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CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents review of related literature.

It consists of the explanation about language teaching and learning, learning and teaching vocabulary, factors influencing teaching English to the students, the procedure of presenting vocabulary, and techniques of teaching vocabulary. 2.1 Language Teaching and Learning 2.1.1 Language Teaching Language teaching is influenced by ideas on the nature of language (language theories) and the learning of conditions that make learners to acquire the language (learning theories). (Setiadi,2006:20). According to Brown (2000:14) Today, language teaching is not easily categorized into methods and trends. Instead, each teacher is called on to develop a sound overall approach to various language classrooms. According to Alvin W.H (1974:18) Teaching is an activity that tries to help someone to acquire change of develop skill, attitude, deal with appreciation. Moreover, according to Brown (2000:7) teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Based on statement above, it can be concluded that in teaching language is one aspect of education as an activity which is done by teacher. So, teacher should have a good preparation for help their students to learn English especially

vocabulary. Some important parts of language teaching is appropriate theories and selection of materials and teaching design. 2.1.2 Language Learning Learning is very interesting; students can learn with teacher, students can learn with their parents or classmate. Students can learn in many times, many places, and many situations, all of this as well as possible of course. But learning a language is different from learning other subject. To comprehend about language learning there are some definitions about learning. Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instrument. (Brown 2000:5). So, it can be concluded that learning is about changes or getting knowledge and experience. Richards and Roger defined language learning as follow: Learning a language, it was assume, entails mastering the elements or building blocks of the language and learning the rules by which these elements are combined, from phoneme to morpheme to word to phrase to sentence. (2001:55) Based on statement above that in learning a language, two different opinions about language learning above are also interest to be discussed. Teacher as someone who gives knowledge to the student should understand about teaching and learning language, what aspects to be taught and how he/she transfers it to students, so the purpose of teaching and learning process will be achieved.

2.2 Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

The writer has explained before that teaching and learning language is different from teaching and learning other subject. So, it also happened in teaching and learning vocabulary. When discussing about teaching, it cannot be separated from learning because when someone is teaching, it will also happen learning process in it. Here, the following discussion about teaching and learning vocabulary.


Teaching Vocabulary According to Freeman and Freeman teaching vocabulary is one area of

curriculum explained that teaching vocabulary is a common practice in both first and second language classroom to teach isolated vocabulary words apart from any real context, either by presenting lists of words or by teaching word parts. (1992:30). However, Freeman identified that to teach vocabulary in that way is not effective at least make students difficult to use those words in sentences. It only focused on analyzing word root and affixes, if teacher only limited learning vocabularies to words on a list, the learners would not have enough words to communicate effectively. Actually, the important thing in teaching vocabulary is not how much the students know about the words, but how well they comprehend the use of words in context. (Freeman in Ferry, 2005:6) Nation (1990:52) showed the communication process as the way of teaching the meaning of word as follows: Encoding
Information sources Transmitter Receiver

Information Destination 7

In vocabulary teaching information sources is the teachers brain. The transmitter can be many things, for example; the teachers voice (if giving the verbal explanation), the teachers hands (if drawing or pointing picture), the teachers body (if giving a demonstration), a real object (if teacher shows it to the class). The explanation above can be concluded that everything should be described clearly by teacher to make clear explanation about words. So that why teachers should be able to choose the appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary in order to make students have wide knowledge about what they have learned.

2.2.2 Learning Vocabulary Nation (1990:3) pointed out that there are two kinds of learning vocabulary; they are direct and indirect vocabulary learning. In direct vocabulary learning the learners do exercise and activities that focus their attention on vocabulary. Such exercises include word building exercise, guessing words from context when this is done as a class exercise, learning words in list and vocabulary games. In indirect vocabulary learning the learners attention is focus on some other feature, usually the message that is conveyed by a speaker or writer if the amount of unknown vocabulary is low in such message, considerable vocabulary learning can occur even

though the learners attention is not directed toward vocabulary learning.

