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8 SHIP English Identity Assignment Name: _______

After reading and viewing the 3 texts, A Bridge to Wisemans Cove, About a Boy and Swimming Upstream, Complete the following steps to construct a portfolio.
This portfolio will explore the 3 young, male protagonists: Carl, Marcus and Tony.
1. The following factors change for the main characters: Resilience, Non-Judgemental Significant Other, Sense of Purpose and Sense of Belonging. Write one statement noting the factor at the beginning of the novel and write another statement noting the change which has occurred by end of the text (24 Statements in total) 2. Create and complete the following chart A Bridge to Wisemans Cove Parenting Style of Parent (Kerry, Fiona, and Dora & Tony) Positive Impact on Main Character Negative Impact on Main Character Feelings towards the parent 3. What is the most important similarity shared by the three characters? (1-2 Paragraphs) 4. Draw an outline of each character. Inside the outline list the characters habits of the mind. Outside the habits they have not achieved and below each habit, suggest a way the character can achieve this. 5. Write an essay addressing the following statement, It doesnt matter how resilient we are, without someone to nurture us we cannot achieve our potential. Discuss this statement in relation to the three main characters. (500 words) Explain your answer. About a Boy Swimming Upstream

6. Compose a personal reflection on how these characters have helped to deepen your awareness of how stumbling blocks in life can be overcome to achieve great things. (350 Words)
Due Date: Thursday, Week 3 9th May 2013 This task sheet must be submitted as the coversheet for the portfolio.

Task Step 1: 24 Statements 1 mark = neat, accurate and clear statement Step 2: Parent Chart 1 Mark = basic, limited input. 2 Marks = complex, insightful input. Step 3: Similarity Paragraph(s) Step 4: 3 Character Diagrams 5 Marks = messy, limited and incomplete. 7.5 Marks = neat, simple and complete. 10 Marks = attractive, detailed & complete. Step 5: Essay
Demonstrated understanding of the texts Logical Essay Structure Use of Paragraphs, correct spelling and sentence structure


Grade /24 /30 /1

/30 Total /40 /20 /10 /10 /20 /10 /10 /160

Step 6: Personal Reflection Reflective thinking Clearly expressed writing TOTAL

A Fluent and precise cohesion within the essay founded by strong internal structure of paragraphs through the use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims.


B Mostly fluent and precise cohesion within the essay founded by sound internal structure of paragraphs through the use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims.

C A basic level of cohesion within the essay founded by plain internal structure of paragraphs through the use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims.

D A limited level cohesion within the essay founded by a minimal internal structure of paragraphs through the use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims.

Advanced recognition and explanation of a variety viewpoints and perspectives concerning individual people and concerns represented in texts (ACELT1807) Thoughtful and thorough opinions and arguments about aspects of literary texts based on personal reflection, clarification and evaluation. (ACELT1627) Effective coherence created in texts through devices like lexical cohesion, grammatical theme and text connectives (ACELA1809)

Developed recognition and explanation of a variety viewpoints and perspectives concerning individual people and concerns represented in texts (ACELT1807) Attentive and consistent opinions and arguments about aspects of literary texts based on personal reflection, clarification and evaluation. (ACELT1627) Adequate coherence created in texts through devices like lexical cohesion, grammatical theme and text connectives (ACELA1809)

Simple recognition and explanation of a variety viewpoints and perspectives concerning individual people and concerns represented in texts (ACELT1807) Casual and developing opinions and arguments about aspects of literary texts based on personal reflection, clarification and evaluation. (ACELT1627) Some coherence created in texts through devices like lexical cohesion, grammatical theme and text connectives

Incomplete recognition and explanation of a variety viewpoints and perspectives concerning individual people and concerns represented in texts (ACELT1807) Unfocused and inconsistent opinions and arguments about aspects of literary texts based on personal reflection, clarification and evaluation. (ACELT1627) Ineffective coherence created in texts through devices like lexical cohesion, grammatical theme and text connectives (ACELA1809)

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