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Islam is an A____________ word that means

“s____________ to God.” Believers in I_________ are
called M_______, or “those who s____________."
Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last of
a series of holy p_____________ that included
A____________, Moses, and J__________. Muslims
believe A________ is the only God and that
M________________ his messenger. Allah is an Arabic
term that means "the G_____" . Muhammad lived
about 600 years after Jesus in what we now call
S_________ A__________. Muslims believe that
Muhammad was visited in a cave by an a______
and r___________ the words of the angel to
o__________. Eventually, Mohammad's f___________
collected these messages and gathered them
into a book known as the Q__________.
The Islamic house of w___________ is a
m____________. M___________ gather in mosques on
F_____________ afternoon for prayers. Muhammad taught
that believers should pray f________
times every day. Muhammad, the
founder of Islam, died in AD632, Abu
Bekr became c_________. Caliph means
s______________, or “one who comes
after.” Abu Bekr wanted everyone
around to world to follow Islam and
“to submit to Allah.” So he set
himself to c___________ the entire
w__________ to Islam – with little
armies of 3______ or 4_________ Arabs.”1


The T_______ tribe, the S________, began moving

into Asia Minor, or what we now call T__________.
These Turks were M_________, and a C______________ emperor, Alexius I,
controlled Asia Minor. Alexius asked for help from the h_____ of his church, the
P________ in Rome, to help him rid Asia Minor of “the u____________”, in
other words the *M___________.
Pope Urban II decided to use that call to advance a bigger plan on
J_____________ the holy city to the C____________, J__________and the
M__________. Jerusalem, on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the
modern nation of I_________ and in 1095, the city was controlled by
M________. The message from A___________ presented Urban with an
opportunity to r___________the holy lands from the Muslims. The pope called
for a “W____ of the C_________,” or C____________.
The Crusades offered knights a chance for g________,
w__________, and e_________ life if they died while on the
Crusade. The first Crusaders crossed into Asia Minor in 1______ A.D. and
reached Jerusalem by the s___________ of 1099. The fighting was fierce, but the
u_____________ Muslims were no match for the Crusaders. The victorious
Crusaders established f________ colonies along the eastern
Mediterranean including one in J___________. A second
Crusade was launched when the M________ recaptured one
of the colonies. This time the Muslims were
*v______________s and took back the H_________
L________________ . The C___________ took back the
Holy Land at the e________ of the second Crusade, but a
Muslim general launched a J_____________ or Islamic
Holy War, and r_______________ Jerusalem. This started
the third Crusade led by King Richard the L_______
H________. The Muslims won the war but a___________
the Christians visit the holy s____________ that were
special to their religion.

The returning s__________ told fascinating tales of far away lands; people
became interested in other cultures for the first time. The next two
*h____________years would lead to exciting advances in t______________, the
a_________, and led to an increase in t______________. Towns started to
s___________ up away from the manors. The common people realized that they
could be successful away from the manor. This caused F_____________, the
government of the Middle Ages, to d_______________.

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