The explanation above showed that actually direct vocabulary learning need much more time for learners to implement the materials in a learning vocabulary course than indirect vocabulary learning activities. Nation also explained another theory about language learning. They are receptive learning and productive learning. Receptive learning involves being able to recognize a word and recall its meaning when it is met. Productive learning plus the ability to speak or write needed vocabulary at the appropriate time. (Nation, 1997:5)

Based on the statement above, it is clear that receptive and productive learning cannot be separated because both of are very essential. The important of productive learning is to develop the quality of learning by organizing and presenting vocabularies to practice it in some activities. Moreover, receptive learning helps learners to increase quality of students vocabulary. Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that in learning vocabulary both teacher and learners should have a good cooperation each other. Teacher is building up appropriate strategies for learners, understanding what learners need and providing the simple materials in order to help them to express many ideas, so the learner will able to use it in variety context. 2.3 Factors in Teaching and Learning Process

According to Richards and Rogers (2001:26), there are three factors influencing the success in teaching English to the students: 2.3.1 Teacher Teacher is the most influential person in the classroom because she/he has to create an enjoyable and acceptable condition in order to make teaching and learning process run well. Usman (1998) classifies the roles of teacher as follows: a. Demonstrator A teacher has to able to demonstrate the material that will be taught to the students as clear as possible. b. Mediator A good teacher must have the ability in selecting instructional media for certain topic. c. Learning Manager A learning manager in the classroom is a teacher. In this case, a teacher is the main figure in the class because she/he is the one who arranges all the class activity. d. Facilitator


The students learn and acquire language through such practice. The teacher should give opportunities for the students to do much practice and create the situation to enable the students to do self-expression. e. Evaluator Evaluation must be conducted by the teacher to know the result of teaching and learning process.


Student Students have a big influencing in supporting the teaching and learning

process in the classroom. According to Lado (1964), there are several variables that are with regarded to students they are: 1. Age Age is a major variable. Children and adults must be taught differently, the teacher must recognize the learning characteristic at least four age group:


Pre-School Pre-school children can learn a second language by exposure in much the

some ways that they learn at first. For this purpose, they can learn it to degree of accuracy of native speakers. No special technique is necessary to teacher in this


age grouping other hand to bring them in contact with appropriate situation in which the second language is used as the medium of communication. b. Primary School This age they require special techniques because they learn by play and memorization, the can achieve a superior pronunciation. c. Secondary School They can study for sake of a great of other indirect reward; they can still achieve a good pronunciation and can study grammatical patterns deliberately. d. College, University, and other adults group Adult learn more affectively by system and systematic cataloging than children, and inhibition and prejudices to a significant degree can also influence them. This age factor can be counterbalanced by knowledge of other language and linguistic and language learning theory and practice, with the result that an adult may achieve greater capacity to learn another foreign language. 2. Education Level Language teaching must obviously differ for literate and illiterate students. It must also differ for various level of education with college or university level and primary education level sharply distinguished.


3. Capacity Individual differ in their ability to learn a foreign language. Some of them learn more by memorizing connected sentences, other by analogy, still others by rules and systems. They have different in amount of learning and quality of achievement. 4. Materials Teacher giving materials must follow the curriculum. The materials should be conditioned by students whether it is acceptable and enjoyable. 5. Goals There are two goals in English teaching and learning activities, they are state bellow: a. Global instructional goal is emphasized on the mastery if a language skill using language and language an aspect in common. b. Specials instructional goal is an application of global instructional. For this purpose, the material is decide into units that consist of language skills ability itself such as reading, writing, speaking, listening. While, using language and language aspect explain about an expressing, such as vocabulary and structure.

6. Linguistic and Cultural Setting


The setting influences what can be taught and what needs to be taught. In the country, when language is spoken, the students will need use for ordinary communication in addition to what goals had been set up. In teaching, a setting of second language is not spoken, all experiences and practices will have to provide by the press and teacher.

Based on explanation above, teacher must pay attention for those variables it means that he/she has realized each student is different from other. He/she will find various backgrounds of students in classroom. So, it is a teacher duty to achieve teaching and learning goals based on those differences.


