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ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center

Co-Cu Phase Diagram (1990 Nishizawa T.)

Publication Year Diagram type Concentration range Temperature Nature of investigation A PDIC diagram Unique ID No. Title Publication Language A uthors Original diagram Original scope Original size Remarks

1990 [1] binary phase diagram full composition; 0-100 at.% C u 200 to 1600 C experimental No 900708 C o-C u (C obalt-C opper) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, II Ed., Ed. T.B. Massalski English Nishizawa T., Tohoku University, Sendai / Miyagi, Japan; Ishida K., Tohoku University, Sendai / Miyagi, Japan C o-C u phase diagram T[200-1600 C ] vs. C u conc.[0-100 at.%] 9/12



ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center

Crystal data
A PD phase label Published phase label Formula Prototype Pearson symbol Space group Density Mg/m3 Volume nm3 Cell parameters nm Ref

Phases shown in this diagram:

(C o) ht (C o) (C o) rt (C o) (C u) (C u) Co Cu cF4 Fm-3m hP2 P63 /mmc cF4 Fm-3m 8.79 0.0445 8.82 0.0222 8.93 0.04725 a=0.35447 b=0.35447 c=0.35447 a=0.25089 b=0.25089 c=0.40696 a=0.36152 b=0.36152 c=0.36152 =90 =90 =90 =90 =90 =120 =90 =90 =90 [3]







Phases shown in other Co-Cu diagrams:

C u1 9 C o rt (no data)

Reaction table
Reaction %A %B %C Temperature, C Reaction type Ref

L + (C o) ht = (C u) (C o) ht + (C o) rt + (C u)

95 0

12.5 0

92 100

1112 422

Peritectic unknown

[2] [2]

Pure metal melting points and allotropic transformations

Element phase Common name Reaction Temperature, C Prototype Pearson symbol Space group

(C o) ht (C o) rt (C u)

C o C o Cu

L (C o) ht (C o) ht (C o) rt L (C u)

1495 422 1084.87

Cu Mg Cu

cF4 hP2 cF4

Fm-3m P63 /mmc Fm-3m

[1] Nishizawa T., and Ishida K., C o-C u (C obalt-C opper), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, II Ed., Ed. T.B. Massalski, Vol.2, 1990, p 1181-1183 [2] Okamoto H., Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, Desk Handbook, Vol.1, 2000 [3] Nuding M., and Ellner M., Influence of the isotypical A 9 , A 1 0 and B 1 1 solvents on the partial atomic volume of tin, J. Alloys C ompd., Vol.252, 1997, p 184-191 [4] Ellner M., Kolatschek K., and Predel B., On the partial atomic volume and the partial molar enthalpy of aluminium in some phases with C u and C u3 Au structures, J. Less-C ommon Met., Vol.170, 1991, p 171-184

ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams C enter, P. Villars, editor-in-chief; H. Okamoto and K. C enzual, section editors;, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 2006-2013
A SM I nternational 2 0 1 3 . A ll Rights Res erved. V ers ion 1 .0 .5 .0


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