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, Brown and Caldwell* Kent Craney, P.E., Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Maria Cablao, P.E., Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Steve Wilson, CPSS, Brown and Caldwell *2701 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, California 95670

ABSTRACT The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (California) and Brown and Caldwell have developed a unique land treatment system for final disposition of the Districts lagooned biosolids. The system has been pilot tested for 5 years in a 0.4 hectare (1.0 acre) synthetic-lined land application facility. Long-term loading rates of 390 to 450 dry metric tonnes per hectare per year (175 to 200 dry tons per acre per year) have proven acceptable. Since this is far above agronomic loading rates, there are no crops grown at this site. The primary purpose of the system is cost-effective final treatment and disposition of digested, lagooned biosolids. Since there was no known experience with using a synthetic geomembrane liner and a leachate (infiltrate) collection system for a biosolids land application site, the District proceeded to build and operate the pilot facility and provide long-term operation and performance testing to define acceptable loading rates, confirm costs, and insure reliable performance of system components. This extensive testing work has been completed and the results are summarized here. The District is proceeding on a course to implement full-scale lined land treatment and disposal sites in 2002 and 2003. KEY WORDS Biosolids, land treatment, synthetic liner, leachate, infiltrate, disposal, land application. PROJECT BACKGROUND The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (District) operates the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP), serving a population of 1.2 million people and many local industries. The SRWTP provides secondary wastewater treatment and produces both primary sludge and waste activated sludge. The waste activated sludge is from a high-purity oxygen activated sludge system. The sludges and scum are anaerobically digested and the digested biosolids are pumped to facultative lagoons, called Solids Storage Basins (SSBs), for long-term stabilization and storage. The lagooned biosolids are then dredged (i.e., harvested from the lagoons), and pumped during the warm, non-rainy months (May to October, generally) to five Dedicated Land Disposal (DLD) sites where the biosolids slurry is injected into the soils. The total injectable area at the five DLD sites is 75 hectares (185 acres - i.e., 5 sites each containing 15 hectares). Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of this solids processing system for the SRWTP.

Biosolids harvested from SSBs are applied at well-above agronomic rates to the DLDs. The soil acts as a treatment system to further stabilize the biosolids material and provide final disposition for the nonbiodegradable fraction of the solids that become part of the DLD soil matrix. Application rates have been about 225 metric tonnes per hectare per year (100 dry tons per acre per year) over the 20-year operation of the site. Despite a natural thick clay layer beneath the DLDs and low soil permeabilities, the existing DLD sites are in a state of non-compliance with State and Federal regulations due to nitrate and salt migration to groundwater below the DLDs. The California Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has directed the District to remove the DLDs from service or modify them as appropriate. The deadline to remove the existing DLDs from service is November, 2001. Figure 1 SRWTP Solids Processing Schematic Diagram Current System

LINED DEDICATED LAND DISPOSAL CONCEPT The District presented information to the RWQCB in 1994 indicating that providing an impervious synthetic lining system might be a viable DLD modification alternative. Options were evaluated and the overall economics of this approach appeared to match potential costs for large-scale mechanical dewatering and off-site land application programs, or other beneficial use alternatives that might be available to the District. Therefore, due to potential favorable economics, the District chose to construct a 1-acre pilot lined DLD in 1995 to test the concept. PILOT LINED DLD CONSTRUCTION The following list identifies the objectives of the Lined DLD (L-DLD) pilot test facility: Evaluate maximum practical loading rates for both dredge-harvested biosolids (harvested solids (HS)) slurry at 4 to 8 percent total solids and dewatered biosolids cake (HS dewatered cake) at approximately 20 percent total solids; Evaluate soil drainage characteristics of the test cells in winter wet weather conditions, spring drying out conditions, and summer operating conditions; Evaluate the limitations associated with biosolids application and incorporation equipment operating on L-DLDs; Assess odor potential for high biosolids application rates; Measure infiltrate generation rates and chemical characteristics of infiltrate; and Assess potential for plugging or biofouling of geotextile filters and/or other components of the infiltrate collection system. A total of eight hydraulically isolated test cells were constructed in the northwest corner of existing DLD 1 in late 1995 and early 1996. The 8 test cells encompass 1 surface acre (0.4 hectare). The test cells were designed to model as closely as practical the systems that could be expected in a full-scale L-DLD. Each test cell consists of a 40-mil HDPE liner, drainage layer, filter system, and soil backfill. The soil backfill was designed to be constructed as three layers with distinct functions. The upper 18 inches were to function as the zone of biosolids incorporation and primary treatment. The 12 inches immediately underlying this zone were designed as an engineered plowplan to promote evaporation and degradation in the zone of incorporation. The deepest zone, varying in thickness, was designed as a structural support zone. Infiltrate collected in the drainage layer above the liner was discharged to the SRWTP headworks. Figure 2 shows a layout of the test cells and Figure 3 shows sections through the two types of cells. Four test cells contained a 1-foot drainrock layer, and four test cells contained a much thinner geonet drainage layer. Major unknowns were the quantity of infiltrate liquid, characteristics of the liquid, and potential clogging of the drainage layer materials.

