any
. wrong severance of the ,relation:, etc . ..
The union in holy wedlock for , life of
man an'd wife is indispensible to the
perpetuity of a true home. . 'I;'he famiiy
is fundamental . to church or state if
either or bot.h are conserved; and -the
condition of the fami)y will determine
the condition of either. The church on
earth cannot, in the nature of things,
be superior to or of . the
home. The holy influence of the sanc-
tuary are very frequently dissipated by
tbe unholy influences of the home. It
takes unusual grace, more than many
professors of holiness possess, to over-
cQme the abiding disruptions of an un-
happy home. So many things center
there: Mutual affection,' or its absence;
comfort and shelter from the outside
storms of life, or worse storms within;
mutual helpfulness; or inherent hinder-
ance; healthy reproduction of offspring,
or hellish misuse of the marriage bed;
wise of children, or injudi-
indulgence, making criminals. No
individual in the church is to
the .sacred place in the heart of
a husband or wife, but its lawful posses-
sor. church has no mission to
such relations. Frequent persons
in the church awake to find their fel-
lowship with married persons is natu-
ral . and not spiritual, unintentionally,
because the order of church society al-
lows it, the social life develops forbidden
regard instead of spiritual communion.
The pleasure this forbidden regard
creates may be. taken for spiritual en-
joyment until one awaken to find a de-
sire well-developed for the forbidden
object. Oh what disaster has come
along this line, even in the ranks of
holiness people. The withholding from
one to whom is pledged for life, all our
love,of this kind,.is awful sin, and opens
the pathway for its upon
another. Had Mr. Wesley trifled with
other affections after trying to live con-
genially and according to God ;s ordi-
nance for over twenty years with an
unloving companion, the Wesleyan re-
vival would never have existed. Social
conditions today has a greater tendency
to prevent marriage and opens society
to attacks upon the home from i(hose
who should under proper conditions
have entered the marriage relation.
'fhe present trend is away from mar-
riag,e and the true home.
Such are rthe low conceptions of
church and state concerning the in-
violability of the marriage tie that in
June 24, 1909]
--.... many:states reasons for divorce
-may be applied, outside the only scrip-
tural . one. With such a light estimate
the sacredness of the marriage bond
and its obligations, is it any wonder
. _that d_ay has lists of divorces
for the most trivial reasons.
The character of the claimants them-
' selves have most t9 . do with' this dis- .
tlirbed condition of the home. They en-
ter the relation .without regard to .its
true meaning and import. Fickle, fan-
ciful, selfish, irritable, peevish, they
seek only their own and
are in constant conflict. _one has ail
the burden...,.....the other the drunkenness,
idleness, neglect and abuse. No effort
is made to overcome the naturally un.:.
favorable conditions-the courts inake
it easy to run away r:.:om them. If di-
vorce lessened them, it would have an
argument in its favor, but it' only com-
,,plicates them, and the state of society
about us. Many continue the relation
through . fear of church or state, and
consequently seek to make the most of
the cilse. By doing so, they are Jed to
God, and find much of the cause in
themselves; therefore it is the duty of
church and state it hard for
separation, and easy to. endure. .
Divorce foster s evil inclinations.
Where genuine love exists divorce is
not required. One should have more
wason for .separation than dislike for
the other contracting party, which fre-
quently exists because of an undue re-
gard for some one else.
If this ratio of increase of two hun-
dred per cent in forty years continues,
it is hard to state. what wiil happen.
The church must The holiness
people must be clean up to the point
of the closest inspection, for the line is
very narrow between perfect love . and
free love, -when one looks toward the
sacred purity of the true home.
G.W. W.
Jlf . .- .:11
Early morning prayer meetin-g was
doubled in attendance and- shouts of
triumphant victory were given as the
saints made intercession to the throne.
Blessed be God for giving us a good
audience and attentive ear. Men are
anxious to hear the truth. When God's
word is made . spirit and life through
the power of the Holy Ghost it attrActs
and convicts. That same blessed truth
that Peter uttered on the streets of
Jerusalem neady two thousand years
.ago and . wqs so fruitful, . has ilot lost
its -power. We see its effects on the
streets of Los Angeles.
K. J . K .
Notes -ami,-.Personab
A very blessed service was enjoyed at
Vernon Sunday night, Rev. R. Pierce
preaching, with one soul at the altar .
A new church has been organized at
Myra, Texas, with twenty-one good
members. This is the result of a meet-
ing held by Bro. A. B. Jones.
'As the result of the camp meeting at
Milton, Cal., a church with eighteen
members was organized and Rev. D. S.
Reed chosen as pastor. Next I . . .
Brother C. V. La Fontaine addressed
the yearly meeting at Whittier.
this week, Thursday, on the prohibition
question, speaking on the subject of
"No 'Compromise."
