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Breakfast and Learning Does Eating Breakfast Improve School Performance? By Kendra Cherry, Guide Source:

htm As you sit hunched over your bowl of cereal, you may find yourself wondering, "Will eating this really help me get better grades?" Put the question to the test in the following psychology experiment. According to many experts, eating breakfast can have a beneficial influence on school performance. One study found that children who ate a healthy breakfast had higher energy levels and better learning ability than similar students who did not eat breakfast.1Another study conducted by Harvard researchers found that students who ate breakfast were "significantly more attentive in the classroom, earned higher grades in math, and had significantly fewer behavioral and emotional problems."2 Conduct your own psychology experiment by examining the impact that breakfast has on academic performance or school behavior. The first step in developing your project is to form a research question that can be used to create a testable hypothesis. Possible Research Questions:

What effect does eating breakfast have on vocabulary test performance? Does eating breakfast provided by the school produce different results than eating a breakfast prepared at home?

Develop a Hypothesis After you have selected a research question that you would like to investigate, the next step is to create a hypothesis. Your hypothesis is an educated guess about what you expect will happen. For example, you hypothesis might be one of the following: Students who eat breakfast will perform better on a math test than student who do not eat.

Students who do not eat breakfast will spend more time off-task than students who do eat breakfast. Students who eat a nutritious breakfast will perform better on an academic test than students who consume unhealthy foods for breakfast.

Choose Participants, Develop Study Materials and Identify Your Key Variables Talk to your instructor about finding possible participants for your experiment. In some cases, other students in your class may act as participants, or you may be required to post ads looking for subjects. Be sure to get permission from your instructor before advancing any further. Once you have some participants, create the materials you will use in your study. For example, you may need to create a survey to ask students about their eating habits or a quiz to test students on academic performance. Finally, identify the key variables in your experiment. These variables will differ depending on the hypothesis you choose to investigate. For example, your independent variable might be "Breakfast

Will students who eat breakfast perform better on a math test than students who have not eaten a morning meal? Do students who do not eat breakfast before school have a more difficult time staying on task? Does the content of the meal have an impact on school performance? For example, does eating a Pop Tart have the same beneficial effects as eating a bowl of oatmeal?

Consumption" and your dependent variable might be "Performance on a Math Test." Collect Data, Analyze and Report on Results After collecting the data for your experiment, analyze your results. Did the independent variable have an impact on the dependent variable? Were the results significant? Prepare to report and present the results in the manner suggested by your instructor, such as a lab report or other type of psychology paper. PDF Source: The Importance of Breakfast Source: The American Dietetic Association says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Despite the healthful benefits, breakfast may be the meal that is most often neglected or skipped. Eating breakfast not only aids in weight management, it fuels the body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving ability throughout the day,according to the food and nutrition experts at the American Dietetic Association. Why Breakfast? Forty years of breakfast related studies show that jump starting the day with breakfast benefits everyone -- children, teens and adults. "Eating breakfast is very important for the brain and the body first thing in the morning", said Los Angeles registered dietitian Gail Frank, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Breakfast skippers often feel tired, restless or irritable in the morning."

Breakfast is the first chance the body has to refuel its blood glucose levels, also known as blood sugar, after eight to 12 hours without a meal or snack. Glucose is essential for the brain and is the main energy source. Blood glucose also helps fuel the muscles needed for physical activity throughout the day. "Breakfast is also very important for weight loss and weight management," Frank said. "You 'break the fast' of not eating for the past eight to 12 hours. It helps curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the day. Breakfast is important to manage your weight and potentially lose weight by eating less calories throughout the day." During National Nutrition Month and all year long, the American Dietetic Association suggests simple ideas to help add breakfast to your daily eating plan.

Ready-to-eat whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and a cup of yogurt Whole-grain waffles topped with peanut butter, fruit or ricotta cheese A whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hard-cooked eggs Hot cereal topped with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or cloves Peanut butter on a bagel with fresh fruit (banana or apple wedges) and low-fat milk Breakfast smoothie (milk, fruit and teaspoon of bran, whirled in a blender) Vegetable omelet with a bran muffin and orange juice

If your taste buds just do not crave breakfast foods in the morning, try:

Lean ham on a toasted English muffin and vegetable juice Cheese pizza and orange juice Grilled vegetables mixed with beans and cilantro topped with cheese Heated leftover rice with chopped apples, nuts and cinnamon and fruit juice

With nearly 70,000 members, the American Dietetic Association is the nation's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The ADA serves the public by promoting optimal nutrition and well-being.

