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General Instructions: &' The (uestio )a)er *om)rises o+ two se*tio s A a d B. ,ou are to attem)t -oth se*tio s. 2' All (uestio s are *om)ulsor.. 3' There is o o/erall *hoi*e. 0owe/er1 i ter al *hoi*e has -ee )ro/ided i all the three (uestio s o+ +i/e mar$s *ate2or.. 3 l. o e o)tio i su*h (uestio s is to -e attem)ted.

4' All (uestio s o+ se*tio A a d all (uestio s o+ se*tio B are to -e attem)ted se)aratel.. 5' 6uestio s & to % i se*tio A a d &7 to &9 i se*tio B are short a swer t.)e (uestio s. These *arr. o e mar$ ea*h. %' 6uestio s 7 to &0 i se*tio A a d 20 to 24 i se*tio B are short a swer t.)es (uestio s a d *arr. two mar$s ea*h. 7' 6uestio s && to &4 i se*tio A a d 25 to 2% i se*tio B are also short a swer t.)e (uestio s a d *arr. three mar$s ea*h. 8' 6uestio s &5 a d &% i se*tio A a d (uestio 27 i se*tio B are lo 2 a swer t.)e (uestio s a d *arr. +i/e mar$s ea*h.

&. I ele*trol.sis o+ water1 wh. is the /olume o+ 2as *olle*ted o/er o e ele*trode dou-le the /olume o+ 2as *olle*ted o/er the other ele*trode9

Solutio :I water1 the two eleme ts h.dro2e a d o#.2e are *om-i ed i a ratio 2:&. 0e *e1 i ele*trol.sis o+ water1 the /olume o+ 2as *olle*ted o/er o e ele*trode is dou-le the /olume o+ 2as *olle*ted o/er the other ele*trode.
2. :hat e++e*t does a i *rease i the *o *e tratio o+ 0 ; <a(.' i a solutio ha/e o the )0 o+ the solutio 9

= Solutio := )0 /alue de*reases with the i *rease i *o *e tratio o+ 0; <a(.' i a solutio .

3. :hat ha))e s whe a small )ie*e o+ sodium is dro))ed i to etha ol9

Solutio ::he a small )ie*e o+ sodium is dro))ed i to etha ol1 sodium etho#ide is +ormed alo 2 with the li-eratio o+ h.dro2e 2as.

4.= >raw a s*hemati* dia2ram o+ a ele*tri* *ir*uit *o sisti 2 o+ a -atter. o+ two *ells &.5 ? ea*h1 5 @1 &0 @ a d &5 @ resistors a d a )lu2 $e.1 all *o e*ted i series.

Solutio :

5.= :he is the +or*e e#)erie *ed -. a *urre tA*arr.i 2 *o du*tor )la*ed i a ma2 eti* +ield the lar2est9

Solutio : The +or*e e#)erie *ed -. a *urre tA*arr.i 2 *o du*tor )la*ed i a ma2 eti* +ield is the lar2est whe the a 2le -etwee the dire*tio o+ the *urre t i the *o du*tor is )er)e di*ular to the dire*tio o+ the ma2 eti* +ield.
%. State the rule that 2i/es the dire*tio o+ the ma2 eti* +ield asso*iated with a *urre tA*arr.i 2 *o du*tor.

Solutio : The ri2ht ha d thum- rule 2i/es the dire*tio o+ the ma2 eti* +ield asso*iated with a *urre tA*arr.i 2 *o du*tor.
7.<i' Name the )rodu*ts +ormed whe sodium h.dro2e *ar-o ate is heated. = = <ii' :rite the *hemi*al e(uatio +or the a-o/e *hemi*al rea*tio .

= = Solutio : = <i' = :he sodium h.dro2e *ar-o ate is heated sodium *ar-o ate1 water a d *ar-o dio#ide are = = = +ormed. = <ii'= =

8. <i' :hat is +ormed whe a solutio o+ )otassium iodide is added to a solutio o+ lead itrate = = = = = = = = = ta$e i a test tu-e9 = <ii' :hat t.)e o+ a rea*tio is this9 = <iii' :rite a -ala *ed *hemi*al e(uatio to re)rese t the a-o/e rea*tio .

= = = Solutio : <i':he a solutio o+ )otassium iodide is added to a solutio o+ lead itrate ta$e i a test tu-e1 a .ellow )re*i)itate o+ lead iodide is +ormed. <ii'This is a dou-le de*om)ositio rea*tio .

9. :hat is a ele*tri* *ir*uit9 >isti 2uish -etwee a o)e a d a *losed *ir*uit.

Solutio : *o ti uous *losed )ath o+ a ele*tri* *urre t is re+erred to as a ele*tri* *ir*uit. All the ele*tri*al *om)o e ts *o e*ted i a )ro)er order to 2i/e the desired e++e*t *o stitute the *ir*uit. A *ir*uit 2e erall. *o sists o+ a sour*e o+ ele*tri*it.1 a swit*h a d a load resista *e li$e a -ul-1 +a et*. I+ the swit*h is o)e 1 it is *alled a o)e *ir*uit a d i+ the swit*h is *losed1 the *ir*uit is *alled the *losed *ir*uit.
&0.= Cal*ulate the resista *e o+ a ele*tri* -ul- whi*h allows a &0 A *urre t to +low whe *o e*ted to a 220 ? )ower sour*e.