Bro. Guy L. Wilson has just closed
a successful meeting at Greenbrier,
Tenn., assisted by Miss Ella Morrison
of Nashville. We are glad to learn that
our young brother is pushing the battle.
The Lord is blessing Bro. E. M.
Hutchens in his chosen field of rescue
work in San Diego. Already some are
seeking the Lord, and one man who
. was on the verge of suicide has beEm
Brother J. W. Goodwin, the District
Superintendent of Southern. California,
expects to put a second tent into the
field any any one who can help along
with its purchase, may send their
contribution to him.
Any of the weekly or monthly papers,
issued by local churches or represent-
ing the denomination, are at liberty to
copy any item of news in the Messenger
without credit. We want t o spread the
news of what is going on.
Brother Henricks writes from Port-
land, Ore. : ''We had a g.reat day yes-
t erday . . Eight or ten souls were at the
altar during the day and most of them .
seemed to get the victory. . We are go-
ing on to victory by His grace.''
It is desirable that the churches pay
the salary of t he District Superintend-
ent in monthly or quarterly install-
ments. We ought to receive . enough
this coming month (the first of the As-
sembly year) to provide his Jiving
C. J . Kinne. Treasurer .
In one of his letters to the P entecostal
Herald, Rev. A. M. Hil1s, who has b een
for some time England and Scotland.
says : "In a little
over seven months I
have seen more than eighteen hundred
saved or sanctified under my preaching,
and I have been without revival en-
gagements nearly two months of the
time.-'' These countries . are ripe for
aggressive. holiness work. '
All of the-1518frict Assemblies have
shown Victorions New Y odt_
and New England Districts have taken
giant strides . the . past year. Superm-
teiidents Hoople and Riggs have proved
themseives aggressive leaders and are
marshalling invincible forces on their -
respective fields. . . The remarkable
growth of John Wesley Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene, Brooklyn, N.
Y., of which Supt. Hoople' is p48tor,
makes it the banner church of the
for rapid strides of progress throtigJL.
out our whole connection, if we are not
misinformed. Its great undertakings
on the. line' of building and revival
paigning have proved to be of faith
rather than presumption, as restilts now
We have a God, and through
Him great achievements are possible.
- What gives attractiveness to this Pen-
tecostal Nazarene movement is that -it
affair has gone mto fanatic m and
finally on the rocks. Organiz d holi-
ness gives God_a chalice .and He is using
it, praise His. name! We are working
underground largely yet, laying fonn-
dations for future building, but already
results are showing above the surface
here and there. If God's saints keep
on their faces, hell will have occasion
to howl in dismay ere many moons mul-
tiply.-Beulah Christian.
Jlf JiJ Jlf
Nothing is so impossible as to live np
to a standard of holiness. In the first
place, the standard which would be set
by a heart having carnality would be so
mU:ch different ' from that whicha holy,
all-wise God would demand of bis chil-
dren that it would not at aJl serVe. as
requirement for our life on earth. In
the second place, the heights viewed by
the soul entirely sanctified are so far
above present attainment that no holy
heart would dare set up an arbitrary
standard for any man. The unalterable
demand God makes upon all men is
erance from sin-there is no lower plape
of .. Jiving pQssible for a Christian. But
that demand cannot be met until one
becomes a Christipn. The experience of
holiness is not in meeting a certain
of requirements; it is the spontaneous
outflow of a life within made Christlike.
It i_s not striving to do something we
cannot, but as the Book and the Spirit
r eveal new things of God to our aspir-
ing souls, we mount into higher realms,
enter into closer communion, and our
lives take on new standards and new
richness of activity.-Pentecostal Advo-
"Apples of Gold" is just the book
for an inspiring gift. 1t will bll!ss' the
soul ' J nd inspire faith. Send for one.
25 eenUJ postPaid ; 10 for $2.
. - - .. --
ws Angeles . and Vicinity
. the< church -of' "Go<i "Brothera xtlians COMPTON AVENUE.CHUR(fti> .
and Ledig sang and H. J. Kerns, Bel"tha At the. Thursday night prayer .ser-
May Wilson and -Speros Athans spoke.