Skipping Breakfast Affects Energy By Deana Thornton Published: Friday, January 30, 2004 Updated: Sunday, August 10, 2008 00:08 Source: Lack of concentration in a classroom setting even with eight hours of sleep from the night before may just be telling your body something; next time, eat breakfast. Breakfast has often been called "the most important meal of the day," but with the busy schedules of most students, it often becomes the most neglected. "I usually don't have time to eat breakfast because I wake up too late and have to go straight to class," junior speech communication major Haki Muhammad said. Neglecting to eat breakfast can be detrimental to an individual's health. Goulda Downer, doctor, president and CEO of Metroplex Health and Nutrition Services located in Washington, DC, says that it's important to think of breakfast as a fuel for your body. "Just like a car needs fuel to run so does the body...The brain needs glucose to function and while you sleep there is a lower level of glucose." Studies have shown that breakfast replenishes the blood glucose levels that have become depleted during the night. Breakfast also improves strength and endurance throughout the day. By eating a healthy breakfast one gains and maintains strength and endurance thus improving not only physical but cognitive performance as well. "Teens that eat breakfast have higher test scores, better concentration and mental performance than those who do not," Goulda said. "Interestingly enough, when you do not eat breakfast, your body acts like there is no food available and goes into the mode of starvation," Goulda said. This offers some explanation as to why students feel droggy and sluggish throughout the day after skipping breakfast. It is almost unheard of to stop for a bite when racing to get ready on time for that early class. "I rarely get the chance to eat breakfast in the morning. During the day my body feels very weak until I get something to eat at lunchtime," junior psychology major Jessica Henry said. Katherine Tallmadge, nutritionist and author of Diet Simply, said, "Eating breakfast improves your nutritional intake for the whole day." Despite their hectic schedules, a few students still take the time to make health conscious decisions and understand the importance of that morning meal. "I eat breakfast on a daily basis and it keeps me energized throughout the day," said Monet King, sophomore

advertising major. King added, "If the body does not receive the proper amount of nutrients needed, fatigue and irritability may be the consequences." Some claim to refrain from eating breakfast for diet purposes or in order to lose those few extra pounds. Goulda disagrees. " Skipping breakfast is equivalent to gaining weight. It seems that when you don't eat breakfast, as a result you are hungrier later and end up eating more food." Skipping breakfast also slows down your metabolism. In the morning the body's metabolism is most efficient which means that the calories which are consumed in the morning are burned at a faster rate. By choosing low fat meals for breakfast one will gain the energy needed while keeping the weight off. While some people skip breakfast due to weight issues, the number one reason why many college students do not eat is because of the lack of time or lack of funds. However, there are plenty of ways that a college student can eat an inexpensive yet healthy breakfast. "I don't think there is anything less than oatmeal," Tallmadge said. "A peanut butter sandwich with whole grain bread, cereal, fruit, or nuts can be ideal for breakfast. Breakfast can also be leftovers from the night before like a ham and cheese sandwich." Goulda said, "A healthy breakfast doesn't have to be a headache. Yogurt, milk, low-fat cheese and peanut butter are all good sources of protein. But avoid junk foods like donuts and cinnamon rolls. In my view eating those foods on a regular basis is worse than eating no breakfast at all." Contributing Writer Lack of concentration in a classroom setting even with eight hours of sleep from the night before may just be telling your body something; next time, eat breakfast. Breakfast has often been called "the most important meal of the day," but with the busy schedules of most students, it often becomes the most neglected. "I usually don't have time to eat breakfast because I wake up too late and have to go straight to class," junior speech communication major Haki Muhammad said. Neglecting to eat breakfast can be detrimental to an individual's health. Goulda Downer, doctor, president and CEO of Metroplex Health and Nutrition Services located in Washington, DC, says that it's important to think of breakfast as a fuel for your body. "Just like a car needs fuel to run so does the body...The brain needs glucose to function and while you sleep there is a lower level of glucose."