Solutio : Bi/e : The *urre t i the -ul-1 I C &0 A Pote tial di++ere *e a*ross the -ul-1 ? C 220 ? 0e *e1 a**ordi 2 to 3hmDEFs law1 the resista *e o+ the -ul-1
&&.<a' :hat is mea t -. )eriodi*it. i )ro)erties o+ eleme ts with re+ere *e to the )eriodi* ta-le9 = = = <-' :h. do all the eleme ts o+ the same 2rou) ha/e similar )ro)erties9 = = = <*' 0ow will the te de *. to 2ai ele*tro s *ha 2e as we 2o +rom le+t to ri2ht a*ross a )eriod9 = = = :h.9

= = = = = = = = = Solutio : <a'The tre d i whi*h a )arti*ular )ro)ert. de*reases or i *reases i a )eriod or a 2rou) is *alled )eriodi*it. i )ro)erties. <-'All the eleme ts o+ a 2rou) ha/e the same um-er o+ /ale *e ele*tro s or the same /ale *.. 0e *e1 all the eleme ts o+ a 2rou) ha/e similar )ro)erties. <*'The te de *. to 2ai ele*tro s will i *rease as we 2o +rom le+t to ri2ht i the )eriodi* ta-le. = = = = = This is -e*ause the ele*tro e2ati/it. = i *reases
&2 <a' >isti 2uish -etwee esteri+i*atio a d sa)o i+i*atio rea*tio s o+ or2a i* *om)ou ds. = = = = <-' :ith a la-eled dia2ram des*ri-e a a*ti/it. to show the +ormatio o+ a ester.

= = = Solutio : = = = = = = Esteri+i*atio : Gormatio o+ a ester +rom a or2a i* a*id a d a al*ohol i the )rese *e o+ a = = = = = = = a*id is esteri+i*atio .

= = = = = = = Sa)o i+i*atio : Rea*tio o+ esters i the )rese *e o+ a a*id or a -ase to +orm al*ohol a d= = = = = = = = = ** a*id is sa)o i+i*atio . =====

<-' Ta$e & ml o+ etha ol a d & ml o+ 2la*ial a*eti* a*id i a test tu-e alo 2 with a +ew dro)s o+= = = = *o *e trated sul)huri* a*id. Pla*e the test tu-e i a water -ath +or a-out 5 mi utes. = = The +ormatio o+ ester *a -e ide ti+ied -. a sweet smell1 whe this mi#ture is )oured i 20 ml water.
&3. Gor whi*h )ositio o+ the o-He*t does a *o /e# le s +orm a /irtual a d ere*t ima2e9 E#)lai with the hel) o+ a ra. dia2ram.

Solutio : :he a o-He*t is )la*ed -etwee the o)ti* *e tre a d )ri *i)al +o*us o+ a *o /e# le s1 the ima2e o+ the o-He*t +ormed is /irtual1 ere*t a d ma2 i+ied.

&4. <a' >e+i e the term DEI/oltDEF. <-' State the relatio -etwee wor$1 *har2e a d )ote tial di++ere *e +or a ele*tri* *ir*uit. Cal*ulate the )ote tial di++ere *e -etwee the two termi als o+ a -atter. i+ &00 Houles o+ wor$ is re(uired to tra s+er 20 *oulom-s o+ *har2e +rom o e termi al o+ the -atter. to the other.

Solutio : <a' I+ o e Houle o+ wor$ is do e to mo/e a *har2e o+ o e *oulom- +rom o e )oi t to a other i a *urre t *arr.i 2 *o du*tor the the )ote tial di++ere *e -etwee the two )oi ts is said to -e o e /olt. = <-' The relatio -etwee wor$ <:'1 *har2e <6' a d )ote tial di++ere *e <?' is 2i/e -. : C ? 6. Bi/e the wor$ do e1 : C &00 J Char2e1 6 C 20 C 0e *e1 the )ote tial di++ere *e1 =

&5. <a' >isti 2uish -etwee io i* a d *o/ale t *om)ou ds u der the +ollowi 2 )ro)erties: = = = = = = = = = = = <i'Stre 2th o+ +or*es -etwee *o stitue t eleme ts = = = = = = = = = = = <ii' Solu-ilit. o+ *om)ou ds i water = = = = = = = = = = <iii' Ele*tri*al *o du*tio i su-sta *es = = = = <-' E#)lai how the +ollowi 2 metals are o-tai ed +rom their *om)ou ds -. the redu*tio )ro*ess: = = = = = = = = = = <i'= "etal " whi*h is i the middle o+ the rea*ti/it. series. = = = = = = = = = = <ii' "etal N whi*h is hi2h u) i the rea*ti/it. series. = = = = = = = = Bi/e o e e#am)le o+ ea*h.