Bro. Athans inviting seekers and some vice one of4.our recent . converts, Miss
The SaQbath at the First Church was coming to altar, a service of prayer J{elley, told''of the wonderful dealings
a very great day, it being both the Sab- and victorious faith,. was held. of God with her soul, being raised in
:bath of the' District Assembly and ihe At night Dr. E. F. -Walker preached the Catholic Church and taught
Commencement Sabbath of the Deets the annual l[!ermon from Lamentations was a sin to read the BibkLor tQ go to
Pacific Bible College. 4 :7' ''Her N !1Zarites were . purer than a !burch ... . Tne.- trallsfor-
snow, they were whiter than milk, they mation is an open Bible and a cdhver-
At the 11 of.clock hou,r the trustees were more ruddy-'in body than rubies, ted and afterwar<Js a sanctified life.,
of the college and professors present, their polishing was as sapphire.'' He and one of . the twentieth century
together with the students, were seated spoke of the purity, perfection, power Ijliracles. Sh'e .now asks the
together in the cent_er -<Sf the church. and polish of the peqple set apart and at the meal time, has family worship
. A goodly number of ministers filled the sanctified to God. Nothing but a . full and is praying for the salvation of },\er
large . phitform and a great audience publication could give any idea of. this husband. The answer will
filled the auditorium. '1'he congrega- wonderful sermon, but its strikinfJ' fig- glory to God,! . .
with fervor and l;wly triumph. ures, deep thought and unctuous power The' Sabbath day _was one of the
.Rev. Lulu Rogers led in prayer. Miss will remain . with those who had the flood tide type. A large Sabbath
Nellie Green sang, and Dr. Bresee privilege of hearing it. Some souls school was turned into a Sabbath
preached the baccalaureate sermon, were at the altar and the day was school class . meeting, with the addi-
taking for his text 2 Timothy 4 :2, crown.ed with victory. tion that fifteen of our new children
''Preach the Word.'' He showed that _. were wondrously converted. God
the modern pulpit arid meeting bouse, GRAND AVENUE CHURCH Bro. W: C. WilliaJ!ts
while seemingly providential, are insti- , of akersfield renewed hts d family
tutional; but do not altogether fulfil the The first Sabbath of the new Assem- s by preaching for us in the morn-
, primitive purpose of preaching the gos- bly year: was a good indication of the ing on ''The Blessing Necessity
pel. That the . privilege and duty of advance in spiritual power and bless- of Holy Ghost Power." While two
preaching is indisolubly connected with ' were being received into membership
discipleship. That elders in the church ing, and interest . which and the doctrines of the church were
had more to do, as such, with govern- new year wtll mean to thts growmg being presented, a lady sitting in the
ment, and deacons were provided to at- church. On account of .many people of congregation who had recently been
tend to business affairs; and the community who are really unac- gloriously saved, called out that as
elders and deacons both preached, they quainted with the Assembly work, and the church did not require more than
did. it on the basis of t he fulfillment -o would have been disappointed in not the Lord, why . could she not be
the promise of God, to pour out of His having services, we did not adjourn for received also; of courSe she was taken
Spirit and that the sons and daughters the services at First Church. Splendid in. One soul was at the altar for sane-
should preach. He showed that a congregations were present at both ser- tification.
man's ministry will be in operation vices. Brother La Fontaine pr_eached At night Bro. Fluck preached the
where he is, and that . will lead in the morning from Eph. 2:22, ''An wora in power; and three souls sought
him where he would have him go: Not habitation of God through the Spirit," sanctification and one backslider re-
only who is to preach, and where, but and in the evening from Zech. 4:6, "By claimed.
he especially dwelt upon how. He my Spirit," showing that the work of Monday night a brother who . had
showed that preaching must be in Sin- the church is the salvation of souls, and been under conviction for sanctifica-
cerity. How it must spring out of the that the measure of the Spirit of God tion for some time, came to our pas-
experience of the soul, through the in- in the church is the measure of our sue- tor's home and we helped to pray
spiration of the Spirit. It must also be cess in the work. One young man who heaven open and the blessing came.
in Simplicity. These are things which is to enter into mission work was con- We humbly thank Him for all these
can not be ornamented. The messages verted. . He had backslid through dis- tokens of His love. v. J . J . .
of divine love to save from sin and . obedience, and came from across the. _. .J/1 ,.
outer darkness. must be the simple pre- city to get to our altars. He was won-
sentation of truth. He showed also that derfnlly. blessed and r eclaimed. D. RAND PIERCE'S POFMS.
preaching-must be. Earnest. How a pas- , _. .J/1 .J/1 Some over two hundred advance or-
sionless gospel was like a dead or ders have been received by. the author
powerless thunderbolt. That any man TRINITY CHURCH. thus far. Three hundred at least are
who had the vision would be filled with The meetings on Sabbath .were sea- desired before the date of publi_cation, .
divine intensity. That it must be also sons of refreshing. The Lord poured which may be not far away.
in the power of the Holy Ghost. The 'out His Spirit in a manner at This beautiful volume of verses will
same necessity continues that there be be the first ever issued by an .American
_tarrying until the Holy Ghost comes the 11 o'clock service. subJect of suited to the heart-life of the holiness
upon the waiting soul. He also spoke the morning discourse was. " The Cruci- people, or any who ar.e deeply spiritual.
of what we are to preach-the Word. fied Life." We did not have any meet- It will contain also a . good variety of
He dwelt upon the revealed Word of ing of the young people, because a large poems both narrative and juvenile.