Studies have shown that breakfast replenishes the blood glucose levels that have become depleted during the night. Breakfast also improves strength and endurance throughout the day. By eating a healthy breakfast one gains and maintains strength and endurance thus improving not only physical but cognitive performance as well. "Teens that eat breakfast have higher test scores, better concentration and mental performance than those who do not," Goulda said. "Interestingly enough, when you do not eat breakfast, your body acts like there is no food available and goes into the mode of starvation," Goulda said. This offers some explanation as to why students feel droggy and sluggish throughout the day after skipping breakfast. It is almost unheard of to stop for a bite when racing to get ready on time for that early class. "I rarely get the chance to eat breakfast in the morning. During the day my body feels very weak until I get something to eat at lunchtime," junior psychology major Jessica Henry said. Katherine Tallmadge, nutritionist and author of Diet Simply, said, "Eating breakfast improves your nutritional intake for the whole day." No Breakfast Hurts Girls' Focus Most Source: 2467752828.html By ANN LUKITS Skipping breakfast before a day of school significantly reduced students' speed and accuracy on cognitive and memory tests compared with those who ate breakfast, according to a study recently published online in the journal Appetite. Researchers compared the performance of 1,386 students from 32 schools throughout the U.K. on several Internet-based tests of attention, memory and reaction time. Subjects included 721 girls and 665 boys age 6 to 16 who logged onto a website between 7:42 a.m. and 12:33 p.m. On testing day, 1,202 students reported having breakfast and 184 didn't have breakfast. A higher percentage of girls didn't have breakfast, 7.6% compared with 5.6% of boys. Compared with those who ate breakfast, students who skipped the morning meal had 7% slower power of attention, a measure of their ability to focus and avoid distraction. They also detected 7% fewer

targets on target-detection tasks and correctly identified 9% fewer pictures on a picture-recognition test at a 9% slower speed than students who ate breakfast. Variability in response time, an indication of focusing consistency, was 10% more erratic in those who missed breakfast. Girls without breakfast were significantly more disrupted in their ability to focus than boys who didn't have breakfast, results showed. Test-score differences between the two groups were larger in those tested after 11 a.m. than those tested earlier in the morning. Caveat: The study didn't analyze the effects of different breakfast foods or caffeine consumption. Title: Breakfast is associated with enhanced cognitive function in schoolchildren. An internet based study Caring and curing: Diabetic individuals who switch from an unempathetic doctor to one with more patient understanding can reduce their risk of complications by 41%, according to a report in Academic Medicine. A physician's ability to understand a patient's perspective is key to an effective doctor-patient relationship, but few studies have measured the impact of physician empathy on patient health. More Signs of How Adversity Can Change Brains Using 2009 data, U.S. and Italian researchers compared the selfrated empathy of 242 family physicians from northern Italy and the rate of severe complications in 20,961 patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Empathy was measured with a validated 20-question scale that assessed physicians' ability to put themselves in a patient's situation and to communicate that understanding. Questions were scored from one to seven, with one indicating strong disagreement and seven indicating strong agreement. Of the 242 doctors, 81 had high empathy scores, 84 were moderate scorers and 77 low scorers. Severe complications requiring hospital care, such as diabetic comas, developed in 123 of the 20,961 patients. Of these, 29 had high-empathy doctors, 52 had moderately empathetic doctors and 42 had low-empathy

