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Recognize the tour stations of the year Identify the difference of each one of the stations and their climatic characteristics Recognizes the importance of the christmas Participate in leisure activities Recognize the tour stations of the year Identify the difference of each one of the stations and their climatic characteristics Recognizes the importance of the christmas Participate in leisure activities Recognize the tour stations of the year Identify the difference of each one of the stations and their climatic characteristics






Recognizes the importance of the christmas


Participate in leisure activities Talk about the family Identify the days of the week and the moths of the year

Identify the parts of the body Recognize the parts of the body Identify the difference among each sense Participate in leisure activities in the classroom

Stablish relations of order with numbers Write numbers read of two digits Identify the centimeter as measurenment unit of length Recognize the clock hand to determine the time Participate in leisure activities

Know canada basic infornation Recognize the canadian symbols Locate in a map the canadian borders Recognize the Elizabeth queen as the government head and important canadian people Participate in leisure activities Recognize canada basic information Locate the canadian borders in a map Complete information about the Canadian queen and important people


Participate in reading comprehension activities

Spell words using the letters of the alphabet Identify the family members


Identify the kind of plants according to its size and kind of reproduction Recognize features of types of plants Recognize types of plants

Representate the addition of equal summands as a multplication Solve mutiplications from 1 to 10 Solve problem situations using the multiplication Identify the use of the meter as measurenment

Recognize the different animals Participate in leisure ativities

reproduction Participate in leisure activities Classify animals according to where they live. Identify animals according to what they eat. Recognize the biodiversity and interest in its conservatio n Developed habitats that protect ecosystem Work in the class activity Identify the different types of energy and respect for the nature to interest in its conservatio n Differentiate the different types of energy

unit Participate in leisure activities Know the terms and applications of division by two numbers Solve opartions of divisions Identify the system of measurenment and its tools Identify the meter and measurement units Participate in leisure activities Recognize canada basic information Locate the canadian borders and regions in a map Identify information about canadian food and climate Complete information about the canadian queen and important people

Talk about past events Recognize the simple past tense structure Recognize the different kind of weathers


Participate in leisure activities

Make compositions in present simple tense Ask about recommendatio n and health Use conditionals to express ideas Read and talk about diet

Representate and identify the terms of fractions Classify and stablish relations between fractionaries Make operations of addition ,substraction , multiplication and division with fractionaries.

Exchange information canadian general information Recognize canadian customs and food Differentiate canadian seasons


Respect for the nature and interest in its conservatio n Study the algaes life

Developed problem situations using basic operations with fractionaries Participate in leisure activities.

Identify the different canadian climate Participate in leisure activities.

Describe the Recognize some changes of kinds of matter operations and solve problems Express the using fractionaries structure of and decimal matter numbers Differentiate types of energy Identify the kind of energy Participate in leisure activities Practice the different operations using fractionaries and decimals Solve multiplication and divisions using complex fractionaries and decimals Identify the different kinds of operations using fractionaries and decimals Participate in leisure activities.

Recognize canada basic information Locate the canadian borders and regions in a map Identify information about the canadian queen and important people


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