God, and how it r evealed Him who is number of our young people being stu- Will be nicely bound: Will all those
_the Word, who was in the beginning dents at the Bible College, took oppor- who wish to aid the author in his effort
with God, who was and is Qod, whom tunity to hear the annual sermon at to publish )lis labor of over twenty
"\Ve preach, ''Christ in you the hope of First Church. years please drop him a card addressed,
glory." A great multitude of young The evening services at 7 o'clock be- Rev. D. Rand Pierce, 20 South street,
men and women rallied around the altar ban gith a prayer and praise service for Fitchburg, Mass., asking to be enrolled.
in token of devotement to God and one hour, which was very blessed in- No.t to be paid for till time of delivery.
for fresh endue'ments from the deed. The text for the evening sermon Price one dollar.
, was John 20:21, "As my Father hath
" Th .JII . ,. _.
The afternoon was given to a sent me, even so send I you. . e
platform meeting, but at the opening Lord wonderfully blessed the preaching
an impressive .service was of His word. Bro. Whitcomb preached
held and Revs. C. W. Griffin and Alfred both morning and evening. '
E. Reinschmidt were ordained elders. in J . . E .. Figg.
Dr. Bresee will preach at the
Tabernacle next Sabbath mo_rning and
Rev. J. W. Goodwin at . the night
. service.
Nazarene . Me1111enge.,.
-- ---- MILTON cA)JP'" MEETING .. -- , .. ---- -!4!rard times" meet tlt_e: __ pastor !s .
The camp meeting . at Milton. is now salary and local expenses and make
a matter of history imd good history offerings like the above toward a .church
t'hank God I On June 3rd we had ou; home. L . A. Brqmley.
District some .JI .JI .JI .
large oaks four miles north'ff GENERAL MISSIONARY SECRETARY'S
and about .twenty preachers and p1l- SLATE-
grims fr6itrthe Bay _cities joined with July 1 to 11, San Francisc:o J;>istrict Camp
. . Meetmg, Cal. . . .
.the; . people iii and around Mil- July. 12 to 18, San Francisco District, Cal.
ton in the :battle. From the commence- July 22 to 25, New Mexico and Texas.
__ e had victory.and,tb_ere was not -July29toAug.8, Mis'sissippiCampmeetipg.
a.n altar call but what seek- Tracy City, Tenn. Home
ers for sanctification, re1lamation. or Aqg. 26 to Sept, 5, Nauvoo, Ala.
conversion, and in every service Sept. 6 to 30, Kansas and Oklahoma Dist.
some prayed. through. to victory, halle- . October. General Missionary Board Meet-
. h mg. H. F, REYNOLDS,
UJa ! Among the. preilchers who 823 River Haverhill, Mass.
preached with Pentecostal power . was
our District Superintendent; .- .JI .-
_weavsr, pastor H . .0 . . Wiley of San Jose, DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES.
The following District Assemblies are
hereby called, to meet as follows:
Rocky Mountain District---Septem-
ber 23, 1909, 9 a. m. At Denver, Colo.
Chicago Central District-September
30, 1909, 9 a. m. At Canton, Ill.
P. F. Bresee,
General Superintendent.
evangelist Fred St. Clair of - Santa
Rosa, D. S. Reed and S. B. <Rhoads of
Alameda. On Saturday a1ternoon a
number of those who had been blessed
and in holiness met in the large
tent and . invited the District Superin-
to organize them into a church.
They then called Rev. D. S. Reed to be
pastor, commencing His pastorate
witll eighteen members, including him-
self and wife, with several more to join
as soon as the work is started. This is SEVENTH
first baby since the District Assem-
bly, but in the name of our King, we
expect to enter many open doors that
are calling for _the Pentecostal Church
of the Nazarene. Our next camp meet-
ing will July 1st at Beulah
East and we are expect-
mg a great VIctory.
C. W. Welts.
.. .. ..
The first Sabbath in the month was
a good day for the local Nazarenes. It
A remarkable book by Elder Can-
right, who was long one of the leading
advocates of Adventism. If you are at
all interested in the subject, or if you.
have any friends who are troubled on
this subject, you should get this great
book. It . -is intensely interesting, and
is profitable reading for any one. Sent
postpajd for $1.00 in' cloth binding, or
60 cents paper.
-B-ook Offer
60c FOR 25c, POST-PAID
Plain Account of Christian Perfec-
tion. Wesley. . . . .
F.xperience. of Ar,n Rogers.
God Love, by C. S. Eby.