doctors. The difference between the outcomes of patients with high-empathy doctors and those with moderate- and low-empathy physicians was statistically significant, researchers said. Patients of empathetic doctors may be more compliant with treatment regimes, they said. Caveat: The study didn't consider other factors that influence patient outcomes, such as disease severity, patient compliance, social supports, physician competence, and insurance coverage. Patient perception of physician empathy wasn't assessed. Negative Effects of Skipping Breakfast Source: Many people have a hard time functioning in the morning, so they wake up as late as they possibly can. Unfortunately this rids them of the time they have to prepare a healthy breakfast that contains all of the nutrients needed to begin the day. Think skipping breakfast every day will help you lose weight and stay healthy? Think again. Read on to learn about the negative effects of skipping breakfast: 1) Lack of Energy This is one of the most negative effects of skipping breakfast. Glucose levels drop significantly while youre sleeping. Eating breakfast helps restore glucose (fueling your cells) to your blood, providing energy to be productive throughout the day. By eating breakfast, you will feel energized and able to take on your responsibilities more efficiently; you will find that your ability to concentrate and focus is also improved. 2) Weight Gain Those who consistently skip breakfast may notice weight gain or failing weight loss efforts; this is a pretty negative effect of skipping breakfast! Eating breakfast helps reduce your appetite later in the day. This helps you avoid reaching for the wrong food or overeating later in the day. Also, waiting until the afternoon to eat will put your body into starvation mode, causing it to store more fat. 3) Destabilizes Your Mood

If you feel moody in the morning, it could be because you are skipping or arent eating a sufficient breakfast. Consuming breakfast regularly can stabilize mood swings, improve irritability, and even decrease depression. This is due to the fact that eating supplies your body with energy it needs to properly function. 4) Poor Nutrition Skipping breakfast, or any meal for that matter, cuts out a significant opportunity for you to supply your body with essential nutrients. By eating a nutritious breakfast, you will increase intake of protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. It is known that those who eat breakfast are more likely to eat healthier throughout the day. Hopefully after reading about the negative effects of skipping breakfast, you will be convinced to wake up a little earlier to prepare yourself a healthy meal to jump-start your metabolism. Eating breakfast will prove to be beneficial to your healthstart tomorrow to feel the positive effects! Posted in Life Blog By Emmy Bill

5 Reasons Skipping Breakfast is a Bad Idea Why breakfast really is the most important meal of the day Source: January 23, 2012 | By Kevin P. Donoghue In the rush to get up and out the door each morning, for goodness sake, dont skip breakfast! More than just good advice your mom used to pound into your head, eating breakfast every day has been shown to significantly help protect against cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and dysmenorrhea (acute pain during a womans menstruation), among other conditions. Not only does eating breakfast help ward off these chronic health conditions, it also has been shown to help improve body weight, boost energy and heighten mental acuity. Pursuit of these benefits has guided much of the research conducted on breakfast consumption, specifically in relation to children and adolescents. That said, a host of research studies has also shown both short-term and long-term negative health impacts among adults who regularly forgo a morning meal.

If true, why does 1 out of every 4 adults and 1 out of every 3 children regularly skip eating breakfast? Common excuses include: dont have enough time to eat, forgot to eat, and trying to control weight by cutting out a meal. Folks, if you fall into one of these traps, let us enlighten you with findings from a sampling of recent studies: 1. In a new research paper published this month in The Journal of Nutrition, University of Minnesota researchers discovered that adults participating in the study who ingested a daily breakfast meal had more than 50% lower levels of glucose coursing through their veins up to five hours after eating breakfast than people who did not consume breakfast. High blood glucose levels are strongly associated with diabetes and obesity. One would think eating a meal would naturally boost glucose levels, especially compared to not eating at all, but apparently our bodies put breakfast calories to work immediately, quickly clearing sugar from the bloodstream. By comparison, researchers believe the absence of a morning meal causes the body to release stored sugars to compensate.[1] 2. In a separate study published in December 2010, a group of Japanese researchers found that college-aged women who frequently skipped breakfast experienced significantly higher incidences of constipation, painful menstrual symptoms, and other reproductive cycle complications than women who regularly consumed a morning meal. While scientists do not have a firm handle as to why skipping breakfast disrupts reproductive cycles among women, the researchers in this particular study speculated that the timing of food consumption (particularly early-in-the-day food consumption) is strongly correlated with healthy menstruation cycles.[2] 3. In 2003, a group of University of Massachusetts researchers found that those who regularly skipped breakfast had a 4.5 times higher risk of obesity versus everyday breakfast eaters. The researchers noted that those who skipped breakfast ate significantly more calories during the day than consistent breakfast eaters, leading the study team to

