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Teenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is usually not an ideal situation.

There are many reasons why teenage pregnancy is not a great situation. And the negative ramifications of te enage pregnancy effect both the mother and the baby. Teenage pregnancy in our da y and age and in most cultures is premature. Teenage pregnancy means that a teen age girl will have to focus on the care and well being of another human when she herself may not be fully mature in many areas. The fact that she is still a tee nager and pregnant means that there will be an interruption in her own psycholog ical and emotional development and depending on the age of the teenager, her phy sical development as well can be adversely affected. Most teenage pregnancies are unplanned so there are a host of negative emotional reactions to the pregnancy that are normal, but still negative. The teenager of ten feels fear and confusion and guilt. And she often feels resentment, anger an d frustration. If she is not in a loving, supportive relationship, she can feel isolated and abandoned. All of these normal, but negative feelings create stress which in turn effects her growing fetus. Teenage pregnancy often has negative outcomes for the baby. There has been much research done in the area of teenage pregnancy and vast amounts of money spent o n campaigns to educate and inform the public, and teenagers, in particular about the harm that can be done by becoming pregnant during one's teens. One of the m ost obvious negative social effects of teenage pregnancy is the fact that school ing will be interrupted and even abandoned and a limited education will effect t he financial well being of the family drastically. A large percentage of teenage mothers end up is social programs for support because she is apt to be alone an d not have completed her education and her earning potential is very limited. In these cases, the children then often grow up in poverty. Although this may not be the most significant negative outcome of teenage pregnancy, it is relevant an d frequently passes on from generation to generation. The negative physical results that often occurs in teenage pregnancies is pre-te rm births, low birth weights in babies and later on, a higher risk of the child needing special education classes as a result of the psyco-social situation of t he teenage mother. Growing up in poverty often means poor nutrition which can ef fect learning readiness. So it is less a matter of the age of the mother when pr egnant and more the effect socioeconomic conditions of the mother. Children rais ed by teenage parents are more likely to become involved in crime and live in po verty. Although teenage pregnancy throughout history was the norm. Once a teenage girl reached the stage of sexual maturity, she married and soon after became pregnant , but in the modern, Western world, this practice has changed and teenage girls pursue an education and teenage pregnancy is no longer a positive situation. In addition, studies show that girls are maturing at a younger age and becoming sex ually active at a younger age so the incidence of teenage pregnancy is high and expected to increase over the next decade.

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