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Living News

Volume 1, Issue 1 January 1, 2009 Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute

We Work With Nature

Bienvenidos from AWIs Program Director

Welcome to the first edition of the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institutes Living News. I hope you will enjoy receiving this publication as much as we have enjoyed creating it for you. In our newsletters, we will keep you current with whats happening at the Institute, so we can stay connected and you feel supported in your commitment to health. Just as we do when youre here with us, we enjoy hearing about your experiences with the Living Foods Lifestyle . We would love to share your story with the world. In our current issue we present Our Living Foods Lifestyle, an introduction to our mission, introduce you to our fabulous new chef, Michael Pollack, former owner and executive chef of an award winning gourmet raw foods restaurant, and include a variety of news stories we believe you will find both rewarding nature. We work with nature to optimize assimilation so you may experience the glow of well-being and unlock the abundant energy that is your birthright. Help us to reach more people with this simple, cost-effective, healing and rejuvenating lifestyle by sharing Living News with friends, family and colleagues. We care about you and look forward to seeing you on the sunny Caribbean shores of Puerto Rico.
Lalita teaching Sugar and Starches at the Institute.

Welcome to Our First Edition

Welcome message from our Program Director, Lalita Salas Our Living Foods Lifestyle (R)

En amor y salud, Lalita

Program Director Message

and enjoyable. At the Institute we believe that the best super foods are the ones that come directly from Lalita Salas is Program Director and President of the Board of Directors.

Our Living Foods Lifestyle 1-2

Yoga For Every Body

3 4 4 5 6

Our Living Foods Lifestyle

Its our birthright to be healthy. Ann Wigmore Our Living Foods Lifestyle is a simple, economical lifestyle of vibrant health. Living foods are organic, easy to digest and assimilate, as well as enzymerich nutrition. Enzymes are the catalyst for every

Sprout a New Leaf on Life

cise, rest, and the union of mind, body and spirit to nurture your return to natural, radiant health. True to the principles of bio-diversity, most of our foods are grown in our oncampus greenhouse and at our farm in nearby Rincon.

Ceremonial Indigena de Tibes Meet Our Students

metabolic process in the body. Delicious and varied leafy greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, wheatgrass juice, fermented foods, nuts, seeds, and dehydrated foods are the juicy core of our lifestyle. We encourage regular exer-

Health and Perception

Our Staff and Mission

Continued on page 2

Living News

Page 2

Our Living Foods Lifestyle continued

Living foods are raw, uncooked and unprocessed. Processing and heating foods destroys their life force and alters nutrient values, depleting vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Our Living Foods Lifestyle is 100% vegan. We use no meat, dairy, or any animal product. All living foods are raw, but not all raw foods are living. The raw food community has grown robustly over the past decade, raising the possibility of better health for all. But many people cannot digest raw foods. Many people who must cleanse and rebuild rapidly need to digest and assimilate with ease. At AWI food is prepared so the body can digest, assimilate, and obtain optimal nourishment. The easier it is to digest and absorb our food, the healthier, more vital we are. The lifestyle was developed to restore the bodys natural state of health. The body has miraculous self-healing properties. Ann Wigmore believed there are two main causes of dis-ease: deficiency (poor assimilation) and toxemia (poor elimination). Deficiency of essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other critical nutrients like phytonutrients help create a dis-eased body. Phytonutrients, a vital component of our lifestyle, include diverse organic elements from fruits and vegetables. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, phytonutrients may serve as antioxidants, enhance immune response, enhance cell-to-cell communication, alter estrogen metabolism, convert to vitamin A, cause cancer cells to die, repair DNA damage caused by smoking and other toxic exposures, and detoxify carcinogens. We believe at the Institute the Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed, cooked and non-living foods allows our body to extract only a fraction of the nutrients we require for vibrant health. SAD and environmental toxins together create systemic toxemia. Disease is also created by engaging in negative emotions and attitudes, and by the stress of daily modern life. Living foods help eliminate deficiency and toxemia. When our body isn't using its vital energy to digest food, it can address other important tasks, like the release of accumulated toxins and cellular rejuvenation. We teach our students at the Institute all they need to become self-sufficient in our
simple lifestyle. Join us on our exciting voyage to health and rejuvenation!

AWI Recipe For the Kids and Big Kids Too!

Apple Fries With Goji Ketchup
1 apple, peeled and cut into French fry strips Sprinkle with cinnamon, apple pie or pumpkin spice 1/2 cup soaked goji berries 1/4 cup soaked raisins Put fries in bag Blend goji berries and raisins (add water as needed)

Sunflower greens

All living foods are raw, but not all raw foods are living.

Enjoy the perfect snack!

Donations Welcomed
From our family of Graduates and Supporters

Tropical blended and chopped papaya breakfast at AWI.