conclude that skipping the morning meal leads to more ravenous eating (hence weight gain) later in the day.[3] 4. UK-based researchers in 2005 reported that women participating in the study who skipped breakfast daily had significantly higher total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, oxidized LDL and triglycerides in comparison with women in the study who ingested breakfast every morning. In fact, over the course of the study, women who omitted breakfast saw their blood lipid measures rise notably, while regular morning meal consumers saw theirs drop.[4] 5. A 2009 Japanese study showed that current cigarette smokers who skipped breakfast (and 55% of the current smokers in the study did not eat breakfast) had a 4.7 times higher risk of developing diabetes than either current smokers who regularly ate breakfast or neversmoking regular breakfast consumers. Thats not a misprint 4.7 times higher odds of developing diabetes![5] There are many other studies echoing similar results in different groups of adults, adolescents and children. Therefore, if you are at risk for one or more of these conditions and you dont regularly eat breakfast, you would be well served to reconsider your decision to pass on a morning meal. Getting More Out of Your Breakfast Healthy advice for regular breakfast eaters Alright, presuming weve now convinced those of you who havent been eating breakfast regularly to add a morning meal to your daily routine, well bet youd like to know what breakfast foods offer the healthiest start. Unfortunately, its not a whopping Belgian waffle with copious butter and syrup. Its not even a bagel with cream cheese or butter paired with a glass of OJ, milk or cup of coffee. Nope, the No. 1 breakfast food correlated with better health is ready-to-eat cereals made from whole grains combined with low-fat milk. For those wishing to spice it up a bit, add some fresh fruit into the mix. [Insert pick of cereal topped with fruit] Cereals made with whole grains typically have a higher fiber content, lower glycemic index value (glycemic index is a measure applied by

dieticians to assess the blood sugar raising effects of various foods), and less harmful fats and oils. Before you start to groan imagining eating tasteless, coarse cereals, check out this list of healthy and unhealthy cereal choicesdeveloped by Dr. Diana Mirkin. If you cant see yourself chomping on bran flakes to start the day, at least try to avoid breakfast foods that have been shown to possess a high glycemic index. High glycemic index foods are strongly correlated with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. Some of the biggest breakfast offenders on this list include doughnuts, waffles, bagels and toast made from white bread. [1] Pereira MA, et al. Breakfast Frequency and Quality May Affect Glycemia and Appetite in Adults and Children. The Journal of Nutrition. 2011; 141:163S-168S. [2] Fujiwra T, Nakata R. Skipping breakfast is associated with reproductive dysfunction in post-adolescent female college students. Appetite. 2010; 55: 14-717. [3] Ma Y, et al. Association between Eating Patterns and Obesity in a Free-living US Adult Population.American Journal of Epidemiology. 2003; 158: 85-92. [4] Farshchi HR, et al. Deleterious effects of omitting breakfast on insulin sensitivity and fasting lipid profiles in healthy lean women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005;81:388-396. [5] Nishiyama M, et al. The Combined Unhealthy Behaviors of Breakfast Skipping and Smoking Are Associated with the Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus. Tokohu J. Exp. Med. 2009;218:259-264.

eat breakfast. Eating breakfast has many benefits to your health and skipping this important meal can reduce your weight loss success and your general well-being. And there are many other reasons why you shouldnt skip breakfast if you are trying to lose weight. 1. Lowers your metabolism One of the worse things about skipping breakfast is that it lowers your metabolism. Your metabolism is your bodys ability to burn calories and is often referred to as your bodys furnace. Eating regularly helps to keep the fire burning and by skipping breakfast you are essentially letting the fire burn out. While this is a bad idea at any time of the day, it is particularly bad first thing in the morning as your body has been fasting all night and breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism and provides you with energy for the day ahead. Keeping your metabolism firing is essential for burning fat and calories when trying to lose weight. 2. Lowers your concentration levels If you have ever missed a meal, you will know how had it can be to concentrate on even the simplest tasks. Regularly skipping breakfast lowers you concentration levels and makes it hard for you to perform at your best. Not only will your concentration levels be affected but your memory and coordination as well. Definitely bad news if you have a job that requires you to use all three! 3. Lowers your energy levels When you skip breakfast and dont provide your body with any fuel, you also dont provide yourself with any energy. We all need to eat a certain amount of calories a day to ensure our bodies are getting enough energy. When you dont provide enough fuel, it is very hard for your body to do everything it needs to do each day. This will leave you tired and lethargic, and youll find it very difficult to get through the day, not to mention exercise. 4. Lowers your blood sugar levels Skipping meals and not refuelling your body for a number of hours can lower your blood sugar levels so low that you will experience