Instructional Materials Instructional materials are specified with respect to objectives, content (i.e.,

the syllabus), learning activities, learner and teacher roles, and the function of materials in the instructional system. According to Kasbolah (1993), instructional materials should be in line with students need, students interest and developed in accordance with the students development. The students will pay more attention if the materials are related to their knowledge and interest. 2.4 The General Procedure of Presenting Vocabulary According to Lado (1964:121) there are some steps to teach or presents vocabulary to the students who are learning a foreign language, the steps are:


1. Hearing the word Let the students hear the word in isolation and in a sentence. If the sounds of word have been mastered, the students will hear it correctly with 2 or 3 repetitions. Slow pronunciation without distortion will help. Breaking the word into parts and building up to the whole words will also help. 2. Pronouncing the word Let the students pronounce the word to help them remember it longer and identify it more readily when they hear and see it. 3. Grasping the meaning Get the meaning to the class without using translation, expect possibly as the last resort. 2.5 Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary Technique is any of a wide variety of exercise, activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objective. (Brown, 2001:16). Technique of teaching is one factor that plays an important role in determining the success of the students achievement. An English teacher has to know various techniques of presenting vocabulary. It is conducted to make students understand to use and to comprehend words that the teacher has presented. It is not only to


assist the students to grasp the meaning of new word easily, but also to make the variation of teaching in order to avoid the passive class. According to Thornbury (2002), techniques of vocabulary are as follows: 2.5.1 Using Flashcards or Pictures This technique is a common which used by many teacher, they collect their own sets of flashcards from magazine, calendars, etc. the teacher usually uses interesting pictures like food and drink, clothing, house interiors and furniture, and so on. They often lend themselves easily to practice activities is usually used to motivate the students to know the language through vocabulary. 2.5.2 Translation Traditionally, translation has been the most widely used means of presenting the meaning of a word. Translation has the advantage of being the most direct route to a words meaning. For monolingual groups it is also a valid technique to highlight the danger of the false cognates. For example, the French word sensible would be translated as sensitive in English, and not sensible. 2.5.3 Games Games are truly communicative. Many expert of language teaching technique also agree that a game is a good way to learn vocabulary. By use the games, the teacher can create various contexts in which students have to use the language to communicate, to give information and express their own opinion.


In teaching vocabulary, there are some games which are recommended by Thronbury (2000): 1. World Clap The students stand or sit in a circle and following the teachers lead, maintain a four beat rhythm, clapping their hands on their thighs three times (onetwo-three.) and then both hand together (four!). The game should start slowly but the pace of the clapping can gradually increase. The idea is to make turns, clockwise, to shout out of a different word from a pre-selected lexical set (for example, fruits and vegetables) on every fourth beat. Players who either repeat a word already used or break he rhythm or say nothing are out and the game resumes without them until only one player is left.

2. Categories Learners work in pairs or small groups on a piece of paper, they draw up a number of columns, according to a model on the board, each column labeled with the name of a lexical set, for example, fruits, transports, clothes, animals, sports, etc. the teacher calls out a letter of the alphabet, for example: B and to a time limit (three minutes). She students write down column (banana, berry, bus, blouse, bear, baseball, basketball,). The group with the most correct words is wins. 3. Back to Board This is another guessing game, but this time the student who is it has to guess a word by asking the rest of the class questions. The student sits facing the


class, back to board, the teacher writes a recently studied word of the student. The student asks the different students in order to guess the word. For example: Bella: Salsa, is it a verb or a noun? Salsa: A verb.

2.5.4 Guessing the Words This activity only introduces the new words. The student should be given a chance to use them in context. For example, the student reads a text that is mostly in their language but had some English words mixed into it.

2.5.5 Using Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes These techniques can be used to help the students learning unfamiliar words by relating affixes and roots to know prefixes and suffixes. It can be used a way of checking whether unfamiliar word has been successfully guessed from the context. Based on statement above, it can be concluded that teachers should know all kinds of techniques, so that, they can use one of them based on condition needed. It is done in order to facilitate students in comprehending the material well.


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