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Kala Bhairava and Time Shakti


Bhairava is the God of Time. Kala means time and
Bhairava is a form of Siva. Time Shakti or Time
Energy was created by Kala Bhairava in all of the
galaxies. There is no planet or star where there is no
time, although perception of time will be longer or
shorter depending on each planet. By standards
established in the lower heavens, 365 human days is
just one day. Since different planets and stars vibrate
at different speeds, their time perception also changes.
This knowledge of time will soon change our earth
plane and its current science and technology. Kala
Bhairava through Time Shakti created milliseconds,
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and

It is important to understand the dynamics of Time Shakti and how she functions
in various time units. The Vedic calendar organizes Time Shakti in 5 categories:

(1) Phases of the Moon

(2) Week Day
(3) Star (Moon’s Position)
(4) Yoga
(5) Karana

If you really want to be conscious of time and not waste it you

should observe the dynamics of the above categories on a daily
basis. Such diligence makes the Time Shaktis happy and in return
they never allow you to lose track of time or waste time.

You may want to re-read the above many times to fully comprehend the idea.
Every waning, 8th moon is helpful to propitiate Kala Bhairava, the creator of time
divisions. Sometimes the eighth moon will occupy two days. If so, then you can
propitiate Bhairava on both days. When you worship Bhairava on these days,
you will never waste time. The Time Shakti will love you so much and she will
not allow you to idle away time. Not only that, but you will make intelligent and
efficient use of time. Jobs that take a week’s time will be done within 2 days
because of the blessings of the Time Shaktis through Kala Bhairava.

Kala Bhairava is also in charge of removing diseases, debts and other negative
realities. It is important that everyone makes a personal connection with
Kala Bhairava for fruitful use of time and life energy. Bhairava will give you
instant reward. As Swarna Bhairava (Golden Bhairava) he will bring gold from
heaven instantly. As Ashta Bhairava (Eight Bhairavas) he assumes 8 different
ferocious forms to destroy evil and negativity. Bhairava also reveals everything
to you instantly. Siva gives the mantra ‘Udyamo Bhairava’ for instant
Universal Consciousness. Keep repeating the above sutra and your heart and
mind will open up.

Sleep is a waste of time, but it is necessary for the body. While sleeping you are
closer to death. Kala Bhairava will watch over you when you are sleeping so that
you do not waste Time Shakti (during that time). People who have disturbed
sleep should also pray to Bhairava.

Kala Bhairava teaches you the highest truth that your life is going
to depend on how you relate to time. If you insult time by idling it
away, you will be cursed by Kala Bhairava. On the other hand if you
worship time, even a millisecond will matter and bring you
prosperity, victory and peace. As a human being you think that
nothing is going to happen in one millisecond, but then the divine
knows methods to change your life in a millisecond. All that you
need is a worshipful attitude towards time.

I received a call from someone suggesting that I get a one-minute audience

with Bill Gates for my projects. The person said that Bill Gates doesn’t
waste his time. I thought the call was from Kala Bhairava himself.

If you are endlessly waiting for things to happen and it never

happens, this means you have offended time either in this life or a
previous one. You can fix the problem by worshiping Kala

When I was Swami Ramalingam, Siva revealed all supernatural

wisdom in milliseconds. He taught me in a way without having me
to learn it. It is called Transmission. You deserve it (receive)
through selfless service. Until you get rid of all material desires,
your enlightenment will be a mirage.

I’ll finish by mentioning that Kala Bhairava seems to have been constantly
(determinedly) behind the whole writing of this piece. First of all,
mysteriously, my clock went off. I know that the
demons did that because they did not want me to write
about time. Then, a few minutes later after fixing my
clock, I started doing my pooja. Ganesha spoke to me
and said that he had something to say about fast time.
I told Ganesha that “you only know about fast food of
which you eat a lot”.

Ganesha then spoke about the competition between

him and his brother Muruga to go around the world.
Muruga took off on his peacock immediately. But Ganesha walked up to his
parents, Siva and Parvati, and went around them and won the competition. The
whole idea is that Siva and Parvati are the Universe. Going around them is like
going around the world.

There is another story connected with Ganesha. Once there was a woman
devotee of Ganesha by name of Ovaiyar. She was hastily doing pooja to
Ganesha because she was late for an appointment in heaven. Ganesha
appeared before her and said that she need not worry about being late and that
he would get her to heaven in no time. Ganesha said, “take your time to finish
your pooja and then call on me and I will transport you”. Accordingly, Ganesha
assumed a giant form encompassing the universe. He then picked up Ovaiyar
and put her in heaven for her appointment (in no time).

Blessings, Baba

Some Additional Information on Kala Bhairava:

(available at:

Kala Bhairava - The Lord of the March of Time

™ Lord Kala Bhairava is that manifestation of Lord Siva who oversees the
march of time.
™ The inexorable march of time is inexorable only because Lord Kala
Bhairava makes it so.
™ As the saying goes, time lost is lost forever. There's nothing more precious
than time. So intelligent humans should use every moment effectively on
the spiritual path. And those want to do this have the divine help of Lord
Kala Bhairava if they request it with sincerity.
™ Those who tend to fritter away their time on many a trivial pursuit should
pray sincerely to Lord Kala Bhairava if they want to improve their time
management skills and if they want to make sure that they use their time
™ Lord Kala Bhairava is also known as Kshetrapalaka, the guardian of the
temple. In honor of this, keys to the temple are ceremonially submitted to
Lord Kala Bhairava at temple closing time and are received from him at
opening time.
™ Lord Kala Bhairava is also the guardian of travellers. The Siddhas advise
us that before embarking on a journey, especially one that involves travel
during the night, we should make a garland of cashew nuts and decorate
Lord Kala Bhairava with it. We should light joti lamps in His honor and
request His protection during our travel.
™ The vahana (vehicle) of Lord Kala Bhairava is the dog. Feeding and taking
care of dogs is another way of showing our devotion to Lord Kala
™ Kala Bhairava Ashtami, which occurs in December/January is an
important day for worshipping the Lord.
™ There's a shrine for Lord Kala Bhairava in most Siva temples. The
Bhairava shrine in the Arunachala temple is very special. The Kala
Bhairava temple in Kasi (Benares) is a must see for Bhairava devotees.
™ The Kala Bhairava Ashtakam hymn venerates the Lord and is a staple of
Bhairava devotees.
™ May Lord Kala Bhairava help us use our time effectively on the spiritual

Om Salutations to Lord Kaala Bhairava

Om Salutations to the Lord of the March of Time
Om Salutations to Maha Guru Sri Agasthiar
Om Salutations to the Agasthiar Lineage
Om Salutations to the Siddhas

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