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RNC parameters

Maximum bit rate of NRT MAC-d flow (MaxBitRateNRTMACdflow) Low utilisation threshold of the MAC-d flow (MACdflowutilRelThr) Window size of the MAC-d flow throughput measurement (MACdflowthroughputAveWin) Low throughput threshold of the MAC-d flow (MACdflowthroughputRelThr) Low utilisation time to trigger of the MAC-d flow (MACdflowutilTimetoTrigger) Low throughput time to trigger of the MAC-d flow (MACdflowthroughputTimetoTrigger) HS-DSCH guard timer due to low throughput (HSDSCHGuardTimerLowThroughput) HS-DSCH guard time after switching to DCH due to HO (HsdschGuardTimerHO) SHO of the HSDPA-capable UE (HSDPARRCdiversity) HS-DSCH QoS classes (HSDSCHQoSclasses) Minimum bit rate for HSDPA associated UL DCH (HSDPAminAllowedBitrateUL) Initial bit rate for HSDPA associated UL DCH (HSDPAinitialBitrateUL) HSDPA priority (HSDPAPriority) Usage of AMR service with HS- DSCH (AMRWithHSDSCH) HSDPA flow control AAL2 low threshold for dedicated VCC (HSDPAFlowControlLowThresholdDedicatedVCC) HSDPA flow control AAL2 low threshold for shared VCC (HSDPAFlowControlLowThresholdSharedVCC) HSDPA flow control AAL2 target delay for dedicated VCC (HSDPAFlowControlTargetDelayDedicatedVCC) HSDPA flow control AAL2 target delay for shared VCC (HSDPAFlowControlTargetDelaySharedVCC) Serving HS-DSCH cell change and SHO on/off switch (HSDPAMobility) HSDPA peak rate limitation to the RAB maximum (HSDPAPeakRateLimitRABMax) Internal HSDPA Flow Control Method (InternalHSDPAFlowControlMethod)

The following RNC parameter is related to the HSDPA Resumption Timer feature:

HSDPA Resumption Timer (HSDPAResumptionTimer)

The following RNC parameter is related to the Route Selection feature:

AAL2 UP usage (AAL2UPUsage)

For more information on the RNC parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. WBTS parameters

PtxnonHSDPA averaging window size for LC (WinLCHSDPA) Shared HSDPA AAL2 allocation (SharedHSDPAallocation) Number of overbooked HSDPA users (NbrOfOverbookedHSDPAUsers) Release timer for shared HSDPA allocation (ReleaseTimerForSharedHSDPAallocation) Shared HSDPA AAL2 VCC selection method (SharedHSDPAVCCSelectionMethod) Shared HSDPA flow control allocation (SharedHSDPAFlowControlAllocation)

For more information on the WBTS parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. WCEL parameters

Target for transmitted non-HSDPA power (PtxTargetHSDPA) Maximum allowed HSDPA power (PtxMaxHSDPA) Offset for transmitted non-HSDPA power (PtxOffsetHSDPA) HSDPA FMCS identifier (HSDPAFmcsIdentifier) HSDPA FMCI identifier (HSDPAFmciIdentifier) HSDPA FMCG identifier (HSDPAFmcgIdentifier) HSDPA enabled (HSDPAenabled) Directed RRC connection setup enabled (DirectedRRCEnabled)

HSDPAcapability is a read-only parameter and cannot be modified by the user. This parameter indicates whether a licence for the HSDPA feature exists. For more information on the WCEL parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. ADJS parameters

HSDPA HOPS identifier (HSDPAHopsIdentifier)

For more information on the ADJS parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. FMCS parameters

Addition Window (AdditionWindow) Addition Time (AdditionTime)

Addition Reporting Interval (AdditionReportingInterval) CPICH Ec/No Filter Coefficient (EcNoFilterCoefficient) CPICH Ec/No HHO Threshold (HHoEcNoThreshold) CPICH Ec/No HHO Time Hysteresis (HHoEcNoTimeHysteresis) CPICH RSCP HHO Filter Coefficient (HHoRscpFilterCoefficient) CPICH RSCP HHO Threshold (HHoRscpThreshold) CPICH RSCP HHO Time Hysteresis (HHoRscpTimeHysteresis)

For more information on the FMCS parameters, and their location in the GUI see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. FMCI parameters

IFHO caused by UE TX Power (IFHOcauseTxPwrUL) IFHO caused by CPICH Ec/No (IFHOcauseCPICHEcNo) IFHO caused by CPICH RSCP (IFHOcauseCPICHrscp) UE TX Power Filter Coefficient (InterFreqUETxPwrFilterCoeff) UE TX Power Threshold for NRT PS (InterFreqUETxPwrThrNrtPS) UE TX Power Time Hysteresis (InterFreqUETxPwrTimeHyst)

For more information on the FMCI parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. FMCG parameters

GSM HO caused by CPICH Ec/No (GSMcauseCPICHEcNo) GSM HO caused by CPICH RSCP (GSMcauseCPICHrscp) GSM HO caused by UE TX Power (GSMcauseTxPwrUL) UE TX Power Filter Coefficient (GsmUETxPwrFilterCoeff) UE TX Power Threshold for NRT PS (GsmUETxPwrThrNrtPS) UE TX Power Time Hysteresis (GsmUETxPwrTimeHyst)

For more information on the FMCG parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. HOPS parameters

HHO Margin for Average Ec/No (HHOMarginAverageEcNo) HHO Margin for Peak Ec/No (HHOMarginPeakEcNo)

Release Margin for Average Ec/No (ReleaseMarginAverageEcNo) Release Margin for Peak Ec/No (ReleaseMarginPeakEcNo) CPICH Ec/No Averaging Window (EcNoAveragingWindow) Enable RRC Connection Release (EnableRRCRelease)

For more information on the HOPS parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. HSDPA Mobility parameters

HSDPA CPICH Reporting Period (HSDPACPICHReportPeriod) HSDPA CPICH Averaging Window (HSDPACPICHAveWindow) HSDPA CPICH Ec No Threshold (HSDPACPICHEcNoThreshold) HSDPA Serving Cell Window (HSDPAServCellWindow) HSDPA Cell Change Minimum Interval (HSDPACellChangeMinInterval) HSDPA SIRError Target Cell (HSDPASIRErrorTargetCell ) HSDPA SIRError Serving Cell (HSDPASIRErrorServCell) HSDPA Maximum Cell Change Repetition (HSDPAMaxCellChangeRepetition) HSDPA Cell Change Repetition Time (HSDPACellChangeRepetitionTime) HSDPA SIRError Report Period (HSDPASIRErrorReportPeriod) HSDPA SIRError Filter Coefficient (HSDPASIRErrorFilterCoefficient) HSDPA SIRError Averaging Window (HSDPASIRErrorAveWindow)

For more information on the HSDPA Mobility parameters and their location in the GUI, see WCDMA RAN Parameter Dictionary. AMR parameters

RT with HSDPA FMCS identifier (RTWithHSDPAFmcsIdentifier) RT with HSDPA FMCI identifier (RTWithHSDPAFmciIdentifier) RT with HSDPA FMCG identifier (RTWithHSDPAFmcgIdentifier) RT with HSDPA HOPS identifier (RTWithHSDPAHopsIdentifier)

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