11 Reasons NOT to skip Breakfast to Loose Weight Source: 11 Reasons NOT to skip Breakfast for Weight Loss When it comes to losing weight there are a number of things you can do to increase your success and achieve your goals. One of the best actions you can take to help you achieve your weight loss goals is to

hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia occurs when the amount of sugar (or glucose) in your blood drops below 4.0mmol (this is a measurement used by medical professionals to measure the amount of glucose in the blood). When this happens, you may experience sweating, dizziness, nausea, and shaking. Regularly eating meals will help to prevent this and boost your metabolism at the same time. Maintaining good blood sugar levels is very beneficial to your weight loss journey. 5. Mid-morning cravings One of the worst side effects of not eating breakfast is that come midmorning you are so hungry you are more likely to fill up on high fat, high sugar snacks with no nutritional value. These snacks are also high in calories and can throw all your good work out the window. Eating breakfast (especially a healthy one), helps to control cravings and keeps you full and satisfied, meaning you are more likely to eat a healthy snack at morning tea to tide you over til lunch (and keep your metabolism burning to help with your weight loss). 6. Leads to overeating for the rest of the day Skipping breakfast not only leads you to choose the wrong foods at morning tea but can lead to overeating for the rest of the day. When trying to lose weight it is easy to believe that once you have eaten the wrong thing, that theres no point in trying until tomorrow. A healthy breakfast helps to set you up for a good day ahead and makes it easier to say no to unhealthy foods. 7. Stops you losing weight As mentioned earlier, skipping breakfast lowers your metabolism and your ability to burn fat and calories. When you lower your metabolism, it is much hard for your body to burn fat and calories, hampering your weight loss efforts. Small, regular meals, starting with breakfast is a great way to fire up your metabolism and keep your weight loss on track. 8. Makes exercise difficult Another side effect of skipping breakfast is that it makes you tired and lethargic and this makes it very difficult to find the energy or

motivation to exercise. As you know, regular exercise is essential if you are trying to lose weight. Exercise requires energy and the best source of energy is regular, healthy meals, including breakfast. 9. Makes you grumpy Theres no nice way to put it being tired, lethargic and hungry makes you grumpy! Skipping breakfast, especially if you dont eat until lunch time will make you grumpy and agitated, which is not a great combination if your work requires you to be around other people? Its hard to be nice when you cant concentrate, are fighting hunger pains and dont have the energy to stay awake. 10. Makes it difficult to stick to your plan When it comes to weight loss, stick to your plan is very important and it is difficult to do that when you are hungry and chocolate is calling you. If you want to stick to your weight loss plan, you need to make breakfast a must. It not only kick starts your metabolism but makes it much easier for you to make smart food choices for the rest of the day. 11. Any breakfast is better than no breakfast Many people think that breakfast needs to be some healthy, hippy type meal. Anything you eat at breakfast is better than going hungry. If you dont have the time to eat breakfast at home, try keeping something at the office to eat there or try getting up a little earlier (easier said than done!). Smoothies and milk shakes are also an option for those with little time. Skipping meals is never a good thing and if you are trying to lose weight, it is far better to eat small regular meals to boost your metabolism than to skip meals, believing this will help you lose weight. If you have been skipping breakfast to help your weight loss goals, stop now! Start adding breakfast to your eating plan and youll be amazed at how much better you will feel and the difference it makes to your weight loss journey.