Figure 2 Lined DLD Pilot Test Cell Plan

Figure 3 Sections for Lined DLD Test Cells

PILOT LINED DLD OPERATIONAL RESULTS The following sections provide information, data, and results from the operation of the pilot Lined DLD (L-DLD) test facility. The pilot facility has been operated for 5 years (1996 through 2000) and is continuing to be operated in year 2001, however, a substantially greater amount of data were collected in the years 1996 and 1997 so that the District could make decisions on whether to proceed to larger scale for this concept. The test site is located in the corner of DLD 1 and there is nothing visible at grade level to distinguish the 1-acre pilot lined section from the other 36 acres of unlined DLD No. 1. The biosolids slurry injection equipment and other discing and related mobile equipment moves directly over the test facility from the unlined to the lined portion for the operations described here. Biosolids Application To Pilot Lined DLD Standard procedures for application and incorporation of biosolids were implemented based on past application methods on site. These methods were modified based on the type of biosolids and conditions encountered in the field. During the first year (1996), HS cake was applied to four test cells at a rate of approximately 400 dry tons per acre per year (dt/ac/yr). The other four test cells received HS slurry at a rate of approximately 166 dt/ac/yr. During the second year (1997), dewatered cake was again applied at a rate of 400 dt/ac/yr to the first four cells; whereas the other four test cells received a combination of HS slurry and dewatered cake at a total loading rate of approximately 400 dt/ac/yr. During 1998, 1999, and 2000, only HS slurry has been applied to the pilot L-DLD facility. Table 1 presents actual quantities and loading rates. Table 1 - Biosolids Application to Pilot L-DLD (1996 through 2000)
Total Dry Tons Applied (per acre) 166.4 409.6 375.8 408.9 152.4 196 142.6 Average Dry Tons per Application (per acre) 6.9 17.1 9.9 18.6 6.6 7 6.5 Average Percent Total Solids (%) 5.7 20.9 4.2/19.2 19.3 5.1 5 4.3 Average Percent Volatile Solids (%) 52.1 52 52.3/53.9 54.8 51.8 52 51.5

Yeara 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1999 2000

a b

Biosolids Typeb HS slurry HS cake HS/cake Cake HS slurry HS slurry HS slurry

Applications (#/yr) 24 24 38 (19/19) 22 23 28 22

The application season is normally early May through October each year. Note different materials applied: HS slurry is 4-8% solids content dredged biosolids. HS cake is HS slurry that was dewatered on belt presses. HS/cake is combination of slurry and cake material in a 20% HS to 80% cake (dry weight) ratio. Cake is dewatered cake that was a combination of HS and direct anaerobically digested biosolids.

Site Meteorology Site meteorological data are not presented here. The high evaporation experienced at this site is only achieved because of the climate that exists in the Sacramento and Central Valley area of California in the warm, dry months of the year. Only small amounts of rain occurred in these

