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Dios, el gran Creador, es Espritu. Es omnipotente, omnisciente y omnipresente. Semejante concepto sera para nosotros demasiado difcil de asimilar.

De ah que para manifestarnos Su amor, dispuso que Su Hijo, Jess, tomara forma corporal y bajara a la Tierra.

God, the great Creator, is a Spirit. He is allpowerful, all-knowing, everywhere and in everythingfar beyond our limited human comprehension. So He sent His son Jesus, in the form of a man, to understand us and show us what He Himself is like.

Jess fue por todas partes haciendo el bien, ayudando a la gente, interesndose por los nios, consolando, fortaleciendo a los cansados y salvando a cuantos crean en l.

When Jesus began His life's work, He went about everywhere doing good. Helping people, loving children, healing heartaches, strengthening tired bodies, and bringing God's Love to all whom He could.

A medida que Jess se haca ms popular, algunos de los dirigentes religiosos los fariseos se pusieron envidiosos de l. Lo acusaron falsamente y lograron forzar al gobernador Romano a ordenar la ejecucin de Jess.

However, As Jesus became increasingly popular, some of the religious leaders called Pharisees became jealous. They falsely accused Jesus and conspired, successfully, to force the governor to order Jesus execution.

Jess no tuvo que morir, pero opt por ofrendar la vida por ti y por m. Todas las personas a veces han hecho algo malo. Por eso, ninguno de nosotros es bastante bueno como para ir al Cielo con Dios y Jess despus de morir. Jess saba que la nica manera de ir al Cielo sera si l mismo nos abra el camino. Jess decidi morir recibir el castigo por nuestros pecados para que algn da viviramos por siempre en el Cielo con l. Solo hay que aceptar su regalo de Salvacin. Jesus didnt have to die, but He chose to give His life for you and me. Every person in the world has done wrong things at times. Because of that, none of us are good enough, on our own, to go to Heaven to be with God and Jesus after we die. So Jesus chose to die to take the punishment for our sins so that we could live together in Heaven with Him someday by simply accepting His gift of salvation.

Si an no has aceptado a Jess y la salvacin que te ofrece, invtalo ahora mismo a formar parte de tu vida. Para ello haz la siguiente oracin: Jess, gracias por morir por M. Te ruego que entres en mi corazn y me concedas el don de la vida eterna. Amn.

If you havent yet met Jesus or received His gift of eternal life, you can right now by praying the following: Thank You, Jesus, for paying the price for my mistakes and wrongs, so I can be forgiven. I ask You now to please come into my heart and give me Your gift of eternal life. Amen.

Historias bilinges para nios

Text and art The Family International

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