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book).
Five Steps to Entire Sanctification;
16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee;
Holiness, 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man's Desire to Know God. Ser-
mon by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose
Potter Crist.
Send 25c for this Collection
of Books and Tracts
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them Up. ..
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per postpaid.
. OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
tO another."
10c. per doz.; 50c. per 100, postpaid.
730 San Pedro St . Los Ange}es, Cal.

aves o ory .
PUB. 730. SU
. was set for the fourth quarterly march
around offer_ing on church debt pledges
made a year ago. A fair representation
of the church was.present. The sum of
$665 was asked t'o meet principal and
interest; on riotes due. After prayer and
singing the amount of $525 was laid on

. the table. It was a spiritual and happy
... for _a bunch of wage earners
to lay at the feet of Jesus a tithe to
vance the cause of holiness so dear to
their hearts. . . .
auditing recently ap-
pomtcd by the church board has just
completed the books of the treasurer
and they r eport that they find the same
well kept; that we have received in
cash during the year $1,340 for church
debt arid repair and the same has been
placed by the board to liquidating the
debt and making needed repairs; that
the amounts received duririg the year
an,d for expenses of mee.tings have been
faithfully accounted for; that the
amounts contributed weekly to the pas-
tor and running are credited
fully and properly.
It is gratifyi'ng and highly creditable
to the teaching and profession of holi-
ness that a J?and of poor people in
Pentecostal Songs
of ,. the Nazarene
156 Songs, also select Psalms and Readings. A l4rge number of
songs never before published. Round or shaped notes.
Manilla Cover, Postpaid, 15c .
100 Not Postpaid - $12.00
We will deliver these books to any address for $l3.00 per 100
Nazarene Publishing Company
730 San Pedro Street
Li==:============L=O=S===A=N=G=E=L=E=S=, =C=A=L=. .
_Nazarene . .., Mess.eng'er .
AN INTERE.STING REPORT. Northwest . District, and something--of-'-entirel!m-rlti1itrt1<nft:-tS"<Fwb:at ilhall be
The following is the report of the its great rieed, its .... whiteness unto. the said of an imperfect consecration T And
Committee on the State of the Chu);'ch, haJ;'vest:and its open andopenin:g doors yet the human side of -the matter is
presented to the Northwest District As- in all directions. Truly the great Ma.ce- called tpe divine. work, and a most de"
donian cry is calling from afar, filling . fective seeking is misnomered a find-
sein_bly at Seattle, June 5, 1909, by 1ts . our ears and our hearts and our vision hig . .
chairman, Rev .. John H. Allen: .... with the assured and reassured evidence
. We, your Committee on the State of
the Church, report as follows :
First . . If, by the term "church." we
must include all the organized Chris-
of our times 'that professes to be
Christian, and that demands recognition
as. such, then . the. state . of the
is only deplorable and alarming, but .
absolutely the most dangerous has
existed since the day the Nazarene said,
''On this rock-that of divine revela-
tion-do I build my church. ''
. Or, if, on the other hand, we may in-
clude only t hat part of that which is
called the church that a large per cent of
of the fact that the Church the
Nazarene has come to the Kingdom: for
such a tim.e as (his. . . .
We believe in the divinity of our
name and of our mission, an.d that we
are divinely .called to fill this land with .
the truth and consequent glory, of the
gospel of Christ, steadily holding forth
the truth of the Bible as written, and
for the purpose written.
[Signed] J . H. Allen,
J. B. Creighton,
W. S. Rice,
A. B. Culbertson.
. Christendom is willing to recognize as
such, then we are forced to say that its BE SURE THE. WORK IS REAL.
conservativ:e and time-serving spirit is The following is taken from an arti-
blinding, blighting and ruinous to the cl e by Dr. Carradine in the Christian
fact of spiritual life. Witness, which it wili be well for holi-
. Again, if we are to understand the
term ch"urch as being applicable only ness :people .tp seriously consider :
to such factions of a diviaed and strife- The holiness movement is getting.
. smitten Christianity as really stand for filled today with people who have never
blood atonement through the sacrificed received the ' real upper , room experi-
Son of God, we must still say that the ence. They seem to kilow nothing of
greater part of this glorious ministry the. baptism with the Holy Ghost and
are, either ignorantly or otherwise, a fire and the death of the old i:nan. They
hindrance to the development' of that know. :x;tothing of the white stone given
which is highest and best in Christian by Christ to the overcomer in the
experience, illumination and achieve- chur ch, with . a new . name written in
ment: t he stone which no man -knoweth sav-
But, if we may limit the meaning of ing he that receiveth it. They have a
that word chur ch to that body of which dry, mechanical profession, but are
Jesus Christ is the Lord, the Savior and minus a sweet, burning, unctuous, glor-'
the living head, to which He prefixes the ions possession.
possessive ''my,'' -then . the church is In explanation they say that the
still an undinted, undintable and un- evangelist told them to take the bless-
daunted company of blood-washed and ing by faith and go on. Our r epfy to
spirit-filled saints, who, "fair as the all such is that the Savior commands to
moon, . cJear as the sun and terrible as the contr ary, and that His wo.rds .to the _with banners," are marching disciples 'were: . "Tarry. ye in the city
J/1 .- J/1 .