test years during May (although an unusual 2.1 inches occurred in May 1998), and very small quantities (often zero) precipitation occurred in June, July, August, and September. In October, rain averaged somewhat less than 1.0 inch per month. Most of the average annual 18 inches of precipitation in Sacramento occurs from November through April. Pan evaporation rates in the Sacramento area average about 11 inches per month in May, and rise to about 12 inches per month in June, July, and August. By October, pan evaporation drops to about 6 inches per month, and in November is usually about 2 inches per month. Therefore, application rates are usually terminated by November, even in relatively dry years. Temperatures in the summer in Sacramento often reach 35 degrees C (95 degrees F) in the afternoon and humidity is low. Winds are significant (averaging 5 to 13 km/hour 3 to 8 miles per hour) which help dry the biosolids-amended soils. Soils Data The biosolids are applied in the top 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) of soil and incorporated through discing and plowing to about 12 to 15 inches of depth this is considered the primary application zone, and, also the primary treatment zone. Through frequent discing/plowing, these soils are quite permeable and well mixed. Beneath this zone, a more impermeable layer forms (plow pan), which limits moisture movement downward. The vast majority of applied water is lost to evaporation. The vast majority of precipitation in the winter either runs off as surface water (returned to SRWTP for treatment), or is retained within the soils for evaporation in the spring. Figures 4 and 5 show soil moisture over the 1996 to 1998 period of the pilot facility. The surface soils (0.5 feet below ground surface) react to the precipitation of winter and somewhat to the applied water of the biosolids, but below that level, soil moisture is relatively constant. Soil moisture content at 2.5 feet below ground level remained relatively unchanged over time at 25 percent or less through this test period. Figure 6 shows volatile solids content of the pilot facility surface soils (top application zone) over the 1996 to 1998 time frame. The very high application rates (up to about 400 dry tons per acre per season especially for test cells 1 to 4), cause the increased volatile solids content of these soils. The background volatile solids content of the general DLD soils was measured at 12 to 16 percent, indicating that all DLD surface soils have increased significantly in volatile content over the 20 year history of biosolids application. The volatile content of surface soils in the area which have not received such biosolids amendments is more in the range of 2 to 4 percent. The pilot facility numbers increased to the 20 percent and higher range due to the very high application rates of this testing program.

Figure 4 Average Soil Moisture Content Over Time Test Cells 1 through 4

Figure 5 Average Soil Moisture Content Over Time Test Cells 5 through 8

Figure 6 Average Volatile Solids in Surface Soils

Infiltrate Monitoring Data Table 2 presents infiltrate water monitoring information. The very low volume of infiltrate liquid collected was of concern early in the pilot testing program. The values are on the order of 3800 liters per year (1000 gallons per year) for all 8 cells, covering 1 acre. Following examination of the soil makeup within the lined DLD cells, it was discovered that construction work had compacted the soils much more than planned from the drainage layer up to the primary treatment zone. Low permeabilities were measured in these soils which prevented any significant movement of moisture down to the drainage layer. Therefore, these infiltrate quantities need to be cautiously evaluated for other situations with higher permeabilities in the soils. Table 2 - Infiltrate Water Quantity and Quality Data (annual averages for all pilot cells)
Parameter pH Volume (gal/acre/year) Conductivity (micromhos/cm) BOD (mg/l) COD (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) NO3 as N Ammonia-Nitrogen (mg/l) 1996 6.7 1240 2810 ND** NT** 2550 ND** 1997 6.7 884 3050 ND** 175 1264 ND** 1998 6.8 310 3790 ND** 170 1780 ND** 1999 6.6 n/a* 6530 ND** 1020 2230 ND** 2000 6.6 n/a* 7995 ND** 305 700 ND** Averages 6.7 811 4835 ND** 417.5 1705 ND**

The characteristics of the infiltrate liquid show that it has near neutral pH, but relatively high dissolved solids and significant nitrate concentration. The ammonia has all been nitrified to nitrate, and other work has shown that the majority of applied nitrogen is lost to denitrification

and ammonia release. The nitrate concentration in infiltrate liquid (1000 to 2500 mg/l as NO3N) is significant, but this liquid is collected and returned to the treatment plant. The nitrogen load from this recycle is extremely low compared to plant influent nitrogen load. The organic content within the infiltrate liquid shows that several hundred mg/l of COD exists, but this is essentially low-biodegradable material since the BOD values were essentially nondetectable or possibly a few mg/l. Table 3 shows metals concentrations for 3 periods of sampling (1998, 2000, and 2001). These are average values for the 8 test cells, but represent only 1 sampling period each year. These are very small concentrations of metals. The concern for metals in the infiltrate is that this water will be recycled to the SRWTP, and some small portion could become part of the plant effluent to the Sacramento River. Further evaluation of this issue shows that extraordinary conditions would need to occur for metals concentrations in the infiltrate to reach values of concern. Table 3 - Infiltrate Metals Testing Data (annual averages for all pilot test cells)
Year 1998 2000 2001 Arsenic (micro-g/l) 7 16.6 1.8 Cadmium (micro-g/l) 0.4 1.1 0.2 Chromium (micro-g/l) 10.8 8 10.7 Copper (micro-g/l) 43.4 93.4 95.3 Lead (micro-g/l) 0.4 2 0.9 Mercury (micro-g/l) 0.024 0.028 0.035 Nickel (micro-g/l) 150 228 59 Zinc (micro-g/l) 61 365 41