Bronze Donor: $50 Silver Donor: $100 Gold Donor: $500 Platinum Donor: $1000
Please call us today with your tax deductible gift


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 3

Yoga for Every Body

Whether you suffer from a severe or chronic condition such as back pain, arthritis or asthma, or would like to lose weight, yoga can help you reach your health, fitness and spiritual goals. Yoga is widely known throughout Western culture, but it continues to be perceived differently by many. Most think of yoga as an exercise program of flexibility and strength. A few still think of celibates with long hair and beards living in the caves of the Himalayas. Only a few associate yoga with its true goal: to return us to our original state of being. Practicing yoga develops calmness and clarity. Yoga reconnects us to the deep, pure peace abiding within. On many levels yoga may be transformational. Ken Pelletier, a well-known medical researcher and spokesman for complementary and alternative medicine wrote in The Best Alternative Medicine: Yoga has proven beneficial in treating a variety of medical conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing problems, asthma, musculoskeletal problems, stress-related illness and mood disorders. Yoga is also helpful in the management of pain, for improving respirator endurance and efficiency of breathing, for muscle strength, and for motor control. It helps prevent musculoskeletal problems and is beneficial for people with arthritis and those recover ing from bone fractures. A recent National Institute of Health funded study on back pain suggests that Viniyoga is a safe and effective treatment for chronic back pain(Sherman, Chekin, et al., 2005). At the Institute we offer both yoga and yoga therapy to our students. What is the difference between the two? The goal remains the same, but the approach differs. Yoga therapists are much more extensively trained to specifically tailor the practice to the needs of the student. Yoga therapy can complement Western disciplines of physical therapy, psychotherapy, medicine and ministry. Kaelash Neels, our resident yoga instructor, offers both group and individual sessions. Private sessions are recorded to an audio CD so you can practice anywhere at any time. Kaelash Neels, AWI Teacher, author and Yoga Therapist/ Instructor and Feldenkrais Practitioner

Wheatgrass Juices De-aging Benefits

Powerful blood purifier and rebuilder Anti-microbial & antifungal agent Contains 92 of 102 necessary natural nutrients for life Enzyme-rich, source of SOD, one of the most important deaging enzymes DNA restorer Contains vitamins C, E and carotene, natural anti-oxidants 70% chlorophyll, the basis of all plant life and natures super nutrient and protector Neutralizes toxins like heavy metals and radiation Stimulates the thyroid gland eliminating obesity and indigestion Restores fertility and youthfulness by rebuilding tissue Helps purify the liver and remove drug deposits Can prevent and reverse gum and tooth disease

Student dehydration tray from Dehydration Lab.

Yoga has proven beneficial in treating a variety of medical conditions

Kaelash enjoying a beautiful sunset in Aguada.

Living News

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AWI Cultural Trip to Ceremonial Indigena de Tibes

On November 21 AWI students traveled to the Tibes Ceremonial Center in Ponce to witness a native cultural ceremonial re-enactment. Held at the oldest ceremonial center and largest archeological site in the Caribbean, Ceremonial Indigena de Tibes offered our students a rare opportunity to view the daily life and cultural rituals of the ancient Igneri peoples. Students toured the village as indigenous Puerto Ricans, committed to Taino studies, planted and harvested crops, net-fished a village river and prepared native dishes. Students observed a reenactment of a Cohoba shamanic ceremony. During the ceremony the smoke of cohoba plant is inhaled to induce an altered state. Elaborately costumed Taino descendents recreated the sacred ritual used by the Igneri to communicate with the supernatural world. The igneri were the first farmers and ceramists to settle in the West Indies around 300 AD. From the coasts of the Orinoco River this ancient community traveled, settling near coastlines and rivers, to develop an advanced culture based on cultivation of cassava and other native plants like higuero, cojoba and corozo. More than a hundred human burials were discovered at this site, many containing seashells, pottery, food and amulets. At the centers museum, many ancient artifacts were on display and a movie describing the original discovery of the archeological site was shown.

Taino flute-player

Students observed the reenactment of an authentic Cohoba shamanic ceremony

The festive celebration included a re-creation of an Igneri village, complete with natural living gardens, batey (the baseball of the ancient meso-american world) courts detailed with original petroglyphs, and village cultural practices.

Meet Our Students - Urs Bahr

I came to AWI in August 2008 to cleanse after a diagnosis of aggressive squamous cell carcinoma that had spread to my lymph nodes. My physicians recommended conventional therapy. I wanted a natural way to heal my body. Research led me to the original Ann Wigmore Living Foods Lifestyle program in PR. Six months after my visit I returned to the physicians for a reevaluation. The plastic surgeon who recommended surgery couldnt believe I had no other tumors on my body. Photos from six months earlier told the truth he had to believe surgery was unnecessary. He said: Keep doing whatever youre doing;. I felt great! I sat down with the neck surgeons. I noticed their eyes were glued to my neck. Amazed, they had to admit the tumor shrunk. The same tumor that had been quite alive was now at about 20% of its original size! They examined all bodily areas where cancer couldve spread . Nothing was found! One of my surgeons thought I looked jaundiced. But then thats what lots of wheatgrass, energy soup and kale smoothies do for you! The only blood test ordered came back within normal range. Every little cell in my body is happy! My sincere wish is that all people study the Living Foods Lifestyle and learn all they can about this selfsustainable blessing of health. Your body is a temple. Focus on your healing. Never give up. As you become healthier you will see your life change. Live in the moment The past is gone. The future is the goal you want. And master the present!