. The .above is the-title of a poem
which was published in the New Yea1
Number of -the . It waE
compQsed by Rev. -J . W. Goodwin, in
honor of Dr.- Bresee's 70th bir.thday:,
and read .. the Anniversary
meetmg on New Year's eve. We
have published .it in a beautiful little
Booklet so that those who desire to do
so may preserve it.
Sent post.:paid for lOc; 3 for 25c.
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles.
. . .- .- J/1
Every person who receives a sample
copy of the paper is urged to become a
subscriber. Both young .and old are
delighted with the paper. If any one
who wants it' and don't feel able to sub-
scribe will send us their name and ad-
on 'a card 'asking for par-
ticulars, we will tell you how by a very
little effort you can get the paper free.
Smith's Smaller. Scripture History .80
Theological Com pend. (Ellyson) . . . 75
Manual of the Church . . .25
Wesle)"'s Five Sermons . . . .25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) . .80
Preacher and Prayer (Bounds) . .30
None Like It (Parker) . paper .60
We can supply the whole four years' course
and will publish prices later.
- 730 San PeCiro st., Los'Angeies
Mohave Ctiildren
to victory; a factor pf which, the of J erusalem until ye be endued with
:Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, is power from on high." "Wait for the
not a new piece of cloth in.the old gar- promise of the Father which (saitb he)
ment of a man-governed ecclesiasticism, ye have heard of me. - For John truly
but a new garment, a new battle, which, baptized with water, but ye shall be stories life by . .
like the proverbial new broom, is swe.ep- baptized with the Holy Ghost not many MRs .. ANNA
ing Clean. days hence; " . Missionary to
The Pentecostal Church of the Naza- Christ never said wait ten days, but A beautiful -book, mqstrated with fine half-
rene stands in the same relation to the tarry until the blessing comes, whether tone engravings, bound in Onyx Briatol.
world that the Lutheran and Wesleyan it takes ten, twenty, or a hundred days. This book is instructive as well as entertain-
reformations did in their day; one of But.lo! Many of the evangelists to- ing and gives an interesting account of real
which broke away from the. supersti- day up the church D)embers,' ask life among theselittle known people.
tious pri_estcraft of an idolatrous, saint- them to bow a few minutes at the cush- An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
. ers to present to their clasiles.
worshipping hierarchy; the other de- ioned altar, request preachers and lay- . NAZARENEPUB co;
livered itself from the J>lightipg form- men to lead who have not the blessing 15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
alism of a dead ecclesiasticism. One. . themselves, and when. the wretched lit- two for 25c Los Angeles, -Cal.
of these brought to light the truth of . tle farce . is over, dismiss the seekers!
justification by faith; the other that of (heaveif save the mark) to their sea is
sanctification by faith. But the work with the. assurance that the work has
and responsibility of the Church of the been done. Then the report is to
. Na?;arene 'is. mu.'ch greater than either some distant religious paper that one;
of these; because she stands for both two or three hundred had received
these great truths; and must hold them their Pentecost!
both in the flood o light on But where is the flame in the soul!
. the divine word of truth, togetlier with Thinongue of fire! The wine-like joy!
the: and ever-increasing op- Arid the power of the. Holy Ghost: m
portunjties of t.his wonderful them and on ; .
: We 'recognize the extent of this great . Even a is not
New Manual
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid: . ..
1\azarene Co.
730 San Pedro Street '
Los. Angela, Cal.
June 24, 1909]
J. M. 0. v
I a in- Jesus' little lamP.
And He loves- me so,
That He's with me all the time-
. Everywhere I g'o:
In His gentle of
When I'm sad and lone,
He does take and comfort me,
As His very own.
Nazarene Messenger
:- ' : ...
. . .
this; and don't do that, au the J b th H 1 .
thrre:;:-"Ybu are sick of- -it,...and- would-- aC() ... -. ---: e ---:ee
like to have your. way. . .. OR' . .
'Yell, put yourl ears down -while i: Some of God's Pi<:tures of
wh1sper one word, ''Obey.'' the Carnal Mmd.
Oh; you think I'm making fun. No, .