Odor Monitoring Odor data were collected from the pilot test cells through the use of standard flux chamber technology (based on EPA guidelines for flux chambers for gas sample collection). Gas samples were collected after biosolids application under a variety of conditions, as well as samples following discing/plowing, and samples prior to any biosolids application. Samples were collected in Tedlar bags through bag-in-drum technique to avoid contamination of the gas samples. Bagged samples were evaluated through an on-site odor panel and ASTM E-679 force choice triangle methodology using an IITRI dynamic dilution olfactometer. Data for HS slurry application and normal discing and plowing showed that odor emission rates were typically low less than 2 to 3 odor units per square foot per minute. These data occurred despite the extremely high application rates for HS slurry. This is attributed to the very well stabilized nature of the HS material having been subjected to long-term lagoon stabilization. Samples were taken on nearby agricultural land for moist rye grass, etc., which showed similar values less than 1 odor unit per square foot per minute. Downwind odor levels in these cases were non-detectable, confirming the monitoring data. For dewatered HS cake applications, somewhat higher odor emission rates were measured values in the range of 5 to 10 odor units per square foot per minute. The higher values were measured immediately after application of dewatered HS cake, with cake material still on the ground surface. Following discing and incorporation of this material, somewhat lower values were recorded. However, odor emission data were always higher for HS cake than for HS slurry application.

In 1997, operational problems required the dewatering of a mixture of HS slurry and digested biosolids direct from the anaerobic digesters. This material proved to be substantially higher in odor content than any other material used on the pilot facility. Surface odor emission rates after application of this mixture of cake rose to a range of 30 to 100 odor units per square foot per minute, and downwind odor levels were clearly identified. Even after incorporation, the soil emission rates were not reduced to low levels. Combinations of this mixture with HS slurry application were also high in odor emission rates. A few months after the application season ended in 1997, the emission rates were reduced to more normal levels experienced at the pilot facility. Respirometry Study for Loading Rates A study was conducted to assess the capacity of DLD units for biosolids loading. The objective was to measure degradation rates for the high rate pilot study and proposed long term operation. The pilot study showed that rates of up to 400 DT/year were physically possible (using dewatered cake), but the remaining question was whether such application rates were sustainable. Decomposition was determined by trapping carbon dioxide evolved during an incubation period using the method developed by Gilmour, et al (Gilmour, J.T., M.D. Clark, and S.M. Daniel. 1996. Predicting long-term decomposition of biosolids with a seven day test. J. Environ. Qual. 25:766-770). Tests combined with simulation modeling showed that continued application at high rates would result in substantial accumulation of organic carbon in the form of undecomposed solids. By year 10 there would be a net accumulation of approximately 20% organic C, raising concerns about potential anaerobic conditions and resultant odor generation. As a result of this investigation, the long-term average design load was scaled back to 200 dry tons/ac/year. This level was closer to pilot testing operating experience and also had economic advantages of providing the option of continued slurry application of HS material. PILOT L-DLD TESTING SUMMARY Based on observations made during pilot test operations and analysis of the results, specific conclusions were developed:

Either HS slurry, dewatered cake from HS, or a combination of the two may be used. If HS cake is selected as the preferred form of biosolids to be applied, periodic applications of HS slurry should be made as needed to supplement soil moisture to promote optimal biodegradation and to control dust. If a combination of HS cake and HS slurry is used, a biosolids application rate of 200 dry tons per acre per year appears to be a sustainable long-term loading rate. A loading rate of 400 dt/ac/yr may be acceptable for one year in ten, but should not be sustained at that level. The primary concern with continuous loading rates of 300 to 400 dt/ac/yr is the potential for accumulation of volatile solids in the primary treatment zone and associated odor emissions. Occasional applications in excess of the long-term average loading rate should not cause significant problems.