Nutrient-rich wheatgrass growing in the Institute greenhouse.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 5

Health and Perception

How true is it that our emotions affect our health? What role does everyday life play in our well-being? How much do our mind, our attitudes and lifes daily stressors affect our bodys vitality? According to psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), the study of the subtle interaction between psychological processes , the nervous and immune systems, our emotions, attitudes and, thoughts, are our bodies. Along with our beliefs, they influence every bodily cell, organ and system. Every event of our lives, how we perceive the event, and how we react to it, is manifested by our body. In the instant of a thought, in the wave of an emotion, in the flutter of a belief, a cascade of biological messages flood each cell, changing our delicate biochemistry. We can safely release stored negative energies from our bodies simply with a change of perception. Ask yourself the zen koan: do I see the glass full or empty? With a fresh attitude and a liberating belief we confirm to our body all is well. We send a message of health and vitality to every cell. Each cell responds to a positive emotion or a loving thought. The new lifeaffirming idea overrides the outdated, often erroneous message. The popular movies The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know depict the beginning of this self-healing process. We ARE what we feel, what we believe and what we think. Dr. Candace Pert, internationally recognized pharmacologist and brain biochemist, in her new book, Everything You Need To Know To Feel Go(o)d shares the answers she's found. Dr. Pert explores how to achieve mind-body wellness, the role of our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations in shaping our realities and controlling our physiologies. She highlights the importance of forgiveness, love, spiritual practice and joy in healing ourselves. Dr. Pert, also author of Molecules of Emotion: The Scientific Basis Behind Mind-Body Medicine, believes we are hardwired for bliss. We do influence our health, our level of vitality and our degree of longevity. We affect, moment to moment, our very life force. We can become healthier with each thought and each emotion. The journey to health and well-being is one of vast personal power and diligent practice. Buddha said, With your thoughts you make your world We add at the Institute, With your thoughts you make your body! Ani Kaspar is Living News Editor, an author, a teacher and wellness consultant.

Every Little Cell

Every little cell in my body is happy. Every little cell in my body is well. Im so glad. Im so well. Every little cell in my body is well.
Sung by AWI students daily before meals at the Institute.

Caribbean beach next to the Institute on a sunny afternoon.

We are hardwired for bliss.

One of the hundreds of local blooms in tropical Puerto Rico.

Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute

PO Box 429 Rincon, PR 00677 Phone: 787-868-6307 Fax: 787-686-2430 E-mail:

Located near the ocean in beautiful, Caribbean Puerto Rico, the non-for-profit Institute is an educational healing center dedicated to the core principles of the Living Foods Lifestyle. AWI was founded in 1990 by Ann Wigmore, author, teacher, healer, and visionary of the living foods movement. Today, we continue her legacy by teaching natural health, sustainability and selfreliance. Students from the world over participate in programs and special retreats throughout the year. Our pure program of vibrant health is offered in an intimate, supportive, loving environment. Program offerings include: 1 and 2 week certification courses in the original Living Foods Lifestyle, cultural excursions in history-rich Puerto Rico and special retreats for groups, family and friends.

Meet Our Staff - Mike Pollack

Mike Pollack is an award winning raw vegan living foods chef. A graduate of the New York Culinary School and before becoming Executive Chef at AWI, Mike owned and operated East Coast Vegan a raw vegan restaurant in Toms River, NJ, winner of the Best of the Best Awards in Best Food for two years straight. make a major lifestyle change by becoming vegan. In 2005 he was drawn to the quest for optimal health when he discovered Living foods. I didnt call my daily meals energy soup like Ann Wigmore did, but I ate my personal version of energy soup daily. When I learned of the Living Food Lifestyle at AWI it was nice to know there were others living this amazing lifestyle. During the Institutes certification program I gained even more health-saving knowledge that I incorporated into my living foods preparation. Mike gifts the Institute with a fresh, creative approach to living foods. Mikes most recent living food delectable dishes include: McWiggie Burger on Sprouted Living Bread, Stuffed Tropical Crepe, Thanksliving Croquettes with Cranberry Compote, and Living Pizza. Mike concludes: "Living foods are the last new frontier in cuisine, allowing my creative side and my health to flourish.

Living foods are the last new frontier in cuisine

Mike reflects: My favorite chef was me! I loved my cooking . I gained a lot of weight over the years becoming very unhealthy. When health issues altered his life, Mike decided to

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