I am not. I know a boy who decided BY L. MILTON WILLIAMS
to do just what father said. He With Portrait and Introduction
never offered excuses, never tried to B R A. M H.
t t f 1 t
.l fi 11 h" f h y EV.. ILLS.
ge ou o wor {, un 1 . na y Is at . er
came to trust him perfectly. His father
said, "I know that Harlie will do what
is right." When he went out nights,
or to school, or to play, his father never
said a word, for he had come to have
perfect confidence in his boy.
is a volume of 350 ps_ge!J packed full_of
stnkmg lessons from the hfe of Jacob, wnt-
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist. ' '
Bound in Cloth, 'Price $1.00
'When I wake and when I sleep,
When I .work or play,
Christ my Shepherd cares for me,
Keeps me safe alway.
Honestly, obedience is the road to
freedom. If you want to have your
own way, ,just begib to obey.-Watch-
Nazarene Publishing Co . ..
: . . 730 San Pedro Street;
Gentle, kind, and loving, too,
. I must ever be;
For no matter where I go,
Jesus Christ can see.
I'm so glad my Shepherd loves
A little child like me;
And His faithful little lamb
I shall always be. ,
If a boy is a lover of the !Jord Jesus
Christ, though he can 't l ead a prayer
meeting or -be a church officer or
preacher, he can be a godly boy in a
boy's way and in a boy's place. He
need not cease to be a boy because he
is a Christian. He ought to run, jump,
climb and yell just like a real boy. But
in all he to be free from vulgarity
and profamty. He ought not use to-
bacco in any form, and should have a
horror for intoxicating drinks. He
ought to be p eaceable, g entle, merciful
and generous. He ought . to take the
part of small boys .against large ones.
He ought to discourage fighting. He
ought to refuse to be a party_ to mis-
chi ef, to persecution or deceit. And
above all things, he ought no''' and then
to show his colors, He should not al-
. ways be interrupting a game to say that
he is a Christian. hut h e ought not to
.. be ashamed to say that he r efuses to
do. something he fears God or
is a Christian. He ought to take no
part in the rid.icill e of sacred things, .
but meet the ridicule of others with a
bold statement that for things of Got!
he feels the deepest
I have a secret which I should like
to whisper to the boys and girls if they
will put their ears down close enough.
I don't want father and mother to hear,
for it is to be a surprise on them.
You have long wanted your own
way. You have become tired of hear-
ing mother say, "Come right home .. ,
after school,' ' ''Don't be late,'' ''Be
sure and tell the teacher." It is "do
man. Los Angeles, Cal. .
It Pays toAdvertise.
Every Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
We Publish an Eight-page Tract, which is Very Effectjve Advertising
The Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
What is It? What does it Believe? . It's Advantages.
It's Relation to Other . The Church and the Saloon.
.. -Th 1 subject matter of the Traet occupies ,,- leaving. the last page for adver-
bsmg of your church. . .
1000 Tracts, w!th our advertisement on back, $? . post-paid.
1000 Tracts, W.l_th back page bl_ank for YO':'r ao:-v, $3.50 post-paid.
1000 Tract!!, w1th your advertisement prmtd :\11'1. page 8, $4.50 post-paid.
730 San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, California
An Opportunity for Young People
-THE NAZARENE MESSENGER goes into many homes where
the young people do not get THE . YOUTH'S COMRADE. We
want to introduce that paper into every horne,. It is a weekly
paper. for young people. It is especially suitable for the
homes of Christian people of any denomination. It is not
denominational. It teaches definite salvation. It is filled
with interesting reading matter. Both old and young are
delighted with it.
Young People Can Earn a Year's. Subscrip-
... tion by Doing a Little Work for Us ...
We subscribers, and want to introduce1 our Gospel
every cornrnumty. We will send 15 Stamp Books
whtch retail for lOc each. Send us the $1.50 and we will
send THE YOUTH's COMRADE for one year; beginning with
the first number.
Parents please call the attention of your children to this offer The
_____ __.::;, good sellers, and they can earn the paper in a
. . bttle whtle. We. send the .Stamps without the r:noney, if
you agree to sell them and send m the money or return the unsold ones.
730 San Pedro St.
.. . . ' .. .
- . . . -
Angeles, California
[J,'qne 24. UJ9
.. gujde the feet. Read it 1Di'!C& and prayerfully. It Is a p{i])iisll.illg .Co; will
mine o( a . paradise. or glory,
A and Ri.vl'l
;:@1 pleasure. it is you . .. cl).rry in stock the -Books in the Course,
"Twenty-two: .. ' ago, ., with the in life, will be opened in .the . of Study. for L'icensed Preachers ai:tdi
. ." a I d h' and remembered. forever. It mvolves Evangelists. .Mail Orders:. will .. be
oly Spmt .as gm e, . Is ' the highest 'tesponsibility, will .reward. promptly filled. For further infornia-
wonderful teJllple the highest labor, and condemn all who tion .write 'the Nazarene
-I entered at the portico of Genesis, trifle with its sacred contents. inclosing a stamp for reply, and they
. walked down through the Old Testa- .- .:,. . will furnish you with all the .. needed
ment art gallery where the pictures -of . information with reference to cost of
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, FIRE BURNING. books, etc, .