Copyright 2012 ifeelgood24/7. All rights reserved. 24/7 Express Health Clubs and Gyms - Brisbane * Billed fortnightly plus $1.50 per transaction fee. Privacy policy. Do You Really Need to Eat Breakfast? We Found Out. Valentina Palladino in FOOD & NUTRITION Posted Nov 2 2012 - 12:00am Maybe its one of those days where the meal consists of eggs, bacon and toast. Or maybe youre running late and you could only grab a half of a bagel with cream cheese. Or, maybe you didnt have time to eat anything at all. One thing is for sure - breakfast is the most ambivalent meal in college life. Some prefer to skip breakfast all together, while some just grab something small as they walk out the door - is there really anything wrong with that? Were putting the most important meal of the day under the microscope, discovering what it means in the context of a busy college schedule. Breakfast 101 Were all told that breakfast is a crucial part of a productive day. There are many benefits gained from eating breakfast daily, such as providing your body with the first chance to refuel after hours of fasting, and aiding in weight management. Breakfast boosts essential glucose levels in your body after sleeping for hours, allowing your brain and body to function better. According to Syracuse University Nutrition Science and Dietetics professor Sarah Short, scientific research indicates that if you don't eat breakfast, by 10 a.m. your mental and physical abilities go way down. Breakfast aids weight management by keeping your metabolism running at a healthy level. If the body is not sufficiently energized from food, metabolism slows down to conserve energy - this is where breakfast comes in to save the day. As far as academic improvement is concerned, studies have shown that eating breakfast can have positive effects on students focus and cognitive function. However, the absence of breakfast has not been directly proven to lead to bad grades. A big factor contributing to the effects of breakfast is your age. There are definitely studies showing that school-age children have improved cognitive function (i.e., think and learn better) when they eat breakfast, explains Monica Reinagel,

host of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcast Nutrition Diva. The evidence for the improved cognitive function with young adults is not as dramatic. However, a study conducted by Gregory W. Phillips, professor in the Division of Natural Sciences of Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, could show the breakfast-benefits trend extending into college-age students. The study observed over 1,200 college students over the course of 11 years to see if eating breakfast had an effect on the grades of General Biology exams. It was determined that during the course of the study 188 students made an A on the second exam, this includes 17.7% of the students who had eaten breakfast and 9.7% of those who had not eaten breakfast. Similarly... 38.2% of the students eating breakfast received a B; whereas, only 18.7% of the students not eating breakfast received a B. So is there a clear verdict? Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Research shows the many positive effects breakfast can have for students in and out of class; however, skipping breakfast isnt out of the question. Most experts will enforce the breakfast rule, but if you understand your body and how you can function throughout the day on your own eating patterns, skipping breakfast is not the worst thing you can do. What is important is knowing the side effects skipping breakfast has on your body specifically, and the side effects of eating a balanced breakfast as well. This is Your Breakfast Breakfast comes in many forms in the lives of college students. Associate Professor of Nutrition Sciences and Dietetics at Syracuse University Tanya Horacek gives collegiettes some insight into the best and worst breakfast scenarios: My breakfast is usually just a cup of coffee or a coffee drink. This kind of breakfast may get you going with caffeine, but isnt doing much else for your body. Depending upon how the drink is dressed, as in with cream or sugar, it might just be providing a source of caffeine and a few calories, explains Horacek, but isn't really providing any beneficial proteins, vitamins or minerals. If I do eat something, its something small - like a granola bar or PopTarts.

While eating something is always better than eating nothing at all, some breakfasts provide calories without much nutrition. The choices of what one can eat fall along a continuum of how nutrient dense it might be, and how it might contribute to the overall quality of a person's diet, says Horacek. A small snack of PopTarts may soothe your stomach, but when it comes to nutrition, they are not doing anything for your body. I never eat breakfast. My first meal is usually later in the day. According to Horacek, some people simply cannot eat when they first wake up. This is perfectly fine, as long as this doesnt disrupt regular eating patterns throughout the rest of the day. You just want to avoid the situation of being awake for 5-7 hours before eating, she says. If someone gets too hungry because they skipped breakfast or any meal, they might overeat at the next meal because they were too hungry. Avoid this pitfall by eating small portions consistently during the day, and always choosing nutrient-dense meals packed with proteins, fiber and other essentials. Nutrition Diva Reinagel explains that choosing the right breakfast is crucial for setting the tone of the day. Eating the right foods at breakfast can really set you to have more energy and concentration throughout the day, she explains. It can also help you make healthier food choices throughout the day. Reinagel describes her breakfast Rule of Five - Look for cereals that have at least 5 grams of fiber but not much more than 5 grams of sugar per serving. She also suggests including a form of protein in your breakfast. So how do busy collegiettescreate balanced meals with little time and a small budget? Here are some simple breakfast recipes you can try in your dorm or apartment.

