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cluster headaches on left side only.

They start out with a stinging pain in my nose and the pain moves along the path of my trigeminal nerve [temple, behind eye, nose, upper back of jaw]. It is worse when I lay down. The pain feels like a hot poker sticking in my eye, temple. Sometimes if I stick my head under very cold water the symptoms can become a little better. [A drop in pain from 10/10 to 8/10]. The clusters last from 3-6 months with 3-5 headaches per day.

suggestion is to start at the top of the list and try each one individually. If there are no effects at all after about 4 to 7 days, then you could cross that particular remedy off the list and move on to the next one. Please proceed at your own pace and use your best judgement. The starting dosage is 5 pellets under the tongue, once or twice per day for several days, taken 45 minutes away from food. A few doses of an incorrect remedy should not cause any problems. 1) Sepia 30C. Indicated for sharp stabbing pains in the left eye and temple, recurring headaches, headaches that come on suddenly, violent head pain. 2) Natrum Muriaticum 30C. Indicated for chronic, recurring headaches, sharp pain in the left eye and temple, head pain starting with sensations in the nose. 3) Arsenicum Album 30C. Indicated for chronic, recurring headaches, stabbing/sharp pains in the left temple and eye, symptoms somewhat relieved by cold applications. 4) Lachesis Mutus 30C. Strongly indicated for symptoms that occur only on the left side, pain in left temple, head pain extending from nose, pain in left eye.

Belladonna for Migraine with congestive headaches Listing of Belladonna here at number 2 in this article, doesnt mean that it is any less effective than glonoine. On number of occasions (When indicated) belladonna has been my first choice. Symptoms that lead to prescribing glonoine in headache are quite similar to glonoine as both of them are used for congestive headaches. Sun aggravation usually differentiates belladonna form glonoine. Main indication for use of belladonna is headaches that become worse with light, noise, jar, lying down. Another important indication for belladonna in Migraine is that headaches tend to aggravate in the afternoon. Belladonna is also useful for headaches that usually occur in the forehead region. In a Calcarea patient belladonna usually works well to treat all kinds of headaches. Iris Versicolor for migraine with vomiting and nausea I have used this medicine for migraine headaches that are attended with severe nausea and vomiting. Nausea can be so strong that the patient is not relieved by even by vomiting. Iris is indicated in headaches that are attended with visual disturbances. Headaches that begin with blurring of the vision are very effectively treated with it. Headaches in the frontal area and right temple, respond more favorably to this drug. Migraine headaches when associated with heartburn often respond very well to this homeopathy medicine

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