Daniel, hang .on the wall. I into Many a soul has ground and gone 1'lie .above information is forthcom.-
t he music room of P.salms, where the back to. the :world because he .let the ing in response to a petition from one
Spirit swept the keyboards of nature . fire go out for one hour. Keep up the of the District Assemblies. .
and brought forth the dirge-like W!lil of fire ! It is the fire of holy love, and H. F. Reynolds.
the weeping prophet Jeremiah, to the
grand, in,1passioried strain of Isaiah, un- since there is ilo salvation, without love,
keep the fire burning in order to keep
til it seemed that every reed and pipe saved. It is the first of eager desire
in God's great . organ of nature re-
sponded to the .tuneful harp of David, after God\ and since there is iro sal va-
the sweet singer of. Israel. I entered tion without God, keep the fire burning
the chapel of Eccles_iastes, where the in order to k eep God in your beart. It
voice of the preacher was heard, and is the fire of a holy purpose; and since
into the

of Sharon, and 'an aimless life is a worthless life, keep
the -Lily of the . Valley's sweet scented the fire burning in order to aim right
spices filled and perfumed my life. I and r each the goal. It is the fire of an .
entered the business office of Proverbs, intelligent mind, and since there is so
then into the conserva tory room of the much. to learn of the ways of God with
prop'llets, where I saw telescopes of va- men, keep the fire burning in order to
rious sizes, some pointed to far-off keep up the sear ch after God and truth.
events, but all concentrated upon the The right kind of fire, means victory.
bright and Morning Star which was to The fire put out, and hope and peace
rise above the moonlit hills of Judea and love gone, menus defeat and gloom
. for our salvation. I entered the audi- and respair. The burning, blazing,
glowing, fire means much
. ce r oom of. the King of Kings, aJ?.d
h done for God and men, and l:J.eaven at
. . ught vis-iori of His glory t e last. Keep the fire burning!.,.--W es-
standpomt of Mark, leyan Methodist.
' .'
-Pins ... .
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have hereto:(ore sold, and a new
kind made of Abaione with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene P1,1blishing Company
passedlcllto of the
where the, Holy Spirit .:was domg .!IS
office work in the formation of the in-
fant Church. Then into the correspond-
ence ioom where sat Matthew, Mark,
Luke, .f:(5hn; PAul, Peter, J ames and
.Jude; .their epistles. I stepped

ouR leaders in sacred eong hooks: Beet of All. Golden Trumpet. Songs of the Com-
-.,=1'---R- forter. Spiritual Songs. More than a million sold. Price hom 1 Oc to. 3Sc. &9b
.,_,AJt-W..<.,- . for .alJ services. . Discount introductory order. Write fot: free catalogue.
. into the throne room of Revelation,
. where all towered into glittering peaks,
and I got a vision of the King sitting
upon His throne in all His glory, and
.. I cl'ied :
'' 'All hai! the power of Jesus' . name,
Let angels prostrate fall-;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all! ' ''
Billy Sunday.
$ . $
THE woRD oF Goo: ,
This book contai;ns thG mind of God,
the .. state of man, the way of salvation,
. the''doom of sinners, and happiness
of helievers.
Its .doctrine_s. are holy, its precepts
are binding, its histories are true, and
its decisions are immutable. Read it to
be wise, it to be safe, and prac-
ticejt to be holy. . .
It containlil light to direct you, food
to support you, and comfort to cheer
you. It is the map, the sol-
. dier 's sword, the pilgrim' s staff, and
the Christian's charter.
Here Paradise is restored; Heaven
. ang .Hell, . . .Qhrist is
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and the glory of God .jts end. .
It shall fill the memory, rule the heart,
. THE CHRISTIAN WITNESS, an opirituaL and helpful rdip,u. weddy
Priec S 1.00 per year
The Christian Wltne.s s Co Room 41, 92 La Salle .st .. Chlca o. 111.
I . Texas Holiness PENIEL, TEx:::--l
I Holiness School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough , I
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the II
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene '
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad- , ..
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Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Type-
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MUSIC A TORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
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Gu1tar, Wmd and Reed Band, orchestra and Mandohn Club. : .
Low Prices, Thoroilgh Work
Send for IllustrateCI Catalog.
REV. E. P. ELL:rsoN. :Pi-'es.
. ,

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