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Blood The liquid form of CT which cells are suspended in a circulating fluid, the ___________.

_. About _____ L in human body.

Composition of Blood __________________-Liquid intercellular substance ____________ of actual blood volume. Homogeneous slightly alkaline fluid which contains: ____________________________________ __________ of actual blood volume. o Cellular Elements o Non-Cellular elements ______________ Clear yellow liquid of clotted blood. When circulation ceases, or when blood is exposed to air, One of the globulins of plasma (__________________) precipitate as a network of fine filaments, the ________. __________________-Contraction of clotted blood or plasma. Expresses a clear yellow fluid called ______. ______________________- blood dust ______________________- tiny fat droplets.

_____________ Is an aqueous solution-substances of low or high molecular weight that make up _______ % of its volume. o Plasma proteins- _____% A

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Inorganic Salts - ____% Organic compouds amino acids, vitamins, hormones, lipoproteins- of various oriins.

____________________ Is an estimate of the volume of packed erythrocytes per unit volume of blood. Normal Value: o o o o Adult Male Adult Female Children up to 10 y.o. Newborn

Cellular Elements of blood _________________ ________________ in shape in profile. o Osmotic pressure of vacuum of blood vessels sucks RBC membrane causing constriction at the middle. Provides the erythrocytes a large surface to volume ratio, thus facilitating gas exchange.

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____________-suffers changes in shape when passing into environmental obstacles. ____________-homogenous and non-granular. o o Fresh cytoplasm Cytoplasm when stained

___________staining property is due to hemoglobin (14-16 grams/100cc of blood) Lifespan - _________________(during its life = 700 miles of travel) Normal RBC count- _______________ o o Female - _______________________ Male - __________________________

Normal value of hemoglobin

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Newborn Children Adult male Adult femaleMen after middle age Women after middle age

Terminologies ________________ Decreased concentration of red blood cells in the circulation It is also possible for the number of rbc to be normal but for each cell to contain a reduced amount of hemoglobin.

Causes of Anemia: Loss of blood (hemorrhage) Insufficient production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. Production of RBC with insufficient hemoglobin related to Iron Deficiency Anemia Accelerated blood cell destruction. ______________ - increase in RBC count. - Physiologic Adaptation found in people living in high altitudes where oxygen tension is low. Special Feature / Behavior of RBC ___________ -RBC adhere themselves to one another due to surface tension. -Appear as columns or Piles of Coins ________________ -RBCs spiked shrunk appearance -Include in vitro by : exposure to fatty acid, lysolecithin, anionic compounds or elevated pH. Erythrocytes assume a spiny configuration with ___________ spicules regularly distributed over their surface and are thus called _____________.

Behavior of RBC when exposed to solutions of Different concentrations.

________________ -Solution of greater concentration gradient. -Flow of water: from low to high -RBC shrinks-______ _________________ -Equal concentration, equal pressure (0.9% Nacl) -No Change ______________ -Solution of lesser concentration and less osmotic pressure causing swelling of RBC. -Water goes to cell causing the cell to swell and eventally burst and disintegrate. ______________-variation in RBC size - large RBC (9um) -normal RBC (7-8um) -small rbc (6um)

______________________-variation in RBC shape -inelastic -Cresent like sickline, inelastic with abdonormal hemoglobin, hereditary factors -abnormally shaped RBC in some cases anemia; do not undergo roleaux formation. -variation in RBC color -more color, more hemoglobin -normal color, normal hemoglobin -less color, less hemoglobin.

- sludging

-clumping of RBC due to agglutinin (antibodies) -Happens in unmatched blood. RBC particles: _________ -granules found in normal RBC

-due to congenital susceptibility to drugs __________ -Remants of nuclear chromatin (inside RBC) -Makes RBC with basophilic particles inside. _____________ -remants of nuclear membrane (artifact)

_____________ -involved in the cellular and humoral defense of the organism against foreign materials -Normal life span - __________ -Normal Count - _________________ -Divided in to two groups: Terminologies: _______________- a process that accounts for the unidirectional flow of granulocytes and monocyte thru intact walls of blood vessels. ________________-attraction of specific cells by chemical mediators; migration of blood cells to the site of infection. Granular WBC _____________________ -60-70% -12-15um in diameter -2-5 lobes -In females, the inactive x-chromosome appears as a drumstick appendage on one of the lobes of the nucleus (Barr body) -First line of cellular defense (phagocytes) -Normal lifespan - __________(6-7 hours half-life)


-_____% -Bilobed with numerous large acidophilic granules -Increased in number during PARASITISM and ALLERGIC REACTION __________________ -less than 1% -12-15um in diameter -S-Shaped nucleus obscured by large basophilic granules. -May supplement the function of mast cells I immediate hypersensitivity reaction. Non-Granular WBC _____________________- 25-30 & -6-8 um small, medium sized and larged sized 18um, are present in circulating blood. -Diverse function, all related to immune reaction in defeding against invading microorganism -Lifespan few day. -The only leukocyte that return to the tissue after diapedesis. __________________ -12-20 um in diamteter -U shaped or kidney shaped nucleus -Precursor cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. -4-8% -Phagocytes in blood ________________ -lightest formed elements. -Nonnucleated , disk like fragments 2-4um -Promote blood clotting and help repair gap in the walls of blood vessels, preventing blood loss. -Normal count -__________________-Normal lifespan about 10 days.

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