The consequences of not eating a healthy breakfast don't just affect you during the morning hours before lunch. It is proven that they have an impact on you all day long. Ads by Google Shop Online with Lazada Philippine's Online Shopping Mall Order Now Free Delivery Available! Consequences of Not Eating a Healthy Breakfast By not eating a healthy breakfast, you cheat yourself all day. Several detrimental consequences affect your work performance and ability to focus. This is in addition to consequences that affect your health. Work-related Effects

Tiredness or likelihood of experiencing fatigue early in the day Inability to focus Decreased alertness Less memory capacity Higher chance of irritability or restlessness

Health-related Effects

Greater chance of weight gain due to unhealthy snacking Higher risk of developing diabetes Increased possibility of high cholesterol Higher potential for high blood pressure

Benefits of Eating a Healthy Breakfast Consequences of Not Eating a Healthy Breakfast Source: thy_Breakfast By Vickiilene

Higher consumption of necessary minerals and vitamins Decreased intake of fat and cholesterol Better focus and ability to stay on task throughout the day Increased chance of weight control Better problem-solving skills

More alert More creative Increased hand-eye coordination

clinic staff explains that this type of breakfast provides a person with complex carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat. They indicate that this type of breakfast sticks with someone for hours, putting off hunger pangs for much of the morning. A good breakfast should include three of the following four groups:

There's No Time For Breakfast There's always time for breakfast. If you don't think you have the time, you may just have to plan ahead or think outside the box to fit breakfast into your routine. By taking a few minutes out of your evening the night before, you can prepare simple things or lay items out for breakfast the next day. For instance, a breakfast casserole can be made the night before and provide a good for breakfast the next two or three days. Or, fruit can be cut up and prepared to take with you. Plan ahead and separate out a serving of dry cereal and set it with a banana, ready to grab on the go as you leave for work or school. Ads by Google Diabetic Diet & Meals Free Diabetic Recipes > Breakfast, Lunch Snack - Dinner - Register & Win a Tablet Register Now at iGrab PH & Get a Chance to Win an iPad Pregnancy = Numb Fingers? Relax. Take a Deep Breath. We have the Answers. No More Numb Fingers It just takes a little planning to have a breakfast planned for on the run. What is a Healthy Breakfast? There isn't just one answer to this question. It can include a variety of things all the way from whole wheat toast to a bagel and cheese to dry cereal to fruit to veggie pizza. Breakfast can be traditional or nontraditional; pre-packaged or cooked from scratch. It can takes a lot of time to prepare or be something you pick up and take on the go. One suggestion offered by the Mayo Clinic staff is that a breakfast made up of a variety of food types is best. A good breakfast could include whole grains, fruit and low-fat protein or dairy sources. The

Fruits and Vegetables (fresh varieties or 100 percent juice without added sugar) Grains (Bagels, hot or cold whole-grain cereals, Melba toast, crackers, whole-grain rolls or low-fat bran muffins) Dairy (Skim milk, low-fat cheese such as cottage and natural cheese or low-fat yogurt) Protein (Peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, water-packed tuna or slices of lean meat)

When this type of a breakfast plan is followed, you're sure to feel better and more alert in the morning. By skipping breakfast, you're just setting yourself up to be tempted by unhealthy choices at work when hunger hits. If you don't give in to that hunger, when you go to lunch, you're apt to over-indulge due to being hungry. If the above type of plan doesn't work for you, it's perfectly alright to veer from this with other non-traditional foods such as a tortilla and salsa or a smoothie. Just make smart choices about the kinds of food you're eating. Above all, don't think you don't have time. You can even make wise choices when eating out and going through the drive through lane on your way to the office. Bagels, English muffins and other rolls aren't bad for you and are much better than croissants or doughnuts. You have choices that can lead to a healthy life and deter those unwanted consequences of not eating a healthy breakfast.

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