= = = = = = = Solutio : <a'<i'Io i* *om)ou ds ha/e 2reater stre 2th o+ +or*es o+ attra*tio -etwee the *o stitue t eleme ts1 while *o/ale t *om)ou ds ha/e lower stre 2th o+ +or*es o+ attra*tio -etwee the *o stitue t eleme ts.

<ii'Io i* *om)ou ds are solu-le i water1 while *o/ale t *om)ou ds are i solu-le i water. <iii'Io i* *om)ou ds *o du*t ele*tri*it. i +used state or i a(ueous solutio 1 while *o/ale t *om)ou ds do ot *o du*t ele*tri*it.. <-'<i'"etal "1 whi*h is i the middle o+ the rea*ti/it. series1 are )rese t as *ar-o ates a d sul)hides. It is easier to o-tai a metal +rom its o#ide as *om)ared to its *ar-o ate a d sul)hide. There+ore1 )rior to redu*tio 1 the metal sul)hides a d *ar-o ates must -e *o /erted to metal o#ides. These o#ides are redu*ed usi 2 suita-le redu*i 2 a2e ts. <ii'"etal N1 whi*h is hi2h u) i the rea*ti/it. series is o-tai ed -. ele*trol.ti* redu*tio 1 that is1 -. su-He*ti 2 molte metal salt to ele*trol.ti* re+i i 2.= = = 3R <a'>isti 2uish -etwee roasti 2 a d *al*i atio . :hi*h o+ these two is used +or sul)hide ores a d wh.9 <-':rite a *hemi*al e(uatio to illustrate the use o+ alumi ium +or Hoi i 2 *ra*$ed railwa. li es. <*'Name the a ode1 *athode a d the ele*trol.te used i the ele*trol.ti* re+i i 2 o+ im)ure *o))er. = Solutio : <a'Roasti 2 i /ol/es heati 2 the ore i the )rese *e o+ air or o#.2e 1 while *al*i atio i /ol/es heati 2 the ore i limited su))l. o+ air or o#.2e . Sul)hide ores are roasted1 si *e the. ha/e to -e *o /erted i to o#ide ores -e+ore the metal is o-tai ed +rom them. It is easier to redu*e the o#ide ore to metal! he *e sul)hide ores are *o /erted to o#ide ores -. roasti 2. E#am)le: 02S a d <-' The reaction between aluminium and ferric oxide is highly exothermic, hence, at high temperature iron, which is in liquid state, is used for joining cracked railway lines. (c)The anode is the thick sheet of impure copper metal, while the cathode is a thin sheet of pure copper metal and the electrolyte is the acidified solution of copper sulphate.
&%. <a' :hat is m.o)ia9 State the two *auses o+ m.o)ia. :ith the hel) o+ la-elled ra. dia2rams show <i' the e.e de+e*t m.o)ia. <ii' *orre*tio o+ m.o)ia usi 2 a le s. <-' :h. is the ormal e.e u a-le to +o*us o a o-He*t )la*ed withi &0 *m +rom the e.e9

Solutio : <a' The de+e*t o+ the e.e due to whi*h it *a ot +o*us o the +ar o+ + o-He*ts -ut *a +o*us the ear-. o-He*ts *learl. is *alled m.o)ia. :he the *ur/ature o+ the e.e -all is more tha the ormal or i+ the elo 2atio o+ the e.e -all is also more tha that o+ the ormal1 it 2i/es rise to m.o)ia.

<-' :he a o-He*t is )la*ed withi &0 *m +rom the e.e1 the ra.s +rom the o-He*t are more di/er2e t a d he *e do ot +o*us o the reti a. OR <a':hat is dis)ersio o+ white li2ht9 :hat is the *ause o+ su*h dis)ersio 9 >raw a dia2ram to show the dis)ersio o+ white li2ht -. a 2lass )rism. <-'A 2lass )rism is a-le to )rodu*e a s)e*trum whe white li2ht )asses throu2h it -ut a 2lass sla- does ot )rodu*e a . s)e*trum. E#)lai wh. it is so. Solutio : <a' The )he ome o i whi*h a white li2ht ra. s)lits i to its *o stitue t *olours while )assi 2 throu2h a )rism is *alled dis)ersio o+ li2ht. As the re+ra*ti/e i de# o+ ea*h *olour is di++ere t +or a medium1 the. de/iate to di++ere t e#te t while )assi 2 throu2h the medium a d result i dis)ersio .

<-' I a 2lass sla-1 the sur+a*es where the li2ht ra. is i *ide t a d emer2e t are )arallel to ea*h other. 0e *e1 e/e i+ there is dis)ersio o+ li2ht at o e sur+a*e1 while )assi 2 throu2h the other sur+a*e1 a re*om-i atio o+ li2ht o+ di++ere t *olours ta$es )la*e to ulli+. the dis)ersi/e e++e*t. 0e *e1 the )he ome o o+ dis)ersio o+ li2ht *a ot -e o-ser/ed i a 2lass sla- a d is o-ser/ed o l. i a )rism

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