Use of anaerobically digested biosolids (direct from digesters) as cake or slurry application is not recommended due to the high potential for odor problems. If the District elects to use only HS slurry (or primarily slurry with occasional applications of HS cake), then the estimated maximum practical sustained loading rate is 175 dt/ac/yr. Tillage operations should include discing to incorporate HS cake and plowing if HS slurry is used. Plowing tends to enhance soil evaporation, and should be used as needed to reduce soil moisture in early spring, late fall, or routinely if HS slurry is used alone. If HS cake is to be used, the District will need to purchase manure spreaders, the quantity depending on the size and number of L-DLDs and planned operating scenarios. From an operational standpoint, there were no differences in performance or function of the test cells based on the depth of the treatment zone soil. Total soil depth will have an impact on capital costs, and therefore, limited soil thickness is recommended. About 3.5 to 4 feet is believed to be the minimum allowable depth to the drainage layer due to deep soil ripping which might be conducted from time to time. Despite two years of above-normal precipitation (1997/1998), the as-built soil compaction characteristics apparently limited generation of infiltrate within the test cells. Testing of the geotextile filter indicated little or no evidence of biological clogging. Although some filter clogging due to fines or biological activity is to be expected, it appears that wide-spread, significant clogging of a geotextile filter would not occur, and a geotextile should function adequately in this role. Due to the general lack of infiltrate during the two-year pilot test, there was no evidence of clogging in either the geonet or the drain rock underdrain systems. Selection of geonet is somewhat riskier in this regard because the potential for significant loss of flow capacity is dependent on the total void space, and the minimum constructable gravel layer thickness of 12 inches would provide more interstitial space. Based on observed operational conditions, measured infiltrate volumes, and soil moisture data, the relatively dense as-built soil conditions appear to be beneficial. Concern regarding long-term accumulation of salts may lead to alternate conclusions, including occasional deep tillage to relieve compaction, and help to wash salts from the soil system.

DISTRICT BIOSOLIDS PROGRAM The Districts Biosolids Program is currently considering the option of constructing lined DLDs for up to four of the existing 37-acre DLD sites to provide on-site, reliable treatment and disposal of lagooned biosolids. In conjunction with this Lined DLD project, the District is developing a project to privately design, build, operate and own (DBOO) a Biosolids Recycling Facility (BRF). Proposals for the BRF are expected to be received by the District in August 2001. Additionally, the District Board of Directors has agreed to integrating biosolids recycling into its program with a 5 to 10 percent increase in costs for recycling over the costs for Lined DLD biosolids management. This allowance should help to maintain a recycling ethic for the District at reasonable cost. The District expects that a combination of on-site biosolids treatment and disposal in lined DLDs and recycling at a BRF will provide cost-effective, diversified, and reliable biosolids management for many years. Both projects are expected to provide a minimum of 15 to 20 years

of biosolids management for the District. Preliminary analysis of the costs associated with each project show that there are two likely combinations of L-DLDs and BRF that could be viable:

Option # 1 - 3 lined DLD units (equivalent capacity of 60 to 70 dry tons per day) - Biosolids Recycling Facility (capacity of 20 dry tons per day at buildout) Option # 2 - 2 lined DLD units (equivalent capacity of 40 to 45 dry tons per day) - Biosolids Recycling Facility (capacity of 45 dry tons per day at buildout)

Option # 1 would allow the District to build Lined DLDs to meet current biosolids handling needs, while allowing future increases in biosolids production to be addressed by the BRF. Option # 2 would require that existing biosolids processing needs be accommodated by both Lined DLDs and BRF operation, with all future increased biosolids handling needs met by the BRF. A final decision on the direction of the Districts Biosolids Program is expected by late 2001. The actual construction of the Lined DLD units is likely to take place within 2 construction contracts. Either 1 or 2 Lined DLD units will likely be constructed during the 2002 construction season (Contract A), and either 1 or 2 Lined DLD units will likely be constructed during the 2003 construction season (Contract B). Construction of the lined DLDs involves a large quantity of earthwork and synthetic liner installation, both of which are heavily weather dependent. To avoid construction during inclement weather, it was decided that two lined DLDs (maximum) could be reasonably built during one construction season. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of many District staff and consultants who have participated in the development of the Lined DLD program and the implementation and evaluation of the Pilot Lined DLD facility. At the District, this includes Wendell Kido, Stan Dean, Craig Lekven, Ruben Robles, Bob Sembach, Randy Price, Mike Donahue, Lucy Boehm, Andrew Frankel, Jorge Barajas, and Rick Johnson. Dames & Moore participated significantly in the Pilot Lined DLD program - John Fawcett, Jeff Bold, Anne Olson. Also, John Gilmour of the University of Arkansas, and Brown and Caldwell staff Bob Witzgall and Tracy Stigers. REFERENCES Brown and Caldwell, 1995. Contract Documents for construction of Pilot Test Cells County Contract No. 3020, Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Brown and Caldwell, 2000. Design Confirmation Report Lined Dedicated Land Disposal Project, for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Dames & Moore, 1998. Final Pilot Test Report Lined Biosolids Land Disposal Unit, SRWTP, for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District.

Gilmour, John, 1998. Sacramento Biosolids Study Decomposition and Respirometry. February 1998. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, 2001. Operational, performance, and monitoring data on the Pilot Lined DLD over the period 1996 to 2001.

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